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Nutritional Anthropology™: Eating in Harmony with our Genetic Heritage

April 2003 The Bond Effect vol 6.04


Monthly Private Subscription Newsletter - $59.00 annually
(Electronic edition - $18.00)
Straight from the Shoulder Advice. We accept no reward from companies mentioned in this newsletter.
We are independent of commercial pressure and say exactly what we think.
Quote: Cancer/Diet malpractice. Newsletter: 5th anniversary. Parents Beware: Food Gimmicks. Human Heritage:
Bushmen. Recipe: Endive/Shrimp Salad. Q&A: Cranberry; Almond Powder; Coconut Oil Again; Soymilk vs. Almond
Milk. Food/Disease: Soy Formula/Peanut Allergy; Dairy/Parkinson. Colon Cancer Briefing: part 2. Food Policy:
Glycemic Load; Prescription Shopping; Chicken Adulteration; Cow Mutant Cheese. Population Policy: USA too
crowded? Events

Quote of the Month Parents Beware Our Human Heritage

Cancer/Diet Malpractice Bushman Briefing

“Every cancer therapy should The San ‘Bushmen’ are
include nutritional consultation. regarded as having a lifestyle
still representative of that led by
If we don’t, it is malpractice by
our Pleistocene ancestors. The
omission.” San used to occupy a large part
Dr. Jeffrey Bland of southern Africa but over the
past 600 years they have been
Newsletter Anniversary pushed into a much smaller
©2003 Bill Keane Inc area, first by immigrating Bantu
“Does orange juice come in any herders of West African Negro
Five Years other colors?” origin and then by European
With this edition, we complete 5 We laugh at this cartoon settlers.
whole years, 60 editions, of the because it is at once ridiculous
Natural Eating Newsletter. that orange juice should have The San now live in the most
any color other than its natural inhospitable parts of the Kalahari
It is a remarkable testimony to one -- yet we uneasily recognize Desert. They do not have the
our appeal that every single that food manufacturers are appearance of a typical ‘African’.
person who subscribed to that concocting ever more frivolous They are short, slender, fine-
first edition is still a subscriber food mutations -- and our kids featured with a reddish-yellow
today. We thank you all for your are in their sights. skin; Laurens van der Posta,
support. We continue working to Don’t believe us? Check out ever the poet, describes the
show people how to live our report in the February 2002 color as “Provençal apricot”.
healthier lives in our increasingly newsletter: Heinz Funky Fries
dysfunctional food environment. that come in different colors (e.g. Continued, page 5
Kool Blue) and flavors (e.g.
Continued Page 5 chocolate). a
The Lost World of the Kalahari; Harcourt
Brace & Co; 1998
April 2003 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 2

Recipes Questions Almond Powder Source

This is another delicious, Q. Your recipes sometimes call
for almond powder. Where can I
practical recipe contributed by Cranberry find it?
Conny Schober. Conny is a Q. What do you say about
cookery writer and has been cranberries? They are promoted A. Almond powder is sometimes
following the Natural Eating as being rich in antioxidants. called ‘ground almond’. Most
pattern for many years. Conny’s supermarkets stock it in one form
cookbook, which we thoroughly A. We have no objection as such or another. They often class it as
to the fruit. The overwhelming a baking accessory and is found,
recommend, is available from her
difficulty with cranberry though, is packed in cellophane bags, in the
at rolandcon@aol.com its biting tartness. It is almost presentation case along with
impossible to eat cranberries in flaked almonds and the glacé
Belgian Endive and Shrimp the natural state. That is why they cherries. One USA brand is
Salad are always found in heavily called “It’s Delish!” Their website
Serves 4 sweetened products like is: www.itsdelish.com
YYYYY cranberry jelly and cranberry
syrup. This raises the glycemic There is also a very easy
Ingredients: index (and glycemic load) to alternative: just take the raw
unacceptable levels. almonds and grind them yourself
o 8 heads (bulbs) Belgian Some cooks have to a coarse flour in a food
endives experimented with sugar processor or coffee grinder.
o 8 - 12 jumbo shrimp (cooked substitutes and this would be an
and peeled) acceptable compromise. There Coconut Oil Ambiguity
are only indirect data on the Q. I hear claims that coconut oil,
o 1 bunch green onions
glycemic index of the fruit itself. is good for defeating infections.
Vinaigrette: However, we know that it Should I be consuming it even
o 4 tbsp. balsamic vinegar contains very little glucose (about though it is saturated?
o 4 tbsp. walnut oil 3g) and some fructose (2g). This
o salt, pepper and cayenne sugar profile is well within the A. It is true that studies show that
limits of favorable carbohydrates.
pepper to taste coconut oil, which is rich in the
In their favor, cranberries are
uncommon saturated fat lauric
rich in micronutrients and anti-
acid, is antibacterial, antifungal
Method: oxidants. For example, antho-
and antiviral. HIV positive
Rinse Belgian endives and green cyanins (compounds that give
patients are particularly attracted
cranberries their red color) are
onions (scallions). to the idea of coconut oil as a
powerful antioxidants. In addition, miracle cure. It might be of some
Chop the green onions thinly laboratory studies show that help, but that is yet to be proven.
and cut the endives into ½ -inch cranberry extract reduces However, coconut oil does
pieces. oxidation of LDL-cholesterol (so- reduce inflammation and thereby
Combine the chopped onions, called “bad” cholesterol).
help beat back inflammation-
Cranberries have long been a
the endives and the shrimp and induced heart disease. It also
folk remedy for urinary infection
toss with just enough of he helps with skin complaints when
and now researchers from
applied externally.
vinaigrette to lightly coat the Rutgers University have shown
ingredients. that this is true. They have
Curiously, there are no data to
identified condensed tannins
show what effect coconut oil has
(proanthocyanidins) from the on the arteries, cholesterol levels,
Comment: cranberry fruit, which prevent the or blood pressure. Is lauric acid
This salad is an original way of primary bacterium responsible, as bad as its siblings, myristic
preparing that nutritious E.coli, from attaching to cells in acid and palmitic acid? The jury is
vegetable, Belgian endive and the urinary tract. The bacteria are
out and we keep a watching brief
flushed from the tract rather than
makes a good proportion with for further news.
being allowed to adhere, grow
the shrimp, which can be fresh and lead to infection.
or frozen.
April 2003 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 3

