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Adams View Help

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1) Learning Basics

Setting Up Adams/View

Starting Adams/View
You or your system administrator can customize how you start Adams/View and how Adams/View looks
after you start it.

To start Adams/View in UNIX:

At the command prompt, enter the command to start the Adams Toolbar, and then press Enter. The
standard command that MSC provides is adams07x, where x is the version number, for example
1.adams07r1, which represents Adams 2007 r1.

The Adams Toolbar appears.

2.Click the Adams/View tool .

For more information on the Adams Toolbar, see Running and Configuring Adams.

To start Adams/View in Windows:

On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to MSC.Software, point to Adams 2007 r1, point to
1.AView, and then select Adams - View.

For more information on running Adams products from the Start menu, see Running and Configuring

Starting a New Modeling Session

When you start Adams/View, Adams/View displays a Welcome dialog box that lets you create a new
modeling database or use an existing one. The Welcome dialog box also lets you import modeling data
and specify your working directory.

Adams/View also displays the Welcome dialog box when you use the New Database command to create
a new modeling database in which to store your models. The Welcome dialog box is shown below.

To start a new session:

Select one of the options explained in the table below to indicate how you'd like to start using
1.Adams/View, and then select OK.

The option: Does the following:

Create a new Lets you start a new modeling session with a new modeling database.
model Follow Steps 2 and 3 to create the new modeling database.

Open an existing Lets you open an existing modeling database. Learn about Opening a
database Modeling Database.

Import a file Lets you start a new modeling session by reading in a model from an
Adams/View command file or an Adams/Solver dataset.

Import - Adams/Solver Dataset Files

Import - Adams/View Command Files

Exit Lets you exit Adams/View without performing an operation.

Specify the directory to be used as your working directory. Adams/View saves all files in this directory.
2.You can change the working directory at any time. Learn about specifying working directory.

3.If you selected to create a new model, do the following:

•In the Model name text box, enter the name you want assigned to the new model. You can enter up to
80 alphanumeric characters. You cannot include special characters, such as spaces or periods.

Select the gravity settings for the new model. You can select:

Earth Normal - Sets the gravity to 1 G downward.

No Gravity - Turns off the gravitational force.

Other - Lets you set the gravity as desired. The Gravity Settings dialog box appears after you select OK on
the Welcome dialog box.

Select a preset unit system for your model. In all the preset unit systems, time is in seconds and angles
4.are in degrees. You can set:

• MMKS - Sets length to millimeter, mass to kilogram, and force to Newton.

MKS - Sets length to meter, mass to kilogram, and force to Newton.

CGS - Sets length to centimeter, mass to gram, and force to Dyne.

•IPS - Sets length to inch, mass to slug, and force to PoundForce.

If you do not want any of the preset unit systems, you
can change the units as required. Learn about
5. changing the default units.

6.Select OK.

Adams/View creates a new model for you. If you selected to set gravity when creating a new model, the
Gravity Settings dialog box appears. Learn about specifying gravitational force.

Adams/View Main Window

After you start Adams/View, the Adams/View main window appears. Click a window element below for
a description.

Exiting Adams/View
To exit Adams/View:

1.On the File menu, select Exit.

2.If you did not save your work, asks you if you want to save your work:
•To save your work and exit Adams/View, select OK. If you want to save the model with a new name in
the current directory, enter the new name in the Filename text box.

To exit without saving your work, select Exit, Don’t Save.

To continue using Adams/View, select Cancel.

Note: If you accidentally exit without saving your work, you can use the Adams/View log file (aview.log)
to recover your work. Learn about using the Adams/View log file

Displaying Product Information

When using any Adams product, you can display the following information:

Software version number and the date it was built

Directory where Adams is installed

Copyright statement

To display information about Adams/View:

1.From the Help menu, select About.

2.View the information, and then select OK.

Shortcut from the status bar, select .

Loading and Unloading Plugins

MSC has many add-on modules or plugins to Adams/View, which expand its functionality. The plugins
include Adams/AutoFlex, Adams/Vibration, Adams/Controls, and Adams/Durability. You run these
products from within Adams/View. You can set Adams/View to load them automatically when you start
up. You can also unload them while in your current session of Adams/View. To run a plugin, you must
have a license to it. (To learn more about the various plugins, see their online help.)

To see if there is a license available to run a plugin:

1.From the Tools menu, select Plugin Manager.

The Plugin Manager appears.

2.At the top of the Plugin Manager, select a plugin.

3.At the bottom of the Plugin Manager, in the text box Licenses, view the number of licenses available.

To load an available plugin:

1.From the Tools menu, select Plugin Manager.

2.In the Load column, next to the plugins you want to load, select Yes.

3.Select OK.

The commands or menus for the plugins are added to Adams/View.

To unload a plugin:

1.From the Tools menu, select Plugin Manager.

2.In the Load column, next to the plugin you want to unload, clear the selection of Yes.

3.Select OK.

Adams/View removes any plugin menus or commands.

To set up a plugin so it loads automatically when you start Adams/View:

1.From the Tools menu, select Plugin Manager.

2.In the Load at Startup column, next to the plugin you want to load automatically, select Yes.

3.Select OK.

Executing a System Command

You can execute an operating system command from within Adams/View so that you do not have to
leave the Adams/View window.

You can select to display the results of the command in the Information window or the log file. If you
select to display the results of the command in the Information window, you can:

Clear the window and only view the results of the command.

Save the results of the command to a file.
If you select to display the results in the log file, you can keep the command results with the other
commands that you execute so that you can cut and paste the information together into a new file.

To execute a system command within Adams/View:

1.On the Tools menu, select System Command.

2.The Execute System Command dialog box appears.

In the Command Text text box, enter the operating system command that you want to execute. See
3.your operating system documentation for more information.

Select whether or not you want the output of the command to be displayed in the Information
4.window or the log file.

5.Select OK.

Using the Adams/View Log File

Adams/View generates a log file during each Adams/View session, called aview.log.

While you are running Adams, you can display the current contents of the log file. In addition, you can
display the log file in a text editor. The following sections explain how to display the log file in
Adams/View and set the type of messages displayed.

Viewing the Log File in Adams/View

Updating the Log File

Setting the Log File Information

Note: You can change the name of the log file through the initialization file .mdi_init. For more
information, see Running and Configuring Adams.

Viewing the Log File in Adams/View

You can use the Log File command on the Tools menu to display the log file. You can keep the dialog box
open as you execute commands so you can keep track of the commands and messages that you receive.

To help you use the log file as a command file, Adams/View marks any messages as comments so that it
does not try to execute them when you import the command file. It indicates a comment by placing an
exclamation mark (!) in front of the message. Adams/View also displays as comments any commands
that it executes when it starts up. To help you distinguish the startup commands from messages,
Adams/View follows the exclamation mark (!) with the command prompt (>>).

To display the log file:

1.On the Tools menu, select Log File.

The Display Log File dialog box appears.

Select Info to display all messages written to the log file. The default is to display only warnings, errors,
2.and fatal messages.

Updating the Log File

Adams/View does not update the Display Log File dialog box each time you execute a command.
Therefore, if you want to see the commands that you executed since you opened the dialog box, you
must update the log file.

To update the contents of the log file:

From the Display Log File dialog box, select Update.

Setting the Log File Information

When you display the log file, Adams/View displays only warnings, errors, and fatal messages that you
have received. You can change the type of messages that Adams/View displays as well as display the
commands that Adams/View has executed. You can also display only lines that contain certain
information, such as display only commands that create links, and remove any duplicate lines that occur
if you encounter the same error again.

To set the type of information displayed in the Display Log File dialog box:

1.Select the Show only lines of type check box and then select one of the following:

• Info - Displays all commands that you have executed in Adams/View.

•Warning - Displays non-fatal messages that warn you of possible problems with commands you

•Error - Displays fatal messages that Adams/View did not understand and, therefore, did not
successfully process.

Fatal - Displays messages that indicated that your model would not simulate.

If desired, select Show only lines containing and enter the text that the line must contain in the text
2. box. You can also enter wildcards. Learn about using wildcards.
3.Select Apply.

To remove duplicate lines:

From the Display Log File dialog box, select Suppress duplicate lines.

Using Wildcards
You can use wildcards to narrow any search, set the type of information displayed in a window, such as
the Database Navigator or the log file, or specify a name of an object in a dialog box.

This character: Represents:

* (asterisk) Zero or more characters

? Any single character

[ab] Any one of the characters in the brackets

[^AB] Any character other than the characters following the caret symbol
(^) in the brackets

[a-c] Any one character in a range enclosed in brackets

{AB, bc} Any of the character strings in the braces

Setting Preferences
Setting Default Coordinate System
Also learn about:

Coordinate systems in Adams/View

Rotation sequences

To set the default coordinate system:

1.Do one of the following:

• On the Settings menu, select Coordinate System.

On the Move tool stack of the Main toolbox, select the Coordinate System tool .

The Coordinate Systems Setting dialog box appears.

2.Select the type of location coordinate systems: cartesian, cylindrical, spherical

3.Select the type of rotation sequence.

4.Select either:

• Space fixed - Adams/View applies the rotations about axes that remain in their original orientation.

Body fixed - Adams/View applies the rotations about axes that move with the body as it rotates.

As Adams/View applies each rotation to an axis, it produces a new set of axes.

5.Select OK.

Specifying Gravitational Force

You can specify the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of gravity. For each part with mass, the
gravitational force produces a point force at its center of mass.

To turn off gravity:

From the Gravity Settings dialog box, clear the Gravity check box.

When you turn on gravity, an icon appears in the middle of the Adams/View main window. To turn off
the display of the gravity icon, see Edit Appearance dialog box.

To turn on and specify gravitational force:

1.Do one of the following:

• On the Settings menu, select Gravity.

On the Create Forces tool stack of the Main toolbox, select the Gravity tool .

The Gravity Settings dialog box appears.

2.Select the Gravity check box to turn on gravity.

3.Set the acceleration of the gravity in the x, y, and z directions with respect to the global coordinate
system. See the table below for assistance.

4.Select OK.

To enter: Do the following:

A value Enter the acceleration value in the X, Y, or Z text boxes as appropriate.

A standard Select a standard button (+ or -) for the direction you want to set. The
value (+ or -) standard acceleration value appears in the apropriate X, Y, or Z text

Setting Screen and Printer Fonts

You can change the font Adams/View uses to display text in a view, such as the name of a part or a note
on the screen, or to print text to a printer. The fonts available for displaying text in a view are those
available with your operating system. The fonts available for printing text are a fixed set of 12 fonts.
Note that your printer may not support all of these printer fonts. Learn about Printing Models.

To select a screen or printer font:

1.On the Settings menu, select Fonts.

The Fonts dialog box appears.

In the Screen Font text box, enter the name of the font you want Adams/View to use to display text in
2.a view. To browse for a font, right-click the text box, select Browse, and select a font.

3.Set Postscript Font to the font you want to use to print text.

4.Select OK.

Specifying Working Directory

By default, Adams/View searches for and saves all files in the directory from which you ran Adams/View.
You can change the working directory.

To change the working directory for the current session:

1.On the File menu, select Select Directory.

Select the directory in which Adams/View should save files.

2.Select OK.

You can also set the working directory when you start Adams/View. Learn about starting a new session.
To change the working directory for all sessions:

1.On UNIX:

• From the Adams Toolbar, right-click the Adams/View tool, and then select Change Settings.

In the Registry Editor, select WorkingDirectory, and then change the working directory.

For more information, see Running and Configuring Adams.

2.On Windows:

• On the Desktop, right-click the Adams/View shortcut, and then select Properties.

In the Start In text box, enter the working directory.

Setting Units of Measurement

You can set the units that Adams/View uses in modeling, importing, and exporting files. You can select
individual units or select a set group of units.

Learn about:

Units of measurement in Adams/View

Entering units in text boxes

To set the unit of measurement in Adams/View:

1.On the Settings menu, select Units.

The Units Settings dialog box appears.

2.Select the unit of measurement for each of the dimensions using the table below for assistance.

3.Select OK.

To select: Do the following:

Unit for a Select the individual unit from the pull-down menu associated with the
specific dimension.
Predefined unit Select one of the following buttons. In all the unit systems, time is in
system seconds and angle is in degrees. When you select a predefined unit
system, the units selected appear in the upper portion of the dialog

• MMKS - Sets length to millimeters, mass to kilograms, and force to


• MKS - Sets length to meters, mass to kilograms, and force to


• CGS - Sets length to centimeters, mass to grams, and force to Dyne.

• IPS - Sets length to inches, mass to pound mass, and force to


Saving and Restoring Settings

You can save the current settings of the display of your model and any other settings you specify
through the Settings menu. Adams/View saves your settings in the file aviewBS.cmd in the directory
from which you ran Adams/View.

The settings that Adams/View saves include:

Part and model display

Rendering mode, colors, and translucency

Visibility of the view triad, screen icons, working grid, and coordinate window

Settings for working grid, units, and screen icons

Force graphics

Toolbox and toolbar display and placement

Simulation preferences

Solution controls
When you start up Adams/View, Adams/View reads the settings stored in aviewBS.cmd, if it exists in
your path, and uses them instead of any settings in the modeling database.

To save settings:

1.Set the display of your model and any other Adams/View settings, as desired.

2.From the Settings menu, select Save Settings.

To restore the saved settings:

1.From the Settings menu, select Restore Settings.

Working with Models

Learn about working with models in a modeling database:

Note: To copy a model, see Copying Objects.

Creating Models

You can store more than one model in a modeling database. You may find it helpful to store multiple
models in the same database because it lets you:

Keep multiple versions of the same mechanical system in the same file.

Store models of subsystems in one file that you want to combine and simulate as a whole.

Compare results between models.

To add a model to the current database:

1.On the Build menu, point to Model, and then select New.

The Create Model dialog box appears.

In the Model Name text box, enter the name of the model that you want to create. You can enter up
2.to 80 alphanumeric characters. You cannot include special characters, such as spaces or periods.

3.Select whether or not you want to use the same gravity settings as the current model in your
database. Learn about Specifying Gravitational Force.

Select the Comments tool on the dialog box and enter comments you want associated with the

5.Select OK.

Displaying Models in the Database

You can set a view window so it displays a particular model in the current modeling database. You will
find this helpful when you want to compare different models or work with different models at the same

To display a different model in a view window:

1.Click the view window in which you want to display the model.

2.On the View menu, select Model.

The Database Navigator appears listing the current models in your modeling database.

3.Select the model you want to display from the Database Navigator.

4.Select OK.

Learn about Setting Part Display.

Merging Models

You can merge one model in your database into another model. For example, you can merge a
subsystem, called the source model, which you want to work on separately, into the base destination
model when you are ready to work on them as a whole. Adams/View maintains the source model and
does not change it after the merge operation.

This is helpful for merging two subsystems stored in the same database into a single model. It allows you
to work on each subsystem individually and merge them together when you are ready to work on them
as a whole.

As you merge models, you can:

•Enter a set of translations and rotations that Adams/View applies to the source model. Adams/View
first rotates the model then translates it.

•Specify whether Adams/View merges parts with the same name into one part, or copies and renames
the duplicate objects before merging them into the destination model.

Place all merged objects into a group. Learn more about Grouping and Ungrouping Objects.
To merge models:

1.On the Tools menu, select Merge Two Models.

The Merge Two Models dialog box appears.

2.In the Base Model Name text box, enter the name of the destination model.

In the Model to be merged text box, enter the name of the source model that you want to merge into
3.the destination model.

4.Specify the translations to apply to the source model before merging it with the destination model.

By default, you enter Cartesian (x,y,z) coordinates. You can change the convention for entering
translational positions. Learn more about coordinate systems.

5.Specify the angular position of the parts and polylines in the source model.

Adams/View orients the coordinate system starting from the initial coordinate system and applying
three successive rotations. By default, you supply body-fixed 313 Euler angles. You can change the
convention for entering orientation angles.

6.If desired, enter a new or existing group into which Adams/View adds all merged objects.

Set the pull-down menu to either merge parts that have the same name (Merge) or rename the parts
7.before merging the models (Rename).

8.Select OK.

Renaming a Model

Adams/View lets you change the name of a model.

To rename a model:

1.On the Build menu, point to Model, and then select Rename.

The Database Navigator appears.

2.Select the model you want to rename.

The Rename Object dialog box appears.

3.Enter a new name for the model.

Select the More button to display the Database Navigator and rename another object in the

5.Select OK.

Modifying a Model's Comments

You can change the comments associated with a model.

To modify a model's comments:

On the Edit menu, select Modify. Be sure that no objects are selected. If objects are selected, click the
1.background of the main window or double-click the Select tool .

The Database Navigator appears.

2.Select the model you want to modify, and then select OK.

The Modify Model dialog box appears.

Select the Comments tool on the dialog box and enter any comments you want associated with
3.the model.

4.Select OK.

Printing Models

Adams/View prints the currently displayed model as it appears in the currently active view window. You
can set various print options, such as specifying Postscript or HPGL format.

Before printing, be sure to check which view window is the active window and what the magnification of
your model is in the view window. You might also want to check the font that Adams/View is using for
printing text. Learn about Setting Screen and Printer Fonts.

To print the currently displayed model:

1.Select one of the following:

• On the File menu, select Print.

On the Standard toolbar, select the Print tool .

The Print dialog box appears.

2.Set the printing options as desired, and then select OK.

To print: Do the following:

To a printer Select Printer and, in the Printer text box, enter an operating system
command to execute the print job (for example, lpr -Psp2 or lp -c
-Ppd1 ).
Only to a file Select File and enter the location and name of the file to which you
want to print the model in the File text box.

In a different Select the format. You can select Postscript, HPGL, or Encapsulated
format Postscript.

In color or black Select either Color or Black and White. If you select Black and White,
and white Adams/View prints the model in black and white even if you are using
a color printer.

At a different Select the type of orientation: Portrait or Landscape.


On a different Select the size of paper or select Default to accept the current default
size paper paper for the printer.

To cancel printing:

Select Cancel or press the Esc key.

Deleting a Model
You can remove a model and all its objects from the modeling database. When you delete a model,
Adams/View removes the following objects from the modeling database:






Simulation results

Data and system elements

Design variables

It does not remove plots, interface changes, or design variables that belong to the modeling database.

To delete a model:

1.Do one of the following:

• On the Build menu, point to Model, and then select Delete.

On the Edit menu, select Delete.

The Database Navigator appears.

2.Select the model you want to delete.

3.Select OK.

If you selected Delete from the Build menu, Adams/View asks you to confirm the deletion of the model.

4.Select Delete.

Viewing Model Topology Map Through Information Window

The model topology map displays information about the parts in your model and determines what
constraints are owned by the model and what parts the constraints connect. The information appears in
the Information window.

You can view the part connection information in two ways:

•By part - Lists each part in the model, along with the parts it is connected to and what constraints or
forces are affecting it.

Learn more about displaying topology by parts.

•By connections - Displays each constraint and force with the parts they connect and act on. Also
displays any unconnected parts.

Learn more about displaying topology by connections.

To display model topology by parts, do one of the following:

From the Tools menu, select Model Topology Map.
In Adams/View, on the status bar, from the Information tool stack, select the Model Topology by Parts

tool .

To display model topology by connections:

On the status bar, from the Information tool stack, select the Model Topology by Constraints tool .

Note: You can also view model topology through the Database Navigator.

Modeling Database
Working with Modeling Databases

Adams/View stores all your work in modeling databases.

Learn more:

About the Adams/View Modeling Database

Creating a Modeling Database

Opening a Modeling Database

Saving Modeling Database

Saving the Current Modeling Database with a New Name

About the Adams/View Modeling Database

The Adams/View modeling database is a hierarchical database. Each object in the database has an
object that owns it, called its parent, and many objects own other objects, called their children. The top
level objects in the database are models, views, plots, and libraries containing such things as dialog

The following shows the hierarchy of a database called Database_1 that contains one model and a plot
of the model.
Names of objects in the database use a hierarchical naming structure. For example, a block built on the
ground part is named .model_1.ground.block.

Creating a Modeling Database

When you first start working with Adams/View, it provides you with options for creating a new modeling
database. You can also create a new modeling database anytime during your Adams/View session. You
can have only one modeling database open at a time, but it can contain multiple models.

Remember that Adams/View saves all your customization changes, such as any new dialog boxes, in the
modeling database. Therefore when you create a new modeling database, the standard Adams/View
interface appears and you will need to make any changes again in the new database. If, however, you
use the command, Save Settings, on the Settings menu to save any preferences you set, Adams/View
reads these and changes the interface accordingly. Learn about Saving and Restoring Settings.

To create a modeling database:

1.Do one of the following:

• On the File menu, select New Database.

On the Standard toolbar, select the New Database tool .

When you create a new database, Adams/View automatically closes the current database. If you did not
save your current database, Adams/View asks you if you want to save it before closing.

2.Select one of the following if you did not save your existing database:

• Yes - Saves and closes the database.

No - Closes the database without saving it.

Cancel - Does not save the database.

Adams/View displays the Welcome dialog box, which lets you choose how you want to start your
modeling session with the new modeling database.

Opening a Modeling Database

You can open an existing modeling database. You can only open one database at a time. To load
different types of data into your modeling database, such as geometric data or commands, import the
data as explained in Exchanging Data in MD Adams.

To open a modeling database:

1.Do one of the following:

• On the File menu, select Open Database.

On the Standard toolbar, select the Open Database tool .

The File Selection dialog box appears. The File Selection filter is set to display only modeling database
files (those with a .bin extension).

2.In the Directories list box, select the directory in which the file is located.

Highlight the file that you want to open in the Files list box, or type the file name in the Selection text

The highlighted file appears in the Selection text box.

4.Select OK.

Saving Modeling Database

You can use the Save Database command to save the current modeling database as an Adams/View
binary file. Saving your modeling database as a binary file saves all modeling information, including any
customization changes you made. To save the model data in another format, export the data as
explained in Exchanging Data in MD Adams. To save your preferences, see Saving and Restoring Settings.

To save an existing modeling database:

1.Select one of the following:

• On the File menu, select Save Database.

On the Standard toolbar, select the Save Database tool .
Before saving the file, Adams/View displays a message asking you if you’d like to create a backup file of
the current database file.

2.Select one of the following:

Yes - Creates a backup file of the existing database file and saves the database. When Adams/View
• creates a backup file, it adds a % to the end of the file extension (for example, model.bin%).

No - Saves the database without making a backup copy of the existing database file.

Cancel - Exit the command without saving the database.

Saving the Current Modeling Database with a New Name

You can save the current modeling database to a binary file with a new name. This lets you keep several
versions of your database under different names and reduces the risk of losing your work if you
inadvertently change or delete your model. Saving your modeling database saves all modeling
information, including any customization changes you made. To save the model data in another format,
export the data as explained in Exchanging Data in MD Adams. To save your preferences, see Saving and
Restoring Settings.

To save a new database or an existing database with a new name:

1.On the File menu, select Save Database As.

The Save Database As dialog box appears.

2.In the File Name text box, enter the name you want to assign to the file.

3.Select OK.

Database Navigator
The Database Navigator helps you view, select, and modify objects in your modeling database.

Learn more:

About the Database Navigator

Viewing Objects

Showing, Hiding, and Selecting Objects in the Database Navigator

Managing the Select List

Filtering Objects in the Database Navigator

Sorting Objects in the Database Navigator

Setting Highlighting in the Database Navigator

Changing Objects

Setting Appearance of Objects Through the Database Navigator

Renaming Objects Through the Database Navigator

Adding Comments Through the Database Navigator

Viewing Information About Your Model

Viewing Model Topology Through the Database Navigator

Viewing the Associativity of Objects

Viewing Object Information Through the Database Navigator

About the Database Navigator

The Database Navigator appears when you do one of the following:

Select Database Navigator from the Tools menu.

Execute an editing command, such as Modify, from the Edit menu when no object is currently selected.

Request to view information about an object using the Info command on the Edit shortcut menu.

Browse for the name of an object to enter in a dialog box using the Browse command.
The Database Navigator has several modes in which you can display object information. It can be set to
just let you browse for objects or you can set it to rename objects, view information about the objects,
such as view how the object relates to other objects, and view dependencies.

The Database Navigator only displays the types of objects that are appropriate for the command you are
executing. For example, if you are renaming a model, it only displays models in your database. On the
other hand, if you are searching for any modeling object in the database, it displays all types of modeling
objects. You can also set a filter for the types of objects that the Database Navigator displays.

The Database Navigator shows objects in their database hierarchy. The following figure shows the
Database Navigator with the top-level modeling objects in a small database that contains one model,
model_1 . These objects do not have parents. Double-click the name of a model, in this case model_1, to
find all the objects belonging to that model.

Showing , Hiding, and Selecting Objects in the Database Navigator

In the Database Navigator tree list, a plus (+) in front of an object indicates that the object has children
below it but they are hidden. A minus (-) indicates that all objects immediately below the object are

To show or hide objects below a single object:

Double-click an object with a plus or minus by it.
To expand or collapse all objects by one level:

In the lower right corner of the navigator window, select the + or - button.

To hide all objects:

In the lower right corner of the navigator window, select the - button.

You can use the Database Navigator to select any object in the database. You can also select more than
one object to complete a command. You can create a list of selected objects on which to perform
options by choosing Select List from the pull-down menu at the top of the Database Navigator.

To select a single object:

•In the tree list, click the object and select OK. If the Database Navigator is not in multi-select mode, you
can also double-click the object to select it.

To use the mouse to select a continuous set of objects:

In the tree list, drag the mouse over the objects you want to select or click on one object, hold down
the Shift key, and click the last object in the set. All objects between the two selected objects are

2.Select OK.

To use the Up and Down arrow keys to select a continuous set of objects:

In the tree list, click on the first object, hold down the Shift key, and then use the Up or Down arrows
1.to select a block of objects.

2.Select OK.

To select a noncontinuous set of objects:

In the tree list, click on an object, hold down the Ctrl key, and click on the individual objects you want
1.to select.

2.Select OK.

To clear any selection in the tree list:

Hold down the Ctrl key and click the selected object to clear its highlighting.

Managing the Select List

You can use the Database Navigator to view objects you've selected using the procedures explained in
Showing, Hiding, and Selecting Objects in the Database Navigator. The list of objects is called the Select
list. You can also add and remove objects from the Select list.

To view the select list:

From the pull-down menu, select Select List.

The selected objects appear in the text box to the right.

To add objects to a select list:

1.From the pull-down menu, select Select List.

From the tree list or view window, select the objects to be on the select list as explained in the
2.previous section.

3.Select Add.

4.Select Apply.

To remove objects from the select list:

1.From the pull-down menu, select Select List.

2.From the list that appears on the right, select the objects to be removed.

3.Select Remove.

4.Select Apply.

To clear all objects from the select list:

1.From the pull-down menu, select Select List.

2.Select Clear.

3.Select Apply.

Filtering Objects in the Database Navigator

You can filter the types and names of objects that you want displayed in the Database Navigator tree list
to narrow the display to exactly what you want or to broaden the display using wildcards. For example,
you can narrow the display to only parts or broaden the display to include all objects that begin with a
particular character, such as an h. Learn about Using Wildcards.

To set the filter of the Database Navigator:

1.In the Filter text box, enter the name of the objects that you want to display. Type any wildcards that
you want to include.

From the pull-down menu to the right of the Filter text box, select the type of object or objects that
you want to display in the Database Navigator. To select from all the different object types in the
2.modeling database, select Browse.

To only display active or inactive objects, set the pull-down menu below the Filter objects to either
3.Active Objects or Inactive Objects. Learn about Activating and Deactivating Objects.

4.Select OK.

Sorting Objects in the Database Navigator

You can sort objects in the Database Navigator by their name or type, such as parts or geometry. You
can also select to not sort the object so the objects appear in the Database Navigator in the order they
are stored in the modeling database.

Note that sorting by name can be slow for objects with very long names. Setting no sorting is the fastest
way to see objects.

To sort objects in the Database Navigator:

•At the bottom of the Database Navigator, from the Sort by pull-down menu, select how you'd like the
objects sorted.

Setting Highlighting in the Database Navigator

You can set up the Database Navigator so that whenever you select an object in the tree list, it also
appears selected in the main window and the reverse. Highlighting is off by default.

To toggle highlighting:

Select Highlighting.

Setting Appearance of Objects Through the Database Navigator

Through the Database Navigator, you can set how individual, types of objects, and children of objects
appear in Adams/View.You can set:

Visibility of the object and of its name on the screen.

•Color, line style, line width and transparency of the object. For example, you can set the color of the
object’s outline or its name.

•Size of the screen icons that represent the object in your model. Note that these changes take
precedence over the size you specify globally for the modeling database.

State of the object during a simulation: active or inactive.

You can also set appearance through the Edit -> Appearance command. Learn about Setting Object
Appearance through Edit -> Appearance Command.

To set the appearance of objects:

1.Select an object from the Database Navigator tree list.

Use the options in the dialog box to set the appearance of the object. To inherit an attribute from a
2.parent of the object, select None from any of the pull-down menus.

Tip: For transparency, the higher the value, the more transparent the object is, allowing other objects to
show through. The lower the value, the more opaque the object is, covering other objects. However,
setting the transparency of objects can have a negative impact on graphical performance if you are
using a graphics card without hardware acceleration for OpenGL. Instead of setting an object’s
transparency, consider setting the object’s render mode to wireframe.

3.To set the scope of the appearance changes, you can select either:

• Object - Only apply to the selected object.

•Siblings - Apply changes to all objects of the same type that are children of the parent of the selected

All - Apply changes to objects matching the filter you set in the Filter text box.

4.Select Apply.

Renaming Objects Through the Database Navigator

You can use the Database Navigator to rename any object.

To rename an object:

1.From the Database Navigator pull-down menu, select Rename.

2.From the tree list, select the object to rename.

3.In the text box that appears to the right, type a new name for the object.

4.Select Apply.

Adding Comments Through the Database Navigator

You can use the Database Navigator to associate comments with any object in the modeling database.
To associate comments with an object:

1.From the Database Navigator pull-down menu, select Comments.

2.From the tree list or view window, select an object.

3.In the text box that appears to the right, type or modify the comments associated with the object.

4.Select Apply.

To save the comments in a file:

Select Save to File.

Viewing Model Topology Through the Database Navigator

The model topology map displays information about the parts in your model and determines what
constraints are owned by the model and what parts the constraints connect. The information appears in
the window on the right of the Database Navigator.

You can view the part connection information in the following ways:

•By part - Lists each part in the model, along with the parts it is connected to and what constraints or
forces are affecting it.

Learn more about displaying topology by parts.

•By connections - Displays each constraint and force with the parts they connect and act on. Also
displays any unconnected parts.

Learn more about displaying topology by connections.

Graphically - Displays a representation of the selected part and shows its connections to other parts.

Learn more about graphically displaying topology.

To display model topology of parts and connections:

From the Database Navigator pull-down menu, select Topology by Parts or Topology by Constraints.

To graphically view the topology of parts:

1.From the Database Navigator pull-down menu, select Graphical Topology.

2.From the tree list or view window, select an object.

Viewing the Associativity of Objects

You can use the Database Navigator to display the objects that a selected object uses. For example, you
can select a joint in the tree list to show the I and J markers that the joint uses. You can also select to
view the objects that use the selected object.

To view the associativity of objects:

1.From the Database Navigator pull-down menu, select Associativity.

2.Set the associativity:

To show the objects that the selected object uses, select Uses

To show the objects that use the selected object, select Is Used By.

3.From the tree list or view window, select an object.

The objects associated with the selected object appear in the text box to the right.

To set up automatic navigation of the objects:

Select Auto Navigate. Learn more about auto navigation.

To save the current associativity information to a file:

Select Save to File.

Viewing Object Information Through Database Navigator

You can use the Database Navigator just as you would the Information window to display information
about an object.

To display object information:

1.From the Database Navigator pull-down menu, select Information.

2.From the tree list or view window, select an object.

The information about the object appears in the window to the right.

To save the information to a file:

Select Save to File.

To return to the information about a previous object:

Select .

Information Window
Adams/View uses the Information window to display many different types of information about your
model, simulation, or motion data. In addition to just viewing information about your model, you can
perform a variety of operations in the Information window. For example, you can display additional
information about the current object's parent or child, print the information, display information about
a different object in the database, and more.

Learn more:

Displaying Information

Displaying Object Information and Accessing the Information Window

Displaying Parent and Children Information

Displaying an Object's Modify Dialog Box

Managing Information

Clearing the Information Window

Saving Information in the Information Window

Displaying a Text File in the Information Window

Copying Text in the Information Window

Setting the Information Mode

Displaying Object Information and Accessing Information Window

You can display information about each object in your modeling database, including parts, geometry,
motion, and markers. You can view the information about an object currently on the screen or any
object in the database, including view windows or dialog boxes.
When you display information about the objects in your modeling database, Adams/View displays
information specific to that type of object. For example, when you display information about a rigid
body in your model, Adams/View displays information about its material content, inertial properties,
initial conditions, orientation, velocity, and more. When you display information about a motion,
Adams/View display information about the type of motion it is, its function, and time derivative.

To display information about a modeling object displayed on the screen:

Right-click the object on the screen, and then select Info.

Tip: You may want to zoom in on the object on the screen to more easily place the cursor over just that

Information about the object appears in the Information window.

To use the Database Navigator to display information about objects in the Information window:

1.On the status bar, select the Info tool from the Information tool stack.

The Database Navigator appears.

2.Select the object about which you want to display information.

3.Select OK.

The information window appears.

To display object information once you've displayed the Information window, do one of the following:

•In the text box at the top of the Information window, enter the name of the object, and then select

•If the object name already appears in the Information window, place the text cursor in the name of the
object, and then select Apply.

Displaying Parent and Children Information

Each object in the database has an object that owns it, called its parent, and many objects own other
objects, called their children. The top-level objects in the database are models, plots, and interface
objects, called gui objects. These objects do not have parents. You can display information about the
parent or children of the object currently displayed in the Information window.

If an object has a parent, the type of parent it has appears in the Information window under the heading
Parent Type and the name of the parent is placed in front of the name of the object in the Object Name
heading. For example, for the part LINK_2, its parent type and name appear in the Information window,
as shown below:

To display an object's children:

In the Information window, select Children. Learn about accessing the Information window.

To display an object's parent, do one of the following:

In the Information window, select Parent.

In the Information window, place the text cursor in the name of the parent and select Apply.

Displaying an Object's Modify Dialog Box from the Information Window

When information about an object is displayed in the Information window, you can access that object's
modify dialog box so you can modify the object.

To access an object's modify dialog box from the Information window:

•In the Information window, place the text cursor in the name of the object and select Modify. Learn
about accessing the Information window.

Learn about other ways of Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

Clearing the Information Window

Each time you request information in the Information window, Adams/View adds the information to the
bottom of the Information window without removing the current information. You can remove all
current information.

To clear the Information window:

In the Information window, select Clear.

Saving Information in the Information Window

You can save the contents of the Information window to a text file.
To save the contents of the information to a text file:

1.In the Information window, select Save to File.

The Select File dialog box appears.

2.Select the directory in which you want to place the file.

3.In the File Name text box, enter the file name.

4.Select Open.

Displaying a Text File in the Information Window

You can display any text file in the Information window. You will find this helpful if you want to display
an information file that you saved or you are creating a demonstration of your model using an
Adams/View command file and you want to display information about a particular object or aspect of
the demonstration.

To display a text file when the Information window is already displayed:

1.In the Information window, select Read from File.

The File Selection dialog box appears.

2.Select the directory in which you want to place the file.

3.Highlight the file that you want to open in the list, or type the file name in the File Name text box.

4.Select Open.

To display a text file when the Information window is not displayed:

1.On the Tools menu, select Show File.

The Info Window Read dialog box appears.

2.In the File Name text box, you can either:

• Enter the name of the file.

•Browse for a file: right-click the File Name text box, and then select Browse to display the File
Selection dialog box.

3. Select OK.

The Information window appears with the text of the file as its content.

Copying Text in the Information Window

You can copy any text in the Information window for use in another window, dialog box, or application.
You cannot paste or delete any text in the window.

To copy text in the Information window:

1.Highlight the text that you want to copy.

2.Right-click the Information window and select Copy.

Setting the Information Mode

By default, the Information window displays only a part's parent and type. To display more information
about the part, you can turn on verbose mode. When you turn on verbose mode, the Information
window displays the children of the object, its geometry, whether or not comments are associated with
it, and its attributes, such as its color and visibility.

To turn on verbose mode:

Select the Verbose check box.

Adams/View Interface
Learn about the different aspects of the Adams/View interface.

Using Shortcut Menus

The four different types of shortcut menus are explained in the table below.

To display and select a command from a shortcut menu:

1.Right-click the appropriate type of object.

2.Select the desired command.

When cursor is over: The shortcut menu lets you:

Modeling object in the main Select, modify, duplicate, delete, measure, rename,
window (for example, a rigid deactivate, set appearance, and display information
body) about the object.
Main window (over no Set the display of the main window, such as zoom in on
modeling object) your model or change the view orientation.

Text box in a dialog box Enter information required in the text box.

Strip charts that monitor a Transfer the plot to the full plotting window, display
measure information about the measure, and delete the measure.

Using Toolboxes, Tool Stacks, and Palettes

Some of the tools on the Main toolbox are actually tool stacks. If you are using tool stacks frequently,
you can display many of them as floating dialog boxes, or palettes. For example, you can display the
Geometric Modeling tool stack as the Geometric Modeling Palette. You can keep these palettes open
during your entire modeling session and place them anywhere on your screen.

As you create objects, such as parts or constraints, Adams/View provides settings to assist in defining
the objects. It provides the settings in a container at the bottom of the palette or Main toolbox. For
example, as you create a link, Adams/View lets you specify its width, length, and depth before you
create it. Then, as you create the link, these dimensions are set regardless of how you move the cursor.
You can also define design variables or expressions for these setting values.

To select a default tool from the Main toolbox or palette:

Click the tool once with the left mouse button.

To select a default tool so you can use it several times or set the display in all view windows:

Double-click the tool with the left mouse button.

