Funding Chart Book (Book 4)
Funding Chart Book (Book 4)
Funding Chart Book (Book 4)
Corporate Funding
and Listings in
Stock Exchange
CHAPTER 1- Indian Equity – Public Funding
1) Application for listing to the recognized stock exchanges and Entities Not Eligible To Make A Eligibility Requirements For FPO
choose one of the exchanges as the Designated stock exchange. FPO [Regulation 102] [Regulation 103]
Partnership Firms Spinning off of a division 2) Agreement is entered into with a depository for 1. If the issuer, any of it’s a An issuer may make a FPO if it has
In case of an issuer which had been a dematerialization of specified securities. promoter or directors, selling changed its name within the last 1 year
partnership firm or a limited liability In case of an issuer formed out of a shareholders are debarred and at least 50% of the revenue in the
division of an existing company, the 3) Promoters hold securities in dematerialized form. from accessing the capital preceding 1 full year has been earned
partnership it has to conform to following-
track record of distributable profits of market by SEBI. from the activity suggested by the new
1) Adequate disclosures are made in the 4) All existing partly paid up equity shares have either been fully name.
financial statements as per Companies Act, the division spun-off shall be considered paid up or have been forfeited.
2013. only if the requirements regarding
3. If the issuer or any of its In case of non fulfillment of the above-
financial statements as provided for 5) The issuer should make firm arrangements of finance through
promoters or directors is a the issue is made through the book-
2) The financial statements are duly certified partnership firms and LLPs are complied verifiable means towards 75% of the stated means of finance
willful defaulter building process and the issuer
by a Chartered Accountant stating that: excluding the amount to be raised through the proposed public
with. undertakes to allot at least 75% of the
i) Accounts and the disclosures are as per issue or through existing identifiable internal accruals.
4. If any of the promoters or net offer, to qualified institutional
Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013.
b) The financial statements present a true 6) The amount for general corporate purposes, as mentioned in the directors of the issuer is a buyers and to refund full subscription
a) The accounting standards of the Institute and fair view of the firm’s accounts draft offer document and the offer document shall not exceed 25% fugitive economic offender money if it fails to make the said
of Chartered Accountants of India have been of the amount being raised by the issuer. minimum allotment to qualified
followed. institutional buyers.
Issue of Warrants [Regulation 13]
Eligibility to issue warrants in IPO- 1) The issuer shall file the draft offer document with the stock exchange(s) where the specified securities are proposed to be listed, and submit to the stock exchange(s)
the details of the promoters.
. specified security may have 1 2) Prior to making an IPO/FPO, the issuer shall file three copies of the draft offer document with the concerned regional office of SEBI along with fees as specified, through
or more warrants attached to it the lead manager(s).
3) The lead manager(s) shall submit the following to SEBI along with the draft offer document:
Tenure warrants shall not exceed i. a certificate of agreement between the issuer and the lead manager(s);
18 months from allotment ii. a due diligence certificate;
iii. in case of an issue of convertible debt instruments, a due diligence certificate from the debenture trustee;
If the warrant holder does not exercise his
4) SEBI may specify changes or issue observations, on the draft offer document filed with it within a period of 30 days from the later of the following dates:
option within 3 months from date of payment i. The date of receipt of the draft offer document filed with SEBI, a copy of in-principle approval letter issued by the recognised stock exchanges or
of consideration, such consideration made in
respect of such warrants shall be forfeited. ii. The date of receipt of satisfactory reply from the lead merchant bankers, from any regulator or agency, where SEBI has sought any clarification or
Price or formula for determination of exercise price of the 5) If SEBI specifies any changes or issues observations on the draft offer document filed with it, the issuer and the lead merchant banker shall carry out such changers and
warrants shall be determined upfront and disclosed in the offer comply with the observations issued by SEBI before registering the prospectus, the red-herring prospectus or the shelf prospectus as the case may be with the Registrar of
document and at least 25% of the consideration amount based
on the exercise price shall also be received upfront. Companies or an appropriate authority, as applicable.
2) NO excess allotment, EXCEPT- in oversubscription for rounding off to make allotment, in consultation with
•Issuer and lead manager(s)- shall •Lead manager(s) shall •SEBI has made an endeavor to
the designated stock exchange. ensure that specified securities ensure that the allotment, reduce listing time to 3 working
are allotted and/or application credit of dematerialised days from the date of closure of
3) The allotment, other than to the retail individual investors and anchor investors shall be on a proportionate monies are refunded or securities, refunding or issue and accordingly mandated
basis, subject to minimum allotment being equal to the minimum application size. unblocked within time unblocking of application that the retail individual investors
prescribed by SEB. In case of monies, as may be use the Unified Payments
failure the issuer shall undertake applicable, are done Interface (UPI). However, till SEBI
4) Value of specified securities allotted, except in case of employees, in pursuance of any reservation shall not
to pay interest at the rate of 15% electronically. notifies the same, securities are
exceed 2 lakhs rupees for retail investors or up to 5 lakhs rupees for eligible employees. per annum listed in 6 working days.
5) Allotment of specified securities to each retail individual investor shall not be less than the minimum bid lot.
6) The authorised employees of the designated stock exchange,lead manager(s) and registrars to the issue to
ensure that basis of allotment is finalised in a fair and proper manner.
The lead manager(s) shall ensure that the monies received in respect of the
issue are released to the issuer. BOOK BUILT ISSUE- floor
price or price band in the
red herring prospectus
the issuer are debarred The issue price shall not be less Conditions for applicant to make payment through ASBA
from accessing the than the face value of the specified with balance money to be
holding equity shares in
securities. paid in call (part payment -
capital market by SEBI If any of the promoters or dematerialised mode
directors of the issuer is a has not renounced entitlement in part or not be less than 25% of the
promoter or director of any in full; issue price) or
other company which is The issue shall disclose the issue
debarred from accessing price in the letter of offer filed with is not a renouncee. full payment on application
Eligibility conditions the capital market by SEBI; SEBI and the stock exchanges
Particulars Listed for more than 26 weeks Listed for less than 26 weeks CONDITION LOCK-IN
Price not less than higher of the Average of the weekly high and low price at which equity shares were Promoter or promoter group and equity shares allotted pursuant to exercise of 3 years from trading approval
following: of the volume weighted average issued by the issuer in its initial options attached to warrants issued on preferential basis to promoter or
price (VWAP) of the related equity public offer or the value per share promoter group (upto 20%)
shares quoted on the recognised arrived at in a scheme of Equity shares allotted in excess of the 20% 1 year from trading approval
stock exchange during the 26 weeks compromise, arrangement and Convertible securities or warrant which are not listed on stock exchanges, 1 year from allotment
preceding the relevant date amalgamation, pursuant to which Securities allotted on preferential basis to persons other than promoter and 1 year from trading approval
OR the equity shares of the issuer were promoter group and the equity shares allotted pursuant to exercise of options
listed attached to warrants
OR convertible securities or warrants which are not listed on stock exchanges 1 year from allotment
Where the price of the equity average of the weekly high and low the average of the weekly high and equity shares issued on a preferential basis pursuant to any resolution of 1 year from trading approval
shares is determined, such price of the volume weighted average low of the volume weighted average stressed assets under a framework specified by the RBI or a resolution plan
shall be recomputed by the issuer on prices of the related equity shares prices of the related equity shares approved by the NCLT under the IBC 2016,
completion of 26 weeks from the quoted on a recognised stock quoted on a recognised stock
date of listing if such recomputed exchange during the 2 weeks exchange during the 2 weeks
price is higher than the price paid on preceding the relevant date preceding the relevant date
1) Lock-in of the equity shares allotted pursuant to conversion of convertible securities other than warrants,
issued on preferential basis shall be reduced to the extent the convertible securities have already been locked-
allotment, the difference shall be OR
paid by the allottees to the issuer.
2) If the amount payable by the allottee, in case of re-calculation of price is not paid till the expiry of lock-in
period, the equity shares shall continue to be locked-in till such amount is paid by the allottee.
Preferential issue to QIBs, not average of the weekly high and low
exceeding 5 in number. Price - not of the volume weighted average 3) The entire pre-preferential allotment shareholding of the allottees, if any, shall be locked-in from the
less than the average of the weekly prices of the related equity shares relevant date up to a period of six months from the date of trading approval.
high and low of the volume quoted on the recognised stock 4) However, in case of convertible securities or warrants which are not listed on stock exchanges, the entire
weighted average prices of the exchange during the period shares
pre-preferential allotment shareholding of the allottees, if any, shall be locked-in from the relevant date up to
related equity shares quoted on a have been listed preceding the
recognised stock exchange during relevant date a period of six months from the date of allotment of such securities.
the 2 weeks preceding the relevant
“Qualified Institutions Placement’ means allotment of eligible securities by a listed issuer to qualified institutional buyers (QIB’s) on private placement basis and includes an
QUALIFIED offer for sale of specified securities by the promoters and/or promoters group on a private placement basis in terms of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018.
*Eligible Securities include equity shares, non-convertible debt instruments along with warrants and convertible securities other than warrants.
1. A listed issuer may make a qualified institutions placement of eligible securities if it satisfies the following conditions:
Conditions for offer for sale (OFS) by promoters- Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules,
1957 b) Equity shares of the same class – It shall mean equity shares which rank pari-passu in relation to rights as to dividend, voting
or otherwise
Promoters and members of the promoter group Equity shares of the same class
Condition An OFS of fully paid up equity shares
1 Through a QIP Proposed to be allotted through QIP Pursuant to conversion or exchange of
For achieving minimum public shareholding eligible securities offered through QIP
Have been listed on a stock exchange for a period of at least one year prior to the date
of issuance of notice to its shareholders for convening the meeting to pass the special
1. Shall not make OFS if it has purchased or sold any equity (i)
shares of the issuer during twelve weeks period prior to the
date of the opening of the issue; and
2. They shall not purchase or sell any equity shares of the Issuer Transferee Company
issuer during the twelve weeks period after the date of
Scheme of compromise, arrangement Approved by a tribunal or the Central
closure of the issue. and amalgamation sanctioned by a Government under sections 230 to
High Court under sections 391-394 of 234 of the Companies Act, 2013
the Companies Act, 1956
Maximum number •Each sponsor shall hold or propose to hold minimum 5% of units of REITs.
of sponsors that •Collectively to hold minimum of 25% of the units of the REIT for a period of not
REITs can have & less than 3 years from the date of listing.
Unit holding •Sponsor(s) and sponsor group(s)] together hold not less than fifteen per cent of
obligation the outstanding units of the listed REIT at all times.
•Under both the initial offer and follow-on offer, rights issue, QIP, minimum subscription size for units of
• Full valuation on a yearly basis and updating the same on a half Minimum REIT shall be Rs.50,000.
Valuation of Subscription •The units offered to the public in initial offer shall not be less than 25% of the number of units of the REIT
yearly basis and declare NAV within 15 days from the date of
assets on post-issue basis.
such valuation/updation. and unit size
•Trading lot shall be 100Units
•The aggregate consolidated borrowings and deferred payments of the REIT shall never exceed 49% of the
• Atleast 90% of the net distributable income after tax of the and value of the REIT assets
Distribution of REIT/Holdcoshall be distributed as dividend to the unit holders Deferred
Income atleast on half yearly basis and shall be made not later than •If borrowings/deferred payments exceed 25%,approval from unit holders and credit rating shall be required
fifteen days
“Special purpose vehicle” or “SPV” means “Sponsor” means any person(s) who set(s) up the REIT and designated as such at the
any company or LLP : time of application made to SEBI.
i. in which either the REIT or the
holdco holds or proposes to hold
“Sponsor group” – includes:
not less than fifty per cent of the
equity share capital or interest; (i) the sponsor(s);
“Real Estate” or “Property” means “Related Party” shall be defined
ii. which holds not less than eighty (ii) in case the sponsor is a body corporate:
land and any permanently attached under the Companies Act, 2013
per cent of its assets directly in a. entities or person(s) which are controlled by such body corporate;
improvements to it or under the applicable
properties and does not invest in
whether leasehold or freehold and accounting standards and shall
other special purpose vehicles; b. entities or person(s) who control such body corporate;
includes buildings, sheds, garages, also include:
and c. entities or person(s) which are controlled by person(s) as referred at clause
fences, fittings, fixtures, warehouses, i. parties to the REIT; b.
iii. which is not engaged in any
car parks, etc. and any other assets ii. promoters; activity other than holding and (iii) in case sponsor is an individual:
incidental to the ownership of real developing property and any
iii. directors; and a. an immediate relative of such individual (i.e., any spouse of that person, or any
estate other activity incidental to such
(iv) partners of the persons in parent, brother, sister or child of the person or of the spouse); and
but does not include mortgage holding or development
clause (i). b. entities or person(s) which are controlled by such individual
Issue And Allotment Of Units
A REIT shall make an initial offer of its units by way of public issue only. shall be not less than 25% of the total of the outstanding units of
the REIT and the units being offered by way of the offer document,
if the post issue capital of the REIT calculated at offer price is less
than Rs. 1,600 crores
value of the REIT
minimum number
assets owned by shall be of the value of at least Rs 400 crore, if the post issue
of unit holders
the REIT is not capital of the REIT calculated at offer price is equal to or more
shall be not less
“Transferable development rights” or “TDR” less than Rs.500 than Rs. 1600 crore and less than Rs. 4000 crore
than two hundred
shall mean development rights issued by the
competent authority under relevant laws in shall be not less than 10% of the total of the outstanding units
lieu of the area relinquished or surrendered REIT is registered of the REIT and the units being offered by way of the offer
the offer size is document, if the post issue capital of the REIT calculated at
by the owner or developer or by way of with SEBI under
not less than Rs.
the REIT
250 crores
offer price is equal to or more than Rs. 4000 crore
declared incentives by the Government or Regulations No initial
offer, any listed REIT which has public holding below 25%, such REIT shall
unless increase its public holding to at least 25%, within a period of three
years from the date of listing pursuant to initial offer
If such units have been held by the Subject to other circulars or guidelines
existing unit holders for a period of at as may be specified by SEBI in this If the REIT fails to make its initial offer within three years
least one year prior to the filing of draft regard.
offer document with SEBI. from the date of registration with SEBI, it shall surrender
its certificate of registration to SEBI and cease to operate as a REIT.
