Constitution and By-Laws: Christian Women'S Association
Constitution and By-Laws: Christian Women'S Association
Constitution and By-Laws: Christian Women'S Association
…As amended and approved during the 5th Joint NUCM-NCWA Biennial Convention
in Cagayan de Oro City, May 1978
…As amended and approved during the 5th Joint NUCM-NCWA Quadrennial Convention
In Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, May 1998
…As amended and approved during 10th Joint UCM-NCWA Quadrennial Convention
Pagadian City, May 2018
the servanthood of Christ in our individual being and doing Section 1: The Bylaws as amended shall take effect in the ecclesial year immediately
so that we shall become a reflection of your presence in us. after its ratification during the CWA Quadrennial Convention.
Section 6: Local Church CWA Meetings Table of Contents
6.1 Local Church CWA Assembly
Prayer i
a. The local church CWA shall hold its Assembly once in an ecclesial
year. Vision, Mission and Goals iii
b. The majority of the CWA local members present shall constitute Preamble iii
quorum. Constitution
c. Written notice of the local church CWA Assembly shall be sent to ARTICLE I – NAME 1
all members at least one (1) week before the Assembly. ARTICLE II – PURPOSE 1
6.2 Executive Committee Meetings ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP 1
a. Regular meetings of the local church Executive Committee of the ARTICLE IV – OFFICERS 1
CWA shall be held monthly. ARTICLE V – EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2
b. Majority of the voting members of the local church CWA Executive ARTICLE VI – THE QUADRENNIAL CONVENTION 2
c. Written notice of the meeting shall be sent to all members of the ARTICLE VIII – CONFERENCE ANNUAL CONVENTION 3
Executive Committee at least one (1) week before the meeting.
d. Members of the Executive Committee with two (2) successive ARTICLE X – AMENDMENTS 4
absences without notice of valid reason/s shall be declared resigned. ARTICLE XI – EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE 5
Section 1: Special Meetings (All Levels)
a. The President may call for a special meeting of the Executive
Committee, if deemed necessary. ARTICLE II – DUTIES OF OFFICERS 8
b. At least three (3) members of the Executive Committee may request ARTICLE III – DUTIES OF COMMITTEES 12
in writing to the President to call for a special meeting in case of ARTICLE IV – DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 14
urgency. ARTICLE V – MEETINGS 15
c. Notice of special meeting must include the Agenda and be sent to the ARTICLE VI – SPECIAL MEETINGS 18
Executive Committee members at least one (1) week before the
18 ii
4.2 Executive Committee Meetings
VISION a. Regular meetings of the Conference Executive Committee of the
CWA shall be held quarterly in an ecclesial year.
A fellowship of dynamic and dedicated Christian women, united by faith in God b. The majority of the voting members of the Conference CWA
Executive Committee shall constitute quorum.
through Jesus Christ, committed to the pursuit of empowered women in the church
c. Written notice of the meeting shall be sent to all members of the
and community towards an abundant and meaningful life for all. Executive Committee at least one (1) month before the meeting.
d. Members of the Executive Committee with two (2) successive
MISSION absences without notice of valid reason/s shall be declared resigned.
PREAMBLE c. Written notice of the meeting shall be sent to all members of the
These Constitution and By-Laws are to be the guide to members of the Christian Executive Committee at least two (2) weeks before the meeting.
Women’s Association (CWA) in carrying out its purpose and ministry as a church-
d. Members of the Executive Committee with two (2) successive
recognized organization of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines.
absences without notice of valid reason/s shall be declared resigned.
iii 17
d. Members of the National Executive Committee with two (2) successive CONSTITUTION
absences without notice of valid reason/s shall be declared resigned.
c. Written notice of the meeting shall be sent to all members of the 2. Associate Membership. Any women’s organization of other evangelical churches not
Executive Committee at least one (1) month before the meeting. related to the United Church of Christ in the Philippines may become associate
d. Members of the Executive Committee with two (2) successive absences member for the purpose of Christian fellowship.
without notice of valid reason/s shall be declared resigned.
Section 4: Conference Meetings
The Officers of the Christian Women’s Association of the United Church of Christ in the
4.1 Annual Conference Convention Philippines shall be the following:
a. The Conference CWA shall hold its Annual Convention days prior to
the Conference Annual Session. National
1. President
b. The majority of the CWA local churches represented by registered 2. Area Vice Presidents – (Jurisdictional Area Presidents)
voting delegates to the Convention shall constitute quorum. 3. Secretary
c. Written notice of the Annual Conference Convention shall be sent to 4. Treasurer
all CWA presidents of local churches at least one (1) month before the 5. Auditor
16 1
Jurisdiction b. Approves appointment of chairpersons of Standing Committees and
1. President Special Committees upon the recommendation by the elected
2. Vice Presidents – (Conference Presidents) incoming president.
3. Secretary c. Acts on proposals submitted for appropriate actions.
4. Treasurer
5. Auditor d. Formulates operational policies and implementing guidelines for the
Conference CWA.
