D&D 5e Cleric Domain Creation Guide
D&D 5e Cleric Domain Creation Guide
D&D 5e Cleric Domain Creation Guide
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Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn 1
This book is meant to be a template, a guide to help
Hello and welcome to my Create-A series, guides you create your very own cleric Domain that is
designed to help you created your own class compatible with virtually any 5e setting or campaign.
archetypes compatible with D&D 5e. In this guide I In this way, you have nearly limitless potential to
take a look at the cleric, whose Domain grants them entertain yourself and find new ways to bring the
access to thematic spells, unique abilities, and flavorful cleric to life in your game.
damage options. Each section covers an area of Domain creation,
This guide starts with a quick review of the including an overview of existing options, concepts to
primary cleric abilities so you can keep them in mind consider during creation, and how to balance the
when crafting your new Domain features. Next there’s features that go into a Domain.
a section on choosing a deity for your Domain in a This book is based on research of the official cleric
respectful and conscientious way. Next, we get into the Domain options as well as many other homebrew and
sections for each aspect of Domain creation with two self-published options. Using that research as a
examples that I will build upon as we go. Finally, I framework, I created this guide to help you create a
recap the example Domains so you can see what they Domain as quickly and easily as possible.
look like when we’re done.
Thank you for checking out my guide; I have many
more available on DMs Guild. I appreciate your EXAMPLES
support! Included at the end of each section are two example
Domains that I have created following this guide. Feel
free to use these Domains in your game, but their true
purpose is to illustrate the practical application of the
Examples are found in blue boxes at the end of each
section and detail the choices of that section. Complete
versions of the Arts Domain and Platinum Domain can
be found at the end of this guide.
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Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn 2
Keeping with the theme of the undead being
Before diving into your own archetype, it’s good to inherently unholy, another ability all clerics receive at
know what the base class has going for it. This helps 5th level is Destroy Undead. This feature improves the
guide you thematically but can also prevent you from Turn Undead option for Channel Divinity, and any
adding new features that overlap with or contradict target that fails its saving throw is instantly destroyed.
existing abilities the class already has access to. This only affects enemies with a CR of 1/2 or less, but
Chances are that, if you’re reading this guide, you’re that limit increases to 1 at 8th level, 2 at 11th level, 3 at
already interested in clerics. Even so, take a minute to 14th level, and maxes out at 4 at 17th level.
refresh yourself on the features granted by the base
cleric class.
SPELLCASTING The final feature available to all clerics at 10th level is
Divine Intervention. This is a rather thematic ability
Right out of the gate, clerics are competent casters. that allows the cleric to make a plea for help to their
They start the game with three cantrips and two 1st god. There is a relatively small chance of success, only
level cleric spells and your spellcasting ability is 10% when you first gain the feature, but it increases
wisdom. These quantities increase with almost every slightly with each level. Upon reaching 20th level, this
cleric level, and you typically gain access to a new level ability automatically succeeds.
of spell at every odd level.
Spellcasting will make up the vast majority of your
cleric’s abilities and thus their spell slots are their
primary resource. Domains supplement this by adding
Domain spells, a list of spells that become available at
1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level. These spells are always
prepared and don’t count against the number of spells
the cleric can have ready. These are primarily
thematic, but also add some great utility to the cleric.
Calling on their deity, the cleric can invoke a powerful
effect to help their allies, punish their enemies, and
shape the world around them. This is effectively their
god answering a prayer, and as such it cannot be over-
used. When you gain this ability at 2nd level, you can
only do it once per long or short rest. This increases to
two times at 6th level and three times at 18th level.
The standard usage of Channel Divinity that all
clerics have access to is Turn Undead. This effect
repels all undead who fail a wisdom saving throw,
keeping them clear of the cleric.
In addition to this, each Domain adds another
option for Channel Divinity at 2nd level that is specific
to that deity or faith. This can be anything from dealing
damage, healing wounds, or creating objects. Some
Domains add yet another option for Channel Divinity
at 6th level, although this is less common.
