Web Accessibility Initiative in India
Web Accessibility Initiative in India
Web Accessibility Initiative in India
Bangalore, India
Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the Web. More specifically, Web
accessibility means that people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact
with the Web, and that they can contribute to the Web .
In India , approximately 2.0 crore population [Ref Census 2001] suffers from various kinds of
disabilities and the challenge lies in providing citizen centric web based services to these section
of society for more inclusive growth. The complexity of Indian scenario is augmented manifold,
as India has 22 constitutionally recognized languages and we need to develop solutions in all
these languages. .
The World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has taken a pioneering role in development of
standards and guidelines for development of tools, technologies and web interface accessible
for persons with disabilities. The Web Content accessibility guideline [WCAG 2.0] is the key
achievement in this direction. In India, though few initiatives have been undertaken towards
development and deployment of assistive technologies, still lot more needs to be done in terms
of affordable multilingual assistive technology development, adoption of standards, awareness
and education, implementation and policy level aspects to provide web based accessible
solutions to include these specially-abled citizens towards nation building.
This Workshop would provide the technology developers, web service and solution
providers, Policy makers, NGOs and users a unique platform for understanding the common
needs and implementation issues.
The special focus of workshop will be on multilingual requirements in web accessibility area.
Capturing the requirements for Indian languages as per W3C WCAG 2.0 Standards
Welcome Address
Ms. Swaran Lata, Country Manager W3C India gave away the
welcome address. She gave the brief introduction on W3C India
Office activities and Web Accessibility.
Inaugural Keynote
Mr. Shouvick Mukherjee, Vice-president & CEO ,Yahoo! R& D
started with inaugural address and welcomed all the speakers as
well as the delegates in the workshop. He Talked about the
activities carried out by Yahoo! India in the field of Accessibility.
The workshop was excellently coordinated by Mr. Srinivasu
Chakravarthula, Accessibility Manager, Yahoo! India.
Major Participation from Industries
2 2 2
“The event was quite good with good “The presentation was good
speakers with different sessions and showcasing the history of W3C and the
with very good concepts.” present scenario.”
“Good enough .Some part of the “Many thanks for the well organized
session was very useful.” W3C India Workshop at Bangalore. It
has been good learning for me.”
By Shalini
By Gopal T V
Servolet InfoTech
Anna University
Session Summary
Session 1:
W3C and Web accessibility Initiative
W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 covers a wide range of
recommendations for making Web content more accessible. As compared to WCAG 1.0, WCAG
2.0 is a more comprehensive list of guidelines that has considerations for both backward and
future technologies.
she discussed about the adoption of WCAG 2.0 and the adaption of the same into the Indian
Context. The gaps and problems that exist that need to be addressed ,so that WCAG 2.0 can be
implemented effectively in the Indian Scenario. The presentation has covered testing and the
importance of testing with people with disabilities to ensure that the websites are compliant.
by Victor Tsaran , Sr. Accessibility Program Manager, Yahoo!
He talked about the WAI-ARIA, the Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite, defines a way to
make Web content and Web applications more accessible to people with disabilities. It
especially helps with dynamic content and advanced user interface controls developed with
Ajax, HTML, JavaScript, and related technologies. WAI-ARIA addresses these accessibility
challenges, for example, by defining new ways for functionality to be provided to assistive
technology. With WAI-ARIA, developers can make advanced Web applications accessible and
usable to people with disabilities.
Challenges Multilingual Web Access
By Ms. Swaran Lata, Country Manger, W3C India
She talked about the importance of web accessibility in India and the targeted peoples who will
get benefitted by this initiative. .
She discussed about the use of web accessibility in India and challenges associated with respect
to Indian languages. As multilingual web is an approach towards making web more accessible by
everyone and especially in the context of its accessibility in all 22 national recognized language
of India.
His presentation has focused on the following three points of the W3C : Universal Access – Voice
Browser, Semantic Web – Taking Advantage of the Relationships amongst Indian Languages. The
author has practical experience in the Indo-Aryan Family of Languages derived from Sanskrit.