SEBI if it deems fit, may extend the period by another one year.
Further, the REIT may later re-apply for registration, if it so desires
Units may be
offered for sale SEBI may specify by issue of guidelines or circulars any other
to public requirements, as it deems fit, pertaining to issue and allotment of units
by a REIT.
After the initial offer it shall be mandatory for all units of REITs to be listed CONDITIONS OF DELISITNG
on a recognized stock exchange having nationwide trading terminals within of twelve
working days from the date of closure of the offer. Public holding falls below the specified limit as prescribed under REIT
The listing of the units of the REIT shall be in accordance with the listing agreement . Regulations.
• If there are no projects or assets remaining under the REIT for a period exceeding
six months and REIT does not propose to invest in any project in future. The
In case of non-receipt of listing permission from the stock exchange(s) or period may be extended by further six months, with the approval of unit holders
withdrawal of Observation Letter issued by SEBI the units shall not be eligible for in the manner as specified in REIT Regulations.
listing and the REIT shall be liable to refund the subscription monies, if any, to the
respective allottees immediately along with interest at the rate of 15% per annum SEBI or the designated stock exchanges require such delisting for violation of
from the date of allotment. the listing agreement or these regulations or the Act
• The sponsor(s) or trustee requests such delisting and such request has been
The units of the REIT listed in recognized stock exchanges shall be traded, approved by unit holders in accordance with the REIT Regulations.
cleared and settled in accordance with the bye-laws of concerned stock exchanges
and such conditions as may be specified by SEBI. The unit holders may also apply for such delisting in accordance with the
The units of REIT shall remain listed on the designated stock exchange unless delisted provisions as prescribed for rights and meeting if unit holders.
under REIT Regulations.
SEBI or the designated stock exchanges require such delisting for violation of
Trading lot for the purpose of trading of units of the REIT shall be 100 units. the listing agreement, these regulations or the Act or in the interest of the unit
The REIT shall redeem units only by way of a buy-back or at the time of delisting of holders.
The minimum public holding for the units of the listed REIT shall as discussed
under Issue and Allotment of Units of this lesson, failing which action may be taken as •SEBI and the designated stock exchanges may consider such application for
may be specified by SEBI and by the designated stock exchange including delisting of APPLICATION approval or rejection as may be appropriate in the interest of the unit
units under REIT Regulations.
However, in case of breach of the conditions specified here, the trustee •SEBI, instead of requiring delisting of units, if it deems fit, may provide
may provide a period of six months to the manager to rectify the same, failing which OF TIME
additional time to the REIT or parties to the REIT to comply with REIT
the manager shall apply for delisting of units.
•SEBI may reject the application for delisting and take any other action, as it
SEBI and the designated stock exchanges may specify any other requirements DISCRETION
deems fit under REIT Regulations or the Act for violation of the listing
agreement or REIT Regulations or the Act.
pertaining to listing and trading of units of the REIT by issuance of guidelines or
•SEBI may require the REIT to wind up and sell its assets in order to redeem
WINDING UP units of the unit holders for the purpose of delisting of units and SEBI may
AND through circulars or guidelines specify the manner of such winding up or
DELISTING PROCEDURE 1. DISCLOSURE AS PER The manager shall ensure that the disclosures in the offer
SCHEDULE I document are in accordance with Scheldule II of the REIT
• The procedure for delisting of • After delisting of • However, the REIT and Regulations and any circulars or guidelines issued by SEBI in this
units of REIT including provision its units, the REIT parties to the REIT shall regard.
of exit option to the unit shall surrender its continue to be liable for
holders shall be in accordance certificate of all their acts of omissions 2.ANNUAL REPORT The manager shall submit an annual report to all unit holders of the
with the listing agreement and registration to and commissions with REIT with respect to activities of the REIT, within three months from the
in accordance with procedure SEBI and shall no respect to activities of the end of the financial year
as may be specified by SEBI and longer undertake REIT notwithstanding such 3. HALF YEARLY REPORT The manager shall submit a half-yearly report to all unit holders of
by the designated stock activity of a REIT. surrender. the REIT with respect to activities of the REIT within forty five
exchanges from time to time. days from the end of the half year ending on September 30th.
4. DISCLOSURES IN REPORTS Such annual and half yearly reports shall contain disclosures as
specified under Schedule IV of the REIT Regulations.
1. an infrastructure finance company registered with RBI as a Who invest either jointly or Details of any credit rating obtained by the REIT and any
NBFC severally not less than 5 % of change in such rating;
the total offer size of the InvIT Any issue which requires approval of the unit holders;
2. a Scheduled Commercial Bank;
or such amount as may be
3. an international multilateral financial institution; specified by SEBI with Any legal proceedings which may have significant bearing
applicable provisions of the
on the functioning of the REIT;
4. a systemically important NBFC with RBI;
FEMA Act, 1999 and the rules Notices and results of meetings of unit holders;
5. a foreign portfolio investors
or regulations thereunder. Any instance of non-compliance with the REIT Regulations
including any breach of limits specified under these
Participation by the ‘strategic investors’ in the public issue of the REITs The manager shall disclose to the designated stock exchanges,
unit holders and SEBI such information and in the manner as
Holding Issue price of the units and Lock-in period
may be specified by SEBI
requirements utilisation of funds
Holding by strategic investors – The price at which units are offered The units subscribed by strategic 6. INFORMATION TO The manager shall submit such information to the designated
Minimum 5%, maximum 25%. to the strategic investors must not investors, pursuant to the unit UNITHOLDERS stock exchanges and unit holders on a periodical basis as may
Holding by public, other than be less than the price determined in subscription agreement, will be
strategic investors and sponsors – the public issue. locked-in for a period of 180 days be required under the listing agreement.
Minimum 25% It must be ensured that the from the date of listing in the public
Holding by sponsor – Minimum 5%, subscription amount is kept in the issue.
maximum 70% separate account until the public
issue is opened.
CHAPTER 3- Infrastructure Investment Trusts 16
1. Sponsor has to hold a minimum 15 per cent of the InvIT units with a lock-in period of three
“Eligible Infrastructure Project”
2. InvITs have to distribute 90 per cent of their net cash flows to investors. means an infrastructure project
3. The trust is required to invest a minimum of 80 per cent in revenue generating infra assets. which, prior to the date of its
acquisition by, or transfer to, the
4. Dividends from the trust will be distributed to the investor depending on its cash flow InvIT,
5. There is no dividend distribution tax on InvIT units.
• Setup InvIT and appoint the trustee • Hold InvIT’s assets in the name of InvIT for • Undertake operations and management of • Make investment decisions in relation
• Hold minimum required percentage the benefit of unit holders InvIT assets to underlying assets
of total units of InvIT • Ensure investment manager makes timely • For under construction projects, ensure • Ensure assets have proper legal title
payment of dividend to unit holders progress of developments, approval status and contracts entered are legal, valid
and such other aspects and binding
Offer Of Units And Listing Of Units 18
File the final placement
Offer price Minimum offer and allotment memorandum with SEBI
Through a placement within ten working days
No initial offer of units by an InvIT shall be to public
memorandum from the date of listing .
made unless-
Post issue capital of the Offer price is less than Rs 1600 crore 25% of the total outstanding
1. The InvIT is registered with SEBI; InvIT units of the InvIT file a placement
From institutional memorandum with SEBI
2. The value of InvIT assets is not less than Post issue capital of the Offer price is equal to or more than Rs Of the value of atleast Rs 400 investors and body with fee atleast 5 days
rupees five hundred crore. InvIT 1600 crore and less than rupees four crore corporate only, whether prior to opening of the
thousand crore Indian or foreign issue
3. The offer size is not less than rupees two
hundred fifty crore. Post issue capital of the Offer price is equal to or more than Rs 10% of the total outstanding
InvIT 4000 crore. units of the InviT minimum investment of Min-5, Max- 1000
rupees one crore investors
Invit may open the IPO or follow-on The amount for general
Designated stock exchanges and SEBI
offer or right issue within one year purposesshall not exceed ten per
By way of initial public offer not less than five working days
from the date of issuance of cent of the amount raised by the invit
before opening of the offer
observations by SEBI. by issuance of units.
SEBI may communicate its comments In case of over-subscriptions, the Invit shall allot units or refund
The draft offer document filed with
to the lead merchant banker so draft invit shall allot units to the applicants application money, as the case may
SEBI shall be made public, for
offer documentcan be modified on A proportionate basis rounded off be, within twelve working days from
comments for 21 days minimum.
accordingly. to the nearest integer the date of closing of the issue
Compulsorily convertible securities, whose
In case of oversubscription- holding period has been included offer for sale, InvIT fails to make any offer of its units,
fails to collect subscription of shall be converted to equity shares of the hold
money shall be refunded to
atleast 90 % of the fresh issue whether by way of public issue or private
applicants to the extent of the or SPV, prior to filing of offer document
size placement, within three years from the date
of registration with SEBI, it shall surrender
If such units have been held by Subject to other guidelines its certificate of registration to SEBI and
all applicants to the initial the sellers for a period of at least as may be specified by SEBI
public offer forming part of one year prior to the filing of in this regard cease to operate as an InvIT.
the public is less than 20 draft offer document with SEBI.
However, SEBI, if it deems fit, may extend
the period by another one year.
Units may be offered for Further that the InvIT may later re-apply for
sale to public registration, if it so desires.
InvIT shall refund money
2. Placement Document-
The preferential issue of units by an InvIT shall be done on the No allotment shall be
basis of a placement document, which shall contain disclosures as made, either directly or
specified in the InvIT Regulations. indirectly, to any party to
The applicants in the InvIT or their related
preferential issue parties except to the
3. Format of placement document- shall not withdraw sponsor only to the extent
The placement document shall be serially numbered and copies shall their bids after the that is required to ensure
be circulated only to select investors subject to compliance with above closure of the issue. compliance with
mentioned clause. regulation 12 (3) of the
InvIT Regulations.
• The listing of the units shall be in accordance with the listing agreement entered into between the InvIT and the
designated stock exchanges.
• In the event of non-receipt of listing permission from the stock exchange(s) or withdrawal of Observation Letter issued by
1. The preferential issue shall be made at a price not less than the
PERMISSION SEBI the units shall not be eligible for listing and the InvIT shall be liable to refund the subscription monies, to the
average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the respective allottees immediately alongwith interest at the rate of fifteen per cent per annum
units quoted on the stock exchange during the two weeks
preceding the relevant date.
2. The InvIT shall not allot partly paid-up units.
• The units of the InvIT listed in the designated stock exchanges shall be traded, cleared and settled in accordance with the
3. The prices determined for preferential issue shall be subject to TRADING bye-laws of designated stock exchanges and such conditions as may be specified by SEBI.
appropriate adjustments, if the InvIT: • The units shall remain listed on the designated Stock Exchanges unless delisted under the SEBI InvIT Regulations.
a) makes a rights issue of units;
b) is involved in such other similar events or circumstances, which
in the opinion of the concerned stock exchange, requires
HOLDING • Any person other than the sponsor(s) holding units of the InvIT prior to initial offer shall hold the units for a period of not
AND less than one year from the date of listing of the units.
