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General Specifications: NT336AJ

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<<Contents>> <<Index>>

Specifications NT336AJ
OPC Data Link Package for .NET
GS 34P02H51-01E


OPC Data Link Package for .NET is an optional package The operating environment for this package supports VDS,
for linking various control properties in Microsoft Visual GS 34P02A02-01E, or ASTMAC Overview, GS
Studio .Net — Visual Basic or C# to control object 34P02A03-01E. When accessing the data server from a
properties on Versatile Data Server software (VDS) or remote PC, the operating system of a remote PC also
ASTMAC data server without using a program. This supports VDS, GS 34P02A-01E or ASTMAC Overview,
package consists of OPC Data Link Components and GS 34P02A03-01E.
OPC Data Link Definition Addin. Each of the following software is needed for the develop-
A general-purpose interface or an OPC interface allows ment/runtime environment:
you to access the data server through Visual Basic .Net Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003
or C# .Net. A disadvantage of this approach is that it
.NET Framework 1.1
requires advanced programming skills. However, if you
use this package, you can acquire data from the data
server by setting only the property, and those data can be ■ FUNCTION SPECIFICATIONS
stored in the control property in the Windows form. In
addition, you can also read/write data from the program ● OPC Data Link Functions
code by using an extremely simple interface. Data link functions for Visual Basic .Net and Visual C# .Net
OPC — OLE for Process Control — is a worldwide controls and data server controls are realized by OPC data
industry standard using Microsoft Corporation’s state-of- link components. This component is a windows form
the-art DCOM/OLE/ActiveX technology intended for component, operates in Windows form and offers OPC DA
exchanging data between multiple programs in industry (Data Access) client-side functionality for .Net applications.
Item Specifications
Interface OPC DA2. 0a (*1)
Notification of data changes
Data read
from OPC server
Data write Asynchronous write (*2)
Number of OPC servers
Remote server connection Available
*1: Can also be connected to the VDS/ASTMAC data
server and the OPC server of the FCN/FCJ.
*2: Asynchronous data write is performed by calling up
methods from the OPC data link components.


Figure Overview

Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 34P02H51-01E

2-9-32, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750 Japan ©Copyright June 2003
Tel.: 81-422-52-5616 Fax.: 81-422-52-2540 3rd Edition Jan.13,2004
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 2
● Modify Functions ● OPC Data Link Define Functions
Acquired data that can be processed and distributed to Data links are defined by OPC Data Link Definition Addin.
controls. This Addin is a Visual Studio .Net addin that allows data
acquisition from the OPC server, function modification and
Function Description data distribution to a control without using a program. Data
None No conversion link designations can be intuitively defined by selecting
browsed OPC data and controls. The defined information
Numeral to Color Converts numeric values to color codes
is stored in an XML file referenced by the OPC data link
Converts numeric values to character- component.
Numeral to Text
string data
Converts numeric values to results
Numeral to
having one of two values compared
with specified values
Converts character-string data to color
Text to Color
Converts character-string data to
Text to Numeral
numeric values
Converts character-string data to other
Text to Text
character-string data
Converts character-string data to
results having one of two values
Text to Boolean
compared with specified character-
string data
Boolean to Color Converts Boolean values to color codes
Boolean to Converts Boolean values to numeric
Numeral values
Converts Boolean values to character-
Boolean to Text
string data
Invert Boolean Inverts Boolean values
Scale Conversion Converts scale factor of numeric value
Numeral to Checks (HH, HI, NR, LO, LL) alarms and
Alarm color converts them to specified color codes
Numeral to Alarm Checks (HH, HI, NR, LO, LL) alarms and
text converts them to text F02E.EPS

T02E.EPS Figure OPC Data Link Definition Addin


● Software Media
The OPC Data Link Package for .Net programs and the
package help file are contained in the VDS/ASTMAC
Software Media (Model: NT201AJ).

● OPC Data Link Package for .Net License

An order ID sheet with the order ID and password comes
with the NT336AJ package. After the purchase, access the
specified Yokogawa website page and enter the order ID
number and password to obtain a key code corresponding
to the relevant software. Use this key code when installing
the OPC Data Link Package for .Net program.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2003, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 34P02H51-01E June 16,2003-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 3
● Software Media

Model NT201AJ VDS/ASTMAC software media
(including electronic documents)
Codes 1 Always 1
1 Always 1
E English version

● OPC Data Link Package for .Net License

Model NT336AJ OPC Data Link Package for .Net
-L License
W Delivery of order ID sheet
1 Always 1
1 Always 1
A Standard
Note: One OPC Data Link Package for .Net license is
needed for each general-purpose PC.

Specify model and suffix codes when ordering.

VDS GS 34P02A02-01E
ASTMAC Overview GS 34P02A03-01E
FCN/FCJ OPC Server for Windows GS 34P02Q61-01E

• STARDOM is a trademark of Yokogawa Electric
• ASTMAC is a registered trademark of Yokogawa Electric
• Microsoft, Windows is a registered trademark of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other
• Other product and company names appearing in this
document are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective holders.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2003, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 34P02H51-01E June 16,2003-00
Subject to change without notice.

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