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HB 4944 - DWRWRC Bill

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Republic of the Philippines

Quezon City

Eighteenth Congress
First Regular Session

HOUSE BILL NO. __________


Introduced by Representative JOEY SARTE SALCEDA



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in

Congress assembled:


SECTION 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be known as the National Water Act of

SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. –All water belongs to the State and to the people
which shall govern its development and utilization for the people. Water is a basic human
right. It is hereby declared the policy of the State to ensure the provision of safe, adequate,
affordable and sustainable water supply and improved sanitation services, while maintaining
the protection, preservationconservation, regeneration and revival of the quality of the
country’s water resources and ecological balance.In pursuit of this policy, this Act shall have
a principal objective of ensuring and accelerating universal access to water supply and
sanitation services, in a regulatory regime that encourages responsible private sector
participation and involvement, and fosters and prioritizes infrastructure and public works
which adopt innovative solutions and international best practices to address the challenges of
climate change.

SEC. 3. Definition of Terms. – For purposes of this Act, the following terms are
hereby defined:
(a) Bulk water suppliersshall refer to any entity, natural or juridical, whether public or
private, supplying or intending to supply large quantities of raw or treated water to
buyers who will use it for own consumption, such as industrial companies, or for
retail distribution to consumers, such as Water Districts or subdivisions managing
their own distribution network
(b) Commission shall mean the Water Regulatory Commission.
(c) Department refers to the Department of Water Resources Management (DWRM).
(d) Flood Control refers to methods, acts and protocols to be observed in order to prevent
and reduce the detrimental and catastrophic effects of flood waters which include
sediment-laden or turbid flows, hyper-concentrated flows or debris flows.
(e) Flood Risk Management (FRM) refers to such acts of defining and determining the
appropriate methods, acts and protocols aimed at preventing and reducing the risk of
incurring loss of both life and property due to flood waters. Flood risk management
consists of a cycle of prevention, mitigation, adaptation, preparedness and early
warning, and, finally response and recovery. The elements of FRM include:
integrating land-use planning, coastal zone management into water management;
adopting a holistic approach so that FRM is part of wider risk or multi-hazard
management (earthquake, landslides, storm surge, etc.); managing risk and
uncertainty as a whole so it is not only hydrological uncertainties but also social,
economic and political uncertainties in view of the human behavior and cultural
dimensions of FRM.
(f) Gender Equality refers to the principle asserting the equality of men and women and
their right to enjoy equal conditions realizing their full human potentials to contribute
to and benefit from the results of development, and with the State recognizing that all
human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights. 5
(g) Infrastructure and public works as used in this Act should be read to apply only to
wholly or primarily water-related projects and shall not be read to incorporate projects
which would not otherwise fall within the purview of the objectives, power and duties
of the Department.
(h) IWRM refers to the Integrated Water Resource Management or to a systematic,
collaborative and multi-stakeholder process, which promotes the coordinated
development and management of water, land and related resources within geophysical

boundaries in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an
equitable manner and without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.
(i) Levels of water supply service shall mean as follows:
1. Level I (point source) – a protected well or a developed spring with an outlet but
without any distribution system, generally adaptable for rural and upland areas
where the houses are thinly scattered. A Level 1 facility usually serves an average
of 15 households.
2. Level II (communal faucet system or stand posts) – a system composed of a water
source, a reservoir, a piped distribution network, and communal faucets. Usually,
one faucet serves 4 to 6 households. Generally suitable for rural and urban fringe
areas where houses are clustered densely to justify a simple piped system.
3. Level III (waterworks system or individual house connections) – a system with a
water source, a reservoir, a piped distribution network and household taps. This is
generally suited for densely populated urban areas.
(j) License shall mean the Water Supply and/or Sanitation Services Operating License
that the Commission is authorized to grant and issue to Service Providers.
(k) Licensee shall mean the Service Provider to whom a License is granted or issued by
the Commission.
(l) LWUA shall mean the Local Water Utilities Administration created under Presidential
Decree No. 198, as amended.
(m)LGU refers to Local Government Unit or to the territorial and political subdivisions of
the Philippines as defined under the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines, which
includes provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays.
(n) NDRRMC refers to the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council
(o) PDP refers to the country’s medium-term development called the Philippine
Development Plan.
(p) Regulatory Units shall refer to the regulatory offices established under Section 5 of
this Act to issue Licenses authorizing the operation of Water Supply and Sanitation
Services; provide, review, determine, fix, and approve water and sewerage tariffs,
rates and charges that Licensees may impose; and exercise such other functions and
powers as may be provided hereunder.
(q) River basin refers to an area of land drained by a stream or body of fixed water and its
tributaries having a common outlet for surface run-off

(r) RBO refers to multi-stakeholder River Basin Organization or to organizations which
plan, coordinate and monitor activities within a river basin cluster.
(s) Sanitation refers to sewage, sanitation and septage management.
(t) Sediment management refers to control of sediment erosion and deposition in rivers,
reservoirs and coastal zones through non-structural and structural measures and
control works.
(u) SDG refers to the United Nation’s sustainable development goals.
(v) Septage refers to sludge produced on individual onsite wastewater disposal systems,
principally septic tanks and cesspools.
(w) “Septage Management” shall refer to the provision of proper collection, treatment and
disposal of septage.
(x) “Service Area” shall refer to the area covered by the water distribution system,
sewerage and septage management services.
(y) “Service Provider” shall refer to any entity, natural or juridical, whether private or
public, providing or intending to provide levels II & III water supply, including bulk
water suppliers; sewerage; and/or septage treatment and disposal services for
domestic/residential, industrial or commercial use.
(z) Sewage refers to water-carried waste in solution or suspension including sanitary
waste (waste products of normal living), commercial waste, industrial waste,
agricultural waste and surface runoff conveyed by a sewerage system for treatment or
disposal. For purpose of this Act, the definition of septage shall be included in the use
of sewage.
(aa) Sewerage refers to any system or network of sanitary pipelines, ditches, channels or
conduits including pumping stations, lift stations and force mains, service connections
including other constructions, devices or appliances appurtenant thereof, which
includes the collection, sanitary piping transport, pumping and treatment of water-
borne human or animal waste removed from residences, buildings, institutions and
industrial and commercial establishments to point of sewage treatment plant disposal.
(bb) Sewers refer to pipes or such other works or structures which are built and
constructed to treat, carry, transport and dispose sewage.
(cc) Social inclusion refers to the process of improving the terms for disadvantaged
individuals and groups to take part in society.

(dd) Tariffs refer to such amounts which may be charged by licensees of water supply
and/or sanitation services for their services based on principles, standards and
guidelines established by the Department.
(ee) Water Demand Management (WDM) refers to any method – whether technical,
economic, administrative, financial, or social – that will accomplish one (or more) of
the following things:
1. reduce the quantity or quality of water required to accomplish a specific task;
2. adjust the nature of the task or the way it is undertaken so that it can be
accomplished with less water or with lower quality water;
3. reduce the loss in quantity or quality of water as it flows from source through use
to disposal;
4. shift the timing of use from peak to off-peak periods; and
5. increase the ability of the water system to continue to serve society during times
when water is in short supply.
(ff) “Water District” shall refer to government-owned and controlled corporations
organized under Presidential Decree No. 198, as amended, created primarily to
acquire, install, operate, maintain and improve water supply and distribution systems
for domestic, industrial and municipal uses of residents and to provide, maintain and
operate waste water collection, treatment and disposal facilities within the boundaries
of the district.
(gg) Water pollution - means any alteration of the physical, chemical or biological or
radiological properties of a water body resulting in the impairment of its purity or
(hh) Water Resources refers to water under the grounds (groundwater), water above the
ground (surface water, run-offs, floods, stormwater and urban drainage, and treated
wastewater), water in the atmosphere (rainwater) and the waters of the sea within the
territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines.
(ii) Water Resources Regions refer to the contiguous clusters of river basins which are
grouped together according to the hydrological boundaries, physiographic features
and homogeneity in climate for administrative purposes under the Department.
(jj) Water Resources Regional Offices (WRROs) refer to the field office of the
Department which are to be established in accordance with the identified water
resources regions in the country.

(kk) Water Service Providers (WSPs) refer to the water districts, any LGU-run water
utility, BWSA, RWSA, cooperatives and private sector who provides water supply
services to any given area.
(ll) Water supply service refers to any activity comprising Levels I, II and III water
supply including bulk suppliers, suppliers to subdivisions and other water service


SEC. 4. The Department of Water Resources Management. – There is hereby created

and established the Department of Water Resources Management, hereinafter referred to as
the “Department,” which shall be organized within one hundred eighty (180) days after the
effectivity of this Act. The Department shall have the organizational structure, powers and
functions needed to perform its mandate as provided in this Chapter.

