State Exam Topics (60) - Full
State Exam Topics (60) - Full
State Exam Topics (60) - Full
Definition of tourism: the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside
their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business, and
other purposes is called tourism.
…part of the national economy which caters to the traveller who is visiting places outside the
locality where she/he resides or works…
…the composite of organisations both public and private that are involved in the development
production, and marketing of products and services to serve the needs of travellers…
Private sector is likely to limit its activities to goods and services that can realize profits
Public sector is represented by the governments must look beyond profit motives to those
which will benefit the society as a whole
What is tourism?
The most common approaches:
Temporary travel for pleasure
World’s largest and most diverse industry
Involves nearly everyone as either “host” or “guest”
Involves movement across space and is concerned with place
Tourism presupposes its opposite: work
EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS – we are all part of the tourism experience
the host population has an impact on the tourists, either make the stay enjoyable or a
both the tourists and the locals are part of the tourist experience (others on the same
flight, visitors drive at least 10% slower than locals)
buildings and gardens should be looked after, unless tourists feel uncomfortable
in Hungary the overall industry’s 10% is tourism, this is the biggest single industry in
our economy
directly or indirectly more and more people work in tourism: for every 1 person
working in tourism there are 4 more depending on him, working indirectly in tourism
tourism is a contact business, you cannot do it without people
indirect GDP would not be realized if tourism did not exist
1$ investment in tourism generates 45$ tourism revenue
tourism is not a concentrated industry: SMEs, fragmented
the turnover is quick, so terrorism can turn a country’s economy down very quickly
-New product
Place of Place of
origin destination
-Selling Suppliers
The products offered must satisfy the needs of the consumers (The supply should meet the
demand). The needs are different, as people are different. Tourists have become more
knowledgeable and sophisticated, so special services and products have been developed
Segmented (differentiated by demands)
Heterogeneous (the market segments cannot be strictly differentiated)
The consumer travels to the product
Forecasting tourism demand is necessary to develop and maintain the industry. To make the
right decision on promotional and strategic marketing programs, on distribution and on
allocation of resources requires predictions.
Quantitative methods rely on past statistical information that can be counted and measured.
Casual methods attempt to explain changes in tourism demand in relation to one or more
explanatory variables in order to forecast future demand
Multivariate regression analysis: examine the influence of selected factors (levels of tourist
income, travel cost to destination, relative price levels, ROE)
Gravity and trip generation model: examine the effects of propensities (population and tourist
income) vs resistances (distance and cost) on tourism demand
Non-casual models rely on past trends of single variable (visitor arrivals, spending) in order to
estimate future trends
Time-series models use historical data collected over time and project these trends toward the
border statistics
accommodation statistics
Market surveys
Delphi model (questioning experts)
Judgment-Aided Model (JAM) (seminar of experts)
The physical environment is in the focus of the touristy activity. Provides first-hand active
experience of a place and provides an educational experience which develops visitor’s
understanding and appreciation of the place visited and promotes both appropriate behaviours
and a conservation ethic. It is environmentally responsible and uses various strategies to
minimize negative impacts maximizes local economic returns (Bottril&Pearce 1993)
Cultural tourism:
Places special emphasis on cultural attractions. Attractions are varied: performances,
museums, displays, handicrafts, traditional religious practices,….Closely related to colourist
Rural tourism:
Offers alternatives to tourists who would like to escape from their modern urban and suburban
environments and visit simpler, less developed area. Examples: farm-tourism, agric-tourism.
The environmental qualities of the destination are particularly important
Adventure tourism:
Relies on natural, environmental features such as mountains, rivers, forests…The tourists
want to test their physical skills in new, unusual ways and have the desire to participate in
activities that provide them with a challenge, trill or intense experience
Health tourism:
Travel to facilities and destination for obtaining health care services or health-related benefits
Forms: Medical care, fitness and wellness, rehabilitation and recuperation
New age tourism:
Participating people share a belief in the importance of learning from ancient cultures,
metaphysics, yoga, meditation, natural healing…Programs focus on metaphysics and are
spiritually designed for people who would like to escape from the excessive materialism of
the world
Educational tourism:
Travel in which the learning occurs within structured or formal program (study abroad)
MICE (meetings, incentive, conventions and expositions) is a special segment within business
travel based on face-to-face interaction and often incorporate elements of leisure travel:
Events designed to bring people together for the purpose of exchanging information. Can be
held on-premises atone of the companies/organisations or off-premises at other sites. Differ in
size, subject matter, and agenda. Can be
forum (larger, led by a pane)
seminar (smaller and more focused on subject matter)
symposium (subject is more academic or technical)
workshop (skill building or training)
Incentive travel:
Incentive or reward for achievement. Can be:
company-paid vacation
reward for top-performing salespersons
promotion for a future performance
loyalty building
Usually include
Motivational seminars,
Introduction of new products
Promotional campaign
Large events at which vendors can display and market their products or services to a
contingent of potential clients and buyers
are events combining both meeting and expositions. Generates high expenditures on per
visitor basis and create substantial economic impacts for the host economy
Can be
Sponsored by professional and trade associations
Sponsored by corporations
Slept looks at the external factors influencing tourism, you cannot control them, but you have
to take them into account. You have to do a SLETP analysis on your target market.
Economic environment of tourism:
The multiplier (multiplikátor) measures the effect of expenditure introduced into an economy.
It shows how the expenditures are multiplied in different
Tourism Multipliers are used to determine changes due to a change in the level of tourism
expenditures in a given area in
the output,
the income,
the employment,
the business and government receipt
the balance of payments
Multiplier effect is the net effect of the successive rounds of spending and leakage of the
added tourism expenditure
Leakage: (elfolyó/elszivárgó jövedelem) refers to the process through which tourism receipt
leave the destination’s economy. These are:
payments for import
repatriation of profits to foreign corporations,
salaries paid to non-resident managers,
payment for imported goods
payment for promotion and advertising by companies based outside of the county
money saved without re-investments
Multiplier = 1/(1 – C + M)
T&T Industry Employment
includes those jobs with face-to-face contact with visitors (airlines, hotels, car
rental, restaurant, retail, entertainment, etc).
73,692,500 jobs in 2004 – 2,8% (exp)
87,450,300 jobs in 2014 – 2,9% (exp)
wholesalers, accounting firms, etc).
Government agencies, manufacturing and construction of capital goods
and exported goods used in T & T.
Supplied commodities (steel producers, oil production, etc).
204,697,000 jobs in 2004 – 8,1% of total (expected) 1 in every 12,3 jobs
259,350,300 jobs in 2014 – 8,6 % (expected) 1 in every 11,6 jobs
Direct Employment
Indirect Employment
Export in tourism: Payments of the visitors to the visited country is export on visited country.
Import in tourism: Payments of the visitors to the visited country is import on sender country
Export (T&T Economy):
US$ 1,289.8 bn in 2004 – 12.2 % of total
US$ 2,655.3 bn in 2014 – 11.5 % of total
Tourism generates high contribution to the GDP
T&T Industry contribution:
US$1,542.1 bn in 2004 - 3.8 % of total
US$2,425.8 bn in 2014 - 3.8 % of total
T&T Economy contribution
US$4,217.7 bn in 2004 - 10.4 % of total
US$6,927.2 bn in 2014 - 10.9 % of total
Balance of payment
Travel surplus: when foreign visitors’ spending in a particular country is larger than the
total spending of the country’s own nationals abroad.
Travel deficit: when total expenditures spent in foreign countries from a given country is
larger than the total tourism receipts earned by foreign inbound tourists
Balance of payments on the tourism= total value of receipt – total payments made
EU regulations
Directive 90/314/EEC – 13 June 1990 – Packages, Travel contract
Decree 213/1996
Decree 214/1996
Definition of development: strategy for 5 years (national, regional, local level), action plans
on a yearly basis. Government bodies only co-ordinate, collect, divide and channel the
incentives/resources while enable, facilitate the existence and work of the tourist industry.
Hungarian situation:
change of economic, political system, GDP, HUF Rate of exchange,
government support,
development of tourist sites,
Hungary as a tourist destination.
Inbound Tourism
Hungary (data from Turizmus Bulletin, 2005/4, HNTO)
inbound tourism: generally increase
▫ increase out of high season in March, September, October, November; stagnation in
▫ main tourist senders: Germany, UK, Austria, Italy (KSH, 2006 first quarter)
▫ motivation: in %, KSH
leisure business
One day 15,2 1,7
Longer stay 64 9,8
most visited tourist regions: Bp-Central-Danube Region (52%), Lake Balaton (24%),
Western Transdanubia (9%)
▫ domestic tourism: generally increase
▫ most visited tourist regions: Lake Balaton (22%), Bp-Central-Danube Region
(15%), Northern Hungary (14%)
▫ most popular accommodation (capacity utilization): 5star hotels (60,5%), 4star
(58,2), spa hotels (60,2), wellness hotels (50,1)
36,6 million foreign people visited Hungary (crossed the boarders) – incl drivers
12,7 million foreign tourists (36 %) in Hungary with business and leisure motivation
6 million spent more than 3 nights in Hungary
21,7 million same day visitor
100 million guest nights spent (2,9 average pp)
493 billion HUF (60 %) from leisure travel
105 billion HUF (13 %) from business travel
(136 billion HUF (17 %) shoppers)
8400 HUF per person per day
Expenditures of the outbound visitors: 578 billion HUF, 9.400 HUF per person per day
Minister without Portfolio in Charge of Regional Development and Convergence
- responsible for the government’s tasks associated with urban and regional dev., tourism etc.
- benefit: efficient application of regionalism in the field of tourism
- coordinates the implementation of tourism-related tasks due to Hungary’s EU membership
- exercises the owner’s rights of the HNTO
Ministry of Development
1. Office of Country Development
2. Office of Apartment Building
3. Office of Tourism – Tourism Authority
Definition of promotion: there are above the line (mass media) and below the line
(alternative channels and methods like conferences, direct emails) techniques to promote
tourism products (4A’s or 7P’s)
Domestic Network:
- 7 Regional Marketing Directorates (regions)
- 2 Regional Tourism Project Offices (Lake Balaton + Lake Tisza)
- task: promotion of domestic tourism, strengthen regional identities and help provinces catch
up with Bp, to encourage service providers in the regions to create and offer high-standard
tourist products to grant them fair and equal opportunities for market entry and presence.
HNTO coordinates them, strengthens their co-operation, and provides some financial help.
International Network:
HNTO carries out its international marketing operation mainly through its global network,
which consists of 22 national tourist representations and information offices in 20 countries
providing professional service to the public, awareness, image-building. Offices are located in
the primary (G, UK, A, I, USA, NL) and emerging source markets (F, S, J, R, CZ, P, IS, R).
They provide comprehensive information to the general public wishing to travel to Hungary
and to tour operators programming trips to Hungary besides maintaining close relations with
the local media and tourism professionals, organise study tours and press conferences.
2) Please describe the legal forms of tourism organisations. Explain the different
ownership, operational, affiliation and contract forms in the hotel industry. What
are the characteristics of the proprietor and the management decisions?
The acts of the agencies bind the principal as if the principal had participated directly in the
act itself. The contract developed between the agent for the client binds only the principal and
the client if the client is aware of the identity of the principal and if the client is aware of the
fact, that the agency is acting as an agent
Travel agency may be liable to third party for damages if she/he knowingly misrepresents the
suppliers/products and/or for providing inaccurate statement made regarding the quality of
The principal is liable if she/he provides false information and/or she/he does nothing to stop
giving false information to the client (if she/he is aware of it)
The DISCLOSURE establishes legal defence: the agency discloses the principals and with
this act the agency avoids the liability. The timing of disclosure is critical point
No contractual liability if the agency acts fully within the scope of his/her authority, discloses
the fact of being an agent and identifies the principal
Tourism organisations can be divided into profit oriented and non-profit organisations.
Private sector is likely to limit its activities to goods and services that can realize profits.
Public sector is represented by the governments must look beyond profit motives to those
which will benefit the society as a whole.
Joint enterprise – KV
In kind:
subject to trade, value, transferable
executable (végrehajtható) – eg. a 3rd party’s approval is needed in case of 50-50
ownership of eg. a house
object (tárgy), know-how
company gets ownership over this
all transferred by the time of registration, not later
In cash:
Total: min. 3 million HUF
Cash: min 30%, but min 1 million HUF (if the 30% is less)
At registration 50% of cash, but min. 1 million HUF
Rest : in one year (cash)
Contribution of members : min 100.000 HUF – cannot be reclaimed
Pay in contribution – during existence you cannot get back your money, just sell your
business part
Perform ancillary services (mellékszoltáltatások) – those services that are obligatory by
the charter
Pay additional payments – extra money to the company (pótbefizetés) given back to
you if the company has that money
Business share (üzletrész) – membership part
Each member has one
Transferable with pre-emption of the members (elővásárlási jog)
If the members don’t want to buy, the company itself can own the share for a
period of time
If no, other members decide sho to work with sell
But it can be written in the charter that A member can sell to an outsider
Members Meeting – Supreme Body
Can be held only in the registered office of the company
Minimum 1/year
Quorum: ½ of the initial capital present who has more money, is risking more, so
he/she should be there
Decision: ½ or ¾ (in case of important questions, eg. ending the company, managers…) or
unanimous (egyhangú)
Invitation to everybody
Task of the management
It should reach the members 15 days before the meeting
Minutes of meeting (jegyzőkönyv): every case
Register of resolution (határozatok könyve) collected to one book, led by the
Managing Director(s)
Day to day operation
Administration, representation
Not necessarily a member, can be an employee
share capital – min. 20 million HUF
in cash – min. 30%, but min. 10 M - rest in one year
in kind – same as Ltd.
Auditor (könyvvizsgáló) – says the real value of the kind
Close (Clc) – eg. 10 members with name
Establishment: deed of foundation (alapító okirat)
Shares in private
Open (Plc) – anybody in the member list
Establishment: statues (alapszabály)
Shares are issued publicly
Security (ép) – paper, that is worth value
If you possess it, you will have rights in the company
Ordinary share (törzsrv.)
Preference shares (elsőbbségi rv.) – have some more preferences than others
Employees shares
Interest-bearing share (kamatozó rv.)
Pay the face (névérték – written on the paper) or issue value (can only be more eg. in
case of good reputation than the face value) + date of issue, sinature
Dividends (osztalék) – part of the profit
Single-Man Co.
Only in close type
Establishment: deed of foundation
Cash: paid in full
Only one member
Franchising is a business entity to use the logo, trademarks and operating systems of another
business entity for the benefit of both. As a result, these firms can share brand identification,
and a strong marketing and distribution system.
A hotel franchise relationship exists when the owners of the hotel choose a flag and enter into
a franchise agreement with that specific brand.
Flag: A term, used to refer to the specific brand with which a hotel may affiliate.
Conversion=Reflagging: The process of changing a hotel’s flag from one franchisor to
Franchise agreement: The legal contract bw. The hotel’s owners (franchisee) and the
brand managers (franchisor) which describes the duties and responsibilities of each.
Advantages of franchisee:
A brand name with recognition
Connect the hotel to GDS
Increase in sales,
Secure financing – banks consider these relationships when giving a loan
On-site training, purchase of furniture, equipment in bulk
Advantages of franchisor:
Increase in fee payments, the value of the brand name is growing with every joining
Management contracts
Def: An agreement between a hotel’s owners and a hotel management company, under which,
for a fee, the management company operates the hotel. It is also called management
A management company is an organization formed for the purpose of managing one or more
Buyout: An arrangement in which both parties of a contract agree to end the contract early as
a result of one party paying the other an agreed financial compensation.
Decisions of the owners: legal founding of the company, profit distribution, paying dividends
and other issues reserved for the proprietor.
3) Please discuss the issues of managing labour force including manpower costs in
the hotel and travel business. Explain the importance of Productivity, Efficiency and
Effectiveness n hospitality operations.
The manpower need is the biggest in the travel sector. In the hotel industry the material costs
and the labour costs are 50-50%. Manpower demand depends on the size and the category of
Calculation of staff needs number of staff and number of rooms: average: 0.6-0.7 people/room
Due to the fluctuating demand, it is difficult to forecast staffing needs. A new strategic
management tool is OUTSOURCING and labour borrowing in order to reach savings and to
create flexibility.
Continuous improvement of productivity, efficiency and effectiveness is vital for creating
competitiveness and increasing profit.
Productivity means: “doing more with less”: P=Output/Input
Efficiency means that minimum required resources are used for a particular activity and the
management acts “business like”. Efficiency should never be improved at the expense of
quality and relations. E=Output/Labour costs
Efficiency is reached by cost reduction and the financial results will improve.
Increasing effectiveness ensures that resources are used in an optimal way, it enables the
service firm to become more competitive.
Profitability – money has one function, to produce profit. If a company doesn’t produce
profit, it will parish, but all of us should have other aims and goals – we have to create values,
these should be more than just producing profit (e.g.: love)
Staffing a hotel: 2 parts → initial staffing, replacement of employees
Initial staffing: the guidelines for the hotel's labour policies must be
laid down by the top management. The salaries, numbers, and duties of the general staff are
usually set up by the management team. In effect, this means that the personnel manager has
to be the first department head to be hired, since he must recruit the other department heads.
Replacements: In many hotels the employee turnover rate is extremely high. The high
turnover rate makes recruiting employees a critical part of the work done by the HR
Companies usually try to look for potential workforce to an empty job within the hotel itself.
They usually reallocate employees from other departments. Cross training is continuously
done to teach employees to do other job as well.
Main HR activities:
Employee safety and health
Benefit programs
Labour laws and regulations
Workforce and work quality improvement, etc...
Benefit programs:
In this area, personnel need the cooperation and close collaboration of the accounting
department. For hospitalization, major medical, group insurance, and savings or pension
plans, lists of employees with the required supporting data must be initially submitted and
frequently updated, usually monthly. If employee's contributions are required, then schedules
of these amounts are also needed.
Employees who are eligible for retirement must be informed of their rights and options, if
any, and in many cases assisted in making decisions about them. Also retirees may be given
benefits other than pensions, such as prepaid life insurance or major medical, which require
contact with the employer and continued updating of the former employee's file.
Definition of HRM: it is a total system of functions, which contributes to the efficient use of
human resources for reaching the goals of a company. It is defined as the effective utilisation
of employees in order to achieve the goals and strategies of the organisation.
Key words:
High productivity, performance
Quality products or services
Experienced, professional, competent employees
Suitable working conditions
Controlled labour costs
Low fluctuation, absenteeism
Acting in conformity with law
Purpose of HRM:
Promote fair and equitable treatment of employees
Improve employees' satisfaction, motivation & productivity
Assist employees' growth on the job through improving their competency and productivity
Reflect employees' influence in the management decisions
Contribute to accomplishment of corporate strategy and goals
Meet various challenges imposed by changes in environment
HRM primary functions:
The primary functions are directly involved with obtaining, maintaining and developing
Planning the organisation and human resources
Recruiting - selection
Human resource development
Motivation and compensation
Performance management - appraisal
Labour and employee relations
Eligibity: the candidate has the right CV, right diploma, right papers
Suitability: right type of person, right attitude, good team player
You should focus on suitability and provide the skills, train the employee!!
What recruiters look for?
▫ Personal factors (appearance, first impression, candidate’s strengths,
▫ Preparation (candidates should know the business the company operates
in, market position)
▫ Questions on the interview (job background, education, physical factors,
personal traits, personal data)
▫ Behaviourally (positive, outgoing, confident, well-groomed, experienced,
standard respecting, encouraging)
▫ Operationally (good knowledge of market, adhering company policy)
Internal: inside the company, currently employed staff members for job vacancies
External: attract persons, who are not current employees for vacant positions
Forms of recruitment: television ads, posters, leaflets, word of mouth, notice boards
inside and outside the company, job centres, head hunters, newspaper, magazines.
To choose the right people is crucial, because the frequent employee turnover or the
dissatisfied employees are not only ad for the morale, but are costly in time and money
spent in training for new employees.
Work systems: arranging people with information, facility and support systems
You don’t design a job for people, they have to fit into an existing company
culture and work system
Team work
Don’t expect the best results at the beginning; the new employees need to settle
Reward systems:
Do not have tombstones, but milestones! – rewards during work and not after they
have left the company, recognise their achievements, provide encouragement
along the way
Non-fiscal motivators:
▫ job enrichment: allow people to go deeper with sg., to be an expert (more
knowledge specification)
▫ job enlargement: instead of going deep, go broad – allow people to enlarge
their territory – involve people in other areas
The cycle of failure:
Low wages → poor quality staff → no training → poor delivery of services → low
return → reduced profit levels → lower wages /managers/
Labour is the most perishable product in the hospitality and food service operation.
Labour is also one of the hardest costs to control. If you overstaff a dining room, the
extra labour hours are lost. Managers frequently schedule people based on feeling or
intuitions, which can lead to extra labour costs.
4) Please explain what the main management functions are within the travel and
hotel enterprises. Discuss what the management’s tasks are in defining the
company’s aims, business philosophies, strategies, planning. Analyse the role and the
impact of natural environment on tourism.
What is management?
“Management is the process of using:
- what you have: resources
- what you have to do
- what you want to do.”
All resources are in limited supply; therefore one of the main jobs of the manager is
determining the best way to use the limited resources.
Management functions
- setting objectives
- defining how
- setting standards
ORGANISING (implementation)
CONTROL - efforts of other people
- supervising MANAGEMENT - delegation/empowerment
- correcting FUNCTIONS (managers need power)
- monitoring - resource allocation
- coordinating
- guiding
- motivating supporting leadership - as
- integrating a leader, you have to
- directing realise that your success
relies on the employees’
success → you have to get
the best out of people
The management process
All the management functions and concepts should be involved in creating and delivering
One of the most important tasks of the management is to create a good organisational culture.
Organisations are subject of larger socio-political culture.
Organisational culture is a set of values, beliefs, norms, artefacts and patterns of behaviour
that are used as a frame of reference for the way we look, work, communicate within an
- artefacts are material and non-material objects, patterns that communicate information
about beliefs, assumptions and ways of doing things.
Culture can be defined as a set of shared values, beliefs, norms, artefacts, that are used to
interpret the environment and as a guide for all hinds of behaviour.
Organisations are part of our society. Within the organisations people are carrying out their
activities, to reach the aims of the organisations. The goals and the objectives determine the
nature of the structure of the organisation and the activities are defined by the aims of the
The characteristics of the goals/objectives (financial; non-financial):
Specific – defined
Measurable – figures
Attainable – high aims but attainable aims – you should not make goals, which are not
reasonable (but you shouldn’t have too low aims)
Reasonable – you have to understand the aims and agree with them
Time based
Mission statement: expresses the underlying philosophy that gives meaning and direction to
the hotel’s actions and addresses the interests of guests, management and employees.
Defining strategic plans, decisions to secure long-term competitiveness and maximize profit.
Components of strategic planning:
Market strategy: which segment, target groups to be served – “How will we sell
our product?”
Product strategy: what to produce and offer
Environmental, financial strategy
Short-term, operation, tactical activities.
In the third case the physical environment is in the focus of the activity. These are mainly: the
natural environment, the heritage areas.
Environmental damages are associated with loss of and damage to the physical environments.
For example the demand for tourist resorts and hotels resulted in clearing of mangroves for
building materials in Kenya. Or many places which become sites for tourist buildings are the
homes of species, and their life is damaged or ruined totally by tourism
Pollution is another negative impact of tourism, and it is associated with water, air and
landscape. Pollution is caused mainly by transportation, human consumption, and activities.
Some of the environmental impacts are related to the destination vulnerability. These impacts
are for example the air pollution and noise. (Transportation is the major source). The water is
polluted by sewage and the use of chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers) in resort
landscaping. The tourists’ waste overloads the disposal systems, and these systems pollute the
Other environmental impacts are related to tourist density. Water consumption of visitors at
the destination, watering hotel gardens, golf courses, swimming pools. Demand for special
local tradition food (lobster, marine animal) threatens the animal life. Extensive tree felling
for heating threatens the forests, souvenir collection causes serious damages in the
environment (see coral islands’ damages)
There are many other environmental impacts having serious effects. Just some of them:
Overcrowding causes environmental stress. Just because some areas are overcrowded the
animals show changes in behaviour.
Over development of touristic places is also dangerous, as leads to develop rural slumps and
Excessive manmade structures. Some recreational activities (powerboats, fishing, foot safaris)
disturb wildlife. Vehicles (speed, off-road driving) increase wildlife mortality, cause soil and
vegetation damage
(Others: souvenir collection, firewood, roads and excavations, artificial water holes and salt
provision, introduction of exotic plants and animals)
But we must not forget that tourism may have positive impacts on physical environment.
Thanks to tourism tourist attractions and infrastructure are developed.
Tourism can provide the incentives and the income for conservation, restoration and
protection the environment. Introducing non-consumptive use of wildlife is positive too (view
and watch animal can lessen the desire for fur coats, for food). The force for the development
of better infrastructure improves the quality of the environment. Tourism also needs
construction of waste and water treatment plans:
There are factors, which can influence tourism impacts on the physical environment. The
amount and volume and the concentration of tourism, the type of use and the activities take
place at a destination and the type of environment being impacted (differences in sensitivity
and fragility) will determine the level of the influence. And the most important one is the
professional management and planning of tourism
5) How would you define the Travel Distribution System? Describe the Hungarian
travel market with the attention to Tour Operators and Travel Agencies. What are
the operational conditions for travel agencies?
Compare the similarities and differences between the hotel and travel sectors. Give
short description of the international and the Hungarian hotel markets.
Travel Sales Distribution is the process of producing, marketing, selling and delivering travel
related services from travel suppliers to consumers.
Travel business consists of producing, selling domestic, outbound, inbound travel and
accessories. Players are: suppliers, intermediaries and customers.
The Travel Distribution System involves marketing, selling and delivering travel related
services from supplier to customers. Selling can be done directly or indirectly.
Travel product sellers who own or operate the travel product they are selling (hotels,
carriers, catering companies, coach companies, others like theatres, convention
Aim: to distribute their product as widely as possible – sell products to customers:
directly / through intermediaries / combination
Product line: transportation (air, water, land) + accommodation (hotel, motel, camp) +
vehicle rentals + miscellaneous services (theatre tickets, sightseeing tours)
o primary suppliers: provide services directly to the traveler and are paid by the
traveler or intermediaries
o secondary supplier: provide services to the traveler through one of the primary
suppliers, are not paid by the traveler or by the intermediary directly and are
selected by the primary suppliers
Accommodation service providers
Food and beverage service providers
Transportation service providers
Program/event providers
sellers who act as a link between the suppliers and the consumers: tour
operators/wholesalers, travel retailers and other special intermediaries: GSAs,
Consolidators, conference organizers…
individuals or groups buying and /or consuming the product
Visitor: any person travelling to a place other than of his/her usual environment for less than
12 consecutive months and whose main purpose of travel is not work for pay in the place
visited (WTO)
Tourist (overnight visitor): visitor staying at least one night in a collective or private
accommodation in place visited (WTO)
Excursionist (Same Day Visitor): visitor who does not spend the night in a collective or
private accommodation in the place visited (WTO)
Both have advantages and disadvantages for consumers, for the suppliers and for the
intermediaries too. One can be beneficial for one of the players while means disadvantage for
the others.
Because of this and because of their aim, the suppliers combine the traditional and online
distribution both in direct and in indirect ways.
The intermediaries’ aim is to satisfy the needs of the consumers as well as possible and
achieve as much revenue/commission as possible. The intermediaries also select of 3-4-5…
stages distribution systems
What determines the distribution system?
what is being sold
the nature of the product
o intangibility/tangibility: sales person in Travel industry sells more than a
product – dreams, we are buying benefits
o perishability – will never have the opportunity to sell the unsold product again
o seasonality
o parity
o uniqueness
o complementarity
o simultaneous consumption and production
o No sales cost for suppliers: intermediaries employ sales staff + sales force
without overheads + Joined marketing
o Payment is collected by intermediaries: credit and billing assistance to
suppliers – TA pays in advance, insurance for suppliers + payment conditions
o Suppliers has the opportunity to get additional business – off season promotion
o Can be complicated – changes going through many channels
o Suppliers dos not have the control on sales
o Suppliers pay commission
o Suppliers depend on intermediaries
o Late payments – problem for suppliers
Illegal activities
The operational conditions are regulated by the Government Decree 213/1996 and its
amendments, April 2001 and rules regarding the exchange of foreign currency. The changes
secure strict control and travellers’ protection. (Bigger financial deposits)
Sells tours directly or indirectly: inbound, outbound or domestic, has travel contracts
Has an office which has the necessary equipment for example: phone and fax and a
separate room for clients (like travel agency). If there are more offices then all they
have to have the necessary equipment. He/she does not have to have an office if he/she
sell indirectly.
Travel package: accommodation, transportation and supplementary services like
cultural program, meal. Has to contain minimum two of these, selling tickets is not
considered to be part of tour organizing.
Has to be registered in the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office (Magyar Kereskedelmi
Engedélyezési Hivatal) – it is the competent authority that can issue a license for a
travel company in Hungary
Has to be registered in the Hungarian Company Registry (Magyar Cégjegyzék)
Has to have clean record
Staff has to have exam, qualification, practical experience – at least one professional
tour operator
Money assurance
Has to declare how much income is planned
Has to declare the activity the company is doing
Has to get the needed papers (original or copy)
Both hotel and travel business are strongly influenced by the Socio-cultural, Legal,
Economic, Political and Technical factors (SLEPT)
Seasonality and competition
Same market potential and segments
Same selling policy
Less capital investment is needed in travel agencies
Less business culture in travel agencies
Smaller and medium sized enterprises in the travel trade
6) Please highlight the role and main features of the small and medium sized
companies in Hungarian Tourism. What are the main steps for setting up a travel
Categories of SMEs:
Private enterprise – there is no employee
Micro enterprise – maximum 10 employees
Small enterprise – maximum 50 employees
Medium enterprise – maximum 250 employees
An SME provides all the necessary required services that you need day by day. Large
companies do not care about the individual needs, they produce in mass. The appearance of
SMEs raise the living standard of the population. They have to concentrate on the customers’
During the Socialism there were no SMEs, only on the black market. Today more than 90%
of the companies are SMEs. After the Socialist era many companies were brought into
bankrupt. Great companies disappeared quickly and a big number of companies went into
bankrupt as well. A great number of former employees of state owned companies were fired,
since the number of state-owned companies was decreasing. There were no new workplaces.
Only one solution existed: to start their own enterprise => Forced entrepreneurship (it was
typical in Central and Eastern Europe)
The small and medium size enterprises are dominant in tourism: they contribute to solve the
problem of unemployment. Their advantages are that they are flexible and can build easier
personal relations with customers. Their handicap is that they have small capital, but they
enjoy certain state and bank support.
The requirements of licenses and certifications differ from country to country. In Hungary the
Hungarian Trade Licensing Office (Magyar Kereskedelmi Engedélyezési Hivatal) is the
competent authority that can issue a tour operation license for a company if, among others:
the company is registered in the ‘Hungarian Company Registry’ (Magyar Cégjegyzék)
management of the company have a clean record (büntetlen előéletű)
there are professional tour operators within the company responsible for expertise
sufficient amount of financial reserves and an office for operation is available
The activities of tour operation are strictly regulated in the European countries, however,
licensing requirements are not as strict as in other professions. Directive 90/314/EEC issued
on 13 June 1990 regulated tour operation the first. The purpose of the directive is to
approximate the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating
to packages sold or offered for sale in the territory of the Community.
