VDOT Open Roads Guide
VDOT Open Roads Guide
VDOT Open Roads Guide
Guide and
Frequently Asked
Proposed File Organization
Create separate design files for sheet reference (d######des) and for OpenRoads model
reference (d######model). The des file would be completely independent and would have no
association with the model or OpenRoads. The model file‘s 2D model could be referenced to the
des file and the line work within would contain the EPs and sidewalk across driveways and
• d######des – Plan sheet reference file will include all plan drafted items minus anything
used to create the model.
• d######model – Master model file should contain the OpenRoads Alignment, Profiles,
Super Elevation. Eps, Corridor References/Point Controls, and Corridor Models.
• d######model_rte622 – Major connections may benefit from having their own model
files. However, this may limit the functionality of having dynamic intersections. This
would only be worth considering for very large projects.
• d######prof – Profile file to be referenced on the sheets. This file will look the same as
we have formerly done. The OpenRoads profile must be exported to Geopak, then
drawn in the d######prof file in order to be labeled properly and referenced on the
• ######.itl – The template library used for the project. In-house VDOT users should save
this file in the Geopak project folder.
Basically all work is done in Seed2D (line work and modeling work). When 3D elements are
referenced/created, a Seed2D-3D model (actual 3D) is created. This model is automatically
referenced to your Seed2D view. It can be turned off to reduce clutter.
Setup and Outline of Work
1. d######model – Attach the file with the 3D terrain model (possibly sdt###### or
scr######) and set as the active terrain model. If only a .TIN file was provided, see
"Creating a Terrain Model from a .TIN" below. See "Creating a Terrain Model from a .TIN"
2. d######model – Create baseline in OpenRoads. Station the baseline and name it. Export
to Geopak. "Complex by PI" is recommended for creating the baseline. Using traditional
methods and featurizing your line work to create a baseline is not recommended, but if
needed it will work well but modifications will be easiest to do if you used "Complex by PI.
4. d######model – Draw and label baseline from geopak. You can create line work (E.P.s,
etc.) by offsetting the baseline. Use OpenRoads tools to offset and create line work (from
the OpenRoads baseline) if you want to be able to preserve design intent and take
advantage of the dynamic features of OpenRoads. This works well but does tend to really
slow down the processing time. From the issues seen it would be recommended that you
use traditional methods of creating your line work and featurize it afterwards.
5. d######model – Create Corridor Model from baseline. Create Templates and Template
Drops. See other sections in this document.
6. d######model – Add relevant line work as Corridor References for the Corridor, or use
Point Controls (see below).
7. d######model – create superelevation shapes from the corridor. Can either be imported
from .CSV or generated by OpenRoads.
9. d######model – Use linear templates and surface templates to create radial returns and tie
intersections together.
10. d######prof/xsheet/etc – Export baselines and profiles to geopak, draw labeling, create
annotated profile in prof file, prepare plan sheets. If corridor model is located in the des file,
turn off all modeling elements in the plan sheets, including Construction class items, working
lines, etc.
11. d######des – This file would be used to place all other items to be display on the plan
sheets. Reference d######model to copy in linework needed for the plan sheets (EPs,
curbing, shoulders, etc).
All of these steps would be done in the d######des file. If you use this option you can run the
risk of file corruption.
Terrain Model (Existing Terrain)
Some Projects have a terrain model already in the SDT file that could be used in OpenRoads.
The CADD section is working with the Survey Section to get the terrain model incorporated into
their deliverables. On most projects you will need to create a terrain model in its own file since
one does not already exist. All you need is the TIN file.
Check if the contours match the TIN file. Sometimes it will not. In this case, use Load DTM
Features in Geopak to draw triangles and the TIN hull, and then create a terrain model from
elements using the mesh as soft break lines and hull as a boundary.
Corridor Re-associate
There is now an option in OpenRoads that will allow users to change or re-associate horizontal
and vertical alignments. At the MicroStation Key-in, key-in “Corridor Reattach” and follow the
• Locate Corridor
• Locate Corridor Baseline (your new alignment)
• Locate Profile Element You will then see your corridor modified in your plan view.
