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GPPB CBR As of 12312016

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Republic of the Philippines



as of 31 December 2016

No. of Times Sanction Date

No. Supplier Agency Project Offense End Date
Blacklisted Imposed Blacklisted
Outside of force majeure, the Supplier fails to deliver or
Supply, Delivery, Installation, perform any or all of the goods within the period(s)
Department of Budget and
ADLIBInternational Sales, Testing and Commissioning of specified in the contract or within any extension thereof One (1) Year
1 Management - Procurement 1 5/30/2016 5/30/2017
Inc. Mobile X-ray System for the granted by the procuring entity pursuant to a request Blacklisting
Presidential Security Group made by the supplier prior to the delay, and such failure
amounts to atleast 10% of the contract price.

Willfully or deliberately fails to execute the works in

accordance with the contract or flagrantly neglects to
Mactan Water System
carry out its obligations under the contract without
Improvement Program
lawful and/or just cause, such as the restoration of the
(MWSIP)Package5, Brgys.
Metropolitan Cebu Water damaged roads which led to the revocation of the One (1) Year
2 ANA Construction Pajac, Bangkal,Maribago, 1 7/26/2016 7/26/2017
District excavation permit granted by the lapu-Iapu City Blacklisting
Agus, lapu-Iapu City with
Government and ultimately resulting in substantial
Project No. E-869-l3-200810
breach thereof and due the Contractors fault and after
under P.R. No. 19762
the contract time had expired, it has incurred a negative
slippage of more than 15%

Willfully or deliberately fails to execute the works in

accordance with the contract or flagrantly neglects to
Proposed 0150mm Water carry out its obligations under the contract without
Metropolitan Cebu Water Two (2) Years
3 ANA Construction Distribution Mains, Basak- lawful and/or just cause resulting in substantial breach 1 1/1/2016 12/31/2017
District Blacklisting
Babaglapu lapu City thereof and due to the Contractors fault and after the
contract time has expired, it has incurred a negative
slippage of 100%

Since this is the second offense committed by AOA

Global Construction, disqualification for a period of
Civil Works for lot 16 (MIAA-
TWO (2) YEARS, counted from the date of approval of
NCR) of hte "Kayo ang Boss Ko" Two (2) Years
4 AOA Global Construction Department of Transportation this Order, from participating in the procurement 2 9/14/2016 9/14/2018
Toilet Facilities Improvement Blacklisting
activities of all government agencies. <br> 2. Forfeiture
of the performance security submitted by AOA Global
Construction for the project.
No. of Times Sanction Date
No. Supplier Agency Project Offense End Date
Blacklisted Imposed Blacklisted
Civil Works for Lot 16 (MIAA-
Poor performance arising from its fault or negligence,
Department of Transportation NCR) of the "Kayo and Boss Two (2) Years
5 AOA Global Construction which resulted in incurring a negative slippage of more 2 6/28/2016 6/27/2018
and Communications Ko" Toilet Facilities Blacklisting
than fifteen percent (15%)
Improvement Project

Cairol Trading and Department of Health - National Procurement of 74 pieces Failure to deliver awarded goods under Purchase Order One (1) Year
6 1 10/20/2016 10/20/2017
General Merchandising Capital Regional Office External Hard Drive 1 terabyte # 2015-013 Blacklisting

Procurement of various
Planting Materials (14,000 pcs. Non-performance of the project/contract resulting to
Department of Agriculture -
Coronado&#39;s Farm Durian, 14,000 pcs. Lanzones substantial breach of contract thereof without lawful One (1) Year
7 Office of the Regional Director 1 1/29/2016 1/J.8/2017
Plant Nursery and 14,000pcs. Jackfruit and just cause on their failure to deliver the goods Blacklisting
(Regional Field Office 10)
Seedlings with Contract Cost of within the period specified in the contract.

