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Surfactant Assisted Synthesis of Cuprous Oxide (Cu O) Nanoparticles Via Solvothermal Process

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Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research, 2015, Vol. 3, No.

1, 16-22
Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/nnr/3/1/3
© Science and Education Publishing

Surfactant Assisted Synthesis of Cuprous Oxide (Cu2O)

Nanoparticles via Solvothermal Process
M. A. Khan1,2,*, Mahboob Ullah1, Tariq Iqbal1, Hasan Mahmood3,4, Ayaz A. Khan1, Muhammad Shafique1,
A. Majid1, Azhar Ahmed1, Nawazish A. Khan5
Department of Physics, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad 13100, Pakistan
High Tech Centralized Instrumentation Laboratory, UAJK, Muzaffarabad 13100, Pakistan
Department of Physics, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY 12222, USA
Department of Physics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Defence Road Lahore
Department of Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, 45320, Pakistan
*Corresponding author: rauf_ak@yahoo.com

Abstract Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) nanoparticles have been synthesized by facile solvothermal scheme. The
reduction of copper sulphate pentahydrate (CuSO4.5H2O) was carried out with D-glucose as a reductant, in the
presence of organic additive polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP K-30). The synthesized CuO2 nanoparticles have been
characterized by UV-Vis Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy. The SEM images showed that the morphology of the Cu2O
nanostructures was highly uniform and growth was controlled. The nanoparticles were found to be single crystalline
and monodispersed in octahedral shapes. Such type of morphology has not been reported yet using PVP K-30 as
surfactant. XRD peaks confirmed the single crystalline phases of Cu2O nanoparticles. The growth of the
monodispersed single crystals has been explained on the basis of diffusion mechanism. The grain size of the
nanoparticles was found to be in the range of 34- 45 nm. UV-visible absorptions spectra showed that the bandgap
transition is around 635 nm (~ 2.0 eV). FTIR transmission peak at 623 cm-1 confirmed Cu(I)-O vibrations, which is
very well consistent with the reported value.
Keywords: cuprous oxide (Cu2O), nanocrystals, solvothermal synthesis, semiconducting materials
Cite This Article: M. A. Khan, Mahboob Ullah, Tariq Iqbal, Hasan Mahmood, Ayaz A. Khan, Muhammad
Shafique, A. Majid, Azhar Ahmed, and Nawazish A. Khan, “Surfactant Assisted Synthesis of Cuprous Oxide
(Cu2O) Nanoparticles via Solvothermal Process.” Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research, vol. 3, no. 1
(2015): 16-22. doi: 10.12691/nnr-3-1-3.

have been using copper (Cu) and Cu complexes for

various purposes for centuries, such as water purifiers,
1. Introduction algaecides, fungicides, and as antibacterial and antifouling
agents [15].
The study of nanoscience and nanotechnology have Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) is an important metal oxide p-
advanced greatly in recent years and a large amount of type semiconductor [16,17,18] with a direct bandgap of
research has focused in determining the properties and 2.2 eV, which makes it a promising material for the
potential functions of nanomaterials [1,2,3] Nanomaterials conversion of solar energy into electrical or chemical
show numerous exceptional and valuable properties which energy [19,20]. Recently, Cu2O has been reported to act as
can be applied in the areas of life science, biology and a stable catalyst for water splitting under visible light
medicine research [4,5,6,7,8]. irradiation (≤ 600 nm) [21,22,23]. In the past few years,
Metal oxide nanoparticles are resourceful materials numerous Cu2O nanostructures, including nanoplates [24],
with many scientific and industrial applications. Synthesis nanocubes [25], octahedra [26], spherical particles [27],
of high quality metal oxide nanoparticles with respect to nanoboxes [28], and nanowires [29] have been
chemical purity, phase selectivity, crystallinity, and synthesized. The detailed structural analysis of cuprous
homogeneity in particle size with controlled state of oxides has been performed on these nanostructures.
agglomeration in a cost effective procedure is still a However, the growth mechanism, which is important for
challenge [9]. Among various metal nanoparticles, copper the controlled synthesis of Cu2O nanostructures, still
(Cu) and copper oxide (Cu2O) nanoparticles have attracted needs a detailed investigation.
considerable attention because copper is one of the most Cu2O belongs to the space group Pn3m and the unit cell
important in modern technologies and is readily available contains two copper and four oxygen ions. These are
[10]. Copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles are important due arranged with oxygen atoms in a body centered cubic
to their applications as antimicrobials and in gas sensors, lattice surrounded tetrahedrally by copper ions. This
batteries, high temperature superconductors, solar energy arrangement is different from that of CuO in which four
conversion tools and so on [11,12,13,14]. Human beings
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research 17

