News 2003 04
News 2003 04
News 2003 04
Monthly Private Subscription Newsletter - $59.00 annually
(Electronic edition - $18.00)
Straight from the Shoulder Advice. We accept no reward from companies mentioned in this newsletter.
We are independent of commercial pressure and say exactly what we think.
Quote: Cancer/Diet malpractice. Newsletter: 5th anniversary. Parents Beware: Food Gimmicks. Human Heritage:
Bushmen. Recipe: Endive/Shrimp Salad. Q&A: Cranberry; Almond Powder; Coconut Oil Again; Soymilk vs. Almond
Milk. Food/Disease: Soy Formula/Peanut Allergy; Dairy/Parkinson. Colon Cancer Briefing: part 2. Food Policy:
Glycemic Load; Prescription Shopping; Chicken Adulteration; Cow Mutant Cheese. Population Policy: USA too
crowded? Events
Soymilk vs. Almond Milk Our View? It’s the dark side of Other terrible colon aggressors
Q. Your recipes occasionally use dairy again. AVOID. are the anti-nutrients found in
soymilk. Would not almond milk grains. Grain lectins increase
be better? Cancer Briefing colon porosity (known as ‘leaky
colon’) and stimulate cancer cell
A. Yes, it would! One difficulty is proliferation7,8. Gluten strips out
that all of the commercial almond
Colon Cancer the delicate villi that line the colon
milks that we have seen are Part 2 wall and which are the
hopelessly debased with sugars, A diet that returns to our naturally mechanism by which nutrients
gums and other substances. If adapted pattern soon sorts this are absorbed through the colon
anyone has seen a brand that is out. It needs to have a high wall into the blood stream.
just almonds and water, we would volume of plant food, rich in
like to hear about it soluble fibers and very low in Next Month
( starches. “An increase of 10 Colon Cancer-- Part 3
Some people make their own grams per day of soluble fiber
almond milk. One method is to reduces risk of colo-rectal cancer Previous Cancer Briefings
blanche the raw almonds to by 33%”, Dutch researchers
remove the skins, soak them report 3
in the Seven Country Prostate Cancer:
4 July to Sept 2002
overnight and then pulp them, Study. Another study has found Breast Cancer:
with the liquid, in a food that dietary fiber galactose, October 2002 to Feb 2003
processor. Add water to obtain plentiful in fruits, vegetables and
the consistency desired. We salads, but NOT in cereals, is a Cancer Special Book
would like to hear from any of our helpful factor. High consumers of A cancer special book that
readers who have experience of galactose in the diet had HALF the contains the full series of these
making almond milk. risk of the low consumers. Today
the average westerner just does briefings is available from us,
not consume anything like price $14.95 + S&H. Use the
Food/Disease Links enough of these soluble fiber-rich order form on page 6 or order
foods – result – constipation and from our website.
Soy formula/Peanut Allergy a colon wall under cancerous
Lack and colleagues have just stress. A wide VARIETY of
completed a study 1 on over vegetation reduces risk5 by a The cancer special can also be
13,000 school children in UK. further 20%. downloaded online at:
They find that those children who
were fed soy-based formula milk In the same vein, consumption of
as babies were 2½ times MORE ‘resistant starch’ is also useful 6.
LIKELY to suffer peanut allergy as Resistant starch is non-digestible
Food Policy
other children. and is found, for example, in
Nature did not design humans bananas that are still green at the “Glycemic Load”
to eat beans. Soy is a bean and tips. (Once bananas get ripe and A New Measure of Blood
is strongly allergenic itself. It is have black spots, the starches Sugar Stress
not surprising that there is have been converted to ‘bad’ Our readers will be familiar with
sensitization crossover to other sugars.) Resistant starch is also our glycemic index tables, which
legumes like the peanut. found in ‘new’ (baby) potatoes distinguish between high density-,
that have been boiled and then medium density- and low density-
Dairy/Parkinson allowed to go cold. That partly carbohydrates. We make this
Chen in a large prospective explains why baby potatoes are distinction because it makes a
study found that the more men less glycemic than regular ones; difference how much glycemic
consumed dairy products the a higher proportion of their starch carbohydrate is in a serving and
more likely they are to develop is slow digesting. Even so, we are the size of the serving.
Parkinson’s Disease. The cautious about recommending
increased risks were: dairy baby potatoes. They are still Many of you will have heard
calcium - 50%; dairy protein - borderline glycemic and they still Geoff Bond ask in his talks, “will
60%; lactose - 80%. Calcium and contain those potato poisons – one cornflake send your blood
protein from other sources were glycoalkaloids. sugar levels spiraling out of
not dangerous. control? -- Of course not! But
April 2003 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 4
the rats become neurotic, cannot discreet means of communication anniversary, orange juice, food colors,
breed and start eating each other. between hunters. Genetic bushman, !Kung, San, van der Post,
Long before they reach that studies show that the San are endive, shrimp, cranberry, almond,
coconut oil, itsdelish, soymilk, peanut
stage, they suffer raised stress southern Africa’s most ancient allergy, colon cancer, glycemic load,
hormones, depressed immune inhabitants. In 60,000 years they Sainsbury’s, chicken adulteration, halal,
system and a host of stress have only migrated fifteen cow mutant, beta-casein, kappa-casein,
related disease. hundred miles from humanity’s population, Nelson, Parkinson, dairy.
homeland in the African Rift
1 Lack, N Engl J Med 2003 Mar 13; 348(11): 977-85
The English are not yet eating Valley. 2 Chen; Ann Neurol 2002 Dec;52(6):793-801
each other, but why should any 3 Jansen; Int J Cancer 1999; 81:174-179
country put its population through Newsletter Anniversary 4 Evans et al; Gastroenterology 2002 Jun; 122(7):
the stress of getting to that point? 5 Slattery, Cancer Causes Control 1997 Nov;8(6)
6 Vines; New Scientist; June 25, 1994
Five years 7 Yu; J Cell Physiol. 2001 Feb; 186(2): 282-7
Senator Nelson says that we We continue our drive to dispel 8 Jordinson; Gut; 1999 May; 44(5): 709-14
need to be taking action now; it the myths and dogmas of the 9 Truswell & Hansen; Population and Health in:
Kalahari Hunter Gatherers; Lee & DeVore;
will be too late when we reach the nutritional establishment. The tide Harvard U.P.; 1998
breaking point, even if it is of battle is gradually turning our 10 Semino et al; Am J Hum Genet 2002 Jan; 70(1)
decades away. way, always ferociously resisted