REDEMPTION • The InvIT shall redeem units only by way of a buyback or at the time of delisting of units.
1. The minimum public holding for the units of the InvIT after listing shall be in accordance with the provisions
The investment manager shall apply for delisting of units of the InvIT to SEBI and the designated stock
of Issue and listing of units, failing which action may be taken as may be specified by SEBI and by the
designated stock exchanges including delisting of units under these regulations. exchanges if
In case of PPP projects, such delisting shall be subject to relevant clauses in the concession agreement. • The procedure for delisting of units of InvIT including provision of
exit option to the unit holders shall be in accordance with the listing
• SEBI and the designated stock Exchanges may consider such application DELISTING agreement and in accordance with procedure as may be specified
PROCEDURE by SEBI and by the designated stock exchanges from time to time
INTEREST OF for delisting for approval or rejection as may be appropriate in the
THE UNIT interest of the unit holders
• After delisting of its units, the InvIT shall surrender its certificate of
• SEBI may, instead of delisting of the units, if it deems fit, provide registration to SEBI and shall no longer undertake activity of an
additional time to the InvIT or parties to the InvIT to comply with above SURRENDER InvIT.
TIME mentioned conditions.
• SEBI may reject the application for delisting and take any other action, • The InvIT and parties to the InvIT shall continue to be liable for all
as it deems fit, under the SEBI InvIT Regulations or the Act for violation their acts of omissions and commissions with respect to activities of
APPLICATION of the listing agreement or these regulations or the Act. LIABILITY AFTER the InvIT notwithstanding surrender of registration to SEBI.
CHAPTER 4- Indian Equity – Private Funding
ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT FUND Invests primarily in debt or Employs diverse or complex Invests primarily in unlisted
debt securities of listed or trading strategies and invests securities or partnership interest or
Alternative Investment Fund means any fund established or incorporated in India unlisted investee companies and trades in securities having listed debt or securitized debt
in the form of a trust or a company or a limited liability partnership according to the stated diverse risks or complex instruments of investee companies
or a body corporate which,- objectives of the Fund. products including listed and or special purpose vehicles engaged
unlisted derivatives. in or formed for the purpose of
operating, developing or holding
i. is a privately pooled investment vehicle which collects funds
infrastructure projects.
from investors, whether Indian or foreign, for investing it in
accordance with a defined investment policy for the benefit of its investors; and Infrastructure shall be as defined by
ii. is not covered under the SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996, SEBI (Collective Investment Schemes) the Government of India from time
Regulations, 1999 or any other regulations of the SEBI to regulate fund management activities. to time.
Provided that the following shall not be considered as Alternative Investment Fund for the purpose of these
regulations Private Equity Fund SME Fund Social Venture Fund
other special purpose vehicles not established by fund Investee company- means Manager- means
managers, including securitization trusts, regulated under a • any company,
Any person or entity who is appointed by the
specific regulatory framework • special purpose vehicle or
Alternative Investment Fund to manage its
funds managed by securitisation company or reconstruction • limited liability partnership or
• body corporate or investments by whatever name called and may
company which is registered with the Reserve Bank of India
under Section 3 of SARFAESI Act, 2002 • real estate investment trust or also be same as the sponsor of the Fund.
• Infrastructure investment trust in which
any such pool of funds which is directly regulated by any other an Alternative Investment Fund makes
regulator in India.
an investment.
Investible funds- Small and Medium Enterprise - Sponsor- Unit-
Investible funds means corpus of the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) and Sponsor means any person or persons who set Unit means beneficial interest of the investors
Alternative Investment Fund net of shall have the same meaning as assigned to up the Alternative Investment Fund and in the Alternative Investment Fund or a
estimated expenditure for administration it under the Micro, Small and Medium includes promoter in case of a company and scheme of the Alternative Investment Fund
and management of the fund. Enterprises Development Act, 2006 as designated partner in case of a limited liability and shall include shares or partnership
amended from time to time. partnership interests.
Categories of AIF
Category I Alternative Investment Fund Category II Alternative Investment Fund Category III Alternative Investment Fund
Start-up or early stage ventures or They are generally perceived to have a Those which do not fall Alternative Investment Employs diverse or Alternative Investment Funds such
social ventures or SMEs or positive spillover effect on the economy in Category I and III and Funds such as private complex trading as hedge funds or funds which
infrastructure or other sectors or areas and for which SEBI or Government of which does not equity funds or debt strategies and may trade with a view to make short
which the government or regulators India or other regulators in India might undertake leverage or funds for which no employ leverage term returns or such other funds
consider as socially or economically consider providing incentives or borrowing other than to specific incentives or including through which are open ended and for
desirable and shall include venture concessions shall be included and such meet day-to-day concessions are given investment in listed or which no specific incentives or
capital funds, SME Funds, social funds which are formed as trusts or operational by the government or unlisted derivatives. concessions are given by the
venture funds, infrastructure funds and companies shall be construed as Venture requirements and as any other Regulator government or any other Regulator
such other Alternative Investment Capital Company or venture capital fund. permitted in the AIF shall be included shall be included in this category.
Funds as may be specified. Regulations. under this category.
All AIFs must state its
Corpus of minimum 20 crore rupees 26
✓ investment strategy Minimum investment value investment 1 crore rupees Minimum investment value for employees and directors 25 lakh rupees.
✓ investment purpose
✓ investment methodology.
Alteration in the fund strategy made only with the Continuing interest in Category I and Category IIAIFs
consent of atleast 2/3 of the unit holders by value not less than 2.5% of the corpus or Rs 5 crore, whichever is lower such interest shall not be through the waiver of management fees
of their investment in the AIF.
Continuing interst in CategoryIII AIF
SCHEMES not less than 5% of the corpus or Rs 10 crore, whichever is lower. Disclosure of managers interest to other investors.
1. The AIF shall be file placement memorandum with SEBI atleast
30 days prior to the launch of the scheme along with the
prescribed fees. No scheme of the Alternative Investment Fund shall have more than 1000 investors.
1/3rd Investible funds • subscription to initial public offer of a venture capital undertaking
Category II • No minimum tenure prescribed
• debt or debt instrument in which the fund has already made an investment
• Open-ended or close ended fund.
by way of equity or contribution towards partnership interest;
• The tenure may be extended for a further period of • preferential allotment, including QIP, of equity shares or equity linked instruments
2 years only in case of close-ended fund subject to of a listed company ,lock in period of one year
approval of 2/3rd of the unit holders by value of • the equity shares or equity linked instruments of a financially weak company or a
their investment sick industrial company whose shares are listed
• special purpose vehicles which are created by the fund for the purpose of facilitating
or promoting investment
In the absence of consent of unit holders, the Alternative Investment Fund shall fully Subscription agreement Such funds may enter into an agreement with merchant banker-
liquidate within one year following expiration of the fund tenure or extended. • to subscribe to the unsubscribed portion of the issue or
• to receive or deliver securities in the process of market making of the AIF or
• sale of securities pursuant to such subscription or market making.
Criteria INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS Exemption Such funds shall be exempt from regulation 3 and 3A of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider
Trading) Regulations, 1992 in respect of investment in companies listed on SME
75% funds to • Unlisted securities or units or Exchange or SME segment of an exchange pursuant to due diligence of such
be invested in • partnership interest of venture capital undertaking or companies subject to the following conditions:
• investee companies or • the fund shall disclose due-diligence relating to any acquisition or dealing,
• special purpose vehicles, which are engaged in or formed for the purpose of operating, within 2 working days, to the stock exchanges where the investee company is
developing or holding infrastructure projects listed;
Other • securitized debt instruments or
• such investment shall be locked in for a period of one year.
investment • listed debt securities of investee companies
Criteria SME FUND
EXEMPTION- regulation 3 and 3A of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider
75% funds to be • Unlisted securities or Investment in investee companies or venture capital Trading) Regulations, 1992 in respect of investment in companies
invested in • partnership interest of venture capital undertaking or in special purpose vehicles or in listed on SME Exchange pursuant to due diligence of such companies .
undertakings or investee companies which are limited liability partnerships or in units of other
Alternative Investment Funds as specified in the AIF
SMEs or in companies listed or proposed to be
listed on SME exchange or SME segment of an Fund shall disclose due-diligence relating to any acquisition or
exchange Fund of Category I Alternative Investment Funds may dealing, within 2 working days
invest in units of Category I Alternative Investment
Subscription such funds may enter into an agreement with merchant Funds of same sub-category.
agreement banker to subscribe to the unsubscribed portion of the such investment shall be locked in for a period of one year from
However, they shall only invest in such units and shall
the date of investment.
issue not invest in units of other Fund of Funds
Social venture Such funds may give grants to social ventures pursuant to Regulation- through issuance of
appropriate disclosure in the placement memorandum. directions regarding areas such as
operational standards, conduct of
Category II Alternative Investment Funds may enter into an business rules, prudential
agreement with merchant banker to subscribe to the requirements, restrictions on
Acceptance of Such funds may accept muted returns for their investors
unsubscribed portion of the issue or to receive or deliver redemption and conflict of interest as
returns i.e. they may accept returns on their investments which securities in the process of market making under SEBI (Issue of
may be lower than prevailing returns for similar may be specified by SEBI.
Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018
2) Limit on Investment shall not be less than Rs 25 lakh and shall not exceed Rs 10 crores .
•Alternative Investment Fund registered under SEBI investment
AIF Regulations
FUND •Venture Capital Fund registered under the SEBI 3) Lock-in Investment shall be locked-in for a period of 1 year
(Venture Capital Funds) Regulations, 1996.
“seed” is the capital needed to start / expand your business. It often comes from the
company founders’ personal assets, from friends and family or other investors. The
amount of money is usually relatively small because the business is still in the idea or
1. any company which is promoted i. any company which is a subsidiary conceptual stage
by such an individual or his or a holding company of the investor;
relative; or or
2. ii. any company where the This type of funding is often obtained in exchange for an equity stake in the
ii. any company which is part of the enterprise, although with less formal contractual overhead than standard equity
individual or his relative is a
same group or under the same financing.
director; or
management of the investor; or
3. iii. any company where the
person or his relative has control, iii. any company where the body
or shares or voting rights which corporate or its directors/partners Lenders often view seed capital as a risky investment by the promoters of a new
venture, which represents a meaningful and tangible commitment on their part to
entitle them to 15% or more of have control, or shares or voting making the business a success.
the shares or voting rights in the rights which entitle them to 15% or
company. more of the shares or voting rights in
the company
This would be a type of Venture Capital Funding and hence covered under the
provisions of Angel Funding in the AIF Regulations.
•That type of equity (finance) and one of the asset Leveraged Buyout (LBO)
Growth Capital
classes that are not publicly traded on a stock
exchange. This refers to a strategy of making
TRADING •Private equity funds usually invest in more illiquid equity investments as part of a transaction
This refers to equity investments, mostly
assets, i.e. companies . This leads to very high returns minority investments, in the companies
in which a company, business unit or
on investments. that are looking for capital to expand or
business assets is acquired from the current shareholders typically with the
restructure operations, enter new
use of financial leverage.
markets or finance a major acquisition
•Private equity transactions have extensive use of The companies involved in these type of transactions that are typically more
debt in the form of high-yield bonds. without a change of control of the
DEBT mature and generate operating cash flows.
•By using debt to finance acquisitions, private equity
FEATURE firms can substantially increase their financial
returns Venture Capital
It is a broad sub-category of private equity
•Capital is raised from retail and institutional that refers to equity investments made, typically
investors, and can be used to fund new technologies,
CAPITAL expand working capital within an owned company,
in less mature companies, for the launch, early
AND make acquisitions, or to strengthen a balance sheet development, or expansion of a business
INVESTORS •The major of private equity consists of institutional
investors and accredited investors who can commit
large sums of money for long periods of time.
1) If Authorized by Articles of Association the company may capitalize its PROVISIONS OF COMPANIES ACT, 2013- No issue of bonus shares shall be ADVANTAGES OF ISSUE OF BONUS SHARES
profits by issuing fully-paid bonus shares made by capitalising reserves created by the revaluation of assets.
