CANoe Manual en
CANoe Manual en
CANoe Manual en
Version 4.1
France Sweden
Vector France SAS VecScan AB
168, Boulevard Camélinat Fabriksgatan 7
F-92240 Malakoff S-41250 Göteborg
Tel.: +33 1 4231 4000 Tel.: +46 031 79901 35
Fax: +33 1 4231 4009 Fax: +46 031 79903 05
Japan USA
Vector Japan Co., Ltd. Vector CANtech, Inc.
Nishikawa Bldg. 2F Suite 550
3-3-9 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku 39500 Orchard Hill Place
J-103-0027 Tokyo USA-Novi, Mi 48375
Tel.: +81 3 3516 7850 Tel.: +1 248 449 9290
Fax: +81 3 3516 7855 Fax: +1 248 449 9704
Typographic Conventions
CANoe CANalyzer
DENoe DENalyzer
The multi-bus functionality and die modular configuration concept of the program
variants require a new naming convention of several Vector products.
Included bus options are now indicated with a "." (DOT) followed by the name of the
bus system.
for the LIN option: .LIN
for the MOST option: .MOST
The products CANoe resp. CANalyzer always contain the CAN option; therefore
".CAN" is never listed as a bus option. All further contained options are specified as
shown above.
The products DENoe resp. DENalyzer aim at users that exclusively use one or some
of the bus systems LIN, MOST or FlexRay; here the CAN option is not included.
Additional Notes
• Practice parts (CANoe tour / CANalyzer tour) are currently only available for
CANoe resp. CANalyzer (not for the bus options LIN, MOST, FlexRay).
• In the manual and online help basically the terms CANoe and CANalyzer are
• The terms DENoe resp. DENalyzer are used in manual and online help to show
differences to CANoe resp. CANalyzer.
1 Introduction..........................................................................................................1
2 Applications .......................................................................................................36
3 Windows.............................................................................................................85
6 CAPL Programming.........................................................................................154
9 Option .MOST...................................................................................................167
11 Index ............................................................................................................191
1 Introduction
In this chapter, you get an overview about the purpose and functionality of CANoe.
A short tutorial leads you through the essential components of CANoe and roughly
acquaints you with the individual functions.
1.1 Overview
CANoe is a universal development, test and analysis environment for CAN bus sys-
tems, which is made available to all project participants over the entire development
process. The system producer is supported in functional distribution, functional
checking and integration of the overall system. The supplier obtains an ideal test en-
vironment by simulation of the remainder of the bus and environment.
The development process is based on a phase model which differentiates between
three development stages (see Figure 1).
The control panels provide a user-friendly interface to the environment variables. The
user can create the panels independently with the help of the Panel Editor. During the
simulation values of environment variables can be displayed (lamps, counters) and
interactively modified (switches, potentiometers).
The example in Figure 2 is intended to clarify the functions which CANoe provides for
simulation and testing of CAN bus systems.
By pressing the pushbutton on the left control panel the discrete environment variable
"Pushbutton" is set to the value 1. The bus node on the left reacts by sending out a
message on the CAN bus. The bus node in the middle receives this message and
sets the discrete environment variable "Light" to 1. This causes the small lamp in the
middle control panel to light up.
Analogously, the user can also adjust the potentiometer in the middle control panel,
whereby the value of the continuous environment variable "Potentiometer" is modi-
fied. This causes the middle network node to place a message on the bus with the
new data. This message is received by the network node on the right. There a new
value is calculated from the signal contents for the environment variable "Engine
RPM". Finally, this causes the display of engine speed to be updated on the right
control panel.
The behavior presented in the previous sections can be described very easily with
functions available in CAPL. By this method it is possible to implement a simulation of
complex systems with relatively little effort.
again on an item in the submenu which appears, and the associated action is exe-
As an alternative, the main menu can be activated by pressing the <Alt> key. You can
now select an item with the cursor keys (<Arrow right>, <Arrow left>, <Arrow up> and
<Arrow down> and execute the associated action by pressing the Enter key.
You can deactivate a selected menu entry again by pressing <ESC> or by clicking
outside of the menu area with the mouse button.
All of the windows described above can be moved, enlarged, reduced, opened and
closed again at any time, i.e. also during the measurement. To move the window
simply drag (= press the left mouse key and hold it down while the mouse is moved)
the title bar of the particular window to the new position. To change the window size,
drag on the sides or corners of the window.
As an alternative you can also perform these actions with the keyboard after calling
the system menu (pressing <Alt>-<SPACE> or <Alt>-<->). See the Windows manuals
or Windows online Help for further details.
1.2.1 Menus
CANoe is operated using the main menu. The individual menu commands are de-
scribed in detail in online Help
Additionally, there are other context-sensitive menus in the evaluation windows de-
scribed above and in the data flow plans in the simulation and measurement setup
windows. These menus allow the user to specifically configure certain objects. These
menus can be opened by clicking the active block in the active window or in the
measurement setup window with the right mouse button. Using the keyboard this is
done by pressing <F10>.
Most blocks in the measurement and simulation setups can be parameterized by se-
lecting the first item in the context menu Configuration. The block's configuration
dialog is opened for this purpose. You can also start this dialog directly, without going
through the context menu, by double clicking on the active block or pressing the En-
ter key.
1.2.2 Dialogs
In addition to command inputs, which are usually made using menus, there are also
parameter inputs. As a rule, parameters are entered in dialog boxes. A dialog box
generally consists of six types of fields, each of which can occur more than once:
Comment box
Comment box This tells the user what is to be input. The boxes behave passively
when clicking on them with the mouse. They cannot be accessed
by keyboard either.
Text input box Alphanumeric boxfield, e.g. for entering file names. Numeric box-
(type-bound) field, e.g. for entering integer or floating point numbers.
Drop-down list After clicking on the arrow along the right border of the box, a list
drops down, from which you can select a value from a prescribed
set of values.
Options but- These buttons represent mutually exclusive options. You can only
ton/Radio button select one option at a time. If you select another option, the previ-
ous selection becomes inactive. The currently selected option but-
ton is identified by a black dot.
Control A check box next to an option indicates that this option can be acti-
box/Check box vated or deactivated. In this case you can activate as many check
boxes as desired. Activated check boxes are identified by an "x" or
„ “.
Button Buttons serve to execute certain actions, e.g. to exit the dialog box
or to open a subordinate dialog box.
All dialogs have action buttons labeled [OK], [Cancel] and [Help]. If you press [OK],
the settings you have made in the dialog are accepted into the configuration of the
particular block. If you press [Cancel], all settings made since the dialog box was last
opened will be lost. With the [Help] button you can obtain a help text about the dialog
box you are currently working with. After the Help window has been closed you can
continue with the dialog. All settings are preserved.
Most CANoe dialogs also have an [Options] button. When this button is activated
another dialog appears with which you can modify the CANoe global options (deci-
mal/hexadecimal number representation, symbolic/numeric mode).
Note: Modification of the global options from a configuration dialog affects data
representation in all system windows and dialogs.
Where there are multiple input and action boxes in a dialog box, first the desired box
must be selected. Using the mouse this is done by clicking on the appropriate box.
For input boxes this causes the text cursor to be placed at the mouse pointer position
in the box. Check boxes change their state, and for action boxes the action is exe-
cuted. With keyboard operation the particular box is selected with <Tab> or <Shift-
Tab>. Check boxes can be then be toggled using the spacebar. The <Enter> key
closes the dialog box and executes any actions selected in action boxes.
Mouse Operation
All blocks and some images in the measurement setup and simulation windows
are mouse sensitive. When selected by clicking the left mouse button, the ele-
ment preselected in this manner is identified by a frame as the Active Element.
When the right mouse button is clicked, a popup menu appears in which the ob-
ject is configured by the methods described above. As an alternative, the con-
figuration dialog for the active block can be called directly by double clicking
with the left mouse button.
Keyboard Operation
When the measurement setup or simulation setup is active and <Tab>, <Back-
space> or one of the cursor keys is activated, the preselect frame around the
currently active element is indexed forward. <Tab> results in forward indexing
(<Backspace>: Reverse indexing) of the internal processing sequence. The
cursor keys index forward to the next closest element geometrically in the direc-
tion of the arrow. When <F10> is activated the popup menu of the active ele-
ment appears. As an alternative, the Enter key can be used to call the configu-
ration dialog of the active block directly.
You can deactivate the preselected function block in the measurement setup
and simulation setup with the spacebar, or reactivate it by pressing the space-
bar again.
With <Ctrl-F6> and <Ctrl-Shift-F6> you can bring any opened CANoe window to
the foreground and activate it.
In the last part of the tour you will become familiar with the CAPL programming lan-
guage and create two network nodes of a distributed system to solve a simple simu-
lation task in CANoe.
1.3.1 Preparations
To start CANoe, call CANOE32.EXE by double clicking the appropriate icon in the
CANoe program group.
CANoe has various evaluation windows (Trace, Data, Graphics, Statistics and Bus
Statistics windows) as well as a measurement setup window and a simulation setup
window which show you the data flow and simultaneously allow you to configure CA-
You can access all program windows from the [View] menu on the main menu bar.
In the simulation setup window the overall system is shown graphically with the CAN
bus and all network nodes. The simulated bus is represented by a red horizontal line.
The black line beneath it symbolizes the real bus. The two buses are connected to
one another via the PC-card.. To transmit data from CANoe onto the bus, insert
transmit blocks in the simulation setup, which must be connected by the red line.
The data flow diagram of the CANoe measurement setup has a connection to the
simulation setup on the left - symbolized by the >> symbol - and various evaluation
blocks on the right serving as data sinks. That is, the data flow is from left to right.
Connection lines and branches are drawn between the individual elements to clarify
the data flow.
The information arriving at each evaluation block are displayed in the block's evalua-
tion window. For example, the Trace window displays all information arriving at the
trace block, while the Graphics window shows you information arriving at the graph-
ics block.
The only exception is the logging block, which is not assigned a window but rather a
file in which the data arriving at the block are logged.
In the data flow diagram you will also recognize small black rectangles: . At these
insertion points (Hotspots) you can insert additional function blocks for manipulating
the data flow (Filter, replay and generator blocks, or CAPL program blocks with user-
definable functions).
Make sure that you begin this tour with a new configuration by selecting the menu
item File│New configuration. The Simulation Setup wizard starts, which we don not
need for this tour. Therefore you have to exit the wizard by selecting the [Cancel]
CAN bus
cable PC-Board
Consequently, the CAN bus that you use during this tour will consist of a short 2-
conductor or 3-conductor cable that connects the two CAN controllers of the CAN
card to one another. This is necessary as a minimal configuration, since the CAN pro-
tocol requires - in addition to a sender - at least one receiver that confirms the correct
receipt of messages with an acknowledge.
Up to this point we have not considered definitions of bus parameters (Transmission
speed, sampling point, etc.) which must be set for each of the two participating con-
trollers. To do this, from the View menu bring the simulation setup to the foreground
and click the right mouse button on the square that represents the bus system.