The structure of the Directive:
List and definition of the phenomena used
Requirements of brochures
Lists the written information must be provided:
Before the contract is signed
Before the journey
List of contract requirements
Options to revise the package price
Options to cancel and the consequences
It is easy to establish:
No product/raw material inventory is required (we do not stock raw materials or products)
Offices can be leased (we do not have to invest in buying expensive offices)
Office equipment can be leased
Lower break-even point (no high investment, item price is very high)
Licensing requirements are not as strict as in other professions, but become always stricter
(we do not always need a diploma, except for issuing air tickets, experience is needed)
Benefits of working in the travel industry (discounts when travelling)
Business plan:
planning is a major key to success
business plan is essential for several reasons:
▫ bankers, investors require (to accept the risk and to accept the applicant’s
success and reliability assessment)
▫ forces the entrepreneur to analyse the opportunity from a business
perspective and possibility
▫ to be aware of the problems and risks
5. Organizational chart – responsibilities, authorities, titles
6. Industry and market analysis
▫ analyzing the pattern on the market
▫ how many enterprises do the owners have
▫ major partners of my competitors (balance sheet, talking to industry
▫ what are the major markets, what is their pricing policy
▫ getting information from publications and statistics about the competitors
strengths and weaknesses:
▫ about the political, economic situations
▫ about the competitors
▫ weaknesses of the market (low disposable income)
▫ strengths of the market
market segment they serve:
▫ we segment the market
▫ we try to find out how the competitors segment the market
▫ of the competitors and suppliers
▫ of the competitors and suppliers
financial position:
▫ of the competitors and suppliers
market trends
market segments:
▫ average income, demand, destination, habits, attitude
barriers to entry:
7. Strategic plan – objectives, assumptions, tools
▫ How can I achieve my objectives using my tools
▫ Long-term strategy – 3 years
▫ Short-term strategy – 1 year
▫ Operative/action plan – seasons-1 year
product-market matrix:
▫ combination of different elements (at least 2) who belong together
which product and to whom will be sold
environmental forecast:
▫ growth directions – of the country of the destination
▫ market expansion – new markets that you would like to introduce
▫ product expansion – detailed description of new products that you would
like to introduce
▫ vertical integration
sales forecast:
▫ includes estimated monthly sales figures
▫ includes the revenues from all possible sources
8. Licenses and certifications:
the requirements are different country by country
9. Appointments:
Memberships you applied for (e.g. IATA, UFTAA appointments)
By size:
Multinationals: have representations/offices/subsidiaries worldwide
CWT, Amex
National multiples: have more offices in the country
Vista, Tensi Tours
Regional multiples: have more offices in a few country, in a region
Independents – single shop agencies
By the type of business:
Full service travel agency -mixed travel agency: Provide services for leisure and business
travellers as well.
▫ Advantages:
• Able to meet „all” customers’ need
• More knowledgeable staff
• Highly appreciated by the industry
▫ Disadvantages:
• Problem of handling low revenue products
• Staff is unable to specialize
By appointment:
IATA approved travel agency (IATA agent)
Can issue and sell flight tickets under its own name – based on the appointment of
International Air Transport Association
Agencies without IATA approval (non-IATA agent)
7) Please expand the composition of the resources in hotels and travel enterprises.
Discuss the tasks of resource (property) management. Analyse the balance sheet.
Compare the similarities and differences between hotels and travel companies
The resources can be divided into material/financial and human resources. The share of the
two resources is different in the sub sectors of tourism. In the travel business the manpower
(labour) need is bigger than in the hotel and catering industry.
One of the most important assets in hotel and travel businesses are PEOPLE.
As the competing firms have more or less the same resources, the only winning factor is the
working force, which can make the difference.
The “people” are selling services: which is a feeling that a service recipient has when he/she
is with the service provider. Good service not only meets, also exceeds the expectations,
people’s needs.
Intangible assets comprise:
The image of the company
Atmosphere crated by the facilities / staff
Technology impacts the hotel and travel business in the following ways:
-increases efficiency
-improved quality: fast, reliable info., immediate reservation, location (being able to
sell products all over the world)
New services: satellite ticket printer (STP), automated ticket machines, teleconferencing,
image communications, direct sales via e-commerce, time share, card link...
The balance sheet gives a picture of the financial condition of a business at a particular point
in time. On the left hand side it lists the assets or resources a company has. On the right hand
side are the liabilities (debts) of the company and the stockholders’ equity. On the balance
sheet total assets always equal total liabilities plus equity. The asset side of a balance sheet is
normally broken down into three sections: current assets, fixed (or long term) assets, and
other assets.
Current Assets are cash or items that can or will be converted into cash within a short period
of time, usually within one year.
-Cash in Bank is cash kept in the bank should normally be sufficient to take care of current
debts as they become due.
-Account Receivable represents rooms, food and beverage business charged to individuals or
companies for payment has not yet been received.
-Inventories. This category includes inventories of food, beverages and supplies.
Fixed assets are those of a more permanent nature, not intended to be sold, which are used in
operating the business.
-Land, Building, Furniture and Equipments are the major and common fixed assets used in
the hospitality industry.
-Accumulated Depreciation reflects the decline in value of the related asset due to wear and
tear, the passage of time, changed economic conditions or other factors.
Other assets
-Deposit. If the deposit is refundable at some future time it can be considered an asset.
-Investments. Long-term investments are not connected with the day to day running of the
business and are shown as a separate category of asset.
Total assets
Various assets added together will give the total assets of the company or the total resources
available to it.
Liabilities are further broken down into short-term and long-term.
Short-term or Current liabilities are those debts that must be paid or are expected to be paid
within a year.
-Account payable (Trade) included the amounts owing to suppliers of food, beverages and
other suppliers and services purchased on account or contracted for in normal day to day
operation of a hospitality business.
-Accrued Expenses includes unpaid wages or salaries, payroll tax and related deductions.
-Income tax Payable. This is income tax owed to the government.
Long-term liabilities are those due beyond one year after the balance sheet date. Included in
this category would be mortgages, bonds and long-term loans from stockholders.
Stockholders’ equity section of the balance sheet can be stated to be the difference between
total assets and total liabilities. It represents the equity or the interest of the owners in the
enterprise. It comprises two main items, capital stock and retained earnings.
-Capital Stock. Any company is limited by law to a maximum number of shares it can issue.
This limit is known as the authorized number of shares. Shares generally have par or value
and this par value, multiplied by the number of shares actually issued up to the authorized
quantity, gives the total value of capital stock. Most companies issue shares in form of
common stock.
-Retained Earnings are accumulated profits, less any losses, sustained by the business since
it began, less any dividends paid out to stockholders
The total of all the liabilities and stockholders’ equity, should agree with the total asset.
A business’s liquidity or ability to pay its depts when they have to be paid.
How much of the operation’s profits have been retained in the business to help it
expand and/or reduce the amount of outside money (dept) that has to be borrowed.
The breakdown of assets into current, fixed and other, with details about the amount of
assets within each of these broad categories.
The business’s dept (liabilities) relative to owners’ equity. In general, the greater the
amount of dept relative to equity, the higher is the operation’s financial risk.
Balance sheet limitation:
The balance sheet normally does not show the market value of the assets. Suppose a
hotel owned the land on which the building sits and the land had been purchased
several years ago. Because of inflation and demand for limited land, it is likely that the
land is today worth far more than was paid for it.
The investment in the employees is also not shown on the balance sheet. This
investment takes the form of time and money spent on recruiting, training, evaluating,
promoting and motivating individuals. It is difficult to assign a value to these human
resources, but they are an asset to any hospitality business.
The balance sheet is constantly changing, however, it reflects the financial position of a
company at one moment in time. The changes will not be shown until another balance
sheet is produced. If a balance sheet shows a healthy cash situation at one moment and
the week later most of the cash was spent, this will only be shown at the next balance
sheet in the month.
In the service business, the most important asset is the committed, competent staff. “People
make the difference”. Satisfied employees will create satisfied customers.
The main task of Human Resource Management is to attract the best people to the company
and keep them by motivating them, personal development and recognition.
Main functions:
Organisation planning: structure, job analysis, job description
Recruiting, selection, labour contract
Orientation, personal development, training
Motivation, material, financial and non-financial
Performance evaluation, career planning
Labour relations: collective contract
Job descriptions:
A list of task that an employee working in a specific position must be able to
effectively perform.
Explains the total requirements of the job, exatly what its purpose,
duties, activities and responsibilities and position within the formal structure of the
Title - position title – reportin to – summary of main tasks – detailed
duties and responsibilities – competence – prerequisiters
Job specification:
A list of personal qualities judged necessary for successful performance of the tasks
required by the job description
List those qualities and skills a person needs to perform the tasks outlined in the job
description. These are the expectations toward a new employee.
Qualifications – appropriate knowledge to the job – specific skills, abilities and
attitudes – experience required – personal attributes – physical factors
Job specificationas are usually a base of any job advertisements.
See Question 3
The salaries are low in both sectors
The basic principles are valid in both sectors
In high season the staff has to work overtime
In low season there is no work
The fringe benefits: study tours, accommodations, etc.
Tips increase the low salary in the hotels and restaurants
9) Please explain the main characteristics of travel and tourism marketing and the
means and tools of realising marketing concepts.
the host population has an impact on the tourists, either make the stay enjoyable or a
both the tourists and the locals are part of the tourist experience (others on the same
flight, visitors drive at least 10% slower than locals)
buildings and gardens should be looked after, unless tourists feel uncomfortable
in Hungary the overall industry’s 10% is tourism, this is the biggest single industry in
our economy
directly or indirectly more and more people work in tourism: for every 1 person
working in tourism there are 4 more depending on him, working indirectly in tourism
The world’s largest industry: 10.2% of global gdp
C & e europe: 2.0% direct gdp, 7.7% indirect gdp
Indirect GDP would not be realized if tourism did not exist
The world’s largest employer: 194 million global jobs
C & e europe: 2.3 million direct jobs, 8.9 mill. Indirect jobs
1$ investment in tourism generates 45$ tourism revenue
tourism is not a concentrated industry: SMEs, fragmented
the turnover is quick, so terrorism can turn a country’s economy down very quickly
“any activity concerned with the temporary, short-term movement of people away from where
they normally live & work, & includes their activities during their stay at these destinations”
The special features of tourism service have direct impact on tourism marketing. Tourism is
consumed where the product is produced. The population has an important role in reaching
satisfaction with the tourist. All components of the services are linked in the service chain.
Parity (egyenértékűség, megfelelés):
Competing companies offer the same base product (Italian beaches, Eiffel tower, Prado,
Great Lakes, Balaton). These are comparable. Each of them has its value for the
consumers and the value is the same or similar for the consumers with same or similar
The product can not be brought to the consumer
Tourism means cooperation with public & private sectors working together
Tourism product consists of attractions, accommodations, access (travel) and attitude of the
host population.
THE 4 A’s
Natural assets
Towns & cities
Family & friends
the ways tourist can get to a destination:
– Road
– Rail
– Air
– Water
what to see, where to spend money (tourists want to spend money) at the
– Information
– Signposts
– Brochures
GOVERNMENT: it is difficult getting to those countries which would really need
the tourism revenue
TRADERS: high bills and bad news travel faster and stick
Marketing is the management process for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer
needs profitably.
▫ Preparing advertisement plan – international and domestic
▫ Deciding about brand – brand policy
▫ Direct marketing activities and customer relation management
▫ Organising study tours
▫ Creating data base
▫ Participating tourism fairs and exhibitions
▫ Using Internet
▫ Film presentation, promotional gifts
▫ Continuous public relations
▫ Press conferences, Press releases
PR is the management activity to shape the attitudes and opinions of clients and other
All activities should be coordinated and integrated.
define the position, the starting point & then the direction you have to take
relative position: where are the others?
in the case of customers
in the case of revenue / profitability
destination within a time scale
strategical decision about costs, time, comfort
evaluate all possibilities
the environment also changes (budget a/l’s, InterCity)
tactical decision on the itinerary, the possible routes
to avoid ending up somewhere else
heading in the right direction: what do I have to see / experience on the way? check
these signposts do not wait until the end to find out that you were going in the wrong
direction the earlier the correction, the less trouble, cost
reallocate budget elements as you get to see if the projections in the various areas were
better or worse than the actual outcomes
signs & indicators kick in you know you are there
inform people around you if something goes wrong
Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
Socio-cultural, legal, economic, political, technical
who doesn’t buy your product?
how competitors react onto your actions?
look at possible future competition, too!!!
The voice of the product
A brand is an aura of beliefs & expectations about a product which make it relevant &
distinctive. Branding gives a product a ‘voice’ enabling it to be heard above the ‘noise’
brand ≠ product
beliefs, expectations, prejudgments: presentation gives a set of expectations
presentation should fit the quality of the product
presentation has to be relevant: look at the target market, their needs, middle of the
road is the worst
interesting things capture our attention
Customer benefits of branding
Easier identification: identical image
Features & benefits: buy diesel to protect the environment, not ‘cuz you want diesel
Risk reduction: brand identified with quality (sugar or koronás)
Interest creation: nesquick bunny in the zoo more pictures taken with quicky than the
real animals
Producer benefits of branding
Creates loyalty: brand ( loyalty ( repurchase
Competitive defence: do not compete only on price (that’s the end of the road)
Allows premium pricing
Aids targeting
After eight chocolate ( after nine condom: after eight sued after nine to protect
their brand
“Imagination is more important than knowledge” Albert Einstein
Imagination > knowledge brand > product we buy brands, not products
“brands belong to the people who use them – not the manufacturers!” Leo burnett
Brand personality
Build up a personality according to nationality, age, clothing, etc.
Budapest is not well defined ( tourists don’t know what to expect
Balaton could be the family lake of europe, but has no exact image
What’s in a brand?
Graphics, logo, fonts, colours, music, events, personalities, buildings, ecology, fauna, flora etc
Images do not have to show the product itself, but its personality
Disney: font, shape of towers in france, in usa, at the beginning of movies
Font style is more important than name
Different colours mean different things
Music style, events the company sponsors, faces of the product
Ecology: plants and animals are associated with attributes (owl: smart, lion: insurance,
teddy bear: loveable)
Single form brands
Company image & product are synonymous
Nikon = camera
Canon produces a lot of things
Maldives = product
Multi-form brands
Brands not related to the parent company
Unilever produces eternity perfume
Romania has a negative image do not use it, compose different brands of different
attractions in Romania
Balanced form
Each brand related to the corporate body
When a new product is introduced it wears the company’s name, but later it’s lost and
only the product’s name remain
Variety-form brands
10) Please analyse the contents of marketing mix elements in tourism with special
attention to marketing communication
▪ DESIGN THE PRODUCT TO SUIT THE CUSTOMER (they have to be able to buy
my product)
▪ We have to develop the product
▪ the conversation with people is very important => it is easier to make the product on
somebody’s needs and wishes than to fix it later to his/her needs
▪ change the product according to major trends, how the needs change make sure the
product is kept alive
▪ market: fix the product cheaper
▪ customer: tailor-made product
▪ Who is the target market?
▪ first communicate internally (within the company, with colleagues, staff, destination)
and then communicate externally (to the market)
▪ what the customers are willing to pay
▪ people tend to think that what is more expensive is of higher quality: in the UK the
government put tax onto foreign luxury products people bought them, even though
they were more expensive than domestic products, because they thought the British
ones were of poor quality
▪ it is not true that what more expensive is, is better quality => too cheap products
cannot be sold either
▪ quality products sell do not cut prices (do not sell the product on a lower price)
▪ be careful with currency exchanging currency may wipe away profit
▪ logo, cars, tangible things surrounding the product, kitchen – restaurant
▪ the image of the company has to fit the image of the product
▪ Where the customer comes into contact with the product
▪ APPROPRIATE CHANNELS: place represents the quality of the product => all parts
of the value chain have to be the same quality
INTERMEDIARIES must be properly trained (JVS camera story, they are not
employed by you, but they are in direct contact with the customers)
DIRECT SELLING means leaving out intermediaries, but people need a higher
level of care and with the internet customers are surprised it worked, that the
booking was done, also may have problems with credit cards
▪ mirror – mirror exercise: the image of the company reflects in the customers’ opinion
▪ the staff of a 5 star hotel may have never been to a 5 star hotel as guests they don’t
know how it feels like, what the guests think & experience put them into the guests’
▪ booking system, payment system (online)
▪ payment: how to make people pay?
disposable income: material or mortgage, cash or credit card
Pay a portion and then a monthly portion by credit card?
▪ focus on people who serve you and not on marketing
▪ 85% of the complaints are about the service / people and not the product
eligible suitable
With the best CV why are you In a chain another department won’t employ an
looking for a job? employee of another they need fresh brains they
can train to become their men
11. Please discuss the issues of cost management with the travel enterprises. How are the
expenditures classified? Analyze the impact of the different cost categories on the
financial results of the travel company.
In the typical hospitality industry operation, as much as ninety cents of each sales dollar
is used to pay for costs. It is obvious that cost management must be an extremely important
part of the successful management of an establishment.
In accounting terminology, a cost is defined as an asset. This asset could be one with a
very long life, such as a hotel building, or one with a relatively short life, such as food
inventory. Theoretically, as these assets or costs are used up, they became expenses and are so
recorded on income statements. However, some items are paid for and are never considered to
be assets. They are classified directly as expenses such as wages paid, supplies purchased, and
energy consumed, among many others. It is confusing since we usually say "wage cost,"
"supplies cost," and "energy cost." Therefore, it is obvious that the words cost and expense are
commonly interchangeable despite the theory.
One of the ways to better manage expenses or costs is to understand that there are many
types of cost, and, if one can recognize the type of cost that is being considered, better
decisions can be made about it. Some of the most common types of cost are defined here.
The meaning of cost: Cost, considered as an expense, is the reduction of an asset, generally
for the purpose of increasing revenues. Cost can be classified in a range of methods
depending on the use of the information.
Types of costs:
- Basic cost elements: materials, labour, expenses
- Direct, Indirect costs, Overheads
- Fixed, Variable, Semi-variable/Semi-fixed costs
- Actual cost, Budgeted/Standard cost
- Controllable cost, Uncontrollable cost
- Joint cost, Discretionary cost
- Total cost, Average cost, Marginal cost
- Differential cost, Relevant cost, Sunk cost, Opportunity cost
Direct cost. Direct cost is a cost that is the responsibility of a particular department or
department manager. Most direct costs will go up or down, to a greater or lesser degree, as
revenue goes up and down. Because of this, they are considered to be controllable by, and
thus the responsibility of, the department to which they are charged. Examples of this type of
cost would be food, beverages, wages, operating supplies and services, and linen and laundry.
Indirect cost. An indirect cost is commonly referred to as an undistributed cost or one that
cannot easily be identified with a particular department or area, and thus cannot be charged to
any specific department. For example, property operation, maintenance, and energy costs
could only be charged to various departments (such as rooms or food and beverage) with
difficulty. Even if this difficulty could be overcome, it must still be recognized that indirect
costs cannot normally be made the responsibility of an operating department manager.
Indirect costs are also sometimes referred to as overhead costs.
Fixed cost
Fixed costs are those that, over the short run (a year or less), do not change or vary with
volume. Examples of fixed cost would be salaries of management people, fire-insurance
expense, rent paid on a square-foot basis, and the committed cost of an advertising campaign.
Over the long run, of course, all these costs can change. But, in the short run, they would
normally change only, if at all, by a specific top-management decision.
Variable cost
A variable cost is one that varies on a linear basis with revenue. Very few costs are strictly
linear, but two that are (with only a minor possibility that they do not always fit this strict
definition) are the costs of food and beverages. The more food and beverages sold, the more
that have to be purchased. If revenue is zero, then the cost should also be zero.
Actual and Budgeted cost:
- Actual: the actual cost is what a cost or expense actually was. For example, the payroll
records and checks made out to employees will indicate the actual labour cost for that
payroll period.
- Budgeted: a budgeted cost is what a cost is expected to be for a period of time. For
example, for an anticipated level of sales for a month, we might budget or forecast what
the labour cost should be for that period. Later, that budgeted cost would be compared
with the actual labour cost in order to determine the causes of any differences.
Standard Cost:
A standard cost is what the cost should be (predetermined) for a given volume or level of
revenue. For example, a standard cost can be developed by casting the recipe for a given
menu item. If ten of these menu items are sold, the total standard cost should be ten times the
individual recipe cost. Standard costs should be developed individually by each establishment,
since many factors influencing standard costs differ from one establishment to another. Use
for standard costs: budgeting, forecasting, pricing decisions, expansion planning, staff
scheduling, and internal control. (eg. comparison of actual costs with standard costs.)
Joint cost: it is shared by one or more departments or areas, mostly indirect costs, also known
as common cost which is not traceable to particular units or departments. eg. the cost of a
dining room waiter who serves both food and beverage. His labour is a joint cost, and should
be charged to the food department and to the beverage department (in proportion to revenue
or by some other appropriate method).
Discretionary cost: it depends on the decision of a particular person, incurred at the sole
discretion of usually the general manager (GM) eg. refurbishment of a room, painting etc.
Total cost: is the aggregated fixed, variable and semi-variable costs in a specified budgetary
period ( TC= FC + VC )
Average cost: total cost divided by number of units sold (room, guest night, covers). It is also
known as unit cost or average total cost.
Marginal cost: is the increase in total cost caused by one more unit of output eg.
accommodating one more guest.
Costs in decision-making situations:
- Differential costs: costs which differ between the two alternatives. Costs which remain
the same with or without the new decision are non-differential costs, they should not be
considered in the decision-making process.
- Relevant costs: are those which must be considered in a decision-making situation as
they are pertinent to a given decision. A cost has to be differential, future and
quantifiable in order to be relevant.
- Sunk cost: is a past cost relating to a past decision, it has already been incurred and
cannot be recovered. It should be left out from the decision-making situation since it
cannot affect any future decisions.
- Opportunity cost: the cost of the best forgone opportunity in a decision-making
situation. These costs are among the relevant cost considerations.
Labour Cost:
The % of Revenue to Wages shows what is the percentage of revenue was spent on labour.
The cost of labour generally accounts for considerable amount of money. As a percentage of
sales, labour cost typically ranges from 15% to 35%. There are many factors can be
considered which can affect the labour costs, such as sales volume, location, equipment,
training, and management. Labour turnover rate, a ratio relating the number of departing
employees to the total number of employees and usually expressed as a percentage, which
tend to range between 10 and 20%.
In the short run, as long as revenue is greater than variable cost, it pays to accept business
because the excess of revenue over variable cost will contribute to, or help pay for, the fixed
Operational financial expenses
The Income Statement shows the operating results of a business over a period of time. Most
hospitality operations are departmentalized and the income statement needs to show the
operating results department by department as well as for the operation as a whole.
- Indirect expenses are those that are not directly related to revenue-producing activities of
the operation. Indirect expenses are broken down into two separate categories: the
undistributed operation expenses and the fixed charges. Undistributed operating expenses
include costs such as administrative, general, marketing, property operation and maintenance.
Other expenses might be included in this category are management fees, franchise fees and
guest entertainment. All this undistributed operating expenses are considered controllable but
not by the operating department heads but the general manager. Fixed charges are related to
property taxes, insurance, interest and depreciation.
- Direct expenses are those that are directly related to revenue-producing activities of the
operation. These are food, beverage and laundry.
To get the final net income, the total cost has to be deducted from the total revenue.
Statement of Cash-Flow
It shows the effects on cash of the business’s operating, investing and financing activities for
the accounting period and explains the change in cash for the accounting period.
Balance Sheet and Income Statement
The Balance Sheet shows the position and financial condition of the business at a particular
point in time. It is similar to a still photograph. On the contrary, the Income Statement shows
how the business performed over a period of time. It is similar to a movie or a video.
On the left hand side it lists the assets or resources a company has. On the right hand side are
the liabilities (debts) of the company and the stockholders’ equity. On the balance sheet total
assets always equal total liabilities plus equity. The asset side of a balance sheet is normally
broken down into three sections: current assets, fixed (or long term) assets, and other assets.
The travel industry is highly competitive industry with limited flexibility to set prices.
Uniqueness enables producers to establish higher prices and more flexibility to determine
their prices. Uniqueness stems from product attributes like right and efficient combination of
product elements, introduction of new products, quality of product and personal relationships
developed with customers
Tour Operators can keep their prices low by restraining profit or/and by cutting
costs. They can cut the cost of the product element with buying in bulk and also
can cut their operating cost by finding the most efficient way of product
creation and sales
Basics of pricing.
• Variable costs:
(actual expenses of package components – direct costs, and other costs
incurred with the sale of each package)
– Total variable costs increase as output increases
(but often are not the same across all levels of output)
– Per unit variable costs are high at low level of output, and decline as
output level expands
Profit margin = sold quantity x selling price of the package/package tour – cost of the
elements of the tour
Tour operators can establish the minimum price required to earn profit with good
projection of fixed and variable costs. This price is called break-even price: This is the
price per unit for a given volume of output at which total revenue is exactly equal to total
P = (F + V x Q) / Q
• Example #2: We would like to know how much can we spend on product
• F= HUF 800000
• Q= 125 seats (capacity of the charter flight)
• P= HUF 62000 (competitor’s price)
– P= (F+VxQ)/Q, V=P-F/Q
– V= (62000-800000/125)= 55600
• If P = 61900
– V= (61900-800000/125)= 55500
• Example #3: We would like to know how many consumers do we need for
given fix cost and variable cost, on market price:
• F= HUF 800000
• P= HUF 62000 (competitor’s price)
• V= HUF 58500
– P= (F+VxQ)/Q, Q=F/(P-V)
– Q= 800000/(62000-58500)=229
• If P = 61900
– Q= 800000/(61900-58500)=236
3. Competitors’ prices
• What other products in your market compete most directly with your
12. Pricing and pricing policy play an important role in securing profitability, which are
the main factors influencing the prices in the tourism companies. Expand on the pricing
policy of the hotels and travel companies. List the different discounted prices.
Historically, price has been the major factor affecting buyer choice. This is still true in
poorer nations, among poorer groups, and with commodity products. However, non-price
factors have become more important in buyer-choice behaviour in recent decades.
Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue; all other elements
represent costs. Price is also one of the most flexible elements of the marketing mix. Unlike
product features and channel commitments, price can be changed quickly. At the same time,
pricing and price competition is the number one problem facing many marketing executives.
Yet, many companies do not handle pricing well. The most common mistakes are: pricing that
is too cost oriented; prices that are not revised often enough to reflect market changes; pricing
that does not take the rest of the marketing mix into account; and prices that are not varied
enough for different products, market segments, and purchase occasions.
Price is the amount of money charged for a product or service. More broadly, price is the sum
of the values and all sacrifices that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the
product or service.
Barter: the exchange of one good or service for another good or service; tax doesn’t have to
be paid in this case.
Value: the power of a product to attract something else in an exchange (basis for price).
Discounted prices:
group prices
prices for retired persons
youth/child prices
weekend price
family price
frequent guest price
incentive price
convention price
rates based on size
Fair Rating
A sound room rate structure is fundamental to a sound hotel operation. The proper room
charge is a matter of exceeding complexity: room rates reflect markets and costs; investments
and rates of return, supply and demand; accommodations and competition; and not least of all,
the quality of management. Divided into its two major components, room rates must be large
enough to cover costs and a fair return on invested capital, and reasonable enough to attract
and retain the clientele to whom the operation is being marketed.
Double Occupancy
It refers to the use of the room by a second guest. Traditional rate making increases the single-
occupancy rate by a factor (normally not twice) whenever the room is double occupied.
1. Controllable factors - over which the marketers has a large amount of control
Costs, marketing-pricing objectives, product offering, company resources
2. Uncontrollable factors - over which there is little control, but which still influence
the pricing decision.
Demand, competition (monopolistic, oligopoly), type and structure of the industry
Factors to consider when setting prices: A company's pricing decisions are affected
both by internal company factors and external environmental factors.
Internal factors:
1. marketing objectives:
- survival, current profit maximization, market-share maximisation, product-quality
leadership and other objectives
2. marketing-mix strategy
- product design, distribution, promotion.. → consistent + effective marketing program
3. costs
- set the floor (lower limit) for the price that both covers all costs for producing, dis-
tributing, and selling the product and delivers a fair rate of return for its effort and risk
(lower costs – lower prices – greater sales – greater profits)
4. organisation
- who should set prices within the organisation (top management vs. marketing or
sales departments, divisional or product line managers, pricing department?)
- sales managers, production managers, finance managers and accountants have an
influence on pricing
External factors:
1. the nature of the market and demand
- set the upper limit of prices, balance the price against the benefits of the product
- different types of markets, each representing a different pricing challenge: pure
competition, monopolistic competition etc.
2. competition
- competitors’ costs, prices and offers – starting point for our own pricing policy
3. other environmental elements
- economic conditions such as inflation, boom or recession, interest rates etc.
- government (legal frames, taxation, regulations)
- social concerns such as the company’s short-term sales, market share, profit goals…
- PEST, SLEPT analysis are highly recommended
Setting prices:
1. Determine pricing objectives
2. Know importance of price to target market (sensitiveness) + competitors’ prices
3. Know demand (elasticity)
4. Understand costs
5. Determine pricing strategy
6. Setting price
2) Market-skimming pricing: first set high price (monopoly) competitors enter price
goes down & reaches market level. In this case the product shouldn’t be imitated easily (brand
name, legal & market protection).
Pricing Strategies:
1. Cost oriented: prices set according to costs, begin with costs (add up all the costs) and
work towards selling price
Cost-plus pricing: catering operations - percentage standard mark-up or a set amount
is added to the cost: Price = Costs + f (% mark-up)
Factor pricing - food costs are multiplied by a standard factor to produce a retail price
Break-even method /target profit pricing (TC=FC+VC)
2. Profit oriented
Target rate of return or the Hubbart formula approach (“Bottom-up”) - starts with the
level of return required: taking an estimate of the total investment cost and stating the
target rate of return, the required gross operating income can be calculated → focus on
profit but requires forecasts of future costs, occupancy rates etc.
The Scholarly method - Step 1.Estimated operating expenses + return desired = total
estimated expenses and fair return desired Step 2. minus credits from non-room
sources equals the mount to be realized from guestroom sales to cover costs and
desired reasonable return Step 3. divided by no. of rooms to be occupied at estimated
average occupancy equals minimum daily room rate to cover cost and desired
reasonable return on present fair value
Rule of thumb or pro mille approach - sets the rate from each invested USD 1000 less
USD 1 proportionally for the room rate Assuming that the construction costs of the
100 room hotel amounted USD 8.000.000 so the average per room cost should be
USD 80.000;Thus the minimum room rate is USD 80 at a 70% occupancy rate.
3. Sales oriented
Marketing oriented pricing (MOP) - considering of costs, competition, the nature of
demand, company objectives and the form of distribution channel through which a
product passes before reaching the consumer, suitable for pricing decisions on new
products or new hotels
Prestige pricing - taking advantage of the way in which price and quality are
perceived by consumers to be interrelated
Leader pricing (bait-pricing) - mix of products: one in particular acts as an attraction
and creates sales for the other, less attractive items
Psychological pricing – when products are intangible or difficult to evaluate. Some
consumers buy only between maximum and minimum prices, which they find
economically and psychologically comfortable.
4. Competitor oriented: compare selling price with competitors (calculate selling price
according to quality differences & following competitors)
Price follower-ship/Going-Rate pricing - the lower priced hotel following any price
changes instituted by the price leader. Companies change their prices when the market
leader's prices change, rather than when their own demand or costs change.
5. Demand/Buyer based: depends on the buyers’ perceived value of the product, non-price
variables are used in the marketing mix to build up perceived value in buyers' minds. Price is
then set to match the perceived value. It begins with the selling price & work towards costs.
6. Miscellaneous:
Mixed pricing - combination of cost oriented and competition oriented versions.
Advantage: always monitoring the cost structure and competition.
Rate upon room-size
Discount Pricing and Allowances
Most companies adjust their basic price to reward customers for certain responses, such as
early payment of bills, volume purchases, and off-season buying. These price adjustments are
called discounts and allowances.
Cash Discounts
A cash discount is a price reduction to buyers who pay their bills promptly. A typical example
is "2/10, net 30," which means that although payment is due within 30 days, the buyer can
deduct 2 percent if the bill is paid within 10 days.
Quantity Discounts: A quantity discount is a price reduction to buyers who buy large
volumes. A typical example might be "$10 per unit for less than 100 units, $9 per unit for 100
or more units." Such discounts provide an incentive to the customer to buy more from one
given seller, rather than from many different sources.
Functional Discounts: A functional discount (also called a trade discount) is offered by the
seller to trade channel members who perform certain functions, such as selling, storing, and
record keeping.
Seasonal Discounts: A seasonal discount is a price reduction to buyers who buy merchandise
or services out of season. Hotels, motels, and airlines offer seasonal discounts in their slower
selling periods to keep production steady during an entire year.
Allowances are another type of reductions from the list price. For example, trade in
allowances are price reductions given for turning in an old item when buying a new one.
Promotional allowances are payments or price reductions to reward dealers for participating
in advertising and sales-support programs.
Discriminatory Pricing
Companies often will adjust their basic prices to allow for differences in customers, products,
and locations. In discriminatory pricing, the company sells a product or service at two or more
prices, even though the difference in prices is not based on differences in costs.
Discriminatory pricing takes several forms:
Customer-segment pricing. Different customers pay different prices for the same product or
service. eg. museums charge a lower admission for students and senior citizens.
Product-form pricing. Different versions of the product are priced differently, but not
according to differences in their costs. For instance, Black & Decker prices its most expensive
iron at $54.98, which is $12 more than the price of its next most expensive iron. The top
model has a self-cleaning feature, yet this extra feature costs only a few more dollars to make.
