Nama: Andre Yogaswara Herlambang Nim: 1700904 Pte/Elind: Youtube As A
Nama: Andre Yogaswara Herlambang Nim: 1700904 Pte/Elind: Youtube As A
Nama: Andre Yogaswara Herlambang Nim: 1700904 Pte/Elind: Youtube As A
NIM : 1700904
6 Evaluation of The Ottavio Adorisio a, YouTube is a widely used Platform berbagi video 1
educational DISCERN Massimiliano openaccess telah menjadi sumber informasi
value of questionnaire Silveri a, Giovanni video sharing website that visual yang signifikan.
YouTube is based on a Torino b. allows us to watch
Evaluation of
videos score ranging an unlimited number of
educational value
addressing from video content, and to upload
robotic 0 to 80 YouTube videos an infinitive number of
pyeloplasty in points arising addressing robotic videos.
children from 16 pyeloplasty in
questions children. Journal of
Pediatric Urology
(xxxx) xxx xxx
7 Analysis and Bag of Words K.M. Kavitha*, YouTube is recognized as the situs berbagi video YouTube 593
Classification of dan Association Asha Shetty, Bryan second most popular website in memungkinkan pengguna untuk
User Comments Abreo, Adline the world by Alexa internet. mengirim komentar pada video dan
on YouTube D’Souza, Akarsha The commenting system in ini
Kondana. Analysis YouTube video sharing website
Videos komentar mewakili opini atau
and Classification allows users to post comments
on videos and these comments
pertanyaan tentang video, apresiasi
of User kepada kontributor video, atau
Comments on represent opinions or queries
regarding the videos, ekspresi ketidaksenangan terhadap
YouTube Videos. video dan / atau kontributor video
appreciations to the contributor
International tersebut.
of the video, or expressions of
Workshop on
displeasure towards the video
Artificial and/or the video contributor.
Intelligence for
Natural Language Malicious users nevertheless
Processing employ the commenting system
(IA&NLP 2020) as a medium for sharing
November 2-5, irrelevant comments. Such
2020, Madeira, comments are commonly
Portugal referred to as ‘spam’ as they
embody information that are
irrelevant in the context of the
uploaded video. Automated
bots disguised as a user often
contribute to spam
8 Students’ quantitative Layali, K., & Al- These studies had used Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 65
Perceptions of and used the Shlowiy, A. questionnaires and siswa memiliki sikap positif
e-Learning for descriptive, (2020). Students’ interviews to explore terhadap penggunaan
ESL/EFL in analytical perceptions of e- students' views of e-learning Media Sosial (SM) untuk
Saudi method and Learning for tools mendukung EFL mereka
Universities and the statistical ESL/EFL in such as Google Docs, Belajar
their software Saudi Telegram, Nearpod and
Implications SPSS Universities and Mobile Technologies. It was
during their implications found that students had
Coronavirus during positive views of Google
Pandemic: A Coronavirus Docs as it improved their
Review of Pandemic: A writing quality (Ahmad,
Literature review of 2020); Telegram which
literature. Interna was used for vocabulary
tional Journal of learning (Abu-Ayfah, 2020);
English Nearpod which led to their
Language & collaboration
Translation (Hakami, 2020) and Mobile
Studies, 8(1), 64- Technologies which
72. improved student-teacher
communication (Alshehri &
Cumming, 2020). Slow
Internet was reported as a
drawback (Hakami, 2020)
9 Multimedia research M.D. The review Multimedia merupakan gabungan dari 1
tools in the design that Abdulrahaman a,*, examines various case study lebih dari satu jenis media seperti teks
involves a N. Faruk b, A.A. reports of multimedia tools, (alfabet atau numerik), simbol,
teaching and searching Oloyede b, N.T. their success and limiting gambar, gambar, audio, video, dan
learning method for Surajudeen- factors, application areas, animasi biasanya dengan bantuan
processes: A identifying the Bakinde c, L.A. evaluation methodologies, teknologi untuk tujuan
systematic articles to be Olawoyin b,O.V. technology components, and meningkatkan pemahaman atau
reviewed for Mejabi a, Y.O. age groups targeted by the menghafal.
review solving a Imam-Fulani b, tools. Future research directions
specific A.O. Fahm d, A.L. are also provided. Apart from
research Azeez e. text and images, existing tools
problem. Multimedia tools in were found to have multimedia
the teaching and components
learning processes: such as audio, video, animation
A systematic and 3-D.
