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Problems and Reality in Health Market of Albania and Its: Management

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Problems and reality in… E.


Paper presented in 1-st International Scientific Conference

on Professional Sciences, “Alexander Moisiu” University, Durres
November 2016



Medicine Department, Faculty of Professional Studies, University of Durres, A. Moisiu, Durres, Albania
E-mail: enisuruci@gmail.com

This paper aims, after an overview of the health care system and welfare Albanian to examine,
based on the current organizational structure of the same, what can be the possible
improvements could be implemented in this area of fundamental importance to the national
To achieve this goal, it was decided to recommend the adoption in the Albanian health system
of a new organizational model that is what "toyotistico", based on the principles of lean
production, which has led the Japanese automaker to be the world's largest producer of cars and
to check whether the sensational results achieved in some important American hospitals can be
played in the Albanian health.
In particular, being driven by the real conditions of the health system in Albania, as the low
level of health services and the issue of full and wide field of public health, he has had the
courage to tackle a difficult topic to study, much less delivered by the Albanian science, in the
hope that the contribution can somehow clarify the situation in this area, often hidden, for the
needs of power and politics.
The cases of ill health now highlighted daily in the media show that the theme of this work is
fully part of the trend of contemporary developments in Europe and the world.
It is also hoped that the theme knows harmonize optimally medical sciences with economics, in
order to make a contribution, hopefully interesting, in the field of health management in
Research conducted by the detailed analysis of the data collected in order to learn about the
health situation in Albania. Later analyzing the legal framework for managing health,
comparing the actual conditions with the requirements and the laws of the European Union.
Knowing this information will allow the development of the work to identify the shortcomings
of the health system of Albania and the new opportunities achievable, by applying the new
organizational model above.
The research was conducted by examining primary and secondary sources and, in particular,
known by consulting national medical, managers, employees, hospital technicians,
administrators and experts who have been following in recent years the public health problems
in some of the largest hospitals Albanians.
The comparison of these data with those desirable with the implementation of the new
organizational model in the health sector, represent the conclusions and recommendations of
this study.
Key words: Healthcare, Albania, Service, Hospital, Insurance.

Introduction services, health promotion, prevention,

The healthcare system in Albania is mainly diagnosis and treatments for the population of
public, while private practice is limited to a Albania. Primarily, the Government of
small niche market sector. Albania funds the State healthcare system.
The Albanian law guarantees equal access to Other sources of funding include contributions
healthcare for all citizens. Public healthcare in from eligible employers, employees and the
Albania is the major provider of health self-employed, a certain percentage of their