Soymilk vs. Almond Milk Our View? It’s the dark side of Other terrible colon aggressors
Q. Your recipes occasionally use dairy again. AVOID. are the anti-nutrients found in
soymilk. Would not almond milk grains. Grain lectins increase
be better? Cancer Briefing colon porosity (known as ‘leaky
colon’) and stimulate cancer cell
A. Yes, it would! One difficulty is proliferation7,8. Gluten strips out
that all of the commercial almond
Colon Cancer the delicate villi that line the colon
milks that we have seen are Part 2 wall and which are the
hopelessly debased with sugars, A diet that returns to our naturally mechanism by which nutrients
gums and other substances. If adapted pattern soon sorts this are absorbed through the colon
anyone has seen a brand that is out. It needs to have a high wall into the blood stream.
just almonds and water, we would volume of plant food, rich in
like to hear about it soluble fibers and very low in Next Month
(savvyeater@aol.com). starches. “An increase of 10 Colon Cancer-- Part 3
Some people make their own grams per day of soluble fiber
almond milk. One method is to reduces risk of colo-rectal cancer Previous Cancer Briefings
blanche the raw almonds to by 33%”, Dutch researchers
remove the skins, soak them report 3
in the Seven Country Prostate Cancer:
4 July to Sept 2002
overnight and then pulp them, Study. Another study has found Breast Cancer:
with the liquid, in a food that dietary fiber galactose, October 2002 to Feb 2003
processor. Add water to obtain plentiful in fruits, vegetables and
the consistency desired. We salads, but NOT in cereals, is a Cancer Special Book
would like to hear from any of our helpful factor. High consumers of A cancer special book that
readers who have experience of galactose in the diet had HALF the contains the full series of these
making almond milk. risk of the low consumers. Today
the average westerner just does briefings is available from us,
not consume anything like price $14.95 + S&H. Use the
Food/Disease Links enough of these soluble fiber-rich order form on page 6 or order
foods – result – constipation and from our website.
Soy formula/Peanut Allergy a colon wall under cancerous www.naturaleater.com
Lack and colleagues have just stress. A wide VARIETY of
completed a study 1 on over vegetation reduces risk5 by a The cancer special can also be
13,000 school children in UK. further 20%. downloaded online at:
They find that those children who www.beatcancernaturally.com
were fed soy-based formula milk In the same vein, consumption of
as babies were 2½ times MORE ‘resistant starch’ is also useful 6.
LIKELY to suffer peanut allergy as Resistant starch is non-digestible
Food Policy
other children. and is found, for example, in
Nature did not design humans bananas that are still green at the “Glycemic Load”
to eat beans. Soy is a bean and tips. (Once bananas get ripe and A New Measure of Blood
is strongly allergenic itself. It is have black spots, the starches Sugar Stress
not surprising that there is have been converted to ‘bad’ Our readers will be familiar with
sensitization crossover to other sugars.) Resistant starch is also our glycemic index tables, which
legumes like the peanut. found in ‘new’ (baby) potatoes distinguish between high density-,
that have been boiled and then medium density- and low density-
Dairy/Parkinson allowed to go cold. That partly carbohydrates. We make this
Chen in a large prospective explains why baby potatoes are distinction because it makes a
study found that the more men less glycemic than regular ones; difference how much glycemic
consumed dairy products the a higher proportion of their starch carbohydrate is in a serving and
more likely they are to develop is slow digesting. Even so, we are the size of the serving.
Parkinson’s Disease. The cautious about recommending
increased risks were: dairy baby potatoes. They are still Many of you will have heard
calcium - 50%; dairy protein - borderline glycemic and they still Geoff Bond ask in his talks, “will
60%; lactose - 80%. Calcium and contain those potato poisons – one cornflake send your blood
protein from other sources were glycoalkaloids. sugar levels spiraling out of
not dangerous. control? -- Of course not! But
April 2003 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 4