Time pricing. Prices vary by the season, the month, the day, and even the hour. Public utilities
vary their prices to commercial users by time of day and weekend versus weekday. The
telephone company offers lower "off-peak" charges, and resorts give seasonal discounts.
For discriminatory pricing to be an effective strategy, certain conditions must exist. The
market must be segmentable, and the segments must show different degrees of demand.
Members of the segment paying the lower price should not be able to turn around and resell
the product to the segment paying the higher price. Competitors should not be able to
undersell in the segment being charged the higher price. Nor should the costs of segmenting
and watching the market exceed the extra revenue obtained from the price difference.
13. Please expand on the different hotel functions (accommodation, F&B, other services)
and the management tasks securing smooth operations and financial results.
Hotel Divisions:
Rooms Division (60% of revenue)
→ FO, HK, reservation, call centre-switchboard, concierge, uniformed service:
porters, bell staff, doorman etc.)
F&B Division (30% of revenue)
→ Restaurants, coffee shops, bars, clubs, room service, catering, banquets, kitchen
Sales and Marketing Division
→ Sales, convention services, marketing, advertising, PR, guest relations
Accounting Division
→ monitoring the financial activities, managing accounting activities: paying invoices,
collecting payments, payroll, accumulating operating data, financial statements,
controlling, taxes etc.
Engineering and Maintenance Division
→ appearance, functioning (interior, exterior), equipment, sanitation etc.
Security Division
→ safety and security for hotel guests, visitors and employees, loss prevention etc.
HR/Personnel Division
→ employment, recruiting, training, compensation benefits, employee policies, labour
relations, personnel safety, administration etc.
Other Divisions
→ laundry (HK), recreation (wellness, golf, tennis, bowling, tours etc.), casino, retail
outlets, animation
A hotel's departments can be classified in many ways depending on the type of the hotel. Our
method classifies as revenue and support centers.
Revenue centers: generate revenue by selling goods and services to guests (front
office, F&B outlets, room service, telephone or shops and retail stores)
Support or Cost centers: do not generate revenue but providing important support
for the revenue centers (housekeeping, accounting, engineering & maintenance, and
human resources)
Another way of classification:
Front of the House departments: front desk, restaurant, lounges, banqueting, shops.
Back of the House departments: reservation, housekeeping, maintenance,
engineering, accounting, and human resources.
Hotel operations can be divided into core and supplementary services. The three core
functions are providing accommodation, provision (food and beverages) and other services.
The supplementary activities are: administration, technical assistance, production units.
Accommodation function includes receiving the guest (FO), providing rooms etc.
F&B function includes restaurant, room services, bar, function rooms, minibar, shops etc.
Other services may include laundry, business centre, recreation possibilities etc.
Planning an organisation
An organization requires a formal structure to carry out its mission and goals. A common
way to represent it is with an organization chart, which is a schematic representation of the
relationships between positions within an organization. It shows where each position fits in
the overall organization, as well as where the divisions of responsibility and lines of authority
lie. Organizational possibilities: full-service property, property with separately owned F&B
operations and a rooms-only hotel.
a) Full-service property: offers lodging and F&B service. All but two of the lines on the
chart are solid, indicating reporting relationships. The dotted lines connecting the sales
director to the catering director and the reservations manager represent the close working
relationship needed among these positions.
b) Some hotels may lease F&B outlets to another company. Separate ownership which
creates a possibility for conflict. Informal consulting relationships exist between
managers and owners of the two businesses.
c) Without restaurant.
Management Functions:
The process of front office management can be divided into specific functions.
The most important management function. Without the direction and focus planning
provides, the front office manager may become overly involved with tasks that are unrelated
to or inconsistent with accomplishing the departments goals. Front office manager should use
these general goals as a guide to planning more specific, measurable objectives. Planning
also includes determining the strategies that will be used to attain the objectives
Using the planned goals as a guide, a front office manager organizes the department by
dividing the work among front office staff. Work should be distributed so that everyone gets
a fair assignment and work can be completed in a timely manner. Also determining the order
in which tasks are to be performed and establishing completion deadlines for each group of
Involves bringing together and using the available resources to attain planned goals. Front
office manager must coordinate the efforts of many individuals to ensure that the work is
performed efficiently, effectively and on time.
Recruiting applicants and selecting those best qualified for positions. Front office manager
develop staffing guidelines which are usually based on formulas for calculating the number of
employees required to meet guest and operational needs.
For a front office manager leading involves overseeing, motivating, training, disciplining and
setting example for the front office staff.
Every front office has a system of internal controls for protecting the assets of the hotel. The
control process ensures that the actual results of the operations closely match planned results.
Determines the extent to which planned goals are in fact attained. It also involves reviewing
and when necessary revising or helping to revise front office goals.
Three important front office planning functions are:
Establishing room rates
Forecasting room availability
Budgeting for operations
Management measures for Hotels
Hotel rates
Rack rates – officially assigned rate for each type of room
Average daily rate (ADR) – measurement criteria
= Room total revenue / number of rooms occupied
Yield management – this is used in room rate allocation to attempt to maximize the
revenue per room
(a/l: passenger revenue per seat mile)
Occupancy rate:
Occupancy ratio = number of occupied rooms /number of rooms available
Guests per room
Other revenue and cost concerns
Rooms revenue – more than 50 % of the total revenue
Food and beverage – 30 %
AP – American Plan – HB
EP – European Plan – no meals
MAP – Modified American Plan – HB
Executive Assistant Manager or Resident Manager – responsibilities
o Responsible for the day to day management of hotel activities
o Deals with emergencies, complaints or special events
o Responsible for the welfare and safety of staff, guests and property
Executives – the persons reporting directly to senior management and
are responsible for the short and long term planning of finance, marketing and staff
development in their particular areas of specialization.
Heads of Department - Effective hotel management needs a clear
definition of responsibility and authority, especially in the cases of heads of department.
The roles of the heads of department are usually described by their titles, which also
indicate their main areas of responsibility.
Noémi’s version:
In order to carry out the mission of an organization a formal structure (organizational chart) is
needed. This chart represents the relationships between different positions within the
organization. The departments of a hotel can be classified as revenue and support centres.
Marketing and sales (generate revenue from hotel products)
Convention services
Marketing – advertising
PR, guest relations
Security Division
Safety and security for hotel guests, visitors and for employees
Patrolling the property, monitoring
Other Divisions
Retail outlets(drug store), recreation, casinos
Wellness, animation
Hotel operations can be divided into core and supplementary services. The 3 core functions
Providing accommodation,
Provision (food and beverage)
Other services
Shops, Coffee shop
Other services may include different services like:
Business centre
Recreational possibilities
14) what are the main issues of cost management in the hotel industry? How can
expenditures theoretically be divided into cost groups? Analyse the main type of
See Q 11.
15) Please describe the Balance sheet, the Income statement and analyse the issues
pertinent to profitability in the hotel industry. Discuss the contribution ratio by
major activities (departments) to income and the responsibilities.
Publishing Profit and Loss statement is compulsory. The aim of the Profit and Loss Statement
is to give a report about the results and performance of the hotel.
The statement gives information regarding:
Income from rooms sold
Income from sales of food and beverages
Other and extraordinary revenues
Purchase price of goods sold
Other costs, depreciation, payroll costs, etc.
Operating profit or loss, extraordinary income or loss
Profit before tax, after tax, net profit
P&L: profit and loss statement. It records hotel revenues and expenses for a specific time
period. It lists the hotel’s revenues, expenses, GOP, and fixed charges for a certain time.
Revenue is defined as the cash inflow received in exchange for the sale of goods and services.
In a hotel revenue is derived from renting guest rooms, selling food and beverage in the
restaurant. But revenue can be derived from other resources such as catering, entertainment,
retail shops, and commissions.
Expenses are defined as goods or services used in the business’s normal operations in order to
earn revenue.
Expenses can be indirect and direct.
-Indirect expenses are those that are not directly related to revenue-producing activities of
the operation. Indirect expenses are broken down into two separate categories: the
undistributed operation expenses and the fixed charges. Undistributed operating expenses
include costs such as administrative, general, marketing, property operation and maintenance.
Other expenses might be included in this category are management fees, franchise fees and
guest entertainment. All this undistributed operating expenses are considered controllable but
not by the operating department heads but the general manager. Fixed charges are related to
property taxes, insurance, interest and depreciation.
-Direct expenses are those that are directly related to revenue-producing activities of the
operation. These are food, beverage and laundry.
To get the final net income, the total cost has to be deducted from the total revenue.
Income Statement Information
Less Direct operating expense
Equals Departmental operating income
Less Overhead (undistributed) expense
Equals Net Income (GOP)
Less Fixed expense
Equals Income before taxes
Accommodation Pricing
• Managing the room resource in hotel operations requires achieving a careful balance
between monitoring room rate and achieving maximum occupancy.
• Hotel pricing strategies can take advantage of the different market characteristics of
the leisure and business travellers.
• Leisure travellers:
– Advance bookings
– Quality required varies
– Destination flexible
– Highly price sensitive
– Stays longer
• Business travellers:
– Short booking lead times
– Tend to require high quality
– Destination predetermined
– Relatively less price sensitive
– Short term stay avoiding weekends
GOP: =Gross Operating Profit: It refers to hotel revenue less expenses controlled at the
property level. It is expressed in both dollar figure and a % of total revenue.
GOP margin - ??
16) Please discuss the investment possibilities in the hotel industry, with the attention
to new investment projects, reconstruction and service improvement. Explain the
main elements of feasibility study for building of new hotel and fax reconstruction.
Hotels and motels are almost always available for purchase. Buyers want the minimum price
possible; sellers the maximum price. The hotel buyer usually uses leveraged money, and the
sophisticated lender wants to be sure that the money being loaned will be repaid. Both buyer
and seller are almost certain to be biased. To help eliminate bias and arrive at a value that the
lender will accept, a market and feasibility study can be called for whenever a hotel or motel
is bought.
Consultants and accounting firms are employed to conduct market and feasibility studies to
forecast occupancy average daily rate, and net income.
Market analysis goes hand in hand with a feasibility study. Feasibility presumes markets, but
they must be identified.
Market Analysis
Market analysis includes the following:
Identification of a potential market: the type of people who can be expected to
patronize the proposed hotel or resort.
Quantification of the market: how many people can be expected to patronize the
hotel or resort.
The kind of facility that will appeal to the market.
Estimation of the size of the facility needed for the market.
Estimation of the cost of the facility that will serve the market.
Competition: Existing or planned hotels in the same area that cater to the same
Cost of travel to the hotel-rising or falling.
Number of airlines serving the area.
Whether the area is growing as a destination.
Whether the area around the hotel is becoming more popular, more prestigious, and
more appealing, and whether the hotel compatible with the neighborhood.
One of the most famous statements made about hotels was Ellsworth Statler's comment that
the three most important factors in the success of a hotel were first, location; second,
location; and third, location. The problem remains as to what is a good location because the
definition changes with conditions and involves a number of physical and economic factors.
The feasibility study itself can be broken down into several segments, each of which has an
impact of the potential success of the project:
Site considerations:
b) Location
Nature and quality of surrounding
In the neighbourhood: barracks, lunatic asylum or
madhouse, piggery, chicken farm, chemical works,
Accessibility of the site
Traffic channel, main road, one way,
Road development plans
Regulations for sign-guides
Height control
Supply with public utilities
Water, sewage or drainage, gas, electricity
The size of the site not the most important factor
The shape of the ground
The surface relief of the ground
The visibility of the ground
The size of the neighbouring grounds
The quality and utilization of neighbouring grounds
Meteorological data
Conditions of the soil
Property nexus or ownership
The market:
We should be ascertained that there is demand for a hotel in the area where the site is located.
The location of a hotel in relation to the city can be a positive or negative factor in creating
Supply of rooms:
by listing the existing hotels and their capacity then forming an opinion as to whether the
overall location is good or bad.
Labour situation:
in many areas the rapid development of the hotel industry has resulted in a labour demand
exceeding the supply. Even if there is an adequate source of labour available, it may very well
be that wages and benefit costs, because of conditions either in the industry or in the country,
will result in abnormally high payroll. Such a high cost may render the project infeasible.
Wage trends must also be examined. Even if current wage levels are acceptable, the recent
rate of increase may indicate a trend that would cause excessively high wage levels within a
short period of time..
Finally, the quality of labour should also be considered, not only because poor quality may
have an adverse effect on business, but also because unexpected costs may be incurred to
properly train the staff..
Room demand:
based on the analysis made of statistics on arrivals and room nights, a projection should be
made of future demand for accommodations. It should be measured in numbers of future
room nights, which can be set down and matched against the combination of currently
available rooms and future rooms to be constructed. The comparison will indicate the number
of rooms for which there will probably be the future market.
Concurrently, the analysis of the market should provide information as to the type of guest
that may be anticipated ethnic background, cultural preferences, income level, and, of course,
country of origin. It will also include information as to whether the guests will be principally
business travellers, tourists, or a mixture of both. Such data must be fully analysed and
considered when deciding the type of facilities to be constructed.
Financial projections:
The future room demand
determined through the market analysis should be related to the number of rooms decided
upon when planning the facilities, and this interrelationship should be used to obtain
estimated occupancies for the hotel for several years.
The comparison of rates
charged by existing competition, together with the quality of facilities to be provided, permits
the determination of room rates that in anticipation will be acceptable to the future guests.
The combination of the occupancy figures
and the average rates permits a calculation of future rooms sales. Proper consideration must
be given to increased demand and inflation in estimating the sales after the first year.
Similarly, the analysis of the market and the competition can be used to estimate average
checks and volumes for each of the planned food and beverage facilities, and ultimately for
the total food and beverage sales. Once the projected sales have been determined, estimates
must be made of cost of sales, payroll and related expenses, and other applicable expenses, in
order to arrive at an estimated operating profit.
The first step in estimating the payroll
is to prepare an expected staffing analysis for the hotel by job category. By multiplying the
staffing analysis by the expected workweek, weekly totals of hours in each job classification
can be projected. Current wage rates can be obtained from either the records of existing hotels
or existing union contracts. An inflation factor must be applied to these rates to cover the
increase between today's rates and those that will be in force when the hotel opens.
Related expenses, including employee benefits, are projected as a percentage of cash payrolls.
Cost elements of the project:
Land is not necessarily an element of cost in a hotel project, in as much as many hotels are
constructed on land that is leased from the owner. However, where the land is actually
purchased or owned, it becomes the most variable cost of all. In some instances, the developer
may have owned the land for many years, in which case the historical cost may be relatively
low, on the other hand, the developer may very well be acquiring a land site as Budapest,
London, and Paris.
the cost of construction is the biggest element in any hotel project. Therefore, it is important
to evaluate the various types and quality of construction techniques and materials available in
order to keep the construction costs within practical figures. Cost of construction is most
easily controlled if a fixed-price contract can be obtained from a contractor, but because of the
inflation prevalent both in labour and in construction materials, this is not often feasible. So
most hotels are built under a cost-plus contract. However, most of the advantages of a fixed-
price contract can be obtained if a maximum ceiling on cost can be written into the contract.
Operating equipment:
in a hotel is a term used to cover linen, silver, china, glassware, and in some instances,
uniforms. In addition to the operating equipment that is immediately put into service in a
hotel, a certain amount of backup inventories, known as reserve stocks, must be acquired.
An amount of USD 4.000 per room seems to be acceptable.
In order to open a hotel, various operating inventories must be acquired in addition to the
reserve stocks mentioned above. These inventories can be broken down into the following
1. Food
2. Beverages
3. Cleaning supplies
4. Paper supplies
5. Guest supplies
6. Stationery
7. Engineering supplies
A cost per room of USD 3.000 per room can be considered as satisfactory.
Pre-opening expenses:
Prior to opening of a hotel, expenses are incurred for such things as pre-opening payroll,
training costs, advertising, and sales expenses and travel. The amount that should be allocated
for pre-opening expenses must be determined at the time the overall budget is produced, but it
would depend on the pre-opening philosophies of the operator. These will dictate at what
point in advance of opening personnel will be hired, to what degree personnel will be trained
before the hotel opens, and the extent of pre-opening advertising and sales.
Pre-opening expenses should be at least USD 1.000 per room.
Working capital:
in addition to having adequate inventories on hand, it is obviously necessary to have a certain
amount of money in the bank when a hotel is opened. Such funds must be sufficient to meet
the early payrolls and to finance the operation before a normal level of cash flow is reached. It
should be anticipated that in the early days of operation, accounts receivable will accumulate
without any material amounts of cash income being collected. It is to cover this period that
adequate working capital must be provided. It should amount to at least USD 500 per room.
17) Please discuss the importance of conference and meeting tourism and its role in
the Hungarian Tourism. Prepare a 4 day program in connection with an
international congress.
Business travel
Motivation is business related
Business traveller: any traveller who must travel in order to conduct business
Events designed to bring people together for the purpose of exchanging information
Can be held on-premises at one of the companies/organisations or off-premises at other sites.
Differ in size, subject matter and agenda
Can be
forum (larger, led by a pane)
seminar (smaller and more focused on subject matter)
symposium (subject is more academic or technical)
workshop (skill building or training)
Incentive travel:
Incentive or reward for achievement
Can be:
company-paid vacation
reward for top-performing salespersons
promotion for a future performance
loyalty building
Usually include
motivational seminars,
Introduction of new products
Promotional campaign
Large events at which vendors can display and market their products or services to a
contingent of potential clients and buyers
an event combining both meeting and expositions
Can be
Sponsored by professional and trade associations
Sponsored by corporations
Generates high expenditures on per visitor basis and create substantial economic
impacts for the host economy
Product creation:
Upon the request of the customer
On short notice
Regular changes
Special knowledge is required:
▫ Product
▫ Consumer
▫ Technology
Get in touch with special associations related to Congress – ICCA (International
Congress and Convention Association), IAPCO (International Association of Professional
Congress Organizers)
Good reputation
Active scientific background
Central geographic location
Favourable price/value ratio
General tourist attractions
Professional organizers
Lack of complex congress centres
Financial difficulties
Accessibility /air, highway/
Strengthening the relationship with international associations
European Union membership
Conference Ambassadors Programme /
General economic recession
International conflicts
Development of neighbouring countries
For success it is necessary to increase capacity, accommodation, technical facilities and the
construction of new convention centres, improve marketing activities and to create a better image.
Hungary is strong in organising meetings (company staff meetings, board meetings, board of
directors meetings). In 2005 Hungary was on the 9th place in Europe regarding conference
tourism. Hungary is good up to 1000-1200 participants, but we are the best between 100-500
participants. For these meetings the hotels, universities and palaces are the best places. The
hotel should have at least one big conference room, 2-3 smaller rooms and one technical room
including all technical supply (Internet, telephone, projector, flip chart, computer, all other
technical equipment needed for a conference). Good coffee breaks and lunches have to be
organised in the hotel.
4-day program:
Must be planned ahead, facilities like overhead projector, flip chart, etc, must be provided.
Parameters: 400 people from the European countries, medical conference, accommodation in
hotels in Budapest.
Day 2
9.00 – conference starts
10.30 – 11.00 – coffee break
12.45 -14.15 – Lunch
14.30 – conference continues
15.30 – 16.00 – coffee break
17.30 – conference ends
Ladies’ program in the morning: 3-hour sightseeing tour by bus
Ladies’ program in the afternoon: free time (recommendation: shopping: Váci Street, visit the
Main Market Hall)
20.00 – optional program: sightseeing tour by night by boat
Day 3
9.00 – conference starts
10.30 – 11.00 – coffee break
12.45 -14.15 – Lunch
14.30 – conference continues
15.30 – 16.00 – coffee break
17.30 – conference ends
Ladies’ program in the morning: optional tour by boat to Szentendre
Ladies’ program in the afternoon: Visit the Museum of Temporary Arts – Palace of Arts
19.00 – Optional program: performance in the Hungarian State Opera House or in the Operett
Day 4
9.00 – conference starts
11.00 – conference ends
Ladies program in the morning: free time, optional program: visit the National Gallery
Program for the whole group: trip to the Puszta region by bus (40 buses for 400 people)
Traditional Hungarian lunch in a csárda in Lajosmizse (e.g.Új Tanyacsárda or Varga Tanya),
Horse show
18) Please discuss the issues and forms of profitability analysis with the travel
agencies with the attention to the different branch of business activities.
Stockholders, on the other hand, are more interested in the net income and about future
dividend prospects and in many cases would not be concerned about the internal departmental
Investors may be interested in the net income, but they are even more interested in the dept-
paying ability of the company. A company may have good earnings, but because of a shortage
of cash, may not be able to meet its dept obligations.
Comparative analysis involves putting two balance sheets or income statements side by side,
showing the differences between each pair of comparable figures in both currency and as a
percentage change.
Comparative, common size statements apply the same technique of putting two sets of
balance sheet or income statement figures side by side, but in this case one figure is given the
value of 100 percent (total assets and total liabilities plus stockholders’ equity on the balance
sheet; total revenue on the income statement), and all other figures are expressed as a
proportion of that 100 percent amount.
Branches of business operation: organising outgoing, incoming tourism, conference, selling
Types of travel agencies
By size:
Multinationals: have representations/offices/subsidiaries
▫ CWT, Amex
National multiples: have more offices in the country
▫ Vista, Tensi Tours
Regional multiples: have more offices in a few country, in a
▫ Neckermann
Independents – single shop agencies
By appointment:
IATA approved travel agency (IATA agent)
Can issue and sell flight tickets under its own name – based on the appointment of
International Air Transport Association
Agencies without IATA approval (non-IATA agent)
In order to design the operation the service concept must be defined first
There are factors which are in strong relationship with the service concept so these items must
be taken into consideration:
Tangible features of the agency
▫ Physical location, accessibility
▫ Size of the facilities
▫ State of technology (equipment)
▫ Hours of operation
▫ Staff (size, experiences, qualification)
▫ Product line
▫ Information, sales material (sources, availability)
Intangible features of the agency:
▫ Image
▫ Atmosphere created by the facilities
▫ Atmosphere created by the staff
▫ Reputation
Range of services:
▫ Travel counselling
▫ Itinerary development
▫ Reservation capability
▫ Mailing, delivering process
▫ Billing and analysis of travel costs
▫ Special travel related services (ticket delivery, giveaways, books, complimentary
▫ Post sale services, follow-ups (travel club, questionnaires, brochures, frequent flyer
application or appointment system
Additional services:
Selling theatre tickets
Organising events
Selling programs
Labour costs
Communication costs
Maintenance fees/charges
19) Please discuss the characteristics of managing of resort or conference hotels.
Prepare a product (Package) and explain. Plan the use of distribution channels and
the promotion activities.
Based on the SWOT analysis, goals and market research decision should be taken in order to
identify market segments and target groups, prices, quality operations should be considered as
Conference is for MICE tourism- suitable for during the week packages, both domestic and
international clients.
Convention hotel
all range of services
exceptionally high quality
state, regional, national international associations
booking years before
convention centre in the near, in the city
-reservation-planning for log term, usually 1 year
- cancellation deadline (months before)
-season: spring and autumn
-special staff- know the business area, keep the contact with them, relations, language and
communication skills, ability to organise
-nowadays: price competitiveness
-know target market :business people-set time frame, relatively not sensible to price
vacation purpose
recreational facilities
ability to make special activities (near to sea, mountain, exotic location etc.)
season: dependent on location (usually summer or winter)
fast response to market changes
target market: more flexibility in time, longer stays, price sensitive, needs
recreational facilities, needs guest relations, animation
Functions of IT in the travel industry:
Improve quality of services
Provide new services and new products
Enhance efficiency for communication
Enhance efficiency for management
Create electronic marketplace for distribution
Improve and widen partnership
Improve business practice
Web site
Pulls people in with the promise of content if it is well designed
Most powerful tool at this stage – it is actually a branch of the company, a
The design, the content (the quality) reflects on the quality of the business (or
hides it)…
What is needed?
Good name
Web Site Construction Plan (WCP)
Registration with a popular web search engine (or with more ones) (good Meta
To make a Web portal – offers a wide range of services, resources and links (is a
gateway or an entrance to a street of the same or complementary businesses).
20) What are the regulations and guidelines in setting up and operating a travel
enterprise? Explain the feasibility study elements of a travel company.
The rules and regulations are laid down in the Act 213/1996
Tour organizer and intermediary sell tours directly on indirectly (inbound, outbound or
domestic and has a travel contract)
The act regulates the personal, material and financial conditions of operating a travel firm
The company has to be registered in the Trade Directory. The registration should contain:
name of the company, office address, phone/fax, name of the managers and function,
name of the insurance company, bank guarantee and financial assurance.
The employees should have certain qualifications and experience.
Declaration of planned income and activities
Preparing a business and activity plan
The feasibility study contains all the possible aspects: location, size, cost elements, sources of
financing, planned income, profit, market possibilities, target groups.
Operating the travel company includes purchasing, operations, marketing and selling,
financing, controlling. Standardization of operational procedures and delivery process.
See Questions 5, 6, 32
21) Please discuss the purchasing and selling activity of the travel company and the
contents of the Travel contract. Highlight the importance of consumer protection
and travel insurance.
The tour operator is mainly selling travel packages including accommodation, and
other supplementary services (cultural programs, meals, etc).
The greatest part of the package elements is purchased from suppliers. Therefore
purchasing policy and management play an important role and contribute to the bottom
Purchasing should be planned, the offer of the supplier should be analysed and then
the optimal solution should be used.
The purchasing contract should specify all details securing quality, delivery, prices,
and financial conditions.
The travel contract and the travel intermediary contract is regulated by the 214/1996
Governmental act. It regulates the contents of the travel brochures, the contents of the
travel contract (name address of the passengers, service, date, place of journey, fee and
extra charges, conditions of payment, deposit, the obligations and the rights of the partners
etc, the travel contracts have been harmonized to the EU.
Travel insurance covers:
▫ Baggage
▫ Accident/ Medical sickness insurance
▫ Trip cancellation/Interruption insurance
o Geography: distances, avoid feeling hurried, stops, departure/arrival times, htl
check-in and check-out (luggage), balance (no longer and sorter touring days),
o Balance: special events-free time – right combination of group session with
free time options (suggestions for individual entertainment), free time on the
right places
o Shopping: right place, right time (certain area a must for shopping), length of
the tour
o Location of accommodation: the earlier you book, the better selection you have
Categories are different in foreign countries
Same htl. on the route or changes
Private facilities
Entertainment – distances
Advantages/disadvantages staying outside the country
o Rest and luncheon stops: difficult to programise (you need help), size of the
group has impact
o Tour members (targeted): age, interest, habits, attitudes
o Confidential tariffs
o Tailor made, customized offers
Pricing highlights
Sign all the contracts before calculate
Fix the pricing strategy of the company
▫ Mark up/profit ratio (haszonkulcs)
▫ Insurance policy – to calculate in or not to calculate in
▫ Commission to be paid to the agents
▫ Type of prices (Net or gross)
▫ The planned minimum number of applicants
The prices should
▫ cover prices of purchased package elements
▫ cover the commission paid to the agents
▫ include contribution to the company’s overhead
▫ result profit
Prices should also
▫ be right for the market
▫ be competitive
▫ fit into company’s strategy (other products)
travel companies pay VAT in advance when the product is sold
Pre-calculation is not obligation
▫ The only obligation is: paying VAT
Post tour calculation is obligation
The reason: VAT payable is calculated on the real profit margin/price margin (árrés). The
VAT paid in advance is compared with the real payable at the end of the year.
▫ Profit margin = sold quantity x selling price of the package/package tour – cost of the
elements of the tour
The price of the package /package tour is calculated per person
Must include all the services published as a part of the package
Travel insurance:
Insurance protection provides a backup when something goes wrong despite precautions.
Baggage insurance
Compensates the monetary losses incurred in loosing luggage
On the maximum of amounts that will be paid for the baggage that is stolen, lost or
damaged (the greater the coverage, the greater the cost)
Collecting insurance on lost, stolen, damaged luggage is time consuming and does nothing
for the immediate problem of having no packed clothing when arriving
There are some emergency purchase allowances, but they do not go into effect
immediately, there is a waiting period.
The conditions under which payments will not be made
Loss/damage from not normal wear or tear
Loss/damage during war or warlike situation
Loss/damage to property covered by other insurance
Time limitations:
May start automatically on the first day of the trip
Effectiveness date and time must be specified before the journey (e.g. it can be one or two
days longer than the actual trip – e.g. if somebody lives in further located towns and has to
come to Budapest to the airport one day before the journey)
The insurance can be calculated into the package price
Items that might be stolen or lost, for which no limited coverage will be extended:
Items totally excluded:
▫ Household goods
▫ Vehicles (excluding bicycles)
▫ Money and money substitutions
▫ Pets
▫ Body replacement parts
Items with strict limitations:
▫ Jewels (value limit)
▫ Furs (with some limits) – e.g. two fur coats during summer??
▫ Cameras, computers – some insurance companies exclude these
▫ Digital cameras
▫ Video cameras
Accident/Medical sickness insurance
Cost scale
Term or number of day scale
Type of problem
Participation in military
Participation in some sports
Illegal activities
Taking drugs
Time limitations:
Effectiveness must be specified before the journey
Voluntary cancellations
Try to cancel the tour
22) Please discuss the importance of conference and meeting tourism and its role in
the Hungarian Tourism. Prepare a 4 day program in connection with an
international congress.
See Question 17
23) The major challenge to the lodging industry during our age is the security of
guests. In the past, lodging establishments were easily secured. Today modern
criminals carry weapons, knifes and guns, and do not hesitate to use them. Describe
the terms of security and safety, the nature emergencies, the four types of fire. Bomb
threats, natural disasters, evacuation process, riots and civil disturbances. Describe
the different key systems preventing theft. Explain the guidelines in connection with
accident in hotel with or without hospitalisation.
A major challenge to the lodging industry during our age is the security of guests. In the past,
lodging establishments were usually easily secured.
Security: refers to the freedom of fear, anxiety, and doubt involving ourselves,
as well as to the protection and against the loss or theft of guest, patient, employee, and
company property. Property owners and managers are responsible for both safety and security
of guests, patients, employees, property and company assets.
Categories of fires:
A – common combustibles: paper, clothes, woods and most plastics
B – flammable liquids: grease, paint, oil, gasoline
C – electrical: wiring, motors, electrical equipments
D – combustible metals: magnesium, titanium, sodium,etc...
Bomb threats:
A hotel should be evacuated in case of any bomb threats. It is usually announced by phone, so
the telephone operator needs to have the knowledge of how to handle a call like this.
Natural disasters:
Floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and sometimes freezing temperatures and snowstorms are
natural disasters. Each has its own set of rules.
Evacuation Procedures:
Staff must show the evacuation routes at the staircases to the guests
Elevators cannot be used
The GM must inform the guests on a calm voice
Do not mention the reason of evacuation
In case of fire – close all the doors and windows
In case of bomb – open all doors and windows
Shut down air conditioning and ventillation
Turn off all gas and fuel lines
Guestroom security
Depositing guests’ valuables into safe deposit boxes, guestroom keys must be handled well.
Conventional key system. Traditional/electronic key system
Hotel should issue 1 key/room, guest keys should be returned at check-out, etc...
Prevention of theft in HK and guestroom area:
Ensure professional hiring techniques
Ccconduct theft orientation and attitude training
Supervisors must monitor thoroughly
Regular locker inspections
Inventory control programs
Keep records of missing items
Consider trash handling as an important factor
When problems are suspected, bring an expert
Types of dangers:
Potential danger: a person is smoking, but there is no actual danger unless the smoker
goes near something inflammable such as petrol or throws the cigarette away without
putting it out.
Actual danger arises when the smoker goes into an area where there is a risk of explosion
or throws away a lit cigarette
Dangerous occurrence is when there is an explosion or the fire starts
Emergency Guidelines:
Planning for emergencies-points to consider: areas of emergency, who is responible, what
procedure to be followed, how and when.
FOM must ensure that FO staff can respond to an emergency situation immediately
FO personnel should react quickly, remain calm, avoid panic, follow procedures
Training of FO personnel is essential in the field of: first aid, fire drills,
police/fire/ambulance procedures, phone handling, security, documentation of emergency,
treating guests in case of emergency
After having made security and safety trainings we should be able to:
recognize hazardous situations
know whether a hazard is one which we can deal with or whether we should report it
prevent certain hazardous situations arising
know why and when you should use protective clothing and equipment
know what to do if using hazardous machines or substances
know how to handle and lift anything heavy
Very many accidents happen because very simple rules of good order and tidiness are not
Electrical dangers:
Major source of hazard at work is electrical equipment. As we know electricity can give a
dangerous shock. It can also cause fires if an electrical circuit is overloaded. This arises when
too many items are attached to a plug or circuit. Electrical fires can also be started by a short
circuit. This can arise if wires are broken or uncovered or come loose in a plug. If we touch
broken or loose wires we can get an electric shock.
