Managing IT Integration Risk in Acquisitions
Managing IT Integration Risk in Acquisitions
Managing IT Integration Risk in Acquisitions
This article presents a framework for assessing IT integration risk in acquisitions.
Using the experience of Trelleborg AB, a serial acquirer, we illustrate the framework’s
merits for managing high-risk acquisitions and identifying low-risk acquisitions.
Based on insights gained from Trelleborg, we provide recommendations for CIOs on
assessing and managing IT-related risk in acquisitions.1,2
Figure 1: Generic Acquisition Process and the Typical Involvement of the IT Function
2 MIS Quarterly Executive | March 2016 (15:1) | © 2016 University of Minnesota
Managing IT Integration Risk in Acquisitions
4 MIS Quarterly Executive | March 2016 (15:1) | © 2016 University of Minnesota
Managing IT Integration Risk in Acquisitions
not destroy any competitive advantage that leave existing business processes undisturbed are
depended on the target’s systems. less complex and therefore less risky.
The five commonly used methods are rip
Integration Method Risk Driver and replace, bolt-on, sculpt, combine and start-
Several potential methods can be used over, each of which comes with specific business
to integrate the target’s IT with that of the implications and tradeoffs (see Table 2).
acquirer. Different methods have varying levels Each integration method might involve
of complexity, and higher degrees of complexity tradeoffs. For example, to facilitate the speed of
mean more uncertainty, equating to greater risk. integration, the acquirer might choose the rip and
Methods that preserve existing IT systems and replace method, even though it erases some good
IT-related capabilities in the target. Or, it might integration method introduces “worst practice”
be necessary to reduce the scope of integration into the previously superior business processes of
to not disrupt the target. There might also be the target. Moreover, the rip and replace method
situations when the acquirer has to embark on a may cause significant disruption in the target
complex integration project despite the high risk. if the operational practices of the acquirer and
The five integration methods range from low target are very different.
to high complexity. Complexity is determined Bolt-on Integration Method. The bolt-on
by the extent of new IT development (hardware, method is the second least complex of the five
software and related practices) required and integration methods, conforming essentially to
the degree to which a method may disrupt the same logic as the rip and replace method.
ongoing business and information processes But despite its low complexity, there is still a risk
(see Figure 2). Disruptions imply a temporary that the bolt-on method might destroy value by
drop in productivity related to the introduction replacing the target’s IT systems. The additional
of new IT resources, followed by an increase as challenge with this method is to identify the
the merged organization adapts to using the new target’s unique IT systems and integrate them
practices associated with the newly introduced IT. with the acquirer’s IT. If this is done correctly,
In this context, complexity should be understood it should be possible to avoid destroying value
as a subjective managerial judgment, based on within the target. The downside of the bolt-on
general factors including new development, method is that continually bolting on new IT
elements to be integrated (systems, applications, can, over time, create a highly heterogeneous IT
data, processes, etc.) and, most importantly, their infrastructure that is expensive to maintain.
mutual interdependencies. Sculpt Integration Method. The sculpt
Rip and Replace Integration Method. The rip method seeks to deal with the risk of introducing
and replace method is the least complex because “worst practice” by describing the acquirer’s
it allows use of what the acquirer already has to business processes to the target and asking
support the acquisition. Once the IT has been “Can you improve these processes?” If the
integrated, the acquisition will be complete, and answer is “yes,” the target’s IT that supports the
the combined organization can immediately specific processes is identified and assessed so
start benefiting from the business synergies the relevant IT functionality can be rebuilt (or
that motivated the acquisition. However, the carved out) in the acquirer’s IT. The advantage
condition for being able to employ a full rip and of the sculpt integration method is that it results
replace method is that all the business processes in a homogenous IT infrastructure instead of a
of the target can be supported by the acquiring patchwork. The limitation is that this method
organization’s existing IT. The risk is that this is suitable only when the target displays best
6 MIS Quarterly Executive | March 2016 (15:1) | © 2016 University of Minnesota
Managing IT Integration Risk in Acquisitions
Combined IT Combined IT
IT Match IT Match
Target IT Target IT
Sculpt Combine
Acquirer IT Acquirer IT
Combined IT Combined IT
IT Match IT Match
Target IT Target IT
Acquirer IT
New IT
IT Match
Target IT
practice in a limited number of processes, development projects are both expensive and
otherwise the amount of carving out will require uncertain, and therefore high risk.