Supply, Delivery, Installation

and Commissioning of Two(2)
Units of Fire Pump and Motor
Assembly and One (1) Unit Section 69.1(a) of the Revised IRR of RA 9184,
D&J Builders and Power Development Bank of the One (1) Year
8 Jockey Pumpand Motor Submission of eligibility requirements containing false 1 5/31/2016 5/31/2017
Systems Corporation Philippines Blacklisting
Assembly, including the information or falsified documents.
Testing of Existing Automatic
Sprinkler System of DBP Baguio
Branch Building

E.D. Espinosa Supply, Delivery and

University of the Philippines Failure to Supply, Deliver and Install Goods covered by One (1) Year
9 Refrigeration and Installation of Goods covered 1 4/29/2016 4/29/2017
Manila P.O. CAS 15(36) Blacklisting
Airconditioning Service by P.O. CAS 15(36)

Purchase Order Nos. 131171, Non-delivery and/or delay in the delivery of goods One Year
10 Elohim Pharma Quezon City Government 1 4/4/2016 4/4/2017
130991 and 131184 covered by the said purchase order. Blacklisting

PB No. 15-171-2, or the Supply,

Delivery, Installation, Testing
and Commissioning of Various
Department of Budget and
Research Equipment for Submission of eligibility requirement/s containing false One (1) Year
11 Exclusive Traders, Inc. Management - Procurement 1 6/6/2016 6/6/2017
Commission on Higher information or falsified documents. Blacklisting
Ed ucation-Ph ilippines-
California Advance Research

Files System Department of Budget and

Using forged documents, submission of spurious Tax One (1) Year
12 Manufacturing Management - Procurement / Clearance Certificate
2/4/2016 2/3/2017
Corporation Service
No. of Times Sanction Date
No. Supplier Agency Project Offense End Date
Blacklisted Imposed Blacklisted
Due to Contractor's fault and while the project is
ongoing, it has incurred negative slippage of fifteen
percent (15%) or more in accordance with Presidential
Four Brothers Hardware Concreting of road at One (1) Year
13 City of Zamboanga Decree 1870; Due to Contractor's fault and after the 1 5/6/2016 5/6/2017
and Construction Services Baliwasan Grande, Baliwasan Blacklisting
contract time has expired. It has incurred a negative
slippage of ten percent (10%) or more in the completion
of the work
Improvement of Road 3
HUXLEY Builders General One (1) Year
14 City Government of Quezon Barangay Escopa 3, Quezon Failure to comply with its contractual obligation 1 1/4/2016 1/3/2017
Contractor Blacklisting
I ntegrity Motors Procurement of Motor One (1) Year
15 City Government ofTaguig Supplier submitted a bid containing false information 1 10/5/2016 10/5/2017
Corporation Vehicles (Lot C) Blacklisting
Acquisition of 44,080 units of
Joint Venture (JV) of
Force Protection Equipment Cumulative amount of liquidated Damagesreached ten
Achidatex Nazareth Elite One (1) Year
16 Department of National Defense (FPE) for the Philippine Army percent (10%) as provided for in Section 68, Rule XXII of 1 2/29/2016 2/28/2017
(1977) Ltd and Colorado Blacklisting
and the Philippine Navy Republic Act 9184
Shipyard Corporation

Public Bidding No. 13-192 or

the Configuration, Installation,
Joint Venture of Integration, Data Migration Outside of force majeure, the Supplier fails to deliver or
Omniprime Marketing, Department of Budget and and Training for a Government perform any or all of the goods within the period(s)
One (1) Year
17 Inc., and 2interact Middle Management - Procurement Human Resource Information specified in the contract or within any extension thereof 1 1/27/2016 1/26/2017
East FZLLZ and Heitech Service System / National Payroll granted by the procuring entity pursuant to a request
Padu Berhad System (GHRIS/NPS) for the made by the Consultant prior to the delay.
Department of Budget and

Lot 1 (Cleaner, Toilet Bowl and Submission of bid that contains false information or
Department of Budget and Urinal) of PB No. 15-166-3E, or falsified documents, or the concealment of such
Two (2) Years
18 LMS Industries Management - Procurement the Supply and Delivery of information in the bids in order to influence the 1 3/4/2016 3/3/2018
Service Janitorial Supplies for the outcome of eligibility screening or any stage of the
Procurement Service public bidding.

