NCMB 314 Finals Reviewer
NCMB 314 Finals Reviewer
NCMB 314 Finals Reviewer
Step Four
Step Six
Entrepreneural Opportunities
Week 13:
Research Agenda (Lecture)
OLDER ADULT Adequate healthcare services for the
Research Age
elderly may simply be beyond the reach of
Young Old - 60-74 many Asian countries
Middle Old - 75-84 They may not be able to afford a large
Old Old - 85 & older dependent elderly population.
Presently: 12.8% of population They might not have the necessary
2030: will increase to 20% of population institutions & financial systems in place
(e.g., efficient and well-managed pension
and healthcare programs)
Musculoskeletal (RLE)
Environmental factors such as
pollution Smoking
Family history of first-degree
Osteoarthritis relatives and illnesses such as
Degenerative joint disease involve bacterial and viral illnesses.
joint cartilage osteophytes/spurs Cigarette smoking is one of
1. Advanced age, Degenerative Joint modifiable risk factor that has been
disease shown to be highly related to
2. Previous joint damage rheumatoid arthritis (Carter et al,
3. Obesity 2015).
4. Wear and tear- of JOINT
5. Weightbearing joints- KNEE,
Musculoskeletal (RLE)
Evidence links the consumption of
fructose-rich beverages with the risk of
gout for both men and women
(CDC, 2015b). women older than 80 years is
Patients with gout have an 50%.average 75-year-old woman has
increased risk of cardiovascular lost 25% of her cortical bone and 40%
disease. Comorbid conditions such of her trabecular bone.
as hypertension, dyslipidemia, Most residents of long-term care
diabetes, and kidney disease may be WEEK 15have a low bone mineral
present in patients with gout density (BMD) and are at risk for
(Papadakis et al., 2015). bone fracture.
Given that the incidence of gout One third of all hip fractures occur
increases with age, its management among men, and men have a higher
can be complicated by other medical mortality rate than women after
conditions, and age-related changes sustaining a hip fracture (NPS
(Carter et al., 2015). Medicinewise, 2015).
Low stature
1. Colchicine
Decrease inflammation used Bone pain
acute attack DIAGNOSIS
2. Allopurinol 1. DEXA-scan
2. Detects bone mass density
Blocks formation of Uric Acid 3. X-ray studies- fracture
Inhibits xanthine oxidase
Week 14:
Trends / Issues and Challenges on the Care of the Older Persons
Hold a master’s or higher degree in
Have been prepared as a nurse
--> Opportunities in gerontological nursing are practitioner in either of
somewhat correlated with education level. the following:
--> Many levels of preparation are available for WEEK
A GNP 15master’s degree in Program
nurses in gerontology such as: A formal postgraduate GNP track or
Special education in caring for adults program Within a school of nursing
during basic preparation (LPN, RN granting graduate-level academic
associate degree, diploma RN, or RN BSN credit
Post baccalaureate nurses choose a Clinical GERONTOLOGICAL NURSING
Nurse Specialist (CNS) or Geriatric Nurse The nurse must meet all the following
Practitioner (GNP) requirements:
Online programs for graduate or post- Currently hold an active RN license in the
master’s study and complete clinical hours in United States or its territories
their own geographic location Hold a master’s or higher degree in
Certifications in gerontology currently gerontologic nursing
available from the American Association of Hold a master’s or higher degree in
Colleges of Nursing (AACN) nursing with a specialization in
Working in long-term care facilities such as gerontologic nursing.
nursing homes, assisted living, independent Have practiced a minimum of 12 months
living centers, or adult day care, or in an acute after completion of the master’s degree
care hospital.
Meet the following requirements in
GERONTOLOGIC NURSE current practice:
The nurse must meet all of the following If a clinical specialist must have
requirements: provided a minimum of 800 hours (
Currently hold an active post-master’s) of direct client care or
Registered Nurse license in US or its territories clinical management in Gerontologic
Hold a baccalaureate or higher degree in Nursing within the past 24 months
nursing If a consultant, researcher, educator, or
Have practiced 2000 hours within past 3 years administrator, must have provided a
Have had 30 contact hours of continuing minimum of 400 hours
education applicable
gerontology/gerontological nursing within the
past 3 years
The concept of life care planning was
GERONTOLOGIC NURSE first developed in the 1980s, to meet a
growing need for an informed
The nurse must meet the following document that presented actual
requirements: estimated costs of care for persons who
Currently hold an active RN license in the had experienced a catastrophic injury or
US or its territories accident.
