A Dynamic Model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply: Questions For Review
A Dynamic Model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply: Questions For Review
A Dynamic Model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply: Questions For Review
π Figure 15-1
Income, output
⎡ αθ π ⎤ ⎡ 1 ⎤
Yt = Y − ⎢ ⎥ (π t − π t ) + ⎢ ⎥ εt .
⎣1 + αθY ⎦ ⎢⎣ (1 + αθ y) ⎥⎦
The dynamic aggregate demand curve is defined by a given monetary policy rule and
illustrates a negative relationship between the quantity of output demanded and infla-
tion. When inflation changes, the central bank follows its monetary policy rule and
changes the nominal interest rate. The monetary policy rule specifies that the nominal
interest rate will change by more than the inflation rate so that there is a change in the
real interest rate, and hence the demand for goods and services. If inflation rises, the
central bank will follow its monetary policy rule, the real interest rate will rise, the
amount of goods and services demanded will fall, and the level of output will fall. The
dynamic aggregate demand curve is steeper if the central bank is more tolerant of high
inflation (θπ is smaller), if the central bank is less tolerant of deviations in output away
from the natural level (θY is larger), and if the public’s spending is less responsive to
changes in the real interest rate (α is smaller). The dynamic aggregate demand curve is
illustrated in Figure 15-2.
160 Answers to Textbook Questions and Problems
π Figure 15-2
Income, output
3. The dynamic aggregate demand curve is drawn for a given monetary policy rule. If the
central bank changes the rule by increasing the target inflation rate, then the dynamic
aggregate demand curve will shift to the right. Looking at the equation for the dynamic
aggregate demand curve, an increase in the target inflation rate will increase output
for any given level of the inflation rate. When the central bank increases the target
inflation rate, the current inflation rate will be below the target. As a result, the cen-
tral bank will lower both nominal and real interest rates. The lower real interest rate
will increase the demand for goods and services at the current inflation rate and output
will rise. The shift in the aggregate demand curve is illustrated in Figure 15-3. Since
output is above its natural level, marginal costs will rise and firms will increase prices.
The economy moves from its original equilibrium at point A to its new short-run equi-
librium at point B. As the level of inflation rises, so will the expected inflation rate, and
the dynamic aggregate supply curve will shift up and to the left, as illustrated in
Figure 15-3. As inflation rises, the central bank will follow its new policy rule and
increase the nominal interest rate. Eventually, the economy reaches its new long-run
equilibrium, identified by point Z. Notice that inflation has risen from 2 percent to 3
π Figure 15-3
DAS final
Z DAS t+1
π final = 3% DAS t–1,t
π t+1
π t–1 = 2%
Yall Y
Income, output
The nominal interest rate will be higher in the long run because there is no change in
the long run real interest rate, and the nominal interest rate in the long run is equal to
the real interest rate plus the target inflation rate.
Chapter 15 A Dynamic Model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 161
4. If the central bank decides to increase the response of interest rates to changes in infla-
tion (the parameter θπ), then the central bank has become less tolerant of inflation. In
this case, any increase in inflation will elicit a larger increase in nominal and real
interest rates in an attempt to reduce the demand for goods and services and prevent
further increases in inflation, such that the dynamic aggregate demand curve is flatter.
Mathematically, the slope of the dynamic aggregate demand curve is given by:
1 + aqY
- .
aq p
When the parameter θπ increases in value, the slope becomes smaller in absolute-value
terms and the dynamic aggregate demand curve becomes flatter. Intuitively, when the
central bank is less tolerant of inflation, they are willing to put up with larger devia-
tions of output from the natural rate, making the dynamic aggregate demand curve
flatter. In this case, a supply shock that shifts the dynamic aggregate supply curve up
and to the left will cause a larger reduction in the level of output and a smaller increase
in the inflation rate, as illustrated in Figure 15-4. Under the new policy, the economy
moves from A to C in response to the supply shock, as opposed to moving from A to B
under the old policy. Note that, if the economy is in long-run equilibrium at the time of
the central bank policy change, the economy will still remain in long-run equilibrium,
but with a flatter dynamic aggregate demand curve.
π Figure 15-4
B DAS t–1
Income, output Y
π t = Et −1π t + φ (Yt − Yt ) + υt
π t = π t −1 + φ (Yt − Yt ) + υt
π t = π t + φ (Yt − Yt) + υt .