After then select + and Setup from the configuration dialog for the first controller CAN
1 and type in the value for the baudrate 100kBaud.This makes sense for both high-
speed and low-speed buses. After you activate the [Update] button, CANoe recom-
mends default values for the controller registers, which you accept with [OK]. When
you do this - besides the transmission speed of 100 kBaud - you also implicitly define
other controller parameters (Sampling point, BTL cycles, and synchronization jump
width). For the overall system to function properly, the same exact values must be
assumed for the second controller CAN2. When you exit the dialog, CANoe asks you
whether the parameters should be accepted. Answer with YES.
Unit 1: Configure CANoe so that - after the measurement start - a CAN message
with identifier 64 (hex) is placed on the bus every 100 milliseconds. In this
case the message should contain exactly four data bytes with the values
D8 (hex), D6 (hex), 37 (hex) and 0.
You can solve this task by inserting a generator block in CANoe's simulation setup
which generates the message to be transmitted. This is done by clicking with the right
mouse button on the bus lines in the simulation setup, and - from the popup menu -
inserting a generator block on the bus.
Afterwards, this appears in the simulation setup as a rectangular block that is con-
nected to the simulated bus (red line). You can then configure this block from its
popup menu, which you access by pressing the right mouse button.
First, fill out the transmit list. You enter 64 as the identifier. (Check to see whether the
numbering format is set to [Hex] using the [Options] button .) Then enter the value 4
in the DLC box as the data length entry. Finally, set the values of the data bytes in the
four data boxes that follow by entering the values D8, D6, 37 and 0 there.
Exit the transmit list with [OK] to accept the values in the configuration. In the gen-
erator block's popup menu, you must now still configure triggering for the transmit
action. On the second line check the box With Period and then enter the value 100
in the input box to the right of this.
generator block, whereby the first column shows the transmit time relative to the
measurement start.
The next column shows you which of the two CAN channels was used to transmit.
This value (1) agrees with the default value assigned in the generator block's transmit
list of messages to be transmitted.
Afterwards, this message is also received by the second CAN controller over the bus.
The question arises: Why is this not also displayed in the Trace window? You will find
the answer in the configuration dialog for the acceptance filter for the second control-
ler. In turn, you can open this dialog from the PC-card icon's popup menu under the
entry Channel configuration…/CAN 2/Filter.
The acceptance filter options support hardware-side filtering of messages. The de-
fault options block most message receiving. You can open the filter by entering the
value X in the upper line.
After a new measurement start you can now also see that the message transmitted
via channel 1 (Transmit attribute Tx [= Transmit] in the Trace window) was received
by the second controller (Receive attribute Rx [= Receive] in the Trace window).
We will now expand the task and additionally transmit a message with modified data:
Unit 2: Expand the configuration of the last task such that, additionally, a message
with identifier 3FC (hex) is transmitted every 200 milliseconds. The value
of the first data byte of this message should cyclically assume values from
1 to 5.
You can solve this task by inserting another generator block in the simulation setup.
Select 200 ms as the value for cyclic triggering. The transmit list should appear as
shown below:
Do not forget to stop the measurement before you reconfigure the simulation setup.
During a running measurement it is not possible to make changes to the configura-
tion of the data flow. The menu items of the relevant popup menus appear in gray
Besides the generator block, CANoe also offers two additional block types as data
sources. With a replay block you can play back data on the bus that were logged with
CANoe's logging function. A program block allows you to integrate your own transmit
functionalities - which may be quite complex - into CANoe with the CAPL program-
ming language.
With you can toggle between absolute and relative time representation. In rela-
tive time representation, the time difference between two successive messages
("transmit interval") is shown in the first column. Of course, in this display format it is
also easy to find the transmit interval that you entered previously in the generator
block: 100 milliseconds.
The Statistics window also offers you bus-related information. Here you can observe
the transmit frequencies for messages, coded by identifiers. If you have configured
the simulation setup as in the two last tasks, then you should see two vertical lines in
the Statistics window after the measurement start, which show the transmit frequen-
cies of the two generated messages 64 (hex) and 3FC (hex).
10 messages per second were recorded for identifier 64, and half as many were re-
corded for identifier 3FC. This result corresponds to the cyclic periods of 100 and 200
milliseconds set in the generator blocks.
If the Graphics window display is too imprecise, the statistics block offers you a sta-
tistical report that gives you more precise information on the transmit interval for each
message. Stop the measurement and activate the statistical report in the configura-
tion dialog of the Statistics block (Measurement Setup).
If the Activate check box of the expanded statistical functions is selected, a Statistics
report is generated for at least one acquisition range during the measurement. After
the end of the measurement this can be output to the Write window by the Display
statistics report command in the Statistics block's popup menu.
Besides showing the total number of messages for each identifier, the statistics report
also shows the mean value, standard deviation, and minimum and maximum for the
recorded transmit interval.
Another bus-related window, the Bus Statistics window, provides an overview of bus
data traffic. Displayed here are the total frequencies of data, remote, error and over-
load frames, bus loading and CAN controller status. Since in our case one message
is sent every 100 ms and the second message every 200ms, the total frequency of all
messages is 15 frames per second. With an average data length of about 70 bits per
frame, approx. 15 * 70 ≈ 1000 bits are placed on the bus in one second. At a baud
rate of 100 kBit/sec the bus load in our example would be on the order of magnitude
of one percent.
Double click the Messages object type in the area on the left side of the Overall View
window. The subordinate structural level is then also shown in this area, and the area
on the right shows the available messages with their system parameters (e.g. sym-
bolic name, identifier, etc.). First, toggle the numbering format from decimal to hexa-
decimal in the Options│Settings menu item. We can deduce from the symbolic
names of the messages that the system under consideration involves a description of
communications in a rudimentary engine area system.
Click the message EngineData in the left area of the overall view window. The system
parameters of signals transmitted in this message are shown in the area on the right
side of the Overall View window.
The temperature EngTemp, for example, is a 7 bit signal. To obtain the physical value
in degrees Celsius, the bit value must be multiplied by the factor 2, and the offset 50
must be subtracted from the result. The idle switch signal Idle Running in the last bit
of the third data byte is a binary signal (one bit), which can assume the value 0 or 1.
With the help of this symbolic information the data contents of messages can now be
interpreted in CANoe. Please note that this only makes sense if the database infor-
mation describes the system that you are currently observing. Of course, you can
also associate a different database to CANoe. The observed CAN data traffic is then
interpreted according to the information in that database, even if it does not make any
sense. You yourself are responsible for ensuring that the database associated to the
configuration matches the real CAN network.
Messages that you generate in the two generator blocks can be interpreted with the
database MOTBUS.DBC. Please note that the message you generated in the first task
has the identifier 64 (hex). This agrees with the identifier of the message EngineData
that we just examined in the database editor. If you now start the measurement, you
can toggle the program to symbolic mode by activating the button.
In the Trace window you will now see the symbolic message name in addition to the
Unit 3: Configure the Data window to display the signal values of the message
EngineData (ID 64 hex) that is generated in the transmit branch.
To solve this task, first open the Data window's popup menu and then start the con-
figuration dialog. Initially, the signal list in this dialog is still empty. With the [New
Signal] button you start the Signal Explorer, which makes it possible for you to select
a signal from the database. The object hierarchy on the left side of the dialog allows
you to search for a specific signal. On the right side are the signals of the selected
To configure the Data window, first select EngineData from the list of all messages.
Afterwards, select and accept all signals of this message from the dialog list on the
When you close the Data window's configuration dialog you will see that the signal
names are now entered in the window. After the measurement start the generator
block begins to cyclically send the message EngineData with data bytes D8, D6, 37
and 0 onto the bus. According to the message description in the database, the data
block in the measurement setup now interprets these byte values as engine speed,
temperature and idle switch and displays the appropriate signal values in the Data
window in physical units.
With the help of the conversion formula in the database, engine speed is shown in
RPM, while temperature is shown in degrees Celsius. The values of all three signals
remain constant over time, since the message is constantly transmitted with the
same data bytes D8, D6, 37 and 0.
Unit 4: Configure the Graphics window so that signal values are displayed for
message 3FC (hex) that is generated in the transmit branch.
The second message generated in the transmit branch is also described in the asso-
ciated database. In the database it will be apparent to you that the identifier 3FC is
associated with the symbolic message name GearBoxInfo containing the signals
Gear, ShiftRequest and EcoMode.
You can now observe the time responses of these signals in the Graphics window.
The Graphics window can be configured exactly like the Data window. Here too you
open the configuration dialog for signals from the window's popup menu. In the signal
selection dialog you select the 3 signals of the message GearBoxInfo. In the Graph-
ics window you see that the signals are now entered in the legend on the left side of
the window. After the measurement start you observe that the signal Gear cyclically
assumes values from 1 to 5, while the other two signals remain constant over time.
This corresponds to the five values that you entered in the generator block as part of
task 2. The values remain in the Graphics window after the end of the measurement.
The measurement functions that the window provides for post-analysis are described
in section 3.4.5.
If you now set - for example - the value of EngSpeed to 1000 rpm, the generator
block automatically uses the database information to compute the corresponding
data bytes (10, 27, 37 and 0).
Unit 5: Log - in ASCII format - all CAN data traffic that is generated in a short
measurement (approx. 20 sec.) by the generator blocks in the simulation
To log the data that arrive in CANoe's measurement setup to a file, first activate the
logging branch. Also remove the break that separates the logging block of a new con-
figuration from the data source. You can do this by double clicking the break symbol
or with the popup menu of the break (hot spot). From the popup menu of the file icon
located at the far right of the logging branch, open the configuration dialog. Here you
can enter the file name for the measurement log as well as its format. Select ASCII
format here.
Logs in binary format take up less space on your hard drive, but they cannot be read
by normal text editors. The program's Offline mode offers you the same evaluation
options for logs in both formats.
Besides the file icon, you can also specify trigger conditions for file logging in the log-
ging block. This is often advisable, since frequently it is not the data traffic on the can
bus over the entire measurement period that is of interest, but rather only certain time
intervals, e.g. when there are implausible signal values or when error frames occur.
A description of how to define trigger conditions and time windows around these con-
ditions is presented in section To log the entire measurement it is sufficient to
change the mode from Single Trigger to Entire Measurement in the trigger configu-
ration dialog.
Exit the dialog with [OK] and then start the measurement, which you stop again after
20 seconds. Now with a double click on the log file icon you can open the logged
ASCII file. Besides the logged messages you can see that statistical information was
also logged. These lines correspond exactly to the information that is displayed in the
Bus Statistics window during a measurement.
Unit 6: Play back the log file recorded for the last task in Offline mode, and ob-
serve the signal response in the Graphics window.
To solve this task, first switch CANoe to Offline mode. In the main Mode menu you
will find two entries for this: To Offline and To Offline (Copy). Since you can use the
Graphics window configuration you prepared in Online mode here too, it is advisable
to copy all configuration options of the analysis branch to Offline mode with To
Offline (Copy).
Now shown as the data source in the measurement setup - instead of the bus symbol
- is a file icon. Otherwise, all of measurement setup options of Online mode have
been assumed. You can configure the data source by double clicking the file icon at
the left of the measurement setup and entering the name of the log file selected in
the last task.