substantial resources. Moreover, there has to be a The essential differences between the five
full match between the acquirer’s and the target’s acquisition IT integration methods are depicted in
IT; if this is not the case, the sculpt integration Figure 3.
method has to be combined with the bolt-on
method. Time Pressure Risk Driver
Combine Integration Method. The combine The time pressure risk driver influences
method is relatively easy to carry out when the the integration timeframe of acquisition IT
combination can be made by carving out specific integration. Because completed IT integration is
IT from the target to replace the acquirer’s a prerequisite for realizing most of the synergies
corresponding IT. However, this method from an acquisition, IT management typically
becomes complicated when dealing with a experiences a high level of internal pressure to
combination of equals. As well as often becoming complete the integration as soon as possible.12
a highly political process, the result is a complex However, if the acquired unit is divested from
patchwork of interdependent IT that originally a business with multiple units, there is also
was not designed to work together. external time pressure from the seller and
Start-over Integration Method. The start from the diffuse “market.”13 Typically, there is
over method completely redevelops IT systems pressure to quickly integrate basic infrastructural
to support the combined organization. A more services such as email, intranet and phones,
moderate, but still complex, challenge would
be the redevelopment of the IT systems to 12 Johnston, K. D. and Yetton, P. W. “Integrating information
technology divisions in a bank merger: Fit, compatibility and models
support a specific business unit within a larger of change,” The Journal of Strategic Information Systems (5:3), pp.
organization. History shows that large-scale IT 189-211.
13 Mehta, M. and Hirschheim, R., op. cit., 2007.
all of which need to be available immediately existing or outside knowledge to address the
after the acquisition. However, most acquirers IT integration challenge. To be successful, two
have the capabilities to quickly integrate such tasks need to be accomplished: the design of
infrastructural services. The critical question is the IT integration and the implementation of
what time pressure is there to integrate IT that the designed IT integration.16 Designing the IT
enables business synergies from the acquisition. integration includes determining the extent of
Everything else being equal, fast IT integration integration required, the integration method
enables the synergies that motivated the required to realize potential business benefits
acquisition and has a positive financial impact. and the timeframe of the project. Implementation
However, there is at least one very good reason requires different competencies, depending
why an acquirer might want to postpone an on the extent of the integration and the
acquisition IT integration project. If a substantial method chosen. Different technical skills and
IT platform upgrade is on the horizon, the IT understanding of existing IT systems are required
integration could be included in that platform for redeploying IT systems than those required
change. IT integration projects are frequently for carving out systems or developing new
very expensive, sometimes costing hundreds of systems.
millions of dollars. It makes sense for an acquirer There are two main sources of the knowledge
that will soon be moving to a new platform to and skills needed to address an acquisition
avoid having that expense twice. IT integration challenge: (1) from within
In minor acquisitions, the acquired unit is the acquirer’s own organization and (2)
frequently divested from another large firm. This external sources, such as consultants. Serial
type of acquisition increases the need for rapid acquirers (such as Trelleborg) tend to get
IT integration because the divesting firm will better at acquisition IT integration over time
likely be unwilling to support the transferred through learning. Formal learning takes the
business. Typically, unless the critical IT systems form of guidelines, checklists, methods and
are specified in the contract, the seller will be documentation from previous acquisitions.