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Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn 3
These sound pretty good, and definitely have an air
DOMAIN CREATION of divinity and importance to them. Now, I’m sure
some of you are already balking at the obvious holes
To grossly simplify the matters of faith, religion, and and contradictions here. Don’t worry, I see them too,
gods in fantasy roleplaying games, there are many but this is exactly the same as any religion. There will
gods who each have many areas of control. Those need to be interpretation, judgement calls, and a
areas are referred to as Domains. Clerics choose a healthy dose of having your faith tested. An absolutist
Domain to adhere to, or perhaps the Domain chooses cleric is going to be a lot less fun and more work than a
them. Whatever the circumstances, a cleric’s Domain is cleric who sometimes struggles with the rules.
their sacred charge, a set of ideals and principles they
uphold above all others.
Example: Arts Domain
DEITIES OF THE REALMS This Domain focuses on the fundamental goodness of art
The PHB has seven pages of appendix dedicated to a in all its forms from paintings and crafts to poetry and
variety of pantheons, gods, and their areas of influence. song. There is beauty in art and the protection and
Other sourcebooks expand on this as well, not to curation of that beauty is of paramount importance to the
mention the infinite resources available online, in clerics of this Domain.
books, and in real-world religions. If there is a deity, The followers of this Domain are part historians, part
real or imagined, that you want your cleric to follow, curators, and part artists. Where art is persecuted, they
this system can manage it. protect it. Where art is hidden, they liberate it. Where art is
I am no theologian or man of the cloth, so I feel absent, they create it. There is no length these clerics will
obligated to present you with a brief bit of advice. In not go to see that the beauty bestowed on this world is
creating your cleric’s Domain, it will be exceptionally admired and enjoyed.
easy for you to appropriate from a culture or religion.
Yes, this is “just a game” but others take religion very
seriously. Please make sure you are being respectful Example: Platinum Domain
and considerate when using real-world religion as the This Domain centers around unbridled goodness,
basis for your cleric’s Domain. abhorrence of evil, and a concept of helping others help
themselves. I foresee this Domain turning into a very
GUIDING LIGHT radiant and supportive type of playstyle.
When it comes to helping others, this Domain prefers
If instead of choosing an existing deity from the D&D
to help others fight their own battles through support and
universe, it is relatively easy to create one from the
healing rather than directly attacking a situation.
ground up. What I find is easiest is to start with a
Furthering that, clerics of the Platinum Domain follow a
simple set of principles, the guiding essence of the
general policy of “do no harm”, preferring to solve matters
Domain you are aiming to create. Start with a mission
statement of sorts, something like “to protect all life without resorting to violence.
from harm” or “to punish evil without mercy”. This can
be virtually anything you want it to be but do make
sure it’s actionable. A cleric’s life is about service and
action. Thinking happy thoughts isn’t quite enough
Once you have your concept, list out a couple
examples of core beliefs a cleric of this Domain would
believe in or follow. In the example “to protect all life
from harm”, you might come up with these beliefs:
• I will not harm another creature.
• I will do everything I can to prevent harm from
befalling an innocent.
• I will repair the damage done by evil beings.
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Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn 4
DOMAIN SPELLS Example: Arts Domain
When a cleric chooses their Domain at 1st level, they
I focused my spell choices on illusion and transmutation to
immediately bolster their available spells by gaining
reinforce the concept of creation and art in my Domain.
access to Domain Spells. This is a list of spells granted
Some of these spells have application outside the realm of
specially by the deity of your Domain. They are usually
very thematic and exemplify the principles and beliefs creation, but this also lets the cleric have application while
of your Domain. still being able to maintain their thematic element.
Mechanically, these are always prepared. They still
require a spell slot to cast, but it is highly likely these Arts Domain Spells
will get used often. That said, the cleric will have many • 1st level: comprehend languages, identify
other spells and abilities available, so don’t stress too • 3rd level: alter self, locate object
much about picking the best ten spells in the game. • 5th level: hypnotic pattern, major image
• 7th level: fabricate, polymorph
• 9th level: creation, dream
Looking at the Domain Spell lists for the published
Domains, it is abundantly clear that these lists are Example: Platinum Domain
meant to be thematic and representative of the I looked for as many supportive spells as I could to
Domain. When a Light Domain cleric casts a damaging reinforce this cleric being a supporter and less of a fighter
spell or lays on hands it is wreathed in divine light or themselves. This includes boosting ally’s AC and boosting
fire. A Grave Domain cleric deals in necrotic energy
their natural abilities.
and the essence of life. While dealing damage is the
end result, the type and appearance of the damage is
Platinum Domain Spells
just as important here.
