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Design, Installation and Maintenance Manual: Industrial Electric Heat Tracing Systems

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Heat Tracing Authority TM

Design, Installation and

Maintenance Manual

Industrial Electric Heat Tracing Systems


SYSTEM DESIGN ............................................................................... 1

Introduction; Competence; Thermal Insulation; Selection of Heat Tracer; Site Fabricated
Heaters; Maximum Temperature Determination; Inherently Temperature Safe Heat Tracers
(PTC Characteristic); Stabilised Design; Controlled Design; Location of Temperature Sensors.

INSPECTIONS ................................................................................. 4
Receiving Materials; Pre-Installation Testing; Visual Examination; Insulation Resistance Test;
Component Substitution; Determination of Power Supply Location;
Installation of Heat Tracers; Connections & Terminations; Connection Kits.

PRE-INSTALLATION CHECKS ................................................................ 6

Pre-Installation Checks - Table 1; Junction Boxes; Cold Leads; Heat Tracer Entries & Glands;
Earthing Requirements; Jointing, Splicing & Modifications; End Terminations;
Conductor Terminations.

STANDARD CABLE INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ........................................ 8

Electrical Supply Points; Spiral Pitch; Cable Installation; Cable Fixing; Flanges; Valves;
Cable Terminations; Splice Connections; Tee Branches; Plastic Pipework; Sensor Location;

INSTALLATION PROCEDURE FOR LLR CABLES ........................................ 11

Electrical Supply Points; Spiral Pitch; Cable Installation; Cable Fixing; Sensor Location;
Flanges; Valves; Bending Ratios; Cable Terminations; Electrical Connections;
Earthing / Bonding

CONTROL & MONITORING ................................................................. 14

Verification of Equipment Suitability; Sensor Considerations; General Sensor Installation;
Sensor Installation for Temperature Controllers;
Sensor Installation for Temperature Limiting Device;
Controller Operation, Calibration & Access

THERMAL INSULATION ..................................................................... 15

General (Selection and Application); Preparatory Work

DISTRIBUTION WIRING & BRANCH CIRCUITS ........................................... 16

Earth Fault Protective Device; Circuit Protective Device; Tagging & Identification

TESTING ...................................................................................... 16
Heater Circuit IR Test; Necessary Modifications; Visual Inspection

COMMISSIONING ............................................................................. 17
Pre-commissioning Check; Functional Check & Final Documentation; Final Documentation;
Testing after Commissioning; Pre-commissioning Check List; Heater Commissioning Record

NOTES ......................................................................................... 20
Two pages for your notes.

May 2017 Issue: 11

Introduction Persons involved in the design and planning of
electric trace heating systems should be suitably
Each heat tracing application imposes unique trained in all techniques required.
demands on the designer to achieve the desired
performance in a safe manner. Heat tracing,
systems comprise heating cables and ancillary Thermal insulation
items which necessarily interface with other The selection, installation and maintenance of
system components such as thermal insulation and thermal insulation is a key component in the
the electrical supply items which will power the performance of an electrical heat tracing system.
system. The overall system is the integration of The type and thickness of the insulation must be
these component parts and so the values of these as specified in the design documentation.
interfaced items have to be known and controlled
in order to design a system that will perform as The thermal insulation system is normally designed
required, and do so safely. to prevent the majority of heat losses. The heat
tracing system compensates for the remaining
Aspects of Safety are regulated by IEC 60519-1, losses. Therefore, problems with thermal
‘Safety in installations for Electroheating insulation will have a direct impact on the overall
and electromagnetic processing’ – Particular system performance.
requirements for electrical resistance trace
heating systems for industrial and commercial
applications. Selection of heat tracer
The Design, Installation, Commissioning and For a particular application, there are some basic
Maintenance of electric heat tracing systems shall design characteristics that shall be reviewed to
conform to all IEC requirements for the use of determine the choice of trace heater(s). These
electrical equipment and with the requirements of are as follows:-
the relevant heat tracing standard, usually either a) The maximum withstand temperature of the
IEC 62395 Electrical resistance trace heating heat tracers shall be greater than the maximum
systems for industrial and commercial applications possible work piece temperature (which may be
or IEC 60079-30 Explosive atmospheres - electrical greater than the normal operating temperature)
resistance trace heating. Consideration shall and must be greater than the maximum maintain
be given to the maintenance of the system and temperature.
process equipment, to energy efficiency, and to
testing of the installed system for operational b) Heat tracers should be suitable for operation
satisfaction and safety. in the environmental conditions specified, for
example, a corrosive atmosphere or a low ambient
Note: temperature.
A copy of any Heat Trace ATEX certificate or any c) For hazardous locations, heat tracers must be
other approvals certificate can be provided on certified for use in the particular explosive gas
request. atmosphere.
When designing a heat tracing system for use in For any application, there is a maximum allowable
explosive gas atmospheres, additional constraints power density at which a heat tracer can be used
are imposed due to the requirements and without damaging either the work piece or its
classification of the area under consideration. contents. This is particularly critical in certain
The heat tracing selection shall consider the cases, such as with lined pipes, vessels containing
determination of the maximum possible system caustic soda or with heat-sensitive materials.
temperature (usually the heater outer sheath The maximum allowable power density shall be
temperature) under worst case conditions recorded in the system documentation. Multiple
as specified in IEC 62395 or 60079-30. This tracing or spiralling of a single heat tracer may be
temperature may be reduced, for example, required.
through adjustments to the system parameters,
for instance by the use of multiple tracers to
reduce the power produced per unit length. The
excess of installed power over and above the
heating duty requirements, and the way in which
heat tracers are applied, installed and operated
shall not be the cause, even under worst-case
conditions, of any unacceptable risk.

