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Finding Text Evidence: Reading Comprehension Passages

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Finding Text

Evidence &
Reading Comprehension Passages
Thank you for downloading this Close Reading pack. I
hope you find it is useful for your students to help
them grow into more confident readers! If you have a
moment, I appreciate your feedback. Thanks! -Lauren

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Directions: Students should read the passage 3 times. There are boxes at the end
of the passage so they can check off each time they read it. There are 3 text
evidence questions for each passage where the students use crayons or colored
pencils to underline where the answers are found in the text. There is one
inference question that is not directly answered in the text. Students will use the
clues from the text to make an educated guess. Finally, there is a response
question to help students with text to self connection.

Check off each

time you read.

Interactive They have wings but

text they cannot fly. Text to self
I would not want a
evidence connections
Penguins eat fish, penguin for a pet
questions shrimp, and krill. because it would
have to live in our
a colony

A predator eats other


Use context clues

*The “Penguins” passage is used for an example only. It is not included in the summer pack.
1. Summer Safety
2. Fireworks
3. The Sandcastle Mystery
4. Ocean Animals
5. Ice Cream Forever
6. Party Day
7. Pets
8. New School
9. Pencil History
10. Class Pet
11. Grandparents Day
12. Apples
13. On the Farm
14. Crocodiles
15. Camping
Read the passage 3 times.
Name _______________
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.

Summer Safety
There are a lot of fun things to do during the summer. There are also
many things that can be dangerous, so it is important to remember how to
stay safe.
When you go swimming, make sure there is a lifeguard or other adult
watching you. If you cannot swim very well, you can wear a life jacket or
floaties on your arms.
If you are outside, you need to wear sunscreen on your skin so you
don’t get burned, especially if your skin is light colored. Too much sun can give
you a sunburn! It is also a good idea to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes
from the bright sun.
If you are playing outside in the summer, you must remember to drink a
lot of water. When your body is hot, you lose water by sweating. You need to
fill back up by drinking water so you can stay healthy.

Why is sunscreen important? What do you like to do

____________________________ outside in the summer?
Why do you need to drink water in the
summer? _______________________ _________
______________________________ _________
How can you protect your eyes from the _________
sun ?________________________ _________

Make an inference. Is it a good idea to go swimming Circle words or phrases in the

by yourself? Why or why not? passage that gave you a clue.
1 ©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com
Name _______________
Read the passage 3 times.
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.

Fred was very excited about the 4th of July this year. He was going to
get some fireworks with his dad and shoot them off in the field behind his house.
On the morning of the 4th, they drove to the fireworks store to buy what
they needed. When they got to the store, there was a sign on the door that said,
“Closed. Sold out of fireworks. Sorry.” Fred’s head dropped as he walked slowly
back to the car.
“I’m sorry, bud,” his dad said. They drove quietly back home. On the way,
Fred saw something on the side of the road. “Dad, stop!” he yelled. They pulled
over and found a small fireworks stand. Fred ran up to the man and asked if they
had any fireworks left.
“You got here just in time. This is my last box!” he said. Fred’s dad paid the
man and they took the box home. That night they went out in the field and had
the best fireworks show ever!

Where did Fred and his dad have a Do you like watching
fireworks show? ________________ fireworks? Why or why
_____________________________ not?_______
Why did they not get fireworks at the _________
first store? ___________________ _________
Why did the man say, “You got here _________
just in time”?___________________
Make an inference. How did Fred feel when he Circle words or phrases in the
saw the sign at the first store?
passage that gave you a clue.
excited sad afraid
2 ©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com
Name _______________
Read the passage 3 times.
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.

The Sandcastle Mystery

Kim and her family went to the beach for a summer vacation. Every day she
played with a beach ball, looked for seashells, and splashed in the big waves. But her
favorite thing to do was build sandcastles!
One day she built a big sandcastle, with a moat around it and a flag on top. She
was so proud of it. The next morning she went to find her sand castle, but it was gone!
What could have happened to it? She was a little sad, but decided to just build another
one. The next day when she looked, that sandcastle was gone too! Now she was getting
upset. Who was ruining her sandcastles? She decided to find out for herself.
She built one more sandcastle, then watched out the window of her beach house at
night to see what happened. As she watched, she noticed the ocean water was getting
closer and closer to her sandcastle. Pretty soon, the water reached the sandcastle and
covered it up. “Oh!” thought Kim. “It wasn’t a person at all, it was just the tide!”
She laughed at herself and finally fell asleep.

