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List All The Departments / Centers / Units Are Part of Innovation and Startup Ecosystem of The Institite

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Verification Submitted Institute Data for Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) - 2020-21

Institute Name: Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology. [ARI-N-13]

List all the departments / centers / units are part of innovation and startup ecosystem of the institite
Mention the Stream /
Type of Department / Department / Center / Student / Benificiary Academic Staff Non-academic Staff
Srno Department / Center / Unit Name Discipline / Sector of Program Type
Center / Unit Unit Level Strength (2019-20) Strength (2019-20) Strength (2019-20)

1 Department of Electrical Engineering Academic Electrical UG / PG / PhD Technical 193 14 5

Department with lab Engineering

2 Master of Computer Applications (MCA) Academic Master of Computer UG / PG / PhD Technical 171 10 1
Department with lab Applications

3 Department of Computer Science and Academic Computer UG / PG / PhD Technical 570 27 7

Engineering Department with lab Engineering

4 Department of Management Studies Academic Management UG / PG / PhD Non-Technical 62 8 0

Department with lab

5 Department of Information and Technology Academic Information UG / PG / PhD Technical 540 25 5

Department with lab Technology

6 Department of Mechanical Engineering Academic Mechanical UG / PG / PhD Technical 599 33 9

Department with lab Engineering

7 Department of Electrical and Electronics Academic Electrical and UG / PG / PhD Technical 300 23 7
Engineering Department with lab Electronics

8 Department of Civil Engineering Academic Civil Engineering UG / PG / PhD Technical 423 24 5

Department with lab

9 Department of Incubation and Pre-incubation unit Incubation UG / PG / PhD Both 7 3 2

Enterprenurship Development Department

10 Department of Electronics and Academic Electronics and UG / PG / PhD Technical 557 39 10

Communication Engineering Department with lab Communication
facility Engineering

11 Department of Electronics and Academic Electronics and UG / PG / PhD Technical 191 14 3

Instrumentation Engineering Department with lab Instrumentation

Participation of HEI in Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiatives of Ministry of Education (Till Today)
Programs/Initiatives Status Registration ID
Participation of HEI in Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiatives of Ministry of Education (Till Today)
Adopted National Innovation and Start-up Policy at the HEI Yes Not Required

Establishment of Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) at HEI YES IIC Registration ID : IC202115813

Trained Innovation Ambassadors at HEI NO Not Required

Participation in Smart India Hackathon (SIH) Yes Not Required

Facilitated listing start-ups/ technologies in Young India combating COVID with Knowledge, Technology and Innovation (YUKTI 2.0) portal of MIC No Not Required

Participation in National Education Alliance of Technology (NEAT) Yes Not Required

Section 1 > i : Details of Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up Conducted by the HEI
g Total Had institute spent expenses
Name of Departm Internal Internal External External Did any of the participants
Program Program Number either from own
Program Program Program Program ent / Program Program Participa Participa Participa Participa received any awards/recognition
Srno Start Duration(i of resource/received fund to
(Full Theme Type Category Centre / End Date Location nts nts nts nts for startup / innovation ideas /
Date n Days) Participa organise the
Name) Student (Student) (Faculty) (Student) (Faculty) research?
nts program/activity/event?

1 A Seminar Institute Departm 27-02-20 27-02-20 1 Within 70 4 0 0 74 No

Seminar Entrepre Lead ent of 20 20 Campus Total Expense 4800
on neurship/ Activity Compute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Evolution Startup, r Science Incurred by
ary Innovatio and Institute to
Computat n Engineeri Organise the
ion ng (CSE) Program (In

2 Worksho Worksho Institute Departm 30-01-20 30-01-20 1 Within 92 4 0 0 96 No

p on Innovatio p Lead ent of 20 20 Campus Total Expense 5000
Machine n Activity Compute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Learning r Science Incurred by
with AI and Institute to
Engineeri Organise the
ng (CSE) Program (In

3 Seminar Seminar Institute Departm 30-04-20 30-04-20 1 Within 90 7 0 0 97 No

on Block Innovatio Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 4300
chain n Activity Compute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
r Science Incurred by
and Institute to
Engineeri Organise the
ng (CSE) Program (In

4 "Mystic Seminar Institute Departm 07-02-20 07-02-20 1 Within 200 3 0 0 203 No

the world Entrepre Lead ent of 20 20 Campus 6500
of Data neurship/ Activity Compute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Total Expense
Science - Startup r Science Amount
Career and Incurred by
opportuni Engineeri Institute to
ties for ng (CSE) Organise the
Students Program (In
in Data Rupees)
and AI"
Section 1 > i : Details of Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up Conducted by the HEI
5 Worksho Worksho Student Departm 24-02-20 24-02-20 1 Within 200 4 0 0 204 No
p on Innovatio p Lead ent of 20 20 Campus Total Expense 9100
Blockchai n Activity Compute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
n r Science Incurred by
technolog and Institute to
y Engineeri Organise the
ng(CSE) Program (In

6 Worksho Worksho Student Departm 13-03-20 13-03-20 1 Within 200 4 0 0 204 No

p on Entrepre p Lead ent of 20 20 Campus Total Expense 6600
deep neurship/ Activity Compute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
learning Startup r Science Incurred by
and Institute to
Engineeri Organise the
ng(CSE) Program (In

7 Worksho Worksho Student Departm 30-03-20 30-03-20 1 Within 235 5 0 0 240 No

p on Entrepre p Lead ent of 20 20 Campus Total Expense 7300
internet neurship/ Activity Compute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
of things Startup r Science Incurred by
and Institute to
Engineeri Organise the
ng(CSE) Program (In

8 Worksho Worksho Institute Departm 09-08-20 09-08-20 1 Within 70 10 0 0 80 No

p on Entrepre p Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 4100
Online neurship/ Activity Manage 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Trading Startup ment Incurred by
Studies Institute to
Organise the
Program (In

9 Problem Training Institute Departm 02-12-20 06-12-20 5 Within 0 22 0 0 22 No

Based Innovatio Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 150000
Learning n Activity Compute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
r Science Incurred by
and Institute to
Engineeri Organise the
ng(CSE) Program (In

10 Worksho Worksho Institute Departm 04-09-20 04-09-20 1 Within 210 5 0 0 215 No

p on Innovatio p Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 9200
Python n Activity Compute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
and its r Science Incurred by
scope and Institute to
Engineeri Organise the
ng(CSE) Program (In

11 Seminar Seminar Institute Departm 04-04-20 04-04-20 1 Within 210 5 0 0 215 No

on Best Entrepre Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 4900
career neurship/ Activity Compute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
option Startup r Science Incurred by
and and Institute to
career Engineeri Organise the
planning ng(CSE) Program (In
Section 1 > i : Details of Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up Conducted by the HEI
12 Challeng Awarene Institute Departm 14-10-20 14-10-20 1 Within 30 10 0 0 40 No
es and Entrepre ss Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 3300
Opportun neurship/ Activity Manage 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
ities for Startup ment Incurred by
Entrepre Studies Institute to
neurs in Organise the
India Program (In

13 Training Skill Institute Departm 23-05-20 02-06-20 11 Within 28 4 0 0 32 No

program Entrepre developm Lead ent of 19 19 Campus 22000
for 10 neurship/ ent Activity Compute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Total Expense
days Startup r Science Amount
“AKTU and Incurred by
SAP” Engineeri Institute to
organize ng (CSE) Organise the
d by Program (In
AKTU Rupees)

14 FDP on Skill Institute Departm 29-04-20 29-04-20 1 Within 100 2 0 0 102 No

“Sales Entrepre developm Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 5000
Force- neurship/ ent Activity Compute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Cognizan Startup r Science Incurred by
t” and Institute to
organize Engineeri Organise the
d by ng(CSE) Program (In
Cognizan Rupees)

15 Tech Seminar Institute Departm 04-06-20 04-06-20 1 Within 210 5 0 0 215 No

Talk Innovatio Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 4500
n Activity Compute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
r Science Incurred by
and Institute to
Engineeri Organise the
ng(CSE) Program (In

16 Business B-Plan Institute Departm 12-09-20 12-09-20 1 Within 40 10 0 0 50 No

Quiz Entrepre Competiti Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 1800
neurship/ ons Activity Manage 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Startup ment Incurred by
Studies Institute to
Organise the
Program (In

17 Indian Seminar Institute Departm 10-10-20 10-10-20 1 Within 40 10 0 0 50 No

Economy Entrepre Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 4500
neurship/ Activity Manage 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Startup ment Incurred by
Studies Institute to
Organise the
Program (In

18 Introducti Seminar Institute Departm 15-11-20 15-11-20 1 Within 69 16 0 0 85 No

on about Innovatio Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 4100
software’ n Activity CIVIL 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
s in civil Engineeri Incurred by
engineeri ng(CE) Institute to
ng Organise the
Program (In
Section 1 > i : Details of Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up Conducted by the HEI
19 Introducti Seminar Institute Departm 18-11-20 18-11-20 1 Within 71 17 0 0 88 No
on about Innovatio Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 4300
software’ n Activity Civil 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
s in civil Engineeri Incurred by
engineeri ng(CE) Institute to
ng Organise the
Program (In

20 " Hands- Awarene Institute EESA 25-02-20 25-02-20 1 Within 55 10 0 0 65 No

On Entrepre ss Lead and ZION 20 20 Campus Total Expense 6300
Worksho neurship/ Activity 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
p on PLC Startup Incurred by
and Institute to
SCADA Organise the
otential" Program (In

21 "A Worksho Institute EIE,ECE 25-02-20 25-02-20 1 Within 55 10 0 0 65 No

Seminar Entrepre p Lead and EE 20 20 Campus Total Expense 4300
on neurship/ Activity Depts 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Industrial Startup Incurred by
Automati Institute to
on " Organise the
Program (In

22 "Expert Mentorin Institute Departm 19-10-20 19-10-20 1 Within 50 10 0 0 60 No

TalkIssue Entrepre g Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 3500
s and neurship/ Session Activity Electrical 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
challenge Startup Engineeri Incurred by
s in ng(EE) Institute to
power Organise the
quality " Program (In

23 "Seminar Seminar Institute Departm 31-07-20 31-07-20 1 Within 60 5 0 0 65 No

on Best Entrepre Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 3800
career neurship/ Activity Electrical 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
options Startup Engineeri Incurred by
and ng(EE) Institute to
career Organise the
planning Program (In
" Rupees)

24 Expert Mentorin Institute Departm 05-04-20 05-04-20 1 Within 55 5 0 0 60 No

talk on Innovatio g Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 3700
“Indian n Session Activity Electrical 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Power Engineeri Incurred by
Scenario ng(EE) Institute to
and Organise the
Renewab Program (In
le Rupees)

25 Webinar Worksho Institute MCA 12-02-20 12-02-20 1 Within 32 10 0 0 42 No

on 5G Entrepre p Lead 20 20 Campus Total Expense 3300
neurship/ Activity 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Startup Incurred by
Institute to
Organise the
Program (In
Section 1 > i : Details of Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up Conducted by the HEI
26 Worksho Worksho Institute MCA 12-10-20 12-10-20 1 Within 34 10 0 0 44 No
p on Entrepre p Lead 19 19 Campus Total Expense 3400
Networki neurship/ Activity 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
ng Startup Incurred by
Institute to
Organise the
Program (In

27 FDP on Skill Institute MCA 10-07-20 14-07-20 5 Within 5 10 0 0 15 No

Innovativ Entrepre developm Lead 19 19 Campus Total Expense 3400
e neurship/ ent Activity 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Teaching Startup Incurred by
Methods Institute to
Organise the
Program (In

28 Worksho Worksho Institute MCA 18-10-20 18-10-20 1 Within 35 10 0 0 45 No

p on Innovatio p Lead 19 19 Campus Total Expense 3800
Agile n Activity 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Incurred by
Institute to
Organise the
Program (In

29 "Internal Hackatho Institute MCA 21-01-20 21-01-20 1 Within 25 4 0 0 29 No

Hackthon Innovatio n Lead 20 20 Campus Total Expense 5650
for smart n Activity 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
india Incurred by
Hackthon Institute to
-2020" Organise the
Program (In

30 Boot Boot Institute MCA 22-07-20 20-08-20 30 Within 69 6 0 0 75 No

Camp Innovatio camp Lead 19 19 Campus Total Expense 30000
n Activity 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Incurred by
Institute to
Organise the
Program (In

31 Hands on Worksho Institute Zion Club 25-02-20 25-02-20 1 Within 125 25 0 0 150 No
workshop Entrepre p Lead EEE 20 20 Campus 8000
on PLC neurship/ Activity Departm 00:00:00 00:00:00
and Startup ent
SCADA Total Expense
by Mr. Amount
Akash Incurred by
Gaurav, Institute to
Automati Organise the
on Program (In
Expert, Rupees)
India Pvt.

32 Seminar Seminar Student Zion Club 29-01-20 29-01-20 1 Within 130 20 0 0 150 No
on Innovatio Lead EEE 20 20 Campus 5500
Artificial n Activity Departm 00:00:00 00:00:00 Total Expense
Intelligen ent Amount
ce by Mr. Incurred by
Aditya Institute to
Hajela, Organise the
APTRON Program (In
Solutions Rupees)
Pvt LTD,
Section 1 > i : Details of Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up Conducted by the HEI
33 Expert Worksho Student Zion Club 09-10-20 09-10-20 1 Within 140 20 0 0 160 No
lecture Entrepre p Lead EEE 19 19 Campus 3700
on neurship/ Activity Departm 00:00:00 00:00:00
“Process Startup ent
ntation of
Plant” By Total Expense
Mr.Avani Amount
sh Pati Incurred by
Tripathy Institute to
and Organise the
Mr.Prasa Program (In
nt Jha, Rupees)
G Gas
Limited &

34 Seminar Seminar Student Zion Club 13-09-20 13-09-20 1 Within 160 18 0 0 178 No
on Entrepre Lead EEE 19 19 Campus 5700
“Career neurship/ Activity Departm 00:00:00 00:00:00
Oriented Startup ent
Program Total Expense
me” By Amount
Mr. Incurred by
Kishore, Institute to
Ex-IES, Organise the
The Program (In
Engineer Rupees)
, Greater

35 Expert Worksho Student Zion Club 08-08-20 08-08-20 1 Within 120 20 0 0 140 No
Lecture Innovatio p Lead EEE 19 19 Campus 5300
on n Activity Departm 00:00:00 00:00:00
“Awarene ent
ss on
Filling” Total Expense
By Dr. A Amount
Ambikap Incurred by
athy, Institute to
Professor Organise the
, Galgotia Program (In
college of Rupees)
ng &
Section 1 > i : Details of Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up Conducted by the HEI
36 Seminar Seminar Student Zion Club 21-08-20 21-08-20 1 Within 130 25 0 0 155 No
on Innovatio Lead EEE 19 19 Campus 4100
“Embedd n Activity Departm 00:00:00 00:00:00
ed ent
by Mr. Total Expense
Akshay Amount
Jain, Incurred by
Integratio Institute to
n Organise the
Engineer Program (In
IOT/ Rupees)
d/ Circuit
Pvt. Ltd.