Site-fabricated heaters When multiple heat tracers (especially on
pipes with different flow conditions) are
Site-fabricated heat tracers are permissible grouped together under a single surface-sensing
provided that: temperature control device, each design condition
shall be analysed as a stabilised design.
• - installation personnel are competent in the
special techniques required.

• - heat tracers pass the field (site work) test Inherently temperature-safe heat
requirements. tracers (PTC characteristic)
•- heat tracers are correctly marked in Heat tracers that significantly reduce power
accordance with the heat tracing standards. with an increase in temperature may be deemed
inherently temperature-safe if their power output
Maximum temperature determination
is practically zero at a sheath temperature less
It is important that the maximum sheath than the maximum withstand temperature of
temperature of the heat tracer is determined for the heater. Thus, in most applications further
all applications to ensure safety from overheating. temperature limiting control measures are not
Some examples are: necessary, provided that this sheath temperature
is also below any other high limit temperature,
a) Applications such as non-metallic piping where such as the maximum allowable process
the maximum temperature of the heat tracer may temperature, or the T- class if the application is
exceed the maximum withstand temperature of in an hazardous location. However, temperature
the pipe material, the thermal insulation, or other controls may be utilised for energy efficiency
components of the system; purposes.
b) Applications that are not thermostatically It should be noted that ALL Heat Trace’s range
controlled or have ambient sensing control, of self-regulating heating cables are Inherently
and that have potentially high heater sheath Temperature-Safe (IT-S) and rarely require
temperatures at equilibrium; temperature controls to ensure temperature
c) Critical applications where a high degree of safety.
process temperature accuracy is required; Note:
In determining the maximum sheath temperature Clearly, Inherently Temperature-Safe (IT-S) heat
it should be assumed that the controlling tracers provide the SAFEST form of temperature-
thermostat has failed in the ‘on’ position. The safe protection and should ALWAYS be selected
determined maximum heater sheath temperature as a first option from a safety standpoint, as IT-S
must not exceed the high limit temperature for neither relies on a designer’s calculations, nor the
the application. This high limit temperature reliability of a temperature controller.
may, for example, be the maximum withstand
temperature of the heater, a process temperature
limit, or, if in a hazardous area, the Temperature
Class of the hazard.
There are three ways of protecting the heat
tracing system from exceeding the high-limit
1. The use of inherently temperature-safe heat
tracers (self-regulating trace heaters having a PTC
characteristic) that can never exceed the high
limit temperature. Heat tracing standards refer to
this as the product classification method.
2. A stabilised design. Here the designer
calculates the maximum possible work piece
temperature, from which he determines the
relative heat tracer sheath temperature, ensuring
that it always remains below the high limit
3. A temperature control system.

Stabilised design (Fixed condition) • - is the sensor located at the hottest point in
Stabilised design is based on the principle of the circuit?
determining the maximum work piece and heat
tracer surface temperatures under a worst-case
• - what happens if the sensor is moved or
becomes detached? e.g. for maintenance
set of conditions. This is a calculation of the
equilibrium conditions that occur when the heat
input equals the system heat loss. The worst-case
set of conditions include:-
• - what happens if the sensor wires are cut, or
the sensor fails?
1. maximum ambient temperature, (+40°C unless
otherwise specified);
• - does the control system for complex piping
sections cater for all flow patterns?
2. still air;
3. minimum value for the thermal conductivity of For a controlled design, a temperature limiter/
the thermal insulation; control device must prevent the trace heater from
4. no temperature control (or temperature exceeding the high-limit temperature by typically
controller failed in the ‘on’ condition); sensing:-
5. the trace heater is operated at its stated
operating voltage plus 10%; a) the temperature of the work piece or other
6. the heat tracer is assumed to be operating at application components; or
the upper limit of the manufacturing b) parameters other than temperature, such as
tolerance, current.
or at the minimum specific resistance for series
heat tracers. Whilst heat tracing standards permit the direct
7. the heater is not in contact with the work sensing of the heater sheath, this practice is
piece NOT recommended by Heat Trace, due to the
(an air gap exists between them). potential of a dangerous situation occurring when
the sensor, without the knowledge of the user,
It will be appreciated that a stabilised design becomes detached from the outer sheath.
is a complex calculation. The relationship
between the work piece and heater sheath Therefore, the sensor should always be fixed to
temperatures depends on heater geometry, and the work piece. Heat Trace’s Evolution software
calculations should not be undertaken by persons will advise the set-point temperature required in
inexperienced in the subject. order to ensure that the sheath temperature does
not exceed the high limit temperature.
However, Heat Trace’s Evolution Design
program automatically carries out stabilised The temperature limiter/control system shall open
design calculations for every line, and advises the circuit if a malfunction occurs in the sensor or
when temperature controls are necessary for the limiter/control device. Specific requirements
temperature safety; for controlled designs are found in heat tracing
standards IEC 62395 and IEC 60079-30-1. A Zone
Note; 1 hazardous area requires a second controller
(called a limiter) that requires manual re-setting.
Safety from a stabilised design relies on the
accuracy and correctness of the calculations of A control and monitoring system shall be used
a designer. Therefore a stabilised design carries that meets the application requirements of
more risk than an inherently temperature-safe these standards. It should be appropriate to the
heat tracing system, but less risk than a system application considerations for various process
relying on a correctly designed, installed and types according to the degree of criticality and
maintained temperature control system. Again, process temperature accuracy.
Heat Trace’s IT-S self-regulating tracers should
Such control and monitoring equipment may
ALWAYS be selected as a first option, with
provide, control of temperature to ensure that
stabilised design as a second option
high-limit temperatures are not exceeded,
monitoring of the heat tracing circuit for faults,
over-current protection and residual current
protection and isolation. It is essential that
Controlled design any additional requirements for particular
applications, specified by the heat tracing
Occasionally, although it is the least safe form of system designer for the system, also fully meet
temperature safety protection, a controlled design operational and safety requirements.
cannot be avoided. The major concerns with this
form of temperature protection are:-

