Cgarena: Photoshop After Effects 3dsmax Gallery Interview Maya
Cgarena: Photoshop After Effects 3dsmax Gallery Interview Maya
Cgarena: Photoshop After Effects 3dsmax Gallery Interview Maya
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Showcase of latest 3d inspiring art Tata Elxsi
Maintain the Original Shadows Breaking the Stone
Flowing Lights Melting Text
05 Interview 10 3d Challenge
Tata Elxsi Winter
34 Gallery
Showcase of latest 3d art
The success of HANUMAN has It’s always hard when companies make major changes...
paved the way for animation films in in the case of the latest news out of Autodesk a user
India. Singeetam Srinivasa Rao, who might be left wondering who to call... and who are we
has directed a number of big-budget going to see at NAB.
films in the past, with the best of stars
in principal roles, is now making an While less than 10% of the approximately 350 employ-
animation film called GHATOTH- ees in Montreal were laid off, what is striking about the
KACH. Ghatothkach is a 100 Min- recent changes is that the layoffs included some longtime
utes Animation feature film and will employees of discreet/Autodesk. These aren’t low-level or
feature a mixture of classical and CGI animation. mid-level employees, but instead key management indi-
vduals with a high customer profile and a great deal of
Sun Animatics India P. Ltd. [previously known as Poly- customer contact.
gon], an animation company based in Hyderabad, is pro-
ducing the film, which is slated for release in April 2007. When spoke with Autodesk’s Marc Petit about the rea-
The production is taking place in Philippines, Singapore sons for the changes (see below), but wanted to take a
and United Kingdom. moment to thank our friends who are no longer working
at Autodesk in Montreal and wish them luck.
According to the studio, production will be over by Jan
07 and the post production will be completed by March
Tata Elxsi
Q. Firstly, I would like to thank you for your time and willingness to share your thoughts with the CG community.
Could you please start off by introducing yourself and giving us a little background information, facilities and ser-
vices provided by Tata Elxsi.?
Q. Tell us a bit about your pipeline and how data is shared between various departments?
The whole production pipeline is organized to derive optimum throughput. The systems in the unit are connected
through high-speed networks to facilitate the objective of sharing data and resources with minimum latencies. An en-
tire department is involved in this quest to increase throughputs and to make every resource available to the pipe.
Our Technical team has set up the pipe with the twin objectives of sustainability over time and at the same time, not
Tata Elxsi
being restricted by specific technologies. The goal is to be able to deliver to spec and to have a system that’s still flex-
At the beginning of every project, Directory structures and naming conventions are mutually arrived at with the client.
All artists work with common assets through a centralized server.
Q. Please tell us about the total number of workstations; render farms, animators, modelers, software used in
Elxsi. And how long does it take to complete a typical project?
At VCL, we address a variety of market verticals and hence, the production team is servicing multiple projects on the
floor. Each project is given the required resources that it requires, as determined at the planning stage. Some resources
like renderfarms are common. There is a project component and there is a studio component when it comes to re-
In terms of Technology, we use Maya for 3D animation and its Flames plus Fusion for Compositing apart from various
project-specific tools that are deployed. For example, we use Massive software for battle-sequences and crowds.
Since we address both Theatrical and Television markets, project durations vary from a few days to months and even
Tata Elxsi
more than a year in the case of large projects. We do a lot of R&D work too prior to commencing production which is
the time when we learn new softwares and new techniques.
Q. You recently completed a work on a bollywood movie Dhoom 2, so how much you are satisfy with the results and
please also tell us how much quality affected according to the budget?
Dhoom2 was very satisfying for our team because of the sheer variety of work and the creative freedom to contribute
at the artists level. The film had over 45 minutes of work in over 600 shots. It had elements of R&D, testing new soft-
wares/technology and a tremendous learning opportunity. The commitment and passion of our artists who worked on
it is there to see in the final output which has been appreciated by the client, by the viewing public and even by the film
Working with Yashraj Films is a pleasure because they want the best quality output for their audiences and there are
no compromises. For Yashraj Films, Visual Computing Labs is a natural choice for the level of quality that they expect
and for our ability to undertake research to determine what works best for each shot. This level of seriousness and com-
mitment to their film is what brings to us clients like Yashraj, Karan Johar, Ashutosh, Rakesh Omprakash Mehra and
Amir Khan who always work only with the best in the business.
Tata Elxsi
Q. What are the trends in India and in International markets one needs to look out for?
Indian audiences have always loved a well-made film. It’s not just about the use of technology and VFX in films. How-
ever, what has changed is the way films today use technology more to help in the narrative than to add shock & awe
value. Scripts are being written with VFX being an integral part of the story. And hence, we, as the VFX specialists
come in early on in the planning stage of the film along with the filmmaker. We are also there for onsite VFX supervi-
sion .That is why, although there is on an average over 40 minutes of effects in the recent films that we have done, its
not visible. That is what has changed and has now become standard practice in the films that we work on.
Q. What are the major factors associated with taking up outsourced projects?
Studios taking up outsourced work need to consider sustainability, profitability, availability of manpower, quality of
output, adherence to delivery schedules, efficient communication systems and their responsibility towards Brand India’s
image through the use of licensed software and ethical business practices.