Electricity can be dangerous if it is misused.
Insulation and grounding
Common hazards:
Even everyday items can cause injury if used wrongly or left lying about. Examples of these
are sharp knives or scissors or even kettles or cups with boiling water in them. Then there are
the hazards caused by dirt and dust, which can cause illness.
The next two hazards apply particularly to the workplace.
The first is dangerous equipment. The rule at work is that you must only use equipment if:
o you have been taught how to use it
o you know how to use
o you have been told to use it
o you obey all the instructions that you have been given.
You, or everyone could be in danger if these rules are not followed.
The second of these hazards is where a substance gives off toxic fumes. These are fumes,
which can poison you. Sometimes they will make sick or feel ill, very occasionally they can
kill you. These substances are usually gases or liquids. There may also be flammable
substances used in your workplace. Hazardous substances will always be labeled. If you do
not know what is in the container, the rule is that you must always read all the labels before
you open it or even move it. Some substances, which you use, can be dangerous if you are in
continual contact with them.
An example of this is oil. Some people can suffer if they are in continual contact with oil.
You must follow any rule laid down.
Remember! - no work place can be completely safe. You must always follow the rules. You
must always think, ”Is this safe?” Could this be dangerous to me or someone else?
If you are working with dirty or hazardous equipment or substances your employer should
provide you with protection. If this is provided, you must always wear it, when told so. It does
not matter that it makes you look funny or that it is hot or uncomfortable. It is there for your
List of protective items: Hats, Overalls, Breathing Masks, Ear Muffs, Metal Mesh Gloves,
Fume Boxes, Boots and Hard Hats, Goggles
The most common type of injury is caused by lifting or handling loads incorrectly. Over a
third of all accidents results from bad handling or lifting loads that are too heavy. The injuries
are often to the back, but hands and arms, legs and feet can also be hurt.
The following table shows the weights that a man should be able to lift safely if he follows the
rules above.
The next most common cause is tripping and falling. These account for over a quarter of
all accidents. They can be result of a wide range of causes, for example:
o a ladder or steps are not properly erected
o stairs not properly lit
o a hole in the floor
o a chair left in the gangway
o water left on the floor
There are two things to remember:
o Never try to repair anything unless you have been shown how to do so
o Always keep your eyes open for a dangerous situation, whether it is electrical, holes in
the floor or something put in the wrong place. It is your duty to report any dangers
whether listed here or not.
The most common rule is to report the problem to your supervisor (or safety or Maintenance
Supervisor) immediately.
24. Critically evaluate the key impacts privatization of the hotel industry in Hungary
based on the business operation and on the work force.
What are the main characteristics of the strategic human resource management
compared with the previous personnel management? Describe the job profile and role of
the human resource manager.
Nowhere was hotel or restaurant ever owned by the state, except in the Soviet Union and here.
This fact that the natural situation was put back is a key factor. The other is that the country
needed currency desperately. We run terribly in debt because of the bad economics and the
non market ways and methods in foreground. Money could be won fast only out of things
which were easy to sell. The hotel and catering industry’s privatisation was „fast money”.
This is a very important thing, not to talk about, as it was later realised, that after the hotel and
catering industry was privatised much more tax income was brought to the country. Only
because after the privatisation the economics, efficiency and profitability worked much better.
This proves that the private economy generates more, it is more productive then the state
economy. And this was not only in Hungary like this. The whole privatisation was necessary.
Everything used to be state property. The state did not practice the control directly, instead of
doing this it formed state corporations, like Hungar Hotels what was the biggest and so to say
the most qualitative hotel and restaurant corporation. There was also the Pannonia Hotel
which was a bit lower quality. Later Pannonia received intangible properties from the state.
With this an apparent competition was established. Real competition can only exist if it is
developed through real competitors. This was not the case in Hungary. All the three
hotels( Danubius- established when parts were taken away from Hungar Hotels) were in
manufactured competition against each other in non market economy and that is why this
situation did not work and could have never worked if it had stayed like this. The question is
then why was the establishment of three hotels necessary? One big reason for developing
these three big hotels was that so the friends and acquaintances of the main people could get a
good job. The first step of the privatisation in Hungary was that the corporations were
transferred into joint- stock companies.
At that time in Hungary there was 30%inflation with 6-7% dividends, what means 23-24%
loss each year.
The change in the ownership according to the above mentioned things(state ownership) was
that foreign shareholders came who are considered as real owners. They brought money into
the country and it started to function very well. Much more tax payments were made from
both the employer’s side and the employee’s side.
It brought also organisational changes. Those jobs which were not acknowledged by the
international practice were quit. The structure of these hotels were changed, they developed
their own preferred economic ways and used them. The operational practice was changed as
well. They have forced a positive change in the Hungarian catering industry, they have
eliminated, what was characteristic for the Hungarian hotel business, cheating and stealing.
Through this cheating damage was caused, what applies to the owner of the business and to
the guest as well.
In Hungary the demand for hotel rooms was much more then the supply. Generally if the
situation between supply and demand is constantly like this than the possibility of the creation
of black market is very high. This was what happened in Hungary too. Black market emerged
because of the following: partly there was real shortage of supply because there was no
market economy, so we can only talk about distribution. The distribution of the things, of
which there was shortage, causes the black market. The wrong price-conditions resulted in
damage of not only the guest but also of the owner.
These investors are interested in the profit and this makes it too be a business. For them it is
important how you perform, how well and how much you can work, whether you can talk to
the foreign clients and guests. The performance is based under real measurement in market
economic circumstances. All the foreign investors introduced the precise method of
evaluation. What they do is that they sit down with the employee every period (6month-1year)
and talk honestly about the possible problems and expectations. This is the structure of the
personal evaluation which was already common abroad while it was not in Hungary. Now the
people are not kicked out without reason from their job, this had changes too. So the Human
Resource Policy became similar to that what was already common in the civilised western
European countries.
based on ability, attitude, willingness and effort. How well he/she can take the job,
how many working hours she can do and how many overtimes! The values and
standards have changed. Earlier: The career opportunities especially for the ladies
were limited. Just like in Spain, Mexico or Italy the man had privileges. But by now
the women have the same chances as man, the opportunities are equal. Besides this
there is the opportunity if you sign a contract with a hotel for let’s say 10 years and
take the prescribed courses than you can get in a higher position every 2-3 years and at
the end be a general manager if you want to. There is the chance to get these career
passes in each of the big international hotels, like Marriott, Hyatt International and
6. In the Hungarian lodging industry there was no joint venture. There was no common
enterprise, where the investment costs and the profit would have been shared between
the foreign owner and the Hungarian. There was only one exception, Hélia at the end
of the 80’s. At that time there were only franchise agreements, such were Hyatt,
Hilton, Forum. As a result the foreigner realised that in a non market economic
situation franchise is not working because the workers took advantages of it. The guest
complains, the rules were not taken into consideration. The only reason to stay for the
franchise providers was that they did not want to give up their presence. It is about
their position. They figured that the franchise is only functioning with the management
30 years of doing bad business had created a chaotic and impossible situation in Hungary.
Everything was determined by the politics, like the decision of building a new hotel or the
place where the hotel should be built. The companies were state-owned and they had no
Huge amounts were stolen by the staff mainly in kind. Barter commerce was widely in
practice. This lead to loss in revenue. One reason for that is the lack of professionalism
and lack of control.
Despite the hotels created loss, they still did not stop the operation of the hotels, because
the state always backed the hotel industry.
It was very difficult to get the needed material, for example special food or silver wear.
Big companies were using a franchise model instead of management agreement, but it did
not work well in Hungary, compared to the west. Example: like in the case of Both in the
Budapest Hilton and the Duna Inter-continental there were several guests complaints,
mainly because the quality of the service was bad, and the franchiser companies were
close to put an end to the franchise agreement.
Positions depended on the relationships.
The previous leader behaviour was not showing sample instead showed that everybody
could rob the state. Of course there were some exceptions, but unfortunately the majority
did not do the work well! In the end of the 1980s which is known to be already better than
the previous two decades the leaders of the hotels were members of the Ministry of
Commerce, or Ministry of the Interior Affaires. This also shows how corrupt the whole
situation was.
Before privatisation there were too many people working in the same hotel so they had not
enough duty to do. We can say that there had been unemployment within the hotel.
The situation after the privatization
The most important difference between the non-market economy and the market economy
is that in the latter those, who cheat the customers or operate inefficiently will not
succeed. However, those who are satisfying the guests, and provide a constant quality will
be profitable and successful.
Privatisation has put the Hungarian hotels into the market economy, made them to close
up to the international trends.
The foreign investor who comes to the Hungarian market risks the money of his own, not
like before, when the state was risking the money of the taxpayers.
Privatisation created a competition that lead to the increases in quality.
Change in financial concepts and problems
Yield management was introduced
There is a very strong control system.
Big hotels owned by foreigners that have to make reports of all of the incomes as
provided by the law. They have to know everything about the last HUF or EURO
Changes in the operation
They pulled and separated territories together to update the operation. If there are two
activities in a hotel, like Rooms Division and F&B, they are called profit centres, and
all the revenues are shared by the controlling on the department one and department
two, and all the costs all also shared and orientated of these two.
Earlier there was Front Office Manager and House Keeper. Today there is a head of
the accommodation, with a title of Rooms Division manager and operates both
territories together.
There are standards, which are kept within a hotel chain, and this provides a standard
because a known name stands behind it.
Strategic HRM has two main assets: satisfied employees and satisfied customers.
HRM is very important in the service industry as the product is similar and people
make the difference to it, hence they are part of the product, and because of human
labour is perishable we need to have the right people on the right place. HRM is a
strategic function and its sub functional strategies are: organisation structure,
recruiting, training, motivation, performance evaluation and labour relations.
Main purposes of HRM are: the equitable treatment of employees and reflection of
their influence, improvement of their satisfaction through motivating them and by this
reaching higher productivity and effectiveness that on the other hand results in higher
customer satisfaction.
HRM’s role is more important in the co. than the personal mgmt’s role used to be
before as the success or failure of an enterprise depends basically on HRM. The
investment into people has become so important that the job cannot be left only
on the personal manager. Mgmt is responsible for HRM matters at all levels and the
personal mgmt plays the role of the advisor. Pm provides the employees as cost
(minimising) while the HR emphasizes on maximising the revenue through having
satisfied employees- this way they can get out better performance. HRM treats
employees as individuals and wants to provide them with all the necessary support to
make them satisfied at their work place and keep them motivated. We cannot see the
same in Pr as labour for them is just a cost. Pm is emphasizing on short term
only, not concentrating on keeping employees for long term by making them satisfied,
just focusing on cost minimisation. HRM’s task on the contrary is maximisation
through optimal use of human resources and is based for long term.
Role of human resource manager:
Recruitment (interviews, check references, etc) and training
performance monitoring and evaluation (appraisal, behaviour modification),
constant motivation of employees (benefit programs, carrier possibilities)
make communication easier,
listen to employees (surveys) and take corrective actions if needed
team building and improving the quality of teamwork
workforce planning (staffing guide, a tool of schedule and control)
designing hr strategies to align with business strategies
setting up of safety programmes
interpretation of labour laws and ensure keeping to it
Job profile:
Is a powerful new way to understand the nature of jobs. It is a tool that defines the style
of the job and provides useful guidelines for putting the right person in place. It may be
completed by the supervisor, an employee currently holding the position, or someone who has
filled the position in the past, depending on the depth and quantity of information needed. The
more people who complete the profile for a given position, the better the information one will
receive. It is not a psychological analysis. It does not influence the selection process in a
negative way. The profile doesn’t declare anyone unfit and doesn’t exclude anyone. The job
profile offers effective methods of helping anyone fit better into their job by defining
what needs to be done to perform it well. An important goal of the profile is for both the
supervisor and the employee to come to an understanding and agreement of realistic job
25.How do you define service?
Definition by Garán Éva: service is an activity or a deed that benefits someone. (not a tangible
Travel industry simultaneously produces both products and services.
Products are the packages, flight tickets, etc.
Service is what employees do in a T.A. (comparing products, giving advices,etc.)
At the time of sale the product is only information in this industry so there’s need for the
service to help customers in decision making.
Excellent customer service (is) the ability of an organization to constantly and consistently
exceed the customer's expectations.
Quality service = consistency ( “Something you feel if it is there, and u‘ll realize if it is not
Key to consistency = standards:
1.World-Class Service - Hayman Island Resort...
Executive Floors, outstanding, excellent. Leading Hotels of the World top list.
2.Mid-Range Service - The largest segment
Modest but sufficient, comfort without luxury
3.Economy/ Limited Service - clean, comfortable, inexpensive, without extras.
Growing segment
What do we mean by lodging and hospitality industry?
Lodging industry includes companies that develop, own, manage, and/or operate lodging
facilities, including a wide range of accomodations from motels to full-service hotels. Also
called hospitality industry.
All type of accomodations and catering belong to this industry which is a “sub-industry” of
the travel industry.
The classification and grading of these accomodations are different in different countries.
There are many types of accomodations that can be distinguishes upon 3 phenomena:
1. categorization – separation of accomodation types (hotel, motel, camp site,etc)
2. classification – distinguishes accomodations on the basis of physical features(bathroom,
no.ofrooms,-youth hostel/business hotel)
3. grading – distinguishes accomodations upon the services available in them - stars
A hotel can serve as a central gathering place for the entire community.
What do we call the ‘spirit of hospitality’ and give some examples from your own
The spirit of hospitality is very important in the travel industry. This means that employees
and even local people have to look at tourists as income generators and development
facilitators and because of this they must treat these people the best way they can. Tourists
should feel that the locals like to help them they are nice and friendly. Guests of a hotel chose
that hotel because they want to have a good experience, a high quality service and valuable
programs during their stay. So hotel employees have to do their best to satisfy or even exceed
the needs of the customers.
Employees are “at home” while visitors and tourists come from different cultures, they speak
other languages and they are usually frustrated in the new, unknown environment. This is
what employees of a hotel should decrease and help these guests to look at the hotel as their
second home for that period.
How do you understand and apply the rule ‘the guest is always right’?
The guest in the hotel is our customer, he pays,and the hotel must ensure exeptional services
to him. There are many types of people, those who like complaining, those who are really nice
or even those who find everything terrible.
Employees of a hotel must have the knowledge of how to handle situations with guests. The
guest is always right rule is about that we always have to make the impression that he is right,
in order to calm him down. Even if it is sometimes difficult to deal with people’s behaviour
we must ensure that our business won’t be damaged.
A complaining guest is doing us a big favour. If there’s a real problem and we get to know
this through a guest complaint, we can have the possibility to solve the problem.
We should never let a guest compalining in the lobby area or other parts of the hotel, where
other guests can hear him. We have to ensure him that the problem will ben solved and he will
get some compensation for the inconvenience. The main aim must be to stop him
26. A,Critically evaluate to what extent cultural issues can affect service delivery and
pricing policies in hospitality operation.
Culture has several meanings. It is a collective programming of the mind, which distinguishes
people from each other. People can be different at national, ethnic, religious levels, and also
their language, generation. And social class levels can also differ.
Culture has a very important role in the hospitality industry. Travel is all about going to other
countries, that have different culture, language and resources. Culture must be respected on
both sides:
- tourists have to respect the culture and life of the host population
- hotels who provide quality services must take into consideration the possible cultural
differences of their guests
As many big hotel chains have international workforce, employees of a hotel can come from
different cultures as well. In this case, the hotels must have some standards, that respect the
lifestyle of employees of different cultures.
People are different, everybody has different needs and wants. During managing tourism
related services, we must try to find a balance between the needs of tourists, host population
and the service providers.
Customers from different nations have different purchasing habits, so in the TO, TA field of
tourism we have to know which market segment we want to serve. Customers from different
nations book their holidays in different times before the holiday. Also there is difference in
the type of booking: through intermediaries, through internet....
B, Exemplify a few cultural consideration that you might have to evaluate and use in
order to accommodate needs of staff and guests from different cultures in Hungary.
All people are different. If there are employees of more nations within a hotel, their habits,
religion and lifestyle must be considered by the management.
People can differ in many things according to their country culture and habits like: able to
work hard / works slowly, risk taking / not taking any responsibility, idividualist / able to
work in groups. They should be evaluated with knowing these features. Employees in hotels
can better understand these differences if they manage to get international experience.
In Hungary – and all over the world – foreign languages must be spoken by travel industry
workers. This is the basic and most important cultural difference between nations. Without
this knowledge, perfect satisfaction of guest needs is impossible.
In Hungary we have to analyse the main nations arriving to the country. There are many
Japanese and Jewish people, as well as tourists from other European countries arriving to the
Jewish people have specific needs (special meals, cannot use technology on different days,
etc...) that are connected to their religion. Hotels restaurant and their employees must take into
consideration these needs.
Japanese are also different, they want to gather as much information as possible, they differ in
physical things as well (short, little pple). They usually don’t speak foreign languages.
C, Debate the context in which cross-cultural issues might affect the day-to-day business
of hospitality operations. How can this impact be minimized?
Pepole are different, they are coming from different cultures, speak many languages, have
other habits than us. In the travel industry we must consider these issues as travel is about
going to see other places,get to know other people,etc... So employees in hotels must respect
the habits and lifestyle of guests. There are guests who are very religious, who eat special
food, who have different beliefs than us. Spirit of hospitality, the guest is always right
27.“Tourism has been profoundly affected by ideological shifts in the wider political
arena”(Richards, 1995)
Examine the view in relation to the development in world tourism and with respect to
Hungary, particular in the context of current Hungarian government’s tourism policy.
What are the most dangerous events for the development of tourism???
The restrictions on outbound and inbound tourism is over. Improvements were made in the
field of tourism, and Hungary is still doing a good job in improving the tourist offer:
Attractions (new trends in tourism), infrastructure (Reconstructions, renovations of buildings
and baths of Budapest), accommodation (building new hotels), Public safety (???).
The interest and demand have increased as the numbers show.
The government-(operative power via ministries) has deep impact on tourism, it is the
legislative body of prime importance in terms of tourism development and operation
Regulations regarding taxation
Immigration, customs, transport, marketing (HNTO)
Financial assistance,
Cooperation with associations in tourism
operation of holiday voucher system is also determined under law
Development programs
I. Hungarian National Development Plan (2004-2006)
Improving the quality of life (long-term objective)
Reducing the lag in the per capita income
Specific objectives: more competitive economy, promotion of a better quality
environment and regional development, improved use of HR
Five operational programs: OPRD – ROP 1.1, ROP 1.2 (tourism-related)
Situation analysis: per capita spending is low/average, strong territorial concentration (Bp +
Balaton > 50%), strong seasonality
Tourism supply: health, water/aquatic, ecotourism, bike, gold, rural, cultural, equestrian,
religious, wine culture and gastronomy, MICE.
Strategic direction objectives:
1) people-oriented and long-term profitable development
2) development of attractions (product development: 1. health, 2. heritage, 3. congress; tourist
information system, development of priority destinations (Budapest, Balaton)
3) improvement of tourist reception conditions (accessibility of tourist attractions, market-
conform accommodations and catering, comfort feeling of visitors)
4) development of human resources (transformation of the educational system, stable
environment for employment, changing attitudes)
5) creating an efficient operational system
6) horizontal objectives (experience chain, sustainable development, equal opportunities,
cross-border tourism relations and market segments – youth tourism)
Product priorities:
1) health tourism (medicinal + wellness tourism)
2) heritage tourism (ecotourism – world heritage sites + natural heritage preservation (national
parks), equestrian, rural, gastronomy, special events – traditions, folklore, artistic values etc.)
3) congress tourism (better facilities, improved competitiveness, lobby for international
Planned development:
Destination Management Companies (DMC) – non-profit organisations to prepare
plans and promotion of a certain destination
Further priority tourism target areas: Budapest + 4 priority resort areas (Lake Balaton,
Lake Velence, Lake Tisza and the Danube bend); natural and cultural heritage sites;
health and holiday resorts, rural tourism, cross-border tourism development.
Hungarian tourism in the framework of world and local politics in the past few years:
At the beginning of the 90’s the tourism in Hungary actually consisted of 3 main parts
sections. One of them was the tourism that was happening on the real international market,
which was mainly embodied by the 4 and 5 star hotels found in the capital city and in smaller
parts those by the Balaton. The other segment was, that we can call national or domestic
tourism, which took form in the organised holidays by the trade unions. The third segment
was the turnover given by guests coming from the Warsaw Treaty inside the KGST
which was based on bilateral agreements with circumstances, prices, dictated by the
State and government. It was told how much a country can spend in another, how many
people can travel from one country to the other. This part provided very big numbers in
statistics but at the same time it ruined the Hungarian hotel capacity and quality. So this
was the segment that private industry had to take over in 1990-91.
After the privatisation the restrictions came to an end and inbound and outbound
tourism were given a free way. Hungary came into the centre of attention and was a target
for mass tourism, tourist numbers were continuously growing (with 17 million in 1998 and
than respectively grew to 24,37,40 million) At that time Hungary was not ready for receiving
such mass tourism and to exploit this possibility as our basic and tourism infrastructure was
completely missing. In 1999 the conflict at the Balkan and the following war in Kosovo
were negative outside factors for the Hungarian tourism. However, the travel
accommodation market saw a steady increase since 1999 in current value terms, with 2000
and 2001 experiencing never before seen high tourism figures. The industry again was hit
by the world recession and the terrorist attacks on the US. As a result, tourism revenues
fell by 15-20% in 2002, amounting to HUF841 billion. The industry did not recover from the
recession and was hit again in 2003 by the war on Iraq and the outbreak of the SARS
virus. Apart from that, the strengthening Forint also made the operation environment very
difficult for this market. In spite of the problems the market players had to face, serious
investments were made during the past few years, with the aim of establishing high-end
accommodation facilities. At present, Hungary is working hard to improve quality of its
tourism offer to be able to attract tourists with high volume spending and not necessarily high
visitor numbers.
In the past years it was recognised by the government that tourism is a major contributor
to the Hungarian economy and today the government is highly supporting it. The State’s
role increased in the financial aspects, in 1996, only 500 million support was provided for
the development of tourism, in 2000 this amount grew to 6000 million HUF. Today also local
governments start to realise that they can benefit from tourism. The institutional system
of tourism was changed too. The Hungarian Tourist Service Rt was set up in 1994 as the
national tourist marketing organisation (since 1996 called HNTO), the Parliament’s Tourism
Committee exists since 1998, The National Tourist Committee was set up in 1996, and as a
lobbying group, is winning on importance. The deputy secretary of State for tourism at the
ministry of Economy and Transport was reorganised and its employee numbers increased.
Regional Tourism Committees are also winning on importance because in the EU the focus
will be on the regions not the countries and the regions get more and more support from
government. Tourinform network for public information and service is constantly growing.
The restructuring of foreign visitors, the growing domestic tourism and the increasing demand
for quality tourism can create a good environment for FDI. Between 2004-2006 in the
framework of the National Development Plan’s regional operative programs, 130-150
milliard HUF from the European Regional Development Fund is provided for Hungary.
The programme’s aim is to develop tourist attractions, through creating internationally
significant attractions based on cultural and natural heritage of Hungary, and improving
tourism capacity potentials of the country.
The Hungarian government goes back to the system with National Tourist Committee and
besides it invites the professional organizations into the regional and local leading areas. The
Committee aims to produce a mid-run National Tourist Development Strategy for the
following years.
The Deputy under Secretary of State for Tourism is continuously operating a competition
system in order to provide more development possibilities. It also controls the domestic and
international tourist economic processes every two week.
In the training of tourism professionals, the government introduces mass education forms
offering catering basic skills.
The Hungarian National Tourist Office is responsible of creating a unified national (within
it regional cooperation) marketing policy through its domestic representation network-
Tourinform offices etc..
The organisational structure of tourism in Hungary today and how they are involved in
the development of tourism
Ministry of Development
1. Office of Country Development
2. Office of Apartment Building
3. Office of Tourism – Tourism Authority
Hungarian National Tourist Office (HNTO)
- national marketing organization of tourism, promoting the tourism products of Hungary on
both the domestic and foreign markets
Domestic network – Regional Marketing Directorates and Regional Tourism Project Offices
Their role is to strengthen regional identities and help provinces catch up with Bp, to
encourage service providers in the regions to create and offer high-standard tourist products to
grant them fair and equal opportunities for market entry and presence. HNTO coordinates
them and strengthens their co-operation (common presence on fairs and road shows). HNTO
grants the regional directorates a pivotal role in the promotion of domestic tourism.
Tourinform network
The main pillar of tourist information in Hungary, where visitors can have access to up-to-
minute information about holiday offers, sights, events, service providers and transport. Also
a tourinform call centre is operating for providing information.
HNTO supervises the national network of tourinform offices and directly operates the
company’s main tourinform office in Budapest. In 2002 twelve new tourinform offices were
added to the network raising the total number to 130.
Foreign representations
HNTO carries out its international marketing operation mainly through its global network,
which consisted of 19 national tourist representations and 2 information offices in 2002.
Negotiations were launched concerning the opening of new offices in Dublin and
Copenhagen, because increased attention seemed to require the company’s direct presence on
these markets. HNTO continued co-operation with ITDH (Hungary’s investment and trade
development agency) under which local ITDH offices perform tourism related marketing
activities in countries where HNTO is not present.
28. Examine critically the future of Budapest as an international conference and
exhibition Centre.
Budapest has a very good palce in Europe. It is a developing country where prices are
acceptable but all the basic facilities to organize a conference are given. Of course there must
be many changes and developments made to be successful. Today a great advantage of
Hungary is that most of the neighbouring countries are less developed and they cannot
provide the same level of services and expert help.
BUT!With the development of the neighbouring countries Hungary must find new ideas to be
able to compete with those countries. Otherwise we can lose significant business.
Hungary is continuously developnig today in the field of congress and conference tourism.
New conference centers are needed with sufficient number of beds in the capital. The
infrastructure must be well organized and the city should prepare for the accomodation of
many business people. These people need high quality services with many special programs
and activities.
Budapest is favourable for companies who organize incentive tours as besides the cultural and
historical heritage, they can have many optional programs in the capital.
So actually Budapest has all the basic things that are needed for conference organizing but
there must be huge developments made in the future to position itself in the row of the biggest
conference cities of Europe.( capacity, tecchnical facilities, new convention centers, more
hotels, better marketing activities, employee training should be needed)
What do you believe are the key contributors to success in this context?
BY using SWOT make your conclusions and give proposals to the competent
- Good reputation
- Active scientific background
- Central geographic location
- Favourable price/value ratio
- Safety
- General tourist attractions
- Professional organizers
- Culture
- Lack of complex congress centres
- Infrastructure
- Financial difficulties
- Accessibility /air, highway/
- Strengthening the relationship with international associations
- European Union membership
- General economic recession
- International conflicts
- Development of neighbouring countries
From the perspective of the delegates, what do you consider to be the key elements of a
successful conference package?
Detailed, well organized program
Totally organized tour with flight tickets, transfers,etc
Well organized, consistent meetings and conferences
Welcome dinner with introduction,good catering
Optional program possibilities
Good quality of hotel, services
Proximity to city center, sites
Which are these ‘competent authorities’ and what are their roles?
Hungarian Congress Bureau – helps to make the connection bw. foreign congress organizers
and locals
Conference center – provide place for conferences
Airline - air transportation
Hotel – accomodation, catering, banqueting
Sight seeing tour companies – for optional programs
Since 1st of January 2000 – HCB is a division of the Hungarian National Tourist Office.
Its purpose is to help foreign meeting planners to bring events to Hungary, and to provide free
information on Hungary as a meeting and convention destination, on convention facilities,
services, accommodation, attractions, programs, prices, etc.
Hungary is playing an even more important role on the MICE market
Hungary is becoming a popular destination, where the meeting planner can always
expect professionally adequate organisation, combined with unusual programs, ideas.
Main tasks and responsibilities:
apply for international tenders
welcome the site inspector groups, organises their rips
informs the trade and the press
control the members’ business offers for a conference
builds a good image through presentations and seminars
builds an up-to-date database on all conference venues i.e. hotels, universities,
congress centres and others
provides information for members and business partners by issuing information
makes statistical surveys on the conferences organised, evaluates them and sets up
marketing and operational goals according to the findings
keeps the trade informed on new legal issues
helps as an advisor when new conference centres are to be built
advertises the offers of its members
helps in education
Both Budapest and Hungary are lacking with respect to the standard of flights, airport and roads,
and in parking opportunities and convention facilities. An even greater problem, however, is that
domestic convention organisers can only offer the Budapest Convention Centre as the largest
venue for those interested in the Hungarian capital. Most hotels can accommodate only a few
hundred participants. The opening of the fully renovated Grand Hotel Royal in Budapest in 2002
resulted in a slight improvement, as a convention centre was created with 30 conference rooms on
an area of 2,600 square metres suitable to accommodate 1,000 convention delegates. Over the last
three years, the Hungarian offer has been expanded with quite a few new convention halls suited to
seat several hundred people. All of the recently renovated four and five-start hotels have been made
suitable for staging conventions.
Figures of the Hungarian Convention Office also indicate that, lacking appropriate infrastructure,
Hungary will miss out on staging some dozen large – 4,000 to 10,000 delegate – conventions in
2004, which will instead be held in Vienna or Prague.
The major investments planned for the capital could, in part, make up for these shortcomings.
These include a convention palace accommodating 5,000 people planned to be built in the
Millennium City Centre on the Pest side of the Danube river. A new, multi-function, 10,000
square-metre conference hall in the Budapest Fair City, on the grounds of Hungexpo, will
accommodate 10,000 delegates. Several investor groups are also considering building convention
centres seating more than 2,000 people in Budapest. The date of their opening is still uncertain.
29. What is management?
Management is the process of using what you have (resources), what you have to do, and
what you want to do. The Management has to work for the success of the employees.
Manager’s responsibilities are to optimize all resources: people (manpower), money (capital),
material, time, machinery, equipment, energy, work procedures and methods, know-how,
organization. Manager’s tasks are planning, goal setting, organizing, leading/executing,
controlling, evaluating.
Management Tasks:
1) Aim – what they want to reach, mission statement. Coordinating resources to meet
the expectations of all stakeholders (owners, employees, government,
municipalities, etc). Producing maximum profit on capital to increase company’s
assets. From tourists’ perspective, to produce value by realizing optimal price-
service level.
2) Business Philosophies – concepts about importance of quality in reaching
customer satisfaction. Concept governing human relations and attitude. Concepts
on how to handle changes.
3) Strategies: including (a) long-term strategy, (b) tactical activities – how to achieve
it, (c) action plans – step by step plan, timelines, responsibilities, (d) short-term,
operation. Decisions to secure long-term competitiveness and maximum profit.
4) Components of Strategic Planning: market strategy – which segment, target group
to be saved, how will we sell the product; product strategy – what to produce and
offer; environmental and financial strategy.
Explore the different approaches associated with directive and participative /supportive
(c) Structure and Design/Fayol – major organizational activities are finance, production,
commerce, security and management; management functions are planning,
organization, coordination, control, command.
Human Relations Approaches (Herzberg, McGregor)
The System Theories: integration of Classical and Human Relations approaches; interaction
between social and technical factors at work.
Contingency Theory: “If…, then…” – flexibility.
Decision Making Theory: J.P. Sartre – if you do not choose, you choose! Existialism.
Social Action Theory: Silverman, Bowey. Concentrates on the individual.
Examine the effects that each approach might have on the success of a business
The classical approach is totally about the work itself, it does not focus on employees and
only technical qualification is important. The bureaucratic form within the organization is
typical, employees can make a life-long career. The employees are working under a manager
who controls their work.
Supporting management/leadership is about managers working for and together with
employees to reach the common goal of the organization. This is a new concept and rare but
developing in Hungary today.
Based on your experience and readings please discuss the main characteristics of
Hungarian hospitality managers. What type of manager would you choose to be and
30. Close to your four star hotel, a new four star hotel has been built and further high
quality four/five hotels will be opening in the city within one year. The profitability of
your hotel has been stagnating.
Taking onto account of all the relevant external and internal business factors,
influencing your decisions, describe the most important management tasks, outline your
short and long term business plan, strategies to improve your position and increase your
profit in spite of the strong competition.
Consider what is expected of the guests and our possibilities to satisfy their needs. Prepare a
SWOT analysis to see where we are.
