1877477-Esteemed House of Cats
1877477-Esteemed House of Cats
1877477-Esteemed House of Cats
Copyrights Disclaimer
A full copyrights statement can be found in the final page of
this module. This module falls under the restrictions and
copyright laws as stated by the DMsGuild.
This module was made to be distributed for FREE. Should
you find anything that you think is breaking any copyright
laws, please do contact me through any of my social media.
Special Thanks
I would like to extend my gratitude to a few people that really
helped this module come to life.
My caring partner, Anna, who has continuously
supported me, every step of the way.
Mona Finden, the artist, whose artwork is absolutely
stunning and I honestly cannot wait to show you the big
adventure that I have been preparing with the rest of her
work. The cover of this module is made by her and was
the main inspiration for creating this adventure!
Mart , my first Archmage tier Patreon supporter. He and
his lovely cat Luna were one of the many inspirations for
this adventure.
All my patreon supporters who continue to give me
feedback and all their love and support.
Table Of Contents
1 Credits
1.1 The People Involved
1.2 Software Used
1.3 Copyrights Disclaimer
2 The House of Danger
3 Getting Started
3.1 The Author's Welcome
3.2 Intro to the Module
3.2.1 What it is about
3.3 Running the Module
3.3.1 The Hook
3.4 Adventure Synopsis
3.5 The Characters
3.5.1 Sir Rigby Danger
3.5.2 Luna
3.5.3 The Third Cat
3.5.4 Rafen, The Druid
4 The Story Path
4.1 Things To Note
4.2 Part 1: Entry
4.3 Part 2: Introductions
4.4 Part 3: Dinner Time
4.5 Part 4: The Final Choice
5 Afterword
6 Appendix A
7 Copyrights
The House of Danger
he cats had taken over. Sir Rigby Danger made
sure that everyone in the house was happy.
Everyone had to have a place and a role.
However, it only took a month before the real
face of certain cats showed. The ones that
would be "above" the rest. Sir Rigby made sure
of that.
It was a shelter to every cat present. A shelter with a social
balance that none dared to upset. Mr.Danger was far too
unpredictable and dangerous for anyone to even dare think
the unthinkable. So it continued for a good few months and it
reached the point where every cat was happy with the status
quo. Every cat had a role.
Some would be butlers, while others would be maids.
Some would cook while others would clean. All the
meanwhile, Sir Rigby enjoyed every pleasure the house had
to offer. He fancied two of the female cats and decided to
elevate their social status as time passed. It was not long
before both of those cats had their own rooms, their own
special garments and so much more.
Rigby knew better than to allow anyone to question the
situation they were in. He made sure to remind every cat,
whenever possible, how lucky they are to be in that house.
Food and shelter, what more could a cat ever want?
Luna, one of the two cat ladies of the house, was gentle
and kind. She saw what Sir Rigby had done as monstrous
and vile. She sought to undo the wrongdoing and the only
way to do that would be to get the key to the cellar. To get the
key, she would have to elevate her status in the house and
there was only one way to do that.
Become Sir Rigby's betrothed.
Becoming engaged to Sir Rigby is not an easy task though.
Luna knew that to achieve such a task, she would have to get
very close to someone she really did not like. So she slowly
seduce Sir Rigby as each month passed.
In the meantime, another suitress for Sir Rigby came into
the picture. This lady cat had higher status as her goal. She
did not want to betray Sir Rigby like Luna, for she admired
him very much. She had fallen in love with his intelligence
and cunning. All she wanted was to be next to this brilliant
cat, as his wife.
A couple months passed and Sir Rigby realized that the
luxurious life of the shelter would not last forever. The cats
started talking more and more between themselves, planning
things. Planning an escape. Sir Rigby realized that his
leadership alone would not be enough and decided to
announce that he will take as his betrothed one of the lady
cats of the house. He hoped that this would inspire some
loyalty among the rest of the cats. The cunning Sir Rigby.
He was right.
All of the cats talked less about escaping and more about
the upcoming dinner when Sir Rigby would announce his
decision. All was going well, until...
A strange knock was heard at the door...
