Investigation of Zero Voltage Switching Capability For Bidirectional Series Resonant Converter Using Phase-Shift Modulation
Investigation of Zero Voltage Switching Capability For Bidirectional Series Resonant Converter Using Phase-Shift Modulation
Investigation of Zero Voltage Switching Capability For Bidirectional Series Resonant Converter Using Phase-Shift Modulation
Abstract—A series resonant converter (SRC) using a phase-shift bidirectional operation [9]–[13]. In aspect of modulation meth-
modulation (PSM) was invented to implement the bidirectional ods, a single phase-shift modulation (SPSM) is widely adopted
power flow. However, it has a narrow zero voltage switching (ZVS) to operate the DAB converter, because it can easily obtain the
range, which reduces the power conversion efficiency for the light
load condition. In this paper, the ZVS condition of the SRC is soft-switching capability. However, when the transformer turn
analyzed according to the power flow directions. From this analysis, ratio is not 1:1, the DAB converter using the SPSM cannot
the SRC using an extended PSM and single PSM is proposed to obtain the ZVS capability for entire load range [14], [15]. It in-
obtain the soft switching for the entire load range. The analysis of duces poor power conversion efficiency at light load condition.
ZVS condition and performance of proposed control algorithm are In addition, large input and output voltage difference makes
verified using simulation and experimental results with a 500-W
prototype converter. high peak current, which increases switching and conduction
losses [16]–[18]. Other modulation methods, such as extended
Index Terms—Bidirectional operation, phase-shift modulation phase-shift modulation (EPSM), triple phase-shift modulation
(PSM), series resonant converter (SRC), zero voltage switching
(TPSM), and dual phase-shift modulation (DPSM), have been
proposed to overcome those issues [19]–[26]; however, they re-
I. INTRODUCTION quire higher complexity of circuit implementation than that of
the conventional SPSM.
OWADAYS, sustainable energy sources, such as solar,
N wind, and tide, receive attention as an eco-friendly solu-
tion to reduce the enormous consumption of conventional fossil
The resonant converters have been used to achieve the bidi-
rectional power flow. As previous research, the series and LLC
resonant converters should use both the PWM control and the
fuels. These energy sources are expected to account for much of
phase-shift control to accomplish the bidirectional operation
the electrical energy in the future [1]. The renewable sources can
[27], [28]. In [27], the auxiliary circuit is required to achieve the
be combined with the dc microgrid to be connected to various
bidirectional operation and to obtain the ZVS capability. In [28],
applications. The bidirectional dc/dc converter provides bidirec-
the LLC resonant converter carries out the bidirectional opera-
tional power interface between dc bus and various loads, such
tion using the PWM modulation, which requires an additional
as battery, dc motor, electrical vehicle, grid-connected inverter,
inductor that increases the product cost. The CLLC resonant
and other industrial electric systems [2]–[8]. Therefore, the per-
converter can accomplish the bidirectional operation using the
formance enhancement of the bidirectional dc/dc converter is
pulse frequency modulation (PFM). It can obtain the ZVS capa-
required to obtain high power conversion efficiency with high
bility for the entire load range. However, this converter requires
small magnetizing inductance, which induces high circulating
A dual active bridge (DAB) converter has been used for the
current at the high input voltage condition. In addition, it cannot
bidirectional power conversion, which provides galvanic iso-
achieve the seamless power transmission [29], [30].
lation, small number of magnetic components, and seamless
The dual active bridge series resonant converter (DAB-SRC)
has been proposed to regulate the bidirectional power flow [31]–
Manuscript received August 29, 2018; revised October 14, 2018 and Novem- [33]. It can obtain a seamless control capability for the change
ber 17, 2018; accepted December 14, 2018. Date of publication December 18,
2018; date of current version June 10, 2019. This work was supported by the Na-
of the power flow directions, which is similar to the conven-
tional Research Foundation of Korea under Grant NRF-2016R1A2B4011934. tional DAB converter. The DAB-SRC has smaller rms current
Recommended for publication by Associate Editor E. Babaei. (Corresponding than that of the conventional DAB converter for the wide volt-
author: Jee-Hoon Jung.)
