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Research Skills Breakdown: Emma and Mark Wheatley @emmainkuwait @mwroundtheworld

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Research Skills Breakdown

Information Literacy Media Literacy Ethical Use

Formulating and Gathering and Synthesizing and Evaluating and Consuming and Considering online
Creating Ethical Use Reliability of sources
Planning Recording interpreting communicating processing perspectives

Locate, organize, and

I can communicate I am aware of bias
I can explain what I can report on the begin to analyse
I can identify the most I can identify I can recognise the information and ideas and use strategies to
makes a deep patterns and information from a I am introduced to the
appropriate method similarities and different perspectives effectively to multiple detect it in sources
research question and relationships I've variety of sources and idea of MLA
to record the details differences between in the media I am audiences using a using origin and
create an action plan identified in data or media (including formatting.
of my findings sources. reading variety of media and purpose with support
with assistance. information digital social media
formats from my teacher
and online networks)

6 I can collect and I can justify my

Using supporting I can use critical
record a range of I can collect my data decisions when
I can identify questions I can thinking skills to
information or data and sources and I can seek a range of selecting a I am introduced to the I can express the
appropiate tools and compare, contrast assess information I
from a variety of present them to perspectives from communication idea of intellectual origin and purpose of
sources in my action and draw connections find online and
sources answer my research multiple sources method for my ideas property rights a source.
plan. among (multi)media discuss their origin
(primary/secondary) question and creations based
resources and purpose.
and media types upon audience

I can begin to I can select an

Make informed
understand the appropriate
choices about
author's intent within format/platform from
personal viewing
media a variety of
communications. formats/platforms.

Emma and Mark Wheatley @EmmainKuwait @MWRoundtheWorld

Research Skills Breakdown
Information Literacy Media Literacy Ethical Use
Formulating and Gathering and Synthesizing and Evaluating and Consuming and Considering online
Creating Ethical Use Reliability of sources
Planning Recording interpreting communicating processing perspectives

Locate, organize, I am aware of bias

I can communicate
I am beginning to analyse, and ethically I can describe media and can begin to
I can create a justify I can identify and In collaboration with information and ideas I can correctly use
independently have a use information from interpretations of identify value and
research question and begin to explain why my teacher I can effectively to multiple MLA formatting
system for taking a variety of sources events and ideas limiations through the
action plan with there are similarities process data and audiences using a whenever I use a
notes and recording and media (including (including digital origin and purpose
assistance. and differences. report results variety of media and source.
data. digital social media social media) with support from my
and online networks) teacher

I can collect, record,

I can use critical
and begin to analyse I can justify my
thinking skills to
the value and I can compare, decisions when I can express the
I can identify assess information I I can seek a range of
limitations of a range I can process my contrast and draw selecting a origin and purpose of
7 appropiate tools and find online and perspectives from I respect intellectual
of information or data sources and data to connections among communication a source and begin to
sources in my action discuss their origin multiple and varied property rights
from a variety of share my findings. (multi)media method for my ideas use them to construct
plan. and purpose and sources
sources resources and creations based value and limitations.
begin to discuss value
(primary/secondary) upon audience
and limitation.
and media types

I can select an
Make informed
I can begin to analyse format/platform from
choices about
and interpret media a variety of
personal viewing
communications. formats/platforms
and begint o desrcribe
my choice.

Emma and Mark Wheatley @EmmainKuwait @MWRoundtheWorld

Research Skills Breakdown
Information Literacy Media Literacy Ethical Use
Formulating and Gathering and Synthesizing and Evaluating and Consuming and Considering online
Creating Ethical Use Reliability of sources
Planning Recording interpreting communicating processing perspectives

Locate, organize, I am aware of bias

I can communicate
I am beginning to analyse, and ethically I can describe media and can begin to
I can create a justify I can identify and In collaboration with information and ideas I can correctly use
independently have a use information from interpretations of identify value and
research question and begin to explain why my teacher I can effectively to multiple MLA formatting
system for taking a variety of sources events and ideas limiations through the
action plan with there are similarities process data and audiences using a whenever I use a
notes and recording and media (including (including digital origin and purpose
assistance. and differences. report results variety of media and source.
data. digital social media social media) with support from my
and online networks) teacher