SEC. 5. Mandate of the Department. –The Department shall be primary agency

responsible for the comprehensive and integrated planning, policy formulation
andmanagement of the ownership, appropriation, utilization, exploitation, development,
conservation and protection of water resources in the Philippinesto ensure the optimal use
thereof for domestic and municipal water supply, sanitation, irrigation, hydropower, industry,
navigation, flood management, recreation and fisheries/aquaculture.
The Department shall also be the primary agency responsible for the planning and
policy formulation towards the attainment of universal access to safe, adequate, affordable,
and sustainable water supply, and improved sanitation services for all Filipinos.
The Department shall be the primary agency to implement the Water Code (PD 1067)
and the Clean Water Act (RA No. 9257).
SEC. 6. Guiding Principles. –In the pursuit of its mandate, the Department shall
beguided by the following key principles:
(a) All water resources belong to the State and to the people. Good water governance for
water security and sufficiency across all levels of governance (national, sub-national,
local, river basin and even global), societal actors (national government, local
government, non-government organizations, private organizations, individuals, etc),
and various sectors (water supply, irrigation, fisheries, hydropower, navigation,
ecosystem services, flood management, climate change, recreation, etc.) shall entail

publicly transparent, socially accountable and multi-stakeholder participatory – water
policy, planning, management and decision-making processes.
(b) IWRMshall be adopted as the basic framework which isthe coordinated development
and management of water, land and related resources withinhydrological boundaries,
to optimize economic and social welfare, without compromising thesustainability of
vital ecosystems. IWRM includes an enabling environment (utilizing proper
policiesand legal instruments), institutional framework (for effective implementation,
participatory andcollaborative water policy and management decisions), and
management instruments (for efficientuse of updated and accurate data, science-based
decision support system, proper IEC, assessmentand allocations tools, regulatory
functions, etc).
(c) Recognizing that all river basins have their unique characteristics, (physical,socio
cultural and others) water management should be done at river-basin level, involving
all thestakeholders at that particular river basin.
(d) Integrated and accurate data collection and analysis and the use of scientific decision
supportsystems for water resources management including flood modeling and
warning system areessential for an effective, efficient and sustainable water resources
management system.
(e) Development of water resources shall consider mitigation of water-related hazards
and climate changeadaptation strategies.
(f) Access to safe and affordable water supply and improved sanitation is a human right
that needs to be fulfilled and protected.

SEC 7. Objectives of the Department. –

(a) Strengthen and coordinate integrated water resources management planning and
policy making to ensure sustainable and fair allocation and efficient use of water
resources among competing uses and users;
(b) Ensure that integrated water resources management is strongly coordinated with land
use/cover, coastal zone and multi-hazard planning and management;
(c) Sustainably develop and manage water resources toward water security taking into
consideration water, land, and related resources with the objective of increasing water
dependability for different uses, optimizing economic benefits and social welfare
without compromising the sustainability of vital environmental systems;

(d) Strengthen and coordinate policy making and planning towards ensuring availability
of water for food security and energy security, as well as towards protection of
communities and environments from/against flood and other water induced hazards
(includes sediment hazards);
(e) Promote and adopt water demand management as a national policy to ensure that
water is optimized, that water efficiency and conservation become a way of life, that
the recycling and reuse of water and treated wastewater are widely practiced, that
water is properly priced to encourage efficient use and conservation and that
rainwater, flood waters, and run-offs are captured/harvested, stored and treated for
future use; and
(f) Prioritize and seek the immediate attainment of universal access to safe, adequate,
affordable and sustainable water supply and improved sanitation services for all
Filipinos in a manner consistent with the protection, preservation and revival of the
quality of the country’s water resources, and to adopt all needed measures to advance
the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm
and harmony of nature.
(g) Ensure water resources development and conservation is participatory, involving
planners, policymakers and users including community members at all levels;
(h) Develop a standardized pricing framework for water use that accounts for
environmental externalities; and
(i) To ensure that all sources of water, including surface water, groundwater, rainwater
and floodwater, are monitored, conserved and managed for productive use and the
resulting wastewater is managed properly and reused and, finally responsibly
disposed of following approved environmental standards.

SEC.8.Powers and Duties of the Department. – The Department shall have

thefollowing powers and duties:

I. Policymaking and Planning

(a) Ensure that Integrated Water Resources Management is adopted as the strategic
framework for water management policymaking and planning in the country and
coordinate the implementation, promotion, revision and enhancement of IWRM

(b) Formulate policies, strategies, and targets in coordination with other relevant entities
to meet the goals and objectives for water supply and sanitation, water quality,
irrigation, hydropower, flood control, stormwater, and urban drainage. Such policies
shall, among other things, integrate the issues of water and sanitation, food security,
energy, environment and flood control;
(c) Develop and regularly update, in consultation with other agencies and stakeholders,
the National Water Resources Management Framework Plan following the IWRM
framework, including the review and integration of land use plan to this water
resources plan;
(d) Undertake river basin survey, inventory and appraisal of water and related resources
and develop comprehensive basin-wide plans of storage, retardation and control to
maximize conservation and multipurpose use of water in the basin;
(e) Conduct continuing hydrologic and hydrometeorological surveys and studies of the
country’s renewable water supply, establish, operate and maintain observation
station networks with a view towards formulating long-term policies to balance
the sustainability and optimal multiple use of water resources, defining the
hydrologic boundaries of basins of the existing water supply sources and developing
or updating and implementing countrywide comprehensive basin-wide master plans;
(f) Strengthen and coordinate policy making and planning for flood management,
integrated with stormwater/urban drainage and appropriate retention or retarding
basins in order to plan against, prevent, and minimize the detrimental and catastrophic
effects of flooding;
(g) Assist and provide the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) with
required data and input from and for the water sector in the formulation of the
country’s short-term and long-term strategic development plans, and actions and
recommend the adoption of general policies and guidelines for water resources
development to the NEDA;
(h) Review, approve and provide oversight over all water-related development plans and
programs of any agency within the context of the National Water Resource
Management Framework Plan and overall national plans and program;
(i) Develop and implement in coordination with other relevant agencies, effective codes,
standards, benchmarks, and reasonable guidelines to ensure the safety of all public,
and private water structures in the country and assure efficiency and proper quality in

the construction of water, sanitation, irrigation, hydropower, flood control and
drainage infrastructure;
(j) Ensure that gender equality, social inclusion, climate resiliency and disaster risk
reduction are integrated into any water resources management planning, policy
making, and the design and construction of water infrastructure;
(k) Ensure that the planning and design of water infrastructure considers the highest
efficiency and most appropriate quality, in accordance with national development
(l) Review existing guidelines appropriate for Private Sector Participation in the water
sector and make needed recommendations to the PPP Center, NEDA and other
concerned agencies to promote and enable more PPPs in the sector;
(m) Build a central repository of water data and eEffect inter-sectoral, inter-agency, and
inter-departmental coordination on all aspects of data gathering for water resources
development planning and compel submissions of statistics and data on water
management with the aim of operationalizing the integrated approach to water
resources management;
(n) Formulate and develop policies to promote universal access to safe, adequate,
affordable, and sustainable water supply, and improved sanitation services for all
(o) Shall be the lead agency and, consequently, ensure the effective implementation of all
the provisions of R.A. 9275, known as the Clean Water Act of the Philippines,Water
Code of the Philippines (PD 1067), Sanitation Code of the Philippines (PD 856), and
other relevant water aspects of the sanitation Code;
(p) Issue and promulgate rules, regulations and guidelines as may be necessary to
implement and enforce its powers and functions under this Act; and
(q) Promote PhilippineState participation in information sharing and education around
best practices in the international movement to achieve universal access to safe water
and improved sanitation and the integration of water, energy, food security and

II. Resource Regulation

(a) Manage and conserve, protect, and preserve the country’s water resources to ensure
the optimal use thereof for domestic water supply, sanitation, irrigation, hydropower,
navigation, flood control, and recreation, including the enhancement and maintenance

of water quality, conservation of watershed, control of water pollution and
environmental restoration, without compromising the natural ecosystem functions and
(b) Regulate and control the utilization, abstraction, diversion and development of water
resources, taking in consideration its equitable distribution among competing
demands and determine the standards of beneficial and priority uses of water in times
of crisis and national emergencies;
(c) Ensure and oversee the implementation of Presidential Decree 1067 or the Water
Code of the Philippines;
(d) Determine, adjudicate, and grant water rights amending, for this purpose, Republic
Act No. 2152, and other laws relating to the appropriation and utilization of surface
and groundwater;
(e) Formulate, promulgate and enforce rules and regulations for the development and
optimum use of water resources and its administration and management, including
coherent water protocols, operating rules of all existing and future water
infrastructure;general criteria, methods and standards for basic data collection and
project identification, formulation and planning, and appropriate sanctions to be
imposed for non-compliance;
(f) Regularly review regulations prescribed by any government agency pertaining to
water use, exploitation, development, conservation or protection of waters, water
resources, and watershed or basin areas;
(g) Impose fees or charges, as may be deemed necessary for water resources conservation
and protection, such as, but not limited to:
i. Polluter’s Fee, which shall be based on the net waste load depending on the
wastewater charge formula pursuant to R.A. 9275 or the Clean Water Act,
ii. Raw water price, which shall take into account, among others, the scarcity of
water, and shall be determined by the Department; and
iii. Appropriate structures for payment of environmental services.
(h) Empower or authorize LGUs to imposecollect the national fees or charges within their
respective jurisdiction;
(i) Collect, regularly update, monitor and analyze water resources data including
climatology, hydrologic and other water-related data;

(j) Establish, operate and maintain observation station networks and a centralized water
resources data center necessary for the scientific survey and appraisal of surface and
groundwater potentials of the country and determine the annual renewable water
available per water resources region;
(k) Develop and continuously update a computerized decision support system that
incorporates data management system (acquisition and database), model base
(physical, design, planning and decision models), and user-friendly interface
(graphical and visualization tools);
(l) Conduct and/or promote special studies and researches on water economics and other
waterresources development and management issues and concerns (i.e. climate
change, weathermodification, flood monitoring and modeling, environmental quality,
desalination, etc.); and
(m) Initiate Raiseand maintain public awareness, information, education and
communication and build capacities for informedknowledgeableparticipation in water
resources management at national and river-basin level.