Location of Temperature sensors INSPECTIONS
The number and location of sensors are deter- Receiving materials
mined by the requirements of the process design
criteria. Upon receipt of heat tracing components, a
general inspection should be conducted including
• - Sensors should be positioned at points a confirmation of the correct type and quantities
of materials and documentation. All heat
that are representative of the maintain
temperature. tracers should be checked to verify catalogue
type, product and package markings, power
• - Where two or more heat tracing cables rating, voltage rating, quantity and special
meet or join, sensors should be mounted characteristics. In addition, receipt of installation
1m to 1.5 m from the junction. instructions and, as appropriate, certificates or
declarations of conformity should be verified.
• - If a heat tracing circuit includes both The supplier of the heat tracing system should
provide Heat Trace’s specific instructions for the
piping and in-line heat sinks or heat
sources, the sensor should be located on trace heaters and the various types of system
a section of pipe in the system components. Instructions for components
approximately 1m to 1.5m from the in- and trace heaters suitable and intended for
line heat sinks or heat sources. unclassified and explosive gas atmospheres use
shall be clearly identified.
• - Where a pipeline heating circuit runs
Pre-installation testing
through areas with different ambient
temperatures (such as inside and outside The following tests shall be performed and
a heated building), two sensors and documented on a pre-installation checklist and
associated controls may be required to record similar to that of Table 1. This shall also be
control pipeline temperatures properly. used to determine whether the heat tracing design
matches the installation conditions.
• - In complex piping systems, the material
a) Heat tracers shall be visually checked for
flow patterns must be evaluated for all
damage. Continuity and insulation checks
possible circumstances before selecting
should be made as a final check. Insulation
the number and sensor locations. It is
resistance should be measured.
often necessary to fit controls to each
section of equipment that can experience b) Individual controls shall be tested to ensure
variable flow patterns. correct calibration including, but not limited
to, set points, operating temperature range
• - The temperature sensor for control should and span.
be located to avoid direct temperature c) Vendor fabricated and assembled control
effects from the heat tracer. The sensor panels shall include documentation certifying
should be securely mounted to ensure good that all wiring, layout and functions are correct
thermal contact with the work piece. and have been tested. Upon receipt of the
control panels at the work site, a general
• - The temperature sensitivity of certain inspection shall be made to also confirm that
process materials and certain types of no damage has occurred in transit.
piping materials may warrant both a control
and high-limit temperature device. The Note: ‘Claims under warranty will not be
control sensor should be located at least 90° considered if the acceptance and commissioning
around the circumference from the trace report is not filled completely and signed’.
heater. The high-limit sensor may be
located immediately adjacent to the control Visual examination
sensor with a set point at the material or
system maximum allowable temperature, The heat tracer shall be completely free of
minus a safety margin. physical damage. Connections pre-assembled
at the factory must be sufficiently rugged to
withstand normally expected conditions during

Insulation resistance test Connections and terminations
Insulation resistance shall be measured from trace It is essential that all heat tracers are terminated
heater conductors to metallic braid, metallic correctly. Connections and terminations
sheath, or other equivalent electrically conductive completed at the work site should carefully follow
material with a minimum 500 V d.c. test voltage. Heat Trace’s instructions. Factory terminated
However, it is strongly recommended that higher equipment should be inspected to ensure that
test voltages be used – mineral insulated heat such terminations are complete, properly tagged
tracers should be tested at, but not exceeding, and/or marked in conformity to IEC 62395 or
1000 V d.c., and polymeric insulated heat tracers IEC 60079-30-1, as appropriate. It is important
should be tested at 2500 V d.c. The measured for the installer to review the certifications,
insulation resistance shall not be less than 20 MΩ. the temperature ratings of the connections
and terminations, and their suitability for the
Component substitution operating conditions.

Components of a heat tracing system may be ‘Longline’ series resistance heat tracers, intended
substituted if the following conditions are met: for site termination, should be checked before
installation to ensure that the installed lengths
a) components specifically listed in the supplier’s correspond to the design length and loading.
installation or maintenance instructions shall When mineral insulated or Constant Power heat
not be substituted with similar parts unless the tracers (AHT) are terminated at the job site, the
components are part of the certification; cut ends should be sealed immediately to prevent
b) other components specified in the supplier’s any moisture ingress. For parallel circuit heat
installation or maintenance instructions may be tracers, the total circuit length should not exceed
substituted with any suitably rated component; Heat Trace’s recommendations.

c) components that are part of a wiring system Termination can be made using approved
that supplies power to the heat tracer may Heat Trace termination kits or, with written
be substituted with any suitably rated authorisation of the manufacturer, any suitably
component acceptable to the authority having certified type termination kit, which fully isolate,
jurisdiction. insulate and seal the conductive cores.

Determination of power supply Connection kits

The connection kits of a heat tracers should be
The power supply location shall be determined securely fitted in accordance with Heat Trace’s
prior to installation of the trace heating. The instructions, protected to prevent physical
junction boxes shall be mounted in such a way damage and positioned to prevent the ingress of
that the trace heater cannot suffer damage water, or other contaminants, that could adversely
between the point at which it emerges from the affect its use or suitability.
insulation and the point of entry into the junction

Installation of heat tracers

The heat tracer should not be folded, twisted, or
allowed to overlap, cross or touch itself unless
this is specifically permitted in the Heat Trace’s
instructions. Attention should be given to the
minimum bending radii stated in the product
data sheets. Note that Heat Trace’s range of
self-regulating tracer cables will NOT be heat
damaged by overlapping, although, as a principle,
overlapping is not recommended.
In the installation of heat tracing systems, only
genuine Heat Trace approved components may be
used. Otherwise the system certification may be