unwilling to devote resources to supporting the Informal learning occurs through practice
systems after the transfer contract has expired. development, the personal experience of people
Thus, standalone businesses are less risky involved in integration projects, organizational
acquisition targets because they present no structures and the reuse of the acquirer’s own IT
natural deadline for the IT integration project.14 setup. Frequent acquirers can build two types of
Stock market investors also influence knowledge.17 For the implementation task, it is
decisions by public companies on the timing of possible to build organizational routines for the
acquisition IT integration. Investors expect the most common implementation challenges, such
promised synergies to be realized within a short as a rip and replace method to integrate a minor
timeframe after the acquisition deal,15 which acquisition target. In addition, frequent acquirers
creates a high level of time pressure to finalize can build expertise that enables them to select
IT integration and can lead to “quick fixes” that the right method and to adapt existing routines to
are suboptimal in the long run. However, if the match unique features of a particular acquisition.
acquirer knows that some synergies will not be In addition to in-house integration
realized until the next IT platform update, it can competencies, consultants provide another
exclude these benefits from the material provided source of knowledge and skills.18 For novice
to investors when the acquisition is announced. acquirers, consultants can provide the expertise
needed for planning and managing the entire
Integration Novelty Risk Driver
The integration novelty risk driver refers 16 Yetton, P., Henningsson, S. and Bjorn-Andersen, N., op. cit.,
to the acquirer’s experience and/or access to 2013.
17 Henningsson, S., “Learning to acquire: how serial acquirers
14 Böhm, M., Henningsson, S., Leimeister, J. M., Yetton, P. and build organisational knowledge for information systems integration,”
Krcmar, H. “A Dual View on IT Challenges in Corporate Acquisi- European Journal of Information Systems (24:2), 2015, pp. 121-144.
tions and Divestments,” International Conference on Information 18 Henningsson, S. and Øhrgaard, C. “Acquisition IT Integration:
Systems, Shanghai, China, 2011. The Roles of Temporary Agency Workers,” paper presented at Euro-
15 Mehta, M. and Hirschheim, R., op. cit., 2007. pean Conference on Information Systems, 2015.
8 MIS Quarterly Executive | March 2016 (15:1) | © 2016 University of Minnesota
Managing IT Integration Risk in Acquisitions
●● The CRP acquisition illustrates how a high- short timeframe of the due diligence phase and
risk acquisition can be managed if the IT time pressure from the contract negotiations,
risk is identified early on. little thought was given to IT integration.
●● The Dynaflex acquisition illustrates However, the limited attention given to the risk
the advantage of establishing that an assessment of acquisition IT integration created
acquisition is lower risk. barriers to realizing the business value of the
Kléber acquisition. Pre-acquisition, Trelleborg’s
hose business was supported by an IT platform
Kléber Acquisition: Effects of
based on a highly customized implementation of
Underestimating IT Integration the Movex enterprise resource planning (ERP)
Challenge system, and that platform was well aligned with
Early in its acquisition experience, Trelleborg Trelleborg’s niche-based business strategy. Using
acquired Kléber to build a scale-based business the rip and replace method, Trelleborg decided
in the hose industry. Trelleborg’s hose business to move Kléber’s systems onto the Movex-based
had been struggling for some time, and it was platform. However, with the arrival of a new
uncertain if it would be part of the redefined management team, this integration project was
core business. The situation in Kléber was cancelled in 1998.
similar, where the current owner had avoided
long-term investments while trying to sell the “If you look [at the requirement specification
business. Several prospective buyers before for the system], it is a detailed description
Trelleborg declined acquiring Kléber. Because of of what everyone was doing already. The
this, Trelleborg managed to negotiate a favorable people providing input for this had never
financial deal and acquired Kléber from Michelin worked with the system themselves; the
France in 1996. only thing they knew was that they wanted
Kléber was four times larger than Trelleborg’s exactly the same as they already had. … The
own hose business units. By combining the only idea was to have the same as before.”
resources of its own units with those of Kléber, Operations Manager, Trelleborg Industrial
Trelleborg aimed to reposition its hose business Hose
as having a low-cost, scale-based strategy.
