EOS - Nov Dec20 1
EOS - Nov Dec20 1
EOS - Nov Dec20 1
Reimagining the
NOV–DEC 2020 Foresee Meteor Showers?
Legacy of the 1992
Nicaragua Tsunami
A Grand Tour
How? Adaptable models
of Ocean can
light our way
Can Go
Subhead line can go here
Editor in Chief
Heather Goss, AGU, Washington, D.C., USA; Eos_EIC@agu.org
very community around the world has weathered Editorial
Manager, News and Features Editor Caryl-Sue Micalizio
extreme changes this year. The geosciences are no
Science Editor Timothy Oleson
different. As the AGU community gathers for its first News and Features Writer Kimberly M. S. Cartier
all-online Fall Meeting (#AGU20) this December, we offer News and Features Writer Jenessa Duncombe
you this special double issue of Eos as an introduction and,
Production & Design
we hope, inspiration. Eos science advisers Lisa White
Manager, Production and Operations Faith A. Ishii
(Diversity and Inclusion) and Eric Riggs (Education) worked Production and Analytics Specialist Anaise Aristide
with us to design an issue that embraced the #AGU20 Assistant Director, Design & Branding Beth Bagley
Senior Graphic Designer Valerie Friedman
theme: Shaping the Future of Science.
Graphic Designer J. Henry Pereira
“This issue highlights novel diversity, equity, and inclu-
sion practices, direct recommendations from underrepre- Marketing
sented scholars, and creative strategies—many rooted in Communications Specialist Maria Muekalia
Assistant Director, Marketing & Advertising Liz Zipse
activism—that have the potential to shift long-held, his-
torically exclusive traditions in Earth science,” said White, director of education at the Advertising
University of California Museum of Paleontology in Berkeley. Display Advertising Steve West, steve
Our slate of expert Opinions are primers for implementing this kind of progress. You’ll @mediawestinc.com
Recruitment Advertising recruitmentsales
find incisive recommendations for adapting fieldwork to draw in—and keep safe—Black, @wiley.com
Indigenous, and People of Color (page 30) and LGBTQ+ scholars (page 22); stories from
Science Advisers
scientists juggling parenthood and careers and a global pandemic (page 27); and how to
Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism, Julie Bowles
develop resourceful STEM learning ecosystems in your own community (page 24). and Electromagnetism
In our feature articles, we look at institutions that are already accelerating ahead. Who Space Physics and Aeronomy Christina M. S. Cohen
Cryosphere Ellyn Enderlin
better to show us how to mentor students from a distance than a seafaring organization?
Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior Edward J. Garnero
Learn from STEMSEAS’ experience on page 32. Then read about a community college– Geodesy Brian C. Gunter
university partnership that is drawing students to the geosciences—and retaining them— History of Geophysics Kristine C. Harper
Planetary Sciences Sarah M. Hörst
on page 51. It’s not a model that can be airlifted onto every institution, but it offers import-
Natural Hazards Michelle Hummel
ant lessons on intentional design that many educators are focused on right now. Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology Emily R. Johnson
“I have seen the geoscience community look inward to see how systemic racism and Societal Impacts and Policy Sciences Christine Kirchhoff
gendered behavior may be embedded in our current practices as educators,” said Riggs, a Seismology Keith D. Koper
Tectonophysics Jian Lin
professor of geoscience education at Texas A&M University. “Department leaders need to Near-Surface Geophysics Juan Lorenzo
meet with students at all levels, as well as with faculty, to find out where people are thriv- Earth and Space Science Informatics Kirk Martinez
ing, and where they are not. Without sincere information gathering and introspection, we Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology Figen Mekik
Mineral and Rock Physics Sébastien Merkel
risk changing everything too fast or, worse, changing the things that are working.” Ocean Sciences Jerry L. Miller
We also report on what the practice of science should look like in a world where respect Global Environmental Change Hansi Singh
and empathy for one another are paramount. Julie Maldonado and colleagues reframe the Education Eric M. Riggs
Hydrology Kerstin Stahl
issue of managed retreat so that communities can retain agency when they are forced to Tectonophysics Carol A. Stein
relocate due to climate change (page 38). We also look at where geoscientists aren’t. More Atmospheric Sciences Mika Tosca
than 2 million people are incarcerated in the United States in facilities that are often delib- Nonlinear Geophysics Adrian Tuck
Biogeosciences Merritt Turetsky
erately placed in polluted areas or are ill-equipped to deal with climate change. On page 56,
Hydrology Adam S. Ward
read about this environmental justice movement and how geoscientists can be a part of it. Diversity and Inclusion Lisa D. White
“This special issue offers a road map of where we might go from here,” said White. The Earth and Planetary Surface Processes Andrew C. Wilcox
Atmospheric and Space Electricity Yoav Yair
scientists and institutional models featured in this issue are remarkable examples for those
GeoHealth Ben Zaitchik
who support AGU’s vision of a thriving, sustainable, and equitable future supported by
scientific discovery, innovation, and action. We should remember, said Riggs, “that efforts
©2020. AGU. All Rights Reserved. Material in this issue may be photocopied by
to help lower barriers and enhance the access and success for communities facing the individual scientists for research or classroom use. Permission is also granted
to use short quotes, figures, and tables for publication in scientific books and
greatest challenges will improve the environment for all communities.” journals. For permission for any other uses, contact the AGU Publications Office.
Illustrator Carlos Basabe was thinking about the future—in particular, his daughters’ Eos (ISSN 0096-3941) is published monthly by AGU, 2000 Florida Ave., NW,
future—when he designed our wonderful cover. We hope his artwork and the reporting in Washington, DC 20009, USA. Periodical Class postage paid at Washington, D.C.,
and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Member
this special issue offer you motivation for the unique role you’ll play in creating the best Service Center, 2000 Florida Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20009, USA
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Fax: +1-202-328-0566; Tel. orders in U.S.: 1-800-966-2481; service@agu.org.
inclusion in the geosciences truly lies in all of us.”
Submit your article proposal or suggest a news story to Eos at bit.ly/Eos-proposal.
Read the rest of our special issue on Shaping the Future of Science at eos.org/special
Views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect official positions
-topics#future. of AGU unless expressly stated.
Randy Fiser, Executive Director/CEO
32 Mentorship at a Distance
By Richard J. Sima
On the Cover How to build close professional relationships when a
“Working on this cover forced me to be mindful of the rays pandemic forces you apart.
of light peeking through the darkness. Seeing the energy of
young people, using every civic tool at their disposal to fight
for their future, has given me hope that our kids will have the 38 Reframing the Language
strength to rise to the challenges of the world they inherit of Retreat
from us,” said Carlos Basabe, who created the cover of this
special issue of Eos. Basabe, born and raised in Cuba, is an By Julie Maldonado et al.
editorial and portrait illustrator currently living in Maryland. As waters rise, who gets a say in relocation planning
See his work at foursixsix.com. is crucial.
STEM Learning Ecosystems Engage Communities
in the Geosciences
Perspectives on Parenting While Researching
(During a Pandemic)
Ten Steps to Protect BIPOC Scholars in the Field
70 Research Spotlight
76 Editors’ Highlights
78 Positions Available
56 Current job openings in the Earth and space
79 Crossword Puzzle
51 The Two-Year On-ramp 80 Postcards from the Field
By Jenessa Duncombe At the annual Girls’ Science Day camp in Malawi,
participants learn how to overcome a lack of piped
Tapping into the overlooked pipeline water with a low-cost hand-washing station.
of community colleges.
56 An Unfought
Geoscience Battle
in U.S. Prisons
By Kimberly M. S. Cartier
Environmental justice is the next frontier
for geoscientists.
64 Exploring by Boring
By Teresa Jordan et al.
A university digs down for heat.
This 3
-meter astronomical dome with S
un-tracking capabilities hosts the solar polarimeter (SolPol) instrument The Devil in the Details
of the Panhellenic Geophysical Observatory of Antikythera (PANGEA). Credit: Stav Dimitropoulos But what’s all the fuss about the orientation
of dust particles?
“Probably everything we’ve so far
hypothesized about the impact of dust on
he “Godzilla” Saharan dust plume dom and Macquarie University in Australia the atmosphere might be misplaced,” said
that clouded over parts of the United used optical polarimetry observations Amiridis.
States in June generated a lot of talk during a Saharan dust episode and found For a start, dust may be accelerating the
and a lot of magnificent sunsets. Dust is an evidence of vertically aligned dust particles greenhouse effect instead of cooling the
intriguing type of matter, vital for the for- in the atmosphere. planet. A vertical particle orientation may
mation of clouds and precipitation. We also Amiridis recently received a European create a type of “Venetian blind” effect,
know that if enough dust gathers in the Research Council consolidator grant to allowing more radiation to sneak through
atmosphere, it can block solar radiation. But the atmosphere—as much as 10%–20%
what if some of these dust-related assump- more radiation in dust episodes like God
tions were slightly dusty—or completely zilla, said Amiridis.
wrong? In addition, whether dust particles are
Members of the Remote Sensing of Aero- “Probably everything randomly or vertically aligned might be of
sols, Clouds and Trace Gases (ReACT) team
are trying to find out. The team, a group of
we’ve so far hypothesized paramount importance for satellite obser-
vations: “Remote sensing retrievals are
atmospheric and climate scientists operat- about the impact of dust affected by the assumption of particle shape
ing under the umbrella of the National
Observatory of Athens (NOA), said the main
on the atmosphere might and orientation,” said Amiridis. Some of the
satellite observations we get over a given
reason for this “dust misconstruction” may be misplaced.” area during dust storms may not be entirely
be that we have failed to grasp the correct accurate.
dust particle orientation in the first place. “A vertical dust orientation is certainly a
“Dust particles might be vertically possibility,” said Stephen Holler, a physicist
aligned,” said Vassilis Amiridis, a climate at Fordham University who is not a part of
scientist and team leader of ReACT, as well spearhead the development of the Panhel- the ReACT project. He said there are many
as director of research at NOA. Amiridis lenic Geophysical Observatory of Anti uncertainties in terms of the effect of aero-
is resuming what a research project in kythera (PANGEA). As part of the project, sols on climate.
La Palma, Canary Islands, proposed in 2007. Antikythera, a tiny island situated between Holler explained that most of his col-
In that instance, researchers from the Uni- the Peloponnese and Crete, will be outfit- leagues do calculations on the basis of ori-
versity of Hertfordshire in the United King- ted with avant-garde equipment to start entational averaging: “Because we don’t
n 1855, a powerful earthquake struck the woodblock prints of the day that depict a
Japanese city of Edo (today’s Tokyo), kill- giant underground catfish (Namazu) that
ing thousands. The region sits atop mul- was believed to have caused earthquakes
tiple tectonic plates that have caused innu- when it thrashed about.
merable quakes over the centuries, and
because the greater metropolitan area is The Forgotten Manuscript
now home to more than 30 million people, ast-forward to 2020, and researchers at the
it’s critical to mitigate the threat. Japanese University of Tokyo have found another way
scientists have been examining historical to use art to scientifically evaluate the 1855
records to better understand past quakes calamity. Scientists analyzed a manuscript
and have found that the autobiography of a written by Kabuki actor Nakamura Nakazo III
Kabuki actor can shed light on the 1855 tem- to infer the depth of the earthquake. In a
blor. poster presented at a joint conference of the
Japan Geoscience Union and AGU ( JpGU-
A Time of Turmoil AGU Joint Meeting 2020) in July, they noted
PANGEA scientists stand with EVE, one of their The 1855 Ansei Edo quake, named for the that later editions of the manuscript had
lidar instruments in Antikythera, Greece. Credit: Ansei imperial era of 1854–1860, came at a already been the basis for varying estimates
NOA and Raymetrics time of upheaval in Japan, both literally and of the quake’s hypocenter from relatively
figuratively. There were three great Ansei shallow in the crust to deep in the Philippine
earthquakes: the Tokai and Nankai quakes, Sea plate (bit.ly/earthquake-poster). How-
both in 1854 and both magnitude 8.4, and ever, when the team analyzed Nakamura’s
know the orientation of particles in space, the Edo quake the following year, magni- original handwritten manuscript of the
we’ll just average over all orientations.” tude 7.0. Meanwhile, Japanese society was autobiographical work Temae Miso (Self-
Most also think particles in the atmosphere facing its greatest challenge in centuries. P raise), recently acquired by Tokyo’s
behave much in the same way particles in Having been under the hegemony of the National Diet Library, it found a significant
liquids behave. “Much as particles in liquids Tokugawa shogunate, which implemented a difference compared with later editions (bit
tumble around and move all over the place, policy of national seclusion for over 230 .ly/quake-hypocenter).
we expect particles in the atmosphere to years, Japan was finally forced to open its “A strong rumble occurred,” Nakamura
tumble all over the place likewise.” doors to ships and trade by American gun- wrote. “The women and children were sur-
boat diplomacy in 1854. prised and screamed. I said, ‘Calm down, it’s
When Edo was hit on 11 November 1855, a big earthquake.’ Omitu Bando said to me,
as many as 10,000 people lost their lives, ‘You should stand up rather than sit.’ I stood
and over 50,000 structures were destroyed up. Then the strong shaking started, and I
“We have had a clear big by the temblor and in subsequent fires. could not walk normally.” Instead of the
picture on climate change Some of the devastation can be seen in first sentence, one later edition read, “a
As many as 10,000 people lost their lives in the 1855 Edo earthquake, depicted here in the Edo Oojishin no zu
By Stav Dimitropoulos, Science Writer picture scroll. Credit: Historiographical Institute, University of Tokyo
arlier this year, Healthy Reefs for
Healthy People published its sixth
report card on the status of the Meso-
american Reef system (bit.ly/h
After an analysis of 286 sites in Belize, Gua-
temala, Honduras, and Mexico, the report
concluded that the health of the system is
poor, with an index of 2.5 out of 5. This con-
clusion was based on the status of the reef’s
coral and fleshy macroalgal cover, as well as
the biomass of herbivorous fish and com-
mercial fisheries in the region.
“There is poor fishing regulation in all
four countries,” said Ian Drysdale, coordi-
nator of Healthy Reefs for Healthy People in
Honduras. “The decline in coral health that
we experience is due to fishing, both indus-
trial and artisanal.”
On top of overfishing, the Mesoamerican
Reef suffers from coral bleaching events, in
which corals expel the algae that provide
most of their food and characteristic color. Cayos Cochinos, Honduras, is part of the Mesoamerican Reef, which was recently given a poor score in eco-
Stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD), also system health. Credit: Ian Drysdale
known as white syndrome, also plagues the
reef. White syndrome is a condition that
weakens the coral tissues, causing their
death. which is enhanced by poor water quality. parrotfish to its national registry of pro-
In the region of the Mesoamerican Reef “Some banks, south of [the Mexican state tected species. In February, Guatemala did
near the Yucatan Peninsula, SCTLD has of] Quintana Roo, still did not show signs of the same and also included the butterflyfish,
caused the death of up to 98% of some coral disease, perhaps because of their remote- angelfish, and surgeonfish. These herbivo-
species. “When we approach the loss of 90% ness from the coast. This reinforces the rous fish consume macroalgae, which com-
to 98% of the individuals of a particular spe- hypothesis of the relationship of wastewater pete with corals for the reefs. Protecting the
cies, we could well speak of the definitive and pollution from the coast to the sea with fish encourages corals to thrive.
disappearance of this species,” said Nallely the disease,” Hernandez added. Hernandez supports c ommunity-
Hernandez, regional deputy director of the oriented approaches and reduced consump-
National Commission of Natural Protected tion. “The solutions rest in the way we all
Areas (CONANP) and cocreator of the “White behave in our everyday routines,” he said.
Syndrome Action Plan in the Caribbean “We need to make adjustments throughout
Reefs of Mexico.”
In the region of the the system, in order to understand the pos-
In 2019, the National Autonomous Uni Mesoamerican Reef, itive impact that we can generate with
versity of Mexico and Florida State Univer- changes in our consumption habits.”
sity partnered with CONANP to carry out an
stony coral tissue loss Drysdale, however, said that overfishing
experiment to understand the behavior of disease has caused limits the efficacy of both federal protec-
SCTLD. Although coral bleaching spreads tions and individual consumption habits.
systematically because of warming waters,
the death of up to 98% “We are not just fishing efficiently, but we
white syndrome spreads without a specific of some coral species. are also destroying critical habitats, such as
pattern. “At first, [the disease] behaved radi- mangroves and seagrasses,” he said.
ally, on the edges of the colony. But later, “Unfortunately, the fishing industry has
we realized that it could appear in isolated a lot of political and economic power, and its
points, without warning, or, in some cases, interference makes it difficult for us to work
everywhere in the colony,” Hernandez said. Water Treatment and Community to protect our marine ecosystems,” Drysdale
Besides documenting this erratic behav- Involvement said.
ior, the results of the experiment have been Local and federal government agencies are
inconclusive. Scientists suspect that the taking action to protect the Mesoamerican
cause of SCTLD may be a virus or bacteria, Reef. In 2018, Mexico added 10 species of By Jorge Rodriguez, Science Writer
ightning research is a burgeoning field why this down-
that spans not only meteorology and turn occurred and
atmospheric science but also public whether it’s a rare
policy and personal safety. As in all scientific phenomenon, he
fields, however, mysteries sometimes arise: said. “What we’re
In May and June of this year, a network of lacking right now
lightning detectors recorded distinctly lower is some context.”
than average lightning counts across the
continental United States. The cause of this A Ridge
downturn isn’t well understood, but a ridge of High Pressure
of high pressure in the atmosphere might Vagasky and his
have played a role, researchers suggest. It’s colleagues have
also possible that the decline is linked to some ideas. Using
decreased levels of pollution associated with data from the Na-
the ongoing C OVID-19 pandemic, other sci- tional Centers for
entists propose. Environmental
Prediction, they
A Midyear Checkup measured a ridge
Meteorologist Chris Vagasky and his col- of high pressure Lightning flashes over El Paso, Texas. Credit: iStock.com/mdesigner125
leagues mined data from the National Light- over the Southern
ning Detection Network (NLDN), which uses Plains, eastern
roughly 120 sensors to monitor lightning Colorado, and the
over the continental United States. (Vagas- Gulf Coast region in May and June. Vagasky’s findings, Holzworth acknowl-
ky’s employer, Vaisala, runs the NLDN.) The “We saw that there was an anomalously edged.
