Sample Questions
Sample Questions
Sample Questions
1-2 Script and Vocabulary Word Usage
Test the usage of a word.
Read the sentence and choose the word that fits in ( ) the most.
1-3 Script and Vocabulary Kanji Reading
Test the hiragana pronunciation of a word written in kanji.
1-4 Script and Vocabulary Kanji Meaning and Usage
Test the meaning and usage of a word written in kanji.
Read the sentence and choose the kanji word that fits in ( )
the most.
2-1 Conversation and Expression Grammar
Test if the test-taker can use the appropriate grammar matching the context.
2-2 Conversation and Expression Expression
Test if the test-taker is able to use the appropriate expression matching the context.
Two people are talking during lunch break at work.
Read the dialog and choose the expression that fits the most.
3-1 Listening Comprehension Comprehending Content (conversation)
Test understanding of contents by listening to an exchange of information or social exchange.
You will hear two people talking about the New Year holidays at work.
What did the man do with his friend during the New Year holidays?
3-2 Listening Comprehension
Comprehending Content (communicating at shops and public places)
Test understanding of contents by listening to an exchange of information or social exchange.
You will hear a man asking a store staff about products at the
convenience store.
Which one can the man eat/drink?
3-3 Listening Comprehension
Comprehending Content (listening to announcements and instructions)
Test understanding of contents by listening to instructions and announcements, audio media, etc.
4-1 Reading Comprehension Comprehending content
Test reading of a short and simple letter, message, etc.
You are reading a town's public information magazine.
Answer questions (1) and (2).
4-2 Reading Comprehension Information search
Test if the test-taker is able to find the necessary information from an everyday
billboard, notice, informational material, etc.
Kumaru-san received instructions on medicines at the pharmacy.
Look at the instructions and answer questions (1) and (2).
Comprehending Content