Many settlements for those persons in
devastating accidents were made arbitrarily
The principles of life care planning
could also easily be extrapolated for use
without actual calculation and with those seniors who have long-term
consideration of the multitudes of factors chronic health problems. A good
influencing these costs, such as doctors’ financial planner could provide a more
visits, equipment, medications, tests, cost of accurate and detailed projection of
caregiving, and potential complications over health care cost over a lifetime of
a lifetime.LCP is a comprehensive WEEK 15 or illness. The demand for
document designed to help meet the long- professionals in gerontology and
term financial and health needs of a person rehabilitation is likely to grow quickly
experienced catastrophic injury. Life care with the aging baby boomer group.
planners generally develop plans for Gerontological nurses combine their
insurance companies or awyers knowledge in health care with some
representing individual clients, but the financial training to offer distinctive
ultimate goal is to promote the best services to the older age group.
outcome for the person for whom the life
care plan was written. FINANCIAL GERONTOLOGY
12. Offer counseling and support
13. Some PGCMs also offer
guardianship, caregiving, and /or GASTRITIS
financial services.
Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is a
WEEK GI problem, accounting for
approximately 2 million
Another fascinating trend related to Visits to outpatient clinics annually in US
gerontological (Wehbi, Yang, Sarver et al., 2014). It
Nursing is the emergence of companies affects women and
completely devoted to the strategic Men about equally and is more common
planning,engineering, architecture, in older adults. Gastritis may be acute,
building, and marketing of community lasting several hours
living designs that are tailored to To a few days, or chronic, resulting from
today’s older adults. Older adults who repeated exposure to irritating agents or
choose to live in senior communities recurring episodes of acute gastritis.
expect to have access to transportation
and needed services such as health
care, appropriate housing, and 1.Antacids
opportunities for socialization. Baby Neutralize stomach acid- Maalox
boomers are predicted to live in 2. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists
suburban communities versus urban or Decreases gastric acid Ranitidine
rural areas (Frey 2007), so the need for (Zantac)
age-appropriate and friendly retirement 3.Proton pump inhibitors(PPI)
communities is projected to increase. Nexium (Esomeprazole)
Lehning,Chun, and Scharlach (2007)
An aging –friendly community has Stress, smoking
three primary characteristics: Corticosteroids,
1) age is not a significant barrier to Alcohol, Aspirin
the maintenance of life-long interests NSAIDS
and activities;
2) supports and accommodations GERD
exist to enable individuals with age- Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a
related disabilities to meet basic fairly common disorder marked by
health and social needs; and backflow of gastric or duodenal
3) opportunities exist for older adults contents into the esophagus that causes
to develop new sources of fulfillment troublesome symptoms and/or mucosal
and engagement. injury to the esophagus.
Excessive reflux may occur because of
an incompetent lower esophageal
sphincter, pyloric stenosis, hiatal hernia,
or a motility disorder.
Diuretics Choledochostomy
Measure abdominal girth, weigh pt Incission to common duct for
Paracentesis removal of stones
Low salt diet
Liver cannot convert ammonia to urea
Asterixis – flapping tremors of the hands
Fetor hepaticus – musty odor breath
Care of T-Tube
Assess neuro status, vs, hand Semi-fowlers
writing, weight Avoid irrigation, clamping of T- tube
Diet: use of vegetable CHON
Meds: Neomycin , metronidazole,
Week 15:
Advocacy Programs Relevant to the Care of Older Persons
Who can access advocacy services?
Advocacy Programs Relevant to the
Care of Older Persons Anyone who is receiving or seeking to
receive government-funded aged care
The role of an advocate in health and services, including family and
social care is to support a vulnerable representatives, are entitled to access
or disadvantaged person and ensure advocacy services. This includes people
that their rights are being upheld in a who:
healthcare context.
Live in an aged care home
Health and social care advocacy means
Receive aged care services in their
supporting people who are unable to
own home
ensure their best interests are being
Receive transition care
taken care of.