Table 1 - Pre-installation checks

Items to be checked Remarks

1 Is the workpiece fully erected and tested and all Any welding or pressure testing after the installation
temporary supports removed? Is the surface to be of a trace heater could damage the device
heated free from sharp edges, weld spatter and
rough surfaces?
2 Is the surface upon which the trace heater is to be If the surface is of polished stainless steel, very
applied normal steel or non-metallic? thin-walled or non-metallic, special precautions may
be necessary
3 Do the items to be heated correspond in size, It is sometimes difficult to be sure that the correct
position, etc. with the design? workpiece is being heated. A suitable line numbering
system may be of assistance
4 Has it been specified that metallic foil be installed This may be used to aid heat distribution
before the application of the trace heater??
5 Has it been specified that metallic foil be installed This may be used to prevent insulation from
after the application of the trace heater? surrounding the trace heater or to aid heat distribution

6 Can flow of product under normal or abnormal This would normally be covered in the design stage;
conditions reach temperatures greater than those however, further discussion with staff at the plant may
that the trace heater can withstand?? show that incorrect or out-of-date information has
been used

7 Is the trace heating system most recent No change shall be contemplated without reviewing
documentation (working drawings, designs, and the trace heating system documentation, as careful
instructions) available? calculations are necessary to ensure safe operation
8 Can pipes or surfaces expand and contract so as to In this case precautions are necessary to avoid damage
cause stress on any part of the trace heating
9 Can sensors of temperature controllers be affected An adjacent heating circuit could affect the sensor
by external influences?
10 Is the trace heater to be spiralled or straight traced Check design loading per unit length of pipe
onto the workpiece, according to the design? (or surface area) to determine if spiral application is
11 Are cold leads, when fitted, suitable for contact If the cold lead is to be buried under the insulation,
with the heated surface? it has to be able to withstand the temperature
12 Is the pipework hung from a pipe rack? In this case, special precautions are required to ensure
the weatherproofing of the insulation at points of
13 Does pipework have its full complement of supports? The addition of intermediate supports at a later stage
could damage the heating system

14 Are sample lines/bleed lines, etc. at the plant but These could obstruct or prevent the fitting of the
not on drawings? trace heater, and a review of the trace heating system
documentation may be necessary
15 Are other parameters used in the design of the More or less lengths of trace heater may be required
equipment, such as pipe supports, specified by the than was called for in the design. This may require for
design documentation? redesign of the circuit.
16 Are the trace heaters, controllers, junction boxes, If the trace heater design does not meet the intended
switches, cable glands, etc., suitable for the area application, the circuit must be redesigned and the
classification and the environmental conditions and system documentation must be updated.
are they protected as necessary against corrosion
and the ingress of liquids and particulate matter?

Junction boxes Jointing, splicing and modifications
Heat tracing circuits shall be connected into boxes Jointing, splicing and modifications to the heat
that are certified for the appropriate methods tracer shall be carried out on site only in strict
of protection, and that have suitable ingress accordance with Heat Trace’s instructions. Note
protection. Junction boxes should be located as that any such work on heat tracers in explosive
closely as possible to the heat tracer exit point gas atmospheres may invalidate the explosive gas
while allowing for any work piece expansion. atmospheres certification.
Junction box lids should not be left open at any
time. Particular attention should be paid to any
modifications to heat tracers where any change
in unit length will alter the power density of the
Cold leads heat tracer and affect the sheath temperature.
Checks should be made to ensure that the joints Modifications shall be recorded in the system
are waterproof, where applicable, and the bond to documentation.
earth is valid. Cold leads, if used, should always
emerge from the surrounding thermal insulation End terminations
in such a way that ingress of water or other
contaminants is not possible e.g. by the use of The end termination of a heat tracer shall be
Heat Trace’s DESTU sealed termination units. Cold securely fitted in accordance with Heat Trace’s
leads should be protected where they exit through instructions and protected to avoid mechanical
thermal insulation. damage and the ingress of water or other
contaminants that may adversely affect its use or
Cold leads shall only be fitted or modified on suitability.
site in strict accordance with Heat Trace’s
instructions and conditions of use, as specified by Conductor terminations
the certifications. Where cold leads have been
jointed to metal sheathed heat tracers by means Terminals shall be of sufficient size and rating
of soldering or brazing, neither the heat tracer nor to accept the conductors, which may be solid or
the cold lead should be bent near a brazed joint. stranded wires or foils. Care should be taken in
stripping back insulation to avoid damaging the
Heat tracer entries and glands conductors.

Seals and/or glands supplied with heat tracers Crimp or compression type connectors and ferrules
shall be appropriately certified. Glands shall shall be of the correct size and of an approved
be fully screwed into the box and compression type for the conductor concerned. Compression
applied to provide a complete seal. Unused tools shall be suitable for the specific types of
entries shall be blanked off with suitable plugs. If fittings and be in good condition.
unthreaded entries are used, the entry size shall Heat tracers that have been installed and not
provide sufficient clearance for the threaded terminated shall be sealed to prevent ingress of
section of the gland, with the gland locknut moisture and shall be protected from damage
tightened against a compressible sealing washer to pending completion of the termination.
seal the gland in the enclosure.
Conductor terminations should not be completed
until after all other connections and the end
termination have been assembled and the circuit
insulation resistance test has been carried out.

Earthing requirements
Earthing requirements include the following:
a) The outer metallic covering or metallic braid of
the trace heater shall be bonded to the
earthing system to provide for an effective
ground path.
b) In applications where the primary ground path
is dependent on the metallic covering or
metallic braid, the chemical resistance of
the material shall be considered if exposure to
corrosive vapours or liquids might occur.