What are 2 things Kim did at the Design and draw a sandcastle.
What did Kim think happened to her
sandcastles at first? ____________
What was really happening to them?

Make an inference. Why did Kim laugh at herself? Circle words or phrases in the
______________________________ passage that gave you a clue.
3 ©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com
Read the passage 3 times. Name _______________
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.

Ocean Animals
Oceans cover two-thirds of the earth, and they are filled with many
kinds of animals. There are more than 20,000 kinds of fish that live in the
ocean. Sharks are fish, but they do not have bones. Their skeleton is made of
cartilage, the same stuff as your nose and ears.
The ocean is home to many mammals too. Dolphins and whales are
mammals that live in the water, but use lungs to breathe air, just like people.
Other ocean mammals, like seals and sea lions, spend a lot of time in the
water, but also spend time on land.
Invertebrates are animals that don’t have a backbone. Some
invertebrates that live in the ocean are jellyfish, starfish, and octopuses.
Seagulls, pelicans, and penguins, are ocean birds. They live near the
ocean, because they depend on it for food.

How are sharks different than other If you could have any
fish? ________________________ ocean animal as a pet
____________________________ what would it be? Why?
Name 2 ocean mammals. _________
___________________________ _________
What are invertebrates?
__________________________ _________
Make an inference. What do birds that live Circle words or phrases in the
near the ocean eat? passage that gave you a clue.
4 ©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com
Name _______________
Read the passage 3 times.
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.

Ice Cream Forever

Matt’s favorite food was ice cream. He liked it so much, he wished he could eat
it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. One day, Matt heard an ice cream truck coming
down his street, so he ran outside. The driver gave him some ice cream, then smiled
and said, “May your wish come true!”
That was strange, Matt thought as he ate his treat. That night for dinner his
mom made meatloaf. Matt held his nose and took a bite. The meatloaf felt cold and
creamy in his mouth. It had turned into ice cream! His wish had come true! The next
day, Matt’s cereal also turned into ice cream. His lunch and dinner did too! At
bedtime, Matt’s tummy began to hurt a little. The next morning he was afraid to try
his pancakes. He took a bite, and it became ice cream. He was starting to get sick of
ice cream!
All of a sudden, Matt sat up in bed. It had all been a dream! Thank goodness.
He went downstairs and happily ate his bowl of crunchy cereal.

Who told Matt, “May your wish come If you could eat one food
true”? _____________________ for every meal, what
__________________________ would it be? Do you think
you would get tired of it?
What was the first food that turned
into ice cream when Matt ate it? _________
__________________________ _________
What happened at bedtime? _________
___________________________ _________

Make an inference. How did Matt feel when the Circle words or phrases in the
meatloaf turned into ice cream? passage that gave you a clue.
sick happy afraid
5 ©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com
Read the passage 3 times. Name _______________
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.

Party Day
On Saturday, Tina woke up very excited. Today was her
birthday party. After breakfast she got dressed. She wore
her favorite pink and purple dress.
She helped her mom clean the house and put up
decorations. She blew up balloons and got some games ready.
Tina’s mom baked a chocolate cake and put pink
strawberry icing on top. She put seven candles in the cake.
Finally at 2:00 it was time for the party. Tina ran to
the window to watch for her friends. She couldn’t wait for
her party to start.
What did Tina wear for her party? What do you want for
__________________________ your next birthday?
__________________________ _________
What kind of cake did her mom make? _________
__________________________ _________
What is one thing Tina did to help get ready
for the party?_____________________ _________
__________________________ _________
Make an inference. How old is Tina today? Circle words or phrases in the
passage that gave you a clue.
2 10 7
6 ©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com
Read the passage 3 times. Name _______________
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.

Many people have pets. A pet is an animal that someone
keeps at their house and takes care of. Common pets are
dogs, cats, fish, and birds. Some people have unique pets, such
as lizards, hedgehogs, and even snakes!
Pets are fun to own, but they can be a lot of work
too. Pets need to be given food, water, shelter, and love! Some
pets, like dogs, also need exercise.
Pets can be your friend when you feel lonely. In fact,
studies show that people who own pets are usually happier
and live longer than people who don’t have pets!
. What is a pet? Do you have a pet? Tell
______________________________ about it. If not, what
___________________________ pet would you like to
What do pets need? have?_______
__________________________ _________
__________________________ _________
How can a pet help you if you feel lonely?
__________________________ _________
Make an inference. Circle words or phrases in the
What does unique mean? passage that gave you a clue.
different mean huge
7 ©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com
Read the passage 3 times. Name _______________
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.