The authors are with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineer-
age gain variation, because the DAB converter has triangular
ing, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan waveforms of the primary and secondary current for non-unity
44919, South Korea (e-mail:,;; voltage gain conditions. In addition, the series resonant tank
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
has simple structure compared with the CLLC, CLC, and LCL
at resonant tanks [34]–[36]. However, the DAB-SRC using the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2888537 SPSM has a limited ZVS capability according to the voltage
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2Vin 1
v1,f (ωs t) = cos (aωs t) (2)
π a=1,3...
4nVout ∞
1 aα
v2,f (ωs t) = cos (aωs t − φ) sin (3)
π a=1,3...
a 2
where Vin is the input voltage, Vout is the output voltage, and n is
the transformer turn ratio. The proposed resonant converter can
use the first harmonic approximation (FHA), because the power
is concentrated on the first harmonic [39]. All the operations are
analyzed using the FHA method. From (2) and (3), the phasor
rms voltages can be derived using the Eulers formula as follows:
V1,f (aωs ) = √ (4)
Fig. 2. Control schemes according to power flow directions. (a) Forward case. aπ 2
(b) Backward case.
4nVout aα
V2,f (aωs ) = √ [cos (aφ) − j sin (aφ)] sin . (5)
aπ 2 2
Using (1), (4), and (5), the phasor current can be derived as
V1,f (aωs ) − V2,f (aωs )
Ip,f (aωs ) = . (6)
From (4)–(6), the transferred real power of the forward power
flow can be derived as follows:
4nVin Vout α f 1
Pf = sin (φ) sin (7)
π 2 2 1 − fn 2 Zo
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4nVout 1
v2,b (ωs t) = cos (aωs t). (9)
π a=1,3...
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where θzvs is the ZVS condition which is 90◦ . Using (19), the
phasor of resonant current is lagging compared to the primary
voltage. Fig. 6(b) shows the desired α trajectory to achieve the
ZVS according to the input–output voltage gain.
The ZVS condition for the secondary side MOSFETs is also
significant to obtain high power conversion efficiency. In the
terms of the EPSM, the secondary side current can be derived
using (14) as follows:
0≥ 2
− cos (φ)
π 1 − fn Zo
α α
M cos (2φ) sin 2
+ M cos (2φ) sin + . (22)
2 ωs Lm
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gain, the EPSM should be used to obtain the ZVS capability and
to regulate the output voltage at the light load condition. For the
backward power flow, the DAB-SRC can use the SPSM to obtain
the ZVS capability at the light load condition regardless of its
voltage gain. The resonant structure is not symmetric according
to the forward and backward power directions because of the
magnetizing inductance. For the forward power flow, the load
and the magnetizing inductance are connected in parallel. The
primary current can be derived by (14). The ZVS condition can
be obtained by (15) and (16). The ZVS condition for the forward
power flow is determined by not the magnetizing inductance Fig. 9. Design flowchart of resonant tank and control variables.
but the series resonant impedance and the phase-shift ratio.
For the backward power flow, the source and the magnetizing
inductance are connected in parallel. The secondary current can
be derived by (23). The ZVS condition can be obtained by (25). where Cp is the parallel capacitance of power switch, Vds is the
The magnetizing inductance can extend the ZVS capability in drain–source voltage of the MOSFET, and tdt is the dead time
the backward power flow case. duration. The ZVS current derived in (14), (21), (24), and (26)
The proposed control algorithm using the secondary phase is smaller than (29) and (30), which induces large and small
shift of α has a constraint affected by the voltage gain variations. magnetizing inductance to obtain the ZVS capability. The in-
The large voltage gain variation induces the increment of α to crement of and the decrement of the magnetizing inductance
obtain the ZVS capability. Considering the dead time of the induce higher rms current to the resonant tank and the mag-
PWM signals, the minimum α can be described as shown in netizing inductance to transfer the same power than the rms
Fig. 8. The maximum voltage gain of Mm ax can be derived as current without the parallel capacitor. Therefore, it can reduce
follow: the turn-OFF switching loss; however, it can increase the rms
current of the switch.