Replacement of viewing
MECON Systems Services glasses of memorial cross
Refusal to accept an award or enter into a contract with One Year
19 and Maintenance Philippine Army Dambana ng Kagitingan, Mt. 1 2/18/2016 2/17/2017
the government. Blacklisting
Products Samat, Pilar, Bataan under
ENG&#39;G PABAC 005-2015
No. of Times Sanction Date
No. Supplier Agency Project Offense End Date
Blacklisted Imposed Blacklisted
Construction of Auditorium
and TRADOC Senior Staff
Billeting Facilities (Construction
MRRM Trading and of Deputy Commander, Chief One (1) Year
20 Philippine Army Refusal to enter into contract with the government. 1 5/26/2016 5/26/2017
Construction of Staff, I nspector General and Blacklisting
CommanfdSgt Major&#39;
Quarters) under ENG&#39;G
PABAC 008-14

PB No. 16-009, Lot 3 (Supply,

Deparment of Budget and Delivery, Installation, Testing Submission of eligibility requirement/s (i.e., Tax
NCR Construction Supply, One (1) Year
21 Management - Procurement and Commissioning of Electric clearance certificate) containing false information or 1 9/1/2016 9/1/2017
Inc Blacklisting
Service Generating Set, 25kVA, brand falsified documents.

Improvement of Road and

New Big Four J One (1) Year
22 City Government of Quezon Drainage of Maloles Ville, Brgy. Failure to comply with its contractual obligation 1 1/5/2016 1/4/2017
Construction, Inc. Blacklisting
Bagbag, Quezon City

a.) Construction of 710, PA

BRF (Road nets and Outside
Utilities) at Fort Magsaysay
under Contract Number PB-
112CO-2014-012 in the
amount of
b.) Construction of Parking a.) Failure to complete the project. <br>
Area at TRIIDOC, PA Camp b.) Failure to submit within 7 CD the verified position
O'Donnell, Capas, Tarlac under paper showing cause and stating therein why the
Northstar IBEX Contract No. PB-112CO-2014- contract should not be terminated in whole and/or why One (1) Year
23 Philippine Army 1 1/11/2016 1/10/2017
Construction Corporation 010 in the amount of no administrative penalties should be imposed. The Blacklisting
Php12,258,151.90<br> Notice to Terminate was served and received by Ms.
c.) Supply and Delivery of Cristina M. Orcine, Billing and Collection Officer on 11
Construction Materials for the December 2015
Regional Disaster Risk
Reduction Management
Center (RDRRMC) 3-in-l
Facility Building Phase 1 under
contract no. PB-112CO-2014-
005 in the amount of

Acquisition of two (2) units Cumulative amount of Liquidated Damages reached ten
PT Dirgantara Indonesia One (1) Year
24 Department of National Defense Light Lift Fixed Wing Aircraft percent (10%) as provided for in Section 68, Rule XXII of 1 6/30/2016 6/30/2017
(PERSERO) Blacklisting
for the Philippine Air Force Republic Act 9184
No. of Times Sanction Date
No. Supplier Agency Project Offense End Date
Blacklisted Imposed Blacklisted
River Concrete
Municipal Government of Construction of Core Local Submissionof eligibility requirements containing false One Year
25 Construction and 1 3/28/2016 3/28/2017
Calamba Roadsof San Isidro Waterfalls information or falsified documents. Blacklisting
Development Corporation