From here, it follows that output must equal natural output since the supply shock
parameter υt equals zero. Moving to the demand for goods and services equation next,
162 Answers to Textbook Questions and Problems
it now follows that the real interest rate equals the natural rate of interest since the
demand shock parameter εt equals zero and Yt = Y t:
Yt = Y t – α(rt – ρ) + εt.
Turning to the Fisher equation on line 1 below, we can show the nominal interest
rate is equal to the natural interest rate plus the current inflation rate. Since inflation
has stabilized, expected inflation equals current inflation (Etπt+1 = πt) and we have just
demonstrated that the real interest rate is equal to the natural rate of interest (rt = ρ):
rt = it - Et p t +1
rt = it - p t
it = rt - p t
it = r - p t .
Moving now to the monetary policy rule equation on line 1 below, it must be true
that current inflation equals the target inflation rate so that the third term on the right
zeros out. Likewise, the fourth term on the right side will zero out since output is at the
natural level:
it = π t + ρ + θ π (π t − π*t ) + θY (Yt − Yt )
it = π t + ρ.
Yt = Yt
rt = r
p t = p*t
Et p t +1 = p*t
it = r + p*t .
2. If the central bank has the wrong natural rate of interest, then it is using a value ρ’
that is different from the real value ρ. Suppose that the wrong natural rate of interest
is defined as follows:
ρ’ = ρ + Δρ
In this case, if Δρ equals zero, then the central bank has the correct natural rate of
interest. If the natural rate of interest is wrong, then the long-run equilibrium values
will change. The five equations that make up the dynamic aggregate demand–
aggregate supply model can be manipulated to derive long-run values for the variables.
In this problem, it is assumed that there are no shocks to demand or supply and infla-
tion has stabilized. Since inflation has stabilized, it must be true that inflation in time t
is equal to inflation in time t – 1(πt = πt–1). We also know that expected inflation is equal
to last period’s inflation, or Et–1πt = πt–1. Start with the Phillips curve on line 1 below
and use these two facts to find the following:
π t = Et −1π t + φ (Yt − Yt ) + υt
π t = π t −1 + φ (Yt − Yt ) + υt
π t = π t + φ (Yt − Yt ) + υt .
From here it follows that output must equal natural output since the supply shock
parameter υt equals zero. Moving to the demand for goods and services equation below
Chapter 15 A Dynamic Model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 163
it now follows that the real interest rate equals the natural rate of interest since the
demand shock parameter εt equals zero and Yt = Y t:
Yt = Y t – α(rt – ρ) + εt.
Turning to the Fisher equation on line 1 below, we can show the natural interest
rate is equal to the nominal interest rate minus the current inflation rate. Since infla-
tion has stabilized, expected inflation equals current inflation (Etπt+1 = πt, and we have
just demonstrated that the real interest rate is equal to the natural rate of interest
(rt = ρ):
rt = it - Et p t +1
rt = it - p t
r = it - p t .
The monetary policy rule equation on line 1 below has the wrong natural rate of
interest ρ’. Substitute in the relationship between the correct and incorrect rates of
natural interest and rearrange terms:
it = π t + ρ′ + θ π (π t − π*t ) + θY (Yt − Yt )
it = π t + (ρ + Δρ) + θ π (π t − π*t ) + θY (Yt − Yt )
it − π t = (ρ + Δρ) + θ π (π t − π*t ) + θY (Yt − Yt ).
The third term on the right side will zero out since output is at the natural level.
Now, combine the rewritten Fisher equation with the rewritten monetary policy rule
equation above:
Intuitively, if the central bank thinks that the natural rate of interest is higher
than it really is, then it will be setting interest rates higher than they should be set,
and Δρ is greater than zero. The higher interest rates will result in lower demand for
goods and services, and in the long run, this will result in an inflation rate that is lower
than the target inflation rate. In the short run, higher interest rates will temporarily
cause real interest rates to be higher than normal, causing the dynamic aggregate
demand curve to shift down and to the left. In being wrong about the natural rate, the
central bank has effectively forced the economy through a recessionary cycle, which has
164 Answers to Textbook Questions and Problems
resulted in the inflation rate coming in below the target rate. As the lower inflation
rate persists, the expected inflation rate will decrease and the dynamic aggregate sup-
ply curve will shift down and to the right until a new long run equilibrium is reached.