researchers compiled data from January strong area of high pressure over the main
through July 2020 to take a midyear look at region where you’d get severe weather,” A Potential Virus Link
lightning statistics. said Vagasky. This high pressure would have The idea that a localized region might have
“We’ve passed the peak of lightning sig- prevented air from rising, a necessary ingre- experienced a decrease in lightning in the
nals in the United States, so we wanted to dient for a thunderstorm. (Upward move- spring of 2020 isn’t completely out of the
see where we were at this year compared to ment allows air to cool and condense into blue, said Holzworth. Researchers have
previous years,” said Vagasky. clouds, which is where supercooled water, speculated that the C OVID-19 pandemic
The scientists found significantly lower ice crystals, and graupel collide and transfer might have inadvertently triggered a down-
than average lightning counts in May and electrons. That sets up the charge separation turn in lightning, he said. That’s because
June. During those months, the NLDN necessary for lightning.) with the economy on hold, there’s less air
recorded just over 51 million instances of So far, other lightning networks haven’t pollution and therefore likely fewer aero-
in-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning. reported similar results. Robert Holzworth, sols. The presence of aerosols has been
That’s a 32% decrease compared with the an atmospheric and space physicist at the linked to enhanced lightning activity, at
roughly 76 million lightning events recorded University of Washington and the director least over the ocean.
on average for May and June from 2015 to of the World Wide Lightning Location Net- Vagasky and his colleagues are continu-
2019. That difference is far more than the work (WWLLN), analyzed unpublished ing to collect data, and they’ve seen that the
expected interannual variability, which is on WWLLN data and found a statistically insig- lightning counts for July and August have
the order of 5%–10%, said Vagasky. “We nificant decrease in lightning counts world- been closer to average. They hope to have
were kind of surprised.” wide in 2020 compared with the year prior more answers by the end of the year. “We’ll
These results appeared in a blog post that (see bit.ly/world-wide-lightning). prepare our annual lightning report in
Vagasky published last month (b it. l y/ “The overall decrease in 2020 compared December,” said Vagasky. “We’ll be able to
V agasky- l ightning). “It’s an intriguing to 2019 is just 0.4%, or an order of magnitude compare to a much broader data set in the
finding,” said Joel Thornton, an atmo- smaller than the expected daily variation,” coming months.”
spheric scientist at the University of Wash- he said. However, it’d be worth analyzing
ington who was not involved in the WWLLN data just over the continental United
research. But it’s still not well understood States to make a direct comparison with By Katherine Kornei (@KatherineKornei),
Science Writer
ity parks can be a haven for home- of soil. “We confirmed our initial hypothe- the new study. “But the immediate lead in
bound residents looking to escape sis, that [lead] levels in these areas would be the atmosphere has been the source that has
the quarantine blues this year, but very, very high,” Pavilonis said, “but I was really just condemned us to being lead poi-
these play areas offer another kind of haz- surprised to see samples in the thousands of soned.”
ard. A new study describes dangerously high milligrams, especially in a park.” The median lead concentration in soil,
levels of lead in the soil of several parks in The study was published in the Interna- according to a 2013 U.S. Geological Survey
New York City. Researchers found that lead tional Journal of Hygiene and Environmental report describing 4,841 soil samples from
levels are highest in areas undergoing rapid Health (bit.ly/NY-lead). nonurban locations in the United States, was
growth and redevelopment.
“We have over 36,000 people moving into
these areas—and lead contamination in the
soil,” said study coauthor Brian Pavilonis, a
professor at the Graduate School of Public
Health and Health Policy at the City Univer-
sity of New York (CUNY). “That’s a lot of
people who could all be exposed.”
Pavilonis and his colleagues at CUNY and
Brooklyn College analyzed hundreds of
samples from 34 parks in six different geo-
graphic areas throughout the city. Many of
the results far exceeded the Environmental
Protection Agency’s soil cleanup value of
400 milligrams of lead per kilogram of soil.
In Long Island City, for example, aban-
doned factories and parking lots have given
way to glittering apartment towers with
waterfront views and short commutes to
Manhattan. The population has grown by This map shows the approximate locations of the six geographic areas examined by the study, along with the
more than 20% in the past 10 years. Soil median lead level observed (red numbers indicate a concentration above the EPA’s soil cleanup value of 400
samples from parks in the area ranged from milligrams of lead per kilogram of soil), recent population growth, and the proportion of new construction.
26 to 6,300 milligrams of lead per kilogram Credit: Matthew Stonecash, adapted from Copernicus Sentinel-2, ESA; CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO (bit.ly/ccbysaigo3-0)
exploring how soils differ from neighbor- hy the once great Maya civiliza- Historical or instrumental records of hur-
hood to neighborhood. Researchers are now tion withered away is still a mat- ricanes and tropical storms go back only a
collecting samples from all of the parks in ter of debate among historians, little more than a century. To peer further
Brooklyn for use in an ecological study of the archaeologists, and geoscientists. The lead- back in time, scientists often decipher tell-
relationship between lead in the soil and ing theory is that the Maya suffered a series tale signatures left in sand and mud depos-
of severe droughts around 800–1100. New ited by ancient storms.
evidence suggests there may have been One source for finding undisturbed sedi-
another reason: severe tropical storms. ments is blue holes, marine sinkholes into
Researchers studying climate records in which sediments are continually deposited.
According to the Centers the Caribbean found that storm activity was Generally, the sediments in deposition
for Disease Control and weak and predictable up to about 900. At layers are smooth. But when a large storm
that point, storms became more intense and passes by, it rakes up and deposits coarse
Prevention (CDC), there is unpredictable. The stress of dealing with the particles. Because of the structure of a blue
no safe level of lead in the highly variable and intense storms, in addi- hole, material can be deposited but cannot
tion to battling drought, may have pushed get out, allowing the feature to act as a near-
bloodstream. the Maya over the edge, according to perfect record of ancient storms.
research published in Scientific Reports (bit Sediment cores from blue holes like those
.ly/Maya-storms). near Great Abaco Island and Thatch Point
(both in the Bahamas) have already provided
blood lead levels of children living in the Reconstructing Past Climate records of hurricanes in the Caribbean going
area. “We’re much more concerned with the Atlantic hurricane activity, which includes back about 1,500 years.
effects on children,” Pavilonis said. “The the Caribbean, and how it varies over the Now Dominik Schmitt of Goethe Univer-
problem with lead is, once it impacts the long term are often attributed to the behav- sity in Frankfurt, Germany, and colleagues
developing brain, that’s permanent.” ior of ocean and atmospheric systems like have reconstructed past storms in the region
the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) going back 2,000 years. The researchers
and the El N iño–Southern Oscillation recovered and studied an 8.5-meter-long
By Matthew Stonecash (@mattstonecash), (ENSO). “But without long-term observa- sediment core from the Great Blue Hole on
Science Writer tions of storm behavior, it’s hard to speak to Lighthouse Reef off the coast of Belize.
these relationships conclusively,” said Rich- Upon analyzing the results, Schmitt’s
This piece was produced with support from the ard Sullivan, who studies paleoclimatology team found evidence of the AMO going back
National Association of Science Writers’ David at Texas A&M University at Galveston and to 300. According to Schmitt, this provides
Perlman Virtual Mentoring Program. was not part of the new study. statistical proof that the AMO, along with
ENSO, modulates hurricane activity in the predictable Carib- structure, caused coastal flooding and crop
southwestern Caribbean. bean cyclones. The failures, and added to the environmen-
Great Blue Hole tal stress of the intensive drought phases.
When the Weather Changed sediment core The increased storm activity around 900
The sediments also revealed something else. showed five ex is similar to what Sullivan found in his study
“The tropical cyclone activity of the south- ceptionally thick of sediment cores from a sinkhole south
western Caribbean generally shifted from l a y e r s — 1 5 – 3 0 of Tulum, Mexico, near the Maya site of
a less active to a more active state,” said centimeters—de- Muyil (bit .ly/Yucatan -hurricanes). Still,
Schmitt. The shift, around 900 CE, occurred posited between he is cautious in interpreting the results,
right around the time when the Maya civili- 700 and 1150. saying they do not necessarily mean that
zation was in decline. These layers sug- an increase in storm frequency defi-
The Classic Maya civilization, which once gest extremely in- nitely contributed to the Classic Maya col-
occupied most of the Yucatán Peninsula, tense cyclones; for lapse.
began to wane starting in the late 800s. comparison, the However, “it’s not hard to imagine that
During the next century, great Maya cities deposition layer Deposits line the 8.5- a culture contending with severe drought
like Copán (in what is now Honduras) and left by Hurricane meter-long sediment and already in decline would have been
Tikal (in what is now Guatemala) were aban- Hattie, a Category 5 core recovered by stressed further by persistent, devastating
doned. h u rr i c a n e t h a t researchers from the storms,” Sullivan added. “It is certainly
Climate change is thought to have been a passed over the Great Blue Hole off possible that increasing hurricane frequency
primary driver of this collapse. The leading same area in 1961, Belize. Credit: factored in to the collapse of the Mayan
theory suggests that a series of severe and was just 4 centi- Dominik Schmitt empire, but the extent of that contribution
prolonged droughts plagued the Yucatán meters thick. is something we may never know conclu-
Peninsula, which may have reduced the Two of the an- sively.”
availability of fresh water and decreased cient cyclones struck during drought peri-
agricultural productivity. ods, and the o thers struck just before and
In addition to drought, the Maya may have after severe droughts. It’s likely these By Lakshmi Supriya (rlsupriya@gmail.com),
had to contend with increased and more un- cyclone landfalls destroyed Maya infra Science Writer
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Most of the Arctic’s Microscopic Algae Are Chilling
Under Ice
The Bay of Bengal and the Curious Case of the
Missing Rift
Scientists Claim a More Accurate Method
of Predicting Solar Flares
Communicating Science in Times of Pandemic
The River’s Lizard Tail: Braiding Indigenous
Knowledges with Geomorphology
Cratons Mark the Spot for Mineral Bonanzas
oncrete ranks as the most popular That idea came from both nature and his-
construction material in the world. tory. In nature, termites make impressive
But its key ingredient, cement, is use of soil, building intricate and durable
responsible for 8% of global carbon dioxide mounds. “That was one of our motivations,
emissions each year. Scientists want to and the second one was ancient times,” said
replace concrete with a more environmen- Bajpayee. “In ancient Rome and India, there
tally friendly material, and one candidate is are a lot of places [where people used] soil.”
soil. In one of the most recent iterations of The difference between ancient earthen
these efforts, the Banerjee Research Group structures and a soil-based concrete alter-
at Texas A&M University has created a tool native is that in ancient times, the main
kit for using local soil to make construction instinct for such construction was survival,
materials. said Bajpayee. “Now our main instinct is
Concrete production, especially of its sustainability.”
binding agent, cement, releases massive Banerjee and Bajpayee used clay soil from Scientists and engineers are developing soil-based
amounts of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). “If a colleague’s backyard in College Station, concrete replacements like this prototype struc-
[cement production] were a country, it Texas. They combined the clay, a water- ture. Credit: Aayushi Bajpayee
would be the third-largest emitter in the repelling additive derived from beets, and
world,” said Gaurav Sant, a professor of civil sodium silicate to bind everything together.
and environmental engineering and mate-
rials science and engineering at the Univer- areas, on the basis of the current work, Sant
sity of California, Los Angeles. doesn’t think these materials are viable for
“We need to go carbon neutral by 2050 larger structures.
and carbon negative thereafter,” Sant said.
They hope that their
To do that, the construction industry needs method can serve as a Expanding Possibilities
to drastically change or replace concrete. Gnanli Landrou, cofounder of Oxara, a sus-
“We’re talking about disrupting and trans- chemical tool kit to be tainable construction material start-up, said
forming our entire basis of society as a used at any construction his group uses a process similar to Baner-
whole in the next 30 years.” jee’s to make a s
oil-based building material.
The modern form of concrete, a mixture site, particularly in remote “The goal is not to replace concrete but to
of sand and gravel bonded by cement and or hostile environments. efficiently use concrete where needed,” he
water, has been used for only the past 150 wrote in an email. He and his group want to
or so years. The development of modern use their product, Cleancrete, for housing
concrete reinforced with steel has allowed or nonstructural pieces of larger buildings.
builders to erect massive structures, giving “Overall, we want to enable access to sus-
us city skylines dominated by skyscrapers. A 3D printer then extruded this material tainable and affordable building materials
With the growth of additive manufacturing, according to the desired design, forming a and homes.”
a process in which layers of concrete are 3D model a few inches tall. More robust replacements for concrete
printed one on top of the other in a prede- They hope that their method, presented are in the works. Sant, for example, has
termined design, more complex building at the meeting and published in Frontiers in developed CO2Concrete, a cementless con-
parts can be created more efficiently. Materials, can serve as a chemical tool kit to crete in which CO2 from industrial waste gas
“A lot of emerging economies are going be used at any construction site, particularly reacts with calcium hydroxide to bind every-
through a massive construction boom, and in remote or hostile environments (bit.ly/ thing together. “You get structural cemen-
if we do this all in concrete, the conse- frontiers). Once a construction team ana- tation with limestone in a seashell,” said
quences for the environment are going to lyzes the local soil, it can tweak the ingredi- Sant, which is exactly how CO 2Concrete
be catastrophic,” said Sarbajit Banerjee, a ents in the tool kit, mix the material, and forms. It’s similar in cost and function to
chemistry professor at Texas A&M Univer- start printing. concrete, he said, but with half the carbon
sity, at the 2020 meeting of the American By cutting out the energy-intensive pro- footprint.
Chemical Society in August. duction steps, using local resources, and “Concrete is still the gorilla in the room
eliminating transport concerns, Banerjee because it’s been the norm for many years,”
Building with Backyard Soil predicts that their material will have a much said Banerjee. “There are costs involved that
Banerjee and Aayushi Bajpayee, a Ph.D. lower emissions profile than concrete, but are not cheap, rising CO2 emissions that are
candidate in Banerjee’s group, wanted to they’re still running simulations to nail tremendously large. We can do better than
develop a sustainable material that could down the figures. “I think the numbers are that.”
work with existing building codes and going to be significant,” he said.
concrete-based construction methods. For But s
oil-based replacements have limited
their source material, the team settled on applications. Although they could prove By Jackie Rocheleau (@JackieRocheleau),
soil. valuable for building housing in remote Science Writer
Third Pod from the Sun
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n parched Zimbabwe, farmers—along report identified groundwater as an allow gradual seepage of the water to lower
with water experts and policy makers— important and climate-resilient source of depths. Water is then lost as runoff into the
are apprehensive because groundwater freshwater (bit.ly/groundwater-report). streams and straight to the nearby ocean.”
is being depleted rapidly by d rawn-out Depletion of groundwater is especially rel- Seasonal rainfall has also not been con-
droughts. evant for tropical countries like Zimbabwe. sistent across the country, Zhakata said. The
Many hand-pumped boreholes and wells “As the world warms, amplification of provinces of Manicaland, Masvingo, Mata-
have dried up this year, forcing thousands rainfall extremes and its consequences will beleland North, and Matabeleland South
of people in rural areas to crowd for drink- be most pronounced in the tropics where, have been hardest hit by shortages of intra-
ing water at the few sources where water is by 2050, over half of the world’s population seasonal rainfall. “Some other areas experi-
still available. Annual rainfall in Zimbabwe is projected to live. Yet it is here where sub- encing this problem [of groundwater short-
is no longer sufficient to replenish the stantial increases in freshwater withdraw- ages] are those areas close to urban areas
aquifers that nourish these boreholes. als are required to achieve United Nations where consumption of water is very high and
Anna Brazier, an independent climate Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of a lot of boreholes have been sunk,” he added.
change researcher and consultant based in enhancing food security through irriga- Intensification of human activity (includ-
Zimbabwe, said that although drought tion,” Taylor wrote in the report. ing agriculture and industry) and land use
years are part of the normal climate cycle Amid the current prolonged drought in changes (including industrial agriculture
in this part of Africa—often associated with Zimbabwe, which started in 2018, fears and urbanization) increase the demand for
the well-known El Niño–Southern Oscilla- abound that the boreholes that still have groundwater.
tion—global warming is causing droughts water will dry up before the start of the next “Strategic use of groundwater for food
to become more frequent, more intense, rainy season in November or December. security in a changing climate is becoming
and less predictable. “Models predict an “Water shortages are getting worse with more and more important. It is important
average rainfall decline across Zimbabwe each passing day,” said Danai Mutoro, a for farmers to utilize water resources sus-
of between 5% and 18% by the end of the farmer in Chitora, a small farming village tainably to allow water seepage to greater
century. The range is large because differ- about 50 kilometers south of Zimbabwe’s depths,” Zhakata said.
ent models give different results,” Brazier eastern border city of Mutare. “We were
said. expecting better rainfall during the 2019–
Richard Taylor, a professor of hydroge- 2020 summer season; instead, the season By Andrew Mambondiyani (@mambondiyani),
ology at University College London, in a was even worse than before.” Science Writer
yphoons and hurricanes are two driv- results show that the warming ocean, espe- at seven, with nine in 2015, second only to
ers of intensifying natural disasters, cially the warming northern South China 11 in both 1965 and 1997.
which in 2019 caused some $150 bil- Sea, benefits typhoon enhancement before “The increasing strength of typhoons in
lion in damages around the world, accord- landfall.” the Northwest Pacific Basin in recent years
ing to the insurer Munich Re. Typhoon Hagi Because of the complexity of the various is in response to global warming,” study
bis, 2019’s costliest event, cost $17 billion in interacting systems at play, Xiao said that coauthors Yuei-An Liou, a professor at the
Japan alone. it’s very difficult to make predictions that Center for Space and Remote Sensing
The growing threat from typhoons as the could result in better policy making to mit- Research at Taiwan’s National Central Uni-
planet heats up, a topic of critical impor- igate storm impact and suggested that com- versity, and Ravi Shankar Pandey, a Ph.D.
tance to East Asia, was discussed at a joint puter simulations using deep learning student, said in an email. “This issue needs
conference of the Japan Geoscience Union techniques could be more effective than tra- proper attention to mitigate the risk involv-
and AGU ( JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020). ditional prediction methods. ing them in the region.”
around Korea in September and October. s Chicago’s industries and popu and environmental sciences at the Univer-
But≈they also said a hypothetical storm lation boomed in the late 1800s, city sity of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Overall, the
approaching the peninsula in October will officials decided to reverse the region lost 85% of its swamp and marsh
not weaken, which was the case in the past, course of the Chicago River so that it flowed area during the 20th century, the team
because while the land begins to cool, the away from Lake Michigan. The river’s found.
sea remains warmer longer. reversal in 1900 carried industrial pollution “The thing that struck me the most was
“This will develop into a powerful away from population centers and increased how clear the connection was between what
typhoon due to the greater temperature dif- shipping opportunities from the Great Lakes was wetland and what now is lake,” Paster-
ference around the Korean Peninsula, which to the Mississippi River. It also began drain- ski said. When walking or biking around
lies on the border between the cold conti- ing the extensive network of wetlands that the city, he added, it’s easy to notice a small
nent and the hot sea,” said study coauthor had covered most of the Chicago area after isolated lake here and there, but the
Woo-Sik Jung of Inje University’s Depart- the last ice age. Industrial and residential research revealed how widespread the phe-
developments further altered the wetlands’ nomenon is across Cook County. “When
reach. you look at the map, it’s unmistakable.”
