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Brio Enterprise

Server Guide

Version 6.0
for Windows NT
Copyright © 1999 Brio Technology, Inc., all rights reserved.
Revised and edited by Gary Sloane.
Brio Technology, Inc.
3460 West Bayshore Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303
(650) 856-8000
Refer to the Brio Technology License Agreement in this package before
installing or using the product.
If you find any errors or problems with this documentation, please notify
Brio Technology. Brio Technology does not guarantee that this document
is without error. The information in this document is subject to change
without notice.
For corrections and updates to this manual, see www.brio.com/

Brio® Enterprise, BrioQuery™, BrioQuery Designer™, BrioQuery
Explorer™, BrioQuery Navigator™, Brio.Quickview™, Brio.Insight™,
BrioQuery.Server™, Brio OnDemand Server™, Brio Broadcast Server™,
and Brio Enterprise Server™ are trademarked or registered names. All
trade names of companies and products used in this book are registered
trademarks or trade names of their respective holders and are used in an
editorial fashion only, with no intention of infringement of any kind.
Apple, Macintosh, Mac, and the Macintosh OS logo are registered
trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. and used under license. Microsoft,
Windows 95, Windows NT, and Microsoft SQL Server are registered
trademarks and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Sun
Solaris and Sun Sparc are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems.
HPUX is a registered trademark of Hewlett Packard. AIX is a registered
trademark of IBM. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software
Foundation, Inc. ORACLE and SQL*Net are registered trademarks of
Oracle Corporation. SYBASE and Open Client are registered trademarks
of Sybase, Inc. Red Brick is a trademark of Red Brick Systems. Informix is
a registered trademark of Informix Software, Inc. Essbase is a registered
trademark of Arbor Software Corporation.

This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG
Part number 1200031 (Rev May 99)

Preface .......................................................................................................xi

Chapter 1 Concepts ........................................................................................1

Broadcast Server .................................................................................................2
Broadcast Server Features .........................................................................2
Broadcast Server Components .................................................................3
OnDemand Server .............................................................................................5
OnDemand Server Features ......................................................................5
OnDemand Server Components ..............................................................7
How the OnDemand Server Communicates ....................................... 11
Brio Enterprise Server Administrator ...........................................................12
The Administrative Tree Control ...................................................................13

Chapter 2 Installing Brio Enterprise Server ................................................15

System Requirements ......................................................................................16
Installation and Configuration Checklist .....................................................17
Installation .........................................................................................................18

Chapter 3 Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server ...................39

Configuration and Administration Checklist ..............................................40
Configuration ....................................................................................................41
Administration .................................................................................................47
Monitoring Job Lists ........................................................................................65

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT iii

Chapter 4 Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server ................67
Configuration and Administration Checklist ..............................................68
Brio Enterprise Server Administrator ...........................................................69
Configuration ....................................................................................................70
Administration .................................................................................................79
Ongoing Maintenance of the OnDemand Server ........................................91
The ODS.ini File ........................................................................................91
Load Balancing and Failover ..................................................................93
Load Balancing Configuration Notes ....................................................95
Using Log Files .........................................................................................98

Chapter 5 Building a Business Intelligence Web .......................................99

Intranet Features .............................................................................................100
Intranet Publishing with Broadcast Server .........................................100
Installing Brio Enterprise Web Clients ................................................101
Publishing .......................................................................................................105
Posting Files to a Directory ...................................................................105
Providing HTML Links to Documents ...............................................105
The OnDemand Server Web Site ..................................................................106
Customizing the OnDemand Server Web Site ...................................106
How Zero-Administration Works ........................................................107
Configuring the Zero-Administration JavaScript ..............................108
Managing Upgrades ..............................................................................109
Adaptive Reports Capability ................................................................ 110

iv Contents
Appendix A Intranet Security Considerations .............................................113
Security Recommendations .......................................................................... 113
External Security .................................................................................... 113
Internal Security ..................................................................................... 114

Appendix B Database Table Reference ........................................................115

Broadcast Server Tables ................................................................................. 116
Upgrading from Earlier Versions ......................................................... 116
Adding a BRIOSTBL Table .................................................................... 116
Job Repository Schema .......................................................................... 117
OnDemand Server Tables .............................................................................125
Brio Enterprise Repository Schema .....................................................125

Index ................................................................................................... 131

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT v

vi Contents

Figure 1-1 Schematic Description of Brio Broadcast Server ............................................2

Figure 1-2 OnDemand Server Architecture .....................................................................10
Figure 1-3 The Broadcast Server Tree Control .................................................................13
Figure 2-1 Brio Enterprise Welcome Screen (Splash Screen) .........................................21
Figure 2-2 Upgrade Options...............................................................................................22
Figure 2-3 Install Key Screen ..............................................................................................23
Figure 2-4 Destination Path Screen....................................................................................24
Figure 2-5 OnDemand Server Setup Types ......................................................................25
Figure 2-6 Brio Enterprise Server Setup Types ................................................................26
Figure 2-7 Select Web Server Screen..................................................................................27
Figure 2-8 Brio Enterprise Select Components Dialog Box ...........................................28
Figure 2-9 Web Server Options ..........................................................................................29
Figure 2-10 Load Balancing Options ...................................................................................30
Figure 2-11 Load Balancing Options for Multiple Machines ..........................................31
Figure 2-12 Set This Machine Up as a Manager Only ......................................................32
Figure 2-13 Set This Machine Up as a Node Only ............................................................33
Figure 2-14 Set This Machine Up as Both Manager and Node .......................................34
Figure 2-15 Enter the Brio.Insight Install Key....................................................................35
Figure 2-16 Select Program Folder Screen ..........................................................................36
Figure 2-17 Setup Complete Screen.....................................................................................37
Figure 3-1 NT Service Preference Tab ...............................................................................41
Figure 3-2 The Directories/Files Preference Tab .............................................................42
Figure 3-3 Changing Default Date Formats .....................................................................43
Figure 3-4 The Mail Preferences Tab .................................................................................44
Figure 3-5 Transfer Settings Tab.........................................................................................45
Figure 3-6 The Create All (repository tables) Dialog Box ..............................................48
Figure 3-7 The Select Repository Owner Dialog Box......................................................50
Figure 3-8 Broadcast Server Tree Control .........................................................................52
Figure 3-9 Output Directory Options for a User Group.................................................56
Figure 3-10 Adding an FTP Directory as an Output Option ...........................................57

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT vii

Figure 3-11 Output Printers Added for a Group...............................................................59
Figure 3-12 Adding a Custom Calendar.............................................................................61
Figure 3-13 Adding and Updating Event Triggers ...........................................................62
Figure 3-14 The Job List.........................................................................................................65
Figure 4-1 OCE (Connection Source) Dialog ...................................................................70
Figure 4-2 The Create Repository Tables Dialog Box .....................................................71
Figure 4-3 Configuration Information for OnDemand Server ......................................73
Figure 4-4 ODS Authentication Modes.............................................................................76
Figure 4-5 OnDemand Server Processing Connections..................................................79
Figure 4-6 Group Privileges Dialog Box ...........................................................................81
Figure 4-7 Specifying Registration Source........................................................................84
Figure 4-8 Groups Have Default-level Access Privileges ..............................................85
Figure 4-9 Add an OCE as a Processing Connection ......................................................86
Figure 4-10 Use the NT Service Control Panel to Monitor NT Services ........................88
Figure 4-11 The NT Service Dialog with Startup Account Parameters..........................89
Figure B-1 Broadcast Server Job Repository ................................................................... 117
Figure B-2 OnDemand Server Repository ......................................................................125

viii List of Figures


Table 2-1 System Requirements for Broadcast Server on NT ......................................16

Table 2-2 Checklist for Brio Enterprise Server Installation on NT Platforms............17
Table 3-1 Checklist for Broadcast Server Configuration on Windows NT
Platforms ............................................................................................................40
Table 4-1 Checklist for OnDemand Server Configuration and Administration.......68
Table 5-1 User Needs and Product Solutions............................................................... 101
Table 5-2 Availability of Brio Enterprise Web Client Applications........................... 102
Table 5-3 Privileges and Functionality in Web Client Applications ......................... 112
Table B-1 BRIOJOBS Table............................................................................................... 118
Table B-2 BRIOAUSR Table.............................................................................................120
Table B-3 BRIOSOBJ Table...............................................................................................120
Table B-4 BRIOACTN Table ............................................................................................121
Table B-5 BRIOOCE Table ...............................................................................................121
Table B-6 BRIOPRN Table ...............................................................................................122
Table B-7 BRIOPATH Table .............................................................................................122
Table B-8 BRIOEVNT Table ............................................................................................123
Table B-9 BRIOSTBL Table ..............................................................................................123
Table B-10 BRIO_CAL Table .............................................................................................124
Table B-11 BRIOSERV Table..............................................................................................124
Table B-12 BRIOCAT2 Table .............................................................................................126
Table B-13 BRIOCE2 Table ................................................................................................127
Table B-14 BRIOOBJ2 Table...............................................................................................127
Table B-15 BRIOUSR2 Table..............................................................................................127
Table B-16 BRIOBRG2 Table .............................................................................................128
Table B-17 BRIOGRP2 Table .............................................................................................128
Table B-18 BRIOSVR2 Table ..............................................................................................129
Table B-19 BRIODMQ2 Table............................................................................................129

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT ix

x List of Tables

The Brio Enterprise Server Guide provides installation instructions and

implementation ideas for Brio Enterprise Server—Brio Broadcast Server
and Brio OnDemand Server. It includes:
• Technical specifications
• Cross-platform compatibility information
• Installation and configuration of Brio Enterprise Server applications
and Web components
• Administration procedures
• Deployment and configuration of Brio Web client applications for use
with OnDemand Server
• Intranet concepts and integration with Brio Enterprise Server
• Information on related files and database tables
This guide provides deployment information for Brio.Insight and
Brio.Quickview. However, with the exception of integration into Brio
Enterprise Server-based solutions, these Web client applications are not
discussed from the end-user perspective.
This guide is intended for database and IT administrators. It assumes
familiarity with database applications and Brio products as well as the
UNIX operating system.

NOTE For corrections and updates to this manual, see


NOTE Don’t forget to register your product online at

xii Preface
1 Concepts

Brio Enterprise Server is a dual-application, multi-purpose query server

for Brio business intelligence software. Its components are:
• Broadcast Server
• OnDemand Server
• Brio Enterprise Server Administrator

Broadcast Server
Broadcast Server is a batch processing server that automates information
processing and delivery. Broadcast Server runs documents at off-hours
and pushes the results through various distribution channels.

Broadcast Server Features

Broadcast Server reduces and redistributes the network traffic of client/
server data warehousing.

Centralized Processing
Broadcast Server routes query processing to a central server. This
eliminates the need to maintain redundant middleware connections on
the user desktop.

Figure 1-1 Schematic Description of Brio Broadcast Server

2 Chapter 1: Concepts
Off-hours Processing
Broadcast Server runs scheduled queries automatically, at appointed
times and at intervals, keeping published reports up to date. Frequently-
run queries can be off-loaded to Broadcast Server to reduce hits to the
database and conserve network bandwidth during peak periods.

Report Bursting
Broadcast Server can leverage processes to retrieve data sets based on
different needs or access privileges. Scheduled documents can run in
multiple cycles, each constrained to receive a specific data set. Documents
that require wide distribution can be scheduled once and deliver the
correct information to diverse audiences from different regions or

Enterprise Distribution
Broadcast Server delivers reports through a wide variety of network
resources. Printers, email, network, FTP, and internet file servers can all
be configured as distribution options for reports and data sets in multiple
file formats.

Broadcast Server Components

Broadcast Server consists of:

Database Repository
Broadcast Server has traditionally stored documents and scheduling
information in a job repository of nine database tables. It is now possible
to store documents either in the database repository or on the BCServer
machine’s file system.

BC Listener
BC Listener is a new Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that “listens” for
client requests to schedule documents directly to the BCServer machine’s
file system.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 3

Running as a Windows NT service, BCServer is a scheduling agent that
polls and updates a queue of scheduled jobs, routes them to Brio Daemon,
and distributes results through network resources. Broadcast Server can
simultaneously poll job queues stored in multiple job repositories.

Brio Daemon
The Brio Daemon is the component that connects to databases and
processes queries at the request of BCServer. In earlier releases, the Brio
Daemon was also known as the BrioQuery Daemon. For a more detailed
description, see “Brio Daemon” on page 8.

4 Chapter 1: Concepts
OnDemand Server
The OnDemand Server is a Web-based application server that uses pull
technology to allow users to view and select from a list of available
documents as well as to build and process new queries through the Web.
OnDemand Server documents may contain one or more completed
reports, or they may simply contain the components that allow users to
build their own queries and reports. Each document is assigned a
privilege level, for pertinent groups of users, to define permissible levels
of interactivity with the document. Interactivity levels range from simple
viewing privileges to drill-down, formatting, and data manipulation
capability, to authorization to build and process new queries.

OnDemand Server Features

The OnDemand Server uses the Web to reduce the administrative burden
of delivering data to a large group of users.

Centralized Control
The administrator of the OnDemand Server controls
• Who can access the OnDemand Server
• Which documents a specific user can see
• What interactivity level the user has with a particular document
Access information is stored centrally, in the OnDemand Server’s
repository. Centralization simplifies access control, backup, and
widespread distribution of the information.
Users can process queries against the database without establishing
separate connections to it from their own desktops. This eliminates the
need for each user machine to install connectivity software, since the
OnDemand Server’s connectivity engine queries the database.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 5

Ad Hoc Access
The OnDemand Server allows users to reach into the database to retrieve
current information. Access to the database allows flexibility in the types
of documents distributed; a single document available on the OnDemand
Server can allow many users to re-query the database for the current data.
This dynamic functionality is usually more desirable than retrieving all
information ahead of time for static document distribution.

The OnDemand Server requires users to log into the server with one of
several methods of authentication. Users connected to the OnDemand
Server are presented with only those documents to which they have been
granted access. This ensures that users see only the information the
administrator wishes them to see. Additionally, each document is
controlled by five Adaptive Reporting functionality levels to provide
more granular control of the user interaction.

Adaptive Reports
Some users may need only to view reports, not to re-query the database.
Other users may need to modify a report format to meet their specific
analysis needs, and others may need true ad hoc access to the database.
With Adaptive Reports, every document is tagged with an Adaptive
Report level. Mark a report as view only, and users can only view it online.
Mark a the same report as allowed to query, and users can reach back to the
database to refresh their data using the same tool.

Zero-Administration Clients
The OnDemand Server also verifies and version-controls the users’
desktop applications. Upgrades to the Brio Enterprise Web clients are
posted on the server and automatically installed when users connect to
the OnDemand Server. The first time a user accesses the OnDemand
Server, the web client software is downloaded to the user’s machine.
When a new version of the software is placed on the server, the user’s
software is upgraded automatically.

6 Chapter 1: Concepts
OnDemand Server Components
The OnDemand Server consists of:
• Web components
• OnDemand Server
• Database Repository

Web Components
Users access the OnDemand Server through their Web browsers. Several
OnDemand Server components are installed on the same physical
machine as the customer’s Web server:

Static HTML Pages

These pages, which the OnDemand Server references to display in the
Web browser, must reside on the same machine as the Web server.
The Zero-Administration Client logic is part of the static HTML pages.