To stop using a tool:

Select another tool, Esc key, or the Select tool.

To display a tool stack and select a tool from it:

1.Right-click a tool stack.

2.Select the desired tool in the stack.

To display a tool stack as a palette:

On the tool stack, select the Display Palette tool .
Working with Text Boxes

Text boxes in dialog boxes let you input information into Adams/View. Adams/View text boxes provide
you with a visual cue as to whether or not the information in the text box is required to run the
command. If the information in the text box is required, the text box appears in a lighter shade of gray. If
the information is not required, the text box appears in a darker shade of gray. Also, you can use the
shortcut menu in a text box to determine if the information is required.

Learn more:

Using Shortcut Menus in Text Boxes

Entering Modeling Objects in Text Boxes

Searching for Files

Cutting, Copying, Pasting, and Clearing Text

Viewing and Validating Text in Text Boxes

Entering Unit Measurements in Text Boxes

Working with the Coordinate Window

You can use the coordinate window to help you identify the coordinates of any location in a view
window. You can also measure the distance between objects based on their coordinate locations.

The sections below explain how to work with the coordinate window:

Displaying the Coordinate Window

Measuring the Distance Between Points

Displaying the Coordinate Window

To toggle on and off the display of the coordinate window, do one of the following:

On the View menu, select Coordinate Window.

•On the Main toolbox, from the Toggle tool stack, select the Coordinate Window tool .
The coordinate window appears in the lower right corner of the screen. You can move and size it as you
do any window in your operating system.

Tip: Press the F4 key to toggle the display of the coordinate window.

Measuring the Distance Between Points

In delta mode, you can use your mouse and the coordinate window to find the distance between two

To measure the distance between two points:

Move the cursor to the point in a view window where you want to begin, and press and hold down the
1.mouse button.

Drag the cursor to the next point. As you drag the cursor, Adams/View displays the distance the cursor
2.moves in the coordinate window.

3.To end delta mode, release the mouse button.

Using Tables to Enter Values

Adams/View has two types of tables for entering values as shown in the table below. To learn more,

Entering Values in Cells

Moving Between Cells

Selecting Cells and Rows

Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Text in Cells

Viewing Entire Contents of a Cell

Resizing Columns

Click an image below to view larger image.

table: Lets you: Example:

Table Enter
Editor values
for all
types of

Locatio Enter
n Table values
, such as
for the
on a

Undoing and Redoing Operations

You can undo the effects of most Adams/View commands. Adams/View remembers up to 20
Adams/View operations. For example, if you accidentally delete a joint, you can undo the deletion by
selecting Undo. Note that you cannot undo the effects of some commands, such as the commands in the
File menu.

To undo an operation, do one of the following:

On the Edit menu, select Undo.

On the Main toolbox, select the Undo tool .

Type Ctrl + Z.
To redo an operation, do one of the following:

On the Edit menu, select Redo.

On the Main toolbox, select the Redo tool .

Type Ctrl + Shift + Z.

Canceling Operations

You can cancel any operation that you started in Adams/View. For example, you can exit from a dialog
box or from a drawing operation or stop a simulation or animation.

To cancel an operation, do one of the following:

Select the Cancel button on a dialog box, if available.

Press the Esc key or select the Stop tool on the status bar.

Managing Messages

Types of Messages

Adams/View displays informational messages, errors, warnings, and faults in the following interface

Click the element for an example.

element: Displays:

Status bar Informational status messages, brief descriptions of commands, and the
time remaining in an operation. It also displays messages to assist you in
creating and editing objects. Be sure to watch it as you work with
Adams/View. The status bar appears at the bottom of the main window

Alert Errors or messages about the command that you selected. For example, it
boxes appears when you select to perform an operation on an object and there are
no objects of that type in the database.
Message Messages about the execution of a command. By default, the message
window window only displays messages about commands you execute from the user
interface. You can also set it to display messages about commands that you
execute from the command window, Command Navigator, and command

Setting the Messages Displayed

By default, the Message window only displays error and fatal messages and messages from commands
that you execute from the user interface (for example, menus and dialog boxes). You can also display
messages that you execute from the command window, Command Navigator, and command files. In
addition, you can set the severity level of the messages displayed, from informational to fatal messages.

To set the messages displayed in the message window:

1.From the Message window, select Settings.

The Message Settings dialog box appears.

2.Set the messages that you want displayed as explained in the table below, and then select OK.

To display: Select one of the following:

Only certain types Only Graphical User Interface (GUI) widgets to display messages that
of messages are generated from commands you execute from the user interface.

The GUI, the command line, and command files to display messages
that you execute from the user interface, command window,
Command Navigator, and command files.

Don't display messages to turn off the display of all messages.

Messages at or Information - Displays messages about what is occurring during a

above a specified command. Setting the message window to display these types of
severity level messages helps you understand what is happening in Adams/View
but requires no action from you.

Warning - Displays messages that warn you that something unusual

occurred but the operation can continue. You may want to fix or
change something to complete the operation without warnings.

Error - Displays messages that indicate that the operation cannot be

executed. You need to fix or change something to complete the

Fatal - Displays messages that indicate that a programming error

occurred. You should report the message to MSC's Technical Support

Clearing the Message Window

Each time you receive a message in the Message window, Adams/View adds the message to the bottom
of the message window without removing the previous message. You can, however, clear all previous

To clear the message window:

From the Message window, select Clear.

Setting Screen Icon Display

When you first start Adams/View, it displays screen icons. As you add objects to your model, however,
these icons can clutter your view of the model. To clear the display of a window, you can turn off the
icons. You can select to turn off:

All icons

Only icons of certain types of objects, for example, all joints

Only icons for individual objects, such as FORCE_1

In addition, you can set the size of the icons either in current units or as a factor of their current size.

Learn more about how to set the display of screen icons by database and object type.

Setting Screen Icon Display by Database

Setting Screen Icon Display by Object Type

For information on quickly toggling the display of all screen icons, see Displaying View Accessories. For
information on setting the display of icons for individual objects, see Setting Object Appearance.

Setting Screen Icon Display by Database

You can set up how you want screen icons to be displayed for an entire modeling database. By default,
all models and objects in the modeling database inherit the screen icon settings that you specify for the
database. You can, however, override the inheritance for different types of objects as explained in
Setting Screen Icon Display by Object Type, or for individual objects as explained in the Setting Object

To set up the screen icon display for the entire database:

1.On the Settings menu, select Icons.

The Icon Settings dialog box appears.

2.Set New Value to one of the following to select whether or not you want to turn on screen icons:

• No Change - Select No Change to not change the current settings.

•On - Turns on all icons regardless of how you set the icon display for individual objects or types of

•Off - Turns off all icons regardless of how you set the icon display for individual objects or types of

In the New Size text box, enter the size you want for the screen icons. Note that any changes you
make to the size of icons for individual objects or types of objects take precedence over this size

To save the settings for each new database in the Adams/View settings file (aviewBS.cmd), select Save
4.new size as default.

5.Select OK.

To reset the screen icon display to the previous values:

On the Icon Settings dialog box, select Reset.

Setting Screen Icon Display by Object Type

You can set up how you want screen icons displayed for a particular type of object, such as all parts or
joints. By default, all objects inherit the screen icon display options that you specify for the modeling
database. You can set screen icon options for the following types of objects:



•Data elements

Equations (system elements)




•Markers (Note that markers belong to parts and, therefore, by default, inherit screen icon display
options for parts.)Motion




To set screen icon display options for objects of a particular type:

1.On the Settings menu, select Icons.

The Icon Settings dialog box appears.

2.Set Specify Attributes for to the type of object for which you want to set the screen icon options.

From the Visibility area of the Icon Settings dialog box, select whether or not you want to turn on
3.screen icons for the selected object type. You can select:

On - Turns on the display of screen icons for the selected type of object.

•Off - Turns off the display of screen icons for the selected type of object. Remember, however, that
turning on the display of screen icons for the entire database overrides this setting.

•Inherit - Lets the object type simply inherit the display settings from its parent. For example, a
coordinate system marker inherits settings from its parent part.

•No Change - Does not change the current settings. Lets you make changes to other display options
without affecting the visibility of the icons.

4.Enter the size you want for the icons or select the amount by which you want to scale the icons. The
scale factor is relative to the current size set. A scale factor of 1 keeps the icons the same size. A scale
factor less than 1.0 reduces the size of the icons and a scale factor greater than 1.0 increases the size
of the icons. Note that these changes take precedence over the size you specify globally for the
modeling database.

5.Enter the color you want to use for the icons.

To browse for or create a color, right-click the Color text box, and then select Browse or Create.

Set Name Visibility Option to whether or not you want the names of objects of the selected type
1.displayed in the view. Refer to Step 3 for an explanation of the choices.

2.Select OK.

Display Options
Setting Display Options

Setting Part Display

You can set a view window so it displays a particular part in the current model. You will find this helpful
when you want to compare or work with different parts at the same time.

To display a single part in a view window:

1.Click the view window in which you want to display the part.

2.On the View menu, select Part Only.

The Database Navigator appears listing the parts in the current model.

3.Select the part you want to display.

4.Select OK.

The selected part appears in the currently active view.

Displaying View Accessories

When you first start Adams/View, it displays several accessories to help you manage the view of your

Working grid

Screen icons

View triad

View title

Note: You can also use the tools in the Main toolbox to set the display of these items. If you use the
tools, you can change the accessories for all view windows at once but you cannot change the
view title.

To use a dialog box to toggle on and off the display of view accessories:

1.Click the view window whose accessories you want to change.

On the View menu, select View Accessories, and then select the accessories that you want to turn on
2.or off from the View Accessories dialog box that appears.

3.Enter the title you want displayed in the currently active view window, and then press Enter.

4.On the Window menu in the View Accessories dialog box, select Exit.

To use tools in the Main toolbox to toggle on and off the display of view accessories:

1.If you want to change the view accessories for only one view window, click that view window.

On the Main toolbox, from the Toggle tool stack, select a view accessory tool. Double-click any of the
tools to apply the accessory changes to all view windows. Note that the tool must be on top of the tool
2.stack to double-click it.

Select the buttons Icons or Grid on the Main toolbox to toggle on and off the display of screen icons
3.and the working grid.

Tip: • Type a lowercase g while the cursor is in the view window to toggle on and off the display of the
working grid in the active view window

• Type a lowercase v to toggle on and off the display of screen icons.

Setting Rendering Mode

Adams/View provides six rendering modes in which you can display a model in a view window.

To select a rendering mode:

Click the view window whose rendering mode you want to change.

On the View menu, point to Render Mode, and then select a rendering mode.

To toggle the display between wireframe and smooth-shaded mode:

Do one of the following:

On the Main toolbox, select Render to toggle between wireframe and smooth-shaded mode.

Type an uppercase S in the view window.

Displaying Toolbox and Toolbars

You can turn on and off the display of the Main toolbox and the Standard and status toolbars. You can
also set where the Standard and status toolbars appear—either at the top of the main window under
the menu bar or at the bottom of the window. By default, the Main toolbox appears at the left of the
main window, the Standard toolbar is turned off, and the status bar appears at the bottom of the

To turn toolbars on and off:

1.On the View menu, select Toolbox and Toolbars.

The Tool Settings dialog box appears.

Select the visibility of each toolbar and its placement in the main window. Your changes take place

3.Close the dialog box.

Setting Stereo Viewing

You can set up stereo viewing. Stereo viewing is available on all UNIX platforms but not Windows.

To run stereo viewing, before running Adams/View, set the MDI_STEREO environment variable
MDI_STEREO (setenv MDI_STEREO 1). Learn more about setting environment variables.

Stereo viewing is only available when running Native OpenGL graphics with the
OpenGL_Software_Assisted registry setting set to disabled. You use the Registry Editor.
To set this registry setting:

1.From the Adams Toolbar, right-click the Toolbar tool , and then select Registry Editor.

The Registry Editor appears.

2.Select AView -> Preferences -> Graphics -> OpenGL_Software_Assisted.

Using Stereo Viewing on SGI Machines

There are two types of stereo views available on SGI machines:

Above-and-below viewing - The first, and least useful, is above-and-below viewing. This type of viewing
is used with non-stereo- ready hardware and splits the screen into two halves, a top half and bottom
half. The result is that the screen size in pixels is effectively cut in half in the vertical direction. For
example, on a monitor set for a screen size 1024 x 768 pixels, the screen size changes to 1024 x 384.
•This changes the aspect ratio of the screen and of the resulting images displayed within Adams/View
and Adams/PostProcessor. They appear to be one half as tall as they should be.

Interlaced stereo viewing - The second type of viewing is Interlaced stereo viewing, which is available
on stereo-capable graphics cards. This approach has the advantage that the screen aspect ratio is not
changed and, therefore, the resulting images maintain the same proportions has their non-stereo
counterparts. To enable this mode in the current Adams code, the video format for the monitor must
be set to a format that supports interlaced stereo viewing. To do this, use the SGI setmon(1) shell
•command. For example, on a SGI tezro machine with a V12 graphics card, you could use the following

/usr/gfx/setmon -n 1280x1024_100s

To turn on stereo viewing and set options for it:

1.From the Settings menu, select Stereo Viewing.

2.Select Stereo viewing.

3.Set the following options as desired:

For the
option: Do the following:

Depth of Slide to control the depth of the perspective matrix.


Eye Slide to control of offset between the left and right modeling views.

Parallax Control the type of parallax view used to display the model:

Positive - Positive parallax viewing produces images that appear to be within

the space of the monitor. For engineering purposes where objects are often
cut off by the window borders or partially obscured by dialog boxes, positive
parallax viewing produces images that are less confusing to the viewer and
are, therefore, easier to view.

Negative - Negative parallax viewing produces images that appear to float in

space in front of the display. Viewing floating images that are partially
obscured by interface items produces confusing cues to the viewer. While
the image appears in front of the screen, the interface items appear to be
on the screen but these interface items can obscure part of the image.
These conflicting inputs can be confusing and lead to extra strain.

Eye Position Use with Negative parallax viewing and use it to control how far the image
floats in front of the screen.

Setting View Background Colors

By default, Adams/View uses a blue background to display the main window and any view windows that
you create. It also provides a set of colors in which you can display the background. You can set the view
to any color by setting the red, green, and blue colors directly.

Learn more:

Selecting a Preset Background Color

Creating a Background Color

Selecting a Preset Background Color

You access the palette of background colors using:

View Background Color command on the Settings menu.

Background Color tool stack on the Main toolbox.

The View Background Color command contains all the pre-set colors, while the Background Color tool
stack contains only four of the most commonly used colors.
To select a color from the Background Color tool stack:

Select a color from the Background Color tool stack.

To select from the entire palette of background colors:

1.From the Settings menu, select View Background Colors.

The Edit Background Colors dialog box appears.

2.Select a color from the palette of preset background colors.

The color appears in the Current color box and its color values appear in the Red, Green, and Blue color
value sliders.

3.Select OK.

Creating a Background Color

You can create a background color by setting its red, green, and blue light percentages and change the
background of all view windows to this new color. You cannot add the color to the preset palette of
colors or change the colors in the preset palette.

To create a color:

1.From the Settings menu, select View Background Colors.

The Edit Background Color dialog box appears.

If desired, select a color near to the color that you want to create from the palette of preset
2.background colors.

The color appears in the Current color box, and its color values appear in the Red, Green, and Blue color
value sliders. Adams/View creates the color by mixing the red, green, and blue light percentages as
specified in the color value sliders.

3.Change the color values for the color in the Red, Green, and Blue color value sliders, as desired.

As you change the color values, the New color box changes to reflect the new values.

4.Select OK.

To reset a color to the original background color:

Select the R tool in the Edit Background Color dialog box.

Setting Up the Working Grid

By default Adams/View displays a working grid. You can set the appearance of various elements in the
grid, such as its color, location, and orientation.

Learn more:

Setting the Appearance of the Working Grid

Setting the Location and Orientation of the Working Grid

Setting Up the Appearance of the Working Grid

You can set the appearance of various elements in the working grid and toggle their visibility. You can
also set the working grid to represent polar working grid or rectangular working grid coordinates.

To set the appearance of the working grid:

1.Do one of the following:

• On the Settings menu, select Working Grid.

On the Move tool stack, select the Working Grid tool .

The Working Grid Settings dialog box appears.

2.Select whether or not you want to display the working grid.

Select the type of working grid you want to use (Rectangular or Polar). Adams/View changes the
coordinate system settings accordingly. For more information on coordinate systems, see Setting
3.Default Coordinate System.
Select the size and spacing of the working grid. The options for setting the size and spacing depend on
4.the type of working grid you select, as listed below.

• For a rectangular working grid, set the following:

Size - Enter the size of the grid in the x and y directions in length units.

Spacing - Enter the spacing between each point in the grid in the x and y directions in length units.

For a polar coordinate system, set the following:

Maximum Radius - Enter the radius of the working grid from its origin to its outermost circle.

Circle Spacing - Enter the amount of space between each circle in the working grid. The smaller the
spacing, the more circles Adams/View defines.

Radial Increments - Enter the number of lines radiating from the origin of the working grid. Adams/View
spaces the lines equally around the working grid. The lines do not include the axes. The number of lines
(N) determines the angle increment between lines (q), as shown in the formula:

= 360×/N

For example, if you specify 8 lines, the angle increment between the lines is 45.

Select the color and weight (thickness) of each object in the grid. You can also set the color of the
objects to Contrast, which indicates that Adams/View should select a color that contrasts with the
color currently set for the view background. Setting the color to Contrast is particularly helpful when
you set each of your view windows to a different background color or when you frequently change the
5.view background.

The colors listed for the working grid elements are the same colors provided for setting the color of
objects. The colors do not include any new colors that you created.

The weight values are from 1 to 3 screen pixels.

6.Select OK.

Setting Up the Location and Orientation of the Working Grid

You can set the center location and orientation of the working grid as desired. This is particularly helpful
when you are moving or creating objects because, by default, Adams/View moves and creates objects in
the plane of the working grid.

To set the location and orientation of the working grid:

1.Do one of the following, if you haven't already:

• On the Settings menu, select Working Grid.

On the Move tool stack, select the Working Grid tool .

The Working Grid Settings dialog box appears.

2.Set the center location of the working grid by setting Set Location to one of the following:

• Global Origin to set the center location of the working grid to the center of the view window.

Pick and click a location on the screen to set as the center of the working grid.

3 .Set Set Orientation to how you want to orient the working grid. You can set its orientation by picking
points or by aligning it with the screen plane. Note that if you select Pick for orientation, you will also
set the location of the working grid.

View Options
Setting Up the Window Layout
By default, Adams/View displays the front of your model in the entire main window. Adams/View also
provides 12 view window layouts for the main window. The layouts vary from a single view window of
your model up to six windows. Each window displays a different view of your model. Adams/Views
displays the current model (if there is one) into any of the views that are empty.
You select the layout you’d like for your main window from a palette of layouts or from the Window
Layouts tool stack on the Main toolbox. The palette and tool stack contain the same set of view layouts.
If you display the palette, you can keep it open so that you can quickly select another layout.

To select a layout:

1.Do one of the following:

• On the View menu, select Layout to display the Window Layout palette.

Select the Window Layouts tool stack.

2. Select a layout.

3.If you used the palette, select Close to close it. You can keep it open to quickly switch between layouts.

Activating a View Window

By default, Adams/View changes the display of your model only in the active view window, leaving the
other windows the same. The active window is outlined in red. Adams/View also provides shortcuts
from the tool stacks that let you change the display in all your view windows at once.
To activate a view window so that any display changes occur in it:

Click anywhere in the view window using the left mouse button. Be sure the border changes to red.

Changing the View in a Window

Adams/View provide seven pre-set views of your model that you can display in any of your view
windows. You can access the pre-set views using the Pre-set command on the View menu or using the
set of View Orientation tool stacks on the Main toolbox.

To set a view in a view window:

1.Click the view window whose view you want to change.

2.Do one of the following:

On the View menu, point to Pre-Set, and then select a view.

On the Main toolbox, select one of the tools on the View Orientation tool stacks.

Double-click any of the tools to apply the view orientation to all view windows. Note that the tool
3.must be on top of the tool stack to double-click it.

Tip: Type one of the following uppercase letters while the cursor is in a view window to change to the
corresponding view:

F - Front view

T - Top view

R - Right view

I - Iso

Setting the Center of a View Window

You can move a particular point in your model to the center of the current view window. This is
particularly helpful when you have zoomed in on your model and you want to rotate the view because it
lets you set the center about which Adams/View rotates the view. You can also reposition the model so
that the origin (0,0) of the window is again at the center of the window.

To set a particular point as the center of window:

1.Do one of the following:

• On the View menu, point to Position/Orientation, and then select Center.

On the Main toolbox, select the Center tool .

Tip: Type a lowercase c.

2.Click the left mouse button on the point in the model that you want at the center of the window.

To return the origin (0,0) of the window to the center of the window:

On the View menu, point to Position/Orientation, and then select Origin.

Setting the View Perspective

By default, Adams/View displays your model as though it were drawn on a flat piece of paper. This is
called orthographic projection mode. You can change the depth of the screen to perspective mode.
Perspective mode causes a vanishing point effect by showing the size of parts relative to their distance
from the viewer. It does not show the true proportions of all parts. The figure below shows a solid box in
the two different view projection modes. Once in perspective mode, you can set the distance the objects
are from the viewer.

To set the current view to perspective mode, do one of the following:

On the Main toolbox, select the Depth button.

On the View menu, point to Projection, and then select Perspective.

To set the perspective in the window:

1.On the Main toolbox, from the Translate tool stack, select the Translate Z tool .

Tip: Type a lowercase d to change the perspective.

2.Place the cursor in the view window and click and hold down the left mouse button.

3.Drag the cursor in the window as follows:

To increase perspective, drag the cursor upward.

To decrease perspective, drag the cursor downward.

4.When the window contains the desired perspective, release the mouse button.

To set the view back to orthographic mode, do one of the following:

On the Main toolbox, clear the Depth check box again.

On the View menu, point to Projection, and then select Orthographic.

Dynamically Translating a View

To move the display of the model so that you can see objects that are outside the current view window
boundaries, you can translate the view. Translating the view moves the view in the x and y directions as
you move the cursor. You can also more precisely control the translation of the view by specifying the
amount by which Adams/View translates the view each time you move the cursor.

You can translate the view by selecting the Translate command from the View menu or View shortcut
menu that appears in the main window. In addition, there is a Translate tool on the Main toolbox. If you
want to control the amount by which Adams/View moves the view, you must use the Translate tool on
the Main toolbox.

To dynamically translate the view:

1.Do one of the following:

• On the View menu, point to Position/Orientation, and then select Translate.

On the Main toolbox, from the Translate tool stack, select the Translate tool .

Place the cursor in the view window and click and

2. hold down the left mouse button.

Drag the cursor in the window in the direction you want to translate the view. The view of the window
3.follows the movement of the mouse.

4.When the window contains the desired view, release the mouse button.

Tip: Type a lowercase letter t while the cursor is in a view window.

To dynamically translate a view by specified increments:

Use the Translate tool on the Main toolbox as explained above, but also:

On the Main toolbox, in the Increment box, enter the amount by which you want to increment the
1.view translations.

As you translate the view, hold down the Shift key. Holding down the Shift key limits Adams/View to
2.the increments you specified. To translate the view continuously, release the Shift key.

Dynamically Rotating a View

You can rotate the display of the model about any of the view’s three axes (x, y, or z). You can also more
precisely control the rotation of the view by specifying the amount by which Adams/View rotates the
view each time you move the cursor. All the rotation operations work using screen axes. Screen axes are
fixed with x to the right, y up, and z out of the screen.

You can rotate a view the Position/Orientation submenu on the View menu or from the View shortcut
menu. In addition, you can use the Dynamic Rotation tool stack on the Main toolbox to rotate the view
about the screen x-, y-, and the z-axes. If you want to set the amount by which Adams/View rotates the
view, you must use the Dynamic Rotation tool stack on the Main toolbox.

To rotate a view dynamically:

1.Do one of the following:

On the View menu, point to Position/Orientation, and then select one of the Dynamic Rotation
• commands.

•Select a tool from the Dynamic Rotation tool stack on the Main toolbox. Select either:
Rotate XY tool to rotate the view about the screen’s x- and y-axes at the same time.

Rotate Z tool to rotate the view about the screen’s z-axis.

Place the cursor in the view window, hold down the left mouse button, and move the cursor to rotate
2.the view in the specified direction. As you move the cursor, the view changes.

3.When the window contains the desired view, release the mouse button.

Tip: Type a lowercase r while the cursor is in the view window to rotate the view about the x- and y-axes and type
a lowercase s to rotate (spin) the view about the z-axis.

To dynamically rotate a view by specified increments:

Use a Dynamic Rotation tool on the Main toolbox as explained previously, but also:

•On the Main toolbox, in the Increment box, enter the amount by which you want to increment the
view rotations. You can enter any value, but we suggest that you use a value between 0 and 360. Try 5.

•As you rotate the view, hold down the Shift key. Holding down the Shift key limits Adams/View to the
increments you specified. To rotate the view continuously, release the Shift key.

Orienting the View Using an Object XY

You can rotate the view to that of any object in your model. Adams/View rotates the view so that the
front of the selected object appears in xy plane of the view. The front of an object is the location where
its positioning handle is set to the screen axes. For example, if you have two blocks as shown in the
following figure, you can orient the view to the front of BLOCK_1 simply by selecting any part of

To orient the view using an object:

1.Select one of the following:

• On the View shortcut menu, select Align to Object XY.

On the Main toolbox, select the Align to Object XY tool .

2. Select an object.

Tip: Type a lowercase e when the cursor is in the view window. e stands for entity orient.

Orienting the View Using Precise Increments

You can rotate the view about the x, y, and z screen axes by a specified increment.

To orient the view by precise increments:

1.On the Main toolbox, select the View Rotation tool from the Toggle tool stack.

The View Rotation palette appears.

2.Select the amount by which you want to incrementally rotate the view.

3.Select the appropriate rotation arrows on the View Rotation palette to rotate the view.

Orienting the View Using Three Points

You can specify three points to define a new view orientation in the view window. The first point defines
the center of the view and the second and third points define the x- and y-axes. You can define the
points for the x- and y-axes using any edge, face, or point in your model.

For example, if you have two blocks as shown in the figure below, you can rotate the view to see the
front of the first block, BLOCK_2, by selecting the center of mass of BLOCK_2 as the center of the view
and selecting two points along the edges of BLOCK_2 that define the new view. In the figure, the points
that you would select are indicated with X’s.
To orient a view using three points:

1.Do one of the following:

• On the View shortcut menu in the main window, select Align to 3 Point.

On the Main toolbox, select the Align to 3 Point tool .

Select the point you want to define as the center of

2. the view.

Select an edge, face, or point to define the x-axis and then select another edge, face, or point to define
3.the y-axis.

Adams/View rotates the view to the new view.

Dynamically Zooming the Display

Changes the magnification of your model in the window. Dynamic zooming automatically zooms the
current window in and out as you move the cursor. You can more precisely control the magnification by
specifying an increment by which Adams/View zooms the window.

To dynamically zoom the current window:

1.Select one of the following:

• On the View menu, point to Position/Orientation, and then select Zoom In/Out.

On the Main toolbox, select the Zoom In/Out tool .

Position the cursor in the window you want to zoom

2. and hold down the left mouse button.

3.Move the cursor in the window:

To enlarge the display of the model, move the cursor toward the outside of the window. Do not move
• the cursor outside of the window or Adams/View turns dynamic zooming off.

To shrink the display of the model, move the cursor in toward the center of the window.

When the model is at the desired magnification,

4. release the mouse button.

Tip: Type a lowercase z while the cursor is in the window to dynamically zoom the view.
To dynamically zoom the window by increments:

Use the Zoom In/Out tool on the Main toolbox as explained above but:

On the Main toolbox, in the Increment box, enter the

amount by which you want to increment the zoom.
For example, to magnify the view 3 times, enter 3. To
1. magnify it by 1/2, enter.5.

2.As you move the cursor in the window, hold down the Shift key.

Zooming In and Out by Pre-Set Values

You can quickly enlarge and shrink the display of the model in the current window by 1/2 (50%) its
current magnification.

To magnify the display by 1/2:

On the View menu, point to Position/Orientation, and then select Zoom In.

To shrink the display by 1/2:

On the View menu, point to Position/Orientation, and then select Zoom Out.

Defining a Zoom Area

You can define the area that you want enlarged and displayed in the current window. You draw a box to
define the zoom area. The lower left corner of the window that you define becomes the lower left
corner of the view window. The shape of the window you define does not need to correspond to the
shape of the view window. Adams/View fits the specified area into the view window as necessary.

To define a zoom box:

1.Do one of the following:

• On the View menu, point to Position/Orientation, and then select Zoom Box.

On the Main toolbox, select the Zoom Box tool .

Place the cursor where you want the upper right

corner of the box and click and hold down the left
2. mouse button.

3.Drag the mouse diagonally to define the size of the box.

4.Release the mouse button.

Tip: Type a lowercase w when the cursor is in the window.

Fitting a Model in a Window

You can fit the entire model into the current window using the Fit and Fit - No Ground commands.

Fit - Fits the entire model into the window, including the ground part and any geometry attached to it.

Fit - No Ground - Excludes the ground part and its geometry.

For example, if you have a model of a car that also has a very large piece of geometry on ground
representing a road, and you use Fit to view the entire model, the view contains all of the geometry, as
shown in the image on the left. The car appears very small after the fit to accommodate the road. If you
use Fit - No Ground, the view is only of the car, as shown in the image on the right.

To fit the entire model, including ground, into the window:

Do one of the following:

On the View menu, point to Position/Orientation, and then select Fit.

Right-click the background of the screen, and, from the shortcut menu, select Fit to View.

On the Main toolbox, select the Fit tool .

Tip: Type a lowercase f.

To fit the model, excluding ground, into the window:

On the View menu, point to Position/Orientation, and then select Fit - No Ground.

Right-click the background of the screen, and, from the pop-up menu, select Fit to View.

Tip:  Type Ctrl f.

Refreshing the Model Display

You can redraw the main window to return the model to its initial configuration and display all geometry
in the model. This is particularly useful if you selected to view only certain parts and now want to view
the entire model.

To refresh the model display:

On the View menu, select Refresh.

Adams/View Tools
Coordinate window
Displays the coordinate location of the cursor in the main window. It updates the coordinates as you
move the cursor. You can also use the coordinate window to find the distance between two points.
To toggle its display:

On the Main toolbox, from the Toggle tool stack, click the Coordinate Window tool .

Tip: Press the F4 key.

•Double-click to apply the change to all view windows. The tool must be on top of the tool stack to
double-click it.

Command Navigator

The Command Navigator displays a list of all Adams/View command keywords. A plus (+) in front of a
keyword indicates that the command has more keywords below it but they are hidden. A minus (-)
indicates that all keywords below the keyword are displayed. No indicator in front of a keyword
indicates that there are no more keywords below the object. When you select an object with no
indicator, a dialog box appears in which you enter parameters for executing the command.

Command Window

View -> Command Window -> F3

Provides a text-based way to enter Adams/View commands. It assumes that you understand the
Adams/View command language underlying the Adams/View interface. The command window contains
both a command entry area for entering commands and a command information area for displaying
informational and error messages:
Message Window

View -> Message Window

Provides you with messages on the status of Adams/View and displays helpful information while you are
using Adams.

Adams/View displays messages about the execution of a command in the message window. By default,
the message window only displays messages about commands you execute from the user interface. You
can also set it to display messages about commands that you execute from the command window,
Command Navigator, and command files.

Learn about using the Message window.

Information Window

Tools -> Model Topology Map/Model Verify or Right-click on a part -> Info

Adams/View uses the Information window to display many different types of information about your
model, simulation, or motion data. In addition to just viewing information about your model, you can
perform a variety of operations in the Information window.

The information includes:

Topology on the different objects in your model

Object information, such as information about a part or a view

Model verification results

•Measurements from one coordinate system marker to another

Result set component information

View attributes

Results from a system command you run using the Tools -> System Command

Learn about:

Viewing Object Information in Information Window

Viewing Model Topology

Verifying a Model

option: Does the following:

Apply Executes the command but leaves the dialog box open so you can execute
the command again.

Parent Displays an object's parent.

Children Displays an object's children.

Modify Select to display the modify dialog box for the object displayed in the text
box at the top of the Information window.

Verbose Select if you want to display more information about the object such as
children of the object, its geometry, whether or not commands are
associated with it, and its attributes like color and visibility.

Clear Removes all current information in the window.

Read from Allows you to read information from a saved file.

Save to Allows you to save the information.

Database Navigator
Tools -> Database Navigator     Shared Dialog Box

Displays the types of objects appropriate for the command you are executing and shows objects in their
database hierarchy. You can browse for objects or set it to rename objects, view information about the
objects and view dependencies. You can also set a filter for the types of objects displayed in the
Database Navigator.

Learn about Database Navigator.

For the
option: Do the following:

Pull-Down Use the pull-down menu to choose a mode option. Select one:

Browse (the default; the options on this page describe Browse)

Display Attribute




Topology by Parts

Topology by Connections

Graphical Topology


Select List

Filter Select if you want to filter the types and names that you want displayed in
the Database Navigator. Then, enter the name of the objects you want to
display in the text box and use the pull-down menu to the right to select the
type of object(s) you want to display. You can also use the pull-down menu
below the Filter text box to only display those objects that are active or

Sort by Use the pull-down menu to choose how you want the objects sorted. You
can also select to not sort the objects so they appear in the order they are
stored in the modeling database.

Highlight Off by default. Select if you want an object to appear selected in the main
window and the reverse.

Use the plus sign (+) or the minus (-) (--) signs to display or hide all of the
children hidden/shown in the tree view.

Table Editor

Tools -> Table Editor

Allows you to enter values for all types of objects. It displays the objects in your modeling database in
table format so you can compare, update, and manage the objects. The object information you can view
and update depends on the type of object. You can create and delete object.

To set the type of objects displayed:

Select a check box of the desired object type from along the bottom of the Table Editor.

Adams/View updates the Table Editor to display the selected type of object.

Learn about Editing Objects Using the Table Editor.

For the option: Do the following:

  Select to insert the text in the input cell into the selected cell.

(Insert Select to insert text from the input cell into the selected cells.

(Object Select to insert the database name for the next selected cell into the
Name & input box.

(Cell Select to insert the self-reference operator into the input cell. Learn
Variable about entering modifying cells based on their current contents.

  Input Enter text to add to more than one cell at a time and quickly update
cell the values in the cell.

  Apply Click to execute the object table's commands.

  OK Click to execute the object table's commands and close the Table

  Create Select to create a new object for the current table type.

  Filters Displays the Filters dialog box.

  Sorting Displays the Sorting dialog box.

  Write Select to write out the contents of this object table.

  Reload Select to reload the values in the database into the Table Editor.

Purging Cache Files

Flexible-body cache files (.fcf) used to achieve the performance of flexible-body animations can
accumulate on your disk after repeated simulation-animation iterations. You can purge the cache files
from your disk through the Tools menu in both Adams/View and Adams/PostProcessor (animation

Learn more about cache files.

To purge cache files:

From the Tools menu, select Purge Cache Files.

2) Building Models
Basics of Model Building
Parts define the objects in your model that can have mass and inertia properties and can move. All
forces and constraints that you define in your model act on these parts during a simulation. The next
sections explain more about parts:

Types of Parts

Adams/View provides you with three different types of parts that you can create:

Rigid Bodies

Flexible Bodies - Basic Adams/View provides you with the ability to create discrete flexible links. For
•more functionality, you can purchase Adams/Flex. For information on purchasing Adams/Flex, see your
MSC sales representative, and for information on using Adams/Flex, refer to Adams/Flex online help.

Point Masses

In addition, Adams/View provides a ground part that is already created for you.

Local Coordinate Systems

As you create parts, Adams/View assigns a coordinate system to each part, known as its local coordinate
system. A part’s local coordinate system moves with the part and its original position defaults to that of
the global coordinate system.

The local coordinate system is a convenient way to define the position and location of objects.
Adams/View also returns simulation results, such as the position of a part, as the displacement of a
part’s local coordinate system with respect to the global coordinate system. It returns object results,
however, as the displacement of a part’s center of mass relative to the global coordinate system.

Degrees of Freedom
Each rigid body that you create can move within all degrees of freedom; a point mass can move within
three translational degrees of freedom. You can constrain the movement of parts by:
Adding them to the ground part, which means they are fixed to the ground and cannot move in any
•direction. Each time you create geometry, Adams/View gives you the option to add it to ground, create
a new part, or add it to an existing part.

•Adding constraints, such as joints, to define how the parts are attached and how they move relative to
each other.

Naming Conventions

As you create parts, Adams/View automatically generates names for them based on their type and the
number of objects of that type in your model. For example, when you create a point mass, Adams/View
names it POINT_MASS_1. For all rigid bodies, except points and coordinate system markers,
Adams/View uses the name PART regardless of the type of geometry. For example, if you create a box,
Adams/View names it PART_1. When you create a second box, Adams/View names it PART_2, and so
on. You can rename your parts. Learn about Renaming Objects Through Menu Commands.

Rigid Bodies
The most common type of part in your model is a rigid body. Adams/View provides a library of geometry
that you can use to create rigid bodies. A part can be made up of many different geometric objects.
There are two types of geometry that you can use to create rigid bodies.

Construction geometry

Solid geometry

Each time you create geometry, you can select to do one of the following:

Create a new part containing the geometry.

Add the geometry to an existing part.

Add the geometry to ground. You add geometry to ground if the geometry does not move or influence
the simulation of your model. For example, if you are simulating a car driving around a race track, the
•geometry that defines the race track can be added to ground. (You can also fix parts temporarily to
ground using a fixed joint.

In addition, you specify the location of the geometry in space. You can select to define the location of
the geometry:

•Graphically, by picking locations on the screen or by selecting an object on the screen that is at the
desired location.

Precisely, by entering coordinate locations.

Learn more techniques for creating and placing objects.