Drawing Vertical Alignment
• Open new view for profile, use "Open Profile Model" tool. Must be done in the same file as
the baseline and where the corridor will be.
• Existing ground should automatically appear, if not, check your Active Terrain Model, check
• The "Vertical Curve Parameter" may default to the R-value instead of the K-value. To fix it,
go to Settings->Design File->Civil Formatting and change Vertical Curve Parameter to K
• For connections, use "Profile Intersection Point" tool to select EPs and CLs of mainline to
start profile, or use "Quick Profile from Surface" and select the mainline corridor.
• For mainline, use "Profile Complex by VPI" tool to draw rough profile. The profile can be
adjusted and optimized by moving the handles afterwards.
• To tie to existing at a vertical curve, you may want to determine the curve tie location
beforehand, and then use "Parabola From Element" once you know K and L. This will
preserve handles without drawing extraneous lines at the tie point.
• Otherwise, draw other lines as necessary using Complex by VPI, or else drawing individual
lines and connecting with "Parabola Between Elements". If necessary, connect all with
Complex by Elements.
• For an overlay/widening job, a trick to minimize the overlay depth is to draw a complex
(horizontal baseline) for the existing roadway high point (crown or superelevated high side),
set the active profile for this baseline as the existing ground, then use "Profile By Slope
From Element" to project this point to your proposed baseline at your proposed cross slope.
This line will show you how low your proposed profile can be (minimum overlay) without
cutting the existing pavement.
Set Up:
Save the template library file (.itl) to the projects geopak project folder. That way, the template
library will be archived with the project files at milestones.
To modify templates, use "Create Template" to modify the template library, and then use
"Synchronize Template" to update a Template Drop.
If you use "Edit Template Drop". The template is only modified in the corridor and does not
change in the template library. The templates can easily be copied to the library if desired; this
ensures that templates can be easily referenced by other projects, and that inconsistencies can
be avoided.
Template Library Organizer can be used to copy templates from you active file or from one
library to another.
• Click on the "..." button to the right to navigate to the location above and open the
desired .itl file or from active file.
• Click and drag templates and components you need from the right to the left pane.
When designing templates, think about overrides you might use (point controls or end condition
exceptions). If you might use point controls to define a ditch profile, use slope and vertical
to constraint the ditch bottom, not slope and ditch width.
Corridor Objects
Point Controls:
• Point Controls - To control cross section points with line work this method uses the
template point name which can be picked form a list or graphically selected from the
dynamic cross section view. This option has the most power in that it can control a point
in three ways, horizontally, vertically, or both. It also has options to offset from an
element. The point name can be found in the point properties.
• Use: To force ditch elevations to follow a ditch profile, to draw median curb that crosses
the centerline on crowned roads, for line work on divided highways or other projects with
multiple lines of the same feature if corridor references won't work. Also, superelevation
is automatically assigned as a point control. Works best if you create a complex chain
from line work to make a single element if possible.
• Corridor External References - Simpler and easier, but only can control horizontal
• To control cross section points with line work, this is based on an option on the template
point properties. When checked on with a feature listed and a range distance set the
software will look for the feature once added in the External References. Use "Add
Corridor External Reference" to add the featurized drawn line work to the model.
• Use: To vary shoulder slopes, side slopes, ditch slopes, recoverable slope widths,
graded shoulder widths, etc. Generally variables that cannot be controlled by line work. It
is also used to set the pavement depths. We can also use it to turn off or 0 out layers or
other things like recoverable slopes or shoulders. If your shoulders are defined with
corridor references, but disappear near the ends of the project, you can use a parametric
constraint to set the width to zero. With this option the template could be modified
without actually editing the template.
• Use: To force ditches or other local side slope/tie-in conditions that varies from the main
template(s). Parametric constraints are recommended if the modification is simple (see
When creating super elevation shapes it is recommend to do the in the d######model file:
• Create Superelevation Sections works best if a single section is setup rather than a
section per curve. The only advantage we have setting up multiple sections or per curve
are that we can set different speeds per section. Setting a single section for the length of
the project makes backing up and restoring the super input much easier. This also
allows for the user to use the .csv input file to create or modify the super. To create a
single section use minimum tangent length that is longer that the alignment. For example
10000 works for most projects.