All told, Cook County, Illinois, which “This whole area was wetlands” that have
“The increasing strength encompasses Chicago, has lost 40% of its
wetland area from the time of the reversal to
since been transformed by human develop-
ment, Pasterski said. “Now every time it
of typhoons in the today, according to research published in rains and the park outside my house floods,
Urban Ecosystems (bit.ly/urban-eco). Wet-
Northwest Pacific Basin in lands such as rivers, streams, marshes,
I reflect on the idea that, yeah, it should
flood. It should always be flooded.”
recent years is in response swamps, and lakes remove pollutants, man- “We’ve changed the hydrology of the
age groundwater, cycle nutrients, and sup- entire area, and that’s going to be true of any
to global warming.” port biodiversity comparable to tropical for- city,” especially in the wetland-rich Mid-
ests and coral reefs. west, said coauthor and UIC paleontologist
“Wetlands are not only the kidneys of the
region, absorbing and cleaning a whole lot
ment of Atmospheric Environment Infor- of water, but they are vital habitats for many
mation Engineering. “In other words, the birds and insects,” said Iza Redlinski, a
larger the temperature difference, the conservation ecologist at Chicago’s Field
stronger the wind, the more powerful the Museum of Natural History who was not
autumn typhoon around the Korean Pen involved with the research. “Monitoring
insula can be compared to the summer wetlands and other habitats is important to
typhoon.” knowing how we’re progressing and what
One scientist based in Japan who was not actions can be undertaken to preserve them
involved in these studies said there are con- on both the large and small scale.”
flicting findings from research about
whether the number of typhoons is increas- Draining Swamps
ing or decreasing amid climate change. to Make Lakes Instead
“However, most studies have shown that The researchers analyzed historic and mod-
the typhoon intensities in terms of wind and ern maps of Cook County. They counted the
rainfall would increase under global warm- numbers and types of distinct wetland fea-
ing,” said Sridhara Nayak of the Disaster tures and measured the individual and total
Prevention Research Institute at Kyoto Uni- area covered by wetlands.
versity, who participated as a convener of a They found that from the historic period
session on extreme weather events at J pGU- (1890–1910) to the modern period (1997
AGU Joint Meeting 2020. “So the super or –2017), the total area of Cook County wet- The Lake Calumet area of Cook County was the
severe typhoons are expected to occur in the lands shrank from 73 to 44 square kilome- center of extensive wetlands until the late 1800s.
future warming climate, which would bring ters (–40%). The number of wetland loca- Calumet lost significant wetland area between the
much stronger winds compared to present tions increased roughly tenfold over that early 20th century (blue) and the present day (pink
typhoons and heavy rains to the landfall time, but the average size of each location and red) as it was developed into a hub for the
region and would be a more severe threat to is about 10 times smaller today than it was shipping, rail, and steel industries. The original
human life and property.” in 1900. This shrinkage was led by the con- footprint of the Calumet wetlands now encom-
version of sprawling marshes to small passes both an Important Bird Area of Illinois for
lakes and retention ponds, said lead author three bird species and also a Superfund site.
By Tim Hornyak (@robotopia), Science Writer Joey Pasterski, a graduate student in Earth Credit: Wesley Tucker
A climate simulation showing possible temperature forecasts by 2100. Simulations like these will remain accurate despite a sudden drop in carbon dioxide emissions
associated with the C
OVID-19 pandemic. S
hort-term models, however, might be affected. Credit: NASA
he year 2020 is an anomaly for many stratosphere to the deepest reaches of the but now a new timeline has emerged: emis-
reasons, but the COVID-19 pandemic ocean. These data include air temperatures, sions during a pandemic.
that has slowed normal day-to-day wind speed and direction, cloud proper- For long-term models, like those fore-
activities to nearly a halt stands out. ties, concentrations of aerosols and green- casting the outcomes over the next century
Earth’s atmosphere has noticed. house gases (like carbon dioxide and meth- of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse
In May, a team of international research- ane), sea ice cover, glacier extent, sea surface gases and aerosols, the reduction this year
ers published a paper showing that carbon temperatures and salinity, current, nutrient probably won’t make a difference, said
dioxide emissions had dropped nearly 8% in cycling, and more. Qiang Fu, a professor of atmospheric sci-
March and April (bit.l y/COVID-CO2). And But what happens to the models if one ence at the University of Washington in
even as the world began to relax stay-at- year is thrown off by an event that causes an Seattle who is not involved in the UCAR
home measures and emissions rose once unprecedented drop in a major variable like project.
more, the team suggested that the cumula- carbon emissions? If the difference in carbon emissions
tive emissions for this year would remain A team at the University Corporation for between this year and last year—due to the
4%–7% lower than usual. Atmospheric Research (UCAR) in Boulder, pandemic—is statistically significant,
In terms of slowing the effects of climate Colo., is trying to answer that question. Lamarque said, then that might affect how
change itself, this year won’t make much Although the drop in emissions has been scientists forecast shorter-term phenom-
of a difference, scientists say. The effects relatively small, it is still significant, Jean- ena, like a hurricane season.
of climate change, like higher sea surface François Lamarque, director of the Climate But the UCAR team doesn’t have the
temperatures, more intense rainfall, and and Global Dynamics (CGD) Laboratory at answer yet. The team has only just begun
retreating glaciers, have more to do with the UCAR, said. Over the next year or so, “how asking the questions and designing experi-
amount of carbon dioxide that has accumu- will it translate into a climate signal that ments.
lated in the atmosphere over decades, and we can observe? That’s a real question [the One thing is for certain. “Maybe this very
one anomalous year won’t affect that. answer to which] we just don’t know.” unfortunate event is giving us the opportu-
But will this anomalous year affect the nity to gain an understanding of how the
sophisticated models that scientists use to Diverging Timelines [climate] system responds” to sudden
study potential future outcomes of our cur- Basically, the team wants to know how dif- changes in carbon dioxide emissions,
rent levels of greenhouse gas emissions? ferent climate projections will be as a result Lamarque said.
of the pandemic. It’s like seeing a timeline
How We Model Climate suddenly split, said Gokhan Danabasoglu,
Scientists feed climate models an enormous a senior scientist in the CGD Laboratory. By JoAnna Wendel (@JoAnnaScience),
amount of data from the very top of the There exists a set of emissions “as usual,” Science Writer
Wildfires Trigger L
ong-Term Permafrost Thawing
When that insulating layer is lost, the
ground heats up more readily, causing per-
mafrost to thaw.
Using microwave data collected by two
satellites—S entinel-1 and the Japanese
Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2—the
team traced how the ground subsided in the
burned region between October 2015 and
June 2019 to centimeter-level precision.
This time-resolved look at how permafrost
thawing proceeds after a fire is novel, said
Yanagiya. “The detailed time series of defor-
mation is very new.”
ermafrost underlies much of the far there’s no sign of the fires abating. “With areas receive less intense sunlight, Yana
north, but this amalgam of ice and climate change, wildfire frequency and giya and Furuya suggested. Their active lay-
frozen soil is far from stable—it’s severity are expected to increase.” ers are therefore thinner to begin with and
thawing as temperatures rise worldwide. accordingly provide less insulation, the sci-
That’s bad news, because permafrost is a entists proposed.
significant repository of carbon that can
be readily converted into carbon dioxide, A New Megaslump?
a major greenhouse gas. Now researchers
The team traced how In total, the fire-scarred region lost roughly
have used satellite remote sensing to mon- the ground subsided 3.5 million cubic meters of permafrost, the
itor one signature of permafrost thawing— scientists calculated. For comparison, that’s
ground subsidence—after a wildfire in east-
in the burned region to about an order of magnitude less than
ern Siberia. The team found that parts of centimeter-level precision. the thawed volume of the nearby Batagaika
Earth’s surface subsided more than others megaslump, an enormous craterlike depres-
despite the relative homogeneity of the fire. sion formed by thawing permafrost. In Sep-
This variation is likely due to differences in tember 2019, Yanagiya and Furuya did field-
the thickness of the insulating active layer work in Siberia and flew a drone over the
directly above the permafrost, the scientists Maps of Sinking Ground Batagaika megaslump. “It’s huge,” said
suggested. The researchers used a remote sensing Furuya.
Kazuki Yanagiya and Masato Furuya, both technique called interferometric synthetic It’s possible that the burned area they
geophysicists at Hokkaido University in aperture radar to generate maps of ground studied might one day come to look like
Japan, focused on a 3,600-hectare swath of subsidence following the fire. Subsidence Batagaika, the researchers hypothesized.
permafrost in eastern Siberia, Russia. The is a common outcome of thawing perma- “We are kind of expecting it,” said Furuya.
region, composed of low shrubs dotted with frost and can wreak havoc on built struc- These results were published in the Jour-
3- to 5-meter-tall larch trees, burned in July tures. nal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface (bit
2014 in a wildfire of unknown cause. Wildfire triggered the measured subsid- .ly/wildfire-permafrost).
Siberia has been plagued by many blazes ence but only in an indirect way, said Furuya.
recently, said Roger Michaelides, a geo “The fire itself doesn’t melt permafrost
physicist at the Colorado School of Mines in directly.” Rather, a blaze eradicates vegeta- By Katherine Kornei (@KatherineKornei),
Golden not involved in the research, and tion, which reflects and absorbs sunlight. Science Writer
ctively restored forests recover cial sustainability, thus enabling much lings were planted. This process gave the
aboveground biomass faster than larger areas of forest to be restored.” seedlings a head start in the race to form a
areas left to regenerate naturally “The paper raises an important issue new forest canopy. These restoration treat-
after being logged. According to a new study regarding the effectiveness of carbon pric- ments were applied annually to different
on tropical forests in Sabah, Malaysia, areas ing if it is to serve as a financial incentive places in the study areas.
that have undergone active restoration for restoring logged forests,” said Robin Chazdon noted that this study is an excel-
recovered 50% faster, increasing from 2.9 to Chazdon, a professor emerita at the Univer- lent application of assisted natural regener-
4.4 metric tons of aboveground carbon per sity of Connecticut and a research professor ation measures to hasten the recovery of
hectare per year (bit.ly/Malaysia-forests). at the University of the Sunshine Coast in heavily logged forests, but it considers only
The findings suggest that the reduction Queensland, Australia. Chazdon was not one dimension of forest recovery: above
in carbon associated with a single logging involved in the study. “Several other papers ground carbon density. This dimension can
event would be recovered to the same level have also noted that high potential for car- be assessed through making routine mea-
as unlogged forest after 40 years with active bon storage during forest restoration is not surements of tree diameter and height on
restoration, as opposed to about 60 years if being matched by an adequate price on the the ground as well as through remote sens-
the forest is left to regenerate naturally. voluntary carbon market.” ing and airborne approaches.
In addition to demonstrating the value in Researchers estimated the current cost to “Further experiments are needed to guide
protecting previously logged forests, the offset 1 metric ton of carbon dioxide equiva- cost-effective practices,” she explained.
study engages with the efficacy of carbon lent (CO2e) in voluntary carbon offsetting “Collecting seed and growing seedlings in
pricing, said coauthor Mark Cutler, profes- schemes to be around $2–$10. Carbon prices nurseries and planting them out is much
sor of geography and environmental science required to fulfill the 2016 Paris Agreement more expensive than merely cutting climb-
at the University of Dundee in Scotland. ($40–$80 per metric ton CO2e) would pro- ers.”
Cutler explained that “the costs associ- vide an economic justification for tropical Moreover, Chazdon said, it is “important
ated with the most intensive forms of active forest restoration, according to the paper. to note that these results cannot be gener-
restoration, if to be recovered through the alized outside of the Sabah, Malaysia, con-
voluntary carbon market, require a higher Restoring the “Most Productive text, as the scale and intensity of logging in
carbon price than has been seen in recent Forests on Earth” forests there are much greater than in other
times.” Tropical forests contain 55% of global stores tropical regions based on selective logging
“However,” he added, “varying the type of aboveground forest carbon, but stocks are with less timber removed.”
and intensity of restoration treatments declining because of forest loss and degra-
according to the residual amount of carbon dation.
in the forest stand has the potential to Pierre Taillardat, a postdoctoral researcher By Mohammed El-S
reduce net costs and bridge the gap to finan- on coastal and terrestrial wetlands at the Science Writer
students and women:
Apply for the AGU
Bridge Program
The AGU Bridge Program provides underrepresented
students and women a free common geosciences
graduate school application that is shared with our
partner institutions across the U.S.
ieldwork is often framed as central to approach. For instance, in the seminal study community. Individual geologists have
geoscience research. What fieldwork on harassment in the field [Clancy et al., shared their stories in places like 500 Queer
comprises varies across geoscience dis- 2014], the authors noted that “our results Scientists or in the media, which is a crucial
ciplines and can encompass everything from cannot adequately speak to the experiences way of increasing visibility, but storytelling
wilderness treks, oceanographic cruises, and of people of color or [LGBTQ+] individuals does not help assess the needs and chal-
class field trips to museum and laboratory because they are under-represented in our lenges of the community as a whole.
visits, trips to research centers, and attend- fields and therefore our dataset, but the This lack of information is not limited to
ing conferences around the world. What var- experiences reported by our respondents are the geosciences. Every 2 years the National
ies just as widely, unfortunately, is how safe Science Foundation publishes reports on the
field research and work-related travel are to state of “women, minorities and persons
the geoscientists who must perform it. with disabilities” in science and engineering
There is increasing awareness of the haz- but has not yet collected information on
ards of sexual harassment and assault in the There has not been a LGBTQ+ scientists. There have been some
field-based sciences and a growing under- deliberate focus on efforts to collect data about LGBTQ+ scien-
standing that fieldwork is not always acces- tists in physics and chemistry, as well as
sible for geoscientists with varying physical challenges faced by the across all science, technology, engineering,
abilities or young families. However, there LGBTQ+ community in the and mathematics (STEM) fields. One 2016
has not been a deliberate focus on chal- study surveyed 1,603 LGBTQA STEM profes-
lenges faced by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, geosciences with respect sionals, including 108 geoscientists,
transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) commu- to fieldwork. although the data were published only in
nity in the geosciences with respect to field- aggregate [Yoder and Mattheis, 2016].
This is not to say that interventions for First, Quantify the Community
other discrete groups cannot help members To better understand the needs and strug-
of the LGBTQ+ community. People are com- likely reflective of a broader climate for gles of LGBTQ+ geoscientists, we launched a
plex, and their identities intersect many members of various minority groups.” survey in fall 2019 that grew out of one
realms—there are, of course, LGBTQ+ geo- But without data, this widely held author’s (M.R.D.) attempt earlier that year
scientists with disabilities and those with assumption cannot be assessed. One of the to connect with his own community. As part
young children. However, it is often biggest barriers to supporting the LGBTQ+ of a presentation to an o n-campus branch
assumed that interventions intended to help geoscientist community is that to date, of the organization Out in STEM, he tweeted
one minoritized group will help all such there have not been many systematic an informal survey trying to understand the
groups—an “a rising tide lifts all boats” attempts to describe and understand this concerns of other LGBTQ+ paleontologists.
The results revealed that many of these sci-
entists felt unseen, unheard, and unsup-
ported in their field. The responses to the
informal survey prompted us to conduct an
official survey of geoscientists, modeling
ours on that of Yoder and Mattheis [2016].
Once we were granted permission from the
human subjects board at our university, we
conducted the survey online, as studies have
shown that this is the best way to collect
information related to identity [McInroy,
On the basis of 261 responses, we found
that the geosciences contain a diverse
LGBTQ+ community. Most participants
identified as cisgender women (47%) or as
transgender (an umbrella term that includes
transgender man, transgender woman,
nonbinary, genderqueer/genderfluid, agen-
der, and other identifiers for people whose
gender does not strictly match the gender
they were assigned at birth; 31%), with 22%
identifying as cisgender men. Diverse sex-
as LGBTQ+ have felt unsafe with fieldwork with 85% and 69% of respondents, respec- LGBTQ+ geoscientists. These findings are key
or remote research experiences, and 34% tively, reporting rarely or never experienc- for developing solutions for challenges faced
refuse to do fieldwork over fears related to ing such support. These two metrics are cor- by the LGBTQ+ geoscientist community.
their identity. In fact, 62% of cisgender related: A student who experiences in-class Advisers, employers, and institutions need
white men reported feeling unsafe in the support is likely also to have experienced to be aware of safety issues associated with
field due to their LGBTQ+ identity; the only out-of-class support. fieldwork and to educate themselves about
Acknowledgments Students participate in an outdoor geoscience class. Credit: Donna Charlevoix (UNAVCO), CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
The authors thank Patrick Getty, T. K. Mor- (bit.ly/ccbyncsa3-0)
ton, Khye Blue, and Colleen Wynn for feed-
back on the initial survey and A. Bradley for
providing additional data. We received
approval from the Human Research Protec- eoscience expertise is required to unique to the local people, cultures, land-
tion Program at the University of Kansas solve societal problems like seismic scapes, and ecology [Apple et al., 2014].
(IRB ID: STUDY00144586) for human subject hazards, coastal erosion, and ensur- One way to achieve sustainable local solu-
testing for the survey. ing adequate clean water supplies. These tions is to invest in community geoscience
problems, which are often local in scale and education that integrates science, technol-
References impact, are most likely to be solved when the ogy, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
Clancy, K. B. H., et al. (2014), Survey of academic field experiences sources of geoscience expertise consulted Collaborations that adopt this approach,
(SAFE): Trainees report harassment and assault, PloS One, 9(7),
e102172, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0102172. are also local (and thus highly invested in known as Geo-STEM learning ecosystems,
Clancy, K. B. H., et al. (2017), Double jeopardy in astronomy and finding solutions) and when they work involve partnerships among diverse organi-
planetary science: Women of color face greater risks of gen- collaboratively with the community. An zations throughout a community—from
dered and racial harassment, J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 122(7),
1,610–1,623, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JE005256. example of science-community collabora- K–12 schools and higher education institu-
McInroy, L. B. (2016), Pitfalls, potentials, and ethics of online tion was demonstrated in September 2013, tions to museums, local businesses, and gov-
survey research: LGBTQ and other marginalized and hard-to-
access youths, Social Work Res., 40(2), 83–94, https://doi.org/ when Denver, Colo.–area geoscientists ernment organizations—that join together
10.1093/swr/svw005. responded quickly to community concerns to address a local issue and to engage more
Mulcahy, M., et al. (2016), Informal mentoring for lesbian, gay, about nearby flash flooding. The scientists young people in the geosciences. Any com-
bisexual, and transgender students, J. Educ. Res., 109(4),
405–412, https://doi.org/10.1080/00220671.2014.979907. assessed flood effects on the landscape, munity can create Geo-STEM learning eco-
Yoder, J. B., and A. Mattheis (2016), Queer in STEM: Workplace soils, and water and air quality and commu- systems to cultivate community literacy and
experiences reported in a national survey of LGBTQA individ- nicated critical information to the public. motivate sustainable and transformative
uals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
careers, J. Homosexuality, 63(1), 1–27, https://doi.org/10.1080/ Geoscientists tend to be concentrated in solutions. More such programs are certainly
00918369.2015.1078632. regions rich in natural resources and geo- needed. Maybe your community can build
logic hazards. However, areas outside these the next one.
regions are still faced with numerous envi-
By Alison N. Olcott (olcott@ku.edu) and ronmental and natural resource–related A History of STEM Learning Ecosystems
Matthew R. Downen, University of Kansas, challenges, which will likely persist without In a seminal 2014 report, Kathleen Trapha-
Lawrence local geoscience expertise and community gen and Saskia Traill defined STEM learning
awareness. As communities work to become ecosystems (Figure 1) and emphasized that
u Read the article at bit .ly/Eos more resilient and sustainable, they need developing these systemic collaborations
-LGBTQ access to place-based education that’s requires buy-in from a variety of community
organizations [Traphagen and Traill, 2014]. globally, with approximately 20 new proj- (Inclusion across the Nation of Communities
That same year, the National Academies ects beginning soon. In these collaborations, of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers
held a convocation on building learning scientists, community leaders, and sponsors in Engineering and Science) program. Earth-
ecosystems at which participants explored work together—typically without the same Connections, a 2016 INCLUDES pilot project,
challenges and developed recommenda- explicit focus on students that STEMCoP created 11 alliances that supported the devel-
tions. In December 2018, the National Sci- has—to solve local challenges related to cli- opment of pathways by which precollege
ence and Technology Council’s Committee mate change, water quality and availability, students can access geoscience learning
on STEM Education issued a 5 -year strategic natural hazards, natural resources, ecolog- opportunities. Each alliance engaged multi-
plan that charged government agencies with ical systems, and healthy communities. To ple parts of a community and helped partic-
fostering STEM learning ecosystems to unite date, 10 of the existing and many of the new ipants explore career tracks by addressing
communities around STEM education. collaborations have specific educational local geoscience-related challenges. Earth
Several examples of STEM learning eco- components that either created materials Connections is currently seeking support to
systems have demonstrated success by for local schools or engaged K–12 students sustain ongoing activities.
engaging and educating people of all ages in geoscience-related investigations and The SEAS Islands Alliance establishes
about new innovations and garnering sus- problem solving. community networks focused on coastal
tained community support. The most recog- Another program, Educational Partner- geosciences in U.S. and affiliated island
nized of these are the Burroughs Wellcome’s ships for Innovation in C ommunities– jurisdictions, including in the U.S. Virgin
STEM Learning Ecosystems Communities Network (EPIC-N), connects undergraduate Islands, where the SEAS Your Tomorrow
of Practice (STEMCoP), which consist of and graduate students with local community program “fosters curiosity, instills steward-
89 ongoing and sustainable projects around leaders to investigate and develop sustain- ship, and forges and strengthens educational
the world that teach young people S TEM- able solutions and to improve community pathways for Virgin Island youth to explore
related ways of thinking, content, and skills. well-being through urban planning. Proj- and secure careers in marine science”
STEMCoP encourages K–12 students’ inter- ects address traffic and mass transit, home- through culturally relevant, place-based
est in STEM fields, especially within the lessness, waste management, and gentrifi- learning opportunities, according to the
health sciences, computer technology, and cation. Students engage in service learning program’s website. Funding from various
robotics. Few of the STEMCoP efforts involve and conduct research through place-based NSF programs—INCLUDES, EPSCoR (Estab-
students in place-based investigations of projects that elevate geoscience concepts lished Program to Stimulate Competitive
local ecosystems, however, and none related to water quality, erosion, and land Research), and HBCU-UP (Historically Black
emphasizes the geosciences. use. Of the 29 EPIC-N programs to date, only Colleges and Universities–Undergraduate
two addressed community education explic- Program)—enables professional societies,
Geo-STEM Takes Off itly, and these have concluded. formal and informal education entities, local
More recently, three programs that foster EarthConnections and the Supporting governmental and nongovernmental orga-
geoscience-focused STEM learning ecosys- Emerging Aquatic Scientists (SEAS) Islands nizations, and universities and colleges on
tems have emerged. As of the time of this Alliance are two STEM learning ecosystems the islands and in the mainland United
writing, AGU’s Thriving Earth Exchange has that have been supported by the National States to collaborate to achieve social change
facilitated 153 place-based collaborations Science Foundation’s (NSF) INCLUDES around geoscience problems.
Fig. 1. This conceptual model of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning ecosystems shows how community organizations develop systemic
collaborations that engage learners from all walks of life, facilitate enduring and effective STEM learning opportunities, elevate community literacy and innovation,
improve networks, and activate sustainable and transformative solutions for the broader community.
Of the projects noted above, 112 function options.) Once you have narrowed the list of ecosystems focus young people on solving
as STEM learning ecosystems; 73% of these collaborators, work with them to identify local geoscience issues related to water
encourage and facilitate STEM learning in goals that maximize learning opportunities quality, pollution, soil erosion, natural
urban communities, with 69% engaging for the target audience—such as engaging resource management, and hazard mitiga-
youth from urban communities that have learners to understand local seismicity, tion—all issues that pose significant ongo-
been traditionally underrepresented. The coastal erosion, or pollution—and to create ing challenges for many communities and
concentration of learning ecosystems in accessible, robust, and connected learning can engage young people with their local
urban communities is to be expected, as the experiences for the audience. Examples of natural landscapes and with their neighbors.
ecosystems are often associated with urban such learning experiences include multi- For geoscientists, these programs are
colleges, universities, and organizations like stage bridge programs that help middle and both self-serving and altruistic. To diversify
museums that provide out-of-school learn- high school students see themselves as geo- the geoscience community and expand our
ing opportunities. Of the urban STEM learn- scientists, encourage undergraduates to scientific capabilities, we can attract young
ing ecosystems that engage precollege participate in research, and facilitate post- people who might not otherwise have seri-
learners, however, only eight programs cur- graduate professional opportunities. ously considered geoscience careers. Giving
rently address any geoscience concepts. Then you’ll need to secure funding to students intriguing and relevant local geo-
Thirty-four percent of the 112 STEM learn- meet your goals—it is likely you will need science problems to solve is an effective way
ing ecosystems address the needs of rural start-up funding and sustained long-term to cultivate their interest and create a sense
communities, with a handful of these eco- funding. In addition to the INCLUDES pro- of belonging. Ultimately, however, these
systems having a specific objective to address gram, another potential route to secure programs educate and serve local commu-
the needs of Indigenous learners. Within this start-up funding is through NSF’s Improving nities by addressing local problems.
34%, only Thriving Earth Exchange, Earth- Undergraduate STEM Education GEOPAths
Connections, and SEAS learning ecosystems (Pathways into the Earth, Ocean, Polar and Creating New Pathways
have addressed geoscience content areas to Geoscience
specifically. Learners in rural and remote Geo-STEM learning ecosystems offer
communities would benefit from stronger researchers, professionals, and educators
connections to Geo-STEM learning ecosys- opportunities to broaden geoscience partic-
tems because these communities are heavily Giving students intriguing ipation by activating local formal and infor-
affected by issues of water quality and avail-
ability, soil health and erosion, climate
and relevant local mal education networks, supporting K –12
Earth system science learning, and building
change, natural resource extraction, and food geoscience problems to a strongly skilled local workforce. Geoscien-
security. tists in all domains can work together to
solve is an effective way help frame community needs, to collaborate
Opportunities for New Geo-STEM to cultivate their interest with educational providers to reach K–12
Learning Ecosystems audiences directly, and to host professional
Creating Geo-STEM learning ecosystems
and create a sense of learning opportunities for teachers.
that address the needs of different commu- belonging. The greatest opportunities lie in develop-
nities presents both challenges and oppor- ing these ecosystems to include K–12 edu-
tunities. There is no one right way to set up cation in urban, rural, and Indigenous com-
a Geo-STEM learning ecosystem because munities. Successful existing STEM learning
each one is unique to its location, engaged ecosystems suggest that Geo-STEM learn-
partners, and target audience. Sustainable Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences) program. ing ecosystems are worth serious invest-
programs will require strong and flexible The goal of GEOPAths is to increase the num- ment and have considerable potential to
organizations, sound infrastructure, dedi- ber of students pursuing undergraduate and capture students’ imaginations and moti-
cated personnel, and long-term funding. postgraduate geoscience degrees by pro- vate them to develop the skills needed to
Should individuals or organizations wish to moting the design and testing of novel identify and solve a host of g eoscience-
cultivate a Geo-STEM learning ecosystem, approaches that engage students in authen- related problems affecting communities
here are some suggested steps. tic, career-relevant experiences. Multiple around the world.
First, find a credible and engaged lead GEOPAths funding tracks support geosci-
organization, such as a museum or outreach ence learning for broad audiences in infor- References
center, that is committed to collaborating mal settings (e.g., museums, nature centers) Apple, J., J. Lemus, and S. Semken (2014), Teaching geoscience
in the context of culture and place, J. Geosci. Educ., 62(1), 1–4,
with schools, educational organizations, and for undergraduates and graduate stu- https://doi.org/10.5408/1089-9995-62.1.1.
academic institutions, industry, utilities, dents in academic settings. Traphagen, K., and S. Traill (2014), How c ross-sector collabora-
local governments, and other nontraditional Each Geo-STEM learning ecosystem will tions are advancing STEM learning, Noyce Found., Los Altos,
Calif., informalscience.org/working-paper-how-cross-sector
partners. These diverse partnering organi- have its own unique goals, but the overar- -collaborations-are-advancing-stem-learning.
zations should reflect community demo- ching goal should be to engage more young
graphics and demonstrate respect for each people in the geosciences and promote geo-
other’s expertise. science literacy for generations to come. By Cheryl L. B. Manning (c manning4@ n iu
Next, identify and reach out to potential Unlike more general STEM learning ecosys- .edu), Northern Illinois University, DeKalb
partners. (Don’t worry if the list is long to tems in which students build robots or do
start; that just means you have a lot of cool science experiments, these Geo-STEM u Read the article at bit.ly/Eos-STEM
he Centennial gathering of AGU last sonal lives—which has been catastrophic for Fortunately, most academic institutional
year was significant in the milestone some and highly challenging for nearly all— policies have evolved since the times when
it represented for the organization has clarified how inescapable these issues an academic’s family was generally dis-
and members and because it was the first are. We do not know when or how these missed as, at best, a weekend activity and,
Fall Meeting at which the challenges of par- conditions will end, and we cannot yet know at worst, an impediment to career growth.
enthood within academia were formally the lasting impacts this extraordinary time For example, family leave and tenure pro-
raised. At a moderated session, four invited will have on our lives. cess extensions are becoming standard ben-
panelists shared stories of obstacles they Below, the panelists from the Fall Meet- efits, and these policies are percolating
had confronted and how their experiences ing discussion reflect on how our present down into training and e arly-career posi-
shaped their career paths and their families. era emphasizes the need for open and hon- tions. However, cultural change—in aca-
Relative to other professional societies, est conversations within AGU and the aca- demia as in society—usually occurs slowly,
AGU has been an early advocate and adopter demic community. Through open discus- and undercurrents of disbelief, resentment,
of f amily-friendly accommodations at its sion, we join in the cathartic exercise of and unrealistic expectations remain perva-
meetings, including offering subsidized sharing experiences and learning from our sive.
childcare. The parental–professional tra- respective journeys, and by combining such It is time to bust the myth that maternity
peze act does not start on the Monday dialogue with purposeful action and empa- leave (or other family caregiving) is a secret
morning of Fall Meeting, however, nor does thy, we can effect meaningful structural and opportunity to conduct research free of the
it end after the Friday evening poster ses- cultural change. demands of teaching and to recognize it for
sion. For decades, what academics could talk what it is: selfless emotional work that ben-
about in the workplace did not include the We’ve Had This Conversation Before efits personal, family, and societal well-
substantial personal challenges associated being. Likewise, it is important to recognize
Tanya Furman, Professor of geosciences,
with balancing a demanding career in aca- that working full-time at home while caring
Pennsylvania State University, University Park;
demia and research with parenthood. full-time for small children is just not pos-
and president-elect, Education section, AGU
Thankfully, that’s changing, and conversa- sible. Something has to give. And there’s the
Children: age 25
tions about managing parenthood and aca- rub: Someone—indeed, many someones—
Current situation: Working full-time at home
demic research careers have never been so must raise the next generation. That is our
vigorous. job and our joy as parents, but we still don’t
The COVID-19 pandemic has made these This is a particularly interesting time for talk about it openly. The AGU session was
conversations only more urgent. The nec- dialogue about structural and cultural influ- an attempt to start this conversation; sus-
essary fusion of our professional and per- ences on the timing of child-rearing among taining it is our collective responsibility.
The Balancing—and Rebalancing—Act you achieve at one time will necessarily have tion defense. My experience having children
to be rebalanced in the future as both during my academic training was similar, I
Amy Clement, Professor of atmospheric sci-
domains of your life evolve. imagine, to having children anytime during
ence at Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmo-
an academic career. It involved bringing my
spheric Science, University of Miami, Miami,
infant to conferences across the country,
pumping between classes and seminars, and
Children: ages 16 and 12
Current situation: Worked full-time at home My experience having squeezing work into the margins: during
naps and after bedtime.
from March through July; began teaching in per- children during my Prior to COVID-19, David and I worked
son in August; spouse working full-time at
home; children are largely self-sufficient academic training involved full-time outside our home and paid for
full-time preschool. Six months into the
When I first read Anne-Marie Slaughter’s bringing my infant to COVID-19 era, we are still trying to find a
2012 Atlantic article “Why women still can’t conferences across the rhythm amid so many uncertainties. Early in
have it all,” my boys were 5 and 9 years old the pandemic, we took childcare shifts—and
and more or less independent (i.e., the country, pumping between were lucky if we each were able to work half-
probability of spontaneous home combus-
tion was decreasing). As they grew and
classes and seminars, and time. We could write emails and address
administrative tasks, but focused writing was
matured, I felt more energy to put back squeezing work into the nearly impossible. As we quickly found this
into work. But Slaughter’s article reminded
me that the career–parenting arc is not a
margins. unsustainable, we sought help from grand-
parents for a few months, which allowed us
linear progression toward freedom (Halle- to increase our productivity to 75%, though
lujah! ), in which time spent on family it came at the expense of substantial physical
during the burning-d own-t he-h
ouse years strain on our aging parents. In July, our des-
is miraculously returned when toddlers A Need for Knowledge peration for childcare outweighed our
become teenagers, and becomes available “infection guilt” over opening our home to
Ni Sun-Suslow, Postdoctoral fellow in clinical
for new professional challenges and someone else, and we were fortunate to be
neuropsychology, Department of Psychiatry,
opportunities. able to hire a nanny.
University of California, San Diego
I have since realized that the more com- Now that the school year has begun, we
Children: ages 4, 2, and pregnant with third
plex needs of a teenager require my hus- are faced with a host of new challenges—
Current situation: Working full-time at home
band’s and my attention in new ways, and attempting virtual transitional kindergarten
(90% clinical research, 10% seeing patients vir-
things like sitting down together around with a 4-year-old and assessing the risks
tually); spouse also working full-time at home;
the dinner table are even more critical now. and benefits of possible in-person instruc-
attempting to balance childcare and virtual
Career opportunities that would take me tion, for example—all the while attempting
school with husband and nanny
out of the house on weeknights or on the impossible task of being 100% produc-
extensive travel just have to wait—these When I was a graduate student, I googled: tive with our own careers.
are choices every parent must make at “When is the best time to have children in In November 2019, David and I received
times. academia?” The search results were full of support from AGU to release a survey
COVID-19 has changed the conversation. opinion articles and advice columns. assessing AGU members’ perspectives on
As I write this, I am quarantining at home Although it was reassuring to see I was not parenthood during academic training. About
with my family, watching the parenting arc alone in pondering the topic, there were few 1.4% of AGU’s membership (726 individu-
playing out within my living room. Early in empirical data sets, especially within the als) participated in our study, with respon-
the COVID-19 era, I was struck with a feel- science, technology, engineering, and dents equally distributed between those in
ing familiar from my early days of parent- mathematics (STEM) fields, to shed light on training and those who had completed
ing: exhaustion and inadequacy on all fronts the subject. I was left wondering, At what training. About half (48%) reported having
(teaching, research, and family). As we have age do most academics have children? Do at least one child, revealing that this topic
settled into our new routine, in which we people even want to have children? How is important to many AGU members, with
are each tucked away in four corners of the many people leave or stay in academia after or without children, throughout their career
house and rejoin each other at the end of the having children? trajectories. These data will help academic
day for bike rides or jogs or walks, my hus- After seeking advice from a number of and research institutions make informed
band and I are faced with the challenge of women f aculty-parents, I learned that and evidence-based policy decisions and
dealing with problems for which none of us women who had children early in their will also help transition conversations about
has answers. training often did not regret their decision, parenting and research out of the margins
There is more than one correct way to and some of those who had children later and into open forums.
raise a child; and I believe that the roles of felt they could have had them earlier. This Motherhood and my career are both at
parents in shaping children for success can was all anecdotal, but because being a mom the top of my priority list; at times, each
be overstated. With that in mind, I think we was a high life priority for me, David and I must give ground to make space for the
can all put less pressure on ourselves to find got pregnant in my third year of graduate other. Although this can seem impossible
a perfect equilibrium between our personal school. I worked on my degree through two at times, I am grateful I pursued both
and professional lives. Just like a career, pregnancies and was very pregnant during simultaneously and that I started early.
parenthood is a marathon, and the balance both my qualifying exam and my disserta- Now that I am finishing my training, I am
finding that the flexibility I enjoyed during Early evidence suggests that C OVID- parenting and research balance into a
my training years, which was so helpful r elated disruptions, especially to p
re-K–12 new—and harsher—light. Although some
when I was a new parent, has been gradually school programs, will have substantial have found a semblance of equilibrium, the
dissipating as I accumulate more critical impacts on the career trajectories of aca- persistent strain caused by the impossible
professional responsibilities. But my expe- demics with children as compared with col- duality of being a full-time worker and a
rience has shown me that it is possible both leagues who are not parents. These impacts full-time child caregiver is taking a heavy
to raise well-adjusted children during aca- are already being felt disproportionately by toll on others. Donning r ose-colored
demic training and to train successfully. Of women [Staniscuaski et al., 2020], and time glasses in an attempt to obscure our dis-
course, this was my own experience, which will reveal the lasting effects of the COVID comfort with this COVID era is not helpful
reemphasizes the need to collect empirical era on the demographics of academia for or adaptable. For now, it is completely
data. years, or possibly decades, to come. acceptable to hold on to hope and to
Although academics willingly accept acknowledge that this era of C OVID-19 is
Stress on a System Reveals Tension added responsibilities when becoming par- fundamentally, and negatively, affecting
ents, the strain is no less significant when many of us, including parent-academics;
Henry Potter, Assistant professor of oceanog-
individuals silently navigate these chal- and it may continue for a long time. The
raphy, Texas A&M University, College Station
lenges. Perhaps the shared challenges and full ramifications on our lives and the aca-
Children: ages 3 and 1
experiences of the pandemic can motivate demic community are yet unknown.