As you create rigid bodies in your model, you can define them so that the location or orientation of one
object affects the location or orientation of another body. This is called parameterizing your model.

Parameterizing your model simplifies changes to your model because it helps you automatically size,
relocate, and orient objects. For example, if you parameterize the geometry of two links to the location
of a point, when you move the point, the link geometry changes accordingly, as shown in the figure

Example of Parameterizing Locations

The ways in which you can build parameterization into your model while creating rigid bodies include
the following:

•Attach objects to points so that when you change the location of the points, the body locations and
orientations update accordingly.

As you create a point, Adams/View gives you the option to attach other nearby objects to the point. The
help that explain how to create points also explain how to attach objects to them.

Define design variables to represent values of your rigid body geometry, such as the length or width of
•a link. You can create design variables for any values you specify for a rigid body. Design variables are
needed when you run tests on your model, such as design studies.

Create expressions that calculate the values of your rigid bodies, such as the length or width of a box.
•You can specify expressions for any values you specify for a rigid body geometry. For more information
on creating expressions, see Adams/View Function Builder online help.

You can also parameterize your model after you build it. For more information on parameterization, see
Improving Your Model Designs.
Modeling Environment
Before You Begin
Before you begin creating the parts of your model, you might want to take some time to set up your
modeling environment and learn some drawing and placement techniques. To help you place parts
accurately, do the following:

Turn on the working grid so that the points snap to a grid. In addition, Adams/View draws objects
•parallel to the current working grid so by displaying it you can better see how your objects are being
drawn. Learn about Setting Up the Working Grid.

•Display the coordinate window so that you can view the coordinate values as you place points. Learn
about Working with the Coordinate Window.

•Be sure to set the current units to those required for your model. Learn about Setting Default
Coordinate System.

Review the different tools for drawing and placing objects in Tools and Techniques.

Tools and Techniques

There are several techniques in Adams/View that can help you create objects with precision and speed.

Turning Selection Highlighting On and Off

Adams/View provides a Dynamic Model Navigator that highlights entire objects or edges, faces, and
points on those objects so you can easily select, place, or align an object that you are creating or a rotate
a view.

The Model Navigator highlights objects and displays their names as you move the cursor over them
within the main window. For example, when you create a marker, the Model Navigator highlights edges,
faces, and points you might want to use to orient the axes of the coordinate system. In addition, if you
are adding a point or joint to a part, the Model Navigator highlights the different parts in your model to
which you can add the point or joint. The figure below shows the the Model Navigator highlighting line

The Model Navigator only highlights those objects that are appropriate for the operation you are
currently performing. For example, when you are aligning the faces of two parts, the Model Navigator
only highlights faces. It does not highlight edges or points. In addition, if you are chaining together wire
geometry, the Model Navigator only highlights wire geometry.

Finally, when you are defining a direction, the Model Navigator lets you select points, edges, or faces.
When you select an edge or face, the Model Navigator then lets you select the direction along the object
that you want to define since edges and faces don't provide unique direction.

To improve performance you can turn off the Model Navigator.

To turn off the Dynamic Model Navigator:

During a selection operation, press the Ctrl key.

Setting Snapping to Objects

As you build your model through the graphical interface, Adams/View automatically snaps the object
that you are creating to surrounding geometric objects. This can help you quickly align parts or draw
objects that touch other objects.

To turn off object snapping:

As you create an object, press the Ctrl key.

Note: If the working grid is on, when you draw, move, resize, or reshape geometry, the geometry
automatically snaps to the grid points. Learn about turning on and off the working grid.

Entering Precise Location Coordinates

As you create an object, such as a design point or a force, Adams/View often asks you to select the
position of the object. You can do this graphically by clicking the mouse button when the cursor is in the
screen or you can enter location coordinates to precisely set its location. You can enter the location
relative to the origin of the working grid, the global coordinate system, or any other object on the

To enter location coordinates:

1.When Adams/View asks you for a location, right-click.

The Location Event dialog box appears as shown below. The current coordinates of the cursor appear in
the upper box.

2.In the upper box, enter the coordinates at which to place the object.

Select the element (working grid, global coordinate system, or modeling object) to which the
3.coordinates are relative. By default, the coordinates are relative to the working grid.

In the lower box, enter the object to which the coordinates are relative. You only need to enter an
4.object if you selected that the coordinates are relative to an object.

5.Select Apply.

Selecting from a List of Objects

When you perform a modeling operation, such as set an object's appearance or specify a force direction,
and you need to select an object from the screen, you can display a list of all objects in the area
surrounding the cursor and then select the desired object from the list. Note that this only works during
a modeling operation. The objects include geometric objects, such as object faces, vertices, and more.

To display a list of all objects in an area of the screen:

1.Right-click the area of the screen containing the desired object.

A selection box of all the objects in the area appears.

2.Highlight the desired object from the list and select OK.

As you highlight the desired object in the list, Adams/View also highlights the object on the screen. To
3.see what objects the names in the list represent, scroll through the list to highlight the objects.

Geometric Modeling Palette and Tool Stack

Build -> Bodies/Geometry

Main toolbox -> Right-click Geometry tool stack

Displays tools for creating rigid body geometry.

Click a tool below for more information.

Geometric Modeling Palette (from Build

Geometric Tool Stack Menu)
Construction Geometry
You can create several types of construction geometry. You draw construction geometry normal to the
screen or the working grid, if you turned it on.

Creating Points

To create a point:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Point tool .

2.In the settings container, specify the following:

• Whether you want the point added to ground or to another part in your model.

• Whether you want to attach nearby objects to the point. For information on attaching objects, see

3.If you selected to add the point to another part in your model, select the part.

4.Place the cursor where you want the point to be located and click the left mouse button.

Tip: If you want to place the point at the location of another object, as you create the point, right-click
near the object. Adams/View displays a list of objects near the cursor. Select the object at whose
location you want to place the point. Adams/View creates the point at that location.

If you want to specify precise coordinates, right-click away from the object. A dialog box for entering
the location of the point appears. For information on using the dialog box, see Entering Precise
Location Coordinates.

Creating Markers

To create a marker:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select the Marker tool .

2.In the settings container, specify the following:

•Whether you want the marker added to: (a) Ground (b) Another part in your model (including a flexible
body); or (c) Curve (only available with Adams/Solver (C++)) (Learn about switching solvers.)
•How you want to orient the marker. Set Orientation to the desired orientation method. When adding a
marker to a curve, the orientation is prescribed implicitly.

3.Do one of the following:

• If you selected to add the marker to a part, select the part to which you want to add the marker.

•If you selected to add the marker to a curve, select the spline curve onto which you want to add the
marker (splines and data-element curves are all considered curves).

Place the cursor where you want the marker to be

4. located and click.

If you selected to orient the marker to anything other than the global or view coordinate system,
select the directions along which you want to align the marker’s axes. Do this for each axis that you
5.selected to specify.

Adams/View draws the marker, aligning its axes as specified.

Tip: To reorient the marker, use the Align & Rotate tool from the Move tool stack, select Align One Axis,
and then follow the prompts:

1.Select the object to align (the first marker)

2.Select the axis on object to align (z-axis on first marker)

3.Select the direction for the axis:

• Select the center of the first marker

Select the center of the second marker

Creating Lines and Polylines

To draw a single line:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Polyline tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an
existing part or ground.

• Set the type of line to be drawn to One Line.

• If desired, set the length and angle of the line.

3.Position the cursor where you want the line to begin, and click the left mouse button.

4.Move the cursor in the direction you want to draw the line.

5.When the line is the desired length and orientation, click again to end the line.

To draw an open or closed polyline:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Polyline tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an
existing part or ground.

• Set the type of line to be drawn to Polyline.

• If desired, set the length of the line segments.

3.Select whether you want a closed polyline (polygon) by selecting Closed.

4.Position the cursor where you want the polyline to begin, and click the left mouse button.

5.To create the first line segment, drag the cursor and click to select its endpoint.

6.To add line segments to the polyline, continue dragging the cursor and clicking.

To stop drawing and create the open or closed polyline, right-click. If you selected to create a closed
polyline, Adams/View automatically draws a line segment between the last and first points to close
7.the polyline. Note that clicking the right mouse button does not create another point.

Tip: While creating the polyline, you can remove the last line segment that you created by clicking its
endpoint. You can continue removing line segments in the reverse order that you created them.

Creating Arcs and Circles

To draw an arc:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select the Arc tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an
existing part or ground. By default, Adams/View creates a new part.

• If desired, set the radius of the arc.

• Specify the starting and ending angles of the arc. The default is to create a 90-degree arc from a
starting angle of 0 degrees.

Click where you want the center of the arc and then drag the mouse to define the radius of the arc and
the orientation of the x-axis. Adams/View displays a line on the screen to indicate the x-axis. If you
specified the radius of the arc in the settings container, Adams/View maintains that radius regardless
3.of how you drag the mouse.

4.When the radius is the desired size, click.

To draw a circle:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Arc tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part or add the geometry to an existing part. By default,
Adams/View creates a new part.

• If desired, set the radius of the circle.

• Select Circle.

Click where you want the center of the circle and then drag the mouse to define the radius of the
circle. If you specified the radius of the circle in the settings container, Adams/View maintains that
3.radius regardless of how you drag the mouse.

4.When the radius is the desired size, click.

Creating Splines

To create a spline by selecting points on the screen:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select the Spline tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an
existing part or ground.

• Select whether you want the spline to be closed or open.

3.Set Create by Picking to Curve or Edge.

4.Place the cursor where you want to begin drawing the spline, and click.

Click the locations where you want the spline to pass through. You must specify at least eight locations
5.for a closed spline and four locations for an open spline.
6.To stop drawing the spline, right-click.

Tip: If you make a mistake, click the last location you defined. You can continue removing locations by
clicking on each location in the reverse order that you defined them.

To create a spline by selecting an existing curve or edge:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select the Spline tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an
existing part or ground.

• Select whether you want the spline to be closed or open.

3.Set Create by Picking to Curve or Edge.

In the # Points text box, set how many points you want used to define the curve or edge or clear the
4.selection of Spread Points and let Adams/View calculate the number of points needed.

5.Select the curve.

Creating Solid Geometry

You can create several types of solid geometry. In addition, you can combine solid geometry into more
complex geometry or modify the geometry by adding features, such as fillets or chamfers.

Creating a Box
To create a box:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select the Box tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an
existing part or ground.

• If desired, set any of length, height, or depth dimensions of the box.

3.Place the cursor where you want a corner of the box and click and hold down the left mouse button.

4.Drag the mouse to define the size of the box. If you specified any of the length, height, or depth
dimensions of the box in the settings container, Adams/View maintains those dimensions regardless of
how you drag the mouse.

5.Release the mouse button when the box is the desired size.

Creating Two-Dimensional Plane

To create a plane:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Plane tool .

In the settings container, specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or
2.add the geometry to an existing part or ground.

3.Place the cursor where you want a corner of the box and click and hold down the left mouse button.

4.Drag the mouse to define the size of the box.

5.Release the mouse button when the box is the desired size.

Creating a Cylinder

To create a cylinder:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Cylinder tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an
existing part or ground. By default, Adams/View creates a new part.

• If desired, set the length or radius dimensions of the cylinder in the settings container.

3.Click and hold down the mouse where you want to begin drawing the cylinder.

Drag the mouse to size the cylinder. If you specified any of the length and radius dimensions of the
cylinder in the settings container, Adams/View maintains those dimensions regardless of how you drag
4.the mouse.

5.When the cylinder is the desired size, click.

Creating a Sphere

To create a sphere:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select the Sphere tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an
existing part or ground. By default, Adams/View creates a new part.
• If desired, set the radius of the sphere.

3.Click where you want the center of the sphere.

Drag the mouse to size the sphere. If you specified a radius dimension for the sphere in the settings
4.container, Adams/View maintains that dimension regardless of how you drag the mouse.

5.When the sphere is the desired size, click.

Creating a Frustum

To create a frustum:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Frustum tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an
existing part or ground.

• If desired, set the length or radii of the frustum.

3.Click where you want to begin drawing the frustum.

Drag the mouse to size the frustum. If you specified the length or radii of the frustum in the settings
4.container, Adams/View maintains those dimensions regardless of how you drag the mouse.

5.When the frustum is the desired size, click.

Creating a Torus

To create a torus:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Torus tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an
existing part or ground. By default, Adams/View creates a new part.

• If desired, set the minor and major radii of the torus.

3.Place the cursor where you want the center of the torus and click.

Drag the mouse to define the radius of the torus. If you specified the radii of the torus in the settings
4.container, Adams/View maintains those dimensions regardless of how you drag the mouse.

5.When the torus is the desired size, click.

Creating a Link
To create a link:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select the Link tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an
existing part or ground.

• If desired, set any of the length, width, or depth dimensions of the link.

3.Place the cursor where you want to begin drawing the link, and click.

Drag the mouse until the link is the desired size and then release the mouse button. If you specified
the length, width, and depth of the link in the settings container, Adams/View maintains those
4.dimensions regardless of how you drag the mouse.

Creating a Plate

To create a plate:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Plate tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an
existing part or ground.

• If desired, set the thickness or radius of the corners of the plate.

3.Place the cursor where you want the first corner of the plate and click the left mouse button.

4.Click at each corner of the plate. You must specify at least three locations.

5.Continue selecting locations or right-click to close the plate.

Note: If the distance between any two adjacent points is less than two times the radius of the corner,
Adams/View cannot create the plate.

Creating an Extrusion

To create an extrusion based on an existing curve profile:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Extrusion tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an
existing part or ground.

• Set Create profile by to Curve.

• If desired, set the length (depth) of the extrusion.

• Specify the direction you want the profile to be extruded from the current working grid. Learn about

• Select Analytical to create the revolution using the analytical method. Clear to use the non-analytical

3.Select the curve profile.

To create an extrusion based on selected points:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Extrusion tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an
existing part or ground.

• Set Create profile by to Points.

• Specify whether or not you want to create a closed extrusion.

• If desired, set the length of the extrusion.

• Specify the direction you want the profile to be extruded from the current working grid. Learn about

• Select Analytical to create the revolution using the analytical method. Clear to use the non-analytical

3.Place the cursor where you want to begin drawing the profile of the extrusion and click.

4.Click at each vertex in the profile; then right-click to finish drawing the profile.

Learn to extrude existing construction geometry along a path.

Creating a Revolution

To create a revolution by selecting points to define the profile:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select the Revolution tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part or add the geometry to an existing part or ground.

• Set Create by Picking to Points.

• Specify whether or not you want to create a closed revolution.

• Select Analytical to create the revolution using the analytical method. Clear to use the non-analytical

3.Click at two points that define the axis about which Adams/View revolves the profile.

4.Click at the location of each vertex in the profile; then right-click to finish drawing the profile.

Tip: Be sure to draw the profile so that it does not intersect the line you drew to define the axis of

To create a revolution by selecting a profile curve:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select the Revolution tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

• Specify whether you want to create a new part or add the geometry to an existing part or ground.

• Set Create by Picking to Curve.

• Select Analytical to create the revolution using the analytical method. Clear to use the non-analytical

3.Click two points that define the axis about which Adams/View revolves the profile.

4.Select construction geometry defining the profile curve.

Creating Complex Geometry

Adams/View provides you with many ways in which you can take simple geometry and create complex
geometry from it. You can create solid geometry that has mass from wire geometry or create complex,
open geometry that has no mass.
Chaining Wire Geometry
To chain wire construction geometry together:

1.If necessary, create the wire geometry.

2.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Chain tool .

Click each piece of the wire geometry to be chained. As you move the cursor around the main window,
3.Adams/View highlights those objects in your model that can be chained.

4.After selecting the geometry to be chained, right-click to create the chained geometry.

Extruding Construction Geometry Along a Path

You can add thickness to construction geometry by extruding it to create three-dimensional geometry.
You can extrude lines, polylines, polygons, and wire geometry that you have chained together. You
cannot extrude points. If the geometry you extrude is closed, Adams/View creates solid geometry that
has mass. Adams/View centers the extruded geometry about the z-axis of the view screen or working
grid, if it is turned on.

When you extrude geometry, you select the geometry that you want to extrude, called the profile
geometry, and then you select the wire geometry that defines the path along which you want to extrude
the profile.

The geometry you extrude can be a new part or belong to another part, which you specify when you
extrude the geometry.

Learn about extrusion limits.

To extrude construction geometry:

1.If necessary, create the construction geometry.

2.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Extrusion tool .

3.In the settings container, do the following (you can ignore all other settings):

• Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the extruded geometry or add the
geometry to an existing part or ground.

• Select Along Path.

• Select Analytical to create the revolution using the analytical method. Clear to use the non-analytical

4.Select the construction geometry to be extruded.

5.Select the construction geometry defining the path along which you want to extrude the geometry.

Combining Geometry
Once you have created individual parts of solid geometry, you can combine them into one part to create
complex, solid geometry, referred to as constructive, solid geometry or CSG. Adams/View creates the
solid geometry using Boolean operations, such as union and intersection.

Creating One Part from the Intersection of Two Solids

To create a part from the intersection of two overlapping solids:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select the Intersect tool .

Select the solid geometry to be combined. As you move the cursor, Adams/View highlights those
2.objects that can be combined. The second part you select is combined into the first part.

Creating One Part from the Union of Two Solids

To create a part from the union of two solids:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Unite tool .

Select the solid geometry to be combined. As you move the cursor, Adams/View highlights those
2.objects that can be combined. The second part you select is combined into the first part.

Cutting a Solid

To create a part from the difference of two solids:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette, select the Cut tool .

Select the solid geometry to be cut. As you move the cursor, Adams/View highlights those objects that
2.can be cut. The second part you select is cut from the first part.

Splitting a Solid

To split a complex solid:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select the Split tool .

Select the solid geometry to be split. Adams/View highlights those objects in your model that can be
Adding Features to Geometry
You can add features to the solid geometry that you create, including chamfering the edges of the
geometry, adding holes and bosses, and hollowing out solids.

Chamfering and Filleting Objects

To create a chamfered or fillet edge:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select either of the following tools:

• To create a chamfered edge or corner, select the Chamfer tool .

To create a fillet edge or corner, select the Fillet tool .

2. In the settings container, do one of the following:

If desired, for chamfers, specify the width of the bevel.

•If desired, for fillets, specify the radius. To create a variable fillet, also select End Radius and enter the
end radius. Adams/View uses the value you enter for radius as the starting radius of the variable fillet.

Select the edges or vertices to be chamfered or filleted. The edges and vertices must be on the same
3.rigid body.


Creating a Hole or Boss

To create a hole or boss:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select either of the following tools:

• To create a hole, select the Hole tool .

To create a knob, select the Boss tool .

2. In the settings container, do one of the following:

•If desired, forholes, specify the radius and depth of the hole. You cannot specify the radius and depth
of a hole so that it splits the current geometry into two separate geometries.

•If desired, for bosses, specify the radius and height.

3.Select the face of the body on which you want to create the hole or boss.

4.Click the location where you want to center the hole or boss.

Tip: To create a hole or boss at a specific location, create a temporary marker at the desired location for
the hole or boss, and select it in Step 4.

Hollowing Out a Solid

To hollow an object:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select the Hollow tool .

2.In the settings container, do the following:

If desired, specify the thickness of the remaining shell after you hollow the object.

If you want to add the shell to the outside of the object, clear the Inside check box.

3.Select the solid body that you want to hollow.

Select the faces of the body that you want to hollow. Adams/View highlights those faces that can be

5.Click the right mouse button to hollow the selected faces.

Merging Geometry
To merge two rigid body geometry:

1.From the Geometric Modeling palette or tool stack, select the Merge tool .

Select the geometry to be merged. Adams/View highlights those objects in your model that can be
merged as you move the cursor around the modeling window. The second geometry that you select is
2.combined into the first.

Adams/View combines the selected geometry and deletes the second.

Modeling Two-Dimensional Body Using Planar Option

Adams/Solver (C++) only (Switch solvers)

After you create a rigid body, you can identify it as planar (as having only three degrees of freedom
(DOF)) instead of creating a planar joint. The three DOFs are global x and y translations and a rotation
about the global z-axis. You can think of the body as a regular three-dimensional body with a built-in
planar joint. Unlike a body and a planar joint pair, however, which combines to add 18 equations to an
index-3 dynamic analysis in Adams/Solver, the planar body only adds six equations.

Example of using the planar option.

Note: Using planar parts does not limit your use of three-dimensional contacts. If you can simplify your
•contacts to two-dimensional representations, however, you will usually realize speed

A planar body is implicitly constrained to move in a plane at a fixed global value of z. Any force
applied to the planar part in the global z direction is discarded. The same applies to torques
about the global x- and y-axes. It is not possible to measure the reaction forces required to
•constrain the planar part to stay in plane. If such forces are desired, you must subsitute the
equivalent part and planar joint combination.

To set a part as planar:

1.Create the three-dimensional rigid body.

2.Display the Modify Rigid Body dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

3.Set Category to Name and Position.

4.At the bottom of the dialog box, select Planar.

From the option menu that appears, select the plane in which the planar part will move. The default is
5.for the planar part to move in the global xy plane.

6.Select OK.

Links, Point Masses, and Traces

Discrete Flexible Links
A discrete flexible link consists of two or more rigid bodies connected by beam force elements. You
indicate the following and Adams/View creates the appropriate parts, geometry, forces, and constraints
at the endpoints:

Endpoints of the link

Number of parts and the material type

Properties of the beam

Types of endpoint attachments (flexible, rigid, or free)

The following figure shows a flexible link composed of rigid bodies whose cross-section geometry is

For more information on beam force elements, see Adding a Massless Beam. Also note the caution
about the asymmetry of beams explained in that section.

Learn more:

Types of Flexible Link Geometry

Positioning Flexible Links

About Number of Beams Created

Creating Flexible Links

•Modifying Flexible Links

Types of Flexible Link Geometry
To make it convenient to create discrete flexible links, Adams/View provides a set of geometry you can
select for the cross-section of the link. If the pre-defined geometry does not meet your needs, you can
also define your own cross-section based on area and inertia properties that you enter. If you enter area
and inertia properties yourself, Adams/View creates short angular geometry to represent the link.

The pre-defined cross-section geometry that you can select includes:

Solid rectangular

Solid circular

Hollow rectangular

Hollow circular


Adams/View uses the cross-section geometry to calculate the following:

Area and area moments of inertia (Ixx, Iyy, Izz) for the beams.

Mass, mass moments of inertia (Ixx, Iyy, Izz), and center-of-mass markers for the rigid bodies.

Note that Adams/View does not directly use the geometry to account for stress on the beam. Therefore,
any stress values are based on the area and area moments.

Positioning Flexible Links

You use two or three markers to define the locations and orientation of a discrete flexible link:
Markers 1 and 2 (attachment markers) and an orientation marker, which is required for only certain
types of cross-section geometry.

As you can see from the examples, the attachment markers (Markers 1 and 2) define the total length of
the flexible link and the x (longitudinal) direction of the associated beam forces. Adams/View creates
new markers on top of Markers 1 and 2, as well as at the centers-of-mass of the geometry associated
with the discrete flexible link. For the resulting beams, the vector from Marker 1 to Marker 2 defines the
x-axis while the vector from Marker 1 to the orientation marker defines the xz-plane. The global axes are
not relevant to the orientation of the beam forces unless you erroneously specify three colinear

The orientation marker works with the two attachment markers (Markers 1 and 2) to define a plane. The
x-axis of the beam markers will be aligned along the line formed between the attachment markers. The
beam markers will be oriented such that their z-axes are in the plane formed by the two attachment
markers and the orientation marker. If the orientation marker is colinear with the two attachment
markers, the plane formed by those three points is indeterminate. Adams/View will not attempt to
adjust the orientation marker by adding unit vectors until a noncolinear solution is found. The
orientation marker itself is not changed.

About Number of Beams Created

The following table shows how the number of beams that get created for your flexible link depends on
the number of segments and the types of endpoint attachments.

Types of endpoint attachments: Number of beams created:

Free-Free Number of segments - 1

Rigid-Rigid Number of segments - 1

Free-Rigid or Rigid-Free Number of segments - 1

Flexible-Free or Free-Flexible Number of segments

Flexible-Rigid or Rigid-Flexible Number of segments

Flexible-Flexible Number of segments + 1

For links with axisymmetric cross-sections, such as solid and hollow circular sections, the orientation of
the cross section is not critical and so Adams/View does not require the use of an orientation marker.

Creating a Flexible Link

To create a flexible link:

1.From the Build menu, point to Flexible Bodies, and then select Discrete Flexible Link.

The Discrete Flexible Link dialog box appears.

2.Define the overall properties of the flexible link as explained in the table below.

To specify:

Do the following:

Name for parts, constraints, forces, and markers

In the Name text box, enter a text string of alphanumeric characters. Adams/View prepends the text
string you specify to the name of each object it creates. For example, if you specify the string LINK, the
first rigid body is LINK_1, the first marker is LINK_MARKER_1, and so on.

Type of material

In the Material text box, enter the type of material to be used for the rigid bodies and beam properties.

Learn about Setting Up Material Types.

Number of segments

Enter the number of rigid bodies that you want in the link.

Damping ratio

In the Damping Ratio text box, enter the ratio of viscous damping to stiffness for the beam forces.


In the Color text box, enter the color to be used for the geometry in the flexible link.


Define the length of the link and its flexibility at its ends as explained in the table below. 

To specify:

Do the following:

Ends of the link

Enter the markers that define the endpoints of the link in the Marker 1 and Marker 2 text boxes. Marker
1 defines the start of the link and Marker 2 defines the end of the link. Marker 1 and Marker 2 are also
used to calculate the orientation of the link. Learn more about Positioning Flexible Links.

Flexibility at the ends of the link

Select how to define the ends of the link from the Attachment pull-down menus. You can select the
following for each end of the link:

free - The end is unconnected.

rigid - A fixed joint is created between the parent of Marker 1 and the first part of the
•discrete flexible link or between the parent of Marker 2 and the last part of the
discrete flexible link.

flexible - The link has discrete flexibility all the way to the endpoint. To create this
flexibility, Adams/View creates an additional beam force between the first or last
•segment of the link and the parent part of Marker 1 or Marker 2. The length of the
beam is one half of the segment length.

Select one of the following to define the geometry of the link or specify the area and area moments of
4.inertia of the flexible link, and then select OK.

• Solid rectangle

• Solid circle

• Hollow rectangle

• Hollow circle

• I-beam

• Properties

Modifying Flexible Links

Once you create a discrete flexible link, you must modify each object separately, such as each beam and
rigid body. Therefore, you might find it easier to delete the beam and create it again instead of
modifying each object individually.

If you find that link does not bend enough, investigate your cross-section and material properties and
possibly increase the number of segments in the link.

Point Masses
Point masses are points that have mass but no inertia properties or angular velocities. They are
computationally more efficient when rotational effects are not important.
For example, you could use point masses to represent the concentrated masses in a net. You could then
represent the ropes between the masses as forces or springs. The following figure shows a model of a
net with point masses.

To create or modify a point mass:

1.From the Build menu, point to Point Mass, and then select either New or Modify.

2.If you selected Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a point mass to modify.

The Create or Modify Point Mass dialog box appears. Both dialog boxes contain the same options.

3.If you are creating a point mass, enter a name for the point mass.

Set the mass of the point mass in the dialog box and adjust its location as desired. By default,
4.Adams/View places the point mass in the center of the main window with a mass of 1 in current units.

Select the Comments tool on the dialog box and enter any comments you want associated with
5.the point mass.

6.Select OK.

Creating Trace Spline

Traces follow the motion of a point or part (circle or cylinder) as it moves relative to a second part.

You can create two- or three-dimensional splines from traces. A trace that follows a point creates a
three-dimensional spline. The point can move in any direction relative to the part on which the trace
was created.

A trace that follows a circle or cylinder creates a two-dimensional spline. Adams/View creates the curve
in the xy plane of the base marker (the marker on the part on which the trace was created).
Adams/View assumes the circle is parallel to the plane or the cylinder is perpendicular to the plane, and
that the motion is in this plane.

When you create the trace, Adams/View creates a base marker that is oriented properly with respect to
the circle or cylinder you selected. Therefore, the curve will be in the plane of the circle in its initial
position. You have to make sure that the motion is in the plane of the circle or you will get unexpected
results. Therefore, be sure to think of the circle trace as occurring in the plane of the circle. It can be any
plane, not necessarily the global xy plane.

To create a spline from a trace:

Set up your model so that it creates the desired motion after which you want the spline to be

2.Run a simulation of your model as explained in Performing an Interactive Simulation.

Reset the simulation by selecting the Simulation Reset tool from either the Simulation container on
3.the Main toolbox or the Simulation palette.

4.From the Review menu, select Create Trace Spline.

Select a point, marker, circle, or cylinder with which to trace, and then select the part on which to

You can trace on ground or any other part. For a point trace, select anywhere on the point or part. For
a circle or cylinder, however, be careful where you select because where you select on the circle and
the part determines the resulting trace geometry. There are usually two possible traces, one on each
6.side of the circle or cylinder.

7.Replay the simulation to see the selected object follow the trace curve.

Tip: The following are some tips on creating splines from traces:

•When you trace an object, the point/circle should move in a smooth, even path or the trace ends
up looking like scribbles on the screen.

If the path is closed, you should simulate for one cycle only.

If the trace is uneven or complex, you can get a strange looking curve as a result. As an alternative
to the Create Trace Spline menu command, you can use the Command Navigator to execute the
command: geometry create curve point_trace. It lets you create a polyline instead of a spline,
•which works better if the trace is uneven or complex. In that case, the motion of the cam or slot is
transferred through the traced curve and gives the desired follower motion.
Overview of Constraints
Constraints define how parts (rigid bodies, flexible bodies, or point masses) are attached to one another
and how they are allowed to move relative to each other. Constraints restrict relative movement
between parts and represent idealized connections.

Types of Constraints

Adams/View provides a library of constraints including:

Idealized joints

Joint primitives

Motions generators

Higher-pair constraints

The following figure shows some of the different types of idealized joints that Adams/View supports.
Constraints and Degrees of Freedom

Degrees of freedom (DOF) are a measure of how parts can move relative to one another in a model. A
body free in space has six DOF in which it can move: three translational and three rotational. Each DOF
corresponds to at least one equation of motion. When you add a constraint, such as a revolute joint,
between two parts, you remove DOF between the parts, causing them to remain positioned with
respect to one another regardless of any motion or force in the model. Each constraint in Adams/View
removes different DOF.

For example, a revolute joint removes all three translational DOF and two of the rotational DOF between
two parts. If each part had a point on the joint that was on the centerline of the revolute pin, then the
two points would always remain coincident. They would only rotate with respect to one another about
one axis: the centerline of the revolute joint.

The total number of DOF in a model is equal to the difference between the number of allowed part
motions and the number of active constraints in the model. When you run a simulation of your model,
Adams/Solver calculates the number of DOF in your model as it determines the algebraic equations of
motion to be solved in your model. You can also calculate the DOF in your model before running a
simulation as explained in Verifying Your Model.

For a list of the DOF that the different constraints in Adams/View remove, see the following:

•DOF Removed by Idealized Joints

•DOF Removed by Primitive Joints

• DOF Removed by Higher-Pair Constraints

•DOF Removed by Motion

Connecting Constraints to Parts

Adams/View uses the convention that the first part that you select when you create a constraint is the
part that moves relative to the second part that you select. For example, if you join a door and a door
frame with a joint, the first part that you select is the door so that it moves relative to the door frame.

Adams/View always applies forces at the location of the constraint. For example, for a revolute joint,
Adams/View applies any forces at the center of the joint. For joints that allow translational movement,
such as a screw joint connecting a nut and bolt, the location of the joint changes over time as the first
part moves relative to the second part and, therefore, the locations of the forces change. For the nut
and bolt, as the nut moves along the bolt, the location of the joint changes and the reaction forces also
change relative to the bolt.

When you create many of the constraints in Adams/View, including most idealized joints, primitive
joints, and some types of motion, Adams/View provides you with shortcuts for specifying the parts that
the constraints are to connect or to which the motion is to be applied. As you create a constraint, you

Let Adams/View connect the constraint to the parts nearest to the constraint location. If there is only
one part, Adams/View assumes that the second part is ground. Note that letting Adams/View select
•the parts is only appropriate when two parts are located near one another and when it does not matter
which part Adams/View considers the first or second part.

There are some constraints, such as revolute, translational, and cylindrical, to which you can apply
motions. If you think that you will apply a joint motion, you should explicitly select the two parts when
creating the constraints.

There are other constraints, such as Hooke/universal, inline, and perpendicular, which are very sensitive
to which part is the first part and which is the second. When you create these constraints, you should
explicitly select the parts to be connected.

•Explicitly select the parts to be connected. The first part that you select moves relative to the second
part that you select.

If you created your model in exploded view, which lets you create individual parts and then assemble
them together into a model, you can specify the parts to be connected by the constraint and then
•select a different location for the constraint on each part. When you assemble the parts into a model,
Adams/View joins the parts together at the location on the first part that you selected.

Constraints and I and J Markers

When you create a constraint, Adams/View creates markers at the specified location on both parts.
Adams/View orients the markers in the direction of the axis along which the parts can move with
respect to each other. The marker on the first part is often called the I marker and the marker on the
second part is called the J marker.

When Adams/View creates a joint primitive, it creates an I marker on the first part and a J marker on the
second part. It connects the I marker on the first part to the J marker on the second part.

For more on the effects of I and J markers on the joint, see JOINT in the Adams/Solver online help.

Tips on Constraining Your Model

The following are some tips to help you constrain your model correctly.

•Build your model by adding constraints to a few parts and testing the constraint connections
frequently. By building your model, you can more easily pinpoint the cause of any simulation problems.

•Be sure that you connect the right parts and that you correctly define which part should move relative
to another part.

Be sure that you connect the right parts and that you explicitly select which part is to move relative to
another part if the constraint allows translational motion.

Be sure to orient the constraint correctly.

If you do not define constraint directions correctly, you might not remove DOF from the model that you
intended to and, in fact, you might remove DOF that you did not intend to.

For example, if you have a slider-crank model and you direct a translational joint between the slider and
ground so that it is out of the plane of desired motion, the model locks up immediately when you run a

Be sure to select the correct type of constraint.

Try to find only one constraint that removes all the DOF that you need to remove. If you define more
than one constraint between two parts, you get the union of the DOF that each constraint removes,
which may not be what you expected. For example, if you have two concentric, cylindrical parts that you
want to allow to rotate and translate with respect to each other, and you use one translational and one
revolute joint between the parts, you lock the parts together. They lock together because the
translational joint allows no relative rotational movement and the revolute joint allows no relative
translational movement. In this case, instead of using the two joints, you should use a single cylindrical

Check the DOF in your system periodically.
Use the Verify command to check the DOF in your model to make sure you have the correct number of
parts and constraints. Learn about Verifying Your Model.

Run a kinematic simulation to test your model without forces.

If possible, run a kinematic simulation before performing a dynamic simulation. By running a kinematic
simulation, you can ensure that connections are correct before you add forces to your model. You may
have to add temporary constraints to your model to run a kinematic simulation.

•Remove redundant constraints from your model even if a simulation of your model runs correctly. See
More on Redundant Constraint Checking.

Working with Higher-Pair Constraints

Adams/View provides you with two types of higher-pair constraints: point curve and 2D curve curve.

Point-Curve Constraints
The point-curve constraint restricts a fixed point defined on one part to lie on a curve defined on a
second part. The first part is free to roll and slide on the curve that is fixed to a second part. The curve
on the second part can be planar or spatial or open or closed. The first part cannot lift off the second
part; it must always lie on the curve. A point-curve constraint removes two translational degrees of
freedom from your model.

When you specify the location of the point-curve constraint on the first part, Adams/View creates a
marker at that location. The marker is called the I marker. The I marker can only translate in one
direction relative to the curve. The I marker, however, is free to rotate in all three directions.

You can use the point-curve constraint to model a pin-in-slot mechanism or a simple cam follower
mechanism where a lever arm is articulated by the profile of a revolving cam.

When modeling a pin-in-slot mechanism, the point-curve constraint keeps the center of the pin in the
center of the slot, while allowing it to move freely along the slot and rotate in the slot.

To create a point-curve constraint:

Before creating a point-curve constraint, read Tips on Creating Higher-Pair Constraints.

1.From the Joint palette, select the Point-Curve Constraint tool .

2.In the settings container, set whether or not you will be selecting an edge or curve:

• Curves - Splines, chains, and data-element curves are all considered curves.
• Edge - An edge is one of the wireframe outlines drawn on a solid. For example, you can use a Parasolid
object representing a cam that you imported into Adams/View.

3.Select a point on a part that will travel along a curve.

Select the curve or edge along which the point will travel. The curve can be closed or open. Note that
when you select a closed curve, Adams/View highlights only a portion of the curve. Adams/View will
4.use the entire curve.

To Modify Point-Curve Constraints

The following procedure changes the basic properties and sets initial conditions for a point-curve
constraint. Learn about Working with Higher-Pair Constraints.

Note: You can also modify constraint properties using the Table Editor.

Display the Constraint Modify Higher Pair Contact Point Curve dialog box as explained in Accessing
1.Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.Assign a unique ID number to it.

In the Comments text box, add any comments about the cam that you want to enter to help you
3.manage and identify the cam.

4.Set the basic properties as explained in the table below.

For the
option: Do the following:

Curve Name Change the curve that defines the shape on which the point can move. You
can enter a curve on a part or a curve element. Learn about Using Curve
Elements in Your Model.

I Marker Point that moves along the curve.


J Floating Enter a marker that is a floating marker. Adams/Solver positions the origin
Marker Name of the floating marker at the instantaneous point of contact on the curve. It
orients the marker so that its x-axis is tangent to the curve at the contact
point, its y-axis points outward from the curve’s center of curvature at the
contact point, and its z-axis is along the binormal at the contact point.
Ref Marker Enter marker that is fixed on the part containing the curve on which the
Name point must move. Adams/Solver uses the reference marker to associate
the shape defined by the curve to the part on which the reference marker
lies. The curve coordinates are, therefore, specified in the coordinate
system of the reference marker.

