Research Skills Breakdown: Emma and Mark Wheatley @emmainkuwait @mwroundtheworld
Research Skills Breakdown: Emma and Mark Wheatley @emmainkuwait @mwroundtheworld
Research Skills Breakdown: Emma and Mark Wheatley @emmainkuwait @mwroundtheworld
I can select an
Make informed
I can begin to analyse format/platform from
choices about
and interpret media a variety of
personal viewing
communications. formats/platforms
and begint o desrcribe
my choice.
I can select an
Make informed
I can begin to analyse format/platform from
choices about
and interpret media a variety of
personal viewing
communications. formats/platforms
and begint o desrcribe
my choice.
Locate, organize,
analyse, evaluate,
I can create and I can analyse and I can communicate
synthesize and I am aware of bias
justify a research I have a well I can identify, explain, discuss media information and ideas I can correctly use
ethically use and can identify value
question and follow established system for and analyse I can process data and interpretations of effectively to multiple MLA formatting
information from a and limiations
through with an taking notes and connections between report results events and ideas audiences using a whenever I use a
variety of sources and through the origin
action plan recording data. sources. (including digital variety of media and source.
media (including and purpose.
independently. social media) formats
digital social media
and online networks)
I can select an
I can use critical-
appropriate Make informed
literacy skills to
format/platform from choices about
analyse and interpret
a variety of personal viewing
formats/platforms experience
and justify my choice.
Locate, organize,
analyse, evaluate,
I can analyse and I can communicate
I can create a synthesize and I am aware of bias
I have a well I can identify, explain, discuss media information and ideas I can correctly use
research question and ethically use and can identify value
established system for and analyse I can process data and interpretations of effectively to multiple MLA formatting
follow through with information from a and limiations
taking notes and connections between report results events and ideas audiences using a whenever I use a
an action plan variety of sources and through the origin
recording data. sources. (including digital variety of media and source.
independently. media (including and purpose.
social media) formats
digital social media
and online networks)
I can select an
I can use critical-
appropriate Make informed
literacy skills to
format/platform from choices about
analyse and interpret
a variety of personal viewing
formats/platforms experience
and justify my choice.