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Ang Nars Party List V. Executive Secretary (Delos Reyes)

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EXECUTIVE SECRETARY (Delos Reyes) 15 as base pay for nurses, its implementation would distort the hierarchical
October 8, 2019 | J. Carpio | Article VI, Implementing Rules and Regulations relationships of other medical and allied positions.
6. Ang Nars is "an accredited party-list organization that promotes the socio-
economic, political, and professional rights of nurses with the responsibility and
Petitioner: ANG NARS PARTY-LIST, REPRESENTED BY CONGRESSWOMAN accountability to provide safe and quality nursing care to the Filipino people. It
LEAH PRIMITIVA G. SAMACO-PAQUIZ, AND PUBLIC SERVICES LABOR filed a petition for certiorari and mandamus assailing the validity of Section 6 of
INDEPENDENT CONFEDERATION, REPRESENTED BY ITS GENERAL Executive Order No. 8112 (EO No. 811) which downgraded the salary grade
SECRETARY ANNIE E. GERON for government nurses.
SUMMARY: 1. WON Joint Resolution No. 4 (Series of 2009) of the Senate and the House
PGMA approved RA 9173, the Sec. 32 of which provides that the minimum of Representatitves amended Section 32 of the Philippine Nursing Act of
base pay of nurses working in the public health institutions shall not be lower than 2002 (RA 6758).
salary grade 15 prescribed under RA 6758. On 28 July 2008, Congress approved
Joint Resolution No. 4, authorizing the President of the Philippines to Modify the RATIO:
Compensation and Position Classification System of Civilian Personnel and the NO.
Base Pay Schedule of Military and Uniformed Personnel in the Government. The ● Under the Constitution, only a bill can become a law. Before a bill can
said Joint Resolution was approved by PGMA on 17 June 2009. Joint Resolution become a law, it must pass three readings on three separate days, unless
No. 4 provides for an amendment of existing laws including, among others, RA the President certifies that its enactment is urgent. (Section 26, Article VI of
9173. On 17 June 2009, PGMA signed EO No. 811 to implement Joint Resolution the 1987 Constitution) The purpose for which three readings on separate
No. 4 which provides that entry level Nurse I shall have a salary grade of 11. days are required is two-fold: (1) to inform the members of Congress of
DOCTRINE: what they must vote on, and (2) to give the members of Congress notice
An implementing resolution, like Joint Resolution No. 4, not being a separate law that a measure is progressing through legislative process, allowing them
itself, cannot amend prior laws. and others interested in the measure to prepare their positions on the
matter. The Senate Rules of Procedure enumerate the types of legislation
FACTS: as follows: Types of Legislation The types of measures that Congress may
1. In 2002, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo approved RA 9173 or the consider and act upon (in addition to treaties in the Senate) include bills and
Philippine Nursing Act which provided for the salary of nurses. The minimum three kinds of resolutions. They are:
base pay of nurses working in public health institutions shall not be lower than
Salary Grade 15 under Section 32 of said Act. ● 1. Bills - these are general measures, which if passed upon, may become
2. In 2008, Senate President Enrile and Speaker of the House Nograles approved laws. A bill is prefixed with S., followed by a number assigned the measure
Joint Resolution No. 4, authorizing the President “to modify the compensation based on the order in which it is introduced. The vast majority of legislative
and position classification system of civilian personnel and the base pay proposals – recommendations dealing with the economy, increasing
schedule of military and uniformed personnel in the Government. This joint penalties for certain crimes, regulation on commerce and trade, etc., are
resolution is a consolidation of House Joint Reso No. 36 and Senate Joint drafted in the form of bills. They also include budgetary appropriation of the
Reso No. 26 which were adopted by both house separately. government and many others. When passed by both chambers in identical
3. This Joint Resolution was approved by PGMA and subsequently signed EO form and signed by the President or repassed by Congress over a
811 which provided that the salary grade of nurses, among salaries of others, presidential veto, they become laws.
be changed from Salary Grade 10 to 11.