Displacement Select either:

• Displacement Ic - Enter the initial point of contact along the curve. If the
Displacement point you specify is not exactly on the curve, Adams/View uses a point on
the curve nearest to the point you specify. By default, you specify the
initial point of contact in the coordinate system of the part containing the
curve or specify it in the coordinate system of the marker you specify for Ic
Ref Marker Name.

• No Displacement Ic - Leaves the initial displacement unset.

Velocity Ic/ Select either:

No Velocity Ic
• Velocity Ic - Velocity with which the point (I marker) moves along the
curve. You specify the velocity in the coordinate system of the part
containing the curve.

• No I Velocity Ic - Leaves the initial velocity unset.

Ic Ref Marker You can:

• Enter the marker with which the initial point of contact on the curve is

• Leave blank. Adams/View uses the coordinate system of the part

containing the curve.

5.Set the initial conditions as explained in the table below, and then select OK.

For the
option: Do the following:

Velocity Ic/ Select either:

No Velocity
Ic • Velocity Ic - Velocity with which the point (I marker) moves along the
curve. You specify the velocity in the coordinate system of the part
containing the curve.

• No Velocity Ic - Leaves the initial velocity unset.

Ic Ref You can:

Name • Enter the marker with which the initial point of contact on the curve is

• Leave blank. Adams/View uses the coordinate system of the part

containing the curve.

Curve-Curve Constraints

A curve-curve constraint restricts a curve defined on the first part to remain in contact with a second
curve defined on a second part. The curve-curve constraint is useful for modeling cams where the point
of contact between two parts changes during the motion of the mechanism. The curve-curve constraint
removes two degrees of freedom from your model.
An example of a curve-curve constraint is a valve lifter where a cam lifts a plate-like object. The point of
contact between the plate and the cam changes depending on the position and shape of the cam.

The two curves of the constraint, which you define by selecting edges in your model, must lie in the
same plane. You can initially select curves that are not in the same plane, but Adams/Solver moves the
parts during simulation to ensure that the two curves are constrained to the same plane of motion with
respect to each other. Both curves can be open or closed.

The curves always maintain contact, even when the dynamics of the model might actually lift one curve
off the other. You can examine the constraint forces to determine if any lift-off should have occurred. If
your results require an accurate simulation of intermittent contact, you should model the contact forces
directly using a vector force.

The curve-curve constraint models only one contact. Therefore, if the curves have contact at more than
one point, you need to create a curve-curve constraint for each contact, each with a initial condition
displacement near the appropriate point. Learn about higher-pair constraint initial conditions.

Note: Instead of defining a curve by selecting a curve on a part, you can also use a curve element that
you create to define the curve. To specify a curve element, you can create geometry for the curve
and select that geometry as you create the cam or modify the cam to reference the curve
element. Learn about Creating and Modifying Curve Data Elements.

To Create a Curve-Curve Constraints

Before creating a curve-curve constraint, read Tips on Creating Higher-Pair Constraints.

1.From the Joint palette or tool stack, select the Curve-Curve Constraint tool .

2.In the settings container, for each part, set whether or not you will be selecting an edge or curve:
• Curves - Splines, chains, and data element curves are all considered curves.

• Edge - An edge is one of the wireframe outlines drawn on a solid. For example, you can use a Parasolid
object representing a cam that you imported into Adams/View.

3.Select a curve or edge that will travel along a second curve.

Select the curve along which the first curve will travel. The curve can be closed or open. Note that
when you select a closed curve, Adams/View highlights only a portion of the curve. Adams/View will
4.use the entire curve.

To Modify 2D Curve-Curve Constraints

The following procedure changes the basic properties and sets initial conditions for a 2D curve-curve

Note: You can also modify constraint properties using the Table Editor.

Display the Constraint Modify Higher Pair Contact Curve Curve dialog box as explained in Accessing
1.Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.Assign a unique ID number to it.

In the Comments text box, add any comments about the cam that you want to enter to help you
3.manage and identify the cam.

4.Set the basic properties as explained in the table below.

For the
option: Do the following:

I Curve Change the curve that defines the shape of the curve that moves along the
Name second curve (J curve). You can enter a curve on a part or a curve element.
Learn about Curves.

J Curve Change the curve that defines the shape of the curve along which the first
Name curve (I curve) moves. You can enter a curve on a part or a curve
element.Learn about Curves.

I Ref Enter a marker that is fixed on the part containing the first curve (I curve).
Marker Adams/View uses the reference marker to associate the shape defined by the
Name curve to the part on which the reference marker lies. The curve coordinates
are, therefore, specified in the coordinate system of the reference marker.

J Ref Enter a marker that is fixed on the part containing the second curve (J curve).
Marker Adams/View uses the reference marker to associate the shape defined by the
Name curve to the part on which the reference marker lies. The curve coordinates
are, therefore, specified in the coordinate system of the reference marker.

I Floating Enter a floating marker. Adams/View positions the origin of the floating
Marker marker at the instantaneous point of contact on the first curve, which is also
Name the global position of the J floating marker on the second curve. Adams/View
orients the marker so that its x-axis is along the tangent at the instantaneous
contact point, its y-axis is along the instantaneous normal, and its z-axis is
along the resultant binormal.

J Floating Enter a floating marker. Adams/View positions the origin of the floating
Marker marker at the instantaneous point of contact on the second curve, which is
Name also the position of the I floating marker on the first curve. Adams/View
orients the marker so that its x-axis is along the tangent at the instantaneous
contact point, its y-axis is along the instantaneous normal, and its z-axis is
along the resultant binormal.

Set the initial conditions as explained in the table below, and then select OK. Learn about Higher-Pair
5.Constraints Initial Conditions.

For the option: Do the following:

I Displacement Select either:

No I • I Displacement Ic - Enter the initial point of contact along the first curve
(I curve). If the point you specify is not exactly on the curve, Adams/View
Ic uses a point on the curve nearest to the point you specify. By default,
you specify the initial point of contact in the coordinate system of the
part containing the curve or specify it in the coordinate system of the
marker you specify for I Ic Ref Marker Name.

• No I Displacement Ic - Leaves the initial displacement unset.

J Displacement Select either:

No J • J Displacement Ic - Enter the initial point of contact along the second
Displacement curve (J curve). If the point you specify is not exactly on the curve,
Ic Adams/View uses a point on the curve nearest to the point you specify.
By default, you specify the initial point of contact in the coordinate
system of the part containing the curve or specify it in the coordinate
system of the marker you specify for J Ic Ref Marker Name.

• No J Displacement Ic - Leaves the initial displacement unset.

I Velocity Ic/ Select either:

No I Velocity Ic
• I Velocity - Enter the initial velocity of the contact point along the first
curve (I curve). This is the speed at which the contact point is initially
moving relative to the curve. The velocity is:

Negative if the contact point is moving towards the start of the curve.

Positive if it is moving towards the end of the curve.

Zero if it is stationary on the curve.

• No I Velocity Ic - Leaves the initial velocity unset.

J Velocity Ic or Select either:

No J Velocity Ic
• J Velocity - Enter the initial velocity of the contact point along the
second curve (J curve). This is the speed at which the contact point is
initially moving relative to the curve. The velocity is:

Negative if the contact point is moving towards the start of the curve.

Positive if it is moving toward the end of the curve.

Zero if it is stationary on the curve.

• No J Velocity Ic - Leaves the initial velocity unset.

I Ic Ref Marker You can:

• Enter the marker with which the initial point of contact (displacement)
on the first curve (I curve) is specified.

• Leave blank. Adams/View uses the coordinate system of the part

containing the curve.

J Ic Ref Marker You can:

• Enter the marker with which the initial point of contact (displacement)
on the second curve (J curve) is specified.

• Leave blank. Adams/View uses the coordinate system of the part

containing the curve

Tips on Creating Higher-Pair Constraints

The following are some tips for creating point-curve and 2D curve-curve constraints.

Specify a curve with a large number of curve points.

When you select a curve, be sure that it contains a sufficiently large number of points to achieve an
acceptable fit.

Use closed curves whenever possible.

It is generally easier to select a closed curve, if possible. Open curves represent modeling difficulties
when the point on the follower part approaches one of the end points of the open curve.

Define curves that cover the entire expected range of motion of the cam.

Adams/Solver stops a simulation if the contact point moves off the end of an open curve. Therefore, be
sure that the curve you define covers the expected range of motion of the contact point.

•Avoid defining an initial configuration with the initial point of contact near to one of the end points of
the curve.

Avoid curve-on-curve constraints that have more than one contact point.

Adams/Solver requires that your model contain a unique contact point during simulation. If there is
more than one contact point, Adams/Solver may be unable to find the correct contact point or may
even jump from one contact point to the next. It also may have difficulties finding the correct solution.
One way to ensure that contact points are unique is to specify curve shapes that are convex. The
following figure shows two curves, the first is convex and the second is nonconvex. Note that for a
convex curve, any line segment connecting two arbitrary points on the curve lies in the domain of the
curve (it does not intersect the curve). The same is not true for nonconvex curves.

You can create more than one contact using the same curve.

It is easy to over-constrain a model using the curve-to-curve constraint. For example, in a cam-follower
configuration, the cam should usually be rotating on a cylindrical joint, not a revolute joint. If the
follower is held by a translational joint and the cam by a cylindrical joint, the curve-to-curve cam
•between the follower and cam prevents the cam from translating along the axis of rotation, which is
the axis of the cylindrical joint. A revolute joint would add a redundant constraint in that direction.

Higher-Pair Constraints Initial Conditions

The initial conditions that you can set include:


The initial conditions for a point-curve constraint include:

• Velocity with which the point (I marker) moves along the curve. You specify the velocity in the
coordinate system of the part containing the curve. Therefore, you specify the speed of the I marker
from the standpoint of an observer on the part containing the curve. Therefore, if the curve, not the
I marker, moves globally then the velocity of the I marker is still nonzero.

• Initial point of contact on the curve. If the point you specify is not exactly on the curve, Adams /View
uses a point on the curve nearest to the point you specified. By default, you specify the initial point of
contact in the coordinate system of the part containing the curve. If another coordinate system is more
convenient, you can specify another initial conditions coordinate system marker and enter the initial
point in its coordinates.

If you supply an initial point, Adams/View assembles the model with the I marker at the specified point
on the curve, even if it must override part initial conditions to do so. If you do not supply an initial point,
Adams/View assumes the initial contact is at the point on the curve closest to the I marker position.
Adams/View may adjust that contact point to maintain other part or constraint initial conditions.

2D Curve-Curve

The initial conditions for a 2D curve-curve constraint include:

• Velocity with which the contact point on either or both curves is moving. You specify the velocity in
the coordinate system of the part containing the second curve. If you do not supply an initial velocity,
Adams/View assumes the initial velocity is zero, but may adjust that velocity to maintain other part or
constraint initial conditions.

• Initial point of contact on either or both curves. If the point you specify is not exactly on the curve,
Adams/View uses a point on the curve nearest to the point you specify. By default, you specify the initial
point of contact in the coordinate system of the part containing the curve. If another coordinate system
is more convenient, you can specify another initial conditions coordinate system marker and enter the
initial point in its coordinates.

If you supply an initial point, Adams/View assembles the model with the marker at the specified point
on the curve, even if it must override part initial conditions to do so. If you do not supply an initial point,
Adams/View assumes the initial contact is at the point on the curve closest to the first curve (I curve).
Adams/View may adjust that contact point to maintain other part or constraint initial conditions.

The initial conditions are only active during an initial conditions simulation, which Adams/View runs
before it runs a simulation of your model.

You can also leave some or all of the initial conditions unset. Leaving an initial condition unset lets
Adams/View calculate the initial conditions of the constraint during an initial conditions simulation
depending on the other forces and constraints acting on the constraint. Note that it is not the same as
setting an initial condition to zero. Setting an initial condition to zero means that the constraint will not
be moving in the specified direction or from a specified point when the simulation starts, regardless of
any forces and constraints acting upon it. For a kinematic simulation, the initial conditions are
redundant. Therefore, for a model with zero degrees of freedom, you should always leave the initial
conditions unset.

General Constraints
Available with Adams/Solver (C++) only (Learn about switching solvers.)
You can create a general constraint that defines an arbitrary constraint specific to a model. As its name
implies, it is more general than the idealized joints, which describe physically recognizable combination
of constraints that are used to connect bodies together. You can also use the general constraint to
equivalently define an existing idealized joint. Read more about the GCON statement in Adams/Solver
(C++) help.

We advise that you use the general constraint with caution. Be sure to read the known limitations in the
GCON statement.

To create or modify a general constraint:

1.Do one of the following:

• To create a general constraint, from the Joint palette or tool stack, select the General Constraint tool

• To modify a general constraint, from the Edit menu, select Modify. From the Database Navigator that
appears, select the general constraint to modify.

2.The Create/Modify General Constraint dialog box appears.

If you are creating a general constraint, in the Name text box, change the name for the constraint.
3.Adams/View assigns a default name to the constraint.

Enter a runtime function that Adams/Solver (C++) forces to zero during the simulation. To enter a

function expression, next to the f (q) = text box, select the More tool to display the Adams/View
Function Builder. For information on using the Function Builder, see the Function Builder online help.
4.Learn more about defining a runtime function for a general constraint.

In the Report reaction forces on marker text box, enter a marker whose reaction forces are measured
and reported as part of standard results. The reaction force reported is the force that is exerted on the
marker to satisfy the constraint equation. Note that if you specify a marker and the runtime function
has no dependency on it, the general constraint reports a zero force. The default is the ground
5.coordinate system (GCS).

Note: You cannot enter the Adams ID for the marker; you must enter the name of the marker.

6.Select OK.

Joint Palette and Joint & Motion Tool Stack

Build -> Joints

Main toolbox -> Right-click Joints and Motion tool stacks

Displays tools for creating joints. The palette contains the entire library of joints while the tool stacks on
the Main toolbox contain only subsets of the most commonly used joints.

Learn about Using Toolboxes, Tool Stacks, and Palettes.

Also learn about:

Types of Motion
• Overview of Constraints

Create Joints Palette (from

Joint Toolstack Motion Toolstack Build Menu)
Idealized Joints
Creating Idealized Joints
The following procedure explains how to create a simple idealized joint. You can select to attach the
joint to parts or spline curves. If you select to attach the joint to a curve, Adams/View creates a curve
marker, and the joint follows the line of the curve. Learn more about curve markers. Attaching the joint
to a spline curve is only available with Adams/Solver (C++). Learn about switching solvers. Read the
caution on placing joints on curves.

Note that this procedure only sets the location and orientation of the joint. If you want to set the friction
of a joint, change the pitch of a screw joint, or set initial conditions for joints, modify the joint.

To create a simple idealized joint:

From the Joint palette or tool stack, select the joint tool representing the idealized joint that you want
1.to create.

2.In the settings container, specify how you want to define the bodies the joint connects. You can select:

• 1 Location (Bodies Implicit)

• 2 Bodies - 1 Location

• 2 Bodies - 2 Locations

For more on the effects of these options, see the help for the joint tool you are creating and Connecting
Constraints to Parts.

3.In the settings container, specify how you want the joint oriented. You can select:

• Normal to Grid - Lets you orient the joint along the current working grid, if it is displayed, or normal to
the screen.

• Pick Geometry Feature - Lets you orient the joint along a direction vector on a feature in your model,
such as the face of a part.

If you selected to explicitly define the bodies by selecting 2 Bodies - 1 Location or 2 Bodies - 2
Locations in Step 2, in the settings container, set First Body and Second Body to how you want to
attach the joint: on the bodies of parts, between a part and a spline curve, or between two spline

Using the left mouse button, select the first part or a spline curve (splines and data element curves are
all considered curves). If you selected to explicitly select the parts to be connected, select the second
5.part or another curve using the left mouse button.

Place the cursor where you want the joint to be located (for a curve this is referred to as its curve
point), and click the left mouse button. If you selected to specify its location on each part or curve,
6.place the cursor on the second location, and click the left mouse button.
If you selected to orient the joint along a direction vector on a feature, move the cursor around in your
model to display an arrow representing the direction along a feature where you want the joint
7.oriented. When the direction vector represents the correct orientation, click the left mouse button.

Modifying Basic Properties of Idealized Joints

You can change several basic properties about an idealized joints. These include:

Parts that the joint connects. You can also switch which part moves relative to another part.

•What type of joint it is. For example, you can change a revolute joint to a translational joint. The
following are exceptions to changing a joint's type:

• You can only change a simple idealized joint to another type of simple idealized joint or to a joint

• You cannot change a joint's type if motion is applied to the joint. In addition, if a joint has friction and
you change the joint type, Adams/View displays an error.

•Whether or not forces that are applied to the parts connected by the joint appear graphically on the
screen during an animation. Learn about Setting Up Force Graphics.

•For a screw joint, you can also set the pitch of the threads of the screw (translational displacement for
every full rotational cycle). Learn about screw joints.

To change basic properties for a joint:

1.Display the Modify Joint dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

If desired, in the First Body and Second Body text boxes, change the parts that the joint connects. The
2.part that you enter as the first body moves relative to the part you enter as the second body.

3.Set Type to the type of joint to which you want to change the current joint.

4.Select whether you want to display force graphics for one of the parts that the joint connects.

5.For a screw joint, enter its pitch value (translational displacement for every full rotational cycle).

6.Select OK.

Setting Initial Conditions

Learn about initial conditions for joints.

To modify initial conditions:

1.Display the Modify Joint dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.Select Initial Conditions.

The Joint Initial Conditions dialog box appears. Some options in the Joint Initial Conditions dialog box are
not available (ghosted) depending on the type of joint for which you are setting initial conditions.

3.Set the translational or rotational displacement or velocity, and then select OK.

Note: If the initial rotational displacement of a revolute or cylindrical joint varies by anywhere from 5 to
60 degrees from the actual location of the joint, Adams/Solver issues a warning message and
continues execution. If the variation is greater than 60 degrees, Adams/View issues an error
message and stops execution.

Imposing Point Motion on a Joint

You can impose a motion on any of the axes (DOF) of the idealized joint that are free to move. For
example, for a translational joint, you can apply translational motion along the z-axis. Learn more About
Point Motion.

Note: For translational, revolute, and cylindrical joints, you might find it easier to use the joint motion
tools to impose motion. Learn about Creating Point Motions Using the Motion Tools.

To impose motion on a joint:

1.Display the Modify Joint dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.Select Impose Motion.

The Impose Motion dialog box appears. Some options in the Impose Motion dialog box are not available
(ghosted) depending on the type of joint on which you are imposing motion.

3.Enter a name for the motion. Adams/View assigns a default name to the motion.

Enter the values for the motion as explained in Options for Point Motion Dialog Box, and then select

Adding Friction to Idealized Joints

You can model both static (Coulomb) and dynamic (viscous) friction in revolute, translational, cylindrical,
hooke/universal, and spherical joints.

Note: Using Adams/Solver (C++), you can apply joint friction to joints if they are attached to flexible
bodies; using Adams/Solver (FORTRAN), you cannot. In addition, Adams/Solver (C++) does not
support point masses.

For a summary of which joints and forces are supported on flexible bodies, see Table of Supported
Joints and Forces in the Adams/Flex online help. Also refer to the Adams/Flex online help for more
information on attaching joints and forces to flexible bodies.

Learn about friction Regime Determination (FRD).

To add friction to a joint:

1.Display the Modify Joint dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.Select the Friction tool .

The Joint Friction dialog box appears. The options in the dialog box change depending on the type of
joint for which you are adding friction.

3.Enter the values in the dialog box for the type of joint as explained below, and then select OK.

• Cylindrical joint options

• Revolute joint options

• Spherical joint options

• Translational joint options

• Universal/hooke joint options

Primitive Joints
The following procedure explains how to create a joint primitive. You can select to attach the joint to
parts or spline curves. If you select to attach the joint to a curve, Adams/View creates a curve marker,
and the joint follows the line of the curve. Learn more about curve markers. Attaching the joint to a
spline curve is only available with Adams/Solver (C++).Learn about switching solvers. Read the caution
on placing joints on curves.

Learn about the types of joint primitives.

To create a joint primitive:

1.From the Joint palette, select the joint tool representing the joint primitive that you want to create.

2.In the settings container, specify how want to define the bodies the joint connects. You can select:

• 1 Location (Bodies Implicit)

• 2 Bodies - 1 Location
• 2 Bodies - 2 Locations

• For more on the effects of these options, see the help for the joint tool you are creating and
Connecting Constraints to Parts.

3.In the settings container, specify how you want the joint oriented. You can select:

• Normal to Grid - Lets you orient the joint along the current working grid, if it is displayed, or normal to
the screen.

• Pick Geometry Feature - Lets you orient the joint along a direction vector on a feature in your model,
such as the face of a part.

In the settings container, set First Body and Second Body to how you want to attach the joint: on the
4.bodies of parts, between a part and a spline curve, or between two spline curves.

Using the left mouse button, select the first part or a spline curve (splines and data element curves are
all considered curves). If you selected to explicitly select the parts to be connected, select the second
5.part or another curve using the left mouse button.

Place the cursor where you want the joint to be located (for a curve this is referred to as its curve
point), and click the left mouse button. If you selected to specify its location on each part or curve,
6.place the cursor on the second location, and click the left mouse button.

If you selected to orient the joint along a direction vector on a feature, move the cursor around in your
model to display an arrow representing the direction along a feature where you want the joint
7.oriented. When the direction vector represents the correct orientation, click the left mouse button.


Creating Couplers

When you create a coupler, you can only create a two-joint coupler. You select the driver joint, the joint
to which the second joint is coupled, and the coupled joint, the joint that follows the driver joint. To
specify the relationship between the driver and the coupled joint or to create a three-joint coupler, you
modify the coupler.

To create a coupler:

1.From the Joint palette, select the Coupler tool .

2.Select the driver joint to which the second joint is coupled.

3.Select the coupled joint that follows the driver joint.

Modifying Couplers

When you modify a coupler joint, you can:

Set the number of joints being coupled together.

Change the joints being coupled together.

Select which joint is the driver joint and which are the coupled joints.

Specify the relationship between the joints as linear or nonlinear.

If you specify a linear relationship, enter scales for the coupled joints.

If you specify a nonlinear relationship, enter the parameters to be passed to a user-written subroutine
COUSUB, COUXX, COUXX2 or you can also specify an alternative library and name for the user
•subroutine. See the Subroutines section of the Adams/Solver online help. Learn about specifying your
own routine.

You can also modify coupler properties using the Table Editor.

To modify a coupler joint:

1.Display the Modify Coupler dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

The Modify Coupler dialog box appears. The options in the dialog box change depending on whether the
coupler joint couples two or three joints and whether or not it is linear or nonlinear.

Select whether or not you want a three-joint coupler or a two-joint coupler and the relationship
2.between the joints:

• By Displacements

• By Scale

• User Defined

If desired, in the Driver and Coupled text boxes, change the joints to be coupled and, then set
Freedom Type to their type. If you have any cylindrical joints, you can specify either translational or
rotational displacement. Translational joints always have translational displacements. Revolute joints
3.always have rotational displacements.

4.Do the following depending on the relationship set up for the coupler:
•If the coupler is linear, enter a scale for the second and third coupled joints. The scales are r2 and r3 in
the following equation:

delta1 + r2 * delta2 + r3 * delta3 =0

If the joint displacement is rotational, its corresponding delta in the equation above is in radians.

If the coupler is nonlinear, in the User-Written Subroutine Parameters text box, specify the user
parameters to be passed to a user-written subroutine or specify a routine other than the standard in
•the Routine text box. See the Subroutines section of the Adams/Solver online help. Learn about
specifying another routine.

When you create or modify a gear, you specify or change the two translational, revolute, or cylindrical
joints located on the carrier part and the marker defining the point of contact between the geared parts.

To create or modify a gear:

1.Do one of the following depending on whether you are creating or modifying a gear:

• To create a gear, select the Gear tool on the Joint tool stack or palette.

The Constraint Create Complex Joint Gear dialog box appears.

•To modify a gear, display the Constraint Modify Complex Joint Gear dialog box as explained in
Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

Both the gear create and modify dialog boxes contain the same set of options.

If you are creating a gear, in the Gear Name text box, change the name for the gear. Adams/View
2.assigns a default name to the gear.

3.In the Adams Id text box, assign a unique ID number to the gear.

In the Comments text box, add or change any comments about the gear to help you manage and
4.identify the gear.

In the Joint Name text box, enter or change the two translational, revolute, or cylindrical joints to be
5.geared together. Adams/View automatically separates the joint names with a comma (,).

6.In the Common Velocity Marker text box, enter or change the marker defining the point of contact
between the geared parts. You need to make sure the z-axis of the common velocity marker points in
the direction of motion of the gear teeth that are in contact.

Note: If you encounter a warning message that the gear has a suspicious configuration, the z-axis of the
CV marker is probably oriented incorrectly.

7.Select OK.

Overview of Motion
A motion generator dictates the movement of a part as a function of time. It supplies whatever force is
required to make the part satisfy the motion. For example, a translational joint motion prescribes that a
joint on a part move at 10 mm/second in the z direction. You can apply the motion to either idealized
joints or between a pair of parts.

Types of Motion

Adams/View provides you with the following types of motion:

Joint Motion - Prescribes translational or rotational motion on a translational, revolute, or cylindrical

joint. Each joint motion removes one degree of freedom (DOF) from your model. Joint motions are very
•easy to create, but they limit you to motions that are applied to the above listed joints and movements
in only one direction or rotation.

Point Motion - Prescribes the movement between two parts. When you create a point motion, you
•specify the direction along which the motion occurs. You can impose a point motion on any type of
idealized joint, such as a spherical or cylindrical.

Point motions enable you to build complex movements into your model without having to add joints or
invisible parts. For example, you can represent the movement along an arc, of a ship in the ocean, or a
robot’s arm.

For more on point motions, see About Creating Point Motions.

Defining the Motion Magnitude

You can define motion as acceleration, displacement, or velocity over time. By default, Adams/View
creates a motion that moves at a constant velocity over time. When you create a motion, you can define
its magnitude by entering one of the following:

•Translational or rotational speed - As you create a motion, you can specify the translational or
rotational speed of the motion. By default, you enter the rotational speed in number of degrees per
second and the translational speed in length units per time unit (for example, number of inches per

When Adams/View creates the motion, it uses the value you enter as the motion function. It also
converts the rotational motion speed to radians. When you modify the motion, you can change the
value or enter a function expression or a user-written subroutine as explained next.

Function expression - You can use Adams/View function expressions to specify the exact movement
applied to a joint as a function of time. For example, using function expressions you can define a
motion function that holds the joint in a fixed position, as well as one that moves the joint with the
•required force to produce a constant velocity. To learn more about function expressions, see Function
Builder and Adams/View Function Builder online help.

Note: If you make your function a function of displacements or forces, Adams/View issues an error and
stops execution. These types of functions contain a VARVAL (function that returns variable name),
and although a VARVAL is allowed in the function, Adams/View issues a warning. The motion
function containing the VARVAL will not give correct velocities, accelerations, or reaction forces in
a joint, and may have trouble converging to a solution.

Parameters to be passed to a user-written subroutine - You can create a much more complex motion
by creating a MOTSUB user-written subroutine and entering the values to be passed to the subroutine
•to determine the motion. For more on creating subroutines and passing values to them, see the
Subroutines section of the Adams/Solver help.

Tips on Creating Motions

The following are some tips for creating motions:

The motions that you assign determine the initial displacements and velocities of your model. For any
joint that has a motion applied to it, do not specify initial conditions that act in the same direction as
•the motion. If you specify initial conditions for both the joint and the motion, Adams/Solver uses the
motion conditions and ignores the initial conditions you specified for the joint.

You can define a zero motion with respect to time, which is the same as locking two parts together.

If any motion generates nonzero initial part accelerations, Adams/Solver may not produce reliable
accelerations and velocities for the first two or three internal integration steps of a dynamic simulation.
Adams/Solver automatically corrects for this; therefore, the values it returns at the first output step are
accurate. A sensor, however, that depends on the accelerations or reaction forces due to this motion
may trip unexpectedly before the first output step, even though the solution appears correct when the
•sensor is removed. If this occurs, you should modify the initial conditions set for the motion so that the
initial accelerations are zero.

•If you defined the motion using velocity and acceleration, you cannot set a dynamic simulation so that
it uses the ABAM integrator. For more on controlling your simulation, see Solver Settings - Dynamic.

Adams/Solver cannot perform a kinematic simulation on a zero-DOF model containing motions whose
•function expressions are specified as velocity or acceleration. You’ll need to perform a dynamic
simulation instead.

Applying Joint Motion

Creating Joint Motion

When you create a joint motion, Adams/View creates a motion at the specified joint. It defines the
motion as a constant velocity over time based on a speed value that you can enter. The speed value can
be a numerical value, function expression, or user-written subroutine.

Learn about:

Tips on creating motions

Defining the motion magnitude

DOF removed by motion

To create a joint motion:

From the Joint palette or Motion tool stack, select the joint motion tool representing the motion that
1.you want to create. Select either:

• to create a translational motion.

to create a rotational motion.

In the settings container, specify the speed of the

motion in displacement units per second. By default,
Adams/View creates a rotational motion with a speed
of 30 degrees per second and a translational motion
2. with a speed of 10 millimeters per second.

To enter a function expression or user-written subroutine, right-click the Speed text box, point to
Parameterize, and then select Expression Builder to display the Adams/View Function Builder. For
information on using the Function Builder, see Function Builder and Adams/View Function Builder online

3.Use the left mouse button to select the joint on the screen to which the motion will be applied.

Modifying Joint Motion

Learn about modifying joint motion.

To modify a joint motion:

1.Display the Joint Motion dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

If desired, in the Joint text box, change the joint to which the motion is applied. The Joint Type text
2.box automatically updates to the selected type of joint.

Set Direction to the desired motion direction (rotational or translational). You can select only
translational motion for a translational or cylindrical joint. You can select only rotational motion for a
3.revolute or cylindrical joint.

4.Set Define Using to how you will define the motion.

If you selected Function, enter the following in the Function (time) text box that appears:

• Numerical value (For rotational motion, specify the magnitude in radians.)

• Function expression:

To enter a function expression, next to the Function (time) text box, select the More tool to display
the Adams/View Function Builder. For information on using the Function Builder, see Function Builder
and Adams/View Function Builder online help.

If you selected Subroutine, enter the parameters to be passed to a user-written subroutine MOTSUB and
its ID or you can specify an alternative library and name for the user subroutine in the Routine text box.
For more on subroutines, see the Subroutines section of the Adams/Solver online help. Learn about
specifying your own routine.

5.Set Type to Displacement, Velocity, or Acceleration to specify how motion magnitude is defined.

In the Displacement IC or Velocity IC text boxes, enter the initial conditions for displacement or
6.velocity. The text boxes that appear depend on how the magnitude of the motion is defined.

Applying Point Motion

About Point Motion

There are two types of point motion that you can create:

Single point motion - Prescribes the motion of two parts along or around one axis.

•General point motion - Prescribes the motion of two parts along or around the three axes (six degrees
of freedom (DOF)).

When you create a point motion, you specify the parts to which the motion is to be applied and the
location and orientation of the motion. Adams/View creates markers on each part at the location of the
motion. The marker that Adams/View creates on the first part you select is called the moving point. It
moves or rotates relative to the marker on the second part, called the reference point. The z-axis of the
reference point defines the positive direction using the right-hand rule.

When you create a point motion, Adams/View creates a motion at the specified location.

For a single point motion, Adams/View defines the motion as a constant velocity over time, based on a
•speed value that you can enter. The speed value can be a numerical value, function expression, or user-
written subroutine, as explained in Defining the Motion Magnitude.

By default, Adams creates the point motion around or along the z-axis. You specify the direction of the z-
axis when you create the single point motion. You can change the axis around or along which the motion
is applied.

For a general point motion, Adams/View creates a motion around or along all six coordinates of the
•markers created on the selected parts. It does not define the magnitude of the motion. You’ll need to
modify the motion to define its magnitude.

Creating Point Motions Using the Motion Tools

Learn about applying point motion as you modify joints in Imposing Point Motion on a Joint.

To create a point motion:

From the Joint palette, select the tool representing the type of point motion that you want to create.
1.Select either:

to create a single point motion.

• or

to create a general point motion.

2. In the settings container, specify the following:

How you want the motion applied to parts. You can select the following:
1 Location - Lets you select the location of the motion and have Adams/View determine the two parts
•to which it should be applied. Adams/View selects the parts closest to the motion location. If there is
only one part near the motion, Adams/View connects the motion to that part and ground.

•2 Bodies - 1 Location - Lets you explicitly select the two parts to which the motion is to be applied and
the location of the motion.

2 Bodies - 2 Locations - Lets you explicitly select the two parts to which the motion is to be applied and
•the location of the motion on each part. You should use this option if you are working in exploded
view. For more on exploded view, see Initial Conditions tool.

For more on the effects of these options, see Connecting Constraints to Parts.

How you want the motion oriented. You can select:

•Normal to Grid - Lets you orient the motion along the current working grid, if it is displayed, or normal
to the screen.

•Pick Geometry Feature - Lets you orient the motion along a direction vector on a feature in your model,
such as the face of a part.

If you are creating a single point motion, set Characteristic to the direction of the motion, and then
3.enter the speed of the motion in the Speed text box.

If you selected to explicitly select the parts to which the motion is to be applied, select each part using
4.the left mouse button.

Place the cursor where you want the motion to be located and click the left mouse button. If you
selected to specify its location on each part, place the cursor on the second location, and click the left
5.mouse button.

If you selected to orient the joint along a direction vector on a feature, move the cursor around in your
model to display an arrow showing the direction in which you want the motion oriented. When the
6.direction vector shows the correct orientation, click the left mouse button.

Modifying Single Point Motion

The following procedure explains how to modify a single point motion defined between two parts.

Note: You can also modify point motion using the Table Editor.

To modify a single point motion:

1.Display the modify motion dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

The Point Motion dialog box appears.

If desired, in the Moving Point and Reference Point text boxes, change the markers that define the
2.location and orientation of the motion on the parts.

3.Set Type to how you want to define the magnitude of motion:

If you selected Function, enter the following in the Function (time) text box that appears:

Numerical value (For rotational motion, specify the magnitude in radians.)

Function expression

To enter a function expression, next to the Function (time) text box, select the More tool to display
the Adams/View Function Builder. For information on using the Function Builder, see Function Builder
and Adams/View Function Builder online help.

•If you selected Subroutine, enter the parameters to be passed to a user-written subroutine and
its ID.

Set Type to Displacement, Velocity, or Acceleration to

4. specify how motion magnitude is defined.

In the Displacement IC or Velocity IC text boxes, enter the initial conditions for displacement or

Initial displacement defines the translation of the first part in units of length relative to the second
part. You can set displacements on any point motion whose magnitude is defined as velocity or
• acceleration.

Initial velocity defines the velocity of the first part with respect to the second part in units of length per
•unit of time. You can set initial velocity on any point motion whose magnitude is defined as

Modifying General Point Motion

The following procedure explains how to modify a general point motion defined between two parts.

Note: You can also modify point motion using the Table Editor.

To modify a general point motion:

1.Display the modify motion dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

The Impose Motion(s) dialog box appears.

If desired, in the Moving Point and Reference Point text boxes, change the markers that define the
2.location and orientation of the motion on the parts. Learn about moving and reference points.

3.Set Type to how you want to define the magnitude of motion.

Enter the following in the F(time) text boxes. The text boxes that appear depend on how the
4.magnitude of the motion is defined.

• Numerical value (For rotational motion, specify the magnitude in radians.)

Function expression

Parameters to be passed to a user-written subroutine MOTSUB or you can specify an alternative library
•and name for the user subroutine in the Routine text box. See the Subroutines section of the
Adams/Solver online help. Learn about specifying your own routine.

To enter a function expression, next to the Function (time) text box, select the More tool to display
the Function Builder.

In the Disp. IC or Velo. IC text boxes, enter the initial conditions for displacement or velocity. The text
5.boxes that appear depend on how the magnitude of the motion is defined.

Initial displacement defines the translation of the first part in units of length relative to the second
part. You can set displacements on any point motion whose magnitude is defined as velocity or
• acceleration.

Initial velocity defines the velocity of the first part with respect to the second part in units of length per
•unit of time. You can set initial velocity on any point motion whose magnitude is defined as

Forces define loads and compliances on parts. Forces do not absolutely prohibit or prescribe motion.
Therefore, they do not add or remove degrees of freedom (DOF) from your model. Some forces can
resist motion, such as spring dampers, and some can try to induce motion.

Adams/View provides the following types of forces:

Applied forces

•Flexible connectors - Note that flexible connectors resist motion and are simpler and easier to use than
applied forces because you only supply constant coefficients for the forces. The forces include beams,
bushings, translational spring dampers, and torsion springs that provide compliant force relationships.

•Special forces - Special forces are forces that are commonly encountered, such as tire and gravity

•Contacts - Specify how parts react when they come in contact with each other when the model is in

Build -> Forces -> Main toolbox -> Right-click Create Forces tool stack

Create Forces Palette and Tool Stack

Displays tools for creating forces. The Create Forces palette and tool stack are shown below. Learn
About Using Toolboxes, Tool Stacks, and Palettes.

Forces Tool Stack Create Forces Palette (from Build Menu)

Learn about:

About Forces

Defining Force Magnitudes

Defining Force Directions

Defining Force Magnitude

When defining a force’s magnitude, you can either define it as one resultant magnitude along a
direction, or you can resolve the resultant into as many as three components that are associated with
the three mutually perpendicular axes of a particular coordinate system.
You can define force magnitudes in Adams/View in the following ways:

Enter values used to define stiffness and damping coefficients. In this case, Adams/View automatically
makes the force magnitude proportional to the distance and velocity between two points. The
•coefficients represent the proportionality constants. You specify coefficients for flexible connectors,
such as spring-dampers and beams. You can also specify these values for applied forces.

Enter a function expression using the Adams/View library of built-in functions. You can enter
•expressions for all types of applied forces. Built-in functions include the types listed below. For more
information on using expressions and available functions, see Function Builder.