10 A qualitative Terminology Amy Koerber, Predatory journals and Predatory journals and publishers are a 1
content analysis pencairan publishers are a growing growing concern in the scholarly
Jesse C. Starkey,
of watchlists vs sekunder dan concern in the scholarly publishing arena.
Karin Ardon- publishing arena. As one type
safelists: How primer
Dryer, R. Glenn of attempt to address this
do they address
increasingly important issue,
the issue of Cummins, Lyombe numerous individuals,
predatory Eko, associations, and companies
publishing? Kerk F. Kee. have
begun curating journal
(2020). A watchlists or journal safelists.
content analysis
of watchlists vs
safelists: How do
they address
the issue of
publishing?. The
Journal of
Librarianship 46
(2020) 102236
11 Students’ Qualitative Syauqi, K., Munadi,
Vocational education Perbaikannya adalah dengan 885
( kuisioner, S., & Triyono, M. B.
emphasizes not only the meningkatkan kemampuan guru
(2020). Students'
toward dan Perceptions toward
mastery of knowledge but dalam mengelola pembelajaran,
vocational wawancara) Vocational also skills. This study used materi pembelajaran, dan metode
education on Education on survey methods and data dalam mentransfer pengetahuan
Online Learning collection in the form of untuk dapat meningkatkan
online learning during the COVID-
during the instruments with a Likert pengetahuan, sikap, dan
scale with a sample of 56
Pandemic. Internati
keterampilan siswa.
onal Journal of students. Students feel that
Evaluation and online
Research in learning has not provided
Education, 9(4), better experience and
productivity in mastering
competencies, but can
provide motivation and ease
in their learning. Some
students stated that they had
the ease of access to
resources, but students
were still reluctant to use it
sustainably in the future
12 The Changing analysing the Mustafa Ozkan, It is known that the revolution the notion of work : 234
Face Of The working Betul Solmaz Generation Z's, whose was Secara umum diartikan sebagai sumber
Employees- perceptions of born after 2000, character daya ekonomi untuk dapat melanjutkan
(2015). The
Generation Z hidupnya, memberikan harga diri,
including in Changing Face Of and mindsets are different menciptakan rasa memiliki
And Their The Employees- according to previous
Generation Z. dan identitas, memberi seseorang
Perceptions Of Generation Z And generations. kehidupan biasa, membangun
Work Their Perceptions hubungan sosial, mengatur identitas
Of Work. 4th dan kepribadian,
Conference on
Economics and
13 Student’s Quantitative Agarwal, S., & participants responded that Kami menyimpulkan bahwa 554
( kuisioner) Kaushik, J. S. pengajaran online layak, murah dan
Perception of these online sessions broke
(2020). Student’s
Online Learning dan perception of online monotonous routine, were a harus
during COVID qualitative learning during good utilization of time and menjadi bagian dari pelatihan
Pandemic ( open-ended COVID the material was easy to pascasarjana di India di luar
question) pandemic. The penguncian yang berlaku.
Indian Journal of access. They felt motivated
Pediatrics, 87, 554- to read on those topics and
554. it helped them not to think
of COVID and sleep
peacefully. Most frequent
factors hindering learning
were stated as limitation on
the number of participants,
time limitation of the
sessions, and technical faults
during the conduct of
14 Quantitative functional Dong-Ah Lee, Eui- Simulation plays an important Simulasi adalah metode verifikasi 131
verification Sub Kim, Junbeom role in understanding and
measures of Yoo.(2021).
fungsional yang banyak digunakan
thoroughness method Quantitative the function of programmable
untuk program FBD pada I&C
of FBD logic controller (PLC) programs digital berbasis PLC sistem di
measures of pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir.
simulations thoroughness of
.written in the function block
for PLC based diagram (FBD), when
FBD developing safety-related
digital I&C simulations for digital instrumentations and
system PLC based control
digital I&C systems (I&Cs) in nuclear
power plants (NPPs). Since
system. Nuclear PLC application
Engineering and software, such as an executable
Technology 53 program like Bistable
(2021) 131e141 Processor,
is too primitive to apply any
verification methods, its system
test can often be completed
after testing the PLC that is
or downloaded with the
application software.