Current situation: Working full-time at
academics to unmute this topic. We are in Enduring the present and mitigating long-
home; spouse also working full-time at home;
a narrow window of time in which the dif- term impacts of this pandemic will require
no childcare
ficult balance between careers and caregiv- empathy and our communal effort to
With two young children and being one of ing, and unavoidable professional hiccups maintain open and meaningful dialogue,
two full-time working parents at home and productivity declines, are on the minds even after the “new normal” returns to the
during the pandemic, I find about 25 hours of many people and are affecting every “old normal.”
per week for my job as an assistant profes- professional sector. And yet we know that
sor. I squeeze in a few hours of work after tensions between parenthood and profes- Acknowledgments
my children’s bedtime or sacrifice a few sional domains will not be inoculated by a We thank AGU for its support of the Fall
hours of sleep to stay afloat, yet papers and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. For now, though, I’d Meeting 2019 session and for encouraging
proposals remain unwritten. In the latter like to have the time and mental energy to this dialogue. D.O.-S. and N.S.-S. specifi-
half of the semester this past spring, when work on submitting my NASA proposal for cally thank AGU for its support of the Par-
classes were in session remotely, I barely the fast approaching deadline, and like enthood in Academic Research Environ-
had enough time to finish my daily duties everyone else, I hope to just “get through ments during Training (PARENT) survey
in teaching, grading, emails, and meet- this.” project. We are all deeply thankful and
ings—much of which does not advantage appreciative of our families’ love and sup-
my tenure review. port throughout our respective careers and,
Over the summer, I didn’t teach, but my most important, for their patience.
productivity remained disappointing. I still
Early evidence suggests
sacrifice my evenings and weekends, split- References
ting the workweek with my spouse, and that COVID-related Staniscuaski, F., et al. (2020), Impact of C
OVID-19 on academic
mothers, Science, 368(6492), 724, https://doi.org/10.1126/
being frequently interrupted means papers
and proposals stay on the to-do pile. I am
disruptions will have science.abc2740.
fortunate that my university allowed me to substantial impacts on David G. O rtiz-Suslow contributed to the
pause my tenure clock this year, but I still authoring of this article in his personal capacity.
feel I am lagging my nonparent peers. Rou-
the career trajectories The opinions and views expressed herein are the
tinely stuffing work into the margins just to of zacademics with authors’ own and do not necessarily represent
keep up is the norm of parenting as an aca- the views of the Naval Postgraduate School, the
demic, an already difficult scenario that has
children as compared with Department of the Navy, the Department of
been significantly exacerbated by the pan- colleagues who are not Defense, or the U.S. government.
The COVID-19 era has uncovered the stark
contrasts between the realities of nonpar- By David G. O rtiz- S uslow (d ortizsu@ n ps
ents and parents in academic research envi- .e du), Naval Postgraduate School, Monte-
ronments (and elsewhere). When a parent rey, Calif.; Tanya Furman, Pennsylvania State
misses work to care for a dependent, c areer- Looking Forward University, University Park; A my Clement,
building activities are inevitably sacrificed With the tumult and anxiety of 2020, con- University of Miami, Miami, Fla.; Henry Potter,
for insistent daily responsibilities. This sit- versations of how to manage parenthood Texas A&M University, College Station; and
uation engenders perceptions of a lack of simultaneously with academic or research Ni Sun-Suslow, University of California, San
productivity that have a detrimental impact careers are moving closer to the profes- Diego
on long-term career growth and success by sional and cultural zeitgeist. Yes, this con-
affecting competitiveness for advancement, versation is not new, but the disruptions u Read the article at bit .ly/Eos
job opportunities, and funding. wrought by the pandemic have thrown the -parenting
he geosciences are not diverse. Dis- by the time they join their white peers to
cussions attempting to address this study geoscience in undergraduate pro-
lack of diversity often center around grams, BIPOC students lack equivalent We, as Black geoscientists,
voyeuristic accounts of traumatic experi-
ences, which, although accurate, have
exposure to the types of environments in
which fieldwork takes place. These factors
want to equip the
clearly not caused the needed institutional make it hard for BIPOC scholars new to the community with
change for diversity to take root. Rather geosciences to fully participate in and enjoy
than relive our trauma, we, as Black geosci- field camp or other field-based research and
actionable steps to create
entists, want to equip the community with educational outings. accepting and supportive
actionable steps to create accepting and Once they do begin to participate in field-
supportive spaces for BIPOC (Black, Indige- work, BIPOC students often face racism and
spaces for BIPOC
nous, and People of Color) students. Specif- prejudice in these outdoor spaces. Field- students.
ically, we’ll address one area in which work usually happens in remote, nonurban,
geoscience institutions have failed under- racially homogeneous places—places that
represented students: fieldwork safety. can be dangerous to minoritized students,
Fieldwork has long been core to the iden- who may face hostility, distrust, and disre- take substantive steps to protect BIPOC
tity of the geoscience community. That spect. scholars from harm in the field. On our cam-
impression reigns despite the fact that most puses, white faculty and staff can use their
geoscience work happens away from the The Need for a Culture Shift privilege to minimize the chances of racist
field, in laboratories and offices. Yet field- Negative field experiences are common for and other discriminatory actions toward the
work still underpins geoscience curricula at BIPOC scholars. One might argue that it is BIPOC students on their teams. Here are our
undergraduate and graduate levels; it is fre- not the job of institutions to protect students recommendations:
quently viewed not only as a necessary rite of from the world, but this mindset can result 1. Institutions that run field programs
passage but also as a prerequisite for employ- in the inadvertent exclusion of BIPOC stu- should have a mandatory racial risk assessment
ment. Geoscientists who lack field experi- dents who feel they must remove them- requirement as part of pretravel protocols.
ence may be at a competitive disadvantage selves from potentially dangerous situations. This assessment requires faculty to consider
when applying for jobs or promotions. An attitude that BIPOC students’ prob- the experiences of their BIPOC students.
For BIPOC students, fieldwork continues lems are not the research team’s problems 2. To perform those assessments appro-
to be a barrier. Studies on this topic have also discourages the types of planning that priately, faculty should take antidiscrimina-
shown that some BIPOC students are born can foster a safe environment for everyone tion training to help them identify and learn
and raised in urban areas and may come when practicing fieldwork. A proactive strat- ways to address potential discriminatory
from families that lack the financial ability egy would consider protection from racial attitudes (nonverbal, verbal, and physical
to take extended outdoor trips. Therefore, discrimination and racialized violence with threats) that BIPOC students experience in
field locations. For example, faculty can cre- accounting is particularly important to This article centers the
ate and have plans in place to d e-escalate address microaggressions faced by BIPOC
racial tension and protect students from individuals. Microaggressions, which rou- experiences of BIPOC
3. Before traveling, faculty should lead
tinely go unacknowledged or are minimized,
wear down morale over time and have
students in outdoor field
collaborative discussions to identify dis- adverse impacts on mental health. For stu- spaces, but we must
criminatory or race-related incidents with
team members that could occur in the field
dents, this impact can lead to their eventual
exit from the geosciences.
acknowledge that the lack
and then encourage bystander interventions. 10. Team leaders should address incidents of equity in field access is
4. Before field trips, team leaders should of discrimination when they happen. Team
reach out to local authorities, businesses, members should practice and use the 5D
a much bigger issue in the
and community leaders, especially in white strategy for bystander interventions: direct, geosciences.
communities, to provide early notice of the distract, delegate, delay, document (see bit
diverse nature of their teams. .ly/5D-s
trategy). The team should have a
5. Institutions should identify and share plan to exit dangerous scenes or to relocate
cultural norms, expectations, jargon, poli- the field party to a place of safety if other lack of equity in field access is a much bigger
cies, and rules practiced in field communi- strategies fail. issue in the geosciences. Access to fieldwork
ties that may be unfamiliar to the fieldwork and field trips has traditionally been designed
team. A Field for All for able-bodied, cisgender individuals within
6. Institutions should provide allyship When students and scholars feel that their the geosciences who have, in Western com-
training to educate and empower non-BIPOC experiences and concerns are considered munities, historically been white men. And
members of the team. BIPOC students could valid, they are more likely to speak with fac- globally, able-bodied cisgender men are still
be paired with white field allies. These part- ulty or team leaders as issues arise. This dis- the primary group for whom field access is
nerships would help build trust within field course, in turn, fosters a sense of belonging. planned. We need the geoscience community
parties, as well as help interactions with Without this sense of belonging, BIPOC stu- to create outdoor experiences that are wel-
local communities. dents and scholars internalize negative coming to everyone, including people with
7. Team leaders should interrogate and experiences and risk further traumas that disabilities, LGBTQ+ people, and women.
identify blind spots in team members from the drive them from the geosciences and STEM
majority racial group. Self-awareness of (science, technology, engineering, and
one’s own privilege can be a good impetus mathematics) fields in general. By Joshua Anadu ( j osh.a nadu@ o kstate
to becoming a strong ally. There has been a growing recognition of .edu), Oklahoma State University, Stillwater;
8. Team leaders should be present in the the unacceptable state of inequity, lack of H endratta Ali, Fort Hays State University,
field to introduce all of their team members to diversity, and challenges with the inclusion Hays, Kans.; and Christopher Jackson, Impe-
the host community and other stakeholders. of people from minoritized groups in the rial College London.
9. Team leaders should document hostile geosciences. This article centers the experi-
encounters that team members face during ences of BIPOC students in outdoor field u Read the article at bit .ly/Eos
field visits regardless of severity. This spaces, but we must acknowledge that the -BIPOC-scholars
By Richard J. Sima
With the COVID pandemic limiting academic opportunities at sea and in the field, mentors
and mentees are getting onboard with virtual strategies. Credit: Ocean Networks Canada;
IconFlat/Depositphotos.com (laptop graphic)
been in landlocked Iowa for 2 more years,” said Vidal. “I still think enough that I felt like I was connecting with them, and I hope they
about it every day.” felt that as well,” she said.
One of her project mentors, Joseph Montoya, a professor of bio-
logical sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, recently Pivoting and Finding the Silver Linings
helped with Vidal’s application to the Nautilus internship pro- There are physical limits to the number of people who can fit on a
gram. ship or in a research lab. But mentorship and programming this
Montoya is an example of a chance mentor brought on board by year are not subject to such physical constraints, which may be an
the program: He was on the ship in preparation for a follow-on opportunity: Though the virtual programs may have less depth of
expedition and not originally part of STEMSEAS. Today he has impact, they could have considerably more reach.
become one the program’s biggest contributors.
That happenstance is the beauty of the program, said Cooper.
“We like to work with anybody else who might be on the transit.”
These kinds of serendipitous connections may be one of the
more challenging aspects to emulate in a remote program.
“The difference between mentoring and just supervision is that
you’re helping [students] to talk about their professional goals,”
said GEO REU’s Sloan.
The goal of the GEO REU program is to give students experience
doing geosciences research for 6–10 weeks during the summer so
they understand how science works and whether it appeals to
them, said Sloan. “And the things that distinguish REU programs
from, let’s just say, being a student assistant in a lab would be that
in an REU program, you have intentional mentoring” and profes-
sional development, both of which are particularly important for
students from historically underrepresented backgrounds.
This means, in part, nurturing an environment for informal
mentoring stemming from spontaneous interactions in the cafete-
ria to introductions to faculty or invitations to lab meetings.
In a typical year, approximately 65 GEO REU sites would provide
800 students with hands-on research experiences and mentor-
ship. Moving programs online this year made introducing students
to people more difficult by far, Sloan said.
To help bridge the gap this past summer, Sloan developed the
2020 National Science Foundation Ocean Sciences REU, a virtual
professional development workshop series, to bring together
45 undergraduates hosted by different REU programs around the
United States in weekly Zoom meetings with faculty facilitators on
a variety of topics ranging from career exploration to research eth-
ics to resumé building.
Before the workshops began, Sloan held more intimate sessions As part of an REU program, Chanel Vidal (left) helps build a flex cam aboard the
with four students at a time to get to know them. “It was small R/V Endeavor. Credit: Chanel Vidal
“A major challenge was the frameshift for us when you haven’t sailed on a ship yet, you
to recognize that if you can’t go to sea, you think of the ship captain as some very intim-
shouldn’t just assume we can’t do anything,” “We’re going to reach idating, grizzled old guy, right? But most of
said Lewis of STEMSEAS. “And I think once we the ship captains we’ve sailed with have
got over that, [we] said what we really need to
do is meet the moment and pivot and figure out
more people in a very been super hip and fun and crazy people with
interesting stories. If we can have a captain
a way to connect.”
Normally, STEMSEAS receives several hun-
different way than talk to the students, I think that’s really
dred applicants each year, and only 40 students
can sail. This year, those applicants who would
we would have Similarly, the Nautilus internship pro-
gram is taking advantage of the resources it
not have had an opportunity to participate
could stay engaged, Lewis said. “So that’s kind
normally, so it’s a has already built to offer students opportu-
nities to stay engaged. The program was
of a plus. We’re going to reach more people in a
very different way than we would have nor-
little bit of a silver designed to train undergraduate and gradu-
ate students working aboard the E/V Nautilus,
mally, so it’s a little bit of a silver lining.”
In charting out its new remote programming,
lining.” which explores the deep sea with remote-
controlled vehicles. For 2–5 weeks, interns
STEMSEAS called upon its built-in network of would get hands-on experience working as
30-odd instructors and even more alumni who seafloor mappers, data loggers, pilots of
were eager to pitch in by connecting with a student or remotely operated vehicles, or video engineers.
giving a lecture or webinar, things that could have “We try to target students who we really think will benefit from
happened almost as easily on a ship as on a computer. The the opportunity of getting to sea,” said Nicole Raineault, the chief
STEMSEAS Facebook alumni page has fostered continued interac- scientist and vice president of exploration and science operations
tion and conversations, and alumni have made conscious efforts to at Ocean Exploration Trust.
connect their students with upcoming opportunities and intern- The entire internship program cohort has been deferred this
ships. year because of limitations on how many can safely crew the ship.
STEMSEAS online programming also tried to bring some of the As an alternative, the students are encouraged to participate in the
ship experiences to their students by connecting them to the ship Scientists Ashore Program, another Nautilus initiative that allows
operators, who may have more time now that there is not much scientists to participate in expeditions via live video and data feeds
sailing, Cooper said. with text dialogues with shipboard scientists.
“We can arrange for them to talk to the students in a way that “For 10 years, we’ve pioneered telepresence and pushed that
probably wouldn’t have been available,” she said. “You know, technology forward, and now we’re kind of being asked to put our
Opposite Page: XXXXXX; This Page: Top Right: XXXX
Implicit in terms like managed retreat, coasts. Those making the plans and poli-
forced migration, community relocation, cies often suggest that such a mechanism
and others are assumptions about who is saves people from both sea level rise and
deciding what is appropriate adaptation “their own bad decisions.” At first blush,
and how those decisions influence, sug- this is an enticing way to think about cli-
gest, or require compliance. How and, mate change adaptation, offering a “best
especially, by whom these plans are devel- solution”—and it is accurately titled as
oped will have substantial impacts on managing retreat. But the emerging use of
affected or relocated people’s lives. These eminent domain to remove people from
impacts are particularly critical for indi- coastal locations, such as along the U.S.
viduals in marginalized communities in East and Gulf Coasts, is an example of how
the United States, who will likely endure managed retreat sometimes leads to plans
disproportionate hardship from climate of action that are enacted upon a citizenry
and environmental risks and who have instead of in partnership with a citizenry.
historically suffered under decisions made There are three critical flaws in this
by people outside their communities. framework.