Communication Module
Attached to the Web server is a small communications module that
transfers requests and information between the Web server and the
OnDemand Server. This communication module is available in three
• CGI for use with Apache or Netscape Web servers
• ISAPI module for use with Microsoft IIS Web servers
• NSAPI module for use with Netscape Web servers

OnDemand Server
The OnDemand Server itself is a combination of components that perform
authentication, document retrieval, and document processing requests.
Because some of the components are written in the Java language, the Brio
installer includes a version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 7

OnDemand Server Manager
The OnDemand Server manager’s main function is to control work-flow
by passing user requests from the Web server, through the
Communication Module, to the ODS manager. In addition to the work-
flow of user requests, the OnDemand Server manager performs queue
management and asks for other components to be spawned as needed.

OnDemand Server Node

The OnDemand Server manager hands each request from the OnDemand
Server to a node JRE process, which then handles the interaction with the
Brio daemon and the Web server for the duration of the request. Having
this second process do the work on behalf of the manager process makes
the OnDemand Server less sensitive to failure; if anything goes wrong
during an individual request, it does not affect the main process.

OnDemand Server Process Factory

Each time the manager requires a component to be spawned, whether a
node or a Brio Daemon, the OnDemand Server Process Factory fulfills the
request. The Process Factory is a continuously running process that
provides the service of spawning other processes for the OnDemand

Brio Daemon
All database transactions are routed to a Brio Daemon for processing.
Multiple daemons may be running at any one time, each servicing a
request from a single user. Each user login to the OnDemand Server
triggers a database transaction that authenticates the user and returns the
user’s document list. The node instructs the Brio Daemon to perform this
database access. User requests to process a document for new information
are also passed to a Brio Daemon. The OnDemand Server allows the
system administrator to specify the maximum number of Brio Daemons
that can run at one time. Any requests in excess of this maximum are
queued until another currently running process is completed.

8 Chapter 1: Concepts
OnDemand Server NT Service
On NT servers, the default is for the NT service to load automatically
when the machine is started. The NT Service runs the OnDemand Server
as a service, which allows it to run in the background.

NOTE Users can change the default in the Services Control Panel.

Dynamic HTML Pages

These HTML files contain special OnDemand Server tags. The
OnDemand Server reads the files, interprets the special tags, and replaces
them with user-specific information. For example, the server dynamically
replaces the special OnDemand Server <ODSDOCListTag> tag with the
list of files a particular user is allowed to access. The OnDemand Server
performs this replacement as it returns the HTML page to the user’s
browser. The dynamic HTML files must reside on the same machine as
the OnDemand Server.

TIP The simplest configurations place Broadcast Server, OnDemand

Server, and the Web server on the same physical machine. A better
solution, for security or performance reasons, is to run Broadcast
Server on one machine and OnDemand Server and the Web server
run on another. If there are sufficient resources, you can install each
on its own, dedicated machine.

IMPORTANT As a rule, the OnDemand Server should be installed on a

different physical machine than the database server.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 9

Figure 1-2 OnDemand Server Architecture

10 Chapter 1: Concepts
How the OnDemand Server Communicates
The OnDemand Server components communicate with each other
through three different communications protocols:
• TCP/IP Sockets
• Database connectivity API

HTTP is used for communications between the Web browser and the Web

TCP/IP Sockets
Communication between OnDemand Server components is handled by
TCP/IP Sockets. The Web Server uses built-in mechanisms to pass and
receive information from the CGI/ISAPI/NSAPI module, which in turn
makes a TCP/IP Socket connection to the manager. Communications
between the manager, the node, the ODS Process Factory, and the Brio
Daemons all use TCP/IP Sockets.

Database Connectivity API

A database connectivity API, such as SQL*Net, ODBC, or Open Client, is
used for communication between the Brio Daemon and the repository
tables on the database. One or more API can be used to connect to
databases to query and refresh data.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 11

Brio Enterprise Server Administrator
Brio Enterprise Server Administrator is an installation and configuration
tool installed with the OnDemand Server and the Broadcast Server
executable files. It can also be installed separately.
Use the Server Administrator to:
• Configure the server settings for both OnDemand Server and
Broadcast Server
• Define users and groups allowed to access the OnDemand Server and
Broadcast Server
• Define printers, FTP locations, and file servers to the Broadcast Server
• Register documents to the OnDemand Server
• Monitor Broadcast Server jobs in the processing queue
• Monitor active OnDemand Server processes

TIP Once each local machine is configured, you can use the Server
Administrator to administer the OnDemand Server remotely.
However, you cannot use the Server Administrator to administer
Broadcast Server remotely. For this reason, you may want to keep
one copy of Brio Enterprise Server Administrator on each Broadcast
Server machine.

12 Chapter 1: Concepts
The Administrative Tree Control
The Broadcast Server window contains controls for setting up and
managing the activities and privileges of the server, and a tree control that
describes the entire server configuration. The tree control reflects the
hierarchical structure of privileges, options, and resources available for
each database polled by Broadcast Server.

Figure 1-3 The Broadcast Server Tree Control

Broadcast Server is polling and

running jobs stored in job
repositories on Oracle and
Sybase databases.

Jobs stored in Oracle can be

processed against the Sybase and
RedBrick, and other servers.

Also specified under each polling

connection are group
authorizations for using output
printers and directories, custom
scheduling calendars, and pre-
defined events which trigger job

You can use the tree control to navigate to any specification in the
hierarchy. Once you select an item heading in the tree (such as Processing
Connections or Groups), you can add new options underneath the
heading, modify existing options, or remove the option using the controls
in the options panel at right. Click Apply All to apply all changes made in
the current session.

NOTE For corrections and updates to this manual, see


Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 13

14 Chapter 1: Concepts
2 Installing Brio Enterprise Server

This chapter provides information on installing Brio Enterprise Server

and configuring its components for operation for the Windows NT
operating system.
Brio’s Install CD contains installation procedures for Broadcast Server
and OnDemand Server, the main components of Brio Enterprise Server,
as well as for Brio Enterprise Administrator.
If you have bought only one of these components, your Install Key will
take you to the right setup procedures. If you have bought both
components, you can install them both on the same machine or on
different machines. You may, additionally, wish to install OnDemand
Server’s Web Components on a separate machine. To install components
on separate machines, choose the appropriate component when you set
up each machine.

System Requirements
Brio Enterprise Server requires the following hardware and software
Table 2-1 System Requirements for Broadcast Server on NT

OS Windows NT 4.0 or later

64MB of RAM
RAM (minimum, based on scheduling requirements)
Disk Space 20MB (minimum)

32-bit SQL*Net, Essbase, Open Client, or ODBC

Connectivity API connection API

NOTE Don’t forget to register your product online at


16 Chapter 2: Installing Brio Enterprise Server

Installation and Configuration Checklist
The easiest and most efficient way to set up Brio Enterprise Server is to
use this checklist to keep track of the steps in the installation and
configuration procedures as you complete them.

Table 2-2 Checklist for Brio Enterprise Server Installation on NT Platforms

Done Description of Task Page Account
1. Create a Network Account for the BEServer 18
2. Adjust Network and Application Settings 19
3. Create Database Login Accounts 20
4. Run the Installer 21
5. Choose a Setup Type 25
6. Select Components 28
7. Set Load Balancing Options 30
8. Set Zero Administration Options 35
9. Finish the Installation 36

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 17

The following procedures walk you through setup and installation.

1. Create a Network Account for the BEServer

Many customers have found it easier to administer the Brio Enterprise
Server environment by using a single network account for both the
Broadcast Server and the OnDemand Server; however, you may use
separate account names for the two servers.
This guide uses the account name BEServer (for Brio Enterprise Server)
throughout. You may use whatever name you find convenient.
Use the NT User Manager application to create the new account, and
follow these guidelines carefully:
1. Establish a domain user account on your network domain server.
This is the account you will use to manage the Brio Enterprise Server
and its components.
• Choose a name that is both descriptive and easy to identify.
• Make sure the account has access privileges to the network file
servers and intranet servers you plan to use.
• Grant the account administrator-level privileges.

TIP If granting administrator-level privileges to an account violates

your IT security policy, give the account user-level privileges with
the “right” to start a service.

2. Add the domain account to the local system administrators’ group

and grant it the specific right to log on as a service.
You can then use the account to login, complete the installation, and
start Brio Enterprise Server or its individual components without

IMPORTANT To ensure proper performance, log off NT and log in again,

using the BEServer account to complete the remaining
configuration and administrative procedures.

18 Chapter 2: Installing Brio Enterprise Server

2. Adjust Network and Application Settings
Before installing the Brio Enterprise Server software, you need to modify
the network and application environment to ensure correct performance.
1. Install connection API software on the Brio Enterprise Server machine
to connect to database servers.

IMPORTANT Once you install an API, open the Windows NT System

control panel to verify that the path to the connection
software is included in the system environment variable.

2. If you plan to use email with Brio Enterprise Server, create an email
account for it on your mail server.
Brio recommends a unique, dedicated account, such as BEServer.
3. Install and configure email client software on the Brio Enterprise
Server machine.
The email client need not run concurrently with Broadcast Server.
If you are using a MAPI email system, verify that it sends email
4. If necessary, install printer drivers for each network printer you plan
to use with Brio Enterprise Server.
• Use the NT Printers control panel to add all network printers you
will provide for end-users to print reports.
• Verify printing from an application such as Notepad.
5. You may want to use the File Manager to map network drives and
directory paths you will provide for end-users to save documents and

IMPORTANT Novell drives require UNC designation (“Specify Output

Directories” on page 56).

NOTE Because the OnDemand Server runs as an NT service, you may

need to move some environment variables for database
connections from user environment settings to system environment

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 19

3. Create Database Login Accounts
Brio Enterprise Server needs to know which database login account to use
to connect to its repository to store configuration information. Whether
you use an existing database account or a separate one, the account needs
sufficient privileges to create repository tables and to select, update, and
delete information from them. Use the appropriate database
administration tool or tools, depending on your database vendor or

TIP It is helpful to use the same user ID and password for each database,
where possible. If you plan to connect to different kinds of
databases, however, please consult each vendor’s documentation to
confirm the conventions used for naming, case-sensitivity, and

20 Chapter 2: Installing Brio Enterprise Server

4. Run the Installer
When you have completed network and application adjustments, install
the Brio Enterprise Server software from the install CD.
1. Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. Select the Install button from the splash screen, then select the Brio
Enterprise Server icon.

Figure 2-1 Brio Enterprise Welcome Screen (Splash Screen)

If the Brio installation splash screen does not launch, navigate to the
\server directory on the CD and double-click SETUP.EXE.
If you are running a earlier version of Brio Enterprise Server, the
installation script will automatically stop and restart the NT service
for you.
3. If your are upgrading from an earlier version of Broadcast or
OnDemand Server, you will be asked to select one of the following
choices, none of which removes any user documents:

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 21

Figure 2-2 Upgrade Options

• Upgrade your existing installation or add components

This procedure backs up your HTML directory and copies your
ODS.ini file to a new file, which retains your old settings. To the
new ODS.ini file, it adds the new fields that are part of the current
• Remove the previous installation and install Brio Enterprise
Server components
• Remove all Brio Enterprise Server files, services, and registry

IMPORTANT Please read the license agreement before pressing Next.

22 Chapter 2: Installing Brio Enterprise Server

4. Enter your Install Key.
There are separate install keys for Broadcast Server, OnDemand
Server, and Brio Enterprise Server, which includes both Broadcast
Server and OnDemand Server. The Enterprise Server key is also
called a dual key.

Figure 2-3 Install Key Screen

Enter the install key for one of the following:

• Broadcast Server only
• OnDemand Server only
• Brio Enterprise Server
All choices include the Brio Enterprise Administrator tool.

NOTE To install Broadcast Server and OnDemand Servers on the same

physical machine, install Brio Enterprise Server. To run the
servers on separate machines, you must perform a separate
installation for each machine.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 23

5. Select a destination path for installation of the Brio Enterprise Server
program files.

Figure 2-4 Destination Path Screen

You may choose to accept the default location.

NOTE For upgrades, the installer automatically installs the new files in
the same location as the old files.

24 Chapter 2: Installing Brio Enterprise Server

5. Choose a Setup Type
If you enter an install key for OnDemand Server or for Brio Enterprise
Server (which includes OnDemand Server), the Setup Type screen will
prompt you to:
• Install OnDemand Server Only (without its Web Components)
• Install OnDemand Server with its Web Components
• Install the Web Components Only (without OnDemand Server)

Figure 2-5 OnDemand Server Setup Types

If you enter an install key for Brio Enterprise Server, you will see two
additional choices:
• Install Broadcast Server only
• Install All Components

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 25

IMPORTANT Do not þchoose Uninstall.

Figure 2-6 Brio Enterprise Server Setup Types

NOTE The installation procedure puts the OnDemand Server in the

Windows NT Services control panel and the JRE on the
OnDemand Server machine. You cannot run Broadcast Server or
OnDemand Server without the JRE.

If you choose to install the Web Components, with or without OnDemand

Server, the installer searches for a Microsoft or a Netscape Web server at
your site.
If it detects one, it chooses that server by default. If the installer detects
both, it prompts you to choose either:
• Microsoft Internet Information Server
• Netscape Enterprise Server

26 Chapter 2: Installing Brio Enterprise Server

Figure 2-7 Select Web Server Screen

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 27

6. Select Components
The Select Components dialog box has two panes: it lists five major items
on the left and sub-choices for each of them on the right.

Figure 2-8 Brio Enterprise Select Components Dialog Box

The major items are:

• Enterprise Server
Depending which install key you have entered you can choose
Broadcast Server, OnDemand Server, or both, plus the Server
Administrator. It is also possible to install just the Administrator.
• Java Runtime Environment
• Zero Administration installers
This is where you specify which Zero Administration client platforms
to support. You may choose either Windows or International Update
• Web Server Files
This choice allows you to select which broker module to install
between your Web server and the OnDemand Server.

28 Chapter 2: Installing Brio Enterprise Server

Figure 2-9 Web Server Options

The available choices are

You will see only the choices that are valid on your machine,
typically either NSAPI (for Netscape) or ISAPI (for Microsoft).
• Help Files
Use this selection to install online help files for your users.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 29

7. Set Load Balancing Options
If you have installed OnDemand Server or Brio Enterprise Server, the
installer will also allow you to choose among several load balancing
options. Load balancing distributes the computing load across multiple
OnDemand Servers to improve throughput speed and capacity.

Figure 2-10 Load Balancing Options

Allowing multiple OnDemand Servers to use the same repository also

increases workload capacity.
1. When you configure your Brio Servers, you may choose to run
multiple instances of OnDemand Server. If you do so, your setup
choices are:
• A single machine
If you install OnDemand Server on a single machine, you don’t
need to worry about load balancing. The installer will prompt
you for any additional information.
• Multiple machines

30 Chapter 2: Installing Brio Enterprise Server

2. For installation on multiple machines, you are prompted to specify
whether the current machine is a manager, a node, or both a manager
and a node.
For servers running on different machines to communicate with one
another, they need to “know” one another’s machine name and port
number. You need to supply the name of the Manager machine and
its port number. For each Node machine, you need to supply the
name of its Manager machine and the same port number.
The machine name and port number fields become the network
address of your OnDemand Server. The machine name field is read
automatically from your system’s Network Name in the Registry.
You may change this name to the TCP/IP address of your machine if
you wish, but leaving it at the DNS-resolvable name is usually more
convenient for the end users who access it.