• 1st level: heroism, shield
• 3rd level: detect thoughts, enhance ability
WIDE VARIETY • 5th level: aura of vitality, haste
Domain Spells do not, and arguably should not, come • 7th level: aura of purity, stoneskin
from the cleric spell list. Spells from the cleric list are • 9th level: hold monster, Rary’s telepathic bond
still fine here, as they are always prepared, but gaining
access to spells from other lists can really make these
spells exciting and engaging for players to utilize.
In addition to the added utility, gaining spells from
non-cleric lists can add great flavor to your Domain.
Nature Domain clerics gain access to spells from the
druid and sorcerer lists to control nature and embody
the elements while Knowledge Domain clerics gain
access to the learned spells from the wizard list.
You can also ignore the lists altogether and just
focus on spells that fit a concept. For a Domain based
on judgement and punishment, look for spells like
command or dominate person to allow the cleric to
persecute those who have done evil.
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Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn 5
Most Domains offer up a proficiency and that’s it. Some
An early commonality between Domains is the offering offer a list of options and let the player decide what to
of bonus proficiencies at 1st level. This can be simple pick. This is great flexibility, but I personally feel like
like armor or weapon training or as niche as a new this gets away from the concept of a deity’s Domain.
skill or language. Think about what your deity would Your chosen god probably has sway over multiple
require of your cleric and what gifts might they bestow areas, but as a cleric of a particular Domain, your focus
upon them to get the job done properly. should be relatively narrow. Keep that in mind when
going this route.
The most common proficiency added by Domains is LACK OF PROFICIENCIES
heavy armor. The base class is able to use light and There are a few Domains that don’t offer any bonus
medium armor as well as shields, which might be proficiencies. These Domains usually make up for this
enough for your bookish or magic-focused cleric. If not, by adding an extra feature or ability to 1st level to
consider adding heavy armor to this feature. compensate. I recommend sticking with a proficiency
My recommendation is to add this along with any bonus and one feature at 1st level. It’s easy, it’s
other proficiencies you choose. This is something that expected, and proficiencies are an often-overlooked
almost all Domains include, so putting it in will help mechanic that can have some serious punch in
your Domain stay consistent. Additionally, if you’re gameplay.
creating a Domain that encourages the cleric to be in
the thick of battle, either fighting or supporting, heavy
armor will go a long way toward their survivability. Example: Arts Domain
Clerics of this order are trained in virtually all forms of art
BATTLE READY from a wide array of cultures and regions. This allows them
If your Domain is all about the fight, make sure to to spot forgeries, unravel ancient mysteries, and
consider a weapon proficiency here. By default, clerics understand the importance of the stories that art tells us. I
are proficient in only simple weapons. Another easy also wanted to grant another tool proficiency so they can
addition here for your combat-oriented Domain is to create in multiple fields.
give proficiency in martial weapons.
If you want something a little more specific and Bonus Proficiencies: When you choose this domain at 1st
flavorful, consider a proficiency in a specific type of level, you gain proficiency in the History skill and two sets
weapon, like only one-handed swords or only spears. of artisan tools of your choice from Calligrapher’s Supplies,
This is more limiting but if it makes sense for your Jeweler’s Tools, Leatherworker’s Tools, Painter’s Supplies,
Domain, here’s the place for it. Potter’s Tools, Weaver’s Tools, or Woodcarver’s Tools.
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Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn 6
There are a few Domains that use powerful features at
FEATURE this early level but limit its usage to a number of times
equal to your Wisdom modifier. You regain these uses
after a long rest. Thinking about this practically, this
Very few class archetypes provide a feature at 1st level
and the cleric is one of them. In addition to bonus means that right out of the gate you’re looking at using
proficiencies they also receive an ability that will this feature two or three times per long rest.
immediately shape they playstyle of the cleric. When it comes to using this as a balancing
When creating this feature, start with a concept of mechanic, some of the features that employ this type of
how you want the cleric to play and design an ability to limitation are offering abilities like bonus attacks, up
support that. If your cleric is a fighter, offer a feature to 2d8 damage to enemies that fail a saving throw, and
that augments their weapon attacks or makes them imposing disadvantage on enemy attacks as a reaction.
hardier. If your Domain focuses on spellcasting, invest These are all considerably potent effects for a first
in cantrips or other magical benefits. level character, but they need to focus even more on
their Wisdom score to be able to use them often.