Reorganize the operation, reduce costs, refurbish, renovate if it is necessary.
Improve your service quality, because the two most important assets of a hotel are the
customers and the employees. Train them and distinguish the hotel in the quality and the
treatment of the guest. The products of the hotels are usually the same but the way they serve
customer can differ to a large extent. This depends on the training provided to employees and
their attitude towards the guests. We can only have satisfied guests if our employees are
satisfied. So first of all we have to be sure that our employees like their work and try to do
everything to satisfy our customers.
Focus also on effective sales with right pricing – use yield management to optimise room
Keep up with the new trends: conference facilities, wellness. Focus on banqueting, catering.
Try to get new clients and keep the old ones.
Loyalty program,
New contracts with agents, distribution channels Direct, indirect)
Right and effective marketing. Be clear who your customers are.
Catching up to the competitors.
Short term:
Do not reduce prices, try to reduce operational costs
Offer exceptional service and free upgrades/welcome gifts/newspapers – something
that is more than the offer of our competitors
More effective marketing is needed – eg.invite famous people(free oppotunity to be in
the newspaper, or advertise on the internet)
Use yield management to optimize revenue
Organize special events in the hotel restaurant – new year’s eve, national days,etc
Employee training
31. Expand on the importance of the proper handling of the guest cycle's phases within
the framework of front office operation paying particular attention to the registration
process, i.e pre-arrival activity, types of reservation, reservation maintenance, room
allocation, room status definitions, discrepancies, rates, tariffs, methods of payment.
How can the effective application of information technology improve the procedures in
the hospitality industry?
The guest cycle: a division of the flow of business through a hotel that identifies the physical
contacts and financial exchanges between guests and hotel employees.
Pre arrival- reservation
Check in/arrival- registration
Services during the stay- occupancy services/ charges
Departure - check out and follow up
▫ Maintenance reservation records
Modifying non guaranteed reservation → new confirmation nr
Reservation cancellation – easy and efficient, cancellation nr, file the
cancellation, money back in case of deposit, check right to cancel
▫ Production of reservation reports
Reservation transactions report, commission agent report, turnaway – refusal
report, revenue forecast, expected arrival and departure list, reservation
Types of reservation:
▫ Guaranteed:
payment guarantee for the room even if it is not used, for one night only
assures that the room will be held until the check out time of the following day
of the arrival
the hotel has the financial guarantee
guest guarantees payment even in case of no show
prepayment (payment in full before arrival): credit card, advance
deposit (partial payment)
no show guest of TA- TA is charged
corporate - takes financial responsibility of no show business traveller
▫ non guaranteed reservation - hold room until a stated cancellation hour (usually 6
2) Check in - registration
Pre registration activities
▫ All info provided by guest, quick check in → only verify info at check in
▫ Guest folio – guest history
▫ VIP- registration form ready
▫ walk-in
Creating registration record
Assigning the room and rate
▫ depends on current availability status, accurate and timely room status info, latest
from HK – vacant, ready, inspected, occupancy report – HK status report
▫ out of order, lock out, on change, vacant-ready-inspected, occupied,
complimentary, stay-over, overstay, do not disturb, sleep-out, sleeper, did not
check out, skipper (left without paying), due out, check out, late check out
▫ room manager software- shows current info on room status
▫ Room status discrepancy- HK and FO info on room s. is different
▫ room rates: rack rate (price lsit), day rate, commercial or corporate rate,
complimentary, group rates, family rate, package-plan rate, seasonal rate
▫ american plan: room + 3 meals, modified American: room + 2 meals, European:
room price only
▫ must be aware of the room characteristics, layout, floor plan
Establish the method of payment
▫ Cash, pia = paid in advance – credit card imprint, traveller’s cheque, personal
cheque – no obligation to accept, credit card (expirtion date, on-line verification,
cancellation bulletins) – invalid card, denial, if accepted imprinting credit card
voucher, floor limits – the max amount in credit, reserving credit, direct billing –
credit agreement with co when they are paying the bill
▫ Bill has to be signed
▫ Special programs: special incentive awards, mileage, bonuses, a/l promotions,
summer sales, gold passport, diamond level…
Issue the key – end of registration process
▫ Bell staff show the guest to the room, explain, sell, promote
Fulfil specific requirements
3) Occupancy
FO work/ services
▫ log book: journal to record important info and events for staff of different FO
▫ information directory: to give info to the guests (maps, theatre, bus schedules etc.)
▫ time stamp on mails, messages, massage light on phones, waking up
▫ handling special requests, transport arrangements, tickets,
▫ handling complaints: mechanical, attitude, service related, unusual (little or no
control over it)
▫ changing room status in computer, record maintenance events
▫ voucher- supporting document of transactions
▫ key rack-storing the keys
Financial activities
▫ no post status-not authorised to have purchases charged to their guest account
▫ house limit-credit limit established by the hotel
▫ floor limit- credit limit to hotels by banks to maximise the amount of credit the
hotel is permitted to accept from the credit card holder without special
▫ accounting posting machine- to post, monitor, balance charges
▫ posting- process of recording transactions on a guest folio
▫ auditing- process of verifying FO accounting records as to accuracy and
▫ cash register- to record cash transactions and maintain cash balances
Mistakes - related at every guest cycle: wrong data entry (misspelled name, wrong
gender, room type, date), missing data (paying method), not qualified staff (language,
IT, attitude), first impression, realising mistakes in the reservation, but not changing it
during check in
32. As a project leader you are requested to prepare a feasibility study for building a
new hotel close to the airport and motorway. The necessary financial resources will be
available. Analyse the environment by SWOT, and describe the possible nature of the
product including operational conditions.
What recommendations would you make for the developers and operators to secure
profitable operation?
Feasibility study
Estimation of costs:
Land – not always an element of cost ( it is usually leased )
o The hotel development process starts with the land acquisition. Generally, the
land component cost represents between 10% to 15 % of the total project cost.
Construction – biggest element in any hotel project
Interst during construction – most construction is financed from borowed money
Furninutre, fixtures, equipment
– items visible to guests – lobby furniture, guest rooms, equipment in restaurant
– items not visible to guests – kitchen, laundry, cleaning
Operating equipment – linen,silver, glassware, uniforms
Inventories - F&B, cleaning supplies, paper supplies, guest supplies, stationery,
Preopening expenses – training costs, preopening payroll, advertising, sales expenses
Working capital – amount of money in the bank
Sources & Methods of financing - Ratio of own capital to loans can be 1:2 to 1:8.
Types: Long-term mortgage financing provided by banks, insurance companies, Loans
provided by e.g. World Bank for hotel and tourism development, Loans provided by
governmental or tourism bodies to promote tourism
▫ new, modern building
▫ accessibility - easy to reach, no travel time, no traffic
▫ corporate customer clientele – depending on airline
▫ far from city centre, business centre, corporate offices
▫ no other business opportunities, leisure facilities nearby
▫ noise
▫ Ideal for short stays, crew members
▫ Ideal for conference and group business
▫ strong dependence on corporate travellers (11/09 recession in business travellers as
well), no or few leisure guests
▫ restaurant and catering opportunities might be unused
33. What does service mean to you? How would you define “Quality of Services? How
do customers perceive quality in a hotel or in a travel agency? What are the elements of
expectations? What could be the discrepancies between expectations and experience
perceptions? Is service level measurable? If yes how would you measure?
Compare service level in a world class international and a 3 star local hotel? What do we
understand by operational standards and what is their role in securing constant quality?
Quality is something is that you feel the presence of and you definitely feel when it is
missing. Nowadays it is not good enough to fulfil customer expectations but we have to
exceed these expectations.
Quality is one of the main success factors, it is closely linked to expectations, good quality is
if the product or service meet or exceeds client expectations. Poor quality is the opposite. We
have experienced many examples of poor quality, like spelling mistakes, computer errors, late
delivery and sloppy work.
Quality is no longer simply the lack of defects in a product, but involves providing goods and
services that meet customer expectations.
Quality creates confidence in people.
Value through quality is the key element of business strategy everywhere. Build products and
give services that people want and follow up after the sale.
Value for money, customers will compare based on their international experience. Not what
we believe, not what the management believes, but only the customers’ judgement.
Important: communication!!
Guest questionnaires, constant consumer feedback, talk to the guest and find out their opinion,
encourage staff to inform management about guest comments.
Measuring service level – see Q36.
Standards are uniform levels of performance that you can coach people toward. Having clear
standards means, that someone can be performing below the target and still be productive
members of the team as long as they are making progress towards meeting the standards.
Standards help your staff know what you expect and help them measure how they are doing.
Benchmarking is the process of determining who is the very best, who sets the standard, and
what that standard is. If you don't know what the standard is you cannot compare yourself
against it.
Benchmarking (also "best practice benchmarking" or "process benchmarking") is a process
used in management and particularly strategic management, in which companies evaluate
various aspects of their business processes in relation to best practice, usually within their
own industry. This then allows companies to develop plans on how to adopt such best
practice. Benchmarking may be a one-off event, but is often treated as a continuous process in
which companies continually seek to challenge their practices.
Hotels comparison:
Some basics should be the same – clean hygienic facilities, friendly service, efficiency,
3* hotel requirements:
Room size: 14sqm sgl, 18sqm dbl
Min. 75% of rooms with own bath
Lift if more than 3 floors, telephone in each room + in lobby, 2 catering units, day-
time room service
Fax, safe, sewing-kit, suite possibilities, min. 1 person at reception always who speaks
Special staff entry
Linen change 2/week and before arrival
5* hotel requirements:
Room size: 18 sqm sgl, 26sqm dbl, 34-40 sqm suite
Bathroom, phone, radio, fridge, TV, air-conditioning, safe /room
Linen change: every 2nd day
1 Suite/ 30 rooms
2 restaurants, 3 other catering units, 24-h room service
conference rooms, elevators (separate for luggage)
fax, bell service 24-h, car park/garage
min 3 foreign languages spoken at reception
34. Compare the advantages/ benefits and weaknesses of the international hotel chains
or multinational travel companies with the independent hotels and travel agencies in
respect of the organisational, financial and marketing approaches.
▫ marketing: well known name on the market (branding), better positioning
opportunity, centralised marketing/ reservation, multiplied buying power
▫ finance: easier access to financial resources, higher capital, lower taxes or
advantages, cost savings on eg.: advertising, marketing, reservation system
▫ organisational: new corporate culture is introduced, global presence, corporate
standards (Q), respected by the industry (?),
▫ technological developments: because of the need of cross communication
▫ support for training and travel of employee from the mother company-centralised:
equal chances + travel opportunities for employees
▫ quality is kept on high level, many times controlled and checked
▫ marketing: dealing with cultural differences, missing opportunities by not
recognising the market differences
▫ Organisational: too complex structure, difficult to control, long and complicated
decision process, conflicts in interest
▫ financial: high transportation, communication(internal), management and staff
cost, difficult cost allocation, difficult in harmonising the accounting system
▫ highly qualified manager / staff is needed
▫ chain reaction: one bad decision effects many
▫ cross cultural differences, language barriers, communication gaps
▫ missing info on local market – sometimes missing
▫ organisational: independence, flexibility, faster and better reaction to changes,
smaller organisations
▫ finance: no overloaded costs, costs are better seen and followed, simple accounting
▫ marketing: segments local market knowledge, word of mouth promotion, unique
face, positioning, can target niche markets
▫ Finance: small capital, more bankruptcy danger
▫ organisational: less experienced staff, no chance for foreign works
▫ marketing: no brand, less money for it (usually) (eg.: researches)
▫ less availability of high IT
35. Please define wha tis Operations and Operations Management. What are the main
elements of Operations MAangement? Why is the productivity and quality so important
in Operations? Explain the interdependence of Operations and Marketing.
Explain the main components of purchasing. Describe the responsibility of a purchasing
manager in a large chain hotel and give examples how purchasing contributes to the
bottom line? Why is value more important today than before? Analyse the relationship
between the value elements?
Operations management consists of those activities which are concerned with the acquisition
of raw materials, their conversion into finished product, the supply of the product to the
customer. Operations Management is concerned with design, opertional conctrol of the
system that matches the organisation’s resources to customer service needs, inputs
(resources), transformation (value added), outputs (service).
Operations management must link: staff, equipment, materials, info about marekting and
technology, the actual pattern of customer.
Effect on profit:
by improving on effectiveness (optimal use of resources) the operations aim is: to
make the co more competitive to meet the customers needs + increasing effectiveness
ensures that resources are used in optimal way and are not wasted in appropriate
By improving efficiency (minimum amount of resources used) by cost reductions the
financial results will improve. Increasing efficiency ensures that hte min required
resources are used for a particular activity.
Succces factors – see whichever other question
Functions of an organisation:
Managing director + fiannce + personal or HR, Operations/production, marketing and sales,
research and development, purchasing → there could be a wide variation in the disposition of
responsibilities and authorities. The operations function is the heart of the orgnaisation.
Interaction with other functions:
Personal/HR and purchasing is directly serving the operation
Finance both provides service and is monitoring, controlling
While operations serves the marketing goal, it gives inputs as well –
marketing handles demand, the market, it links product and customer.
36. Effective customer care policies require commitment and competence on the part of
all employees. How do you define “commitment and competence”?
With reference to a number of examples from the hospitality and travel industry,
comment on how can treatment of employees encourage or discourage the delivery of
effective customer care resulting in customer satisfaction.
How would you measure employee and customer satisfaction?
The customer expect the product to: answer customer needs + have a reasonable price + have
a good appearance/outlook
o Internal factors: Organizational benefits; Implementing an improved
customer service strategy can bring considerable benefits to a hospitality
and catering organization. Other tangible benefits of introducing excellence
in customer service are likely to include: Lower staff turnover, Fewer
complaints, Improved co-operation between departments, Reduced
absenteeism by staff, Reduction in marketing budget (by retaining more
existing customers), Improved security, Less waste (of materials, time,
money), Improved quality in other aspects of the organization’s work
o External factors: The rise in consumerism, Changing customer
expectations, Competition, The importance of existing customers.
One of the central values of a good employee is to be professionally competent, thus be able
to perform the required tasks in an acceptable manner regarding quality.
Thus responsibilities and competences are strongly related. They build the backbone of job-
descriptions. These are pre-defined tasks, responsibilities, competences and prequisitives
( physical, mental, educational ) of a position.
Competence and responsibility are not just “given” to the employees, but designed for
individuals, as we are all different. The employees and managers on the other hand have to be
ready for being competent and responsible, otherwise the responsibilities might be taken as
a burden, and this will result in conflict.
One of the usual mistakes is when we make a list of desirable qualifications and traits, we try
to create a perfect employee. But in the reality it is very difficult to select a perfect candidate
who performs the required quality. If we do not consider the individual factors of the
employees, this will result in frustration.
To be competent means to accept responsibility and be self-confident based on our skills and
qualifications, and experiences. This can be developed only personally, and if exercised too
rigidly by the organisation bureaucracy will prevail. In a positive interpretation it is taken
voluntarily, and is desirable.
To accept responsibility and to feel to be competent we need to be self confident. This is
strongly related to the personal quality, which means to meet our expectations and of our
environment ( try to close the gap between ). A related concept is the self-esteem, which is
simply the evaluation we make and hold about ourselves.
Levels of competence:
- Unconsciously incompetent ( Don’t know what I don’t know )
- Consciously incompetent ( I know what I don’t know – I can improve )
- Consciously competent ( I know that I know – self confidence )
Means to be willing to do the tasks imposed by the organisation on the required level of
quality. One of the central values of a good employee is the total commitment and effort. For
this an employee needs to:
- Recognise the importance of the individual within the company
- Be an active part of an organisation
- Aim to do the best we can
- Match the goals of the organisation to the personal goals
- To enjoy the work and find the tasks challenging
- Personally choose our workplace
Commitment is not only important for the employees, but an organisation wide matter,
since if the employees are not performing on the required levels, the producivity and level of
quality will drop (especially in the labour intensive industries, such as the hospitality
industry ). This is strongly related to the profitability of the organisations. The managers need
commited employees, since their duty is to get the tasks done by their subordinates (who are
willing and able to accomplish those ).
For this the organisations should:
- Make the employees understand their importance in the organisations as a system.
- Individually design the tasks and responsibilities of employees
- Evaluate the employees performance on a permanent basis ( positive reinforcement
– behaviour modification ).
- Motivate the employees individually ( not only with money – spoken word can be
important )
- Provide a nice working-environment
Importance of front line staff: empowerment, meeting employee’s expectations, work climate,
appraisal, employee fluctuation. Motivation of employees!!!!!!!!!
The cycle of failure: Low wages → poor quality staff → no training → poor delivery of
services → low return → reduced profit levels → lower wages /managers/
The cycle of success: Incentives → high quality staff → regular training → good delivery of
services → high return → high profit levels → skilled managers
37. Senior management has set as an objective of raising the quality level in a hotel or
TA. How do you define standards, what is the purpose of standards, what quality
assurance systems would you recommend? Explain your proposal. What are the
differences between the main quality assurance systems? What would you do if you
intend to obtain the European or the national quality awards.
Quality is something is that you feel the presence of and you definitely feel when it is
missing. Nowadays it is not good enough to fulfil customer expectations but we have to
exceed these expectations. Totality of features of service satisfying a need.
Quality is one of the main success factors, it is closely linked to expectations, good quality is
if the product or service meet or exceeds client expectations. Poor quality is the opposite. We
have experienced many examples of poor quality, like spelling mistakes, computer errors, late
delivery and sloppy work.
Quality is no longer simply the lack of defects in a product, but involves providing goods and
services that meet customer expectations.
Quality creates confidence in people.
In the service industry the quality is the only differentiating factor, since the range of services
offered by the various companies are more or less the same. “ The people make the
difference”, so the standards are related to the activities of people.
TQM – Total Quality Management – Deming, Duran
Basic principles and concepts:
quality through people – quality defined by customer
quality is measured to requirements
clear quality values
Process orientation
continuous improvement
everyone’s involvement
Supportive leadership – working for the success of employees
Customer focus
PDCA cycle – plan, do, check, act
beating the competition
getting to market faster
doing it right by the first time
overcoming resistance to change
global competition in a global environment
labour with a new face
Benefits of TQM
improved employee relations
improved quality an lower costs
greater customer satisfaction
improved market share and profitability
The EFQM Excellence Model was introduced at the beginning of 1992 as the framework for
assessing organisations for the European Quality Award. It is now the most widely used
organisational framework in Europe and it has become the basis for the majority of national
and regional Quality Awards.
The EFQM Excellence Model is a practical tool that can be used in a number of different
ways: As a tool for Self-Assessment, As a way to Benchmark with other organisations, As a
guide to identify areas for Improvement, As the basis for a common Vocabulary and a way
of thinking, As a Structure for the organisation's management system
The EFQM Excellence Model is a non-prescriptive framework based on 9 criteria. Five of
these are 'Enablers' and four are 'Results'. The 'Enabler' criteria cover what an organisation
does. The 'Results' criteria cover what an organisation achieves. 'Results' are caused by
'Enablers' and 'Enablers' are improved using feedback from 'Results'.
Benchmarking is the process of determining who is the very best, who sets the standard, and
what that standard is. If you don't know what the standard is you cannot compare yourself
against it. Process used in management and particularly strategic management, in which
companies evaluate various aspects of their business processes in relation to best practice,
usually within their own industry. This then allows companies to develop plans on how to
adopt such best practice. Benchmarking may be a one-off event, but is often treated as a
continuous process in which companies continually seek to challenge their practices.
I.S.O. standards.
International Standard Organisation is a business model of excellence, built on internationally
accepted merits ( create order, systemize ).
The main purpose of these standards is to assertain that all demands in respect of quality are
The systems are standardised – using a questionnaire for assesment of quality:
- Is the quality assurance in place- according to which standard?
- How is quality organised? ( Quality manager, internal audits, trainings regular ? ).
- How is the customer service organised – production process ?
- Level of written instructions? Documentation ?
- Corrective actions – establish procedures for investigating, analysisng non-
conformances, and implement change.
Problems: Designed for manufacture-operations. Standards are not quality alone ( especially
in the case of services-subjective evaluation ).
ISO 9002 is a quality assurance model made up of quality system requirements. This model
applies to organizations that produce, install, and service products. ISO expects organizations
to apply this model, and to meet these requirements, by developing a quality system.
Quality system requirements: quality system and a manual that describes it, consistent with
your quality policy, quality plans for products, processes, projects, and customer contracts.
Contract review requirements, Product design (not used by ISO 9002), Document and data
control, Purchasing requirements, Customer-supplied products, Product identification and
tracing, Process control requirements, Product inspection and testing, Control of inspection
equipment, Inspection and test status of products, Control of nonconforming products,
Corrective and preventive action, Handling, storage, and delivery, Control of quality records,
Internal quality audit requirements, Develop internal quality audit procedures which, Training
requirements - quality training procedures, Servicing requirements, Statistical techniques
H.A.C.C.P. standards.
Designed for organisations with gastronomic activites ( handling food ), to provide the
necessary hygienic standards, in order to prevent any hazardous situation arising from the lack
of hygienic circumstances endangering the health and safety of the people involved in the
production-service-consumption procedures.
Any activities fall under the prescriptions and standards of this systems regarding the process
of food preparation ( from the aquisition of raw materials till the service of the end product ).
Main phases to controll :
- Packaging and transportation of raw materials, and partly-prepared products
- Receipt of raw materials
- Transportation within the organisation ( designing the routes )
- Storage ( conditions, temperatures, dates, times )
- Preparation ( cleaning, portionning, cooking, design of separate areas )
- Service ( Hygienic rules, holding times )
38. Please investigate the expected results of BBB Hotels Kft. for year 2001
Start with GOP, then look into the departments? What is your opinion about the
company’s financial controlling? Having the attached figures only is it possible to value
company and can you indicate any comprehensive methods? Explain them briefly.
Great increase in GOP (84%), GOP margin increase 24,4% What does it show?
Room profit increased by 12% due to 8% revenue increase + 4 percent cost savings
(no savings on payroll)
F&B loss is smaller
Medical dept higher loss as revenue increase 3%, cost 8%
Administration and marketing and Sales – great savings
Total overhead payroll saving – reason: headcount decrease
Financial controlling quite good, efficient cost/expense management
More info needed to value the co. - Occupancy rate, guest satisfaction index, customer
profile, effect of marketing
Profit maximization is one of the main goals of an organisation. This means making the most
amount money in the shortest possible time.
All of the various readers of financial statements (managers, owners, investors, and creditors)
have an interest in analysing and interpreting the financial statements. Managers are very
concerned about the internal operating efficiency of the organisation and will look for
indications that things are running smoothly, that operating goals are being met and the
various departments are being managed as profitable as possible. Stockholders, on the other
hand, are more interested in the net income and about future dividend prospects and in many
cases would not be concerned about the internal departmental results.
Investors may be interested in the net income, but they are even more interested in the dept-
paying ability of the company. A company may have good earnings, but because of a shortage
of cash, may not be able to meet its dept obligations.
Comparative analysis involves putting two balance sheet or income statements side by side,
showing the differences between each pair of comparable figures in both currency and as a
percentage change.
Comparative, common size statements apply the same technique of putting two sets of
balance sheet or income statement figures side by side, but in this case one figure is given the
value of 100 percent (total assets and total liabilities plus stockholders’ equity on the balance
sheet; total revenue on the income statement), and all other figures are expressed as a
proportion of that 100 percent amount.
Ratio Analysis
A method of analysing balance sheet information, in conjunction with some income statement
information, is known as ratio analysis. A ratio is a comparison of two figures.
The most important ratios are:
Current ratio: Current assets/Current liabilities: It is indicative of a company’s ability
to pay off its short-term depts (current liabilities) without difficulty. Creditors
generally prefer to see a high current ratio because it assures them that the operation
will be able to meet its current payments due on loans made or credit extended. On the
other hand, owners prefer a low current ratio because a high ratio generally means that
too much money is tied up in working capital and not being used as profitably as it
otherwise could be.
Profitability ratio: this shows the relationship between the net income of the company
and other items. The most important is the Net Income to Revenue Ratio, which is
known as the profit margin. This measures management’s overall effectiveness in
generating sales and controlling expenses. Calculated as follows: (Net income after
income tax/Revenue)×100. Means that out of each $1.00 of revenue, how much the
net income is.
Turnover ratio is calculated to determine the activity of certain classes of assets, such
as inventories, working capital. The ratio expresses the number of times that an
activity (turnover) is occurring during certain period of time and can help in measuring
management’s effectiveness in using and controlling these assets. Working capital:
Current assets minus Current liabilities. It is another name for the Shareholder’s
Working Capital Turnover: Revenue/Average Working Capital. This ratio can vary
widely from as low as ten times per year (for a restaurant) to as high as fifty times or
more a year (for a hotel). Too much working capital means ineffective use of funds.
Too little working capital may lead to cash difficulties if revenue begins to decline.
Operating ratio includes calculations of labour cost, average room rates, occupancy
percentage and average checks. These are important elements which needed to value
the operation of a company.
Direct cost: depending on the degree of revenue. They are considered to be
controllable. (food, beverage, linen, laundry)
Indirect cost: not affected by revenue increase or decrease. Cannot be charged to any
specific department.
Controllable cost: are those which management has the capacity to restrain (casual
labour and food)
Joint cost: is shared by and thus the responsibility of two or more departments or
Fixed cost: over a short period of time (one year or less) do not vary with revenue.
(rent, insurance)
Variable cost: varies on a linear basis with sales or revenue. (food, beverage, laundry)
Total cost: the sum of variable and fixed costs
Semifixed or semivariable cost: not always variable directly to sales (maintenance,
Breakeven analysis
The break even point is that level of revenue at which there will be neither net income nor
This is a technique used in advance planning of the business’ operations. It is a means of
estimating the amount of sales needed in order to cover expenses and make a given amount of
The first step is to find out the amount of sales required to cover expenses only or “break
even”. At first sight this may seem pointless, but it is in fact a necessary step to understand the
whole process. It is obvious that in such a break-even situation, total sales must be equal to
total costs. However, there are two sorts of costs. Fixed, which must be paid regardless our
revenue and variable which are costs of the products.
It is difficult to allocate fixed and variable costs
It assumes that variable cost vary directly with the sales volume
It assumes that fixed cost will remain fixed during the period
It is limited to individual situations or departments
It is only a guide to decision making to show from which point the operation should not
Labour cost
% of Revenue to Wages shows what is the percentage of revenue was spent on labour. The
cost of labour generally accounts for considerable amount of money. As a percentage of sales,
labour cost typically ranges from 15% to 35%. There are many factors can be considered
which can affect the labour costs, such as sales volume, location, equipment, training, and
Labour turnover rate, a ratio relating the number of departing employees to the total number
of employees and usually expressed as a percentage, which tend to range between 10 and
39. You are asked to give a presentation in Parliament about the benefits, the results and
importance of tourism in the Hungarian economy in order to get an increased budget
for future development of Hungarian tourism. Provide set of notes for this presentation
and your arguments.
4 500
4 000
3 500
3 000
2 500 Debit
2 000
1 500
1 000
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Economic importance of tourism in Hungary, 2005
Government Capital
GDP Employment
Expenditures Investments
Direct Indirect Direct Indirect
billion USD thousand people
4.7 10.6 0.6 2.3 213.8 345.0
4.2 9.3 5.2 7.4 5.5 8.9
Source: WTTC
Benefits of tourism
• Direct benefits: are realized through direct tourist expenditures for goods and services
in the destination. Forms:
• Business receipts
• Income
• Employment
• Government receipts from the sectors that directly receive the tourism expenditure
• Indirect benefits: are generated by the circulation of the tourism expenditure in the
destination through inter-business transaction in the domestic economy (i.e.:
investments and spending by businesses benefit directly from tourism expenditures)
- Direct business receipt are re-spend as investments or used to purchase other goods and
services from domestic suppliers
• Induced benefits: some of additional personal income (related to the change of
tourism expenditure) is spent within the destination and this results higher level of
income an jobs in the local good and service sector.
(Induced + indirect benefits = secondary effect)
Unfortunately, Hungary is not endowed with spectacular world-famous features but has a
wide variety of other tourism resources, such as hot springs and spas, cultural establishments,
traditional events, natural resources, national parks, and popular sports. Based on the
favourable situation of the country (Central Europe has the largest amount of tourist traffic in
the world) and the recent developments taken place in tourism, the quality of both natural and
man-made attractions is being improved in order to be able to offer highly competitive tourist
The attractions which play the most significant role in the Hungarian tourism are health,
congress and incentive tourism; cultural, wine, gastronomic, village (rural tourism), active,
youth, green (ecotourism), sport and recreational tourism.
As in every other sector of national economies, both incoming and domestic tourism are
affected by several positive, negative or even neutral features. In case of the Hungarian
inbound tourism, the improving global economy, the EU membership, the increasing
popularity of Central and Eastern European destinations, the growing preference of
second/third trips and short breaks, the favourable changes in foreign exchange rates and the
focused tourism marketing communication in the international market have positive impacts.
Considering negative factors, terrorism and natural disasters, high energy prices, the lack of
economic stability on European source markets, reduced per trip spending and the stronger
competition between destinations must be taken into account.
In the field of domestic tourism, the improving financial position of the public, the higher
popularity and wider scope of acceptance of holiday checks, the larger number of second/third
trips and short breaks, the increasing demand for quality added services and the focused
marketing communication have a positive impact, while the growing popularity of foreign
trips and the siphon effect of low cost airlines negatively affect this sector. The limited
number of national holidays close to weekends can have both positive and negative effects on
domestic tourism.
Results in the Hungarian tourism
Incoming tourism:
38.6 million foreign arrivals in 2005 (+6.9%),
Europe generated 97.7% of the arrivals including 56.1% from EU member countries
Main source markets: Germany, UK, Austria, Italy, USA, Nordic countries (Denmark,
Finland, Norway and Sweden) and the Netherlands.
Emerging source markets: France, Spain, Japan, Russia, China, Poland, Israel and
Dynamic increase of incoming tourism in higher category (45% of foreign guest
nights at 4 and 5 star hotels) → shift in demand for higher quality services
Strong seasonality and geographical differences (three most popular region – 85%)
Domestic tourism:
Even more dynamic increase: guests +5.3%, nights +3.5%
Total of 3.5 million domestic guests spent altogether 8.7 million guest nights at
commercial accommodations in 2005, which is a record for the past 15 years!
Shift in demand for hotels (60%), growing demand for 4 and 5 star hotels
5, 4, and 3 star hotels recorded 46.9% of the total domestic guest nights
Wellness hotels: guest nights doubled, spa hotels: an above average rise (+13.1%)
Seasonality is less strong (summer months: 29% in case of Budapest)
Three most important regions: Lake Balaton (23.1%), Budapest and Central Danube
Region (15%), Northern Hungary (13.3%).
- Domestic tourism is steadily growing
- Government recognises importance and takes role in the development of tourism
- Hungary takes 12th position in world tourism in 2003
- Number of international arrivals is increasing. More visitors from Austria and increase
in English, France and Czech guest nights representing new source market potentials
- Hungary’s good location in the central part of Europe (Europe in 2005 had 55 % of
international arrivals and 50% of world tourism receipts.)
- Although in the territory of Hungary no world famous attractions can be found it
possesses more special tourism products of regional importance, which can satisfy the
latest demand and trends in tourism. (eg. thermal and healing waters, cultural heritage
and events, natural fundamentals like national parks, or popular sporting facilities like
riding hunting, and tourism development regarding business life.)