III. Administration and ManagementInstitutional Arrangements with Public

Water Organizations
(a) Develop guidelines including rules of partnership among the Department, field offices
of national government agencies, LGUs and other stakeholders, and facilitate the
establishment of multi-stakeholder river basin organizations (RBOs) per river basin
and strengthen and support existing RBOs and monitor their activities;
(b) Develop materials for capacity building and training on RBO development and
conduct training and workshops for prospective river basins;
(c) Authorize its representatives or any deputized agent to enter any property of
publicdominion or any private land, building or enclave, whether inhabited or not, for
the purpose of conducting hydrologic surveys and investigations, including assessing
and evaluating the conditions of water facilities installed and determining compliance
with water laws and standards;
(d) Provide technical assistance to water users including but not limited to farmers,
communities, LGUs and other water service providers (WSP) whether directly or in
coordination with other agencies on all aspects of integrated water resources

(e) Respond to consumer complaint/s, and ensure the adequate promotion of
(f) Deputize agents, whether from the public or private sector, to assist in theperformance
of any of the powers and functions of the Department;
(g) Appoint, hire and maintain adequate staff and personnel, advisers and/or
consultantswith suitable qualifications and experience, as necessary.

IV. Coordination
(a) Coordinate and integrate, on a soundand logical basis, water resources
developmentactivities of the country within the context of national plans and policies
for social and economic development;
(b) Coordinate with other government agencies, universities and private professional
groups for all aspects of data gathering, the conduct of special studies and research on
all related aspects of water resources management and development such as climate
change, environmental quality, desalination, and the development of operating
strategies, procedures, and protocols with accompanying computerized decision tools
for major water facilities;
(c) Coordinate with the concerned and relevant agencies engaged in flood control,
floodrisk management and drought risk management;
(d) Proactively coordinate with Local Government Units to ensure the integration of
water resources development plans into their comprehensive land use plans (CLUPs),
Comprehensive Development Plans (CDPs) or Provincial Physical Framework and
Development Plan (PPFDP).
(e) Exercise such other powers and functions necessary or incidental to the
effectiveadministration and management of the country’s water resources; and,
(f) Carry out such other functions as the President may from time to time assign to
theDepartment consistent with the aims and provisions of this Act.

SEC. 9.Secretary of the Department of Water Resources Management. – The

authority and responsibility for the exercise of the mandate of the Department and for the
discharge of its powers and functions shall be vested in the Secretary of the Department of
Water Resources, hereinafter referred to as the Secretary, who shall:

(a) Advise the President on the promulgation of executive or administrative
orders,regulations, proclamations and other issuances relative to matters under the
jurisdiction of the Department;
(b) Establish the policies and standards for the operation of the Department pursuant tothe
President’s guidelines;
(c) Promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out Department
objectives,policies and functions;
(d) Exercise supervision and control over all Bureaus and Offices under the Department;
(e) Supervise all attached agencies and corporations in accordance with law;
(f) Represent the Department in contracts, awards, and the like;
(g) As deemed appropriate by the Secretary, delegate authority for the performance ofany
power or function, as defined herein to officials and employees under his direction;
(h) Perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be provided by law.
No person shall be appointed Secretary unless he possesses extensive knowledge of
public administration and has a minimum of ten (10) years’ experience in the administration
of water, sanitation, irrigation, flood control and drainage programs preferably in a

SEC. 10. Office of the Secretary. – The Office of the Secretary shall be composed of
the Secretary and his immediate staff.

SEC. 11. Undersecretaries. – The Secretary shall be assisted by not more than five (5)
Undersecretaries, who shall be appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the
Secretary namely Undersecretary for Resource Regulation and Governance, Undersecretary
for Inland Waters and Water for Agriculture and Fisheries, Undersecretary for Resource
Development, Undersecretary for Planning and Policy and Undersecretary for Finance.Clean
Water Act.

The Secretary is hereby authorized to delineate and assign the respective functional areas of
responsibility of the Undersecretaries: Provided, that such responsibility shall be with respect
to the mandate and objectives of the Department; and Provided further, that no
Undersecretary shall be assigned primarily administrative responsibilities. Within his
functional area of responsibility, an Undersecretary shall have the following functions:

(a) Advise and assist the Secretary in the formulation and implementation of
Departmentpolicies, plans, programs and projects;
(b) Supervise all the operational activities of the assigned units for which them
Undersecretary is responsible to the Secretary; and
(c) Perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or delegated by
theSecretary to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of public services
or as may be required by law.
The Undersecretary for Planning and Policy should be a Career Officer and shall have
primary responsibility, in coordination with thePlanning and Policy Service, for advancing
efforts in the pursuit of the ultimategoal ofuniversal access to water supply and sanitation
systems and sustainable management of waterresources. The Undersecretary for Planning and
Policy shall also have the primaryresponsibility for knowledge sharing and advancement of
efforts around the integration ofwater, energy, environment and food security.
No person shall be appointed Undersecretary unless he possesses a working
knowledge ofpublic administration and has a minimum of seven (7) years’ experience in the
administrationof water, sanitation, irrigation, flood control and stormwater drainage,
preferably in a publicagency or with legal, financial or financial knowledge of such
programs; provided that onlyfive (5) years’ experience shall be required for the
Undersecretary to be assigned for supportservices.

SEC. 12. Assistant Secretaries. – The Secretary shall be assisted six (6) Assistant
Secretaries appointed by the President of the Philippines upon the recommendation of the
Secretary: one to be responsible for Planning and Policy Service; one for Decision Support
System Service; one for the Regulatory Service; one for the Comptrollership and Financial
Management Service; one for the Legal and Legislative Service; and one for the
Administrative and Human Resources Management Service.
No person shall be appointed Secretary, Undersecretary and Assistant Secretary of the
Department unless he or she is a citizen and resident of the Philippines, of good moral
character, of proven integrity, competence and expertise in water resource management.
No person shall be appointed Assistant Secretary unless he possesses a working
knowledge of public administration and has a minimum of five (5) years’ experience in the
administration of water, sanitation, irrigation, flood control and stormwater drainage or other
water resources management programs.

SEC. 13. Organizational Structure. – The Department shall be composed of the
following organizational units:
(a) Department Proper consisting of the Office of the Secretary, the Offices of the
Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries, the Internal Audit Office, the Public
Affairs Office, the Water Pollution Adjudication Board, the Planning and Policy
Service, Decision Support System Service, Administrative and Human Resources
Service, Legal and Legislative Service, Comptrollership and Financial Management
Service, Resource Regulation Service, and the Water Resources Regional Offices.
(b) The Attached Agencies, namely:
1) The Local Water Utilities Administration, whose mandate, powers and functions
are defined in Presidential Decree No. 198, as amended and which will be
transferred from DPWH and attached to the Department. It shall continue to be
primarily a specialized lending institution for the promotion, development and
financing of local water utilities. In the implementation of its functions, the
Administration shall:
i. prescribe minimum standards and regulations in order to assure acceptable
standards of construction materials and supplies, maintenance, operation,
personnel training, accounting and fiscal practices for local water utilities;
ii. furnish technical assistance and personnel training programs for local water
iii. monitor and evaluate local water standards; and
iv. effect system integration, joint investment and operation, district annexation
and de-annexation whenever economically warranted. (as amended by Sec. 22,
PD 768)
2) The Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS), whose mandates,
powers and functions are defined by Republic Act No. 6324, as amended, and
which will be transferred from the DPWH and attached to the Department. It will
continue to facilitate the exercise by the concessionaires of its agency powers,
carry out accounting and notification functions, monitor, report, and administer
loans and perform related functions in connections with existing projects, manage
and dispose its retained assets and manage and operate the Umiray-Angat
Transbasin Project.
3) The Laguna Lake Development Authority, whose mandate, powers and functions
are laid out in Republic Act No. 4850, as amended which will be transferred from

DENR and attached to the Department. It will continue to serve as the lake
management and development authority similar to a multi-stakeholder river basin
organization and will ensure the implementation of the Laguna Lake Master Plan
which will be updated by the Department to ensure alignment with the National
Water Resources Management Framework Plan. Its regulatory powers will
however be taken over by the Department.
4) The Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission, which was created by Executive
Order No. 54, series of 1999, as amended which will be transferred from the
Office of the President and attached to the Department. It will update the existing
master plan to ensure consistency with the National Water Resources
Management Master Plan, regulate easement, integrate and coordinate
development programs, abate industrial wastewater and sewerage dumping and
enforce environmental laws, relocate formal and informal settlers, undertake civil
works such as dredging, clearing of structures, cleaning of the river and its
tributaries/esteros, prepare regular Status Report to the President, coordinate with
other national and local government agencies/units and formulate its own
implementing rules and regulations.
5) Any other agency exercising water resources management, conservation and
protection functions which the President may order to be transferred to the

SEC. 14. Offices, Functions and Personnel to be Completely Subsumed by the

Department. – The following offices with their powers, functions, personnel, applicable
funds and appropriations, records, equipment and property are to be subsumed by the
(a) The National Water Resources Board (NWRB) with all its divisions and sections,
whose mandate, powers and functions are found in Presidential Decree No. 424, as
amended, with the exception of its water utility regulation units and functions under
Presidential Decree No. 1206;
(b) The River Basin Control Office (RBCO) of the DENR whose mandate, powers and
functions are found in Executive Order No. 510 and Executive Order No. 816, as
(c) The Manila Bay Coordinating Office (MBCO) of the DENR which was created by
virtue of DENR Special Order 2011-01 to coordinate the efforts of the 14 national

agencies covered by the Mandamus Order of the Supreme Court to rehabilitate Manila
(d) The flood management planning and sediment management function of the Flood
Control Management Cluster of the DPWH;
(e) The Water Supply and Sanitation Unit of the DILG; and
(f) The Water Quality Management Section of the EMB of the DENR.