This is illustrated in Figure 15-5. From the derived long-run values above, the inflation
rate is below the target rate, expected inflation equals actual inflation and is also below
the target rate, and the nominal interest rate is lower than it would otherwise be.
πt Figure 15-5
DAS t–1 DAS t–1,t
DADt,t+1,... DAS t+1
DAS final
Y all Yt
Income, output
3. “If a central bank wants to achieve lower nominal interest rates, it has to raise the nomi-
nal interest rate.” In long-run equilibrium, the nominal rate of interest is equal to the
natural rate of interest plus the target inflation rate. To lower the long-run nominal
interest rate, the central bank must lower the target inflation rate and, ultimately, the
actual inflation rate. In the short run, the central bank must increase the nominal inter-
est rate in order to reduce spending and output in the economy. This will reduce inflation
and, ultimately, expected inflation. The economy will adjust to a new long-run equilibri-
um in which the nominal interest rate, the target inflation rate, and the actual inflation
rate are all lower. Graphically, lowering the target inflation rate will shift the dynamic
aggregate demand curve down and to the left, forcing the economy through a recessionary
cycle, and in the short run, output and inflation will be lower. As expected inflation
adjusts over the long run, the dynamic aggregate supply curve will shift down and to the
right. In the long run, output is equal to the natural level and inflation is lower.
4. The sacrifice ratio measures the accumulated loss in output associated with a one-per-
centage-point reduction in the target inflation rate. Graphically, the reduction in the
target inflation rate will shift the dynamic aggregate demand curve down and to the
left, resulting in a short-run equilibrium with a lower level of output and a lower infla-
tion rate. Over time, expected inflation will adjust and the dynamic aggregate supply
curve will shift down and to the right until output again equals potential output. For
each year that output remains below potential, the percentage deviation of actual out-
put from potential output can be calculated, and these results can be summed to find
the accumulated lost output in percentage terms. For the twelve years included in the
text simulation, the accumulated lost output is 2.59 percent. During this same period,
the inflation rate fell from 2 percent to 1.35 percent, which is a decrease of 0.65 per-
cent. The implied sacrifice ratio is therefore 2.59/0.65 = 3.98. We can derive this same
result directly from the dynamic aggregate demand–aggregate supply model. Start
with the Phillips curve equation on line 1 below and use the adaptive expectations
assumption to rewrite as follows:
π t = Et −1π t + φ (Yt − Yt ) + υt
π t = π t −1π t + φ (Yt − Yt ) + υt .
Chapter 15 A Dynamic Model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 165
From this equation, we see that, in the absence of supply shocks (υτ = 0), a one-
percentage-point decrease in output below its natural level causes inflation to decrease
by θ percentage points. (Recall that the natural level of output is 100 so that a one-unit
deviation of output from its natural level is equivalent to a one-percentage-point devia-
tion.) Turning this result around, we find that, in order to reduce the inflation rate by
one percentage point, output must decline by 1/θ. percentage points. From the simula-
tion, the value of θ is 0.25 so that 1/θ is equal to 4. Note that this is very close to the
value of 3.98 that was obtained directly from the simulation results.
5. Follow the hint given in the problem and solve for the long-run equilibrium with the new
assumption that the demand shock parameter εt is not zero. Since inflation has stabi-
lized, it must be true that inflation in time t is equal to inflation in time t – 1(πt = πt–1). We
also know that expected inflation is equal to last period’s inflation, or Et–1πt = πt–1. Start
with the Phillips curve on line 1 below and use these two facts to find the following:
π t = Et −1π t + φ (Yt − Yt ) + υt
π t = π t −1 + φ (Yt − Yt ) + υt
π t = π t + φ (Yt − Yt ) + υt .
From here, it follows that output must equal natural output since the supply
shock parameter υt equals zero. From the demand for goods and services equation on
line 1 below, it now follows that the real interest rate equals the natural rate of interest
plus a new term:
Yt = Yt − α (rt − ρ) + ε t
0 = −αrt + αρ + ε t
αrt = αρ + ε t
rt = ρ + .