oxygen atoms surround the copper ion with square planar typical method, 35.0 mL of distilled water was mixed with
geometry. Therefore, these two close copper oxides show 2.0 m mol of CuSO4.5H2O and 2.0 g of PVP K-30 and
quite distinct XRD spectra and also differ in stability. then stirred vigorously until it dissolved completely. Then
For the synthesis of Cu2O nanoparticles, many efficient 8.0 m mol of NaOH was mixed with 1.0 m mol of D-
approaches have been carried out as; sono-chemical glucose into the solution. The final solution was then kept
preparation, alkoxide-based preparation, microwave in an autoclave at 50oC for 60 mintues. Then autoclave
irradiation, precipitation pyrolysis and thermal was allowed to cool down gradually at room temperature.
decomposition [30, 31]. Here, we report a solvothermal Finally, the reddish precipitates of Cu2O associated with
rout to prepare Cu2O nanoparticles by the reduction of PVP K-30 particles were obtained. The associated PVP K-
CuSO4.5H2O with D-glucose as a reductant in the 30 particles were eliminated by washing the final product
presence of organic additive Polyvinylpyrrolidone also first with distilled water several times and then with
called Povidone (PVP K-30) as modifier at different ethanol in ultrasonic bath. In the last, the final product was
reaction time and temperature. Since organic molecules dried at 60oC in an oven for 3 hours. The same synthesis
even in tiny quantity can alter inorganic microstructures, procedure was repeated to prepare several samples for a
indicating a very powerful tool for developing novel set of different autoclave temperatures. The detail of the
materials. So PVP K-30 played an important role in the samples prepared at different temperatures with all other
formation of Cu2O nanostructures. experimental parameters same is summarized in Table 1.

2.2. Characterization
2. Experimental
The prepared samples were characterized by UV-Vis
spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer Lambda-950), Scanning
2.1. Materials and Synthesis Electron Microscope (Jeol JSM-6510 LV), X-ray
The materials used to synthesize cuprous oxide (Cu2O) diffraction (Bruker AXS D8 FOCUS Diffractometer)
nanoparticles include: using Cu Kα (λ=1.54056A0) radiation and Fourier
• Copper sulphate pentahydrate (CuSO4.5H2O) transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer
• Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) Spectrum 100 Series). The specimens for SEM were
• D-glucose and prepared by dissolving the synthesized solid product in an
• Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K-30). absolute ethanol and immersing them in an ultrasonic bath
Cuprous oxide was synthesized by the reaction of for 15 min. A few drops of the suspension were used to
CuSO4.5H2O, NaOH and D-glucose in the presence of make grids for SEM study.
organic modifier polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K-30). In a

Table 1. Summary of the samples prepared at different reaction temperatures

CuSO4.5H2O Distilled water PVP K-30 NaOH D-glucose Temperature Time
(m. mol.) (mL) (g) (m. mol.) (m. mol.) (oC) (minutes)
A 2 35 2 8 1 50 60
B 2 35 2 8 1 60 60
B1 2 35 2 8 1 65 60
C 2 35 2 8 1 70 60
C1 2 35 2 8 1 80 60

2Cu + → Cu 0 + Cu 2+ (2)
3. Results and Discussions
2Cu + + 2OH − → 2CuOH → Cu 2 O + H 2 O (3)
Solvothermal route, a promising method for the
synthesis of transition metal oxide nanostructures, has Figure 1 shows SEM images of as-synthesized Cu2O
been employed to synthesize cuprous oxide (Cu2O) nanomaterial samples. These are synthesized at different
nanostructures. Using this method, highly uniform and reaction temperatures. All these images showed that Cu2O
morphologically controlled Cu2O nanoparticles were nanoparticles were highly uniform and stable. They all
obtained at different synthesis temperatures. had well-defined profile having octahedral shape. The
The overall chemical reaction occurring in an autoclave nanoparticles were single crystalline and XRD spectra
can be written as given in equations (1-3), where, the Cu2+ confirmed the crystallinity nature of the nanoparticles. The
ions first are reduced to Cu+ by D-glucose [32]. When D- evidence of single crystal Cu2O nanoparticles was also
glucose powder is added to the Cu2+ salt system, the D- confirmed by FTIR spectra. These nanoparticles were
glucose powder first contacts with organic additives and monodispersed and their size was varying in the range 400
then reaches the pool. Thus, Cu2+ ions are reduced to Cu+ nm to 600 nm. As we see from Figure 1, the average
by D-glucose. If there are sufficient OH- ions in the pool, particle size was found to be 45 nm for sample-A prepared
then the main reaction tendency of equation (3) becomes at temperature of 50oC, while the particle size reduced to
dominant. However, if quantity of OH- ions is limited in 34 nm for sample C1 synthesized at 80oC. Thus increase in
the pool, then the reaction of Cu+ occurs partly along with temperature decreased the size of nanoparticles. This
the equations (1) and (2). [33] behavior was also in good agreement with the work of K.
Karthik et al. [34], which reported that the increase in
Cu + → Cu 0 (1) reaction temperature decreased the size of the nanoparticles.
18 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research