• Create Superelevation Lanes there is a tool on the superelevation editor that will create
the lanes based off of the template or you can set them up manually through the
o Calculate in OpenRoads
Use Calculate Superelevation tool and pick the SEP file and choose the
correct settings.
Use the Superelevation Editor and modify items manually (Click the "Add
New" button to add new super points
o Import from CSV file.
Either: use the Calculate Super elevation tool, then use Super
elevation Report and save the SuperelevationToCSV.xsl to a
.CSV file and modify as desired in Microsoft Excel. Make sure you
have the format options set to four places.
Or: copy from another project if desired.
If you are using the CSV file to edit the super. Once you have set
it up to be what you want, you should stick to editing the CSV file,
as it could get confusing trying to use the Superelevation Editor
and the CSV file.
When modifying your initial CSV file to be exactly what you want. Make
sure that the superelevation lanes match what you've created.If it
does not match you can change the name in the CSV file or you can use
Element Info to rename the lanes. The LS and RS are the side that the
lane is rotated around, not the side of the baseline it is on. The point type
(FSIN, NC, etc) really does not matters other than clarity when reviewing.
This is an example of the .csv file.
You might need to process the corridor, or even re-Assign the Superelevation to Corridor to get
the new transitions to take effect if they do not automatically.
Civil Cells Information
We have had user call with issues with placing the Civil Cells. Bentley has tested our Civil Cell
and provided this table with the results. VDOT has Bentley working to fix the issues with the
Civil Cells and to provide better instruction on the placement and modifications of them.
The following table shows the results of VDOT Civil Cell placement/editing testing meant to test
stability of the cells.
ADA Ramps
Partial failure on
testing geometry
ADA_B Not Tested
ADA_C Not Tested
Seam Line doesn’t
hold up. It would if it
wasn’t offset 0.5 from
VDOT Drive Rural No Drive CL. There is a
parabolic profile on
the EOP of Drive
which isn’t active but
doesn’t place well.
Didn’t hold up on
VDOT Drive Urban No testing Geometry
Median Openings
Some Civil Cells do not really work at this time as seen in the table above, but are basically
composed of Surface Templates and Linear Templates. Below is a method to model an
intersection from scratch using this method (not using Civil Cells). Three of the most
common different types of intersections must be kept in mind to ensure they are modeled
correctly: single plane (tabled) intersections, crowned intersections (with no modifications to the
major road), and intersections with a right turn lane (on the major road). With a little creativity,
the methods described below can be used to create more complex intersections, such as
roundabouts. The basic approach is to define as much as you can with your corridors/template
drops for design consistency, and use surface and linear templates to model warped areas.
Complete Corridor Elements:
1. Create mainline (major road) corridor. Typically the major road should be designed with
a standard typical section and the minor road will be warped (described below) to meet
it. If the entire intersection is tabled (single plane) to provide free-flow design to the
minor road as well, it is recommended that the mainline typical be constructed normally,
but then superelevated (using superelevation shapes) to create this tabling, and the
minor road warped (described below) to meet the tabled mainline. However, if there is
not complete mainline reconstruction (the project is on the minor road and the major
road is only a transition area of the project)) it may be better to model the entire
intersection using a terrain model->surface template.
3. Create connection profile. Use tools such as "Quick Profile from Surface" and "Profile
Intersection Point" to get the location of your mainline EP and cross slope (CL to EP) to
tie from. Profile must begin at or inside of the match line (the point at which the mainline
will begin to warp; outside of the through lanes at least). See below for the match line
4. Create connection corridor and/or line work. There are 3 main possibilities here:
• Tie in at back of radius (or within the radius): no additional line work needed besides
what is described in the next section.
• Short connection: Create EP lines and set their profiles by using "Profile By Slope
From Element" from the connection baseline, or else draw the EP profiles
• Long connection: Create line work, a corridor, template, template drop, etc, as you
did for the mainline.