SEC. 15. Functions to be Transferred to the Department. – The functions of the

following agencies/bureaus/units shall be transferred to Department of Water Resources
(a) The function of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) of the DENR to conduct
hydrological surveys and groundwater mapping;
(b) The conduct of hydrological surveys monitoring of stream flow and other water data
collection function of the Bureau of Design and Bureau of Research and Standards of
the DPWH;
(c) The irrigation development planning and secondary water availability investigation
function of the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) and Bureau of Soils and
Water Management of the Department of Agriculture (DA);
(d) The formulation of plans for the proper management, development and utilization of
aquatic resources of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of DA
(e) The protection and conservation of natural wetlands such as lakes, marshes, swamps
of the Biodiversity Management Bureau of the DENR; and
(f) Planning, programming, administration, monitoring, management of the NSSMP by
the DPWH.

SEC. 16. Planning and Policy Service. – The Planning and Policy Service is hereby
created to provide the Department with the capability to undertake water infrastructure
development planning and programming. For this purpose, it shall have the following
(a) Advise the Secretary on all matters relating to water resources planning;
(b) Assist the Undersecretary for Planning and Policy on all matters related to the
specificfunctions of the position;

(c) Formulate strategies and priorities for water resources management and
developmentconsistent with national development objectives and initiate or undertake
relevantsurveys for development planning;
(d) Develop and regularly update a comprehensive and integrated National
WaterResources Management Framework Plan and ensure its integration into existing
land useplans;
(e) Coordinate river-basin planning following the integrated water resources
managementframework and the river-basin approach;
(f) Formulate or update existing River Basin Master (or comprehensive) Plans which
includes all aspects of water management and development such as water supply and
sanitation, irrigation, flood control and stormwater/urban drainage, drought risk
management, water resource development systems and other public water works
projects, including phasing of implementation;
(g) Based on the river basin master plan, identify priority packages for water
infrastructure development per river basin including water supply, sanitation,
irrigation, flood control and stormwater/urban drainage, drought risk management,
water resource development systems and other public works projects; package project
proposals for funding and prioritize project implementation and the allocation of
funds and other resources and undertake or supervise and evaluate the conduct of
feasibility studies and project preparation thereof;
(h) Evaluate and appraise all regional and inter-regional infrastructure water
developmentplans and programs as to their feasibility and consistency with approved
strategies and long and medium-term plans;
(i) Initiate regular Department-wide planning exercises and act as the secretariat thereof;
(j) Gather, analyze and organize needed statistical data and information;
(k) Provide technical assistance related to its functions to the other Services, Bureaus
andthe Regional Offices as needed;
(l) Conduct of hydrologic and hydraulic surveys and assessments of surface waters;
(m)Develop general criteria and standards on project investigation, formulation, planning;
(n) Develop guidelines and standards on social inclusion in water resources
managementand ensure policies, programs and plans are compliant with the gender
and development framework of the government;

(o) Closely coordinate with PAGASA for rainfall and other climate data which should
beconsidered in the planning for water resources development and management and
for various water infrastructure; and
(p) Perform such other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or delegated
by the Secretary or as may be required by law.

SEC. 17. Decision Support System Service. – The Decision Support System Service is
hereby created to provide the Department with water resource management tools and
computerized decision support system that incorporates data management system (acquisition
and database) and model base (physical, design, planning and decision models). Additionally,
the services include services related to networking, data management, and information and
knowledge/learning management systems for administrative and non-technical support for
the department. The Service is also responsible for providing the Secretary timely reports on
the status of various Department projects and activities. For this purpose, it shall have the
following functions:
(a) Provide the Secretary needed data and processed information to aid in policy
andmanagement decisions under the mandate of the Department;
(b) Publish available real-time raw water data (through internet) as well as verified
orvalidated water data (in print and/or electronic form through internet) in tabular
andgraphical displays as time series and/or spatial data;
(c) Conduct standard data analysis such as basic statistical analysis, trend
analysis,analysis of runs, cluster analysis, etc. and also publish in print and/or
electronic form;
(d) Develop and continuously update water resource management, computerized
decisionsupport system (DSS) that incorporates data management system (acquisition
and database), model base (physical, design, planning and decision models), and user-
friendly interface (graphical and visualization tools). This DSS is composed but not
limited to:
1) a measurement or data acquisition system;
2) information or database management system;
3) analytical and numerical models for design/planning and decision/evaluation
purposes; and finally
4) a user-friendly interface which includes graphical interface or visualization tools.

(e) The specific models to be developed and maintained should include but not limited
tothe following:
1) long-term climatologic and weather forecasting model;
2) watershed models and river-floodplain models;
3) groundwater models and coupled to surface water models;
4) floodforecasting model for major rivers;
5) optimization-simulation and/or management models for watershed conservation,
conjunctive surface and groundwater use, irrigation scheduling, normal and
emergency operations ofmultipurpose reservoirs; and
6) water quality and ecological models.
(f) Develop and manage the management information system and knowledge systems
ofthe Department including the retrieval and processing of monitoring information on
all projects and activities of concern to the Secretary and the web portal and conduct
systems and process engineering, software development, software configuration
management; develop and manage the Department’s corporate database, unified
database for water industry, data warehouse, other water information resources,
library services and document management and archiving services; develop and
manage the Department’s ICT infrastructure and provide ICT related- services to the
Department including computer networking and voice communications services and
data exchange; manage the literacy and training services of the Department on various
ICTs, KM tools and applications including information and knowledge management.
(g) Perform such other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or
delegatedby the Secretary or as may be required by law.

SEC. 18. Administrative and Human Resource Service. – The Administrative

andHuman Resource Service is hereby created to provide the Department with services
relatingto human resources development, personnel, records, facilities maintenance, medical
anddental, security and property and procurement services. For such purposes, it shall have
thefollowing functions:
(a) Advise the Secretary on all matters relating to internal administration and
humanresources management;
(b) Prepare and implement an integrated personnel development plan that shall
includeprovisions for merit promotions, performance evaluation, job rotation,
suggestions and incentive awards systems, and health and welfare services;

(c) Provide services related to human resources training, education and development
including manpower, career planning and forecasting, and development of indigenous
training materials;
(d) Develop, establish and maintain an efficient and cost-effective property
procurementsystem and facilities and coordinate or otherwise interface with relevant
agencies, whether government or private, for the purpose of developing or upgrading
the system;
(e) Secure and maintain necessary Department facilities, and develop, establish and
maintain an efficient and effective security system covering, among others, personnel,
physical installations, equipment, documents and materials including the conduct of
security investigations;
(f) Coordinate with the appropriate government agencies for a more efficient conduct
ofadministrative processes;
(g) Develop, establish and maintain an efficient records system;
(h) Provide assistance in its area of specialization to the Department Proper, Bureaus and
Regional and District Offices and, when requested, the government agencies and
corporations attached to the Department; and
(i) Perform such other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or delegated
by the Secretary or as may be required by law.

SEC. 19. Legal and Legislative Service. – The Legal and Legislative Service is
herebycreated to provide the Department with services on such legal affairs as contract letting
andlitigation, legal and legislative research, complaints and investigation, legal counselling
andother matters of law. For such purposes, it shall have the following functions:
(a) Advise the Secretary on all matters relating to legal and legislative affairs;
(b) Prepare Department contracts and legal instruments, review and interpret all
contractsand agreements entered into by the Department and evaluate all legal
(c) Conduct administrative investigation as well as the review of administrative
chargesagainst officers and employees of the Department;
(d) Exercise functional jurisdiction over the legal staffs of Regional Offices;
(e) Provide legal assistance to the Department Proper, the Bureaus and Regional
Officesand when requested, the attached corporations;

(f) Develop and prepare the Department’s Legislative Agenda, recommend
presidentialcertification of the urgency of priority water bills, and other water-related
(g) Coordinate and maintain linkages among the various offices, bureaus, regional
officesand attached agencies to the DWR along with other government agencies on
policy matters affecting the Department’s mandate in relation to legislation;
(h) Maintain effective liaison with the Congress and the Senate regarding
legislativeinquiries and enactment of water bills or other laws that will affect water
into law;
(i) Monitor the progress of the Department’s priority/certified bills to ensure
theirpassage; and
(j) Perform such other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or
delegatedby the Secretary or as may be required by law.

SEC. 20. Comptrollership and Financial Management Service.– The Comptrollership

and Financial Management Service is hereby created to provide the Department with
coordinated services relating to financial systems and procedures, budget, cash, accounting
and all financial housekeeping matters. For such purposes, it shall have the following
(a) Advise the Secretary on all matters relating to the accounting of
governmentexpenditures and receipts, budgeting and cash management, project
finances and financial systems and procedures;
(b) Prepare budget proposals and pursue formal budget authorizations, undertake budget
execution, and prepare and submit all appropriate reports to the proper offices;
(c) Develop and maintain accounting, financial and assets management systems,
procedures and practices in the Department Proper, Bureaus and Regional Offices;
(d) Review and appraise systems and procedures, organizational structure,
assetsmanagement practices, accounting, and other records, reports, ad performance
standards such as budgets and standard costs of the Department, bureaus, and regional
(e) Provide assistance in its area of specialization to any unit of the Department and,when
requested, to government corporations and councils attached to the Department; and
(f) Perform such other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or
delegatedby the Secretary or as may be required by law.

SEC. 21. Resource Regulation Service. – The Resource Regulatory Service is hereby
created to provide the Department with services on resource regulation of all water-related
services and activities. For such purposes, it shall have the following functions:
(a) Advise the Secretary on all matters relating to resource regulations;
(b) Determine, grant and regulate water rights for the appropriate, optimal and
sustainableuse of surface and ground water;
(c) Determine, evaluate and grant waterworks and sewerage franchises;
(d) Investigate violations of the water rights and the Water Code and impose the
appropriate sanctions in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations as well
as future rules and regulations which the Department will promulgate;
(e) Adjudicate water use conflicts; and
(f) Perform such other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or
delegatedby the Secretary or as may be required by the law.