Are helping someone who is
In the medical profession, activities
receiving aged care services.
related to ensuring access to care,
navigating the system, mobilizing LEGAL ADVOCACY
resources, addressing health inequities,
influencing health policy and creating Is a recognized strategy to address
system change are known as health social factors that influence the
advocacy. health of populations with complex
care needs. Such advocacy can
improve housing stability, increase
access to public benefits that
--> Advocacy services support the rights support a host of social needs, assure
of anyone receiving or seeking to that medical and financial proxy
receive aged care services, and empower decision makers are in place, and
older people to make informed reduce psychosocial distress.
decisions about their care. An aged
Older adults are disproportionately
care advocate can assist things like:
likely to have complex medical needs.
Legal advocacy has been recognized
Interacting with the aged care system
as integral to the health and health
Transitioning between aged care services
care of older adults in the medical
Knowing and understanding their rights
Making decisions about the care they literature since 1988, and in current
receive Medicare quality metrics.
Options for having their aged care needs Yet, while emerging care models for
better met older adults with complex needs are
Resolving concerns or complaints with highly multidisciplinary, none
the aged care provider about the incorporate legal advocacy in their
services they receive design.
Speaking with their service provider at their Legal advocates are focused on
direction emergency legal needs such as loss
Increasing their skills and knowledge to of housing, neglect and exploitation,
advocate for them self. and loss of public benefits.
Dr. Dean Ornish, a physician at the The Strong for Life Program is a
University of California at San Francisco home-based exercise program for
and founder of the Preventive Medicine disabled and nondisabled older adults.
Research Institute, has developed a program It focuses on strength and balance, and
for reversing heart disease that has been provides an exercise video, a trainer’s
replicated at several sites around the manual, and a user’s guide. The
country. program was designed by physical
therapists for home use by older adults,
Dr. Ornish (1992) has recommended a
and relies on elastic resistive bands for
vegetarian diet with fat intake of 10% or
strengthening muscles. The exercise
less of total calories, moderate aerobic
program led to high rate of exercise
exercise at least three times a week, yoga
adherence among older participants, as
and meditation an hour a day, group
well as increased lower extremity
support sessions, and smoking cessation.
strength, improvements in tandem gait,
and a reduction in physical
disability (Jette et al., 1999)
Rose Ann C. Lacuarin
Week 16:
Telehealth and the Older Person
Telehealth allows patients across the However, many cognitive abilities,
lifespan to receive care remotely in a including semantic memory, reasoning,
manner that is often more accessible and problem solving, and executive
convenient than in-person care. functioning are preserved well into late
life. The relatively minor cognitive
A common misconception is that older
changes that occur with aging should
adults have either no interest in the use of
not prevent use of telehealth by older
technology or cannot use technology
Even adults who experience conditions
SENSORY AND MOTOR CHANGES such as mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
can successfully learn new skills,
Most older adults experience age-related especially if they use compensatory
changes in vision, hearing, touch, strategies like making notes or using
perception, mobility, and balance. Many of reminders. This could include making
these declines begin at age 40. reminders about telehealth appointment
times in their calendar and using a series
For older adults, there may be
of written notes about how to start their
difficulties with light perception,
computer or tablet and launch a
sensitivity to glare, reduced acuity,
telehealth application.
and impaired focus on nearby
Discriminating between background TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT
noises becomes more difficult as we
Don’t assume older adults are
age, and low-level sounds are
uninterested in telehealth.Just as
muffled. And for some, there is
you do with all patients, meet older
increased risk of developing Tinnitus, adults where they are and talk about
which can make certain sounds the pros and cons of telehealth.
difficult to discern. Provide a clear explanation of what
There are also changes to muscle to expect and let them know that
strength and tone that make muscles most people experience a few
stiffer and less. “bumps” adjusting to new
technology but you’ve been able to
COGNITIVE CHANGES successfully work with people with
this modality.
Most older adults experience some Providing technology support
cognitive changes as a part of the requires additional resources early in
normal aging process, such as treatment but avoids delays on the
slowed speed of processing, day of the appointment, so plan to
difficulty in multitasking, and small provide additional instruction and
declines in episodic memory, which individual tech support. Though
generally do not interfere with telehealth platforms may not be
everyday functioning intuitive to older adults, many can
successfully use them.
