Questionnaire For Practice Unit
Questionnaire For Practice Unit
Questionnaire For Practice Unit
2. PU Number
5. Status
8. Period under review From: D D MM Y Y Y Y To: D DMM Y Y Y Y
9. Contact Person of PU for Peer Review (Along with Mobile No. & Email ID)
10. Particulars about the constitution of the PU during the period under review (as per Form 18 filled with the ICAI):
Name of Proprietor/ Membership Association Professional Predominant Details of Changes
Partner no. of with PU experience function (eg audit, Joined Left
Proprietor/ Unit (in in practice tax, consulting)
Partner (Year) (Year)
Refer Para 3.3 of Statement on Peer Review (Revised) issued by the Institute
13 If the PU has any branch offices, furnish the following details
S. No. Member in Charge Membership No Address Tick if gross receipts
exceeds Rs. 25 Lacs
Gross receipts of the Practice Unit from assurance functions for the period under review:
Gross Receipts (In Lacs)
15. Concentration:
Furnish details where professional fees from all assurance services provided to a client/ group by the PU exceed
10 % of the PU’s total gross
: receipts
Name of the Entity/Group % of PU’s total gross receipts
16. Disciplinary proceedings: If disciplinary proceedings of the Institute have been initiated against any
partner/employee of the PU, and remains unresolved, furnish details:
17. Please provide details of assurance clients in the following format for head office and each branch separately
for the period under review-year wise ( please use additional sheet for year wise details)*
Turnover Paid-up
Type of Engagement * 2 capital
S. No. Name of code number of client *1
Central Statutory Tax Internal Others
Statutory Audit Audit audit (Specify Rs (in Lakhs)
Audit (including nature of
A Offices or Branches of Public Sector
Banks, Private Sector Banks, Foreign
Banks, Cooperative Banks and Public
Financial Institutions
C Insurance Companies
Turnover Paid-up
Type of Engagement * 2 capital
S. No. Name of code number of client *1
Central Statutory Tax Internal Others
Statutory Audit Audit audit (Specify Rs (in Lakhs)
Audit (including nature of
D Asset Management
Companies/Mutual Funds
L Other Entities
*1. The practice unit may mention one unique code number instead of client name as per the client register maintained by it. ice
*2. Tick appropriate Box. unit
3 ion
18. Tendering by the Practicing Unit:-
Schedule of Work Procured/ Executed through Tendering Process in Review to form Point no. 18 of the Questionnaire
Year of Name of Nature of Rates & Taxes Basis of Bid Details of man Name of Remarks
Audit/ Organisa Assignment charged by PU Payment Deposit months by Partner
Professional tion per unit/ (Qrtly/Semi- Date Partners/ In-
work consolidation/ as Annual/annual) Qualified/ charge
well as aggregate unqualified staff for
( Mention if assignme
inclusive of nt of
service tax and work
The Standard on Quality Control i.e SQC-1 is made mandatory by ICAI on and from 1st April 2009.Hence, the PU is
required to establish a system of ‘Quality Control’, designed to provide reasonable assurance that the PU and its
personnel comply with professional standards; regulatory, legal and ethical requirements.
Broadly, PU system of quality control should include policies and procedures addressing leadership responsibility, ethical
requirements, acceptance and continuance of client relationship, Human Resources, Engagement Performance and
Monitoring etc. A Questionnaire based on these criteria is given in Para 1 To 6 below.
[Notes: 1) Where responses to the questions below are readily available from PU’s own Manual, it will be sufficient to
provide a cross reference to the relevant Para/chapter of the same.
2) The application of SQC-1 will depend on various factors such as the size and operating characteristics of the
PU and whether it is part of network. Hence Level III category of ‘PU’ may answer these questions
3) Refer to Implementation Guide to SQC1:
1a What are the policies and procedures established by the PU to promote a culture of Quality in performing assurance
engagements and, how does the PU’s CEO or managing partner (MP) assume ultimate responsibility for the PU’s
system of quality control (QC)?
1b How does the PU ensure that commercial considerations do not override the quality of work performed?
1c To whom has responsibility for developing, implementing and operating the PU's QC system been assigned?
Describe how this authorized person has sufficient appropriate experience, ability and authority within the PU to
assume that responsibility?
1d How policies and procedures of the Practice Unit addresses performance evaluation, compensation and promotion
for its personnel to demonstrate the Practice Unit’s overriding commitment to quality ?
1e What resources or investments has the PU made for the development, communication to its personnel
and support of its QC system?
2a What internal policies and processes has the PU established to ensure that its proprietor/ partners and
professionals adhere to the ethical requirements contained in the Code of Ethics issued by the ICAI?
2b If the PU has any website, whether the same is in conformity with institute's guidelines/ directions issued
on posting of particulars on website by Practice Unit(s). If yes, provide the web address.
2c What Policies & Procedures has the PU taken to ensure that its proprietor/ partners and professionals comply
with the following professional ethics relating to assurance services:
æ Integrity
æ Objectivity
æ Confidentiality
2d Has the PU set up policies and procedures to ensure that the PU and its partners and professionals are
and remain independent at all times? How did the PU communicated its independence requirements to
those who may be subject to them.
2e What policies, processes and safeguards has the PU established to mitigate the following threats to its
independence? Elaborate in detail.
æ Self-interest threat
æ Self-review threat
æ Advocacy threat
æ Familiarity threat
æ Intimidation threat
2f What policies, processes and safeguards has the PU established with regard to threats to its independence
that could arise because of the following?