SEC. 22. Internal Audit Office. – The Internal Audit Office is hereby created for
thepurpose of conducting comprehensive audit of various Department activities and will
report directly to the Secretary. Specifically, it shall have the following functions:
(a) Advise the Secretary on all matters relating to management control and
(b) Conduct management and operations performance audit of Department activities
andunits and determine as to the degree of compliance with established objectives,
policies, standards, methods and procedures, government regulations and contractual
obligations of the Department;
(c) Review and appraise systems and procedures, organizational structure, assets
management practices, accounting and other records, and performance standards
(such as budgets and standard costs) of the Department Proper, Bureaus and Regional
(d) Analyze and evaluate management deficiencies and assist top management to
solveproblems by recommending realistic courses of action; and
(e) Perform such other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or
delegatedby the Secretary or as may be required by law.

SEC. 23. Public Affairs Office. – The Public Affairs Office is hereby created for
thepurpose of enhancing government relations with all stakeholders including the media. It
shall ensure that women, men, older people and people with disabilities will be consulted,
organized and can take active part in all aspects of water resources development and
management activities. The office will also lead the planning and organizing of the special
events of the Department. For such purposes, it shall have the following functions:

I. Public Awareness
(a) Advise the Secretary on matters pertaining to public affairs services;
(b) Develop and supervise the implementation of communications programs to
haverelevant policies, programs and plans of the Department understood by the
(c) Produce and supervise the dissemination of communication materials in line with
thepriorities of the Department and the national government public
(d) Conduct public opinion and attitude surveys to identify the interests and concerns
ofkey groups served by the Department;
(e) Establish editorial policies on print and broadcast media;
(f) Establish and maintain linkages with the tri-media and presence in social media;
(g) Coordinate the conduct of interviews and news conferences;
(h) Act as spokesperson for the Department;
(i) Coordinate with various Department units, concerned government agencies, tri-
mediaand other stakeholders on matters related to the above-enumerated functions;
(j) Coordinate with the appropriate national government agencies tasked with
publicinformation affairs.

II. Promoting Participation

(a) Conduct public consultations and discussions;
(b) Develop and disseminate relevant and appropriate materials and programs for public
information and education, as well as advocacy campaign;
(c) Conduct seminars and workshops involving the LGUs and the general public on
current water issues and problems; and

(d) Conduct capability building seminars of various stakeholders to promote
meaningfulparticipation in the Department’s policy making, planning, development
and implementation of various programs and projects.

III. Special Events

(a) Coordinate the organization and promotion of special events and water exhibits;
(b) Act as the focal point for all water related events; and
(c) Perform such other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or
delegatedby the Secretary or as may be required by law.

SEC. 24.WaterPollution Adjudication Board. – There is hereby created a Water

Pollution Adjudication Board under the Office of the Secretary. The Board shall be composed
of the Secretary as Chairman, two (2) Undersecretaries as may be designated by the
Secretary, the Director of Water Quality Management Bureau and three (3) other
representatives from other stakeholders to be designated by the Secretary as members. The
Board shall assume the powers and functions of the Commission/Commissioners of the
National Pollution Control Commission with respect to the adjudication of water pollution
cases under Republic Act No. 3931, Presidential Decree 984, particularly with respect to
Section 6 letters e, f, g, j, k and p of the P.D. 984 and RA 9275. The Bureau of Water Quality
Management shall serve as the Secretariat of the Board. These powers and functions may be
delegated to the field officers of the Department in accordance with rules and regulations to
be promulgated by the Board.

SEC. 25. Bureaus. – Each Bureau shall be headed by a Bureau Director who shall be
responsible for efficiently and effectively carrying out the functions of the Bureau concerned.
The Bureau Director shall be assisted by one (1) Assistant Director.

SEC. 26. Bureau of Flood Control and Drainage. – The Bureau of Flood Control and
Drainage is hereby created to plan and design flood control and drainage structures and
facilities in accordance with technical standards, guidelines and manuals. For this purpose, it
shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
(a) Formulate policy, strategies and programs on flood risk management in the context of
integrated flood management (IFM) which integrates water, land, coastal zone and
multi-hazard management. In integrating land-use planning and water management,

the Department should harmonize and synthesize plans to enable the sharing of
information between land-use planning and water management authorities. In
integrating hazard management, a holistic approach should be adopted so that IFM
should be part of a wider risk or multi-hazard management system (e.g., earthquake,
landslides, fire, tsunami, etc.);
(b) Integrate climate change and disaster risk reduction and management in policies
(c) Prepare master plans of flood management and drainage in river basins in
coordination with the concerned water resources region and river basin organizations;
(d) Prepare master plans of urban drainage in cities/municipalities;
(e) Prepare feasibility studies of recommended measures in the master plans;
(f) Plan and design structural measures for flood control and drainage;
(g) Implement and/or collaborate with concerned agencies on the non-structuralmeasures;
(h) Patrol and investigate rivers including the monitoring of stream flows;
(i) Conduct post-disaster investigation and evaluation and damage assessment of
floodinfrastructures after extreme events;
(j) Conduct research and development on water and sediment-related disasters;
(k) Develop design guidelines, criteria and standards on flood control and drainage
(l) Provide technical assistance to other agencies, LGUs and other stakeholders;
(m)Advise the Secretary on declaring flood control areas and recommend guidelines
forflood plain management plans in these areas; and
(n) Perform such other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or
delegatedby the Secretary or as may be required by law.

SEC. 27. Bureau of Water Quality Management. – The Bureau of Water Quality
Management is hereby created to supervise and control over all aspects of water quality
management to ensure the sustainability of the country’s water resources and the protection
of the environment. It should take into account proper and integrated treatment of freshwater
and wastewater within the whole process. For this purpose, it shall have the following duties
and responsibilities:
(a) Establish water quality guidelines for freshwater and coastal/marine waters as basisfor
classifying water bodies in the country. Specifically, develop water quality indices or

composite metrics to measure of the quality status and health of natural water bodies
in relation to ecological integrity and function;
(b) Establish effluent standards for point sources of pollution;
(c) Establish internationally accepted procedures for sampling and analysis;
(d) Prepare an integrated water quality management framework;
(e) Prepare 10-year water quality management plans for each water quality
managementarea as part of the River Basin Master Plans and in support of the
National Water Resources Management Framework Plan;
(f) Classify groundwater sources and prepare a national groundwater vulnerability map;
(g) Classify or reclassify all water bodies according to their beneficial usages using
theestablished water quality guidelines established;
(h) Issue permits, clearances and similar instruments pursuant to the Clean Water Act of
(i) Collect the wastewater discharge (EUF) fees for all permittees;
(j) Monitor the compliance of water discharge permittees with the effluent standards;
(k) Regularly monitor the water quality of major water bodies in the country and
analyzethe data to identify possible sources of pollution;
(l) Issue notices of violations and/or cease and desist orders for those found in violation;
(m)File the needed cases against violators with the Water Pollution Adjudication Board;
(n) Serve as secretariat of the PAB; and
(o) Perform such other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or
delegatedby the Secretary or as may be required by law.

SEC. 28. Water Resources Regional Offices. – The Water Resources Regional
Offices, organized per water resources region shall be responsible for implementing the
mandates, powers and duties of the Department at the field level, except for policymaking
which will be vested solely with the Central Office. The master planning for the nearby river
basins (e.g. Pasig-Marikina-Laguna Lake-Cavite) will likewise be the responsibility of the
Central Office. For this purpose, the duties and responsibilities of the WRRO shall be as
(a) Formulate or update and coordinate the river basin master plans for river basins
within its jurisdictions ensuring consistency with the National Water Resources
Management Framework Plan;

(b) Advocate and strongly support the creation and functioning of multi-stakeholderRiver
Basin Organizations (RBOs) and serve as the secretariat of the said RBOs;
(c) Undertake and evaluate the planning, design, and work supervision functions of
theDepartment for the water infrastructures within the region;
(d) Ensure the implementation of laws, policies, programs, rules and regulationsregarding
the abovementioned infrastructure as well as public and private physicalstructures;
(e) Provide technical assistance related to the water-related functions of other
agencieswithin the region especially the local government;
(f) Coordinatewithotherdepartments,agencies,institutionsandorganizations,especially
local government unitswithin the region in the planning and implementation of the
river basin master plans;
(g) Conduct continuing consultations with the local communities, take appropriate
measures to make the services of the Department responsive to the Central Office and
recommend such appropriate actions as may be necessary; and
(h) Perform such other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or
delegatedby the Secretary or as may be required by law.
The Department shall retain and have such Project Management Offices as may be
required, which shall be under the supervision and control of the appropriate Water
Resources Regional Office Director, unless otherwise determined by the Secretary for
reasons of supra- regional scope, magnitude and multi-functional coverage.

SEC. 29. Water Resources Regional Director. – The Water Resources Regional
Offices shall be headed by a Water Resources Regional Director who shall be responsible for
efficiently and effectively carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the Office. Towards
this end, the Water Resources Regional Director shall, within his/her defined powers exercise
functional and administrative supervision over all units within the region including the
authority to commit their resources and personnel to integrated regional water resources
management, water supply and sanitation management, and flood control and flood risk
management initiatives. The Water Resources Regional Director shall also perform such
other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or delegated by the Secretary or
as may be required by law.
The Water Resources Regional Director shall be assisted by two (2) Assistant Water
Resources Regional Office Directors who shall exercise supervision respectively over (1) the

planning, project design and evaluation function and (2) technical assistance to River Basin
Organizations within the water resources region.


