Design and Implementation of System and Network Se
Design and Implementation of System and Network Se
Design and Implementation of System and Network Se
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The basic reasons we care about information systems security are that some of our information needs to
be protected against unauthorized disclosure for legal and competitive reasons; all of the information we
store and refer to must be protected against accidental or deliberate modification and must be available in
a timely fashion. We must also establish and maintain the authenticity (correct attribution) of documents
we create, send and receive. Finally, the if poor security practices allow damage to our systems, we may
be subject to criminal or civil legal proceedings; if our negligence allows third parties to be harmed via
our compromised systems, there may be even more severe legal problems.
Another issue that is emerging in e-commerce is that good security can finally be seen as part of the
market development strategy. Consumers have expressed widespread concerns over privacy and the
safety of their data; companies with strong security can leverage their investment to increase the pool of
willing buyers and to increase their market share. We no longer have to look at security purely as loss
avoidance: in today’s marketplace good security becomes a competitive advantage that can contribute
directly to revenue figures and the bottom line. Networks today run mission-critical business services that
need protection from both external and internal threats.
In this paper we proposed a secure design and implementation of a network and system using Windows
environment. Reviews of latest product with an application to an enterprise with worldwide branches are
Keywords: Network design, LAN, WAN, Security, Encryption, VPN, IPSec, Active Directory.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Continuity Planning and Digital Forensics Science, networks. Integrity for data in transit is typically
to name a few. provided by using hashing techniques and message
authentication codes.
PROCESSES From a security perspective, availability means
Security is fundamentally about protecting assets. that systems remain available for legitimate users.
Assets may be tangible items, such as a Web page The goal for many attackers with denial of service
or our customer database — or they may be less attacks is to crash an application or to make sure
tangible, such as our company’s reputation. that it is sufficiently overwhelmed so that other
Security is a path, not a destination. As we analyze users cannot access the application.
our infrastructure and applications, we identify
potential threats and understand that each threat
presents a degree of risk. Security is about risk Goals Efficiency, Scalability, Accessibility
management and implementing effective
• Authentication
Authentication addresses the question: who are
you? It is the process of uniquely identifying the Results Privacy, Integrity, Authenticity
clients of our applications and services. These
might be end users, other services, processes, or
computers. In security parlance, authenticated
clients are referred to as principals.
• Authorization Processes Access control, AAA, Audit
Authorization addresses the question: what can
you do? It is the process that governs the resources
and operations that the authenticated client is
permitted to access. Resources include files,
databases, tables, rows, and so on, together with Tools FW, IDS, VPN, Encryption, AV
system-level resources such as registry keys and
configuration data. Operations include performing 3. WAN PROTECTION
transactions such as purchasing a product, All companies should protect its wide area
transferring money from one account to another, or network ‘WAN’ to make the connections between
increasing a customer’s credit rating. all their branches secure, and all sending data
• Auditing reach in safe hands as recipients. To let the
Effective auditing and logging is the key to non- external network of any company protected and
repudiation. Non-repudiation guarantees that a high level secured, the virtual private network
user cannot deny performing an operation or ‘VPN’ is a good solution to organize a secure
initiating a transaction. For example, in an e- access to the internal network remotely. Internet
Banking system, non-repudiation mechanisms are protocol security ‘IPSec’ is configured with VPN
required to make sure that a client cannot deny to have more security to the network. The
ordering to pay a bill from his account. encryption is a good process to support the
• Confidentiality communication to be secret by using a private key.
Confidentiality, also referred to as privacy, is the
process of making sure that data remains private 3.1 Virtual Private Network ‘VPN’
and confidential, and that it cannot be viewed by One of the most important solutions to viruses and
unauthorized users or eavesdroppers who monitor hackers threats is VPN [4] that makes the network
the flow of traffic across a network. Encryption is between companies and users secured; it is also
frequently used to enforce confidentiality. Access authenticated and encrypted for security. VPNs
control lists (ACLs) are another means of provide the ability for two offices to communicate
enforcing confidentiality. with each other in such a way that it looks like
• Integrity they're directly connected over a private leased
Integrity is the guarantee that data is protected line. Basically, a VPN is a private network that
from accidental or deliberate (malicious) uses a public network "usually the Internet" to
modification. Like privacy, integrity is a key connect remote sites or users together. Instead of
concern, particularly for data passed across using a dedicated, real world connection such as
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
leased line, a VPN [11] uses "virtual" connections corporate LANs over shared service
routed through the Internet from the company's provider networks.
private network to the remote site or employee. There are two types of remote access VPNs:
Three types of tunneling or encryption protocols • Client Initiated. Remote users use clients
that Windows Servers use for secure to establish a secure tunnel through a
communication: L2F, L2TP and PPTP. shared network to the enterprise.