37 Seminar Seminar Student Zion Club 31-07-20 31-07-20 1 Within 140 18 0 0 158 No
on “Best Entrepre Lead EEE 19 19 Campus 5600
Career neurship/ Activity Departm 00:00:00 00:00:00
Options Startup ent
and Total Expense
Career Amount
Planning” Incurred by
By Mr. Institute to
Anant Organise the
Kumar Program (In
Sahu, Rupees)

38 Worksho Worksho Institute Departm 16-01-20 22-01-20 7 Within 10 30 0 30 70 No

p/FDP on Innovatio p Lead ent of 20 20 Campus Total Expense 150000
Recent n Activity Mechanic 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Develop al Incurred by
ment in Engineeri Institute to
Additive ng Organise the
Manufact Program (In
uring Rupees)

39 An expert Mentorin Institute Departm 12-12-20 14-12-20 3 Within 190 10 0 0 200 No

lecture Entrepre g Lead ent of 19 19 Campus 77000
on neurship/ Session Activity Mechanic 00:00:00 00:00:00
“Applicati Startup al
ons of Engineeri
FEA ng
Tools” is Total Expense
organize Amount
d for Incurred by
Mechanic Institute to
al Third Organise the
Year Program (In
Students Rupees)
on with
Pvt. Ltd
Section 1 > i : Details of Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up Conducted by the HEI
40 Internatio Conferen Institute Departm 07-11-20 08-11-20 2 Within 67 80 30 40 217 No
nal Innovatio ce Lead ent of 19 19 Campus 225000
Total Expense
Conferen n Activity Mechanic 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
ce on al Incurred by
Mechanic Engineeri Institute to
al and ng Organise the
Energy Program (In
Technolo Rupees)

41 Mechaphi Hackatho Institute Departm 18-01-20 18-01-20 1 Within 0 8 0 42 50 No

lia Innovatio n Lead ent of 20 20 Campus Total Expense 6000
2K19(Me n Activity Mechanic 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
chanical al Incurred by
Fest in Engineeri Institute to
Collabora ng Organise the
tion with Program (In
G-mech) Rupees)

42 Worksho Worksho Institute Departm 18-08-20 21-08-20 4 Within 175 4 0 0 179 No

p on Entrepre p Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 10500
“Foundati neurship/ Activity Mechanic 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
on of Startup al Incurred by
Industry Engineeri Institute to
4.0" ng Organise the
Program (In

43 Worksho Worksho Institute MCA 18-10-20 18-10-20 1 Within 59 2 0 2 63 No

p on C Entrepre p Lead 19 19 Campus Total Expense 150000
Sharpe neurship/ Activity 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Startup Incurred by
Institute to
Organise the
Program (In

44 Worksho Worksho Institute Departm 15-10-20 16-10-20 2 Within 75 3 0 0 78 No

p on Entrepre p Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 4100
"Modern neurship/ Activity Mechanic 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Tools for Startup al Incurred by
Optical Engineeri Institute to
Communi ng Organise the
cation Program (In
System" Rupees)

45 Digital Seminar Institute Departm 06-09-20 06-09-20 1 Within 35 5 0 0 40 No

Marketin Entrepre Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 2300
g neurship/ Activity Electroni 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Startup cs and Incurred by
Instrume Institute to
ntation Organise the
Engineeri Program (In
ng Rupees)

46 Machine Seminar Institute Departm 09-09-20 09-09-20 1 Within 80 5 0 0 85 No

Learning Entrepre Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 4200
neurship/ Activity Electroni 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Startup cs and Incurred by
Instrume Institute to
ntation Organise the
Engineeri Program (In
ng Rupees)
Section 1 > i : Details of Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up Conducted by the HEI
47 Industrial Seminar Institute Departm 25-02-20 25-02-20 1 Within 80 5 0 0 85 No
Automati Entrepre Lead ent of 20 20 Campus Total Expense 4250
on neurship/ Activity Electroni 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Startup cs and Incurred by
Instrume Institute to
ntation Organise the
Engineeri Program (In
ng Rupees)

48 Worksho Worksho Institute Departm 19-08-20 21-08-20 3 Within 175 4 0 0 179 No

p on Entrepre p Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 72000
“Foundati neurship/ Activity Electroni 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
on of Startup cs and Incurred by
Industry Communi Institute to
4.0" cation Organise the
Engineeri Program (In
ng Rupees)

49 Faculty Training Institute Departm 14-10-20 19-10-20 6 Within 0 30 0 9 39 No

Develop Innovatio Lead ent of 19 19 Campus 150000
ment n Activity Electroni 00:00:00 00:00:00
Program cs and
me on Communi Total Expense
"Recent cation Amount
Develop Engineeri Incurred by
ments in ng Institute to
Optical Organise the
Communi Program (In
cation Rupees)

50 Worksho Worksho Institute Departm 15-10-20 16-10-20 2 Within 73 3 0 0 76 No

p on Innovatio p Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 12000
"Modern n Activity Electroni 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Tools for cs and Incurred by
Optical Communi Institute to
Communi cation Organise the
cation Engineeri Program (In
System" ng Rupees)

51 Lecture Seminar Institute Departm 20-02-20 20-02-20 1 Within 64 2 0 0 66 No

on Entrepre Lead ent of 20 20 Campus 3900
Total Expense
"Career neurship/ Activity Electroni 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Opportun Startup cs and Incurred by
ities for Communi Institute to
Fresher cation Organise the
in Engineeri Program (In
Semicon ng Rupees)

52 Lecture Worksho Institute Departm 22-10-20 22-10-20 1 Within 128 2 0 0 130 No

on Innovatio p Lead ent of 19 19 Campus Total Expense 5100
"Disruptio n Activity Electroni 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
n Drives cs and Incurred by
Destiny" Communi Institute to
cation Organise the
Engineeri Program (In
ng Rupees)

53 Worksho Worksho Institute Departm 24-02-20 24-02-20 1 Within 110 3 0 0 113 No

p on Innovatio p Lead ent of 20 20 Campus Total Expense 4900
“Machine n Activity Electroni 00:00:00 00:00:00 Amount
Learning cs and Incurred by
and its Communi Institute to
Applicatio cation Organise the
ns" Engineeri Program (In
ng Rupees)
Section 1 > i : Details of Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up Conducted by the HEI
54 Entrepre Awarene Institute MSME,DI 20-08-20 20-08-20 1 Within 150 30 15 1 196 No
neurship Entrepre ss Lead Okhla 19 19 Campus 16000
developm neurship/ Activity New 00:00:00 00:00:00
ent Startup Delhi
under Total Expense
support Amount
for Incurred by
Entrepre Institute to
neurial Organise the
and Program (In
manageri Rupees)
ent of

55 Entrepre Start-up Institute E-cell 11-10-20 12-10-20 2 Within 490 50 150 20 710
neurship Entrepre Conclave Lead Galgotia 19 19 Campus 9000 Award / Certificate
awarenes neurship/ Activity college 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
s drive Startup and E- Recognition
cell IIT Secured
r Total Expense Title of Certificate
Amount Innovation /
Incurred by Start-up
Institute to Secured the
Organise the Award /
Program (In Recognition
Award/Recog Business
nition/Achieve Model/Start
ment up
Received for

56 Smart Hackatho Institute E-Cell 22-01-20 22-01-20 1 Within 93 14 4 1 112

India Innovatio n Lead galgotia 20 20 Campus 11500 Award / 1st,2nd ,3rd
Internal n Activity College 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position / Position
Hackatho Recognition
n Secured

Total Expense Mattress
Title of
Amount ,Smart
Innovation /
Incurred by Cloth with
Institute to Security
Secured the
Organise the ,Crop
Award /
Program (In Guidance
Rupees) and

Award/Recog Idea/Innova
nition/Achieve tion/Prototy
ment pe
Received for
Section 1 > i : Details of Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up Conducted by the HEI
57 National Seminar Institute Manage 22-02-20 22-02-20 1 Outside 1 0 0 0 1 No
Seminar Innovatio Lead ment 20 20 Campus Award / Participatio
on Future n Activity Studies 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position / n
of HR Recognition

Title of Importance
Innovation / of
Start-up Emotional
Secured the Intelligence
Award / in
Recognition Education

Award/Recog Idea/Innova
nition/Achieve tion/Prototy
ment pe
Received for

Section 1 > ii : Details of Students, Faculties/Staff Participation/Representation in Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up
at the State, National and (or) International Level (Organized by External Organizations) sent by the HEI
Title of
Total Award / n / Start- Had institute spent expenses
Name of Organizin Participa Awards/R Did any of the participants
Organizin Program Program Participa Number Position / up either from own resource/
Program Program Program g Agency Program nts ecognitio received any awards/recognition
Srno g Agency Start Duration(i nts of Recogniti Secured received fund towards sending
(Full Theme Type / Institute End Date (Students ns/Achiev for startup / innovation ideas /
Type Date n Days) (Faculty) Participa on the delegation to participate /
Name) Name ) ements research
nts Secured Award / represent the activity /event?

1 Advance Training Wipro Corporat 05-02-20 07-02-20 3 0 1 1 No --- --- No

d Innovatio Talent e/ 20 20 24000
Technolo n Next, Industry 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
gy Wipro Associati Amount
Program Ltd., on Incurred by
electronic Institute? (In
City - Rupees)

2 Railway Worksho Northern Govt. 13-06-20 13-07-20 31 1 0 1 No --- --- No

bridge Innovatio p eastern Agency 19 19 TotalTotal 5000
workshop n Railway (Central) 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
Gorakhp Amount
ur. Incurred by
Institute? (In

3 SatelliteC Seminar M.S Corporat 10-09-20 10-10-20 31 2 0 2 No --- --- No

orporate Entrepre Vardhan e/ 19 19 TotalTotal 8000
skill neurship/ Consultin Industry 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
developm Startup g Associati Amount
ent Engineer on Incurred by
program s. Institute? (In

4 Engineeri Worksho M.S Corporat 15-12-20 04-02-20 52 1 0 1 No --- --- No

ng design Innovatio p Vardhan e/ 19 20 TotalTotal 4000
intern n Consultin Industry 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
g Associati Amount
Engineer on Incurred by
s. Institute? (In
Section 1 > ii : Details of Students, Faculties/Staff Participation/Representation in Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up
at the State, National and (or) International Level (Organized by External Organizations) sent by the HEI
5 Advance Training Wipro Corporat 05-02-20 07-02-20 3 0 1 1 Yes certificate certificate
d Innovatio Talent e/ 20 20 18000 Award / certificate
Technolo n Next, Industry 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
gy Wipro Associati Recognition
Program Ltd., on Secured
City - TotalTotal Title of certificate
Bangalor Expense Innovation /
e Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Idea/Innova
nition/Achieve tion/Prototy
ment pe
Received for

6 Artificial Training TEQIP Educatio 14-09-20 18-09-20 5 0 1 1 Yes Certificat Certificat

Intelligen Entrepre Phase-III, nal 19 19 e e 7000 Award / Certificate
ce neurship/ IIT Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
Startup Kanpur Recognition

TotalTotal Title of Certificate

Expense Innovation /
Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Idea/Innova
nition/Achieve tion/Prototy
ment pe
Received for

7 Internet Training TEQIP, Educatio 16-11-20 20-11-20 5 0 1 1 Yes Certificat Certificat

of Things Innovatio IIT nal 19 19 e e 5000 Award / Certificate
n Kanpur Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /

TotalTotal Title of Certificate

Expense Innovation /
Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for
Section 1 > ii : Details of Students, Faculties/Staff Participation/Representation in Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up
at the State, National and (or) International Level (Organized by External Organizations) sent by the HEI
8 Pedagog Training PMMMN Educatio 02-12-20 06-12-20 5 0 1 1 Yes certificate certificate
y for Innovatio MT nal 19 19 1000 Award / certificate
Online n T,MHRD, Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
and IIT Recognition
Blended Bombay Secured
-Learning TotalTotal Title of certificate
Process Expense Innovation /
Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for

9 Problem Training NITTTR Educatio 02-12-20 06-12-20 5 0 1 1 Yes Certificat Certificat

Based Innovatio Kolkata nal 19 19 e e 6000 Award / Certificate
Learning n Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /

TotalTotal Title of Certificate

Expense Innovation /
Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for

10 Cryptogr Training GNIOT Educatio 30-04-20 04-05-20 5 0 1 1 Yes Certificat Certificat

aphy Innovatio nal 19 19 e e 1000 Award / Certificate
Based n Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
Security Recognition
and Secured
n TotalTotal Title of Certificate
Expense Innovation /
Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for
Section 1 > ii : Details of Students, Faculties/Staff Participation/Representation in Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up
at the State, National and (or) International Level (Organized by External Organizations) sent by the HEI
11 Scheme Start-up SHARDA Educatio 02-12-20 06-12-20 5 0 1 1 Yes certificate certificate
of Entrepre Yatra UNIVER nal 19 19 1500 Award / certificate
Financial neurship/ SITY Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
Assistanc Startup Recognition
e For Secured
Up of TotalTotal Title of certificate
electronci Expense Innovation /
s and ICT Amount Start-up
academie Incurred by Secured the
s Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for

12 Data Training IIT Educatio 09-11-20 13-11-20 5 0 1 1 Yes Certificat Certificat

Analytics Innovatio Kanpur nal 19 19 e e 5000 Award / Certificate
with n Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
python Recognition