Getting Started
The Author's Welcome Intro to the Module
Thank you for downloading this short adventure module and What it is about
reading through its content. This short adventure fills in the
time gap between the release of the second (Daughter of the Esteemed House of Cats is a short linear story that players
Wind) and third (Windrider, coming soon) art-ventures. I of any level can experience. The players will get involved in a
simply saw the awesome art piece that Mona made based on small environment filled with awakened cats who can talk.
her cat and I knew I had to use it somehow, for something. Moreover, the players will meet the three important to the
A reminder once again that when it comes to D&D and any story characters and then will have to make a decision that
other RPG I play, I personally prefer to customize a lot of will give an ending to the story.
things that I find as a DM in order to be able to have the The adventure in this module is very heavy on roleplay
players feel even more engaged with the narrative and most elements and it is advised that most Difficulty Checks are
importantly the roleplay part of it all. That would include completely ignored for the sake of experiencing the story as it
creating new homebrew rules on the spot that range from is meant to run. The DM has to bring the players close to the
custom spells to more unique things like special buffs. house to drive their curiosity and then lead the way from
I also tend to not put small boxes with text that the DM can there.
directly read in my modules, since I believe that those break I like to think small adventures, like this one, as short
one of the most important mysteries of RPGs and GMing. I happenings between the more serious stuff that happens in
am talking about the part where the players can tell when a D&D. I feel that it is sometimes a nice thing to have since it
GM is improvising and when they are reading something helps players relax, sit back and enjoy the narrative as it
directly from the book. You might find some extra info on unfolds. It feels more like an adventure game with certain
some of the pages in the form of notes, but they are mostly choices, rather than a tabletop RPG situation. There is of
for the DM to understand the adventure better. course a balance to all things, so I suggest you run this
For a full list of all the resources I used in order to create adventure only if you really think your players need a bit of a
this module as well as links to everyone and everything relaxing time.
involved, please check the credits page. Everything that I have As with all the adventures I write, showing the players the
created for the purpose of this adventure will be listed in pictures found within this module helps drive the players'
various parts of the adventure. imagination further.
Despite the information given here, I entice you to give the This adventure should take 1 session of no more than
adventure your own twist and make it into something that fits 1,5 hours to complete. The adventure is geared towards
better in your own campaign wherever needed. players of any level.
Running the Module Adventure Synopsis
In the next couple of pages, a lot of information will be given This adventure is focused on the story that takes place from
on how to run this adventure. The story is very linear and it is the moment the players enter the house till the moment they
up to the DM to improvise and come up with how they can leave it. The following list shows how the adventure
present a lot of the parts. Most of the information given here progresses:
is to flesh out the basic parts of the entire story.
Things like details about the cats' appearances, the house's 1. The adventure hook comes into play.
condition or even the way the cats talk, are all stuff that the 2. The players find the house. They are invited inside in
DM needs to come up with. There are a few suggestions for some way.
each part in this module, but it is ultimately your story to tell. 3. The players are introduced to each one of the three main
characters, one by one.
The Hook 4. The players now know the story and are invited to join the
cats for dinner.
Seeing how this is a bit of a random "filler" sort of adventure, 5. Sir Rigby Danger asks the adventurers to make the
the way you introduce the players to this story has to be well decision for him.
crafted in order for them to be interested in it. Even with a 6. Depending on what choice the players picked, an outcome
good adventure hook though, it is hard to make this short ensues.
story part of any bigger campaign since the characters are all 7. The players leave the house.
quite strange. The druid is the only one that could make any
sense, but even then, that is only one character. For that
reason, I advise you take this story a little bit less seriously
yourself and try to be a bit more lenient about the fact that it
does not necessarily fit perfectly into your overall campaign
A good example of how I fit it into one of my sessions is
that I made the druid mention that he and his colleague came
to Icewind Dale to investigate the situation with the eternal
winter caused by the Frostmaiden. He mentioned they split
ways when they were at Bremen since his colleague wanted
to explore the lake a bit closer. That is where the "Lake
Monster" quest comes into play, since the colleague of the
druid would be the one that awakened the Plesiosaurus in
the lake.