æ Financial interests of its proprietor/ partners and professionals in audit clients, their owners and officials
æ Employment relationships in audit clients, their owners and officials
æ Acceptance of gifts and hospitality from clients, their owners and officials
æ Where fees from a client/ group of related entities from all services provided by the PU are a significant
proportion of the total earnings of the PU
æ Scope of services that may involve perceived conflicts of interest provided to a client/ group of
related entities by the PU
2g Has the PU, in the past, withdrawn from an engagement if effective safeguards to reduce threats to
independence to an acceptable level could not be applied?
2h Has the PU obtained written confirmations atleast annually from its partners and professionals for compliance
with its policies and procedures on independence?
2i How does the PU confirm independence of another Firm that performs part of its engagement?
2j Are the number of Tax Audit assignments performed by the proprietor/partners of the PU u/s 44AB, more than the
specified number, as per ICAI Notification? (If yes, specify reasons with year-wise details)
2k Has the PU accepted appointment as auditor of an entity where the audit fee of another auditor for
carrying out audit under Companies Act, or various other Statutes has not been paid (except in the case
of a sick unit)? (If yes, specify reasons- with details)
2l "Are the number of audit assignments held by the PU, at any time, more than the specified number of audit
assignments of companies under the prevailing Companies Act and/or the limit prescribed by the ICAI? (If
yes, specify reasons-with year-wise details)"
2n Has the PU accepted appointment as an auditor of a concern while he is indebted to the concern or has
given any guarantee or provide any security in connection with the indebtedness of any third person to
the concern, for the limits fixed in the statute and in other cases for amount not exceeding Rs 10,000? (If
yes, specify reasons)
2o Has the PU at any point of time received fees from a client below minimum scale of fees recommended
for audit assignments by the ICAI? (If yes, specify reasons, with names of the entities and year in which
2p Has the PU, being statutory auditor of a client, rendered any services to the same client , as mentioned in
section 144 of Companies Act 2013 (if yes, specify reason, with names of the entities and year in which
2q Has the PU, as incoming auditor for an entity, followed the direction given by the ICAI not to accept an
appointment as auditor in the case of unjustified removal of earlier auditor? (If no, specify reasons)
2r Does the PU or a Network, as a good and healthy practice, make a disclosure of the payment received by
it for other services through the medium of a different firm or firms in which the said PU or Network or its
partners may have an ownership interest? (If no, specify reasons)
2s Does the PU take care to ensure that the aggregate professional fees received from one or more clients
by it, its partners, or other firms in which they are partners does not exceed 40% of the gross annual fees
of the PU, its partners, or other firms in which they are partners? (refer guidance note for independence)
3a When accepting or deciding to continue a client relationship, what processes does the PU have:
æ To evaluate the integrity of the entity and its people
æ To determine whether it has the competencies and resources to undertake the engagements
3b How does the PU obtain an understanding with its clients regarding the services to be performed?
3c What processes does the PU have, for withdrawal from an engagement and/or from a client
relationship if required?
3d How does the PU document details of issues and decisions taken relating to acceptance and
continuance of client relationships and specific engagements?
4a What steps has the PU taken to ensure that personnel it hires have the desired capability, competence
and commitment to ethical principles to perform as per the professional standards, regulatory and legal
4b What process does the PU follow for determining the appropriateness of an engagement team?
4c What are the considerations for assigning responsibility for an engagement to a particular partner/ salaried employee?
4d What steps has the PU taken to ensure that its personnel participate in CPE, Training and Development
activities that enable them to accomplish assigned responsibilities?
4e How does the PU ensure that personnel selected for advancement have the qualifications to
fulfil the responsibilities they will be called upon to assume?
4f What are the procedures & policies followed by PU , in recruiting the staff, of its firm? Whether
appointment letters are issued to staff by the PU? (If no, specify reason)?
5a How does the PU ensure that the planning process it undertakes for engagements meets
professional, regulatory and legal requirements?
5b How is it ensured that the PU's engagements are performed, supervised, documented, reported and
communicated in accordance with the requirements of professional standards, applicable regulators and those
of the PU itself?
5c How is it ensured that qualified team members review work performed by other team members on a
timely basis?
5d What process exists to ensure that engagement teams complete the assembly of final engagement files on
a timely basis?
5e How does the PU maintain confidentiality, safe custody, integrity accessibility and retrievability of
engagement documentation?
5f How is it ensured that the PU retains engagement documentation for a period of time sufficient to meet the
needs of the Firm, professional standards, laws and regulations?
5g What policies and procedures does the PU have to ensure that proper consultation takes place within the
PU for difficult or contentious matters?
5h a) How does the PU deal with and resolve differences of opinion, within the engagement team,or with
those who are consulted or between engagement partner and quality control reviewer ?
5i a) Does the PU have criteria for determining whether an engagement quality control review should be
performed for given engagements? b) How is it ensured/ monitored that reports of engagements for
which a engagement quality assurance review is required are not released before completion of the
5j What are the PU's procedures for addressing the nature, timing, extent and documentation of engagement
quality assurance reviews?
5k What are the PU's established criteria for eligibility of ‘Engagement Quality Assurance Reviewers’?
6b How does the PU perform monitoring procedures in the light of adherence to professional standards, regulatory
and legal requirement, appropriate designing and implementation of quality control system etc.?
6c How and how frequently does the PU Communicate the deficiencies noted and recommendations for
remedial action to concerned engagement personnel and to other firm personnel?
6d How does the PU deal with the issue of complaints and allegations?
6e (a) What documentation does the PU prepare in evidence of the monitoring operation of each element
of its quality control system?
b) For how long does the Practice Unit retains monitoring documentation?
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6f Has the PU been subjected to a Peer Review in the past? - if so, give details and attach certificate.
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Name of Firm :
Name of
Proprietor/Partner/ individual
Practicing in own name: