Packaged, Dry, Rapid-Hardening Cementitious Materials For Concrete Repairs
Packaged, Dry, Rapid-Hardening Cementitious Materials For Concrete Repairs
Packaged, Dry, Rapid-Hardening Cementitious Materials For Concrete Repairs
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
C09.43 on Packaged, Dry, Combined Concrete. contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Current edition approved May 1, 2005. Published May 2005. Originally Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
approved in 1980. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as C 928 – 00. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
C 928 – 05
3. Materials and Manufacture 4.1.1 Consider a total chloride ion content (Berman,
3.1 Three types of packaged, dry, rapid-hardening concrete 1972)3,4 in the packaged repair material greater than 600
and three types of packaged, dry, rapid-hardening mortar are g/m3 (1 lb/yd3) of the hardened repair material indicative that
identified in Table 1. the packaged material contains sufficient chlorides to cause
corrosion to steel reinforcement when the concrete is exposed
to weather, is on the ground, or is in an otherwise moist
TABLE 1 Performance RequirementsA environment. A much lower chloride ion content is suggested
3 hours 1 day 7 days 28 days for use in prestressed concrete. Guidance for such users is
Compressive Strength, outside the scope of this specification.
min, MPa (psi)
4.2 If the material contains metallic iron in excess of 1
R1 concrete or mortar 3.5 (500) 14 (2000) 28 (4000)
R2 concrete or mortar 7.0 (1000) 21 (3000) 28 (4000) B weight %, the package markings shall contain the following
R3 concrete or mortar 21 (3000) 35 (5000) 35 (5000) B statement in letter size no smaller than the directions for use:
Bond strength, min, MPa (psi) If small or scattered spots of iron-staining are considered objec-
R1, R2 and R3 concrete or .— 7 (1000) 10 (1500) — tionable, do not use this material where it will be exposed.
Length change, based on
length at 3 h, max, %
5. Performance Requirements
R1, R2, and R3 concrete allowable increase after 28 days +0.15 5.1 The materials shall comply with the performance re-
or mortar in water
allowable decrease after 28 days –0.15
quirements in Table 1 for the applicable type.
in air
Consistency of concrete concrete Flow of 6. Sampling
or mortarC slump, mortar, min, %
min, mm
6.1 A lot is the quantity of packaged repair material nor-
(in.) mally placed on a pallet. In general, this quantity will weigh
R1 consistency after 15 min 75 (3) 100 from 900 to 1800 kg (2000 to 4000 lb).
after addition of mixing
liquid 6.2 A unit sample is a single package of material randomly
R2 and R3 consistency at 5 75 (3) 100 selected from the lot.
min after addition of mixing
liquid 7. Specimen Preparation
Scaling resistance to deicing
chemicals after 25 cycles of 7.1 Concrete—Mechanically mix the packaged dry concrete
material with mixing liquid. Determine the properties of the
freezing and thawing
Concrete, max visual rating 2.5 unhardened mixture, and mold and cure the specimens in
Mortar, max scaled materialD 5 kg/m2(1 lb/ft2) accordance with Practice C 192/C 192M or modifications as
It is recognized that other characteristics of rapid-hardening concrete repair outlined herein.
materials might need consideration. Such characteristics might be necessary in 7.1.1 The sample of packaged dry material shall be any
some environments and applications; however, to impose specification limits on all
products is considered beyond the scope of this specification. Optional consider- combination of whole packages yielding not less than 20 L (2⁄3
ations with suggested methods of test may include tests for the following: ft3 ) of hardened material.
Time of setting Test Method C 403/C 403M 7.1.2 Base the quantity of water, other liquid component, or
Flexural strength Test Method C 78
Freeze thaw Test Method C 666, Procedure A both added to the sample on the quantity per bag stated in the
Sulfate expansion Test Method C 1012 directions for use.
The strength at 28 days shall be not less than the strength at 7 days. 7.1.3 Place the sample in the mixing machine and add the
Slump or flow requirements are waived for materials intended for vertical or
overhead applications. required amount of liquid. Start mixing immediately. Continue
A 250-mm (10-in.) square spalled to an average depth of 3 mm (1⁄8 in.) for mixing for the length of time indicated in the directions for use.
100 % of its surface would have about 10 kg/m2 (2.0 lb /ft2) of scaled material.
7.1.4 When making the slump test in accordance with Test
Method C 143, schedule work so the test will be completed in
5 6 1⁄2 min after the mixing liquid is added to the R2 or R3
4. Chemical Composition Chemical Composition materials or 15 6 1⁄2 min after mixing the liquid with the R1
4.1 If the material contains soluble chlorides or other materials.
ingredients in sufficient quantity to cause corrosion to steel 7.1.5 Mold the required number of specimens using addi-
reinforcement, the package markings shall contain the follow- tional samples as may be necessary, mixed in accordance with
ing statement in letter size no smaller than the directions for 7.1.1-7.1.4. Do not use the mixtures for molding test specimens
use: when the slump is less than that specified in Table 1.
This material is not recommended for use in a moist environment in contact
with steel reinforcement. NOTE 1—Where the nominal maximum particle size is not greater than
25 mm (1 in.), the use of cylindrical molds 100 mm (4 in.) in diameter by
Berman, H. A., Determination of Chloride in Hardened Portland Cement Paste,
Mortar, and Concrete, ASTM Journal of Materials, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1972, pp. 330–335.
Clear, K. C., and Harrigan, E. T., “Sampling and Testing for Chloride Ion in
Concrete,” Report No. FHWA-RD77-85, Federal Highway Administration, Wash-
ington, DC, August 1977 (Available as PB 275–428/AS National Technical
Information Services).
C 928 – 05
200 mm (8 in.) in length is suggested. 8.3.4 Take observations of length at age 28 days 6 20 h.
7.2 Mortar—Mechanically mix packaged dry mortar mate- Determine the average percent change in length when stored in
rial with mixing liquid. Determine the properties of the water, and the average change in length of specimens stored in
unhardened mixture, and mold and cure the specimens in air.
accordance with Test Method C 109/C 109M or modifications 8.4 Scaling Resistance—Make and cure the test specimens
as outlined herein. in accordance with Test Method C 672/C 672M, except as
provided herein. For specimens of mortar omit the visual rating
7.2.1 The sample of packaged dry material shall weigh 3000
procedure after every 5 cycles and after 25 cycles determine
6 3 g (7.6 6 0.006 lb) and shall be representatively obtained
the amount of scaling as the oven dry 110 6 5 °C (230 6 9 °F)
form a whole package in accordance with Practice C 702.
mass per unit area of exposed test area.
7.2.2 Base the quantity of water, or other liquid component, 8.5 Slant Shear Bond Strength—Prepare six complete test
or both added during mixing on the quantity per unit of weight specimens in accordance with Test Method C 882 for Type II
stated in the directions for use. and V systems except as modified by this section.
7.2.3 When making the flow test in accordance with the 8.5.1 Do not apply a bonding system to prepared surface
section on consistency in Test Method C 109/C 109M, sched- unless a bonding system is required by the manufacturer of the
ule work so the test will be completed in 5 6 1⁄2 min after the rapid-hardening cementitious material. Fill the top half of the
start of mixing liquid with the R2 or R3 materials or 15 6 1⁄2 cylinder with the rapid-hardening cementitious material instead
min after mixing the liquid with the R1 materials. of the portland cement mortar specified.
7.2.4 Mold the required number of specimens using addi- 8.5.2 Test three specimens in compression at 1 day and three
tional samples as necessary mixed in accordance with 7.2.1- at 7 days. Calculate the bond strength on the elliptical area and
7.2.3. Do not use the mixtures for molding test specimens report the failure type.
when the flow is less than that specified in Table 1.