SEC. 30. Interface with Other Agencies. –

(a) The Department of Health (DOH) shall continue to have primary authority and
responsibility for setting and enforcing drinking water quality standards. The
Department shall coordinate with the DOH in this regard and shall ensure consistency
of standards and targets which it will set for compliance of permittees with the DOH’s
mandated standards;
(b) The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) shall continue to
have primary authority and responsibility for protecting the environment and
managing the country’s watersheds;
(c) The Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Power Corporation (NPC) shall
continue to have primary authority and responsibility for setting up and running
hydropower plants but will ensure that any hydropower plant development plans are
consistent with the National Water Development and Management Plan;
(d) The Department shall coordinate with the Department of Agriculture (DA) and the
National Irrigation Administration (NIA) to ensure agricultural development that
reduces sources of long-term pollution for surface water and groundwater, and
agricultural and industrial economic development that employs water efficiency,
water recycling/reuse and the appropriate treatment of wastewater;
(e) The Department shall coordinate with the National Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Council (NDRRMC) to ensure that its plans and designs for flood
control, flood risk management and drought risk management are aligned with the
objectives and plans of the said Department;
(f) The Department shall coordinate with Climate Change Commission (CCC),
PAGASA, and NAMRIA for scientific studies, integrated surveys, mapping, charting
and decision support systems
(g) The Department shall coordinate with the Department of Tourism (DOT) on
recreational use of water resources;

(h) The Department shall coordinate with the Philippine Reclamation Authority and
economic zone authorities on water resources development and water requirements
within reclamation areas and economic zones, respectively; and
(i) The Department shall coordinate with relevant government agencies, including Local
Government Units (LGUs) for development projects and to ensure cross-cutting
collaboration between and among all water subsectors and facilitate inter-agency
subsector coordination, strategic development, planning, monitoring and provision of
technical, institutional and financial capacity building support to their different
stakeholders at the water subsector level.

SEC. 31. National Water Sector Policy Board. – The National Water Sector Policy
Board shall hereby be created to be headed by the Secretary of the Department of Water
Resources Management consisting of representatives from the which the National Economic
and Development Authority shall serve as the Vice-Chairman, Department of Health (DOH),
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Energy (DOE),
Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
Department of Public Works and Highways; Department of Budget and Management
(DBM); Office of the President (OP), and Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR), as members. The Staff of the DWRM shall serve as Secretariat to the Board.

SEC. 32. Powers and Functions of the National Water Sector Policy Board (NWSPB).
– The NWSPB, being empowered with policymaking, coordination, integration, supervision,
monitoring and evaluation functions, shall have the following responsibilities:
(a) Approve theNational Water Resources Management Framework Plan whichshall
serve as a principal guide to water management efforts in the country and shall be
reviewed on a five (5)-year interval, or as may be deemed necessary, in order to
ensure its relevance to the times;
(b) Provide overall policy direction and recommend policies on water resources that will
require Presidential decision
(c) Advise the President on the status of water management and supply, recommend to
the President the declaration of a state calamity in areas affected by water supply, and
submit proposals to restore normalcy in the affected areas;

(d) Consistent with IWRM, ensure a multi-stakeholder participation in the development,
updating, and sharing of information system as policy, planning and decision-making

SEC. 33. Transfer of Rights and Obligations. – The Department shall, by virtue of this
Act, be surrogated to all the rights and assume all the obligations of the government agencies
and units whose powers and functions have been absorbed, transferred or attached to the
Department provided these are in accordance with the rules and regulations of the
Commission on Audit. The transfer of powers and functions as herein provided shall take
effect within 6 months of the effectivity of this Act. As such, all affected
agencies/offices/units shall continue to function under their present mandates until the
transition is fully in effect.

SEC. 34.Funding. – The sum of Two Billion pesos (P2,000,000,000.00) shall be set
aside from available funds of the National Treasury and is hereby appropriated and
authorized to be released for the organization of the Department and its initial operations.
Thereafter, the Department shall submit its annual budget to fully carry out its powers and
functions and achieve its objectives to the Office of the President, for approval, provided it
shall not be less than the amount provided for in its initial implementation.

SEC. 35. Water Trust Fund. – There is hereby created a Water Trust Fund in the
Bureau of Treasury. All non-tax revenues, including permit fees, registration fees,
supervision and regulation enforcement fees, filing fees, testing fees, and other service
income from the use of water resources shall be remitted to the Water Trust Fund. Said trust
fund shall be accounted separately from government’s general revenues and shall be
automatically appropriated to the Department of Water Management. Proceeds from the trust
fund shall be exclusively utilized for water development and water sustainability programs
and projects authorized under this Act.

SEC. 36. Implementing Rules and Regulations. – Within one hundred eighty (180)
days from the effectivity of this Act, the Department, in consultation with the concerned
government agencies, shall promulgate the necessary implementing rules and regulations for
the implementation of this Act; Provided, That such revised implementing rules and

regulations shall only take effect fifteen (15) days following its publication in two (2)
newspapers pf general circulation.


SEC. 37. The Water Regulatory Commission. – There is hereby created and
established an independent, quasi-judicial regulatory body to be named the Water Regulatory
Commission, hereinafter referred to as the “Commission”, which shall be organized within
one hundred twenty (120) days after the effectivity of this Act.
The Commission shall be placed under the administrative supervision of the
Department of Water Resources (DWR).
The Commission shall have a Board of Commissioners, and shall be vested with
powers and functions, as conferred and set forth hereunder.

SEC. 38. The Regulatory Units. – The Regulatory Units of the Commission shall be
composed of the Provincial Regulatory Units and the Central Regulatory Unit.
The Provincial Regulatory Units shall be established by the Commission in
accordance with such rules, regulations, guidelines and standards as the Commission shall
issue, and as provided hereunder.
Moreover, the pertinenteconomic economic regulatory divisions or units of MWSS,
NWRB, LWUA, LLDA, SBMA, PEZA, and TIEZA are hereby transferred to the
Commission, and they shall collectively comprise its Central Regulatory Unit for Water
Supply and Sanitation Services that: (a) provide services to more than one province; and (b)
are owned, operated and/or maintained by special economic zones and Metro Manila

SEC. 39. Powers and Functions of the Commission. – The overall authority and
powers of the Commission shall cover and apply to all Service Providers, whether private or
public, providing or intending to provide levels II & III water supply, including suppliers to
subdivisions and/or other Service Providers; sewerage; and/or septage treatment and
disposal services for domestic/residential, industrial or commercial use.
The Commission shall have the following powers and functions:
a) Issue and promulgate rules, regulations and guidelines as may be necessary to
implement and enforce its powers and functions under this Act;

b) Set and enforce just and reasonable technical standards, classifications and
measurements of service;
c) Appoint the central and provincial regulators;
d) Establish rules and regulations to monitor, avoid and provide remedies for any market
power abuse or anti-competitive or discriminatory act or behavior by or against any
participant in the water supply and sanitation sector. Upon finding that a market
participant has engaged in, or fell victim to such act or behavior, the Commission
shall act to stop and/or redress the same. Such remedies may, without limitation,
include the imposition of price controls, issuance of injunctions, requirement of
divestment or disgorgement of excess profits, invalidation of contracts and imposition
of fines and penalties pursuant to this Act.
e) Adopt and require that books, records and accounts be kept and maintained in
accordance with the prescribed uniform accounting system;
f) Fix and determine proper and adequate rates of depreciation of properties and
equipment used in Water Supply and Sanitation Service/s;
g) Impose and collect annual levies determined as a percentage of gross revenue
accruing in relation to the licensed activities, and reasonable fees and surcharges as
may be necessary for achieving the purposes, powers and functions of the
h) Require the submission reports of finances and operations, verified under oaths by the
owner or president and secretary of the Licensee;
i) Determine and require the monitoring and submission of such data, statistics and
other information from the Regulatory Units and any or all licensees as may be
necessary for the effective and efficient exercise of its duties, functions, powers and
j) Investigate, motu propio or upon complaint in writing, any matter concerning the
operation of the service and require that service be provided in proper and suitable
k) Impose penalties and fines against any Licensee or against its owners, directors,
officers, agents or representatives for any violation of this Act or of the license, order,
rule regulation or requirement issued by the Commission;
l) Require any Licensee to pay the actual expenses incurred by the Commission in any
investigation if it shall be found that a Licensee violated any provision of this Act or
of the license, order, rule regulation or requirement issued by the Commission;

m) Advise, apprise and coordinate with other relevant agencies of the national
or local government on any matter relating to Water Supply and/or Sanitation
n) Deputize agents, whether from the public or private sector, to assist in the
performance of any of the powers and functions of the Commission;
o) Upon appeal and after due hearing, appoint an interim or temporary management
committee to ensure continuity of service in cases a Licensee fails to meet conditions
of the license and the concerned Regulatory Unit fails or refuses to appoint an interim
management committee as provided in the following section.
p) Appoint, hire and maintain adequate staff and personnel, advisers, and/or
consultants, with suitable qualifications and experience, as necessary;
q) Original and exclusive jurisdiction over all cases contesting rates, fees, fines and
penalties imposed by the Regulatory Units in the exercise of their powers, functions
and responsibilities, as set forth herein, and over all cases involving disputes between
and among participants or stakeholders in the Water Supply and/or Sanitation
Services; and
r) Such other incidental powers and functions as may be necessary to attain the
objectives of this Act.