New School
Last week Ben and his family moved to a new town. Today was the
first day of school. He is a little shy about talking to new people so he
was afraid that he wouldn’t make any friends.
When he walked into the classroom, everyone looked at him. His
new teacher, Mrs. Ross, introduced him to the class. He sat down next to a
boy named Max.
The morning passed slowly, but finally it was time for lunch. As
the class walked to lunch, Max asked Ben if he wanted to sit with him. Ben
said yes. They talked and laughed all during lunch. Max invited Ben to play
at his house after school. Maybe making new friends wasn’t going to be
hard after all.

Why is Ben starting a new school? What can you do to help

________________________ a new student at your
________________________ school?
Who is Ben’s new teacher? ________________
________________________ ________________
________________________ ________________
What happened as the class went to ________________
lunch?____________________ ________________
________________________ ________________

Make an inference. How do you think Ben felt when Circle words or phrases in the
Max asked him to sit with him at lunch? passage that gave you a clue.
upset scared happy
8 ©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com
Read the passage 3 times.
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.
Name _______________

Pencil History
Pencils have been used for hundreds of years, but they didn’t always
look like the ones you use today. In 1564, a large amount of graphite was
found in Borrowdale, England. People found that the graphite would leave a
dark mark and could be used to write. But it was too soft to hold, so they
wrapped string around it. Later, the graphite was put inside wooden sticks
and it looked more like the pencil you use. In 1858, a man named Hymen
Lipman had the idea to attach an eraser on the end of a pencil.
Have you ever wondered why many pencils are painted yellow? In the
1800s, the best graphite for pencils came from China. In China, the color
yellow means royalty and respect. People in America who made pencils
wanted to show that their pencils were the best, so they painted them

What was wrapped around graphite to make Invent a new kind of

the first pencils? _________________ pencil. Tell about it.
What was Hymen Lipman’s idea?
____________________________ _________
What does the color yellow mean in China? _________
____________________________ _________

Make an inference. What would happen if you Circle words or phrases in the
tried to write with just a stick of graphite?
passage that gave you a clue.
9 ©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com
Read the passage 3 times. Name _______________
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.

Class Pet
Cayla’s class had a pet turtle named Timmy. Each weekend
one student took Timmy home to take care of him. It was Cayla’s turn
this weekend and she was so excited to show him to her baby sister,
As soon as Cayla got home, she put the box with Timmy in it on
the floor and went to get an apple for a snack. She came back a few
minutes later and the box was still there, but Timmy was gone!
Cayla started running around the house yelling, “Timmy! Timmy!
Where are you?” All of a sudden she heard a tiny giggle from under
the kitchen table. She looked over and saw Beth holding Timmy and
smiling. “Tur-tle,” said Beth. Cayla smiled and hugged her little sister.

Why does a student take Timmy home each Write about a time you lost
weekend? _______________________ something special. Did you find
What did Cayla have for a snack? _________
__________________________ _________
Where did Cayla find Timmy?
___________________________ _________
___________________________ _________
Make an inference. How do you think Cayla felt Circle words or phrases in the
when she couldn’t find Timmy? passage that gave you a clue.
scared happy sad
10 ©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com
Read the passage 3 times.
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.
Name _______________

Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day is a holiday celebrated in September, on the
first Sunday after Labor Day. It is a day to honor grandparents.
The next time you visit with your grandparents, ask them about
their life when they were young. They probably have some great stories to
tell. If you tell them about a problem you are having, they might also have
some good advice for you! Elderly people have lived a long time, so they
know a lot more than you might think!
Visiting a nursing home is a great activity to do for Grandparents
Day. A nursing home is a place where elderly people can live and be taken
care of. Many times, people who live in a nursing home can be very lonely.
When others come to visit and talk with them, it can cheer them up!