We want to start a discussion about the First, affected people are often missing
assumptions and implications conveyed by altogether from policy and planning dis-
the various terms used to describe the cussions about managed retreat, and when
anticipated large-scale movements of they are present, they are abstracted and
people and communities away from coasts. homogenized. It is as though they do not
have unique lives or histories, differences
MANAGED RETREAT in bank balances, varying access to child-
The most common term used to describe care, valid opinions, ancestral knowledge
the movement of people away from coasts of place, or varying perspectives about
is managed retreat, a concept that emerged what success looks like in their own lives
from coastal engineers. The term has been and relocations. In some cases, people
the very people who bear the most extreme Today a number of tribal communities
burdens of the climate crisis. In a process and Indigenous Peoples live on the Missis-
managed by outside entities—especially sippi Delta lowlands, which are sinking as
powerful ones such as scientific institu- seas are rising. There are also Indigenous
Opposite Page: XXXXXX; This Page: Top Right: XXXX
Alaskans and many communities through- others involved in researching and imple-
out the Pacific, for example, have long tra- menting community relocation plans can
ditions of migration. These communities do, collectively, is to create inclusive lan-
show that dignity and self-governance in guage and frameworks that promote just
movement as a response to changing coasts community relocations and resettlements.
are certainly possible—but only if local
authority is central to the conversation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Our intent here is not to prescriptively We express deep gratitude to our friends
determine the language to associate with and relatives who have provided wisdom
climate-driven relocation. Even with and guidance over the years on the pro-
“community” attached to them, words like cesses discussed in this article and so
relocation can have deep-rooted negative much more.
connotations. Rather, we want to invite an
open conversation to shift the framing REFERENCES
from one of managed retreat to one that is Faas, A. J., and E. K. Marino (2020), Mythopolitics of “com-
munity”: An unstable but necessary category, Disaster Prev.
more inclusive of people, cultures, and Manage., https://doi.org/10.1108/DPM-04-2020-0101.
lifeways. If people do not see themselves Hauer, M. E., J. M. Evans, and D. R. Mishra (2016), Millions
in the framing, if it is being done for them projected to be at risk from s ea-level rise in the continental
United States, Nat. Clim. Change, 6, 691–695, https://doi.org/
as opposed to with them, the process 10.1038/nclimate2961.
reverts to adopting the historically prob- Marino, E. (2018), Adaptation privilege and voluntary buyouts:
Perspectives on ethnocentrism in sea level rise relocation and
lematic best solution. retreat policies in the US, Global Environ. Change, 49, 10–13,
As we’ve described, the best solution in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.01.002.
the current framing of managed retreat is Marino, E., A. Jerolleman, and J. Maldonado (2019), Law and
Policy for Adaptation and Relocation Meeting, meeting sum-
based predominantly on economic mea- mary report, Natl. Cent. for Atmos. Res., Boulder, Colo.
sures while discounting nonmaterial con- Siders, A. R., M. Hino, and K. J. Mach (2019), The case for stra-
tegic and managed climate retreat, Science, 365, 761–763,
Opposite Page: XXXXXX; This Page: Top Right: XXXX
the current coastal lowlands, namely, ronment of this region: its geology, soils, coastal habitat type [De Vynck et al., 2016].
grysbok and bush duiker [Marean et al., and climate and the dynamic effects of sea Plant foraging experiments showed that
2020]. Elephants moved between the dif- level changes. Collaborators then mapped food resources were unevenly distributed
ferent habitats on the plain and farther vegetation distributions and large mam- and that h
unter–gatherers would have
inland, where today’s coast is. mal habitats on the basis of the physical profited from detailed knowledge of the
Revealing the environments of the environment. locations of calorie-dense resource “hot
Paleo-Agulhas Plain is part of an ongoing Local scientists recruited descendants of spots” [Botha et al., 2020].
transdisciplinary collaboration including ancestral coastal Khoisan tribes for mod- We integrated these results with knowl-
researchers from South Africa, the United ern foraging experiments because of their edge about the distributions of vegetation
States, and Australia [Cleghorn et al., 2020]. experience in marine foraging for personal and other resources, such as raw materials
The effort began with scientists, including consumption. In these experiments, the for stone tools, to produce a resource land-
myself, reconstructing the physical envi- tribespeople harvested shellfish and plant scape that informs computational model-
foods in previ- ing efforts to simulate the behaviors of
ously defined people on the landscape.
coastal marine
habitats and fyn- Modeling Climate
bos plant com- and Mapping Vegetation
munities. By Environmental changes during and
recording the between glacial and interglacial periods
amount of food had profound impacts on the Paleo-
harvested by each Agulhas Plain and its surroundings. The
person in a most significant were from sea level varia-
defined amount tions, which exposed and submerged the
of time, each plain twice in the past 200,000 years
shellfish habitat [Fisher et al., 2010].
and plant com- The climate, on the other hand, seems
munity could be to have remained stable along the present-
assigned an aver- day southern coast compared with cli-
age “return rate.” mates in the southern African interior.
For marine forag- Paleoclimate modeling of conditions at
ing, the main the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), roughly
Phytoliths extracted from elephant grass are seen in this electron micrograph. driving factors of 21,000 years ago, suggests only mild tem-
Similar phytoliths were found in archaeological sites studied as part of an inter- return rates were perature decreases over the Paleo-Agulhas
national collaboration to understand the P aleo-Agulhas Plain. Credit: Benjamin tides, weather Plain and along the present-day southern
Gadet, CC BY-SA 3.0 (bit.ly/ccbysa3-0) conditions, and coast [Engelbrecht et al., 2019].
This modeling also showed only small considerably since the LGM. The grass- served over millennia in stalactites and
changes in annual rainfall amounts along lands and floodplain vegetation on the stalagmites from coastal caves to track
the southern coast, although the seasonal- exposed Paleo-Agulhas Plain, however, changes of rainfall seasonality from
ity of rainfall has varied considerably. Most comprised a set of habitats that are now 113,000 to 19,000 years ago [Braun et al.,
of South Africa and the Paleo-Agulhas almost completely absent from the region 2020].
Plain received more winter rainfall during [Marean et al., 2020]. Carbon stable isotope ratios (12C and 13C )
the last glacial period than they do today from the same stalactites and stalagmites,
because of a northward shift of the westerly Reconstruction by Proxy as well as in fossil mammal teeth and
wind belt [Engelbrecht et al., 2019]. The pre- A range of proxy methods provides inde- ostrich eggshells, can yield information
vailing westerly and northwesterly winds pendent reconstructions of past climate about the abundance of tropical grasses
brought about by this shift led to down- and vegetation in the region, with results (which use the C4, or Hatch-Slack, carbon
wind effects along the southern flanks of that can be compared with model outputs dioxide fixation cycle) versus shrubs, trees,
the Cape Fold Mountains and the present- and map projections. For example, col- and t emperate-region herbs and grasses
day central southern coast that reduced leagues and I determined ratios of the sta- (which use the C3, or Calvin, cycle) growing
winter rainfall [Engelbrecht et al., 2019]. ble isotopes of oxygen (16O and 18O) pre- in the soil above the coastal caves and in
Researchers mapped the vegetation
from 26,000–19,000 years ago, around the
time of the LGM, using field data on the
distributions of geological and soil sub- The grasslands and floodplain vegetation
strates combined with paleoclimate mod-
eling [Cowling et al., 2020]. Because the on the exposed Paleo-Agulhas Plain
vegetation that grows in an area depends
strongly on the underlying bedrock and comprised a set of habitats that are now
soil, which typically remain stable over
long periods of time, the vegetation on the almost completely absent from the region.
present coastal lowlands has not changed
Hunting expeditions likely would have A Picture of the Past sustain them for tens of thousands of
been more productive on the Paleo- The resource landscape developed for years.
Agulhas Plain than on the present coastal hunter-gatherers provides the natural
lowlands because populations of large boundary conditions for an agent-based References
mammal faunas were denser amid grass- computational model that simulates the Botha, M. S., et al. (2020), Return rates from plant foraging on
the Cape south coast: Understanding early human economies,
lands and floodplains of the plain than in movement of people on the landscape. Quat. Sci. Rev., 235, 106129, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev
the fynbos. Sea level changes, however, An initial model representing interglacial .2019.106129.
considerably affected the size of large- conditions suggests that in the absence of Braun, K., et al. (2020), Comparison of climate and environment
on the edge of the P alaeo-Agulhas Plain to the Little Karoo
mammal habitats, with only small rem- the abundant large-mammal fauna on the (South Africa) in marine isotope stages 5–3 as indicated by
nants of grasslands remaining during full Paleo-Agulhas Plain, people were heavily speleothems, Quat. Sci. Rev., 235, 105803, https://doi.org/
interglacials when sea levels were high. dependent on plant foraging and exploited Cleghorn, N., A. J. Potts, and H. C. Cawthra (2020), The P alaeo-
Archaeological records from the Holo- marine resources when possible. Overall, Agulhas Plain: A lost world and extinct ecosystem, Quat.
Sci. Rev., 235, 106308, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev
cene—an interglacial beginning about the viable population density was only two .2020.106308.
12,000 years ago—across the region sug- people per 100 square kilometers, similar Cowling, R. M., et al. (2020), Describing a drowned ecosystem:
gest that people did, in fact, hunt fewer of to that of today’s Montana or Wyoming Last Glacial Maximum vegetation reconstruction of the P alaeo-
Agulhas Plain, Quat. Sci. Rev., 235, 105866, https://doi.org/
the animals associated with the habitats [Wren et al., 2020]. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.105866.
on the Paleo-Agulhas Plain, probably During intermediate conditions and De Vynck, J. C., et al. (2016), Return rates from intertidal forag-
because these species were less abundant glacials, the resource landscape would ing from Blombos Cave to Pinnacle Point: Understanding early
human economies, J. Hum. Evol., 92, 101–115, https://doi.org/
or went extinct. Archaeological assem- have looked quite different. At intermedi- 10.1016/j.jhevol.2016.01.008.
blages from interglacial MIS 5 (~128,000– ate sea levels, people were still able to Engelbrecht, F. A., et al. (2019), Downscaling Last Gla-
cial Maximum climate over southern Africa, Quat. Sci.
72,000 years ago), however, suggest that access coastal resources and forage for Rev., 226, 105879, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev
habitat loss did not cause local extinctions fynbos plants, while the Paleo-Agulhas .2019.105879.
of grassland species; rather, they survived Plain provided more game for hunting. In Esteban, I., et al. (2017), Phytoliths in plants from the south coast
of the Greater Cape Floristic Region (South Africa), Rev. Palae-
as refugee species in decreased numbers. glacial phases, marine resources would obot. Palynol., 245, 69–84, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo
These assemblages also show that shell- have been out of reach for people living on .2017.05.001.
Faltein, Z., et al. (2020), Atmospheric CO2 concentrations
fish like mussels and snails were a reliable the present-day coast. During these peri- restrict the growth of Oxalis pes-caprae bulbs used by human
and productive source of protein for ods, fynbos plant communities, although inhabitants of the P aleo-Agulhas Plain during the Pleistocene
glacials, Quat. Sci. Rev., 235, 105731, https://doi.org/10.1016/
hunter–gatherer diets at times. Shellfish still abundant, may have provided less j.quascirev.2019.04.017.
are more perishable than larger animals, food. It is thus likely that during these Fisher, E. C., et al. (2010), Middle and late Pleistocene paleo
so early humans probably gathered only times, people relied heavily on hunting scape modeling along the southern coast of South Africa,
Quat. Sci. Rev., 29, 1,382–1,398, https://doi.org/10.1016/
what they could eat the same day. The large mammals of the Paleo-Agulhas j.quascirev.2010.01.015.
coast was within the 10-kilometer daily Plain. Marean, C. W., R. M. Cowling, and J. Franklin (2020), The
foraging radius from the cave dwellings on As a result of the collection of research Palaeo-Agulhas Plain: Temporal and spatial variation in an
extraordinary extinct ecosystem of the Pleistocene of the
what is now the central southern coast described here—and of the large, trans- Cape Floristic Region, Quat. Sci. Rev., 235, 106161, https://doi
when the sea level was less than 60 meters disciplinary collaboration, which has .org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.106161.
Sealy, J. C., et al. (2020), Climate and ecology of the P alaeo-
below the present level [Fisher et al., 2010]. allowed us to resolve far-reaching and Agulhas Plain from stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in
Lower-than-present sea levels meant comprehensive questions—we now know bovid tooth enamel from Nelson Bay Cave, South Africa,
Quat. Sci. Rev., 235, 105974, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev
that rocky shores were absent and sandy that the Paleo-Agulhas Plain was far more .2019.105974.
beaches, interspersed with reefs of than an extension of the coastal lowlands Wren, C. D., et al. (2020), The foraging potential of the Holo-
cemented dunes, were much more com- of today’s southern African coast. Rather, cene Cape south coast of South Africa without the P alaeo-
Agulhas Plain, Quat. Sci. Rev., 235, 105789, https://doi.org/
mon. In the p resent-day foraging experi- the plain was its own unique ecosystem, 10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.06.012.
ments, these reefs yielded high returns of affected by exceptional dynamic changes
shellfish when tides and weather were of climate and exposure on glacial– Author Information
favorable, but returns were very low on interglacial timescales. These dynamics, Kerstin Braun (kbraun2@asu.edu), Institute
beaches [De Vynck et al., 2016]. The common in turn, shaped habitats for vegetation, of Human Origins, Arizona State University,
occurrence of sand mussels in archaeolog- animals, and our human hunter–gatherer Tempe
ical shell middens, however, suggests that ancestors, for whom the plain represented
Pleistocene hunter-gatherers foraged the most productive foraging environ- uRead the article at bit.ly/Eos- Paleo
effectively on beaches nonetheless. ment in the region—and one that helped -Agulhas
By Jenessa Duncombe
Language can be another barrier and can “That proper gear is like your uniform,” save money if they want to transfer to a
lead to misconceptions about geoscience. Villalobos said. “It’s your symbol of being a 4-year institution.
Researchers use the term fieldwork to geologist.” Villalobos knew that coursework was
describe research conducted in an outdoor only the first step, however, and that a vital
environment, for instance, but in Hispanic Pointing the Arrow part of learning happened in the labora-
cultures, “the term ‘doing fieldwork’ At community colleges, students can fall tory. Villalobos recalls washing beakers as
means that you are…getting a job literally prey to “cafeteria-style learning,” said an undergraduate in a geochemistry lab at
in the field, like picking crops or digging Nikki Edgecombe, a senior research UTEP and how much of a joy it was. Over-
ditches,” Villalobos said. scholar at the Community College hearing conversations between professors
The majority of students at EPCC and Research Center at Teachers College, and graduate students introduced Villalobos
UTEP are Hispanic, and the campus Vil- Columbia University. to a new language and scientific world. Even
lalobos calls home is in an agricultural Students take a random mix of classes though the work was menial to start, soon
area. Parents of students started showing that don’t necessarily lead to a degree, Villalobos was learning to operate scientific
up at Villalobos’s office asking whether often basing their decisions on peers or instruments and flying to Stanford Univer-
their child could even get a job in geology. scheduling, as opposed to the end result of sity to run h igh-powered equipment.
And why were their children working in graduation. The experience “cemented my desire to
the field? EPCC’s program uses a different be a geologist,” said Villalobos, and there
Villalobos quelled parents’ fears by lis- approach: The college offers a degree plan was no reason EPCC students shouldn’t
tening to their concerns and explaining with seven geology and environmental have that chance too.
Opposite: Fernie García
that studying the geosciences does lead to courses and labs, as well as freshman- and “High-impact learning experiences”
career opportunities. When doing outdoor sophomore-level math and science can have a powerful effect on students, but
work, Villalobos requires that students classes. This guided pathway harnesses community colleges generally don’t have
“dress like a scientist,” with a notebook, students’ excitement after their first geol- the resources to supply them. Grants are
hiking boots, and protective clothing. ogy class into a focused track and lets them scarce, and faculty are up to their eyeballs
There is
oped digestive issues. “My situation pro- added, they’ve been reluctant to do so:
gressively just got worse.… It was just a “Scientists have been largely absent from
nightmare.” any discussions on criminal justice issues
Many other people incarcerated at Fay- in general.”
ette have reported similar and more severe “As researchers within the geoscience
health problems that developed after they community,” Hoover said, “especially now
a place for
arrived on site: headaches, severe conges- we really need to be asking ourselves,
tion, nosebleeds, rashes, hives, gastroin- ‘What are the other connections within our
testinal problems. Cancer. After he got out, work and within our research? And how is
Mosley started fighting to close SCI Fay- what I am doing affecting disenfranchised
ette. As a lead organizer for Put People communities?’”
First! Pennsylvania, he works with groups
in establishing
like the Abolitionist Law Center, the Prison Nationwide Problem
Ecology Project, and the Campaign to Fight The United States incarcerates more peo-
Toxic Prisons to bring this widespread ple, and more people per capita, than any
conditions for
explained, because having deplorable con- people [Sawyer and Wagner, 2020].
ditions inside detention facilities is an Black, Latino, and Native and Indige-
environmental justice issue that isn’t nous people are overrepresented in this
unique to just one prison or one state. carceral system, a legacy of slavery and
“We’re finding that this is what is going on structural racism. After 1865, when the
around the country. It’s not just limited to 13th Amendment banned slavery except
Fayette,” he said. for people convicted of crimes, southern
with climate
“Particularly with climate change and the climate change, particularly as a public
increase in intense storms, it becomes more health issue for both inmates and staff,
difficult for the system to handle [stormwa- was pretty much just not on the radar of
change and
ter] and process it,” Hoover said. Stormwa- people working in corrections, either from
ter “can back up into basements of old a prisoners’ rights standpoint or from a
homes or basements of buildings like pris- correctional administration standpoint.”
the increase in
ons, perhaps, depending on what their In addition to more intense storms,
infrastructure looks like, whether or not carceral facilities will have to reckon with
they have sump pumps or some type of more extreme temperatures in summer
intense storms,
containment system to keep the water out.” and winter. Those in coastal areas must
“With flooding, where there are people, prepare for rising sea levels, and those in
there is always a serious health hazard,” as floodplains must prepare for flooding
it becomes more
floodwaters can sweep up toxic chemicals, events. “The very first step is acknowledg-
she added. “And in some cases, if you’re ing that we have a problem,” Holt said.
operating under a combined sewer system, “And the second step is to do a careful and
system to handle
mally Mississippi State Penitentiary) the Preexisting Pollution
water “runs dark brown, dark red, has a lot On-site pollution predates many detention
of heavy particulate matter in it,” said facilities. Colocation of prisons and preex-
Paloma Wu, deputy director of Impact Liti- isting pollution—including landfills and
gation at the Mississippi Center for Justice, waste sites—“is almost so commonplace,
a nonprofit focused on civil rights advocacy and usually in rural areas with limited
and process it.”
and litigation that represents Mississippi media attention, that it often goes unno-
prisoners in civil rights cases. “People will ticed,” Tsolkas said.
say, very consistently, that it smells like “Environmental justice historically has
sewage. And that’s been going on for a focused on residential location and resi-
really long time.” dential exposure,” said graduate student
Maggie León-Corwin. “Incarcerated popu-
Inmates, Too, Face Climate Change
Although the U.S. carceral system costs at
least $182 billion per year, funding gener-
ally isn’t going toward preparing facilities
for climate change. In recent years, local, Recommended Resources
state, and federal correctional systems Environmental justice advocates have gathered personal stories, case studies, and legal
have spent a combined annual average of cases that demonstrate how environmental injustice, mass incarceration, and systemic
$3.3 billion (1.8%) on construction-related racism are connected in the United States. Here are a few resources we recommend to learn
expenditures, including new facilities as more about America’s toxic prisons.
well as renovations and repairs to existing
ones [Holt, 2015]. Bernd, C., Z. Loftus-Farren, and M. N. Mitra (2017), Santa Barbara, gejp.es.ucsb.edu/sites/secure.lsit
Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) policy America’s toxic prisons: The environmental injustices .ucsb.edu.envs.d7_gejp-2/files/sitefiles/publication/
does encourage its facility managers to of mass incarceration, Earth Island J., earthisland (PEJP%20Annual%20Report%202018.pdf.