Also you have to separate the logging block. You can do this by double clicking the
hot spot symbol in front (left) of the Logging block or with the popup menu of this hot
You can now play back the measurement with the F9 key. In contrast to Online mode,
here CANoe also offers you the option of replaying the measurement in slow motion
(Start│Animate menu item or F8 key) or in Single-Step mode (Start│Step menu
item or F7 key).
The same analysis functions are available to you in Offline mode as in Online mode.
That is, the logged data are displayed in bus-related format in the Trace window,
while you can observe the log's signal responses in the Graphics window.
Of course, you can also insert filters or CAPL programs in the measurement setup to
further reduce the data or introduce additional user-defined analysis functions.
Unit 7: Create a CAPL program with which you can count the number of mes-
sages of the type EngineData (ID 64 hex) and output the counted number
of messages to the Write window in response to a key press.
First, switch CANoe back to Online mode. In the simulation setup the generator block
which sends EngineData messages cyclically onto the bus should still be the data
First you must decide where you wish to insert your CAPL program in the data flow
plan. In principle, any hotspot in the measurement setup or in the simulation setup is
available to you. However, since this program is solely for analysis purposes and
does not generate any messages itself, but only counts them, it is advisable to insert
the program on the right side of the measurement setup, perhaps before the Statis-
tics block. In the hotspot's popup menu choose the function Insert CAPL node. A
function block with the program symbol P now appears at the selected point in the
measurement setup. You can also access the node's configuration dialog via the
popup menu. First, select a program name, e.g. COUNTER.CAN, and then start the
CAPL Browser either from the configuration dialog's [Edit...] button or directly by
double clicking the program block in the measurement setup.
CAPL is an event-based programming language. Each CAPL program consists of
event procedures, with which you can react to external events (e.g. occurrence of
specific messages on the CAN bus or activation of keys on the PC keyboard). The
CAPL Browser is described in detail in the online help. With its sub-windows
("Panes") it allows you to create and edit CAPL programs quickly and easily.
In principle, you can also use your own text editor to create CAPL programs. CAPL
programs are normal ASCII files with the default name extension *.CAN, which must
be compiled before the start of measurement using the compiler provided with the
CANoe product.
For your program you will first need an integer variable which counts the messages.
For example, you could name it counter. Go to the upper right Browser pane and
enter this name in the variables block. The following should now appear in this pane:
variables {
int counter;
Like all global variables, this variable is automatically initialized to zero at the meas-
urement start.
In the next step, this variable should be incremented whenever an EngineData mes-
sage is registered. Therefore, you must expand the CAPL program to include an e-
vent procedure of the type on message ("React to message event"). To do this, click
the event type CAN Messages in the Browser tree using the right mouse button and
insert a new event procedure of this type using the command New from the popup
Now a procedure template appears in the Procedures Text Editor. First replace the
text <newMessage> by the symbolic name EngineData, which you could also as-
sume directly from the database via the popup menu item CANdb Message. During
compilation the CAPL compiler replaces the symbolic name by the corresponding
identifier 0x64.
Now you only need to define which actions should be performed when the event oc-
curs. Since the program is to count messages, the variable counter must be must
be incremented whenever a message is registered. The complete procedure appears
as follows:
on message EngineData
As a last step, the output to the Write window must still be implemented. Finally, the
program should not just count messages, but also keep track of how many messages
have been counted.
The output to the Write window should occur when the ‘a’ key is pressed. Therefore,
you must define another event procedure for the event "Press key 'a'". In the Browser
tree you select the type Keyboard. This causes the previously defined on message
procedure to disappear, since it belongs to a different event type. Of course it still
remains a component of the CAPL program and will appear again as soon as you
select the Messages event type again.
Now insert a Keyboard event in the CAPL program from the popup menu. A new
procedure template will appear in the Procedures Text Editor, which you fill out as
on key 'a'
write("%d EngineData messages counted",counter);
The format entry %d refers to the integer variable counter, which is entered after
the comma. For the most part, this format string conforms to the C function
That completes the program. Save it and then start the compiler either with the F9
key, or the main menu command Compiler│Compile or by the lightning icon button
on the toolbar. If you have made an error in creating the program, a message window
will open showing you the error. Double click this error message to go to the location
where the error occurred. After you have corrected it and saved the program file
again, recompile the program. Once the program has compiled without errors, the
message Compiled appears in the status bar at the bottom of Browser's main win-
Now start the measurement. The generator block in the transmit branch begins to
cyclically transmit messages of the type EngineData, which are now counted by your
program. Whenever you press the 'a' key the text "n EngineData messages
counted" can be seen in the Write window, whereby n represents the number of
messages counted.
evSwitch evLight
Application Application
This simplest functionality was purposely selected to direct the user's attention to the
creation of models and not to their functionality. More complex distributed systems
can build upon the same conceptual pattern in CANoe without any difficulty.
A model for distributed systems can be created efficiently in CANoe in three steps: :
1. Create the database with messages, signals and environment variables
2. Create the network node periphery, i.e. the control panels
3. Create the network node models in CAPL
To prepare for the task you might, for example, create a new empty configuration by
pressing the button on the toolbar.
• The exchange of information between the two network nodes via the communi-
cation medium, i.e. the CAN bus; and
• The I/O interface to the periphery, i.e. the "wiring" between each node and its
input and output units.
The database message and signal objects are available for describing the exchange
of information over the CAN bus. The simple functionality of the example can be
handled by a 1-bit signal which describes the state of the switch at the first node. This
signal is packed in a CAN message and is only transmitted if the switch state
changes (spontaneous transmission).
Therefore, you create a new database with the CANdb++ Editor, and in the database
you create a message, e.g. with the name Msg1 and identifier 100, which is to be
transmitted by the first node. Create the signal bsSwitch to describe the switch posi-
tion and link it to the message Msg1. In this case a signal length of one bit is suffi-
cient, since only two states need to be transmitted, On (1) and Off (0):
The database provides you with environment variables for describing the I/O inter-
face between the nodes and their peripheries. Each peripheral element (Switch, indi-
cator lamp, slider, etc.) is "wired" to an environment variable, i.e. it is connected to
the CAPL program for the network node.
In this example there are exactly two peripheral elements: A switch at the first node
and an indicator lamp at the second node. Therefore, two environment variables
must be created in the database, e.g. evLight and evSwitch:
Save the database, e.g. under the name TOUR.DBC, and associate it with your empty
configuration. In the System View window of the Simulation setup you can add the
database. If you go in the tree view of the current configuration to Databases with the
mouse pointer and click on the right mouse button, you can run the command Add…
from the context menu.
In the configuration under consideration, one panel must be created for each of the
two nodes. The first panel has a single control, a switch, while the second only has a
small lamp as an indicating element:
Switch Light
evSwitch evLight
You can start the Panel Editor by activating the button on the CANoe toolbar. This
ensures that the database is available with environment variables evSwitch and
evLight which are necessary for the wiring.
In the Panel Editor first enter the name of the first node's panel under Options|Panel
Size, Name, Colors and Fonts, e.g. Panel 1. On the Panel Editor's toolbar choose a
switch and place it on the panel. You can wire the switch by double clicking and
then assigning the environment variable evSwitch to it. You can label the switch by
choosing the display element from the toolbar, placing it on the panel to the left of
the switch and then configuring it with a text, e.g. "Switch". You can change the size
of the panel by clicking the panel border and dragging it. Try not to size panels any
larger than necessary, since available screen space is usually a very limited and
hence valuable resource.
Save the panel, e.g. under the name SWITCH.CNP. Then create the panel for the
second node in the same way. Instead of a switch, here you should insert an indica-
tor lamp as a display element. To do this, choose the bitmap indicator from the
toolbar and then, by double clicking, configure the element as a display element with
2 states. In the configuration dialog you must also enter a bitmap to be used as the
indicator. Instead of creating a new bitmap, you might use, for example, the file
LAMP_2.BMP from CANoe's demo directory DEMO_CAN_CN\AUTOMOT\BITMAPS\-
Before you save the panel, e.g. under the name LIGHT.CNP, you can also label the
indicator lamp by inserting and configuring static text to the left of it.
You complete this step of the task by integrating the created panels into the CANoe
configuration. To do this, open the panel configuration dialog and choose the menu
command Panel│Configure panels.
Add the two panel files SWITCH.CNP and LIGHT.CNP to the list of permanently
opened panels and open the panels by activating the button [Open All Panels]. Posi-
tion the panels on the screen according to your work requirements and save these
selected panel positions by the menu command Panel│Save panel positions.
Before creating the network node models, you should save the configuration you just
created by pressing the button on the toolbar.
In this example you need two network nodes in the simulation setup: The first node
supplies the switch position, and the second reacts to this by activating or deactivat-
ing a small lamp.
You can access the configuration dialog for the two nodes again by pressing the right
mouse button. Here you enter the node name (e.g. ECU 1 or ECU 2) and assign a
file name to each of the two nodes (e.g. ECU1.CAN or ECU2.CAN). The node names
are shown in the node icons; the file names refer to CAPL programs which simulate
the functionalities of the two nodes. Double click on each node to open CAPL
Browser for the particular CAPL program.
The first CAPL program belongs to a node at whose periphery there is a switch.
When the switch position changes, the program acquires the new switch value and
immediately outputs it on the bus:
// Reaction to change of environment var. evSwitch
on envVar evSwitch {
msg.bsSwitch = getValue(this);
All data arriving at an evaluation block are - with the exception of the logging block -
displayed in the corresponding window. The evaluation windows can also be config-
ured by pressing the right mouse button. You can save all configuration settings in a
configuration file. Simply load such a prepared configuration file to prepare CANoe
for another measurement task.
If you are using CAPL for the first time, perhaps to write your own analysis functions
or to study the bus behavior of a controller, you will find a brief introduction to CAPL
in section 6.1.4.
In the CAPL manual you will find detailed explanations of the program's transmit and
analysis functions, which are only discussed briefly here, and explanations of CAPL
programming. The context-sensitive Help function (F1 key) describes all menu items
and explains the displays and controls of all dialogs.
Start options for CANoe and Browser are provided in the linked INI files. If you are
starting Browser from CANoe's measurement or simulation setup, a temporary file
PARBROW.INI is automatically generated with the proper start options and is passed
to Browser.
Main Buffer
CAPL Transmit Measurement
ca. 1500 Msg (16 bit)
ca. 15000 Msg (32 bit)
Interrupt DPRAM
PC Boar d
CAN File
You can influence the data flow in the two program modules by inserting function
blocks in the simulation setup and/or the measurement setup. The real-time module
is comprised of the PC-card block and the simulation setup. The function blocks in
the measurement setup will configure the data flow in the main program, with the ex-
ception of the real-time library.
If you insert blocks in the real-time library, CANoe's simulation setup, you should be
make sure that they do not demand too much computing time, so that system reac-
tion times are not lengthened. Moreover, in CAPL programs you may only access
files from here using special precautionary measures.
2 Applications
CANoe provides you a set of significant basic functions for the work on various bus
Functions as loading and saving configurations, assigning databases and configuring
panels, you call directly from items in the main menu. Particularly the data flow dia-
gram and the function blocks in the measurement and simulation setup window are
directly configured with context sensitive menus.
Therefore you have to choose a block in the data flow diagram and click on it with the
right mouse button to open the corresponding context menu.