15 The impact of Ivan Illich's Vít Dočekal, The development of Berdasarkan pengalamannya 3765 – 3771
technology on theory of Hana Tulinská. technology is bound up with dengan berbagai model pendidikan
education deschooling (2015). The education in two basic ways. global, pada tahun 1970-an Ivan
theory society,
impact of First, it creates a need for Illich muncul dengan
Malcolm S.
technology on training, persyaratan masyarakat yang tidak
education theory. such as training staff when bersekolah.
Procedia - Social new equipment arrives in an
and Behavioral organization.
Sciences 174
( 2015 ) 3765 –
16 A content Conten Quintin Gaus , Anna Around 20% of teens seeking Depresi adalah penyakit mental 1
analysis Jolliff, Megan A. health information about yang serius dengan perkiraan
analysis of
Moreno.(2021). A depression online watch seumur hidup prevalensi 11% untuk
YouTube YouTube videos to find the
content analysis remaja.
depression information.
of YouTube
personal However, the content of
depression depression-related YouTube
personal videos remains understudied.
videos and Thus, the purpose
account videos
their of this study is to identify if
comments DPAVs reference youth,
their comments. suicidality, and depression
University of treatments. DPAVs were
Wisconsin- identified
Madison, USA using 4 search phrases on
YouTube and included if they
were longer than 2 min, from a
unique creator, and had
more than 5000 views. Videos
were evaluated based on a
codebook that included
presence of youth references,
suicidality references, and
references to and advocacy for
clinical treatments. The first
twenty comments, sorted
by “Top Comments,” on each
video were evaluated based on
the above variables as well as
the commenter’s
reaction to the video/creator.
17 FROM Quantitative Krishnapatria, K. Fair assessment of students’ E-learning adalah 7
(2020). From perception in e-learning sebenarnya kabar baik, tetapi pada
TO LETDOWN: Letdown: Students’
may grant a good precedent fase awal itu
STUDENTS’ Perception of E- in the implementation of full merupakan ancaman tertentu bagi
PERCEPTION OF learning amid the online learning due to siswa
COVID-19 physical isolation akhirnya menyebabkan kecewa.
E-LEARNING Outbreak. ELT in
AMID THE caused by the COVID-19
Focus, 3(1), 1-8.
pandemic, which
alternatively can be done
with the method of blended
learning in the New Normal.
18 Aspects of content Maria Botsiou, Specifically the ICT Saat ini, sebagian besar informasi 388
incorporation of analysis and Vassilios constitute a tool of briefing. memiliki format digital. Juga,
ICT in the semiotics digitalisasi banyak layanan, misalnya
Greek penciptaan e-government, meningkat
Aspects of
agricultural incorporation of dengan cepat.
enterprises: The ICT in the Greek
case of a agricultural
prefecture enterprises: The
case of a
19 Students’ Quantitative Khan, M. A., Nabi, The findings of the study Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa 13
M. K., Khojah, M., reveal students’ positive teknologi e-learning
& Tahir, M. (2021).
towards E- Students’
perception towards e- memungkinkan informasi yang
Learning during Perception towards learning and thus acceptance mudah
COVID-19 E-Learning during of this new learning system. akses yang mengarah pada
COVID-19 It has also empirically pembentukan sikap positif siswa
Pandemic in Pandemic in India:
India: An demonstrated the terhadapnya.
An Empirical
Study. Sustainabilit
significance of e-learning in
Empirical Study
y, 13(1), 57 the time of COVID-19 crisis.
In fact, e-learning has
emerged as a new way of
enhancing the learning
process where social media
may further improve
the learning output.