.org/journal/americas-toxic-prisons/. Put People First! Pennsylvania (2019), The Key-
maximize water and energy conservation
Bogado, A., Andrews, E., and D. Penner (2016), stone: Fayette Health Justice Issue, winter,
and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental justice, explained, Grist, 26 January, putpeoplefirstpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/
However, policies regulating state and youtu.be/dREtXUij6_c. PPF-Keystone_-Fayette-Justice-Issue-Winter-2019-1
local detention facilities vary as widely as Opsal, T., and S. A. Malin (2019), Prisons as LULUs: .pdf?x92736.
the politics of each state and municipality, Understanding the parallels between prison prolif- Vazin, J., and D. Pellow (2019), Toxic detention: The
explained Dustin McDaniel, the Abolition- eration and environmental injustices, Sociol. Inquiry, trend of contamination in the American immigration
90(3), 579–602, https://doi.org/10.1111/soin.12290. system, special report, Global Environ. Justice Proj.,
ist Law Center’s director of operations.
Pellow, D. (2019), The disturbing link between environ- Univ. of Calif., Santa Barbara, gejp.es.ucsb.edu/sites/
While studying the intersection of cli- default/files/sitefiles/publication/GEJP%20Special
mental racism and criminalization, Environ. Health
mate law and criminal law, “it became very News, 9 December, ehn.org/environmental-racism %20Report%202019_0.pdf.
quickly clear the folks working on climate -and-the-criminal-justice-system-2641465977.html. Waters, M. (2018), How prisons are poisoning their
change weren’t thinking about corrections Pellow, D., et al. (2018), Environmental injustice behind inmates, Outline, 23 July, theoutline.com/post/5410/
at all,” said Daniel Holt, who studied heat bars: Toxic imprisonment in America, annual report, toxic-prisons-fayette-tacoma-contaminated?zd
in U.S. prisons and jails as a visiting
Global Environ. Justice Proj., Univ. of California, =NaN&zi=xdu2agrm.
scholar at Columbia University’s Sabin
ulatory agencies with respect to environ- References
mental compliance, environmental studies, Holt, D. W. E. (2015), Heat in U.S. Prisons and Jails: Corrections
and the Challenge of Climate Change, Sabin Cent. for Clim.
and water quality for our facility operations Change Law, Columbia Law Sch., New York, https://doi.org/
racism. Including
and inmate population.” The agency stated 10.2139/ssrn.2667260.
that BOP policy “discusses temperature set Leon-Corwin, L., et al. (2020), Polluting our prisons? An exam-
ination of Oklahoma prison locations and toxic releases,
points, ventilation, and cooling and heat- 2011–2017, Punishment Soc., 22(4), 413–438, https://doi.org/
ing systems. Additionally, BOP regularly 10.1177/1462474519899949.
McDaniel, D. S., et al. (2014), No escape: Exposure to toxic
reviews and takes steps to address envi- coal waste at State Correctional Institution Fayette, Aboli-
ronmental, health, and safety concerns in tionist Law Cent., Pittsburgh, Pa., abolitionistlawcenter.org/
all of the BOP’s correctional institutions.”
Nigra, A. E., and A. Navas-Acien (2020), Arsenic in US correc-
What complicates matters, Tsolkas said, tional facility drinking water, 2006–2011, Environ. Res., 188,
is that a large fraction of incarcerated peo- 109768, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2020.109768.
ple are held in county facilities that are Sawyer, W., and P. Wagner (2020), Mass incarceration: The
whole pie 2020, Prison Policy Initiative, Northampton, Mass.,
controlled at local levels, not state or fed- prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2020._html.
eral. That makes their conditions hard to The Sentencing Project (2020), Fact sheet: Trends in U.S. cor-
rections, 8 pp., August, Washington, D.C., sentencingproject
track and target with litigation. .org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Trends-in-US-Corrections
“If I would have told you this story a .pdf.
couple years ago,” Mosley said, “you might Tsolkas, P. (2019), “It Smelled Like Death”: Reports of Mold
Contamination in Prisons and Jails, Prison Legal News,
have gone, ‘Hmm, wow, wild story.’ But 2 April, prisonlegalnews.org/news/2019/apr/2/it-smelled
nowadays, when you can turn on the news -death-reports-mold-contamination-prisons-and-jails/.
and see how people are being treated every
day by government, by police, it’s not a Author Information
far-fetched story.” Incarcerated popula- Kimberly M. S. Cartier (@AstroKimCartier),
tions have been disproportionately Staff Writer
affected by racial injustice and the corona-
virus pandemic. u Read the article at bit.ly/Eos-prisons
Geothermally heated water may someday help warm buildings on the Ithaca, N.Y.,
campus of Cornell University, seen here. Credit: Cornell University
energy source beneath its campus, Cornell
University is planning to probe the “boring” old
continental crust upon which many people live.
Fig. 1. Developmental stages of the Earth Source Heat (ESH) project are depicted here. In July, the U.S. Department of Energy announced
funding for Cornell to drill a narrow test hole about 100 meters into the basement rock (bottom layer in the illustrations) (left). That hole will
provide access to sample rocks and fluids and to study properties such as temperature. Tests to be conducted in the borehole (center) will
permit analyses of geo-mechanical, hydrogeologic, and thermal properties and conditions. The goal for the ESH project is to extract geo-
thermal heat (right) by pumping high-temperature fluids (red) from one borehole, transferring the heat into a campus heating loop, and
returning cooler fluids (blue) to the subsurface via an injection borehole. Credit: Cornell University
mally heated water is used for district heating at only a • deep life
Cornell is positioned
suitable depths through which fluid flows easily [Lopez needed for societally critical
et al., 2010]. activities including energy
to advance an initial
Even though the rocks at suitable depths beneath production and seismic risk
most of New York are sedimentary (and thus relatively assessment, they are likely to
porous), low permeability is unfortunately still an be at the core of successful
obstacle to implementing geothermal technology for efforts to raise funds for
of geothermal heat
turb those fractures. However, such engineering face fluid and rock samples
approaches involve high financial risks because they from a borehole, and findings
per year.
may fail to produce adequate permeability to achieve in these themes might influ-
energy extraction targets. Furthermore, drilling, artifi- ence the other topics.
cial permeability construction, and fluid cycling all The common root of the
cause perturbations in the subsurface that may be first three themes is complex
associated with seismic risk. Overall, the lack of funda- hydrologic, thermal, chemical,
mental scientific and engineering understanding of the and mechanical relationships and processes—natural
rocks and the coupled risks result in high costs and and h uman-induced—acting over timescales ranging
slow progress. from very short (days) to geological. Workshop partici-
Following years of economic and technical feasibil- pants focused on describing the experiments, mea-
ity analysis of its ESH approach, Cornell is positioned surements, and samples needed to underpin scientific
to advance an initial demonstration project for extract- advances in understanding the hydrogeology of old,
ing 100 gigawatt hours of geothermal heat per year, tectonically inactive crust and of the physical controls
enough to satisfy about 20% of campus needs. How- affecting seismic hazard within continental plate inte-
ever, until deep boreholes can access the subsurface, riors.
we lack key data needed to design a geothermal sys- One hypothesis posits that the continental crust is
tem and to assess financial, technical, and seismic at critical failure condition everywhere [e.g., Townend
risks. and Zoback, 2000]—that rocks underground are always
As a research-focused land grant university, Cor- close to failure by fracturing. This scenario can keep
nell has three integrated motivations for drilling test certain fractures open as permeable pathways, but it
boreholes: to achieve its carbon neutrality goal, to also means that the rocks are highly susceptible to
demonstrate and lower the risks of a technology with small stress perturbations. Having a kilometers-deep
potential for wide deployment, and to foster basic borehole that provides vertically continuous data about
research. stress magnitudes and orientations, pore fluid pres-
The ICDP workshop assembled 35 visitors and sures, and temperatures in the context of lithologic
26 Cornell faculty, technical staff, and students from and fracture properties would allow scientists to probe
diverse specialties (but with little shared background this hypothesis.
knowledge), including borehole engineering, regional Workshop attendees were very interested in the pos-
geology, induced earthquakes, geothermal engineer- sibility of gaining a better understanding of porome-
ing, and hydrology. About 90% of the workshop was chanical behavior and the processes affecting stress
spent in group discussions of key science questions and and strain near the interface between the Paleozoic
sedimentary rocks and the Precambrian crystalline or greater depth will cost several million dollars.
basement. Fiber-optic sensing along the length of the Because a wide-diameter borehole down to an explor-
borehole, along with measurements of the physical atory target depth of 4–5 kilometers could serve later as
properties of rock samples, could provide insights into an operational well accommodating a higher flow than
the mechanical behavior of the subsurface at multiple a narrow hole, a case can be made for such a hole,
scales. These insights are important for understanding which could also facilitate extensive testing and sam-
induced seismicity and mitigating hazards. pling. An alternative strategy is to drill an initial nar-
Attendees were also enthusiastic about the opportu- row borehole that would allow studies of geologic con-
nity to retrieve core samples that could spur a new gen- text and in situ characterization. Later, this borehole
eration of geological investigation into the thermal could serve as an observatory for downhole monitoring
history of the rocks beneath upstate New York. This of such things as temperature, pressure, seismic activ-
investigation could fill knowledge gaps about what ity, and fluid chemistry.
happened to the rocks from the end of deposition in The risks of these two alternatives are markedly dif-
the Devonian (420–360 million years ago); through the ferent. A w ide-diameter borehole intended to be used
burial, fluid flow, diagenesis, and fracturing of the later for energy production would require much of its
Alleghanian orogeny; to the mid-Mesozoic emplace- length to be cased with cement. However, some critical
ment of kimberlites and the topographic readjust- rock properties and conditions should be measured or
ments and denudation of the Cenozoic (66 million sampled in an uncased borehole, and much of the
years ago to present). equipment for permanent monitoring would need to be
Although no geobiologists participated, the work- installed prior to casing. Moreover, several borehole
shop participants agreed that sampling could enable experts foresaw this scenario leading to high costs and
study of life-forms found amid the lithologies and con- the high technical risk of losing the operational well if
ditions that a borehole would traverse. Discussions at wall rock collapsed and refilled the hole.
the workshop revealed that the Cornell site offers even Drilling a narrow hole to 4–5 kilometers also comes
higher research value if the vertical profile of the ther- with significant practical, costly challenges. One such
mal, hydrological, mechanical, and chemical properties challenge is the limited availability of companies and
of the subsurface could be determined at a pristine equipment capable of drilling and coring such a hole at
location not yet subjected to subsurface manipulation, ac ost-effective rate. Discussions about the back and
and then monitored through time as the geothermal forth between science goals and borehole operational
project progresses. goals revealed scenarios that may translate to signifi-
cantly higher borehole costs and to compromised plans
Where Science and Engineering Challenges that reduce the scientific scope.
Intersect Another alternative emerged from these discussions:
A major question about a Cornell borehole, one where A narrow borehole that reaches only 100 meters into the
science and engineering considerations intersect, is basement would have lower costs and risks than a deep
whether it should have a narrow or wide diameter. hole. This narrow-hole design would still allow seismo-
Regardless of diameter, each borehole to 3 kilometers logical and hydrological experiments to document sub-
Forest degradation, including the kind of logging pictured here on Pirititi Indigenous land in the Brazilian Amazon, can significantly affect energy, water, and carbon
fluxes in forests. Credit: Felipe Werneck/IBAMA, CC BY 2.0 (bit.ly/ccby2-0)
ropical rain forests provide ecosystem services well beyond regions in the eastern Amazon (one in French Guiana and the rest in
their bounds. The Amazon, for example, acts as both a sink for Brazil), each with different precipitation patterns and histories of land
carbon dioxide and a fountain of water vapor into the atmo- use change, to capture the diversity of degraded forests.
sphere that later falls as rain or snow, sometimes thousands of kilo- The model indicated that during a typical dry season, evapotrans-
meters away. But human activities and climate change are major piration and gross primary production were 34% and 35% lower,
threats to these services. respectively, in degraded forests than in intact forests, whereas day-
Many studies have sought to understand how deforestation, which time surface temperatures were 6.5°C higher on average. However,
has soared again in many parts of the Amazon, affects carbon seques- during extreme droughts, the effect of degradation on these fluxes
tration and evapotranspiration. Meanwhile, forest degradation, which was much less apparent. In other words, intact and degraded forests
includes logging, understory fires, and forest fragmentation, may behaved similarly when facing extreme water and heat stress.
affect as large an area as deforestation does, yet its effects on water, The same pattern held true for fire risk: In a typical year, degraded
energy, and carbon cycles in tropical forests are less well understood. forests were drier, warmer, and more susceptible to fire, but during
That’s at least in part because forest degradation is heterogeneous droughts, intact forests were just as prone to fire, highlighting the
and because many degraded plots are in remote regions and on pri- critical role of climate variability in flammability.
vately owned land, making field data difficult to gather. But in a new Although the model had limitations—for example, it didn’t consider
study, Longo et al. used h
igh-resolution lidar data collected by aircraft variations in soil depth and composition, which can markedly affect
to overcome some of these accessibility challenges. these fluxes—the study advances the use of remote sensing technology
The researchers fed both lidar data and ground observations into for tracking structural change in degraded forests as well as our under-
an ecosystem demography model to compare water, energy, and car- standing of how human disturbances beyond deforestation impact
bon fluxes between the forest and the atmosphere in both degraded energy and carbon balances in the Amazon. ( Journal of Geophysical
and intact regions of the Amazon forest spanning precipitation gra- Research: Biogeosciences, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JG005677, 2020)
dients. The lidar data revealed forest structure variability across five —Kate Wheeling, Science Writer
eural networks are everywhere in vance propagation (LRP). Both methods help sonal temperatures. They trained the network
modern science, providing insights researchers identify which inputs are most on data from 1950 to 2000, tested it on data
into such complex topics as facial influential in a neural network’s d ecision- from 2000 to 2018, and found that the neural
recognition, cancer research, and risk man- making process, which could make the tech- network approaches were more accurate than
agement, among others. The machine nique more applicable to the geosciences, a traditional, regression-based approach.
learning technique uses networks of com- where understanding a network’s reasoning Machine learning studies are becoming
putational nodes working together to find may be critical for validating its predictions. more common in the geosciences, but this
patterns in massive data sets and make pre- The team first applied both methods to a one was the first to apply an LRP technique
dictions on the basis of those data. simple task: identifying whether a specific to the field. The authors show that the
Neural networks may be useful in iden sea surface temperature (SST) pattern was machine learning techniques can provide
tifying meaningful relationships in the indicative of a positive or negative phase of valid predictions, confirming that their out-
increasingly large and h igh-quality data sets the well-studied El Niño–Southern Oscilla- put matches our understanding of the phys-
available in the geosciences. But their appli- tion (ENSO). Team members trained the neu- ical processes driving Earth systems and
cation in those fields has been limited so far ral network on SST data from 1880 to 1990 setting the stage for future studies that
by the fact that the internal reasoning the and tested it using data from 1990 to 2017. could use these techniques to identify as yet
networks use to make decisions and predic- The network identified the ENSO phase accu- unknown relationships hiding in geoscience
tions is not always apparent. rately 100% of the time. data. ( Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth
In a new study, Toms et al. apply two new Next the team applied the methods to a Systems (JAMES), https://doi.org/10.1029/
methods for interpreting neural networks: more complex task: predicting how sea sur- 2019MS002002, 2020) —Kate Wheeling, Sci-
backward optimization and layerwise rele- face temperature anomalies will impact sea- ence Writer
ne of NASA’s newest missions, called Global-scale Observa-
tions of the Limb and Disk (GOLD), is revealing how the upper
fringes of Earth’s atmosphere affect space weather by observ-
ing atmospheric airglow in unprecedented detail. In a new study,
Eastes et al. report early data from the mission, including observations
of how neutral gases in the thermosphere interact with charged par-
ticles in Earth’s ionosphere and how these interactions respond to
disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field caused by solar storms.
GOLD was launched into geostationary orbit in 2018 aboard a com-
munications satellite and began making routine observations in Octo-
ber of that year. The instrument measures wavelengths of ultraviolet
light emitted by excited atoms and molecules at altitudes of 100 kilo-
meters or higher when they relax to lower energy levels. These emis-
sions phenomena include aurorae as well as much fainter yet steady
airglow across the night sky.
From its vantage over the western Atlantic, GOLD observes airglow
across the full disk of Earth every 30 minutes, as well as in the thin
ribbon of atmosphere, called the limb, surrounding it. Occasionally,
when a star passes behind Earth, the instrument takes advantage of The Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk instrument (circled) appears
the starlight passing through the atmosphere to measure the density at the bottom of the SES-14 communications satellite in this artist’s illustration.
of oxygen in the air at different altitudes based on the light it absorbs. Credit: NASA/CIL/Chris Meaney
GOLD also collects valuable temperature readings and observations
of the ratio of oxygen to molecular nitrogen, as well as of how these
characteristics change during geomagnetic storms.
