Prevention of Soil Erosion: Grade 1V
Prevention of Soil Erosion: Grade 1V
Prevention of Soil Erosion: Grade 1V
A. Copy the Table below in your notebook. Then complete it with words from the
following. Write the words in the correct column.
Causes Effects
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
1. Prepare two pans or basins of the same size, soil, and water.
2. Build a “hill” of soil on each pan or basin.
3. Cover one hill with grass. Tamp the grass firmly so that it will stick to the soil.
4. Sprinkle water over each hill. Observe the soil as the water flows downhill.
5. Answer the following questions. Write the answers in your notebook.
B. Study each illustration below. Identify the method on preventing soil erosion as
depicted in the illustration.
Write the answers in your notebook.
1. 2.
3. 4.
Read and Learn More
Besides a watershed, plants and trees can also help control soil erosion.
Rainwater cannot wash away much soil when it falls on plants. The roots of the
plants hold to be soil in place. Trees are being cut down for many reasons. Soil
erosion can be prevented when reforestation is done. This is when young trees
are planted to replace trees that have been cut down or burned.
Building dikes of stones or logs may be used to slow down water as well
as prevent water from flowing out. The dikes prevent soil from being washed
away by rain.
When the rain falls, the rainwater flowing downhill carries a large amount
of topsoil. One way to prevent this is through contour plowing. Here, the land is
plowed around the hills instead of up and down. Running water is prevented and
cannot flow easily.
Terracing is another method to prevent soil erosion. Terraces are flat
areas built on the mountain sides. Because it is flat, it prevents soil from going
down easily. This is unlike slopes where water and soil can flow down easily.
These terraces are then planted with rice and other crops. The Banawe Rice
Terraces is a famous example of the terracing method.
1. What are the different methods of preventing soil erosion?
2. Discuss each method.
3. Which method is applicable to flat lands?
4. Which method is applicable to hills or mountains?
I learned that:
A. Go around your community. Observe the ways people use to prevent soil
erosion. Describe how these prevent soil erosion. Write your description in your
1. It is your job to sweep your home yard. Loose particles of soil are carried away
as you sweep. Much topsoil is lost this way. What can you do to solve the
Test Yourself
A. Answer each question below. Write only the letter of the answer in your
1. What is erosion?
a. It is the washing away of soil.
b. It is the replanting of crops.
c. It is the cutting down of trees.
3. What is reforestation?
a. It is the planting of crops alternately to hold water.
b. It is the planting of more trees to block the wind.
c. It is the planting of new trees.
7. Which method best prevents soil erosion on high and steep mountains?
a. contour plowing
b. terracing
c. building dikes
B. Come along on a treasure hunt! Just follow the map to a treasure below.
However, on the way you will encounter many problems caused by soil erosion
and these will stop you by continuing on your quest. You can only move
forward by thinking of methods or ways to solve each problem.