Figure 2-11 Load Balancing Options for Multiple Machines

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 31

• Manager
The script now sets the ODS.ini file setting appropriately

Figure 2-12 Set This Machine Up as a Manager Only

NOTE The Port Number is the TCP/IP port number where the
OnDemand Server will listen for requests. The Manager’s default
port number is 5500. The Node uses the manager’s port number
+1. Thus, if the Manager uses port number 5500, the Node will use
port number 5501.

32 Chapter 2: Installing Brio Enterprise Server

• Node
Before the script can set the ODS.ini file settings, you need to
specify the Manager ODS’s port number. The default setting is

Figure 2-13 Set This Machine Up as a Node Only

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 33

• Both
Use this option only if you want to run both a Manager and a
Node on one machine, with more Nodes on other machines.

Figure 2-14 Set This Machine Up as Both Manager and Node

34 Chapter 2: Installing Brio Enterprise Server

8. Set Zero Administration Options
If you also chose to install Web components, you receive additional
prompts for Zero Administration Client features. The Brio Enterprise
Quickview Viewer is installed by default.
To install Brio.Insight components:, enter the Brio.Insight install key.
If you leave this field blank or enter an incorrect key, the installer will
install Brio.QuickView as your Zero Administration Client component,
and you will have view-only capability.

Figure 2-15 Enter the Brio.Insight Install Key

NOTE There is a separate install key for Brio Insight; the install keys for
other components will not install Brio Insight.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 35

9. Finish the Installation
To complete the installation:
1. Choose a folder in the Startup Menu to contain BrioQuery products.

Figure 2-16 Select Program Folder Screen

This is where your users can find the Server Administrator. You can
accept the default location for the folder or specify a different

36 Chapter 2: Installing Brio Enterprise Server

2. Select Install to proceed with the installation.
• You can deselect the ReadMe file and/or the Server
Administrator if you do not want to use them at this time.
• Click OK to complete the installation of Brio Server products.

Figure 2-17 Setup Complete Screen

NOTE For corrections and updates to this manual, see


Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 37

38 Chapter 2: Installing Brio Enterprise Server
3 Configuring and Administering
Broadcast Server

This chapter discusses configuration and administration procedures for

Broadcast Server, including:
• Setting the default directory and file preferences
• Setting default date formats
• Setting email preferences
• Setting transfer settings
• Setting polling and processing connections
• Creating job repository tables
• Creating user groups and authorizing users
• Supplying default output directories and printers
• Supplying custom calendars
• Scheduling event triggers
• Monitoring job lists
You will return to these tasks frequently when you authorize new users or
add new hardware or software to the Broadcast Server environment.

Configuration and Administration Checklist
This checklist summarizes what you need to do when you install
Broadcast Server on a new machine, reconfigure your hardware
environment, or add new users.
Equivalent information on setting up OnDemand Server is located in
Chapter 4, “Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server”.

Table 3-1 Checklist for Broadcast Server Configuration on Windows NT Platforms

Done Description of Task Page Account Name
1. Configure the Broadcast Server 41
2. Set Default Directory and File Preferences 42
3. Set Default Date Formats 43
4. Set email Preferences 44
5. Set Transfer Settings 45
6. Restart the Broadcast Server 46
7. Create Job Repository Tables 47
8. Add Polling Connections 49
9. Add Processing Connections 51
10. Create User Groups 53
11. Assign Users 55
12. Specify Output Directories 56
13. Specify Output Printers 59
14. Create Custom Calendars 60
15. Add Event Triggers 62
16. Start Broadcast Server 64

40 Chapter 3: Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server

1. Configure the Broadcast Server
After you install the Broadcast Server software, use the Server
Administrator to configure and administer the server.
1. In the Brio Enterprise Server Administrator application, select
Broadcast Server.
2. Choose Edit > Preferences. The Preferences dialog appears in the
workspace with the Directories/Files tab displayed.
3. Move to the Service tab, enter the required information in each field,
and click OK.

Figure 3-1 NT Service Preference Tab

A unique,
Installs/Un- descriptive name
installs a Brio for an instance
Service to/ of Broadcast
from the Server. This field
Services is required, even
under the NT if you have only
control panel one instance of
Broadcast Server
in operation.

automatic The maximum
beep on number of jobs
polling Broadcast Server
is allowed to

4. Enter a descriptive name—one that your users will understand—for

this instance of Broadcast Server.
Since several instances of Broadcast Server may poll the same job
repository, the server name enables users to choose which server will
process a scheduled job. This field is required, even if you have only
one instance of Broadcast Server in operation.
5. Enter the maximum number of concurrent jobs (the number of Brio
Daemons) Broadcast Server can run.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 41

IMPORTANT The higher you set this number, the more of your machine’s
resources will be allocated to the Brio Daemon and,
therefore, temporarily unavailable for other purposes.

2. Set Default Directory and File Preferences

Use the Directories/Files tab of the Preferences dialog to specify default
file locations.
1. Enter a file name or path in each field, and click OK.
2. Use the Browse button to navigate to the specified file.

Figure 3-2 The Directories/Files Preference Tab

Path to the
directory Path to Brio
of connections Daemon,
(.oce’s) used by which
Broadcast Server connects to
Path to a processes
working queries
directory for
temporary and Path to the
log files (temp Broadcast
files are erased Server’s
on completion of Windows NT
a job run) service

42 Chapter 3: Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server

3. Set Default Date Formats
If you want the Administrator and log files to use date formats that match
your locale:
1. Move to the Formats tab and select the desired formats for date and
timestamp data types.
2. If necessary, click Add to add a new format to the list.

Figure 3-3 Changing Default Date Formats

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 43

4. Set email Preferences
To activate email as an output option, specify the email protocol used at
your site and the name or profile of Broadcast Server’s email account (see
“Adjust Network and Application Settings” on page 19).
1. Move to the Mail tab and choose your email protocol using the radio
2. If necessary, select or enter Broadcast Server’s dedicated email profile
or email account name and password, then click OK.

TIP To overwrite the email signature on messages sent to users by

Broadcast Server, enter the text string you wish to display—not a
path to a .signature file—after the “MailSig=” entry in the
BQServ1.ini file.

Figure 3-4 The Mail Preferences Tab

The IP address
or DNS name of
the internet
mail server.

The return
address that
appears on all
email sent from

44 Chapter 3: Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server

5. Set Transfer Settings
It is now possible to store jobs directly on the local file system of the
machine that runs Broadcast Server—in the directory you specify on the
polling connection screen—instead of storing them in the job repository.
This option provides an advantage if jobs load slowly in your database
configuration. However, these settings are optional.
The scheduling client needs to know the name or IP address and port
number of the machine (because that is where it is going to send the
document). The Broadcast Server receives the document and stores it in
the directory you have specified.
If jobs are currently stored in the database and you switch the setting to
file system, Broadcast Server will automatically migrate the job out of the
database and into the directory for you the next time the job runs.

Figure 3-5 Transfer Settings Tab

IMPORTANT If you choose to store jobs on the local machine instead of

the repository, then clients can schedule jobs only when the
Broadcast server machine is running.

1. Provide the machine name (or IP address) and port number.

2. Click OK to save all changes.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 45

6. Restart the Broadcast Server
Before these configuration modifications can take effect, you need to stop
the Broadcast Server, reboot the Web server, then restart Broadcast
1. Open the Windows NT Services Control Panel.
2. Select the Broadcast Server service and click Startup.
3. On the Service dialog, select the Automatic Startup Type setting to
start the NT service automatically when the NT server machine is
4. Log on as This Account, using the BEServer domain account name and
password you set up earlier, and click OK (see “Create a Network
Account for the BEServer” on page 18).
5. Click Start in the Services control panel to start the NT service.

IMPORTANT Always use the BEServer account (or the domain user
account you have set up for this purpose if you have given
it a different name). Running server components with the
System account will cause problems.

46 Chapter 3: Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server

7. Create Job Repository Tables
Broadcast Server stores a queue of jobs in nine dedicated relational
database tables. Together, these tables are referred to as the job repository.
When you assign a polling connection, you can choose either to poll an
existing job repository or to install new job repository tables. You can
create job repository tables under each database or owner name provided
by the host database.

IMPORTANT To allow Broadcast Server users to register documents for

OnDemand Server, create the job repository tables under
the same database and owner name as the repository tables
used by OnDemand Server (see “Register Documents and
Repository Models” on page 84).

1. Add a polling connection to the desired database server.

Make sure the correct database owner name appears in the Owner
Name list, and click Create Repository. The Create All dialog appears.
2. You may use options in the Create All dialog to change the default
configuration of the job repository tables.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 47

Figure 3-6 The Create All (repository tables) Dialog Box

• Enter the database and owner names (if applicable) under which
you want to create the tables.
If you specify both database and owner, separate them using a
period (for example, Sales.GKL).
• Check Grant Tables to Public to grant general (scheduling) access
to the job repository tables at the database level.
Leave this unchecked only if you want to maintain very tight
database security or permit scheduling access to only a very small
group of users. You can grant public access to the tables and still
restrict user access to scheduling; however, if you do not grant
public access, you will need to grant access to all authorized users
manually using a database administration tool.

TIP If table creation fails, make sure the server’s database logonID has
been granted Table Create privileges.

• Change default data types for column fields to match data types
of your database server. If your DBMS and middleware support
a large binary data type, use it for VarData columns. If not, use
the largest character data type.
3. Once the options are set correctly, click Create All to create the nine job
repository tables under the specified user.

48 Chapter 3: Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server

8. Add Polling Connections
Brio Enterprise Server’s Brio Daemon component is a Windows NT
service that connects to databases to poll for pending jobs and to process
queries. For each polling or processing connection, there must be a
connection file (.oce). The job queue is stored in a job repository of nine
database tables (see Appendix B, “Database Table Reference”.)
You need to add a polling connection for each database you plan to use as
a job repository and, if necessary, use Server Administrator to create job
repository tables on that database.

NOTE Broadcast Server can poll a job repository on one database and
process documents built either from the same database or from
different databases. While it is not necessary to create more than
one job repository, you can use multiple repositories to set up
different options and privileges.

1. Use the OCE Wizard to create the desired polling connections.

2. Select the Polling Connections heading in the tree control and click
Add Connection.
3. Navigate to the desired connection (.oce) file in the File Open dialog
and click Open.
The Connection dialog box appears, prompting you to connect to the

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 49

4. Enter Broadcast Server’s database user ID and password for the
specified connection, and click OK.
If job repository tables do not currently exist on the database, you are
prompted to create them (see “Create Job Repository Tables” on
page 47).
If job repository tables currently exist on the database, the Select
Repository Owner dialog appears.

Figure 3-7 The Select Repository Owner Dialog Box

5. Select an owner and click OK.

Once connected to the database, connection parameters appear in the
options panel at right.
6. Enter a polling period to specify the frequency with which Broadcast
Server polls the job repository.
7. If desired, make changes to the database user ID, password, and
owner name.

50 Chapter 3: Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server

9. Add Processing Connections
Broadcast Server uses processing connections to connect to databases and
process scheduled documents. You can authorize many processing
connections under each polling connection to permit users to schedule
documents to a centralized job repository even when their documents are
processed against different databases.
Broadcast Server connects to the processing database with the user’s
database user name and password, thereby enforcing database security.

IMPORTANT Broadcast Server must have at least one connection for the
database used to process a scheduled document, or else the
job will not run. Make sure you create or copy all the
connection (.oce) files Broadcast Server needs before
adding processing connections.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 51

1. Use the OCE Wizard to create the desired connections, or
2. Select the Processing Connections heading in the tree control.
• Click Add Processing Connection
• Navigate to the desired connection (.oce) file and click Open.
This procedure adds the processing connection to the tree control
under the current polling connection.

Figure 3-8 Broadcast Server Tree Control

52 Chapter 3: Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server

10. Create User Groups
Broadcast Server’s User Groups feature, which associates lists of users,
output directories, and printers with each user group. For each polling
connection, Broadcast Server adds two default user groups to the tree
• Administrators Group
• Public Group
You can use these and additional custom groups to differentiate network
privileges based on departmental mission, geographical location, or other
criteria. Once assigned to a group based on the database user ID, a given
user’s group membership determines the options available when
scheduling a job.

IMPORTANT The user groups feature does not enforce database security.

To control scheduling privileges, you can limit access to:

• job repository tables (see “Create Job Repository Tables” on page 47)
• available polling and processing connections
• user privileges at the database level

Administrators Group
Users added to the Administrators group can access all Broadcast Server
resources and options when scheduling a Broadcast Server job. In
addition, Administrators can monitor all jobs in a given job list. (Users
view only the jobs scheduled under their own database user ID.)
The Administrators group should contain Broadcast Server’s dedicated
database user ID for the polling database as well as user IDs for those
administrative or IT personnel who belong in the Administrators group.

Custom Groups
When a user schedules a Brio document, only the resources available to
that user’s group appear as scheduling options. To assign specific
privileges to a group of users, add a custom group for them. Each group
added is initially named Default; you can rename the group and add as
many custom groups as you like.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 53

NOTE You cannot assign any user to more than one Broadcast Server
group. If a user requires unique privileges, you must create a
separate group for that person.

Public Group
Users not assigned to a custom group can view resources and schedule
documents with the privileges of the Public group.
• If you do not want to establish different levels of user privilege, use
the Public group.
• If you do not want to provide any form of general access to Broadcast
Server, delete the Public group. This will create secured access by
ensuring that only members of a custom group have access to
Broadcast Server.
To create a User Group:
1. Select the Groups heading in the Administrative Tree Control and
click the Add Group button.
2. Enter a name for the group in the Group Name field and click the
Groups header to add another group. The new group appears in the
tree control.
You can select existing groups and rename them using the same

54 Chapter 3: Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server

11. Assign Users
For each user group (including the Administrators group), you need to
assign user members who match the group’s resources.

NOTE This step assumes you are implementing the User Groups feature.
If you are not adding custom groups, skip this step and add
default directories for the Public group.

1. Select the Users heading in the tree control and click Add User. The
Database logonID and User Name fields appear.
2. Enter a database user ID and optional descriptive name and click the
Users heading.
The user appears in the tree control under the specified group.

IMPORTANT User names and passwords are case-sensitive for certain


Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 55

12. Specify Output Directories
Directory picklists enable group members to save or export scheduled
files to local or network directories. You can also use this feature to
provide access to intranet or FTP directories.

IMPORTANT Be sure to grant the BEServer account network write access

to all destination directories.

1. Select the Directories heading under a group in the tree control and
click Add Directory in the panel at right.

Figure 3-9 Output Directory Options for a User Group

2. Enter a descriptive alias for the end user in the Directory Alias field
and a complete network path to the directory in the Directory Path
field. Click the Directories heading in the tree control to add another
directory. The directory appears in the tree control.
You can select existing directories and change specifications using the
same procedure.