Early observations of Earth’s nightside from the mission have The authors suggest that all told, GOLD’s observations should
yielded surprising discoveries about airglow over the equatorial help scientists develop better models of the t hermosphere-
region, where large, c ontinent-spanning stripes of emissions tend to ionosphere system and advance our understanding of space weather
form. This “equatorial anomaly” is far more dynamic than expected, effects on Earth. ( Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics,
with its brightness and appearance changing rapidly even during quiet https://d 020JA027823, 2020) —Mark Zastrow, Science
oi.org/1 0.1029/2
periods between geomagnetic storms. Writer
very so often, Earth’s geomagnetic field reverses, with magnetic over time, sometimes erratically, creating uncertainty in the GPTS.
north and south swapping places over the course of a few millen- Here the researchers used u p-to-date magnetic anomaly data collected
nia. Researchers have tracked these reversals, which occur every during 154 ship tracks across the North and South Pacific, South Atlan-
few tens of thousands to millions of years, at mid-ocean ridges, where tic, and Indian Oceans, as well as Monte Carlo computational methods,
tectonic plates are pulling apart. As lava erupts at these ridges and solid- to smooth out spreading rates across all the ocean basins, thereby min-
ifies to form new ocean crust, it records the orientation of the planet’s imizing spreading rate variations and reducing uncertainty in the GPTS.
magnetic field, creating alternating blocks of rock that are magnetized The findings contribute to researchers’ understanding of the history
in opposite directions and that generate magnetic anomalies that can of ocean spreading. In particular, the study revealed a major global
be measured by ship surveys. Combining these magnetic signatures change in spreading rates between 50 million and 45 million years ago.
with radioisotopic dating of the magnetized rocks has provided time- Around that time, the Indian subcontinent slammed into the Eurasian
lines for past reversals called geomagnetic polarity timescales (GPTSs). plate, slowing tectonic spreading in the Indian Ocean. At the same time,
Malinverno et al. update the GPTS for a period stretching from late in spreading rates roughly doubled in the South Atlantic and North Pacific,
the Cretaceous, roughly 84 million years ago, until the end of the coinciding with the timing of a bend in the Hawaii-Emperor seamount
Eocene, 33 million years ago. chain. The results could also help resolve timescale inconsistencies in
Previous GPTSs assumed that ocean spreading rates in the South astrochronology studies, the authors note. ( Journal of Geophysical
Atlantic were constant or smoothly varying over time. But in data col- Research: Solid Earth, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JB020034, 2020)
lected at other mid-ocean ridges, spreading rates appeared to change —Kate Wheeling, Science Writer
he concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere as of
June 2020 exceeded 416 parts per million, a level not seen since
the mid-Pliocene warm period approximately 3 million years
ago. Indeed, the entire Pliocene (5.33–2.58 million years ago) serves
as a potential analogue for our present and future climate.
Scientists often turn to the stratigraphic record to understand
Earth’s history. Geological proxies like fossilized flora and fauna indi-
cate that temperatures during the Pliocene were about 2.7°C–4.0°C
hotter than those in the preindustrial era. Coastal rocks and sedi-
ments can also help identify the Pliocene’s elevated sea levels from
a time when polar ice extents were drastically smaller than today.
In a new study, Hearty et al. delved into the stratigraphic record
to determine how high the ocean rose the last time carbon dioxide
levels eclipsed 400 parts per million, investigating ancient coastal This location near the Olifants River on the Atlantic coast of South Africa exhibits
deposits along the western and southern coastlines of the Republic some of the most detailed stratigraphy of a Pliocene sea level stand from
of South Africa. The South African coast was comparatively stable roughly 4.5 million years ago that was more than 25 meters above modern sea
during the Pliocene and subsequent Pleistocene, so the unjostled level. The water at that time rose above the white rocks seen in the foreground
rocks there offer optimal marine exposures and clear indicators of and in the haze farther down the coast. Credit: Paul Hearty
past sea levels. However, elevations measured in the field must be
corrected to account for past vertical land motion.
The team scoured the coastlines for sites where geologic records of
past sea levels have been preserved and analyzed marine shells col- imately 4.5 million to 3 million years ago. The second zone is 15–20
lected from these deposits using strontium dating. Once the authors meters above modern sea level and represents sea level about 1 mil-
identified optimal exposures, they collected high-accuracy GPS data lion years ago, during the Pleistocene.
to measure the 3D coordinates of key geological features to within a The authors note that ice sheets are highly vulnerable during warm-
few centimeters. ing climates. Their findings suggest that global sea levels are likely to
Three of the 17 surveyed sites provided reliable age data, establish- undergo dynamic changes in the future because of rising carbon diox-
ing that average sea levels during the Pliocene were between 15 and ide concentrations. The researchers also point out that their data set
30 meters higher than the present waterline. The results revealed two can serve as a baseline against which to compare future studies of
prominent topographic zones. The first zone is about 25–35 meters global mean sea level. (Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, https://
above current sea level and corresponds to conditions from approx- doi.org/10.1029/2019PA003835, 2020) —Aaron Sidder, Science Writer
ore green on Earth means less car-
bon in the atmosphere. A photo-
synthesizing plant captures carbon
in the air, in the form of carbon dioxide
(CO2), and converts it into plant matter. As
CO2 levels rise, ecosystems generally grow
more efficient at capturing carbon. However,
as temperatures rise, that efficiency wanes.
This feedback between the efficiency of
plant carbon sequestration and air tempera-
ture has been demonstrated in the tropics, in A campground floods at Christina Lake in British Columbia, Canada. Credit: Thomas_H_foto, CC BY-ND 2.0
models, and in studies at leaf level. McGowan (bit.ly/ccbynd2-0)
et al. investigated this relationship on Bribie
Island, a barrier island off the east coast of
Australia near Brisbane, setting up sensors
in three subtropical ecosystem types: a wet- cientists have shown that warming glo Plain as likely candidates to experience
land, a swamp, and a pine plantation. The bal temperatures can lead to increases increased droughts with the added warming.
researchers recorded an array of environ- in extreme precipitation events—and Meanwhile, Alaska, northern Canada, and
mental data, from weather and radiation lev- therefore to increased surface runoff from much of Asia are expected to experience
els to soil temperature and water content. soils unable to absorb heavy rainfall and increased flooding hazards.
From these data, the scientists calculated snowmelt—as well as to aggravated droughts The researchers extended their analysis
that the optimum temperature range for resulting from decreased precipitation and to determine how many more people would
photosynthesis, and thus for CO2 uptake, in increased evapotranspiration. Understand be affected under 2°C versus 1.5°C warming,
these environments is 24.1°C–27.4°C. And ing the likely timing and locations of future as well as the added burden on gross domes-
they found that when temperatures exceed floods and droughts will be imperative in tic product (GDP). They calculated that glob-
this optimum window, which they often did protecting people and managing risk. ally, droughts would affect an additional
during the study, an ecosystem’s ability to In a new study, Zhai et al. use an estab- 0.5% of the population; floods, an additional
capture CO2 drops sharply. This trend was lished surface runoff model, called variable 4.9%; and droughts and floods, an additional
especially visible during dry periods. The infiltration capacity, in combination with the 4.9% under 2°C warming relative to under
monoculture of the pine plantation did not latest climate projections from global circu- 1.5°C warming. The scientists also found that
handle hot or dry conditions well. The natural lation models to forecast global surface run- the changes in runoff with 2°C warming ver-
wetland ecosystem, in contrast, was the most off and droughts and to compare differences sus 1.5°C warming would have widespread
productive of the three sites and responded in these forecasts between 1.5°C and 2°C impacts on the affected economies, with
best to changing conditions, likely because of warming scenarios, the targets for maximum droughts affecting an additional 4.6% of
its natural diversity and dense vegetation, the warming established in the Paris Agreement. GDP globally, floods affecting an additional
authors note. The team reports that outcomes in their 2.4%, and both droughts and floods affecting
Earth’s temperature continues to climb, modeling are worse across the board for the an additional 5.7%.
and experts predict that the subtropics will 2°C scenario: Annual runoff is expected to be Considering the severity of these pro-
experience less rain as the climate warms. higher, water retention in terrestrial ecosys- jected human and economic impacts, the
In the face of these changes, the ability of tems is expected to be lower, and droughts researchers point out the importance of try-
plants in subtropical ecosystems to scrub and floods are expected to increase in fre- ing to limit further warming of Earth’s cli-
carbon from the air will decline, the authors quency. The scientists identify Mexico, the mate. (Earth’s Future, https://doi .org/10
say. They suggest that similar research is western United States, western Europe, .1029/2019EF001398, 2020) —David Shultz,
needed in other climate zones and ecosys- southeastern China, and the West Siberian Science Writer
tems to develop a more complete picture of
plant-climate feedbacks. ( Journal of Geophys-
ical Research: Biogeosciences, https://doi.o
10.1029/2020JG005678, 2020) —Elizabeth u Read the latest news at Eos.org
Thompson, Science Writer
People burn wires, cables, circuit boards, and other discarded items to recover copper at the Agbogbloshie electronic waste site in Ghana. Credit: Muntaka Chasant,
CC BY-SA 4.0 (bit.ly/ccbysa4-0)
lumes of black smoke are often seen (PM10) in diameter for the waste site’s thou- 57 µg/m3 higher than the average back-
rising from the Agbogbloshie elec- sands of employees and the densely popu- ground level of 31 µg/m3; the authors note
tronic waste (e-waste) site in Accra, lated communities nearby. The team mea- that background levels were largely attribut-
Ghana. The acrid clouds contain particulate sured upwind, on-site, and downwind PM able to biomass burning and traffic emis-
matter and other pollutants that pour into concentrations using gravimetric and opti- sions. Downwind of the e-waste site, PM2.5
the air above the capital city from two waste- cal instrumentation to sample both upwind levels were 57 µg/m3 (or 26 µg/m3 higher
burning areas at the site. But air pollution background levels of air pollution and con- than background). World Health Organiza-
data to track these plumes and their effects tributions of the waste site while also tion and Ghanaian EPA exposure guidelines
are limited in Ghana and throughout Africa; accounting for local meteorological condi- for 2 4-hour PM 2.5 are 25 and 30 µg/m 3,
only six of the continent’s 47 sub-Saharan tions. respectively.
countries report levels of airborne particulate PM2.5 and PM10 levels were both signifi- According to the authors, the study dem
matter—the inhalable pieces of pollution cantly higher at the waste site than back- onstrates that an approach combining grav-
that can wreak havoc on the human body. ground levels, and 24-hour PM2.5 levels con- imetric and optical measurements can pro-
Kwarteng et al. look to augment Ghana’s siderably exceeded both World Health vide a relatively low cost way for countries
limited air pollution data by using moderate- Organization and Ghanaian EPA exposure to monitor pollution levels in complex
cost sampling methods to quantify exposure guidelines. The team found that 24-hour urban environments. (GeoHealth, h ttps://d
to particulate matter less than 2.5 microm- PM2.5 levels at the e -waste site averaged .org/10.1029/2020GH000247, 2020) —Kate
eters (PM2.5 ) and less than 10 micrometers 88 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3), or Wheeling, Science Writer
early half of forest ecosystems around the world face “stand- species: California bay laurel, tanoak, coast live oak, and California
replacing disturbances”—hazards that threaten to kill all of black oak.
the trees in a localized region, such as fires, extreme weather, The team monitored more than 10,000 stems across several hun-
and disease. The spread of nonnative insects and pathogens has also dred plots in California and Oregon, tracking infections, climate, and
reshaped North American forests, and today a disease outbreak is topography to determine how various factors influenced disease pro-
sweeping along the U.S. West Coast. gression in all four species. As of 2012, some 166.2 million stems
Sudden oak death, caused by the plant pathogen Phytophthora within the study plots were infected. The majority (95.2 million) were
ramorum, has reached epidemic proportions in California and Ore- bay laurel stems, which can typically survive P. ramorum infections,
gon since it first arrived in the San Francisco Bay Area in about 1990. making the species a major source of infection for other trees.
But the regional extent of both the disease and related tree mortal- Given the mortality rates for the other three species, the authors
ity is not clear, hampering forest managers’ responses to the epi- estimate that the disease has killed nearly 48 million stems in the past
demic and to other threats, as d ie-offs can increase fuel loads and 20 years, including nearly 39 million tanoak stems alone. That’s a mor-
fire severity, reduce forest productivity, and convert forests from tality rate on par with other mass tree die-offs in the western United
carbon sinks to carbon sources. States due to drought and insect outbreaks, the authors note. Invasive
Cobb et al. modeled the infection and mortality rate in forests fac- pathogens tend to grow exponentially, meaning that these problems
ing P. ramorum invasions by combining observations from plot net- are likely to compound in the coming decades. But prevention and treat-
works on the ground, geospatial data, and existing data sets describ- ment programs in Oregon involving culling infected trees could serve
ing tree cover and pathogen distribution. The pathogen can infect the as an inexpensive and effective model for the region to keep the plant
leaves and stems of more than 130 species of trees, shrubs, and ferns, pathogen in check, according to the authors. (Earth’s Future, https://doi
but in the new study, the authors focus on the four most affected tree .org/10.1029/2020EF001500, 2020) —Kate Wheeling, Science Writer
hosphorus is one of the most biolog- as well as the elements with which it had
ically important elements for life on formed complexes.
Earth and is thus ubiquitous in many Prior to eutrophication of Lake 227, most
crop fertilizers. Following heavy rain, par- of the phosphorus existed in an organic
ticulate phosphorus often runs off field form in the lake sediment. As the lake tran-
crops into nearby bodies of water, where it sitioned to eutrophic conditions, the rate of
can dramatically alter the health of aquatic phosphorus burial increased overall, with
ecosystems over time. much of the increase attributable to phos-
Environmental regulations have reduced phorus bound to humus, the dark-colored
phosphorus discharges to some aquatic soil fraction that’s rich in organic matter.
ecosystems to improve water quality, but The researchers found that the humic phos-
despite the reductions, many systems have phorus was usually bound in iron-humic
not experienced water quality improvement. complexes, especially with ferric iron (Fe3+).
This may be because of the internal release They note that the large quantity of Fe3+
of accumulated, or legacy, phosphorus in Lake 227 at the International Institute for Sustain- found in the sediment suggests that the
sediments, which can drive eutrophic con- able Development (IISD) Experimental Lakes Area organic carbon–rich sediment stabilizes this
ditions—with low oxygen levels and excess in Ontario, Canada, seen here, is the site of a long- oxidation state of iron, preventing it from
nutrients—which are often hazardous to running controlled eutrophication experiment. being reduced to other forms even in highly
native aquatic animals. Credit: IISD Experimental Lakes Area reducing conditions.
To better understand how and in what The researchers also observed that much
forms phosphorus accumulates in lakes, sci- of the phosphorus added to Lake 227 is
entists have conducted studies in which they stored in reactive forms, meaning that the
artificially add the nutrient to a controlled In new research, O’Connell et al. used a lake could remain eutrophic for years even
experimental lake. In one such lake in Ontario, combination of sediment cores and labora- without external phosphorus loading. They
Canada, known as Lake 227, in the Interna- tory analyses to track changes in sedimentary conclude that eutrophication may thus have
tional Institute for Sustainable Development phosphorus forms during and after the tran- far-reaching consequences in the future
Experimental Lakes Area, researchers have sition. The sediment cores represented a nat- because of legacy phosphorus. ( Journal of
used phosphorus to transition the aquatic ural history of the lake’s relationship with Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, https://
environment from oligotrophic, or relatively phosphorus, showing the rates at which the doi.org/10.1029/2020JG005713, 2020) —David
oxygen rich and low in nutrients, to eutrophic. element had been buried in the sediment Shultz, Science Writer
manuel, one of the most recognized and accomplished scientists ingly broad spectrum of activities—also in the educational sphere—
in the field, reflects on the importance of theory for atmo- there is danger that inattention to theory will produce researchers who
spheric, oceanic, and climate science. In so doing, he sounds an use these vast resources ineffectively and that the opportunity for true
alarm about the perils the neglect of theory pose for the advancement breakthroughs, which come from new ideas, will be diminished.
of our science. As h
igh-performance computing dominates an increas- (https://doi.org/10.1029/2019AV000129, 2020) —Bjorn Stevens
ropical cyclones leave cooler surface ocean temperatures in
their wake, as a result of intense mixing of the upper ocean.
Details of this upper ocean structure under two hurricanes are
revealed in high-resolution measurements presented by Sanabia and
Jayne. These unique measurements, derived from a variety of sensors
deployed on floats, capture the space and time variability in the
across-path asymmetry in ocean mixed layer properties and show the
importance of salinity in controlling this structure. The view of the
upper ocean provided by these measurements allows improved Variations in (a) midtropospheric relative humidity (in %) and (b) clear-sky net
understanding of that layer’s influence on the intensity of the hurri- radiation (in watts per square meter) congruent with the degree of cloud cluster-
cane, which in turn contributes to better forecasts of hurricane inten- ing. Enhanced organization of convection is associated with drying and radiative
sity. (https://doi.org/10.1029/2019AV000161, 2020) —Eileen Hofmann cooling over most of the tropics. Credit: Bony et al., 2020
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Committed U.S. Power Emissions
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coal burning plants. In a novel analysis, operating coal and gas plants are incompat-
18. Signature and Title of Editor, Publisher, Business Manager, or Owner Date
Shearer et al. examine the long-term impli- ible with U.S. pledges under the Paris cli-
Heather Goss, Editor in Chief, Eos 09/28/2020 cations of the natural gas boom from the mate agreement, requiring a substantial
I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete. I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this form
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the cumulative future CO2 emissions from these plants—even if no new fossil capac-
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ACROSS 12 13 14
1 Sandy deposits in bends of rivers
5 They might be apple or cherry 15 16 17
9 A way of handling coordinates in GIS
12 Includes the Himalayan, Ural, and Altai 18 19 20
13 Of Green Gables, e.g. 21 22
14 What’s left after an oxygen-starved
prairie fire, perhaps
23 24 25 26 27
15 A volcano from the deep—or a device
for draining diamonds?
28 29
18 Rain, but not the sea, chemical-wise
19 You may fail, but you _______
30 31 32 33 34 35
21 Another option, for short
22 Sallied forth
23 Something unusual 36 37
That greeting means “hello” in Chitumbuka, the local language spo- -liter bottle and sprinkle the water over hands; and (3) soap on a rope
ken here in northern Malawi. Since 2012, I have worked with Mzuzu surrounded by the top portion of a 5 00-milliliter plastic bottle so the
University as the manager of the Centre of Excellence in Water and goats don’t eat our soap!
We use our yearly camp at Mzuzu University to focus on local science
Where do we wash our hands? Many areas of Malawi are still lacking a that affects the communities the girls live in and to encourage these
piped water supply, which makes hand washing much more difficult. girls to develop new and better science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM) solutions, for hand washing and beyond.
The photo shows our awesome Girls’ Science Day camp with area high
school girls sponsored by an AGU Celebrate 100 grant for the 2020 Rochelle H. Holm, Mzuzu University, Mzuzu, Malawi
International Day of Women and Girls in Science. We learned how to
overcome this hurdle by making a three-part, low-cost h and-washing
station. It consists of (1) the bottom portion of a 2-liter plastic bottle
holding water; (2) the bottom portion of a 500-milliliter plastic bot- View more postcards at bit.ly/Eos-postcard
tle with holes punched into the bottom, used to “dip” water from the