STANDARD CABLE INSTALLATION Keep the tracer reeled up as far as possible and
apply under SLIGHT tension. Fix straight traced
PROCEDURE heaters every 300mm (12”) with 1.5 turns of
Electrical Supply Points fixing tape. It is recommended that an expansion
allowance for all nominally straight traced heaters
Locate all electrical supply points (and where is allowed. This is achieved by a turn around the
applicable, any splice connection points) and pipe at regular intervals, or by special expansion
site the components into the location where conduits applied to larger pipes. In no case should
the heaters will be terminated. Any associated fixings be applied at more frequent intervals than
thermostatic controls or sensors should also be the 300mm recommended in most standards, eg.
fixed and, if appropriate, interwired to the power wrapping fixing tape in a continuous close spiral
supply unit. Fittings normally are mounted onto over the tracer is not good practice and may
predrilled Heat Trace pipe mounting brackets result in expansion failures near the mid-point of
or to any other firm surface within 0.5m of the the circuit. It is sufficient to fix spirally applied
termination (design) point. heaters at 2m (6ft) intervals.

Spiral Pitch Heaters normally are only spiralled at a maximum

ratio of 1.5:1. Greater ratios are better achieved
If the heater is to be spiralled onto the pipe then by straight tracing multiple heaters unless
follow the circuit route, marking off the required otherwise specified by the system designer.
spiral pitch with a piece of chalk. It may help to (See Fig 2).
apply string or cord to the specified spiral ratio
and note the resultant spiral pitch before applying To achieve maximum heat transfer from the
the heaters. If the same pitch is commonly in use heater to the surface to be heated, we strongly
then a stick or rod marked with the spiral pitch recommend the use of over foil with Aluminium
may be a useful gauge. fixing tape. In particular with 31 FSLe, 40 FSR,
60 FSEw and all cables over 75 W/m.
Cable Installation
Follow the specific termination instructions.
Generally they suggest cutting a zonal tracer PIPE HEATING CABLE FIXING TAPE
close to an electrical zone connection which will
be just visible through the basic tracer sheath.
Series heaters must equal the design length when
installed. Starting adjacent to the supply point,
anchor the tracer to the surface with fixing tape
at the next electrical connection (zonal tracers) NOTE: REFER TO SYSTEM DESIGN INFORMATION FOR HEATER SPIRAL PITCH

or approximately 0.75 metre distant with other

types, leaving the remainder of the tracer freely Fig 2
suspended for making off the terminations.

Cable Fixing
Spiral or straight trace as indicated on the
drawings, following any instructions indicating
which side of the heater should be on the heated
surface. Apply straight tracers to the lower half
of the pipe if possible, keeping away from the
underside of flanges and other joints which might
leak fluids onto the tracers in service. (See Fig 1).



Fig 1
Heating cable should always follow the long radius
At flanged joints, ties should be positioned on at bends. (See Fig 5).
either side and close to the flanges to ensure
maximum surface contact. To avoid mechanical
damage during future servicing of the line fitting,
and to cater for additional heat losses, allow
sufficient slack, generally as a small loop over the
flange, to permit attention to the flange packings. HEATING CABLE

To avoid damage from leakage do NOT pass the

tracer over the flange at the 6 o’clock position.
(See Fig 3).

Fig 5

Cable Terminations
Terminate the tracers and fit the end seals in strict
330mm Fig 3
accordance with the product specific instructions.
Do NOT connect the conductors of a parallel
Valves circuitry heater together as this will result in a
short circuit.
If valves are not to be provided with separate
heaters then allow sufficient extra heater to cover Protect all cable ends from moisture, damage or
the additional losses. Appropriate allowances are other interference if they are to be left exposed
suggested in IEC 62395 ‘Electrical resistance trace for an extended period of time.
heating systems for industrial and commercial
applications’ or may be marked on the system Splice Connections
drawings. Heat tracers should be “reverse
spiralled” at fittings to permit future withdrawal To facilitate the removal of spool pieces or fittings
of the fitting for service. (See Fig 4). without disturbing the tracer scheme, parallel
circuitry tracers may be cut at flanges, filters,
pumps, etc. and a splice connection made off into
a suitable junction box.
It may be possible to use this technique with
series heaters by substituting lengths of suitably
sized hook-up cable to a maximum total of 5% of
the original circuit length.

Fig 4
Tee Branches
At ‘Tee’ branches the tracer may be cut and
the three sections from each branch may be
spliced together using a splice kit (if available)
or termination kits and a ‘Tee’ connection box.
Alternatively, it may be more convenient to run
the heater through the Tee position and provide an
independent heater for the branch.
(See Fig 6).

Typical application of heat tracing at fittings:

FIXING TAPE Heater installation on strainers (See Fig 8)


PITCH OF 50mm.



Fig 6
Fig 8
Plastic Pipework
Plastic piping will always use low power heaters,
usually applied over a metallic foil carrier and/or
fixed with an adhesive backed metallic foil tape.
Heater installation on Pipe supports (See Fig 9)
Sensor Location
Position the sensor of the thermostat or other
controller on the heated surface within 100mm HEATING CABLE PIPE FIXING TAPE
of the heater using fixing tape, special adhesive
backed aluminium fixing tape, or heat resistant
clips. The temperature sensor should not be
in direct contact with the heater unless the
heated surface is plastic when it should be
placed immediately adjacent to the heater. Set
the thermostat or other controller to the design
operating temperature specified in the system
drawings or documentation. (See Fig 7).