If you are not in Icewind Dale though, you could follow one
of my other examples for making an adventure hook:
The players are traveling through a place that they have
not been through before. During their journey, they come
across a house that looks abandoned. They investigate
closer and notice cats inside the house, all dressed up and
walking on two legs. If they do not knock on the door, then
one of the retainer cats notices them and opens the door
to invite them inside.
The players hear all sorts of rumors and stories at an inn
or a tavern. One of those stories could come from a
drunkard who swears on his dog's life that he saw cats all
dressed up and walking on two legs having tea inside an
abandoned house around the area of {insert the area you
want the house to be at here}.
The abandoned house could be the home of one of the
known characters in your campaign. Maybe cats took
control of the house after that character left the house
behind for far too long.
Other druids or wizards know of a druid that went down a
certain route but hasn't returned in months. They ask the
adventurers to look out for anything weird they might
come across while following the same route.
The Characters Luna is a character modeled after Mart R.'s cat. I do not know
Sir Rigby Danger Luna personally either, but I have seen more than a hundred
pictures and videos of her since Mart and his girlfriend never
Sir Rigby Danger is a character modeled after Mona Finden's stop spamming me with those.
cat. Although I do not know the real Rigby personally, Mona Luna is a lawful good character. She enjoyed staying in the
gave me very clear instructions; "Make sure he's an asshole." house and after a short while, her good looks allowed her to
Sir Rigby Danger is a neutral evil character. Ever since he rise in status. This gave her access to more luxuries than
found intelligence, he has done his best to bring all the cats in what she initially had but all this also came with the
the house to his side. Everyone respects him and at the same realization that what was happening in the house was not
time fears him. Having seen what he did to the druid right. Luna felt very uneasy, taking advantage of the druid to
whenever the druid talked back at him, the rest of the cats do continue living this life, so she decided to devise a plan to
not dare go against him. Even when they started planning a overthrow Sir Rigby and free the druid if possible.
coup, Rigby was cunning enough to distract them with The way Luna wants to do that is by deceiving Sir Rigby
something else so that they forget all about their coup plans. and making him think that she is in love with him, that she
Sir Rigby talks in a very posh way and with a lot of wants to be engaged to him. Then she would be able to ask
adjectives. He always tries to flatter everyone around him in Sir Rigby for the key to the basement cellar and go free the
order to get on their good side and later deceive them. His druid. Sir Rigby always holds the key to the cellar on him, so
form of manipulation is definitely being overly it would be impossible to do this any other way. Either that, or
complimentary. kill him, but she doesn't have it in her to do such a thing.
Important character traits: Important character traits:
He uses the phrase "most certainly" whenever possible as She says "oh my" a lot.
an answer. She is always very elegant in the way she moves.
He is never seen around the house without his suit.
She wants to overthrow Sir Rigby and free the druid.
He wants to rule the house for as long as possible. He will
kill the druid if someone else tries to take over. She does not believe any person whatsoever should ever
have so much power over others.
He desires power, fears his power being taken and does
not believe in true companionship of any form.
Luna sat at the edge of the window looking outside. She
wanted to go outside again, but she knew the druid's spell
"I care not for your life human. Even after you take away my wouldn't reach that far. She knew she would risk losing her
intelligence, my sharp claws will surely cut through your intelligence. She wanted to end it all though. She felt how evil
throat, so choose your next move wisely..." said Rigby while Sir Rigby was and she knew she had to do something about it.
holding his paws close to the druid's neck. It was this moment She licked her paws and continued thinking of how she could
that gave Rigby the respect of all the other cats in the house. dethrone the cunning feline.
Since then, Rigby had asked to be addressed only as Sir Rigby.
He took his leadership quite seriously and therefore made a lot
of requests from the other cats. Food, baths and all other
kinds of luxuries prepared for him whenever he wanted them.
The Third Cat
This is honestly my favorite character of the story. The third
cat should always be a cat named after one of your players'
cats (if any of them has one). If none of your players have a
cat, then go with a generic look and name of your choice.
The reason behind the third cat being portrayed this way is
so that that the players (or at least a few of them) develop
some sort of connection to the D&D cat character, making it
even more interesting and engaging. For example, when I ran
this adventure with one of my groups, the third cat was called
Tolkien and was modeled after the cat of one of my players.