SEC. 40. Powers and Functions of the Regulatory Units. – The Regulatory Units of
the Commission shall have the following powers and functions:
a) Issue Licenses authorizing the operation of Water Supply and/or Sanitation Services
in any specified area or areas within the Philippines.
b) Impose fines, charges and other penalties upon any Provider and/or its officers and
stockholders who shall fail or refuse to register and/or obtain a License prior to
operation or commencement of business, as provided hereunder.
c) Consistent with rules, guidelines, procedures and methodologies which the
Commission shall provide, review, determine, fix, and approve proposed water and
sewerage tariffs, rates and charges that Licensees may impose upon their
d) Appraise and value property and equipment used by Licensees in providing water
supply and sanitation service/s.
e) Enforce technical, financial and other performance standards set by the Commission
for licensees/utilities;

f) Respond to consumer complaints and ensure the adequate promotion of consumer
g) Investigate accidents directly or indirectly arising from or connected with the
maintenance or operation of the service, and make such order or recommendation as
the public interest may warrant;
h) Upon petition or motu propio where in its determination public interest so
dictates, require the review and/or approval of contracts or agreements that may
impact on the tariff and rates of service provision entered into by Service Providers;
i) Require the submission of reports, plans and other documents that set out the
performance targets of the licensees/utilities, and regular accomplishment reports;
j) Impose and collect annual levies determined as a percentage of gross revenue
accruing in relation to the licensed activities, and reasonable fees and surcharges as
may be necessary for achieving the purposes, powers and functions of the regulator;
k) Conduct benchmarking and monitor the performance of licensees/utilities under their
jurisdiction, and publish reports detailing the results thereof, as may be necessary or
required by the Commission;
l) Amend, modify, suspend or revoke any License issued by them, after due notice and
hearing, on any of the following grounds:
i. when the facts and circumstances on the strength of which the license was
issued have been materially misrepresented or has materially changed;
ii. where the Licensee has failed to meet or comply with terms, conditions and
performance targets - including but not limited to service expansion - that may
have been set in the license;
iii. where the Licensee is found to be manifestly inefficient in the operation of or
provision of Water Supply and Sanitation services in its area; or
iv. when the holder thereof has violated or willfully refused to comply with any
order, rule or regulation of the Commission or any provision of this Act;
m) Appoint an interim management committee to ensure continuity of service in
case a licensee fails to meet conditions of the license; and
n) Submit performance plans and reports as required by the Commission.

SEC. 41. Composition. –

a) The Commission shall be a collegial body composed of five (5) full-time members
composed of a Chairperson and four (4) members, who shall all be appointed by the

President of the Philippines. All members of the Commission must be citizens and
residents of the Philippines, at least thirty five (35) years of age, and of good moral
character, recognized integrity and competence in the field of law, business,
commerce, finance, accounting or public administration, water or utility economics,
management, physical or engineering services, hydrology and other related
services, with at least three (3) years actual and distinguished experience in their
respective fields of expertise; Provided that out of the four members of the
Commission, at least one (1) shall be a member of the Philippine Bar with at least
ten years of experience in the active practice of law, and at least one (1) shall be a
certified public accountant with at least ten years of experience in active practice.
b) The term of office of each member of the Commission shall be seven (7) years;
Provided, however, that among the members first appointed, the Chairperson shall
serve for a period of seven (7) years, two (2) members shall serve for five (5) years
and the other two (2) members shall serve for three (3) years; Provided, further, that
any member whose term has expired as specified herein shall serve as such until his
successor shall have been appointed and qualified; Provided, moreover, that any
appointment to fill a vacancy in the Commission arising from death, removal,
retirement or resignation shall be made only for the unexpired term; and Provided,
finally, that in no case shall any member serve for more than seven (7) years in the
c) The Commission shall meet as often as may be necessary on such day or days as
the Chairperson may fix. The presence of at least three (3) members of the
Commission shall constitute a quorum, which shall be necessary for the transaction
of any business. The affirmative vote of majority of the members of the Commission
where a quorum is present shall be necessary for the adoption of any order,
resolution, decisions, or other act of the Commission in the exercise of its quasi-
judicial functions; Provided that in promulgating rules, regulations, guidelines and
in the exercise of its quasi-legislative functions, an affirmative vote of three (3)
members shall be required.
d) The Chairman of the Commission shall exercise general executive control and
supervision of the Commission and its members, staff and personnel, agents and
Within three (3) months from the creation of the Commission and the appointment of
all Members of the Commission, the Chairman shall submit for the approval by the

President of the Philippines the new organizational structure and plantilla positions
necessary to carry out the powers and functions of the Commission, including those
of the Central and Provincial Regulatory Units.
The staff and personnel positions of the Commission shall be filled by regular
appointments in accordance with a staffing plan to be prepared by the Commission.
e) Members of the Commission shall enjoy security of tenure and shall not be
suspended or removed from office except for just cause as specified by law.
f) The Chairman and members of the Commission or any of their relatives within the
fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, legitimate or common law, shall be
prohibited from holding any interest whatsoever, either as investor, stockholder,
officer or director, in any company or entity engaged in provision of water supply
and distribution, septage management and sewerage services and must, therefore,
divest through sale or legal disposition of any and all interests in the water sector
upon assumption of office.

SEC. 42. Commission Secretariat. – The Commission shall establish a Secretariat

which shall provide the Commission with technical and other support including, among
a) Providing the necessary technical inputs and secretariat support to the Commission to
facilitate the conduct of its functions;
b) Coordinating with Regulatory Units to ensure proper implementation of the rules,
regulations and guidelines promulgated by the Commission;
c) Monitoring and assessing activities of the Regulatory Units vis-à-vis their respective
annual performance plans and targets;
d) Maintaining a database on the water supply and sanitation subsector; and
e) Coordinating with other relevant agencies of the national or local government on
any matter relating to water supply and sanitation.

SEC. 43. Executive Director. – The Commission shall also appoint an Executive
Director who shall head the Commission Secretariat, keep and maintain the official record
and report of the proceedings of the Commission, and have the authority to administer oaths
in all matters falling within the jurisdiction of the Commission.
The Executive Director shall be responsible for the effective implementation of the
policies, plans, programs, rules, regulations and directives of the Commission; coordinate

and supervise the activities ofthe different operating units under the Commission; and
perform such functions as may be assigned by the Chairperson and/or other members of the

SEC. 44. Compensation and Other Emoluments. – The compensation of the

members of the Commission and its staff shall be exempt from the coverage of Republic
Act. No. 6758, otherwise known as the “Salary Standardization Act.” Provided, that the
salaries of the Commission and its staff shall conform as closely as possible to the
principles of R.A. 6758.
For this purpose, the schedule of compensation of the Commission and its
Regulatory Units and staff shall be submitted for approval of the President of the
Philippines.  The compensation schedule of the Commission and its Regulatory Units and
staff shall be implemented within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act and maybe
upgraded by the President of the Philippines as the need arises: Providedfurther, that in no
case shall the compensation of the Commission and its staff be upgraded more than once a
Pertinent civil service laws, rules and regulations of the Philippines shall be
applicable to the Commission.
The Chairman and members of the Commission shall initially be entitled to the same
salaries, allowances and benefits as those of the Presiding Justice and Associate Justices of
the Supreme Court, respectively.


SEC. 45. Registration and Licensing of All Water Supply and/or Sanitation
Services. – All Water Supply and/or Sanitation Service Providers, including Bulk Water
Suppliers and those providing services to subdivisions and/or other Service Providers, shall
register with the Commission and, subject to such rules, guidelines, procedures and other
issuances as the Commission may issue, obtain a License to operate from the appropriate
Regulatory Units.
The Commission shall also ensure that the granting and revocation of licenses are
carried out fairly, transparently, and without discrimination. Its issuances shall therefore
specify, among others, the qualifications, requirements and procedure for the granting and

revocation of Licenses, as well as the standards and performance targets that must
continuously be complied with in order to keep such licenses valid.
Unless otherwise provided herein or by the Commission, no public Water Supply
and/or Sanitation Service provider shall commence or conduct the business of providing
water supply and sanitation services without first obtaining a license.
Concession agreements and other contracts for water supply provision currently
existing shall remain valid and in force, unless otherwise invalidated by the Commission
where public interest so dictates, after due notice and hearing.

SEC 46. Conditions of License. – The Commission and/or the concerned Regulatory
Unit, may impose such conditions in the issued License, as it may deem necessary, such as
but not limited to:
a) Tariffs, rates and charges that may be imposed from its customers/consumers.
b) Term fixing the duration of the privilege.
c) Grounds for modification, suspension or cancellation of the License.
d) Minimum technical performance and service level standards.
e) Expansion targets and service level improvements over time.
f) Restrictions or conditions for transferability of the business or controlling interest
in the business.
g) Reportorial requirements and obligations of the grantee.
h) Submission to annual performance audit by the Commission or its duly
authorized representative(s).
The Commission shall specify the requirements and procedure for existing holders
of Certificate of Public Convenience/Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity
issued by NWRB, and/or Conformance issued by LWUA, to convert their existing
certificates into Licenses issued by the Commission.
All existing providers of Water Supply and/or Sanitation Services without a legal
and valid Certificate of Public Convenience/Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity or Certificate of Conformance shall register with the Commission and apply for a
License within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act.