TotalTotal Title of Certificate

Expense Innovation /
Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for

13 Introducti Training IIT Educatio 13-08-20 19-08-20 7 0 1 1 Yes Certificat Certificat

on to Innovatio Kanpur nal 19 19 e e 5000 Award / Certificate
Program n Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
ming A Recognition
Pedologi Secured
approach TotalTotal Title of Certificate
Expense Innovation /
Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for
Section 1 > ii : Details of Students, Faculties/Staff Participation/Representation in Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up
at the State, National and (or) International Level (Organized by External Organizations) sent by the HEI
14 Internet Training IIT Educatio 23-12-20 27-12-20 5 0 1 1 Yes certificate certificate
of Things Innovatio Kanpur nal 19 19 5000 Award / certificate
n Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /

TotalTotal Title of certificate

Expense Innovation /
Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for

15 Blockchai Training ITS, Educatio 17-01-20 17-01-20 1 0 1 1 Yes certificate certificate

n Innovatio Greater nal 20 20 1000 Award / certificate
Technolo n Noida Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
gy Recognition

TotalTotal Title of certificate

Expense Innovation /
Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for

16 Training Training Huawei - Non- 19-07-20 20-07-20 2 73 2 75 Yes certificate certificate

Huawei - Entrepre ICT Govt. 19 19 2000 Award / certificate
ICT neurship/ Academy Agencies 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
Academy Startup Recognition

TotalTotal Title of certificate

Expense Innovation /
Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for

17 Training Training DKOP Corporat 19-12-20 31-03-20 10 16 2 18 No --- --- No

Program Innovatio Labs, e/ 19 20 TotalTotal 42000
DKOP n Noida Industry 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
Labs, Associati Amount
Noida on Incurred by
Institute? (In
Section 1 > ii : Details of Students, Faculties/Staff Participation/Representation in Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up
at the State, National and (or) International Level (Organized by External Organizations) sent by the HEI
18 4th IEEE Conferen 4th IEEE Internatio 01-11-20 01-11-20 1 0 1 1 Yes certificate certificate
Internatio Innovatio ce Internatio nal 19 19 5000 Award / certificate
nal n nal Agencies 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
Conferen Conferen Recognition
ce ce on - Secured
on TotalTotal Title of certificate
Systems Expense Innovation /
and Amount Start-up
Compute Incurred by Secured the
r Institute? (In Award /
Networks Rupees) Recognition
Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for

19 7th Conferen 4th IEEE Internatio 11-02-20 11-02-20 1 0 4 4 Yes certificate certificate
Internatio Innovatio ce Internatio nal 20 20 16000 Award / certificate
nal n nal Agencies 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
Conferen Conferen Recognition
ce ce on- Secured
on TotalTotal Title of certificate
Systems Expense Innovation /
and Amount Start-up
Compute Incurred by Secured the
r Institute? (In Award /
Networks Rupees) Recognition
Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for

20 5th Conferen 5th Internatio 04-02-20 04-02-20 1 0 4 4 Yes Certificat Certificat

Internatio Innovatio ce Internatio nal 20 20 e e 20000 Award / Certificate
nal n nal Agencies 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
Conferen Conferen Recognition
ce ce on - Secured
Computat TotalTotal Title of Certificate
ion Expense Innovation /
Technolo Amount Start-up
gies- Incurred by Secured the
(ICICT Institute? (In Award /
2020) Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for
Section 1 > ii : Details of Students, Faculties/Staff Participation/Representation in Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up
at the State, National and (or) International Level (Organized by External Organizations) sent by the HEI
21 Railway Training Northern Govt. 13-06-20 13-07-20 31 1 1 2 Yes Certificat Certificat
bridge Innovatio eastern Agency 19 19 e e 12000 Award / Certificate
workshop n Railway (Central) 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
Gorakhp Recognition
ur. Secured

TotalTotal Title of Certificate

Expense Innovation /
Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for

22 Corporat Seminar MS Govt. 10-09-20 10-10-20 31 2 2 4 Yes certificate certificate

e skill Entrepre Vardhan Agency 19 19 32500 Award / certificate
developm neurship/ Consultin (Central) 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
ent Startup g Recognition
program Engineer Secured
TotalTotal Title of certificate
Expense Innovation /
Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for

23 Startup Innovatio E-Cell Educatio 01-02-20 02-02-20 2 5 0 5 No --- --- No

Event IIt Entrepre n Contest ,IIT nal 20 20 TotalTotal 13200
Roorkee neurship/ Roorkee Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
Startup Amount
Incurred by
Institute? (In

24 Smart Hackatho IIC- Govt. 25-02-20 25-02-20 1 35 9 44 No --- --- No

India Innovatio n AICTE Agency 20 20 TotalTotal 1000
Hackatho n (Central) 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
n-2020 Amount
Incurred by
Institute? (In

25 Manage Skill Indian Govt. 16-05-20 19-05-20 4 0 1 1 No --- --- No

ment Entrepre developm Institute Agency 19 19 TotalTotal 5000
Develop neurship/ ent of (State) 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
ment Startup Manage Amount
Program ment Incurred by
me Lucknow Institute? (In

26 Design Skill Indian Govt. 06-09-20 08-09-20 3 0 1 1 No --- --- No

Thinking Entrepre developm Institute Agency 19 19 TotalTotal 5000
for Start neurship/ ent of (State) 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
Up and Startup Manage Amount
Innovatio ment Incurred by
n Lucknow Institute? (In
Section 1 > ii : Details of Students, Faculties/Staff Participation/Representation in Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up
at the State, National and (or) International Level (Organized by External Organizations) sent by the HEI
27 Entrepre Skill Indian Govt. 06-12-20 08-12-20 3 0 2 2 No --- --- No
neurship Entrepre developm Institute Agency 19 19 TotalTotal 10000
Start Up neurship/ ent of (State) 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
Training Startup Manage Amount
Program ment Incurred by
me Lucknow Institute? (In

28 Industrial Training Voltrans Corporat 18-02-20 19-02-20 2 63 2 65 No --- --- No

Visit Innovatio Energy e/ 20 20 TotalTotal 7100
(Departm n Industry Industry 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
ent of ,Sahibab Associati Amount
EE) ad, Uttar on Incurred by
Pradesh Institute? (In

29 Industrial Training NPTI, Govt. 20-09-20 20-09-20 1 63 2 65 No --- --- No

Visit(EE) Innovatio Faridaba Agency 19 19 TotalTotal 5000
n d (Central) 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
(Departm Amount
ent of Incurred by
EE) Institute? (In

30 Industrial Training NPTI, Govt. 04-04-20 04-04-20 1 60 2 62 No --- --- No

Visit Innovatio Badarpur Agency 19 19 TotalTotal 5000
(Departm n (Central) 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
ent of Amount
EE) Incurred by
Institute? (In

31 Industrial Exposure Priya Corporat 06-04-20 06-04-20 1 30 5 35 Yes Certificat Certificat

Visit Entrepre visit Gold e/ 19 19 e e 5000 Award / Certificate
neurship/ Biscuit, Industry 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
Startup greater Associati Recognition
Noida on Secured

TotalTotal Title of Certificate

Expense Innovation /
Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for

32 Industrial Exposure RC Corporat 17-10-20 18-10-20 2 40 2 42 No --- --- No

Visit Innovatio visit Green e/ 19 19 TotalTotal 2000
(Departm n 220 Industry 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
ent of kV,UPPT Associati Amount
EEE) CL,Subst on Incurred by
ation Institute? (In
Noida Rupees)

33 Industrial Training NPTI,Fari Govt. 21-08-20 22-08-20 2 160 4 164 No --- --- No
Visit Innovatio dabad Agency 19 19 TotalTotal 2500
(Departm n (Central) 00:00:00 00:00:00 Expense
ent of Amount
EEE) Incurred by
Institute? (In
Section 1 > ii : Details of Students, Faculties/Staff Participation/Representation in Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up
at the State, National and (or) International Level (Organized by External Organizations) sent by the HEI
34 Future of Seminar Departm Educatio 22-02-20 22-02-20 1 6 1 7 Yes 3rd Emotiona No
HR Entrepre ent of nal 20 20 position l Award / 3rd position
Evolving neurship/ Manage Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Intelligen Position /
Worksho Startup ment,IMS ce Recognition
p GAZIAB Secured
versty Title of Emotional
campus) Innovation / Intelligence
Secured the
Award /

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for

35 Talent Innovatio IIMT Educatio 10-03-20 10-03-20 1 1 0 1 Yes Award Business No

Hunt Entrepre n Contest nal 20 20 innvoatio Award / Award
neurship/ Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 n Position /
Startup Recognition

Title of Business
Innovation / innvoation
Secured the
Award /

Award/Recog Idea/Innova
nition/Achieve tion/Prototy
ment pe
Received for

36 Technov Hackatho Sharda Educatio 25-01-20 26-01-20 2 2 1 3 Yes Runner RODIES

ation Innovatio n Universit nal 20 20 UP(Rs. Convenie 1000 Award / Runner
Hackthon n y, Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 20,000 nt public Position / UP(Rs.
2 Smart Gautam Cash transport Recognition 20,000
city Budha prize) system Secured Cash prize)
TotalTotal Title of RODIES
Expense Innovation / Convenient
Amount Start-up public
Incurred by Secured the transport
Institute? (In Award / system
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Idea/Innova
nition/Achieve tion/Prototy
ment pe
Received for

37 Visit to Exhibition India Govt. 09-09-20 09-09-20 1 60 7 67 No --- --- No No

Expo Entrepre Expo Agency 19 19
mart neurship/ Mart (State) 00:00:00 00:00:00
Greater Startup

38 Industrial Exposure Surya Corporat 06-04-20 06-04-20 1 60 7 67 No --- --- No No

Visit to Entrepre visit Foodand e/ 19 19
Surya neurship/ Agro Industry 00:00:00 00:00:00
food and Startup Associati
Agra on
Section 1 > ii : Details of Students, Faculties/Staff Participation/Representation in Co-curricular events/programs related to Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship/Start-up
at the State, National and (or) International Level (Organized by External Organizations) sent by the HEI
39 Internatio Conferen MAIT,Del Educatio 04-02-20 04-02-20 1 0 1 1 Yes certificate certificate
n Innovatio ce hi nal 20 20 4500 Award / certificate
Confrenc n Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00 Position /
e(ICITET Recognition
M) Secured

TotalTotal Title of certificate

Expense Innovation /
Amount Start-up
Incurred by Secured the
Institute? (In Award /
Rupees) Recognition

Award/Recog Novel
nition/Achieve Research
ment Paper/Work
Received for

Section 2 > i : List the Academic Programs on Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship Development Offered During the Academic Period (2019-20)
Total Numbers of
Course Offering
Title of Course/Subject Level of Program Program End Program Total Numbers of Contact Hours of Course
Srno Program Theme Type of Course Department/Centr Mode of Delivery
Offered Course Start Date Date Duration(in Days) Participants ( Minimum 30 Contact
e/Unit Name hours)

1 Computer System Security Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Short Term Department 28-07-2019 20-11-2019 116 Online 133 35
Credit Course Certificate Course of IT

2 Python Programming Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Short Term Dept of IT 29-07-2019 18-11-2019 113 Online 133 40
Credit Course Certificate Course

3 Machine Learning Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Short Term Dept of IT 25-07-2019 20-11-2019 119 Online 131 45
Credit Course Certificate Course

4 Infosys campus connect Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Short Term Dept of IT 23-07-2019 22-11-2019 123 Online 139 40
Credit Course Certificate Course

5 Industry ready Classes Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Short Term Dept of IT 05-07-2019 12-08-2019 39 Online 266 35
Departmental level Credit Course Certificate Course

6 Industry ready Classes Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Short Term Dept of IT 26-08-2019 30-09-2019 36 Online 385 40
Central Level Credit Course Certificate Course

7 Industrial Management Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor ELECTRONI 20-01-2020 30-03-2020 71 Offline 120 40
Credit Course CS AND

8 ENGINEERING AND Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor ECE 27-07-2020 18-11-2020 115 Offline 180 40
MANAGERIAL Credit Course

9 Problem Based Learning Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor Computer 02-12-2019 06-12-2019 5 Online 12 30
Credit Course Science and

10 MANEGERIAL Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor Computer 07-07-2019 22-11-2019 139 Offline 145 40
ECONOMICS Credit Course Science and

11 INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor Computer 24-07-2019 22-11-2019 122 Offline 145 40
Credit Course Science and
12 INDUSTRIAL Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor Computer 21-01-2020 17-04-2020 88 Offline 145 40
MANAGEMENT Credit Course Science and

13 Industrial Training Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor Computer 03-06-2019 23-07-2019 51 Offline 153 40
Credit Course Science and

14 Project Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor Computer 24-07-2019 17-04-2020 269 Offline 153 80
Credit Course Science and

15 Industrial Management Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor CIVIL 20-01-2020 17-04-2020 89 Offline 129 40
Credit Course ENGINEERI

16 PDP Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor CIVIL 22-01-2020 17-04-2020 87 Offline 260 40

Credit Course ENGINEERI

17 Python Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor CIVIL 20-01-2020 17-04-2020 89 Offline 123 40

Credit Course ENGINEERI

18 Managerial Economics Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor CIVIL 23-07-2019 18-11-2019 119 Offline 120 40
Credit Course ENGINEERI

19 Industrial management Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor CIVIL 20-01-2020 17-04-2020 89 Offline 120 40
Credit Course ENGINEERI

20 Managerial Economics Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor ELECTRONI 17-07-2019 20-11-2019 127 Offline 120 40
Credit Course C

21 Industrial management Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor ELECTRONI 20-01-2020 17-04-2020 89 Offline 120 40
Credit Course C

22 Datamining and Analytics Entrepreneurship/Startup Short term Master MCA 27-01-2020 17-03-2020 51 Offline 80 40
Lab Course

23 MANAGERIAL Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor APPLIED 25-07-2019 22-11-2019 121 Offline 120 40

24 INDUSTRIAL Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor APPLIED 22-01-2020 29-05-2020 129 Offline 120 40

25 MANAGERIAL Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor DEPARTME 25-07-2019 22-11-2019 121 Offline 120 40

26 INDUSTRIAL Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor DEPARTME 20-01-2020 17-04-2020 89 Offline 120 40


27 Industrial Management Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor Electronic 22-01-2020 15-04-2020 85 Offline 180 40
Credit Course and

28 ROLE OF ARTIFICIAL Innovation Short term Bachelor Electronics 02-11-2019 05-03-2020 125 Offline 180 40
INTELLIGENCE and Course and