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Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn 7
There is virtually no limit to the types of effects you
At 2nd level, your Domain will offer an additional could offer with Channel Divinity. This is a deity
option for your Channel Divinity feature. This sits intervening on the cleric’s behalf in conjunction with
alongside the standard Turn Undead and, at early an ability that is already limited in the number of times
levels, can only be used once per long or short rest. To it can be used. Make sure you’re reaching for potent
this end, make sure your features here are suitably effects with a thematic flair.
potent for how infrequently they will be used. You can also look outside of combat for Channel
Divinity effects, such as gaining bonuses on skill
ALTERNATE TURN checks, manifesting helpful objects, or learning critical
information to assist the party. Think of abilities the
A quick and easy option here is to create an option that base cleric doesn’t have access to and see if it makes
basically does the same thing as Turn Undead but for sense that their deity would grant them divine
other types of creatures. For a divinely good cleric this inspiration.
could affect fiends and demons or for a natural cleric,
this option could turn away constructs and other
created entities. Example: Arts Domain
You can keep this in line with Turn Undead by also
For the Channel Divinity option of the Arts Domain, I was
adding a few lines about this option improving at later
thinking something like a muse, channeling divine
levels to immediately destroy the targets upon a failed
inspiration to themselves or their allies. While this is
save. Check back on how the base cleric class handles
thematically framed as coming up with a “creative”
this for inspiration and direction.
solution to problems, mechanically it will function as a
boost to performing skill checks.
There are several options in the published Domains Channel Divinity: Divine Inspiration: As an action,
that increase the cleric’s damage output in a variety of yourself or one willing creature that you touch becomes
ways. The most obvious is to effectively make Channel filled with divine inspiration, moved to creation and
Divinity into a potent spell, dealing direct damage to resourcefulness. The target gains advantage on their next
enemies. You can also choose to have this damage attack roll, skill check, or saving throw.
attached to a weapon or spell attack as a reaction or
take a more subtle approach and have this option
impose vulnerability or disadvantage on enemies. Example: Platinum Domain
An interesting theme I saw in a few of the official The immediate option that came to mind was being able
Domains is the notion of maxing out damage dice. For to summon the goodness of the Domain’s dragon patron
this example, you could use Channel Divinity as a to repel evil creatures. This adds new options to the cleric’s
reaction to spell or weapon attack and instead of tool belt without reinventing the wheel.
rolling the damage dice, they are all considered to have
rolled their maximum values. This offers a huge burst Channel Divinity: Turn Evil: As an action, each evil
of guaranteed damage that can also be very thematic.
creature that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you
must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its
DIVINE PROTECTION saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any
Clerics are often thought of as a supportive class and damage.
you can really lean into that here. By leveraging their
divine connections, clerics of your Domain can heal A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as
their allies or protect them from incoming attacks. far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a
Mechanically this can take the shape of a successful space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take reactions. For
healing spell, imposing disadvantage on enemy its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape
attackers, or granting temporary bonus AC to allies. from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's
nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
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Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn 8
For the Domains that go this route, the effects of
UTILITY FEATURE the Channel Divinity are often very utilitarian instead
of outright offensive. This can be abilities like imposing
At 6th level Domain feature is the first that is really status affects like madness or charmed, granting the
open to interpretation. These abilities start to become cleric mobility options like increased movement speed
more varied and while still being influenced by the or even invisibility, or supporting allies with roll
theme of the Domain, are very mechanically focused. bonuses.
As always, start with the theme and concept of your You can look to the previous Channel Divinity
Domain and then look for mechanics that could option for inspiration as well. If the 2nd level option
support that. Warrior clerics would be looking for a
allows the cleric to grant themselves a boon, this
feature that augments attack and damage rolls while option could allow them to do the same for an ally. You
support-oriented clerics are interested in more potent could even flip it around and have this option be to
healing spells.
impose the opposite effect on an enemy.