somewhere in the spectrum of Shopping on Prescription aware of the incredible latitude

serving sizes there is a limit The UK supermarket, Sainsbury’s given by the law to adulterate our
beyond which cornflakes will do has teamed up with Britain’s food -- and the abuse of that
that.” National Health Service (NHS) to latitude by food suppliers.
give obese patients fact-finding
Some researchers have tried to tours of the nearest supermarket. Cow Mutants Speed Cheese
put this notion onto a systematic Making
basis. They take the Glycemic Professor of Food Policy, Tim Apparently, the dairy industry is
Index of a food, and they Lang commented, “I’ve just not satisfied with current
combine it with the amount of walked down all the aisles of a achievements in factory-farming
carbohydrate in a USDA standard Sainsbury’s and I walked past 26 cheese. We are accustomed to
serving size. This gives a factor feet of milk, 108 feet of cheese thinking of New Zealand as a
known as the ‘Glycemic Load’ and spreads, 59 feet of desserts pioneer in ‘green’ and healthy
(GL). and yogurts and 88 feet of living; however their scientists
confectionary. The sort of one-to- have cloned genetically engin-
A GL of 20 or more is high, a GL one advice that patients need to eered cows to yield milk with
of 11 to 19 inclusive is medium, shop wisely would bankrupt the “20% more beta-casein and twice
and a GL of 10 or less is low. NHS.” as much kappa-casein”. This will
speed up cheese making and
Carrots have a high glycemic Our View? It will be a salutary increase productivity.
index, but using the glycemic load lesson for Sainsbury’s as well as We shudder at the attitude: all
(GL), carrots drop from a high GI the patients to start reading the about productivity and conven-
of 60 to a modest GL of 10. labels. Just imagine the tour- ience to the producer -- what
guide saying, “don’t choose this about the bodies of the human
Of course, all this depends on the item we’ve put on sale -- it’s consumer? Casein is a bad thing
serving size actually consumed. garbage”! to be putting into the body
Again, Geoff always says that a anyway. We have no idea what
few carrots are fine; the problems Chicken Adulteration these different varieties of casein
set in when people down a whole UK’s Food Standards Agency is do to the body and neither do the
quart of pre-packed carrot juice. exposing fraudulent chicken genetic engineers. Cheese “as in
processors. Unbelievably, the law the best it is” should be AVOIDED.
That is why even the concept of permits processors to add water
Glycemic Load has its limitations. and other animal matter to
Population Policy
This factor is only valid inasmuch chicken fillets -- but with a
as you consume a standard proviso: the label must say so.
USDA serving size -- and no Even this relaxed policy is not USA too Crowded?
more! The USDA has laughably enough for unscrupulous meat Senator Gaylord Nelson founded
low ‘normal’ serving sizes. For packers. Of the chicken fillet Earth Day in 1970 and today, at
example, a serving of spaghetti is samples examined: the age of 86, he is shaking
2 oz (57g) of dry weight. Most o 60% were up to 25% under the things up again.
home cooks use double that He is raising an important
weight claimed on the label,
quantity when serving spaghetti. point that most western countries
o 75% did not state that water
are sweeping under the carpet:
and other animal matter had
Our approach is different: we use what size population do we think
been added.
glycemic indexes and loads as o 50% contained some pork is desirable for the country? He
just part of a galaxy of factors thinks that the USA should aim to
without saying so,
used to identify foods to which we o 90% of the pork-treated chicken cut its population from the current
are naturally adapted. That leads level of 280 million to where it
was labeled ‘Halal’ (suitable for
to much simpler rules of thumb: was in 1939, 132 million.
starches and sugars are out. Environmental groups too see
Most other colored plant foods We can never relax our vigilance this as setting an example to the
are OK, either in moderation (like with our food supply. Similar rest of the world.
carrots) or unlimited (like lettuce). scandals have hit US and
We sympathize with this point of
European producers. It was
view. Already we are living in
probably worse in the past, but
population densities that neither
only now is the public becoming
April 2003 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 5