tan (θzvs )
Mm ax = (28)
sin α m2 i n [tan (θzvs ) cos (φ) + sin (φ)]
B. Resonant Tank Design
where αm in is the minimum α determined by the minimum dead
time. The available transferred power is changed by the switching
The parallel capacitors or the snubber circuit of the power frequency as shown in (7). When the resonant impedance is
switch can reduce the turn-OFF switching loss [40]. However, fixed, the switching frequency near the resonant frequency can
it reduces the ZVS range according to the increment of ca- transfer the larger power than the switching frequency far from
pacitance. The ZVS capability for the switches turn-ON state the resonant frequency. However, if the switching frequency
requires switch current enough to discharge the parallel ca- is same as the resonant frequency, the power converter can-
pacitor. The amount of the current to obtain the ZVS capa- not regulate the transferred power using the PSM. The switch-
bility for the primary and secondary sides can be derived as ing frequency should be higher than the resonant frequency to
follows: regulate the output power (fs > fr ).
2Cp Vds From (7), the resonant impedance can be selected to transfer
IZVS,pri = − (29) the rated maximum power as follows:
α f
4Cp Vds Lr 4nMm in Vin Vout
IZVS,sec = − (30) ≤ sin (φ) sin
tdt Cr π 2 Pf ,m ax 2 fn 2 − 1
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Fig. 11. Simulation waveforms for forward power flow using EPSM. (a) Unity
voltage gain condition. (b) Maximum voltage gain condition.
the desired maximum power for both the forward and backward
power flow conditions.
As shown in (25), the resonant inductance and the magnetiz-
ing inductance should be designed to obtain the ZVS capability
for the backward power flow. Using (25), the ZVS condition of
the secondary MOSFETs can be derived as follows:
Lm π 1 − fn 2
≤ . (33)
Fig. 10. Simulation waveforms for forward power flow using SPSM. (a) Min- Lr 4fn [−1 + M cos (φ)]
imum voltage gain condition. (b) Unity voltage gain condition. (c) Maximum
voltage gain condition. The maximum voltage gain and the zero degree phase shift are
the worst case to obtain the soft-switching capability. Using
(33), the worst case can be rearranged as
where Pf ,max is the maximum power and Mmin is the mini-
Lm π 1 − fn 2
mum voltage gain. The resonant impedance can be designed ≤ . (34)
with the input–output voltage gain, the maximum power, the Lr 4fn (−1 + M m ax )
switching frequency, and the control variable. For the back- The maximum Lm /Lr ratio can be determined by (34), which
ward power flow, the resonant impedance can be calculated guarantees the soft-switching capability of the power switches.
as For the backward power flow, the transformer turn ratio can
Lr 4nM Vin Vout fn be designed to obtain the ZVS for the primary MOSFETs. In the
≤ sin (φ) 2 . (32) buck mode operation, the ZVS on the primary MOSFETs can be
Cr π 2 Pb,m ax fn − 1
guaranteed as shown in (27). The transformer turn ratio to obtain
From (32), the backward power flow requires higher resonant the soft-switching capability can be derived as follows:
impedance than that of the forward power flow, because the
backward power flow is controlled by the SPSM. Therefore, Vin
n≥ . (35)
the resonant impedance can be determined by (31) to transfer Vout,m in
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Fig. 12. Simulation waveforms for backward power flow using SPSM.