If your cleric is to wade into the fray, they’re going to Example: Arts Domain
need some extra muscle to get the job done. Look for Based on the minor illusion cantrip and the other Domain
subtle ways to do this without just adding more spells to create illusions and temporary objects, I wanted
damage. This method is prone to unbalancing combat to add a feature that allowed the cleric to turn these into
and being harder to scale across levels. Instead, real objects. In this way, they can more freely create art
consider having certain damage types ignore without needing tools or supplies.
resistances or allowing reactions to reposition
enemies into a position that is favorable to the cleric. Art Made Real: Starting at 6th level, when you cast a spell
You can also make the cleric more effective in that creates an illusion or temporary object, you can use
combat if they have better defenses to prevent your reaction to make this object become real. This object
incoming damage. This can be anything from a static cannot be magical. This feature cannot create living or
AC bonus, additional resistances that are thematic to animated objects; illusions of a creature become a realistic
your Domain, or self-healing as a reaction to dealing or statue or carving.
receiving damage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
For the more support-focused cleric, they can find
themselves acting on allies without much time to think Example: Platinum Domain
about anything else. This is a great place to add a
My first thought was to really lean into the good vs. evil of
feature that improves the cleric’s efficiency. A couple
this Domain by adding the ability to use the detect spell at
of the published Domains have an option that allows
will. To make it a little bit more enticing, I added in a
the cleric to heal themselves when healing allies.
reaction to attack an evil creature if one is found.
You could expand this to features that allow you
heal yourself when you damage an enemy with a
Bane of Evil: Starting at 6th level, you can use the detect
damage type related to your Domain or grant
evil and good spell at will without requiring material
temporary resistance to an ally when you heal them.
component. If you detect an evil creature you can use your
Think about how you can combine two smaller effects
into one to add some oomph to your cleric. reaction to make a weapon attack against them.
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Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn 9
If you really want to play outside the proverbial box,
At 8th level we have what I refer to as the Damage feel free to write up a completely new type of feature
Feature. Never before in my research have I seen a here. Make sure to balance it out well though; with
feature across so many class archetypes that follow such a widely used and standardized feature, I have to
such a rigid structure. After looking at fourteen believe that this type of feature used at this level was
different Domains, there are only two types of options deemed the best utility for the class.
used at this level.
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Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn 10
A few Domains make references to previous features
Much like at 6th level, the feature available at 17th level and allows the cleric to use them in new or more
is open to a wide array of interpretations. As always, it powerful ways. You can use this space to make the
should fit cleanly within the concept of your Domain Domain’s Channel Divinity options more potent,
and have a thematic flair that represents your deity’s extending their effects to more targets, increasing their
power. Below are some examples but feel encouraged duration, or adding new abilities such as being able to
to try out new and exciting abilities too. read the thoughts of enemies you turn or charm.
One thing I noted about all the features I looked at For other abilities, you can consider a number of
is that the majority of these abilities are passive or possible improvements: increased damage or damage
always available. These are not generally actions that dice, increased number of targets, increased number of
the cleric needs to perform, but rather permanent times a feature can be used, or increased range.
modifications to how the cleric interacts with the
world around them.
Example: Arts Domain
ARMOR OF FAITH This is straight up just that animated movie where the
clocks and candlesticks and stuff come to life. I thought
A common use of this feature is to grant the cleric
that would be fun to do, so I did it.
permanent resistances or even immunities to certain
types of damage. You can choose resistances liberally
Art Speaker: Starting at 17th level, you can use an action
here, but limit them to two or three at most, and, if
they are physical damage types, they should be to imbue a piece of art with the energy of your deity. You
overcome by magic weapons. can communicate with the piece through telepathy for 1
If you’re looking to add an immunity, this should be minute. The art has complete memory of its entire
limited to one type of damage and, in my opinion, must existence and will share any information it has freely.
be related to your deity and Domain. A cleric who Only one piece may be affected by this feature at a time.
follows a sun god might be immune to radiant or fire You can dismiss the effect with a bonus action or if you use
damage due to their prolonged exposure to such the feature again.
energy. Having them be immune to cold damage Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or
however doesn’t make as much sense. long rest before using it again.