2) They are given free and rights vest in the holder when the shares are Securities Market value of the
Fund flow is
Market value of the
actually allotted. premium Company’s shares Company’s shares
account comes down to their comes down to their
capital affected
3) Issue of bonus shares bridges the gap between capital and fixed assets. Such redemption nominal value by issue
Free reserves nominal value by issue adversely.
an issue would not place any fresh funds in the hands of the company. reserve of bonus shares.
of bonus shares
4) Shareholders get increased return on investment and increased number of
shares in their hands.
section 63(1)- company may Bonus shares are Paid-up share capital
issue fully paid-up bonus not an income. increases with the
CONDITIONS FOR ISSUE- shares to its members, in any
manner whatsoever, out of Hence it is not a issue of bonus
taxable income shares.
Unless authrised by its articles no company shall capitalize its
profits by issuing fully-paid bonus shares
It has been authorized by the shareholders in a general meeting of SEBI (ICDR) REGULATIONS, 2018
the company, on the recommendation of the Board of Directors
Eligibility Rights of PCD/FCD holders
1) Section 2 (88) of the Companies Act, 2013 PROVISION OF COMPANIES ACT, 2013- Conditions for issue of sweat equity shares under section 54
defines “sweat equity shares” means such equity
shares as are issued by a company to its directors or
employees at a discount or for consideration, other
than cash, for providing their know-how or making Resolution Contents Listing Sweat Equity is NOT preferential
available rights in the nature of intellectual issue
property rights or value additions, by whatever •The issue is authorized by a •The resolution specifies the •If shares of the company are •Regulation 2(1)(z) of SEBI (ICDR)
special resolution number of shares, current listed, the issue should be in Regulations, 2009 excludes sweat equity
name called. shares from meaning of preferential issue.
market price, and accordance with SEBI
regulations. •Rule 8 (13) of The Companies (Share
consideration if any and Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014,
the class or classes of •If they are not listed, issue clearly excludes issue of sweat equity
directors or employees should be in accordance to shares from the definition of preferential
RULE 8 of Companies (Share offer.
Capital and Debenture)
Rules, 2014.
• at discount or for consideration other than SEBI (ISSUE OF SWEAT EQUITY SHARES) REGULATIONS, 2002
• to selected employees and directors of
• As per norms decided by the BOD.
The price of sweat equity shares shall not be less than the higher of the following:
• For the value addition given in form of
intellectual property or know how. Listed companies NOT APPLICABLE TO an
1. The average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the related equity shares
which are issuing unlisted company. Unlisted
• during last 6 months preceding the relevant date; or
sweat equity company coming out with • shares during the 2 weeks preceding the relevant date.
shares are initial public offering and 2. If the shares are listed on more than one stock exchange, but price is Quoted-
required to seeking listing of its • only on one stock exchange on given date, then the price on the stock exchange shall be considered.
comply with SEBI securities on the stock • on more than one stock exchange, then the stock exchange where there is highest trading volume
(Issue of Sweat exchange, pursuant to issue during that date shall be considered.
Placing of Auditor’s Equity) of sweat equity shares, 3. If the shares are not quoted on the given date, then the share price on the next trading day shall be
Certificate before Annual General Meeting Regulations, shall comply with the SEBI considered
2002. (ICDR) Regulations, 2018.
• By the BOD
• Before the shareholders
• That the issue of sweat equity shares is in ACCOUNTING TREATMENT Ceiling on Managerial Remuneration
accordance with the Regulations and resolution
Shares are issued for non cash consideration
passed by the company authorizing the issue of
such Sweat Equity Shares. 1) Where the non-cash consideration The amount of Sweat Equity shares
issued shall be treated as part of
Depreciable or amortizable asset managerial remuneration for the
purpose of sections 197 if-
It shall be carried to the balance sheet of the company in accordance
They are issued for non-
with the relevant accounting standards cash consideration, which
The Sweat Equity shares shall be
does not take the form of an Sweat Equity shares are
locked in for a period of three years from the date of 2) Where the above clause is not applicable, it shall be expensed as per asset which can be carried issued to any director or
allotment. the relevant accounting standards to the balance sheet of the manager
Procedure For The Issuance Of Sweat Equity Shares Employee Stock Option 32
It should be noted that the company cannot issue sweat equity shares for more than
• 15% of the existing paid up share capital in a year or
• shares of the issue value of Rs 5 crores, SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014
Whichever is higher
Provided that the issuance of sweat equity shares in the Company shall not exceed 25% of the paid
up equity capital of the Company at any time.
However if the company is a startup Company, it may issue sweat equity shares not exceeding fifty
percent of its paid up capital up to five years from the date of its incorporation or registration.
Employee Stock Employee Stock Stock Appreciation
Option Schemes Purchase Schemes Rights Schemes
1 Employee Stock Option Schemes- means a scheme under Pricing The company will have the freedom to determine the exercise price subject to conforming to the accounting policies as specified in these
which a company grants employee stock option directly or regulation.
through a trust Vesting Period There shall be a minimum vesting period of one year in case of ESOS. However, in case where options are granted by a company under an
ESOS in lieu of options held by a person under an ESOS in another company which has merged or amalgamated with that company, the
period during which the options granted by the transfer or company were held by him shall be adjusted against the minimum vesting period
required under this sub-regulation.
The company may specify the lock-in period for the shares issued pursuant to exercise of option.
Rights of the The employee shall not have right to receive any dividend or to vote or in any manner enjoy the benefits of a shareholder till the shares are
option holder issued on exercise of option.
Consequence of The amount payable by the employee, if any, at the time of grant of option, -
failure to exercise i. May be forfeited by the company if the option is not exercised by the employee within the exercise period; or
ii. May be refunded to the employee if the options are not vested due to non-fulfilment of conditions relating to vesting of option as
per the ESOS.
2 Employee Stock Purchase Scheme- means a scheme under Pricing and Lock- i. The company may determine the price of shares to be issued under an ESPS, provided they conform to the provisions of accounting
which a company offers shares to employees, as part of In policies under these regulation. Shares issued under an ESPS shall be locked-in for a minimum period of 1 year from the date of
public issue or otherwise, or through a trust where the trust allotment.
may undertake secondary acquisition for the purposes of
the scheme. ii. However, in case where shares are allotted by a company under an ESPS in lieu of shares acquired by the same person under an ESPS
in another company which has merged or amalgamated with the first mentioned company, the lock-in period already undergone in
respect of shares of the transferor company shall be adjusted against the lock-in period required under this sub-regulation.
iii. If ESPS is part of a public issue and the shares are issued to employees at the same price as in the public issue, the shares issued to
employees pursuant to ESPS shall not be subject to lock-in.
3 Stock Appreciation Rights- means a scheme under which a Implementation The SAR scheme shall contain the details of the manner in which the scheme will be implemented and operated. The company shall have
company grants SAR to employees. the freedom to implement cash settled or equity settled SAR scheme. However, in case of equity settled SAR scheme, if the settlement
results in fractional shares, then the consideration for fractional shares should be settled in cash.
Vesting There shall be a minimum vesting period of 1 year in case of SAR scheme. However, in a case where SAR is granted by a company under a
SAR scheme in lieu of SAR held by the same person under a SAR scheme in another company which has merged or amalgamated with the
first mentioned company, the period during which the SAR granted by the transferor company were held by the employee shall be adjusted
against the minimum vesting period required under this sub-regulation
Rights of the SAR The employee shall not have right to receive dividend or to vote or in any manner enjoy the benefits of a shareholder in respect of SAR
Holder granted to him.
4 General Employee Benefit Schemes- means any scheme of Implementation General Employee Benefit Schemes (GEBS) contain the details of the scheme and the manner in which the scheme shall be implemented and
a company framed in accordance with these regulations, operated. At no point in time, the shares of the company or shares of its listed holding company shall exceed 10% of the book value or
dealing in shares of the company or the shares of its listed market value or fair value of the total assets of the scheme, whichever is lower, as appearing in its latest balance sheet for the purposes of
holding company, for the purpose of employee welfare GEBS.
including healthcare benefits, hospital care or benefits, or
benefits in the event of sickness, accident, disability, death
or scholarship funds, or such other benefit as specified by
such company.
5 Retirement Benefit Scheme- a scheme dealing in shares of Implementation Retirement Benefit Scheme (RBS) may be implemented by a company provided it is incompliance with these regulations, and provisions of
the company or the shares of its listed holding company, for any other law in force in relation to retirement benefits. The retirement benefit scheme shall contain the details of the benefits under the
providing retirement benefits to the employees subject to scheme and the manner in which the scheme shall be implemented and operated. At no point in time, the shares of the company or shares of
compliance with existing rules and regulations as applicable its listed holding company shall exceed ten per cent of the book value or market value or fair value of the total assets of the scheme,
under laws relevant to retirement benefits in India. whichever is lower, as appearing in its latest balance sheet for the purposes of RBS.
Govt. securities- traded through- negotiated dealing system(NDS), using TYPES OF DEBENTURES
Maintenance of records in dematerialized form- by NSDL/CDSL. Security Tenure Mode of redemption Basis of Negotiability
Record holding for banks/primary dealers/financial institutions- by RBI
Secured debentures- A Redeemable Debentures- Redeemable Bearer/ unregistered
Convertible debentures- These
charge is created on the debentures are those which are debentures- Payable to bearer of
debentures are converted into
Private Company assets of the company for payable on the expiry of the specific
equity shares of the company on the debentures and transferable
the purpose of payment period (Maximum period 10 years from by mere delivery.
the expiry of a specified period.
Who can Issue in case of default. the date of issue) either in lump sum or
Public Company Holders remain in Installments during the life time of
Debt Securities
convinced about the the company. Debentures can be Non convertible debentures- Non-
Registered debentures- Non
payment of interest and redeemed either at par or at premium. convertible debentures do not have
Banks negotiable instruments. They are
principal in the event of any option to convert the same into
not transferable by mere
redemption. equity shares and are redeemed at
delivery and shall be transferred
Irredeemable/perpetual debentures- the expiry of specified period(s).
by executing transfer deeds and
Unsecured/Naked These debentures are repayable on the transfer registered by the
The companies
Act,2013 & the debentures- not secured the winding-up of a company or on the Partly Convertible Debenture -The company. Principal and interest
Companies (Share by way of charge on the expiry of a long period. Debentures convertible portion is converted into amount, when due in respect of
capital and company’s assets. may be for fixed terms or payable on these debentures are payable to
debentures) Rule, equity shares of the company at the
Interest rate is higher as demand. Debentures may be for fixed expiry of specified period. The non- the registered holders.
compared to secured term of years or repayable on notice. convertible portion is redeemed at
debentures. They can legally be framed as payable the expiry of the specified period in
SEBI(Issue of capital
and disclosure to bearer. terms of the issue.
RBI Guidelines
Governing Requirements)
1) According to SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018, convertible debt instruments means an instrument which creates or acknowledges indebtedness or is
SEBI(Listing convertible into equity shares of the issuer at a later date at or without the option of the holder of the instrument, whether constituting a charge on the assets
Obligations and SEBI(Issue and listing
of the issuer or not.
of Debt
requirements) Securities)Regulations,
2) Issue of debt securities that are convertible, either partially or fully or optionally into listed or unlisted equity shall be governed by the disclosure
requirements applicable to equity or other instruments offered on conversion in terms of SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
appoint at least one debenture trustee in accordance with the provisions of the Companies
obtain credit rating from at least one credit rating agency
Act, 2013 and SEBI (Debenture Trustees) Regulations, 1993
An issuer shall be It should not be in default
eligible to make an IPO of payment of interest or
of convertible debt repayment of principal Additional requirements for issue of convertible debt instruments
instruments without a amount of debt
prior public issue of its instruments issued to the If the issuer proposes to create a charge or security on its assets in respect of secured
equity shares and public, if any, for a period convertible debt instruments, it shall ensure: 1) suffiencieny of assets to discharge principal
create a debenture redemption reserve in accordance with the provisions of the Companies amount 2) assets free from encumbrances 3) If thereis a charge already existing, the consent
listing thereof. of more than 6 months. Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder of lender for a second/paripassu charge has to be obtained and submitted to debenture
trustee. 4)in case of second charge the asset cover shalll be arrived at after reduction of
liabilities having first charge.
However, where the upper limit on the price of such Where an option is to be given to the holders of the
convertible debt instruments and justification thereon is convertible debt instruments in terms of and if one or more of
determined and disclosed to the investors at the time of such holders do not exercise the option to convert the
making the issue, it shall not be necessary to give such option instruments into equity share capital at a price determined in
to the holders of the convertible debt instruments for the general meeting of the shareholders, the issuer shall
The issuer shall not convert its converting the convertible portion into equity share capital redeem that part of the instruments within one month from
optionally convertible debt instruments Where the value of the convertible portion of within the said upper limit.
the last date by which option is to be exercised, at a price
into equity shares unless the holders of any listed convertible debt instruments issued which shall not be less than its face value.
such convertible debt instruments by an issuer exceeds ten crore rupees and the
have sent their positive consent to the issuer has not determined the conversion price This provision shall not apply if such redemption is as
issuer and non-receipt of reply to any of such convertible debt instruments at the time per the disclosures made in the offer document
notice sent by the issuer for this of making the issue, the holders of such
purpose shall not be construed as convertible debt instruments shall be given the
consent for conversion of any option of not converting the convertible
convertible debt instruments portion into equity shares.
where the application is made to more than one from the corporate Large Corporate
recognized stock exchange, the issuer shall choose bond market.
one of them as the designated stock exchange
1) The issuer shall comply with conditions of listing of such debt securities as specified in
the Listing Agreement with the stock exchange where such debt securities are sought to
be listed.