By combining Kléber with the existing hose The new operations manager of the hose
businesses in the new Trelleborg Industrial Hose business assessed the progress of the integration
unit, Trelleborg expected economies of scale to be project and saw that the Movex platform was
achieved in production, sales and distribution. customized to meet the requirements of the
old hose business’s niche strategy. It was not
“In terms of production, the two units designed to support the desired scale-based
... were very compatible … Overlapping operations of the combined unit. Also, with
was also limited in geographical terms. the new millennium approaching, Trelleborg
Trelleborg was more Nordic, more niche. faced another challenge in that Kléber’s existing
Kléber was more continental, had a larger Bergounix ERP system was not expected to be
product range and had a wider distribution Y2K compatible. Despite the external and internal
network.” Sales Manager, Trelleborg pressure to realize the promised benefits of the
Industrial Hose acquisition, the operations manager understood
that fundamental IT change now required using
While the due diligence team recognized the the start-over integration method to ensure the
potential for extensive IT integration, because acquisition’s benefits were realized.
Kléber’s IT platform was completely standalone
and fully operational, the team did not identify “After two years, they came to the conclusion
an immediate need for an IT integration project. that it would take about 1,000 working
With limited IT risk assessment conducted by days to develop the new Movex system to
business managers on the due diligence team, support the Kléber integration … It couldn’t
IT integration was not seen as a major threat to be justified by future savings.” Operations
realizing value from the acquisition. With the Manager, Trelleborg Industrial Hose
10 MIS Quarterly Executive | March 2016 (15:1) | © 2016 University of Minnesota
Managing IT Integration Risk in Acquisitions
Given the inability to immediately achieve years when management recognized the risk of
integration benefits, the new management team continuing with this approach and wrote off the
decided to restructure the combined unit to costs incurred to date. Needless to say, Trelleborg
capture scale advantages. Production was moved shareholders were not impressed by the total
to the former Kléber site, providing production- of 10 years until the business benefits of the
based economies of scale. Single functional acquisition were fully realized. Luckily, Trelleborg
heads were appointed in a centralized cost- learned from this experience, as illustrated below
focused structure. To gain time and quickly start when it faced a similar IT integration challenge in
reaping minor benefits, Kléber’s Bergounix-based the acquisition of CRP.
platform was initially retained, using a temporary
bolt-on IT integration method. CRP Acquisition: Managing a High-Risk
Over time, the Bergounix platform, which was Acquisition
expensive to maintain and extend, was replaced Trelleborg completed the acquisition of CRP
by a central, standard Movex system. in 2006 from a private equity fund headed by
Barclays in the U.K. CRP had five U.K.- and U.S.-
“[It took almost two years] because they based production units. The company was active
would say that it was impossible to invoice in systems for seismic surveys, drilling operations
an Italian, Spanish or German customer and subsea production, with solutions for
from France … I think it was a cultural issue deepwater flow assurance and buoyancy systems,
and an issue of wanting control over the as well as many specialized engineered polymer-
business.” Operations Manager, Trelleborg based solutions. Sales and marketing offices were
Industrial Hose located in important offshore areas. As a result of
the acquisition, Trelleborg’s oil- and gas-related
The old Trelleborg hose business was finally
operations were expected to grow to 7%-8% of
moved to the new Movex system in 2005 to
total group sales.
complete the start-over integration method. As a
CRP was a profitable business with operations
consequence, costs were reduced and Trelleborg
related primarily to hydraulic systems for the
Industrial Hose finally became profitable.
subsea sector of the oil and gas business.
