Queer Theory Markus Thiel
Queer Theory Markus Thiel
Queer Theory Markus Thiel
Queer theory offers a significant avenue through which to deconstruct and then
reconstruct established IR concepts and theories. Stemming from various fields that transcend
a narrow view of IR, queer research applies an interdisciplinary outlook to advance new critical
perspectives on sexualities, gender and beyond. A single viewpoint in a field as diverse as IR
would unnecessarily limit the range of scholarly viewpoints. It would also preclude a nuanced
debate about the contents and forms of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
perspectives, queer scholarship and queer scholarly politics in IR. Due to these themes, and
because of its diversity, it is difficult to define queer theory precisely. Indeed, a narrow
definition of it would not be in line with queer theoretical tenets. Queer theory is not just
confined to sexualities or sexual rights. It also questions established social, economic and
political power relations – and critically interrogates notions of security.
The development of queer theory in IR suggests that more rigorous questions of the
impact of LGBT issues in international politics have begun to be successfully answered. It
highlights the valuable contribution to analyzing IR through until now unrecognized
perspectives on sexual and gender expression. Queer theory has also proven to be theoretically
inclusive in ways that LGBT and feminist scholarship sometimes has not. A question that
remains is whether queer theorists can recognize – and perhaps transcend – their own racial,
class and Western-centric orientations. Such broadening would also make it easier to find
common cause with other affected minorities – not least to move from a purely critical or
deconstructive mode to a more transformative and productive one. Precisely because queer
theory is able to transcend the focus on sexuality and gender through general analytical
principles, it lends itself to interrogating a wide range of IR phenomena. In a time when IR is
often accused of being parochial, queer theory is a necessary corrective to powerful myths and
narratives of international orders.