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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 2 Marketing Planning and Processes

Submission date 07/12/2021 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Vu Dang Quang Huy Student ID GBH210803

Class GBH1013 Assessor name Dam Phuong Lien

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature Huy

Grading grid

P1 P2 M1 M2 D1
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

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1. Introduction

Today people already know that marketing is widespread and recognized as a special management
function as well as organizing, recruiting, financing and production in the company. Marketing is
responsible for generating revenue and directly contributing to the growth of the organization. This
report will explain how marketing is the key function of business, and analyzes and evaluates the roles
and responsibilities of the marketing function.

2. The definition of Marketing

Marketing is a business function and a set of procedures engaged in generating, providing and
communicating value to customers, followed by customer relationship management, leading in mutual
advantage for the company and its stakeholders. Marketing is also the science of choosing target
markets through market analysis and segmentation, with a comprehensive knowledge of buying
behaviour aimed at delivering the best value to the client (MBA Crystal Ball, 2021).

3. Overview of the marketing process to reflect the key roles of


Source: (IEDUNOTE, 2021)

The marketing process includes 5 steps as shown above.

Step 1: Understanding The Marketplace And Customer Needs And Wants

The role of marketing in this step is to conduct a series of market research to understand the needs and
wants of customers, who the competition is, what stage of the market is in, understand the politics,
society, technology of the market. At the same time, marketing builds customer information, customer
data. This step is important to build want- satisfying market offerings and building value-laden customer
relationships. This increases long-term customer equity for the firm (IEDUNOTE, 2021). The Marketing
Department needs to have researchs with the customer so that they can understand the demand, wants,
needs of the customers and thus aim to satisfy those demands.

Step 2: Designing A Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy

At this stage, marketing has the task of classifying customers based on market research and customer
data in step 1 into segmentation and targeting. To design a marketing strategy should focus: Selecting
customers to serve - defining the target market and deciding how to best serve the customer - choosing
the value proposition. The marketing department decides who to serve and divides the market into
customer segments. Then, they follow specific parts of its market or target market (IEDUNOTE, 2021). At
this step, customer data will become more refined, more specific.

Step 3: Constructing an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value

In the process of creating an overall marketing program to deliver value to customers, the role of
marketing is to provide a series of marketing tools about product, service, price and distribution to
customers. Marketing performs activities to promote products and brands such as advertising on TV,
social media. All these marketing tools to make clients aware, know more about the company's product,
let them know what the product value is, so that they get interested in the product. Furthermore, the
marketing program that builds customer relationships by turning marketing strategy into action. To
achieve this, it needs to combine all these marketing tools into a comprehensive, integrated marketing
program that communicates and delivers the value customers expect (IEDUNOTE, 2021).

Step 4: Engage customers build profitable relationships, and create customer delight

To engage customers, marketing is responsible for providing Customer Relationship Management(CRM)

tools. Marketing uses this CRM system to get customer data as well as take care of customers. Because
according to (EQVN.NET, 2021), the CMR system includes the customer's name, age, personal
preferences... From there, it helps businesses understand customers and offer more effective sales
solutions. Besides, any organization's marketing department may not be large enough to meet all of the
organization's marketing needs. In order to bring the full range of marketing tools and expertise to a
company, it is often imperative to hire partners and people from outside the company. The job of the
marketing department is to identify, hire, and oversee these partners in order to provide the best value
to the company. These strategic partners can be advertising agencies who create and manage
advertising campaigns, social media professionals who manage the business side of social media
marketing, web designers, data analysts, copywriters,...

Step 5: Capture value from customers to create profits and customers equity

The final step in the marketing process is to capture customer value, the role of marketing in this stage is
to try to maintain long-term customers, implement policies and plans to keep customers loyal and to
satisfied client. The marketing department also needs to implement strategies to increase share of
market and share of customers. In the marketing process, this is the specific role of marketing.

4. How the marketing function supports the wider organizational

context in terms of vision, mission and purpose

Based on the strategic pyramid (B2U Business-to-you, 2020), marketing is at the business strategy level
which focuses on strategic business units(SBU) to help the company achieve its business goals.
Marketing plays a role in identifying competitive advantages, helping SBU to become more competitive.
When the SBU succeeds, so does the corporate strategy as well as set of business and portfolio success.

Marketing supports wider organizational context: Mission

Mission: A mission statement defines what line of business a company is in, and why it exists or what
purpose it serves, core purpose and focus that normally remain unchanged over time

Marketing strategy: is the comprehensive plan formulated particularly for achieving the marketing
objectives of the organization (Management Study Guide, 2021).