Heater installation on Pumps (See Fig 10)







Fig 7
Fig 10

CABLES Straight trace as indicated on the drawings below,
following any instructions indicating which side
Electrical supply points of the heater should be on the heated surface.
Locate all electrical supply points (and where Apply straight tracers to the lower half of the pipe
applicable, any splice connection points) and if possible, keeping away from the underside of
site the components into the location where flanges and other joints which might leak fluids
the heaters will be terminated. Any associated onto the tracers in service. (See Fig 11).
thermostatic controls or sensors should also be PIPE
fixed and , if appropriate, interwired to the power
supply unit. Fittings normally are mounted onto
pre-drilled Heat Trace pipe mounting brackets
or to any other firm surface within 1.0m of the
termination (design) point.
Spiral pitch FIXING TAPE

It is not recommended that LLR cables are Fig 11

Keep the tracer reeled up as far as possible and
Cable installation apply under SLIGHT tension. Fix straight traced
heaters every 300mm (12”) with 2 turns of fixing
Follow the specific termination instructions. The
tape. It is recommended that an expansion
LLR cable can be terminated in several ways,
allowance for all nominally straight traced heaters
three of these use an ‘in line splice joint, the joint
is allowed. This is achieved by special expansion
can comprise of either a sonic welded joint, cold
conduits applied to larger pipes. In no case should
welded joint or a compression joint, the joint
fixings be applied at more frequent intervals than
is then filled with silicone. The splice joint is as
the 300mm recommended in most standards, eg.
shown below.
wrapping fixing tape in a continuous close spiral
over the tracer is not good practice and may result
in expansion failures near the mid-point of the

Sensor Location
Position the sensor of the thermostat or other
controller on the heated surface within 100mm
of the heater using fixing tape, special adhesive
backed aluminium fixing tape, or heat resistant
clips. The temperature sensor should not be
in direct contact with the heater unless the
The other termination method is on low power heated surface is plastic when it should be
output LLR to terminate directly into the power/ placed immediately adjacent to the heater. Set
star or intermediate junction boxes; this is done the thermostat or other controller to the design
via a crimping method as shown in the picture operating temperature specified in the system
below. drawings or documentation. (See Fig 12).



At flanged joints, ties should be positioned on Heating cable should always follow the long radius
either side of the flanges. To avoid mechanical at bends. (See Fig 15).
damage during future servicing of the line fitting,
and to cater for additional heat losses, allow
sufficient slack, and install over the flange in an
‘S’ method as shown below, the bending must be FIXING TAPE
via the approved Heat Trace Ltd bending device. HEATING CABLE
The Trace is to be installed as shown below.



Fig 15

330mm Fig 13
Heater installation on Pipe supports (See Fig 16)

If valves are not to be provided with separate
heaters then allow sufficient extra heater to cover HEATING CABLE PIPE FIXING TAPE

the additional losses. Appropriate allowances are

suggested in IEC 62395 ‘Electrical resistance trace
heating systems for industrial and commercial
applications’ or may be marked on the system
drawings. LLR cable should use the ‘S’ method as
shown below.


Cable Terminations
Terminate the tracers and ends into junction boxes
Fig 14 in strict accordance with the product specific
instructions and documentation.
Bending Ratio’s Protect all cable ends from moisture, damage or
other interference if they are to be left exposed
The bending ratio of LLR cable is shown in the for an extended period of time.
tabe below. All bending should be carried out using
the Heat Trace Ltd approved bending device.

Cable Type Diameter ‘D’ 10D Round up to nearest 5mm

HTS1F-AR-A 1.7 6.1 61 65mm

HTS1F-AR-A 3.1 6.6 66 70mm
HTS1F-AR-A 7.1 7.6 76 80mm
HTS1F-AR-A 12.6 8.6 86 90mm
HTS1F-AR-A 19.6 9.6 96 100mm
HTS1F-AR-A 28.3 10.6 106 110mm

HTS1F-AR-A 40 14.9 149 150mm

HTS1F-AR-A 60 16.5 165 165mm

Electrical Connections
Complete the electrical connections into the
termination units. Ensure that any inter-
connecting cabling between thermostats and
power supply units is complete (see ELECTRICAL
Electrical hook-ups, and interwiring of heat
tracing components are often the responsibility of
the main electrical contractor and so may not be
within the scope of the heat tracing installation.

Earthing / Bonding
Before putting into service, earthing/bonding
must be in accordance with BS7671, or DIN VDE
0100 Part 410. Check that appropriate provision
is made for all extraneous metalwork, such as
external metal braids, or mounting plates, to
be connected to the installation’s main earthing
terminal or that they are bonded to protective

Particular attention should be paid to bonding

the sheaths of mineral insulated, metal sheathed
cables because, under fault conditions, heavy
earth currents from associated installations could
be present.

A label must be firmly attached in a visible
position at every point of connection of every
conductor which bonds extraneous conductive
(See Fig 17)

L 0
CA 41
RI rt
EL CT 100 E
1 O
67 D


Fig 17

Control and monitoring Sensor installation for temperature
Verification of equipment suitability
The sensor for the temperature controller is
The selected limiters, controllers, thermostats, installed onto the surface of the work piece
sensors, and related devices shall meet the or equipment in a position that will provide a
requirements of the overall system with regard temperature that is representative of the overall
to the service temperature, the IP (ingress circuit. As illustrated in Figure 12, the sensor shall
protection) rating, and the method of protection. be positioned so that it is not influenced by the
The certification of heat tracing systems may temperature of the trace heater, or other factors,
prescribe the use of specific components. In these such as heat sinks and/or solar gain.
cases it is mandatory to use only parts specified by
Heat Trace. Sensor installation for temperature
limiting device
Sensor considerations
Where temperature limiters are required to ensure
General sensor installation temperature safety, the sensor is installed onto
the surface of the work piece, or equipment,
The sensor should be installed and positioned in in a position that will provide a temperature
accordance with Heat Trace’s instructions. The representative of the overall circuit. In order to
control sensor should not be situated in areas of ensure that the safety temperature controller can
external radiant heat, solar gain, process heat accurately react to the maximum trace heater
discharge or close to a heated building. Care surface temperature, particular attention must
should be exercised to ensure that the sensor can be paid to the location, method of attachment
sense appropriate temperature conditions within and set point. This method of sensor installation
a trace heated zone and away from the end of a is based on the known relationship between the
pipe or a pipe support. Ambient temperature- equipment temperature and the heater sheath
sensing controllers should be sited in the most temperature at a given power output. Typical
exposed position for the installation. temperature limiting sensor installation is
The sensor should be strapped in good thermal indicated in Figure 18.
contact with the work piece or equipment and It is important that the controller is set so that
protected so that thermal insulation cannot be the heater sheath temperature does not exceed
trapped between the sensor and the heated the high-limit temperature under worst-case
surface. Care should be taken not to damage the conditions (e.g. voltage +10 %, heater at upper
capillary tube, thermocouple or RTD leads, or to limit of manufacturing power tolerance, heater
distort the sensor and thereby cause calibration out of contact with the work piece/equipment,
error. high ambient, no external convection). Heat
Where direct temperature sensing of the flowing Trace’s Evolution software will enable this set-
medium is required, the sensor should be located point temperature to be defined.
in thermowells at suitable positions, for example
above potential sludge levels in vessels.
Excess capillary tube may be run under the
thermal insulation unless the overall length
exceeds 1m, in which case, the volume of the
capillary may be sufficient to adversely affect
equipment calibration.
Care should be taken to ensure that the capillary
tube, thermocouple or RTD leads emerge from the
thermal insulation in a manner that will not allow
the ingress of moisture.
In many cases the sensor location is defined
during the system design phase. Considerations Fig 18
for sensor placement are defined above. Typical installation of control sensor and sensor for
The following sections describe installation temperature limiting control.
considerations for specific installation methods.