Rose Ann C. Lacuarin
Auditory enhancements may also help the USING TELEHEALTH TO CARE FOR
user experience (e.g., adjust volume THE ELDERLY
settings, offer closed captioning options
with enhanced text size, consider the use When we think of digital technology,
of headphone sets). we tend to think of younger
You can provide these suggestions in the individuals using their smartphones
initial written information or discuss during and other digital devices. But this line
the setting up session. of thinking doesn’t necessarily apply
When using a video platform, a neutral, to telehealth. Older generations can
not “busy” visual background for you will use telehealth technology to improve
ensure the older adult with visual their access to care and reduce the
challenges is better able to focus on you cost of healthcare services.
and not other stimuli in the background. The number of Americans age 65 and
Similarly, reducing noise on the provider’s older is rising dramatically. Estimates
end reduces auditory interference for the show this demographic will rise from
46 million today to 98 million by the
patient. Be aware of noises such as HVAC,
year 2060. With more elderly patients
white noise generators, and other sounds
seeking care, families will have to
and seek to minimize these with the
make difficult decisions when figuring
position of your equipment and the use of
out how to best care for their loved
physical changes.
ACCESS TO ELDERLY CARE Primary Care for Frail Individuals
Patients that have trouble moving
Telehealth gives patients the option to
or leaving the house can use
consult with their healthcare provider
telehealth to consult with
remotely using live video, audio and instant
healthcare professionals on a
messaging on a telemedicine app. This
variety of primary healthcare issues
reduces the need for in_x0002_person
and concerns, including joint pain,
visits and consultations, making it easier for
muscle stiffness, medications, and
at-home caregivers to meet the needs of
accident management and
their loved ones.
Week 17:
Entrepreneural Opportunities
NURSE ENTREPRENEUR 1. ADN (Associate Degree in Nursing) or
BSN degree and valid RN license
Nurse entrepreneurs use their 2. Prior professional nursing experience
professional nursing experience and within the relevant area of specialty
education to start their own business in 3. Basic business skills and knowledge (e.g.,
the healthcare industry. Businesses accounting, marketing, ability to manage
established by nurse entrepreneurs may
include developing and selling a home staff)
health product or medical device, or 4. Good communication skills for interacting
offering independent nursing services, with customers, patients and employees
such as patient care, nursing 5. Ability to work independently and
education, home health and/or willingness to take on personal financial
consulting services. A nursing career
path that offers independence and
autonomy, becoming a nurse In general, nurse entrepreneurs have
entrepreneur requires creativity, hard completed a minimum of the ADN or
work and strong business skills. BSN degree and have attained an RN
license in the state in which they live. A
As in other nursing careers, aspiring background in business is also highly
nurse entrepreneurs begin their valuable for nurses who wish to start
careers by completing their Associate's their own businesses. This may include
Degree in Nursing or Bachelor of informal training or mentoring in
Science in Nursing degree and pass the business skills, taking a few courses in
NCLEX-RN exam. In addition to the business, or attaining a business degree.
standard nursing education, nurse Many nursing schools across the country
entrepreneurs benefit significantly from offer dual programs which deliver MSN
learning important business skills such as and MBA degrees simultaneously.
marketing, accounting and managerial
techniques. Certifications or Credentials
Then an aspiring nurse entrepreneur Needed?
often begins work as a professional nurse
in order to learn the industry and
discover business opportunities within it. There are no specific certifications or
credentials required for becoming a
While an advanced degree is not required nurse entrepreneur. However, a nurse
for nurse entrepreneurs to start their own entrepreneur may find certain
business, many nurses may consider a certifications valuable based on the
dual master's degree program in nursing nature of their business. For instance,
and business administration, in which a nurse who runs a home health
students complete their Master's of company and provides patient care
Science in Nursing and Master of may wish to hold the Basic Life
Business Administration degrees Support Certification (BLS) from the
simultaneously. American Heart Association or
American Red Cross.
Nurse entrepreneurs work for Nurse entrepreneurs may work in a
themselves and therefore the skills variety of settings, including in
required for this position vary offices running their own business, as
depending on the nature of the an independent nurse contractor in
individual business venture, but in hospitals or clinics, in home
general the following skills and healthcare visiting patients, or as a
qualifications are beneficial for nurse nurse educator. Nurse entrepreneurs
entrepreneurs: have the freedom to set their own
hours and the flexibility to determine
their own work environments based on
the company they establish.
Entrepreneural Opportunities
Nurse Entrepreneur Do