This approach is also good for Internationalization. Trust.
A Voice Browser based on “Psychoacoustics” that explores the interrelationships amongst
language, speech, cognition and occultism [music & mantra] is mooted. Sanskrit Etymology
based on the notions of “Bija” with Voice Browsers can result in remarkable improvements in
the accessibility across multiple-language sites. It paves way for language independence.
Pronunciation based on the “Siksha and Formal Musical Swaras” fosters Trust.
Multimodal Interface
N S Sreekanth , C-DAC Bangalore
He gave the brief introduction on Multimodal Interface and focused the Problems with Current
Interface Technology. He talked about the current experiments takes place at C-DAC.1)PoC for
Multimodal Interaction,2)Speech and Gesture Driven Input,3)Architecture,4)How to build using
Existing Open source solutions.
Session 2:
Emerging Technology and web accessibility Implication
He talked about the Current Machine Translation technologies must be made use of for
accessing English content of Govt. websites through other Indian languages and Current TTS
technologies must be made use of, for accessing Indian language as well as translated content to
be accessible as speech. He told about the current work at MILE , IISc Bangalore. He discussed
about the Automated Book Reader, Mosaicing of Camera Captured document images, Contour
based Color Clustering for Robust Binarization of Colored Text and binarization of colored text.
The advantages of presenting content in the form of Portable Document Format (PDF) document
are many as compared to other file formats. Apart from being cross-platform and extensible,
PDF documents maintain the look and feel of the document, offer content security and can also
be made accessible.The process of making PDF documents accessible is tricky but certainly
achievable if certain basic factors such as document structure, styles, use of standard elements
(tables, list, images etc) are taken care of. Scanned PDF documents can also be made accessible
but involves lot of effort.
Accessible Flash for All
Vivek Gaikwad, Cognizant Bangalore
Flash is the most widely used technology to create multimedia elements like e-learning, games,
presentations, interactive quizzes, eye catching advertisements. It is used widely, as it is
appealing with its rich look and feel. But, while making it engaging and interactive, developers
and designers forget the difficulties people with disabilities face to go through it. The reason we
still see major chunk of flash over the web inaccessible, is the awareness about flash and
accessibility is not spread across the developer community. Flash can definitely be made
accessible with the support adobe has provided. We can create accessible flash content by
following few best practices.
Session 3:
Business and Strategic perspective of Web Accessibility
He talked about the importance of web accessibility in web applications and web services. He
presented some work done by Wipro in the field of web accessibility.
Spoken Web
By Anupam jain, IBM India
Spoken Web is an initiative to create a web for the under-privileged population providing
information through mobile or landline phones. Designed and developed by IBM Research
Laboratory, India, Spoken Web tries to get past the issues of literacy and affordability by
introducing VoiceSites that can be accessed by any phone and can understand the local
language. It has immense applicability in the accessibility space where people can talk in
different languages, blind can access information without the need of a computer and physical
mobility is significantly reduced since the information can be accessed from any phone.
Session 4:
Technology Development for Multilingual Accessibility in India
He talked about the technology and W3C standards in speech. He discussed about advantages of
Pre-recorded prompts used by majority of speech-enabled services. He talked about the
Prompting Problem in Text-to-speech tuning. He discussed about a PromptSculptor which is a
GUI-based toolkit for tuning TTS prompts.
The rapidly changing demographics of the internet population and the plethora of multilingual
content on the web has attracted the attention of the Information Retrieval community to
develop methodologies for cross-lingual information accessing. She presented some work done
at Microsoft Research Labs India on building a Hindi-English Cross-lingual Information Retrieval
(CLIR) System with a query likelihood based document ranking and its evaluation against the
FIRE2008 datasets. Lack of resources is still a major reason for relatively less number of efforts in
CLIR system development.
Focus on development of associated technology like TTS, ASR, Voice Browser and other
assistive technologies in Indian Languages.