Interdisplinary Journal of Research and Development “Aleksandër Moisiu“ University, Durrës, Albania
Vol (IV), No.2, 2017
wages or income are deducted and contributed encouraging patients to apply directly to them.
to the insurance scheme. The reason forsuch behaviour is that
However, poverty in Albania is rather consultants rely heavily on under-the-table
common, and only a few people can afford to payments to increase their income. Corruption
make such contributions. As a result, many is an unfortunate fact of life in Albania and it
residents/citizens fail to receive the required is a hard and difficult process to resolve the
medical care and medicines for their illnesses problem, especially in healthcare, over the
(Stephen and De Cenzo, 2012). short term.
The failure to collect a substantial amount of In summary, Albania remains one the poorest
contributions means that healthcare system in countries in Europe, with a sluggish economy
Albania is strongly reliant on charitable aid for and high unemployment rates. Albania spends
medical supplies and drugs. around 6.1% of GDP on healthcare. Medical
The private healthcare sector in Albania is still facilities in Albania are poor and there is a
developing, and it covers most of the lack of specialists, medical equipment and
pharmaceutical and dental services as well as pharmaceuticals. Moreover, hygiene standards
some clinics for specialized diagnoses, mainly are lower than the rest of Europe. The
being situated in Tirana. State insurance does Albanian healthcare system is rigidly
not cover medical costs incurred in the private structured and centralized and has difficulty in
sector, as a result, they are only accessible to meeting the medical needs for all its citizens.
people who can afford to pay for them. In Doctors and nurses are often cut off from new
Albania, doctors and hospitals expect payment techniques and developments in medicine; the
in cash at the time of service. system is subsequently finding it hard to cope
The Ministry of Health and Environmental with modern day health issues like drug abuse,
Protection oversee the health service. It takes AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases
the leading role in the public sector; it is the (Uruci, 2006).
developer and regulator of the country’s health Pacific Prime is a one-stop insurance
strategies and policies, as well as the brokerage service provider for you when
coordinating entity of all participants both travelling to Albania. We offer a wide range of
inside and outside the public system (King, policies to meet your individual needs,
2003). including benefits such as dental, maternity,
Hospitals in Albania are located mainly in inpatient, outpatient, specialist consultations,
urban areas like Tirana and Durrës, however, and many others. We offer a large variety of
the bulk of the country’s population live in the health care plans as well as travellers
countryside, and there are not enough health insurance plans.
centres to support everyone, creating an The public health system in Albania is
imbalance in the medical system in providing supposed to be financed by insurance
healthcare for this population. contributions from employees and employers.
Under the public healthcare system in Albania, However, since the poverty rate in Albania is
patients have a choice to register with their quite high, only a handful of workers are able
preferred doctor. In order to visit any specialist to pay these contributions. As such, it results
doctors or consultants, patients are required to in citizens not getting the medical attention
receive a referral from their General they need (World Bank/IMF, 2004).
Practioners (GP). Unfortunately, most of the The Albanian government’s unsuccessful
GPs in the country lack a proper level of effort to amass sufficient funds leads to the
training. This has resulted in patients’ lack of healthcare system being dependent on
confidence in the skills of GPs and very often charitable aid for health services, medicine,
patients will bypass GPs and go directly to a and medical supplies.
specialist. The Ministry of Health has tried to Most of Albania’s population reside on rural
put a stop to this by restoring the old system of areas, making it all the more difficult for the
GP referrals by introducing fees to prevent government to provide its citizens with
people from avoiding their GP. (Uruci and adequate healthcare services because there are
Scalera, 2014). not enough health centers and medical
However, this move has achieved few results. facilities in the countryside to cater to the
Specialists actually exacerbate the problem by

Problems and reality in… E. Uruçi

needs of people who live there. (Ministry of World Bank and the German Government
Health, 2004). (Uruci and Kuniqi, 2014).
Although there have been reports that the - GP’s are supposed to refer patients to
condition of the healthcare system in Albania specialist doctors and consultants, but this
is starting to make progress, several hospitals referral system does not work due to a lack of
still lack basic medical supplies. The capital faith in the skills of General practioners.
city, Tirana, is equipped with a number of The reason for this behaviour is that
clinics and private hospitals with improved consultants rely heavily on under-the table
standards due to the increasing number of payments to boost their income.
foreign tourists and investors in Albania. The -Polyclinics are located in urban areas and
private health sector in Albania is still also because the Ministry of Health owns them,
under development, and mostly covers dental they are better funded than the health centres.
and pharmaceutical services. Outside of the capital, Tirana, polyclinics are
The tap water in Albania’s capital city is safe the responsibility of the district hospitals
for purposes of cooking, washing and brushing (Jacobs, 2003).
of teeth. (Frank and Bernanke, 2004). -District hospitals provide inpatient care.
However, drinking bottled water is There are 20 larger district hospitals with
recommended, especially outside of Tirana anything from 100 to 400 beds, and 22 smaller
city. hospitals. District hospitals provide the
Foreign nationals living and working in population with internal medicine, pediatrics,
Albania are strictly advised to take out private general surgery obstetrics and gynecology.
health insurance during their stay in the Patients must be referred to hospital by a GP
country, as the public healthcare system is or consultant or through the emergency ward.
underdeveloped. (Uruci,Mema and Sokoli, -All dental clinics in Albania are privately
2011). owned. However, children below the age of 18
are entitled to free dental care, which is
Organisational and Structure of the State usually administered in school-based clinics.
System Sadly, such clinics suffers from shortages of
The Albanian State healthcare system is equipment and adequately trained staff.
divided into three tiers of service, namely: - Pharmacies have to be licensed by the
i) Primary health care - includes health and government to sell drugs in Albania. Basic
hygiene centres, health education centres, medicines, which the state deem necessary to
maternity and pediatric clinics, local fight common illnesses, are subsidized (Frank
emergency rooms and rural hospitals. and Bernanke, 2004).
ii) Secondary care - consists of medical and The healthcare system in Albania is said to
diagnostic services in hospitals and have suffered a great deal following the fall of
polyclinics. Communism in the country. Implementing a
iii) Tertiary care - consists of scientific rigidly structured, centralized system,
research medicine including four national Albania’s Ministry of Health and
university centres with diagnostic services. Environmental Protection controls the health
Now we investigate how the health system is services for all its citizens. However, due to
made up of Albanian analyzing (Doctors and the struggling economy of Albania,
Health Centres, Consultants, Polyclinics, widespread poverty and lack of sufficient
District Hospitals, Hospitals, Emergency Care, funding, the government is having a difficult
Private Clinics, Dentistry, Pharmacies) to time attending to the medical needs of
better understand what the issues of the Albanian nationals.
-Outside of the towns and cities, medical care Insurance system in Albania.
is provided by health centres, which are owned In light of the above, it is clear that we need a
by the countries local governments. The health valid health insurance system in Albania.In
centres provide maternity care, child health particular: there are two types of insurance,
services and immunizations. The Ministry of compulsory insurance and voluntary
health is starting to build more health centres insurance.
with financial assistance from ECHO, the