• Displacement, velocity, and acceleration functions that allow the force to be related to the movement
of points or bodies in the system. Examples include springs and viscous dampers.

• Force functions that allow the force to depend on other forces in the system. An example would be a
Coulomb friction force that is proportional to the normal force between two bodies.

• Mathematical functions, such as sine and cosine, series, polynomials, and steps.

• Spline functions that allow the force to depend on data stored in lookup tables. Examples of these
include motors using torque-speed curves or nonlinear bushings whose stiffness is not entirely linear.

• Impact functions that make the force act like a compression-only spring-damper that turns on and off
as bodies intermittently contact one another.

Enter parameters that are passed to user-written subroutines that are linked to Adams/View. You can
enter parameters for all types of applied forces. You can also enter parameters to a subroutine for the
field flexible connector to create a nonlinear force between two parts. For more information on how to
•use subroutines to define your force magnitudes, see the Subroutines section of the Adams/Solver
online help.

Defining Force Directions

You can define force directions in one of two ways:

Along one or more of the axes of a marker.

Along the line-of-sight between two points.

If your force direction remains fixed with respect to some part in your model, either a moving part or
the ground part, then you can define the force using one vector component and specify only one
magnitude and direction.

If you have two or more forces whose directions always remain perpendicular to one another (such as a
normal force and a friction force), you can either define multiple single-component forces whose
directions are perpendicular or you can use a multiple-component force element. You must define
several expressions, one for each of the force magnitudes you need.

If the direction along which you want the force applied is defined by the line between two points in your
model and is constantly changing throughout the simulation, you only need to define one component of
force along this direction and one expression for the corresponding force magnitude.

As you define forces, Adams/View gives you shortcuts for defining the force application. These shortcuts
allow you to let Adams/View automatically create the force definition using only a few clicks of the
mouse. For example, as you create a bushing, you can simply specify one location. Adams/View
automatically determines the parts which should be included. You can also specify that the force be
aligned to the coordinates of the working grid or screen or a feature of a part.

Applied Forces
Applied forces are forces that define loads and compliances on parts so they move in certain ways.
Adams/View provides a library of applied forces that you can use. Applied forces give you a great deal of
flexibility, but they require work to model simple forces. Instead of using applied forces, you may want
to consider using the flexible connectors, which model several commonly used force elements, or
special forces, which provide environmental and complex forces.

Applied forces can have one, three, or six components (three translational and three rotational) that
define the resultant force. For example, a single-component force or torque defines the force using a
single component, while a multi-component force or torque defines the force using three or more
components. The following figure shows all six possible force components associated with a particular
coordinate system’s x-, y-, and z-axes.

As you create applied forces, you specify:

•Parts to which the force is applied and its direction - You can apply the force to two parts or to one part
and ground. Adams/View creates a marker on each part. The first part you select is the action body and
receives the force action. The second part you select is the reaction body and receives the force
reaction. If you specify one part and ground, the reaction force is on the ground part, and, thus, has no
effect on your model.

Characteristic, which defines the magnitude of the force. You can specify:

• Constant force - You enter a constant force value. When Adams/View creates the force, it uses the
value you enter as the force function. When you modify the force, you can change the value or enter a
function expression or parameters to a user-written subroutine as explained for the Custom option

• Bushing or spring-like - Adams/View creates a function expression defining the linear stiffness and
damping forces based on the stiffness and damping coefficients that you specify.

• Custom - You define the magnitude of the force as a function of any combination of displacements,
velocities, other applied forces, user-defined variables, and time. You can write a function expression or
enter parameters to be passed to a user-written subroutine (for example, SFOSUB or VFOSUB) that is
linked into Adams/View. You define the constitutive equation for the force applied to the action body.
Adams/View evaluates the reaction forces on the reaction body. You can also specify an alternative
library and name for the user subroutine. Learn about specifying routines.

Adams/View evaluates the signed magnitude of the force and applies it to the selected body or bodies.

Single-Component Forces

To create a single-component force:

1.From the Create Forces tool stack or palette, select either:

• to create a single-component force.

to create a single-component torque.

2. In the settings container, specify the following:

The number of parts and the nature of the force direction. You can select the following:

• Space Fixed

• Body Moving

• Two Bodies

Learn about specifying force direction.

How you want the force oriented. You can select:

• Normal to Grid - Lets you orient the force normal to the current working grid, if it is displayed, or
normal to the screen.
• Pick Feature - Lets you orient the force along a direction vector on a feature in your model, such as
along an edge or normal to the face of a part.

The characteristics of the force. You can select the following:

• Constant force/torque - Enter a constant force or torque value or let Adams/View use the default

• Spring-Damper - Enter stiffness and damping coefficients and let Adams/View create a function
expression for damping and stiffness based on the coefficient values. (Not available when you are using
the Main toolbar to access the force tool.)

• Custom - Adams/View does not set any values for you, which, in effect, creates a force with zero
magnitude. After you create the force, you modify it by entering a function expressions or parameters to
a SFOSUB user-written subroutine that is linked to Adams/View. You can also specify an alternative
library and name for the user subroutine. Learn about specifying a routine.

3.Do one of the following depending on whether you are creating a single-component force or torque:

For a single-component force, select the action body. If you selected to create a torque between two
parts, select the reaction body and then select the points of application on the two bodies. Be sure to
• select the point of application on the action body first.

For a single-component torque, select the action body. If you selected to create a torque
•between two parts, select the reaction body and then select the points of application on the two
bodies. Be sure to select the point of application on the action body first.

If you selected to orient the force along a direction

vector on a feature, move the cursor around in your
model to display an arrow representing the direction
along a feature where you want the force oriented.
When the direction vector represents the desired
4. orientation, click.

To Modify a Single-Component Forces

The following procedure explains how to modify the following for a single-component force:

Force direction, if only one part is affected.

Action body to which the force is applied. If you created the force between two parts, you can also
change the reaction body. You cannot change a force created on one part and ground to a force
•created between two parts because the direction methods are not compatible. You’ll have to delete
the force and create it again.

•Force magnitude.

Force graphics.
Learn about specifying force direction.

1.Display the Modify Force dialog box as explained in the Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.Set the following in the dialog box, and then select OK.

To: Do the following:

Set the number of Select either:

parts affected and
the direction of the • On One Body, Fixed in Space - Sets the force direction so it is
force applied to a part. The force direction is fixed on ground.

• On One Body, Moving with Body - Sets the force so it is applied to a

part. The part defines the direction of the force.

• On One Body, Moving with Other Body - Sets the force so it is

applied to a part. A second part (the direction part) defines the
direction of the force.

• Between Two Bodies - Creates a force between two parts. One of

the parts can be ground. You cannot change a force on one part to a
force defined between two parts or the reverse. You can, however,
change a torque on one part to a torque on two parts or the reverse.

Set the bodies used Change the values in the following text boxes as necessary. The text
in defining the boxes available depend on how you defined the direction of the
force force.

• Body - Change the action body to which the force is applied.

• Action Body - For a force defined between two parts, change the
action body to which the force is applied.

• Reaction Body - Change the body that receives the reaction forces.

• Direction Body - Change the body that defines the direction of the
force if you selected the direction option, On One Body, Moving with
Other Body.
Change the force Set Define Using to how you will define the force. Select:
function defining
• Function to define using a numerical value or function expression.
the magnitude of
the force If you selected Function, enter the following in the Function (time)
text box that appears:

Constant force value

Function expression

To enter a function expression, next to the Function text box, select

the More button to display the Function Builder.

• Subroutine to define using a user-written subroutine SFOSUB or

you can specify an alternative library and name for the user
subroutine in the Routine text box. Learn about specifying routines.

If you selected Subroutine for Define Using, enter the parameters to

be passed to a user-written subroutine and its ID. Entering an ID is

Force Display Set whether you want to display force graphics for one of the parts,
both, or none. By default, Adams/View displays the force graphic on
the action body for single-component forces.

Multi-Component Forces

To define more complex forces, you can use multi-component forces. Multi-component forces apply
translational and/or rotational force between two parts in your model using three or more orthogonal
components. The following lists the different types of multi-component forces:

Three-component force

Three-component torque

Six-component general force

A multi-component force applies an action force to the first part you select, which is called the action
body. Adams/View automatically applies a corresponding reaction force to the second part you select,
which is called the reaction body. If you define the force characteristics as bushing-like, Adams/View
generates equations to represent a linear spring-damper in the specified component directions.

To define the points of application of the multi-component force, Adams/View creates a marker for each
part. The marker belonging to the action body is the action marker, and the marker belonging to the
reaction body is the reaction marker. Adams/View keeps the reaction marker coincident with the action
marker at all times. The reaction marker is often referred to as a floating marker because its location is
not fixed relative to the body to which it belongs. Action and reaction markers are also referred to as I
and J markers.

Adams/View also creates a third marker called a reference (R) marker that indicates the direction of the
force. You define the orientation of the reference marker when you create a multi-component force.
You can align the marker to the working grid, if it is turned on, or to the global coordinate system. You
can also orient the marker using any feature in your model, such as along an edge of a part.

Example of Action and Reaction Force Movement

Tip: You can use the Info command to see the markers that Adams/View creates for a multi-component
force. You can also see the markers when you modify the force. Learn about Displaying Object
Information and Accessing Information Window.

Total Force Equations

For a six-component general force and a three-component force, the total force that Adams/Solver
supplies is the vector sum of the individual force components that you specify. Its magnitude is the
square root of the sum of the squares of the three mutually-orthogonal force components:


is the action applied to the action body.

FX is the user-defined function defining the magnitude and sign of the x-component.

FY is the user-defined function defining the magnitude and sign of the y-component.

FZ is the user-defined function defining the magnitude and sign of the z-component.

is a unit vector along the + x direction of the reference marker.

is a unit vector along the + y direction of the reference marker.

is a unit vector along the + z direction of the reference marker.

The values of the reaction forces are:

where r is the reaction force applied to the reaction body. If you apply the force to a part and ground,
Adams/Solver does not calculate the reaction forces.

Total Torque Equations

For a six-component general force and a three-component torque, the magnitude of the torque is the
square root of the sum of the squares of the magnitudes of the three mutually orthogonal torque
components, such that:


is the action applied to the action body.

•TX is the user-defined function defining the magnitude and sign of the x component according to the
right-hand rule.

•TY is the user-defined function defining the magnitude and sign of the y component according to the
right-hand rule.

•TZ is the user-defined function defining the magnitude and sign of the z component according to the
right-hand rule.

is a unit vector along the + x direction of the reference marker.

is a unit vector along the + y direction of the reference marker.

is a unit vector along the + z direction of the reference marker.

The reaction torque applied to the reaction body is:

where is the reaction torque applied to the reaction body. If you apply the torque to a part and
ground, Adams/Solver does not calculate the reaction torques.

Applying Multi-Component Forces to Parts

When you create multi-component forces, Adams/View provides you with shortcuts for specifying the
parts to which the force is to be applied. As you create a multi-component force, you can select one of
the methods listed below. These methods also apply to bushings, fields, and torsion springs.

1 Location - Lets you select the location of the force and have Adams/View determine the two parts to
which it should be applied. Adams/View selects the parts closest to the point of application. If there is
only one part near the point, Adams/View applies the force to that part and ground. Note that letting
•Adams/View select the parts is only appropriate when two parts are located near each other and when
it does not matter which part is the action body and which is the reaction body.

2 Bodies - 1 Location - Lets you select the two parts to which the force will be applied and the common
•point of application on each part. The first part you select is the action body; the second part is the
reaction body.

2 Bodies - 2 Locations - Lets you select the two parts to which the force is applied and a different
•location for the force on each part. If the markers defining the locations of the forces are not
coincident and aligned, the forces may be nonzero at the beginning of the simulation.

The table summarizes the bodies and locations you specify as you create a force.

The method: Number of bodies: Number of points:

1 Location 0 1

2 Bodies - 1 Location 2 1

2 Bodies - 2 Locations 2 2

Tip: To precisely orient your force, first orient the working grid so its x-, y-, and z-axes align with the
desired force axes. Then, use the Normal To Grid orientation method when you create the force.
Learn about the Working Grid dialog box

Creating Multi-Component Forces

To create multi-component forces:

1.From the Create Forces tool stack or palette, select either:

• to create a three-component force.

to create a three-component torque.

to create a six-component general force.

2.In the settings container, specify the following:

The method you want to use to define the bodies and force-application points. You can select the

• 1 Location

• 2 Bodies - 1 Location

• 2 Bodies - 2 Locations

Learn about applying mult-component forces to parts.

How you want the force oriented. You can select:

• Normal to Grid - Lets you orient the force normal to the current working grid, if it is displayed, or
normal to the screen.

• Pick Feature - Lets you orient the force along a direction vector on a feature in your model, such as
along an edge or normal to the face of a part.

The characteristics of the force. You can select the following:

• Constant force/torque - Enter a constant force or torque value or let Adams/View use the default

• Bushing-like - Enter stiffness and damping coefficients and let Adams/View create a function
expression for damping and stiffness based on the coefficient values.

• Custom - Adams/View does not set any values for you. After you create the force, you modify it by
entering a function expressions or parameters to a standard user-written subroutine that is linked to
Adams/View. You can also specify your own routine.

3.Click the bodies.

4.Click one or two force-application points depending on the location method you selected.
If you selected to orient the force along direction vectors using features, move the cursor around in
your model to display an arrow that shows the direction along a feature where you want the force
oriented. Click when the direction vector shows the correct x-axis orientation and then click again for
5.the y-axis orientation.

Modifying Multi-Component Forces

The procedure below modifies the following for a multi-component force:

Action and reaction body to which the force is applied or the action and reaction markers.

Reference marker.

Force magnitude.

Force graphics.

Learn about:

Total force equations

Total torque equations

Applying multi-component forces to part

To modify a multi-component force:

1.Display a Modify Force dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.Set the following in the dialog box, and then select OK.

To: Do the following:

Set the bodies or From the pull-down menus, select whether or not you want to
markers used in define the force using bodies or markers. Then, enter values in
defining the force the text boxes, as appropriate. The text boxes that are available
depend on how you defined the direction of the force.

•Action Part/Action Marker - Change the action body or marker

to which the force is applied.

•Reaction Part/Reaction Marker - Change the reaction body or

marker that receives the reaction forces.

Change the reference In the Reference Marker text box, change the reference marker
marker that indicates that indicates the direction of the force.
the direction of the

Change how the Set Define Using to how you want to define the force. Select:
characteristics of the
Function to define using a numerical value or function
force are defined
expression, and then enter either a constant force value or
function expression for each component of the force. To enter a
function expression, next to the Function (time) text box, select

the More button to display the Function Builder.

Subroutine to define using a user-written subroutine, and then

enter the parameters to be passed to a user-written subroutine
and the ID of the force being modified. In the Routine text box,
•you can also specify an alternative library and name for the user
subroutine. Learn about specifying routines.

Force Display Set to whether you want to display force graphics for one of the
parts, both, or none. By default, Adams/View displays the force
graphic on the action body.

Flexible Connectors

Creating Bushings

To define a bushing, you need to create two markers, one for each part. The marker on the first part
that you specify is called the I marker. The marker on the second part that you specify is called the
J marker.

Learn about constitutive equations for bushings.

To create a bushing:
1.From the Create Forces tool stack or palette, select the Bushing tool .

2.In the settings container, specify the following:

How you want the force applied to parts. You can select the following:

• 1 Location

• 2 Bodies - 1 Location

• 2 Bodies - 2 Locations

Learn about applying multi-component forces to parts.

How you want the force oriented. You can select:

• Normal to Grid - Lets you orient the force using the x-, y-, and z-axes of the current working grid, if it is
displayed, or using the x-, y, and z-axes of the screen.

• Pick Feature - Lets you orient the force along a direction vector on a feature in your model, such as the
face of a part. The direction vector you select defines the z-axis for the force; Adams/View automatically
calculates the x- and y-axes.

The translational and rotational stiffness and damping properties for the bushing.

3.Click the bodies.

4.Click one or two force-application points depending on the location method you selected.

If you selected to orient the force along a direction vector using a feature, move the cursor around in
your model to display an arrow that shows the direction along a feature where you want the force
5.oriented. Click when the direction vector shows the correct z-axis orientation.

Modifying Bushings

The following procedure modifies the following for a bushing:

The two bodies to which the forces are applied.

Translational and rotational properties for stiffness, damping, and preload.

Force graphics.

Learn about constitutive equations for bushings.

To modify a bushing:
1.Display the Modify Bushing dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.Enter the values in the dialog box as explained the table below, and then select OK.

To: Do the following:

Set the bodies Change the following as necessary in the following text boxes. The text
used in defining boxes available depend on how you defined the direction of the force.
the force

Action Body - Change the action body to which the force is applied.

Reaction Body - Change the body that receives the reaction forces.

Change the For the translational force applied by the bushing, enter:
properties of
the force •
Three stiffness coefficients.

Three viscous-damping coefficients. The force due to damping is zero

•when there are no relative translational velocities between the markers
on the action and reaction bodies.

Enter three constant force (preload) values. Constant values indicate

the magnitude of the force components along the x-, y-, and z-axeis of
the coordinate system marker of the reaction body (J marker) when
•both the relative translational displacement and velocity of the markers
on the action and reaction bodies are zero.

For the rotational (torque) properties, enter:

Three stiffness coefficients.

Three viscous-damping coefficients. The torque due to damping is zero

•when there are no relative rotational velocities between the markers
on the action and reaction bodies.

Three constant torque (preload) values. Constant values indicate the

magnitude of the torque components about the x-, y-, and z-axes of the
coordinate system marker on the reaction body (J marker) when both
•the relative rotational displacement and velocity of the markers on the
action and reaction bodies are zero.
Set force Set Force Display to whether you want to display force graphics for one
graphics of the parts, both, or none.

Translational Spring Dampers

Creating Translational Spring Dampers

You add a translational spring damper to your model by defining the locations on two parts between
which the spring damper acts. You define the action force that is applied to the first location, and
Adams/Solver automatically applies the equal and opposite reaction force to the second location.

Learn about equations for spring dampers.

To create a spring damper:

1.From the Create Forces palette or tool stack, select the Translational Spring Damper tool .

2.If desired, in the Settings container, enter stiffness (K) and damping (C) coefficients.

3.Select a location for the spring damper on the first part. This is the action body.

4.Select a location for the spring damper on the second part. This is the reaction body.

Modifying Translational Spring Dampers

For a translational spring damper, you can modify:

Parts between which the spring damper acts.

•Stiffness and damping values, including specifying splines that defines the relationship of stiffness to
displacement and damping to velocity. Learn about Splines.

Preload values.

Whether or not spring, damper, and force graphics appear.

Learn about equations for spring dampers.

To modify a spring damper:

1.Display the Modify a Spring-Damper Force dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

In the Action Body and Reaction Body text boxes, change the parts to which the spring-damper force is
2.applied, if desired.

3.Enter values for stiffness and damping as explained in the table below, and then select OK.

To: Do the following:

Stiffness Select one of the following:

Stiffness Coefficient and enter a stiffness value for the spring damper.

No Stiffness to turn off all spring forces and create a pure damper.

•Spline: F=f(defo) and enter a spline that defines the relationship of force
to deformation. Learn about Splines.

Damping Select one of the following:

•Damping Coefficient and enter a viscous damping value for the spring

No Damping to turn off all damping forces and create a pure spring.

•Spline: F=f(velo) and enter a spline that defines the relationship of force
to velocity. Learn about Splines.

Length and •In the Preload text box, enter the preload force for the spring damper.
preload of Preload force is the force of the spring damper in its reference position.

Select either:

• Default Length to automatically use the length of the spring damper when
you created it as its reference length.

• Length at Preload and enter the reference length of the spring at its
preload position.

Tip: If you set preload to zero, then displacement at preload is the same as
the spring’s free length. If the preload value is non-zero, then the
displacement at preload is not the same as the spring’s free length.

Set graphics Set any of the following:

•Graphics - Specify whether coil spring graphics are always on, always off,
or on whenever you have defined a spring coefficient.
Force Display - Specify whether you want to display force graphics for one
•of the parts, both, or none. By default, Adams/View displays the force
graphic on the action body.

•Damper Graphic - Specify whether cylinder damper graphics are always

on, always off, or on whenever you have defined a damping coefficient.

Torsion Springs

Creating Torsion Springs

To create a torsion spring:

1.From the Create Forces tool stack or palette, select the Torsion Spring tool .

2.In the settings container, specify the following:

How you want the force applied to parts. You can select the following:

• 1 location

• 2 bodies - 1 location

• 2 bodies - 2 locations

Learn about applying multi-component forces to parts.

How you want the force oriented. You can select:

• Normal to Grid - Lets you orient the force using the x-, y-, and z-axes of the current working grid, if it is
displayed, or using the x-, y, and z-axes of the screen.

• Pick Feature - Lets you orient the force along a direction vector on a feature in your model, such as the
face of a part. The direction vector you select defines the z-axis for the force; Adams/View calculates the
x- and y-axes automatically.

The torsional stiffness (KT) and torsional damping (CT) coefficients.

3.Click the bodies, unless Adams/View is automatically selecting them (1 location method).

4.Click one or two force-application points, depending on the location method you selected.

If you selected to orient the force along a direction vector using a feature, move the cursor around in
your model to display an arrow that shows the direction along a feature where you want the force
5.oriented. Click when the direction vector shows the correct z-axis orientation.

Modifying Torsion Springs

After you’ve created a torsion spring, you can modify:

Parts between which the torque acts

Stiffness and damping values

Preload values

Force graphics

To modify a torsion spring:

1.Display the Modify a Torsion Spring dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

In the Action Body and Reaction Body text boxes, change the parts to which the torsion spring is
2.applied, if desired.

3.Enter values for stiffness and damping as explained in the table below, and then select OK.

To: Do the following:

Stiffness Select one of the following:

Stiffness Coefficient and enter a stiffness value for the torsion spring.

No Stiffness to turn off all spring forces and create a pure damper.

•Spline: F=f(defo) and enter a spline that defines the relationship of force
to deformation. Learn about Splines.

Damping Select one of the following:

•Damping Coefficient and enter a viscous damping value for the torsion

No Damping to turn off all damping forces and create a pure spring.

•Spline: F=f(velo) and enter a spline that defines the relationship of force
to velocity. Learn about Splines.

Preload force •In the Preload text box, enter the preload force for the torsion spring.
and angle of Preload force is the force of the torsion spring in its preload position.

Select either:

• Default Angle to set the rotation angle of the spring when you created it
as its preload position.

• Angle at Preload and enter the angle of the spring at its preload position.

Set graphics Set Torque Display to whether you want to display force graphics for one
of the parts, both, or none.


Creating Beams

Learn about:


Constitutive equations for beams

To create a beam:

1.From the Create Forces palette or tool stack, select the Massless Beam tool .

2.Select a location for the beam on the first part. This is the action body.

3.Select a location for the beam on the second part. This is the reaction body.

4.Select the direction in the upward (y) direction for the cross-section geometry.

Modifying Beams

After you’ve created a beam, you can modify the following:

Markers between which the beam acts.

Stiffness and damping values.

Material properties of the beam, such as its length and area.
Learn about equations defining beams.
To modify a beam:

1.Display the Force Modify Element Like Beam dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.In the New Beam Name text box, enter a new name for the beam, if desired.

3.In the Solver ID text box, assign a unique ID number to the beam.

4.Enter any comments about the beam that might help you manage and identify the beam.

5.Enter values for the beam properties as explained in the table below, and then select OK.

To set: Do the following:

Area Enter the following:

moments of
inertia In the Ixx text box, enter the torsional constant. The torsional constant is
sometimes referred to as the torsional shape factor or torsional stiffness
coefficient. It is expressed as unit length to the fourth power. For a solid
circular section, Ixx is identical to the polar moment of inertia J= .
•For thin-walled sections, open sections, and non-circular sections, you
should consult a handbook.

In the Iyy and Izz text boxes, enter the area moments of inertia about the
neutral axes of the beam cross sectional areas (y-y and z-z). These are
sometimes referred to as the second moment of area about a given axis.
They are expressed as unit length to the fourth power. For a solid circular
•section, Iyy=Izz= . For thin-walled sections, open sections, and non-
circular sections, you should consult a handbook.

Area of the In the Area of Cross Section text box, enter the uniform area of the beam
beam cross cross-section geometry. The centroidal axis must be orthogonal to this cross
section section.

Shear area In the Y Shear Area Ratio and Z Shear Area Ratio text boxes, specify the
ratio correction factor (the shear area ratio) for shear deflection in the y and z
direction for Timoshenko beams. If you want to neglect the deflection due
to shear, enter zero in the text boxes.

For the y direction:


•Qy is the first moment of cross-sectional area to be sheared by a force in

the z direction.

lz is the cross section dimension in the z direction.

For the z direction:


•Qz is the first moment of cross-sectional area to be sheared by a force in

the y direction.

ly is the cross section dimension in the y direction.

Common values for shear area ratio based on the type of cross section are:

Solid rectangular - 6/5

Solid circular - 10/9

Thin wall hollow circular - 2

Note: The K1 and K2 terms that are used by MSC/NASTRAN for defining the
beam properties using PBEAM are the inverse of the y shear and z shear
values that Adams/View uses.

Young’s and In the Young’s Modulus and Shear Modulus text boxes, enter Young’s and
shear shear modulus of elasticity for the beam material.
modulus of

Length of Enter the undeformed length of the beam along the x-axis of the J marker
beam on the reaction body.

Damping Select either:

ratio or
Damping Ratio and enter a damping value to establish a ratio for
matrix calculating the structural damping matrix for the beam. To obtain the
•damping matrix, Adams/Solver multiplies the stiffness matrix by the value
you enter for the damping ratio.

Matrix of Damping Terms and enter a six-by-six structural damping matrix

•for the beam. Because this matrix is symmetric, you only need to specify
one-half of the matrix. The following matrix shows the values to input:

Enter the elements by columns from top to bottom, then from left to right.
The damping matrix defaults to a matrix with thirty-six zero entries; that is,
r1 through r21 each default to zero.

The damping matrix should be positive semidefinite. This ensures that

damping does not feed energy into the model. Adams/Solver does not warn
you if the matrix is not positive semidefinite.

Markers Specify the two markers between which to define a beam. The I marker is
that define on the action body and the J marker is on the reaction body. The J marker
the beam establishes the direction of the force components.

By definition, the beam lies along the positive x-axis of the J marker.
Therefore, the I marker must have a positive x displacement with respect to
the J marker when viewed from the J marker. In its undeformed
configuration, the orientation of the I and the J markers must be the same.

When the x-axes of the markers defining a beam are not collinear, the beam
deflection and, consequently, the force corresponding to this deflection are
calculated. To minimize the effect of such misalignments, perform a static
equilibrium at the start of the simulation.

When the beam element angular deflections are small, the stiffness matrix
provides a meaningful description of the beam behavior. When the angular
deflections are large, they are not commutative; so the stiffness matrix that
produces the translational and rotational force components may not
correctly describe the beam behavior. Adams/Solver issues a warning
message if the beam translational displacements exceed 10 percent of the
undeformed length.

Field Elements

Creating Field Elements

When you create a field element, you define the location of the force element. SD Suspension creates I
and J markers defining the location and direction of the field. To define other properties of the field
element, such as its damping values, you must modify the field.

Learn about:

Constitutive equations for field elements


To create a field element:

1.From the Create Forces tool stack or palette, select the Field tool .

2.In the settings container, specify the following:

How you want the force applied to parts. You can select the following:

• 1 Location

• 2 Bodies - 1 Location

• 2 Bodies - 2 Locations

Learn about Applying Multi-Component Forces to Parts.

How you want the force oriented. You can select:

• Normal to Grid - Lets you orient the force using the x-, y-, and z-axes of the current working grid, if it is
displayed, or using the x-, y, and z-axes of the screen.

• Pick Feature - Lets you orient the force along a direction vector on a feature in your model, such as the
face of a part. The direction vector you select defines the z-axis for the force; Adams/View automatically
calculates the x- and y-axes.

The translational and rotational stiffness and damping properties for the bushing.
3.Click the bodies unless Adams/View is automatically selecting them.

4.Click one or two force-application points depending on the location method you selected.

If you selected to orient the force along a direction vector on a feature, move the cursor around in
your model to display an arrow that shows the direction along a feature where you want the force
5.oriented. When the direction vector shows the correct z-axis orientation, click.

Modifying Field Elements

After creating a field element, you can modify it to define a linear or nonlinear force.

Learn about:

Constitutive equations for field elements


To modify a field element:

1.Display the Force Modify Element Like Field dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.In the New Field Name text box, enter a new name for the field element, if desired.

3.In the Solver ID text box, assign a unique ID number to the beam.

4.Enter any comments about the beam that might help you manage and identify the beam.

5.Enter the values in the dialog box as explained the table below, and then select OK.

To set: Do the following:

Markers that In the I marker Name and J marker Name text boxes, specify the two
define the field markers between which the force and torque are to be exerted.

Translational and Enter the preload translational and rotational force for the field
rotational element in the Preload text boxes.
preload of field
Translation at Preload to define three reference lengths. This is the
•nominal (x0, y0, z0) position of the I marker with respect to the
J marker, resolved in the J marker coordinate system.

•Rotation at Preload to define the reference rotational displacement

of the axes of the I marker with respect to the J marker, resolved in
the J marker axes (a0, b0, and c0) (specified in radians).

If the reference force is zero, then the preload is the same as the free
length. Entering preload values is optional and defaults to a six zero

Force preload or Select one of the following:

parameters to a
user-written •Define Using Standard Values and enter values for the text boxes that
appear in the dialog box as explained in the next rows of this table.
Define Using Subroutine and enter parameters to be passed to the
user-written subroutine FIESUB. to define a nonlinear field. Enter up
to 30 values (r1[,...,r30]) that Adams/View is to pass to FIESUB. For
•more on the FIESUB subroutine and nonlinear fields, see the
Adams/Solver Subroutines online help.

You can also specify an alternative library and name for the subroutine
in the Routine text box. Learn about specifying your own routine.

If you selected Define Using Standard Values, the following options appear:

Force and torque In the Force Preload and Torque Preload text boxes, define three
preload preload force components and three preload torque components
transferred by the field element when the I and J markers are
separated/misaligned by the values specified in the Translation at
Preload and Rotation at Preload text boxes.

The terms are the force components along the x-, y-, and z-axis of the
J marker and the torque components about the x, y-, and z-axis of the
J marker, respectively. Entering values for Force Preload and Torque
Preload is optional and defaults to six zero entries.

Stiffness matrix In the Stiffness Matrix text box, define a six-by-six matrix of stiffness
coefficients. The following matrix shows the values to input.
Enter the elements by columns from top to bottom, then from left to

Tip: A finite element analysis program can give you the values for the
stiffness matrix.

Damping Enter either a matrix of damping terms or a damping ratio if you want
coefficients to include damping coefficients in the calculation of the field forces as
explained below. The damping matrix defaults to a matrix with thirty-
six zero entries.

To define a six-by-six matrix of viscous damping coefficients, select

•Matrix of Damping Terms and enter the elements. The following
matrix shows the values to input.

Enter the elements by columns from top to bottom, then from left to

To enter a damping ratio that defines the ratio of the damping matrix
to the stiffness matrix, select Damping Ratio and enter the value. If
you enter a damping ratio, Adams/Solver multiplies the stiffness
•matrix by the ratio to obtain the damping matrix. Do not enter a ratio
without also entering a stiffness matrix.

Tip: A finite element analysis program can give you the values for the
damping matrix.

Modal Forces
A modal force, or MFORCE, allows you to distribute a force to one or more, or all nodes of a flexible
body. The force can vary in time or position and can even be made dependent on a state variable.
Examples of modal force applications are pressures on journal bearings, simulating magnetically induced
fields, or the modeling of airfoil flutter. Modal forces are a special class of forces called distributed loads
that can only be applied to flexible bodies.
For a detailed overview of distributed loads and a tutorial that steps you through an example of adding
modal forces to your model, see Modeling Distributed Loads and Predeformed Flexible Bodies.

Adams/View provides three options for defining MFORCEs on flexible bodies. All options require
additional work outside of Adams/View to complete the definition and simulation of modal forces.

Reference and scale a load case defined in the flexible body's modal load matrix. This option can only
be used in Adams/View on flexible bodies that have been built with modal neutral file (MNF) that
•contains modal load case information. For more information on flexible bodies, their modal load
matrix, and how to generate modal load case information in an MNF, see Creating Loadcase Files.

Specify the modal force as a product of a modal load case and scale function defined in a user-written
•subroutine. The scale function can depend on time or the state of the system. The load case can only
be a function of time.

•Directly specify the components of a modal force in a user-written subroutine. Each component can
depend on time or the state of the system. This option is only available in Adams/Solver (C++).

The last two options provide much more capability in defining modal forces. To take advantage of these
options, however, you need to develop a MFOSUB routine that is built into the Adams/Solver. For more
information, see the Subroutines section of the Adams/Solver online help.

More than one modal force can be defined on a flexible body. For each modal force defined on a flexible
body a modal force icon appears at its local part reference frame. You can transfer modal forces from
one flexible body to another.

Learn more:

1.Creating a Modal Force

2.Modifying a Modal Force

3.Copying and Deleting a Modal Force

4.Viewing Modal Preloads of Flexible Bodies

Creating Modal Forces

To create a modal force:

1.From the Main toolbox, from the Create Forces tool stack, select the Modal Force tool .

The Create Modal Force dialog box appears.

2.In the Create Modal Force dialog box, specify the following:

Options in Create Modal Force Dialog Box

To: Do the following:

Assign a name to In the Force Name text box, enter the name of the modal force to be
the MFORCE created. Adams/View automatically assigns a default name of MFORCE
followed by an underscore and a number to make the name unique
(for example, MFORCE_1).

Specify the In the Flexible Body text box, enter the name of the flexible body.
flexible body to
which the

Apply the If desired, in the Reaction Part text box, enter the name of an existing
reaction of the part. If you enter a part name, Adams/View automatically creates a
modal force floating marker associated with this part when it creates the MFORCE.
resultant to a Adams/View keeps the marker coincident with the flexible body
part analysis coordinate system during the simulation. Therefore, the need
for the point of reaction to be a floating marker.

In addition, because floating markers cannot be defined on flexible

bodies, the reaction part is restricted to rigid bodies only.

Note: You can use the Info command to see the floating marker that
Adams/View creates when you reference a reaction part. Learn about
Displaying Object Information and Accessing Information Window.

Select how you Select the following from Define Using:

want to define
the modal force. Function - Lets you select the modal load case and scale function of
the MFORCE. Note that you cannot select Function when defining an
•MFORCE on a flexible body that does not contain any modal load case
information in its corresponding MNF.

Subroutine - Lets you specify up to thirty user-defined constants to be

passed to the user-defined subroutine, MFOSUB to directly compute
the modal load case and scale function whose product is the modal
force applied to the flexible body. The scale function can depend on
•time or the state of the system. The load case can only be a function
of time.

•Force - Lets you specify up to thirty user-defined constants to be

passed to the user-defined subroutine, MFOSUB to directly compute
the modal force on the flexible body. Each component of the modal
force can depend on time or the state of the system. (Adams/Solver
(C++) only. Learn about switching solvers.)

To use a subroutine, you need to build a version of the Adams/Solver

that contains your version of the MFOSUB routine that quantifies the
modal force. For more information, see the Subroutines section of the
Adams/Solver online help.

You can also specify an alternative library and name for the user
subroutine in the Routine text box. Learn about specifying your own

3.If you select to specify a flexible body with modal load case information, you also specify:

• Load Case - Lets you select a modal load case label from a list. The list of modal load case labels is
generated from the MNF. Learn about load case files.

• Scale Function - Lets you specify an expression for the scale factor to be applied to the modal load

4.Select OK.

Modifying Modal Forces

You can modify an existing MFORCE in the following ways:

The flexible body to which the modal forces is applied.

The part to which the reaction resultant of the modal force is applied.

The definition of the modal force.

To modify a MFORCE:

1.Display the Modify Modal Force as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.Follow the instructions in the dialog box help.

3.Select OK.

Copying and Deleting a Modal Force

You can copy and delete MFORCEs just like you copy and delete other objects in Adams/View. See
Copying Objects and Deleting Objects.

Note: When you copy a MFORCE that has a reaction part specified or as a result, a floating marker
referenced, Adams/View also creates a new floating marker.

In addition, when you delete a MFORCE that has a reaction part specified, Adams/View does not
delete its referenced floating marker.

Viewing Modal Preloads of Flexible Bodies

A special form of a modal load in a flexible body is a modal preload. Since modal preloads are an integral
property of the flexible body, you do not have the ability to modify these loads in Adams/View. You can,
however, inspect the values of these preloads for each mode. In Adams/View, there are two ways to
review the modal preloads of a flexible body.

For a detailed overview of modal preloads and a tutorial that steps you through an example of modeling
preloads, see Modeling Distributed Loads and Predeformed Flexible Bodies.

To review the modal preloads using the Flexible Body Modify dialog box:

1.Double-click the flexible body to display the Flexible Body Modify dialog box.

2.From the Flexible Body Modify dialog box, select Modal ICs.

The Modify Modal ICs... dialog box appears. Preloads for the flexible body appear in the last column.

3.Review the preloads, and then select Close.

To obtain a listing of the preloads using the Info command:

Display information on the flexible body as explained in Displaying Object Information and Accessing
1.Information Window.

2.In the information window, select Verbose, and then select Apply.

The modal preload values appear in the last column of the modal frequency table.

Viewing Modal Forces

You can review modal forces on flexible bodies in Adams/PostProcessor as:


Contour plots

Vector plots

No matter what form, the modal force results are presented with respect to the flexible body’s local part
reference frame. This is unlike most other Adams force elements that are plotted with respect to the
ground coordinate system, by default. For a detailed overview of modal forces and a tutorial that steps
you through an example of creating a modal force, see Modeling Distributed Loads and Predeformed
Flexible Bodies.