Needless to say, everyone was loving it and was also
surprised in the end when the druid came upstairs and they
saw how he reacted to seeing the cats after months of being
trapped by them.
The third cat needs to be the one that is seeking to elevate
her status by being engaged to Sir Rigby. She is the one that
admires Sir Rigby and wants to really stand by his side as his
Important character traits:
She uses the word "regrettably" in a sentence whenever
She speaks very highly of Sir Rigby, complimenting him at
all times.
She wants to stand by Sir Rigby as his betrothed and will
do anything in her power to achieve that.
She does not believe anyone else in the house could ever
be as smart as Sir Rigby.
"Well, regrettably, the druid did not like our plan. Should he be
on our side, we could do so much more. Such a pity to see so
much potential go to waste. If only he could see the brilliance
that is Sir Rigby's beautiful mind" said the snobby cat as she
trimmed her nails. She sat on top of one of the biggest pillows
the cats had found in the house.
The Story Path
Luna is of course lying and if any of your players ask if they
Things To Note can make an insight check, you should either decline or have
The path that the players take is very linear. It is up to the DM them make it and then tell them that they can feel that she's
however to introduce details wherever they want. You could telling the truth.
keep it simple, or you could go as far as explaining the way Right after the conversation with Luna, the players will be
many of the cats in the house look like as well as other little called to another room to meet the third cat. When they meet
details about the house itself. the third cat, she will be next to a window with her paws
The house is also a great way to introduce the former extended towards another cat that is trimming her nails for
home of one of your campaign's characters and it worked her. She will greet the players and will be very condescending
great for when I did that in my own campaign. from the very start.
The third cat will speak of Sir Rigby as much as possible,
complimenting him every time about something. Do not be
Part 1: Entry afraid to repeat yourself when talking as the cat. She will also
The players arrive at the house (after the adventure hook mention that tonight's dinner is very important and that
part) and either knock on the front door or are seen by one of should the adventurers vouch for her, she will reward them
the cat retainers inside. A cat retainer opens the door and with a trinket that she thinks is of great value.
welcomes them inside in a very polite manner. Once the conversation with the third cat is over, the butler
This is one of the first parts where you can start showing will come once again and ask the players to follow him to the
your players how obscure this whole situation seems to dining room. The dining room will be downstairs and the
everyone. When the door opens, you could tell the characters players will be escorted to their spots at the table. There will
that at first they see nothing and then, when they look down, be three chairs with lots of pillows on them too. The pillows
they see a cut in proper butler attire. are for the cats to be able to reach the table. One of those
If questioned about the clothing, the cats will explain that chairs will be occupied by Sir Rigby who will be at the head
they make their own clothing at the house. of the table.
If the players investigate the cellar, they can find some
finely-aged wine among other things. The cellar will smell
really bad and the players will also be able to see the trap that
Part 4: The Final Choice Sir Rigby made to imprison the druid. It is a strange
If the players go with Luna, then Sir Rigby will say some contraption that keeps the person inside always locked in
good words about her and will then thank the players. Once with no way of escaping. A guillotine-like blade hangs above
Sir Rigby is done talking, Luna will ask Sir Rigby to have the the trap. There was always a cat there guarding the trap and
key to the cellar. She will say that she believes that such a making sure their paw is ready to let the blade loose.
moment requires some of the finest wine to properly The druid would in any case be able to dismantle the trap
celebrate. Sir Rigby will find it very appropriate and will be by using some sort of magic, but was always afraid that the
too distracted to see Luna's true intentions. He is too cats would just instantly kill him if he tried anything. Rafen
occupied with the guests, showing them how benevelont and was generally way too afraid to try escaping on his own.
classy he is, to even think of something weird is going on. The druid will thank the players once again and ask for
A good five minutes or so later, the cats will suddenly stop directions to a nearby town before he takes his leave.
