7 Deadliest Diseases in History
7 Deadliest Diseases in History
7 Deadliest Diseases in History
Where are
they now?
1. The Black Death: Bubonic Plague
The Black Death ravaged most of Europe and the Mediterranean from 1346 until
1353. Over 50 million people died, more than 60% of Europe's entire population
at the time.
Many historians believe it started in the Steppes of Central Asia, a vast area of
grassland that even today still supports one of the world's biggest plague
reservoirs - an area where rodents live in great numbers and density (also called a
plague focus).
Plague is mainly spread through the bite of a flea infected with the plague-
causing bacterium, Yersinia pestis. Fleas typically live on small animals such as
rats, gerbils, marmots and squirrels and periodically, explosive outbreaks of
plague occur among these susceptible hosts. Huge numbers of animals succumb
to infection and die. Hungry fleas turn to humans and within three to five days of
a bite, fever, headache, chills, and weakness develop. Lymph nodes closest to the
bite site swell to form a painful bubo in the variant of plague known as bubonic
plague. Infection may spread throughout the blood stream and affect respiration
in the lungs. Without prompt antibiotic treatment, 30% to 100% of infected
people die.
Even today, plague has not been eradicated, although thanks to the availability of
vaccination and antibiotics, few people now die of it. Plague foci still exist in
Africa, North and South America, and Asia.
Between 2010 and 2015 there were 3248 cases of plague reported worldwide,
including 584 deaths. Most cases have occurred in Madagascar, The Democratic
Republic of Congo, and Peru, where plague is endemic.
From the 1 August through till the 30 April 2018, Madagascar experienced a
plague outbreak, with 2671 confirmed, probable and suspected cases of plague,
including 239 deaths reported. This was at least six times the usual annual
average of around 400 cases.
Smallpox is caused by the variola virus. Humans are the only natural hosts of
smallpox and transmission depends upon direct contact with an infected person
or infected bodily fluids, contaminated bedding or clothing. Airborne
transmission is rare, although is more likely in enclosed settings such as buildings,
buses, and trains.
One thing was obvious among survivors of the disease - they never caught it
again. This observation started the human fight against smallpox. First came
variolation which involved blowing dried smallpox scabs up a person's nose,
deliberately infecting them with the disease.
Inoculation used a lancet to transfer the contents of a smallpox pustule under the
skin of a non-immune person. It was a bit risky - some people developed
smallpox from the procedure or contracted other diseases such
as tuberculosis or syphilis. But fatality rates associated with inoculation were 10
times lower than those associated with naturally occurring smallpox.
In the late 1700s, at least two people acted on the observation that dairymaids
who had cowpox, never contracted smallpox. In 1774, Benjamin Jesty used
material from cows with cowpox to inoculate his wife and two young sons. In
1796, Dr Edward Jenner used matter from a cowpox-infected young dairy maid to
protect an 8-year old boy. Two months later he inoculated the same boy with
smallpox, and no disease developed. Dr Jenner's work paved the way for
vaccination as we know it today.
Symptoms of SARS began two to ten days after coming into contact with the
virus and included a high fever, headache, body aches, sometimes diarrhea. But
the main symptom of concern was the severe breathing difficulties associated
with SARS, and almost all those infected developed pneumonia. By the end of
2003, 774 people had died out of the 8,098 infected people notified to WHO.
Many more people needed to be hospitalized for breathing assistance.
SARS is spread through close contact with infectious droplets released during a
cough or sneeze. SARS started in Asia, and researchers have identified the most
likely source as wild Chinese Horseshoe bats that had been caught and brought
to market. These bats harbored a SARS-like virus that subsequently infected
civets before mutating; which meant that humans were now susceptible to the
virus. Within a year, the infection had spread to more than two dozen countries
before it was contained through public health measures.
Late 2019, early 2020, SARS-CoV-2 started to create havoc around the world.
Initially, experts thought it was just another "flu" virus, but the speed and ease of
its spread coupled with its high fatality rates quickly proved them wrong. The
impact of the condition caused by SARS-CoV-2, called Covid-19, not only forced
unprecedented lockdowns worldwide but it's social and economic impacts will be
felt for years to come.
We should have been better prepared. Another corona-type virus was always on
the cards. But possibly SARS and MERS gave us a false sense of security that new
viruses were easy to contain and beat, even if they did have high fatality rates,
such as MERS. Here's hoping the lessons we have learned from COVID-19 will
make reactions to future animal-transferred viruses quicker and more effective.