Create Boundary and Profile Lines:
2. (4) Matchline on the minor road:
• Set Feature to Modeling-Seam_Line
• Vertical:
• If your return requires a curb return profile in the plans, make sure the horizontal and
vertical are named properly for export to Geopak.
• You need to determine the tie elevations and grades at each end.
Method 1: Use "Quick Profile from Surface". This will only work if your corridor
has not been trimmed at all yet, and overlaps the radial section.
Method 2 (best): Use "Profile By Slope from Element" from both baselines using
the roadway cross slope. This should work very well unless you're in a super
Method 3: View the profiles of the immediate upstream and downstream EPs.
Use Quick Profile from Surface from the corridor to get elevation and slope at
your radial tie.
If tying to existing ground, you can draw a temporary line beyond the tie and view
its existing ground profile to get the slope of existing ground at the radial tie.
Method 4: You can use the "Quick Profile Transition" tool, which will
automatically tie. This usually does not give what you want, and does not work
well if not set up well.
• Draw the proposed profile using normal means that ties smoothly at the ends with
the right elevation and slope.
• You need to come off the tie slopes very slowly, since the radial return typically starts
very close to the travelway (can get very steep easily).
If Method 2 was used above (as recommended) you use can follow the baseline as
long as possible to create a smooth transition.
• Vertical curves should be used, but only need to meet a low speed (15-25 mph). K=
3-12 for crests and K= 5-14 for sags, or less if very low volume (private).
• Of course, make sure to set your proposed profile as the active profile, once drawn.
The next step is to actually create the intersection pavement. Make sure you have all the
required elements (see above). You need lines that define the horizontal and vertical (make
sure there is an active profile) for the entire boundary of your warped intersection area. You will
also want a crown line ((6) above) to warp out the crown smoothly and ensure that your through
movement will be modeled as profiled.
1. In your project's template library, create a copy of a pavement structure template (like
Asphalt Concrete w/ Aggr. Base - 1 Ln) and modify as necessary.
2. Use Terrain Model->Create from Elements. Set Feature Type to Boundary, Edge
Method to None, Feature Definition to (Surface-Boundary?) and give it a logical name.
Select all boundary elements ((1), (2), (3), (4), (5)) to create the terrain model.
3. Use Terrain Model->Add Features. Set Feature Type to Break Line and select the
trimmed piece of connection centerline (6).
4. In 3D Geometry, use the Apply Surface Template tool. Select the Terrain Model just
created and choose No for "Apply External Clip Boundary". Choose the template just
5. Check that your pavement is modeled correctly. Look at the 3D view to verify triangles,
and check the Dynamic Cross Sections.
Note that multiple surface templates can be applied to a single intersection terrain model by
applying an external clip boundary when creating the surface template. This will be necessary if
the pavement design changes in the intersection area, or if there is overlay and full depth
The final step is to create the roadside along the intersection EPs (shoulder, curb/gutter,
sidewalk, ditch, tie slopes, etc).
Clip Connection (only applies if you have a Corridor for the connection)
• Just the change the end station of the template drop to coincide with your connection
Clip Mainline
• If your mainline matchline is set to the right level, add your matchline as a Corridor
• If it is still not working correctly, check parent-child relationships in the template, and
check that seam-seek points are working properly.
Check Geometry
• Use the dynamic cross section viewer to make sure all ties are clean (no gaps or
overlaps). If there are unnecessary elements showing (like terrain models) turn off or
change levels.
• You can even view cross sections along the radial returns to see how the slopes are
tying it, etc.
Modify Parameters
• Adjust the template in your template library for your intersection to change pavement
depths. If there is overlay and widening, an additional template may be necessary.
• Use parametric constraints, point controls, and/or corridor references to smoothly
transition your radial return roadside
Showing Existing Pavement
Before you create static cross sections, incorporate the existing pavement into your model if you
want it to show up.
This method works as well as Geopak did at drawing existing pavement, which means it may
get confused by intersections, parking lots, etc, unless you modify the EP lines used as point
controls. In the end, it would usually require some manual adjustments to be correct
Static Cross Sections (Cross Section Sheets)
See here for changes to make in cross section preference options. To generate static cross
Create Stack:
8. Use the "Annotate Cross Section" tool under Corridor Modeling. Select 5_Sc or 10_Sc
under preferences.