“In 1999, three years after the acquisition,
“The CRP acquisition was a step into an
we lost €3 million. The ROA [return
attractive segment. We already had some
on assets] was negative, while for the
business within this segment, but with CRP
Trelleborg Group the standard was 15%. We
we at least tripled our presence in that
have improved every year since then, and
segment.” CFO, Trelleborg Engineered
last year we had a ROA of 17%.” Operations
Manager, Trelleborg Industrial Hose
During due diligence, Trelleborg recognized
“… we waited … until we had migrated all that its strong presence in northern Europe was
other units. When they said that it was complemented by CRP’s similar business in the
impossible, we could just point to what U.K. and U.S. CRP’s production facilities (and its
… proved that it worked.” Operations head office) were located in Skelmersdale and
Manager, Trelleborg hose business unit Barrow-in-Furness in the U.K., with additional
facilities in Randolph and Canton, Massachusetts,
It is possible that Trelleborg could never have and Houston, Texas, in the U.S. Trelleborg saw
completely avoided the IT integration problems the acquisition as a way of extending its market
encountered in the Kléber acquisition. The reach, with the two businesses providing
unrecognized preconditions of the acquisition similar products but in different markets. This
were that neither the pre-existing IT platform complementarity promised long-term potential
of the existing hose business nor Kléber’s IT economies of scale in production, scheduling and
platform could support the global, scale-based logistics. However, rather than moving quickly to
hose business. The initial rip and replace IT exploit the complementarities, Trelleborg decided
integration method was abandoned after two that, given their separate market geographies
and the need to rebuild neglected capabilities at that requires a high-risk IT start-over project.
CRP,21 the two businesses would initially be kept The acquisition of Dynaflex described below
separate. illustrates the advantage of IT integration risk
Although the start-over method was eventually management in a lower-risk acquisition.
used to integrate Kléber’s IT, the CRP integration
project began differently. This time, initial risk Dynaflex Acquisition: Benefits of
assessments were carried out, including detailed Identifying a Low-Risk Acquisition
judgments on integration extent and novelty. Recovering from the Kléber acquisition, in
These assessments led Trelleborg to understand 2004, Trelleborg made a second acquisition in
it needed to completely rebuild the IT systems the hose industry, acquiring the small niche-
supporting the merged business in hydraulic player Dynaflex from the Italian industry group
systems to fully realize the economies of scale. Manuli. Trelleborg and Dynaflex both had
The IT manager of the Engineered Systems hose production facilities in central France.
Division was responsible for the IT integration of However, their core customers and products
CRP. were independent of each other. Trelleborg
manufactured and serviced a wide range of
“I learned about the deal only weeks before hose products, while Dynaflex specialized in
it took place. This is how things go normally. the production of hydraulic hoses for the oil and
You cannot prepare for everything; you petrochemical industries, where it enjoyed a
discuss and plan for numerous deals reputation for technology leadership. Acquiring
simultaneously. … I don’t think anyone Dynaflex would provide Trelleborg with new
can foresee which deals will come about in production facilities that could benefit from
the end, so only when the deal is about to Trelleborg’s established distribution network.
happen will they involve me.” IT manager, The intention was to grow Dynaflex’s business
Trelleborg Engineered Systems by launching its products in markets where
Trelleborg had a strong position.
When announcing the CRP acquisition to
The acquisition of Dynaflex was, however,
the market, Trelleborg only stated the expected
complicated by another acquisition in the
synergies that were possible to realize without
hose business taking place at the same time.
full IT integration. This reduced the external
Former Dynaflex employees had set up their
pressure. Eventually, after further assessment of
own manufacturing company, Unifluid, in the
the state of CRP’s IT systems, it was decided that
late 1990s, which had become one of Dynaflex’s
a full start-over integration project was required.
major competitors. The acquisition of Dynaflex
“We discussed the ERP and … knew that we was conditional on an acquisition of Unifluid as
had to replace it over time. In that way it well, since scale advantages could be derived
was simple.” CFO, Trelleborg Engineered from the combination of the two with Trelleborg.
Systems With Unifluid being a break-out from Dynaflex,
the outcome of the three-way acquisition
While Trelleborg rebuilt and improved the negotiation was uncertain for some time. As two
capabilities of CRP, Trelleborg’s IT function of the involved parties were direct competitors,
worked on replacing CRP’s outdated ERP with a negotiations were also hindered by their
Movex implementation. When this was completed unwillingness to disclose much information about
after two years, the corresponding unit from their operations.
