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Software Defined Network: Definition

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Software defined Network:


SDN is a network framework which involves in separating a network control functions from its data
forwarding functions, centralizing its intelligence and abstracting its underlying architecture from
applications and services.

Traditional Router:

Traditional Router will be consisting of two planes

• Control Plane(Routing Algorithm): software-which is responsible for constructing and managing

routing table and also it takes routing decisions by matching destination IP address in the packet
with the relevant field in the routing table.
• Data Plane(forwarding mechanism):hardware-depending on the decision forwarder forwards
the packet to the appropriate outgoing line.

Control plane and Data plane are implemented within the same router.


• Interoperability:
Distributed architecture is used, control plane on one router communicates with other
control planes for constructing routing tables.
For one control plane to communicate with other control planes coming from different
vendors, having different configuration and different models might be incompatible.

• Difficulty in network management

When ever there is a change in network policy network managers/admins need to
update this policy to all the devices in the network in the distributed architecture it
takes time and also difficult so as a result we will be facing inconsistency.
• Difficulty to scale
Problem to scale

Solution: using centralized architecture(SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORKING)

How: decouple control plane from data plane from all the routers and create a single centralized control
plane for all routers data plane.


1. Vendors are only responsible for providing only hardware(data plane, dumb/open/blind
2. We (network managers) will decide control plane by writing custom logic-the software.
3. SDN Controller and switches are 2 modules in SDN
4. SDN controller is the software and switch is the hardware
Network function virtualization:

NFV comprises of network functions implemented in software that run on virtualized resources in the

NFV enables separation of network functions which are implemented in software from the underlying

Virtualizing the network functions reduces the equipment costs and also reduces power consumption.
1. NFV Infrastructure:

Hardware Resources:

Hardware Resources will be refering to Computing resources, Networking Resources, and

Storage Resources.

Virtualization Layer:

Abstracts the hardware and couples the software from the hardware, with this software can be
progressed independently from the hardware


Virtualized Resources:

Virtual compute, virtual network, virtual storage

2. Virtualized Network Functions:

They are software implementations of the network functions

Example: vrouter, vIMS, vfirewall

3. Management and network orchestration unit:

Virtualized infrastructure manager: controls and manages the interaction between VIRTUAL NETWORK
FUNCTIONS WITH NFVI compute, network and storage resources. Its also responsible for monitoring and
controlling virtualization layer.
VNF MANAGER: Manages the lifecycle of VNF instances,

Its responsible to initialize, update, query,SCALE and terminate VNF INSTANCES


It manages the life cycle of network services which includes instantiation, policy management
,performance measurement, KPI monitoring.

OSS deals with network management, fault management, configuration management, service
management, element management
BSS deals with customer management, operations management, order management, billing and
revenue management.


Fig shows a home n/w with a home gateway that provides WAN connectivity to enable services such as
Internet, IPTV, VoIP etc.

The home gateway provides various functions

Including DHCP,


FIG shows a how NFV can be used to virtualize the HOME GATEWAY.
IoT Design Methodology:

Fig shows the steps involved in the IoT system design methodology, to explain these steps we use the
example of a smart IoT based Home automation systems.

Step 1: purpose and requirements specification:

In this step the

Purpose of the system,

Behavior of the system,

Requirements(data collection requirements, data analysis requirements, system management

requirements, data privacy and security requirements, user interface requirements) are captured.

Analogy: smart home automation system:

Purpose: a home automation system that allows controlling of the lights in a home remotely using a
web application.

Behavior:the home automation system should have auto and manual modes. In auto mode, the system
measures the light level in the room and switches on the light when it gets dark.
In manual mode, the system provides the option of manually and remotely switching on/off the light.

System Management requirements:

The system should provide remote monitoring and control functions.

Data Analysis Requirements: the system should perform local analysis of the data.

Application Deployement Requirements: the application should be deployed locally on the device, but
should be accessible remotely.

Security Requirements: the system should have basic user authentication capability.

Step 2: Process Specification:

use cases of the IoT system are formally described based on and derived from the purpose and
requirement specifications.

Fig shows the process diagram for the home automation systems.

The process diagram shows the two modes of the system-auto manual,

in the process diagram the circle denotes the start of a process,

the diamond denotes a decision box and

the rectangle denotes a state or attributes

when the auto mode is chosen, the system monitors the light level. If the light level is low, the system
changes the state of light to “ON” Whereas if the light level is high, the system changes the state of the
light to “OFF”.