our Pleistocene programming From Page 1 by the forces of commercial

prepared us for, nor that the pressure, entrenched interests
Earth can sustain. It is calculated and people’s own vulnerability to
Human Heritage
that the resources of two more the manipulative propaganda that
Earth-size planets would be bombards us all.
needed if all 6 billion people in Bushman Briefing As always, we enjoy your
the world were to live at the same They have tightly coiled pepper- feedback -- and let us know if you
level of comfort as an American. corn woolly hair. Their noses are would like to see any changes.
broad, they have pointy ears with
However, it is not just a question no lobes, and they have high Upcoming Public Events
of resources. The USA, at 80 cheekbones and somewhat
people per square mile is not Mongoloid eyes . Indeed, the San e-mail us: info@naturaleater.com
particularly densely populated. (!Kung) are of a different stock to or call: +1 (760) 325 2835.
England, at 400 people per the Bantu who have been
square mile is one of the most migrating out of Nigeria in West
densely populated countries in Africa for the last 3000 years. May
the world, exceeding even India (The Bantu of course still share LONDON WORKSHOP
and China. England relies the same ultimate ancestry as the th
Sunday, May 25 11:00 am
enormously on the resources of San some 60,000 years ago.) Geoff Bond will be giving a FOUR-
less populated countries to keep Over the past few centuries, the HOUR workshop at the prestigious
its own population supplied. Bantu have infiltrated themselves Mind-Body-Spirit Festival,
into the San lands. The San London. It is entitled:
Worse, the state has to apply speak a quite different, very “Our Bodies are Genetically
ever tougher and pervasive social unusual language, which is not Programmed for Health, Beauty &
controls to keep people rubbing related to any other language in
Fitness - rediscover these
along with each other without the world. Uniquely it employs a
ancient secrets.”
flare-ups; competing interest series of clicks and glottal stops
groups become impossible to as well as the usual range of
In this workshop you will learn
reconcile; it is impossible to build vowels and consonants. The
how to work with your deep
a new road. The question has to reader has already been exposed
psychological and biological
be, “do we want this for to one example in their name,
!Kung. The ‘!’ represents the programming to claim back your
sound made by the tongue health, beauty and fitness.
In experiments, rats are kept in clicking against the roof of the
This is a great opportunity to get
increasing numbers in a confined mouth.
Linguists say that these ‘click’ in-depth coaching in the Natural
space. Even though they are
Eating precepts. Make a note!
supplied with all the necessities languages are the most ancient
of life, beyond a certain density known and probably arose as a Keywords: cancer diet malpractice, 5

the rats become neurotic, cannot discreet means of communication anniversary, orange juice, food colors,
breed and start eating each other. between hunters. Genetic bushman, !Kung, San, van der Post,
Long before they reach that studies show that the San are endive, shrimp, cranberry, almond,
coconut oil, itsdelish, soymilk, peanut
stage, they suffer raised stress southern Africa’s most ancient allergy, colon cancer, glycemic load,
hormones, depressed immune inhabitants. In 60,000 years they Sainsbury’s, chicken adulteration, halal,
system and a host of stress have only migrated fifteen cow mutant, beta-casein, kappa-casein,
related disease. hundred miles from humanity’s population, Nelson, Parkinson, dairy.
homeland in the African Rift
1 Lack, N Engl J Med 2003 Mar 13; 348(11): 977-85
The English are not yet eating Valley. 2 Chen; Ann Neurol 2002 Dec;52(6):793-801
each other, but why should any 3 Jansen; Int J Cancer 1999; 81:174-179
country put its population through Newsletter Anniversary 4 Evans et al; Gastroenterology 2002 Jun; 122(7):
the stress of getting to that point? 5 Slattery, Cancer Causes Control 1997 Nov;8(6)
6 Vines; New Scientist; June 25, 1994
Five years 7 Yu; J Cell Physiol. 2001 Feb; 186(2): 282-7
Senator Nelson says that we We continue our drive to dispel 8 Jordinson; Gut; 1999 May; 44(5): 709-14
need to be taking action now; it the myths and dogmas of the 9 Truswell & Hansen; Population and Health in:
Kalahari Hunter Gatherers; Lee & DeVore;
will be too late when we reach the nutritional establishment. The tide Harvard U.P.; 1998
breaking point, even if it is of battle is gradually turning our 10 Semino et al; Am J Hum Genet 2002 Jan; 70(1)
decades away. way, always ferociously resisted

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