29 Engineering and Entrepreneurship/Startup Elective/Core Bachelor Electronics 24-07-2019 20-11-2019 120 Offline 180 40
Managerial Economics Credit Course and
Section 2 > ii : List the Employment Generation Skill Development Programs Organized by the HEI on Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship Development During the
Academic Period (2019-20)
Course Offering Program Total Numbers of Contact
Program Start Program End Total Numbers of
Srno Title of the Training Program Program Theme Type of Course Department/Centre/ Duration(in Mode of Delivery Hours of Course ( Minimum
Date Date Participants
Unit Name Days) 30 Contact hours)

1 Workshop on R programming Entrepreneurship/Startup Employment Dept of IT 26-02-2019 05-03-2019 8 Offline 1 30

Generation Training

2 PDP Entrepreneurship/Startup Employment Department of 24-07-2019 22-08-2019 30 Offline 145 30

Generation Training Computer science
Programs and Engineering

3 Infosys Campus Connect Entrepreneurship/Startup Employment Department of 24-07-2019 25-09-2019 64 Offline 145 30
Generation Training Computer science
Programs and Engineering

4 Introduction to PLC its Entrepreneurship/Startup Employment Electrical 01-01-2020 28-02-2020 59 Offline 145 30
Programming Generation Training Engineering

5 Matlab Programming and Innovation Employment Electrical 24-01-2020 28-02-2020 36 Offline 145 30
Simulation Generation Training Engineering

6 Industrial Automation Innovation Employment EEE 22-01-2020 26-02-2020 36 Offline 120 30

Generation Training

7 Python programming Innovation Employment EEE 22-01-2020 20-05-2020 120 Online 120 30
Generation Training

8 International Conference on Innovation FDP in I&E / IPR MECHANICAL 07-11-2019 11-11-2019 5 Offline 217 40
Mechanical and Energy ENGINEERING

9 One week FDP on Recent Innovation FDP in I&E / IPR MECHANICAL 16-01-2020 22-01-2020 7 Offline 60 35
Development in Additive ENGINEERING

Section 2 > iii : List the Full Time Faculties had with a Degree (UG/PG/PhD) in Innovation/IPR/Entrepreneurship and (or) Received Specialized Training program of I&E, IPR
(MDP, EDP, FDP, Short-term Certificate Course, of minimum 30 hours Duration) conducted by various State, Central Govt. agencies, and Knowledge Agencies in the
Academic Period (2019-20)
Had the faculty received training on I&E &
Srno Faculty Name Department/Centre/Unit Name Designation Do you have a degree in I&E & IPR? IPR during AY 2019-20

1 Dr.A.Ambikapathy EEE Professor No Yes

Training Agency Training Agency Training Duration

Training Name Training Theme Type of Course Training Start Date Training End Date Mode of Delivery
Name Type (in Days)

NPTEL online certification IPR Short term IIT madras Govt. Agency 21-01-2020 01-04-2020 72 Online
Certificate (Central) 00:00:00 00:00:00

2 Dr.S.K. Singh IT Professor No Yes

Training Agency Training Agency Training Duration

Training Name Training Theme Type of Course Training Start Date Training End Date Mode of Delivery
Name Type (in Days)

Internet of Things(IOT) Innovation FDP in I&E, IPR IIT Kanpur Educational Institute 16-11-2019 20-11-2019 5 Offline
00:00:00 00:00:00
3 Dr. Deepak Gambir IT Associate Professor No Yes

Training Agency Training Agency Training Duration

Training Name Training Theme Type of Course Training Start Date Training End Date Mode of Delivery
Name Type (in Days)

Data Analytics with Python Innovation FDP in I&E, IPR IIT Kanpur Educational Institute 07-09-2019 11-09-2019 5 Offline
00:00:00 00:00:00

4 Dr Subhash Kumar Verma MBA Professor No Yes

Training Agency Training Agency Training Duration

Training Name Training Theme Type of Course Training Start Date Training End Date Mode of Delivery
Name Type (in Days)

5 Dr Praveen Kumar Maduri EIE Professor No Yes

Training Agency Training Agency Training Duration

Training Name Training Theme Type of Course Training Start Date Training End Date Mode of Delivery
Name Type (in Days)

6 Dr.Sunil Kumar Chaudhary Electrical Engineering Professor No Yes

Training Agency Training Agency Training Duration

Training Name Training Theme Type of Course Training Start Date Training End Date Mode of Delivery
Name Type (in Days)

How to Become a Successful Entrepreneurship/Startup Employment University of Delhi Educational Institute 28-05-2020 08-06-2020 12 Online
Entrepreneur – Atamnirbhar Generation Training 00:00:00 00:00:00

7 Dr. Rajeev Kumar Shakaya EEE Associate Professor No Yes

Training Agency Training Agency Training Duration

Training Name Training Theme Type of Course Training Start Date Training End Date Mode of Delivery
Name Type (in Days)

8 Dr. Bipin kumar srivastava Department of Applied Sciences Assistant Professor No Yes

Training Agency Training Agency Training Duration

Training Name Training Theme Type of Course Training Start Date Training End Date Mode of Delivery
Name Type (in Days)

Entrepreneurship Development Entrepreneurship/Startup Employment IIC MHRD Govt. Agency 28-04-2020 22-05-2020 25 Online
Generation Training (Central) 00:00:00 00:00:00


Training Agency Training Agency Training Duration

Training Name Training Theme Type of Course Training Start Date Training End Date Mode of Delivery
Name Type (in Days)

Managing start up Incubation and Entrepreneurship/Startup Short term IIM kucknow Educational Institute 14-07-2019 18-07-2019 5 Offline
Ecosystem Certificate 00:00:00 00:00:00


Training Agency Training Agency Training Duration

Training Name Training Theme Type of Course Training Start Date Training End Date Mode of Delivery
Name Type (in Days)

11 Dr.Sandeep saxena IT Asssociate Professor No No

12 Mr.Yoddha Beer Singh CSE assistant Professor No No

13 Dr. Rashi Aggarwal MCA Professor No No

14 Dr. P Suresh CSE Assistant Professor No No

15 Mr. Atif Jamshhed CSE Assistant Professor No No

16 Dr.Lakshmananan ECE Professor No No

17 Prof.Shamali Nabi Management Studies Assistant Professor No No

18 Dr. Kanchan Hans MCA Associate Professor No No

19 Dr.Suneel Kumar Bharati IT Associate Professor No No

20 Dr.Deepti Mayo Electrical and Electronics Assistant Professor No No

21 Monika Mahelewat MBA Assistant Professor No No

22 Mr.Manish Sherawat Mechanical Assistant Professor No No

23 Mr.Sunil Kumar Civil Assistant Professor No No

Section 3 > i : List Idea/Innovation Centric Student Clubs Are Functional at the HEI with Access to Co-working Space/Work-stations for Students with Facilities &
Equipment Available to promote and Support Innovation, Entrepreneurship and IPR Activities in Campus
No of
Student Club Programs/Activiti
with Access to Student Club
Type of Facilities es Organized by Student Club Team Student Club Team
Srno Name of Student Club Type of Club Year of Establishment Other I&E Team Lead
Available at the Club the Student Club Lead Email Lead Phone
Facilities at the Name
During the AY
HEI 2019-20

1 Extreme Club Idea Club 2012 Co-working Space Incubation Unit 16 Mr.Rishabh rishabchaudhary119@ 7976817324
Chaudhary gmail.com

2 ACES Innovation Club 2017 3D Printing Innovation Labs 7 Md. Danish mddanishalam17gcebc 7696757590

3 Electrical Engineering Student Idea Club 2016 Co-working Space Incubation Unit 8 Archana Yadav archanayadav5502@g 7052715856
Association (EESA) mail.com

4 Essence Club Idea Club 2018 Co-working Space Centre of 4 Devang devangd5197@gmail.c 667971621
Excellence with Dewivedi om
Advance Tools

5 Zion Idea Club 2018 Work Stations Incubation Unit 3 Bhabya shree bhavyashree0002@gm 9582243071

6 Society of automotive Innovation Club 2014 Work Stations Innovation Labs 5 Jitender Yadav jk.yadav@gmail.com 9873863588

7 Fusion Society Innovation Club 2017 None No Such 20 Sanjeev Singh sanjeevkumar@gmail. 9811128612
Facilities Exist in com
the Campus

8 E CELL GCTii Startup Club 2016 Work Stations Pre-Incubation 3 San chit sanchitagrawal66@gm 8448958228
Unit AgarwaL ail.com

9 GCET MBA CLUB (M CELL) Idea Club 2018 Co-working Space Pre-Incubation 20 Ujjawal Pandey ujjawalpandeyblaze@g 9125049307
Unit mail.com

Section 3 > ii > a : List the Pre-Incubation Facility (Tinkering Lab/Makers’ Space/Design Centre/New Gen IEDC/IEDC/EDC/Innovation Centre/Startup Cell) (>= 600 Sq. Ft.
Floor Area)
Type of Pre-Incubation Name of the Total Nos of Dedicated Had the Pre-Incubation Had institute Had institute spent expenses either
Year of with Access to Funding Unit Provided any Generated Income
Name of Pre- Type of Facilities Executive/Management from own resource/received fund
Srno Establishme Other I&E Schemes Facility Details Funding Support for either from Services
Incubation Centre Facility Available at team Strength Engaged at towards Establishment/Operation
nt Facilities at the Available Idea/Prototype/Innovati Offered by Pre-
the Centre the Facility of Pre-Incubation Centre/Facilities?
Section 3 > ii > a : List the Pre-Incubation Facility (Tinkering Lab/Makers’ Space/Design Centre/New Gen IEDC/IEDC/EDC/Innovation Centre/Startup Cell) (>= 600 Sq. Ft.
Floor Area)
with Pre- on Development and
Incubation implementation during Incubation
HEI Unit, if any the Financial Year Centre/Facilities?
(Optional) 2019-20

1 Galgotias Center Startup Cell 2015 3D Printing Incubation Unit Incubation 3 Yes No No
for Technical & Prototype Unit Facility Dr.S.K.
Innovation and Equipment Incharge Verma
Incubation Name

Facility @galg
Incharge otiacoll
Email ege.ed

Facility 981832
Incharge 6032

2 Project Tinkering 2018 Work Incubation Incubation 8 Yes No Yes

Laboratory Lab Stations Unit,Innovation Unit,Innovati Dr
Labs on Labs Ritesh
Incharge Srivast
Name ava

Facility a@gal
Incharge gotiaco
Email llege.e

Facility 706518
Incharge 1997

Total Grants / Funds Received by Pre-

Source of Grant / Fund Agency Name Agency Type Incubation & Incubation Centre / Facilities
exists in Campus (In Rupees)

Institute's Own Fund / Resource Galgotia College of Engineering and Technology Educational Institute 203220

3 Ideation Lab Tinkering 2015 Work Innovation Labs Innovation 3 No No No

Lab Stations Labs Facility Dr.
Incharge Tinku
Name Biswas

Facility swas@
Incharge galgoti
Email acolleg

Facility 757907
Incharge 7611
Section 3 > ii > a : List the Pre-Incubation Facility (Tinkering Lab/Makers’ Space/Design Centre/New Gen IEDC/IEDC/EDC/Innovation Centre/Startup Cell) (>= 600 Sq. Ft.
Floor Area)
4 project lab Innovation 2017 Co-working Incubation Unit Incubation 1 No No No
Centre Space Unit Facility Prof.
Incharge S.P.
Name Singh

Facility @galg
Incharge otiacoll
Email ege.ed

Facility 012045
Incharge 13800

5 Idea Project Lab Innovation 2014 3D Printing Innovation Innovation 2 No No Yes

Centre & Prototype Labs,Student Labs,Studen Dr.
Equipment, Clubs t Clubs Facility Sunil
Work Incharge Kumar
Stations Name Chaud

Facility udhary
Incharge @galg
Email otiacoll

Facility 012045
Incharge 13800

Total Grants / Funds Received by Pre-

Source of Grant / Fund Agency Name Agency Type Incubation & Incubation Centre / Facilities
exists in Campus (In Rupees)

Institute's Own Fund / Resource Galgotia College(Shakuntla Education and Welfare trust) Educational Institute 89129

6 Innovation and Design 2008 3D Printing Innovation Innovation 2 No No Yes

Incubation Lab Centre & Prototype Labs,Student Labs,Studen Facility Mr.Nav
Equipment, Clubs t Clubs Incharge een
Work Name Kumar
Facility @galg
Incharge otiacoll
Email ege.ed

Facility 012045
Incharge 13800

Total Grants / Funds Received by Pre-

Source of Grant / Fund Agency Name Agency Type Incubation & Incubation Centre / Facilities
exists in Campus (In Rupees)

Institute's Own Fund / Resource Galgotia College (Shakuntla educational and Welfare Trust) Educational Institute 122513
Section 3 > ii > a : List the Pre-Incubation Facility (Tinkering Lab/Makers’ Space/Design Centre/New Gen IEDC/IEDC/EDC/Innovation Centre/Startup Cell) (>= 600 Sq. Ft.
Floor Area)
7 (007-A) (OS Lab) Tinkering 2012 Work Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No No
Lab Stations Labs Facility Tanu
Incharge Shree

Facility ree@g
Incharge algotia
Email college

Facility 959919
Incharge 9199

8 (108 A) (Product Design 2012 Work Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No Yes
Design Lab) Centre Stations Labs Mr.
Facility Manish
Incharge Kumar
Name Sharm

Facility sharma
Incharge @galg
Email otiacoll

Facility 965453
Incharge 7965

Total Grants / Funds Received by Pre-

Source of Grant / Fund Agency Name Agency Type Incubation & Incubation Centre / Facilities
exists in Campus (In Rupees)

Institute's Own Fund / Resource Galgotia College of Engineering and Technology Educational Institute 8069
Section 3 > ii > a : List the Pre-Incubation Facility (Tinkering Lab/Makers’ Space/Design Centre/New Gen IEDC/IEDC/EDC/Innovation Centre/Startup Cell) (>= 600 Sq. Ft.
Floor Area)
9 (Research Lab) Tinkering 2012 Work Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No
Lab Stations Labs Facility Dr. Yes
Incharge Vinit
Name Kumar Total 750000
vinit.ku Income
Facility mar@g from
Incharge algotia Training
Email college and Skill
.edu Develop
997108 Services
7809 (In

Total 0
al and
Facility (In
Incharge Rupees)
Total 0
to Start-

10 Survey & GI Lab Tinkering 2015 3D Printing Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No No
Lab & Prototype Labs Dr.
Equipment Pravee
Incharge n
Name Berwal

Facility al@gal
Incharge gotiaco
Email llege.e

Facility 905094
Incharge 6608
Section 3 > ii > a : List the Pre-Incubation Facility (Tinkering Lab/Makers’ Space/Design Centre/New Gen IEDC/IEDC/EDC/Innovation Centre/Startup Cell) (>= 600 Sq. Ft.
Floor Area)
11 Fluid Mechanics Maker's 2015 Work Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No No
Lab Space Stations Labs Facility Dr.
Incharge Amir
Name Khan

Facility an@ga
Incharge lgotiac
Email ollege.