For an entity identified as a LC, the following shall be applicable:
2) The designated stock exchange shall collect a regulatory fee from the issuer at the 1. For FY 2020 and 2021, the requirement of meeting the incremental borrowing norms shall be applicable on an annual basis. However, in case
time of listing of debt securities issued on private placement basis. where a LC is unable to comply with the above requirement, it shall provide an explanation for such shortfall to the Stock Exchanges.
2. From FY 2022, the requirement of mandatory incremental borrowing by a LC in a FY will need to be met over a contiguous block of two years.
Accordingly, a listed entity identified as a LC, as on last day of FY “T-1”, shall have to fulfil the requirement of incremental borrowing for FY “T”, over
Electronic Book Mechanism For Issuance Of Securities On Private Placement FY “T” and “T+1”.
However, if at the end of two years i.e. last day of FY “T+1”, there is a shortfall in the requisite borrowing (i.e. the actual borrowing through debt
SEBI (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008 securities is less than 25% of the incremental borrowings for FY “T”), a monetary penalty/fine of 0.2% of the shortfall in the borrowed amount shall
In order to streamline procedures for issuance of debt securities on private be levied and the same shall be paid to the Stock Exchange(s).
placement basis and enhance transparency to discover prices, SEBI has laid down a
framework for issuance of debt securities on private placement basis through an
electronic book mechanism A listed entity, identified as a LC under the instant framework, shall make the following disclosures to the stock exchanges, where its security (ies) are
“In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power and listed:
provisions of these regulations, such orders or circulars may provide for all or any of
the following matters, namely: i. Within 30 days from the beginning of the FY, disclose the fact that they are identified as a LC.
ii. Within 45 days of the end of the FY, the details of the incremental borrowings done during the FY.
a) Electronic issuances and
The disclosures made shall be certified both by the Company Secretary and the Chief Financial Officer, of the LC
b) Other issue procedures including the procedure for price discovery.
Eligible issuer
1) For operational 1) Issuer shall make the bidding 1) Bidding process on EBP platform shall be on an anonymous order driven
a) such cancellation/modification in the bids can be made only during the
uniformity- bidding on the announcement on EBP at least one system.
bidding period;
EBP platform shall take place working day before initiating the bidding
2) Bid shall be made by way of entering bid amount in Rupees (INR) and
between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. process. b) no cancellation of bids shall be permitted in the last 10 minutes of the
coupon/ yield in basis points (bps) i.e. up to four decimal places.
only, on the working days of bidding period;
2) Bidding announcement shall be
the recognized Stock 3) Modification or cancellation of the bids shall be allowed i.e. bidder can
accompanied with details of bid opening c) in the last 10 minutes of the bidding period, only revision allowed
Exchanges. cancel or modify the bids made in an issue.
and closing time, and any other details as would for improvement of coupon/yield and upward revision in terms
2) The bidding window shall required by EBP from time to time. 4) Investors are now permitted to place multiple bids in an issue. of the bid size.
be open for the period as
3) Any change in bidding time and/ or 5) The bid placed in the system shall have an audit trail which includes
specified by the issuer in the date by the Issuer shall be intimated to bidder’s identification details, time stamp and unique order number.
bidding announcement, EBP, within the operating hours of the a) All the bids shall be arranged in the ascending order of the yields, and a
however the same shall be EBP, atleast a day before the bidding 6) Further against such bids, EBP shall provide an acknowledgement cut-off yield shall be determined.
open for atleast 1 hour. date. number.
b) All the bids below the cut-off yield shall be accepted and full allotment
Changes in bidding date or time- allowed 7) All the bids made on a particular issue, should be disclosed on the EBP should be made to such bidders.
platform on a real time basis.
for maximum of two times. c) For all the bids received at cut-off yield, allotment shall be made on pro-
8) Allotment to the bidders shall be done on yield priority basis. rata basis
A Debt Security shall be considered as “Green or Green Debt Securities”, if the funds
raised through issuance of the debt securities are to be utilised for project(s) and/or Obligations of the issuer
asset(s) falling under any of the following broad categories:
a) Renewable and sustainable energy including wind, solar, bioenergy, other sources
of energy which use clean technology etc.;
b) Clean transportation including mass/public transportation etc.;
Maintain a decision-making process which it uses to
c) Sustainable water management including clean and/or drinking water, water determine the continuing eligibility .
recycling etc.;
d) Climate change adaptation; make a astatement on the environmental objectives of the
Green Debt Securities and a process to determine whether
e) Energy efficiency including efficient and green buildings etc.; the project(s) meet the eligibility requirements
3 a) Issuer, merchant banker and registrar to submit relevant documents to the T+2
stock exchange(s) except listing application, allotment details and demat credit
and refund details for the purpose of listing permission.
b) SCSBs to send confirmation of funds blocked (Final Certificate) to the registrar
by end of the day.
c) Registrar shall reconcile the compiled data received from the stock
exchange(s) and all SCSBs (hereinafter referred to as the "reconciled data”).
d) d) Registrar to undertake "Technical Rejection" test based on electronic bid
details and prepare list of technical rejection cases
4 a) Finalization of technical rejection and minutes of the meeting between issuer, T+3
lead manager, registrar.
b) Registrar shall finalise the basis of allotment and submit it to the designated
stock exchange for approval.
c) Designated Stock Exchange to approve the basis of allotment.
d) Registrar to prepare funds transfer schedule based on approved basis of
e) Registrar and merchant banker to issue funds transfer instructions to SCSBs.
5 a) SCSBs to credit the hinds in public issue account of the issuer and confirm the T+4
b) Issuer shall make the allotment,
c) Registrar/Issuer to initiate corporate action for credit of debt securities,
NCRPS, SDI to successful allottees.
d) Issuer and registrar to file allotment details with designated stock exchange(s)
and confirm all formalities are complete except demat credit.
e) Registrar to send bank-wise data of allottees, amount due 011 debt securities,
NCRPS, SDI allotted, if any, and balance amount to be unblocked to SCSBs.
CHAPTER 7- Debt Funding – Indian Fund Based (Government Debt & Banking Finance)
Meaning A cash credit facility is a short-term finance to a borrower company, having a tenure of up to one year
OVERDRAFT which can be renewed for further period by the bank on the basis of projected sales and satisfactory
operation in the account during the period of finance.
Meaning Overdraft means allowing the customer to draw cheques over and above credit
balance in his account. Types Cash credit facility is extended in two forms viz. Open Cash Credit and Key Cash Credit
Offer Cash credit facility is offered normally against pledge (Key Cash Credit) or hypothecation of raw
Available for Overdraft is normally allowed to Current Account Customers and in exceptional materials, semi finished goods, finished goods and book debts.
cases Savings bank account holders are also allowed to overdraw their account Requirement 1) Manufacturing unit- to purchase raw material, processing and converting them into finished goods.
2) Traders- the limit is allowed for purchase of goods which they deal in.
Interest High rate of interest is charged on daily debit balance of overdraft account as these
are clean advances .i.e. banks do not have any securities to fall back if these
facilities are not repaid.
Types There are two types of overdraft accounts are prevalent in Banks i.e.
i. Temporary overdraft or clean overdraft
ii. Secured overdraft.
Meaning Bills finance is short term and self liquidating finance in nature. The advantage of bills Meaning A lease is a contract between the owner (lessor) and the user (lessee).
finance is that the seller of goods (borrower) gets immediate money from the bank for
the goods sold by him irrespective of whether it is a purchase, discount or negotiation Working In terms of lease agreement the lessor pays money to the supplier who in turn delivers
by the bank. the article to the lessee. The lessee (hirer of the article) makes periodical payment to the
lessor. At the end of lease period the asset is restored to the lessor.
Available for The credits available to the seller against the bills drawn under Letter of Credit either
on sight draft or usance draft are called bills negotiated by the banks.
Financed by and Commercial banks in India have been financing the activities of leasing companies, by
against providing overdraft/Cash credit account/Demand loan against fully paid new machinery
Types The bills can be classified as Demand Bills and Usance Bills. Demand Bill is purchased
or equipment by hypothecation of security.
and Usance bill is discounted by the banks.
Repayment The repayment should be from rentals of machinery/ equipment leased out. The
Types of The ‘Demand Bills’ can be documentary or clean. Usually banks accept only
maximum period of repayment is five years or the economic life of the equipment
Demand Bills documentary bills for purchase. However, clean bills from good parties also
purchased by the banks. whichever is lower. The bank is allowed to periodical inspection of the asset .
Types of The ‘Documentary Bills’ may be drawn by a Seller of Goods (‘Drawer’) on D/P
Documentary (Delivery against payment) - the documents of title to goods are delivered to the
Bills buyer of the goods (drawee) against payment of bill amount. Hire-Purchase transactions are very similar to leasing transactions.
OR D/A (Delivery against Acceptance) - the documents to the title of goods are to be
delivered to the drawee (Buyer) against acceptance of bills. These types of bills are In the Hire-purchase finance takes place predominantly in automobile sector. Like Leasing Finance, the ownership of the
called “Usance Bills’ which means bills are maturing on a future date and payment will vehicle continues to remain with the Leasing Company till the agreement period ends. However, at the end of the
be made on due date.
stipulated period, the hirer (lessee) has options either to return the asset to leasing company while terminating the
In case of ‘Usance Bills’ bills become clean after it is delivered to drawee on
acceptance. agreement or purchase the asset upon terms set out in the hire-purchase agreement.
In order to encourage exports and to help exporters financially, RBI introduced Export Credit Rupee Export Credit-Pre-shipment/Packing and Post-shipment Credit
scheme in the year 1967. As on date, Exporters can avail credit for their export activities either in
Rupees or in Foreign Currency as per their choice and subject to RBI directions in this regard. Pre-Shipment credit Post- Shipment Credit
Meaning A short term advance/loan given to an Short term advance/loan given to an exporter after
exporter for procuring, processing, shipment of goods to the date of realization of
manufacturing/packing goods prior to proceeds of exported goods.
shipping such goods.
Financing schemes available for exporters Tenor Banks are at liberty to decide the tenor of The period of such advance/loan will be as
such loans (which are usually up to 3/6 specified by Foreign Exchange Dealers Association
Export Credit months or in exceptional cases nine of India (FEDAI).
months) depending upon individual cases.
Tenor and PCFC is normally available for a maximum period of Normally the PSCFC scheme covers export CORPORATE FINANCING- In order to guarantee PROJECT FINANCING- the new project and
repayment 360 days. Further extension is subject to the bills of usance period up to 180 days from the additional credit provided by the lenders, the existing firm live separate lives so even if
financing bank’s terms and conditions. PCFC is the date of shipping. If a customer is the new project fails the creditors cannot
the promoters / sponsors use all the assets and
liquidated by discounting or re-discounting of Export eligible to draw bills beyond a usance
cash flows from the existing firm. So if the claim their debt repayment from the asset
bills under EBR scheme at the post-shipment stage. period of 180 days, PSCFC facility is
PCFC is also allowed for Deemed Exports subject to a allowed to be provided beyond the period project fails these assets and cash flows are used and cash flow available in the existing firm.
maximum period of 30 days or up to the date of of 180 days too. to repay the debt of the creditors This deal is costlier than corporate financing.
payment by project authorities whichever is earlier Banks can rediscount the export bills
abroad and square up the PSCFC.
The features of project finance transactions
Features of LAS
Capital Intensive They tend to be large scale projects requiring debt and equity in a large
Secured Loan Loan against securities is a secured loan as the bonds, shares, debentures or mutual funds
Highly leveraged These transactions have high debt proportion as compared to equity owned by the borrower are kept as collateral security when this loan is advanced.
Long Term The tenor for project financings can easily reach 15 to 20 years Tenure The tenure of loan against securities is generally one year
Independent Entity With A They form a new legal entity with the sole purpose of executing the Rate of Interest Generally interest rates at which loan against securities is advanced varies from 12% - 15%
Finite Life project p.a.