This is not true for the clients that we do work for. The proj-
ects that we have worked on have all been serious about the
utility/role of VFX in their films.
Tata Elxsi
Q. If people want to see Tata Elxsi Demo reel, so where we can look at?
The best place to look at our work is at our facility itself in Mumbai, India. We welcome people to come over and see
what goes on in such creative environments and how our artists combine work with fun.
Q. During recruitment, what does a VFX company like Tata Elxsi look for?
We have built a reputation in the marketplace as a quality studio with ethical practices. We do a variety of projects from
film effects to episodic TV series animation work to TVCs to Game assets. We set very high standards of quality for
ourselves and benchmark ourselves with the best in the industry. Naturally, we have to ensure that the best talent works
for us at all times. We look for a keen creative eye, good attitude to work, a strong desire to learn and to experiment and
most importantly, a certain level of pride in the work that the artist has for his/her work. As a company, we plan for a
long term career of the candidate and see if there is a creative and cultural fit.
We are currently recruiting key talent for our various projects and interested candidates who believe that they have the
potential and the desire to travel with us in our journey for excellence should apply to the careers section in our website
Thanks a lot for taking out sometime for us from your busy schedule.
Your Mission
Create an image which shows Winter in a scene, and remember winter doesnt mean just add an ice in a scene. This
Challenge is a Work-In-Progress Challenge -- all contestants are required to post their work-in-progress images for
community to critique/comment in order to qualify. Last date to enter in this challenge is 25th Dec 2006 after this no
registration for challenge will be allowed.
Note: You are required to submit work in progress images, obtain feedback and give feedback to other challengers.
Final Image Size
- Your final image dimensions should be print resolution. Do not
send in a low-resolution.
- Send your final image in zip format with your complete ship-
ping address and telephone number on email address ezine@ with subject “Winter Challenge Final Image”.
Except Duber DVD’s all titles available as download from the sponser website.
When we composite the images then generally we create a fake shadows or don’t able to make them transparent be-
cause of complexity of masking. But actually this is very easy task and can be achieved by loading a luminosity channel
and dont require any plugin. Luminosity means The brightness of either a light source or a reflective surface.
Step 1: Open a photo of an object whose shadows you want to keep intact and transparent. Make a selection of the
object in the image through any selection tool like Magnetic lasso tool, Pen Tool and others.
Step 2: After you make the selection then press Ctrl + J to place the
selected object on their own layer.
Step 3: Now select a background image on which you done the selection
in first step. And press Ctrl + Alt + ~ to load the luminosity. Press Ctrl
+ Shift + I to Inverse the selection, so instead of the highlights, you now
have just the shadows selected.
Step 4: Don’t deselect the selection. Add a new blank layer and fill with black. Now you can see a lot of transparency in
the shadows. This is exactly what we’re trying to achieve transparency in the shadows.
Final Step: Now you can deselect the selection and delete the background layer. Merge down the layers left in the
project and drag on the different background image on which you like to composite. Now you will see the shadows are
intact and transparent.
Flowing Lights
You have seen this effect in the commercials, MTV and other music channels lots of time and always think of creating
something like this. So, in this issue we like to create a simple version of flowing lights.
Step 1: Create a new composition 640 x 480 in After Effects. Then create a new solid layer Ctrl + Y (50 x 50) of any
Step 2: Open the Motion Sketch Dialog from Window > Motion Sketch
Step 3: Select a solid layer and press the Start Capture button in the Motion Sketch dialog box. After pressing a button
start moving/drawing a solid layer in the composition like you want to move the lights later.
Step 4: Apply Window > The Smoother to the motion path and choose itera-
tions 3 in the Smoother dialog box. This step is necessary to smoothen the
path you drawn in the previous step otherwise motion can be jerky and also
not looks good visually later.
Step 5: Now open the Motion Sketch position key frames in the timeline
and copy those.
Step 6: Create a new composition named Comp 2 (640 x 480) and create a new
adjustment layer. Select the pen tool and just draw one point on the adjustment
layer, so you can paste the motion sketch key frames as a mask in the adjust-
ment layer.
Step 7: Apply Effect > Render > Vegas and select the following settings.
Step 8: Apply Effect > Stylize> Glow and choose the follow-
ing settings in the dialog box
Step 10: Create new composition named “final” and drag Comp 2 on this.
Apply Effect> Distort> Turbulent Displace and increase the complexity to
Dynamic simulation tool in 3ds max called Reactor. And in this issue we will break a stone in parts through reactor and
fracture. The fracture feature simulates the breaking of a rigid body into a number of smaller pieces as the result of an
impact. To do this, you need to supply the pieces that are glued together to create the whole object.
Step 1: Create a box and right click on that and choose convert into Editable Poly.
Step 2 : Select the Cut tool from Edit Geometry rollout in Editable poly and cut the box in various shapes and sizes
like the way you want the chunks when broken.
Step 3: After cut the box. First decide in how many parts you like to break this box. Suppose if we like to break in 2
parts then select half polygons and click the Detach button in Editable Poly. Press Ok in the Detach dialog box. Now
your box is divided into 2 parts.