56 Chapter 3: Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server

FTP Directories
You can also add FTP server directories as output options for Broadcast
1. Add a directory and click Directory is on FTP Server to activate the
options in the FTP area.

Figure 3-10 Adding an FTP Directory as an Output Option

2. Enter an alias and path.

IMPORTANT On an FTP server, the pathname is relative, not absolute, so

do not include the drive name in the path. Separate each
directory in the path with a slash ’/’ rather than a backslash

3. Enter the FTP server address.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 57

4. Enter a user name and password for Broadcast Server to connect to the
FTP server. Make sure the FTP logonaccount you use has write access
to the target FTP directory.

FTP Debugging
Broadcast Server cannot verify or report the failure of an FTP action. If
jobs fail on FTP, you can debug your FTP connection by adding a Brio
Daemon to the Broadcast Server’s working directory (see “Set Default
Directory and File Preferences” on page 42) and placing the following
commands in a script file:
open (ftp server name)
(userid) (password)
cd (remote ftp directory name)
lcd (Broadcast Server's working directory)
put (name of file from BCS working directory)
Run the file from the command line using the following syntax:
ftp -n -s:<script filename>

58 Chapter 3: Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server

13. Specify Output Printers
Printer picklists enable group members to schedule reports for printing to
network or local printers.

IMPORTANT Make sure that drivers for each output printer are installed
on the NT server machine and that each output printer is
installed to the NT Printers Control Panel.

1. Select the Printers heading under a group in the tree control.

2. Select the printers you want to add from the Printers panel at right and
click Add Printer to add them as job output destinations. The printers
appear in the tree control under the respective group.

Figure 3-11 Output Printers Added for a Group

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 59

14. Create Custom Calendars
You can create custom calendars to schedule jobs based on fiscal or other
internal or organizational calendars. Jobs scheduled with a custom
calendar resolve dates and variable date limits against the quarterly and
monthly dates specified in the custom calendar, rather than against the
real calendar. You can add multiple year versions of a calendar, such as
Fiscal 1999 and Fiscal 2000, or create different, overlapping calendars for
departmental schedules.

NOTE Brio Enterprise Server assumes that dates with a year value of less
than 30 are in the twenty-first century; thus, the 6-digit date 06/
01/01 is translated to the 8-digit date 06/01/2001.
If you have set default date formats to read the year in a different
position, such as 00/11/31, the date is translated to 2000/11/31.
If this method is not suitable for your site, you have the option of
entering all dates in 8-digit format instead of 6-digit format.

1. Select the Custom Calendars heading in the tree control and click Add
2. Enter a name for a calendar type (e.g., fiscal or model year) in the
Custom Calendar field and click Add Year. Empty date fields for a
calendar appear in the panel.
3. Enter a start date for Quarter 1 using month/day/year format, such
as 06/01/99 or 03/15/00 (or 06/01/1999 or 03/15/2000, if you
prefer), then click in another field. Server Administrator automatically
adds the remaining dates to the calendar.
4. If necessary, edit any of the date fields to fine-tune the calendar. Click
a calendar type or the calendar heading to add more calendars.

60 Chapter 3: Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server

Figure 3-12 Adding a Custom Calendar

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 61

15. Add Event Triggers
You can also define event triggers, which enable users to run jobs based
on external criteria rather than on calendar dates and times.
When scheduled to run based on an event, the Broadcast Server checks
the job repository to see if the event has completed since the most recent
job run. If so, the job runs either on the next poll or at a date and time
specified by the user, depending on what the user has been specified.
To provide event-driven scheduling for end-users:
• Define each event in Server Administrator
• Update the completion date in the BRIOEVNT table for all jobs
triggered by the event each time the event occurs

Figure 3-13 Adding and Updating Event Triggers

You can send or automatically trigger SQL UPDATE statements, or you

can use Server Administrator to enter dates manually in the
COMPLETION_DATE field as they occur.

62 Chapter 3: Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server

To Add an Event Trigger:
1. Select the Events heading in the Administrative Tree Control and click
Add Event.
2. Enter a descriptive name for the event in the Event Name field.
3. Enter a last completion date if you want to trigger the event.
You can also return to Server Administrator at any time to enter a
completion date manually, or to disable an event trigger.
4. Click the Event heading to add further events.

Updating Events
To use Brio Enterprise Server Administrator to update the status of an
event manually once it has completed, change the last completion date.

NOTE If an event is disabled, users do not see it when they schedule jobs,
and jobs with schedules based on a disabled event will not run,
even if the Last Completion Date is updated.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 63

16. Start Broadcast Server
Once the initial configuration is complete, use the Windows NT Services
Control Panel to log on and start Broadcast Server. You can then begin to
poll the job repository tables.
1. Open the Windows NT Services Control Panel.
The control panel appears, listing the Broadcast Server service.
2. Select the Broadcast Server service and click Startup. The Service
dialog appears.
3. Under Startup Type, select Automatic, to start the NT service
automatically when the NT server machine is booted.
4. Log on as This Account, using the same domain user account (such as
BEServer) and password you set up in “Create a Network Account for
the BEServer” on page 18, and click OK.

IMPORTANT Do not use the System Account to log onto Broadcast


5. Click Start in the Services control panel to start the NT service.

6. Close the NT services control panel and use the File Manager to move
to the Broadcast Server working directory. Open the service log file
(BQServer.log) and check to ensure that the Broadcast Server has
started and is polling the job repository.

TIP If Broadcast Server fails to connect and poll, make sure the
connection software is included in either the path of the system
environment variable or of the BEServer account ‘s environment
variable (see “Adjust Network and Application Settings” on page

64 Chapter 3: Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server

Monitoring Job Lists
The Job List provides run times and status details to catalog each job
submitted to a job repository. You can consult the Job List to see when a
job is next scheduled to run or to find the problems encountered if a job
fails to complete. If necessary, you can modify existing jobs.
The job list appears when you connect to a job repository through a
polling connection in Brio Enterprise Server Administrator.
You can monitor job lists through Broadcast Server, provided you connect
to the database using another logonaccount that belongs to the
Administrators Group.

Figure 3-14 The Job List

You can also schedule and delete jobs using the Job List in Broadcast

NOTE For corrections and updates to this manual, see


Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 65

66 Chapter 3: Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server
4 Configuring and Administering
OnDemand Server

This chapter discusses configuration and administration of OnDemand

Server including:
• Configuring preference settings
• Setting repository and processing connections
• Authorizing users and user groups
• Registering documents and repository models
The “Ongoing Maintenance of the OnDemand Server,” section contains
discussions of the ODS.ini file, log files, and load balancing and failover.

Configuration and Administration Checklist
This checklist summarizes what you need to do when you install
OnDemand Server on a new machine, reconfigure your hardware
environment, or add new users.
For equivalent information on setting up Broadcast Server, see Chapter 3,
“Configuring and Administering Broadcast Server”.

Table 4-1 Checklist for OnDemand Server Configuration and Administration

Done Description of Task Page Account Name
1. Connect to the OnDemand Server Repository 70
2. Connect to and Configure the OnDemand Server 73
3. Add Processing Connections 79
4. Authorize Users 80
5. Assign Group Privileges 81
6. Add Folders 83
7. Register Documents and Repository Models 84
8. Configure the NT Service 88
9. Test the OnDemand Server Web Site 90

68 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

Brio Enterprise Server Administrator
After installing OnDemand Server, you need to configure it for your
network environment. This includes specifying where to store the ODS
registry of documents and repository models, and administering user
access and privilege levels. The tool that allows you to do this is the Brio
Enterprise Server Administrator.
Use the Server Administrator to perform the initial configuration and the
on-going maintenance of the OnDemand Server.
After launching the Server Administrator, you are asked if you wish to
administer the OnDemand Server or the Broadcast Server. Selecting the
appropriate button puts you in the appropriate mode. The user interface
and mechanisms for configuring the two servers are similar but not

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 69

1. Connect to the OnDemand Server Repository
Initial configuration of the OnDemand Server requires that you define a
new server and specify the database where the OnDemand Server
Repository will reside.
1. Right-Click the mouse on the Server node in the Server
Administrator’s tree control window.
2. Select Add from the speed menu that appears.

Figure 4-1 OCE (Connection Source) Dialog

3. Either select an OCE or click on the Create button in the dialog that
appears to select a connection source.
This invokes a series of dialogs that walk you through the creation of
a standard Connections File (.oce file).
4. Create a connection for the database where you want to keep the
OnDemand Server repository, then log on and save the .oce file.
5. Once you have logged on and saved the OCE, you will see a dialog
stating “No OnDemand Server Repository tables found in this
database”. Press OK to display the Create All dialog, where you can
create the OnDemand Server Repository tables automatically.

70 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

Figure 4-2 The Create Repository Tables Dialog Box

The fields are:

Normally, this is the username you have used to log into the database
server. If you wish to direct the repository tables to a different owner
name, or if you need to supply a database qualifier, type in the owner
name (and database name) you wish. Leaving this field blank creates the
tables with the owner as the username you are currently logged on with.

Grant Tables To Public

This checkbox should be checked in most cases. Selecting it creates the
tables with Select privilege granted to public for the repository tables. In
most cases, this is the best choice. If you turn off this checkbox, you will
need to use your database configuration tool to grant select authority
manually to the specific sets of users who will be accessing the
OnDemand Server repository tables.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 71

Datatypes for Create
These fields allow you to override the default datatypes for the columns
in the repository tables.
Normally, you do not need to change these entries. If your DBMS and
middleware support a large binary data type, use it for the VarData
column; otherwise, set the VarData column to the largest character length
your database and middleware will support.
Pressing the Create All button physically sends the SQL statements to the
database to create the repository tables. If table creation fails, either:
• Make sure that the server's database logon ID has Create Table
privileges, or:
• Use the table upgrade SQL script that ships with the Brio Enterprise
Server to drop or manually upgrade the old repository tables on the
database. You can find the script in

NOTE You can have only one repository connection per OnDemand
Server, but multiple OnDemand Servers can share one repository.
ODS repository tables constitute an extended set of the Brio
Enterprise document repository; they share several tables.

72 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

2. Connect to and Configure the OnDemand Server
Initial configuration of the OnDemand Server also includes defining the
administrator’s password, selecting an authentication method, and
specifying directories for the OnDemand Server files.
The dialog box you need to perform these tasks comes up automatically
after you create repository tables. To bring it up manually, navigate
through the tabs of the Modify dialog, which you invoke by double-
clicking on the name of the server in the Servers tree.

Figure 4-3 Configuration Information for OnDemand Server

NOTE The default Administrator ID is system; the default password is

manager. You may want to change one or both.

1. Double-Click the mouse on the Server node in the Server

Administrator’s tree control window.
2. Enter the configuration information. The tabs and fields are described

Server Tab
Some of the fields in this tab, such as ODS Machine Name and Port
Number may display with default values in them; in certain cases, they
may be “display only”.

Server Name
A descriptive name for this instance of the OnDemand Server. The name
can be up to 30 characters long.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 73

ODS Machine Name
The name of the server the OnDemand Server is running on.
The name or TCP/IP address supplied here needs to be addressable by
your network resources. By default, this field is populated by the name
you supplied during software installation.

Port Number
The port number the Web server uses to communicate with the
OnDemand Server.
This field is populated with the port number you selected during
software installation. The default value is 5500.

The name of the Brio connection file (an .oce file) the Server
Administrator uses to connect to the OnDemand Server Repository.

Owner Name
The database owner name of the repository tables. The Server
Administrator saves information to these tables, using the connection
specified above.

74 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

Settings Tab
The fields in the Settings Tab are:

Starting Brio Demon

This setting specifies the number of Brio daemons to be launched
automatically when the OnDemand Server is started.
Pre-launching a specified number of processes allows slightly faster
initial connections to the OnDemand Server. This setting affects initial
startup only, so leaving it at the default (0) does not affect subsequent

Maximum Brio Daemons

This setting specifies the maximum number of Brio daemons (and,
consequently, processes) that can run at one time.
Any request received once this upper limit has been met waits until an
existing process has completed. To avoid slowing down the physical
server where OnDemand Server is running, it is generally best to set this
number conservatively to begin with, raising it if your OnDemand Server
workload indicates a long delay in servicing user requests.

Maximum Processing Memory

This setting specifies the maximum amount of RAM that may be allocated
to process the data that returns from the database during each database
query. If you anticipate your users will retrieve extremely large numbers
of rows with their queries, you may wish to increase this amount of
memory. If a query process runs out of available RAM, it will use swap
space on the local machine’s RAM disk.

Administrator ID
The default username for the Administration Account is system; the
password is manager.

NOTE You may change the name and password if you wish, but it is not

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 75

Authentication Tab
The OnDemand Server supports three modes of user authentication.
When a user connects to the OnDemand Server from the logon HTML
page, the different authentication choices trigger different actions.

Figure 4-4 ODS Authentication Modes

OnDemand Server Repository

In this mode, the OnDemand Server matches the logon and password that
the user enters on the HTML form against the user name and encrypted
password in the repository tables.

Database Logon
In this mode, the request to authenticate the username is left to the
database. The OnDemand Server connects to the database, using the
connection named in the Server Repository tab and the username and
password entered on the HTML form. If the username/password
combination logs on to the database successfully, the user is
authenticated, and the OnDemand Server generates the document list.
To facilitate assigning users to privilege groups, the OnDemand Server
keeps a list of users who can access the repository tables, although it does
not store their passwords in the database. This option is generally
recommended as the best choice for authentication.

76 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

Selecting this authentication mode uncovers several additional options:
• Allow Users not listed in the user list access to the PUBLIC group
Selecting this checkbox is a convenient way to give all users access to
Public documents without having to add them to OnDemand Server
groups individually.
• Configure Users
Selecting this button displays a dialog that allows you to select from
a list of usernames already defined in your database as those which
should have access to the OnDemand Server.
• Custom SQL for Database User List
This button allows you to override the default SQL used to generate
the list of available users displayed in the Configure Users list. This
can be useful, for instance, if the default SQL is not working, or if you
wish to generate the user list from an alternate source.

Custom Method (User-Defined Java Bean)

This authentication method invokes a custom JavaBean, which you must
provide. The OnDemand Server will pass the username and password
entered on the HTML form to your Java Bean, and will wait for the return
of a boolean (true/false) to indicate successful authentication. This
custom method allows you to code any level of complexity you choose
into the authentication process.
See http://www.brio.com/ for the latest version of the Brio TechNote,
OnDemand Server: User Authentication with a JavaBean.

Directories Tab
• Document Directory
This is the directory where documents registered to the OnDemand
Server are stored.
• Brio Daemon Executable File
This is the directory where the Brio daemon executable is located.
• Working Directory
A directory where OnDemand Server stores temporary files that it
• Connections Directory
This is the directory where the Brio Connection Files (.oce files) are

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 77

Server Repository
• Connection
This is the Brio Connection file (.oce) that the OnDemand Server uses
to connect to the repository. This is the file used to connect the
OnDemand Server and the database; the Server tab specifies which
.oce file to use to connect the Server Administrator to the database.