The mission is the core purpose and focus and also the beginning organizational activities. Therefore, it
will set the foundation for business planning and management based on mission to formulate strategies
and set objectives for all areas including marketing, so it is guidance for marketing activities later.
Additionally, marketing strategies enhance the business performance, achieve customer satisfaction,
market share and financial targets. For example, the mission of SABECO is develop Vietnam’s beverage
industry to keep pace with the world (SABECO, 2021). Meanwhile, SABECO's products are Vietnamese
traditional beer such as Saigon beer and 333 beer which is the pride of Vietnamese people (SABECO,
2021). Sabeco's marketing is focusing on advertising, a few years ago, SABECO announced the re-launch
of the Saigon Beer brand, continuing to implement the beer brand's comprehensive transformation
strategy over 144 years of history. The focus of this change is on the dragon symbol and Saigon Beer.
According to a business representative, the new design of Bia Saigon puts the image of a dragon - a
symbol of power, prosperity and representing Vietnam (Ha-Anh, 2019). Thereby, it can be seen that
SABECO's marketing activities reflect its mission. And in otherway, marketing is also very consistent with
the mission.

5. The significance of interrelationships between marketing and other

functional units of an organization.
a) Marketing and Finance

All marketing plans should have a major financial dimension. All required elements of the marketing plan
are price and profit evolution (for the brand, product, product line, etc.) expressed in financial units or
proportion of revenues, budgets required to execute policies and marketing plans(CROSS-FUNCTIONAL


b) Marketing and Production

There is a dual connection between marketing and production. Production capacities, on the one side,
determine the amount and type of products to be marketed and, on the other, a more precise sales
forecast for each product and product line is crucial for effective manufacturing activities.

c) Marketing and Research & Development

Any organization's Research & Development (R&D) effort must be strongly related to the organization's
marketing and product development initiatives. Ignoring the connections between R&D and marketing
has led to the development of many technology-oriented businesses that are the dream of the engineer
and the nightmare of the marketer. To avoid an R&D effort which is detached from relevant marketing
input, it is essential to understand the interrelationship between the two.


6. The role of marketing in the context of the marketing environment

The responsibilities of marketing in marketing environment in SABECO include environment, strategy
and tactics research. Firstly, the role of marketing in phase 1 is provide tools to understand the internal
and external environment of SABECO, specifically marketing provides environmental analysis tool PESTLE
in external environment and SWOT in internal envienvironment. Secondly, in strategy stage, marketing
helps SABECO segment the market, select the target market, and position it to make SABECO more
competitive in the beer industry. In the final-tactical phase, marketing offers tools for promotion, pricing,
distribution, product, brand. Through the marketing environment, marketing provides tools for
businesses to understand the environment better, develop better strategies, and be more effective in
providing customer value. SABECO can engage customers, build and maintain the relationship with
customers through implementing the best distribution strategy.
7. The external and internal environment in which the marketing
function operates
Internal-Brand: The function of the marketing department is build and develop the brand image of
SABECO. This is an important activity of the business because it helps SABECO achieve success and create
a competitive position in the beer market. SABECO is a beer enterprise that has existed and developed
for a long time in Vietnam. Vietnamese consumers have long been familiar with the Saigon Beer brand of
Saigon Beer - Alcohol - Beverage Corporation - SABECO. In 2020, SABECO has experienced 145 years of
origin history, 43 years of brand building and development (SABECO, 2021). To achieve such brand
success, SABECO marketing department has made great contributions and demonstrated the role of
marketing in SABECO.

External-Competition: The marketing department is also responsible for researching the competition
and keeping up with them in order to know what they are doing (Luenendonk, 2019), what products
they are launching, what the competitors ' weaknesses are and how to avoid making the same mistakes
as the competitors. It is also important to understand how the firm is positioned in comparison to its
rivals, why the clients prefer the other businesses, what clients the rivals are aiming for, and the
connection they have with their clients. Once all this data is accessible, the marketing department can
evaluate it and generate a better plan for the company's marketing and client relationships
(Luenendonk, 2019). Recently, large beer brands in the world have expanded their scale, invested in
building many new factories in Vietnam, along with global marketing strategies to increase market share,
which has created fierce competitive pressure on businesses domestic beer production (Khue, 2019).
The competition of beer and wine brands with strong financial potential and experience from
foreign countries such as Heineken, Tiger, Sapporo... However, as a long-standing beer brand in Vietnam,
bearing Vietnamese identity and being trusted by customers, which is greatly contributed by marketing,
SABECO will have an advantage in competing with competitors in the beer industry.

8. Conclusion
This report explains and defines the roles and responsibilities of marketing and how they relate with
other functional organizational units, defining the impact on marketing activities of the external and
internal environment. Furthermore, it also referred to the distinct positions of company units and the
interconnections between functional units and marketing.
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Available at: https://www.scientificbulletin.upb.ro/rev_docs_arhiva/fullb5f_319240.pdf

[Accessed 05 12 2021].

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