Facility 701715
Incharge 9513

12 HHM Lab Tinkering 2015 Work Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No No

Lab Stations Labs Facility Mr
Incharge F.I.Kir
Name mani

Facility irmani
Incharge @galg
Email otiacoll

Facility 989721
Incharge 0584

13 Solid Mechanic Tinkering 2015 Work Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No No

Lab Lab Stations Labs Dr.
Facility Amarpr
Incharge eet
Name Kaur

Facility r@galg
Incharge otiacoll
Email ege.ed

Facility 965083
Incharge 8969

14 Material Testing Tinkering 2015 Work Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No No

Lab Lab Stations Labs Facility Mrs.
Incharge Swati

Facility ora@g
Incharge algotia
Email college

Facility 989117
Incharge 1140
Section 3 > ii > a : List the Pre-Incubation Facility (Tinkering Lab/Makers’ Space/Design Centre/New Gen IEDC/IEDC/EDC/Innovation Centre/Startup Cell) (>= 600 Sq. Ft.
Floor Area)
15 Geotechnical Tinkering 2015 Work Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No No
Engineering Lab Lab Stations Labs Facility Mr.
Incharge Tushar
Name Gupta

Facility @galg
Incharge otiacoll
Email ege.ed

Facility 945306
Incharge 2224

16 Transportation Maker's 2015 Work Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No No

Engineering Lab Space Stations Labs Facility Mr
Incharge Arun
Name Kumar

Facility mar@g
Incharge algotia
Email college

Facility 999234
Incharge 9722

17 Basic Electrical Tinkering 2015 Work Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No No

Engineering Lab Lab Stations Labs Dr.
Facility Sunil
Incharge kumar
Name chaudh

Facility udhary
Incharge @galg
Email otiacoll

Facility 931342
Incharge 6454

18 Electrical Tinkering 2015 Work Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No No

machine Lab Lab Stations Labs Dr.
Facility Moham
Incharge mad
Name Shahid

Facility @galg
Incharge otiacoll
Email ege.ed

Facility 991112
Incharge 6806
Section 3 > ii > a : List the Pre-Incubation Facility (Tinkering Lab/Makers’ Space/Design Centre/New Gen IEDC/IEDC/EDC/Innovation Centre/Startup Cell) (>= 600 Sq. Ft.
Floor Area)
19 Power System Maker's 2015 Work Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No No
Lab Space Stations Labs Facility Dr.
Incharge Pinki
Name Yadav

Facility adav@
Incharge galgoti
Email acolleg

Facility 807649
Incharge 8600

20 Civil Engineering Innovation 2015 3D Printing Incubation Incubation 4 Yes No No

Innovation Club Centre & Prototype Unit,Student Unit,Student Facility Dr.
Equipment Clubs Clubs Incharge Tinku
Name Biswas

Facility swas@
Incharge galgoti
Email acolleg

Facility 757907
Incharge 7611

21 Project lab Innovation 2017 Co-working Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No No

Centre Space Labs Facility Prof.
Incharge S.P.
Name Singh

Facility @galg
Incharge otiacoll
Email ege.ed

Facility 750305
Incharge 9306

22 GCETII Innovation 2015 Co-working Innovation Labs Innovation 1 Yes No No

Centre Space Labs Dr.
Facility A.Ambi
Incharge kapath
Name y

Facility y@gal
Incharge gotiaco
Email llege.e

Facility 999092
Incharge 3145
Section 3 > ii > a : List the Pre-Incubation Facility (Tinkering Lab/Makers’ Space/Design Centre/New Gen IEDC/IEDC/EDC/Innovation Centre/Startup Cell) (>= 600 Sq. Ft.
Floor Area)
23 Industrial Tinkering 2012 Work Innovation Innovation 1 Yes No No
Automation & Lab Stations Labs,Student Labs,Studen Dr.
PLC / Circuit Clubs t Clubs Kiran
Simulation Lab Srivast
Name ava

Facility a@gal
Incharge gotiaco
Email llege.e

Facility 989127
Incharge 6074

24 Control System Tinkering 2012 Co-working Innovation Innovation 1 Yes No No

Lab Lab Space Labs,Student Labs,Studen Facility Dr.
Clubs t Clubs Incharge Gauri
Name Katiyar

Facility tiyar@
Incharge galgoti
Email acolleg

Facility 981115
Incharge 7829

25 Project Tinkering 2012 Co-working Innovation Innovation 1 Yes No No

Laboratory Lab Space Labs,Student Labs,Studen Facility Mr.
Clubs t Clubs Incharge Amit
Name Rai

Facility @galg
Incharge otiacoll
Email ege.ed

Facility 971883
Incharge 6500

Section 3 > ii > b : List the Centre of Excellence (CoE) Facilities with Advance Tools and Equipment at the HEI (>= 1000 Sq. Ft. Floor Area)
Total Nos of
Name of the Had the CoE Provided any
Dedicated Had institute spent expenses
CoE with Access Funding Funding Support for
Executive/Manag Had institute Generated Income either from own
Year of to Other I&E Schemes Idea/Prototype/Innovation
Srno Name of CoE Facility Facility Details ement team either from Services Offered by CoE resource/received fund towards
Establishment Facilities at the Available with Development and
Strength Centre/Facilities? Establishment/Operation of
HEI CoE, if any implementation during the
Engaged at the CoE Centre/Facilities?
(Optional) Financial Year 2019-20?
Section 3 > ii > b : List the Centre of Excellence (CoE) Facilities with Advance Tools and Equipment at the HEI (>= 1000 Sq. Ft. Floor Area)
1 Start Up Incubation 2015 Innovation Labs MSME,SELF 5 Yes No Yes
Facility Center Dr
Facility Subha
Incharge sh
Name Kumar

Facility a@gal
Incharge gotiaco
Email llege.e

Facility 98183
Incharge 26032

Total Grants / Funds Received by CoE

Source of Grant / Fund Agency Name Agency Type Facility exists in Campus (In Rupees)

Section 3 > ii > c : List the Incubation Facilities at the HEI (>= 1500 Sq. Ft. Floor Area)
Total Nos of
Name of the Had the Incubation Facility
Dedicated Had institute spent expenses
Incubation with Funding Provided any Funding Support
Executive/Manag Had institute Generated Income either from own
Name of Incubation Year of Access to Other Schemes for Idea/Prototype/Innovation
Srno Facility Details ement team either from Services Offered by resource/received fund towards
Facility Establishment I&E Facilities at Available with Development and
Strength Incubation Centre/Facilities? Establishment/Operation of
the HEI Incubation Unit, if implementation during the
Engaged at the Incubation Centre/Facilities?
any (Optional) Financial Year 2019-20?

1 Galgotias Center for 2015 Innovation Labs Self ,msme 2 Yes Yes
technical innovation and Dr Yes
Incubation Facility Subha
Incharge sh Total Annual 2320000
Name Kumar Income from
Verma Training and
subhas Development
h.verm Services (In
Facility a@gal Rupees)
Incharge gotiaco
Email llege.e Total Annual 2627344
du Income from
(Technical and
98183 Business)
26032 Mentoring
Services (In

Facility Total Annual 0

Incharge Income from
Phone Office Space
and Rental
Services to
(In Rupees)

Total Grants / Funds Received by Incubation

Source of Grant / Fund Agency Name Agency Type Facility exists in Campus (In Rupees)

Institute's Own Fund / Resource Galgotia college of Engineering and Technology Educational Institute 0
Section 3 > ii > d : List the Innovation Park/Research Park Facilities at the HEI (>= 5000 Sq. Ft. Floor Area)
No Data Flled!

Section 3 > ii > e : List the IPR Cell/Technology Transfer Centre Facilities at the HEI
Name of the
IPR Total Nos of Had the IPR Cell/Technology Had the IPR Cell/Technology
Cell/Technology Dedicated Transfer Centre Provided any Transfer Centre Provided any
Name of IPR Transfer Centre Executive/Manag Funding Support for Had institute Generated Income Funding Support for
Year of Available with
Srno Cell/Technology with Access to Facility Details ement team Idea/Prototype/Innovation either from Services Offered by IPR Idea/Prototype/Innovation/Start
Establishment IPR
Transfer Centre Facility Other I&E Strength Development and Cell/Technology Transfer Centre? up/Venture Development and
Facilities at the Engaged at the implementation during the implementation during the
Transfer Centre,
HEI Facility Financial Year 2019-20? Financial Year 2019-20?
if any (Optional)

1 Centre for Technology 2017 Incubation Unit Self 2 Yes No Yes

and Intellectual Dr.
Properties Rights Ambik
Facilitation Galtotias a
College pathy

Facility y@gal
Incharge gotiaco
Email llege.e

Facility 99909
Incharge 23145

Total Grants / Funds Received by Incubation

Source of Grant / Fund Agency Name Agency Type Facility exists in Campus (In Rupees)

Section 3 > iii > a : Provide detail list of Faculties as Mentor to help Ideas/Innovations/Startups
Years of Experience in Mentorship (In
Srno Name of the Faculty Designation of the Faculty Mentor Expert Area Years)

1 Dr Subhash Kumar Verma Professor Entrepreneurship/Startup Development 20

Name of Idea/Innovation/ Startup Mentored Mentoring Setup [Within (or) Outside] HEI CIN (in case it is Startup)

Reciprocating type wind energy harvesting Within

Smart head phone Within

Drive fly Within

2 Dr.Sandeep saxena Asssociate Professor IPR Protection & Commercialization 5

Name of Idea/Innovation/ Startup Mentored Mentoring Setup [Within (or) Outside] HEI CIN (in case it is Startup)


3 Mr.Yoddha Beer Singh assistant Professor IPR Protection & Commercialization 6

Section 3 > iii > a : Provide detail list of Faculties as Mentor to help Ideas/Innovations/Startups

Name of Idea/Innovation/ Startup Mentored Mentoring Setup [Within (or) Outside] HEI CIN (in case it is Startup)


4 Dr. P Suresh Assistant Professor IPR Protection & Commercialization 3

Name of Idea/Innovation/ Startup Mentored Mentoring Setup [Within (or) Outside] HEI CIN (in case it is Startup)


5 Dr. Rashi Aggarwal Professor IPR Protection & Commercialization 10

Name of Idea/Innovation/ Startup Mentored Mentoring Setup [Within (or) Outside] HEI CIN (in case it is Startup)


6 Dr.A.Ambikapathy Professor IPR Protection & Commercialization 15

Name of Idea/Innovation/ Startup Mentored Mentoring Setup [Within (or) Outside] HEI CIN (in case it is Startup)

Brain Wave Controlled Electric Skateboard Within

Dynamic Demand based Lightining system Within

Sensor based Electronic Gas Stove Within

7 Dr.Lakshmananan Professor IPR Protection & Commercialization 17

Name of Idea/Innovation/ Startup Mentored Mentoring Setup [Within (or) Outside] HEI CIN (in case it is Startup)

Hybrid Quantum Asynchronous Processor (HQAP) with QCEP Within

8 Dr.Sandeep saxena Asssociate Professor Idea/Innovation Development 2

Name of Idea/Innovation/ Startup Mentored Mentoring Setup [Within (or) Outside] HEI CIN (in case it is Startup)

Method for Face Recognition on the Basis of Sketch Using Deep Convolution Neural Network Within



9 Dr Praveen Kumar Maduri Professor Idea/Innovation Development 2

Name of Idea/Innovation/ Startup Mentored Mentoring Setup [Within (or) Outside] HEI CIN (in case it is Startup)


Section 3 > iii > b : Provide detail list of External Experts/Agencies engaged as Mentor to help Ideas/Innovations/Startups
Srno Name of the External Expert/Agency as Mentor Mentor Expert Area Type of Mentorship

1 Mr. Ronak Mustafa Entrepreneurship/Startup Development Unstructured Mentorship

Section 3 > iii > b : Provide detail list of External Experts/Agencies engaged as Mentor to help Ideas/Innovations/Startups
2 Mrs. Anubha Prasad Entrepreneurship/Startup Development Unstructured Mentorship

3 Mr. Sanjay Kumar Majumdar IPR Protection & Commercialization Unstructured Mentorship

4 Dr. B. K Sahu IPR Protection & Commercialization Unstructured Mentorship

5 Dr. Manoj Kumar Das Entrepreneurship/Startup Development Unstructured Mentorship

6 Mr Sonu Prakash Idea/Innovation Development,Entrepreneurship/Startup Development Unstructured Mentorship

7 Mr Ashish Kumar Entrepreneurship/Startup Development Unstructured Mentorship

8 MIND LIGHT IP IPR Protection & Commercialization Unstructured Mentorship

9 CETPA Infotech Pvt.Ltd,Noida Idea/Innovation Development Unstructured Mentorship

10 Voltrans Energy Private Limited Idea/Innovation Development Unstructured Mentorship

11 HERITAGE INDIA PVT LTD Idea/Innovation Development Unstructured Mentorship

12 CLIMATE CARE HYDROPONICS Idea/Innovation Development Unstructured Mentorship

13 ITIKAA ITECH PVT LTD Idea/Innovation Development Unstructured Mentorship

14 MIND MATRIX Idea/Innovation Development Unstructured Mentorship

15 APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES Idea/Innovation Development Unstructured Mentorship

16 Aptron Solution Pvt.Ltd. Noida Idea/Innovation Development Unstructured Mentorship

17 India Exposition Mart Ltd Idea/Innovation Development Unstructured Mentorship

18 Dexler Information Solutions Pvt Ltd Idea/Innovation Development Unstructured Mentorship

Section 4 : List all the Innovations Generated Developed, Completed and Implemented in Ground with Support of Pre-incubation & Incubation facilities at the HEI and
Recognitions Received
ation/ Stage Had the
Stage of Status Innovati
of Innov Pre- Had the on
Name of TRL ation/ Incubati Innovation Convert Had Centre/institute provided any Had the Pre-incubation/Incubation
Had the Innovations raised any
the HEI it Stage on/Incu Received any ed into Financial support (either own Centre/HEI received any
Innov Seed fund/Angel Investment/VC
Name of the Nature Support starte of bation Recognition at Venture/ resource or fund received from income/revenue from
ation during the period of receiving pre-
Srn Innovation Generated Type of of ed d TRL Support State, National, Startup/ agencies) in terms of Seed Idea/Prototype/Innovations for the
Devel incubation/incubation support at
o with the Support of Innovation Innovati Innovati recei reach to International SME Grant/Fund Support to Idea / pre-incubation/incubation support
oped your Pre-incubation/incubation or
HEI on on ving ed as Innovati Level Programs Unit Prototype / Innovations and the services offered by Pre-
by HEI during the financial period
Develop the on on as during the during Development during the financial incubation/incubation or institute
ment Supp 31st on 31st financial period the period 2019-20 during the financial period 2019
ort Marc March 2019-20 financial
durin h 2020 period
g the 2020 2019-20
1 Method for face Product Technol Project Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No
recognition on the Innovation ogical Laborat ty 2: 2: on 15000 Galgotia
bases of sketch using ory Tech Tech Develop college of
deep convolution nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
neural network y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 5500
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 05-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Yoddha Beer Singh Faculty Male ybsingh@galgotiacollege.edu 7838729547

