Lecture Notes (Level of Significance)
Lecture Notes (Level of Significance)
Lecture Notes (Level of Significance)
2. Types of Errors:
In statistical test theory, the notion of a statistical error is an integral part of hypothesis
testing. The test goes about choosing about two competing propositions called null
hypothesis, denoted by H0 and alternative hypothesis, denoted by H1 .
This is conceptually similar to the judgement in a court trial. The null hypothesis
corresponds to the position of defendant: just as he is presumed to be innocent until
proven guilty, so is the null hypothesis presumed to be true until the data provide
convincing evidence against it. The alternative hypothesis corresponds to the position
against the defendant.
If the result of the test corresponds with reality, then a correct decision has been made.
However, if the result of the test does not correspond with reality, then an error has
There are two situations in which the decision is wrong. The null hypothesis may be true,
whereas we reject H0. On the other hand, the alternative hypothesis H1 may be true,
whereas we do not reject H0. Two types of error are distinguished: Type I error and type
II error.
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Lecture Notes (M.Sc. Biotechnology, IInd Semester)
3. Error Rate:
A perfect test would have zero false positives and zero false negatives. However,
statistics is a game of probability, and it cannot be known for certain whether statistical
conclusions are correct.
Whenever there is uncertainty, there is the possibility of making an error. Considering
this nature of statistics science, all statistical hypothesis tests have a probability of
making type I and type II errors.
The type I error rate or significance level is the probability of rejecting the null
hypothesis given that it is true.
It is denoted by the Greek letter α (alpha) and is also called the alpha level. Usually, the
significance level is set to 0.05 (5%), implying that it is acceptable to have a 5%
probability of incorrectly rejecting the true null hypothesis.
The rate of the type II error is denoted by the Greek letter β (beta) and related to
the power of a test, which equals 1-β.
These two types of error rates are traded off against each other: for any given sample set,
the effort to reduce one type of error generally results in increasing the other type of
Fig. 01: The results obtained from negative sample (left curve) overlap with the results obtained
from positive samples (right curve). By moving the result cutoff value (vertical bar), the rate of
false positives (FP) can be decreased, at the cost of raising the number of false negatives (FN), or
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Lecture Notes (M.Sc. Biotechnology, IInd Semester)
5. Null Hypothesis:
It is standard practice for statisticians to conduct tests in order to determine whether or
not a "speculative hypothesis" concerning the observed phenomena of the world (or its
inhabitants) can be supported. The results of such testing determine whether a particular
set of results agrees reasonably (or does not agree) with the speculated hypothesis.
On the basis that it is always assumed, by statistical convention, that the speculated
hypothesis is wrong, and the so-called "null hypothesis" that the observed phenomena
simply occur by chance (and that, as a consequence, the speculated agent has no effect) -
the test will determine whether this hypothesis is right or wrong.
This is why the hypothesis under test is often called the null hypothesis (most likely,
coined by Fisher (1935), because it is this hypothesis that is to be either nullified or not
nullified by the test. When the null hypothesis is nullified, it is possible to conclude that
data support the "alternative hypothesis" (which is the original speculated one).
The consistent application by statisticians of Neyman and Pearson's convention of
representing "the hypothesis to be tested" (or "the hypothesis to be nullified") with the
expression H0 has led to circumstances where many understand the term "the null
hypothesis" as meaning "the nil hypothesis" - a statement that the results in question have
arisen through chance.
This is not necessarily the case - the key restriction, as per Fisher (1966), is that "the null
hypothesis must be exact, that is free from vagueness and ambiguity, because it must
supply the basis of the 'problem of distribution,' of which the test of significance is the
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Lecture Notes (M.Sc. Biotechnology, IInd Semester)
7. References:
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Lecture Notes (M.Sc. Biotechnology, IInd Semester)
Moroi, K.; Sato, T. (15 August 1975). "Comparison between procaine and isocarboxazid
metabolism in vitro by a liver microsomal amidase-esterase". Biochemical
Pharmacology. 24(16): 1517–1521.
NEYMAN, J.; PEARSON, E. S. (1928). "On the Use and Interpretation of Certain Test
Criteria for Purposes of Statistical Inference Part I". Biometrika. 20A (1–2): 175–240.
C.I.K.F. (July 1951). "Probability Theory for Statistical Methods. By F. N. David. [Pp.
ix + 230. Cambridge University Press. 1949. Price 155.]". Journal of the Staple Inn
Actuarial Society. 10 (3): 243–244.
Neyman, J.; Pearson, E. S. (30 October 1933). "The testing of statistical hypotheses in
relation to probabilities a priori". Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge
Philosophical Society. 29 (4): 492–510.
Fisher, R.A. (1966). The design of experiments. 8th edition. Hafner: Edinburgh.
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