Note: To create a contour or vector plot of a modal force, the MNF of the associated flexible body must
•contain nodal masses. You can use the MNF browser to check if the MNF contains nodal masses,
see Browsing an MNF.

•Because modal forces can depend on the state of the system, you must run a simulation before
viewing the results of a modal force.

To review a modal force component as a curve:

1.Start Adams/PostProcessor, and then set its mode to plotting.

2.From the dashboard, set Source to Result Sets.

The dashboard changes to show the results available for plotting.

3.From the Result Set list, select the modal force object whose characteristics you want to plot.

From the Component list, select the component of the modal force. FX, FY, FZ, TX, TY, and TZ are the
resultant force and torque components with respect to the flexible body’s local part reference frame.
4.FQi is the ith modal component of the modal force.

5.Select Add Curves to add the data curve to the current plot.

To review a modal force as a contour plot:

1.Set the Adams/PostProcessor mode to animation.

2.Right-click the background of a viewport, and then select Load Animation.

From the treeview in Adams/PostProcessor, select the flexible body on which you want to display the
3.modal force plot.

4.In the property editor, set Plot Type to Both.

5.In the dashboard, select the Contour Plots tab.

6.Set Contour Plot Type to the component of the modal force you want to review. Remember that the
modal force components are with respect to the flexible body’s local part reference frame.

Next, Adams/PostProcessor computes the minimum and maximum values of the modal force. This can
take a few minutes because it requires interrogating the modal force values at every node in every
mode at every animation frame.

7.Select the Play button to animate the modal force contour plot.

To review a modal force as a vector plot:

1.Follow steps 1 through 4 in To Review a modal force as a contour plot above.

2.Select the Vector Plots tab in the dashboard.

3.Set Vector Plot Type to either Force or Torque.

4.Select the Play button to animate the modal force contour plot.

Using contacts, you can go beyond just modeling how parts meet at points and model how solid bodies
react when they come in contact with one another when the model is in motion.

For more on the theory behind contact forces, see the CONTACT statement in the Adams/Solver online

Set defaults for contact operations.

About Contact Forces

Contacts allow you to model how free-moving bodies interact with one another when they collide
during a simulation.

Contacts are grouped into two categories:

•Two-dimensional contacts, which include the interaction between planar geometric elements (for
example, circle, curve, and point)

•Three-dimensional contacts, which include the interaction between solid geometry (for example,
spheres, cylinders, enclosed shells, extrusions, and revolutions).

You currently cannot model contact between a two-dimensional and a three-dimensional geometry,
except for sphere-to-plane contact.
For more on the theory behind contact forces, see the CONTACT statement in the Adams/Solver online

Contact Force Algorithms

Contact forces use two distinct normal force algorithms:

Restitution-based contact

IMPACT-function-based contact

Learn more about the contact detection algorithm.

Note: Contact defined between planar geometry (for example, circle to curve) must be constrained to lie
in the same plane. You usually accomplish this using planar joints or an equivalent set of
constraints that enforce the planarity.

Failure to enforce planarity will result in a run-time error when the bodies go out of plane during a

You can also create your own contact force model by entering parameters to a user-defined subroutine.

Supported Geometry in Contacts

Two-Dimensional Contacts
Adams/View supports two-dimensional contact between the following geometry:







For flexible bodies, only point-to-plane and point-to-curve contacts are supported, where the point is on
the flexible body. Adams/Solver (C++) can treat multiple points per CONTACT statement. Adams/Solver
(FORTRAN) can only treat one point per CONTACT statement.

Note: You cannot have contacts between a point and another point and a plane and another plane.

Three-Dimensional Contacts

Adams/View supports three-dimensional contact between the following solid geometry:









Constructive, solid geometry (geometry combined from several geometries)

Generic three-dimensional Parasolid geometry, including extrusion and revolution

Shell (enclosed-volume only)

You can also create a contact between a three-dimensional elliposoid and a plane (sphere only).

Note: Adams/View does not support nonsolid, three-dimensional geometries, such as shells that do not
represent an enclosed volume.

Creating/Modifying Contact Forces

To create or modify a contact force:

1.From the Force tool stack or palette, select the Contact Force tool .

The Create Contact dialog box appears.

2.Enter values in the dialog box as explained in the table below, and then select OK.

Tip: You can change the direction of the force on some geometry (for example, circle, curve, plane, and

sphere) by selecting the Change Direction tool .

To: Do the following:

Define type and geometry To define the geometry that comes into contact:

1.Set Type to the type of geometry to come into contact.

The text boxes change depending on the type of contact

force you selected.

In the text boxes, enter the name of the geometry

objects. For solids and curves, you can enter more than
one geometry, but the geometry must belong to the
same part. You can select the objects from the screen or
Database Navigator or type it directly in the text box. If
you type the geometry object name directly in the text
2.box, you must press Enter to register the value.

If you want to change the direction of the force, in the

Direction pull-down menu, select the geometry on which
you want to change the force, and then select the Change

Direction tool .

Turn on the force display for Select Force Display, and then from the option menu,
both normal and friction select a color for the force display.
forces and set its color
Note: If you are using an external Adams/Solver, you must
set the output files to XML to view the force display. Learn
about setting type of output files.

Refine the normal force Select Augmented Lagrangian.

between two sets of rigid
When you select Augmented Lagrangian, Adams/View
geometries that are in
contact uses iterative refinement to ensure that penetration
between the geometries is minimal. It also ensures that
the normal force magnitude is relatively insensitive to the
penalty or stiffness used to model the local material
compliance effects.

Note: Augmented Lagrangian is only available when

defining a restitution-based contact.

Define a restitution-based To define the normal force as restitution-based:

1.Set Normal Force to Restitution.

Enter a penalty value to define the local stiffness

2.properties between the contacting material.

A large penalty value ensures that the penetration of one

geometry into another will be small. Large values,
however, will cause numerical integration difficulties. A
value of 1E6 is appropriate for systems modeled in Kg-
mm-sec. For more information on how to specify this
value, see the Extended Definition for the CONTACT
statement in the Adams/Solver online help.

Enter the coefficient of restitution, which models the

3.energy loss during contact.

A value of zero specifies a perfectly plastic contact

4.between the two colliding bodies.

5.A value of one specifies a perfectly elastic contact.

There is no energy loss.

The coefficient of restitution is a function of the two

materials that are coming into contact. For information on
material types versus commonly used values of the
coefficient of restitution, see the table for the CONTACT
statement in the Adams/Solver online help.

Define an impact contact To define the normal force as based on an impact using
the IMPACT function:

1.Set Normal Force to Impact.

2.Enter values for the following:

•Stiffness - Specifies a material stiffness that is to be used

to calculate the normal force for the impact model.

In general, the higher the stiffness, the more rigid or hard

the bodies in contact are.

Note: When changing the length units in Adams/View,

stiffnesses in contacts are scaled by (length conversion
factor**exponent). When changing the force unit,
stiffness is only scaled by the force conversion factor.

Force Exponent - Adams/Solver models normal force as

a nonlinear springdamper. If the damping penetration,
above, is the instantaneous penetration between the
contacting geometry, Adams/Solver calculates the
•contribution of the material stiffness to the
instantaneous normal forces as:


For more information, see the IMPACT function in the

Adams/Solver online help.

Damping - Enter a value to define the damping

properties of the contacting material. A good rule of
•thumb is that the damping coefficient is about one
percent of the stiffness coefficient.

•Penetration Depth - Enter a value to define the

penetration at which Adams/Solver turns on full
damping. Adams/Solver uses a cubic STEP function to
increase the damping coefficient from zero, at zero
penetration, to full damping when the penetration
reaches the damping penetration. A reasonable value for
this parameter is 0.01 mm. For more information, refer
to the IMPACT function in the Adams/Solver online help.

Define your own contact 1.Set Normal Force to User Defined.

Enter parameters to the user-defined subroutine. You
can also specify an alternative library and name for the
user subroutine in the Routine text box. Learn about
2.specifying your own routine.

Model the friction effects at 1.Set Friction Force to Coulomb.

the contact locations using
Set Coulomb Friction to On, Off, or Dynamics Only to
the Coulomb friction model
2.define whether friction effects are to be included.
Note: The friction model
In the Static Coefficient text box, specify the coefficient
models dynamic friction but
of friction at a contact point when the slip velocity is
not stiction.
smaller than the value for Static Transition Vel. For
For more on friction in information on material types versus commonly used
contacts, see Contact Friction values of the coefficient of static friction, see Material
Force Calculation. In addition, 3.Contact Properties.
read the information for the Excessively large values of Static Coefficient can cause
CONTACT statement in the integration difficulties.
Adams/Solver online help.
Range: Static Coefficient 0

In the Dynamic Coefficient text box, specify the

coefficient of friction at a contact point when the slip
velocity is larger than the value for Friction Transition
Vel. For information on material types versus commonly
used values of the coefficient of the dynamic coefficient
4.of friction, see Material Contact Properties.

Excessively large values of Dynamic Coefficient can cause

integration difficulties.

Range: 0 Dynamic Coefficient Static Coefficient

In the Static Transition Vel. text box, enter the static

5.transition velocity.
In the Friction Transition Vel. text box, enter the friction
6.transition velocity.

Adams/Solver gradually transitions the coefficient of

friction from the value for Static Coefficent to the value
for Dynamic Coefficient as the slip velocity at the contact
point increases. When the slip velocity is equal to the
value specified for Friction Transition Vel., the effective
coefficient of friction is set to Dynamic Coefficient.

Note: Small values for this option cause the integrator

difficulties. You should specify this value as:

Friction Transition Vel. 5* ERROR

where ERROR is the integration error used for the

solution. Its default value is 1E-3.

Range: Friction Transition Vel. Static Transition Vel. > 0

Model the friction effects at 1.Set Friction Force to User Defined.

the contact locations using
Enter parameters to a user-defined subroutine,
your own model
2.CNFSUB, and enter the name of the routine.

In the Static Transition Vel. text box, enter the static

3.transition velocity.

Adams/Solver gradually transitions the coefficient of

friction from the value in Dynamic Coefficient to the value
in Static Coefficent as the slip velocity at the contact point
decreases. When the slip velocity is equal to the value you
specify for Static Transition Vel., the effective coefficient
of friction is set to the value in Static Coefficient.

Range: 0 < Static Transition Vel. Friction Transition Vel

Note: A small value for Static Transition Vel. causes

numerical integrator difficulties. A general rule for
specifying this value is:

Static Transition Vel. ERROR

where ERROR is the accuracy requested of the integrator.

Its default value is 1E-3. See Solver Settings - Dynamic.
Simulation Results of Contact Forces
When you run a simulation, Adams/View automatically calculates specific attributes of contact forces.
The results appear in Adams/PostProcessor in plotting mode for objects.

For contact force:



For tracks:

Double-click a track to view:

• I_Point

• I_Normal_Force

• I_Friction_Force

• I_Normal_Unit_Vector

• I_Friction_Unit_Vector

• J_Point

• J_Normal_Force

• J_Friction_Force

• J_Normal_Unit_Vector

• J_Friction_Unit_Vector

• Slip_Deformation

• Slip_Velocity

• Penetration

System/Data Elements
System Elements
System elements allow you to add your own algebraic and differential equations, and corresponding
states, to your model. Adams/Solver solves your equations simultaneously with the equations it
generates from other modeling elements.

Your user-defined equations can depend on any states in the model, such as time, part motions, forces,
or other user-defined states. In turn, you can reference your states in forces, system elements, and
other modeling elements.

System elements enable you to model system components that are not as easily represented by
standard Adams/View modeling objects, such as parts, constraints, and forces. They are useful for
modeling components or subsystems that have dynamics of their own. You can use system elements to
represent a control system, for example, or to model the dynamics of an electro-mechanical, hydraulic,
or pneumatic actuator. You can also use system elements to compute simulation output. For example,
you might calculate the energy dissipated in a damper.

The system elements are listed in the table below.

The system
element: Defines:

Differential Differential equation that describes a user-defined variable in terms of

equation its time derivative.

General state System of explicit differential and (optionally) algebraic equations in

equation state-space form. You use array data elements to specify inputs,
outputs, and statements.

Linear state System of constant coefficient, explicit, differential, and algebraic

equation equations in the classic state-space format when used with associated
array and matrix data elements.

Transfer Single-input, single-output transfer function as a ratio of two

function polynomials in the Laplace domain when used with associated array
data elements.

State variable Scalar algebraic equation for independent use or as part of the plant
input, plant output, or array data elements.

Example of Using System Element

We've provided a complete example of using system elements in a model in the examples directory of
your Adams installation directory. The example contains the following elements:

State variables



Implicit and explicit differential equations

Linear state equations

Transfer functions

The files you use to run the example are:

•system_tutorial.cmd - Contains an Adams/View command file that builds a model containing the
elements listed above.

system_tutorial.txt - Describes the model and its construction.

The path to the files is /install_dir/aview/examples/user_guide, where install_dir is where the Adams
software is installed.

Controlling Equilibrium Values When Using System Elements

During a static simulation, Adams/Solver finds equilibrium values for user-defined differential variables
(differential equations, general state equations, linear state equations, and transfer functions), as well as
for the displacement and force variables. The equilibrium values it finds change the initial conditions for
subsequent simulations. To help you control the static simulation results, Adams/View provides an
option that you can set to keep the values constant. This option is called static hold. Static hold retains
the user-specified initial conditions as the static equilibrium values.

If you do not set static hold, Adams/Solver sets the time derivatives of the user-defined variables to zero
during a static simulation, and uses the user-supplied initial-condition values only as initial guesses for
the static solution. Generally, the final equilibrium values are not the same as the initial condition
values. Adams/Solver then uses the equilibrium values of the user-defined variables as the initial values
for any subsequent simulation, just as with the equilibrium displacement and force values.
If you do set static hold, Adams/Solver retains the user-specified initial conditions as the static
equilibrium values. Therefore, the final equilibrium values are the same as the user-specified initial
conditions. Note that this does not guarantee that the time derivatives of the user-defined variable are
zero after a static simulation.

Using Arrays with System Elements

You use array elements to represent the system states and outputs for linear state equations, general
state equations, and transfer functions. You use the run-time function ARYVAL to reference states and
outputs for these elements, instead of using Adams functions that are dedicated expressly to the
equations. For more information on arrays, see Creating and Modifying Arrays. For more information on
the ARYVAL function, see Adams/View Function Builder online help.

The state variable and differential equation elements do not use arrays. You reference a state variable
with the VARVAL function, and reference a differential equation with the DIF and DIF1 functions. Again,
for more information on these functions, see Adams/View Function Builder online help.

Terminology Used in System Elements

The terminology used in the dialog boxes for creating linear state equations, general state equations,
and transfer function follows standard control systems terminology, where:

x is the state array

y is the output array

u is the input array

IC is the initial conditions array, x(t=0)

You define each of these arrays using an array data element stored in the current modeling database. All
array sizes must be consistent with the definition of the system elements. Do not define arrays with
zero-size and zero-valued partial-derivative matrices. Adams/Solver correctly formulates the system
equations based on those arrays and derivatives that do exist.

Creating and Modifying Differential Equation

The following procedure explains how to create or modify a differential equation.

To create or modify differential equations:

1.From the Build menu, point to System Elements, point to Differential Equation, and then select either
New or Modify.

2.If you selected Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a differential equation to modify.

The Modify or Create Differential Equation dialog box appears. Both dialog boxes contain the same

3.If you selected New, change the name of the differential equation element, if desired.

Set Type to either Explicit or Implicit to indicate that the function expression or subroutine defines the
4.explicit or implicit form of the equation. Learn about ways to define differential equation.

5.Do either of the following:

Set Definition to Run-time Expression, and, in the y' = text box, enter a function expression that
Adams/Solver evaluates during a simulation. In the function expression, the system variable DIF(i) is
the value of the dependent variable that the differential equation defines, and DIF1(j) is the first
• derivative of the dependent variable that the differential equation defines.

Select the More button to display the Function Builder and build an expression. See Function Builder
and Adams/View Function Builder online help.

Set Definition to User Written Subroutine and in the y' = text box, enter parameters that are
passed to a user-written subroutine DIFSUB or specify an alternative library and name for the user
•subroutine in the Routine text box. Learn about Adams/Solver Subroutines. Learn about
specifying routines.

6. In the Initial Conditions text box, specify:

The initial value of the differential equation at the start of the simulation.

Optionally, if you are defining an implicit equation, an approximate value of the initial time derivative
of the differential equation at the start of the simulation. (You do not need to supply a second value
•when you enter a explicit equation because Adams/Solver can compute the initial time derivative
directly from the equation.)

Adams/Solver might adjust the value of the time derivative when it performs an initial conditions
simulation. Entering an initial value for the time derivative helps Adams/Solver converge to a desired
7.initial conditions solution.

Select whether or not Adams should hold constant the value of the differential equation during static
8.and quasi-static simulations. Learn about Controlling Equilibrium Values When Using System Elements.

Creating and Modifying General State Equations

The following procedure teaches you how to represent a subsystem that has well defined inputs (u),
internal states (x), and a set of well defined outputs (y).
Learn more about:

About Defining General State Equations (GSEs)

Cautions for Using General State Equations

Also see:

Examples of General State Equations in GSE statement in the Adams/Solver online help

To create or modify a general state equation:

From the Build menu, point to System Elements, point to General State Equation, and then select
1.either New or Modify.

2.If you selected Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a system element to modify.

The Modify or Create General State Equation dialog box appears. Both dialog boxes contain the same

If you selected New, change the name of the general state equation element, if desired, and assign a
3.unique ID to it.

4.Set up the GSE by filling in the following text boxes:

In the U Array (Inputs) text box, specify the array element that defines the input variables for the GSE.
•The U array is optional. When not specified, there are no system inputs. The number of inputs to the
GSE is inferred from the number of variables in the U array.

•In the Y Array (Outputs) text box, specify the array element that defines the output variables for the

•In the User Function Parameters text box, specify the parameters that are to be passed to the user-
written subroutines that define the constitutive equations of a GSE, viz., Equations 1, 2, and 3.

Three user subroutines are associated with a GSE:

• GSE_DERIV is called to evaluate fc() in Equations 1.

• GSE_UPDATE is called to evaluate fd() in Equations 2.

• GSE_OUTPUT is called to evaluate g() in Equations 3.

See the Subroutines help in the Adams/Solver online help.

If you specified a user function, in the Interface Function Names, enter function names to use other than
the standard names GSE_DERIV, GSE_UPDATE, and GSE_OUTPUT.
5.Set States to the type of system to define:

• Continuous



None (No options appear; defines a feed-forward system)

The dialog box changes depending on the type of system. See the next tables for the values to enter
depending on the systems you are creating. For a sampled system, you enter both continous and
discrete values.

Add or change any comments about the GSE that you want to enter to help you manage and identify

7.Select OK.

Options for Defining Continuous and Sampled Systems

For the
option: Do the following:

X Array Enter the array element that defines the continuous states for the GSE.
(Continous) The array element must be of the X type, and it cannot be used in any
other linear state equation, general state equation, or transfer function.

IC Array Enter the array element that specifies the initial conditions for the
(Continous) continuous states in the system.

When you do not specify an IC array for a GSE, all the continuous states
are initialized to zero.

Static Hold Indicate whether or not the continuous GSE states are permitted to
change during static and quasi-static simulations.

Options for Discrete and Sampled Systems

For the option: Do the following:

X Array (Discrete) Enter the array element that is used to access the discrete states
for the GSE. It must be of the X type, and it cannot be used in any
other linear state equation, general state equation, or transfer

IC Array (Discrete) Enter the array element that specifies the initial conditions for
the discrete states in the system. The array is optional. The array
element must be of the IC type.

When you do not specify an IC array for a GSE, all the discrete
states are initialized to zero.

First Sample Time Specify the simulation time at which the sampling of the discrete
states is to start. All discrete states before the first sample time
are defined to be at the initial condition specified. The default is

Sample Specify the sampling period associated with the discrete states of
Function/Sample User a GSE. This tells Adams/Solver to control its step size so that the
Parameters discrete states of the GSE are updated at:

last_sample_time + sample_period

In cases where an expression for the sampling period is difficult

to write, you can specify it in a user-written subroutine
GSE_SAMP. Adams/Solver will call this function at each sample
time to find out the next sample period.

Select the More button to display the Function Builder and

build an expression. See Function Builder and Adams/View
Function Builder online help.

Creating and Modifying Linear State Equations

The following procedure explains how to a linear state equation.

Learn about:

About defining linear state equations

•Ways to use linear state equations

Cautions when using linear state equations

To create or modify a linear state equation:

From the Build menu, point to System Elements, point to Linear State Equation, and then select either
1.New or Modify.

2.If you selected Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a linear state equation to modify.

The Part Modify or Create Equation Linear State Equation dialog box appears. Both dialog boxes contain
the same options.

If you selected New, change the name of the linear state equation element, if desired, and assign a
3.unique ID number to it.

Add or change any comments about the equation element that you want to enter to help you manage
4.and identify the element.

5.Enter the arrays and matrices in the next text boxes as explained below.

X State Array Name - Enter the array element that defines the state array for the linear system. The
array must be a states (X) array. It cannot be used in any other linear state equation, general state
• equation, or transfer function.

U Input Array Name - Enter the array element that defines the input (or control) array for the linear
•system. Entering an inputs (U) array is optional. The array must be an inputs (U) array. If you enter an
inputs (U) array, you must also specify either a B input matrix, a D feedforward matrix, or both.

The B and D matrices must have the same number of columns as there are elements in the inputs (U)

Y Output Array Name - Enter the array element that defines the column matrix of output variables for
the linear system. Entering an outputs (Y) array is optional. If you enter an outputs (Y) array, you must
also specify a C output matrix or a D feedforward matrix. The corresponding matrix elements must
have the same number of rows as there are elements in the outputs (Y) array. It also must be an
•outputs (Y) array, and it cannot be used in any other linear state equation, general state equation, or
transfer function.

IC Array Name - Enter the array element that defines the column matrix of initial conditions for the
linear system. Entering the IC array is optional. The IC array must have the same number of elements as
•the states (X) array (equal to the number of rows in the A state matrix). When you do not specify an IC
array, Adams/Solver initializes all states to zero.

•A State Matrix Name - Enter the matrix data element that defines the state transition matrix for the
linear system. The matrix must be a square matrix (same number of rows and columns), and it must
have the same number of columns as the number of rows in the states (X) array.

B Input Matrix Name - Enter the matrix data element that defines the control matrix for the linear
•system. The B input matrix must have the same number of rows as the A state matrix and the same
number of columns as the number of elements in the inputs (U) array.

Entering a B input matrix is optional. If you enter a B input matrix, you must also include an inputs (U)

C Output Matrix Name - Enter the matrix data element that defines the output matrix for the linear
system. The C output matrix must have the same number of columns as the A state matrix and the
•same number of rows as the number of elements in the outputs (Y) array. Entering a C output matrix is
optional. If you enter a C output matrix, you must also include an outputs (Y) array name.

D Feedforward Matrix Name - Enter the matrix data element that defines the feedforward matrix for
the linear system. The D feedforward matrix must have the same number of rows as the number of
•elements in the Y output array and the same number of columns as the number of elements in the
inputs (U) array.

When you enter a D feedforward matrix, you must also include both a Y output matrix and an inputs (U)

Set Static hold to yes to hold states at the constant value determined during static and quasi-static
simulations; no if they can change. Learn about Controlling Equilibrium Values When Using System

7.Select OK.

Creating and Modifying Transfer Functions

The following procedure examples how to create or modify a transfer function.

Learn about:

Defining transfer functions

Understanding the details of transfer functions

To create or modify a transfer function:

From the Build menu, point to System Elements, point to Transfer Function, and then select either
1.New or Modify.

2.If you selected Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a system element to modify.

3.The Modify or Create Transfer Function dialog box appears. Both dialog boxes contain the same

4.If you selected New, change the name of the transfer function element, if desired.

5.Enter the arrays for the transfer function in the next three text boxes as explained below:

Input Array Name (U) - Enter the array that defines the input (or control) for the transfer function. The
array must be an inputs (U) array. If you specified the size of the array when you created it, it must be
• one.

State Array Name (X) - Enter the array that defines the state variable array for the transfer function.
The array must be a states (X) array, and it cannot be used in any other linear state equation, general
•state equation, or transfer function. If you specified the size of the array when you created it, it must
be one less than the number of coefficients in the denominator.

Output Array (Y) - Enter the array that defines the output for the transfer function. The array must be
•an outputs (Y) array, and it cannot be used in any other linear state equation, general state equation,
or transfer function. If you specify the size of the array when you created it, its size must be one.

In the Denominator Coefficients and Numerator Coefficients text boxes, specify the coefficients of the
polynomial in the numerator and denominator of the transfer function. List the coefficients in order of
ascending power of s, starting with s to the zero power, including any intermediate zero coefficients.
The number of coefficients for the denominator must be greater than or equal to the number of
coefficients for the numerator. The number of coefficients for the denominator must be greater than
6.or equal to the number of coefficients for the numerator.

7.Select Check Format and Display Plot to display a plot of the transfer function.

Select whether or not Adams should hold constant the value of the transfer equation during static and
8.quasi-static simulations. Learn about controlling equilibrium values when using system elements.

9.Select OK.

Creating and Modifying State Variables

The following procedure explains how to create or modify a state variable.

Learn more:

About defining state variables

Cautions for using state variables

Ways to define state variables

To create and modify a state variable:

From the Build menu, point to System Elements, point to State Variable, and then select either New or

2.If you selected Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a system element to modify.

The Modify or Create State Variable dialog box appears. Both dialog boxes contain the same options.

3.If you selected New, change the name of the state variable element, if desired

4.Set Definition to either of the following:

Run-time Expression

User written subroutine

Learn more about ways to define state variables.

5.If you selected:

Run-time Expression, enter the function expression that defines the variable. Select the More button

to display the Function Builder and build an expression. See Function Builder and Adams/View
• Function Builder online help.

•User written subroutine, enter constants to the user-written subroutine VARSUB to define a
variable. See the Subroutines section of the Adams/Solver online help.

If desired, select Guess for F(1, 0..), and then specify an

approximate initial value for the variable.
Adams/Solver may adjust the value when it performs
an initial condition simulation. Entering an accurate
value for initial conditions can help Adams/Solver
6. converge to the initial conditions solution.

Data Elements

Learn about:

Types of Arrays

Determining Array Size

To create or modify an array data element:

1.From the Build menu, point to Data Elements, point to Array, and then select either New or Modify.

2.If you selected:

New, the Create /Solver Array dialog box appears, and you should continue with Step 3.

•Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a data element array to modify. The Modify /Solver
Array dialog box appears. Continue with Step 4.

3.If creating the array, accept the default name or assign a new name.

Tip: You might find it easier to track which array element goes with which system element if you name
the array elements and the corresponding system elements with like names. For example, the states
(X) array that goes with general state equation GSE_100 would be ARRAY_100; the inputs (U) array
would be ARRAY_101; and the outputs (Y) array would be ARRAY_102.

Select the type of array that you want to define. Learn about the types of arrays. The dialog box
4.changes depending on the selection you make.

Depending on the type of array you are creating or modifying, enter or change the values in the dialog
5.box as explained in the next table, and then select OK.

To create/modify: Do the following:

General and initial In the Numbers text box, enter the values to be stored in the
conditions array array.

States (X) In the Size text box, enter the size of the array.

Outputs (Y) In the Size text box, enter the size of the array.

Inputs (U) In the Variables text box, enter the variables to be stored. If the
array is used as input to a transfer function, then you can enter
only one variable.

A string element defines a character string that you can refer to later in the execution of Adams/View or
Adams/Solver. The character string cannot be broken and continued on the next line. It can, however,
be longer than a single line. You can use the GTSTRG subroutine to retrieve the character string in a
user-written subroutine. For example, you could use a string element to pass a file name to a user-
written subroutine. For more information, see the Subroutines section of the Adams/Solver online help.

To create or modify a string:

1.From the Build menu, point to Data Elements, point to String, and then select either New or Modify

2.If you selected:

New, the Data Element Create String Element dialog box appears, and you should continue with Step 3.

Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a data element string to modify. The Data Element
•Modify String Element dialog box appears. It contains the same options as the Data Element Create
String Element dialog box.

3.In the Name text box, enter the name that you want assigned to the string.

4.In the String text box, enter the string values.

5.Select OK.


Learn more:

About Data Element Curves

Uses for Data Element Curves

Steps in Defining Curves

Using Curve Elements in Your Model

Creating and Modifying Curve Data Elements

About Curve Data Elements

The x, y, and z coordinates of a point on a parametric curve are functions of an independent parameter,
alpha. As alpha varies from its minimum value to its maximum value, the functions x(alpha), y(alpha),
and z(alpha) sweep out points on the curve. A simple example of a parametric curve is the helix defined
by the following equations:

x = cos(alpha)

y = sin(alpha)

z = alpha

Ways to Use Curve Data Elements

A curve data element defines a three-dimensional parametric curve that you can reference when:

Creating a higher-pair constraint - When you create or modify a point-curve or 2D curve-curve

•constraint, you can pick the geometric curves that you've created from the curve element or you can
modify the point- or curve-curve constraint to use a different curve.

Creating a part - You can use the curve that you create in the definition of a part. For example, when
you create a construction geometry spline using the geometric modeling tools as explained in Creating
Splines, Adams/View automatically creates a curve element defining the spline. You could replace the
•default curve element with a curve element that you create. You could also create an empty part using
the Table Editor, and modify it to contain a curve element.

Writing function expressions - You can use the curve element as the input to a function, such as
•CURVE(B-Spline fitting method). For more information on using curves in a function expression, see
Spline Functions in Adams/View Function Builder online help.

Steps in Defining a Curve

To create a curve using curve or data points that are defined in a matrix element or using a user-written
subroutine, you perform the steps listed in the figure below. Click a step for more information.
Using Curve Elements in Your Model

Once you've created a curve element, you can use it to define a higher-pair constraint, as geometry of a
part, or in a function expression.

Higher-Pair Constraint - When you create or modify either a point- or curve-curve constraint, you can
pick the geometric curves that you've created from the curve element or you can modify the point- or
•curve-curve constraint to use a different curve. For more information on using the curve element in the
definition of higher-pair constraints, see Point-Curve Constraints and Curve-Curve Constraints.

Geometry of a part - You can use the curve that you create in the definition of a part. For example,
when you create a construction geometry spline using the geometric modeling tools as explained in
Creating Splines, Adams/View automatically creates a curve element defining the spline. You could
•replace the default curve element with a curve element that you create. You could also create an
empty part using the Table Editor, and modify it to contain a curve element.

•Function expression - You can use the curve element as the input to a function, such as CURVE (B-
Spline fitting method). See Spline Functions in Adams/View Function Builder online help.

Creating and Modifying Curve Data Elements

To create or modify a curve data element:

1.From the Build menu, point to Data Elements, point to Curve, and then select either New or Modify.

2.If you selected:

New, the Data Element Create Curve dialog box appears and you should continue with Step 4.

•Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a data element curve to modify. The Data Element
Modify Curve dialog box appears. It contains the same options as the Data Element Create Curve dialog

3.If creating the curve, accept the default name or assign a new name.

4.Assign a unique ID number to the curve element, if desired.

5.Add or change any comments about the curve element to help you manage and identify it.

6.Set Closed to no to create an open curve or yes to create a closed curve.

Set the pull-down menu in the middle of the dialog box for how you want to define the curve (either
from a matrix or a subroutine). The dialog box changes depending on the selection you made. Learn
7.more about ways to define curves.

If you are entering values using a matrix, enter values in the dialog box as explained in the table below,
8.and then select OK.

To set: Do the following:

Matrix to be In the Matrix Name text box, enter the matrix name.

Interpolation Specify the order of the b-spline interpolating the curve. The order is 1
order plus the degree of the functions used to define the spline. The order also
affects the number of points used to determine each spline segment. For
example, splines of order 2 are basically polylines, while the segments
used to create an spline of order 4 are of the 3rd order. 4 is the default
order of splines, which is a cubic b-spline.

Note: B-splines of order K will have K - 2 continious derivatives. The

discontinuities appear where the polynomial segments join together.
Increasing the order of the b-spline arbitrarily may introduce unwanted
oscillation into the curve.

If you are entering values using a subroutine, enter values in the dialog box as explained in the table
9.below, and then select OK.

To set: Do the following:

User-written In the User Function text box, enter the subroutine name. You can
subroutine to be also specify an alternative library and name for the subroutine in
used the Routine text box. Learn about specifying your own routine..

Minimum and Enter the following:

maximum curve
Minimum Parameter - Enter the minimum value of the curve
parameter for a user-written curve.

Maximum Parameter - Enter the maximum value of the curve

parameter for a user-written curve.


A spline creates a continuous function from a set of data points.

Learn about:

About Data Element Splines

Ways to Create Splines

Curve-Fitting Techniques

Creating Splines Using the Spline Editor

Creating Splines Using the General Method

Modifying Splines

Tips and Cautions When Creating Splines

•Example of Using Splines

About Data Element Splines

A spline creates a continuous function from a set of data points. Splines are useful when you have test
data or manufacturer specifications that specify the value of a function at several points. The spline can
define a curve (two-dimensional, x, y) or a surface (three-dimensional, x, y, z).

You can use splines to create nonlinear functions for motions, forces, or other elements that use
functions. In the case of a motion, the points define the displacement, velocity, or acceleration as a
function of time, displacement, velocity, or another Adams quantity.
The Adams/View spline element contains the x, y or x, y, z data points that you want to interpolate. To
use the spline element, you must write a function expression that includes Adams spline functions (such
as AKISPL or CUBSPL) or create a user-written subroutine that calls one of the spline utility subroutines
(AKISPL or CUBSPL subroutine). The functions or subroutines interpolate the discrete data.

Ways to Create Splines

You can enter spline data into Adams/View in several ways:

Use the Spline Editor to create a spline in Adams/View. The Spline Editor provides you with a table for
•inputting values and a plotting window for viewing the results and the effects of different curve-fitting

Use the general method to define spline data points by referencing either a file containing a set of
•points or results from a simulation. You can also enter numerical values directly. See Creating Splines
Using the General Method.

•Import tabular data into Adams/View and save it as a spline. For information on how to import test
data as splines, see Import - Test Data.

•Use the data from a plot and save it as a spline. For more information, see Creating Splines from Curves
in the Adams/PostProcessor online help.

Curve-Fitting Techniques in Adams/View

Adams/View uses curve-fitting techniques to interpolate between data points to create a continuous
function. If the spline data has one independent variable, Adams/View uses a cubic polynomial to
interpolate between points. If the spline data has two independent variables, Adams/View first uses a
cubic interpolation method to interpolate between points of the first independent variable and then
uses a linear method to interpolate between curves of the second independent variable.

For information on the different spline functions that use these curve fitting techniques, see the
definitions of the functions in Adams/View Function Builder online help, and for a comparison of the
different methods, refer to Spline Functions in the same help.

Creating Splines Using the Spline Editor

The Spline Editor provides a tabular or plot view of your spline data for editing and plotting. You can
drag points on your spline plots and see the effect of different curve-fitting techniques on your spline.
You can also select linear extrapolation and view its effect.

Using the Spline Editor, you can create a two- or three-dimensional splines.

Learn more:

General Procedures

Displaying the Spline Editor and Setting the View

Setting Spline Units and Dimensions

Specifying Linear Extrapolation

Plotting a Spline:

Setting the View of the Spline Plot

Viewing a Three-Dimensional Plot

Editing Spline Data Points

Changing Plotting Methods and Recomputing the Plot

Transferring Plot to Adams/PostProcessor

Editing a Spline in a Table:

Working with Tables

Adding and Removing Rows

Creating Splines Using the General Method

To create a general spline using the general method:

1.From the Build menu, point to Data Elements, point to Spline, and then select General.

The Data Element Create Spline dialog box appears.

2.Accept the default name or assign a new name.

3.Assign a unique ID number to the spline, if appropriate.

4.Add any comments about the spline that you want to enter to help you manage and identify it.
Set Linear Extrapolate to yes to extrapolate a spline by applying a linear function over the first or last
two data points. By default, for user-defined files, Adams/Solver extrapolates a spline that exceeds a
defined range by applying a parabolic function over the first or last three data points. For RPC III or
DAC files, the default method of extrapolation is zero-order (constant). Learn about spline
5.extrapolation in Curve-Fitting Techniques in Adams/View.

Depending on how you are creating the spline, enter or change the values in the dialog box as
6.explained in the next table, and then select OK.

To create a
spline from: Do the following:

File 1.Set the pull-down menu to File.

2.Enter the name of the file.

If desired, enter the block within the file from which you want
Adams/View to take the data. The block must be specifically named in
3.the file.

Set the channel from which to take the data. This option is for use with
time response data in RPC III files only. See Adams/Durability online

Result set 1.Set the pull-down menu to Result Set Component.

2.Select the result set components to be used for the x and y values.

Numerical 1.Set the pull-down menu to Numerical.

Enter the x, y, and, optionally, z values in the text boxes. Note the

•Specify at least four x and y values. The maximum number of x values, n,

depends on whether you specify a single curve or a family of curves.

Values must be constants; Adams/Solver does not allow expressions.

Values must be in increasing order:

•x1 < x2 < x3, and so on.

Modifying Splines

The method you use to modify a spline (Spline Editor or general method) depends on the input to the

Numerical values or result set components - If the input for the spline data points was numerical values
•or result set components, then when you select to modify the spline, Adams/View displays the Spline
Editor because it provides the most convenient method for directly editing values.

•File - If the method of input for the spline data points was a file, Adams/View displays the Data Element
Modify Spline dialog box, for you to change the file or interpolation method using the general method.

Note that because you do not always modify splines using the same method that you used to create
them, you cannot change the input to the spline data points without first deleting the spline and making
it again. For example, if you created a spline using the result set component TIME as the x values, and
you want to change the spline to reference the result set component that defines the force on a part,
you would have to delete the spline and create it again referencing the new component. In addition, if
you defined spline data points using direct numerical values and you want to instead reference a file,
you must delete the spline and make it again using the general method.