Layer 2 Forwarding ”L2F”: it creates network • NAS Initiated. Remote users dial into an
Access Server (NAS), initiated tunnels by ISP Network Access Server (NAS). The
forwarding Point-to-Point (PPTP) sessions from NAS establish a secure tunnel to the
one endpoint to another across a shared network enterprise private network that might
infrastructure. support multiple remote users initiated
Because L2F is not client-based, systems do not sessions.
need L2F client software of configuration.
However, this also means that communications ¾ Site-to-Site: The two common types of
between the users, systems and the ISP are site-to-site VPNs (also known as LAN-to-
completely unprotected. L2F can use LAN VPNs) are intranet and extranet.
authentication protocols such as RADIUS and Intranet VPNs connect corporate
TACACS+. However L2F does not support headquarters, remote offices, and branch
encryption. offices over a public infrastructure.
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol “L2TP”: it is IETF Extranet VPNs link customers, suppliers,
standard tunneling protocol that tunnels PPP traffic partners, or communities of interest to a
over LANs or public networks. L2TP was corporate intranet over a public
developed to address the limitations of IPSec for infrastructure.
client to gateway and gateway to gateway 3.2 IPSec
configuration, without limiting multivendor
interoperability. In these configurations, all traffic IPSec [3] is defined as a set of standards that
from the client to a gateway, and all traffic verifies, authenticates, and encrypts data at the IP
between two gateways is encrypted. L2TP uses its packet level. It is used to provide data security for
own tunneling protocol, which runs over UDP port network transmissions. IPSec is a suite of
1701. Because of this, L2TP may be easier to pass protocols that allows secure, encrypted
through packet filtering devices than PPTP. L2TP communication between two computers over an
can support multiple sessions within the same unsecured network. It has two goals: to protect IP
tunnel. packets, and to provide a defense against network
Point-to-Point Transfer Protocol “PPTP”: it attacks.
provides a protected tunnel between PPTP enabled Depending on which protocol is used, the entire
client "personnel computer" and a PPTP enabled original packet can be encrypted, encapsulated, or
server. It is not a standard tunneling protocol. It both. IPSec consists of a number of protocols. The
employs Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption two IPSec protocols: Authentication Header (AH)
(MPPE) for data encryption. Microsoft developed and Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), see the
PPTP, which like L2TP, tunnels Layer 2 PPP table (table 1) below:
traffic over LANs or public networks. Microsoft
has also created MS-CHAP to provide stronger Protocol Requirement Usage
authentication than PAP and CHAP.
PPTP creates client-initiated tunnels by
AH The data and Use for data
encapsulating packets into IP datagrams for
the header integrity in
transmission over the Internet or other TCP/IP
need to be situations where
based networks. So L2TP is more secured than
protected from data is not secret
modification but must be
VPN services for network connectivity consist of
and authenticated —
authentication, data integrity, and encryption [11].
authenticated, for example,
The two basic VPN types are remote access and
but remain where access is
readable. enforced by
¾ Remote Access: Remote access VPNs
IPSec to trusted
secure connections for remote users, such
computers only,
as mobile users or telecommuters, to
or where network
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
the office works step by step and organized in a to disable media source for any install to avoid
way that allows secured and protected data having viruses problems and system's infection.
communication to occur between users through
4.2 WSUS
security servers control inside the office. Therefore
the system protection includes a special care for To keep office systems protected and updated, the
users, computers and information under main Windows Server Update Services 'WSUS' [5],
servers’ control such the Active Directory ‘AD’, which is configured in the Active Directory server,
Windows Server Update Services ‘WSUS’, the provides a capacity to download updates from
Symantec Update, Windows Right Management Microsoft or from another WSUS server within
Services ‘WRMS’, and SurfConrtol E-mail and user organization, and distributes these to its
Web Filtering ‘SCEF’. clients. WSUS provides a number of new features
including targeting of patches to specific groups of
In order to make the LAN safe during sending and
machines, support for more products (e.g. Office),
receiving messages, and during systems' job under
and improved reporting. WSUS is a service
administrator's control, there are many essential
administrator run inside his organization – on one
steps that keep the whole network process and
or more servers which he configures to serve
users' access avoiding infections' threats, using
software updates to one or more AU clients.
specific protection's servers:
Notice that AU client is an Automate Update
Client which is a Windows Automatic Update
software installed and running. The AU software
contacts a Windows Update server and receives
4.3 SurfControl E-mail and Web Filter
When the message gets inside the network, then
the Pix Firewall scans and filters it against viruses.