NOTE Normally, the OnDemand Server and the Server Administrator

use the same connection, but you may set them up to use separate
connections, for instance, to run the Administrator from a
machine other than the one where ODS is installed.

• Database Logon ID
This the OnDemand Server’s UID to the database.
• Password
This is the OnDemand Server’s password to the database.
• Confirm Password
Confirmation of the password.
• Owner Name
This is the name of the owner of the Repository tables for this instance
of the OnDemand Server. This should be the owner name specified in
the Server tab of this dialog.

IMPORTANT Database vendors differ in their case-sensitivity

requirements. It is important to use the correct
capitalization convention for the owner name. Oracle, for
instance, requires that the owner name consist of UPPER
CASE characters.

78 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

3. Add Processing Connections
OnDemand Server uses its processing connections to connect to databases
and refresh documents as directed by the user. Multiple processing
connections can be authorized under OnDemand Server’s repository
connection, enabling all documents to be stored in a centralized
repository even when they are processed against different databases.
1. Right-click the Processing Connections heading in the tree control,
and click Add.
A dialog that allows you to select a connection from OnDemand
Server’s Open Catalog Extension directory appears.
2. Navigate to the desired connection file (.oce) and click Open.
The Open Catalog Extension dialog appears.

Figure 4-5 OnDemand Server Processing Connections

3. Enter OnDemand Server’s database user ID and password for the

specified connection.
4. Continue adding processing connections as needed using the same

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 79

4. Authorize Users
Different authentication modes require slightly different procedures.
If you are using Database Authentication, the users you selected from the
Available Users list in Authentication Tab automatically appear in the
tree under the Users branch. To add or remove users, use the
Authentication tab.
If you are using the OnDemand Server for Authentication—or if you are
using JavaBean authentication—you need to specify the user names
1. Right-click on the Users node in the tree, and select Add.
2. Enter the username and password for the user you wish to add in the
dialog box.

NOTE Be sure the “Allow access to OnDemand Server” checkbox is

checked; turning that option off gives the user access to the
BrioQuery Repository without enabling access to the larger
OnDemand Server Repository.

80 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

5. Assign Group Privileges
Individual documents are registered to OnDemand Server Groups, each
of which contains one or more Users. Each OnDemand Server has a
PUBLIC group, which automatically contains all users. To add additional
groups, right-click the Groups node in the tree, and select Add.

Figure 4-6 Group Privileges Dialog Box

The elements on this dialog are:

• Allow access to OnDemand Server
This checkbox identifies the group as having access to the OnDemand
Server. Generally, this checkbox should be left enabled.
• Group Name
Any descriptive name you give the group. It should be 30 characters
or less.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 81

• Default Privilege
Use this popup to define the default privilege level for documents
registered to this group. Members of this group are authorized to see
each document in the group unless you specifically override the
privilege level for one or more individual documents.
• Allow Registering Documents
Use this checkbox to allow members of the group to register
documents to the OnDemand Server from within BrioQuery.
Generally, only groups of administrators or power users should have
this capability.
• Prompt for Database Logon
Use this checkbox to define the default behavior for documents
registered to this group. If prompting is enabled, users are prompted
to enter a database username and password for each request to
process a document. If prompting is disabled, the OnDemand server
takes one of two actions, depending on which Authentication mode it
is running:
– Database Authentication
The OnDemand Server passes the user’s username and password
to the database as logon parameters. If successful, this gives the
user transparent access to the database.
– OnDemand Server Authentication
The OnDemand Server automatically logs on to the database
using the username and password that the administrator used
when originally creating the processing connection. Under this
method, all database requests use the same database username
and password to process new data, which can be useful for sites
where individual database logon accounts are not created for all
users. On the other hand, no database-level security can be
enforced if all users have the same user name.
• Available Users and Users in Group
Use these list boxes to identify which users are part of this Group.
Double-click usernames to move them back and forth between the
two lists.

82 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

6. Add Folders
You can nest an unlimited number of OnDemand Server documents into
folders and present them to users in a hierarchical format.
To create a nested folder:
1. Right-click on the folder under the Documents heading in the tree
control where you want to nest the new folder, and select Add Folder.
2. Enter a unique name and description for the folder.
To create additional folders within folders, repeat these steps.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 83

7. Register Documents and Repository Models
OnDemand Server serves both repository models and local documents
through the Web.
When users connect to OnDemand Server with a browser, they choose
from a catalog of documents and repository models that the administrator
• Documents are standard BrioQuery documents registered for use
with OnDemand Server. A document may contain a full results set as
well as a Data Model and reports. Documents are stored in a
documents directory and located through pointers placed in the
• Repository models are stored repository objects registered for use
with OnDemand Server. OnDemand Server can serve only those
repository models stored in its own BrioQuery Repository.
To register documents and repository models:
1. Right-click on a folder in the tree control and choose Add Document.
To register the object, click the appropriate button.
You are prompted to register either a local document or a repository
model from the Repository.
2. For repository models, choose an available model to register, and skip
the next two steps.
3. For documents, you are prompted to specify the source drive.
4. Select the appropriate source drive:

Figure 4-7 Specifying Registration Source

• Choose From OnDemand Server to select a document from the

Documents directory on the OnDemand Server machine. Use this
option to register any documents you have gathered and placed
in the directory.

84 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

• Choose From Local Disk to select from a network drive. Use the
File Open dialog box to browse to specific BrioQuery documents
you would like to register. Once you select a file, Brio Enterprise
Server Administrator transfers it via TCP/IP to the OnDemand
Server Document directory.
5. Enter preferences for the registered object:
• For documents, enter a unique display name for users to identify
the document in the registry
• Enter a description to identify the contents of the document.
6. Add or remove groups from the Selected Groups panel to grant access
to the object. Each selected group appears in the panel with an icon
that indicates the default access privilege that members have to the

Figure 4-8 Groups Have Default-level Access Privileges

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 85

7. To override default settings for the current document only (if desired):
• Select a group or groups.
• Select an override privilege for the object using the Privilege
When users of the group view this object, their normal default
privileges will be changed to reflect the override privilege.
• Click Prompt for database logon to require that users supply a
database user name and password to log on to the database when
refreshing data or running a query.
8. Move to the Connections Tab to specify the which processing
connections to use to process the document.

Figure 4-9 Add an OCE as a Processing Connection

86 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

9. For each query or data model section in the document, select a
processing connection from the connection list.
If the processing connection is not available, create or copy a
connection file to the default connections directory, and add it as a
processing connection.
10. Repeat as necessary to register all the documents and repository
models you want to make available.

NOTE Removing documents deletes them from the registry. Removing a

repository model un-registers the model. To remove the model
from the BrioQuery Repository, first run BrioQuery, then choose
DataModel–>Administer Repository, and delete the model.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 87

8. Configure the NT Service
Before these modifications can take effect, you must configure the service
to run as the BEServer account.
1. Open the Windows NT Services Control Panel.

Figure 4-10 Use the NT Service Control Panel to Monitor NT Services

2. Select the OnDemand Server service and click Startup.

3. On the Service dialog, select the Automatic Startup Type setting to
start the NT service automatically when the NT server machine is
4. Click the Startup button.
5. Log on as This Account, using the BEServer domain account name and
password you set up earlier, and click OK (see “Create a Network
Account for the BEServer” on page 18).
6. Click Start in the Services control panel to start the NT service.

88 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

Figure 4-11 The NT Service Dialog with Startup Account Parameters

IMPORTANT Always use the BEServer account (or the domain user
account you have set up for this purpose if you have given
it a different name). Running server components with the
System account will cause problems.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 89

9. Test the OnDemand Server Web Site
Your OnDemand Server is now ready to deliver documents to your end
users. To access your OnDemand Server, use the following URL:
This will display the OnDemand Server startup page. The logon icon on
the top center of the page will bring you to a logon dialog to enter your
You can customize this page to match the look of your intranet site. Check
the Brio Technology Web Site Tech Notes section for the latest
information on customizing the OnDemand Server HTML pages.

90 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

Ongoing Maintenance of the OnDemand Server
You can use the Server Administrator at any time to reconfigure the
OnDemand Server settings or to add users, groups, and documents. After
launching the Server Administrator and selecting the OnDemand Server,
select the items you wish to modify or add in the tree control, and right
click to display the available actions.

The ODS.ini File

While the OnDemand Server stores document, user, and group
information in the repository, it stores important information about
application startup, configuration, and load balancing in the ODS.ini file
on the local disk where the server is installed.
Although it is generally not a good idea to modify this file directly—the
Server Administrator application handles most changes—on occasion
you may want to view or modify the ini file, anyway. The ODS.ini file is
stored in the \ods_install_dir\server\ directory.

NOTE Some lines are too long to fit in this manual without line breaks;
however, they fit perfectly well on one line each in the ODS.ini
þfile. There is no space between the equal sign and the following

C:\Program Files\Brio\Brio Enterprise Server
C:\Program Files\Brio\Brio Enterprise Server
\Program\Open Catalog Extensions
C:\Program Files\Brio\Brio Enterprise Server
C:\Program Files\Brio\Brio Enterprise Server

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 91

C:\Program Files\Brio\Brio Enterprise Server

BQ_KEEP_TEMP_FILES=(true/false) 2

BQ_START_LOG=(off, standard, trace, debug) 3

BQ_CONFIGURATION_MODE=(Single, Cluster_Files_Synched)

BQ_ADMIN_PASSWORD=encrypted string


1. This is the language setting option, the default for which is English. The OnDemand
Server on Windows NT is available in several languages, including Japanese, Chinese,
French, and Italian.
2. This setting, either true or false (the default), instructs the OnDemand Server to either
delete or keep the temp files it uses when processing documents. For debugging pur-
poses, you may want to keep the temp files on the server to verify they are being created
3. This setting tells the OnDemand Server whether to generate log files and, if so, what
The “off” setting turns the logging service off.
The “standard” setting generates standard error messages only.
The “trace” setting writes all events that occur to the log file.
The “debug” setting turns on logging for ODS Java.
4. Cleanup and synchronization period parameters cannot be set from the GUI.
5. This setting corresponds to the Authentication mode the OnDemand Server is using. A
value of 0=OnDemand Server authentication, 1=Database authentication, 3=Custom
Method authentication. Do not change this setting manually; always use the GUI.

92 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server


Load Balancing and Failover

The OnDemand Server supports load balancing and failover across a
cluster of servers. Each OnDemand Server cluster is comprised of a
manager and one or more nodes. Transaction requests are all received by
the manager, which distributes the request to one of the nodes in the
cluster. The distribution is conducted round-robin fashion across all the
active nodes in the cluster. If a node fails while performing a transaction,
the manager automatically re-forwards the request to a different node in
the cluster.
The configuration of hardware in the cluster is scalable to allow virtually
unlimited expansion. The physical server where the manager is installed
may also serve as a node. Additional nodes must each reside on separate
physical servers, one node per server. Managers and nodes may be any
combination of server operating systems—mixing a Windows NT
manager with NT and UNIX nodes is fully supported.
When you install OnDemand Server on each node machine, you are
prompted to supply it with the IP address of the manager machine. When
an OnDemand Server node starts, it establishes a TCP/IP socket
connection to the manager, alerting the manager that the node is alive and
ready. The manager then is able to distribute the load by cycling user
requests for service across all the nodes in the cluster.

1. This setting consists of a comma-separated list of .ini file attributes that are not to be syn-
chronized for load balancing.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 93

The OnDemand Server node software communicates using TCP/IP
sockets, starting a socket listener on the port number one greater than the
port number the OnDemand Server manager is using. For example, if the
default OnDemand Server port number is 5500, the node will use port
number 5501.
If a client (Server Administrator or CGI) discovers that a node process is
not responding, it informs the manager by re-requesting a connection.
The manager also maintains a monitor thread that looks for any service
that has not recently sent a message indicating it is alive. Thus, both
manager and nodes take responsibility for maintaining their connection.
If a node fails to respond, the manager contacts the process factory, and
the service is restarted. If the manager fails to respond, then the various
node servers will notice and tell their process factories to re-register
When the node starts up, all configuration information and document/
connection files are automatically replicated from the manager to all
nodes in the cluster. The file synchronization is tracked by entries in the
ODSFileVersion file that resides on both the manager and nodes. The files
are monitored by version number, with only changed files replicated out
to the nodes.

IMPORTANT All administration functions are performed by connecting

to the manager—any new documents and configuration
settings are replicated to the nodes automatically.

94 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

Load Balancing Configuration Notes
In a load balancing configuration, all database configuration information
needs to be replicated across all machines. Configuration information
such as ODBC data source names, Oracle host name information, and
Open Client host information needs to be set up identically across all
machines, since all machines use the same OCE files to connect, and this
information is stored inside the OCE file.
The .ini file entry BQ_CONFIGURATION_MODE controls load balancing
configuration for each machine. There are two options:
• Single
Installation without load balancing
• Cluster_Files_Synched
Installation utilizing load balancing
With the Cluster_Files_Synched þoption, all documents and
OCEs are synchronized, from the manager to the nodes, at various
– upon node startup
– at interval (in minutes) defined by the
– whenever a new document or OCE is registered to the manager
through the Server Administrator or BrioQuery
In the Cluster_Files_Synchedþ load balancing configuration,
parts of the ODS.ini file need to be synchronized across the multiple
machines. Entries in the ODS.ini file fall into two categories:
– entries read from the local machine and not synchronized from
manager to all nodes
– entries driven by the manager machine (and, therefore,

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 95

Local Node Machine Entries
There is no way to use a GUI (Graphical User Interface) to modify ODS.ini
file entries local to the node machine; the Administrator tool
communicates only with the manager.
The following values are set with defaults or install parameters during
installation. If they need to be modified, you have to do it by hand with
a text editor. By default, these settings are local and will not be
In addition, you can “localize” the following entries by including them in
the BQ_NOSYNC_ATTRIBUTES setting, in which case, they will be set
manually on the node machine and not synchronized with the manager.
This allows for machine-specific settings in areas such as
BQ_MAXIMUM_PROCESS. These settings will be synchronized by default
unless you specify otherwise in the BQ_NOSYNC_ATTRIBUTES setting.
BQ_KEEP_TEMP_FILES (true/false)
BQ_START_LOG (off, standard, trace, debug)

96 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

Manager Machine Entries
Those entries driven by the manager machine are synchronized:
• when changes are made by the Server Administrator
• at interval defined (in minutes) by the
• at node startup
BQ_CONFIGURATION_MODE (Single, Cluster_Files_Synched)

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 97

Using Log Files
Several new options are now available for logging. Instead of a simple
True/False setting, you can now enable logging with standard error
messages only or a full trace of all events that occur. In addition, for ODS
Java, you can specify logging service by individual component, as
described briefly in the following paragraphs:

Process Factory
To turn logging on for the process factory, use the following flag on a
command line:
<process factory exec path> -d[0,1,2] <arguments>
where 0 = off, 1 = standard error messages, and 2 = full tracing.

ODS Logging
To start either an ODSManager.log or an ODSNode.log, change the line
BQ_STARTLOG in the ODS.ini file.
BQ_START_LOG=[off, standard, trace, debug]
See the sample ODS.ini file on page 91.