Bird flu - also called Avian influenza - is common and several major outbreaks
have occurred sporadically worldwide since the disease was first recorded in Italy
in 1878. It took until 1955 to discover that the virus causing bird flu was an
influenza type A virus.
Avian influenza occurs naturally among wild aquatic birds and can easily spread
to more susceptible farmed poultry - millions of chickens, geese, and turkeys
were destroyed to prevent further spread of the disease following the outbreaks
that occurred in 2015 and 2016. Globally, 862 cases of human infection with avian
influenza A(H5N1) have been reported from 17 countries from January 2003 to
17 June 2021. 53% (455) of these cases were fatal. Lao People's Democratic
Republic reported the last case on the 31st October 2020.
The H7N9 and H5N1 of Avian influenza are the most likely strains to infect
humans, although other strains have caused small outbreaks. H7N9 is considered
the influenza A virus with the greatest potential public health impact. As of 10
June 2021, a total of 1,568 laboratory-confirmed human infections with avian
influenza A(H7N9) virus have been reported to WHO since early 2013.
Ebola was first discovered in 1976 and bats are thought to be the most likely
reservoir (natural permanent host) of the virus. The virus readily spreads to
humans, and from human-to-human. Direct contact (through broken skin or
mucous membranes) with an infected person or animal (either living or dead), or
with objects such as contaminated needles and syringes is the most common way
Ebola is spread. Cases of sexual transmission from people who have survived the
virus have also been reported, months after their recovery.
Symptoms may appear from two to 21 days (average 8-10 days) after exposure to
the virus and include fever, severe headache, muscle pain and weakness, diarrhea,
vomiting, bleeding and bruising, and death. Survivors develop antibodies that
protect them from further infection for at least 10 years. The most significant
outbreak of Ebola in recorded history occurred from 2014 to 2016, predominantly
in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia.
Even though the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the end of Ebola
outbreak in Liberia on the 9th of June, 2016, there is always a risk of Ebola in
countries with very weak health systems and where the virus is prevalent in wild
animals. Since 2018, the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been
experiencing an outbreak, with efforts to contain it hampered by conflict and
violence in the area. On 1st June, 2020, a new Ebola outbreak was detected in
northwest DRC, and more recently on 7th February 2021 in Butembo, North Kivu
Province of the DRC. However the latest outbreak was swiftly brought under
control with contact tracing and vaccination of more than 2000 people at high
risk. 11 confirmed cases including 6 deaths had been reported when the outbreak
was officially declared over on the 3rd May, 2021.
Despite not being very contagious, leprosy has been feared and misunderstood
throughout its history. Initially thought to be a curse or a punishment from God,
leprosy sufferers were stigmatized, forced to wear special clothing or ring bells to
warn others when they were approaching. Symptoms vary from person to person,
and tend to progress with time; ranging from mild, indeterminate
hypopigmented skin lesions to blindness, deformity and severe facial
Although leprosy is curable, deformities and nerve damage that occur before
treatment begins are often irreversible.
Polio is caused by the very contagious and resilient poliovirus and spreads from
person-to-person, most commonly though contact with infected feces. Feces can
remain infectious for several weeks, as can food, water, or objects contaminated
by feces. Approximately 72% of people who catch polio show no symptoms.
Twenty-five percent develop flu-like symptoms (for example, sore throat, fever,
tiredness, headache, nausea, abdominal pain) within a week or two after
infection. A small proportion of these people will go on to develop more severe
symptoms such as paresthesia (burning or prickling limb pain), meningitis
(infection of brain and spinal cord), limb weakness, and paralysis that may lead to
permanent disability and death if the respiratory muscles are affected.
However, in recent years there has been a spike in polio cases, with over 200
cases of wild polio being reported in 2020, mostly in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Rogue viruses, lockdowns and the Taliban are thought to be to blame.
The U.S. has not reported a case of naturally occurring paralytic polio (wild
poliovirus) since 1979, when an outbreak occurred among the Amish in several
Midwestern states. Over the period spanning 1980 through 1999, 62 confirmed
cases of paralytic polio were reported. Eight of these were acquired outside of
the U.S. and 154 were vaccine-associated, mostly caused by contact with feces
contaminated with the live oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV).
OPV is no longer used as a polio vaccine in the U.S., although several overseas
countries still use it. The inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) is now the preferred