- Existence of traditional image elements (Gulyas, Puszta)
- Increase in tourism receipts following the continuous decline since 2001
- international tourism receipts are well below European and world average
- High seasonality (75% of guest nights in June, July and August main season)
especially at Balaton and lake Tisza
- Regional concentration of international tourism (Balaton and Bp 73% of guest nights)
- Missing quality and quantity of basic and tourist infrastructure (especially in the
countryside), lack of proper country image
- security and safety is bad according to foreigners
- lack of education and language skills of Hungarians and industry workers is a major
barrier to quality tourism
- EU competitions and financial support will make it possible to create and offer quality
tourism products and exploit Hungary’s tourism fundamentals fully
- Closing up with the west and improvement of life standards will project a better
country image and security for international tourists and will allow residents of
Hungary to spend more on travel and holidays
- If quality tourism will dominate in Hungary, the country’s economy can harness the
industry’s benefits and fully profit from it. (If focus is not on mass tourism and trying
to enlarge visitor numbers but on the creation of quality tourism that would attract
high spending tourists, result would be higher tourism receipts and consequently GDP
- With the close up of the countryside (providing proper quality and quantity of basic
and tourist infrastructure) Hungary’s tourism offer can be enriched with new unique
and attractive tourist elements and regional concentration of tourism can be reduced
- With the development of new tourism segments (eg. health and conference tourism)
seasonality can be decreased
- Usage of IT and internet in the tourism industry
- Discounted airlines
- Through proper education and good communication with the public the opinion of
residents towards tourism can be positively changed and Hungary can be presented as
a friendly and open-minded destination
- WTO and WTTC figures project that the most rapid development can be expected in
Eastern European countries in the future (2010) and increased demand is expected to
stay constant for these countries
- restrictions on the borders (Romania, Yugoslavia) and increasing prices upon EU
membership can reduce visitor numbers from neighbouring countries
- increasing salaries and the possibility of travelling with an ID as EU members will
decrease domestic tourism
- other EU members will mean a bigger competition than ever and if other new
countries make tourism developments faster or in a wiser way it can result in further
decreasing international tourist numbers for Hungary
- on macro environment level recession of the world economy
- problems in world politics and security
- slowing down of infrastructural developments
- not fully or wisely exploiting European competition possibilities
Although it takes approximately the 12th position in the world’s most favoured destinations,
Hungary’s share in tourism receipts is very low. This shows that Hungary still can’t fully
exploit its fundamentals in tourism and the possibilities that tourism has to offer for its
economy. Major reasons for this are:
- the lack of proper infrastructural background (not only basic infrastructure is
missing, traffic and environmental problems, but the tourism infrastructure too, proper
quality and quantity of tourism products),
- Hungary not yet fully exploits its tourist attractions and fundamentals
- lack of program offers and complex tourist products that attract tourists with high
- seasonality and regional tourism concentration
- Most of the Hungarians, because of low salaries can’t afford the tourism products, at
the same time the few who can, often choose in favour of holidays abroad.
Tasks: (see opportunities in the SWOT)
- Only if domestic tourism is highly developed, can foreign tourism be sustained
- Hungary should try to attract tourists with high spending (quality tourist)
- increase average length of stay
- decrease time and regional tourism concentration
- increase tourism incomes and create a favourable and unique country image
- improve basic tourism infrastructure and tourism service supply
- Creation of quality tourism and tourism supply in Hungary, because quality is the
key factor to be able to attract target groups to Hungary who have high income and
high spending
- Proper and constant promotion and marketing!!!
- Development is not the task of just one organisation, the private sector, local
governments and the State should all participate in it
- Further support for tourism developments should be given through providing
competition possibilities and projects eg. from 2004 in the framework of the National
Development Plan from the European Regional Development Fund
40. Please describe the changing in management organisation and mgmt methods in the
practise of Hungarian enterprises dealing with tourism and the development of their
market flexibility in the 1990’s. How has the airline business developed in Hungary
during the last ten years? What has been the impact of the September 11th terrorist
attack on the tourism industry? What would you recommend to meet new challenges?
- Focus on task accomplishment, business control and leading people
- Features structured organisational setting
- Creates aims and objectives
- Creates policy what is the framework for business conduct
- Controls system and procedures
2.Mgmt functions:
1. Planning (setting objectives, defining how, setting standards)
2. Organising (delegation, letting someone doing sg, resource allocation and coordinating)
3. Leading (guidance, motivation, integration)
4. Control (monitoring, correction, supervising)
3.Mgmt methods:
1. Scientific-Taylorism: believed in scientific analysis of work and economic rationality
in work behaviour (motions study to raise productivity by eliminating unnecessary
2. Bureaucracy-Weber: rules, procedures, standards, specialisation and hierarchies
should be elaborated and kept
3. Structure and design-Fayd: major organisational activities: finance, production,
commerce, security and mgmt this is how a big co has to be divided (specialised
activities) mgmt functions are: planning, organising, co-ordination, control, command
- nowadays nothing stable but the change
- what is new about change is that nowadays it is more rapid than before eg.
changing world order, globalisation, new economy, information system
- rapid development and changes demand companies, institutions, individuals to
keep changing their strategies and the way in which goals are achieved
- change is threat and opportunity at the same time
- we have to change all the time (gradual change is good, rapid change can cause
- organisations operate in an increasing volatile changing environment
Identifying forces driving changes:
1. Political dimension- regulation, law, stability
2. Economic dimension- key indicators, (GDP and income) monetary policies, taxation,
3. Socio-Cultural dimension- demographics, behavioural of social classes, lifestyle,
education, believes
4. Technological dimension- innovation, safety, transport, communication
5. Ecological dimension- natural resources,
6. Operational dimension- competition, customers, suppliers, new entrances
Implementing change
Phase 1. – assessment
- form a team for change
- climate analysis – SWOT
Phase 2. – planning
- involve everybody
- align change plan with the strategic plan
- parallel processes
Phase 3. - implementation
- assess skills
- engage coaches, mentors in learning
- carry out planned actions
Phase 4. – evaluation – controlling
- validate change factors
- recognise individual and team success
In Hungary, Human Resource Management has no real tradition. Employers don’t realize the
importance of the human factor in achieving their goals. Employees are not motivated. Today,
there are more and more companies who pay careful attention to HRM issues within the
Corporate governance
It is to ensure that the interest of top level management is aligned with the interest of
shareholders of the company.
Agency relationship
The separation bw owners and managers creates an agency relation,in which the principal
hires specialists to perform a service. ( owner – management company relations)
Ownership and affiliation
Franchising is abusiness entity to use the logo, trademarks and operating systems of another
business entity for the benefit of both. As a result, these firms can share brand identification,
and a strong marketing and distribution system.
A hotel franchise relationship exists when the owners of the hotel choose a flag and enter into
a franchise agreement with that specific brand.
Flag: A term, used to refer to the specific brand with which a hotel may affiliate.
Conversion=Reflagging:The process of changing a hotel’s flag from one franchisor
to another
Franchise agreement: The legal contract bw. The hotel’s owners (franchisee) and the
brand managers(franchisor) which describes the duties and responsibilities of each.
Advantages of franchisee:
A brand name with recognition
Connect the hotel to GDS
Increase in sales,
Secure financing – banks consider these relationships when giving a
On-site training, purchase of furnitures, equipment in bulk
Advantages of franchisor:
Increase in fee payments, the value of the brand name is growing with every joining
Management contracts
Def: An agreement between a hotel’s owners and a hotel management company, under which,
for a fee, the management company operates the hotel. It is also called management
A management company is an organization formed for the purpose of managing one or more
Buyout: An arrangement in which both parties of a contract agree to end the contract early as
a result of one party paying the other an agreed financial compensation.
Concerning the history of companies, we have to mention privatisation, therefore the change
in the ownership of the companies. Foreign investors could bring the western type of
management to Hungary into their business (eg. strategic hr, marketing, research and
development). In public companies the sate doesn’t have managerial control on the operation
of the company, while in private companies the manager is the owner at the same time and
pays attention to the managerial operation of the co. Depending on the size of the company
one manager can take more departments under his control while in big companies different
departments with different leaders are needed.
As in Hungary big wholesaler companies are ruling the market the structure of the
organisation must be separated into different departments (structure and design
managerial method).
As a new phenomena quality mgmt has appeared. The aim of this is achieving competitive
price value ratio at lower cost. In quality mgmt for long time the tangible materials technical
facilities were more important lately the soft factors, intangible, such as service, competence,
the human side became important. This type of mgmt is not a question of size of a company
but a question of quality consciousness. Further development was the total quality mgmt, its
5 concepts: improve continuously, process orientation, everybody’s involvement,
supportive leadership, customer focus. (For mgmt of tourism enterprises see 2nd theme
(legal form of tourism organisations).
After MALÉV's transformation in 1992, Alitalia and the Italian state investor company,
Simest won the right to buy 30 and 5 per cent of the company's raised share capital,
respectively. The former owner, the State Property Handling Co. (ÁPV Rt.) kept 50 per
cent of the stock plus 1 share, the remaining shares went to the ownership of local
governments. A few months after the deal, MALÉV launched its first overseas flight to New
York, through Rome. The two companies also agreed in harmonising their respective
schedules and frequent flyer's programmes.
More investment, development of its fleet and membership of a global alliance are
necessary for Malév’s further development. Becoming a partner in a global alliance would
expand Malév’s network and significantly increase its traffic. The advantages of joint
marketing and branding could significantly increase sales potential while joint procurement
could significantly reduce costs. Malév could also become part of a coordinated global route
as a result of joint route planning. Joining any of the global air alliances is better for Malév
than staying independent in the long term.
Recently the low cost airlines had appeared in Hungary too, and are experiencing a
revolution on the market. These airlines are trying to save money by not using famous
airports, don’t have offices, use direct distribution through the internet and don’t provide
catering or in some of them no luggage services are provided either. Their disadvantage is
that tour operators make their reservations on the net too so they don’t get commission and
here no group prices are provided. One can make reservation for groups but not at the same
In order to stay competitive in the airline market, airlines had to face the fact, that low-cost
companies are expanding, and more and more people use them. Today, these airlines also
offer tickets on reduced prices, packages put together for passangers and they try to attract
customers with quality services on acceptable prices.This is the way the fight against low-cot
a) Airline industry:
- 20% decline in the number of passengers/km flow
- Heavy price discounting (airlines lost their business and were fighting for more
customers so they tried to pay more and more commission to agencies but this
resulted in less and less profit)
- Bankruptcies for the above mentioned reason (eg. Sabena, Swiss Air, Ansett)
- Fewer employees
- Security regulations strengthened at airports so waiting time increased
resulting in unwillingness of travel
b) Accommodation industry:
- more concern about security infrastructure of hotels
- declining number of guest nights
- airport hotels will be in worse position
- sharp reduction in the revenues of certain hotels
- labour levels being cut to eliminate cost
41. Critically evaluate the ways in which the management of change can and does affect
orgnaisations and their personell. Why should we change? What are the reasons for
change? Why do people resist to changes and what is the usual reaction to change? Give
positive and negative examples from your own observation and experience.
Management of change
Nowadays the companies are subject of rapid and often unpredictible changes. The
reasons are:
- Changes in the political circumstances ( Central and Eastern Europe )
- Globalisation ( standardisation, bigger competition )
- Economical changes – rise of GDP, taxation policies, monetary policies
( integration ), labour market ( interest representation, personal rights, more
educated )
- Changes in customer expectations (more open, more educated customers)
- Technological changes ( Information technology, robots )
- Sociocultural dimensions ( new classes – shifting demographies, lifestyle and
educational changes – more healthy way of living, nationalism – protectionism )
- Ecological forces – new energy sources, pollution
- Higher competition
- Legal framework ( consumer protection, protection of employees’ interest,
enviromental protection, monopoly law, trade blocks ... ).
There are three types of companies :
- Who don not understand what is going on around them
- They are aware of the changes and are adopting
- The best companies are shaping the enviroments
The companies must consider these forces when adapting to the changing environment in
order to be competitive.
How? The key word is continuous change and improvement. In general an organisation
should plan and allocate the necessary resoures, design the organisational structure, and
manage the change.
We have to plan well before it is necessary, and the organisation should be aware of the
reactions for the change.
Companies should overcome these fears by making the people understand the necessity of the
change. The reasons might be :
- Increased competition
- Profitability improvement
- Win more business
- Retain customers
- Corporate image – expansions
- Improve client focus
we should plan a continuous change activity to improve our effectiveness and
modify the behaviour of the colleagues
improve the ability to cope with changes
“In order to improve we have to change. In order to become perfect you have to do it often.”
Three types of companies
1) they don’t understand what is happening
2) they are aware of changes and the signals from the environment
3) the best companies are changing continuously. They are taking initials to develop within
their industry
Consider the threats as an opportunity
Why are people resist to change?
it creates in security (status, job, etc.)
fear of criticism
loss of colleagues
difficulty of learning new skills
loss of job interest, loss of freedom
economic implications
change might require large investments
threats to power or influence
large organisations prefer stability to old rules, established procedures…
Implementing change
Phase 1. – assessment
- form a team for change
- climate analysis – SWOT
Phase 2. – planning
- involve everybody
- align change plan with the strategic plan
- parallel processes
Phase 3. - implementation
- assess skills
- engage coaches, mentors in learning
- carry out planned actions
42. „Tourism is as much an aspect of foreign policy as it is a commercial activity” (Hall,
1994). To what extent is there truth in this statement? Please expose and analyze the
situation and recent developments of the Hungarian tourism including its renaissance,
the Széchenyi Plan and the National Development Plan. Expand on Hungary as a tourist
destination, product offerings, main attractions and how to position Hungary.
1978-1985: To create the frameworks of quality tourism and increase the standard of tourist
services and products the government between 1978 and 1985 signed an agreement with
Austria for 300 million USD about common investments. Thanks to this project, during a
few years, bed capacity increased with 7500 beds (45%) especially in the category of 4 and 5
star hotels and in some cities swimming pools, tennis courts were built. This was the first
hotel building boom in Hungary. All of these hotels were in the ownership of the Hungarian
government but had an agreement for the use of the name with various international chains.
1985-1989: the phase of investments slowed down with the use up of the money available.
Because of no governmental investments and the debt towards the Austrian government
mainly pensions campsites were built from private investments. The tourism in Hungary
actually consisted of 3 main parts at this time:
1. Tourism that was happening on the real international market, which was mainly
embodied by the 4 and 5 star hotels found in the capital city and in smaller parts those by
Lake Balaton.
2. Domestic tourism, which took form in the organised holidays by the trade unions.
3. Guests coming from the Varsauer Treaty inside the KGST, which was based on
bilateral agreements with circumstances, prices, dictated by the State and government. It
was told how much a country can spend in another, how many people can travel from one
country to the other. This part provided very big numbers in statistics but at the same time
it ruined the Hungarian hotel capacity and quality. So this was the segment that private
industry had to take over in 1990-91 hotels and tourism enterprises were among the first to
be privatised (IBUSZ, Pannon).
1. Tourism Industry:
- the growth of small- and medium-sized private enterprises,
- the transformation of the system of social tourism (before 1989, social tourism
played a significant role all over the country, trade union holiday resorts offered
vacations to people for small payment, these holidays were subsidised by the state)
- the disappearance of the traditional monopolies in the tour operation and
accommodation sectors.
- The number of joint ventures has also been growing and most of the former state-
owned companies have been privatised.
- The supply has been becoming increasingly varied and more and more participants
have been sharing in the declining market demand.
- Between 1990 and 1991, close to 2000 new travel agencies were opened in Hungary
without any sort of licences. (After a few dozen bankruptcies and thousands of
cheating on tourists, the supervising authority, the Ministry of Industry and Trade
decided to bring the sector under regulation and now travel agencies are required to
obtain preliminary permits based on financial and professional guarantees. According
to the figures of the National Tourist Board, at the moment 874 tour operators and
travel agencies operate in the country.)
2. Catering industry:
Before 1989, the restaurant trade was mainly owned by catering companies or by companies
also involved with managing hotels, for instance Pannonia. However, in the 80's, the smaller
establishments were transferred to the private sector and a wholly private restaurant and
catering sector emerged, especially in Budapest and in the main tourist areas. International
fast food franchises, like McDonald's also opened their outlets in the country, first in
Budapest, then in the bigger cities. In the last few years, many new private restaurants,
coffee-shops and confectioneries have been opened and by now, the whole hospitality sector
is in private ownership.
3. Hotel industry:
Progress in the privatisation of hotel companies was rather slow. Before 1989, the
accommodation sector of Hungarian tourism consisted of three state-owned hotel chains:
Pannónia, Danubius and Hungar Hotels. Though in the 80's, international chains /like
Hilton, Intercontinental, Hyatt, Penta or Forum/ opened hotels in Budapest, these
establishments were jointly owned with the Hungarian state, were managed by Hungarian
companies and profits were shared. The three hotel companies were transformed into
public limited companies in 1989-90, but their further privatisation in the autumn of
1991, in the framework of the First Privatisation Programme, ended in failure. But,
despite of the difficulties experienced in privatising the large chains, the largest part of the
Hungarian accommodation capacity became private quite quickly, as smaller family and
private enterprises were expanding all over the country, mainly around Budapest and in the
Lake Balaton area. Additionally, many hotel investments were formed with considerable
foreign capital. The greatest attraction for foreign capital investments was Budapest,
especially within high category accommodation and spa hotels (Corvinus, Aquincum).
Foreign and joint-owned hotels and tourism establishments have been advantageous not only
because they have increased the quantity of supply but - and this is even more important -
the quality as well.
After the changing of the system Hungary came into the centre of attention and visitor
numbers were continuously growing (in 1989 17 million guests than grew year by year ) At
that time Hungary was not ready for receiving such mass tourism and to exploit this
possibility as our infrastructure was completely missing. By the end of 90’s we can
experience a second capitalisation:
- This was the time for second hotel building boom. The number of 5 star hotels in
2000 grew from 7 to 11 (9 to be found in Bp) developments were mainly concentrated
in the capital, but 4 star hotels were built in the county too.
- Large amount of FDI flew into the country because of favourable taxation and stable
economical, political and financial background.
- The institutional system reform, the Parliament’s Tourism Committee exists since
1998, HNTO since 1994, The National Tourist Committee was set up in 1996, and as
a lobbying group, is winning on importance, the deputy secretary of State for tourism
at the ministry of Economy and Transport was reorganised and its employee numbers
increased. Regional Tourism Committees are also winning on importance because in
the EU the focus will be on the regions not the countries and the regions get more and
more support from government. Tourinform network for public information and
service is constantly growing.
- The Széchenyi Development Plan was a financial help from the government to boost
the economy and tourism in part (HUF 50 billion) and to introduce Hungary to EU
competitions during the 2001-2002 period. The most important goal was to increase
the efficiency of foreign tourism. The Government also intended to boost domestic
tourism with special regard to the country’s natural and cultural environment. Efforts
were to be made to change the traditional “Puszta, Gulash, Paprika” picture of the
country, mainly by popularising the country’s cultural heritage. 6 areas of
development (spa tourism, conference tourism, theme parks, fortress and castles,
information technology, other quality tourism products- eg: gastronomy and
- PHARE, which could have been used up until end of 2003 is a programme is a pre-
accession instruments financed by the European Union to assist the applicant countries
of Central and Eastern Europe in their preparations for joining the European Union
- Between 2004-2006 in the framework of the National Development Plan’s regional
operative programs, 130-150 milliard HUF from the European Regional
Development Fund is provided for Hungary. The programme’s aim is to develop
tourist attractions, through creating internationally significant attractions based on
cultural and natural heritage of Hungary, and improving tourism capacity potentials of
the country.
To understand and prove that Hungarian tourism is reborning and reviving in our days we
have to consider both outside and inside factors.
a. Outside factors:
- It is a world tendency that people travel more and spend more on recreation
and holidays
- tourism industry is rapidly growing and by today is one of the world’s largest
- Europe represents almost 60% of the world’s tourism.
- The major tourist organizations (WTTC, WTO) forecast that Eastern Europe
will be one of the most dynamically growing tourist destinations in the world,
for which the increased demand is expected to stay constant in the future.
b. Inside factors:
- In the past years it was recognised that tourism is a major contributor to the
Hungarian economy and today the government is highly supporting it. The
State’s role increased in the financial aspects, today also local governments
start to realise that they can benefit from tourism.
- growing Hungarian economy and the economical joining up of the Eastern
countries to the EU will facilitate tourism developments and attract FDI
- The restructuring of foreign visitors, the growing domestic tourism and the
increasing demand for quality tourism
- The role of tourism in the economy is increasing
Hungary as a tourist destination
Tourism in numbers:
a) guest nights at commercial accommodations has exceeded 19 million for the first time
b) altogether 6.9 million guest arrivals (+4.8%)
c) income from public accommodation fee increased to a higher degree than the inflation
(total of HUF 112 319 million (+13.2%).
d) Balance of tourism payments: following a continuous decline after the record in 2001,
the income started to increase again (€ 1085 million, +5.2%)
Incoming tourism:
38.6 million foreign arrivals in 2005 (+6.9%),
Europe generated 97.7% of the arrivals including 56.1% from EU member countries
Main source markets: Germany, UK, Austria, Italy, USA, Nordic countries (Denmark,
Finland, Norway and Sweden) and the Netherlands.
Emerging source markets: France, Spain, Japan, Russia, China, Poland, Israel and
Dynamic increase of incoming tourism in higher category (45% of foreign guest
nights at 4 and 5 star hotels) → shift in demand for higher quality services
Strong seasonality and geographical differences (three most popular region – 85%)
Domestic tourism:
Even more dynamic increase: guests +5.3%, nights +3.5%
Total of 3.5 million domestic guests spent altogether 8.7 million guest nights at
commercial accommodations in 2005, which is a record for the past 15 years!
Shift in demand for hotels (60%), growing demand for 4 and 5 star hotels
5, 4, and 3 star hotels recorded 46.9% of the total domestic guest nights
Wellness hotels: guest nights doubled, spa hotels: an above average rise (+13.1%)
Seasonality is less strong (summer months: 29% in case of Budapest)
Three most important regions: Lake Balaton (23.1%), Budapest and Central Danube
Region (15%), Northern Hungary (13.3%).
Hungary in the following years could be a fine destination for spending second or third
holidays at. Our natural and cultural heritage (Budapest one of the most beautiful capitals
of the world, gastronomy and wine culture), our supply of thermal water and spas gives us
an advantage because they are unique attractions not only in respect of Europe but in the
world too. These attractions can stimulate constant solvent demand on the old and on the new
markets too. If we look at the world trends in tourism (see below eg. health and cultural
tourism is winning on importance and the demand for special and unique products increasing)
we can see that Hungary will have good opportunities in tourism in the future.
As we became members of the EU, Hungary came into the centre of attention again and
incoming tourism started to grow so Hungary has to work to develop basic and tourism
infrastructure to be able to exploit new possibilities. We should attract real tourists who
spend here not 3,3 days but 1 week or 2 weeks and spend a lot of money too. Hungary’s
success depends on what type of quality tourist it can attract. So, first of all Hungary should
create a tourism offer of high quality and in the next phase it should organise promotion
and marketing well. For these reasons, Hungary’s repositioning and the revival of domestic
tourism became important tasks for the country. We don’t have to abolish the already
existing exotic picture on Hungary (Gulyas, Puszta) but add something new to it. When it
comes to this point we have to emphasize security, stability and our growing economy,
because tourists will have different attitude towards a country that is successful.
Recent development of the Hungarian tourism
I. Hungarian National Development Plan (2004-2006)
Improving the quality of life (long-term objective)
Reducing the lag in the per capita income
Specific objectives: more competitive economy, promotion of a better quality
environment and regional development, improved use of HR
Five operational programs: OPRD – ROP 1.1, ROP 1.2 (tourism-related)
Tourism supply: health, water/aquatic, ecotourism, bike, gold, rural, cultural, equestrian,
religious, wine culture and gastronomy, MICE.
Product priorities:
1) health tourism (medicinal + wellness tourism)
2) heritage tourism (ecotourism – world heritage sites + natural heritage preservation (national
parks), equestrian, rural, gastronomy, special events – traditions, folklore, artistic values etc.)
3) congress tourism (better facilities, improved competitiveness, lobby for international
Planned development:
Destination Management Companies (DMC) – non-profit organisations to prepare
plans and promotion of a certain destination
Further priority tourism target areas: Budapest + 4 priority resort areas (Lake Balaton,
Lake Velence, Lake Tisza and the Danube bend); natural and cultural heritage sites;
health and holiday resorts, rural tourism, cross-border tourism development.
43) Please define tour guiding. What is the job of a tour guide and what are the
requirements to become a tour guide?
Identify the following: city guide, on-site guide, tour escort or tour director and step-
on guide. Name five personality traits that are common among tour escorts/guides.
Budapest is heavily promoted as a centre of culture and heritage. Recommend a city
tour package including cultural events for the leisure travellers in the city on a 3-day
Tour Guide:
Job: to acquaint tourists with the country’s touristic, historical and cultural values.
Requirements: should be able to organize programs, give information, should have
psychological knowledge and good communication skills.
City guide: a type of guide who points out and comments on highlights of a city.
On-site guide: a person who conducts tours at a specific building.
Tour escort/tour director: a person who manages a group movement over a multi-day tour.
Step-on guide: operates independently, freelance specialist hired for a short period.
Specific personality traits: an outgoing personality, decisiveness, people skills,
organizational skills, research skills, correct, well-groomed, high quality knowledge, patient,
helpful, healthy, confident, etc.
Day 1
10.00 – 3-hour sightseeing tour by bus including 3 photo-stops: on Heroes’ Square, in the
Castle District and on the Gellért Hill
13.30 – Lunch in a Restaurant in the city centre (e.g. Restaurant Kárpátia)
Afternoon – free time (recommendation: do shopping in the Váci Street – not far from
Kárpátia or optional tour to the Gödöllő Palace)
19.00 – Performance in the Hungarian State Opera House
Day 2
10.00 – Walking tour in the Castle District including a coffee and a cake in the famous
Confectionary Ruszwurm, inside visit in the Matthias church and the National Gallery
13.00 – Lunch in a restaurant is the Castle District area (e.g. Pest-Buda Restaurant)
Afternoon – free time (recommendation: visit the exhibitions in the Palace of Arts or
walking on the Margaret Island)
20.00 – 2 hour sightseeing tour by boat on the Danube including dinner and folk show
22.00 – Travelling up to the Gellért Hill to look at the illuminated city
Day 3
9.00 – Optional tour by boat to Szentendre
14.00 – Lunch in a restaurant in Budapest in the city centre (e.g. Restaurant Fatál)
15.30 – Visiting the Museum of Fine Arts
Evening free time (recommendation: dinner in the Anonymus Restaurant in the City Park)
44. Describe the responsibility of a restaurant manager. What type of organizational
tasks should be solved by the manager?
The tasks of the restaurant manager depend on the size of the establishment. In a small hotel,
the restaurant manager is responsible for all the F&B related tasks while in large hotels, he
works under the F&B manager and is responsible only for the restaurant.
F&B controlling is one of the most imp. task of the Restaurant Manager.
Beverage control is easier than food control because:
Beverages are usually non perishable items
It’s enough to purchase them periodically
Qualities are standard – bottles
The main aim of F&B control is to be aware of the actual invntory in order to order items that
are missing in advance. Also, employee mistakes can be seen if proper control is made.
One of the biggest problems in hotels and restaurants is employee thefts. With efficient
controlling systems managers can realize these thefts.
Food control is more difficult. They are perishable items, so at ordering we must be careful
with the quantity.
Reasons for eating out: Earlier, eating out was for travelers, in inns and taverns where the
customers were served more or less what would have been on the domestic table anyway.
Nowadays, people eat out because: - they don’t want to cook for themselves
- they have a special occasion (birthday,
engagement, dating)
- they want to meet other people (friends,
- they want to live social life
- they want to discover new tastes in special
- ethnic restaurants (Chinese, Japanese,
Thai etc.)
- business talks
45. What is the correlation of the different TA activities - how can activities support
each other and from the management point of view, how would you set up your travel
agency to avoid liquidity problems? What new regulations have been published
influencing the TO and TA operation to secure consumer protection and consumer
Major goal:
The travel agency is a business enterprise and as such its major goal is to be profitable or
increase the profitability. For temporary period the major goal may be to survive current
difficulties. Tools of being profitable:
• Keep costs under control (overhead costs and cost of sales)
• Increase revenue (good services more clients more sales more repeat sales)
→ Key: right combination of products and services offered/sold
Travel Agency Services and Products
Agency appointment policy
Exclusive: suppliers agrees to sell only through one travel agent - typical at cruises
Selective: the supplier appoints only those agencies who meet certain criteria - IATA
agencies, TUI agents
Intensive: suppliers use all known agency outlets - no formal application or
appointment system
Additional services:
Selling theatre tickets
Organising events
Selling programs (sight-seeing, restaurant etc.)
Operating buses, rent-a-car, conferences
Transportation tickets
Airline ticket sales
- Used to be a profitable activity
- It was the major source of a regular travel agencies revenue but today new business model
- Highly responsible job, special education is needed
- Every travel agency can sell, but only the authorized ones must issue flight tickets.
- Selling flight tickets
- Airline reservation (availability, booking, PNR – Passenger Name Record, confirmation)
- Revenue – commission varies: basic: 1 % but some airline give more, override
commission based on sold quantity
Hotel room reservation
- no special requirements
- various options (directly – phone, e-mail, fax, call centre, internet, GDS etc.)
- payment methods: credit card, voucher, bank transfer
- revenue: commission: 10 % as an average
Tour Booking
- no special authority is needed
- methods of reservations: phone, TO reservation system, GDS system, internet
- payment methods: bank transfer, cash (must be made before the documents are issued)
- revenue: commission: 5-12 %, override or other promotional payment exist
• Is highly regarded by the industry
– Disadvantages:
• Competitive market
• Credit and discounts are needed
• Higher rental fee (relative), high staff cost
• High investment in technology
3. By appointment:
• IATA approved travel agency (IATA agent)
Can issue and sell flight tickets under its own name – based on the appointment of
International Air Transport Association
– Preferences and marketing policy of the proprietors
– Degree of specialisation
• By product they sell
• By the market they serve
• By sales method (traditional, on-line, mixed)
In order to design the operation the service concept must be defined first
Service concept of a travel agency
– How to serve the consumers
– What to offer to the consumers
– How to be different (and better) then the other travel agencies
– How to add value added services (suppliers!)
There are factors which are in strong relationship with the service concept so these items must
be taken into:
• Tangible features of the agency
– Physical location, accessibility
– Size of the facilities
– State of technology (equipment)
– Hours of operation
– Staff (size, experiences, qualification)
– Product line
– Information, sales material (sources, availability)
• Intangible features of the agency:
– Image
– Atmosphere created by the facilities
– Atmosphere created by the staff
– Reputation
• Range of services:
– Travel counselling
– Itinerary development
– Reservation capability
– Mailing, delivering process
– Billing and analysis of travel costs
– Special travel related services (ticket delivery, giveaways, books, complimentary
– Post sale services, follow-ups (travel club, questionnaires, brochures, frequent flyer
– The owner is a successful businessperson
– The owner, manager and employees like people and willingly meet customer
– The business meets unsatisfied market demands and charges rates commensurate with
the quality of facilities and services offered.
– The owner's attitudes and financing permit a 2-5 year development period
– The business generates enough income
– Financial reserves and insurance are sufficient
– Advertising and promotion are effectively used.
– The owner is concerned with environmental quality and the appearance
– The owner continually tries to improve his or her management skills and keeps up
with business trends and the changing recreation market.
– If the enterprise is a part-time or sideline business, its location, operation and technical
demands fit into existing operations.
Planning is a major key to success.
Business plan is essential for several reasons:
bankers, investors require to accept the risk
forces the entrepreneur to analyze the opportunity from a business perspective
forces both the entrepreneur and the investors to be faced to the problems and the risk
• Location
Location is a very important factor of competitiveness as the TA’s target market is determined
by the catchments area – TO can be more flexible in choosing target market as TO’s
catchments area is based on the well established distribution.
The catchments area determines the range and type of the products as the demand is
determined by the type of the catchments area (type of consumers).
• Information/knowledge
Data: are undigested facts and figures that are collected and innumerable subjects. You may
gather data yourself, or use data that has been selected by others)
Information: comprises data that has been selected and processed for specific purpose.
Knowledge: the understanding that results from bringing together and interpreting different
pieces information)
The agency is competitive if the consumer will be satisfied with the selected product. If the
consumer is satisfied it means that the product was right for him/her, so he/she got the right
Basics of being able to give quality information:
- gathering data
- being informed (being able to select and process data)
- understanding information = knowledge
(Quality information: fit for purpose. The purpose is dictated by the decision the
consumer is going to make.)
- relevant
to the criteria is used to make decision,
should tell you what you need to know should not tell you what you do not need to
- current
to the existing situation
should be obtained from data that is as up-to-data as possible
- adequate
covers all the criteria will be used to make the decision
- timely
provided at the point is going to be used
- reliable
trust on source
- cost-effective
balance between the benefit of getting right information and its costs
• Ability to sell
Communication skills, language skills, personal and social skills, sales skills. Besides the
skills they must know the sales techniques. The skills are usually inherited, the techniques
are learned. Nut both of them can be learned and improved by experience and practice.
Regulations of TO and TA operations in Hungary- See the other question.
46) What are the regulations of opening and operating travel enterprises and what
are the conditions of the registrations of the different travel companies?
How could you define the strengths and the weaknesses of the travellers’ protection
in Hungary?
Please analyse the travel contract from the customer’s protection point of view!