SEC. 47. Rights and Duties of Licensees. –

a) Any person granted a License under this Act shall have the obligation to ensure that
its licensed activities are conducted so as to further the public interest and, in
particular, that they:
i. foster the maintenance and development of efficient, coordinated, and viable
operation of their licensed activities;
ii. ensure that their Water Supply and/or Sanitation Services are provided in a
diligent, conscientious and workmanlike manner, in accordance with applicable
laws and the standards and practices set by the Commission and generally
accepted in the water supply and sanitation industry;
iii. comply with drinking water quality requirements and other requirements and
standards that may be set by the Commission; and
iv. not abandon its service without notice to and approval by the Commission.
b) Any person granted a License under this Act shall, to the extent allowed by law and
specified in the License, have the right to acquire or lease land and lay or repair
water or sanitation mains and other relevant facilities in public ways, when required
to fulfill their obligations.
c) Subject to any condition or limitation laid down in the License, a Licensee may
disconnect the supply of Water Supply and/or Sanitation services to a customer if
such customer defaults in the payment of amount(s) due to that Licensee in respect
of water supplied or sanitation services provided, or for acts of pilferage pursuant
to Sections 8, 9, 10, and 11 of Republic Act No. 8041, otherwise known as the
"Water Crisis Act of 1995."
d) Any License issued under this Act shall contain provisions designed to ensure that
i. Publish the Tariff and other charges approved by the Commission, and other
terms and conditions imposed by the Commission for the provision of Water
Supply and/or Sanitation Services.
ii. Prepare, within three (3) months from the issuance of a License, in consultation
with its customers, a customer service code specifying the manner and procedure
for: (a) metering, billing, and collection of the Licensee’s approved tariff and
other charges, (b) disconnection or suspension of service in case of non-payment
of tariffs and/or other charges, or acts of pilferage, and (c) recommendation and
recovery of arrears in tariffs and other charges; and
iii. Maintain financial accounts in accordance with the manner and procedure

specified in the License and as may be required by the Commission.
iv. Maintain and upon request by anyone during regular office hours, promptly
make available for scrutiny and inspection such data, statistics and other
information, as may be required by the Commission.

SEC. 48. Setting Tariffs, Rates and Other Charges. –Regulatory Units shall establish
tariffs, rates and other charges which are fair and reasonable, and which provide for the
economic viability of the service and a fair return on their investments considering the
prevailing cost of capital in the domestic and international markets.
Such tariffs, rates and charges shall be based on and consistent with a rate-setting
methodology that the Commission shall, after due consultation, define and publish, taking
into account the following, among others:
a) reasonable and prudent capital and recurrent costs of providing the service including a
reasonable rate of return on capital;
b) efficiency of the service;
c) incentives for enhancement of efficiency;
d) willingness to pay of the customers/consumers;
e) equity considerations; and
f) administrative simplicity.
Tariffs, rates and charges set by the Regulatory Units shall be presumed valid and
reasonable unless a protest or contest is filed with the Commission.

SEC. 49. Promotion of Innovative Schemes to Improve Efficiency and Management

of Systems. –The Commission shall promote innovative schemes, including but not limited to
the consolidation and/or integration of Water Supply and/or Sanitation Services and/or
Providers in the same Service Area, where it will result in improved efficiency, services
expansion and/or lowering of costs.
To this end, the Commission shall establish and issue such rules and guidelines as
may be necessary to (a) create incentives to encourage efficiency and service expansion; (b)
establish the standards and targets that service providers are required to meet; and (c) set
the fines and penalties that would be imposed for failure to meet such standards and targets.


SEC. 50. Proceedings Before the Commission. – For the purpose of any
investigation, inquiry or proceeding, the Commission shall have the requisite power to:
a) Issue subpoena duces tecum and subpoena ad testificandum;
b) Appoint hearing officers to hear and receive evidence on behalf of the Commission;
c) Cite any person or party for contempt for refusal to appear, testify or comply with
an order of the Commission on any matter that is the subject of investigation,
inquiry or proceeding before the Commission.

SEC. 51. Orders and Decisions of the Commission. – The orders, resolutions and
decisions of the Commission, which must be reached as promptly and expeditiously as
reasonably and fairly possible, shall be in writing and shall state clearly and distinctly the
facts and law on which it is based.
The Commission shall publish and make available for public inspection all decisions
and final orders in the adjudication of contested cases or applications.

SEC. 52.Appeals Procedure and Prohibition Against Injunction. –

a) The orders, rulings, and decisions of the Commission are final and executory unless
appealed to the Court of Appeals within fifteen (15) days from receipt of notice of
such order, ruling or decision; Provided that orders, rulings, and decisions of the
Commission approving tariffs shall be immediately executory and may be
suspended only upon appeal and filing of a bond, in an amount to be fixed by the
Commission, to answer for damages occasioned by the suspension or stay of
execution of such orders, rulings, and decisions.
b) No injunction may be issued by any court or administrative agency to restrain any
proceeding before, or the implementation or execution of any order, ruling, or
decision of the Commission, except on the basis of a question of law brought before
the Supreme Court on certiorari.
c) Subject to Sec. 7, paragraph 3 of this Act, an act or decision of the Commission shall
not be invalid merely because of a defect or irregularity in, or inconnection with, the
appointment or vacancy in the Office of the Chairperson or any other member of the


SEC. 53. Interface with Other Sector Regulators. –
a) The DENR shall continue to have the primary authority and responsibility for
protecting the environment and the quality water sources from waste and pollution
and shall promulgate rules, regulations, and standards in this regard.
b) The Department of Health (DOH) shall have primary authority and responsibility for
determining and enforcing drinking water quality and sanitation standards. The
Commission shall coordinate with the DOH in this regardand shall ensure the
consistency of the standards and targets that it will set for compliance by licensees
with the DOH’s mandated standards.
c) The Commission shall coordinate with the NWRB for water allocation and data
collection, the local government units for development projects relating to water
supply and sanitation, and the Department of Public Works and Highways for flood
control and the harnessing and impounding of water.

SEC. 54. Transfer of Rights and Obligations. – The Commission shall, by virtue of
this Act, be subrogated to all the rights, and assume all the obligations, of the Water Utilities
Division of the NWRB, the Regulatory Offices of MWSS and LWUA, the Regulatory Units
of all special economic zones, and all other government agencies and units whose powers and
functions have been transferred to the Commission.
The transfer of powers and functions in the Department and agencies attached thereto,
as herein provided for, shall take effect within six (6) months after the effectivity of this
Act.The foregoing transfer of powers and functions shall include all applicable funds,
personnel, records, property and equipment, as may be necessary. The same shall apply to
agencies which have been attached to the Department by virtue of this Act.
As such, all offices under the Department and all attached agencies affected by the
provisions of this Act shall continue to function under their present mandates until transition
is effected as provided for under this Act.
The heads of the agencies shall continue to serve until replaced as provided for under
this Act.
All rights and obligations of the said government agencies are hereby transferred to
and assumed by the Commission and shall be acted upon in accordance with the rules and
regulations of the Commission on Audit and other pertinent laws, rules, and regulations.

SEC. 55. Separation form Service. – Employees separated from government service
as a result of this Act shall be entitled to the benefits which they may receive under existing
laws, rules and regulations.

SEC. 56. Funding. – The sum of Three Hundred Million (P 300,000,000.00) pesos
shall be set aside from any available funds of the National Treasury, and is hereby
appropriated and authorized to be released, for the organization of the Commission and its
initial operations.
Thereafter, funds sufficient to fully carry out the objectives, powers, and functions of
the Commission and its Regulatory Units shall be appropriated every fiscal year in the
General Appropriations Act, in an amount that shall not be less than the amount appropriated
for it the previous year.
The Commission shall submit its annual budget, which shall include, among others,
detailed information on the compensation and benefits received by their employees, to the
DENR for approval.
Moreover, subject to existing rules and regulations of the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM), all funds and monies collected by the Commission from fees, charges,
surcharges and penalties, which the Commission may impose and collect under this Act, shall
accrue directly and automatically to the Commission and shall be utilized solely for its
operations. The guidelines for the collection and disbursement of these proceeds shall be
defined in the implementing rules and regulations of this Act.
A proportion of the abovementioned amounts shall be used for training and capacity
building purposes, including the upgrade and procurement of equipment and software as may
be necessary for the efficient and effective exercise of its powers. Such upgrades and
procurements shall comply with the requirements of existing laws on procurement,
accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
The amount of funds and monies collected, and the costs and purposes for which such
were expended shall be made publicly available upon request, as well as on an official
website that the Commission shall establish.

Sec. 57. Transitory Provisions. – Performance audit of all water-related agencies and
institutions, including but not limited to LWUA and water districts, MWSS, MWSS-RO and
its concessionaires, LGU-run utilities,TIEZA, PEZA, BCDA, SBMA, DILG, and NIA, shall
be conducted by the Department.

SEC. 58. Repealing Clause. – All laws, decrees, executive orders and proclamations,
rules and regulations or parts thereof inconsistent with this Act, are hereby repealed, or
amended or modified accordingly.
The provision with respect to fixing of water rates and sanitation service fees of
Section 3 (h) and Section 12, and regulation of waterworks and deep wells of Section 3 (n),
regulation of waterworks and sanitation systems in privately owned subdivisions of Section 3
(p) of Republic Act 6234, as amended, is hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 62 on regulation and Section 63 on rate review of Presidential Decree 198,
as amended by LOI 700 (1978), LOI 744 (1978), EO 124 (1987), EO 123 (2002), is hereby
repealed or modified accordingly.
The provisions of the Local Government Code and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations of Republic Act No. 7160 which allow local government units to fix the rates
of water utilities owned, operated and maintained by them within their jurisdiction is
hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 13 (b) on regulation of enterprises in ECOZONE of Republic Act No. 7916
as amended, also known as the Special Economic Zone Act of 1995, is hereby repealed or
modified accordingly.
“Provisions under Section 69 of Republic Act No. 9593 or the Tourism Act of 2009
and its Implementing Rules and Regulations which mandates the Tourism Infrastructure and
Enterprise Zone Authority to grant franchises, supervise the operation of public utilities, and
register, monitor and regulate enterprises within Tourism Enterprise Zones, are hereby
repealed or modified accordingly.”
Commonwealth Act No. 146, as amended, otherwise known as the “Public Service
Act,” and all laws, decrees, rules and regulations, or portion thereof, inconsistent with this
Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SEC. 59. Separability Clause. – If any provision of this Act is held invalid or
unconstitutional, the remaining parts or provisions not affected shall remain in full force and

SEC. 60. Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication
in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.



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