For example you can insert new function blocks such as filters or generator blocks at
the black rectangular insertion points (hotspots) in the data flow or configure the PC
card with the bus icon on the right of the simulation setup.
A brief look at the data flow in the measurement and simulation setup gives you an
overview of the configuration options provided by CANoe and shows how your actual
measurement configuration appears. The configuration of the simulation is made in
the simulation setup window; measurements and analysis are configured in the
measurement setup window.
Program Start
At the program start of CANoe the programCANoe32.EXE is called by double clicking
the appropriate icon in the CANoe program group. CANoe can only operate trouble
free if the system directory contains all necessary files and the hardware has been
installed properly (compare enclosed instructions on hardware installation).
At the program start CANoe first reads information on hardware settings, start paths,
editors used, etc. from the project file CAN.INI. in the system directory. Afterwards, a
configuration file *.CFG is read in. This file, which contains all information on the cur-
rently active configuration of CANoe, is updated automatically after a prompt at each
program stop.
You can specify a working directory in the program icon. To have this file loaded
automatically at the start you can also enter the name of a configuration file in the
command line for program names. This method can be used to configure CANoe dif-
ferently at the start by using multiple icons. If no entries were made in the command
line, the last opened configuration is automatically loaded.
CANoe panels
Data window
window 1
Write window
After selecting an entry the relevant window is activated and is displayed in the fore-
2.1.2 Gateway
Several nodes can be assigned to one ECU, which makes modelling of gateways
possible. A gateway is a special ECU, which is used as connection between two or
several buses.
The information exchange between the buses is done via the nodes of a gateway.
This can concern several buses (of the same type) as well as a system of different
bus types (CAN, LIN,…).
Additionally there is the possibility to set up the interactive generator block (IG) as a
gateway (see chapter 4.2.2)
are interpreted as gateway definitions. To meet this rule, there must be a CAPL
block in the simulation setup that has to be assigned to a database node and
has to be included as a gateway.
It does not meet this rule, when a CAPL block is included as a node in one of
the buses while no database is assigned to this bus.
• 3rd Rule: All gateways that are defined in the databases must be included
as gateways in the assigned buses within the simulation setup.
This rule is slightly different to the 2nd rule. It does not meet to include a gate-
way – that is defined in the databases – in the available buses of the simulation
setup. The concerned CAPL block must be included as a gateway in the buses
to which the databases are assigned to.
Note: During high system loading the stopping process may take a certain
amount of time, since the system's message buffer must be emptied. A re-
peated stop command (double click) causes the buffered data to be ig-
nored, and the measurement is terminated immediately, even under high
system loading.
myproj1.cfg, myproj2.cfg
ecu1.can, ecu2.can, test.can, sqr.gen
myproj.dbc, addon.dbc
ecu1.cnp, display.cnp
myswitch.bmp, mybutton.bmp
References to other project files (e.g. to database files *.DBC or to CAPL programs
*.CAN) are also saved in the configuration files. CANoe works internally with relative
paths. That is, referenced files are searched and read-in relative to the configuration
file during loading. Consequently, if you move your project directory with all associ-
ated files to another location in the directory tree or to another drive, the databases
and CAPL programs referenced by the configuration file are found and correctly read-
in at the next loading.
The last configurations you worked with are saved in the [LastCANoeConfigura-
tions] section of the CAN.INI file. The list of last opened configurations in the
File menu allows you to access these configurations. If you do not specify a start
configuration on the command line, the last edited configuration of this list is used at
the program start.
These options affect the representation formats throughout the entire program.
Note: Please note that the numbering system in CAPL programs remains unaf-
fected by these options. Identifiers with the prefix 0x are interpreted as
hexadecimal values, analogous to the C programming language. Other-
wise the CAPL compiler always assumes that they are decimal numbers.
Moreover, so-called signals are defined in the database. A signal is a symbolic de-
scription of a data segment within a message. Besides identifying the data segment,
the signal definition also incorporates characteristics such as machine format (Mo-
torola/Intel), sign handling, a conversion formula and physical unit of measurement.
This permits direct display of physical dimensions in the data window, such as:
"Speed = 810.4 rpm".
Please refer to the CANdb++ Editor documentation or CANdb++ Editor online Help
for further details on creating and modifying a database.
If the database has been filled out completely, you can search in this Explorer for e.g.
a node, a message or even a list of all signals in the database.
Please refer to online Help for further instructions on using the Message Explorer and
Signal Explorer.
tribute DBName, then its value is used as the name. If the attribute does not exist,
the name is derived from the file name. The user can overwrite the name. Database
names must begin with a character and may not contain any blank or special charac-
The database name must be unique. If a name that is automatically determined al-
ready exists, it is assigned a unique name according to the sequence of names
CANdb1, CANdb2, etc.
You can assign both CAN controllers (CAN1 and CAN2) to exactly one database. All
other databases are assigned to the two controllers jointly. This assignment defines
the default selector for message definitions in CAPL.
The search sequence in the database list in the database selection dialog is also
used to resolve name conflicts when configuring measurement windows and function
blocks. In such a case, the name is associated with the message in the database that
is highest in the list. However, you can also resolve ambiguities of this type by quali-
fying symbolic names.
See CANoe's online Help function for examples of resolving ambiguities.
• The channel configuration does not cause any filtering of messages in the data
flow plan.
• When transmitting from a Generator block or Replay block in the measurement
setup to an undefined channel, the messages are passed through.
• When transmitting from a Generator block or Replay block in the simulation
setup to an undefined channel, an error is reported in the Write window as soon
as the transmit request is given to the undefined channel. Afterwards, the mes-
sage is not transmitted.
• CAPL blocks do not transmit messages to which an undefined channel is as-
display functions are reduced to provide more computing time for internal data proc-
When the high-load limit of the ring buffer is exceeded, the display of messages in
the Trace window is interrupted briefly under load operation to provide other analysis
blocks with more computing power. However, it is possible that not all messages will
be displayed in the window any longer during the measurement. You can recognize
this load situation during the measurement by an exclamation point (!) in the first col-
umn of the window. Although not all messages are shown, no data are lost. After you
stop the measurement, the entire set of information is available to you in the Trace
window, Graphic window and in logging.
For testing purposes you can provoke overload situations yourself by taking hold of
the title bar of the main window with the mouse or by moving the window on the
screen. This will interrupt the main program's data display until you release the title
bar again. The work of the real-time library, however, remains unaffected by these
actions. If messages are being registered on the bus, the ring buffer will be filled
without the data being able to be processed by the main program, and as a result the
queue will overrun. As soon as you release the title bar you can observe the effects
of this overrun in the individual windows.
Trace Window
In the Trace window choose the output mode Fixed position for cyclic update.
As a result, the window contents are no longer updated with each new arriving
message, rather they are only updated cyclically. You may need to select a
longer update time.
Data Window
If you have configured many signals in the Data window, you should choose the
cyclic refresh mode here (Configure Timer entry in the Data window's popup
menu) and enter a cycle time of maximum 500 milliseconds. The window is then
only updated cyclically which saves on computing resources.
Graphic Window
If you have configured many signals in the Graphic window, you should choose
a relatively large user-defined refresh (200 ms to 2 s) in the Measurement
Setup Dialog (Options item in the popup menu) . This defines how often the
graphic window display should be updated. Small values result in a fluid repre-
sentation of the signal response, but they place high demands on computer re-
sources, and with slower computers this might lead to performance problems.
High values, on the other hand, reduce computing demands but lead to a more
disturbed and delayed display of the signal response.
Statistics Window
Deactivate the statistics report in the Statistics window's popup menu to save on
computing power. Furthermore, the averaging time can be selected in the con-
figuration dialog of the Statistics block. Short time intervals place high demands
on computer resources and might result in severely oscillating lines in the win-
dow. Very long averaging times make the display slower, but also less comput-
ing intensive.
If you insert blocks in the real-time library, i.e. in CANoe's simulation setup, you
should ensure that they do not demand too much computing time, so that they do not
increase system reaction times. Furthermore, you may only access files in CAPL
programs if you observe special preventive.
On the other hand, it may be advisable at high bus loading to perform a data reduc-
tion as early as in the real-time library to relieve loading in the evaluation branches of
It is not possible to predict an optimal configuration of the measurement and simula-
tion setups for all situations. Cyclic updating indeed saves computing time, but also
leads to poorer representation of the information. Under some circumstances it may
be advisable to completely disconnect analysis branches that are not needed in the
measurement setup (Insert Break item in the hot-spot's popup menu) or reduce the
volume of data at the input to the measurement setup using filter functions. More-
over, you might also try to insert individual CAPL programs between the real-time
library and the evaluation branches and observe the behavior of the program during
another measurement run.
To filter out certain messages from the measurement setup, pass filters and blocking
filters are provided as insertable function blocks. Furthermore, the supported PC
cards with acceptance filtering (Messages item in the popup menu of the card icon in
the measurement setup) also offer you the option of filtering out certain messages in
hardware, thereby relieving both the real-time library and the main Windows program
of the need to evaluate unnecessary information.
dialog you edit three lists which you select by activating one of the following three
option buttons:
Note: Simultaneously pressing the <Shift> key and moving the mouse pointer
over an element in an opened panel causes a window to appear below the
element, in which the name of the corresponding environment variable is
shown. If you have entered a comment for the environment variable in the
CAN database, the first comment line of the environment variable appears
next to the name.
Furthermore, the panel configuration dialog also offers you the option of select-
ing certain panels which should remain permanently open, i.e. should not be in-
fluenced by the actions of panel control. Simply enter the particular panels in the
list of permanently opened panels. On the one hand, these may include the
control panels themselves, which should not be closed. Of course, on the other
hand you can also enter important display and control panels here which must
constantly remain open.
In the panel configuration dialog you can also enter panel groups for the two
predefined events Measurement start and Loading/Measurement stop. Panel
control opens the particular panel when the event occurs, just as though you
had pressed the particular configured panel control pushbutton. Here you can
also decide whether opened panels which do not belong to these events should
be closed or not.
ment and evaluation functions of Online mode are also available to you in Offline
In the Entire Measurement trigger mode the entire measurement is logged. Pre-
trigger and post-trigger times cannot be selected. Activating the button Write full
buffer to file causes a full data buffer to be saved intermediately for long measure-
ments. You can avoid data loss in this manner.
Time axis
Log file
Time axis
Log file
Figure 44: Time Window for the Trigger in Single Trigger Mode (top) and in Toggle-
Trigger Mode (Bottom)
In the Single Trigger trigger mode all those data occurring before and after a specific
trigger is logged. You can enter the necessary settings for pretrigger and post-trigger
times, and the number of triggers you wish to log, in the Time section.
In Toggle Trigger trigger mode the time window is described by two successive trig-
gers (start-of-block and end-of-block triggers). The first trigger activated during
measurement is the start-of-block trigger, and the second is the end-of-block trigger.
Afterwards, another start-of-block trigger follows, etc. The pre-trigger time in toggle
trigger mode is referenced to the start-of-block trigger, and the post-trigger time is
referenced to the end-of-block trigger. With the check box Use combined toggle
mode you define, that for start-of-block and end-of-block trigger the same trigger
conditions are valid.