To modify a spline:

1.From the Build menu, point to Data Elements, point to Spline, and then select Modify.

The Database Navigator appears.

2.Select a data element spline to modify.

The Spline Editor or Data Element Modify dialog box appears.

Follow the instructions in Creating Splines Using the Spline Editor or Creating Splines Using the General
3.Method, as appropriate.

Tips and Cautions When Creating Splines

When selecting points to represent a curve or surface:

Crowd points in regions with high rates of change.

Spread out points in regions with slow rates of change.

The x and z data must cover the anticipated range of values. However, the following situations
sometimes cause Adams/Solver to evaluate a spline outside of its defined range:

Adams/Solver occasionally approximates partial derivatives using a finite differencing algorithm.

Adams/Solver occasionally attempts an iteration that moves the independent variable outside of its
defined range. If this occurs, Adams/Solver issues a warning message and extrapolates the four closest
•spline points. If the extrapolation is poor, Adams/Solver can have difficulty reaching convergence,
which may affect the results.

To avoid these problems, try to use real points, and extend spline values 10 percent beyond the total
dynamic range.

Example of Using Splines


When creating or modifying a data element matrix, you can specify its values:

Using Full Format
• Using Sparse Format

• Using Result Set Components

Using Data Files

Defining Matrices Using User-Entered Values in Full Format

When creating a data element matrix in full format, you specify all the values in the matrix. Learn more
about matrix types.

Note: You must create additional matrix elements in your Adams/View model if multiple matrices are to
be read from the same file.

To create or modify a matrix using full format:

1.From the Build menu, point to Data Elements, point to Matrix, and then select either New or Modify.

2.If you selected:

•New, the Create Matrix dialog box appears, as shown in Create Matrix Dialog Box, and you should
continue with Step 3.

•Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a data element matrix to modify. The Modify Matrix
dialog box appears. It has the same options as the Create Matrix dialog box.
3.In the Matrix Name text box, accept the default name or enter a new name.

Select the units that you want assigned for values in your matrix. Select no_units if you do not want
units associated with the values. If you set the units for your matrix values, Adams/View automatically
4.performs any necessary unit conversions if you ever change your modeling units.

5.Select Full Matrix to enter all the values for the M x N array or enter names of result set components.

6.Select either of the following:

To specify that matrix values are arranged in order by columns, select Enter Input Ordered by Columns.

To specify that matrix values are arranged in order by rows, select Enter Input Ordered by Rows.

7.Select User Entered Numbers to enter the values yourself.

8.In the Row Count and Column Count text boxes, enter the number of rows and columns in the matrix.

In the Values text box, enter the values in the matrix in either row or column order depending on
the order you selected in Step 6. You can separate the values using a comma or by pressing Enter
9.after each value.

10. Select OK.

Defining Matrices Using Sparse Format

When you create or modify a matrix using sparse format, you enter only nonzero values.

Learn more about matrix types.

Note: You must create additional matrix elements in your Adams/View model if multiple matrices are to
be read from the same file.

To create or modify a matrix using sparse format:

1.From the Build menu, point to Data Elements, point to Matrix, and then select either New or Modify.

2.If you selected:

•New, the Create Matrix dialog box appears, as shown in Create Matrix Dialog Box, and you should
continue with Step 3.

•Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a data element matrix to modify. The Modify Matrix
dialog box appears. It has the same options as the Create Matrix dialog box.

3.In the Matrix Name text box, accept the default name or enter a new name.
Select the units that you want assigned for values in your matrix. Select no_units if you do not want
units associated with the values. If you set the units for your matrix values, Adams/View automatically
4.performs any necessary unit conversions if you ever change your modeling units.

5.Select Sparse Matrix to enter the row position, column position, and value for only nonzero values.

6.Enter the following:

•Row Index - Enter the row numbers, separated by commas, in your matrix containing nonzero values.
Enter the row number each time there is a value in the row.

•Column Index - Enter the column numbers, separated by commas, containing nonzero values. Enter the
column number each time there is a value in the column.

•Values - Enter the nonzero values in your matrix starting with the first column. Separate each value
with a comma.

7. Select OK.

Defining Matrices Using Result Set Components

You can only use a result set component as matrix values using full format and entering all the values
stored in the result set component.

Learn more about matrix types.

Note: You must create additional matrix elements in your Adams/View model if multiple matrices are to
be read from the same file.

To create or modify a matrix using sparse format:

1.From the Build menu, point to Data Elements, point to Matrix, and then select either New or Modify.

2.If you selected:

•New, the Create Matrix dialog box appears, as shown in Create Matrix Dialog Box, and you should
continue with Step 3.

•Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a data element matrix to modify. The Modify Matrix
dialog box appears. It has the same options as the Create Matrix dialog box.

3.In the Matrix Name text box, accept the default name or enter a new name.

4.Select the units that you want assigned for values in your matrix. Select no_units if you do not want
units associated with the values. If you set the units for your matrix values, Adams/View automatically
performs any necessary unit conversions if you ever change your modeling units.

5.Select either of the following:

To specify that matrix values are arranged in order by columns, select Enter Input Ordered by
• Columns.

To specify that matrix values are arranged in order by rows, select Enter Input Ordered by Rows.

To obtain the values from the results of a simulation,

6. select Result Set Component.

7.In the Result Set Component Names text box, enter the name or names of the components.

8.Select OK.

Defining Matrices Using Data Files

When creating or modifying a data element matrix, you can define any size matrix using an external data
file. You can also specify in the data file whether you are entering the matrix values in full or sparse

Learn more about:

Matrix types

Format of matrix files

Note: You must create additional matrix elements in your Adams/View model if multiple matrices are to
be read from the same file

To create or modify a matrix using full format:

1.From the Build menu, point to Data Elements, point to Matrix, and then select either New or Modify.

2.If you selected:

•New, the Create Matrix dialog box appears, as shown in Create Matrix Dialog Box, and you should
continue with Step 3.

•Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a data element matrix to modify. The Modify Matrix
dialog box appears. It has the same options as the Create Matrix dialog box.

3.In the Matrix Name text box, accept the default name or enter a new name.
Select the units that you want assigned for values in your matrix. Select no_units if you do not want
units associated with the values. If you set the units for your matrix values, Adams/View automatically
4.performs any necessary unit conversions if you ever change your modeling units.

5.Select From a File.

Enter the name of the file containing the matrix values and the name of the matrix in the file. The
name of the matrix is necessary even if the file contains only one matrix. You will need to create
6.additional matrices to read other matrices from the same file. Learn about the format of matrix files.

7.Select OK.

Defining FE Model Data for Output

You can also set up Adams/View to produce data files of component loads, deformations, stresses, or
strains for input to subsequent finite-element or fatigue-life analysis for use in third-party products. You
use the Settings -> Solver -> Output -> More -> Durability command to specify the type of file to
produce. Adams/View will not output to any files unless you specify the format.

To output FE model data:

From the Build menu, point to Data Elements, point to FEMdata, and then select either New or

The Create or Modify FEMData dialog box appears.

In the Name text box, enter the name of the FEMDATA element in the modeling database to create or

Set Type to the information you want to output, and then enter the values in the dialog box as
3.explained in the FEMDATA Output Dialog Box Options Table, depending on the type of format.

In the File text box, enter the output file name for the FEM data. You can specify an existing directory,
root name, and/or extension. By default, the file name will be composed of the Adams run ID and
body ID according to the type of data and file format that you specified in the Solver -> Settings ->
4.Output -> More -> Durability Files.

5.Specify the start and end times for outputting the data:

From - Enter the time at which to start outputting the data. The default is the start of the simulation.

•To - Enter the time at which to end the output of the data or the search of a peak load. The default is to
output to the end of the simulation.

6.Select OK.
Using the Adams/View Controls Toolkit
Learn about the Adams/View Controls toolkit, which provides simple linear control and filter blocks to
quickly build PID controls, prefilters, or other linear continuous time-element representations:

Process for Building Controls Blocks and Prefilters

Available Controls Blocks

Creating Control Blocks

Modifying Controls Blocks

Checking Block Connections

Creating Custom Blocks

About Creating Plant Input and Output

Ways to Use Plant Input and Output

Example of Using the Adams/View Controls Toolkit

Process for Building Controls Blocks and Prefilters

Follow the process below for building controls blocks and prefilters into your Adams/View models using
the Adams/View Controls Toolkit:

1.Draw a picture with your model and the controls and filters you want to add.

2.Create all input blocks.

3.Create remaining blocks one at a time and connect them to each other and the model.

4.Check all input and output connections.

Step 1 - Draw a Picture

Before adding filters and controls to your model, draw a block diagram showing the model, the inputs to
the control and filter blocks from the model, and the outputs from the control and filter blocks to the
model. A graphical representation of a typical block diagram to use for adding filters and controls is
shown in the figure below.

Example Block Diagram for Using Control and Filter Blocks

The inputs to the control and filter blocks that you need to diagram include:

•Time-based forcing functions, which might be considered "external inputs" such as Input A in the figure

•Feedback loops, which might be considered "internal inputs" or closed, control loops such as Input B in
the figure above.

The outputs from the control and filter blocks that should be in your diagram include:

Filtered measures of your model that you want to track for display or plotting purposes.

Outputs from your model that are used as inputs to the control blocks you will be adding.

Consider adding switches to your models at places where you might want to "open the feedback loop,"
either for debugging your model or for seeing the change in performance that controls provide.

Once you have identified the inputs and outputs for the control and filter blocks, you are ready to create
the necessary blocks and connect them together and to the model.

Step 2 - Create All Input Blocks

You must first create an input block to connect to other control blocks. For example, if you want to use a
displacement from your model as an input to your control block, you must first create an input block to
set up the signal for the control block.

Step 3 - Create Other Control and Filter Blocks and Connect Them
Once you have created the input blocks, you can then create controls blocks and specify how they
interconnect with each other and input functions. The input to a control or filter block must be given as
the name of another existing control block or input block. The output of controls blocks can be
referenced in function expressions. Each control block maintains a state variable value. The name of the
Adams state variable can be found using the Database Navigator for a PID block. This value is then
referenced in elements, such as forces, by simply typing in the element name as the function

Step 4 - Check All Input and Output Connections

Available Controls Blocks

Learn about the different controls blocks available in Adams/View Controls Toolkit:

Input Function Block

Input function blocks are needed wherever a control or filter block does not receive its input from
another control or filter block. This includes external time functions that need to be passed into a block,
as well as measures of your model that represent error signals to pass into a block.

An input function block takes any valid solver expression as its input. The input function block is a valid
controls block to reference as the input to any other controls block.

Summing Junction Block

Summing junction blocks are used to add or subtract the outputs from other standard blocks. You can
select whether the positive or negative value of an input to a summing junction is used by single clicking
on the +/- sign button.

A summing junction block takes any valid controls block output as its input. Specify the assembly name
of any controls block, including input function blocks, in either the Input 1 text box or the Input 2 text

Gain, Integrator, Low-pass Filter, and Lead-lag Filter Blocks

Gain, integrator, low-pass filter, and lead-lag filter blocks are used to create the s-domain (Laplace
domain) representation of basic linear transfer functions. For each of these blocks, the block gain or the
filter coefficients are specified as an Adams/View scalar real value. You can parametrize this constant
with an Adams/View real design variable to quickly study the effect of varying the bandwidth or gain of
the associated block.

Specify the assembly name of any controls block as the input field to these blocks.

User-Defined Transfer Function Block

The user-defined transfer function block is used to create general rational polynomial blocks by
specifying the polynomial coefficients. Coefficients are specified in the order n0, n1, n2 for the
numerator where the underlying polynomial representation is given as ****** and similarly for the
denominator. Specify the assembly name of any controls block as the input field to this block.

Second-Order Filter

The second-order filter block is used to create a second-order filter by specifying the undamped natural
frequency and the damping ratio. You can parametrize the undamped natural frequency or damping
ratio constant with an Adams/View real design variable to quickly study the effect of varying the
frequency or damping ratio of the associated block.

PID Controller

The PID controller is used to create a general proportional-integral-derivative control block. Two inputs
are necessary for this block: the proportional input and the derivative input. You must specify the
derivative state for input to this block that is consistent with the proportional state. For example, if the
proportional input is the measured x position of a part, the derivative input should be the linear velocity
in the x direction.

This block automatically creates the integrated state of the proportional input for use as the integrated
input. You can parameterize the P, I, and D gains of this block with Adams/View real design variables to
quickly study the effect of changing control gains.


The switch is a convenient means to "zero" the signal into any block. Connect the switch at a point in the
feedback loop to quickly see the change from open loop control to closed loop control. The switch takes
any control block as its input.

Creating Controls Blocks

To create a block in the Adams/View Controls Toolkit:

1.From the Build menu, point to Controls, and then select Standard Control Blocks.

The Create Controls Block dialog box appears.

Select an icon representing the type of block that you want to create. The choices in the Create
Controls Block dialog box change to those for creating the selected control block. Learn about the
2.different types of blocks.

Enter the block name, all required inputs, and all required parameters. Inputs to controls blocks are
required to be existing controls blocks, with the exception of the input function block. Learn about the
3.options for each control block:

Input-Signal Function Block

Summing Junction Block

Gain Block


Low-Pass Filter Block

Lead Lag

User-Defined Transfer Function Block

Second-Order Filter Block

PID Controller

Switch Block

4.Select OK.

Modifying Controls Blocks

You modify blocks in the Adams/View Controls Toolkit by selecting their assembly name in the Database

Checking Block Connections

In the Adams/View Controls Toolkit, you can verify that all control and filter blocks are properly
connected. When you verify the connections, Adams/View checks that all blocks have defined inputs
and then checks that all block outputs are referenced either in other blocks or as inputs to your model.

To check block connections:

Select on the Create Controls Block dialog box.

Creating Custom Blocks

Adams/View defines each type of control in the Adams/View Controls Toolkit as an assembly. Each time
you use a controls block of a particular type, you create an instance of that assembly type. Using the
Database Navigator, you can find the controls assemblies as well as other assemblies defined under the
Adams library. Learn about Database Navigator.

The controls block assembly definition combines measures, Adams/View design variables, Adams/Solver
variables, Adams/Solver transfer functions, and Adams/Solver arrays into one database object. When
Adams/View creates a control block instance, it creates all the appropriate variables, functions, and
arrays underneath that block, all with that block name.

You can create your own control blocks by first creating an assembly definition, and then adding your
assembly to the controls library. Your control blocks can have any set of equations that you require by
adding the appropriate Adams/Solver functions and variables to the block definition.

About Plant Input and Output

Plant output defines the set of measured outputs from the system and Plant input defines a set of inputs
to the mechanical system. Adams/Linear linearizes the system equations to the following form:


x is the linearized system state array.

u is the array of system inputs defined by plant input.

y is the array of system outputs defined by plant output.

This form is commonly referred to as the state-space form of the system equations in control theory.
Adams/Solver outputs the A, B, C, and D matrices for use in a control-system design or any other linear
system analysis software. If only the A matrix is required, plant input and plant output are not necessary.

Ways to Use Plant Input and Output

The plant outputs with the plant inputs, variables, arrays, transfer functions, linear state equations, and
general state equations define the interface between Adams and control design and analysis packages
such as MATRIXx and MATLAB.

As shown below, plant inputs and outputs act as socket for input and output to your controller,
organizing the variable wires.
Adams/Linear uses plant inputs and outputs to identify which variables to consider system inputs and
outputs when generating state matrices. A control design program can use these matrices to design a
controller for the system. The resulting controller can then be included in the model using variables,
arrays, transfer functions, linear state equations, or general state equations. See the LINEAR command
in the Adams/Solver online help.

Example of Using Adams/View Control Kit

Creating Plant States

(Adams/Solver (C++) only. Learn about switching solvers.)

Adams/Linear requires a minimum representation of the system to generate the state matrix from
which eigenvalues can be computed. For non-stationary systems, the state matrix is a function of the
states used to linearize the system. In Adams/Solver (C++), you can define a set of states that are to be
used in the linearization scheme. You can specify as many states as there are degrees-of-freedom. If a
smaller set of states are provided, then the system will fill in by choosing a set of internally available
states for the ones that were not explicitly specified. If too many states are specified, Adams/Solver
identifies and discards the redundant states.

Plant states are a list of variables. The variables contain expressions that specify the states that are to be
used in linearizing the system. Plant state objects are defined in the model. The LINEAR command can
instruct Adams/Solver (C++) to use a specific plant state object for generating the linear model. A model
can contain any number of plant state objects. You can use any one of them with the LINEAR command.

For more information, see the Adams/Solver (C++) LINEAR command.

For theoretical details, see the white paper in Knowledge Base Article 12721.

For an example of using PSTATE, see Knowledge Base Article 12663.

To create a plant state:

1.From the Build menu, point to Controls Toolkit, and then select Plant State.

2.Enter the name you want assigned to the plant state.

3.In the Adams Id text box, assign a unique ID number to the plant state.

In the Comments text box, add or change any comments about the plant state to help you manage
4.and identify the plant state.

Enter the list of variables. To help you create a variable for a plant state object, select Create State
Variable for Plant State. You can set values for the state variables in the Create State Variable for
5.Plant State dialog box.

6.Select OK.

To run a linear modes simulation using the plant state object:

1.Set the solver to Adams/Solver (C++). Learn about switching solvers.

In the Interactive Simulation palette, right-click the Compute Linear Modes tool , and then select

2.the Compute Linear Modes with Pstate tool .

The Compute Linear Modes dialog box appears.

3.Enter the plant state object you created and the reference marker.

4.Select OK.

3) Editing Objects

Selecting Objects
When you create a modeling object, such as a part or force, Adams/View automatically selects it so that
you can edit it. When you create a rigid body, hotpoints and an object position handle appear on the
body so that you can rotate and position the body's geometry.

You can also select objects for editing. You can select one or more objects or select a group of objects
based on their type, such as select all link geometry.
Select Tool

Main toolbox -> Select tool

Selects modeling objec such as parts or forces. Selecting the object deselects any currently selected
object. If you select a rigid body, Adams/View selects the entire body including its geometry.

To select a single object:

1.From the Main toolbox, select the Select tool .

2.Click anywhere on the object.

The object appears with a thicker line width. If the object is a rigid body, its hotpoints and object
position handle appear on the body so that you can rotate and position the body’s geometry.

To select several objects:

1.From the Main toolbox, select the Select tool .

Position the cursor on the screen where you want a corner of the selection box and drag the mouse to
2.draw a rectangle that encloses or touches the objects that you want to select.

3.Release the mouse button.

The selected objects appear with a thicker line width. If the object is a rigid body, its hotpoints and the
object position handle appear on the body so that you can rotate and position the body’s geometry.

Selecting Objects from a Crowd

When you are performing an operation, such as setting an object’s appearance, and you need to select
an object from the screen but the object is obscured by other objects, you can display a list of all objects
in that area and then select the desired object from the list. Note that this only works during a modeling

To display a list of all objects in an area of the screen:

1.Start the operation you want to perform.

2.Click the right mouse button when the cursor is the area of the screen containing the desired object.

A selection box of all the objects in the area appears.

3.Highlight the desired object from the list, and then select OK.

Selecting a Single Object Using a Shortcut Menu

As an alternative to the Select tool, you can select a single object using the shortcut menu.
To select a single object using the shortcut menu:

1.Place the cursor over the object that you want to select.

2.Click and hold down the right mouse button.

A shortcut menu appears.

3.Point to the object name and then select Select.

The object appears with a thicker line width. If the object is a rigid body, its hotpoints and object
position handle appear on the body so that you can rotate and position the body’s geometry.

Managing the List of Selected Objects

You can use the Select List Manager to view objects you've selected and add to and remove objects from
the select list. You can add and remove objects based on their name, type, group, and parent.

Learn more:

Displaying the Select List Manager

Adding a Single Object to the Select List

Adding or Removing Objects

Updating the Select List Display

Selecting Objects in a Group

Displaying the Select List Manager

To display the Select List Manager:

From the Edit menu, select Select List.

The Select List Manager appears.

The current objects in the select list appear in the Select List Manager window.

Adding a Single Object to the Select List

To add a single object to the select list:

•In the Object Name text box, enter the name of the object that you want to add, and then select the
Add button next to the text box.

Adding or Removing Objects

You can add multiple objects to or remove multiple objects from the select list. Adams/View gives you
the flexibility to:

Broaden the search for objects to be included or removed by entering wildcards. You can specify, for
•example, to remove all objects that contain a particular character, such as an h. Learn more about
Using Wildcards.

•Limit the scope of the objects to be added or removed to only objects that belong to a particular
object. For example, you can limit the scope from all markers to only markers belonging to a PART_1.

To add or remove multiple objects to and from the select list based on search criteria:

In the Name Filter text box, enter the name of the objects that you want to add to or remove from the
1.select list. Type any wildcards that you want included.

Set Type Filter to the type of object or objects that you want to add or remove. To display all the
2.different object types, select Browse.

In the Scope text box, limit the scope of objects to be added or removed to only objects belonging to a
3.certain object by entering the name of the parent object.

4.Select Add or Remove.

To remove selected objects from the list:

1.Select Remove Objects.

A list of currently selected objects appears.

2.Select the object or objects to remove.

3.Select OK.

To quickly remove all objects from the list:

Select Clear All.

Updating the Select List Display

You can update the list of objects in the Select List Manager window so that it reflects any selections
that you made using the mouse or shortcut menus as explained in the previous sections.

To update the select list display:

Select Refresh.

Selecting Objects in a Group

You can add to or remove objects in a group to the Select List Manager just as you would for any type of
object as explained in Adding or Removing Objects. Before adding the object to the select list, you can
set whether or not you want to list each object in the group in the Select List Manager or just list the
name of the group.

To list all objects in a group in the Select List Manager:

Select Expand Groups.

Deselecting Objects

To deselect objects:

From the Edit menu, select Deselect All.

Tip: Ctrl + D.

Click when the cursor is anywhere on the background of the screen.

Editing Objects Using the Table Editor

The Table Editor is a convenient way to manage the objects in your model. It displays the objects in your
modeling database in table format so you can compare the objects and quickly update them. For
example, you can update the x, y, and z locations of all parts in your model at once or parameterize the
locations of parts to the locations of other parts. The information that you can view and update about
an object depends on the type of object. The Table Editor also lets you create and delete objects.

Learn about:

Display Options

Displaying the Table Editor

•Setting Types of Objects Displayed in the Table Editor

Sorting Objects in the Table Editor

Working with Objects and Cells

Copying Objects in the Table Editor

Creating Objects in the Table Editor

Deleting Objects in the Table Editor

Working with Cells in the Table Editor

Applying and Saving Information

Reloading Database Values in the Table Editor

Applying Changes in the Table Editor

Saving Table Editor Information

For general information on using tables in Adams/View, see Using Tables to Enter Values.

Displaying the Table Editor

To display the Table Editor:

From the Tools menu, select Table Editor.

By default, the Table Editor displays the x, y, and z location of parts in your model.
Setting Types of Objects Displayed in the Table Editor

You can display any type of object that is in your current modeling database through the Table Editor.
For example, you can select to view all markers or all motions. You can only view one type of object at a

Adams/View provides option buttons for selecting the most common modeling objects. The option
buttons appear along the bottom of the Table Editor.

To set the type of objects displayed:

From along the bottom of the Table Editor, select a check box of the desired object type.

Adams/View updates the Table Editor to display the selected type of object.

If you do not see any objects in the Table Editor, the filter may not be set correctly for the type of object
you selected. For example, by default, the filter for joints is set to only display revolute joints. Therefore,
if you have no revolute joints in your model, you will not see any joints displayed in the Table Editor
when you select Joints as the type of object.

You can change the filter the categories of information that the Table Editor displays. You can also
narrow the display of objects based on an object's name or parent, such as to display only markers that
belong to PART_1, which is called setting the scope. You can also narrow the display based on the names
of objects. For example, you can set the name filter to only display the names of objects that contain the
number 2 (MARKER_20, MARKER_21, and so on). Using the scope and name filter together, you can
focus on those objects of interest and filter out the rest.
The categories of information that you can display about an object depend on the type of object. For
example, for parts, you can display their location, initial conditions, and attributes, such as whether they
are visible or active in the current simulation. For markers, you can view their locations, as well as their
locations relative to ground. For forces, you cannot change the information displayed, only the types of
forces displayed. For joints, you can change the information displayed as well as the type of joints

To filter the information displayed in the Table Editor:

1.Set the type of object displayed to a standard object as explained in To set type of objects displayed.

2.Select Filters from the Table Editor.

A filters dialog box appears. The options in the dialog box depend on the type of object currently

In the Scope text box, limit the scope of the search, if desired, to all objects beneath a particular object
in the database hierarchy by entering the name of the object. Note that you cannot enter wildcards in
3.the Scope text box.

For example, enter .model_1 to display all objects under your entire model or enter .model_1.PART_3 to
display objects belonging only to PART_3.

In the Name Filter text box, enter the name of the object or objects that you want to display. Type any
wildcards that you want included. By default, Adams/View displays all objects that meet the scope
4.entered in the previous step regardless of their name. Learn more about Using Wildcards.

For example, enter the following to display all markers whose names start with MARKER_2 or
MARKER_3 (MARKER_20, MARKER_30, MARKER_31, and so on).


5.Select the categories of information or set the type of object that you want displayed and select OK .

The following figure shows an example of displaying information about markers. In the example, you
first select Markers from the bottom of the Table Editor. When the Markers Table Editor Filters dialog
box appears, you set the types of information to display about markers. The result in the Table Editor is
a listing of six markers.

Sorting Objects in the Table Editor

You can sort the information in the Table Editor by object name or by a particular column and set the
type of sorting. You can select:

•Alphanumeric sorting, which sorts the information so that alphabetic characters are first followed by
numeric characters.

•Numeric sorting, which sorts objects based on their numeric value. It sorts any alphabetic characters as

Note: When you sort the Table Editor, Adams/View sets the values displayed in cells back to those
stored in the modeling database. Therefore, you lose any changes that you made to cells and did
not apply to your modeling database

To sort objects in the Table Editor:

1.Select Sorting in the Table Editor.

The Sorting Settings dialog box appears.

2.Set the sorting options as explained in the table below, and then select OK.

To set: Select one of the following:

The category on • No sorting - Objects appear in the Table Editor in the order
which objects are they are stored in the modeling database.
• Sort By Name - Sorts the objects by their name (by rows).

• Sort By Column Labelled and enter the name of the column on

which to sort the objects. To select a column name from a list,
select Select.

Sort order • Alphabetic to sort alphabetic characters first.

• Numeric to sort in numeric order. It sorts any alphabetic

characters as zeros.

Copying Objects in the Table Editor

You can create a new object by copying an existing object in the Table Editor. Adams/View assigns the
new object a default name and displays its information in the last row of the Table Editor.

To copy an object:

1.Select the row containing the object you want to copy.

Right-click a cell in a row that is not selected. From the shortcut menu that appears, select Copy

Adams/View creates a duplicate of the object. It places the object in the last row of the Table Editor.

Note: The operations you perform with the Table Editor are not stored in your modeling database until
you apply them.

Creating Objects in the Table Editor

Using the Table Editor, you can create certain types of modeling objects. For most types of objects, you
can only create an object if another object of that type already exists in the modeling database. For
example, if the Table Editor is set to display forces but you currently have no forces in your modeling
database, you cannot create a force through the Table Editor.

You can create parts, points, and coordinate system markers, however, regardless of whether or not an
object of that type already exists in the modeling database. For example, you can create a new marker if
the Table Editor is set to display coordinate system markers. You do not have to have an object of this
type already in the database.

Note that you cannot create a joint through the Table Editor.

To create a part, marker, or point with default values:

Display parts, markers, or points in the Table Editor. Learn about Setting Types of Objects Displayed in
1.the Table Editor.

2.Select the Create button along the bottom of the Table Editor.

Adams/View creates an object with default values. It displays the object's information in the last row of
the Table Editor.

To create other types of objects:

Display the type of object you want to create in the Table Editor. An object of the type to be created
1.must already exist in the database.

2.Right-click a cell that is not selected. From the shortcut menu that appears, select Create Object.

Adams/View displays a dialog box that helps you create the object.

3. Enter the values in the dialog box, and then select OK.

Note:The operations you perform with the Table Editor are not stored in your modeling database until
you apply them..

Deleting Objects in the Table Editor

You can delete any object in the modeling database using the Table Editor. Be careful, however, when
you delete non-standard objects, such as view layouts or interface objects. Deleting a non-standard
object may have more consequences that you are not aware of.

To delete an object:

1.Select the row containing the object you want to delete.

2.Right-click a cell in the row. From the shortcut menu that appears, select Delete Object.

Adams/View deletes the object from the Table Editor.

Note: The operations you perform with the Table Editor are not stored in your modeling database until
you apply them.

Working with Cells in the Table Editor

The cells of the Table Editor display information about the objects in your modeling database. You can
modify the information displayed about objects to make changes to the objects in the modeling
database. For example, you can move a point by changing its x location in the Table Editor from 50
inches to 60 inches.

Learn about:

Entering Text in Cells

Inserting Text into a Multiple Cells

Entering Object and Information Names in Cells

Modifying Cells Based on Their Current Contents

Note: The operations you perform with the Table Editor are not stored in your modeling database until
you apply them.

Entering Text in Cells

While you can enter text directly into the cells of the Table Editor, you can also use the input box that
appears at the top of the Table Editor, as shown below. The input box lets you add text to more than
one cell at a time and quickly update the values in the cell.

To enter text in a cell:

1.Click the cell. The text cursor appears in the cell.

2.Type the text you want.

To enter text through the input box:

1.Click the cell whose text you want to edit.

The text in the cell appears in the input box.

2.Place the cursor in the input box and type the text you want.

3.To insert the text in the input box into the cell, do either of the following:

Select the Lock tool .

Press Enter.

Inserting Text into a Multiple Cells

You can use the input box to insert the same text into multiple cells at once.

To insert text into multiple cells:

1.Select the cells in which you want to insert the text.

2.In the input box, enter the text that you want to insert as explained in Entering Text in Cells.

3.Select the Insert tool ..

Entering Object and Information Names in Cells

When you create function expressions or parameterize your model, you often need to include the full
name of a modeling object, which is the name of the object's parent followed by the object's name, and
the name assigned to the information you want associated with the object as it appears in the modeling
database. For example, when building a function for a force, you often refer to a marker's displacement
in the x direction. In a function expression, enter the following:


The Table Editor provides a shortcut for entering the object and field names so that you can build
functions and parameterize your model quickly.

To quickly enter an object's full name and information field into the input box:

1.Place the cursor in the input box where you want the object name to be inserted.

2.Select the Object Name & Field tool f(x) on the Table Editor.

3.Select any cell in the row containing the object whose name you want to input.

Adams/View inserts the object's full name and field information into the cell.

For more information on building functions, see the Adams/View Function Builder online help. For
information on parameterizing your model, see Improving Your Model Design.

Modifying Cells Based on Their Current Contents

Using the Table Editor, you can quickly update the current value in many cells at once. For example, you
can update the x location of all markers to be that of their current location plus 3. The Table Editor
creates a variable based on the current contents of a cell ( $cell), which you can use to update the cells.

For a marker example, the Table Editor would create a text string in the input box that represents the
current x location of all selected markers. You would then create an expression to add 3 to any current
cell value. The input box would look like the following:

$cell + 3

When you insert the expression into the x location cell of a selected marker, the variable changes to the
current value of the selected cell. For the marker example, the cell for MARKER_1 whose current value is
20, now looks like the following:

(20 + 3)

When you apply the changes to the modeling database, Adams/View stores the value as an expression
(an expression in Adams/View always is enclosed in parenthesis ( )):

(20 + 3)
To have Adams/View evaluate the expression and store only a number, enter eval in front of the
expression in the input box as shown below and then insert the expression to the cells:

eval($cell + 3)

To modify the cells based on their current contents:

Display the type of object you want to update in the Table Editor, if necessary. Learn about Setting
1.Types of Objects Displayed in the Table Editor.

2.Select the cells you want to update.

3.Enter how you want to update the cells in the input box as explained in Entering Text in Cells.

4.Select the Cell Variable tool to create a variable representing the current contents of the cells.

5.Select the Insert tool .

Adams/View updates the cells with the information in the input box.

Reloading Database Values in the Table Editor

If you have made changes to values in the Table Editor that you would like to clear out and reset to the
current values of the object, you can reload the table.

To reload the Table Editor:

Select Reload.

Applying Changes in the Table Editor

You must apply any changes you make to objects in the Table Editor before Adams/View saves them in
the modeling database.

To apply changes:

From the Table Editor, select Apply.

Saving Table Editor Information

You can save the current contents of the Table Editor in ASCII format. Adams/View places spaces
between each cell.

To save the current contents:

1.From the Table Editor, select Write.

The File Selection dialog box appears.

2.In the Directories list box, select the directory in which you want the file located.

3.In the Selection text box, enter the file name.

4.Select OK.

Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes

You use the modify dialog box associated with an object to change the properties of that object. For
example, you modify a simple idealized joint using the Modify Joint dialog box. Follow the instructions
below to learn how to display a modify dialog box band follow the instructions in the appropriate help
topics to learn how to modify a particular type of object using the dialog box.

To display a modify dialog box for an object on the screen:

Right-click the object whose properties you want to modify, point to the type of object, and then select
•Modify. For example, for a joint, the shortcut menu displays the word Joint. You would point to Joint,
and then select Modify.

Tip: You can zoom in on the object on the screen to more easily place the cursor over just that object.
Learn about Defining a Zoom Area.

The modify dialog box appears.

Tip: Double-click the object to display its modify dialog box or select the object and then enter Ctrl + e.

To use the Database Navigator to display a modify dialog box:

1.Double-click the background of the Adams/View main window to clear any selections.

2.From the Edit menu, select Modify.

The Database Navigator appears.

Select the object whose properties you want to modify. Learn about Showing , Hiding, and Selecting
3.Objects in the Database Navigator.

4.Select OK.
The modify dialog box appears.

Working with Objects

Copying Objects
You can copy any selected objects within the same model. Adams/View creates an identical copy of the
selected object. Adams/View assigns a default name to the duplicated object using the copied object
name as the base name and appending _2 to the name. For example, if Adams/View copies a rigid body
called PART_1, it assigns the new object the name PART_1_2.

To copy selected objects:

1.Select the objects that you want to copy. Learn about Selecting Objects.

2.Select one of the following:

From the Edit menu, select Copy.

From the Standard toolbar, select the Copy tool .

Adams/View creates a copy of the objects. It selects the copied objects so you can edit or move them.

Tip: Select Ctrl + C.

To copy an object on the screen using the shortcut menu:

1.Right-click the object you want to copy.

Tip: You can zoom in on the object on the screen to more easily place the cursor over just that object.

2.From the shortcut menu that appears, select Copy.

To copy objects using the Database Navigator:

1.To clear any selections, click the background of the Adams/View main window.

2.From the Edit menu, select Copy.

The Database Navigator appears.

Select the object you want to copy. Learn about Showing , Hiding, and Selecting Objects in the
3.Database Navigator.

4.Select OK.

Deleting Objects
You can delete any object that you created in the current modeling database, including deleting a
model. Learn about Deleting a Model.

You can delete any object that has a graphical representation on the screen, such as a rigid body or link,
by selecting them first and then deleting them. You can also select objects that do not have graphical
representations by searching for them through the Database Navigator and then deleting them.

To delete selected objects:

1.Select the objects that you want to delete.

2.From the Edit menu, select Delete.

3.Adams/View deletes the selected objects.

Tip: Select the Del. key.

To delete an object on the screen using the shortcut menu:

1.Right-click the object you want to delete.

Tip: You can zoom in on the object on the screen to more easily place the cursor over just that object.

2.From the shortcut menu that appears, select Delete.

To delete objects using the Database Navigator:

1.Double-click the background of the Adams/View main window to clear any selections.

2.From the Edit menu, select Delete.

The Database Navigator appears.

3.Select the object you want to delete from the Database Navigator.

4.Select OK.
Renaming Objects Through Menu Commands
Learn about object naming.

To rename a selected object:

1.Select the object that you want to rename.

2.From the Edit menu, select Rename.

The Rename Object dialog box appears.

3.In the New Name text box, enter the name you want to assign to the object.

4.To rename another object, select the More button to display the Database Navgiator.

5.Select OK.

To rename an object on the screen using the shortcut menu:

1.Right-click the object you want to rename.

Tip: You can zoom in on the object on the screen to more easily place the cursor over just that object.

2.From the shortcut menu that appears, select Rename.

The Rename Object dialog box appears.

3.In the New Name text box, enter the name you want to assign to the object.

4.Select OK.

To rename any object in the database:

1.Double-click the background of the Adams/View main window to clear any selections.

2.From the Edit menu, select Rename.

The Database Navigator appears.

3.Select the object that you want to rename from the Database Navigator.

The Rename Object dialog box appears.

4.In the New Name text box, enter the name you want to assign to the object.

5.Select OK.

To rename an object as you modify it:

You can also rename an object when you are modifying it. You cannot, however, change the name of the
object directly in the Name text box of the modify dialog box. Instead, you display the shortcut menu,
and then select Rename. The example shows how to change the name of JOINT_1 as you are modifying

1.Display the object’s modify dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

Right-click in the Name text box, point to the name of the object (such as .model_1.JOINT_1), and
2.then select Rename.

3.In the New Name text box, enter the name you want to assign to the object.

4.Select OK.

Adding Comments to Objects

You can add notes about the objects in your model to help you manage and identify them. The types of
objects about which you can add comments are listed below. For parts, constraints, and forces, you add
comments when you modify the object. For models, you can add the comments as you create the
model, and you can also modify the comments.






The comments that you create appear in the following:

Information window

Adams/View log files

Command or dataset files

To add comments to an object:

From the object's modify dialog box or from the Model Create dialog box, select the Comment tool

1. . Learn about Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

The Modify Comment dialog box appears.

In the Comment Text section of the dialog box, enter the comments that you want associated with the

3.Select Time or Date to add the time and date when you created the comments.

4.Select OK.

Activating and Deactivating Objects

Learn more about activation status of objects.