Non-Recourse Or Limited It means a the creditor has no or limited claims on the loan in case of Processing Fees Banks and financial institutions usually charge approximately 2 % as processing fees.
Recourse Financing default Loan Amount The loan amount for which the borrower may be eligible depends upon the type of security
Many Participants There are many national and international participants involved in a that is being offered. For example, in case equity shares are offered then the amount that is
project laying different risk eligible would be 50% of the value of such shares.
Allocated Risk There are many risk involved in a project for example Environmental, Prepayment There are generally no prepayment charges.
Country risk, market risk, project risk, Product risk, Supply risk, Funding
risk, Currency risk, Interest risk
Costly Raising capital through project finance is generally more costly than
through typical corporate finance avenues. ADVANTAGES
✓ By pledging the securities held by the borrower, a loan against Securities is provided by a bank or a financial
institution as an overdraft facility.
Risk identification and allocation is a key component of project finance. A project may be
✓ The rate of interest is calculated only on the amount withdrawn and only for the period of utilization.
subject to a number of risks, particularly in developing countries and emerging markets.
✓ The borrower is able to get steady cash easily at the time of need and secondly the borrower need not be
Financial institutions and project sponsors may conclude that the risks inherent in project
devoid of the benefits as a shareholder.
development and operation are unacceptable (unfinanceable). The patterns of implementation
✓ Borrower enjoys the rights of receiving dividends and bonuses along with gaining from the price movements in
are sometimes referred to as “project delivery methods.”
the shares. This facility is ideal to meet short-term financial needs and the interest rates are lesser than that in
a personal loan.
Under “Loan against Securities”, loan is advanced to a customer against pledge of securities or
simply put loan against insurance policy, mutual funds, NSC and other securities.
Factoring is a financial transaction where an entity sells its receivables to a third party called a ‘factor’, at discounted
prices. Factoring is a financial option for the management of receivables. In simple definition it is the conversion of
credit sales into cash. In factoring, a financial institution (factor) buys the accounts receivable of a company (Client)
National Saving
Non-Convertible Mutual Fund Demateria- Insurance and pays up to 80% (rarely up to 90%) of the amount immediately on formation of agreement.
NABARD Bonds Certificates/Kissa
Debentures Units lised Shares Policies
n Vikas Patra Factoring company pays the remaining amount (Balance 20%-finance cost-operating cost) to the client when the
customer pays the debt. Collection of debt from the customer is done either by the factor or the client depending
upon the type of factoring. The account receivable in factoring can either be for a product or service.
Once both parties agree that seller may be asked to remit a fee with funder further verifies invoices and
broker prepares a preliminary client
factoring is possible, the broker puts formal application to cover the legal research acknowledges any liens, UCC filings,
seller interacts with the funding specialist profile form and submits to the
the seller in direct contact with the costs, which will be incurred during “due judgments or other recorded
and explains the funding needs. appropriate funder for
funder to negotiate a customized diligence”. This is the process by which the encumbrances on the seller’s accounts
factoring agreement buyer’s credit worthiness is evaluated receivables.
The remaining amount is called the The funder verifies the invoice and the
The buyer pays the factor. The factor then
“reserve” which is held by the factor until advance is sent to the seller as per the
The seller performs services or delivers The seller sends or faxes a copy of the returns any remaining reserve, minus the
the invoices are paid. The factor then agreement with the factor. In certain
products, thus creating an invoice. invoice directly to the factor fee, which has been predetermined in the
deducts his fee and returns the remaining cases, the funder wires the funds to the
negotiated agreement.
funds to the seller. seller’s account for an additional fee.
Submit invoice
Pays the
Pays the amount (In recourse type balance
customer pays Payment Up It is process by which a lender appraises the Credit appraisal process of a Creditworthiness of borrower is
to 80% customer lies in assessing if that
technical feasibility, economic viability and determined in terms of the norms and
bankability including creditworthiness of the customer is capable of repaying the standards set by the banks. All banks
prospective borrower. It is generally carried loan amount in the stipulated time, or
employ their own unique objective,
Factor by the Banks/financial institutions which are not.
subjective, financial and non-financial
involved in providing financial funding to its techniques to evaluate the
customers. creditworthiness of their customers.
Valuation reports of
Post sanction
Title clearance the properties to be
activities such as
Check for RBI reports of the obtained from Sanction/approval Documentations,
Receipt of Receipt of receiving stock
defaulters list, properties to be empanelled of proposal by agreements,
application for application for Pre-sanction visit by Assessment of statements, review
willful defaulters obtained from valuer/engineers of appropriate mortgages
credit facility from credit facility from bank officers proposal of accounts, renew
list, CIBIL data, ECGC empanelled the Bank/FI sanctioning Disbursement of
applicant applicant of accounts, etc (on
caution list, etc advocates of the Preparation of authority loan regular basis)
Bank/FI financial data of the
CHAPTER 8- Debt Funding – Indian Non Fund Based 48
Back-to-Back • In a back to back credit, the exporter (the beneficiary) requests his banker to issue a letter of credit in favour
LETTER OF CREDIT credit of his supplier to procure raw materials, goods on the basis of the export letter of credit received by him.
• Here the second beneficiary is the local supplier of the first beneficiary.
• The terms of such LC are identical except that the price may be lower and validity is earlier.
Standby letter of • Used as substitute LoC in countries where there are restrictions to issue guarantees.
A letter of credit is a document from a bank
credit • In case the guaranteed service is not provided, the beneficiary can claim under the terms of the standby
that guarantees payment. It is an
undertaking/ commitment by the bank,
• Documents required are proof of non-performance or a simple claim form.
advising/informing the beneficiary that the
documents under a letter of credit would Revolving Credit Here the amount of drawings made would be reinstated and made available to the beneficiary again and again for
be honoured. further drawings during the currency of credit provided. At times an overall turnover cap is also stipulated
Parties Involved In Letter Of Credit Finance
/importer of goods: buyer’s bank who lends its name country to whom the letter of credit is the credit is addressed i.e. seller documents when submitted by the BANK -Third bank adds confirmation to the
This person has to or credit. It is liable for payment of sent for onward transmission to the or the exporter or the supplier of exporter or alternatively the bank to which repays, settle or credit, which undertakes
make payment of letter LC in case the documents are seller or beneficiary, after the goods. It gets payment against which the beneficiary presents the funds the negotiating the responsibility of
of credit to the issuing received by it from the nominated authentication of genuineness of the documents as per LC from the documents for negotiation. It claims bank at the request of payment by the issuing
bank if the documents or negotiating bank and the credit, it can seek instructions from the nominated bank within validity payment from the reimbursing bank its principal, the issuing bank and on his failure, to
are in accordance with documents are in terms of letter opening bank or can advise the LC to period of negotiation maximum or opening bank and gets 5 banking bank. pay. Done on request of
the terms and of credit. This bank gets 5 days to the beneficiary, without any liability on 21 days from date of shipment. days to check the documents. the opening bank.
conditions of LC. check the documents. its part.
Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit (UCPDC 600), PAYMENT PROCESS
Financial Guarantee
Bank guarantees are Bank issue bank guarantee on behalf of his client as a 2. This type of guarantee helps the bank’s customer to bid for the contract without
part of non-fund based commitment to third party assuring her/ him to depositing actual money. In case, the contractor does not take up the awarded
credit facilities honour the claim against the guarantee in the event contract, then the government department would invoke the guarantee and claim
provided by the bank of the non- performance by the bank’s customer. the money from the bank.
to the customers. A Bank Guarantee is a legal contract which can be
imposed by law.
Performance Guarantees •Bank guarantee that under this guarantee, the banker guarantees payments of installments spread over a period of time.
•Here the banks undertake to make payment of instalments payable by the buyer of capital goods such as machinery, on long term credit given by the supplier
In performance guarantee bank
•advance payment of 10 to 15% of the price of the capital goods is made by the borrower (margin).
issue on behalf of his client to
•The balance amount with interest is payable in installments spread over may be 1 to 5 years.
assure the third party to complete
•The supplier accordingly draws bills due on different dates which are accepted by the borrower and further co-accepted by the banker or bank issues DPG.
some work on time or as per the
•On every due date the buyer’s bank makes payment of the bill to the supplier irrespective of there being balance in the buyer’s (borrower’s) account or not.
terms of contact between the
•On expiry of the validity period of the guarantee, a registered acknowledgement due notice is to be sent to the beneficiary indicating that the liability of the bank under said guarantee stands
discharged. If no reply is received from the beneficiary in reasonable time the entry is reversed in books of account.
If the work is not completed as per
•If beneficiary invokes the guarantee, the amount claimed needs to be paid immediately without any delay for whatsoever the reason.
the term of contract then the third
party can request the bank to •The extent of monetary liability and the validity period should be specific. The limitation clause is inserted for this purpose. As such even when the period of liability is specified in the
invoke the bank guarantee and guarantee, the beneficiary can claim till the limitation period is alive.
make payment for default.
•No bank guarantee should normally have a maturity period of more than 10 years. The bank should have a policy approved by the Board in case guarantee for more than 10 years is to be issued.
Appraisal Methodology For Different Type Of Non Fund Based Credit Products
• Credit Appraisal is a process to ascertain the risks associated with credit facility. BANK GUARANTEE LIMIT
• Appraisal of credit is generally carried by the Banks/financial institutions
Appraisal of proposals for Bank guarantees is done with same diligence as in the case of fund-base limits. Whenever
• Credit worthiness of a borrower can be assessed by proper credit appraisal. an application for the issue of bank guarantee is received, Bank examine & satisfy about the following aspects:
Regulatory Framework for Issue of ADR/GDR/FCCBs/FCEBs in India Euro issue means modes of raising funds by an Indian company outside India in foreign currency. The above are
the modes of raising funds.
The Foreign Currency Convertible
Bonds and Ordinary Shares (Through
Depository Receipt Mechanism) Euro Issue
Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds /
Depository Receipts
SEBI (Listing Obligations and Foreign Currency Exchangeable Foreign Currency Exchangeable Bonds
Disclosure Requirements) Bonds Scheme, 2008
Regulations, 2015
External Commercial In case the ECB is raised from direct equity holder aforesaid
The framework for raising loans through ECB comprises the following three tracks-
Borrowings (ECBS) individual ECB Limits will also subject to ECB Liability equity:
Track I: Medium term foreign currency denominated ECB with minimum average maturity of 3/5 years,
ratio requirement.
Track II: Long term foreign currency denominated ECB with minimum average maturity of 10 years and
Track III: Indian Rupee (INR) denominated ECB with minimum average maturity of 3/5 years. The ECB Liability of the borrower (including all outstanding ECBs
and the proposed one) towards the foreign equity holder should
ECBs are commercial loans raised LIMITS not be more than seven times of the equity contributed by the
by eligible resident entities from latter. This ratio will not be applicable if total of all ECBs raised by
recognised non-resident entities. The individual limits of ECB which can be raised in a financial year under the automatic route by eligible entities for all the an entity is upto USD 5 million or equivalent.
three tracks are set-out as under:
ECB proposal beyond the aforesaid limit will come under the approval route. For computation of individual limits under
Track III, exchange rate prevailing on the date of agreement should be taken into account.
ECB in Foreign Currency over 3/5 average maturity ECB in Foreign Currency over 10 years ECB in Indian Rupee
average maturity
MINIMUM AVERAGE • Upto USD 50 million or its equivalent for companies in manufacturing sector only: 1 year 10 years, irrespective of the amount. Same as Track I.
MATURITY • Up to USD 50 million or equivalent : 3 years.
• Beyond USD 50 million or its equivalent: 5 years.
• 3 years for eligible borrowers, irrespective of the amount of borrowing.
5 years for FCCB/FCEBs irrespective of the amount of borrowing. The call and put option, if any,
for FCCBs shall not be exercisable prior to 5 years.
ELIGIBLE BORROWERS 1. Companies in Manufacturing and software development sectors. 1. All entities listed under Track I. 1. All entities listed under Track II.
2. Shipping and airlines companies. 2. REITs and INVITs coming under the 2. All NBFCs coming under the regulatory purview of the Reserve
3. Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). regulatory framework of the SEBI Bank.
4. Units in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) 3. NBFCs – MFIs, Not for Profit companies registered under the
5. Export import Bank of India (EXIM Bank) (approval Route) Companies Act, 1956 / 2013, Societies, Trusts and cooperatives
6. Companies in infrastructure sector, NBFC-IFCs, NBFCs-AFCs, Holding companies and Core (registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, Indian Trust
Investment Companies (CICs). Also, Housing Finance Companies regulated by the National Act, 1882 and State Level Co-operative Acts/Multi Level
Housing Bank, Port Trusts constituted under the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 or Indian Ports Cooperative Act / State Level Mutually aided co-operative Act
Act, 1908. respectively), NGOs) which are engaged in micro finance activities
4. Companies engaged in Miscellaneous Services, viz.
• R&D;
• Training (excluding educational institutes);
• Companies supporting infrastructure;
• Companies providing Logistic services;
• Companies engaged in maintenance, repair and overhaul and
freight forwarding.