Figure 45: Log file with 2 trigger blocks. Pre-trigger: 50ms, post-trigger: 100ms,
Trigger types: Message GearBoxInfo and Error Frames
For example, the entire measurement can be recorded in Toggle Trigger mode by
selecting Start and Stop as the trigger conditions. In this case, a start-of-block trigger
is activated at the start of measurement, and the measurement is logged until the
end-of-block trigger occurs when the measurement is stopped. Pre-trigger and post-
trigger times are ignored when this option is set.
You can determine whether the trigger action should be executed once or multiple
times. If the option Measurement stop after n triggers is selected in the trigger's
configuration dialog, the measurement process is stopped after the post-trigger time
of the nth trigger has elapsed.
The post-trigger time indicates how long data continue to be acquired and saved after
the trigger condition occurs. The measurement is terminated automatically after the
post-trigger time has elapsed. Valid post-trigger times must lie in the range of 0 to
180000 ms.
Note: If you wish to write all data to file for a long-duration measurement you
should select the option Write full buffer to file. This option causes the
buffer contents to be written to the log file during the measurement as
soon as the prescribed (maximum) buffer size is reached. The buffer size
is of decisive importance with this option. To prevent excessive system
loading during saves to the buffer, and to prevent data losses, the buffer
should not be configured to be very large. Buffers of approx. 1000 mes-
sages have proven effective in practice. This option is only accessible in
Entire Measurement mode or in Single Trigger mode with the trigger
type Start.
To prevent data losses, especially at high system loading, you should observe the
following points:
• Close all applications that run in background and demand system time;
• Switch all blocks in the measurement setup over to Cyclic Update or disable
them entirely.
• Utilize filters for data reduction.
• Do not execute any unnecessary user actions during the measurement, such as
moving windows.
If a data loss occurs in spite of these measures, you have the program inform you of
this by a message. To do this, activate the Data lost message box check box in the
Logging dialog. After the end of measurement a dialog box is then displayed.
Lines in the log file marked with a ‘*’ as a special symbol have corrupted lines around
The symbol for the data loss disappears when the overload situation has ended.
The format of the log file is defined by the File format combination box. The user can
choose between binary and ASCII format. The binary format is recommended for
online measurements, since this format is faster in offline evaluation and also gener-
ates smaller log files. When ASCII format is chosen, the data are saved as readable
text. The setting of the global switch determines whether decimal or hexadecimal rep-
resentation is used. Among other things, ASCII format can be used for data exchange
with external programs or for incorporating trace data into documents.
The Offline mode data source can be configured to be either binary or ASCII files.
The automatically preset extension of the file name is .LOG for a binary log file or
.ASC for an ASCII file. The recommended default name is CANoe.LOG or CA-
To view or edit an ASCII file, double click the file icon or press the [Edit file] button in
the configuration dialog for the log file. You can use your own text editor for this. To
do this, enter the following line in section [Environment] of the file CAN.INI:
whereby you must enter the name of your own editor for MYEDITOR.EXE.
With the check box Increment logging file you can indicate, that the name of the
logging file is automatically incremented at start of measurement or after each trigger
block, after reaching a defined file size or after reaching a defined duration. This pre-
vents overwriting files that already exist.
In the configuration dialog you can indicate whether data losses in overload situations
should be reported to you. In the log file, the faulty lines are marked with a ‘*’ as a
special symbol.
Note: Analogous to output in the Write window with the CAPL function write(),
you can output text lines from CAPL programs to ASCII log files using the
functions writeToLog() and writeToLogEx().
The individual messages of the data source are read-out and are sent as
quickly as possible through the components of the measurement setup. In Off-
line mode the measurement can be resumed after a break. Reset must be
called for a new start.
After a measurement has been run through either partially or completely in Off-
line mode, it can be reset to the beginning again with Reset and can thereby be
studied from the beginning again.
Instead of reading data from the source file as quickly as possible, in Animate
mode only about 3 entries per second are read from the source file. This results
in a slow-motion representation of the processes. All of the display windows
may be active during this process, e.g. so that the user can easily observe the
sequence of messages in the Trace window. The Animate run can be inter-
rupted by the <Esc> key or the menu command Start│Break. The speed of the
Animate mode can be set with the following line in section [Offline] of the
file CAN.INI:
where nnn describes the time between the replay of two successive events in
milliseconds. (The default value is 300 [ms])
In Offline mode this menu item interrupts the replay of data from the source file
(Animate run). The same can be achieved by the <Esc> key. A restart resumes
the replay at the point where it was interrupted by Break.
This menu item (or the <F7> key) causes a single step of the measurement to
be run. Each time this is activated only one additional message is read from the
log file and processed in the data flow plan.
Within a measurement the user can switch back and forth whenever desired between
Start, Animate and Step.
Nevertheless, it is often the case when switching between Online and Offline modes
that the user would like to assume the configuration settings made in one mode in
the other mode. Therefore CANoe provides the functions Online(Copy) and
Offline(Copy) in the main Mode menu.
Toggles to Online mode. In Online mode a data flow plan is shown in the meas-
urement setup window, whereby the CAN PC-card serves as the data source.
The time basis in Online mode is real time, and clocks in CANoe and on the
CAN board are synchronized at the start. All time data are referenced to the
start of measurement. Data acquisition cannot be resumed after a break in
Online mode, rather it may only be restarted. The Animate mode is not possible.
Online (Copy)
Toggles from Offline mode to Online mode, whereby the data flow plan of Offline
mode is assumed with all of its function blocks. The corresponding portion of the
last Online configuration is lost in the process.
Toggles to Offline mode. In Offline mode a data flow plan is shown in the meas-
urement setup window, in which a file icon serves as the data source. Evalua-
tion of this file is begun by Start, and the evaluation can be resumed after a
break with <ESC>. Animate mode and Single-Step mode are also possible. The
time basis in Offline mode is based on the times recorded for the data in the file.
Offline (Copy)
Toggles from Online mode to Offline mode, whereby the portion of the data flow
plan of Online mode is assumed. This affects all window configurations and
function blocks. The last Offline configuration is lost in the process.
The mode switchover functions with copy represent a user-friendly method for as-
suming elaborate options such as trigger conditions, data display configurations or
CAPL programs, and it allows the user to begin immediately with analysis or a new
1.Primitive: ID > 100
2.Primitive: D0 == 0
A logical OR combination results in all those messages being found whose IDs
are greater than 100 or whose first data byte is 0. For a logical AND combina-
tion all those messages are found whose IDs are greater than 100 and whose
first data byte is 0.
The [Define] and [New Prim.] buttons are provided (only when a symbolic database
is used) for entering a new primitive.
The dialogs for entering and modifying primitives differ, depending on whether you
are working with a symbolic database ([New Prim.] button) or not ([Define] button).
The desired attributes can be input in the upper line. The identifier and data bytes are
input below this. Furthermore, a time window can be specified within which the
search is to take place.
Symbol Meaning
== equal to
!= not equal to
< less than
<= less than or equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
After this is a mask to be executed, and the user must choose the numbering format
to be used:
X Masked out
1 Bit is set
0 Bit is not set
To find all messages whose first data byte is odd, the following must be entered:
Note: It is possible to use >, < etc. in binary mode, but this is difficult to interpret
in mask conditions, and is only of interest to users who have a knowledge
of precise machine-internal data representation.
The signal Enginedata.rpm is defined as a 16-bit unsigned value with an offset
of 0 and a factor of 10. If 1015 is input as the comparison value, the raw value
would have to be 1015/10 = 101.5. Since only discrete values may occur, either
101 or 102 is used, which corresponds to physical values of 1010 or 1020, re-
spectively. It is these two values that appear in the two information boxes.
In spite of discrete saving, valid values may still have digits after the decimal
point. If a factor of 10.5 were used in the above example, then 1008 and 1018.5
would be recommended as possible values.
You can also enter a time range for each primitive, within which it should be active.
Outside of this time range the condition would never be satisfied. Export
The export can be limited to specific signals. To do this, the desired signals must be
selected in the Signals selection list.
In the Expanded Options dialog that is opened by pressing the [Expanded] button
in the Logging Export Configuration dialog, the user can define in the Actions field
those programs that can be started after an export. Conversion
Conversion of log files is supported in both directions, i.e. ASCII->Binary and Bi-
2.8 COM-Server
A COM-Server is implemented in addition to the DDE-services. It helps the program
to be gated or controlled by other applications. Besides accessing configuration-
specific data it is also possible to control the measurement. You can also call CAPL
functions, read signal values, and both read and write access environment variables.
Control cam either be realized by COM-ready script environments (ActiveX Scripting:
VBScript, JScript, Perl, ...) or by stand-alone applications, which can be written with
RAD development environments (Visual Basic, Delphi, ...) or in C/C++.
Please see the Online-Help for a more detailed description of the COM-Server.
2.9 Troubleshooting
See section 2.10 for a list of error messages occurring during initialization or during a
measurement. In this section tips are offered for handling problems of a general na-
Timeout ...
With error messages of this type, CANoe cannot establish a connection to the
CAN hardware. Check the installation of the CAN card. Please compare the in-
structions in the installation guide of your hardware.
Above all, notebook PCs frequently use a power manager. This must be deac-
tivated! (please compare the instructions in the installation guide of your hard-
Error message:
An error has occurred in ...
For further information please report the
LINE and FILE to our Hotline
At the current level of technology it is impossible to develop completely error-
free programs that are non-trivial. Unfortunately, this is also true of CANoe. To
better localize and correct system errors that occur very seldom, CANoe has di-
agnostic mechanisms that report these errors. Please be sure to write down the
exact text of the error message. With this information our telephone Customer
Support can then help you to correct the problem more quickly.
Remedy: The correct CANoe version should be started, or another CAN card
should be installed.
Timeout (1080)
• CANoe is transmitting data faster than the firmware can receive them and pass
them to the CAN controller. This may occur, for example, if higher priority mes-
sages are being transmitted on the CAN bus.
• The number of messages transmitted one directly after another in a CAPL pro-
gram is larger than the transmit buffer. This problem occurs primarily when
transmission is executed in a loop in CAPL programs:
for (i=0;i<50;i=i+1) output(Msg);
Remedy: Fast transmission by setting msTimers and in reaction to the timer
• The CAN controller being addressed is in the BUSOFF state and therefore can-
not accept transmit requests any longer. This can be detected in the bus statis-
tics window.
Übertragungsfehler (1352)
Kann weder bei CANalyzer noch bei CANoe auftreten.
The Offline mode for the analysis of log files is described in section 2.7.4.
supplied with the card. Operation of the various dialogs and the meanings of input
boxes are explained in online Help.
Each channel can be parameterized independently. Consequently, applications can
be supported which have independent bus systems with differing speeds.
When creating a new measurement setup, default values are configured automati-
cally for the particular controller type.
When you click the Setup chip icon the sub-dialog for bus parameterization appears
on the right side, with which you can configure the chip's baudrate and bus registers
(cf. section 2.11.2). When you click the Acceptance Filter item, on the right side you
see the sub-dialog for configuring the chip's message acceptance filtering (cf. section
2.11.3). Finally, with the Options item you obtain a sub-dialog for configuring driver
and card options (cf. section 2.11.4).