Figure 1. SEM images for sample-A, sample-B, sample-B1, sample-C and sample-C1 prepared at different reaction temperatures

These results are summarized in Table 2. It is quite not changed significantly with the rise in temperature
clear from Table 2 that the reaction temperature has a except the size of nanoparticles. It is noteworthy that
substantial influence on the size of the Cu2O nanoparticles. reaction temperature has a considerable influence on the
That is, with the increase in temperature, the particle size size of the particles. This type of morphology has not been
decreased. Thus, we conclude that the higher synthesis reported by using PVP K-30 as a surfactant. The growth
temperature would result in smaller particle size. It is of these nanocrystals has been explained on the basis of
worth mentioning that the morphology of the samples was diffusion mechanism.

Table 2. Morphology and size of Cu2O nanoparticles prepared at different temperatures

Temperature Reaction time Particle Size
Cu2O Samples Morphology
(oC) (min) (nm)
A 50 60 Octahedral 45
B 60 60 Octahedral 42
B1 65 30 Octahedral 40
C 70 60 Octahedral 38
C1 80 60 Octahedral 34
The synthesis temperature was also plotted against the from the graph that as the temperature goes to higher
Cu2O nanoparticles size as shown in Figure 2. It is evident value, the size of nanoparticle moved to smaller value.
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research 19

Temerature vs particle size

Particle size (nm)





40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Temperature (C)

Figure 2. Synthesis temperature versus Cu2O nanoparticles size

The XRD patterns of all samples have been shown in the presented solvothermal process. The formation of
Figure 3. All the peaks of the pattern were labeled and these monodispersed single crystalline nanoparticles can
indexed to a cubic phase of Cu2O (JCPDS 5-669). The be attributed to the diffusion mechanism. In this
sharp peaks at 2θ values of 29.680, 36.680, 42.60, 61.760, mechanism, monodispersed precipitation is controlled
73.980 and 77.80 corresponded to (110), (111), (200), kinetically, resulting in a short nucleation burst, only once
(220), (311), and (222) phases of crystalline Cu2O a critical super-saturation of particle forming species is
respectively and no obvious peaks of impurity were reached. The nucleation stage is then followed by
detected in the XRD pattern. That indicates the formation diffusion of constituent complexes onto these primary
of single crystalline phases of Cu2O nanoparticles through particles [33].

Figure 3. XRD patterns of (a) sample-A, (b) sample-B, (c) sample-B1, (d) sample-C and (e) sample-C1
20 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research

The broadness of the peak (111) which is highest peak, respectively. This is comparable with the reported data
has been used to calculate crystallite size of Cu2O (4.42 Å).
nanoparticles using Debye-Scherrer formula (D = UV-visible absorption spectra of Cu2O nanostructures
kλ/βcosθ), where D is the average crystalline grain size, k were obtained by UV/vis spectrometer in the wavelength
is the Scherrer’s constant related to the shape of the range of 300 nm to 850 nm as shown in Figure 4. The
crystals, λ is the wavelength (1.540 Å) of the X-ray, θ is UV-vis absorption measurements have been carried out to
the diffraction angle, and β is the full width at half- resolve the excitonic or interband transitions of Cu2O
maximum. The average size of these nanoparticles was nanostructures. UV-vis absorption spectra (Figure 4) of
found to be in the range of 34 nm-45 nm. The lattice the Cu2O nanostructures dispersed in ethanol solution showed
constants calculated for samples A, B, B1, C, and C1 were broad absorption peaks with center at about 635 nm.
found to be 4.21 Å, 4.22 Å, 4.24 Å, 4.25 Å and 4.26 Å,


3.0 635
Sample 'B'

Sample 'C'

Sample 'B1'
1.0 Sample 'A'
Sample 'C1'

300 400 500 600 700 800
Wavelength (nm)

Figure 4. UV-Vis absorption spectra of samples A, B, B1, C and C1

The bandgap of the sample-A was computed from the bandgap decreased as the temperature was increased and
UV-visible absorption spectrum shown in Figure 4 and it the wavelength shifts towards the higher value. The slight
come out to be 2.07 eV, which was comparable to the decrease in the bandgap was due to the fact that the crystal
reported value for the bulk Cu2O (Eg = 2.17 eV) [35]. lattice expanded and the interatomic bonds weakened with
Similarly for the other samples, B, B1, C, and C1, the the rise in temperature. Weaker bond means a lesser
values of the bandgap were found to be 1.96 eV, 1.94 eV, amount of amount of energy is needed to break a bond and
1.90 eV, and 1.87 eV, respectively. This showed that, the get an electron in the conduction band.







10 623

1000 900 800 700 600

Wave number (cm )

Figure 5. FTIR spectra of Cu2O nanostructures

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research 21

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