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Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn 11
This Domain focuses on the fundamental goodness of INSPIRATION
art in all its forms from paintings and crafts to poetry As an action, yourself or one willing creature that you
and song. There is beauty in art and the protection and touch becomes filled with divine inspiration, moved to
curation of that beauty is of paramount importance to creation and resourcefulness. The target gains
the clerics of this Domain. advantage on their next attack roll, skill check, or
The followers of this Domain are part historians, saving throw.
part curators, and part artists. Where art is persecuted,
they protect it. Where art is hidden, they liberate it.
Where art is absent, they create it. There is no length ART MADE REAL
these clerics will not go to see that the beauty Starting at 6th level, when you cast a spell that creates
bestowed on this world is admired and enjoyed. an illusory or temporary object, you can use your
reaction to make this object become real. This object
ARTS DOMAIN FEATURES cannot be magical. This feature cannot create living or
animated objects; illusions of a creature become a
Cleric Level Features realistic statue or carving.
Domain Spells, Bonus Proficiencies, You can use this feature a number of times equal to
Divine Maker your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
2nd Channel Divinity: Divine Inspiration
6th Art Made Real
8th Potent Spellcasting POTENT SPELLCASTING
Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to
17th Art Speaker
the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.
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Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn 12
As an action, each evil creature that can see or hear
This Domain centers around unbridled goodness, you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving
abhorrence of evil, and a concept of helping others throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned
help themselves. I foresee this Domain turning into a for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.
very radiant and supportive type of playstyle. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to
When it comes to helping others, this Domain move as far away from you as it can, and it can't
prefers to help others fight their own battles through willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also
support and healing rather than directly attacking a can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the
situation. Furthering that, clerics of the Platinum Dash action or try to escape from an effect that
Domain follow a general policy of “do no harm”, prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move,
preferring to solve matters without resorting to the creature can use the Dodge action.
violence. Platinum Domain Features
Cleric Level Features BANE OF EVIL
1st Domain Spells, Bonus Proficiency, Starting at 6th level, you can use the detect evil and
Battle Aid good spell at will without requiring material
2nd Channel Divinity: Turn Evil component. If you detect an evil creature you can use
6th Bane of Evil your reaction to make a weapon attack against them.
8th Divine Strike
17 th Draconic Judgement DIVINE STRIKE
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon
PLATINUM DOMAIN SPELLS strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns
when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
Cleric Level Spells cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 force damage.
1st heroism, shield When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases
3rd detect thoughts, enhance ability to 2d8.
5th aura of vitality, haste
7th aura of purity, stoneskin DRACONIC JUDGEMENT
9th hold monster, Rary’s telepathic bond At 17th level, when you detect an evil creature with
your Bane of Evil feature, instead of attacking them
you can use your reaction to make them make Wisdom
BONUS PROFICIENCY saving throw against your cleric spell save DC. A
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain creature who fails is immediately banished to the
proficiency with heavy armor. realm of your draconic patron for 1 minute and takes
4d8 force damage.
BATTLE AID You can use a bonus action to end this effect early,
at which point the target returns to the same spot they
Starting at 1st level, you are a supporter and ally to occupied before being banished, or the next closest
those who need it. When an ally within 5 feet of you space if it is occupied.
makes a weapon attack against an enemy, you can use Once a target fails this saving throw, you can’t use
your reaction to grant them advantage on their attack this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.
roll. To do so, you must be able to see both your ally
and their target.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn 13
This sourcebook is release as pay-what-you-want Female Knight (cover) by Dean Spencer
(PWYW) on DMs Guild. Please consider supporting my Fantasy Cleric (pg. 3) by Harold Rodriguez
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You are also allowed to use this guide to create a Lindsey Marie - linktr.ee/mslindseymariecreations
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Thank you for downloading this sourcebook! It was a
lot of fun to create.
If you have any feedback or suggestions for this
sourcebook, please send it to me via email at
matthew@gravelyn.com with the subject line “Create-
A-Domain Feedback”. Your input will help to make this
sourcebook even better for future players!
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Create-A-Domain: A Cleric Domain Creation Guide by Matthew Gravelyn 14