20 Coronavirus Quantitative Demuyakor, J. the implementation of online siswa puas dengan pengajaran dan 7
by likert (2020). learning programs was a pembelajaran online
(COVID-19) and
Online Learning scale (COVID-19) and
very great idea as the dilembagakan oleh berbagai
in Higher online learning in majority of the sampled institusi
Institutions of higher institutions students supported the
of education: A initiative. revealed that
Education: A survey of the
Survey of the students have adequate
perceptions of
knowledge of the COVID-19
Perceptions of
international pandemic. students outside
students in China due to the COVID-19
International China. Online spend so much money to
Students in Journal of buy internet data for online
China Communication
and Media learning
Technologies, 10(3
), e202018.
21 Students‟ quantitative Geminastiti The using of videos from pembelajaran seperti penggunaan 1
Perceptions method Sakkir, YouTube channel in the EFL internet, media sosial dan video
toward Using Syarifuddin classroom is imperative to YouTube. Sebagian besar
YouTube in Dollah, fill the educational needs of mahasiswa Indonesia menggunakan
EFL Jamaluddin the younger generation. media ini untuk membantu mereka
Classrooms Ahmad.(2020). Although resources from mengerjakan tugas atau pekerjaan
Students‟ textbook have remained the rumah dan tugas belajar bahasa
Perceptions standard for centuries, lainnya. Kemudian, media ini
toward Using currently, with the fast pace membantu mereka untuk belajar
YouTube in EFL of the development of bahasa Inggris sekaligus
Classrooms. technology, the usage of meningkatkan kemampuan mereka.
Journal of Applied YouTube videos in teaching
Science, and learning has become a
Engineering, trend.
Technology, and
Education Vol. 2
No. 1 (2020)
22 Digital Digital Oliver Dreon, Digital storytelling is the art of Media mendongeng digital 4-9
Storytelling: A storytelling Richard M. Kerper, combining narrative with digital menawarkan peluang luar biasa untuk
Tool for & Jon Landis. media guru untuk melibatkan dan menilai
Teaching (2011). Digital such as images, sound, and siswa.
and Learning in Storytelling: A video to create a short .
the YouTube Tool for Teaching More than just a simple
Generation and Learning in the slideshow of photos set to
YouTube music, digital stories
Generation interweave different media to
support the art of telling a tale.
23 Rationally integrates William Hoiles. This rationally inattentive Setelah analisis yang cermat atas 1
Inattentive three key (2020). Rationally model of kumpulan data YouTube yang
Inverse components. Inattentive Inverse commenting behavior can be sangat besar, hasil mengejutkan
Reinforcement First, to Reinforcement interpreted as a constrained
kami adalah di sebagian besar
Learning identify Learning Explains contextual bandit problem as pengguna YouTube kelompok,
Explains distinct YouTube will be perilaku berkomentar konsisten
YouTube commenting Commenting discussed in Sec. 2. After a dengan mengoptimalkan utilitas
Commenting patterns, Behavior. Journal careful analysis of a massive
Behavior of Machine YouTube dataset, our surprising Bayesian dengan rasional
Learning Research result is
21 (2020) 1-39 that in most YouTube user
groups, the overall commenting
behavior1 is consistent with
Bayesian utility with rationally
inattentive constraints. The
paper also highlights how the
inattention model can predict
commenting behavior..
24 YouTube as a Teaching Abdul Khaliq R. Media is one of the tools that YouTube tidak hanya memiliki video 282
Media in English Procedure Nasution.(2019). can help the teacher in the yang menyenangkan, di YouTube juga
Language Text YouTube as a teaching and learning dapat digunakan sebagai media
Teaching (ELT) Media in English process in a class, especially pembelajaran, di sana kita juga dapat
Context: Language Teaching menemukan banyak sekali video
in EFL classrooms. There are
Teaching (ELT) Context: pendidikan di setiap level, mulai dari
two kinds of media, such as
Procedure Text Teaching pemula, menengah, bahkan hingga
Procedure Text. visual and audio. mahir.
Journal of Ultimate
Research and
Trends in