4. Congressman Paquiz wrote a letter to DOH Secretary Ona, inquiring about the ● 2. Joint Resolutions - A joint resolution, like a bill, requires the approval of
non-implementation of Philippine Nursing Act, specifically on its mandate that both houses and the signature of the President. It has the force and effect
the base salary pay for nurses by Salary Grade 15. of a law if approved. There is no real difference between a bill and a joint
5. Secretary Ona recommended Cong. Paquiz to direct her inquiries to the DBM. resolution. The latter generally is used when dealing with a single item or
The OIC of DBM replied stating that “while the law expressly provides for SG-
issue, such as a continuing or emergency appropriations bill. Joint Congress is not bound to adopt the rules of the previous Congress. In fact,
resolutions are also for proposing amendments to the Constitution. the Senate and the House of Representatives of every Congress can
amend their own Rules of Procedure at any time.
● The Senate’s definition of a joint resolution states that it is no different from ● Again, the Constitution provides that only a bill can become a law. When a
a bill. However, under Section 26(2), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution, bill is proposed, either in the Senate or in the House of Representatives, the
only a bill can be enacted into law after following certain requirements public is immediately informed that there is a proposal being considered
expressly prescribed in the Constitution. which, if it becomes a law, can bind them. It is imperative for the public to
● A joint resolution is not a bill, and its passage does not enact the joint know when a bill is being considered so that they can send their comments,
resolution into a law even if it follows the requirements expressly prescribed proposals, or objections to the bill. This is in consonance with the
in the Constitution for enacting a bill into a law. requirement on transparency in public transactions under Section 28, Article
● Section 64 of the Rules of the Senate states that “prior to their final II of the 1987 Constitution which provides that “subjects to reasonable
approval, bills and joint resolutions shall be read at least three times.” conditions prescribed by law, the State adopts and implements a policy of
However, Section 68 of the Same Rules provides that “no bill shall be full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest.” If a joint
passed by the Senate unless it has passed three (3) readings on separate resolution is proposed instead of a bill, the public will not be alerted that
days xxx.” There is no express provision in the Rules of the Senate that there is a proposed legislation, and a law can pass stealthily without notice
applies Section 68 to Joint Resolutions. The approval process under to the public. Xxx
Section 68 only applies to bills and not to joint resolutions. In short, there is ● The veto power of the President applies expressly only to bills, not to joint
no express language in the Rules of the Senate that a Joint Resolution resolutions. If a joint resolution is given the effect of, and treated as, a law,
must pass three readings on separate days. Congress will be taking away the veto power of the President since the
● In contrast, Section 58 of the Rules of the House of Representatives states Constitution only provides for the President’s veto power over a bill. In
that “no bill or joint resolutions shall become law unless it passes three (3) short, Congress can enact a joint resolution into a law that is not subject to
readings on separate days and printed copies thereof in its final form are the President’s veto power, a stipulation that clearly violates the
distributed to the Members three (3) days before its passage except when Constitution.
the President certifies to the necessity of its immediate enactment to meet a ● Thus, EO No. 811, not being a law, cannot amend or repeal Section 32 of
public calamity or emergency. In any event, neither the Rules of the Senate R.A. No. 9173. There can be no dispute whatsoever that EO No. 811, a
nor the Rules of the House of Representatives can amend the Constitution mere presidential issuance, cannot amend or repeal a prior law.
which recognizes that only a bill can become a law. Nevertheless, despite the continued existence and validity of Section 32 of
● However, a joint resolution can be part of the implementation of a law as R.A. No. 9173, this Court cannot grant petitioners' prayer to compel
provided in the law itself. A joint resolution can also be treated as respondents to implement Section 32 of R.A. No. 9173, an implementation
recommendation to the Executive on how the law can be implemented. The that requires the appropriation of public funds through a law. The power of
Position Paper for the Senate of the Philippines states that bills and joint the purse belongs exclusively to Congress under Sections 24 and 25,
resolutions, for all practical purposes, are treated alike procedurally. Article VI of the 1987 Constitution.
● According to the Senate, it is not uncommon to find a proposed piece of
legislation, in identical language, introduced in the Senate as a Senate bill
and in the House as a joint resolution, and vice versa. The Senate added
that while at one time or another, there might have been definite distinctions
between the two types of proposed legislation, they have for all practical
purposes been lost. On the other hand, the House of Representatives
asserts that a joint resolution possesses the force of law if it resembles a bill
as to form and procedure for adoption. The house of Representatives states
that the legislative intent to accord to a joint resolution the same effect as a
law should be deemed controlling, notwithstanding the form and style of
enactment. In addition, a joint resolution is treated in the same way as a bill
under the Rules of the House of Representatives. The Rules of the Senate
and the Rules of the House of Representatives can change since a new

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