Developers of Special Economic Zones (SEZs)/ National Manufacturing
and Investment Zones (NMZs).
RECOGNISED i. International Banks. All entities listed under Track I but for All entities listed under Track I but for overseas branches / subsidiaries
LENDERS/INVESTORS ii. International capital markets. overseas branches / subsidiaries of of Indian banks.
iii. Multilateral financial institutions (such as, IFC, ADB, etc.) / regional financial institutions Indian banks. In case of NBFCs-MFIs, other eligible MFIs, not for profit companies and
and Government owned (either wholly or partially) financial institutions.
NGOs, ECB can also be availed from overseas organisations and
iv. Export credit agencies.
v. Suppliers of equipment.
vi. Foreign equity holders.
vii. Overseas long term investors such as:
• Prudentially regulated financial entities;
• Pension funds;
• Insurance companies;
• Sovereign Wealth Funds;
• Financial institutions located in International Financial Services Centres in India.
viii. Overseas branches /subsidiaries of Indian banks.
ALL –IN COST CEILING 1. The all-in cost ceiling is prescribed through a spread over the benchmark, i.e., 450 1. The maximum spread over the 1. The maximum spread will be 450 basis point per annum over the
basis points per annum over 6 months LIBOR or applicable benchmark for the benchmark of 6 month LIBOR or prevailing yield of the Government of India securities of
respective currency. applicable benchmark for the respective corresponding maturity
currency will be 450 basis point per
2. Penal interest, if any, for default or breach of covenants should not be more than 2 annum.
percent over and above the contracted rate of interest. 2. Same as Track I.
1. Entities engaged in micro-finance activities to be eligible to raise ECB: (i) should have a satisfactory borrowing relationship for atleast three years with an AD Category-I Bank in India, and (ii) should have a certificate of due
diligence in ‘fit and proper’ status from the AD Category-I Bank.
Currency of Borrowing Conversion of ECBs into Equity- Conversion of ECBs into equity is permitted) subject to the following conditions
1. ECB can be raised in any freely convertible currency as well as in INR. The activity of the borrowing company is covered under the automatic route for FDI or
2. Non-resident lenders (other than foreign equity holders) are required to mobilise INR through approval route from the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB),
swaps/outright sale undertaken through an AD Category I bank in India.
is based on a stock agreement, between the foreign dee depository receipts.
3. Change of currency The conversion, which should be with the lender’s consent and without any additional
cost, will not result in breach of applicable sector cap on the foreign equity holding
4. Rate for conversion into INR: The rate prevailing on the date of agreement for such change or If the borrower concerned has availed of other credit facilities from the Indian banking
system, including overseas branches/subsidiaries, the applicable prudential guidelines
Any exchange rate lower than the rate prevailing on the date of agreement if consented to by the ECB issued by the Department of Banking Regulation of RBI, including guidelines on
lender. restructuring are complied with.
Depository Receipts
Limit on foreign holding Conversion Manner of Issue Mode Transfer Price Approval for transfer
•The aggregate of •The depository receipts •A foreign depository •An issuer may issue •The holders of may •The permissible •Any approval necessary
permissible securities may be converted to may issue depository permissible securities transfer permissible securities shall not be for issue or transfer of
which may be issued or underlying permissible receipts by way of a to a foreign depository securities to a foreign issued to a foreign permissible securities
transferred to foreign securities and vice public offering or for the purpose of depository for the depository for the to a person resident
depositories ,along with versa private placement or in issue of depository purpose of the issue of purpose of issuing outside India shall
permissible securities any other manner receipts by any mode depository receipt, depository receipts at a apply to the issue or
already held by persons prevalent in a permissible for issue of with or without the price less than the transfer of such
resident outside India shall permissible jurisdiction such permissible approval of issue of price applicable to a permissible securities
not exceed the limit on securities to investors such permissible corresponding mode of to a foreign depository
foreign holding of such securities through issue of such securities for the purpose of
permissible securities transactions on a to domestic investors issue of depository
under the FEMA, 1999 recognized stock under the applicable receipts.
exchange, bilateral laws
transactions or by
tendering through a
public platform
to ensure that
the relevant they shall co-
provisions of ordinate among
the scheme themselves
are complied
to maintain records in
to file with SEBI a Approval shall be required for
respect of, and report
copy of the to, Indian depositories they shall issue or transfer of permissible
document which compliance with disseminate the securities
all transactions for relevant provisions
sets the terms of the purpose of outstanding
issue of depository of the Indian law, obligations permissible a) To a person resident outside
monitoring limits including the
receipts in a under the FEMA, 1999 on Indian securities against India and
permissible obligations on scheme, related to Depositories which the
jurisdiction. the domestic the issue and depository b) To a foreign depository for the
custodian cancellation of receipts are
depository receipts. purpose of issue of depository
Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue Manner and form of depository receipts- Rule 5 deals with the manner and form of issue of depository receipts
of Any Foreign Security) Regulations, 2004
ADR are US $ denominated and GDRs are traded in various places such
traded only in US. as New York Stock Exchange, London
Stock Exchange, etc.
Voting rights -Rule 6 provides the provisions for voting rights of depository receipts holder.
Re-issuance of ADRs / GDRs would be permitted to the extent of ADRs / GDRs which
have been redeemed into underlying shares and sold in the Indian market.
The offer document, by whatever name called and if prepared for
the issue of depository receipts, shall not be treated as a
prospectus or an offer document within the meaning of this Act
and all the provisions as applicable to a prospectus or an offer
document shall not apply to a depository receipts offer document.
Approval Of Board Of
•Proposal for making Euro
issue, as proposed by Approval Of Ministry Of
Finance – “In Principle In-Principle Consent Of
Board of Directors Financial Institutions
•Board of Directors, require approval of And Final”
•A meeting of Board of Directors is •The issuing company has
shareholders shareholders. to make a request to the
•In principle and Final” required & a board resolution is •A special resolution
to be passed to approve the •ADR/GDR are under domestic stock exchange •Where term loans have
approval of Ministry of under Section 62 of the automatic route and • The custodian releases been obtained by the
Finance, Reserve Bank of raising of finance Companies Act, 2013 is therefore the shares after cancellation company from the
India, Stock Exchange •The resolution should indicate required to be passed at requirement of obtaining of GDR, which are then financial institutions, the
and Financial institutions therein specific purposes for a duly convened general approval of Ministry of
which funds are required, traded on Indian stock agreement relating to the
meeting Finance, Department of exchanges like any other loan contains a
quantum of the issue, country in
Economic Affairs has equity shares stipulation that the
which issue is to be launched,
been dispersed with. consent of the financial
time of the issue etc.
institution has to be
•A director/Sub- Committee of Approval Of Shareholders
Approvals Required obtained.
Board of Directors is also to be In-Principle Consent Of Stock
authorised for seeking Exchanges For Listing Of
Government approval Underlying Shares
•decide and approve the notice of
Extraordinary general meeting of
shareholders at which special
resolution is to be considered.
1. Subscription Agreement provides that Lead Managers and other managers agree, 1. Depository Agreement lays down the detailed arrangements entered into by the company with the Depository, the rights and
severally and not jointly, to subscribe for GDRs at the offering price set forth. duties of the depository in respect of the deposited shares and all other securities, cash and other property received subsequently
2. Subscription agreement may also provide that for certain period from the date of the in respect of such deposited shares.
issuance of GDR the issuing company will not 2. The depository is under no duty to enforce any of the provisions of the deposit agreement on behalf of any holder or any other
a) authorise the issuance of, or otherwise issue or publicly announce any intention to person.
issue; 3. They are deemed to have notice of, be bound by and hold their rights subject to all of the provisions of the deposit agreement
b) issue offer, accept subscription for, sell, contract to sell or otherwise dispose off, applicable to them. They may be required to file from time to time with depository or its nominee proof of citizenship, residence,
whether within or outside India; or exchange control approval, payment of all taxes or charges, compliance with applicable laws and regulations and such other
c) deposit into any depository receipt facility, any securities of the company of the information as the depository may deem necessary or proper to enable it to perform its obligations under Deposit Agreement .
same class as the GDRs or the shares or any securities in the company convertible
or exchangeable for securities in the company of the same class as the GDRs or the The company may agree in the deposit agreement to indemnify the depository, the custodian and certain of their respective affiliates
shares or other instruments representing interests in securities in the company of against any loss, liability, tax or expense of any kind which may arise out of or in connection with any offer, issuance, sale, resale,
the same class as the GDRs or the shares. transfer, deposit or withdrawal of GDRs, or any offering document.
3. Subscription agreement also provides, an option to be exercisable within certain
period after the date of offer circular, to the lead manager and other managers to Copies of deposit agreement are to be kept at the principal office of Depository and the Depository is required to make available for
purchase upto a certain prescribed number of additional GDRs solely to cover over- inspection during its normal business hours.
allotments, if any.
Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs) • A banking company which acts as a custodian for the ordinary shares or Foreign Currency
1) Is a mix between a debt and equity instruments. Domestic Convertible Bonds
Custodian • It issues them against Global Depository Receipts or certificates.
2) It acts like a bond by making regular coupon and principal payments, but with option to convert the bond Bank
into shares at the expiry the term of the Bond.
3) The FCCBs are unsecured; carry a fixed rate of interest. • Bonds issued in accordance with this scheme and subscribed by a non-resident in foreign
currency and convertible into ordinary shares of the issuing company
4) Interest and redemption price is payable in dollars. FCCB • Can be converted , on the basis of any equity related warrants attached to debt instruments.
5) FCCB issue proceeds need to conform to ECB end use requirements.
6) Benefits-
• An Indian Company
• Dollar denominated servicing
• Conversion option Issuing • Permitted to issue FCCB or ordinary shares of that company against Global Depository Receipts.
• Arbitrage opportunities presented by conversion of the FCCBs into equity at a discount on prevailing
Indian market price
• 25% of the FCCB proceeds can be used for general corporate restructuring.
7) Drawbacks-
• A bank authorised by the issuing company to issue Global Depository Receipts against issue of
Overseas Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds or ordinary shares of the issuing company.
• The issuing company cannot plan its capital structure as it is not assured of conversion of FCCBs. Depository
• Projections for cash outflow at the time of maturity cannot be made Bank
Benefits • Being Hybrid instrument, the coupon rate on FCCB is particularly lower than pure debt
to the instrument there by reducing the debt financing cost.
• FCCBs are book value accretive on conversion. It saves risks of immediate equity
dilution as in the case of public shares. Unlike debt, FCCB does not require any rating Issuer Company Offered Company
nor any covenant like securities, cover etc.
• It can be raised within a month while pure debt takes a longer period to raise. Because
the coupon is low and usually payable at the time of redeeming the instrument, the The Issuing Company shall be part of the promoter group of The Offered Company shall be a listed company
cost of withholding tax is also lower for FCCBs compared with other ECB instruments. the Offered Company
Benefits • It has advantage of both equity and debt.
to the It shall hold the equity share/s being offered at the time of Eligible to avail
• It gives the investor much of the upside of investment in equity, and the debt portion issuance of FCEB.
protects the downside. • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
• Assured return on bond in the form of fixed coupon rate payments. • Foreign Currency Convertible Bond (FCCB)
• External Commercial Borrowings (ECB).
• Ability to take advantage of price appreciation in the stock by means of warrants
attached to the bonds, which are activated when price of a stock reaches a certain
Eligible subscribe Entities not eligible to subscribe to FCEB
• Significant Yield to maturity (YTM) is guaranteed at maturity.
Entities complying with the FDI policy and adhering to the Entities prohibited to buy, sell or deal in securities by the
• Lower tax liability as compared to pure debt instruments due to lower coupon rate.
sectoral caps at the time of issue of FCEB can subscribe to SEBI will not be eligible to subscribe to FCEB.
the call & put option, if any, issuance of FCCBs only
shall not be exercisable prior without any warrants Prior approval of the Foreign Investment Promotion Board
to 5 years attached (FIPB), wherever required under the FDI policy, should be
issue related expenses not
exceeding 4% of issue size
maturity of FCCBto be and in case of private Entities not eligible to issue FCEB
not less than 5 years Requirements for placement, shall not exceed
2% of the issue size, etc An Indian company, which is not eligible to raise funds from the Indian securities market, including a company which
issue of FCCB
has been restrained from accessing the securities market by the SEBI shall not be eligible to issue FCEB.