Trelleborg (Trelleborg Viking) was moved onto Once the three parties had finally agreed
CRP’s new Movex platform, and scale benefits onterms and conditions that enabled the deal to
were realized by 2009, which marked the end of happen, Trelleborg needed to move quickly. The
the start-over IT integration project. sales manager of Trelleborg’s hose business unit,
CRP is an example of the advantage of who was leading the negotiations on behalf of
managing the risk in the acquisition of a business Trelleborg, drew up preliminary conditions that
he circulated through the management team in
21 The private equity fund that had owned CRP for some time had the hose business unit. While the IT function was
made very few long-term investments in the company.
12 MIS Quarterly Executive | March 2016 (15:1) | © 2016 University of Minnesota
Managing IT Integration Risk in Acquisitions
generally aware about the talks, uncertainty on extent risk driver for the IT integration project
whether the deal would eventually go ahead had was low.
limited its involvement. Next, the IT manager considered which IT
integration method would be required. Dynaflex
“One week before the deal was signed, was a small, efficient business with flexible
our sales manager came to me saying production. Replacing that with Trelleborg’s
that we were about to acquire Dynaflex. I central solution would destroy the very reason for
asked him, ‘What about IT? Do we need to the acquisition of the business.
support them on day one, or how do we do
it?’ ‘Good question, I’ll get back to you on “Dynaflex was a small, efficient and flexible
that!’ he replied. A few hours later, he came business. If we had implemented the full
back saying that they decided that the Movex package, we would have destroyed
seller would keep its IT alive for six months. that flexibility.” IT Manager, Trelleborg
After that, we had to have them over on Industrial Hose
our platform.” IT Manager, Trelleborg
Industrial Hose The IT manager realized, therefore, that a
complete rip and replace integration method
Given the six-month deadline for integrating would damage the acquisition value. However,
Dynaflex’s IT, the IT manager had to quickly given that only the production part of Dynaflex’s
assess the acquisition IT integration challenge. IT needed to be preserved, he saw that a bolt-on
To do this, he assessed the four risk drivers, IT integration method was possible. The rest of
starting with IT integration extent. Trelleborg Dynaflex’s IT could be migrated to Trelleborg’s
had a scale-based business manufacturing low- platform to enable shared purchasing, sales and
and medium-pressure composite hoses. Dynaflex financial reporting. This meant that the required
was a small, efficient and flexible producer of IT integration method was lower risk. Together
hydraulic hoses for high-pressure applications. with the lower extent risk, this meant the IT
The manufacturing processes for the two types integration challenge had low complexity.
of hoses are fundamentally different and were
not possible to combine. Completely absorbing “… we went through all processes in detail
Dynaflex into Trelleborg’s procedures for investigating if it really was possible to
composite hose production would destroy the work in that way.” Systems Integrator,
efficiency and flexibility of the acquired unit. Trelleborg Engineered Systems
However, the acquisition was motivated by the
In addition, the IT manager knew that the
opportunity for Dynaflex to expand its sales
IT organization was capable of facing another
through using Trelleborg’s established sales
acquisition IT integration challenge. The people
responsible for the IT integration of Dynaflex
“For each process, we investigated ‘How are had recently been involved with another, larger,
they doing it today?’ and ‘How should it be acquisition and had completely rebuilt the IT
done in the future?’” Systems Integrator, platform. Further, the IT manager knew that his
Trelleborg Engineered Systems organization could call on the same team that had
recently successfully integrated 13 production
Only after understanding the synergies units in the centralization project. Thus, the
expected from the acquisition could the IT integration novelty risk driver was low.