Controller operation, calibration and Thermal insulation
Set-point values of the temperature controllers
and, where unavoidable for the temperature The selection and application of the thermal
safety of the system, safety temperature insulation are key elements in the installation
limiters, shall be reviewed during commissioning. of an electric heat tracing system. The thermal
Temperature limiters must be tamper-proof. insulation is normally designed in such a way
that it largely compensates the heat losses of
The temperature control device and sensor the heating system. Consequently, problems
loop shall be calibrated at the commissioning with the insulation have a direct effect on
stage. The controller shall be set to the required the performance of the system as a whole.
temperature and re-calibrated from the factory Minimisation of energy dissipation reduces the
setting if necessary. A function check shall be running costs, improves the system characteristics
made by adjusting the temperature setting until and enhances the system’s heating capacity.
the controller is seen to energize the heat tracer. Installation of thermal insulation shall conform
to all applicable national standards and local
All measured data shall be documented. regulations.

Preparatory work
Precautions must be taken to protect heat
tracers from mechanical damage and moisture
intrusion after they have been installed and prior
to the application of thermal insulation. Before
starting the installation of thermal insulation,
it is recommended that the site engineering
department establishes a liaison between the
heat tracing installer and the thermal insulation
contractor, so that the thermal insulation is
applied as soon as possible after the installation
and testing of heat tracers.

The following checks and procedures should be


a) Verify that the type, inside diameter,

and thickness agree with the values used in
the selection of the heat tracer(s). If the
insulation thickness differs from the
specification, it may not be possible to meet
the required system performance.
b) For thermal insulation, temporary weather
protection should be provided during storage,
handling and installation to avoid the risk
of moisture being trapped under the weather-
protective coating or jacket.

Distribution wiring and branch Testing
The branch circuit wiring of each heat tracing Trace heater circuit insulation
circuit requires an over-current protective device. resistance test
The size and type of distribution wiring, and the
ratings of the branch circuit protective devices Test procedures shall be conducted on all heat
should be based on heater start-up currents and tracer circuits after installation.
their duration at the minimum temperature the
heat tracing device may experience. Necessary modifications
The heat tracing systems are subjected to
Earth-fault protective device checking of the maximum surface temperature.
If the temperatures measured deviate from the
An appropriate earth fault protective device shall admissible surface temperatures, or from the
be provided, with a sensitivity of 30mA, 30ms, design figures, corrective measures shall be taken
unless otherwise specified. and the system shall be modified.

Circuit protective device Field (site work) circuit insulation resistance tests
It is necessary to check that: shall be conducted on all heat tracer circuits
after installation, with the requirement that the
measured insulation resistance shall not be less
• - the protective device is sized correctly than 20 MΩ, except that MI trace heaters shall not
to the rated current (at initial and detailed be less than 5 MΩ.
Visual inspection
• - the protective device is certified to all The visual inspection shall ensure that:
applicable national and international
requirements and to the requirements for a) no moisture can penetrate the insulation as a
the appropriate method of protection. result of weathering (correct position of
overlaps or lock beading);
Tagging/Identification b) sliding connections (or similar) on weather
Permanent tagging and identification shall be cladding are sufficiently flexible to absorb any
completed as follows and shall be verified for expansion movement;
compliance with the marking requirements of c) the screws selected for fastening the
IEC62395-1 or 60079-30-1, as appropriate: weather cladding are short enough to exclude
any possibility of damage to heat tracers or
a) Branch circuit breaker to temperature sensors;
b) Monitor and alarm apparatus
c) Heat tracer power connection d) the entry cut-outs in the weather cladding
d) Circuit number and set-point for each for trace heaters, temperature sensors,
temperature controller. etc., are dimensioned so they ensure that
contact is impossible. This is especially
Marking shall be carried out for each heat tracing relevant in the case of branches, where the
circuit, on the respective junction box. cladding must be cut sufficiently wide;
e) the cladding joints and thermal insulation
entries are properly sealed with an elastic,
non-hardening sealant that is resistant to
chemical attack and decay, and is
dimensionally stable.