2 Smart military Product Technol Project Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No

equipment logistic Innovation ogical Laborat ty 2: 2: on 20000 Galgotia
system using ory Tech Tech Develop college of
blockchain technology nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 7000
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 09-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Ms. Renu Mishra Faculty Female renu.trivedi@galgotiacollege.edu 8178469975

3 Internet of things and Product Technol Project Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No
online machine Innovation ogical Laborat ty 2: 2: on 16000 Galgotia
learning based system ory Tech Tech Develop college of
for precision nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
agriculture y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 6000
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 16-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Ritesh Srivastava Faculty Male riteshsrivastava@galgotiacollege.edu 7065181997

4 A system and method Product Technol Project Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No
of planting and Innovation ogical Laborat ty 2: 2: on 6000 Galgotia
breeding based on ory Tech Tech Develop college of
internet of things with nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
loud service and y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
service flow method in formu formu technolog
agriculture lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 6300
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 19-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Project Laboratory Faculty Male t.saravanan@galgotiacollege.edu 9952871734

5 Water Quality Analysis Management Technol Water Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No
of Delhi-NCR Process ogical Analytic ty 2: 2: on 12000 Galgotia
s Tech Tech Develop college of
nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 5400
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 23-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr.MOHD OBAID QAMAR Faculty Male obaid@galgotiacollege.edu 9068337191

6 Design of engineered Product Technol water Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No

solar pannel that can Innovation ogical purificati ty 2: 2: on 8000 Galgotia
be walked and driven on Tech Tech Develop college of
upon technolo nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
gy y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 6000
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 25-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr.Tushar Gupta Faculty Male tushar.gupta@galgotiacollege.edu 9453062224

7 Solid Waste Management Technol waste Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No
Management at GCET Process ogical treatme ty 2: 2: on 110000 Galgotia
campus. nt Tech Tech Develop college of
technolo nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
gy y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 7000
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 20-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr.Navneet Kumar Faculty Male navneet@galgotiacollege.edu 9456327651

8 interpretictive Management Technol green Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No

structural modelling of Process ogical construc ty 2: 2: on 60000 Galgotia
barriers of green tion Tech Tech Develop college of
construction technolo nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
gy y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 6500
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 26-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Niranjan Sahoo Faculty Male niranjan.sahoo@galgotiacollege.edu 9453254328

9 To Study the Effect of Process Technol Photovo Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
Partial Shadow on Innovation ogical latic ty 2: 2: on
Photovolatic Array Array Tech Tech Develop
nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr.MD.Shahid Faculty Male mohd.shahid@galgotiacollege.edu 7678571993

10 Dual Axis Solar Product Technol Axis Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
Tracking System Innovation ogical ty 2: 2: on
Tech Tech Develop
nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Thakur Ankit KrishnaKumar Faculty Male ankit.thakur@galgotiacollege.edu 9654321674

11 Substation Monitoring Process Technol Control Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

And Control System Innovation ogical System ty 2: 2: on
Using GSM Using Tech Tech Develop
GSM nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Surendra Pal Faculty Male surendra.pal@galgotiacollege.edu 9811234322

12 Next Step Home Process Technol Next Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
Automation Using Wi- Innovation ogical Step ty 2: 2: on
Fi Module Home Tech Tech Develop
nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Sudhanshu Kumar Faculty Male sudhanshu.mittal@galgotiacollege.edu 9711234324

13 Automatic Solar Based Process Technol Solar Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
Irrigation System Innovation ogical Based ty 2: 2: on
Irrigatio Tech Tech Develop
n nolog nolog ment
System y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Sreedip Ghosh Faculty Male sreedip.ghosh@galgotiacollege.edu 9721543214

14 Speed Control of Process Technol Speed Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

Brushless DC Motor Innovation ogical Control ty 2: 2: on
Using Microcontroller Microco Tech Tech Develop
ntroller nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Danish Eqbal Faculty Male danish.eqbal@galgotiacollege.edu 9891690577

15 Feed forward Process Technol IOT Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
approach for data Innovation ogical ty 2: 2: on
processing in IoT over Tech Tech Develop
cloud nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

M Shahajad Faculty Male shahzad.tyagi@galgotiacollege.edu 9540803884

16 "Master slave Process Technol IOT Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

scheduling Innovation ogical ty 2: 2: on
architecture for data Tech Tech Develop
processing on internet nolog nolog ment
of things" y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

M Shahajad Faculty Male shahzad.tyagi@galgotiacollege.edu 9540803884

17 Analytical Study Of Process Technol Medical Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

Transform Based Innovation ogical Imaging ty 2: 2: on
Techniques On Tech Tech Develop
Medical Images nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mohd Shahahjad Faculty Male shahajad@galgotiacollege.edu 7011071534

18 Performance Process Technol Nano Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No
Evaluation of wireless Innovation ogical Commu ty 2: 2: on 3500 Galgotia
nanosensor Network nication Tech Tech Develop college of
under interference Network nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
s, y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
Elsevier formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 5500
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 17-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Rajneesh Singh Faculty Male rajneesh.singh@galgotiacollege.edu 8285397615

19 Novel Method of Process Technol Internati Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No

Secure Innovation ogical onal ty 2: 2: on 4500 Galgotia
Communication Using Journal Tech Tech Develop college of
Logistic Map of nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
Recent y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
Technol formu formu technolog
ogy and lation lation y
Enginee . .
ring Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 6400
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 18-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Rashi Agarwal Faculty Female rashi.agarwal@galgotiacollege.edu 9818513301

20 Intelligent Software Process Technol Softwar Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No
Agent Innovation ogical e Agent ty 2: 2: on 3500 Galgotia
Tech Tech Develop college of
nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 6300
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 18-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Ms Meena Faculty Female meena.sachdeva@galgotiacollege.edu 9868453292

21 Uses of Intelligent Process Technol E- Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No

Agent in E Commerce Innovation ogical commer ty 2: 2: on 3500 Galgotia
ce Tech Tech Develop college of
nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 7000
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 18-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Ms Meena Faculty Female meena.sachdeva@galgotiacollege.edu 9868453292

22 Network Security Process Technol Network Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No
Implemented With Innovation ogical Security ty 2: 2: on 4500 Galgotia
Intelligent Agent Tech Tech Develop college of
Through Multi-Agent nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
System y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 5600
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 20-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Ms Meena Faculty Female meena.sachdeva@galgotiacollege.edu 9868453292

23 IOT Based Accident Process Technol IOT Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No
Detection and Innovation ogical Based ty 2: 2: on 4500 Galgotia
Notification System Tech Tech Develop college of
nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 5400
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 20-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Kanchan Hans Faculty Female kanchan.hans@galgotiacollege.edu 9711610163

24 Smart suit for women Product Technol Smart Facul TRL TRL Innovati No No No
safety Innovation ogical suit ty 2: 2: on 4000 Galgotia
Tech Tech Develop college of
nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 3000
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 18-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. A Ambikapathy Faculty Female a.ambikapathy@galgotiacollege.edu 9990923145

25 Design of hybrid cold Product Technol Design Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No
stogage system Innovation ogical of nt- 2: 2: on 3500 Galgotia
hybrid Facul Tech Tech Develop college of
cold ty nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
stogage y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
system formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 2000
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 17-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Kalpana chauhan Faculty Female kalpana.chauhan@galgotiacollege.edu 9410559865

26 underwater vehicle Product Technol underw Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No
control Innovation ogical ater nt- 2: 2: on 4500 Galgotia
vehicle Facul Tech Tech Develop college of
control ty nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 1100
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 18-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Ravendra Singh Faculty Male ravendra.singh@galgotiacollege.edu 9811159851

27 Solar Power Product Technol Solar Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No

Generation using Innovation ogical Power nt- 2: 2: on 3500 Galgotia
MPPT fuzzy Generat Facul Tech Tech Develop college of
ion ty nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
using y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
MPPT formu formu technolog
fuzzy lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 2400
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 20-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Prakash chittora Student Male prakash.chittora@galgotiacollege.edu 8010859534

28 Solar Power Inverter Product Technol Solar Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No
Innovation ogical Power nt- 2: 2: on 4500 Galgotia
Inverter Facul Tech Tech Develop college of
ty nolog nolog ment Loan/Investment engineeri
y y Ongoing Agency Name ng and
formu formu technolog
lation lation y
. .
Conc Conc Educatio
ept ept Agency Type nal
and and Institute
applic applic
ation ation
have have Total Loan/Angel 3000
been been Grant Amount Investment/VC
formu formu in Rs Fund raised by
lated. lated. Start-up during the
period of pre-
on support at your
on or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of Investment 20-09-20

Raised 19

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. R N Deo Faculty Male rajesh.narayandeo@galgotiacollege.edu 9540940060

29 Smart Switches Product Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

Innovation ogical Galgotia nt 3: 3: on
s Center Appli Appli Develop
for ed ed ment
Technic resea resea Ongoing
al rch. rch.
Innovati First First
on and labor labor
Incubati atory atory
on tests tests
comp comp
leted; leted;
proof proof
of of
conc conc
ept. ept.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Saurabh Nishad Student Male assaurabh.nishad@outlook.com 971768023

30 Smart Dustbin Based Product Technol Electric Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
on IoT Innovation ogical al nt 2: 1: on
Enginee Tech Basic Develop
ring nolog resea ment
y rch. Ongoing
formu Princi
lation ples
. postu
Conc lated
ept and
and obser
applic ved
ation but
have no
been exper
formu iment
lated. al

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Shalini Lawaniya Student Female danish.equbal@galgotiacollege.edu 9891690577

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Prakhar Shahu Student Male danish.equbal@galgotiacollege.edu 9891690577

Priya Trigunayat Student Female danish.equbal@galgotiacollege.edu 9891690577

31 Automatic Railway Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

GateCrossing Innovation ogical Automat nt 1: 2: on
ic Basic Tech Develop
Railway resea nolog ment
GateCro rch. y Ongoing
ssing Princi formu
ples lation
postu .
lated Conc
and ept
obser and
ved applic
but ation
no have
exper been
iment formu
al lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Prabhakar Awasthi Student Male surendra.pal@galgotiacollege.edu 8266983864

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Swapnil Singh Student Male surendra.pal@galgotiacollege.edu 8266983864

Utkarsh Srivastava Student Male surendra.pal@galgotiacollege.edu 8266983864

Vaibhav Baranwal Student Male surendra.pal@galgotiacollege.edu 8266983864

32 Women Security Process Technol Women Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
system using GSM & Innovation ogical Security nt 1: 1: on
GPS system Basic Basic Develop
using resea resea ment
GSM & rch. rch. Ongoing
GPS Princi Princi
ples ples
postu postu
lated lated
and and
obser obser
ved ved
but but
no no
exper exper
iment iment
al al
proof proof
availa availa
ble. ble.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Swati Gupta Student Female surendra.pal@galgotiacollege.edu 8266983864

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Ripudaman Pratap Saini Student Male surendra.pal@galgotiacollege.edu 8266983864

Dheeraj Yadav Student Male surendra.pal@galgotiacollege.edu 8266983864

Satyam Singh Student Male surendra.pal@galgotiacollege.edu 8266983864

33 Fuel Theft Detection Product Technol Galgotia Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
Innovation ogical s Center nt 2: 2: on
for Tech Tech Develop
Technic nolog nolog ment
al y y Ongoing
Innovati formu formu
on and lation lation
Incubati . .
on Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Medhavi Faculty Female manoj.saini@galgotiacollege.edu 9050282545

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Pankaj Singh Student Male manoj.saini@galgotiacollege.edu 9050282545

Anamika Tripathi Student Female manoj.saini@galgotiacollege.edu 9050282545

Kajol Singh Student Female manoj.saini@galgotiacollege.edu 9050282545

34 Smart Electric Product Technol Galgotia Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
Vechicle Innovation ogical s Center nt 1: 1: on
for Basic Basic Develop
Technic resea resea ment
al rch. rch. Ongoing
Innovati Princi Princi
on and ples ples
Incubati postu postu
on lated lated
and and
obser obser
ved ved
but but
no no
exper exper
iment iment
al al
proof proof
availa availa
ble. ble.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Shah Hussain Student Male pinki.yadav@galgotiacollege.edu 8076198600

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Aarif Hussain Balti Student - pinki.yadav@galgotiacollege.edu 8076198600

Asraj Ali Student - pinki.yadav@galgotiacollege.edu 8076198600

Gaurav Kumar Student - pinki.yadav@galgotiacollege.edu 8076198600

Gopal Kumar Gupta Student - pinki.yadav@galgotiacollege.edu 8076198600

35 IoT based Water Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

Quality Management Innovation ogical nt 2: 2: on
System Tech Tech Develop
nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Md. Saif Malik Student Male pinki.yadav@galgotiacollege.edu 8076198600

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mohammad Tarik Student - pinki.yadav@galgotiacollege.edu 8076198600