1. President e. To recommend the CWA Budget for final approval by the
2. Vice Presidents (Circuit Presidents) Convention/Assembly in session.
3. Secretary f. To act upon matters referred to it by the General Assembly of the United
4. Treasurer Church of Christ in the Philippines when the Convention/Assembly is not
5. Auditor in session.
Local Church
1. President g. It shall elect delegates to meetings, conferences and conventions,
2. Vice President institutes, etc., to national affairs where the CWA representation is desired,
3. Secretary except when Convention/Assembly is in session and can act on the
4. Treasurer election.
5. Auditor
There shall be chairpersons of Standing Committees in all levels appointed by the President Section 1: CWA Quadrennial Convention
and confirmed by the elected officers and the Consultant. a. The National CWA shall hold a Quadrennial Convention days prior
to the General Assembly of the United Church of Christ in the
The following shall compose the Executive Committee of the CWA in all levels.
b. Two-thirds (2/3) of the total CWA Conferences represented by
1. Elected Officers
registered voting delegates to the Convention shall constitute quorum.
2. Presidents of the immediate lower level
3. Chairpersons of Standing Committees
Section 2: Meetings of the National Executive Committee
4. CWA Consultant, without vote
a. Regular meeting of the National Executive Committee shall be held once
1. The Quadrennial Convention shall be the highest governing body of the b. The majority of the voting members of the National CWA Executive
Organization. It shall meet every four (4) years, preferably a few days prior to the Committee will constitute a quorum.
General Assembly of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines.
c. Written notice of the meeting shall be sent to all members of the Executive
Committee at least one (1) month before the meeting.
2 15
c. Encourages the local church CWA to participate in the Family 2. Members to the Quadrennial Convention shall be the following:
Week/Sunday celebration.
A. Registered voting delegates
1.5 Mission, Health and Community Service Committee (1) All members of the National Executive Committee of the Christian
a. Designs and implements mission, health and community service Women’s Association
programs. (2) Incumbent Conference Presidents
(3) Four (4) delegates elected in the Annual Conference in Session, a year
b. Coordinates with government and non-government organizations,
prior to the Quadrennial Convention
if deemed necessary, regarding mission, health and community
service programs. B. Corresponding delegates (without vote)
Participants not covered by the above description shall be considered
Section 2: Special Committees (All Levels)
corresponding members, to include the chairpersons of the Special Committees of
2.1 Nomination and Election (NOMELEC) Committee the National Executive Committee.
a. Formulate guidelines on the nomination and election procedures; and
present to the Executive Committee for approval. Upon approval, ARTICLE VII– JURISDICTIONAL BIENNIAL CONVENTION
disseminate the same to the Convention/Assembly in session. 1. Each Jurisdiction shall meet in convention once every two (2) years.
b. Present initial list of nominees to the Convention/Assembly in session 2. The Jurisdictional CWA Biennial Convention shall be the highest governing body.
and ask for open nominations from the floor.
A. Registered Voting Delegates
c. Administer election proceedings, count ballots and report results to (1) All members of the Executive Committee of the Jurisdictional CWA.
the Convention/Assembly in session, which will be formally (2) Four (4) delegates elected in the Annual Conference in Session prior to
declared by the Chairperson of the NOMELEC Committee. the Biennial Convention.
(3) Members of the National Executive Committee who belong to the
2.2 Socials Committee
a. Plans and presents social activities of the incoming
conventions/assemblies to the Executive Committee for approval. B. Corresponding Members (without vote)
Participants not covered by the above description shall be considered
b. Oversees and implements the approved plan during
corresponding members, to include chairpersons of the Special Committees
of the Jurisdictional Executive Committee.
c. Prepares social and recreational activities during CWA special
1. Each Conference shall meet in convention every year.
2. The Conference CWA Annual Convention shall be the highest governing body.
Section 1: The duties of the Executive Committee (All Levels) of the CWA are as follows:
a. Acts as policy-making body when the conventions/assemblies are not
in session.
A. Registered Voting Members a. Prepares program for CWA Conventions and Assemblies, in
(1) All members of the Executive Committee of the Conference CWA. consultation with the President for approval by the Executive
(2) Four (4) delegates elected from each local church CWA. Committee
(3) Members of the National and Jurisdictional Executive Committees who b. Recommends to the Executive Committee all relevant programs and
belong to the Conference. publications toward women empowerment and spiritual
enrichment aligned to the UCCP Quadrennial themes and thrusts,
B. Corresponding Members (without vote) to include existing programs of ecumenical partners.
Participants not covered by the above description shall be considered
corresponding members, to include chairpersons of the Special Committees c. Publishes regularly literatures and CWA newsletters as approved
of the Conference Executive Committee. by the CWA Executive Committee.