7.3 In those cases where the manufacturer has indicated in 9. Report
the package markings, or elsewhere, that the packaged repair 9.1 Report the following:
material can be mixed and applied at temperatures that lie 9.1.1 Source and identification, including type, of material
beyond the range of 20 6 8 °C (70 6 15 °F), the product must tested,
meet the requirements of Table 1. Specimens must be made and 9.1.2 Details of any variations and options practiced by the
cured in accordance with the procedures of this section. The tester that are recommended or allowed by the manufacturer or
mixing, molding and curing temperatures during the first 3 h others,
after molding shall be within 61 °C (62 °F) of the extreme 9.1.3 Compressive strength of material at 3 h, 1 day, 7 days
temperature(s) stated by the manufacturer in the package and 28 days,
markings. 9.1.4 Bond strength at 1 day and 7 days,
9.1.5 Percent length change at 28 days in water and in air,
8. Test Methods 9.1.6 Percent flow in mortar at 5 or 15 min,
8.1 Manifestly Faulty Specimens—Treat manifestly faulty 9.1.7 Slump in concrete at 5 or 15 min, and
specimens in accordance with the corresponding section in 9.1.8 Scaling resistance after 25 cycles.
Specification C 494. 10. Rejection
8.2 Compressive Strength—Prepare and test three test speci-
10.1 The purchaser has the right to reject material that fails
mens for each age of test and each level of mixing temperature.
to conform to the requirements of this specification. Rejection
Test in accordance with Test Method C 39 for concrete and Test
shall be reported to the producer or supplier promptly and in
Method C 109/C 109M for mortar.
8.3 Length Change—Prepare and test specimens in accor-
dance with Test Method C 157, except as modified by this 11. Certification
section and 7.3. Use 25 mm (1-in.) prism for mortar material 11.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, a
and 75 mm (3-in.) prism for concrete material. producer, supplier, or an independent testing laboratory shall
8.3.1 Remove specimens from the molds at an age of 21⁄2 to furnish certification to the purchaser that the material has been
23⁄4 h after the addition of mixing liquid to the dry cementitious tested in accordance with this specification and found to meet
mixture during the mixing operation. the requirements. When specified in the purchase order or
8.3.2 Make the initial observation of length at 3 to 31⁄4 h contract, a report of test results on samples taken from material
after the addition of mixing liquid to the dry cementitious shipped shall be furnished.
mixture during the mixing operation. When specimens are
cured at temperatures other than 23 6 2 °C (73.4 6 3 °F), then 12. Product Marking
both initial and final length observations must be made with the 12.1 Mark all packages to contain the following informa-
bars conditioned to 62 °C (63 °F) of initial temperatures. tion:
8.3.3 Immediately store one set of specimens as for “Air 12.1.1 Specification designation.
Storage” and one set as for “Water Storage” except that the 12.1.2 R1 or R2 or R3 type.
water-stored specimens shall be stored in untreated tap water 12.1.3 Directions for use that shall include but are not
with no more than one set of specimens per container. limited to:
C 928 – 05 When a bonding agent is used in the test of bond 12.1.7 If the product is formulated for use in vertical or
strength, the type and kind of adhesive recommended to bond overhead applications, it shall be so stated on the package.
fresh repair material to the concrete or mortar being repaired. The recommended amount of water, other liquid 13. Packaging
component, or both, to be mixed with the package contents. The recommended length of mixing time or se- 13.1 The material from which the containers are made shall
quence of mixing and resting times in minutes. have water vapor transmission not greater than 100 g/m2 in 24
12.1.4 Date the material was packaged. h as determined in accordance with Procedure B of Test
12.1.5 The yield in litres (cubic feet) or yield in square Methods E 96.
metres per centimetre (square feet per inch) thickness when
mixed with the recommended amount of liquid. 14. Keywords
12.1.6 The net weight in each container. The contents of any 14.1 cementitious mortar or concrete materials for repair;
container shall not vary by more than 2 % from the weight concrete; packaged; mortar; packaged; packaged dry materials
stated in the markings. The average weight of filled containers for concrete repair; rapid hardening materials; repair materials
in a lot shall be not less than the weight stated in the markings.
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of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website