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MUSIC - 8 measures – moderate

-composed of tones and silences organized in such a manner as to convey - > 8 measures – long
the emotions and ideas conceived by the composer. 2.range – distance between highest to lowest notes in the melody
SOUND - narrow – < 1 octave
-physical property of music - moderate = 1 octave
-encountered by senses - wide – > 1 octave
-produced by vibration 3.progression – refers to the distance between one tone and the next as
regular: tones or musical sound the melody moves forward.
irregular: noise conjunct – when notes are adjacent or almost adjacent to each other,
QUALITIES OF SOUND e.g., Leron, Leron Sinta
Timbre - the quality of sound which enables us to distinguish one sound disjunct – distance between notes is wide, e.g., Dandansoy
from another, one instrument from another, a friend’s voice from that of 4.direction – refers to the spatial movement of tone to the changes in
another. pitch.
-results from the physical qualities of the object which vibrates, - considers the general upward and downward trend of the series of
its thickness, length, and tautness, as well as the physical characteristics notes that compose the melody.
of the resonator. - ascending or descending in relation to the location of the climax or
Pitch - refers to the relative highness or lowness of a tone the highest note of the melody (beginning, middle, end)
the result of the frequency of vibrations (the faster, the higher the pitch) 5.register – refers to the location of most of the notes of a melody.
because of pitch, it is possible to construct musical scales low, medium, or high-pitched
Scale -a series of different tones which are arranged at definite, fixed - Vocal registers of singers and instruments
distance (intervals) from one another. Without scale, the organization of
sounds into what we call music would be all but impossible. HARMONY
-Western music from about 1600 A.D. uses a scale consisting -the simultaneous sounding of tones.
of 12 pitches within what is called an octave. 7 different tones designated -if melody is the horizontal aspect of music, harmony is its vertical
as: A (la), B (ti), C (do), D (re), E (mi), F (fa), G (sol) aspect.
-The 7 tones are separated from one another by intervals which *treble staff – shows melody with notes following one another in a
may be whole-tone (whole-step) or semi-tone (half-step) horizontal movement.
-whole-step: la-ti, do-re, fa-sol, sol-la *bass clef – shows harmony with notes forming a vertical group (to
-half-step: ti-do, mi-fa, between adjacent black and white keys be sounded together)
in the keyboard -interval – difference in pitch between two tones; it is measured by
-in Western musical scales, there is no interval larger than a counting the lines and spaces spanned by two tones.
whole-tone or smaller than a semi-tone. *melodic interval- when the two tones are consecutively sounded or
-some Asian scales (India) have smaller than semi-tones written
(microtones) and larger than whole-tones (macro-tones). *harmonic interval- when they are sounded or written together.
-Musical compositions are usually constructed out of the tones - are named according to the number of scale
separated from one another by a mixture of half- and whole-tone intervals degrees (or notes) spanned by the two tones which are sounded together.
occurring at a definite points in the octave. -the lines or spaces of the staff on which the two are located are counted
Duration-refers to the length of time which a sound occupies – how long thus, they are labeled prime, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh,
a sound is heard. and octave.
-depends on how long the vibrating object continues to vibrate. -prime or unison – E E -fifth – E B
in music, measurement of duration is relative; relative time values are -second – E F -sixth – E C
indicated in musical notation by symbols called notes. -third – E G -seventh – E D
-7 types of notes: whole, half, quarter, eight, sixteenth, thirty- -fourth – E A -octave – E E
second, sixty-fourth -chord – consists of 3 or more tones of different pitches sounded together
Intensity-refers to the loudness or softness of a sound. -simplest and most familiar – triad (3 tones)
Dynamics-Is the degree of loudness or softness -to construct a triad – choose any note, do + 2 other tones.
*forte (loudly) *decrescendo (becoming less loud) -C triad – C is base or root tone
*fortissimo (very loudly) *crescendo (becoming louder) -chord progression – chord change from one chord to another according
*piano (softly) *pianissimo (very softly) to a definite pattern or plan.
ELEMENTS OF MUSIC -harmonic rhythm – chord progression that takes place at certain
Rhythm-refers to the distribution of notes in time, i.e., arrangement of intervals which may be regular or irregular.
long and short notes and their accentuation. sometimes it is independent of melodic rhythm, sometimes dependent on
-movement of music through time it.
-most basic element of music, the only one which can exist -static harmony – when the same chord is struck for a number of
independently of others. measures
Melody-consists of a series of tones of varying pitches sounded in -tonic triad C (C – E – G ) Leron, Leron Sinta (first 2 measures).
succession. -consonance – is a quality that results when the combination of sounds or
-pitch added to rhythm. tones is satisfying or pleasant to the ear.
-if appeal of rhythm is physical, appeal of melody is emotional. -dissonance – when the combination seems jarring or unpleasant.
-part of the emotional character and expressive quality of a -consonance and dissonance – a result of mathematical relationships
melody can be due to the scale used. between speeds of vibrations which produce them.
*major keys – cheerful, e.g., National Anthem e.g., do and sol 3 : 2 (sol vibrates 3x, do vibrates 2x)
*minor keys – sad and melancholy, e.g., Anak -consonance – produces repose or relaxation.
*chromatic – agitated, questioning, sensuous -dissonance (discord) – produces unrest or tension.
*pentatonic – exotic, e.g., Auld Lang Syne -conventional use of harmony – is “to shape a phrase” through tension
Properties of melody and relaxation.
1.dimension – short, moderate, long -a series of dissonant chords builds up tension because the listener keeps
-length is relative to the number of measures which compose it. waiting for a release from the tension which would be brought about by
- < 8 measures – short hearing a consonant chord.
-tonality (key feeling) – results when a single “key” is used, thus
providing a tonal center.
-most music is written in a single key.
-polytonal music – is composed using two or more keys.
-multi-tonal or displaced tonality – refers to music in which the
composer shifts from one key center to another so rapidly that the key
feeling is destroyed or disturbed.
-atonal music – music in which the composer avoids any feeling of key
at all times (characteristic of modern music; previous century – tonal
-tone color – is the result of tempo, dynamics, and timbre of medium or
mediums as applied to a piece of music rather than to a single sound,
tone, voice or instrument.
-dynamics – refers to the changes from loud to soft in a musical
composition as well as to all the processes involved in changing from one
to the other.
-tempo – refers to the speed at which music may move.
*presto (very fast)
*allegro (fast)
*moderato (moderated speed)
*andante (moderately slow)
*adagio (slow)
*largo (very slow)
*ritardando (ritard.) – gradual slowing down
*accelerando – gradual increase of speed
*tempo rubato – play with as much irregularity to give proper
expression to the composition.

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