Turning to the Fisher equation on line 1 below, we can show the nominal interest
rate is equal to the natural interest rate plus the current inflation rate plus a new
term. Since inflation has stabilized, expected inflation equals current inflation (Etπt+1 =
πt, and we have just demonstrated that the real interest rate is equal to the natural
rate of interest plus a new term:
Ê et ˆ
ÁË rt = r + a ˜¯ :
rt = it - Et p t +1
rt = it - p t
it = rt + p t
it = r + p t +
Moving now to the monetary policy rule equation on line 1 below, substitute in for
the nominal rate of interest from the rewritten Fisher equation above, and then note
that the fourth term on the right side will zero out since output is at the natural level:
it = π t + ρ + θ π (π t − π*t ) + θY (Yt − Yt )
ρ+ + π t = π t + ρ + θ π (π t − π*t )
= θ π π*t
π t = π*t + .
θπ α
166 Answers to Textbook Questions and Problems
Yt = Yt
rt = r +
p t = p*t +
qp a
Et p t +1 = p*t +
qp a
it = r + p*t + .
⎡ αθ π ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
⎥ (π t − π*t ) + ⎢
Yt = Yt − ⎢ ⎥ εt .
⎣(1 + αθY) ⎦ ⎣(1 + αθY) ⎦
The parameter θπ measures the central bank’s responsiveness to changes in the infla-
tion rate. When θπ is large, the central bank aggressively responds to changes in the
inflation rate. When θπ is small but still positive, the central bank has a weak response
to changes in the inflation rate, and the dynamic aggregate demand curve becomes very
steep. If θπ becomes negative, the dynamic aggregate demand curve actually has a posi-
tive slope, as can be seen in the equation above. In this case, a supply shock that shifts
the dynamic aggregate supply curve up and to the left will lead to ever-increasing infla-
tion, even if the shock is temporary. This is due to the fact that output remains above
its natural level since the central bank’s increase in nominal interest rates is not
enough to increase real interest rates. The supply shock will shift the dynamic aggre-
gate supply curve up and to the right as rising production costs increase the inflation
rate. Since nominal interest rates rise by less than the inflation rate, real interest rates
will fall and therefore output will rise. In Figure 15-6, this is shown as a movement
from point A to point B. Since output is above the natural rate, inflation will continue
to rise, and the dynamic aggregate supply curve will continue to shift up and to the left
as people adjust their expectations about inflation. This analysis reinforces the Taylor
principle as a guideline for the design of monetary policy in that the central bank wants
to maintain low and stable inflation.
Chapter 15 A Dynamic Model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 167
Figure 15-6
Y all
C DAS t+1
π t+1
πt B DAS t–1
π t–1
Income, output Y
7. Suppose that the natural rate of interest is not a constant parameter but varies over
time so that it is now written as ρt.
a. The equation for dynamic aggregate supply is not affected by this change because its
derivation does not involve the natural rate of interest. The equation for dynamic
aggregate demand is not affected by this change either because, although the variable
ρt is involved in the derivation of the dynamic aggregate demand curve, it cancels out
and does not end up as part of the final equation.
b. A shock to ρt would not cause a shift to either dynamic aggregate demand or dynamic
aggregate supply because the variable does not appear in either equation. Output and
inflation would not be affected. However, the real and nominal interest rates would
both change by the amount of the change in ρt.
c. If the natural rate of interest varied over time, it would make the setting of monetary
policy more difficult. If the central bank knows that the natural rate of interest is 4
percent, for example, and it is aiming for target inflation rate of 2 percent, then a nomi-
nal interest rate of 6 percent will be the long-run target. If, on the other hand, the nat-
ural rate of interest varies over time, then the target long-run interest rate will also
vary over time. It is more difficult to hit a moving target than a target that is standing
still. In particular, in contrast to what is implicitly assumed above, if the natural rate
of interest is always moving, the central bank might have trouble knowing the natural
rate of interest at every point in time.
8. Suppose people’s expectations of inflation are subject to random shocks so that
π t = Et −1π t + φ (Yt − Yt ) + υt
π t = π t −1 + ηt −1 + φ (Yt − Yt ) + υt .
