Carbon Capture and Sequestration An Overview
Carbon Capture and Sequestration An Overview
Carbon Capture and Sequestration An Overview
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue XII Dec 2021- Available at
Abstract: Carbon dioxide capture and sequestration (CCS) is the capture and storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) that is emitted to
the atmosphere as a result of combustion process. Presently majority of efforts focus on the removal of carbon dioxide directly
from industrial plants and thereby storing it in geological reservoirs. The principle is to achieve a carbon neutral budget if not
carbon negative, and thereby mitigate global climate change. Currently, fossil fuels are the predominant source of the global
energy generation and the trend will continue for the rest of the century. Fossil fuels supply over 63% of all primary energy; the
rest is contributed by nuclear, hydro-electricity and renewable energy. Although research and investments are being targeted to
increase the percentage of renewable energy and foster conservation and efficiency improvements of fossil-fuel usage,
development of CCS technology is the most important tool likely to play a pivotal role in addressing this crisis. [1]
Keywords: Carbon Capture and Storage, Carbon dioxide, fossil fuels, Greenhouse gases
Greenhouse effect is the major contributor to the rising global average temperature. The main cause of increasing global warming is
the reliance on fossil fuels for primary energy supply. In India, coal currently contributes around 60% to electricity generation.
Furthermore, it is reported that coal will continue to be a major contributor of power generation in India for the upcoming few
decades. Efforts on several fronts are being carried out to tackle CO2 build up in the atmosphere to limit the global average
temperature rise to 2°C. Carbon dioxide capture and sequestration (CCS) is seen as one of the most promising options to mitigate
CO2 emissions from large point sources. CCS involves capture of CO2 emitted from combustion of fossil fuel and kept isolated from
the atmosphere for a long period of time.
The three different steps involved in CCS process are- CO2 Capture, Transport & Sequestration. In the capture step, removal,
purification and compression of CO2 separated from the flue gas takes place. The captured and compressed CO2 is then transported
to the geological sinks. A typical break down of a CCS system into its component parts can be as follows -
1) Capture: In this method, CO2 is separated from the effluent and compressed to a liquid state. This results in higher
concentrations of CO2 (>99%), though lower concentrations are also acceptable. Capture is necessary to transport and store the
CO2 economically.
2) Transport: Transferring CO2 from the source to the storage reservoir. Transport by truck, train, and ship are all possible, but
transporting large quantities is done in the most economical manner by a pipeline.
3) Injection: Depositing CO2 into the storage reservoir. The main focus of this paper are geological formations called storage
reservoirs. Other potential reservoirs include the deep saline formations, depleted oil and gas reservoirs, and coal seams. [2]
The flue gas is first cleaned of particulates or other impurities. Then in the absorption vessel, it is brought into contact with the
absorbent at temperatures of between 40°C and 60°C allowing CO2 to react with the solvent and form an intermediate compound.
The CO2 ‘rich’ solvent is then fed into the top of the stripper column, via a heat exchanger, and heat is applied (100-140°C) to
remove the chemically bound CO2 from the solvent. This produces a CO2 stream and regenerates the original solvent. Typical CO2
recovery is between 80-95% with a product purity in excess of 99%. [3]
To improve the performance, sterically hindered amines have been developed which require less energy for absorption and
regeneration and have higher CO2 loading capacity than MEA. To improve the performance, other chemicals can be added to
amines. Inorganic alternatives to amine-based scrubbers are also commercially available including the use of potassium carbonate
combined with a promoter. [4]
A. Post-Combustion Capture
Post-combustion capture is a form of flue-gas clean-up. The process is added to the back end of the power plant, after the other
pollutant control systems. All commercial post-combustion capture plants use the chemical absorption processes with MEA based
solvents. Due to the degradation and corrosion, solvent strength is kept relatively low, which results in large equipment sizes and
solvent regeneration costs. MEA only absorbs the CO2. The CO2-rich MEA solution is sent to a stripper and heated to release CO2.
MEA solution is then recycled. [6]
B. Oxy-Combustion Capture
Since nitrogen is the major component of flue gas in power plants that burn coal in air, post-combustion capture is essentially a
nitrogen–carbon dioxide separation. Thus, after eliminating nitrogen, CO2 capture from flue gas becomes very simple. In oxy
capture, instead of air, oxygen is fed to the plant that is produced on site in an air separation plant. The resulting flue gas is mostly
CO2 and H2O, which is easily separable.
The primary separation process here is of oxygen from nitrogen. This is done in a standard air separation unit (ASU), but it has a
large load of about 15 per cent of a power plant’s electric output. Once water is separated, the flue gas is 90 per cent CO2. However,
impurities like SO2, NOx and non-condensable oxygen and nitrogen are still present in the effluent. These impurities need to be
separated before the CO2 is sent for transport and injection. [7]
C. Pre-Combustion Capture
Pre-combustion capture is usually incorporated in IGCC power plants. This process includes gasifying the coal to produce a
synthetic gas composed of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2); reacting the CO2 with water (in a water-gas shift reaction) to
produce CO2 and H2, then capturing the CO2 and finally sending the H2 to a turbine to produce electricity. The primary fuel
hydrogen is sent to the gas turbine.