(a) Minimum voltage gain condition. (b) Unity voltage gain condition. (c) Figs. 10–12 show simulation results at the light load condi-
Maximum voltage gain condition.
tion of 50 W (10% of rated power), where V1 is the primary
side bridge voltage, V2 is the secondary side bridge voltage, the
resonant current is same as the resonant inductor current, and
From the derived resonant tank design, Fig. 9 shows the PWM1 and PWM3 are the PWM signals on the switch 1 and
design flowchart of the proposed converter. First, the design the switch 3. Fig. 10 shows the simulation waveforms of the for-
specifications, such as the input and output voltages, the rated ward power flow using the SPSM according to the voltage gain.
power, the switching frequency, and the resonant frequency, are Fig. 10(a) shows the converters operation under the minimum
required. The resonant impedance can be designed to transfer the voltage gain condition, which has the ZVS capability on the
rated power and to obtain the ZVS condition for the backward primary and secondary switches. Fig. 10(b) and (c) shows the
power flow. For example, the input and output voltage is given converters operation under the unity and maximum voltage gain
by 400 V and 40–60 V, respectively. The switching and resonant condition, respectively, which shows non-ZVS operation on the
frequency is 100 and 93.4 kHz, respectively. The rated power is primary switch and the ZVS operation on the secondary switch.
500 W. The maximum and minimum voltage gain is 1.2 and 0.8, Fig. 11 shows the simulation waveforms of the forward
respectively. From (31), the resonant impedance is lower than power flow using the EPSM according to the voltage gain. The
170 to transfer the rated power. From the resonant frequency proposed EPSM extends the ZVS capability at the unity and
and the resonant impedance, the resonant inductance and ca- maximum voltage gain conditions. The power converter can
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Fig. 14. Experimental waveforms of forward power flow using the SPSM at the light load. (a) Primary side with the minimum voltage gain. (b) Secondary side
with the minimum voltage gain. (c) Primary side with the unity voltage gain. (d) Secondary side with the unity voltage gain. (e) Primary side with the maximum
voltage gain. (f) Secondary side with the maximum voltage gain.
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Fig. 15. Experimental waveforms of forward power flow using the EPSM at the light load condition. (a) Primary side with the unity voltage gain. (b) Secondary
side with the unity voltage gain. (c) Primary side with the maximum voltage gain. (d) Secondary side with the maximum voltage gain.
Fig. 16. Experimental waveforms of the backward power flow using the SPSM at the light load condition. (a) Secondary side with the minimum voltage gain.
(b) Secondary side with the unity voltage gain. (c) Secondary side with the maximum voltage gain.
and Isec is the secondary side current. In Fig. 14, the conven- show the non-ZVS operation on the primary switch and the
tional SPSM is applied to the converter. Fig. 14(a) shows the ZVS operation on the secondary switch. Fig. 15 verifies the
converters operation under the minimum voltage gain condi- extended ZVS capability under the unity and maximum volt-
tion. It shows the ZVS operation on the primary and secondary age gain conditions using the proposed EPSM. All the switches
switches. Fig. 14(b) and (c) shows the converters operations can implement the ZVS operation using the proposed control
under the unity and maximum voltage gain conditions. They algorithm.
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Fig. 17. Experimental waveforms with steady-state operation at the rated power. (a) Forward power flow with the minimum voltage gain. (b) Backward power
flow with the minimum voltage gain. (c) Forward power flow with the unity voltage gain. (d) Backward power flow with the unity voltage gain. (e) Forward power
flow with the maximum voltage gain. (f) Backward power flow with the maximum voltage gain.
Fig. 16 shows experimental waveforms of the backward power flow at the no load and maximum M condition. For
power flow direction using the SPSM according to the volt- both the power flows, the ZVS capability is verified with the
age gains at the light load condition of 50 W. The secondary PWM signals, the drain–source voltage, and the resonant cur-
switch can achieve the ZVS for the entire voltage gain range. rent. From the results mentioned above, the proposed control
From Figs. 14–16, the experimental results verify the theoretical algorithm guarantees the ZVS capability for the entire voltage
ZVS condition shown in Section III. Fig. 17 shows experimental and load conditions.
waveforms in the steady-state operation according to the power Fig. 19 shows the step load responses under the power flow
flow directions and the voltage gains. It shows that the proposed transition, which indirectly shows the stability of the SRC using
EPSM can extend the ZVS region compared with the SPSM. In proposed control algorithm at the extreme operating condition.
Fig. 17, all the switches show the ZVS operation at the rated In the forward-to-backward power transition, the SRC using
power condition, which leads high power conversion efficiency proposed control algorithm shows 3.8 V (7.6%) output voltage
in the converter. In addition, the ZVS capability for the entire fluctuation. In the backward-to-forward power transition, the
voltage gain and load conditions can be verified at the no load output voltage fluctuation is 3.6 V (7.2%), which performance
and maximum voltage gain condition, which is the worst ZVS is similar to the forward-to-backward case. The forward-to-
condition. Fig. 18(a) and (b) shows the ZVS operation in the backward case has fast dynamic performance compared with
forward power flow at the no load and maximum M condition. the backward-to-forward case, which makes large output voltage
Fig. 18(c) and (d) shows the ZVS operation in the backward variation.
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Fig. 18. ZVS capability at the maximum voltage gain and no-load condition. (a) Simulation waveforms in forward power flow. (b) Experimental waveforms in
forward power flow. (c) Simulation waveforms in backward power flow. (d) Experimental waveforms in backward power flow.
In terms of the power conversion efficiency, the conduction rms current for the secondary switches can be described as
loss of the power switches and the resonant components can be follows:
described as follows:
Pcon,loss = Is,rms 2 R. (36) Iss,rms = (38)
The rms current of the primary switches can be described as
where Is,rms is the secondary rms current, which can be derived
from (21) and (23) according to the power flow direction. The
Ip,rms conduction loss of the resonant capacitor can be derived as
Isp,rms = (37)
2 follows:
where Ip,rms is the primary rms current, which can be derived
from (14) and (26) according to the power flow direction. The Pcap,loss = Ip,rms 2 Resr (39)
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ward power flow. The forward power flow has higher power
conversion efficiency than that of the backward power flow, be-
cause the forward power flow has smaller input rms current than
that of the backward power flow. The forward power flow with
the unity voltage gain has the highest power conversion effi-
ciency, which has the smallest rms current. In addition, all the
switches can obtain the ZVS capability. The backward power
flow with the minimum voltage gain shows the worst power con-
version efficiency since it has the highest rms current. Fig. 20(d)
shows power losses at the 50 V and 50 W light load condition.
At this condition, the conduction loss is smaller than that of
the rated load condition. However, the converter shows poor
power conversion efficiency caused by high turn-OFF switching
The ZVS capability is significant to the power converter,
because it can reduce electro-magnetic interference noises as
well as enhance the power conversion efficiency. This pa-
per analyzes the ZVS condition of the SRC using the PSM.
In the previous research, the resonant inductor and capacitor
are only considered to obtain the ZVS capability. However, the
Fig. 19. Step load responses of the SRC using proposed control algorithm: magnetizing inductance design is also important to obtain the
(a) Forward-to-backward power transition. (b) Backward-to-forward power
transition. ZVS capability for the backward power flow. In this paper, the
operational principles of the SRC is analyzed with the phase-
shift voltage and the resonant current to obtain the precise ZVS
where Pcap,loss is the conduction loss of the resonant capacitor, condition, which is explained in Sections II-B and III-A. The
Ip,rms is the rms current on the primary side, and Resr is the HPSM is proposed to obtain the soft-switching capability for
equivalent series resistance of the resonant capacitor. both the power flow directions. For the forward power flow,
The turn-ON and turn-OFF switching losses can be described the ZVS condition can be obtained by the EPSM using the
as follows: secondary-side phase shift. For the backward power flow, the
ZVS condition can be obtained by the magnetizing inductance
Pon,loss =∼ 1 Vsw Ion ton fsw (40) and the resonant impedance design.