The dynamic aggregate demand curve is derived from the demand for goods and ser-
vices equation, the Fisher equation, and the monetary policy rule equation. In this
problem, the Fisher equation will be modified to include the new expected inflation
equation. Start with the demand for goods and services equation on line 1 below, then
use the Fisher equation and monetary policy rule equation to make the necessary sub-
168 Answers to Textbook Questions and Problems
Yt = Yt − α (rt − ρ) + ε t
Yt = Yt − α (it − Et π t +1 − ρ) + ε t
Yt = Yt − α (it − (π t + ηt) − ρ) + ε t
With a few more algebraic manipulations, you end up with the following equation for
the dynamic aggregate demand curve:
b. If ηt is greater than zero for one period only, then the dynamic aggregate demand curve
will shift to the right and the dynamic aggregate supply curve will not shift. Note that
the dynamic aggregate supply curve depends on the lagged value of this shock parame-
ter so that it will be affected in period t + 1. As the dynamic aggregate demand curve
shifts to the right, output and inflation will both rise. Based on the central bank’s mon-
etary policy rule, nominal and real interest rates will both increase. Intuitively, if peo-
ple expect inflation to be higher next year, then they will increase purchases today to
take advantage of the still-lower prices.
c. In period t + 1, the dynamic aggregate demand curve will shift back to its original posi-
tion (because ηt+1 is zero), and the dynamic aggregate supply curve will shift to the left
(because ηt is positive and also because lagged inflation has increased). In comparison
to long-run equilibrium, output will be lower and inflation will be higher. The economy
is experiencing stagflation. Inflation is higher because of higher expectations of infla-
tion, and output is lower because of the higher real interest rates that resulted from
higher inflation.
d. In subsequent time periods, the dynamic aggregate supply curve will slowly shift back
to its original position as the lower level of output reduces inflation, and hence expecta-
tions of future inflation. Although the parameter ηt+1 was positive for only one time
period, the dynamic aggregate supply curve does not immediately return to its original
position because the short-run increase in inflation has caused expected inflation to rise
above its long-run value.
e. This problem shows that inflation scares are self-fulfilling. When people believe infla-
tion will rise, they act in such a way that inflation does actually rise, and the economy
goes through a period of higher inflation.
9. Use the dynamic AD–AS model to solve for inflation as a function of only lagged infla-
tion and the two shocks. Start with the dynamic aggregate supply curve and substitute
in for Yt using the dynamic aggregate demand curve equation as is done on line 1
below. Now, solve for inflation through a few algebraic manipulations:
a. A supply or demand shock will lead to an increase in current inflation. As the economy
adjusts and returns to long-run equilibrium, the inflation rate will return to its target
level. Note that the coefficient on the lagged inflation variable in the equation above is
Chapter 15 A Dynamic Model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 169
positive but less than 1. This means that inflation in time t + 1 will be less than infla-
tion in time t, and that inflation will eventually return to its target rate.
b. If the central bank does not respond to changes in output so that θY is zero, then the
economy will still return to its target inflation rate after a supply or demand shock
because the coefficient on the lagged inflation variable in the equation above is still
positive but less than 1. In this case, inflation should return more quickly to its target
rate. This is because the coefficient on lagged inflation has become smaller (the change
in the numerator is larger in comparison to the change in the denominator). The
dynamic aggregate demand curve is relatively flat when the central bank only cares
about inflation.
c. If the central bank does not respond to changes in inflation so that θπ is zero, then the
coefficient on lagged inflation in the above inflation equation equals 1. In this case, the
economy will not return to its target inflation rate after a demand or supply shock. The
demand or supply shock will increase inflation in time t. When θπ is zero, inflation in
time t + 1 is equal to inflation in time t.
d. The Taylor rule says that a one-percentage-point increase in inflation will increase the
nominal interest rate by 1 + θπ percentage points. If the central bank increases the nomi-
nal interest rate by only 0.8 percentage points for each one-percentage-point increase in
the nominal interest rate, then this means θπ is equal to –0.2. When θπ is negative, the
dynamic aggregate demand curve is upward sloping. A shock to demand or supply will
set the economy on a path of ever-increasing inflation. This path of ever-increasing infla-
tion will occur because real interest rates will continue to fall and output will remain
above the natural level. You can see this phenomenon in the above equation for infla-
tion: If θπ is negative, the coefficient on lagged inflation is greater than 1. That larger-
than-one coefficient is the mathematical manifestation of explosive inflation.