talking and will go back to being normal animals. The players If the players go with the third cat, then Sir Rigby will
will see some of the retainer cats walking on all four legs say some good words about her and will then thank the
again. A minute or so later, the players will hear footsteps players. Once Sir Rigby is done talking, the third cat will
coming from the basement and when they turn to look thank the players as well and will hand over a locket that she
towards the staircase that goes down, they will see Rafen says she offers as a gift to the lost wanderers.
come up. After a bit of chit chat, Luna will ask Sir Rigby for the key
Rafen, the druid, will be in complete shock. He will talk fast to the cellar because she wishes to celebrate the
and say random things about what happened to him when announcement. Sir Rigby will pity Luna and tell her that she
asked what is going on and who he is. He will speak about may have the key. Once Luna is gone, Sir Rigby will say a few
the cats with hatred and fury. He will be very, very mad at the things about Luna, saying that he feels a bit bad for her,
cats for what they had done to him. He will be very smelly, because he knows how sad she can get. He will then say that
dirty and will overall look terrible. he is happy nonetheless with the choice and that the third cat
It is up to you to decide how Rafen will react when he sees will make a great wife for him.
Rigby and the other cats. I do not advise you do anything too The same line of events could happen again unless you
harsh if you know your players are not emotionally ready for don't want the same kind of ending. If you don't want the
very intense situations. I personally went with killing the story to end the same way, then you are free to just end the
third cat, but the people in my group are friends of mine and I adventure there and have the players leave without ever
know them well enough to know I can pull off something like discovering what was really going on in the house of
that. They also somewhat expected it once the druid awakened cats. You could for example have Luna never
explained to them what was going on. receive the key from Sir Rigby or have Sir Rigby go grab the
Either way, be careful with how you handle this part of the wine himself, since it is a very special occasion for him and
story. the third cat.
Once Rafen relaxes a little bit, he will calmly thank the
adventurers and tell them that he never meant anyone any
harm. He will explain that he was only trying to befriend the
cats when they turned on him out of nowhere. He will say
that this one fluffy cat, Luna, spoke very nicely to him when
she came to free him. She said to him "I am so sorry for all
that has happened to you. You should also thank the people
upstairs, for they are the ones that really made this possible."
Rafen will then say that the only thing of interest in the
house is a locket that he saw one of the cats carrying around
at some point. This locket is in the third cat's room and is the
trinket that she was going to give the players had they chosen
her to be Sir Rigby's betrothed.
If the players decide to investigate the rest of the house,
they will find nothing of interest. Unless, of course, you want
to place a book or something else that might be interesting.
For my campaign, I left a few clues inside the house that
made the players understand whose house it was before it
was abandoned.
The locket can be a magical item of your choice. If you
would like my suggestion for what it could be, then check out
Appendix A.
hank you for taking the time to download,
read and maybe even play this module. Every
story I write, every character I create, every
comment you leave on my posts, every piece of
feedback I receive, everything is motivating me
to write more. I am loving every moment I put
into this and I have all of you to thank for this. Thank you for
your support.
A huge thank you to Mona Finden, first for inspiring this
story and second for allowing me to use her amazing artwork
of Sir Rigby Danger. I cannot wait to soon share with
everyone the art-venture where Mona Finden is the featured
artist and a lot of her artwork is used for the story.
One last time, if you would like to support me, I have set up
a Patreon (/kelfecil) and in the meantime, you should most
definitely check out Mona's work on her Instagram
Appendix A
Cat stats. (Hopefully you will not need this.)
Locket of True Love
The locket is made of silver and is in the shape of a
Cat small star. The locket comes with a rope that
Tiny beast, unaligned allows anyone to wear it as a necklace. While not
worn by anyone, if the locket is opened, there is
Armor Class 13 nothing inside. If someone is wearing it, then the
Hit Points 2 (1d4) wearer sees a picture of their one true love or the
Speed 40ft., climb 40ft. one they desire the most.
Once per day, the wearer of the locket can utter
their true love's name to gain advantage on their
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA next saving throw, attack roll or difficulty check
3 (-4) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) 12 (+1)11 (+0) roll.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) slashing damage.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.
Front page artwork is copyright 2020 by Mona Finden.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by
Konstantinos Christakis (also known as Kelfecil) and
published under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.