In the power stage design, the resonant impedance is selected
Poff,loss ∼
= Vsw Ioff toff fsw (41) to transfer the rated power. The ratio of the magnetizing and
2 resonant inductance is selected to obtain the ZVS capability for
where Vsw is the drain–source voltage of the power switch, Ion the backward power flow. The EPSM is used to obtain the ZVS
is the turn-ON current, ton is the turn-ON time, Ioff is the turn- capability for the forward power flow. The design flowchart and
OFF current, and toff is the turn-OFF current. The turn-ON and the example are explained in Section III-B. From the power con-
turn-OFF currents for the primary and secondary switches can verter, the proposed HPSM has 6.3% higher power conversion
be calculated by using (14) and (20) for the forward power efficiency than that of the conventional SPSM at the light load
flow, and (26) and (23) for the backward power flow, re- condition.
spectively. Under the ZVS operation, the turn-ON loss can be In terms of the controller implementation, the SPSM only
negligible. requires the output voltage sensor. However, the TPSM for the
Fig. 20(a) and (b) shows the power conversion efficiency minimum current operation requires the voltage and current
according to the voltage gains and the power flow directions, sensors. In addition, it has lookup table and high performance
respectively. Fig. 20(c) shows the power loss analysis graphs controller for the converter implementation because of high
at the rated power according to the voltage gains. The for- complexity. The proposed HPSM only requires the output volt-
ward power transmission using the EPSM has 6.3% higher age sensor in the converter. The PI compensated output voltage
power conversion efficiency than that of the SPSM, because error can determine the amount of power and the power flow
the EPSM has the extended ZVS capability at the light load direction. In addition, the proposed SRC can achieve the seam-
condition. The backward power flow has the same power con- less operation without the complex computation. Therefore, the
version efficiency comparing with the HPSM and the SPSM, control complexity of the proposed HPSM is similar to the
because the HPSM has a SPSM operating mode in the back- conventional SPSM.
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Fig. 20. Power conversion efficiency curves and loss analysis graphs. (a) Efficiency comparison between the proposed EPSM and the conventional SPSM.
(b) Efficiency comparison according to voltage gains. (c) Power loss graphs at rated power and unity voltage gain. (d) Power losses at 50-W light load condition.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Cornell University Library. Downloaded on September 03,2020 at 23:44:07 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Mina Kim (M’15) was born in Ulsan, South Korea, Jee-Hoon Jung (M’07–SM’14) was born in Suwon,
in 1992. She received the B.S. degree in electronic South Korea, in 1977. He received the B.S. degree
and electrical engineering from the Ulsan National in electronic and electrical engineering, and the M.S.
Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engi-
South Korea, in 2015, where she is currently working neering from the Pohang University of Science and
toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, South Korea, in
engineering. 2000, 2002, and 2006, respectively.
Her main research interests include dc–dc reso- From 2006 to 2009, he had been a Senior Re-
nant converters, wireless power transfer (WPT) tech- search Engineer with the Digital Printing Division,
nology, and power hardware in-the-loop simulation Samsung Electronics Company Ltd., Suwon. From
(PHILS). 2009 to 2010, he had been a Postdoctoral Research
Ms. Kim is a member of the IEEE Power Electronics Society and the Korean Associate with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas
Institute of Power Electronics. A&M University at Qatar (TAMUQ), Doha, Qatar. From 2011 to 2012, he
had been a Senior Researcher in the Power Conversion and Control Research
Center, HVdc Research Division, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
(KERI), Changwon, South Korea. From 2013 to 2016, he had been an Assis-
tant Professor with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ulsan
National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, South Korea,
where he is currently an Associate Professor. His research interests include
dc–dc and ac–dc converters, switched-mode power supplies, motor diagnosis
systems, digital control and signal processing algorithms, power conversion for
renewable energy, and real-time and power hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simula-
tions of renewable energy and power grids. Recently, he has been researching
high-frequency power converters using wide bandgap devices, smart power
transformers for smart grids, power control algorithms and power line commu-
nications for dc microgrids, and wireless power transfer techniques for home
Dr. Jung is a Senior Member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, the
IEEE Power Electronics Society, the IEEE Industry Applications Society, and
the IEEE Power and Energy Society. He had served as a Member of the Editorial
Committee of the Korea Institute of Power Electronics (KIPE) and now serves
as a member of Board of Directors of the KIPE. In addition, he is a Guest Editor
of Energies in MDPI.
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