NOTE You must restart OnDemand Server for these changes to take

Add the following entries to the registry, under “Broker”:
Log_Mode:[off, standard, trace]
Log_File_Name:<log file name>
The log file name will usually be something like

NOTE For corrections and updates to this manual, see


98 Chapter 4: Configuring and Administering OnDemand Server

5 Building a Business Intelligence Web

This chapter describes ways to use Brio Enterprise Server to deliver

business intelligence through the Web. It includes:
• An overview of Brio Enterprise Server Web solutions
• Publishing business intelligence to the Web with Broadcast Server
• Integration of OnDemand Server with Brio Enterprise Web clients
• Notes on Zero-Administration, managing upgrades, and adaptive

Intranet Features
A large portion of the Brio Enterprise solution is Web-based. Broadcast
Server and OnDemand Server components provide complementary
aspects of this solution:
• Broadcast Server allows you to save static documents on your Web
server. These documents can be generated on a scheduled basis in
HTML, txt, and BQY formats.
• OnDemand Server handles requests placed through a Web browser.
It allows users to process queries dynamically for the latest data.

Intranet Publishing with Broadcast Server

Based on user information needs and available IT resources, you can
customize an intranet solution around Broadcast Server. It allows
centralized querying and a variety of distribution options for reports:
• You can allow Brio reports to be extracted and published in HTML
format, making them available to anyone in an organization with a
Web browser.
• You can allow Brio Enterprise and .txt/ formatted data files to be
generated and opened in Web browsers equipped with Brio Web
• You can allow users without process capabilities to view and refresh

100 Chapter 5: Building a Business Intelligence Web

Installing Brio Enterprise Web Clients
Before publishing data with Broadcast Server or providing access to the
latest data with the OnDemand Server, decide which client product to
deploy. Consider:
• Which users require the analytical power of OLAP tools and
interactive charting to crunch numbers for decision-making
• How many users create formal company reports
• Which users need to see finished reports, but do not need to create
• How many need only the data and the assurance of its integrity
• Which users need real-time access to data
Depending on how you plan to use them, you may allocate Brio
Enterprise products as follows:

Table 5-1 User Needs and Product Solutions

User Need Brio Solution
For users who only need to see generic Publish report data to the intranet in
data HTML to make it available to any user
with a browser
For users who expect only to see Provide Brio.Quickview
finished reports, and who do not need
to create reports or use sophisticated
number-crunching tools
For users who need full analysis and Provide Brio.Insight
reporting functionality but not process
For users who need access to the Deploy Brio OnDemand Server in
database itself to create ad hoc queries conjunction with Brio Enterprise Web
and refresh data clients

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 101

Plug-ins vs. Helpers
Web browsers read documents in HTML format; to read other document
formats, a browser needs plug-ins or helper applications to recognize and
translate foreign file formats. Solutions vary with operating system
platform and software availability.
• Windows platforms use plug-ins: application extensions placed in a
browser’s Plug-ins directory. Plug-ins, called and executed by the
browser, allow it to open different file types. Brio plug-ins are
available for Windows 95, 98, and NT platforms.
• Helper applications are independent of the browser. The helper
automatically launches and opens a file type that the browser cannot
open on its own. Brio helper applications are available for all
Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX platforms supported by Brio
Enterprise Server. Users not equipped with Web browsers can use a
Brio helper application to open distributed documents.

Installation and Requirements

If you have purchased the Brio.Insight and/or Brio.Quickview
applications, you can install them from the Brio Enterprise 6.0 install CD.
The setup program will verify the operating system and Web browser
On Windows platforms with a browser present, the setup program will
install the plug-in version to the browser’s Plug-ins directory; otherwise a
helper application will be installed to a default Brio directory.

Table 5-2 Availability of Brio Enterprise Web Client Applications

Platform Plug-in Helper
Windows NT, 95, and 98 X X
Macintosh PPC X
UNIX (Solaris, HP/UX, and AIX) X

Brio Enterprise Web clients are compatible with Netscape Communicator,

Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

102 Chapter 5: Building a Business Intelligence Web

The following platform requirements apply to both plug-ins and helpers:
• For Windows clients
9 MB disk and 8 MB total RAM required
• For Macintosh clients
9 MB disk and 5 MB application RAM
• For UNIX clients, use Netscape Communicator
For information about UNIX platforms, access the Brio Web page:
Click on Product Specifications in the menu frame.

To Install Brio.Insight/Brio.Quickview

TIP If you are using ODS, allow ODS to install and version control the

1. Run the Setup program on the install CD.

2. Enter your Install key for Brio.Insight or Brio.Quickview. (This is not
the same Install Key as for Brio Enterprise Server.) If you are installing
the helper version, you are prompted to enter a destination directory
for the executable file.
3. Enter a destination directory or accept the default location. The setup
program completes installation.
4. If you have installed a helper application, start the browser and
manually associate the Brio.Insight or Brio.Quickview helper
application with your Web browser.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 103

Helper Applications
On platforms where Brio does not provide a browser plug-in, you must
associate the Brio client helper application with the browser manually.
Consult your browser's documentation on helper applications for
You must associate two different MIME types with the Brio client. When
you associate a helper application manually, you are prompted for three
pieces of Brio-specific information:
MIME Type application
Sub Type x-brioquery
Extension bqy
MIME Type application
Sub Type x-brioquerydata
Extension bqd

IMPORTANT You need to manually associate the helper application

twice, once for each MIME type.

104 Chapter 5: Building a Business Intelligence Web

Intranet publishing with Broadcast Server requires minimal IT
intervention. You can provide user access to published BrioQuery
documents in three ways:
• Posting files to an intranet directory
• Providing HTML links to documents
• Embedding files in HTML pages

Posting Files to a Directory

To minimize setup requirements for Web document viewing, use your
intranet server’s directory structure for storage. Instead of browsing
through intermediary Web pages, users simply enter a directory location
into the browser or click a hypertext link, then choose a page from the
default file listing in the browser window.
This solution can be completely automated, with Broadcast Server
posting files to the directory on each job run and users browsing the
contents of the directory as needed, with no additional maintenance. This
allows caching of documents; if you want to maintain historical reports,
you can have BCS put the date in the filename.
This is a good solution in terms of administration, but you must provide
users with links to the directory and be sure the intranet server is
configured to support directory browsing.

Providing HTML Links to Documents

A more intuitive solution includes navigation instructions and hypertext
links in intermediary HTML pages. This strategy offers the most cross-
platform functionality with minimal IT intervention, and is particularly
effective when Broadcast Server is used to post and consistently refresh a
standard report. Only one hypertext link per document is required as
long as the job name and delivery specifications remain the same.

NOTE You must ensure that the option to append date and cycle name
to the saved document is turned off.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 105

The OnDemand Server Web Site
Users connect to OnDemand Server through an HTML directory, similar
to a Web site, which authenticates their access privileges and displays the
contents of the OnDemand Server registry (see “Adaptive Reports
Capability” ). The Web site also contains optional Zero-Administration
update technology for automatically installing and upgrading clients.
The OnDemand Server Web site consists of a series of HTML pages
distributed across the OnDemand Server and the Web server. You can
add content to any of these pages and customize their appearance. Check
the Brio Technology Web Site Tech Notes section for the latest
information on customizing the OnDemand Server HTML pages.The
following pages reside on the OnDemand Server:

Customizing the OnDemand Server Web Site

If you are experienced with HTML coding, you can add content to any of
these pages and customize their appearance. As long as the basic
structure of the pages is not changed, you may change any of the text in
the string tables, add or graphics images, or customize the look and feel of
the pages.

IMPORTANT It is recommended that you use a plain text editor for Web
page modification. GUI-based Web authoring tools may
have adverse affects on the JavaScript code.

106 Chapter 5: Building a Business Intelligence Web

How Zero-Administration Works
Zero-Administration works transparently, through users’ self-generated
1. You place the latest periodic upgrades of Brio Enterprise Web clients
on the OnDemand Server machine and supply the new version
numbers to a JavaScript embedded in the OnDemand Server Web site.
2. Each time a user connects to OnDemand Server, the Zero-
Administration JavaScript:
• Verifies the platform/browser combination resident on the client
• Verifies the version number of the user’s Web client application.
If the new Web client version number indicates a later release than the
user’s version, the user is prompted to download and install a new
Client versioning information is stored and read differently for each
platform/browser combination, using a combination of plug-in
versioning information, “cookie” files, the browser’s internal registry,
and/or the Windows system registry. The JavaScript automatically
provides the correct application (plug-ins for Windows platforms; helpers
for Macintosh and UNIX platforms) in a browser- and platform-
compatible file format.
Some user platform/browser combinations allow automatic download
and installation; others require the user first to download, then run a
setup program.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 107

Configuring the Zero-Administration JavaScript
The zeroadmin.js page includes server-side versioning parameters and the
Zero-Administration JavaScript, which carries out the installation of Web
client upgrades. You will need to update the versioning variables in the
JavaScript file whenever you provide new client upgrade versions.

TIP Unless you are experienced with JavaScript coding, do not

otherwise alter the zeroadmin.js page except to change
configuration variables.

1. Use the Brio CD to upgrade the server.

Perform a standard installation. The installation script detects the
previously installed version and backs up the HTML files and the
ods.ini file.
2. Open the /zeroadmin/zeroadmin.js þfile, preferably in a plain text editor.
The configuration variables used by the embedded JavaScript are
located at the top of the file.
3. Update the version variables, using the new version information from
the download page of the Brio Web site.
The Zero-Administration JavaScript uses this information to carry out
the version comparison with client machines.
From top to bottom, the VerMajor,VerMinor,VerPatch and VerBuild
variables reflect the sequential numeric portions of the current build
number. For example, if the current build is number, the first
patch release may be

108 Chapter 5: Building a Business Intelligence Web

Managing Upgrades
When a new release of the Brio Web products is available, the ODS
administrator must install the new files and upgrade the
/zeroadmin/zeroadmin.js.files to include the current version number as
shown in the following example.

NOTE Update these numbers as instructed in the upgrade guide. The

following is an example only.

VerMajor = 6//Major Version Number

VerMinor = 0//Minor Version Number (dot release)
VerPatch = 0//Patch Version Number
VerBuild = 20//Daily Build Number
These numbers are compared to the end user’s version to determine if an
upgrade is required. If the end user’s product is outdated, s/he receives
the latest release automatically.
This process upgrades the end user’s current product, regardless of what
the default product name is.
If users need to migrate from one product to the other, they must delete
the plug-in and associated cookie files and start again.

Initial Install of Helper Versions

Helper applications do not work seamlessly inside the browser window,
but instead are called by the browser through an association. This
association can not be created through an installation script for all Web
When initially deploying a helper version of a Brio Web application, users
or the administrator must associate the helper manually with the client
Web browser.
Once the user returns and downloads a periodic upgrade, the association
will be maintained, as long as each download overwrites the preceding
instance of the file. For this reason, it is recommended that users always
install helper upgrades of Brio Web clients to the default directory

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 109

IMPORTANT If users will be processing from a Macintosh version of Brio
Enterprise Insight, you may need to adjust the advanced
TCP/IP options at the user desktop to retrieve data
correctly. From the Macintosh TCP/IP Control Panel, Edit
the User Mode options and enable Load Only When
OnDemand Server supports Open Transport, not Mac TCP.

Adaptive Reports Capability

Brio Enterprise’s Adaptive Reports technology is built into Brio Web
client applications and triggered by documents and repository models
registered for OnDemand Server.
• A user with a Brio.Insight or Brio.Quickview application connects to
the OnDemand Server Web site from a Web browser.
The first page of this site, logon.html, prompts for the user’s
OnDemand Server user name and password. The information is
conveyed to the server through the broker module and identifies the
user as the member of a group with assigned Web viewing privileges.
• Once the user is authenticated, the Adaptive Report list appears,
displaying the contents available to that user, based on group
If the Zero-Administration feature is enabled, it prompts the user to
upgrade to the latest version of the Brio Web client, if necessary.
• Objects in the Adaptive Reports list are represented by descriptive
links and icons that indicate the user’s access privilege level.
When the user clicks on a link, the object opens in the user’s browser.
• Registered objects opened and saved from a Web client to network
directories retain their original privilege level, regardless of the
privileges of any subsequent users.
• Unregistered documents in network directories open with the default
privileges of the user’s Web client application.

110 Chapter 5: Building a Business Intelligence Web

Default Privileges
Brio Web clients provide the following functionality:
• Brio.Quickview (View)
Online report viewing in the browser window.
• Brio.Insight (Analyze)
Complete analysis and reporting functionality in a Web browser.
Unregistered documents use the Web client’s default privilege level. Such
documents may be passed among users or published to a network
directory by Broadcast Server.

Adaptive Privileges
A Web client’s adaptive state is based on a privilege set to a registered
document or Repository Model. The privilege setting applies for the client
user’s group only; other groups may enjoy a different privilege set to the
same document. Five adaptive privilege states may be set for a Web
• View
Default-level functionality of the Brio.Quickview application: View
and Print
• View and Process
View with the ability to process a query and refresh the data set
• Analyze
Default-level functionality of the Brio.Insight application: full, active
analysis of reports
• Analyze and Process
Analyze with the ability to process a query and refresh the data set
• Analyze and Query
Analyze with ad hoc query capability. Users can load a BrioQuery
Data Model into the browser, build and limit queries, and add
computed data items before processing.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 111

Brio.Insight users open registered objects according to these privileges.
Brio.Quickview users use a restricted subset of these privileges.

Table 5-3 Privileges and Functionality in Web Client Applications

Object Privilege Setting Brio.Insight Brio.Quickview
View View View
View and Process View and Process View and Process
Analyze Analyze View
Analyze and Process Analyze and Process View and Process
Analyze and Query Analyze and Query View and Process

NOTE For corrections and updates to this manual, see


112 Chapter 5: Building a Business Intelligence Web

A Intranet Security Considerations

Security Recommendations
Before publishing from the data warehouse to the intranet, or distributing
files via OnDemand Server, Brio recommends you first consider a few
implications of your intranet strategy. The following recommendations
will serve you well in maintaining the security of your intranet, and assist
you in implementing the right solution for your organization.

External Security
External security of a corporate intranet is a vital consideration to the IT
manager, particularly if the intranet will carry proprietary data
warehouse information.
The best way to limit the risk of security breaches from outside your
organization is to make your intranet a purely internal network. If the
intranet is independent of physical connections to any outside network, it
functions with the complete security of a LAN, and any remaining
security concerns will be focused on internal access.
However, the independent intranet has its disadvantages, including the
difficulty for authorized remote users to connect and enter the network.
Some cost and efficiency benefits are also sacrificed because Internet and
intranet servers use the same technology. A company connected to the
Internet has the opportunity to leverage a single server as both an Internet
node and intranet server, provided they are willing to forego an
independent intranet.

The dual-server intranet strategy is fundamentally sound, but does of
course create the potential for an outside security breach. Therefore, in
such situations the connection between Internet and intranet must be
moderated by a firewall, which protects an intranet from penetration by
unauthorized users.
A firewall can be as simple as a packet filter which weeds out
unauthorized IP addresses from external connections, or a proxy server
which provides an independent mediator between outside connections
and your intranet. The latter creates both a physical and logical separation
between internal and external networks, and makes outside penetration
more difficult.
Brio recommends that you carefully consider the architectural and
security options available before distributing proprietary operational
database or data warehouse information over your intranet.

