50816notice 22-11-2021 For Website
50816notice 22-11-2021 For Website
50816notice 22-11-2021 For Website
Students of all Semesters of B.A, LL.B (General & Hons.) (Admission year 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 &
2020-21) are hereby notified that they have to pay their Session Charges for the year 2021-22 from
22.11.2021 to 21.12.2021 by Online (link is given below) and no offline payment will be entertained by
this time before any further notice. The yearly fees break-up for every admission year separately is given in
the following chart and the list of students and their payable amount is given below. At the time payment
students must careful about their College Roll No. and Admission Year according to the following list as
printed on (2020-21, 2019-20, 2018-19 & 2017-18).
If any queries regarding Fees please contact to Mr. Subir Saha (Mob: 9674837113 / 6291261539) within 3
days from the date of commencement.
Link :- https://www.onlinesbi.com/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm?corpID=1801357
Admission Year Session Charges Tuition Fees Stdn. Union Fee Total Fees
(Yearly) (Yearly) (Yearly) (Yearly)
2020-21 (Gen) 7100 2400 120 9620
2019-20 (Gen) 5500 2400 120 8020
2018-19 (Gen) 4900 2400 120 7420
2018-19 (Hons) 4900 3600 120 8620
2017-18 (Gen) 4900 2400 120 7420
2017-18 (Hons) 4900 3600 120 8620