When is Grandparents Day? What is your favorite

____________________________ thing to do with your
____________________________ grandparents?
Why might grandparents have good advice? ___________
__________________________ ___________
What can you do for people in a nursing ___________
home? _____________________ ___________

Make an inference. What does elderly mean? Circle words or phrases in the
passage that gave you a clue.
young old rude
11 ©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com
Read the passage 3 times. Name _______________
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.

An apple is a fruit that grows on an apple tree. It takes 4 or
5 years for a new apple tree to start growing apples. First, a bud
grows on the branches of the tree, then flowers open up, and finally
apples begin to grow. At first they are small and green, but soon they
grow bigger and can be green, yellow, or red.
There are many different kinds of apples. Some are small,
like a cherry, and some are large, like a grapefruit. The biggest apple
ever picked was over 3 pounds! Apples have a lot of air inside, so they
will float when you put them in water.
Apples make a tasty snack all by themselves, but they can
also be used to make many other foods like applesauce, apple juice,
and apple pie!
What appears first on the branches of an What is your favorite
apple tree?_____________________ thing to eat or drink
that is made with

©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com

Why does an apple float? apples?______
What can be made from apples? _________
____________________________ _________

Make an inference. If you plant an apple seed and Circle words or phrases in the
look at the tree one year later, why will you not passage that gave you a clue.
find any apples?____________________
Read the passage 3 times.
Name _______________
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.

On the Farm
Every summer my family drives out to the country to visit my
grandpa’s farm. Whenever we arrive, my grandma is always waiting on
the porch, smiling, and holding a plate of fresh baked cookies.
During our visit, I help my grandpa take care of all the animals. I
feed the horses, milk the cows, and gather eggs from the henhouse.
My little sister helps my grandma with chores inside the house like
cooking, cleaning, and laundry. At night, we make a fire outside and roast
marshmallows. My favorite part is looking up at the night sky and seeing
all the stars.
Whenever it is time to go home, we are always a little sad, but
then we remember that we get to come back again the next summer!

What does the little sister help with? What is a fun place
____________________________ that you have visited?
What is the narrator’s favorite part of
visiting the farm?_________________ _________
____________________________ _________
How does the family feel when it’s time to _________
go home?___________________ _________
Make an inference. How do you think the grandma Circle words or phrases in the
feels while she waits for them to arrive? passage that gave you a clue.

13 ©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com

Read the passage 3 times. Name _______________
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.

Crocodiles are reptiles with rough, scaly skin. They can
grow to be 6 feet long and weigh 2,000 pounds. They are
cold blooded, so they stay warm by basking in the sun while
they sleep.
Crocodiles eat all kinds of fish, turtles, and birds. They
have sharp teeth and a very strong bite.
Crocodiles and alligators look alike, but they have some
differences. A crocodile’s head is longer and more pointed,
but an alligator’s head is shorter and rounder. Crocodiles are
also lighter in color, and alligators are darker.
What do crocodiles eat? If you saw a crocodile
____________________________ in the wild, what would
you do? __________
What is a crocodile’s skin like? ________________
____________________________ ________________
____________________________ ________________
What is one difference between an ________________
alligator and a crocodile? __________ ________________
Make an inference. What does basking mean? Circle words or phrases in the
hiding lying down eating passage that gave you a clue.

14 ©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com

Read the passage 3 times. Name _______________
Answer the questions below. Underline your evidence.

Trent was so excited about Friday. He was going camping with his
friend John and his family. John went camping all the time, but this was going
to be Trent’s first time.
On the way to the campsite, Trent started to get a funny feeling in
his tummy. He was thinking about how cold it might be sleeping on the ground.
He also thought about all the animals that might be outside at night. He
wasn’t sure he wanted to go camping after all.
“My tummy hurts,” Trent said to John. “I think I need to go home.”
“Maybe you are hungry,” John said. “When we get to the campsite,
we can build a fire and cook hot dogs. Then let’s see how you feel, ok?”
After they got to the campsite and had dinner, Trent felt much
better. This was going to be a fun trip after all.

When did Trent go camping? How do you feel about

_____________________________ camping?
What is something Trent was thinking about
on the way to the campsite?__________ _________
_____________________________ _________
What did they eat for dinner? _________
___________________________ _________

Make an inference. Why do you think Trent’s Circle words or phrases in the
tummy really hurt?
passage that gave you a clue.
15 ©2015 Lauren Thompson www.mrsthompsonstreasures.com
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