When the manual mode is chosen, the system checks the light state set by the user. If the light state set
by the user is “ON” the system changes the state of light to “ON”

Whereas if the light state set by the user is “OFF” the system changes the state of light to “OFF”.
Step 3: Domain Model Specification:

The domain model describes the main concepts, entities and objects in the domain of IoT system to be
designed/domain model provides an abstract representation of the concepts, objects and entities in the
IoT domain, independent of any specific technology or platform.

With the domain model , IoT System designers can get an understanding of the IoT domain for which the
system is to be designed.

Domain model defines the attributes of the objects and relationships between objects.

Entities, objects and concepts defined in the domain model include:

Physical entity: physical entity is a discrete and identifiable entity in the physical environment(eg: room,
light and an applicance)

In the home automation example, there are two physical entities involved-one is the room in the home
and the other is the light appliance to be controlled.

Virtual entity: Virtual entity is a representation of the physical entity in the digital world. For each
physical entity there is a virtual entity in the domain model.
In the home automation example there is one virtual entity for the room to be monitored another for
the appliance to be controlled.

Device: Device provides a medium for interactions between physical entities and virtual entities.

Devices are either attached to physical entities or placed near physical entities. Devices are used to
gather information about physical entities, perform actuation upon physical entites or used to identify
physical entities.

In the home automation example the device is a single board mini computer which has light sensor and
actuator attached to it.

Resource: resource are software components which can be either on-device or network resources.

On-device resources are hosted on the device and include software components that either provide
information on or enable actuation upon the physical entity to which the device is attached.

Network resources include the software components that are available in network(such as database).

In the home automation example, the on-device resource is the operating system that runs on the single
board mini computer.

Service: Services provide an interface for interacting with the physical entity.

Services access the resources hosted on the device or the network resources to obtain information
about the physical entity or perform actuation upon the physical entity.

In the home automation example there are three services:

1. A service that sets mode to auto or manual/retrieves the current mode

2. A service that sets the light appliance state to on/off or retrieves the current light state
3. A controller service that runs as a native service on the device

When in auto mode the controller service monitors the light level and switches the light on/off and
updates the status in the status database.

When in manual mode, the controller service retrieves the current state from the database and
switchs the light on/off.
Information Model Specification:

Information model defines the structure of all the information in the IoT systems

• Attributes of virtual entities

• Relationship between the virtual entities

Virtual entities are identified/taken from Domain Model

For the virtual entities attributes are identified and relationship are defined between virtual entities
using information model.


In the home automation system

Identifying/defining virtual entities:

Virtual entities are ROOM, LIGHT Applicance

Defining the attributes:

For virtual entitity room->attributes are light level in the room which has either high or low level values

For virtual entity light appliance-> attributes are light state which has either on/off values

Defining the relationships:

Virtual entity light applicance is present in the room virtual entity so one-way association is used
between them

Between Virtual entity and attributes there exists a has a relationship.

Service Specifications:

Service specifications defines the services in the IoT System.

• Service type
• Service input/output
• Service endpoints
• Service schedules
• Service preconditions
• Service effects

Process of deriving the services from the process specification and information model for the home
automation systems is as follows,

From process specification and information model

• We identify the states and attributes

• For each state and attribute we define a service.

These services either change the state or attribute values or retrieve the current values


In home automation system there are three services:

• Mode service sets mode to auto or manual or retrieves the current mode
• State service sets state of the light to on or off or retrieves the current light state
• Controller service monitors the light level
o In auto mode and switches the light on/off and updates the status in the db
o In manual mode, the controller service, retrieves the current state from the db and
switches the light on/off.
IoT level Specification:

The deployment level of the home automation IoT system is LEVEL-1

Functional view specification:

Functional view defines the functions of the IoT Systems grouped into various functional Groups

Functional groups are

• Devices
o devices will specify devices for monitoring and control( single board mini-computer,a
light sensor and a relay switch(actuator))
• Communication
o Communication FG handles the communication for the IoT system

Communication protocols

In home automation system

Link layer protocol(802.11)

Network layer protocol(IPV4/IPV6)

Transport layer protocol(TCP)

Application layer protocol(HTTP)

Communication API

REST-based API

• Services,
o Device Monitoring service
o Device control service
o Data publishing service
o Services for device discovery
In the home automation system there are two REST services(mode and state services) and one
native service(controller service).
• Management, it handles functionalities that are needed to configure and manage the IoT system
• Security, security mechanism for the IoT system such as authentication, authorization and data
security etc
• Application, applications that provide an interface to the users to control and monitor various
aspects of the IoT system,
Application also allows users to view the system status and the processed data.
Operational View specification:
Various options pertaining to the IoT system deployment and operation are defined here

Device and component integration:

Integration of the devices and components
The devices and components used in this example are raspberry pi mini computer,LDR sensor, and relay
switch actuator.

Application Development:
Final step is to develop the IoT application.

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