9. Make sure the correct surface is selected. Apply.
10. Use the old Geopak-Proposed Cross Sections to draw ROW. Make sure the XS model is
open in the XS file, and that the Pattern-By Station matches exactly the stack cells.
Create Sheets:
11. Use Geopak to create sheets referencing the stack file. Be sure to set the Element
Search Criteria to include relevant named levels. Again, make sure the right model is
open in the stack file. If cross sections are being drawn too few on a sheet, "Maximum
Vertical Size" may need to be modified.
Extracting a Single Cross Section
To draw a cross section at an intermediate station, as necessary or requested by others:
1. In the d######des file: "Create Key Station" to insert a key station at the desired
location. This step is not necessary, but insures that the cross section will be accurate
and will tie to the existing ground.
3. Select VDOT XS 5 or 10 under Preferences. Choose "Single Station" and enter value.
Construction Limits
Option 1: Explode cross section pavement shapes in stack file. Run geopak construction limits.
Option 2: Make a copy of the file with the Corridor Model in it. Explode the Corridor Model
outline into line strings. Manually change the line styles of the former corridor outline into cuts
and fills.
VDOT is working on setting up a feature option so that this will be drawn the construction limits
in plan view correctly based off of the catch points in the template, at the same time a VBA is
being written to place the cut and fill symbol correctly on the plans.
• Keep in mind: It is difficult to copy alignments and profiles between files, and even more
difficult (perhaps impossible) to preserve handles (design intent/adjustability).
• When using template points, make sure the Range for the Horizontal feature constraint
(Edit Point) is far enough out to be detected.
• Seam line not working right? Make sure every component in the template has a parent.
Stray lines out in space in Dynamic Cross sections
In the 2D-3D model view, turn off all extra references that are not needed in the cross
You can also turn it back on, or even change the delay here (defaults to ½ second).
• Turn off the "Use Active Annotation Scale" toggle for the Reference (see Reference
• Go to the Settings for the Reference and set the Global Line Style Scale to Reference
• Don't delete an active profile without first making it inactive.
• If vertical curves will not export to geopak, check to make sure that they are parabolic, not
Question: Why did VDOT choose not to use the auto annotate option in the alignment feature?
Answer: When turning on auto annotate option, you must also turn on auto update. After
looking at this option, it was a consensus that this option had draw backs. If the items get
deleted then they are deleted from the (GPK) database without prompting the user. As it is now
this allows for users to create multiple alignments and profiles then decide which ones get sent
to the (GPK). Also the (GPK) can be used as a backup tool and alignment and profiles can be
restored in a file or used in other models.
Answer: For OpenRoads, plans production is done by exporting the alignments to the native
geometry database (GPK) and using the D&C manager to annotate the alignments. This is the
same method VDOT has been using.
Answer: For OpenRoads, plans production is done by exporting the profiles to the native
geometry database (GPK) and using the annotation and sheeting tools available in the native
toolset. This is the same method VDOT has been using.
Question: How I place sheet numbers and project numbers on cross section sheets produced
by open roads?
Answer: After creating the sheets use these command to array the project number and place
the sheet number at an increment. The 100 is the number of sheets that is a generic default
number. If there are 25 sheets, this number would be 25.
Project Numbers
Array Text: Use this key in command for 10 Scale (Point Distance=230.0,90|100)
Array Text: Use this key in command for 5 Scale (Point Distance=115.0,90|100)
Sheet Numbers
Question: How do you generate a stack of cross section in OpenRoads that can be used in the
old version of Geopak?
Answer: Use the create cross section option under the Corridor Modeling task menu. Choose
preferences and pick the option for Geopak Stack.
Question: What’s the best or easiest way to take the cross section from the model to another
Answer: In the cross section model use the place fence command then choose the option to
Copy/Move contents to another file. Use the default settings of clip and copy to create the new
file with the cross sections in it.