Therefore the SurfConftrol E-mail and Web Filter
server [10] gets the message and starts analyzing
and checking if it contains any spam or sex and
adult words and any unsecured attachments, if the
message is clean and clear, then the message
Figure 3: Proposed Security Design for LAN continues on to reach the exchange server which
Topology provides a reliable messaging system that also
protects against spam and viruses and finally the
4.1 Active Directory
server distributes messages to all users in the
Active Directory 'AD' [1] server is a common office.
repository for information about objects that reside
SurfControl E-mail Filter is a part of the
on the network, such as users and groups,
SurfControl Enterprise Protection Suite, a unified
computers and printers, and applications and files.
threat management solution that also employs
Administrators put all users in the office under
advanced Web and endpoint threat protection, to
control and give them permissions through the
provide comprehensive protection against today's
Active Directory 'AD' server's configuration which
known, emerging and internal threats that
stores data about user, computers and network
increasingly exploit multiple threat points.
resources such as shared files, and printers, and
lets only authorized users to access the AD. SurfControl Web Filter a best-in-class security
solution that protects the enterprise against known,
The Group Policy Object 'GPO' is configured in
emerging, and costumer specific threats before
the Active Directory and gives various permissions
they reach the network. It provides the strongest
to all users depending on each user's job level. The
combination of protection, flexibility and
GPO lets the administrator gives permission for
scalability of any Web content security solution on
users such as password policies to define its
the market. Also applying Web usage policies
complexity and its length and age, and it can
couldn't be easier.
remove the run command from the start menu to
restrict modifying the windows' system, also the 4.4 Symantec Antivirus
most important policy is that it can restrict CD-
The Symantec antivirus server [6] monitors,
ROM and floppy access to locally logged on, and
configures and updates each computer on the
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
office's LAN network, also helping users to make system protection using particular protected
their files better fortified against risks and viruses. servers --- Active Directory 'AD', Windows Server
Then the Symantec Antivirus main purpose is to Update Services 'WSUS', Symantec, and
protect files on your network and client computers SurfControl for web and mail filter.
from viruses and others risks, such as spyware and
Each client on the network can be monitored, There are some special cases illustrate how the
configured, and updated from a single computer by network can be protected and high level secured
installing Symantec administrator tool that is against hackers and viruses, actually during an
called the Symantec System Center to verify which email coming from the external to the internal
computers in the network are protected and network, and during the web browser access. Also
working properly. The administrator can install keeping the inside company’s system sheltered
and upgrade Symantec Antivirus clients and during sending messages between users, also avoid
servers from the Symantec System Center. systems be infected by prohibit using device may
include viruses such as CD, floppy or USB.
4.5 WRMS
When a user needs to send a file to the other users 6.1 Case 1: Incoming E-mail
internally then the Windows Rights Management If the incoming e-mail includes any kind of threats
Services 'WRMS' [7] server adds more security that cause problems to the network and systems,
and protection to information. Depending on the then the Mail Filter server helps to protect and
importance of the file the user wants to send like avoid system’s infection by making a decision on
customer data or financial reports, WRMS helps whether or not an e-mail is infected or not. If an e-
the user by letting him/her give specific mail doesn’t contain spam or/and viruses then the
permissions in which every recipient has specific Exchange server permits the passage of this email
jobs to do with that document, like read, save and to recipients. If infected, the e-mail gets isolated or
print, or delete. So the sending file is protected by discarded see figure 4.
RMS. WRMS is information protection
technology that works with RMS-enabled
applications to help safeguard digital information
from unauthorized user.
4.6 MOM
By delivering operational knowledge and subject
expertise directly from the application developers,
MOM [2] helps simplify identification of issues,
reorganize the process for determining the root
cause of the problem, and facilitates quick
resolution to restore services and to prevent
potential IT problems. So MOM allows user to
monitor and generate reports on the total uptime of
SQL Server and other service level exception. It
manages all servers from centralize management
This session discusses how these concepts come
together into practical use in the banking system, Figure 4: SurfControl Protection
with an applied focus on the network
"communication" between the main office of the
bank and its all branches. It also shows the actual 6.2 Case 2: Spoofing Data
practices of these concepts in the bank system,
which are through the virtual private network Data can be secured and protected against any
"VPN" using a secure tunnel protocol and makes outer theft and tampering, especially when data is
the virtual connection between user and company being sent between branches, through the VPN
connected through remote access or site to site connection using Internet security protocol ‘IPSec’
types within the external network, and the internal tunneling with the data encryption using data
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
encryption standard ‘DES’. Pre-shared keys are the such as CD-ROM, Floppy and USB that may
simplest authentication method to implement and include viruses ‘see figure 7’.
permit two branches communicate with each other
in private, and their private key should exist the
same and never given out “see figure 5.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
V i e w p u b l i c a t i o n s t a t s