Pricing of FCEB
The average of the weekly high and low The average of the weekly high and low of the
of the closing prices of the shares of the closing prices of the shares of the offered
offered company quoted on the stock company quoted on a stock exchange during
exchange during the six months the two week preceding the relevant date
preceding the relevant date
CHAPTER 10- Other Borrowings Tools
Change in the concept of ‘Loan and Investment by Company - Limits for Loans /Guarantee/Security/ Investment- In pursuant to provisions of Section 186(2) of the Act, no company
shall directly or indirectly
1) New Act provides that inter-corporate investments not to be made through more than two
layers of investment companies. – give any loan to any person or other body corporate,
– give any guarantee or provide security in connection with a loan to any other body corporate or person and acquire by
2) The 2013 Act states that companies can make investments only through two layers of way of subscription, purchase or otherwise, the securities of any other body corporate exceeding 60% of its paid-up
investment companies subject to exceptions which includes company incorporated outside share capital plus free reserves plus securities premium account or 100% of its free reserves plus securities premium
India. account, whichever is more.
3) ‘Layer’ according to explanation (d) of Section 2(87) of the Act in relation to a holding
Company means its subsidiary or subsidiaries.
Section 186(3), empowers a Company to give loan, guarantee or provide any security or acquisition
4) The provisions of Section 186 (1) shall not have effect in the following cases: beyond the limit but subject to prior approval of members by a special resolution passed at a general
– If a company acquires any company which is incorporated outside India and such
company has investment subsidiaries beyond two layers as per the laws of such Section 186(3) shall not apply on Specified IFSC public and private company
country. if a company passes a resolution either at a meeting of the Board of
– A subsidiary company from having any investment subsidiary for the purposes of Directors or by circulation.
meeting the requirement under any law/ rule/ regulation framed under any law for the
time being in force.
Section 186(1) shall not apply on a Specified IFSC public and private company.
Companies Registered Under Securities Exchange Board of India- No company
Meaning of the term investment - Section 186(2)(c) of the Act, 2013. Thus the following will be counted as “investments”:
The following will not be counted as
ICDs are unsecured, and hence the cost & risk inherent is 3) Turnover of not less than Rs 500 crore AND
high. The ICD market is an unorganized market with very less
4) Obtained the prior consent of the company in general meeting by means of a special resolution and
information available publicly about transaction details. also filed the said resolution with the Registrar of Companies before
Better- Rated Low- Rated
Corporates Corporates An eligible company may accept deposits, within specified limits by means of an ordinary resolution.
No company referred to in section 73 (2 )or any eligible company shall invite secured deposits unless
the company has appointed one or more trustees for depositors for creating security for the deposits
DEPOSITOR- Rule 2(1) (d) of Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014,
No company
shall invite,
Any member of the company Any person who has made a accept or renew
Execute a deposit trust ADVERTISEMENT/
who has made a deposit with the deposit with a public company deposits from
deed in Form DPT-2 at
company in accordance with the in accordance with the the public except
least seven days before CIRCULAR
provisions of Section 73(2) of the provisions of Section 76 of the in a manner
Act act. provided in this
act and rules.
No trustee for depositors shall be removed from office after the issue of
circular or advertisement and before the expiry of his term except with
Enter into a contract for providing deposit the consent of all the directors present at a meeting of the board.
insurance at least 30 days before
RENEWAL Provided that in case the company is required to have independent
directors, at least one independent director shall be present in such
meeting of the Board.
The deposit insurance contract shall specifically provide that the depositor shall be entitled to the repayment of principal
amount of deposits and the interest thereon by the insurer up to the aggregate monetary ceiling as specified in the contract, in
No person including a company that is in the business of providing trusteeship services shall be
case of default by the company.
appointed as a trustee for the depositors, if the proposed trustee
Provided that in the case deposit and interest -
(i) do not exceed Rs 25000 the deposit insurance contract shall provide for payment of the full amount of the deposit and
interest 1)Is a director, key managerial personnel or any other officer or an employee of the company
(i)and if it is in excess of Rs 25000 contract shall provide for payment of an amount not less than Rs 25000 for each depositor. or of its holding, subsidiary or associate company or a depositor in the company;
•2)Is indebted to the company, or its subsidiary or its holding or associate company or a
The amount of insurance premium paid on the insurance of such deposits shall be borne by the company itself and shall not be subsidiary of such holding company;
recovered from the depositors by deducting the same from the principal amount or interest payable thereon.
3)Has any material pecuniary relationship with the company
IN CASE OF DEFAULT of terms and conditions of insurance contract-
•4)Has entered into any guarantee arrangement in respect of principal debts secured by
a) Company shall either rectify the default immediately or enter into a fresh contract within 30 days. the deposits or interest thereon
b) In case of non-compliance, the amount of deposits and interest payable thereon shall be repaid within the next fifteen days
5)Is related to any person specified in clause (a) above.
c) If company does not repay the amount of deposits within said fifteen days it shall pay 15%. interest per annum for the period of
delay and shall be treated as having defaulted and shall be liable to be punished in accordance with the provisions of the Act
Customer Advance/Deposits
Merits Demerits
a. Interest free: Amount offered as advance is interest a. Limited amount: The amount advanced by the customer
free. Hence funds are available without involving is subject to the value of the order. Borrowers’ need may
financial burden. be more than the amount of advance.
b. No tangible security: There is no need to deposit b. Limited period: The period of customers’ advance is only
any tangible security while seeking advance from upto the delivery goods. It cannot be reviewed or
the customer. Thus assets remain free of charge. renewed.
c. No repayment obligation: Money received as c. Penalty in case of non-delivery of goods : Generally
advance is not to be refunded. Hence there are no advances are subject to the condition that in case goods
repayment obligations. are not delivered on time, the order would be cancelled
and the advance would have to be refunded along with
65 Chapter 11- Non-Convertible Redeemable Preference Shares
BOOK BUILDING- “Book building” means a process Innovative perpetual debt Non-convertible redeemable preference share-
undertaken prior to filing of prospectus with the Registrar instrument- An innovative perpetual
Means a preference share which is -
of Companies, by which- demand, price and quantity of debt instrument issued by a bank in
▪ redeemable in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and
non-convertible redeemable preference shares proposed to accordance with the guidelines
▪ does not include a preference share which is convertible into or exchangeable with equity shares of the
be issued is assessed. framed by the Reserve Bank of India.
issuer at a later date, with or without the option of the holder.
The issuer shall not issue non-convertible redeemable In case of public issue of non-convertible
create a capital redemption
preference shares for providing loan to or acquisition of redeemable preference shares, the issuer shall
reserve in accordance with
shares of any person who is part of the same group or appoint one or more merchant bankers registered
the provisions of the
who is under the same management, other than to with SEBI at least one of whom shall be a lead
Companies Act, 2013.
subsidiaries of the issuer merchant banker.
DISCLOSURES Advertisements for Public issues
Disclosure in Schedule I
Advertisement Contents Credibility
of the SEBI (Issue and Additional disclosures as
listing of NCRPS) may be specified by SEBI •In one English national daily •No issuer shall issue an •The credit rating shall be
Regulations; newspaper and one Hindi national advertisement which is misleading prominently displayed in the
daily newspaper with wide in material particulars or which advertisement
circulation at the place where the contains any information in a •The advertisement shall urge the
registered office of the issuer is distorted manner or which is investors to invest only on the basis
disclosures under Section Minimum subscription situated manipulative or deceptive. of information contained in the
26 of the Companies Act, which the issuer seeks to •On or before the issue opening date •No issuer shall issue an offer document. Any advertisement
2013 raise and underwriting and such advertisement shall, advertisement which is misleading issued by the issuer during the
Disclosures in arrangements amongst other things, contain the in material particulars or which subscription period shall not make
the Offer disclosures as specified in Schedule I contains any information in a any reference to the issue or be
Document distorted manner or which is used for solicitation of non-
manipulative or deceptive. convertible redeemable preference
The lead merchant banker shall ensure that the draft offer document ISSUER PUBLIC
clearly specifies the names and contact particulars of the compliance SCSB
officer of the lead merchant banker and the issuer including the postal
and email address, telephone and fax numbers and it has been posted
on the website of issuer & merchant bankers .
The issuer shall redeem the File an application to one Obtain Credit Rating
non-convertible redeemable Enter into an agreement Appoint one or more
or more stock exchanges including the unaccepted
with a depository for Merchant banker and lead
preference shares in terms of for listing of non ratings obtained from
dematerialization of the merchant bankers and
the offer document. convertiable redeemable more than one credit
non-convertible create capital redemption
preference shares and rating agencies shall be
redeemable preference account under Companies
obtain in-principle disclosed in the offer
shares . Act, 2013
approval document
Minimum subscription
1) Decide the amount of minimum subscription to be raised and In case of Non-receipt of
disclose the same in the offer document. minimum subscription, all Issuer shall decide the
application monies price and amount of Make an advertisement in
Draft & Final offer
2) In the event of non-receipt of minimum subscription, all received shall be refunded Minimum subscription of one English national daily
document shall be
. If the application monies non-convertible newspaper and one Hindi
application monies received shall be refunded to the applicants displayed on websites of
are refunded beyond 8 redeemable preference national daily newspaper
stock exchange and shall
days, then such amounts shares in consultation with with wide circulation on or
3) In case the refund is beyond 8 days from the last day of the be available for download
shall be refunded together the lead merchant banker before the issue opening
offer, then such amount shall be refunded along with interest at in PDF/HTML formats.
with interest at such rate and disclose the same in date.
such rate which shall not be less than fifteen per cent per which shall not be less the offer document.
than 15% per annum
Securitization is the process of pooling and repackaging of homogenous illiquid financial assets Sebi (Issue And Listing Of Securitized Debt Instruments And Security Receipts) Regulations, 2008
into marketable securities that can be sold to investors.
There are four steps in a securitization:
A person cannot make a public offer of securitized debt instruments or seek listing for such securitized debt instruments
unless –
a) Have a networth of
not less than two crore
ASSIGN rupees. The requirement of obtaining registration is not applicable for the following persons, who may act as trustees of special purpose
CASH RECEIVABLES distinct entities
b) Have in its
employment, a minimum
of two persons (i)having any person registered as a debenture trustee with SEBI
atleast five years
experience in activities
related to securitization any person registered as a securitization company or a reconstruction company with the RBI
and atleast
(ii) One among them
shall have a professional the National Housing Bank established by the National Housing Bank Act, 1987
CASH qualification in law from
any university or National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development established by the National Bank for Agriculture
institution recognised by and Rural Development Act, 1981
the Government or a
foreign university.
INVESTORS any scheduled commercial bank other than a regional rural bank
any public financial Institution as defined under clause (72) of section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013
any other person as may be specified by SEBI
Launching of Schemes
•Ensure that debts and receivables The terms of issue of the No expenses shall be
•Maintain separate and
•By making an offer of are held and correctly applied securitized debt charged to the scheme in
distinct accounts for each
securitized debt towards redemption of securitized instruments may provide excess of the allowable
scheme Realisation of debt instruments
instruments Multiple for exercise of a clean -up expenses as may be
Raising funds •not to commingle asset debts and Call Option Expenses
•Through schemes in schemes
receipts •Use towards payment of returns on call option by the special specified in the scheme
pools or realisations of a purpose distinct entity,
accordance with these such instruments or towards other and any such expenditure,
scheme with those of subject to adequate
regulations. permissible expenditure of the if incurred, shall be borne
other schemes disclosures.
scheme by the trustees.
Arrangements for
Offer to the Public Submission and
filing of final offer
An offer is a public offer
only if it is
However, above mentioned conditions apply only SPDE and trustee shall carry out changes specified by SEBI
in respect of securitized debt instruments which within 15 working days in the draft offer document prior to
belong to the same tranche and which are pari Credit rating
filing it with the designated stock exchange or issuing it.
passu in all respects.
ALLOTMENT- The securitized debt instruments shall be allotted to the investors within the following time periods:-
1) In case of dematerialized securitized debt instruments – within five days of closure of the offer
No SPDE shall retain any oversubscription received in any public offer. In the event of over-
2) In case of securitized debt instruments in the physical form –certificates shall be dispatched within eight days of closure of
subscription, the allotment shall be made as per the basis of allotment finalized in consultation the offer
with the recognized stock exchanges to which an application for listing was made. 3) In case of failure to do the above SPDE and every trustee will be jointly and severally liable to pay interest at the rate of
fifteen per cent per annum to the concerned applicants