manager make an initial assessment of what
business processes needed to be IT integrated. “We had been the same team for three to
He realized that only a limited number of four years. We knew what worked. That was
processes (mainly purchasing, sales and financial why they asked me.” Systems Integrator,
reporting) needed to be integrated and that these Trelleborg Engineered Systems
processes were relatively low in terms of data
Finally, the IT manager assessed if the IT
intensity (compared to real-time data sharing of
organization was capable of meeting the six-
production, scheduling and logistics). Thus, the
month deadline. Compared to the Kléber and
CRP acquisition IT integration projects, which diligence team to assess potential roadblocks
had each taken several years to complete, the to benefits realization. Understanding the
integration of Dynaflex’s IT was completely conditions that may require a high-risk start-
different. Knowing that Trelleborg faced an over IT integration project is important because
acquisition IT integration project with a lower the start-over method can significantly delay
extent risk, lower method risk and lower novelty a substantial part of the projected business
risk, the IT manager was confident that the six- benefits of an acquisition. This method has to
month deadline would not pose a problem. This be used if neither the acquirer’s nor the target’s
knowledge gave Trelleborg a better negotiation existing IT systems can be modified to support
position in preparing the final transfer contract. the combined organization. This situation will
exist if (a) there is a fundamental IT misalignment
Framework for Assessing Risk with the post-acquisition business strategy in an
in Acquisition IT Integration acquisition that is made to strategically reposition
a business unit (as in Trelleborg’s acquisition of
Projects Kléber) and/or (b) it is not possible to scale up
When a potential acquisition target is the IT systems to the volumes of the combined
identified, the acquirer has to rapidly learn organizations (as in Trelleborg’s acquisition of
about the resources and capabilities of the target CRP).
to determine potential acquisition benefits Trelleborg eventually learned to take account
and weaknesses. Several factors constrain this of IT integration risks in the initial reviews of
learning process, including legal restrictions, acquisition targets by developing an awareness
unwillingness of the target to disclose of IT issues in the general management review
confidential information and limited availability teams and calling on IT managers when potential
of management attention. In addition, the time for risks where identified. With this approach, IT
the acquisition review process is typically short, integration risk was assessed progressively.
and there is large uncertainty about which deals It enabled Trelleborg to pursue its aggressive
in the acquirer’s target portfolio will eventually acquisition strategy (up to 10 a year) while
materialize. identifying high-risk IT integration acquisitions.
In Trelleborg’s later acquisitions, the Moreover, given that Trelleborg evaluated a
acquisition team took a progressive approach much larger number of potential acquisitions,
toward IT risk assessment and mitigation. the staged involvement of IT prevented the IT
Members of the acquisition team (including the function from being overwhelmed by requests to
CFO of Trelleborg Engineered Systems) were review all potential acquisitions.
sufficiently IT-savvy to broadly understand the Based on the approach developed by
overall method and extent of the IT integration Trelleborg for identifying and managing IT-
needed, and the degree to which this would related risk in acquisitions, we have created
put constraints on the realization of acquisition an Acquisition IT Integration Risk Assessment
benefits. When additional attention to IT was Framework (see Figure 4). For each of the
needed, the acquisition team informed the IT four integration risk drivers that can create IT
manager responsible for integration about the integration project challenges, this framework
plans, who would then assess the available identifies the critical questions to answer when
capabilities (integration novelty risk driver) and assessing acquisition IT integration risk, and the
timeframe (time pressure risk driver) needed to actions for mitigating the risks.
carry out the integration.
Trelleborg’s experiences show it is crucial Adjust the Framework for Your Unique
for general managers directly involved in due Context
diligence and contract negotiation to have a basic The Acquisition IT Integration Risk
understanding of the conditions in which IT Assessment Framework has been derived from
integration could be a critical threat to acquisition Trelleborg’s acquisition experiences. Having
benefits. They also need to understand when carried out 77 acquisitions over a 15-year period,
the IT function should be brought into the due Trelleborg can be considered a serial acquirer.