Final documentation
Pre-commissioning check
Adequate and uniform documentation of the
The pre-commissioning checklist given in Table 2 electric heat tracing circuits is an essential
should be completed and retained. precondition for economical maintenance of
this equipment. This is especially important
Functional check and final to facilitate rapid troubleshooting in the event
documentation of circuit problems. It also provides the basis
for simpler, faster and less costly handling of
The heat tracing system(s) shall be commissioned any desired modifications and expansions by a
after the thermal insulation has been installed and specialist for electric heat tracing systems.
the electrical distribution is completed. The heat
tracer commissioning record given in Table 3 shall The documentation of each heating circuit of a
be completed and retained. heat tracing system shall include the following
The following functional checks should be carried
out: a) Design and testing documentation:

a) Close all branch circuits and verify proper 1) Table of contents

current. A temporary bypass may be required 2) Piping layout showing the heat tracing
for the temperature control device. circuits and the location of power points,
b) Verify that monitor or alarm circuits are connections, splices, tees, remote end
operable. A bypass may be required at field terminations and temperature sensors for
contacts. control and limitation
c) Complete the heat tracer commissioning 3) For vessels: layout of the heat tracing
record (Table 3) for each circuit. This shall 4) Work piece and insulation list
clearly document all testing and 5) Individual circuit length of heat tracers
commissioning data. 6) Calculation and dimensioning data
d) Record the electrical insulation resistance 7) Material list
values for each measurement taken. 8) Trace heater installation instructions
e) Record the applied voltage and resulting 9) Heater cabling plan
current after 5 minutes of energisation, 10) Description of and installation instructions
together with the work piece temperature, if for temperature sensors
required. 11) Heater commissioning record (Table 3)
f) Verify that the alarm and monitor components 12) Temperature profile measurement
operate as intended. 13) Installation certificate
g) Verify that the calibration check at the b) Circuit diagrams or lists:
temperature controller set-point has been
performed and the controller has been set at 1) Wiring and circuit diagrams or lists
this value. 2) Terminal connection diagrams, switchgear
with parts list
3) Installation instructions
Testing after commissioning
c) Other:
It is recommended that the insulation resistance
of the entire branch circuit, after the thermal 1) Technical descriptions and instruction
insulation is complete, should not be less than manuals for the individual pieces of
5 MΩ. If the value is below 5 MΩ, verify that equipment
integrity of the heating device has not been 2) Functional diagram - as agreed with the
compromised. If required, the operation of each system design engineer
electric heating device should be checked by 3) Certificates from a certification agency
applying rated voltage and recording current and for explosive gas atmosphere equipment,
pipe temperature at steady-state conditions. Time where appropriate.
should be allowed for the current to stabilize, as
the start-up current is sometimes higher than the
operating current.

Table 2 - Pre-commissioning Checklist

Location: System: Project number: Reference drawing(s):

Line number: Heater number: Area classification: Temperature


Panel number: Location: Circuit number: Circuit amp/voltage:

Heater manufacturer: Heater model: Heater wattage unit length/voltage rating:

Megohm meter date of last calibration: Voltage setting: Accuracy/full scale:

Megohm meter manufacturer/model:

Multimeter manufacturer/model: Ohm setting: Accuracy/full scale:

HEATER TESTING Test value/remarks: Date: Initials:
NOTE Minimum acceptable insulation resistance shall be 20 MΩ. Minimum
acceptable test voltage is 500 V d.c. However, 1,000 V d.c. recommended
for MI, 2,500 V d.c. for polymeric cables.
1 Receipt of material on reel

Continuity test on reel

Insulation resistance test on reel

2 Piping completed (approval to start heater installation)

3 After installation
4 Heater installed (approval to start thermal insulation installation)
Heater correctly installed on pipe, vessel or equipment

Heater correctly installed at valves, pipe supports, other heat sinks

Components correctly installed and terminated (power, tee-end seal)

Installation agrees with manufacturer’s instructions and circuit design

5 Thermal insulation installation complete

Continuity test
Insulation resistance test

6 Marking, tagging and identification complete (see IEC 60079-30-1)

7 Heater effectively earthed

8 Temperature controls properly installed and set points verified

9 Junction boxes all certified and closed

10 Thermal insulation weather tight (all penetrations sealed)

11 End seals, covered splices marked on insulation outer cladding

12 Drawings, documentation marked as-built

Performed by: Company: Date:

Witnessed by: Company: Date:
Accepted by: Company: Date:

Approved by: Company: Date:

Table 3 - Heater commissioning record

Location: System: Project number: Reference


Line number: Heater number: Area classification: Temperature


Panel number: Location: Circuit number: Circuit amp/voltage:

Heater manufacturer: Heater model:: Heater wattage unit length/voltage rating:

Heater total design length: Heater total installed length:
Thermal insulation type: Thermal insulation thickness:

Normal pipe temperature: Maintain pipe temperature:

HEATER TESTING: (data from heater installation record)

Electrical resistance (continuity) test in ohms:

Electrical insulation resistance test in Megohm:

Test ambient temperature:

PERFORMANCE DATA: Volts a.c. : Current in amperes:

Panel Field Single- Three-phase

Line A phase B phase C phase Neutral


After 10 min

After 4 h

Ambient temperature at time of test:

Pipe temperature at beginning of test: After 4 h:

Calculated watts per unit length (V x A/m): After 4 h:


Heater controller Ambient sensing Pipe sensing Temperature setpoint

High limit controller Type Location Temperature setpoint

Heating controls calibrated

Heating controls operation verified

Temperature: High setting: Low setting: Operation verified

Heater current: High setting: Low setting: Operation verified

Residual current: Setting: Operation verified

Loss of voltage: Operation verified

Other Operation verified


Setting: Measured current: Tested in operation:

Performed by: Company: Date:

Witnessed by: Company: Date:

Accepted by: Company: Date:

Approved by: Company: Date:



Design, Installation &
Maintenance Manual

Issue 11
HTDIMM 010 05/17

Heat Trace Limited, Mere’s Edge, Chester Road, Helsby, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 0DJ, England.
Tel: +44 (0)1928 726 451 Fax: +44 (0)1928 727 846 www.heat-trace.com

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