Hussain Muzaffar Student - pinki.yadav@galgotiacollege.edu 8076198600

Gaurav Nagar Student - pinki.yadav@galgotiacollege.edu 8076198600

36 IoT Based Smart Product Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
Distance Meter Innovation ogical nt 2: 2: on
Tech Tech Develop
nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Md. Tabish Student Male danish.equbal@galgotiacollege.edu 9891690577

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Harishant yadav Student - danish.equbal@galgotiacollege.edu 9891690577

Gulshan Kumar Student - danish.equbal@galgotiacollege.edu 9891690577

Alok Pratap Student - danish.equbal@galgotiacollege.edu 9891690577

37 Automatic Irrigation Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

System Powered by Innovation ogical nt 2: 2: on
Solar Panel Tech Tech Develop
nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Abhishek Pandey Student Male danish.equbal@galgotiacollege.edu 9891690577

Name Type Gender Email Contact

M. Shadaad Student Male danish.equbal@galgotiacollege.edu 9891690577

Amit Kumar Student Male danish.equbal@galgotiacollege.edu 9891690577

Rituraj Verma Student Male danish.equbal@galgotiacollege.edu 9891690577

38 Smart Electric Tile Product Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No
Innovation ogical nt 2: 2: on 3000
Tech Tech Develop
nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. . Grant Amount
Conc Conc in Rs
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Ratendra Singh Student Male mohd.shahid@galgotiacollege.edu 9911126806

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Brijveer Saini Student Male mohd.shahid@galgotiacollege.edu 9911126806

Sunny Gour Student Male mohd.shahid@galgotiacollege.edu 9911126806

Vidhi Pandey Student - mohd.shahid@galgotiacollege.edu 9911126806

39 Device load monitor Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No

with programmable Innovation ogical nt 2: 2: on 2000
meter for energy audit Tech Tech Develop
nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. . Grant Amount
Conc Conc in Rs
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Avinash Singh Student Male mohd.shahid@galgotiacollege.edu 9911126806

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Vaishnavi Singh Student Female mohd.shahid@galgotiacollege.edu 9911126806

Mandeep Kashyap Student Male mohd.shahid@galgotiacollege.edu 9911126806

40 Industrial Air Purifiers Product Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
Innovation ogical nt 2: 2: on
Tech Tech Develop
nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Shivam Yadav Student Male sunilkumarchaudhary@galgotiacollege.edu 9313426454

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Vaibhav Mani Pandey Student Male sunilkumarchaudhary@galgotiacollege.edu 9313426454

Md. Aamir Student Male sunilkumarchaudhary@galgotiacollege.edu 9313426454

41 Internet of Things (IoT) Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

based Smart Home Innovation ogical nt 2: 2: on
Tech Tech Develop
nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Shubham Patel Student Male lipika.datta@galgotiacollege.edu 8447787890

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Vijendra Singh Student Male lipika.datta@galgotiacollege.edu 8447787890

42 Smart Building Based Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
on IoT Innovation ogical nt 2: 2: on
Tech Tech Develop
nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Arvind Kumar Yadav Student Male dineshprasad@galgotiacollege.edu 8377009418

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Shivank Patel Student Male dineshprasad@galgotiacollege.edu 8377009418

Abhishek Kumar Gupta Student Male dineshprasad@galgotiacollege.edu 8377009418

43 IoT Based Smart Product Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

Helmet Innovation ogical nt 2: 2: on
Tech Tech Develop
nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Abhinav Student Male deepak.joshi@galgotiacollege.edu 9729055515

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Abhishek Anand Student Male deepak.joshi@galgotiacollege.edu 9729055515

Aditya Gupta Student Male deepak.joshi@galgotiacollege.edu 9729055515

Vijay Kumar Student Male deepak.joshi@galgotiacollege.edu 9729055515

44 Shop security system Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
using radio frequency Innovation ogical nt 2: 2: on
wave Tech Tech Develop
nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Nishesh Singh Student Male amit.sharma@galgotiacollege.edu 9873239466

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Ravinder Kumar Student Male amit.sharma@galgotiacollege.edu 9873239466

Ritul Rajput Student Male amit.sharma@galgotiacollege.edu 9873239466

Shikhar Bharadwaj Student Male amit.sharma@galgotiacollege.edu 9873239466

45 Fusion Series (F-1) Product Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

Innovation ogical nt 3: 4: on
Appli Small Develop
ed scale ment
resea protot Complet
rch. ype ed
First built
labor in a
atory labor
tests atory
comp envir
leted; onme
proof nt
of ("ugly
conc "
ept. protot

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Eeshaan Dutt Student Male bipin.srivastava@galgotiacollege.edu 9811888903

46 Digital Attendance Product Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No
Register Innovation ogical nt- 2: 3: on Agen MS 3000
Facul Tech Appli Develop cy ME
ty nolog ed ment Nam
y resea Complet e
formu rch. ed
lation First Gov
. labor t.
Conc atory Agen Age
ept tests cy ncy
and comp Type (Ce
applic leted; ntral Grant Amount
ation proof ) in Rs
have of
been conc
formu ept. Awar No
lated. d/
on /

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Jaya Singh Student Female bipin.srivastava@galgotiacollege.edu 9811888903

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Bipin Srivastava Faculty Male bipin.srivastava@galgotiacollege.edu 9811888903

47 Aqua Purification Plant Product Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

Innovation ogical nt 2: 3: on
Tech Appli Develop
nolog ed ment
y resea Ongoing
formu rch.
lation First
. labor
Conc atory
ept tests
and comp
applic leted;
ation proof
have of
been conc
formu ept.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Shivam Vishwakarma Student Male bipin.srivastava@galgotiacollege.edu 9811888903

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Bipin Srivastava Faculty Male bipin.srivastava@galgotiacollege.edu 9811888903

48 Automated Vertical Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
Farming Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Atul Kumar Student Male rajeev.shakya@galgotiacollege.edu 9454346677

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Rajeev Kumar Shakya Faculty Male rajeev.shakya@galgotiacollege.edu 9454346677

49 ESSX-01 (Flying Exo- Product Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

skeleton Suite) Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Aakash Priyadarshi Student Male sk.tripathi@galgotiacollege.edu 8010381638

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Sandeep Kumar Tripathi Faculty Male sk.tripathi@galgotiacollege.edu 8010381638

50 Rural Boat Product Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

Innovation ogical nt 2: 2: on
Tech Tech Develop
nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.
Name Type Gender Email Contact

Siddharth Student Male sk.tripathi@galgotiacollege.edu 8010381638

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Sandeep Kumar Tripathi Faculty Male sk.tripathi@galgotiacollege.edu 8010381638

51 D G Slate Product Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Ashish Bhardwaj Student Male sk.tripathi@galgotiacollege.edu 8010381638

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Sandeep Kumar Tripathi Faculty - sk.tripathi@galgotiacollege.edu 8010381638

52 Accident Detection Kit Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

using Deep Learning Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Durgesh Kumar Yadav Student Male renu.mishra@galgotiacollege.edu 9540044969

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Ms. Renu Mishra Faculty Female renu.mishra@galgotiacollege.edu 9540044969

Iftisham Anjum Student Male renu.mishra@galgotiacollege.edu 9540044969

53 Directional Location Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
Routing in Vehicular Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Ad-hoc Network Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Kshitiz singh Student Male kamlesh.rana@galgotiacollege.edu 01204513800

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Kamlesh Rana Faculty Male kamlesh.rana@galgotiacollege.edu 01204513800

Ms. Ankita Bhardwaj Faculty Female kamlesh.rana@galgotiacollege.edu 01204513800

54 Face recognition using Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

machine learning Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Apoorv Gupta Student Male jaya.sinha@galgotiacollege.edu 9952871734

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Jaya Sinha Faculty Female jaya.sinha@galgotiacollege.edu 9952871734

Ayush Mohan Verma Student Male jaya.sinha@galgotiacollege.edu 9952871734

55 Respberry Pi based Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No
weather reporting over Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on Agen SC
IOT Facul Tech Tech Develop cy OP
ty nolog nolog ment Nam US
y y Complet e
formu formu ed
lation lation Inte
. . rnati
Conc Conc Agen onal
ept ept cy Age
and and Type ncie
applic applic s
ation ation
have have
been been Awar Pub
formu formu d/ lish
lated. lated. Positi ed
on /

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Anushka Chitransh Student Male t.akilan@galgotiacollege.edu 9176361279

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. T. Akhilan Faculty Male t.akilan@galgotiacollege.edu 9176361279

Annapurna Singh Student Male t.akilan@galgotiacollege.edu 9176361279

56 Smart office Area Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No

Monitoring & Control Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on Agen SC
based on IOT Facul Tech Tech Develop cy OP
ty nolog nolog ment Nam US
y y Complet e
formu formu ed
lation lation Inte
. . rnati
Conc Conc Agen onal
ept ept cy Age
and and Type ncie
applic applic s
ation ation
have have
been been Awar Pub
formu formu d/ lish
lated. lated. Positi ed
on /

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Deep Chandra Verma Student Male dinesh.babu@galgotiacollege.edu 9894666003

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Dinesh Babu Faculty Male dinesh.babu@galgotiacollege.edu 9894666003

Harshit Parihar Student Male dinesh.babu@galgotiacollege.edu 9894666003

Mohit Kumar Gautam Student Male dinesh.babu@galgotiacollege.edu 9894666003

57 Facial Emotion Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
Recognition Using Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Machine Learning Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Nidhi Singh Student Female ybsingh@galgotiacollege.edu 7838729547

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Youddha Beer Singh Faculty Male ybsingh@galgotiacollege.edu 7838729547

Manisha Singh Student Female ybsingh@galgotiacollege.edu 7838729547

58 Application of Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No

Regression tree in Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on 2500
detecting heart Facul Tech Tech Develop
abnormalities ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. . Grant Amount
Conc Conc in Rs
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Nikita Chaudhary Student Female jaya.sinha@galgotiacollege.edu 9952871734

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Jaya Sinha Faculty Female jaya.sinha@galgotiacollege.edu 9952871734

Mahak Saxena Student Female jaya.sinha@galgotiacollege.edu 9952871734

Aishwarya Shukla Student Female jaya.sinha@galgotiacollege.edu 9952871734

59 Autonomous drove Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No
control by ML and IOT Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on 4000
Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. . Grant Amount
Conc Conc in Rs
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Akhil Kushwaha Student Male t.akilan@galgotiacollege.edu 9176361279

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. T. Akhilan Faculty Male t.akilan@galgotiacollege.edu 9176361279

Kartikey Gupta Student Male t.akilan@galgotiacollege.edu 9176361279

60 Human Emotion Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

Recognition using Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
CNN Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Abdul Ajij Ansari Student Male ybsingh@galgotiacollege.edu 7838729547

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Youddha Beer Singh Faculty Male ybsingh@galgotiacollege.edu 7838729547

Ashutosh Singh Student Male ybsingh@galgotiacollege.edu 7838729547

Ayush Kumar Singh Student Male ybsingh@galgotiacollege.edu 7838729547

61 Creating Intelligent Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
Agent in Game Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Anand Dev Sagar Student Male ravikant.nirala@galgotiacollege.edu 9310037183

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Ravi Kant Nirala Faculty Male ravikant.nirala@galgotiacollege.edu 9310037183

Anand Swaroop Tiwari Student Male ravikant.nirala@galgotiacollege.edu 9310037183

Aniket Gupta Student Male ravikant.nirala@galgotiacollege.edu 9310037183

62 Real time survilance Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

system based on facial Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Recognition Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Abhishek Verma Student Male vinit.kumar@galgotiacollege.edu 9971087809

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Vinit Kumar Faculty Male vinit.kumar@galgotiacollege.edu 9971087809

Abhishek Kushwaha Student Male vinit.kumar@galgotiacollege.edu 9971087809

63 Medical Image Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
analysis (alzheimer Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
disease) using image Facul Tech Tech Develop
processing and ty nolog nolog ment
Artificial Intelligence y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Ankit Kumar Student Male abhijeet.20gcebit010@galgotiacollege.edu 8120637188

Name Type Gender Email Contact

- Faculty Male abhijeet.20gcebit010@galgotiacollege.edu 8120637188

Arqaan Ali Student Male abhijeet.20gcebit010@galgotiacollege.edu 8120637188

64 Humidity and Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No

temperature Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on 2500
monitoring using Facul Tech Tech Develop
datamining &IOT ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. . Grant Amount
Conc Conc in Rs
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Aman Kumar Singh Student Male chandra.prabha@galgotiacollege.edu 9599937394

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Ms. Chandra Prabha Faculty Male chandra.prabha@galgotiacollege.edu 9599937394

Aakash Shakya Student Male chandra.prabha@galgotiacollege.edu 9599937394

65 Android App for Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
medical facilities Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

MD ASIF Student Male ak.singh@galgotiacollege.edu 9650136060

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. S.K Singh Faculty Male ak.singh@galgotiacollege.edu 9650136060

Praddhuman Kumar Student Male ak.singh@galgotiacollege.edu 9650136060

66 Smart Door Lock Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

Home Security System Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Abhishek kumar Student Male ravikant@galgotiacollege.edu 9310037183

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Ravi Kant Nirala Faculty Male ravikant@galgotiacollege.edu 9310037183

DEVENDRA CHAUDHARY Student Male ravikant@galgotiacollege.edu 9310037183

67 Unauthorized access Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No
Smart Alarm System Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on 3000
Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. . Grant Amount
Conc Conc in Rs
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

DHANRAJ SHARDHANA Student Male ravikant@galgotiacollege.edu 9310037183

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Ravi Kant Nirala Faculty Male ravikant@galgotiacollege.edu 9310037183

JITENDRA YADAV Student Male ravikant@galgotiacollege.edu 9310037183

68 Movie Prediction Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

System Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

KUMAR ARCHI ANAND Student Male ajeet.bhartee@galgotiacollege.edu 9891139400

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Ajeet Kr. Bhartee Faculty Male ajeet.bhartee@galgotiacollege.edu 9891139400

KAMRAN JAMAL Student Male ajeet.bhartee@galgotiacollege.edu 9891139400

69 Diabetic retinopathy Product Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No
Detection From Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on 4000
Retinal Images Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. . Grant Amount
Conc Conc in Rs
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