You can confirm all entries with the [OK] button or reject them with [Cancel]. If you
only wish to undo the entries of one of the sub-dialogs mentioned above, press the
[Undo Page] button in the particular sub-dialog. If a channel icon is selected [Undo]
will cancel all changes (Setup / Mask / Options) made to this channel.
Above the list you see the input boxes for clock frequency and number of samples.
Shown after the list is the prescaler resulting from the register values.
The CAN controllers are provided with 16 MHz clocks when delivered, and as a rule
16000 (kHz) should be entered in this box. However, it may be necessary to change
out the clocks for special applications. Then the appropriate frequency must be en-
tered here.
In the Samples input box you set the number of bus samples per bit time. Possible
values are:
• 1 Sample.
This setting is recommended for High Speed Buses (SAE Class C).
• 3 Samples.
This setting is recommended for Low/Medium Speed Buses (Classes A and B)
to filter out level peaks on the bus.
The two Bus Timing Registers define how an individual bit of the serial bit stream is
assembled on the bus. Please refer to the data sheet for the CAN controller (SJA
1000/82C200/82527/72005) for the values that should be entered here. Input the
values as hexadecimal numbers. On the right side of the dialog box you can deter-
mine whether the entered values are plausible (e.g. whether the desired baudrate
has been achieved).
There are multiple Bit Timing Register pairs for a given baudrate which determine the
timing of the CAN controller with regard to the sampling time point, number of BTL
cycles and synchronization jump width (SJW). You can view a selection of allowable
register pairs in the list of sampling options.
Displayed in this list are all Bus Timing Register values for the configured baudrate
and sample count. Shown next to the register values are associated values such as
the sampling time point (Sample) in percent of bit time after the beginning of the bit,
number of BTL cycles (BTL cycles) and the synchronization jump width (SJW).
Once you have changed the baudrate or sample count, click on the list box to update
the list. Afterwards you can select the desired sampling option.
slider is intended to represent the time point of a synchronization edge on the bus,
i.e. the beginning of a bit with recessive-dominant edge. The upper area of the figure
shows the nominal bit timing, i.e. a bit on the bus is depicted as it is expected by the
controller. The lower area of the figure shows the internal controller timing, i.e. the bit
time interval from the controller's perspective. The length of this bit interval depends
on the time point of the arriving synchronization edge:
If the edge falls within the Sync region of nominal timing, then the chip is running
synchronously. If the edge falls within the Tseg1 region of nominal timing, then resyn-
chronization must be performed. In this case the Tseg1 region is lengthened by up to
SJW (Synchronization Jump Width) BTL cycles. If the edge falls within the Tseg2 re-
gion of nominal timing, then resynchronization must be performed. In this case the
Tseg2 region is shortened by up to SJW (Synchronization Jump Width) BTL cycles. If
no edge falls within nominal timing, this bit time is not utilized for resynchronization.
Instead of entering the mask and code directly, you may program acceptance filtering
in CANoe using a logical mask (Acceptance filter for standard indentifiers or
Acceptance filter for extended identifiers). You can enter one of the values 0, 1 or X
for each bit in this mask. A message occurring on the bus is only be received if all
mask bits given as 0 or 1 agree with the corresponding message bits. Bits shown as
X are not utilized in the comparison ("don't care"). The values of the acceptance
mask and acceptance code are automatically calculated and displayed after inputting
the logical mask.
You will find a detailed explanation of acceptance filtering for all supported CAN con-
trollers, with examples, in online Help.
Depending on the CAN PC card used, various options may be configured in this dia-
log. These include:
• Reporting the time point of a transmit request (TxRq) to measure delay times.
• Choosing whether bus statistics should be displayed, as well as their
• display refresh rate.
The context-sensitive Help function offers more detailed descriptions for your particu-
lar hardware platform.
The actual display of statistical data can be deactivated separately by disconnecting
the Bus Statistics window from the data flow. This will enhance performance. In con-
trast to a complete disabling of bus statistics support, data can still be logged and
evaluated later in Offline mode.
3 Windows
You can modify the arrangement of windows (Window layout) from the Window main
With Standard Layout the standard window layout is loaded. It is makes sense to
call this function if you have changed the window sizes and positions and wish to
quickly return to the standard configuration. In contrast to the function File│New con-
figuration this function only acts on the window layout. All other configuration set-
tings are preserved.
Select the function Set user-defined layout to define a window arrangement (Lay-
out) according to your working requirements. this window layout is saved in the file
CAN.INI. With the menu item User-defined layout you can finally arrange the win-
dows of each opened configuration according to the settings made with this function.
In the lower menu area all recently opened windows of CANoe are shown. Addition-
ally, the active window is marked with a .
For Trace windows and the Write window, the window's font can be set from the win-
dow's popup menu with the function Font│Select. The fonts of function blocks and
function block comments e can be configured in the measurement setup.
The predefined font can be set for a window with the function Font│Reset.
Simulated network nodes are shown with red connection lines to the simulated bus in
the simulation setup. During a measurement their functionality is simulated by the
assigned CAPL program. In this case, the network node's bus behavior does not dif-
fer from that of a real controller with the same functionality. In contrast, real nodes
are shown with black connection lines to the real bus. The network node models of
real nodes do not have any effects on the measurement.
To switch over the status of the currently active node in the simulation setup simply
press the spacebar. Each time the spacebar is pressed the node status changes from
simulated to real to off and then back to simulated.2
Besides network nodes you can also insert generator blocks and Replay blocks in the
simulation setup. To remove a network node from the simulation setup choose the
command Delete this Node in the node's popup menu, or select the node in the
simulation setup using the cursor keys and then press the <Del> button. The as-
signed CAPL program is not deleted by this action.
Note: When transmitting from CAPL programs, you can explicitly specify in gen-
erator blocks and replay blocks which the two CAN controllers (bus con-
nections) should be used to transmit the message. This is observed ac-
cordingly by the card driver.
In this version of CANoe the option real has the same effects as the option off.
In Online mode the PC-card serves as the data source. It registers CAN messages
on the bus and passes them on to CANoe.
Moreover, some of the supported PC-cards also provide additional information such
as the detection of Error and Overload flags, the values of error counters, the bus
load and external trigger signals.
The card is initialized at the start of an online measurement. You can configure the
necessary parameters from the main menu under Configuration or from the popup
menu of the simulation setup's card icon. The connection to the measurement setup
is symbolized by the >> symbol on the left in the measurement setup window.
In the evaluation branches of the measurement setup, data are passed from left to
right to the measurement setup's evaluation blocks, where they can be visualized
and analyzed with various functions.
Filters or user-defined analysis programs can be inserted in the data flow diagram
before the evaluation blocks. As a result, the data flow can be configured in many
ways to suit the particular task.
Each evaluation block has a measurement window in which the data arriving in the
block are displayed. The functions of all measurement windows are described in de-
tail in the sections below. Only the logging block is not assigned its own window. In-
stead, a log file is assigned to it for the purpose of logging bus data traffic and then
studying it "offline" (cf. section 2.7.2).
Located between the function blocks are insertion points (hotspots), at which blocks
can be inserted for to manipulate the data flow (Filter, replay, generator block, CAPL
program block with user-definable functions). Before and after the block inserted in
this manner, new hotspots appear, so that additional blocks can be inserted. The data
flow can also be broken at the hotspots. You will find a description of all insertable
function blocks in section 4.
Figure 52 shows a possible CANoe configuration in Online mode3, in which multiple
network nodes are provided in the simulation setup. A filter is inserted in the trace
branch, graphics branch and in the data branch so that only certain messages will be
displayed. The statistics branch and the bus statistics branch each receive all data,
while the logging branch is broken.
Note: The data flow in the measurement setup is always directional. It runs from
the left, starting at the connection symbol (connection to the simulation
setup) to the evaluation windows on the right.
Data flow and functions in Online and Offline modes only differ in the data source and in the transmit
block. Refer to section 2.7.4 for a description of Offline mode.
You configure the measurement setup by activating a block in the data flow diagram
(clicking it with the left mouse button or moving the selection frame with the <TAB> or
arrow keys). Clicking on the selected hotspot with the right mouse button or pressing
<F10> opens a popup menu with all configuration options.
For example, new function blocks such as filters or generator blocks can be inserted
at the black rectangular insertion points (hotspots) in the data flow, and the PC-card's
CAN controller can be configured from the PC-card icon at the far left in the meas-
urement setup.
To copy and move blocks there are the functions Copy and Cut in each block's po-
pup menu, as well as Paste in the popup menu for a hotspot.
If you wish to exclude a function block from the measurement, you can deactivate it
before the measurement with the spacebar or with the Node active line in the popup
menu. This is especially helpful if you have already configured a block and only want
to disable it for certain measurements without deleting it. Deactivated blocks are
shown as a different shape to differentiate them from active blocks. A node can be
reactivated by pressing the spacebar again or by selecting the same popup menu
line again.
A brief look at the measurement setup window gives an overview of the configuration
options provided by CANoe and shows you how your actual measurement configura-
tion appears ("Graphic menu").
The measurement setup can be displayed in two different modes:
• Automatically fitted to the window size.
• Fixed magnification with scroll bars if necessary.
You can select these modes from the measurement setup's popup menu. In fixed
magnification mode the dimensions of the measurement setup are preserved. If the
window is too small to show the entire measurement setup, you can scroll to the hid-
den area with the help of the scroll bars.
To open the window assigned to the evaluation block, double click the block with the
left mouse button or choose Show Window in the block's popup menu. Multiple win-
dows of the same type are shown cascaded in the standard layout.
time stamp
trace window
3.2000 sec
RX buffer of
the controller 3.2000 1 3FC Rx d 3 29 10 98
The messages to be transmitted are passed from the simulation setup via the card
driver to the CAN PC-card. If your hardware supports the card and driver option
Activate TxRq in the Options item of the PC-card icon's popup menu, and you have
activated this, the driver returns the time of the transmit request assigned to the CAN
microcontroller to you. In the Trace window, for example, you would see the message
to be transmitted with the attribute TxRq.
After successful transmission the message is returned with the actual time of trans-
mission and the attribute Tx, so that the transmit messages can be displayed and/or
logged in the Trace window.
CANoe transmit
time stamp
trace window
2.7000 sec
Tx buffer of
the controller 2.7000 1 3FC TxRq d 3 29 10 98
trace window
2.7400 sec CAN-Bus
2.7400 1 3FC Tx d 3 29 10 98
The TxRq display permits measurements of the difference between the time of
transmit request and time of transmission. The time between the message with Tx
attribute and TxRq attribute is essentially the transmission time of a message, i.e. the
time that the CAN controller needs to place a message completely on the bus. It is a
function of baud rate and message length. The transmission time also grows as a
result of lost arbitration events, which can be observed more for low-priority mes-
sages at high bus loads.
Since the (very small) latency time of the card driver interrupt must be added to the
transmission time, the following general formula applies:
tTx - tTxRq = Transmission time + Latency time
Note: Under high load conditions the display of messages might be delayed in
the evaluation windows under some circumstances. However, the time
stamps for the messages remain unaffected by this, since they are already
assigned to the messages when they are received on the card.