Construction of Tolosa MPS

National Police Commission - Bldg Project; Construction of Violation of Section 69 (f) of the Revised Implementing
Ruby Lim Construction Two (2) Years
26 Philippine National Police ( Carigara MPS Bldg Project; Rules and Regulations of Republic Act 9184 and Item 4.2 1 5/18/2016 5/18/2018
and Supplies Incorporated Blacklisting
Police Regional Office VIII) Construction of Abuyog MPS (g) of GPPB Resolution No. 09-2004
Bldg Project
Public Bidding for Drugs and
SEL-J Pharmaceuticals & National Center for Mental One (1) Year
27 Medicine (Charity and Stock Non delivery of the Awarded items 1 3/9/2016 3/9/2017
Distributor Health - Mandaluyong Blacklisting
and Resale) CY 2016
Supply and Delivery of Drugs
5urdiaca Health Care Submission of Bids that contain false information or One (1) Year
28 Province of Nueva Ecija and Medicines for PHO and 1 10/21/2016 10/21/2017
Distributor falsified documents. Blacklisting

Supply and Delivery of Portable

Drinking Water for DBP Head
Office and Supply, Delivery, Section 69.1(a} of the Revised IRR of RA 9184,
TBS Industrial Services, Development Bank of the One (1) Year
29 Installation and Commissioning Submission of eligibility requirements containing false 1 5/31/2016 5/31/2017
Inc. Philippines Blacklisting
of One Lot Automatic Fire information or falsified documents.
Sprinkler System for DBP Main

Supply and Delivery of Two (2)

Philippine Amusement and Units Push Cart of Marketing Non-conformity with the technical specifications of the One Year
30 Times Trading Co., Inc. 1 4/19/2016 4/19/2017
Gaming Corporation Department under ITB No. SVP items covered by the contract Blacklisting
Purchase Order No. 15-10-290
Vetter Trading and Auto 1 Lot Supplyand Delivery of Failure of the Supplier to deliver the item despite One (1) Year
31 Senate of the Philippines 1 3/10/2016 3/10/2017
Supply Co. One (1) Brand New Big Bike approval of request for extension of the delivery period. Blacklisting
No. of Times Sanction Date
No. Supplier Agency Project Offense End Date
Blacklisted Imposed Blacklisted

Lot 1 (Elevator System) of AMP

(TFB) 14-018-2,or the Supply,
Delivery, Installation, Testing
and Commissioning of Elevator
Systems for the Philippine
General Hospital (PGH) Outside of force majeure, the Supplier fails to deliver or
Department of Budget and Contract Price: P4,Oll,500.00 perform any or all of the goods within the period(s)
Westrac Industrial One (1) Year
32 Management - Procurement Lot 1: (Elevator System) of specified in the contract or within any extension thereof 1 2/11/2016 2/11/2018
Corporation Blacklisting
Service AMP (TFB) 15-007-3, or the granted by the procuring entity pursuant to a request
Supply, Delivery, Installation, made by the Consultant prior to the delay.
Testing and Commissioning of
Elevator Systems for the
Philippine Statistics Authority
(PSA) Contract Price:

Supply, Delivery, Installation

and Commissioning of two (2)
Westrac Industrial Government Service Insurance Failure to deliver or perform any or all of the goods and One (1) Year
33 units passenger elevators at 1 6/14/2016 6/14/2017
Corporation (WIC) System (GSIS) services within the period specified in the contract. Blacklisting
the GSIS Davao and Cagayan
De Oro branch office building

Contractor falsified the technical documents submitted

for single largest completed contract entered into
Philippine Health Insurance Procurement of Office
between the Local Government Unit of Zamboanga City Two (2) Years
34 ZC LM Enterprises Corporation Region IX Furniture with ITB No. PRO IX 1 12/17/2015 12/15/2017
in order to influence the outcome of the eligibility Blacklisting
(PhiIHealth-RIX) 2015-002 (O.F.)
screening during the conduct of competitive bidding for
the Procurement of Office Furniture

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