AVIKANT CHAHAR Student Male rs.kohli@galgotiacollege.edu 8800745759

Name Type Gender Email Contact

- Faculty Male rs.kohli@galgotiacollege.edu 8800745759

KURUSHRESTHA PRATAP SINGH Student Male rs.kohli@galgotiacollege.edu 8800745759

70 IoT Based Agriculture Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No

Monitoring and Smart Innovation ogical nt- 2: 3: on 4000
Irrigation System Facul Tech Appli Develop
Using Raspberry Pi ty nolog ed ment
y resea Complet
formu rch. ed
lation First
. labor Grant Amount
Conc atory in Rs
ept tests
and comp
applic leted;
ation proof
have of
been conc
formu ept.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Shubham Swami Student Male vishnu.sharma@galgotiacollege.edu 7835878146

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Vishnu Sharma Faculty Male vishnu.sharma@galgotiacollege.edu 7835878146

Somesh Uniyal Student Male vishnu.sharma@galgotiacollege.edu 7835878146

71 SAFE: Simplified Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
Agro-Farmic Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Enumerate Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Shashank Agrahari Student Male manish.kumarsharma@galgotiacollege.edu 9654537965

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Manish Kr. Sharma Faculty Male manish.kumarsharma@galgotiacollege.edu 9654537965

Shivam Punia Student Male manish.kumarsharma@galgotiacollege.edu 9654537965

72 IoT based Smart Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

Waste Management Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
System using Arduino Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Parul Singh Student Female vishnu.sharma@galgotiacollege.edu 7835878146

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Vishnu Sharma Faculty Male vishnu.sharma@galgotiacollege.edu 7835878146

Saurabh Raj Student Male vishnu.sharma@galgotiacollege.edu 7835878146

73 Key Management Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No
using Ant Colony Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Optimization Facul Tech Tech Develop
Technique ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Paridhi Baliyan Student Female Inderpreet.kaur@galgotiacollege.edu 9899558735

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Inderpreet Kaur Faculty Female Inderpreet.kaur@galgotiacollege.edu 9899558735

Prakhar Chandra Student Male Inderpreet.kaur@galgotiacollege.edu 9899558735

74 Voice Emotion Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

Recognition and Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
response Generation Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Piyush Tiwari Student Male ajeet.bhartee@galgotiacollege.edu 9891139488

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Ajeet Kr Bhartee Faculty Male ajeet.bhartee@galgotiacollege.edu 9891139488

Shaah Ateeb Ahmed Student Male ajeet.bhartee@galgotiacollege.edu 9891139488

75 Real time generic Product Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No
object dedection and Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on 4000
tracking Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. . Grant Amount
Conc Conc in Rs
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Utsav Jain Student Male ajeet.bhartee@galgotiacollege.edu 9891139488

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Ajeet Kr. Bharti Faculty Male ajeet.bhartee@galgotiacollege.edu 9891139488

Shivank Gahlot Student Male ajeet.bhartee@galgotiacollege.edu 9891139488

76 Human Activity Process Technol Stude TRL TRL Innovati No No No No No

Identification using Innovation ogical nt- 2: 2: on
Smartphone data Facul Tech Tech Develop
ty nolog nolog ment
y y Ongoing
formu formu
lation lation
. .
Conc Conc
ept ept
and and
applic applic
ation ation
have have
been been
formu formu
lated. lated.

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Tushar Dubey Student Male manish.kumar2@galgotiacollege.edu 9654537965

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Mr. Manish Kr Sharma Faculty Male manish.kumar2@galgotiacollege.edu 9654537965

Shashwat Singh Tomar Student Male manish.kumar2@galgotiacollege.edu 9654537965

Nilesh Patel Student Male manish.kumar2@galgotiacollege.edu 9654537965

Section 5 : List all the Ventures/Startups/SME Units Established with Support of Pre-incubation & Incubation facilities at the HEI
Centre/ Has
HEI the
receive Start-
d any up
income Grown
/revenu to a
e from
Name stage
of the of
What is the /startup
Pre- Employ
current status for the
Name of the Incubat Had the venture/startup raised ment
of Pre- Had Centre/institute provided pre-
Venture/Sta Type of ion/Inc any Seed fund/Angel Genera
Vent Year Incubation/Inc Had the Venture Received any any Financial support (either incubat
rtup/SME Innovation Nature ubation Investment/VC during the period tion to
ure of ubation Recognition at State, National, own resource or fund received ion/inc
Srn Unit of of Unit of of receiving pre- 10
Foun Venture Registerd as Regi Support to International Level Programs from agencies) in terms of Seed ubation
o Established Venture/Sta Innovat HEI incubation/incubation support at Numbe
ded strati Venture/ during the financial period 2019- Grant/Fund Support to Venture support
with the rtup/SME ion Suppor your Pre-incubation/incubation or rs or an
by on Startup/ SME 20? establishment during the and the
Support of Unit ted HEI during the financial period annual
Unit as on financial period 2019-20 service
HEI Innovat 2019-20 Turnov
31st March s
ion er to
2020? offered
Develo Rs. 50
by Pre-
pment Lakhs
incubat during
ion/inc the
ubation financi
or al year
institut 2019-
e 20

1 Mensho Market- Non- 4484 Facu 2019 Graduated No No No No No

India place Techno lty Venture with 08814604 -20 from the
Private. Ltd Innovation logical Corporate Incubation unit
Number (CIN)

Name DIN number Type Gender Email Contact

Dr.Vipin Kumar Srivastva 08814604 Faculty Male vipin.srivastva@galgotiacolle 01204513800


- - Faculty Male - -

2 Fuelix Product Techno 4484 Stud 2019 Graduated No No No No

International Innovation, logical ent Venture with U3190UP2 -20 from the 15000
Private Managemen Corporate 019PTC121 Incubation unit Grant Amount
Limited t Process Identification 599 in Rs
Number (CIN)

Name DIN number Type Gender Email Contact

Kushagra Singh 08570918 Faculty and Student Male fuelixinternational@gmail.co 8999999927


Praveen Kumar Madurai 08570919 Faculty Male fuelixinternational@gmail.co 8999999927

3 Samocha Service Non- 4484 Stud 2019 Graduated No No No No No
Venture Innovation Techno ent Venture with U55101UP -20 from the
Private logical Corporate 2019PTC11 Incubation unit
Limited Identification 6530
Number (CIN)

Name DIN number Type Gender Email Contact

Akash Sagar 08442016 Student Male shivendra.gupta55@gmail.co 01204513800


Shivendra Gupta 08442015 Student Male shivendra.gupta55@gmail.co 01204513800


4 NEXOCUB Product Techno 4485 Stud 2019 Graduated No No No

E Innovation logical ent U32109UP -20 from the 15000 Loan/Investment
TECHNOLO 2018PTC11 Incubation unit Agency Name
LTD Agency Type

Total Loan/Angel
Fund raised by
Venture with Start-up during
Corporate the period of pre-
Grant Amount incubation/incuba
Identification in Rs tion support at
Number (CIN)
Registration your Pre-
tion or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of

Name DIN number Type Gender Email Contact

Saurabh Nishad 08216260 Faculty and Student Male saurabh_nishad@outlook.co 01204513800


- - - Male - -
5 RECA Product Techno 4485 Stud 2019 Received No No Yes
SOLUTION Innovation logical ent U72900BR -20 Incubation 15000 Loan/Investment
PVT LTD 2020PTC04 Support from Agency Name
7783 Incubation
Unit Agency Type

Total Loan/Angel
Fund raised by
Venture with Start-up during
Corporate the period of pre-
Grant Amount incubation/incuba
Identification in Rs tion support at
Number (CIN)
Registration your Pre-
tion or institute
financial period
2019-20 (in

Date of

Name DIN number Type Gender Email Contact

AKASH 08570918 Faculty and Student Male info@reca.org.in 01204513800

Section 7 > i : List all the Collaborations with External Agencies and Co-Creation of I&E Activities by the HEI
No. of Student
Projects/ Ideas / Date of MOU /
Innovation / Startups
Srno Collaborated Agency Name Collaborated Agency Type Purpose of Collaboration Type of Support Offered Agreement Signed
from the HEI get on
benefitted through
this partnership

1 Infosys Corporate / Industry Association Providing (or) Receiving Mentor and Handholding Support to Mentoring 140 28-01-2019
Support I&E Activities

2 Dexler Information Solutions Pvt Ltd Corporate / Industry Association Providing (or) Receiving Mentor and Handholding Support to Mentoring 140 05-07-2019
Support I&E Activities

3 India Exposition Mart Ltd Corporate / Industry Association Providing (or) Receiving Incubation/Pre-Incubation Support Networking 120 10-01-2019
Services to Innovators/Startups

4 Aptron Solution Pvt.Ltd. Noida Sector-2 Corporate / Industry Association Providing (or) Receiving Incubation/Pre-Incubation Support Incubation,Networking 37 11-05-2019
Services to Innovators/Startups

5 APPWARS TECHNOLOGIES Corporate / Industry Association Providing (or) Receiving Mentor and Handholding Support to Mentoring 17 12-01-2019
Support I&E Activities

6 MIND MATRIX Corporate / Industry Association Providing (or) Receiving Mentor and Handholding Support to Pre-incubation 250 13-05-2019
Support I&E Activities

7 ITIKAA ITECH PVT LTD Corporate / Industry Association Collaboration with Startups/Industry Associations/Knowledge Mentoring 130 10-04-2019
Agencies to Promote I&E Activities and/or Internship Opportunities

8 CLIMATE CARE HYDROPONICS Corporate / Industry Association Collaboration with Startups/Industry Associations/Knowledge Mentoring 31 18-12-2019
Agencies to Promote I&E Activities and/or Internship Opportunities

9 HERITAGE INDIA PVT LTD Corporate / Industry Association Collaboration with Startups/Industry Associations/Knowledge Mentoring 15 20-01-2020
Agencies to Promote I&E Activities and/or Internship Opportunities

10 Voltrans Energy Private Limited Corporate / Industry Association Providing (or) Receiving Mentor and Handholding Support to Mentoring 60 01-02-2020
Support I&E Activities

11 CETPA Infotech Pvt.Ltd,Noida Corporate / Industry Association Providing (or) Receiving Mentor and Handholding Support to Mentoring 15 19-03-2019
Support I&E Activities
Section 8 > ii : List the IPs Filed/Published/Granted (Copyright & Designs Only) by the HEI as an Applicant / Co-applicant / Co-owner
Has this IP(Copyright
Date of Copy of receipt / Current Status of & Designs Only) been
Copyright /
Title/Name of IP(Copyright & Type of IP(Copyright & Designs IP(Copyright & Designs Only) Registration Number of application IP(Copyright & Commercialized/Tran
Srno Application Level Design IP Filed/
Designs Only) Only) Copyright/Design screenshot Designs Only) as on sferred to
Published [PDF or Image 31st March 2020 Industry/Startup/Socie
(Year, Month) ty?

1 Sensor based electronic gas IPRFiledPublished 201911037111 National 2019 - 09 Uploaded Filed No

Department/Centre Name


Section 8 > iii : List the IP (Patents only) Filed by the HEI as Applicant / Co-applicant / Co-owner
Copy of receipt / application
Srno Title/Name of Patent IP Registration Number Date of Filed/Published (Year, Month) Application Level screenshot [PDF or Image]

1 Method for Face Recognition on the Basis of 201941045946 National 2019 - 11 Uploaded
Sketch Using Deep Convolution Neural

2 Brain wave controlled electric skate board 201911035498 National 2019 - 09 Uploaded

3 Dynamic demand based lightning 201911037112 National 2019 - 09 Uploaded

4 A Method for Adjustable Vehicle Dimension 201911037113 National 2019 - 09 Uploaded

5 System and method for material segregation 201911036470 National 2019 - 10 Uploaded

6 Mobile switch control through Iot 201911051647 National 2019 - 12 Uploaded

7 Hybrid Quantum Asynchronous Processor 201911031043 National 2019 - 08 Uploaded

(HQAP) with QCEP

8 Compact Planar Superwideband Equal 201911031519 National 2019 - 08 Uploaded

Power Divider / Combiner for RF &
Microwave Applications

9 Artificial Drone 201911035494 National 2019 - 09 Uploaded

10 Real time assistance for medical patient's 201911044029 National 2019 - 10 Uploaded
and old age people

11 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BASED 201911033264 National 2019 - 09 Uploaded


12 A NOVEL SECURE ARCHITECTURE 201941049454 National 2019 - 12 Uploaded


13 COMPUTER IMPLEMENTED METHOD FOR 201911046972 National 2019 - 11 Uploaded


14 Water Harvesting and Multiple energy 202011006608 National 2020 - 02 Uploaded

Harvesting System

15 RFID Controlled Solar First-Aid Vending 202011006606 National 2020 - 02 Uploaded


16 Hybrid Induction Gas Smart Stove 202011006607 National 2020 - 02 Uploaded

17 DEEP CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL 202011009400 National 2020 - 03 Uploaded

18 Machine learning based system for prediction 202011004965 National 2020 - 02 Uploaded
of setup security- failure of Artificial lift

19 Road-transport for Daily Essential Services 201911050534 National 2019 - 09 Uploaded


20 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR 202011004491 National 2020 - 02 Uploaded


21 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MEDICATION 202011007592 National 2020 - 02 Uploaded


22 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR HIGH 202011004730 National 2020 - 02 Uploaded


23 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR 202011004322 National 2020 - 01 Uploaded


24 Sensor based electronic controlled Gas 201911037111 National 2019 - 09 Uploaded


25 CYBERNETICS PLANT 202041009615 National 2020 - 03 Uploaded

Section 8 > v : List the IPs hold by the Innovation teams/Startups Incubated at the Pre-incubation/incubation Unit of the HEI
No Data Flled!

Section 8 > vi : List the IP Commercialized/Transferred Published & Granted to HEI as Co-applicant/Co-owner
No Data Flled!
The ARIIA Committee
MHRD’s Innovation Cell
New Delhi

Joint Declaration by the Head of the Institute and Nodal Officer

Dear Sir,
Herewith, myself Dr. Brijesh Singh (Head of Institute) and Dr. Praveen Kumar Maduri (Nodal Officer) jointly declaring on behalf of our institute is that all the information submitted are
true and correct to best of our knowledge.
Thank you

The Head of Institute Nodal officer

Dr. Brijesh Singh Dr. Praveen Kumar Maduri

Head of the Institution, Nodal Officer,
GREATER NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh GREATER NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh

Responsibility for accuracy and authenticity of data lies with the concerned institution.

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