If you work without a real bus and real controllers, you can operate CANoe in pure
simulation mode. Switch the operating mode in the simulation dialog (Menu item
Configuration│Simulation...) from Real Bus to Simulated Bus. Bus access (sending
and receiving messages) is then simulated.
In simulation mode an animation factor can be specified. The (simulated) meas-
urement then appears slowed by this factor. Accordingly, the simulation is acceler-
ated for simulation factors between zero and one. (For example, if you specify the
value 0.1, the measurement would be accelerated by a factor of 10.)
The supplemental icons and appearing on the toolbar can be used to resume
the simulation for a defined period of time or to stop a running simulation at any point
in time. The length of the time step is set in the input box to the right of the icons; in-
put is in milliseconds.
Slave mode is a special simulation mode in which the time sequencing of the meas-
urement (time base) is controlled by an external program. A typical usage would be to
control the measurement by a master program which accesses the CANoe simulation
object via the COM.
CAPL Debugging enables the display of variables of CAPL nodes during a CANoe
simulation as well as stopping simulations by the use of CAPL commands.
This dialog allows settings for:
• Activating/deactivating the execution of the halt CAPL command.
(default: activated)
The execution of all halt commands within a CANoe configuration can be en-
• Activating/deactivating the display of the full path in the call stack
(default: deactivated)
You can select whether the call stack shows only the name of the CAPL node
or the full path.
• Activating/deactivating the execution of the inspect CAPL command
(default: activated)
The execution of all inspect commands within a CANoe configuration can be
Note: If you are operating CANoe in simulation mode, i.e. without a physical bus,
the program emulates the functionality of the CAN chip on the interface
card. In this mode, the bus baud rate is the only system parameter you
would only configure in the card's configuration dialog. In this case, the
values of the other card parameters do not have any effect on program
execution. For small animation factors, a high baud rate might result in the
time resolution of the chip emulator being insufficient. You would then get
an error message, in which CANoe would inform you of the smallest feasi-
ble animation factor. To be able to continue to run a simulation in real time
(Animation factor 1) you could reduce the baud rate in the card's configu-
ration dialog. However, this will change other system properties such as
the latency times of certain messages under high bus loading.
If you are operating CANoe without a card please observe the instructions in the Ap-
The figure shows an example of a Trace window of CAN. Depending on the specific
CANoe option used, different columns are shown. The most important of these are
described in the following table.
If you have installed one of the following options, you can find more information in the
corresponding option’s manual or in the online help:
• CANoe.LIN resp. DENoe.LIN
• CANoe.FlexRay resp. DENoe.FlexRay
• CANoe.J1939
Time Point in time when the information arrived at the CAN card (Receive, trans-
mit or transmit request). If the message was generated by a CAPL program,
the time set in the program is displayed. Output is in seconds from the start
of measurement.
Chn Number of the CAN controller chip which provided the message. Generally
the number 1 or 2 is output in this column. If the message was generated by
a CAPL program block, whereby the CAN number was not declared explicity,
the character C is output.
ID Identifier for the message. Representation is decimal or hexadecimal ac-
cording to the preselection. An X is appended to an extended identifier.
Name If a symbolic database is used the message names appear. The columns
"ID" and "Name" can also be shown as a combined column.
Dir Possible values here are:
RX = Receive, TX = Transmit or TXRQ = Transmit request
Attr Special messages are described by add-on attributes:
Besides these main columns, other configurable columns may exist depending on the
specific CANoe option.
A number of other events are output in the Trace window:
• Error frames:
When error frames occur a message will appear in the Trace window.
• Environment variables:
If the value of an environment variable changes, the time, name of the environ-
ment variable and new value are displayed. You can activate or deactivate the
display of environment variables in the configuration dialog for the Trace win-
The Trace Window offers several views which can either be placed freely – together
as one separate window – or be shown within the Trace Window (docked). There are
tabs to switch between the following different views:
• Detail view
(replaces the Trace-Watch-Window)
• Difference view
(for direct comparison of different events)
• Statistic view (on signal values)
(several events can be selected and examined statistically)
The offline filter provides supplementary filtering of the recorded messages in the
Trace Window. You can start this function with the Event filtered command in the
context menu of the Trace Window.
Note: The Trace window can be stopped by the toolbar icon during a meas-
urement run, so that you can analyze its contents in a user-friendly man-
ner without terminating the measurement.
Furthermore, the Trace window offers you two different time formats. You can select
whether the time stamp for messages should be displayed as absolute, i.e. in sec-
onds since the start of measurement, or relative to the message preceding it. In the
latter case, in fixed mode the time differences always refer to the same line. As a re-
sult, in this mode you can read off the transmission intervals between messages with
the same identifiers. In Chronological mode the time differences are always shown
referenced to the last message displayed in the window.
If you also wish to see changes of environment variables in the Trace window, you
must activate this by marking the relevant option.
Note: Not all messages or events (e.g. environment variables) occurring in your
system will fill the same columns or all columns. For example, the "Desti-
nation" column is not filled out for a CAN message. However, a J1939
message will show its "Destination address" in this column.
If you are working with multiple windows, the actions always act only on the active
Trace window. If another measurement window is active, when one of these buttons
is activated the window of the first Trace block is activated, and the function is exe-
cuted in this window. If you are only working with one Trace block, the action is exe-
cuted there directly without the window being activated.
The buttons for numbering format (hex/dec) and message format (numeric/symbolic) change the
associated options globally for the entire program.
Signal-time responses are displayed graphically in the Graphics window. They are
displayed in a X-Y diagram above the time axis. The measurement data remain in the
Graphics window after a measurement stop and can be examined using special
measurement cursors.
The Graphics window has a legend in which the selected signals are shown with their
value ranges and colors. It also has a toolbar from which you can easily call the most
important measurement functions. Both the legend and toolbar can be configured in
the window's popup menu and can be enabled or disabled from there.
In the Graphics window there is exactly one active signal identified by inverted font in
the legend. You can make a signal the active signal using the Tab key, by Page
Up/Down or by clicking the signal name with the mouse.
• If Single-signal mode is enabled, all commands - such as Measure, Zoom and
Scroll - refer to the active signal.
• In Multisignal mode the commands refer to all signals of the Graphics window.
Note: Besides displaying signals, the Graphics window also offers the option of
viewing the time responses of environment variables. You can configure
environment variables in the window's signal selection dialog by pressing
the [New EV...] button. All of the statements made below regarding signals
also apply, in principle, to environment variables.
All Graphics window signals are displayed in the list box at the upper left of the dia-
log. With the [New Signal ...] button you first open a list for selecting CAN mes-
sages. In a second list you can then import the signals from the message you initially
selected into the Graphics window.
Pressing the [Delete] button removes the highlighted signals from the list. With
[Define...] you can define a signal, if you wish to display it without using the data-
base. The [Edit...] button allows you to modify an existing signal description.
In the text input box Short name you enter a short, descriptive name for the signal,
which is then output as the signal name in the Graphics window legend.
The display modes physical and decimal are available to you. In the physical display
mode the raw data are extracted from the CAN message, scaled with the (linear)
conversion formula, and displayed as physical values in the Graphics window. The
necessary signal data are obtained from the database. In the decimal display mode,
on the other hand, the raw data are only extracted from the CAN message and dis-
played as decimal numbers. There is no scaling by a conversion formula.
For all signals you have entered in the Graphics window's signal configuration dialog,
values are automatically assigned for Y-scaling, signal color and time axis, as well as
the lines type. The values for Y-scaling and lines type are assumed from the data-
base. In the Graphics window's Options dialog you can configure all of the options to
satisfy your work requirements. The dialog consists of two parts, the axes options
and the measurement options. You can toggle between the two parts with the action
buttons Measurement > and < Axes.
Listed in the dialog's signal list are all those signals which were entered in the signal
selection dialog.
If you select the option Do not change axis options under Actions at measurement
start, then the last configured Graphics window setup is assumed at the start of the
measurement. Set with time axis sets the Graphics window - at the measurement
start - to a time range selected by you. Also, with Set time axis and home
configuration at the measurement start you can set the Y-axis range you had previ-
ously defined in the popup menu with Save home configuration.
If you check the option Fit time axis under Actions at end of measurement, the
signal responses over the entire measurement duration are displayed at the end of
the measurement. Otherwise, the displayed time interval remains on the screen at
the end of the measurement.
Note: It is always the case that either single-signal mode or multisignal mode is
active. The operations that change time axis scaling are always executed
for all signals - regardless of the setting single-signal / multisignal mode -
since there is only one time axis for all signals in the Graphics window.
the difference) of this measurement point are shown in the upper legend. In the leg-
end with signal names, the differences in signal values for all signals are shown for
the time points that have been set. The two time points and the time difference are
also displayed. The measurement cursor considers the option Single-Signal or Mul-
tisignal mode. In Single-Signal mode the small box only jumps to measurement
points of the active signal; in Multisignal mode the box jumps to the next closest
measurement point of all signals.
Fit all
Independent of the preset mode, the signals are scaled such that they are com-
pletely visible. To do this, the program determines the actual minimum and
maximum values for each signal and the time range of all signals, and scaling is
adjusted accordingly.
This command magnifies or reduces, by a factor of 2, either the active signal (in
Single-Signal mode) or all signals (in Multisignal mode). The size is changed
according to the preselected axis mode, either for only one axis (in X-mode or
Y-mode) or for both axes simultaneously (in X/Y-mode).
Operations that change the scaling of the time axis are always executed for all
signals (independent of the option Single-Signal/Multisignal mode), since there
is only one time axis for all signals in the Graphics window. Axes can also be
scaled individually for each signal in the Graphics window's options dialog.
The signals are scaled such that they are completely visible. This involves de-
termining the actual minimum and maximum values of each signal as well as
the time range for all signals, and the scaling is set accordingly. The active
modes (X-mode, Y-mode or X/Y-mode, and Single-Signal or Multisignal mode)
are taken into consideration. This fits the entire graphic optimally in the window.
Scaling of the displayed value range for all signals is rounded-off. This involves
rounding-off the active Division value to a valid whole number (Division = n *
10x , n = [1 to 9], x = whole number). The lower and upper range limits are
rounded-off to the precision of the Division value.
Rounding always affects all signals of the Graphics window. The active mode
(X-mode, Y-mode or XY-mode) is considered. Scaling of the signals is rounded-
off to a whole number value.
This command activates or deactivates measurement point marking. The color
of the measurement points matches the preset signal color.
This command enables/disables grid lines in the Graphics window. The grid
lines match the subdivisions of the Y-axis. You can set the color of the grid lines
in the Color Options dialog.
This command enables/disables labeling of the Y-axis in the active Graphics
When labeling is disabled, a Y-axis with 10 subdivisions is displayed for all sig-
nals. In the legend the following are shown for each signal: Lower and upper
values of the viewing area, and the value amount between any two subdivision
tick marks.
If labeling is enabled, the subdivision of the Y-axis is calculated automatically for
the active signal and is displayed in the color of the signal.
The tick marks are set to whole number values. If a signal is shown as decimal
(i.e. raw signal values without conversion), then only whole numbers are dis-
played. In this case, if an area between two adjacent numbers is shown magni-
fied, no subdivision tick marks will be seen any longer along the Y-axis. For the
physical display type subdivisions less than 1 are also shown.