Interdisplinary Journal of Research and Development “Aleksandër Moisiu“ University, Durrës, Albania
Vol (IV), No.2, 2017
Insurance pays out when an unpredictable • Health services provided at specialized
event causes a loss. You need insurance when clinics should be unified with the primary care
the law says you must have it – for example, if clinics to avoid unnecessary costs.
you drive a car, you must be insured. • Specialized training should be provided for
In some cases, the state provides insurance by, family doctors which could lead to future
for example, paying incapacity benefit if you exploration of the differentiation between
can't work due to illness or bereavement general practicioners and family doctors.
benefits to a widowed husband or wife. • Rural primary health centers must have a
The market is divided on, market for Non-Life nurse and/or midwife on staff at all times.
Insurance and The market for Life Insurance. • Planning and establishing labs at the primary
Motorized vehicles insurance remains the health centers is crucial to enable simple
leading type of insurance in the market. The medical tests to be ran on site.
insurance industry in Albania is growing up. • Improve protocols and policies to increase
The public insurance scheme in Albania is the independence of the heads of health
directed by Instituti I Sigurimeve centers and strengthen the autonomy of the
Shoqërore/ISSH (Social Insurance Institute). It primary health care centers.
covers five branches of social insurance and • Regional Health Directorates to cooperate
the types of insurance it covers are compulsory with the Ministry of Health.
and voluntary. The final suggestion, the analysis conducted
Apart from public scheme, there are many light is represented by application of
private insurance companies operating in Toyotistico model of Lean Production in the
Albania (SICRED, ALBSIG, ATLANTIK, Albanian health system, in order to achieve
INTERALBANIAN, EUROSIG, SIGMA, very good results obtained from its
SIGAL). implementation in American Hospitals such
The authority that supervises the insurance as:
system in Albania is Autoriteti i Mbikëqyrjes - Dual labor productivity throughout the
se Sigurimeve (Insurance Supervising system.
Authority). - They are cut production times and stocks of
Conclusions and Recommendations - It is halved the time to market of new
In the light of what has been analyzed in this products.
paper and in order to improve the health - It offers a modest additional costs a wider
system. Albanian suggest the following variety of products.
recommendations: - They are reduced to half the errors and waste
•The Albanian government should allocate 10- process.
12% of the state budget towards health care - Companies can usually double again
services. productivity through incremental
• The Ministry of Health and the Mandatory improvements within two - three years or more
HealthCare Fund should draft an investment and halve warehouses, errors and time in the
and reform plan with the aim of improving the same time frame (Womack and Jones,1997).
infrastructure of the 415 primary health care
centers. References
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Interdisplinary Journal of Research and Development “Aleksandër Moisiu“ University, Durrës, Albania
Vol (IV), No.2, 2017


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