Internal Security
Internally, your intranet server software will support restricted access
based on client user names and passwords. As in a conventional file
server, you can limit access to intranet server directories, thereby
protecting confidential or departmental information. As long as this
simple feature is correctly applied, and sensitive information is posted
only to directories with proper access provisions, the intranet can serve all
enterprise users without compromising security.

Proxy Support
The Brio Web client has its own proxy settings, which you should set
manually. They are the same as your Web browser settings.

OnDemand Server supports 56-bit Secure Socket Layer encryption by
default, and it is capable of supporting 128-bit encryption. Contact Brio
for information on upgrading to 128-bit encryption.

NOTE For corrections and updates to this manual, see www.brio.com/


114 Appendix A: Intranet Security Considerations

B Database Table Reference

Brio Enterprise Server uses two sets of database tables:

• Broadcast Server uses a job repository of eleven dedicated database
tables to store jobs and scheduling details.
• OnDemand Server uses the Brio Enterprise repository tables. The
repository has been expanded to eight tables to support OnDemand
This appendix describes both sets of repository tables, including changes
required for existing tables to be used in conjunction with Brio Enterprise

Broadcast Server Tables
Broadcast Server version 6 adds Process to Database Table and FTP
actions, and also allows users to register a document for Brio OnDemand
Server when they schedule it from BrioQuery. Process to Database Table
will use one additional table in the job repository, BRIOSTBL, which logs
the tables created by user-scheduled jobs.

Upgrading from Earlier Versions

If you are upgrading from version 5.x, you can simply add new
BRIOSTBL tables according to the specifications below. If you do not plan
to use the Process to Database Table feature from Broadcast Server, the
BRIOSTBL table is not required. Broadcast Server version 6 is completely
compatible with existing jobs loaded in the 5.0 job repository.
If you are upgrading from brio.query.server version 1.0, you can update
your existing job repositories and continue running old jobs, as well as
new jobs scheduled with version 6. Run the appropriate SQL script,
ODS6ud.sql, which is installed with Broadcast Server.
If you previously upgraded and continue to run version 1.0 jobs, retain
the original BRIOVLMT table in the job repository until old jobs are fully
migrated. 5.0 versions of Broadcast Server store variable limits in the

Adding a BRIOSTBL Table

The BRIOSTBL table is an optional extension of the job repository which
logs table output of Broadcast Server. BRIOSTBL logs tables that are
created by a specific database server; an instance of this table must exist
on each database supported by a processing connection.
Create BRIOSTBL tables on each processing database according to the
specifications described in the job repository schema (see “BRIOSTBL” on
page 123). Make sure to grant access privileges accordingly.

116 Appendix B: Database Table Reference

Job Repository Schema
The Broadcast Server job repository tables are detailed in the diagram and
tables below.

Figure B-1 Broadcast Server Job Repository

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 117

The BRIOJOBS table records general information that describes each
scheduled job.
Table B-1 BRIOJOBS Table

Field Datatype Description

UNIQUE_ID NUM Unique identifier for a job (primary key)
JOB_NAME CHAR Descriptive job name
NEXT_DATE DATE Date and time of next scheduled run
LAST_DATE DATE Date and time of previous run
USER_ID CHAR User database Logan account associated with the job
FILE_NAME CHAR File name of Broadcast Server document associated
with the job
COMPLETION_STATUS CHAR Status of most recent job run, populated by the Server.
Values include: “SUCCESSFUL” -- indicating job ran
to completion successfully on LAST_DATE;
“FAILURE” -- indicating job failed to complete;
“RUNNING” -- indicating job is currently running;
JOB_INTERVAL CHAR Keyword(s) indicating the scheduled interval between
job runs. The Server uses JOB _INTERVAL and
ENABLED CHAR Indicates whether job is enabled (‘Y’) or disabled (‘N’).
Disabled jobs are not run but remain in the job queue
NOTIFICATION_ADR CHAR Address for email notification of job status following a
EXECUTION_TIME CHAR Scheduled run time
TIME_THRESHOLD NUM Overflow time allowed to complete a run. If current
server time > EXECUTION_TIME +
TIME_THRESHOLD, the job is postponed until

118 Appendix B: Database Table Reference

Field Datatype Description
BRIO_CALENDAR CHAR Indicates whether a job is scheduled with reference to
a custom calendar system. The field is referenced with
JOB_INTERVAL by the Server to determine the literal
date of the next run
REPETITIONS NUM Number of times the job will run. The Server reads this
field after each completed run and subtracts 1 from
the total. When 0 is reached, the service disables the
job. If null, the job runs indefinitely
ROW_SIZE NUM Reference of rows used in BRIOSOBJ table to store the
Broadcast Server job document
TOTAL_SIZE NUM Reference of total bytes used to store the Broadcast
Server job document in the BRIOSOBJ table
SERVER_NAME CHAR The instance of Broadcast Server which will process
the job
EVENT_ID NUM Unique identifier for an event used as a trigger to
schedule the job (primary key)
VERSION INT Identifies jobs by the version of Broadcast Server used
to schedule them. If version 1.0, this column is null.

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 119

The BRIOAUSR table records the list of operating servers and the users
and associated group privilege levels authorized under each server
Table B-2 BRIOAUSR Table

Column Datatype Description

USER_ID CHAR The unique database login ID of an authorized user (primary
USER_NAME CHAR Optional descriptive name to help the administrator identify
the user
GROUP_NAME CHAR The group the user is assigned to for scheduling and
distribution privileges
SERVER_NAME CHAR A Broadcast Server instance under which the user and group
are authorized

The BRIOSOBJ table stores the document associated with each scheduled
Table B-3 BRIOSOBJ Table

Column Datatype Description

UNIQUE_ID NUM Unique identifier for a scheduled job (primary key)
ROW_NUM NUM Sequence ID for segment of the job document
VAR_DATA BLOB or Job document in binary “chunk” format

120 Appendix B: Database Table Reference

The BRIOACTN table records descriptions of the output actions specified
for each scheduled job.
Table B-4 BRIOACTN Table

Column Datatype Description

UNIQUE_ID NUM Unique identifier for a scheduled job (primary key)
PASS_ID NUM A unique ID for a report cycle of the job
PASS_NAME CHAR The name of the report cycle
ACTION_ID NUM Unique identifier for an assigned output action of the report
JOB_ACTION CHAR “Export”, “Print”, “Save”, or “Email” action description
PARAMETER1 CHAR Records a parameter required for the associated action.
Values are dependent on the action and can include
document section name, export format, retain results, printer,
directory or email address
PARAMETER2 CHAR See Parameter1
PARAMETER3 CHAR See Parameter1
PARAMETER4 CHAR See Parameter1
PARAMETER5 CHAR See Parameter1

The BRIOOCE table records the polling and processing connections used
by the Broadcast Server to poll the job repository and process documents.
Table B-5 BRIOOCE Table

Column Datatype Description

SERVER_NAME CHAR A Broadcast Server instance
OCE_NAME CHAR The full path of an OCE (relative to the server executable)
which is available to Broadcast Server for polling and

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 121

The BRIOPRN table records the printers available to each user group.
Table B-6 BRIOPRN Table

Column Datatype Description

PRINTER_NAME CHAR A network printer available to the server for job output
GROUP_NAME CHAR A user group which has access to the printer.
SERVER_NAME CHAR A Broadcast Server instance under which the printer and
group are authorized

The BRIOPATH table records the default directories available to each
user group.
Table B-7 BRIOPATH Table

Columns Datatype Description

PATH CHAR A network or local (relative to the server) directory path
available for job output
GROUP_NAME CHAR A user group which has access to the directory
SERVER_NAME CHAR A Broadcast Server instance under which the directory and
group are authorized
ALIAS CHAR An alias for the path name (used as a reference by end-

122 Appendix B: Database Table Reference

The BRIOEVNT table records events which the administrator defines to
trigger job runs.
Table B-8 BRIOEVNT Table

Column Datatype Description

EVENT_ID NUM Unique identifier for an event (primary key)
EVENT_NAME CHAR The name of a particular event used as a trigger for
scheduling and running jobs
ENABLED CHAR Indicates whether or not the event is enabled or disabled,
affecting its availability for scheduling or running event-
driven jobs
COMPLETION_DATE TSTMP The last date the event occurred. If > LAST_DATE in the
BRIOJOBS table, the job is run. This field must be updated
by the administrator on completion of the external event in
order for jobs scheduled against the event to run properly

The BRIOSTBL table records database tables created through the Process
to Database Table feature. The BRIOSTBL table is not required if you do
not use Process to Database Table.
Table B-9 BRIOSTBL Table

Column Datatype Description

TABLE_NAME CHAR The name of a table created by Broadcast Server
USER_ID CHAR The database user name of the user who scheduled the job,
and the database account used by Broadcast Server to create
the table
UNIQUE_ID CHAR A concatenation of the name of the processing connection and
the unique ID of the job
CREATION_DATE TSTMP Date and time the table was created by the server
UPDATE_DATE TSTMP Date and time the table was last updated by the server

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 123

The BRIO_CAL table records custom calendars used to schedule jobs.
Table B-10 BRIO_CAL Table

Column Datatype Use

NAME CHAR The name of a calendar referenced by a scheduled job
(primary key)
BRIO_YEAR NUM The year used in the calendar
Q1_START... DATE The starting date of each quarter
M1_START... DATE The starting date of each numbered month

The BRIOSERV table allows documents to be scheduled directly to the
Broadcast server machine instead of being stored in a database table. This
makes document retrieval faster and more efficient. When the client
schedules a job, the user selects which server to schedule the job on by
toggling a flag in the ENABLED column. This table is new in version 6.
Table B-11 BRIOSERV Table

Column Datatype Use

SERVER_NAME STRING The name of the assigned Broadcast Server; related to
the SERVER_NAME column in the BRIOJOBS table.
IP_ADDRESS STRING The network address of DNS name of the machine that
the Broadcast server is running on.
PORT_NUMBER NUM The port number the specific Broadcast server machine
uses to receive scheduled documents. (This is set in the
Server Administrator)
STORAGE_DIR STRING The pathname of the directory where the documents
ENABLED STRING A boolean field with a value of Y or N. Y means the
Broadcast Server machine is accepting files for
scheduling directly to its file system. N means the
documents are stored in the BRIOSOBJ database table
instead of on the Broadcast Server machine’s file system.

124 Appendix B: Database Table Reference

OnDemand Server Tables
OnDemand Server uses an expanded Brio Enterprise repository to store
information. If you already have a repository, you can use the table
creation SQL script installed with OnDemand Server to upgrade, or use
Brio Enterprise Server Administrator to create new tables.

Brio Enterprise Repository Schema

The BrioQuery Repository tables, including updates to support
OnDemand Server, are detailed in the diagram and tables below.

Figure B-2 OnDemand Server Repository

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 125

The BRIOCAT2 table records a description of the repository objects and
local documents loaded in the Brio Enterprise Repository. The
PARENT_ID column is new in version 6.
Table B-12 BRIOCAT2 Table

Column Datatype Description

UNIQUE_ID NUM Unique identifier for a stored Repository object or registered
OnDemand Server document
OWNER CHAR The creator of the object
APP_VERSION CHAR Version of BrioQuery used to upload the object
CREATE_DATE DATE Most recent date of upload for the object
ROW_SIZE NUM Number of rows occupied by the stored object in the
BRIOOBJ2 table
READY CHAR Indicates whether previous upload of the stored object was
completed successfully
FILE_NAME CHAR Descriptive name of the stored object
FILE_TYPE CHAR File type of the stored object, such as data model, locked
query, locked report, LAN-based, folder
DESCRIPTION CHAR Description of the object
VERSION CHAR The latest version number of the object, used for ADR
TOTAL_SIZE NUM Total size of the stored object in bytes
LOCATION CHAR The complete path to the directory used by OnDemand
Server as the document registry
OCE_ID NUM The database connection used to refresh the object or
registered document (no longer used for new documents)
PARENT_ID NUM The BRIOCAT2 unique ID of the object that contains this
object (added to support ODS document hierarchies

126 Appendix B: Database Table Reference

Lists the connections used to access registered documents in the
repository and process them.
Table B-13 BRIOCE2 Table

Column Datatype Description

OCE_ID NUM Unique identifier for a connection
OCE_NAME CHAR Filename of the connection file (.oce)

Stores the actual objects loaded in the BrioQuery Repository.
Table B-14 BRIOOBJ2 Table

Column Datatype Description

UNIQUE_ID NUM Unique identifier for a stored Repository object
ROW_NUM NUM Sequence ID for segment of the object
VAR_DATA BLOB or Data Model object in binary “chunk” format

Stores user authentication privileges to access the Brio Enterprise Server
and the OnDemand Server.
Table B-15 BRIOUSR2 Table

Column Datatype Description

USERNAME CHAR The name of the user
PWD CHAR Encrypted password that authenticates a Web-enabled user
connecting to OnDemand Server; this field is blank if ODS
authentication is used

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 127

Stores the associations between registered documents and Repository
Table B-16 BRIOBRG2 Table

Column Datatype Description

UNIQUE_ID NUM Unique identifier for a repository document
GROUPNAME CHAR The name of a Repository group
DOC_PRIVILEGE NUM An override privilege level for a member of the group
when accessing this document
PASSTHROUGH CHAR Enables members of the group to ‘pass through’
authentication by the database when processing this

Maintains the list of Repository groups, and their associated users and
Table B-17 BRIOGRP2 Table

Column Datatype Description

GROUPNAME CHAR The name of a Repository group
USERNAME CHAR The name of a BrioQuery Repository user assigned
to the group
DEFPRIVILEGE NUM The default privilege level assigned to the group
(values = 1-5)
ADMINDOC CHAR Enables members of the group to register documents
GROUP_PASSTHROUGH CHAR Enables members of the group to ‘pass through’
authentication by the database when processing

128 Appendix B: Database Table Reference

Stores the identity and location of the OnDemand Server.
Table B-18 BRIOSVR2 Table

Column Datatype Description

SERVER_NAME CHAR The name of an instance of OnDemand Server
URL CHAR The URL and port number used to communicate with
OnDemand Server through the intranet server

Maps query sections of a document to processing conections.
This table was not included in earlier releases than version 6.
Table B-19 BRIODMQ2 Table

Column Datatype Description

UNIQUE_ID NUM The object’s ID in the BRIOCAT2 table
SECTION_NAME CHAR The name of the query or data model section in the document
OCE_ID NUM The OCE ID used to process for this section