Capturing CO2 before combustion has some advantages. Firstly, CO2 is not diluted by the combustion air. Secondly, the CO2-
containing stream is at elevated pressure. Thus, more efficient methods viz. pressure-swing absorption using physical solvents (like
methanol or polyethelene glycol) can be applied. However, this method is not much favoured as generation of electricity is much
cheaper in PC power plants compared to IGCC power plants. When natural gas is the primary fuel, then pre-combustion process is
preferable. The natural gas will react with steam to produce CO2 and H2O.
However, in the case of natural gas, it is still not clear, whether pre-combustion capture is better than the standard post-combustion
capture. [8]
Dissolution of CO2 in formation waters can be represented by the following chemical reaction:
CO2 (g) + H2O ↔ H2CO3 ↔ HCO3
CO2 flow and transport processes
Fluid is injected deep into these geological storages sites by pumping the fluid into a well. The storage well is perforated to allow
the CO2 to enter the formation. The perforation is usually of 10–100 m thickness, depending on the permeability and thickness of
the formation. The pressure caused by the injection drives the CO2 to displace the fluid already present in the formations. The rate of
injection, permeability, thickness and the permeability of the formation ultimately determines the amount of pressure of the injection.
A. Injection Methods
At normal pressure and temperature, carbon dioxide remains in gaseous state, however it converts to liquid form below the depth of
500 m. CO2 hydrates can be formed below 400m, depending on the compositions of CO2 and H2O. This liquid form is more
compressible compared to sea-water. It rises till the depth of approximately 3000 m, but becomes negatively buoyant after the depth
of 3700 m.
The rising droplet plume has been the one of the easiest schemes to implement. It would rely on commercially available technology
to inject the CO2 as a stream of buoyant droplets from a bottom manifold. Effective sequestration can be achieved by locating the
manifold below the thermo line, and dilution can be increased by increasing the manifold length. To achieve better dilution CO2 is
released in droplets from a moving ship which provides additional dispersal. The plumes resulting from these two options would be
similar, even though from different sources, each creating a vertical band of CO2-enriched seawater over a prescribed horizontal
Other alternative is by storing carbon in the form of hydrates by reacting CO2 with seawater under controlled conditions. It is
practically impossible to achieve reaction efficiency of 100%, but lab as well as field experiments have shown that even 25%
reaction efficiency is sufficient to achieve sinking, i.e., negative buoyancy. The hydrate reactor can be either mobile, e.g., towed by
a sailing ship; or fixed to a platform. The seawater density increases due to dissolution of hydrates and together with higher
concentration of dense particles, a sinking plume is generated.
The concept of a CO2 Lake is based on a desire to minimize leakage to the atmosphere and exposure to biota. This requires more
expensive and advanced technology, as minimum depth of the lake required will be 3000m, well beyond the depths at which the
current off shore industry can manage.
In the lake, CO2 would be partially in the form of solid hydrates, reducing the dissolution of CO2 into the water column, thereby
also slowing its leakage to the atmosphere. Thus, various technologies can be utilized to physically contain CO2 on the seafloor,
separating it from the water column above it, though they will require additional cost. An alternative method involves forming a
sinking bottom gravity current by injection of CO2–seawater mixture at a depth of 500–1000 m.
Though CO2- seawater mixture is less than 1% heavier than seawater, this is enough to propagate a sinking density current. But this
approach may in fact have more deleterious environmental consequences in view of the concentrated nature of the plume and its
contact with the seafloor, especially if the currents are generated by a submarine. [13]
In this report we studied an assessment of CO2 capture and storage as an option for the mitigation of climate change. Capturing
carbon is the first and very important step to generate a condensed stream that can be easily stored. The main natural reservoirs
which could, hold CO2 are geological formations and the deep ocean; considers the geographical correspondence of CO2 sources
and potential storage reservoirs. CO2 capture and storage are most applicable to large, centralized sources like power plants and
large industries. This technology can enable us to have a scope of carbon neutral balance in the atmosphere, allowing electricity
production with minimal carbon emissions. The limitations of the present process are that the energy to operate this system and
waste produced are much more than the conventional plants. In the future more efficient plants would be required to make the net
impact zero. The top priorities in the development for CCS technology would be to minimize the costs and environmental impacts,
also increase the capture efficiency. Various technologies have been devised increase ocean CO2 storage. The CO2 can be
transported via ship and can be injected directly in the ocean. CO2 loaded on ships could either be dispersed from a pipe or
transported to fixed platforms feeding a CO2 lake on the sea floor. Such CO2 lakes must be deeper than 3 km where CO2 is denser
than sea water. [15]
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