The Constitution may be amended by any Conference Convention by a majority of the b. Prepares liturgical guides for CWA designated celebrations and
affirmative votes cast by the voting delegates thereto; and two-thirds (2/3) votes of the secures ecumenical celebration guides.
total number of Conferences.
4 13
d. She shall prepare and submit an audited financial report as required ARTICLE XI– EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE
by the Executive Committee during conventions and assemblies. The Constitution as amended shall take effect in the Ecclesial Year immediately after
e. She shall follow-up remittances from appropriate source. its ratification during the CWA Quadrennial Convention.
f. She shall ensure timely remittance of funds to concerned office.
e. She shall help provide direction in the area of parliamentary The term of office shall commence on June 1st of the Quadrennial and
procedures, meeting facilitation, group building, goal setting and ends on May 31st after 4 years.
program planning. 1.4 No elected National Officer shall be available for another elective office in
f. She shall give counsel, contribute, advise and to inform CWA the Jurisdiction, Conference, Circuit and Local Church CWA during her
members of experience in handling the CWA organization. incumbency in the National level.
1.5 Installation of National Officers (elective and appointive) shall take place
at the Closing Worship of the Quadrennial Convention.
Section 1: Standing Committees (All Levels)
1.6 In case of death, incapacity or migration, the one elected with the next
1.1 Program, Ecumenical Partnerships and Publication Committee highest votes shall replace her for the remaining period of her term.
12 5
Section 2: Jurisdictional Level Officers of the CWA 2. Executive Committee Meetings
3. Regular and Special Meetings
2.1 The Vice Presidents of the Jurisdiction CWA are the presidents of the
Conferences. c. She shall be one of the Vice Presidents of the Circuit CWA.
2.2 All registered voting delegates of the Jurisdictional Convention shall be d. She shall be ex-Officio member of the Standing Committees and any
entitled to vote, be nominated and voted upon to the office of the other committees which may be created.
Jurisdictional Area President, Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor; e. She shall represent the organization to the local church Council unless
provided her eligibility is validated by the NOMELEC Committee. There otherwise agreed by the organization.
will be no voting “in absentia” and the physical presence is required f. She shall be one of the secondary signatories of all financial
during the election. transactions of the local church CWA.
2.3 The Jurisdictional Area Officers shall be elected during the Biennial g. She shall sign all official communications of the CWA of the local church.
Convention prior to the Quadrennial Convention to serve for a term of
h. She shall promote the women’s work in the local churches specially
four (4) years without re-election. However, they may be elected or
CWA celebrations.
appointed to another office in the Jurisdictional Offices of the CWA.
Section 2: The Secretary (All Levels)
The term of office shall commence on June 1st of the Quadrennial and
ends on May 31st after 4 years. a. To prepare minutes of previous meetings for approval.
2.4 No elected Jurisdictional Officer shall be available for another elective b. To keep full and complete records of all proceedings of conventions,
office in the Conference, Circuit and Local Church CWA during her assemblies, executive committee meetings, both regular and special.
incumbency in the Jurisdictional level. c. To send notices of meetings and CWA celebrations.
d. To have custody of all records and documents.
Section 3: Conference Level Officers of the CWA
e. To turn-over all records to the next elected secretary; and to perform
3.1 The Vice Presidents of the Conference CWA are the presidents of the other duties from time to time.
Section 3: The Treasurer (All Levels)
3.2 All registered voting delegates of the Conference Convention shall be entitled
to vote, be nominated and voted upon to the office of the Conference a. She shall collect, receive and keep account of all funds in favor of CWA.
President, Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor; provided her eligibility is Issue official receipts and record the same to the book of accounts.
validated by the NOMELEC Committee. There will be no voting “in b. She shall receive all monies, cash and cash items for credit to the
absentia” and the physical presence is required during the election. account of CWA and shall deposit the funds to designated bank.
3.3 The Conference Officers shall be elected during the Conference c. She shall be the principal signatory to the cash withdrawals/
Convention to serve for one (1) term of two (2) years without prejudice of disbursements in accordance with the approved budget and duly
re-election for another term. However, they may be elected or appointed approved by the President or Chairperson of the Finance,
to another office in the Conference Offices of the CWA. Stewardship and Membership Committee.
6 11
g. She shall sign all official documents and contracts of CWA in the The term of office shall commence on June 1st of the Ecclesial Year and
Conference. ends on May 31st after 2 years.
h. She shall promote the women’s work in coordination with the 3.4 No elected Conference Officer shall be available for another elective office
Circuits. in the Circuit and Local Church CWA during her incumbency in the
i. She shall act as liaison between the Jurisdictional CWA and Circuit Conference level.