14 MIS Quarterly Executive | March 2016 (15:1) | © 2016 University of Minnesota
Managing IT Integration Risk in Acquisitions
However, in some regards, its experiences may be effects on realizing business benefits from an
unique. Compared to a one-time acquirer, some acquisition.
of the IT integration risks it faced may not be as Identifying that an acquisition is low risk
important (e.g., slight overspending). In addition, in terms of IT integration gives an opportunity
the dynamics between the risk areas may vary to focus on the acquisition review process
across industries. Trelleborg is an industrial rather than developing costly contingency
organization, and its acquisitions were primarily plans. However, there may be situations where
to increase the scale and scope of its operations. the acquirer finds it is facing a high-risk IT
In other industries, such as software and hi-tech integration project. In such a case, the acquirer’s
industries, acquisitions are commonly driven IT management should air these concerns to the
by innovation benefits. In these industries, time rest of the management team and ask them to
might be more critical. The risk management consider if taking that risk is justified.
framework should therefore be seen as heuristic By reviewing Trelleborg’s risk assessment and
guidelines and not a recipe-like cookbook, risk management strategies in the acquisitions of
and must be interpreted by well-informed Kléber, CRP and Dynaflex, we have distilled five
professionals in each given context. lessons that will help CIOs assess and manage IT-
It should also be recognized that Trelleborg’s related risks in acquisitions. The first is general,
approach to understanding IT integration risk focusing on how to act proactively to call in the IT
deviates from an ideal state where all potential function when needed to improve the chances of
risks are understood at the earliest point in the success. The other four address the IT integration
acquisition process. Over time, Trelleborg learned risk drivers in the framework.
that by using business managers experienced in
acquisitions (but also possessing basic knowledge Lesson 1: Educate General Managers to
of IT) and being prepared to wait for the financial Understand When to Call on IT
payoffs of IT integration, it was able to achieve IT management at a firm that is considering
a balance on when to involve the IT function. acquisitions should do two things. First, IT should
In essence, acquisition managers screened educate senior business managers (especially
targets and called on IT managers when needed. the CEO) on what type of acquisition will be
Inexperienced acquirers will likely need a more easy or more difficult from an IT integration
careful and robust approach to IT due diligence. perspective. Let the CEO know that it is possible
Finally, the Trelleborg acquisitions described to systematically explore the IT integration risk
in this article are synergy-seeking acquisitions early in the due diligence process. For this to
that require operational integration to be happen, business managers involved in the initial
successful. The IT risk assessment framework screening of potential acquisition targets must
therefore applies specifically to these kinds of understand when its necessary to call on the IT
acquisitions. Some acquisitions are made to function for a more extensive risk assessment.
secure possible future growth options, with no Second, IT management should consider
immediate intention to consolidate businesses. In how to quickly and comprehensively respond
these cases, the acquired businesses are typically to the announcement that the firm is to make an
kept separate and are therefore not a major acquisition. Using the Acquisition IT Integration
concern with respect to IT integration risk. Risk Assessment Framework can help to create
an action plan to manage the risk drivers before
Lessons for CIOs the deal is finalized. Recognize that while IT may
not be a starter in the acquisition game, it can be
Trelleborg’s experience shows that acquisition
a game finisher!
IT integration risk can be assessed and managed.
Trelleborg’s experiences (some painful)
However, managing the risk requires a systematic
taught business managers to recognize when
assessment of the risk drivers and their potential
IT could be a major threat to the acquisition.
impact. As illustrated by the three representative
For example, when acquiring CRP the business
acquisitions carried out by Trelleborg, lack of or
acquisition managers considered the Acquisition
incorrect IT risk assessment can have devastating
IT Integration Risk Assessment Framework,
16 MIS Quarterly Executive | March 2016 (15:1) | © 2016 University of Minnesota
Managing IT Integration Risk in Acquisitions
which made them very aware of the IT capital everything needs to be done immediately, as
investments needed and that the full IT occurred with Trelleborg’s acquisition of CRP.
integration of CRP would take considerable time. This approach has also been used by other
With experience from earlier acquisitions, the companies. For example, when Danske Bank
start-over integration project was completed acquired the Finnish Sampo Bank,22 it decided to
in less than two years. The IT organization was retain the IT systems of Sampo Bank’s relatively
called in and started the extensive integration small operations in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
project as soon as the CRP acquisition was and Russia until IT integration of the Finnish
announced. operation had been completed.
18 MIS Quarterly Executive | March 2016 (15:1) | © 2016 University of Minnesota
Managing IT Integration Risk in Acquisitions