What are the latest amendments of the Government Decree 1996 regarding Travel
The activities of tour operation are strictly regulated in the European countries. Directive
90/314/EEC issued on 13 June 1990 regulated tour operation the first. The purpose of the
directive is to approximate the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member
States relating to packages sold or offered for sale in the territory of the Community.
The structure of the Directive:
„Package means the pre-arranged combination of not less than two of the following services:
transport, accommodation; other tourist services not ancillary to transport or accommodation
and accounting for a significant proportion of the package. The combination of the services is
sold or offered for sale at an inclusive price. The service covers a period of more than twenty-
four hours or includes overnight accommodation.” (The separate billing of various
components of the same package shall not absolve the organizer or retailer from the
obligations under this Directive)
Defining the package is very important, as the package is a new product, and it is owned by
the producer, who takes all the legal consequences comes from product creation. The
definition standardises the meaning of the package, and the products do not fit into these
standards are not packages.
„Organiser means the person who, other than occasionally, organizes packages and sells or
offers them for sale, whether directly or through a retailer.”
The organisers are who put together the packages, operate them and offer them for sale. They
not necessarily sell the packages to the public themselves, but they are allowed to do it. The
Directive does not call the organisers tour operator, because everybody who creates
(organises) packages must follow the directive
„Retailer means the person who sells or offers for sale the package put together by the
„Consumer: means the person who takes or agrees to take the package ('the principal
contractor'), or any person on whose behalf the principal contractor agrees to purchase the
package or any person to whom the principal contractor or any of the other beneficiaries
transfers the package”
It is clearly stated here, that the Directive does not make difference between the person, who
buys the package and pays for it and the person who will „consume” it. The most important is
here, that an agreement is made to take the package. The person who agreed to buy the
package is agreeing in all the future consequences, but the person who’s behalf the package
was bought has to take the same consequences.
„Contract means the agreement linking the consumer to the organizer and/or the retailer. „
Quality of information:
The next basic statement of the Directive is that the information provided by organisers must
not contain any misleading information. All information related to descriptive matters
concerning a package and supplied by the organizer or the retailer, all information regarding
the price of the package and all information regarding any other conditions applying to the
contract must be clear.
The next part details, what kind of information
o about the products must be in the travel brochure, if there is brochure issued,
o information must be provided in written format always – so if there is no
brochure issued, some information must be provided in written format
Information about the product in the travel brochure:
The organisers not necessarily issue brochures. This is left on their decision. But if organisers
decide to publish their products and to promote them in brochures, the directive prescribes
what kind of information must be provided in the brochure.
The followings should be published in „legible, comprehensible and accurate manner” in the
travel brochure:
the price
the destination and the means, characteristics and categories of transport used;
the type of accommodation, its location, category or degree of comfort and its main
features, classification under the rules of the host Member State concerned;
the meal plan;
the itinerary;
general information on passport and visa requirements for nationals of the Member State
or States concerned and health formalities required for the journey and the stay;
either the amount or the percentage of the price which is to be paid on account (deposit),
and the timetable for payment of the balance;
whether a minimum number of persons is required for the package tour to take place
and, if so, the deadline for informing the consumer in the event of cancellation.
The above mentioned details contained in the brochure are binding on the organizer or
retailer, unless:
changes in such details have been clearly communicated to the consumer before
he/she stepped into contract,
changes are made later following an agreement between the parties to the contract.
It means that no changes are allowed to make in the brochure information without informing
the consumers. The consumer must accept these changes and the organiser must have a
written document of the fact that the consumer was informed.
The Directive clearly defines what kind of information must always be given to the consumer
in written format – in the brochure or in another way.
Before the contract is concluded the consumer should be informed about passport, visa, health
regulations, and the obtaining periods of gathering them.
There are information and details of the package(s), which must be given to the consumer in
good time before the journey. The directive does not oblige the organiser to put these details
into the brochure, because these are the details of the package that are usually finalised in a
short time before the departure. These are:
the times and places of intermediate stops and transport connections as well as details
of the place to be occupied by the traveller;
the name, address and telephone number what a consumer in difficulty could call and
gets assistance(organizer's and/or retailer's local representative or local agencies) – minors:
direct contact!!!!
information on the optional conclusion of an insurance policy
• cover the cost of cancellation by the consumer,
• the cost of assistance in the event of accident or illness
One of the major part is the directive talks about the travel contract. The travel product is
special. It is information at the moment of purchase, so the consumer must have guarantees,
that the „promises” come thru, and the product is the one, what he or she has bought. This is
why the travel contract is not valid without the product description. The details of this
description are strictly regulated, just in order to provide guarantees to the consumer.
It is up to the organiser, who she/he provides these information – in the brochure, in the a
document called „Terms and conditions”, or in a document called „Travel contract”. It can
happen that some informartion of the list below are in the brochure, some others are in the
„Terms and conditions”, and the remaining ones are on the invoice. But if any of them is
missing from the written documents, there is no valid contract between the organiser/retailer
and the consumer.
travel destination(s) and, where periods of stay are involved (the relevant periods and
places with dates);
the means, characteristics and categories of transport to be used, the dates, times and
points of departure and return;
where the package includes accommodation, its location, its category or degree of
comfort, its main features, its compliance with the rules of the host Member State
concerned and the meal plan;
whether a minimum number of persons is required for the package to take place and, if
so, the deadline for informing the consumer in the event of cancellation;
the itinerary;
visits, excursions or other services which are included in the price;
the name and address of the organizer, the retailer and the insurer (if any);
the price of the package. An indication of the possibility of price revisions and an
indication of any dues, taxes or fees chargeable for certain services where such costs are
not included in the package;
the payment schedule and method of payment;
special requirements which the consumer has communicated to the organizer or retailer
when making the booking, and which both have accepted;
periods within which the consumer must make any complaint concerning failure to
perform or improper performance of the contract
All the terms of the contract must be set in writing and must be communicated to the
consumer before the conclusion of the contract. The consumer is given a copy of these terms
(same are musts for last minute sales).
During the 20 days prior to the departure date, the price stated in the contract shall not be
About changes:
The organiser must inform the consumer about the changes of essential terms as
quickly as possible
About cancellation:
If the consumer withdraws the contract referring to those changes or if organiser
cancels the package before the agreed date:
The consumer must get another package or higher quality (or refund for the difference)
Or the price must be re-paid, except of:
• There is no minimum required number applied
• Force maior
About failures:
If a significant part of service is not provided after the departure:
Alternative arrangement must be provided and compensation must be paid
If the provision of an alternative arrangement is impossible., transport must be
provided back to the departure place/or another return point agreed
About liability:
Both the organiser and/or the retailer is liable for the performance of the obligations arising
from the contract (does not matter who’s obligation it was) except of:
The failure is attributable to the consumer
The failure is attributable to third party unconnected with the provision of services
Force maior
Both organiser and retailer must provide immediate assistance in all of the above hcases. The
consumers obligation is to communicate any failure immediately,
The travel contract is regulated in Hungary as well. The number of this decree: 214/1996.
Travel Contract
1§ The 416§ of Civil Code and the 214/1996 governmental act should be followed.
4§ If the contractor does not give out brochures, he/she is obliged to provide all the
information stated in 3§ in a written form.
5§ Minimum 7 days before the journey the contractor must give information about the
Maximum 40% of the price can be required as deposit.
9§ The passenger has the right of transfer his/her travel to another person
10§ Till 15 days before the journey the contractor has the right to cease (stop) the contract in
case: the tour is endangered the number of applicants does not reach the minimum.
The passenger has the right to demand another service or the full price immediately.
12§ The contractor is responsible for all services, even if the foreign partner breaks the
14§ The contractor is obliged to bring the attention to this governmental act
15§ The intermediaries have the right to make contracts between the tour operator and the
passenger and have the right for intermediary fee.
47. A former state run hotel with 150 rooms and other facilities for catering and leisure
activities on the southern side of Lake Balaton was privatised. Together with the new
owner you worked out a development concept, present concept (?), and you are asked as
the market manager to identify the target market(s) and prepare an integrated
communication plan.
Development Concept
The main idea can be to develop new services and facilities within the hotel. Spa facilities
today are very important and can attract customers to the hotel. Refurbrishment and
renovation can also be planned.
Beacuse of the very short season at Lake Balaton, conference facilities should be built in the
hotel. MICE business is not depending on weather so this could be a good opportunity for the
hotel to combat the low season.
Target market
-analysing the market for product development: MASS,
-to target by knowing well our marketing mix (4P + people, process, personal setting,
physical evidence)
-segmenting by BPDOGS
-offering a new developed hotel (refurbishing, reconstruction? Etc.) for leisure and business
travellers (seasonality) in a well known (valued, recognised) touristical area.
-target special tours (sport, gastronomy, and other events, incentives)
-check competition and demand
-create positioning statement: what we want to achieve, what we want people think about us
(e.g.: exceptional quality, exceptional experience in an exceptional area of Lake Balaton)
Advertising accomplishments
-Tangibilize the service elements, promise benefits that can be accomplished, differentiate the
product from the competition (USP-unique selling proposition), positive effect on employees-
service delivers, take advantage of word of mouth
48. You are working as a Marketing Consultant for a town municipality. The town is the
centre of a famous wine district and has spa facilities. As a part of the marketing plan
make an audit of the situation and give your input on the best ways of using the
marketing and promotional mixes to increase the number of visitors.
Characteristic for this life-cycle: sales are low, costs are high per customer, no profit yet,
few competition
SEGMENTATION & targeting-Rationale & methodology
Why segment?
Meet customer needs (basics of marketing)
use differentiation
stretch budgets (limited budget is useless)
Consumer interaction with the product (biz/leisure)
What is the product used for? (internet connections)
What benefits are sought? (efficiency/luxury)
What is the rate of usage? (regular flyer vs holiday flyer)
Lifestyles (20+ men buy motorbikes coz they couldn’t afford it when young)
Interests (black tourism-site of twin towers, concentration camps…)
Beliefs & attitudes
Demographics (unreliable)
Easily measurable (however massive crossover nowadays)
age, sex, race, income etc
Occupational imp.!
Varying needs according to job, industry etc
English hospitality workers (guest houses, hotels, owners), May-October, reach them!
In the US a hotel discovered biz women (proper hairdryer, lights for make-up, special are for
Geographic (unreliable)
Important for travel & tourism
easy to obtain information
good for distribution
There are no such thing like German/French market
Instead of making a brochure to a country try to target a segment (and print it in 3 languages)
Earnings (GDP-bad measure coz in India avrg. GDP $200 but there are lot of rich ppl)
disposable income (in England high incomes but low disposable incomes-advertise the
product how to buy it in installments)
a, b(managers), c1,…,F(unemployed) etc
‘Middle class’: wrong, coz in EU teachers and doctors are well paid but in Hungary they are
Leads the ‘functional’ plans - production, finance, HR (Part of a strategic planning and
management of a firm)
1. Starts w/ what market demands for
2. create product, hire staff for that, set the finance plan
7Ps are the outcomes of a marketing plan, however a SWOT is only a tool.
Like a journey
Where are we now? (position, relation to others)
Where do we want to be? (directions, destination, time scale)
Which way is best? (plane, train, car…)
How do we get there? (decision)
Getting there! (how much time, route…)
Ensuring arrival
Product life-cycle
Introduction Stage (Product, Pricing, Distribution, Promotion)
Growth Stage (Product, Pricing, Distribution, Promotion)
Maturity Stage (Product, Pricing, Distribution, Promotion)
Decline Stage (Product, Pricing, Distribution, Promotion)
When decline co. will either re-brand the product without changing the content or put it on to
a different market. However it’s not really valid for touristic products.
How useful is this?
The BCG matrix - developed by Bruce Henderson of the Boston Consulting Group in the
early 1970's
(cash usage) Market growth
grow rapidly-
high growth-
consume large cash
consume cash
low market share-
strong position-
no generate much
generates cash
High Low
Market share/Relative position
(cash generation)
“?” why under performing on a growing market?
Market growth rate is only one factor, overlooks many other factors
Ansoff’s matrix
Product development
Market penetration
Market development Diversification
Existing New
Market share
50. As a result of a merger a new hotel company with 30 hotels or a new travel company
with 30 sales outlets has been established. The board of directors decided to introduce
new service products and corporate identity. The management structure has to be
changed as well in order to decrease staff by 10%. Please outline an activity plan with
the main priorities in the different areas. How would you communicate the new
corporate identity to the market?
Mergers: two or more companies merge together and create a new company. The
shareholders of the original companies are getting the shares of the new company.
In case of a merger, the activities of the different departments of a hotel or travel company are
standardised, e.g. common reservations system, financial and accounting, purchasing system,
common marketing, sales network, standard operating procedures, training programmes, etc.
This is advantageous for the individual hotels as it reduces their costs and a known name is
behind them, which improves image and reliability.
2. Decreasing staff:
- by avoiding parallel functions, jobs (Head office – Hotels)
- outsourcing: delegation of non-core operations or jobs from internal production
within a business to an external entity (such as a subcontractor) that specializes in that
operation. (Outsourcing is a business decision that is often made to lower costs or
focus on competencies.)
3. centralization or decentralization?
Decentralization (or decentralisation) is the process of redistributing decision-making closer
to the point of service or action. The more decentralized a system is, the more it relies on
lateral relationships, and the less it can rely on command or force.
4. Service products differentiation could be different:
Business hotels / Resort hotels / Spa hotels or according to hotel categories: 2-3 star - 4-5 star
Grading hotel is a kind of measurement in which the total hotel product performs in relation
to a set of customer expectations. Two questions arise at this point. Firstly, what is our core
(hotel) product and what is the total (hotel) product.
The core product is in our case:
a room with bed(s),
one or two chairs,
a table and may be
hot and cold running water.
The total product encompasses anything and everything contributing to how it is perceived
by customers, like:
speed and friendliness of service,
atmosphere and so on.
All hotels, boarding houses, holiday homes, tourist hotels, and paying guests’ service rooms
have to be graded according to the criteria contained within the Decree.
Hotels of four and five star category are graded by the Ministry for Internal Trade (UK), any
other accommodation, will be graded by the trade department within the respective county
councils. Three basic rules apply to the operation of the grading system.
Grading will be done on the basis of a local visit;
All commercial accommodation should be regarded every five years;
Should the standard of any accommodation not fulfill the requirements of its particular
category, it has to be immediately graded in a lower category
Hotels of 4 and 5 star category are graded by the Ministry for Internal Trade (UK). Any other
accomodation is graded by the local trade departments. Grading is done through a local visit
every 5th year. If the requirements are not fulfilled, the hotel is graded in a lower category.
1* hotel requirements:
Room size: min 8sqm sgl, 12sqm dbl
Safe, messages, wake-up calls, lift if more than 4 floors, hot and cold running water in
Telephone, heating, serving breakfast, change of linen/week
24-h reception service
lobby/public room, luggage storing, safe deposit facilities
at least 1 bathroom and 2 toilets for men and women/floor
emergency exits, room rates, other info shown to guests
2* hotel requirements:
Room size: 12sqm sgl, 16sqm dbl , but min. 5sqm/bed
Min. 33% of rooms with own bath, toilet
Lift (if more than 3 floors), public phone in lobby, breakfast sevice, room service for
Min. 1 pax at reception/shift speaking min. 1 foreign language
3* hotel requirements:
Room size: 14sqm sgl, 18sqm dbl
Min. 75% of rooms with own bath
Lift if more than 3 floors, telephone in each room+in lobby, 2 catering units, day-time
room service
Fax, safe, sewing-kit, suite possibilities, min. 1 person at reception always who speaks
Special staff entry
Linen change 2/week and before arrival
4* hotel requirements:
Room size: 16sqm sgl, 24sqm dbl, 80% of rooms should be double
Own bathroom in each room
Lift if more than 1 floor, linen change after 3 days, 24-h laundry, phone+radio/room
TV refrigerator in rooms, fax if requested
24-h reception, local, international newspapers, car park, doorman
2 restaurants, 2 other catering units, á la carte, min. 12 Hungarian wine
conference rooms
suites / 50 room
5* hotel rquirements:
Room size: 18 sqm sgl, 26sqm dbl, 34-40 sqm suite
Bathroom, phone, radio, fridge, TV, air-conditioning, safe /room
Linen change: every 2nd day
1 Suite/ 30 rooms
2 restaurants, 3 other catering units, 24-h room service
conference rooms, elevators (separate for luggage)
fax, bell service 24-h, car park/garage
min 3 foreign languages spoken at reception
5. Definition of Corporate Identity – Brands, Logos
Corporate identity
It shows to the public how we are and what our culture is, what is our logo. The
differentiation is important, because it has to be recognisable.
Corporate identity comes into being when there is a common ownership of an organisational
philosophy which is manifest in a distinct corporate culture - the corporate personality. At
its most profound, the public feel that they have ownership of the philosophy. (Balmer, 1995).
In general, this amounts to a logo (logotype and/or logogram) and supporting devices
commonly assembled within a set of guidelines. These guidelines govern how the identity is
applied and confirm approved colour palettes, typefaces, page layouts and other such methods
of maintaining visual continuity and brand recognition across all physical manifestations of
the brand.
Single-form or Multi-form (e.g. Accor – Novotel, Sofitel, Mercure, Ibis)
A brand: An aura of beliefs and expectations about a product, which make it relevant and
A name, term definition, symbol, sign, design or unifying combination of these, intended to
identify goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those
of competitors.
Logo: a brand name or company name written in a distinctive way (short for logotype)
Branding decisions:
1. Selection of corporate symbols
-company name
-trade characters (logos)
2. Creation of a branding philosophy
-manufacturer, dealer, and/or generic branding
-family and/or individual branding
3. Selection of brand names
-extension, dealer’s names, new names, and/or licensing
4. Decision on weather or not to seek trademark protection
Organisational culture
One of the most important tasks of the management is to create a good organisational culture.
Organisations are subject of larger socio-political culture.
Organisational culture is a set of values, beliefs, norms, artefacts and patterns of behaviour
that are used as a frame of reference for the way we look, work, communicate within an
- artefacts are material and non-material objects, patterns that communicate information
about beliefs, assumptions and ways of doing things.
Culture can be defined as a set of shared values, beliefs, norms, artefacts, that are used to
interpret the environment and as a guide for all hinds of behaviour.
Strategy means the way, the method you realise your goals, visions, aims and objectives. To
realise strategy, you have to realise activities, techniques. You have to know how to realise,
fulfil the aims.
Values are what are important for us. It depends on our possibility, personality.
51. There is a trend to viewing the entire world as one economy. Please, outline the key
components characteristic of the so called global economy and their impact on the
Hungarian economy and especially Hungarian tourism.
Please outline the different foreign investment concepts.
Discuss the positive and negative effects of globalization.
1. History of Globalisation:
19th century: one-pole world
- center: Western Europe (GB, F, Ne)
End of 19th century: two-pole world
- new pole: USA
- western Europe: GB, Be-Ne, F, CH, D
Causes of FDI in the 19th century:
• Resource seeking (raw materials)
• Logistic development to serve international trade (railways, harbors, logistic centers)
• After 1880 the increasing protectionism in Europe incites FDI in order to enter into a
closed (protected) market
• Developing local industry (like in Hungary food processing, rolling stock production,
steel production, etc.)
Migration was also important at the turn of century: The target countries were mainly the
USA, Canada, and Latin America. The peak of migration was at the beginning of the WWI
After 1988-1990
• The Socialist Countries have collapsed and started to import FDI massively
• In the „developing countries” after the economic crises in Latin America and Asia
foreign portfolio investments were regarded too risqué, so FDI became the most
important resource source of these countries
21st century: three-pole world
- Western Europe, USA, Japan
2. Development of FDI:
Capital : Rich country (R) >>> Poor country (P) back: products/goods/raw material
(mother company) (filiale)
- gold, rubber, tobacco
- Today: oil
Advantages of TNC-s:
- easy access to financial resources
- exchange infos bw. departments
- bigger techn. development
- more effective marketing
- optimise labourforce
Disadvantages of TNC-s:
- difficult to control, too complex structure
- need higly.educated managers
- high transportation cost >>> polluting environment
3. Forms of FI:
• Portfolio investment: an investor purchases foreign public government securities or
securities issued by companies, without making efforts to use his ownership rights to
bring the foreign company under his control.
• Foreign direct investment: the investor wishes to use his ownership rights acquired
in a particular company for taking control of it. Statistically an investment are
regarded FDI if the owners possess more than 10 % share in a company assets
Thus portfolio investments are driven primarily by a mere pursuit of a profitable
investment of savings, while by gaining partial or total control over foreign enterprises,
direct investments tend, in a number of cases, to reach further goals – in addition to
making a profitable investment, of course.
Such goals may include, among others, the utilization of cheap local labor, the
establishment of firm supplier relations, or in other cases, penetration to a closed market
- establishment of a new enterprise abroad,
- purchase of ownership share in quantities to provide control over an already existent
foreign company,
- re-investment of a foreign company's profit,
- loan extension or the increase of capital stock, transacted between a parent company
and its affiliated firm abroad (inter-company loan).
4. Hungary:
FDI in Central Europe from the 2. half of the 19th century till the communist takover:
- foreign investments have flown from GB and France to the colonies
- French and German investments were realised in Central European region
- mainly agricultural investments
- transportation needed
- food industry
- weapon industry
- most important investors companies : Rotschild Bank, Credit Mobilier
- in H FDI played more important role after 1873 (education, legal system,
infrastr.conditions started to develop), gvnmt gave out bond for transportation
- entrepreneurial activity : Jewish entered to thisd market niche (nobles lent out plants to
them and to other foreign entrepreneurs)
Why do FDIs cause foreign trade deficit?
• R+D expenditure in Hungary has declined during the last decade
6. Privatization in Tourism
• Before 1990 Hungarian government first was afraid of tourism because of the danger
of ideological infection – but the government at the same time needed hard currency
what could be produced by inward tourism
• Tourism became more and more important as Hungarian foreign trade deficit has
• From the late 70s Hungarian Spring Festival and other cultural events were organized
• Government borrowed money for luxury hotel development to accommodate foreign
• Hungarian state owned hotels have joined to international hotel chains
• Tourism marketing office (IPV - TPC) was founded to incite inward tourism
one hand, and the involvement of outside capital from the Hungarian Investment and
Development Bank, on the other.
• The second privatization program was announced in 1995. Two further hotel chains –
Eravis and Hunguest – were put up for sale in this package
• In mid-February 1996, HB Westminster II. acquired majority ownership in Eravis Rt.,
however, the management of Eravis was not replaced this time. The strategic alliance
with Hunguest Rt. proved to be a profitable endeavor. Within the frameworks of the
established consortium, Eravis owned 50% of Hunguest’s share, i.e. the majority of
Hunguest’s middle category country hotels.
52. Compare and contrast the impacts (positive and negative) that art festivals in the
countryside and Budapest have on the tourist inflow of the host town and surrounding
countryside, the indigenous population, the local economy, the business economy at
What are your proposals to improve the offerings of the festivals and what activities
would you propose in the marketing plan to increase the revenue from the events?
Festival: 1. religious celebration which comes at the same time each year
2. artistic celebration, entertainment, which is put on at regular intervals
Budapest Spring Festival: The Budapest Spring Festival takes place in the last two weeks of
March. Its main emphasis is on those symphony orchestra concerts, opera and ballet
performances which will appeal to the widest audience, but the program includes open-air
events and an operetta festival. The performances take place in the capital’s most important
concert halls and theatres - and often in historic monuments. Over the years a number of
regional towns hare been included in the Budapest Spring Festival - Debrecen, Gödöllő, Győr,
Kaposvár, Kecskemét, Sopron, Szentendre and Szombatbely - and thus it has more or less
expanded into a national festival
The first event in this series was a celebration of the 100th birthday of Béla Bartók and the
works of this composer, famous well beyond the boundaries of his homeland, and again this
time works of this great composer will be performed by the Budapest Festival Orchestra and
the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra. The Budapest Spring Festival is one of the city´s most
appealing events. The programme features traditional, classical and innovative productions
starring national and international artists, folklore, dance, opera and music and is enhanced by
the unique festival ambience.
Sziget Festival: There is an island in the River Danube in Budapest that once served as a large
ship building facility. A couple of years ago a group of young people began to organize an
annual festival, like Woodstock – spending the nights in tents, lots of mud and very few
hygienic facilities. There are lots of concerts, theatre performances, shows, dance houses, etc.
Last year 350 thousand people attended the week-long festival.
Sziget Festival over a decade of development and improvement has built its character and
among the festivals of the old continent, now, in many aspects, it is recognised as a unique and
outstanding event. For its natural environment, the colourfulness of the programmes, the high
standard services and last but not the least for its low prices the Festival has become very
popular not only among local audiences but in Europe and even Overseas. Based on the results
of the research done last year at Sziget 81.3% of the foreign, 92.5% of the Hungarian visitors
indicated that they would be back to Sziget the following year, where the main attractions are
the atmosphere and cultural plurality.
For the twelfth times this year Sziget Festival will welcome the visitors between August 4th
and 11th. The international Culture-camp - with Hungary's joining to the EU - is an integral
part and a determinative multicultural event of the cultural circulation of Europe. This year the
Festival offers - as the audience of Sziget is already used to it - over a thousand programmes at
60 venues including 5 big stages of different genres.
There are Valley of Arts packages available nearby including accommodation, meal coupons,
1-2 entrance card /valid for any dates of the festival, for a whole day, for each programmes,
concerts organised in the five involved villages in the scope of the festival/, and a tourist map
of the lake Balaton and surroundings.
Other important events:: the Budapest Film Festival (February), which premieres new
Hungarian films; Busójárás (Mohás; February), the nation's top Mardi Gras; Sopron Festival
Weeks (Sopron; June/July), showcasing ancient music and dance performances; the Folk Arts
Festival (Nagykálló; August), one of the biggest and best events of the year; and Jazz Days
(Debrecen; September), which is Hungary's top jazz festival, etc.
Advantages: attracting tourists /both domestic and foreign/; attracting publicity for the
organizing sites like resorts, museums, theme parks, etc.; may attracting worldwide media
attention; expansion of tourist season /off season events/; helping to spread the tourism into
outlying regions; promoting the country as a whole – shaping the image of the host community;
more expenditures + longer stays of visitors; financial benefits; contributing to sustainable
development, etc.
A successful event
Promotion: advertising, sales promotion, publicity /good logo, visual graphics/, PR,
interviews, TV, information leaflets, etc.
Sponsorship is very important: the event’s theme & image must fit the sponsor’s; the sponsor’s
and the event’s key target market has to be the same; sponsors want to sell their products, to get
their name associated with an attractive event, etc. <= these issues have to be taken into account
Place – the setting: good atmosphere, crowd control, security, accessibility + traffic control,
essential services, easy orientation - signs, information sources
Distribution: attracting tourists and groups by e.g. package tours
Interactive marketing: interaction of visitors with the host community; of visitors with staff; of
visitors with the environment; and among visitors themselves.
Internal marketing: ensuring that all staff understand the roles, policies, instructions, etc. =>
personnel training; communication as part of internal marketing is usually a common management
Mobilising of inhabitants of the place: managing the host population requires good public relations
and strong community support
Improve facilities
53. Why is Direct Marketing so important in the promotional Mix? What makes
relationship marketing essential in the hospitality and travel industry, how is top
management involved in that? As a marketing director how would you adopt direct
marketing principles in building customer loyalty? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of the loyalty programs and how can you solve the problems?
Direct Marketing:
- = a strategy used to create a personal, intermediary-free dialogue with customers.
- overall, long-term strategy
- the database of customers should be constantly updated, info collected constantly – by
contacting, sales promotion, e.g. for voucher with name & address of friends you get a
free packet of cigarettes
- DM Medias: direct mail, telemarketing, inserts, door-to-door, internet, media links.
Relationship Marketing:
It is part of Direct Marketing.
Defined as marketing to protect the customer base. It sees the customer as an asset. Its function
is not only to attract customers, but also maintain and enhance long-term customer relationship.
The market is considered as individual customers; the product is surrounded by complex
services; constant development of the company’s competences.
RM is applicable, where:
- there is an ongoing and periodic desire for service by the customer
- the customer controls the selection of the service suppliers
- there are alternative supplier choice
- customer loyalty is weak and switching is common and easy word of mouth is an especially
potent form of communication of the product.
Recognition or Reward?
It appears that larger hotel chains depend largely on reward schemes - to motivate the
return of their frequent guests, medium and smaller chains have turned to recognition
programs with no direct reward elements. Their recognition programs are built around
a combination of personalization and convenience.
Here is how it works: A frequent guest who is identified as being very valuable by
either a hotel or corporate management is targeted for this program.
The guest arrives at the hotel and finds a preferred room preassigned, a key ready and
no need to fill in any registration documents. He arrives in his room to find jazz-music
playing, two bottles of his favourite beverage. There are magazines about sailing and
windsurfing, his favourite summertime hobbies.
On his bed, he finds one feather pillow and one foam pillow – his preferred
combination- and a note from the general manager thanking him for being a loyal
guest to the hotel (or in some cases to the chain).
He notices members of the staff all seem to recognize him as they use his name often.
He stays two nights and before his departure, he receives his bill under the door so he
need not stop at the front desk or cashier.
He then receives a letter in his office from the hotel company’s vice president of sales
and marketing thanking him again for choosing their hotel(s) and giving him an
upgrade certificate to a suite during his next stay as a token of their appreciation.
Many companies and chains do not standardise the amenities offered to their best
guests, but rather let each hotel locally customize these offerings.
Guest usage with “creative comforts” and convenience. They are building personal
relationships by implementing their tactics at the hotel level rather than directly
between the guest and the corporate office. It is much tougher, the hotel companies
report, to get consistency in customer service within each hotel. It may be riskier to
give most benefits during each stay rather than rewarding with miles or hotel stays that
can be used later for leisure purposes. But, it provides for the guest’s personal needs
and sends a strong message that someone is thinking about the guest before he or she
arrives and someone cares that the stay is successful.
What Benefits to Offer?
Vary from company to company - convenience for the guest and easing the travel
hassle - quick and easy check-in and out procedures and getting the guest to the right
room quickly.
Guest recognition and customisation. The elements that fall into this category revolve
around personalization of room amenities, welcome gifts, thank you offers, and
personal contacts by staff during the stay.
Unexpected amenities or rewards or to have published list of awards earned?
Customizing the type of music playing in the room on arrival, personalizing
magazines and other reading material based on the guest’s known interests.
Types of loyalty:
- emotional: very powerful, will transcend generations. Bad service and bad attitude can
burst the “emotional bubble”.
- Price: bad move to buy on price
- Incentivised: extra services offered
- Monopoly: only product. Need to be building relationship with customer before monopoly
- Inertia: keep going back to the same place from fear of unknown (low risk). Important not
to make drastic, dramatic changes
Customer loyalty arises from the following ingredients
Thus customer delight creates an emotional tie to a product or service, not just a
rational preference, and this creates high customer loyalty. And the ingredients:
o Not single minded pursue of market share. Provide valuable solutions for
customers exceed expectations and create other positive reasons to stick with
o Build brand equity rather than selling a commodity.
o Concentrating on turning first-time buyers into second- and third-time buyers
and then into raving fans. Customers love personal attention! Unexpected extra
services or products make a big difference.
o Cultivating fans who haven't themselves bought from you but eagerly spread
the word on your behalf.
o Confronting complaints constructively and thoroughly. If you don't receive
complaints, you can still be certain some customers are silently fuming.
o Pursuing lost customers - highly profitable source of future business.
o CRM is a way of doing business. It is about knowing who they are as individuals and
having dialogs with them that recognize them as such.
o CRM means different things to different companies. Just as customers are unique,
companies are unique.
o Five crucial elements required for a successful CRM initiative in any service
organization - strategic concepts as universal:
1. Guest recognition – by training reception staff, frequency programmes
2. Data capture and maintenance - information about a guest’s preferences to a guest
service agent – capture and scrub data, standardized data
3. Channel integration and consistency – conduct transaction over Internet, ensure guest
receives the same recognition no matter what channel they prefer, availability of all
4. Ranking and discrimination – worth more to business, valuable customers, toxic
customers, black list,
5. Two-way personalized dialogs – segmentation, personalized communication,
customer’s preferences, provide opportunities for more information and sales with the
The biggest loyalty programs:
o Marriott Rewards - 2400 Hotels (435.983 rooms) worldwide - 13 million members.
o Intercontinental Worldwide – 3274 Hotels (511.072 rooms) worldwide - (3 level
system) 10 million members.
o Executive Card
o Ambassador Card
o Priority Club - A lower level loyalty program to be applied in all Six Continents
o Hilton Hhonors - 6.5 million members.
Disadvantages: It might become expensive. If there are no rooms or seats, the customer becomes
disappointed. Pre-advise client!