Any objects that you deactive appear dimmed in the display of the main window and Database
Navigator. In addition, the text OFF appears next to the object in the Database Navigator tree list.

Note that any geometry that you deactivate will not be included in mass calculations.

To activate or deactivate a selected object:

1.Select the object to be activated or deactivated.

2.From the Edit menu, select either Activate or Deactivate.

If you deactivated an object, Adams/View changes its color to indicate it is not active.

To change the activation status of an object on the screen and its children:

1.Right-click the object you want to activate or deactivate.

Tip: You can zoom in on the object on the screen to more easily place the cursor over just that object.

2.From the shortcut menu that appears, select (De)activate.

The Deactivate/Activate Object dialog box appears.

Set the activation of the object and select whether or not you want the object's children to inherit the
3.activation status of the parent.

4.Select OK.

To activate or deactivate an object using the Database Navigator:

1.Double-click the background of the Adams/View main window to clear any selections.

2.From the Edit menu, select Activate or Deactivate.

The Database Navigator appears.

3.Select the object you want to activate or deactivate from the Database Navigator.

4.Select OK.

To determine the activation status of an object:

•Display information about the object as explained in Viewing Object Information. Be sure that Verbose
is selected in the Information window so that the window displays all information about the object.

Grouping and Ungrouping Objects

If several objects make up a unit or subsystem of your model, you can group them so that you can work
on them as a single object. For example, you could group all the objects that make up a suspension
system or a handle of a latch. Once you've grouped the objects, you can add them to the select list all at
once so that you can perform editing operations on them, such as move or copy them. You can also set
up their activation and deactivation status during simulations. (Learn about Activating and Deactivating

When you create a group, you can specify the objects to be included or set up a filter to specify the
objects in the group. You can also enter an expression that sets whether or not the objects are active or
deactive during a simulation.

To create a group of objects:

1.From the Build menu, select Group.

The Group Create dialog box appears.

Note: The pull-down menu Expand Groups is only present to provide backward compatibility. We
recommend that you not use it.

2.Enter a name for the group of objects. Adams/View assigns a default name for you.

Add any comments about the group that you want to enter to help you manage and identify the

4.Specify the objects to be included in the group as explained in the table below.

To: Do the following:

Explicitly specify In the Objects in Group text box, enter the names of the objects.
the objects to be Separate each name with a comma (,).
You can select an object on the screen or browse for an object in the
Database Navigator. If you select objects to group using the shortcut
menu, Adams/View enters commas between the objects.

Set filters for In the Objects in Group text box, enter a wildcard, and then specify
specifying objects the type of objects in the Type Filter text box. For example, enter
to be grouped Parts to include only rigid bodies or Markers to include only
coordinate system markers.

Specify whether or not the group of objects is active during a simulation. You can enter an expression
that evaluates to 0 (not active) or 1 (active) or enter 1 or 0. If you do not specify a value, Adams/View
uses the activation status you set using the Activate and Deactivate commands as explained in
5.Activating and Deactivating Objects.

6.Select OK.

To ungroup objects:

1.From the Build menu, select Ungroup.

The Group Delete dialog box appears.

2.Enter the name of the group of objects you want to ungroup.

3.Select OK.

Setting Object Appearance through Edit -> Appearance Command

You can set how individual or types of objects appear in Adams/View.You can set:

Visibility of the object and of its name on the screen.

•Color, line style, line width, rendering, and transparency of the object. For example, you can set the
color of the object’s outline or its name.

•Size of the screen icons that represent the object in your model. Note that these changes take
precedence over the size you specify globally for the modeling database.

You can also set appearance through the Database Navigator. You cannot, however, set rendering
mode, but you can additionally set the state of the object during a simulation. Learn about Setting
Appearance of Objects Through the Database Navigator.

To set the appearance of an object:

If desired, select the object whose appearance you want to set. Otherwise, you can use the Database
1.Navigator to select the object. It appears after Step 2.

Tip: Right-click the object on the screen, point to the name of the object, and then select Appearance.

2.From the Edit menu, select Appearance.

If you did not select an object, the Database Navigator appears.

If necessary, select the object from the Database Navigator. Learn about Showing , Hiding, and
3.Selecting Objects in the Database Navigator.

4.Do one of the following:

•To explicitly specify an object, in the Entity text box, enter the name of the object whose appearance
you want to set.

Once the name of the object is in the text box, press Enter to update the dialog box.

To specify an entire type of object whose appearance you want to set, in the Entity text box, enter
•a wildcard, and then specify the type of object in the Type text box. For example, enter Parts to set
the appearance of all rigid bodies or Markers to set the appearance of all markers.

Set Visibility to how you want the visibility of the

5. selected object or objects. You can select:

On - Turns on the display of the objects.

Off - Turns off the display of the objects.

•Inherit - Lets the object simply inherit the display settings from its parent. For example, a
coordinate system marker inherits settings from its parent part.

Set Name Visibility to whether or not you want the

name of the objects displayed in the view window.
Refer to the options above for Visibility for an
6. explanation of the choices.

Set Color Scope to the color you want used for the objects and set which elements of the objects
7.should be affected by the selected color. You can select:

Polygon Fill - Sets the color of those areas of a graphic that can be shaded (they include sides of a
• cylinders, frustums, boxes, and so on).

Edge - Sets the color of the lines making up the edges of the facets of a graphic that can be shaded.

•Outline - Sets the color of the lines that make up those graphics that cannot be shaded or filled like the
coil of a spring damper.

All - Sets the selected color for all elements of an object.

To browse for a color in the Database Navigator or create a new color, right-click the Color text box, and
select Browse or Create.

8.Set the Render choices to:

Filled - Adds shading to a solid fill to give a more realistic appearance. It does not show edges. The
• light source is from the upper left.

•Wireframe - Shows only the edges of objects so that you can see through the objects. Helps you
select points and edges.

Set how transparent the object or objects are. The

higher the value, the more transparent the object is,
allowing other objects to show through. The lower the
value, the more opaque the object is, covering other
9. objects.

Tip: Setting the transparency of objects can have a negative impact on graphical performance if you are
using a graphics card without hardware acceleration for OpenGL. Instead of setting an object’s
transparency, consider setting the object’s render mode to wireframe.

In the Icon Size text box, enter the size you want for the icons or, in the Icon Scale text box, enter the
amount by which you want to scale the icons. The scale factor is relative to the current size set. A
scale factor of 1 keeps the icons the same size. A scale factor less than 1 reduces the size of the icons
and a scale factor greater than 1 increases the size of the icons. Note that these changes take
10 precedence over the size you specify globally for the modeling database as explained inSetting Screen
. Icon Display.

Setting Up Material Types

You can create or modify a material, which you can then assign to parts. You define a material by its
composition, such as restitution coefficient, Young's modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and mass density. Part
material properties are important in determining the mass moments of inertia of a part.

Learn about standard material types.

To create or modify a material type:

1.From the Build menu, point to Materials, and then select either New or Modify.

If you selected Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a material type to modify, and then
2.select OK.

The Create or Modify Material dialog box appears.

3.Change the default name assigned to the new material type, if desired.

4.Enter the values for Young’s Modulus, Poisson’s Ratio, and mass density.

Select the Comments tool on the dialog box and enter any comments you want associated with
5.the material type.

6.Select OK.

Setting Object Colors

By default, Adams/View displays each of the objects you create in a different color using its palette of
objects colors. You can also:

Change the color of any object.

Modify any of the colors in the palette.

Create a color of your own.

Change the background color of the main window and any view windows that you create.

Learn about:

Changing an Object's Color

Modifying and Creating Object Colors

Changing an Object's Color

You can change an object's color using either the Object Color tool stack on the Main toolbox, which
contains 15 colors to which you can set the color of a object, or you can use the Edit Appearances dialog
box. The Edit Appearances dialog box lets you select all the colors defined in the modeling database.

To change an object's color using the Object Color tool stack:

1.Select the object or objects whose color you want to change as explained in Selecting Objects.

2.Select a color from the Object Color tool stack.

To change an object's color using the Edit Appearances dialog box:

1.Select the object or objects whose color you want to change.

2.From the Edit menu, select Appearance.

3.In the Color text box, enter the name of a color.

Learn more about Setting Object Appearance through Edit -> Appearance Command.

Modifying and Creating Object Colors

You can change the colors that are available for displaying objects and define new colors. Note that the
color changes are not reflected in the color tools on the Object Color tool stack. These are fixed and
remain the same colors as the default colors.

To modify or create a color:

1.From the Settings menu in either the main or plotting window, select Colors.

The Edit Color dialog box appears.

2.Do one of the following:

To modify a color, set Color to the the color that you want to modify. You can also select Background
• to edit the color of the view window background. The selected color appears in the Old color box.

•To create a new color, select New Color. The New Color dialog box appears. Enter the name of the
color, and then select OK.

3. Select Color Picker, and then select a color.

The selected color appears in the New color box.

4.Select OK.

Measuring Distance Between Positions

Learn more about measuring distance.

To calculate the distance between markers or points:

1.From the Tools menu, select Measure Distance.

The Measure Distance dialog box appears.

2.Enter the marker or points whose distance you want to calculate in the first three text boxes:

• First Position - Enter the marker or point from which you want to measure the distance.

Second Position - Enter the marker or point to which you want measure the distance.

Ref Position - Enter the marker or point defining the coordinate system in which to represent distance
information. Leave blank to represent distance information in global coordinate system. Using a point
•as the reference position is the same as using a marker whose orientation is identical to the global

In the Write Result to File Name text box, enter the name of the file in which you want to save the
distance information. If you want the information written to a directory other than the one from which
3.you are running Adams/View, include the path.

4.Select either:

Model Name if you want to calculate the distance based on the current configuration of a model.

•Analysis Name if you’d like to calculate the distance based on a configuration, frame, or simulation
time from a particular simulation.

5.The elements in the dialog box change depending on your selection.

Enter the options in the dialog box as explained in the table below and select OK. As you set options,
remember that you can use the shortcut menu that appears when you hold down the right mouse
6.button in a text box to select an object from the screen or a list.

If you
selected: Do the following:

Model In the Model Name text box, enter the name of the model. If you want
Name to measure distances in the current model, you do not need to enter a
model name.

Analysis 1.Enter the name of a simulation.

Select to use a particular time, frame, or configuration stored in the
2.selected simulation.

Calculating Aggregate Mass of Parts

You can have Adams/View calculate the total mass and inertia of a part or parts in your model.
Adams/View returns the information in the Information window or in a specified file. It ignores the
ground part or any part that has no mass.

By default, Adams/View calculates all location coordinates and orientation angles in the current global
coordinate system. You can select a different coordinate system or reference frame relative to which
you would like the coordinates and angles returned. When you express the aggregate mass in the global
coordinate system, Adams/View essentially places a temporary marker at the center of mass location
and then it provides the inertia properties in principal moments, not off-diagonal terms.

The orientation shown is the orientation of the principal moments of inertia.

To calculate aggregate mass:

1.From the Tools menu, select Aggregate Mass.

The Aggregate Mass dialog box appears.

2.Set Bodies to one of the following:

• Selected to calculate the mass of only certain parts.

All to calculate the aggregate mass of all the bodies in your model.

If you selected to calculate the aggregate mass of only

a selected set of parts, select Select . A list of parts in
3. your model appears. Select the desired parts.

In the Relative to text box, if desired, enter another coordinate system, with respect to which you'd
4.like calculations to be relative. By default the calculations are relative to the global coordinate system.

5.Set Info Window to one of the following:

Replace to replace existing information.

Append to append existing information.

• None

Select how you want the output displayed. You can display it in the information window and to a file.
6.(Note that currently, Brief Output has no impact on the type of information displayed.)

If you want to save the results to a file, in the File Name text box, enter the name of the file in which
you want to save the information. If you want the information written to a directory other than the
7.one from which you are running Adams/View, enter the path.

8.Select OK.

Defining a New Ground Part

Using the Modify Rigid Body dialog box, you can define a new part as the ground part.

Learn about the ground part.

To define a new ground part:

1.Display the Modify Rigid Body as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.Set Category to Ground Part.

3.In the New Ground text box, enter a new or existing part to be ground.
4.Select OK.

Moving Objects
Using Object Position Handle
The object position handle is a powerful tool for translating and rotating various objects in your model.

Displaying the Object Position Handle

To display the object position handle on an object:

•Select the object on which you want to display the handle. To see the handle, you can have only one
object selected.

The position handle appears over the first point of the geometry that you created or in the center of
spherical geometry.

Translating an Object Along Its Axes

You can use the object position handle to translate an object along an axis of the object position handle.

To translate an object along its axes:

1.Display the position handle as explained in Displaying the Object Position Handle.

Click on any of the axis stems of the object position handle and drag the stem. The position handle
2.moves the object in either direction along the selected axis.
Rotating an Object About Its Axes

You can use the object position handle to rotate an object about an axis of the object position handle.

To rotate the object about any of its three axes:

1.Display the position handle as explained in Displaying the Object Position Handle.

Click on the ball at the end of any of the axes of the handle and pivot the axis around the origin of the
handle. Moving the x-axis ball rotates about the y-axis, moving the y-axis ball rotates about the z-axis,
2.moving the z-axis ball rotates about the x-axis.

You can also use the object position handle to rotate an object in the plane of the screen when one
3.axis of the object is perpendicular to the screen.

Tip: To gain more precise control on the rotation angles, move the mouse away from the center of the
position handle as you rotate the object. The farther you move the mouse away from the position
handle, the smaller Adams/View makes the angles of rotation.

Creating a Global Position Handle

You can create a global position handle with respect to the which you can translate and rotate selected

Tip: You can also locate the global position handle by entering precise locations as explained in Exact
Position Tool - Moving Objects Exactly. If other objects are also selected, Adams/View moves them
to positions relative to the new position of the global position handle.

To set a global position handle:

1.Do either of the following:

• From the Settings menu, select Object Position Handle.

From the Move tool stack on the Main toolbox, select Object Position Handle tool .

The Object Handle Settings dialog box appears.

2.Select Set Handle Location, and then click on the screen to indicate the location for the handle.

If desired, orient the axes of the handle as explained below. By default, the orientation of the position
3.handle is set to that of the current working grid axes.

Set Orientation Via to how you want to orient the handle.

Select Orientation Via, and then define axes as necessary.

4.Select Close.

To reset the global position handle to the default location for the selected object:

Select Reset from the Object Handle Settings dialog box.

Tip: You can also delete the global position handle just as you would any object as explained in Deleting

Moving Objects Using the Move Tools

The move tools available from the Move tool stack on the Main toolbox provide many different ways to
move objects.

Note: Four of the tools in the Move tool stack are not explained here because they are shortcuts to
other operations or apply more to parameterization. The tools are:

•Coordinate System tool

Working Grid tool

Parameterization tools f(x) and f()

Translating Objects by Dragging

You can quickly translate objects by dragging them. To protect you from accidentally translating objects,
you need to press Ctrl and Shift before you can translate the objects. You can translate objects in the
working grid if it is turned on or about the global coordinate system.

To translate objects by selecting and dragging:

1.Select the objects that you want to translate as explained in Selecting Objects.

2.Hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys.

3.Click anywhere on the selected objects and hold down the mouse button.

4.Drag the selected objects to the desired location and release the mouse button.

Moving Objects By Increments

You can position an object incrementally using the By Increments tool . It lets you specify the angle
of rotation or the translational distance. The next two sections explain how to translate and rotate
objects by increments:

Rotating an Object By Increments

Translating an Object By Increments

Exact Position Tool - Moving Objects Exactly

You can position an object precisely by specifying the translational coordinates and the rotational angles
of the object’s position handle relative to the working grid axes, global coordinate system, or any object
on the screen. In addition, you can display the current position of an object’s position handle.

The following figure shows an example of entering the exact location of a box’s object handle position so
that the handle is in the same position as the handle of a second box.
If more than one object is selected or you’ve created a global position handle, Adams/View moves the
first object you selected or the handle to the specified location and moves all other selected objects to
positions relative to the first selected object or the handle.

To position an object precisely or get the location of an object:

Select the object or objects that you want to position or the object whose coordinate location you
1.want to display.

From the Move tool stack on the Main toolbox, select the Exact Position tool . The settings in the
2.Main toolbox change as shown below.

3.Do one or more of the following:

• Select Get to obtain the coordinates of the selected object.

•In the 1, 2, or 3 Location and Orientation text boxes, enter the locations and orientations to which you
want to move the object.

The coordinate locations are in the current coordinate system. For example, if the coordinate system is
set to Cartesian, then Location 1 is the x coordinate.

Orientation 1 is the first rotation angle, Orientation 2 is the second, and Orientation 3 is the third. The
axis to which Adams/View applies these angles depends on the current rotation sequence. For example,
if the rotation sequence is body-fixed 313, Adams/View applies Orientation 1 to the z-axis.

Select the object to which the locations and orientations are relative. The coordinates are relative to
the location of the object’s position handle. By default, the coordinates are relative to the working

If you selected that the coordinates are relative to an object, enter the object in the lower text box. To
browse for an object or select an object from a list, right-click the lower text box, and then select the
5.appropriate command.

6.Select Set.

Point-to-Point Tool - Translating from Initial Location to Another

Moves objects by translating them from an initial location to another. There are two ways to move an
object from one location to another:

Pick two locations. The first location defines the location from which to move and the second location
•defines the point to which to move the selected object. The objects move relative to the selected

Define a distance and a vector along which to translate the selected objects.

The following figures show a link (LINK_2) being centered over a hole of LINK_1 by moving the link from
position A to position B.
As you translate the objects, you can rotate an object that you select during the translation operation or
translate all objects currently selected. In addition, you can translate a copy of the selected objects
instead of the actual objects.

To translate objects from one location to a another by defining two points:

1.From the Move tool stack on the Main toolbox, select the Point-to-Point tool .

2.In the settings container, specify the following:

If desired, select Selected to translate the currently selected objects.

If desired, select Copy to translate a copy of the selected object or objects.

Select From To from the pull-down menu.

If you did not choose Selected in the settings

container, select the object that you want to
3. translate.

4.Select the first point on the screen from which to translate the object or objects.

5.Select the second point on the screen to which to translate the object.

To translate objects along a vector:

1.From the Move tool stack, select the Point-to-Point tool .

2.In the settings container, specify the following:

If desired, select Selected to translate the currently selected objects.

If desired, select Copy to translate a copy of the selected object or objects.

•Select Direction Distance from the pull-down menu, and then enter the distance to translate the
object in the Distance text box.

Select the object that you want to translate. if you did

3. not select Selected in the settings container.

Select an axis or define the vector along which to translate the object by selecting two points on the
Align & Rotate Tool - Rotating Objects About or Along Grid or Features

Rotates objects about an axis or aligns them with the axes of other objects. You can set the alignment in
the following ways:

About - Rotates an object about the axis of another object.

Align - Rotates an object about its axis to align it with another object.

Align Same As - Aligns an object to the orientation of another object.

•Align One Axis - Orients an axis of an object to be in the same direction as the axis of another object.
This is useful if the axis of a joint or force is defined by a marker in your model.

•Align Two Axes - Orients an object so it is the same direction as the axis of another object and rotates
the object about that axis to place a second axis in the plane defined by the two directions.

You can rotate an object that you select during the rotate operation or rotate all objects currently
selected. In addition, you can rotate a copy of the selected objects instead of the actual objects.

To rotate objects about an axis or axes:

1.From the Move tool stack, select the Align & Rotate tool .

2.In the settings container, specify the following:

To rotate the currently selected objects, select Selected.

To rotate a copy of the selected object or object, select Copy.
•From the pull-down menu, select the method you want to use to rotate or align objects. If you
selected About, enter the amount to rotate the object in the Angle box.

If you did not choose Selected in the settings

container, select the object or objects that you want
3. to rotate.

Follow the prompts in the status bar to select the axis or axes about which to rotate or align the
4.objects. Refer to the table below for assistance.

If you
selected: Do the following:

About Select the axis about which to rotate the object or objects.

Align Select the axis about which to rotate the object or objects.

Select the axis to move.

Select the axis with which to align the object.

Align Select the object to which you want to align the already selected objects.
Same As

Align One Select the axis of the object to align.

Select the object to which to align the axis.

Align Two Select the first axis of the object to control (x, y, or z).
Select the object to which to direct the first axis.

Select the second axis of the object to control.

Select the object towards which to direct the second object.

Note: Adams/View rotates the object so that the first axis points toward the
first object, and the second axis points as closely as possible towards the
second object.

Depending on the locations that you selected, it may not be possible for both
axes to pass through the locations. Adams/View orients the object so that the
first axis passes through the first location, and the plane defined by the two
axes passes through the second location. This means that the second axis
comes as close as possible to the second location, but may not pass through

Mate Faces Tool - Positioning Objects by Aligning Faces

Positions an object by mating one object face with another object face so they are in the same plane.
The following figure shows two objects whose top and bottom faces were mated.

The objects must be in shaded render mode to mate their faces.

To align an object’s face with another object’s face:

1.From the Move tool stack, select the Mate Faces tool .

2.Select the face of the object to be aligned.

3.Select the face with which to align the selected object’s face.

Moving Objects Using the Precision Move Dialog Box

Adams/View provides a Precision Move dialog box to help you move objects:

By increments

To precise coordinates

You can select to move the objects relative to a specified object's coordinate system, called the
reference coordinate system. You can also select to move objects relative to the screen. In addition, you
can use the Precision Move dialog box to view the coordinates of one object in relation to another.
The Precision Move dialog box consolidates some operations that are available using the By Increments
and Precise Coordinates tools and provides new functionality for rotating objects by increments relative
to any object.

Precision Move
Moves objects either by increments or to precise coordinates.

You can select to move the objects relative to a specified object’s coordinate system, called the
reference coordinate system. You can also select to move objects relative to the screen. In addition, you
can use the Precision Move dialog box to view the coordinates of one object in relation to another.

Click a tool below for more information.

Overall Procedure for Using the Precision Move Dialog Box

The following provides general instructions for moving objects using the Precision Move dialog box.

To move objects using the Precision Move dialog box:

1.Select the objects to be moved.

If you want to move the objects along or about axes that another object in the model defines (the
reference coordinate system), then select either Relative to the or About the, and enter the name of
2.the object that is to define the reference coordinate system.

If you do not enter a reference coordinate system, Adams/View moves the objects about the default
3.coordinate system.

4.Then, either:

If you know the destination coordinates of the objects you are moving, enter the destination
•coordinates into the C1 through C3 (for translation) and A1 through A3 (for rotation) text boxes, and
then select OK.

Use the Rotate and Translate dials to move the objects by incremental values.

Accessing the Precision Move Dialog Box

To display the Precision Move dialog box:

From the Move tool stack, select the Precision Move tool .

Selecting the Objects to Move

When you display the Precision Move dialog box, Adams/View places all selected objects in it so you can
quickly move them. You can also change the objects to be moved.

To select an object to move:

1.Set Relocate the to the desired object type (for example, part or marker).

2.Enter the name or names of the objects to move.

Selecting the Reference Coordinate System

By default, the Precision Move dialog box moves the selected objects relative to the default coordinate
system. You can specify that Adams/View use a different coordinate system as the reference coordinate
system. The rotational and translational coordinates you enter for the move or the incremental values
you select are with respect to the origin and orientation of this coordinate system. You can select the
following types of objects:

Model - Global coordinate system.

Part or marker - Part or marker in your model.

•View - Adams/View defined view, such as front, right, or left. Use the Database Navigator to select the
name of the view.

•Entity - Any entity, including those that are not on the screen. Entities also include the working grid and

•Screen - The plane of the screen. When you select to move objects relative to the screen, the Precision
Move dialog box changes. Learn about Translating and Rotating Objects Using Screen Coordinates.

You can specify two options for the reference coordinate system: Relative to the or About the:

•If you specify the Relative to the option for rotations, objects rotate in place (their locations do not
change) and their rotations are with respect to the coordinate system specified in the Relative to the
text box.

If you specify the About the option for rotations, the objects rotate about the origin of the coordinate
•system specified (their locations change) and the rotations are with respect to the coordinate system
specified in the About the text box.

•Translations are with respect to the coordinate system defined as either Relative to the or the About

To set the reference coordinate system:

1.Set the second option to either Relative to the or About the.

In the text box to the right, enter the object whose coordinate system is to be used as the reference
2.coordinate system.

If you do not enter a reference coordinate system, the Precision Move dialog box moves the objects
3.about the current default coordinate system.

Moving Objects Relative to or About Coordinate System by Increments

The Rotate and Translate dials on the left side of the Precision Move dialog box move an object with
respect to a body-fixed or reference coordinate system in incremental amounts. You specify the
reference coordinate system using the Relative to the and About the options Learn about Selecting the
Reference Coordinate System.


To change the incremental value:

Enter new values for translation or rotation in the text boxes below the cubes, and then press Enter.

To change the direction of the move:

Click the + or - .

To move an object relative to or about another object:

1.Select the object to move.

2.Set the reference coordinate system.

3.Click a cube for the direction you want to translate or rotate the object.

Example 1

Rotate a marker (MAR2) 180 degrees relative to the y axis of the coordinate system that MAR1 defines:

1.Set Relocate the to marker, and then enter MAR2 in the text box to the right.

2.Set Relative to the, and then enter MAR1 in the text box to the right.

3.Set the increment value to 180.

4.Click the y cube on the Rotate dial

Example 2

Rotate a marker (MAR2) 45 degrees about the y axis of MAR1:

1.Set Relocate the to marker , and then enter MAR2 in the text box to the right.

2.Set About the , and then enter MAR1 in the text box to the right.

3.Set the increment value to 45.

4.Click the y cube on the Rotate dial.

Viewing Locations of Objects Relative to Other Objects

You can use the Precision Move dialog box to view the current coordinates of an object with respect to
the coordinate system of another object (reference coordinate system). Adams/View displays the
coordinates in the six position text boxes (C1 through C3 for translation and A1 through A3 for rotation)
of the Precision Move dialog box.

For example, if you want to ensure that two markers, which you want to connect using an inplane joint,
are in the same plane, you can set one marker as the object to be moved and the other object as the
relative to object. You can then view the rotation coordinates of the first marker to ensure that they are
(0, 0, 0).

To view current coordinates:

1.Select the object to move.

2.Set the reference coordinate system.

3.Select Load.

Adams/View loads the current coordinates relative to the reference coordinate system.

Moving Objects Relative to or About Coordinate System by Precise Coordinates

Using the Precision Move dialog box, you can move an object to precise coordinates relative to another
object's coordinate system (the reference coordinate system). You specify the reference coordinate
system using the Relative to the and About the options (Learn about Selecting the Reference Coordinate
System). You enter the coordinates in the six position text boxes (C1 through C3 for translation and A1
through A3 for rotation) of the Precision Move dialog box.

To move an object to coordinates relative to a reference frame:

1.Select the object to move.

2.Set the reference coordinate system.

3.Change the values in the C1 through C3 and A1 through A3 text boxes.

4.Select OK.


Move a marker (MAR2) to (0, -4, -4) in another marker's (MAR1) coordinate system.

1.Set Relocate the to marker , and then enter MAR2 in the text box to the right.

2.Set Relative to the , and then enter MAR1 in the text box to the right.

3.In the C1 through C3 text boxes, enter:

• C1: 0

C2: -40

C3: -40

4.Select OK.

Translating and Rotating Objects Using Screen Coordinates

Using the Precision Move dialog box, you can move an object based on screen-fixed coordinates. The
active view defines the screen-fixed coordinate system. Regardless of the object's orientation in the
active view, the move is relative to the screen coordinates.

When you select to move an object based on screen coordinates, the Precision Move dialog box changes
the dials on the left to those shown in the figure below. The dials translate and rotate the objects:

Think of the translation as pulling the object in the direction of the arrow. For example, when you
select the small arrow that points up, you pull an object up along the vertical axis. The double arrows
•to the right translate an object along an axis that is normal to the screen (works only if the view is in
perspective mode).

Think of the rotation as pushing on an object at that point. For example, if you select the arrow that
•points to the right, you are pushing the horizontal axis back, resulting in a positive rotation around the
vertical axis.
To move an object in screen coordinates:

1.Select the object to move.

2.Set the reference coordinate system.

3.Click an arrow for the direction you want to translate or rotate the object.

Modifying Rigid Body Geometry and Part Properties

Modifying Rigid Body Geometry
You can modify the geometry of a rigid body using:

Hotpoints that appear on the geometry when you select it.

A dialog box to enter information about the geometry, such as the location of anchor points, its width,
•or its depth. In addition, some dialog boxes let you easily edit profile point locations through a Location

Using Hotpoints to Graphically Modify Geometry

You can use hotpoints to resize and reshape the geometry of a rigid body. The hotpoints appear at
various locations on the geometry depending on the type of geometry.
Refer to the help on creating a geometry to see where Adams/View places hotpoints on the different
types of geometry.

To display hotpoints on geometry:

Click the geometry using the left mouse button.

To use the hotpoints to resize and reshape geometry:

Drag the hotpoint to the desired location and release the mouse button.

Using Dialog Boxes to Precisely Modify Geometry

You can precisely control the size, location, and shape of rigid body geometry using modify dialog boxes.
In addition, you can change the name of the geometry as you modify it.

Note: To modify a point, you use the Table Editor because a point only consists of a location. In addition,
for lines, polylines, extrusions, and revolutions, you can use the Location Table that lets you edit
the locations of profile points. For more information, see Editing Locations Using the Location

To see all the different types of geometry that make up a part:

Place the cursor on a part and hold down the right mouse button.

Adams/View displays the names of the geometry near the cursor location. If it is a very complex part,
you may need to move the cursor to different locations on the part to see all the different types of

Note: You can also use the Info command to view the geometry that belongs to a part. Learn about
Viewing Model Topology Map Through Information Window.

To display a modify dialog box for geometry and modify geometry:

1.Place the cursor over the part containing the geometry and hold down the right mouse button.

2.Point to the name of the geometry that you want to modify and then select Modify.

The modify dialog box for the geometry appears.

Change the name of the geometry, if desired, and assign a unique ID number to the geometry, if

Add any comments about the geometry that you want to enter to help you manage and identify the

To enter comments for extrusions, revolutions, lines, and polylines, select the Comments tool at the
bottom of the dialog box.

Enter the values for the geometry, and then select OK. To get help with entering the values, press F1
5.when the cursor is in the dialog box.

Editing Locations Using the Location Table

To specify the location of points in lines, polylines, splines, extrusions, and revolutions, you can use the
Location Table. The Location Table lets you view the points in lines, polylines, splines, extrusions, and
revolutions and edit them. You can also save the location information to a file or read in location
information from a file.

Learn more:

Displaying the Location Table

Working in the Location Table

Reading and Writing Location Information

For general information on using tables in Adams/View, see Using Tables to Enter Values.

Modifying Part Properties

Each moving part in Adams/View can have the following properties in addition to having geometry:

Location and name

Mass and inertia

Initial velocities

Initial location and orientation

Adams/View automatically calculates the total mass of the part and its inertia based on the part's
volume and density. It also automatically calculates the initial velocity and position for the part based on
any other initial conditions and connections in your model. You can set how you want Adams/View to
calculate these properties as well as define these properties yourself as explained in the next sections.

Note: You can also modify part properties using the Table Editor. Learn about Editing Objects Using the
Table Editor

Modifying Part Name and Location

While you are modifying a part, you can change its name and set its location relative to another location.
You can also set a rigid body so it is a planar part.

To modify part name and location:

If you haven't already done so, display the Modify Body dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify
1.Dialog Boxes.

2.Set Category to Name and Position.

Change the name of the geometry, if desired, and assign a unique ID number to the body, if

In the Location text box, enter the location of the rigid body. Adams/View applies your location
4.coordinates in the coordinate system in the Relative To text box.

5.Specify either of three orientation methods and their appropriate value:

• Orientation

Along Axis

•In Plane
In the Relative To text box, enter the reference frame relative to which the location and orientation
6.entries are defined. Leave blank or enter model name to use the global coordinate system.

7.For a rigid body, to define it as planar, select Planar.

8.Select OK.

Modifying Mass and Inertia for Rigid Bodies

By default, Adams/View calculates the mass and inertia for a rigid body part based on the part's
geometry and material type. The geometry defines the volume and the material type defines the
density. The default material type for rigid bodies is steel. (Note that any geometry that you deactivate
will not be included in mass calculations.)

You can change the material type used to calculate mass and inertia or simply specify the density of the
part. If you do not want Adams/View to calculate mass and inertia using a part's geometry, material
type, or density, you can enter your own mass and moments of inertia. Learn about Setting Up Material

It is possible to assign zero mass to a part whose six degrees of motion you constrain with respect to
parts that do have mass. You should not assign a part zero mass, however. Any part that has zero mass
and translation degrees of freedom can causes simulation failure (since a = F/m). Therefore, we
recommend that you assign finite masses and inertias to all parts. In addition, a part without mass
cannot have mass moments of inertia.

Learn how Adams/View calculates mass from geometry.

To modify mass and inertia:

If you haven't already done so, display the Modify Rigid Body dialog box as explained in Accessing
1.Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.Set Category to Mass Properties.

Set Define Mass By to how you want Adams/View to calculate mass and inertia, enter the appropriate
3.values, and select OK. Learn about entering mass moments of inertia.

From the pull-

down menu,
select: And enter:

Geometry and In the Material Type text box, the type of material for the part.
Material Type Adams/View displays the material's composition below the text box.
Adams/View uses the density associated with the material type and
volume of the geometry of the part to calculate the part's mass and

To select a material type from the Database Navigator or create a new

material type, right-click the text box, and then select the appropriate
command. Learn about Setting Up Material Types.

Geometry and In the Density text box, enter the density of the part. Adams/View uses
Density the part's density and the volume of the geometry to calculate its mass
and inertia.

User Input Mass - In the Mass text box, enter the mass of the part.

Moments of inertia - Enter the mass moments of inertia. Learn about

entering mass moments of inertia.

Center-of-mass marker - In the Center of Mass Marker text box, enter

the marker that is to be used to define the center-of-mass (CM) for the

Inertia marker - In the Inertia Reference Marker text box, specify the
marker that defines the axes for the inertia properties. If you do not
enter an inertia marker, Adams/View uses the part CM marker for inertia

Displaying Calculated Mass Moments of Inertia

If you select to have Adams/View calculate the mass moments of inertia of a part based on the part's
geometry and material type or density, you can view the mass-inertia tensor matrix that Adams/View

To view the matrix:

In the Modify Rigid Body dialog box, select Show calculated inertia.

Modifying Initial Velocities

You can specify initial velocities for parts. Adams/View uses the initial velocity during the initial
conditions simulation, which it runs before it runs a simulation of your model.

You can specify translational and angular velocities for rigid bodies and flexible bodies and only
translational velocity for point masses.
Translational velocity defines the time rate of change of a part's center of mass with respect to ground
•or another marker in your model. You can specify translational velocity for each vector component of
the marker.

Angular velocity defines the time rate of change of a part's rotational position with respect to the CM
•marker of the part or another marker in your model. You can specify angular velocity for each vector
component of the marker.

If you specify initial velocities, Adams/View uses them as the initial velocity of the part during initial
conditions simulations regardless of any other forces acting on the part. You can also leave some or all
of the velocities unset. Leaving a velocity unset lets Adams/View calculate the velocity of the part during
an assemble operation depending on the other forces and constraints acting on the part. Note that it is
not the same as setting the initial velocity to zero. Setting an initial velocity to zero means that the part
will not be moving in the specified direction when the simulation starts regardless of any forces and
constraints acting upon it.

To modify initial velocities:

If the Modify Rigid Body or Modify Point Mass dialog box is not already displayed, display it as
1.explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.Set Category to Velocity Initial Conditions.

The dialog box changes so you can enter translational and angular velocity. If you selected Velocity
Initial Conditions from the Modify Point Mass dialog box, only the options for setting translational
velocity are available.

3.Set the translational and angular velocity as explained in the table below, and then select Apply.

To: Do the following:

Select the coordinate system Select the following:

along or about whose axes
For translational velocity, select Ground or select Marker
the translational or angular
velocity vector components and enter a marker in your model in the text box that
will be specified.
For angular velocity, select Part CM to select the part's
center-of-mass (CM) marker or select Marker and enter a
marker in your model.

Set the velocity along or Select the axes along or about which you want to define
about an axis velocity and enter the velocity in the text box that appears
next to the axes check boxes. Remember, leaving a velocity
unset lets Adams/View calculate the velocity of the part
during an initial conditions simulation depending on the
other forces and constraints acting on the part. It is not the
same as setting the initial velocity to zero.

Modifying Initial Location and Orientation

In addition to specifying initial velocities, you can also control the initial position for a part’s location and
orientation. You should specify the initial position when you do not want Adams/View to reposition the
part. Adams/Solver uses the initial position during an initial conditions simulation, which it runs before it
runs a simulation of your model.

You can control initial locations and orientations for rigid bodies and flexible bodies and only initial
locations for point masses.

Location fixes any of the current translational coordinates (x, y, or z) of the part as the initial location.

Orientation fixes any of the current body-fixed 313 rotational coordinates (psi, theta, or phi angles) as
the initial orientation. These rotation angles are those associated with a body-fixed 313 rotation
•sequence regardless of which sequence you set as the default for the modeling database. (Learn about
rotation sequences.)

If Adams/Solver has to alter part positions to obtain consistent initial conditions during an initial
conditions simulation, it does not vary the coordinates you specify, unless it must vary them to satisfy
the initial conditions you specify for a joint or a motion.

If you fix the initial positions of too many parts, the initial conditions simulation can fail. Use initial
positions sparingly.

To modify initial position and orientation:

1.Display the Modify Body dialog box as explained in Accessing Modify Dialog Boxes.

2.Set Category to Position Initial Conditions.

The dialog box displays options for setting position initial conditions. If you selected Position ICs from
the Modify Point Mass dialog box, only options for setting location conditions are available.

Select the coordinates or angles that you want fixed during initial conditions simulation as explained in
3.the Modify Body - Position Initial Conditions and select Apply.

Testing Models

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