Section 4: Circuit Level Officers of the CWA
1.4 Circuit Presidents
4.1 The Vice Presidents of the Circuit CWA are the presidents of the Local
a. She is the overall chairperson of the total CWA program of the Church CWA.
4.2 All registered voting delegates of the Circuit Assembly shall be entitled to
b. She shall preside over all Circuit meetings of the CWA.
vote, be nominated and voted upon to the office of the Circuit President,
1. Circuit Assembly
Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor; provided her eligibility is validated by the
2. Circuit Executive Committee meetings
NOMELEC Committee. There will be no voting “in absentia” and the
3. Other Special meetings of the Circuit CWA.
physical presence is required during the election.
c. She shall be one of the Vice Presidents of the Conference CWA.
4.3 The Circuit Officers shall be elected during the Circuit Assembly prior to
d. She shall be ex-Officio member of the Standing Committees and any the Conference Convention to serve for one (1) term of two (2) years
other committees which may be created. without prejudice of re-election for another term. However, they may be
e. She shall represent the organization to the corresponding body of the elected or appointed to another office in the Circuit Offices of the CWA.
Circuit. The term of office shall commence on June 1st of the Ecclesial Year and
f. She shall be one of the secondary signatories of all financial ends on May 31st after 2 years.
transactions of the Circuit CWA.
4.4 No elected Circuit Officer shall be available for another elective office in
g. She shall sign all official documents for the Circuit CWA. the Local Church CWA during her incumbency in the Circuit level.
h. She shall promote the women’s work in coordination with the local
Section 5: Local Church CWA Officers
i. She shall act as liaison between the Conference CWA and Local 5.1 The officers of the local church CWA are the President, Vice President,
Church CWA. Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor.
1.5 Local Church CWA Presidents 5.2 They shall be elected during the General Assembly and shall serve for a term
of two (2) years without prejudice to a re-election.
a. She is the overall chairperson of the total CWA program of the local
church. 5.3 Bona fide members of good standing are eligible to vote and be voted upon.
Good standing means those members who are regularly paying their CWA
b. She shall preside over all CWA meetings of the local church.
obligations and actively attending CWA activities.
1. General Assembly
Section 6: The official nominee for each office in all levels receiving the plurality 2. Jurisdiction Executive Committee Meetings
(highest number of votes garnered) votes cast shall be declared elected. 3. Other Special Meetings of the Jurisdiction.
Section 7: In case of vacancy of the Office of the President in any level, the respective c. She shall be one of the Area Vice Presidents of the National Office of
Executive Committee shall vote as who among the Vice Presidents shall the CWA.
serve in Acting capacity the remaining term until the next election. d. She shall be ex-Officio member of the Standing Committees and any
other committees which may be created.
e. She shall represent the organization to the Jurisdictional Area Cabinet
Section 1: The Presidents of the UCCP upon invitation.
1.1 The National President f. She shall be of the secondary signatories of all financial transactions
of the Jurisdiction.
a. She is the overall chairperson of the total program of the CWA.
g. She shall sign all official documents and contracts of the CWA in the
b. She shall preside over all national meetings of the CWA.
1. Quadrennial Convention
2. National Executive Committee meetings h. She shall promote the women’s work in coordination with the
3. Other Special meetings of the National CWA. Conferences.
c. She shall be ex-Officio member of the Standing Committees and any i. She shall act as liaison between the National CWA and Conferences
other committees which may be created. within her jurisdiction.
d. She shall represent the organization to the National Council and to
1.3 Conference Presidents
the General Assembly of the UCCP.
e. She shall represent the organization to any women’s gathering both a. She is the overall chairperson of the total CWA program of the
national and international. Conference.
f. She shall represent UCCP women to the NCCP (National Council of b. She shall preside over all Conference meetings of the CWA.
Churches in the Philippines) Women’s Desk and Church Women 1. Annual Convention
United of the Philippines (CWUP). 2. Conference Executive Committee meetings
g. She shall be one of the secondary signatories of all financial 3. Other Special meetings of the Conference CWA.
transactions of the National Executive Committee of the CWA.
h. She shall sign all official national documents and contracts of CWA. c. She shall be one of the Vice Presidents of the Jurisdiction CWA.
d. She shall be ex-Officio member of the Standing Committees and any
1.2 Jurisdictional Presidents other committees which may be created.
a. She is the overall chairperson of the total CWA program of the e. She shall represent the organization to the Conference Council.
f. She shall be one of the secondary signatories of all financial
b. She shall preside over all jurisdictional meetings of the CWA. transactions of the Conference CWA.
1. Biennial Convention
8 9