54. What is the importance of branding a product in the hospitality industry? How can
different brands support each other’s sales effort? Compare the guest cycle in a resort
and in a business type city hotel operation with particular reference to operational
similarities and differences. Compare and analyze some hotel brands.
A brand: An aura of beliefs and expectations about a product, which make it relevant and
distinctive. It stretches beyond the physical and into the psychological and is extremely
powerful. (Lewis 1991)
Benefits of branding:
- to the customer: easier identification (logos brands, images)
features and benefits (helps the decision making)
reduces risk
creates interest
-to the producer creates loyalty
defends against competition (differentiates products)
premium pricing (people feel safe because it is expensive)
aids targeting
“Brands belong to the people who use them not the manufacturers” (Leo Burnett)
What’s in a brand? – graphics, logo, typefont, colours, music, personalities, events, buildings,
ecology, fauna, flora etc…
Types of branding:
Single-form brand: company image and product are the same, e.g. Nikon, Coca-Cola, Gillette
Multi-form brand: brands are not related to the parent company, different product areas, e.g.
Accor – Novotel, Mercure, etc., Unilever, Procter& Gamble
Balanced form: each brand related to the corporate body, e.g. Ford: “Focus” is known as a
separate brand
Variety form: as the circumstances demand, e.g. Bosch – owns companies where they don’t
use the original name
Brand names, logos or trademarks encourage people to buy particular products because they
give the customer the benefits they are seeking. These benefits may range from familiarity
and safety, to status and self-esteem. Branding offers particular advantages to organisations
that are marketing services.
Given the intangible nature of services and the potential difficulty of differentiating one
service from another, branding provides a significant method for achieving a degree of
product differentiation.
Target markets:
Resort: Planned destinations! Vacation, sport activities, longer stay, relaxation, fitness,
swimming… Group activities, golf, dancing, conference destinations…
Business city hotel: business clients, downtown or business centre, shorter stays.
Pre-arrival: choosing the hotel: depends on many factors. Advertisement is an important one,
and it is different for the two target markets. The location is important for business customers
(easy access, proximity of business centres,…). Facilities are decisive in both cases. Resort
customers are more price dependent.
Arrival: quick check-in and method of payment important for business (usually credit card or
billing to the company). Location of the room: view for leisure, quiet for business cust.
Occupancy: business and leisure facilities, personal attention
Departure: ease and rapidity important for business customers, usually pay only extras
Branding in the Hospitality Industry:
Hospitality companies develop multiple brands for growth purpose. This means either a
new concept or through acquisition or through both. Multiple brands provide protection
from competition against single brands.
Different brands to reach different goals.
2 examples: Marriott, Ritz Carlton, Marriott Hotels Resorts and Suites, Executive
Apartments, Courtyards, Fairfield Inns, Conference Hotels, etc.
Accor: lbis, Novotel, Mercure, Sofitel
Key word is the positioning of the brand, not to kill each others brand clientele.
Brand awareness, loyalty, image, compare to competition.
55. The quality of pricing strongly influences the customer’s choice and the company’s
profitability. What is the role and importance of pricing. You are the director of
Marketing and Sales department of a Service company (hotel / TA / Airline / TO) and in
this position , please develop:
1. your company’s overall pricing strategies and practices
2. the overall and guiding principles for pricing
In order to meet the challenges of the above statement. What is the objective of yield
management and please discuss the ways and practical requirements to secure
maximum revenue for a service company. What are the implications of yield
Each room in a hotel will almost always have more than one room rate. Rate categories
generally correspond to types of rooms that' are comparable in square meterage and
furnishing. Differences are based on room size, location, view, furnishing, and amenities. The
rack rate is the standard price determined by the front office management and accepted by the
GM. The rack rate is listed on the room rate schedule to inform colleagues of the selling)
price of each room in the hotel. Often, rack rates must be reported to local and or state
Today often applied rack rates:
Premium Rates
High Season Rates
Shoulder (or Mid) Season Rate-s
Off or Law Season Rates
Fair Rating
A sound room rate structure is fundamental to a sound hotel operation; every manager is
sooner or later faced with the question of what is the proper room charge. It is a matter of
exceeding complexity because room rates reflect markets and costs; investments and rates of
return supply and demand; accommodations and competition; and not least of all, the quality
of management.
Divided into its two major components, room rates must be large enough to cover costs
and a fair return on invested capita1, and reasonable enough to attract and retain the
clientele to whom the operation is being marketed. The former suggest a relatively objective,
structured approach, which can be analysed after the fact. The latter is more subjective,
involving many factors from the amount of local competition to the condition of the economy
at large. There is a little sense in charging a rate less than what is needed to meet the first
objective; there is little chance of getting a rate more than that limit established by the second.
Double Occupancy
Double occupancy refers to the use of the room by a second guest. Traditional rate making
increases the single-occupancy rate by a factor (normally not twice) whenever the room is
double occupied. However, the price spread between single and double occupancy has been
narrowing. One rate is being used more frequently because the major costs of a hotel room are
fixed (debt service, taxes, depreciation). Having a second or third occupant adds relatively
few incremental costs (Linen, soap, tissue). Although far from universal, one charge for both
single and double occupancy is gaining favour.
Several arguments support the movement toward a single (flat) room price. The fewer the
rate options, the less the confusion, and the more rapidly the telephone reservationist can
close the sale. Price is critical issue in package plans and tour sales. Rates can be shaved
closely because the second occupant represents a small additional expense. The surcharge
is almost unnoticed if the extra persons share existing beds. That is what makes family-
plan rates attractive. An extra charge is levied if a rollaway bed, which requires extra
handling and linen, is required. Suite hotels are popular because the extra hide-abed is
permanently available.
Controllable factors: Over, which the marketers has a large amount of, control Costs,
marketing-pricing objectives, product offering, company resources.
Uncontrollable factors: Over which there is little control, but which still influence the
pricing decision.
Controllable factors:
Fixed costs: Irrespective of occupancy, do not vary with changes in sales volume. (Rents,
rates, salaries, insurance and depreciation)
Semi fixed-costs: Vary in sympathy with, but not in proportion to sales volume. (Power,
telephone and wages)
Total costs: are the aggregated fixed, variable and semi-fixed costs in a specified budgetary
Average costs: are total cost divided by number of units sold (room, guest night, covers), also
known as unit cost or average total cost.
Marginal costs: is the increase in total cost caused by one more unit of output. (ie.
accommodating 1 more guest)
Indirect costs: are also known as joint or common costs; are not traceable to particular units or
departments. (general management).
Controllable costs: are those which management has the capacity to restrain. (casual labour
and food).
Uncontrollable costs: such as rates and insurance, cannot be restrained by the management.
Uncontrollable factors
Price: The summation of all sacrifices made by a consumer in order to experience the benefits
of a product or service.
TC=FC+VC (TC - total costs, FC- fixed costs, VC- variable costs)
TR= QxP (Total revenue = quantity multiplied price.
Break-even occurs when TC=TR
In our example break-even occurs when as follows:
Fixed costs are 500.000
Variable costs are USD 5 /bed night
Price: USD 30
BEP occurs at 20.000 bed nights
Any further sales would create a profit.
A faster method:
UC=P-VC (UC- unit contribution) 30-5=25
BEP= FC 500000 = 20.000 UC 25
return and estimating (ROI- return on investment) the fixed and semi fixed operating costs, it
is possible to calculate the required gross operating income. If the profit from non-rooms is
estimated, the required rooms profit can be calculated by taking non-rooms profit away from
the gross operating income. By taking non-rooms profit away from the gross operating
income, the required rooms revenue per annum is established. By dividing this by the
estimated number of room nights, the average room rate is determined.
The advantage of this method is that it focuses on profit, it takes into account and integrates
costs, revenues and prices, and it is relatively simple to calculate. Its major weaknesses are
that it ignores price elasticity of demand and the impact of local competition, it requires
forecasts of future costs and occupancy rates which are difficult to establish with any
accuracy, and it regards pricing as independent of the rest of the market mix. '
The hotel has 100 rooms i.e. 36.500 room nights per annum and sales targets are achieved
then the hotel revenue will be USD 996.450 and average rate USD 27,30 50 % direct sales to
guests, 30 percent through travel agents and 20 percent through tour operators.
MOP calculation:
Customer pays (US D) travel agent receives tour operator rec. Hotel receives
30 30
30 3 27
30 9 21
Hotel revenue:
Channel, Direct, TA, TO
If total costs exceed this ceiling, profits will be below target and the hotelier must look for
ways increasing achieved room rate (perhaps by reformulating channel sales objectives or
examining the discount structure), investigating new channels, reducing costs, or raising rack
rates. The hotelier can also calculate the effect of underachieving sales targets through each
4. Competitor oriented techniques:
5. Miscellaneous:
Other types:
Why Discount?
Many variables affect the lodging-purchase decision. Price is only one of those variables.
In an ideal world, price would take a back seat to product value and service attributes for most
businesses. For example, at Marriott, one of the corporate values is our commitment to deliver
exceptional customer service. No one wants to discount, but hotels are discounting. Moreover,
hotels need to discount to satisfy as many guests as possible and maximize revenues from
existing demand. To make matters worse, the current economic environment and supply
levels are causing hotels to discount even more aggressively than in the past.
Desperate to increase rooms revenue, hotel general managers make discounted rooms
available. By selling rooms at a discount, the hotel attempts to bring in incremental revenue
from price-sensitive guests.
Yield-management Pricing
The concept of controlling discounted inventory has evolved into yield management,
which gained prominence when the airlines started using it. The following are the ideal
conditions for implementing yield management:
1. Low variable costs;
2. High fixed costs;
3. Perishable inventory;
4. Variable demand patterns;
5. Ability to forecast future demand , and
6. Ability to segment customers on their varying needs, behavior, and willingness to pay.
While most of those conditions are straightforward, the last characteristic – segmenting
customers – is both the most difficult to achieve and the most important. To maximize
revenues, most hotels need to separate customers and charge them different rates based on
their differing needs and behavior. Its is essential both to segment the customers initially and
to keep them segmented. That is, not only do hotels need to segment customers, but the hotels
also need some way to prevent customers from trading down from one price category to
A theoretical demand curve can be drawn for each product or service, showing the
trade-off between price and volume. If only one price were to be offered, we would set that
price at the point that maximizes revenue. However, the one-price approach for a perishable
product like hotel rooms leaves a substantial amount of unrealised revenue.
Price segmentation:
A more rational approach is, in which different customers are charged different prices,
thereby, capturing more revenue, abut also satisfying more customers. That concept is the
cornerstone of pricing in many industries, including airlines, long-distance telephone service,
and movie theaters. The key to the concept is to have meaningful segmentation strategy in
place (e.g., telephone companies’ business rates versus weekend discounts) that differentiates
customers who are willing and able to pay higher prices from those who are willing to change
their behavior in exchange for a lower price point.
The market for hotel rooms is anything but homogeneous. Hotel guests have a wide range
of needs. But most hoteliers are well aware that the transient market (i.e. non group market)
can be split into two major components- namely business travelers and leisure travelers. (see
Exhibit 3.)
Within those two categories are guests displaying a wide range of objectives, but again
guests can be grouped according to their buying traits (a comparison of general buying traits
is shown in Exhibit 3.). Any guest’s purchase decision will be based on the particular
circumstances of time, place, and purpose of the trip. For example, a vacationer at a
destination resort may be prestige conscious and quality oriented, but can be flexible about the
specific destination and exact timing. By the same token, a business traveler might have to be
in a particular place at a particular time, but be flexible about the exact hotel location.
Taking advantage of those characteristics, recent hotel marketing strategies have
attempted to expand the price-elastic market segments (leisure traveler) through innovative
rates and packages, while protecting the price-inelastic business revenues from dilution or
trade down. That approach has resulted in increased efforts to differentiate markets based on
the perceived needs of the target market. Until recently, those efforts have been aimed at
clearly identifiable groups (e.g., AARP, gov’t employees). Such programs, based the
individual’s status , have been widely accepted and implemented.
In contrast, segmentation practices that employ restrictions based on the booking
characteristics of the guest (e.g., timing of purchase) rather than the status or group
membership have stirred controversy. The strategy of matching different rates against
different purchase behavior is not new. Airlines have refined the practice with their
nonrefundable, advance-purchase, Saturday-stay bookings. Theatres use time of day and
person’s age to segment customers. Telephone companies’ differential rates, based on time of
day and day of the week, have been in place for many years.
The Negotiation Problem
What phone companies, airlines and theatres do not do is negotiate rates individually with
their customers. The rules for, say, telephone service are clearly structured and logical. For
many hotels, the procedure seems to be one quoting the highest rate allowing the customer to
talk it down. The strategy has had two outcomes. First, hotels have seen an erosion of their
rack-rate and corporate-rate room-nights over the last several years, while the number of
discount room sales has increased substantially. Hilton president Carl Mottek, for instance,
reported a decline in rack-rate sales to just 15% in 1991, down from 55 percent of the
company’s business five years earlier.
The second outcome is more difficult to document. It is the perceived lack of integrity in a
hotel’s interactions with its customers. In the case of telephone conversation that we
mentioned, the caller was presented with four different rates. Customers who pay one room
rate and later realize they could have negotiated a lower room rate might think ill of a hotel.
What emerges is a picture that paints lodging as the used-car business of the American service
Moreover, customers are becoming more aware of hotels’ willingness to cut a deal in
room rates. Articles with titles like “How to get cheap rates at good hotels,” are common in
the popular press. Few of the strategies outlined in such articles have anything to do with a
rational segmentation of the market.
A Strategic Approach to Rate Setting
As customers become sophisticated in manipulating the current pricing system, hotels will
eventually forced to modify their pricing structure. Rather than allow that modification to be
made at random, we tested a strategic approach to room-rate structures. Exhibit 4 compares
three possible future pricing strategies. We discuss the positive and negative aspects of each
one. No doubt different hotel chains and independent hotels will choose different options.
Given the fragmentation of the hotel industry, it is unlikely that we will see the kind of
uniform pricing structures found in other industries.
Before we begin our comparison of the three strategies, we should interject that there is a
fourth approach, the status quo. That approach is not particularly strategic. Based on the
industry’s current direction, we don’t believe it is viable.
A single rate.
The first approach is to offer a single rate for all transient inventory (non-group, non-
contract). That rate can change according to the season or the day of the week. Such an
approach is easy to administer and easy to explain to customers. Sophisticated yield
management systems would not be necessary. The one price strategy, however fails to
respond peaks and valleys of demand and does not respond to customers’ ability or
willingness to pay. Some guests will be playing less than they are willing to pay. Some guests
will be paying less than they are willing to pay while others will find the rate too high and go
elsewhere; leaving the hotel with rooms it may have filled by using another strategy.
Rates by room type.
A second approach is to set rates according to differing room characteristics (e.g., size,
view, floor level). This approach is currently used by many hotels. It, too, is easy to explain to
customers, because there may be a perceptible difference in the rooms offered at different
rates. It improves on the one-rate approach by allowing the hotel to offer different rates on the
same day, thereby realizing more revenue. But setting rates by room type also has several
disadvantages. It certainly wouldn’t work for a hotel that comprises just one type of room.
Even if it had different kinds of rooms, a hotel would be limited by its actual physical
inventory in the number of high-price rooms it can sell, so that potential revenue is limited by
product levels and not demand levels. This approach to segmentation won’t work in markets
where customers are unwilling to pay for upgraded rooms, and it is operationally difficult for
the front desk clerks and reservations sales agents to manage.
Good Fences make Good Profits
The third approach is to erect “fences” – logical, rational rules or restrictions that are
designed to allow customers to segment themselves into appropriate rate categories based on
their needs, behavior, or willingness to pay. Such fences include advance reservations and
nonrefundable advance purchases. Those policies allow, for instance, price sensitive
customers to gain a lower rate in exchange for reduced flexibility. On the other hand,
traditional full rate customers can have a room whenever they please. The important aspect of
fences is that they allow a hotel to sell discount rooms to one segment of customers without
allowing higher-rate customers to trade down.
Rates with fences are easy to explain, and every rate has a rationale. Using a rate-fence
system, hotels can use yield management for 100 percent of their inventory, opening up
discounts when demand is weak and closing off discounts during strong-demand periods.
The down side of rate fences is that they are more difficult to manage than other
approaches are. Rate fences require sophisticated reservation and yield-management systems.
Moreover, a hotel must have regular rates that are correctly positioned for the marketplace.
By introducing fences and other rate restrictions, a hotel can penetrate its intended markets as
deeply as possible without allowing higher-paying market segments to trade down. The
airlines’ Saturday-stay requirement is an excellent example of a fence that separates leisure
travelers (who generally willing to stay over) from business travelers (who generally don’t
want to linger once their business is concluded).
Fences must be combined with inventory-control procedures to maximize revenues. That
requirement goes beyond the yield management currently practiced by many hotels. While
yield management is effective in selling high-rate rooms during periods of strong demand, it
has limited effectiveness in preventing a guest who normally pays rack rate from trading
down during times of weaker demand, when discount rates are open. Therefore, the inventory
control of yield management needs to be combined with the segmentation control of “fences”
to maximize revenues.
A study of airline yield management showed why both inventory control and rate
restrictions are mandatory for an effective revenue-management program. When full-fare
passengers were asked why they did not purchase a discount fare, 38 percent responded that
the discount inventory was unavailable, and 42 percent stated that they could not meet the
restrictions. Only a tiny percentage claimed that they would not have traded down without
those inhibiting controls.
Exhibit 4.
Lodging –pricing options compared
One rate for all rooms Rates set by room type Rates with “fenced”
Pros Pros Pros
Easy to administer Achieves greater Rationale for every
Easy to explain revenue than one rate
rate Easy to explain
Easy to explain Approaches
maximum revenue
Cons Cons Cons
Can’t respond to Limited to product Requires
daily demand availability sophisticated
swings Won’t work for reservations and
Doesn’t hotels with a single yield-management
accommodate room type systems
customers’ price Operationally Operationally
sensitivity challenging challenging
Won’t maximize
First of all we should establish a yield management team. A yield team should consist of the
hotel's general manager, director of sales & marketing, reservations manager, and rooms
division (or front office) manager. This team will develop a yield management plan
encompassing five areas that play a critical role in the hotel's yield success: historical data,
sales mix-analysis, forecasting, demand procedures, and evaluation.
1. Historical data
help identify market and occupancy trends that will lead to more accurate forecasting. The
management team records the actual number of rooms used on a daily basis by each major
market segment for a minimum of two years.
Do they use restaurants, lounges, and other outlets?,
Do they need meeting space?
22. The average sales per Revenue source
How many does the typical customer of each segment spend in the hotel profit centers?
23. The cost of sales for each revenue source
What are the costs associated with room sales, food and beverage sales, labor, and other
revenue sources?
Once the margins are complete for each market segment, the results will suggest the most
profitable sales mix for the hotel and subsequently imply where future sales and marketing
efforts should be directed. The yield management team should re-evaluate the contribution
margins every three months to verify their accuracy and make the necessary adjustment.
3. Forecasting
Combines information relating to historical data with future group and volume room-night
commitments. The yield management team projects each segment's daily contribution based
on this known information and the contribution margins. The range of the forecast will
depend on the hotel's principal markets. It can vary from two to three months for corporate,
transient hotels, and up to one or more years for group oriented hotels.
Action dates must also be established for each segment based on purchase habits. These dates
function as a checkpoint to adjust room allotments and will vary per market to trigger high- or
low-demand procedures.
4. Demand procedures
Such as restricting lower rate categories during high-demand periods and providing
reservations agents with special promotional rates during low-demand dates, are not new.
However, to maximize revenue, a set of action steps must be in place to accommodate
5. Evaluation
allows the opportunity to review the results of previous forecasts, fine-tune the
methodology, and share feedback on the various successes and failures of the demand
procedures. It also reinforces the team's commitment to achieving the profit objectives.
What could be the benefits collected by yield management:
Improved forecasting
Improved pricing and availability decisions
Identification of new market segments
Determination of discounting policy
Improved development of revenue plans
Establishment of better rate-structure
Duration control:
in a demand period one-night bookers either will be refused or multi-night stay will be offered
at a lower rate
Hotels practicing yield management also discover organizational benefits. The yield
management team works closely together and plays a unified role in yield-related decisions,
so better interdepartmental working relationship result. In addition, clearly defined plans and
action steps allow decision making to be shared, leading to heightened job satisfaction and
greater efficiency.
Controlling material:
Accomodation pricing
• Managing the room resource in hotel operations requires achieving a careful balance between
monitoring room rate and achieving maximum occupancy.
• Hotel pricing strategies can take advantage of the different market characteristics of the leisure and
business travellers.
• Leisure travellers:
– Advance bookings
– Quality required varies
– Destination flexible
– Highly price sensitive
– Stays longer
• Business travellers:
– Short booking lead times
– Tend to require high quality
– Destination predetermined
– Relatively less price sensitive
– Short term stay avoiding weekends
56. An important part of the Marketing and Sales Plan is an AUDIT of the marketing
activities, which has to take place from time to time.
You are working as an independent marketing consultant for a 4 star hotel or a tour
operator and you are asked to provide a list of questions for undertaking the audit.
Please give reasons for the questions.
Like a journey:
1. Where are we now? - current situation analysis
SWOT: ineternal & external analysis – helps to create recommendation, they are just tools
Weighted value should be given to each element only a number of element is not
enough. You can run swot on your cometitors, which brings good info for you.
Things are changing, so swot must be continuously update.
SLEPT: outside environment, uncontrollable factors
=> socio-cultural, legal, economic, political, technical
Must be done for each target market, do it for each country (If you have more sources
of tourists)
3 C’s: customers (the market: features, needs, trends, growth) – look at who they are
(existing) and who not (non-existing).
Competitors – do you really know all of them – existing and potential – once u start
something it will generate interest of others and it will attract them to do the same. Ask
yourself what if I do this, what will they do??
cash (overall financial environment, resources) – cash that we have, that comptitors
and customers (disposable income) have.
Ansoff’s matrix
Market Product
penetration development
existing new
BCG matrix :
Star Question
Market growth
Cash Cow Dog
low high
market share
The questions for the marketing and sales plan audit should address all elements of the plan. It
should evaluate the mission, the objectives, strategies and the effectiveness of the marketing
activities. Isolate problems to improve performance.
Main question categories could be:
- Selecting target markets was correct?
- The marketing objectives?
- Action plans?
- Customer and market: Who are our customers, what is our share? (Marketing audit)
- Is our service product appropriate to the market? Trends of demands?
- Are our marketing and distribution channels suitable?
- Are our advertising, media, promotion and sales activities integrated?
- Competition - their share?
- Pricing and profitability?
- Reasons of not reaching the goals?
58. You were appointed to General Director of a hotel, which had been stagnating for a
long time and facing financial difficulties, including bankruptcy risk. How would you
carry out the task of crisis management?
Please outline factors, tasks to be considered in the fields of operations, marketing, HR
and finance to save the situation and to meet the owner’s expectation.
Tasks to be considered: Structural renewal for consolidation and strong new leadership.
Saving plan on all fields.
Analyzing revenue, gross and net profit, decide about saving to secure cash flow. Reasons for
Market research to find out what is required by customers, adjust operations and services
including facilities in hotel/restaurant, etc. Competitive prices? More focus on customers.
Short and long term strategy and business plan: Better services? Eliminate over capacity.
Improve efficiency. Cost savings, outsourcing.
Preparing SWOT.
Make decisions regarding activities.
Concentrating on strengths.
Human resources:
Check possibilities to reduce jobs to decrease operating costs.
Improve competence of remaining staff on payroll. Radical changes in staff. Clean house.
Cultural changes.
Organisational crisis is the result of an unfavourable process caused by various factors. This
process can be very slow or extremely rapid, but when it occurs the companies should be
prepared for it. The nature and cause of crisis can be several:
- Financial difficulties ( loss of source – trust issues, inability to fulfill expectations
or liabilities, inability to satisfy suppliers and creditors ... )
- Changes in economics ( taxation, labour market, interest rates, money supply,
inflation, exchange rates ).
- Government policies ( social, taxation, trade blocks, changed foreign policies )
- Legal changes ( environment prot, product liabilities, consumer protection,
competition law, legal actions against certain products and sercives )
- Political Circumstances ( limiting competition, conflicts, wars, riots )
- Environmental changes ( protection, loss of resources )
- Social changes ( public opinion, demand patterns, public resistance, social
tension ...)
The emphasis is on the preparation. The organisations should have a well constructed Crisis
Plan, that is based on the various forecasts that may cause the crisis. All the possibilities
regarding the nature and cause of crisis should be considered, and the consequences as well
( financial, operating, human resources and communicational problems ).
A Crisis Comitee should be set up to handle the various challanges ( usually consisting of
financial controller, GM, HR manager, Dir. Of sales and marketing, Communicational dir. – if
any, Operational Dir. – if any, revenue manager ).
The legal consequences: Depend on the nature, the level of crisis. Areas should be covered:
- Consumer protection : rights, information, responsibilities, compensations
- Product liability: defective products, responsibilities, information, compensation
- Compensation of suppliers, distributors, creditors
- Violating advertise law ( illegal goods, children’s rights, personal rights )
- Violating competition – unfair use of business secrets, taking advantage of
dominant position, using competior’s name
- Effects of dissolution ( liquidation, bankruptcy, voluntary dissolution )
- Effects of dismissal ( large scale, extraordinary, regular )
- Compensation payment and severance pay (végkielégítés ).
Financial consequences.
Compensation payments ( customers, creditors, suppliers, state )
- Liabilities ( creditors, suppliers, customers, employees, management, state-taxes )
- Sales of company assets to fulfill obligations
- Wages, bonuses, severance payments
- Penalties, fees, cost of legal procedures ( representation, dissolution )
Communicational issues
- Press conferences ( prepared answers ) – do not hide facts, do not say if not sure
- Communication to owners, suppliers, creditors, distributors, state ( court of
registry ), customers, clients, broad publics
- Do not differentiate between medias
- Make it short
- Disclaimer
- Update news
59. In the competition that company (team) will win, which has better team members
than its competition. What does teamwork mean? What are the secrets and features of
succesfull team? What is the criteria for selecting team members? What are the stages of
forming good teams? Different characters in teams? Please list the personal
characteristics of members of executive and management team. Give positive or negative
examples from your practice and experience in connection with teamwork.
The success of any group of human beings really depends on how well they can work
Teams are group of people having same interests and goals within an organisation. These
goals and interests should be harmonized with the goals of the organisation. The members are
individuals with various personalities, but they accept each other as equal team members
working for the same goal. In an ideal case the working climate of a team is pleasurable,
which is the basis for co-operation, innovativeness and efficiency. In a negative interpretation
a strong team with individual goals, which are different of the organisation’s can be very
destructive and harmful.
There are two type of groups within an organisation: Formal, and Informal ones. Formal
groups are formed by the organisations to achieve the objectives, and are not necessarily
effective just because they are cohesive. The informal groups (or teams) are formed by the
individual members to satisfy their psychological and social need in common. By employing
the individuals with the required traits and interests an organisation can influence the
formation of individual teams.
The difference between teams and groups is that the co-operation among the team members to
achieve a common goal or result is usually much stronger, and the result is not only the sum
of individual goals, but the synergie of them.
What kind of people are needed in a team? First of all a team needs a leader who has the
traits and abilities to influence the other members towards the desired goals. The goals are set
by the company, but the work is organised by the leaders and managers. A team needs at
least four characters that are dependent on each other:
- Worker (diligent)
- Initiator (innovative)
- Reliable (loyal, punctual)
- Organisor (leader)
Criteria for selecting members: technical skills, other attributes to reach the objectives
Eligibity: the candidate has the right CV, right diploma, right papers
Suitability: right type of person, right attitude, good team player
Maintaining positive climate
Value and respect your staff
Support your staff – encourage and support their development personally
and professionally
Honesty, openness, consistency, fairness, justice
Immediate feedback, equal treatment, intellectual ability, result orientation,
interpersonal skills
Planning, organisational skills, positive impression, maturity, integrity
Recognition and rewards
Teambuilding: outside events, tuition assistance, personal development
60. What are the basic and specific success factors in the service industry and discuss the
links and relationship between them with specific attention to marketing.
Consider and list the success criteria for promotion to retain increase and reactivate
your clients.
Service organisation: When two or more people are engaged in a systematic effort to provide
services to customers. It exists in order to interact with the customers and satisfy their service
needs. The degree of interaction depends on the type of service offered.
What is service? Is a feeling that the service recipient has when he/she is with the service
provider. Good service means to meet people’s needs and expectations, excellent service
means to even exceed those.
Characteristics of the service: intangible/ emotional/ subjective/ difficult to measure/ difficult
to standardize/ incorporates material and physical elements.
We need to understand that the hospitality operations are more complex, because the
product incorporates tangible and intangible elements.
- Inputs: Land, building, machinery, labour, management
- Conversation process – operations ( affected by external, internal factors )
- Outputs – Occupied rooms, meals, drinks, programs, satisfaction, joy, pleasure...
After all the whole operations are designed to meet the customer’s needs and expectations.
This means that a service oriented organisation has to constantly research the needs and
expectations of the target markets, and tailor-made the services accordingly.
This means that the operations of a service firm are the heart of the product, which is an
experience. This experience is created by the operating system interacting with the customer,
therefore the op. sys. is the product.
The service process according to the open systems view of the service business is affected by
the marketing and the operations that interact with the customers. This (the services, facilities,
benefits) has to be modified according to the evaluation of the demand and communicated
back to them.
The operations and thus the quality of are highly affected by the employees attitude and
performance. The service firm has to be aware of the personal traits, skills, and experiences
that affect the nature of the product, thus the quality of the services. “It is the peoples’
business, and they make the difference”. An effective human resources management can
make the product different of the competitors’ by selecting, training and motivating the
employees who provide the excellent services.
The constant supervision and quality assurance are also inevitable for a service firm to be
profitable. For this performance standards are necessary.
Other success factors: leadership, committed people, customer policy, clearly defined
strategies, right service product with strong brand, concentrating on core business, developed
information systems, right pricing, yield management, cost structure.
Success factors: there are basic pillars that you have to accept to be successful
Efficiency – being effective
Profitability – money has one function, to produce profit. If a company doesn’t produce
profit, it will parish, but all of us should have other aims and goals – we have to create
values, these should be more than just producing profit (eg.: love)
Quality – it doesn’t mean luxury, it means that it should be suitable for the purpose
personal quality to be competitive
Relations with the people on the market + interaction of people
If you can’t establish good relations, you are lost!
- you should have good relations within the company, better relations than the competitors
- trademarks are competing nowadays – you have to have educated and skilled personnel
- you have to have the best people, they cost money, but they also earn much
- helping each other especially in the service industry
Innovation – in all the success factors you always have to improve/change. This is done
by creativity, imagination, flexibility, continuously renewing, improving all the time
We have to create values, that lead our way, not just capital and profit. You should have a
good system of values (értékrend)
Competitiveness – we will join the EU, there will be several competitors on the market, that’s
why competitiveness is becoming more and more important.
managing – working for the success of the others
management/leadership – to get the best out of people
There are some common factors in any organisation
They are:
- people – they are doing their jobs according to a structure
- objectives/aims/goals (on the top of these is vision – it is the mental picture in the
future) – the structure is created according to the aims
- structure – realising activities within a certain organised structure
It is a short term initiative designed to address a specific market problem or opportunity based
on customer needs and preferences. It will be successful if the core service / product is
Tactical aspects to be analysed: basic concept and purpose of the promotion, communication
channels, possible competition and customer reaction.
Marketing mix - the four p-s- factors influencing sales/promoting products and services
Development of the product or service
Attributes – quality, style, brand, positioning, product perception, packaging, cost,
service support
Cost of producing the product or service
Attributes - price level, discount policy, credit terms, and payment methods
All methods of communicating the product or service, offering to the target market
Task of getting the goods to the market = Distribution
Distribution channels, distribution coverage, sales territories, inventory levels and
locations, and transportation.
3Ps of tourism industry
Important asset in the travel and tourism industry - focus on HR (skills, knowledge,
Attributes - friendliness, presentation, helpfulness, politeness and competency
Physical evidence
The customers see a certain product or whole establishment (decoration, environment,
and ambience)
Attributes - size, premises, corporate image, ambience, comfort, facilities and
How easy the staff of a company is to deal with – evaluated by efficiency and
Attributes - speed, efficiency, service time, waiting time, forms, and documents
Five promotional mix elements: Advertising, Personal selling (sales), Public relations and
publicity, Sales promotion, Merchandising
Rip acronym = remind - inform - persuade