A Prospective Study of Prescribing Pattern in The Management of Stroke at A Tertiary Care Hospital
A Prospective Study of Prescribing Pattern in The Management of Stroke at A Tertiary Care Hospital
A Prospective Study of Prescribing Pattern in The Management of Stroke at A Tertiary Care Hospital
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Corresponding author:
Dr. S. Lavanya., M.Pharm., Ph.D.,
Department of Pharmacy Practice
PSG College of Pharmacy
Peelamedu, Coimbatore 641004
10 19.07
5 9.2
6.93 5.7 5.7 4.6
D. Disability on Admission 5
On the Basis of mRS Score of 92 patients, the extent of
disability on admission was calculated and 32 patients had a 0
mRS score of 3(34.78%) followed by 27 Patients with mRS 0 2 4 6 8
score of 4(29.34%). mRS Score
Anti Platelet
Anti Lipidemic
Anti HTN
Anti Diabetic
Anti Coagulant
Fig 5: Prescribing Pattern of Drugs
In the present study, most of the patients were The anti-hypertensives followed are Angiotensin
prescribed with anti-platelets (aspirin, clopidogrel) and receptor blocker (21%), beta blockers (20%), diuretics (10%),
dyslipidemics (atorvastatin) which is comparable to the Angiotensin converting enzyme (5%) and centrally acting
findings conducted by Prathyusha et al. where the identical antihypertensive (4%).
drugs were prescribed in stroke patients17.
In previous study conducted by Johnston et al., the
majority of patients with minor ischaemic stroke or high-risk The prescribing pattern in stroke patients is not well
TIA, received a combination of clopidogrel and aspirin which known to the medical world owing to the limited number of
cause a lower risk of major ischemic events whereas higher studies conducted worldwide on it. Stroke is a disease which
risk of major haemorrhage at 90 days than those that received causes long duration of hospital stay of patient because of the
aspirin alone18. This is in concordance with our study within slow recovery of the patient and the other secondary assistive
which most typically prescribed anti-platelets in our study therapies to the patient. The duration of stay directly varies
were combination of Aspirin and Clopidogrel (72%) with the extent of disability of the patient which invariably
followed by aspirin only (23%) and clopidogrel( 3%). increases the cost of therapy and increases and mortality and
morbidity of patient.
Other drugs prescribed in our study are Atorvastatin
(26%), and Amlodipine (23%), antidiabetic (10%), Antihypertensive drugs have a supporting role in the
antipsychotic (9%) and anticoagulants (5%). management of the disease by controlling the BP and
therefore regularizing the vascular supply. Atorvastatin was
In all category of antihypertensive calcium channel the most commonly prescribed drug for treating
blockers were used employed in majority of prescriptions dyslipidemia. Drugs prescribed for the treatment of stroke
(26%), which is comparable to study conducted by Abbasi et were according to AHA/ASA guidelines. Majority of the
al. prescriptions were rational and the findings necessitate the
early and appropriate management of stroke to prevent
further complications of stroke. Such long term therapy
involves a major economic burden on the patient including