I can collect, record,

I can use critical I can justify my
and begin to analyse
thinking skills to decisions when
the value and I can compare, I can express the
I can identify assess information I I can seek a range of selecting a
8 limitations of a range I can process my contrast and draw origin and purpose of
appropiate tools and find online and perspectives from communication I respect intellectual
of information or data sources and data to connections among a source and begin to
sources in my action discuss their origin multiple and varied method for my ideas property rights
from a variety of share my findings. (multi)media use them to construct
plan. and purpose and sources and creations based
sources resources value and limitations.
begin to discuss value upon purpose and
and limitation. audience
and media types

I can select an
Make informed
I can begin to analyse format/platform from
choices about
and interpret media a variety of
personal viewing
communications. formats/platforms
and begint o desrcribe
my choice.

Emma and Mark Wheatley @EmmainKuwait @MWRoundtheWorld

Research Skills Breakdown
Information Literacy Media Literacy Ethical Use
Formulating and Gathering and Synthesizing and Evaluating and Consuming and Considering online
Creating Ethical Use Reliability of sources
Planning Recording interpreting communicating processing perspectives

Locate, organize,
analyse, evaluate,
I can create and I can analyse and I can communicate
synthesize and I am aware of bias
justify a research I have a well I can identify, explain, discuss media information and ideas I can correctly use
ethically use and can identify value
question and follow established system for and analyse I can process data and interpretations of effectively to multiple MLA formatting
information from a and limiations
through with an taking notes and connections between report results events and ideas audiences using a whenever I use a
variety of sources and through the origin
action plan recording data. sources. (including digital variety of media and source.
media (including and purpose.
independently. social media) formats
digital social media
and online networks)

I can use critical

I can collect, record, I can justify my
thinking skills to
and analyse the value decisions when
9 I can compare, assess information I I can express the
I can select and and limitations of a I can process my I can seek a range of selecting a I understand and
contrast and draw find online and origin and purpose of
evaluate appropriate range of information sources and data and perspectives from communication explain why online
connections among discuss their origin a source and use
tools and sources in or data from a variety present an analysis of multiple and varied method for my ideas media requires
(multi)media and purpose and them to construct
my action plan. of sources my findings. sources and creations based citation
resources analyse and evaluate value and limitations.
(primary/secondary) upon purpose and
their value and
and media types audience

I can select an
I can use critical-
appropriate Make informed
literacy skills to
format/platform from choices about
analyse and interpret
a variety of personal viewing
formats/platforms experience
and justify my choice.

Emma and Mark Wheatley @EmmainKuwait @MWRoundtheWorld

Research Skills Breakdown
Information Literacy Media Literacy Ethical Use
Formulating and Gathering and Synthesizing and Evaluating and Consuming and Considering online
Creating Ethical Use Reliability of sources
Planning Recording interpreting communicating processing perspectives

Locate, organize,
analyse, evaluate,
I can analyse and I can communicate
I can create a synthesize and I am aware of bias
I have a well I can identify, explain, discuss media information and ideas I can correctly use
research question and ethically use and can identify value
established system for and analyse I can process data and interpretations of effectively to multiple MLA formatting
follow through with information from a and limiations
taking notes and connections between report results events and ideas audiences using a whenever I use a
an action plan variety of sources and through the origin
recording data. sources. (including digital variety of media and source.
independently. media (including and purpose.
social media) formats
digital social media
and online networks)

I can use critical

I can collect, record, I can justify my
thinking skills to
and analyse the value decisions when
I can compare, assess information I I can express the
I can select and and limitations of a I can process my I can seek a range of selecting a I understand and
10 evaluate appropriate range of information sources and data and
contrast and draw find online and
perspectives from communication explain why online
origin and purpose of
connections among discuss their origin a source and use
tools and sources in or data from a variety present an analysis of multiple and varied method for my ideas media requires
(multi)media and purpose and them to construct
my action plan. of sources my findings. sources and creations based citation
resources analyse and evaluate value and limitations.
(primary/secondary) upon purpose and
their value and
and media types audience

I can select an
I can use critical-
appropriate Make informed
literacy skills to
format/platform from choices about
analyse and interpret
a variety of personal viewing
formats/platforms experience
and justify my choice.

Emma and Mark Wheatley @EmmainKuwait @MWRoundtheWorld


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