NOTE For corrections and updates to this manual, see


Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 129

130 Appendix B: Database Table Reference

A alias, directory, 56
access allocating Brio Enterprise 5.5 products, 101
ad hoc, 6 Analyze and Process, adaptive privilege, 111
denying general access to Broadcast Server, Analyze and Query, adaptive privilege, 111
54 Analyze, adaptive privilege, 111
intranet, 6 API
limiting access, see also groups, privileges OnDemand Server database connectivity,
privileges, administrators group, 53 11
web site, 6 application and network adjustments, 19
account applications
system, 64 available Web client, 102
ad hoc access, 6 helper, 102
Adaptive Privileges initial installation of helper, 109
Analyze, 111 assigning
Analyze and Process, 111 output directories, 56
Analyze and Query, 111 output printers, 59
View, 111 users, 55
View and Process, 111 audience for this guide, xi
Adaptive Reports, 6, 110–112 authentication privileges, BRIOUSR2 table, 127
default privileges, 111 authentication, Web site users, 106
adding automatic download and installation, 107
BRIOSTBL table, 116 automatic startup type setting, NT Service, 64
custom calendars, 60 available Web client applications, 102
event triggers, 63
output directories for a group, 56 B
output printers, 59 BC Listener, 3
polling connections, 49 BCServer, 4
processing connections, 51, 79 BCServer account
user groups, 54 logged in to, 18
adjustments, network and application, 19 BEServer account
administering creating, 18
plugins, upgrading, 109 BQ_CONFIGURATION_MODE, 95
Brio Enterprise Server, 12 Brio Daemon, 4, 8, 49
Broadcast Server, 39–?? Brio daemon, 8
OnDemand Server, 67–87 Brio Enterprise Server
remote, Broadcast Server, 12 overview, 1
Zero-administration, ??–109 Brio Enterprise Server Administrator, 12
administration, zero, 6 Brio.Insight
administrative tree control, 13 platform requirements, 102
administrators group, 53 Brio.Quickview
privileges, 53 platform requirements, 102

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 131

BRIO_CAL table, 124 building a business intelligence Web, 99–112
BRIOACTN table, 121 bursting reports, 3
BRIOAUSR table, 120
BRIOBRG2 table, 128 C
BRIOCAT2 table, 126
BRIOEVNT table, 62, 123
custom, 60
BRIOGRP2 table, 128
fiscal, 60
BRIOJOBS table, 118
internal, 60
BRIOOBJ2 table, 127
organizational, 60
BRIOOCE table, 121
setup tab, 61
BRIOPATH table, 122
Calendars Setup tab, 61
BRIOPRN table, 122
control, 5
daemon, 8
querying, 100
BrioQuery Daemon, 4
repository, 79
BrioQuery Repository
CGI, 7, 98
BRIOBRG2 table, 128
BRIOCAT2 table, 126
default configuration, repository tables, 47
BRIOGRP2 table, 128
default date formats, 43
BRIOOBJ2 table, 127
BRIOUSR2 table, 127
Broadcast Server, installation and configu-
schema, 125
ration, 40, 68
OnDemand Server, installation and config-
upgrading from version 1.0, 116
uration, 17
BRIOSERV table, 124
client distribution, Zero-administration, ??–109
BRIOSOBJ table, 120
BRIOSTBL table, 123
web, installing, 101
adding, 116
client-side administration, 6
BRIOUSR2 table, 127
BRIOVLMT table, 116
HTTP, OnDemand Server, 11
Broadcast Server
components, 3
configuration, 41
Broadcast Server, 3
database tables, 116
OnDemand Server, 7
dedicated email account, 19
concurrent jobs, maximum, 41
denying general access to, 54
installation and configuration checklist, 40,
Broadcast Server, 41
logged in to BCServer account, 18
installing, 15
Zero-administration Java script, 108
intranet features, 100
connections, 42
job repository schema, 117
adding, 51
publishing, 105
polling, 49
remote administration, 12
processing, 51
running the installer, 21
processing, adding, 79
tree control, 13
control panel
window, 13
installing NT service to, 41
Broadcast Server, monitoring job lists through,
NT Services, 64

132 Index
control, centralized, 5 default
control, tree, 13 date format, changing, 43
cookie files, 107 directories, BRIOPATH table, 122
Create All Repository tables dialog box, 48 directory location, Web clients, 109
creating file locations, 42
BRIOSTBL table, 116 groups, 53
custom calendars, 60 initial name of custom group, 53
event triggers, 63 privileges, Adaptive Reports, 111
groups, 53 deleting see removing
job repository tables, 47 delivering reports, 3
user groups, 54 description
csv formatted files, 100 OnDemand Server, 5
custom, 124 desktop application
custom calendars, 60 upgrades, 6
BRIO_CAL table, 124 version control, 6
custom groups, 53 dialog box
creating, 54 Create All Repository tables, 48
maximum number of, 53 NT Service, 89
customizing Select Repository Owner, 50
intranet solution, 100 Service, 89
OnDemand Server Web site, 106 directories, 56
default, BRIOPATH table, 122
D picklist, assigning to, 56
setting up for a group, 56
Directories/Files Preference tab, 42
Brio, 8
BrioQuery, 8
default, Brio Web clients, 109
data models
posting files to, 105
BRIOCAT2 table, 126
Directory Alias field, 56
BRIOOBJ2 table, 127
directory and file preferences, 42
registering, 84
Directory Path field, 56
removing from repository, 87
distribution of reports, 3
distribution options, 100
connectivity, OnDemand Server, 11
distribution, client (Zero-administration), ??–
creating job repository tables, 47
security and user groups, 53
tables, 115–129
BRIOBRG2 table, 128
database connectivity API, 11
BRIOSOBJ table, 120
database repository, 3
providing HTML links to, 105
database table
registering, 84
BRIOSTBL table, 123
removing from registry, 87
Broadcast Server, 116
source drive, 84
process to, 116
unregistered, default privileges, 111
date format, changing the default, 43
date limits, variable, 60
automatic, 107
dedicated email account for Broadcast Server,
drivers, printer (installing), 19
dynamic HTML pages, 9

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 133

E public, 54
email repository, BRIOBRG2 table, 128
dedicated account for Broadcast Server, 19 setting up directory options, 56
preferences, 44 single member group, 54
enterprise distribution, 3 user groups, creating, 54
event triggers user privileges, 53
adding and updating, 62
creating, 63 H
updating existing, 63 helper applications, 102
events, 62 initial installation, 109
events triggers hierarchical structure, tree control, 13
BRIOEVNT table, 123 HTML
existing events, updating, 63 dynamic pages, 9
links to documents, 105
F static pages, 7
factory, process, OnDemand Server, 8 HTML directory, OnDemand Server, 106
failover, 93 HTTP
failure OnDemand Server communication, 11
job fails to complete, 65
Server fails to connect and poll, 64 I
table creation, 48 IISAPI, 7
features initial name of custom group, 53
intranet, 100 install BrioServer service button, 41
file hierarchy installation
document list, 77 automatic, 107
File Manager, map network drives, 19 Brio.Insight/Brio.Quickview, 102
file system privileges for intranet publishing, 56 system requirements, 16
files installation and configuration checklist
cookie, 107 OnDemand Server, 17, 40, 68
csv formatted, 100 installing
posting to a directory, 105 Brio Enterprise Web clients, 101
txt formatted, 100 Brio.Insight/Brio.Quickview, 103
files installed, 21 Broadcast Serve, 15
firewall, 114 helper applications, initial installation, 109
fiscal calendars, 60 printer drivers, 19
server software, 21
G intended audience for this guide, xi
general access internal calendars, 60
denying, 54 international computing environment, default
to job repository tables, 48 date format, 43
grant tables to public, toggle, 48 intranet
groups, 53, 54, 128 access, 6
adding output directories, 56 features, 100
creating, 53 helper applications, 102
custom, 53 plugins, 102
default, 53 publishing to an intranet server, 56
limited access privileges, 54

134 Index
intranet publishing load balancing, 93, 95
allocating Brio Enterprise 5.5 products, 101 round-robin, 93
Broadcast Server, 100
J Macintosh
Java script, configuring the Zero-administra- data retrieval problems for OnDemand
tion, 108 Server clients, 110
job list, 65 Mail Preference tab, 44
job list, illustration, 65 map network drives, File Manager, 19
monitoring through Broadcast Server, 65 master JRE, OnDemand Server, 8
job queues, 47 maximum
job repositories, multiple, 49 concurrent jobs, 41
job repository, 49 custom groups, number of, 53
BRIO_CAL table, 124 groups user assigned to, Broadcast Server,
BRIOACTN table, 121 54
BRIOAUSR table, 120 maximum concurrent jobs, 41
BRIOEVNT table, 123 maximum processing memory, 75
BRIOJOBS table, 118 MaxMemory, 75
BRIOOCE table, 121 memory
BRIOPATH table, 122 maximum, 75
BRIOPRN table, 122 Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0, 102
BRIOSERV table, 124 migrating
BRIOSOBJ table, 120 plugins, 109
BRIOSTBL table, 123 monitoring job lists, Broadcast Server, 65
creating, 47 monitoring NT services, control panel, 88
monitoring with the Job List, 65 multiple
tables, restricting access to, 48 Broadcast Server groups, user assigned to,
tables, schema, 117 54
jobs file formats, 3
maximum concurrent, 41 job repositories, 49
modifying existing, 65 processing connections, 51
viewing scheduled, 53
master, OnDemand Server, 8
Netscape Communicator, 102
slave, OnDemand Server, 8
Netscape Navigator 3.0, 102
network and application adjustments, 19
limiting access NT Service
see access, groups, privileges automatic startup type, 64
limits, variable date, 60 control panel, 88
links to documents, HTML, 105 creating the ODServer Account, 18
lists dialog box, 89
job list, illustration, 65 installing to control panel, 41
monitoring job lists, 65 starting, 64
see also job list starting ODServer, 46, 88
Load Balancing, 98 NT service
OnDemand Server, 9

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 135

OCE Wizard, 49, 52 pages
OCEs, 42, 49, 51, 79 HTML, dynamic, 9
ODS.ini File, 91 path, directory, 56
ODServer picklist
creating the network account, 18 directories, assigning, 56
starting the NT service, 46, 88 printers, assigning, 59
ODServer Account platform requirements
creating, 18 Brio.Insight/Brio.Quickview, 102
off-hours processing, 3 Macintosh, 103
OLAP tools, 101 Windows, 103
OnDemand Server plugins, 102
ad hoc access, 6 migrating, 109
Adaptive Reports, 6, 110–112 upgrading, 109
components, 7 Windows 16- and 32-bit platforms, 102
customizing Web site, 106 polling connections
database connectivity API, 11 adding, 49
definition, 7 BRIOOCE table, 121
description, 5 posting files to a directory, 105
how it communicates, 11 Preface, xi
HTML directory, 106 preferences
installation and configuration checklist, 17 default directories and files, 42
intranet features, 100 email, 44
JRE, master, 8 printers, 59
JRE, slave, 8 BRIOPRN table, 122
process factory, 8 installing drivers, 19
security, 6 picklist, 59
tables, 125 privileges, 128
TCP/IP sockets, 11 Adaptive Reports, 6
Web site, 106 administrators group, 53
web site access, 6 Analyze and Process, adaptive, 111
options Analyze and Query, adaptive, 111
distribution, 100 Analyze, adaptive, 111
organizational calendars, 60 authentication, BRIOUSR2 table, 127
output actions, BRIOACTN table, 121 default, Adaptive Reports, 111
output directories, assigning, 56 intranet publishing, 56
output printers, assigning, 59 record of, BRIOAUSR table, 120
overview registry, Web client applications, 112
Brio Enterprise Server, 1 user authentication, 106
OnDemand Server, 5 user groups, 53
View and Process, adaptive, 111
View, adaptive, 111
factory, OnDemand Server, 8
process to database table, 116
BRIOSTBL table, 123
off-hours, 3

136 Index
processing connections S
adding, 51, 79 scheduled job information, BRIOJOBS table, 118
BRIOOCE table, 121 scheduling jobs, BRIO_CAL table, 124
multiple, 51 scheduling, event-driven, 62
processing memory, 75 schema
proxy server, 114 BrioQuery Repository, 125
public access, job repository tables, 48 job repository, 117
public group, 53, 54 Secure Socket Layer encryption, 114
publishing, 105 security, 113
business intelligence through the Web, 99– database, 53
112 OnDemand Server, 6
intranet, Broadcast Server, 100 Select Repository Owner dialog box, 50
posting files to a directory, 105 Server
providing HTML links to documents, 105 fails to connect and poll, 64
OnDemand, components, 7
Q starting the, 64
query, centralized, 100 System Account, 64
queues, job, 47 server
web, 7
Server Administrator, 12
R server name in Preferences tab, 41
reference, database tables, 115–129 server setup
registering Broadcast Server, 39–??
documents and data models, 84 OnDemand Server, 67–87
documents, source drive, 84 Service dialog box, 89
registry privileges, Web client applications, 112 setting
remote administration default date formats, 43
Broadcast Server, 12 maximum concurrent jobs, 41
removing documents and data models, 87 setup
report bursting, 3 Broadcast Server administration, 39–??
Reports, Adaptive, 6 OnDemand Server administration, 67–87
reports, adaptive, 110–112 output directories for a group, 56
repositories, multiple, 49 single member group, 54
repository tables slave JRE, OnDemand Server, 8
changing the default configuration, 47 sockets, TCP/IP, 11
restricting access to, 48 source drive, registering documents, 84
repository, BRIOGRP2 table, 128 specifying
repository, centralized, 79 event triggers, 63
repository, job see job repository output printers, 59
request server, 5 SSL, 114
resolving dates using a custom calendar, 60 starting
restricting access to job repository tables, 48 ODServer NT service, 46, 88
round-robin, 93 starting the server, 64
running the Broadcast Server installer, 21 startup type, automatic, 64
static HTML pages, 7
System Account, logging on to the Server, 64
system requirements, 16

Brio Enterprise Server Guide for Windows NT 137

tab variable date limits, 60
Calendars Setup, 61 version
Directories/Files Preference, 42 1.0, upgrading, 116
Mail Preference, 44 5.5, upgrading, 116
tables version control, user’s desktop application, 6
BRIOEVENT table, 62 View and Process, adaptive privilege, 111
BRIOSTBL table, 123 View, adaptive privilege, 111
creating job repository, 47 viewing scheduled jobs, 53
database, 115–129
job repository see job repository tables W
OnDemand Server, 125
schema, BrioQuery, 125
business intelligence delivery, 99–112
TCP, 93
installing web clients, 101
Web clients
Macintosh preferences for data retrieval,
available applications, 102
default directory location, 109
TCP/IP sockets, 11
registry privileges, 112
tools, OLAP, 101
Web server, 7
tree control
Web site
administrative, 13
OnDemand Server, 106
txt formatted files, 100
OnDemand Server, customizing, 106
web site access to Brio, 6
U who should use this guide, xi
unique privileges for a user, 54 Windows
UNIX daemon plugins, 16- and 32-bit platforms, 102
Windows NT
creating the network account, 18 automatic startup type, 64
starting, 64 control panel, 88
unregistered documents, default privileges, 111 NT Service dialog box, 89
updating event triggers, 63 Wizard
upgrading OCE, 49, 52
desktop applications, 6
plugins, 109 Z
version 1.0, 116
Zero-administration, ??–109
version 5.5, 116
configuring the Java script, 108
user groups, 53
how it works, 107
creating, 53
zero-administration, 6
database security, 53
setting up directory options, 56
user privileges, groups and, 53
assigned to multiple groups, 54
assigning to a group, 55
authentication, Web site, 106
requiring unique privileges, 54

138 Index

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