Step 4: But when you move the parts then you will see from inside the boxes are hollow and when they break then not
looks good or say nothing is visible. So, now we will create the inside polygons. First hide the other detach polygon.
And start working on the other one. Select some inside vertexes and duplicate them by pressing the Shift key and move
the vertexes.
Step 5: Go into the polygon mode and click on Create button. Now start clicking on the vertexes and polygon on those
vertexes will be created. Remember on vertex where you click first, at the same vertex you need to click at the end to
create polygon and don’t create polygon by choosing more than 3-4 vertexes. Same procedure need to follow on the
other part.
Step 6: After creating the inside polygons your main part is completed. Rename all the parts. And create a plane in
the scene to collide. From the reactor rollout create a RB Collection and Fracture Solver. Add all the objects in a scene
to RB Collection and all the stone fragments into the Fracture.
Step 7: Go into the Utility>Reactor. And in the Reactor properties change to “Use Mesh” for the plane in the Concave
Rollout. And also give different masses to different stone pieces so all of them behave differently.
Step 8: Click on the Preview Button in the Reactor Preview & Animation panel. And if you are satisfied with the
results then you can click on Create Animation button. Now all the animation key frames will automatically created
according to the preview you have seen. When you watch the timeline then key frame will be created on every frame
which is useless and very cumbersome if want to change any animation. So, into the Utils rollout and under Key Man-
agement click on Reduce Now with threshold to 0.5.
Melting Text
In this tutorial we will explore some tools and options of fluid to create melting text effect like smoke, this tutorial is
very handy for those of you who are going to create short movies or demo reels to give it heading using this method
describing in this tutorial.
Fluid effect is one of powerful tools inside Maya which can achieve realistic result easily within few minutes if you
are expert and have creative mind, before going to start with this tutorial I am suggesting you that you should basic
knowledge of Maya.
Step 1: First of all we need some text in (Targa), or ( Jpeg) formats, write the text what you want with black back-
ground. Open Photoshop and create new fresh page with the same setting as in image describing below.
Note: this setting is just for this tutorial you are not bound with the size of document you can create it in any desired
size you like.
Step 2: When your new file is open write anything you like in this case I wrote the words below, make sure your back-
ground is black and save it as .tga and name it (Density).
Step 3: Now create the duplicate of this image and change the text
color to whatever you like, and then save it as .tga and name it (Color)
like the picture below.
Step 4: We are done with Photoshop here, now switch to Maya. On the
view port hold down (H) key from your keyboard and then hold down
left mouse button from popup menus choose (Dynamics), now we have
access to Fluid effects in the top menu, now click on (Fluid Effects)
from dropdown menu hit on that small rectangular beside 2d container
like the image illustrating below.
Step 5: Fluid option box will appear in the (X Y Resolution) give value of 300 by 300 in the box. This will increase
detail when we import our text images, then hit (Apply and Close) like the picture below.
Note: the bigger resolution value the slower render and system performance, do not increase the values out of your
Step 6: If you look at your scene you have created a 2d fluid container, with the 2d fluid container is still selected again
go to (Fluid Effects>>Add/Edit Contents>> then select the option box for (Paint Fluid Tool).
Step 7: Ok expand (Paint Attributes) tab, on the (Paint Attribute) dropdown menu by default it set to (Density) leave
it like this, now expand (Attributes Maps) you will see one more tab (Import) expand it too this will reveal (Import)
button, click on it and the file browser will open for this one choose (Density.tga) where you saved your images and
import it.
Step 7: Press (6) button from your keyboard and you should see something like this image.
Step 12: Scroll down little bit to find out (Shading) tab and expand it. Set the (Glow Intensity) to (1) or whatever you
like your texts reflect the glow.
Final Step: Here we are done set your frames to 200 or as your choice then hit play you will see your texts are melting
down and then dissipating slowly like smoke, these 2 renders are just to show you how its looks like after rendering.
I hope you enjoyed doing this tutorial and try it your own pace with different images to get different kind of results.
Smoking Creature
Marco Menco, Italy
XSI, Zbrush, Photoshop
Self Illumination
Andre Kutscherauer, Germany
3ds Max, Rhino, Photoshop
Guitar Legend
Marcin Klicki , Poland
3ds Max, Mental Ray, Wings3D, Photoshop
Diego E. Rodríguez L., Venezuela
3ds Max, Painter, Photoshop
Tiziano Fioriti, Italy
3ds Max, Vray, Photoshop
Sinan Ilkaz, Turkey
3ds Max, Vray
Parasite Eve
Vaclav Krivanek, Czech Republic
3ds Max, Mudbox, Brazil, Photoshop
Green Frog
Massimo Righi, Italy
Maya, Mental Ray
Nokia N93
Jakub Goda, Slovakia
3ds Max 9, Mental Ray
Cycle Rickshaw
Furqan Qidwai, Pakistan
3ds Max, Photoshop
Hammouda Moise, France
Maya, Zbrush
Stian Ervik Wahlvåg, Norway
Animation Master
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Send the images on and include the following details
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This is by far the quickest and easiest way to send your images to us.
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