When labeling is enabled the legend also shows the following for each signal:
Lower and upper values of the viewing area (i.e. not necessarily the values of
the lowermost and uppermost Y-axis tick marks) and the value amount between
any two tick marks.
The grid lines in the graphics display always match the tick marks on the Y-axis.
Grid lines are enabled or disabled by the Grid command in the window's popup
Here you select the background color for the window (white or black). Further-
more, you can open the Options dialog for configuring signal colors.
Signal Legend
With this function you choose whether the legend for signals should be dis-
played on the left side of the Graphics window or not.
Note: Please make sure that the Graphics window is not covered up by other
measurement windows, menus or dialogs during the measurement. Under
some circumstances the performance capabilities of the output may be
impaired severely by such overlapping.
Depending on the configuration and bus load the powerful symbol algorithms used in
the Graphics window may place a relatively high demand on computer resources.
Since individual requirements vary widely, the Graphics window provides special con-
figuration options for optimizing the display.
To optimize the Graphics window, open the Options configuration dialog from the
popup menu or the window's toolbar. After pressing the [Measurement] button you
will be presented with the measurement options, where you can optimize the follow-
ing Parameters of the Graphics window:
Buffer size
Here you set the time interval that is to be saved (in seconds) for the signal re-
sponses of all signals configured in the Graphics window. For example, if you
enter the value 10 here, the last 10 seconds of your measurement in the Graph-
ics window are always saved and will be available to you after the end of meas-
urement for further evaluation. Consequently, high values for this parameter will
- particularly when displaying many signals - result in a large memory require-
ment, but will allow you to track and evaluate the signal response over a corre-
spondingly large time period after the end of measurement.
After the measurement stop, with large signal buffers some functions may be-
come lethargic, such as moving or fitting signals, since in this case large quanti-
ties of data must be redrawn. Therefore, you should select a value for the buffer
size that is as small as possible.
Buffer limit
In addition to buffer size, you can also specify a buffer limit in kB. This defines
the maximum memory usage by the Graphics window during the measurement.
Above all, this is advisable if you have specified a relatively large time span as
the buffer size. Without this maximum limit, more and more memory is de-
manded by the operating system over the course of the measurement. This can
lead to severe loading of the overall system due to swapping out of storage.
Please refer to online Help for further details.
User-defined refresh
Here you define how often the Graphics window display should be updated.
Small values result in continuous display of the signal response, but on the
other hand they place a high demand on computing resources and may lead to
performance problems with slower computers. High refresh values lessen the
demand on computing resources, particular when many signals are being dis-
played, but they lead to more erratic display of signal responses. You should
only input a refresh value if your measurement setup places special demands
(high bus load, simultaneous display of many signals, etc.) on the Graphics
window. If the Refresh check box is not checked, the Graphics window auto-
matically determines a favorable default value. As long as no load problems are
occurring during the measurement you should not modify these options.
If the signal curves run into the right border of the Graphics window after the
start of measurement, this command will result in automatic tracking of the
curves. This involves shifting the time axis to the left, to make room for the
measurement signal on the right side. You can configure this behavior, referred
to as scrolling, in the Graphics window. Continuous scrolling is activated as a
default, whereby the time axis is only shifted minimally to the left to give the im-
pression of continuously flowing signal curves.
To shift the time axis in jumps, thus maintaining the graphic diagram at a fixed
location between these jumps, you would deactivate the autoscroll mode in the
Graphics Window Settings dialog. In the line below this you can set the per-
centage of the displayed time interval by which the time axis should be shifted.
The smaller the value, the more evenly the view is scrolled, but it is shifted more
frequently. If the time interval displayed in the Graphics window is smaller than
the value you specified, the entire Graphics window is reconstructed, i.e. the
image is shifted by 100%. This prevents the Graphics window from demanding
too much computing power due to frequent scrolling for very short time inter-
The scrolling procedure always demands more computer resources for smaller
time intervals, since scrolling must be done more quickly. Therefore, there is a
minimum refresh rate for updating the window contents. If the displayed time in-
terval is of the same order of magnitude as this rate, the signal curves are dis-
played again in an increasingly jumpy manner, since the window contents are
not always updated. You can set the minimum refresh rate in the project file
CAN.INI. This involves setting the following value in the [System] section:
GraphicWindowMinAutoRefreshrate= <Cycle time in ms>
However, please note that the smaller the value you select, the more system
loading will increase. Before modifying the automatic refresh rate, it is therefore
essential that you determine an optimal refresh rate with the help of the User-
Defined Refresh function.
The popup menu command Copy contents to Clipboard accepts the contents of the
Write window in the clipboard. Write window messages serve as both a supplemental
report for your measurements and – should problems occur – as a basis for error
analysis by our customer service.
You can find a description of the most important CANoe system messages that are
output to the Write window in the online help.
Always displayed are the signal name - which can be set in the configuration dialog -
and its associated value. You can also decide whether the value should be displayed
as a raw datum (hexadecimal or decimal), as a physical value with accompanying
unit of measurement, or as a bar chart.
The signal names and values displayed in the window are context-sensitive. When
the mouse pointer is moved over them, the element below the pointer is identified by
a frame. This element can be dragged to any window location with the mouse, allow-
ing you to group signals and values according to your needs.
All signals of the signal list are shown in the list box at the upper left of the dialog.
Here you can accept new signals from the associated database. When copying, the
abbreviated signal name is modified such that no ambiguities result. The abbreviated
name appears during the measurement as the signal identifier in addition to the ac-
tual signal value.
With the [Define] and [Edit] buttons you can enter a new signal description - inde-
pendent of the database - in the Data window or modify an existing signal descrip-
The raw data are extracted from the CAN message, scaled by the (linear) con-
version formula, and displayed as decimal fixed point numbers.
Example: Signal T consists of 5 bits, is unsigned, has a factor of 10 and an off-
set of 0. Then the possible raw value range is 0-31, and the physical value
range is 0-310. Therefore, the necessary output width is 3 characters.
ing. However, to obtain reasonable outputs in the Data window you should not select
a cycle time greater than 500 ms.
The Statistics window displays (see Figure 65) the mean message rates existing at
the end of the measurement. The Write window contains the statistics report (see
Figure 67).
Rx Tx
In the statistics configuration dialog you can define whether the window diagram
should show the mean transmit interval (sec/msg) or its inverse, the mean message
rate (msg/sec). Also configurable is the averaging time which defines the time inter-
val at which the display is refreshed. Averaging is most precise with a low value, but
this demands a lot of computing time. With high values the statistics display lags be-
hind. An averaging time of approx. 1000 ms gives satisfactory results for standard
In standard mode the messages of the channels are displayed side by side. In tab
view mode the window is split. In the left part (standard view) the messages are
shown. In the right part (special view) special events are shown, e.g. error frames.
With the tabs on the bottom of the window you can switch between the buses. You
can have up to 3 standard views but only one special view for each bus channel.
You can scale the Statistics window from the popup menu. The functions available for
this, such as Zoom, Fit, Basic Image and Manual Scaling are described in detail in
online Help.
Note: If the CAN card used supports extended identifiers, the function Basic
Image is split. The user can choose whether scaling will be over the range
of standard identifiers or over the entire range.
Afterwards, the Write window shows - for each occurring ID coded by attributes - the
total number of messages, the mean transmit interval, its standard deviation, mini-
mum and maximum.
Note: The function Display statistics report can only be selected if the Statistic
report activate option was selected during the measurement.
Note: Stopping the measurement also ends data gathering for the time range
being measured at the time. Evaluations can be recorded from several
measurements started one after the other in the same configuration.
The data obtained can be further evaluated with the histogram dialog box (menu item
Evaluation output) by choosing regions of interest from the data included in the time
The appropriate data selected can be stored as a CSV file (values separated by
commas) or transferred to Excel with the script toExcel.js. The data can also be ma-
nipulated with the user’s own Java or Visual Basic script.
The collected data can be reseted in the configuration dialog box of the statistics
Note: If you have installed CANoe.LIN you can find additional information for the
shown statistic data in the manual’s chapter Option LIN or in the online
Under Options in the card icon's popup menu in the measurement setup window, the
user can configure the time interval at which the card passes bus statistics
information to CANoe. This interval defines the frequency of the bus load measure-
ment and thereby also the averaging time. The default value is one second. For
measurements with extreme data throughput bus statistics may be deactivated to
increase performance. Above all, this affects the FIFO buffer between CANoe and
the CAN card. The error message "Rx buffer overrun" could possibly be prevented by
doing this.
Bus statistics information is also recorded in logging (cf. section 2.7). To include this
information in logging activate the Log internal events check box in the configura-
tion dialog for the log file. When the file is played back in Offline mode this informa-
tion is then displayed again in the Bus Statistics window. The Bus Statistics window
remains empty in Offline mode if the data source does not contain any bus statistics
If one of the first seven menu commands is clicked on, a block is inserted in the data
flow plan which satisfies the particular function. New hotspots appear before and after
this block, so that additional blocks can be inserted. The last menu item is a special
case. If it is activated a broken hotspot appears, which is intended to show that the
flow of information is blocked at this point.
Function blocks can be recognized by their appearance or by their labels in the data
flow chart. A P stands for a CAPL node (Program block), PF and SF designate the
Pass and Stop Filters, PE and SE are the corresponding filters for environment vari-
ables, a G refers to a Generator block, an IG to the Interactive Generator block and R
stands for a Replay block. The channel filter is represented with a special icon.
All blocks have popup menus which the user can open by either clicking with the right
mouse button or by selecting the block in the data flow plan and then pressing <F10>
. The first menu item opens a configuration dialog for the particular block, which only
serves to parameterize the block (there are two configuration dialogs for the genera-
tor block, which can be opened by the first two menu items). By selecting the last
item in the popup menu Delete this node, you can remove the block from the data
flow plan. All configuration information is lost in the process. However, the CAPL
source files of the CAPL node and the log file of the replay block are not deleted.
From the popup menu you can assign a comment to each function block and analysis
block. The comment is displayed by default. With the function Show comment in the
popup menu you can enable and disable the display separately for each block.
Please note that the size of the displayed comment depends on the actual position of
the function block and the space available for the display. Independent of this, it is
always the case that only the first two lines of the comments are displayed. It is ad-
visable to use only short key words in the first two lines and to enter more elaborate
information further below in the text.
If you have not entered any comment, but the display is nevertheless activated, the
predefined comment is displayed.
In the simulation setup the user can insert function blocks directly by means of the
bus image. When you click the bus image with the right mouse button (or select it
with cursor keys followed by <F10>), a popup menu appears with the following menu
commands for inserting function blocks:
The following table gives you an overview where in the dataflow the function blocks
should be practically inserted.
Whenever a trigger condition occurs the next message is transmitted. When the end
of the list is reached, transmission may resume at the start of the list, depending on
the configuration.
Since generator blocks can be configured to be very elaborate, the popup menu of-
fers you the option of saving a generator block as a file and later reloading it, possibly
from a different configuration. As a result, you can easily exchange generator blocks
between different configurations.
Generator blocks are displayed in the data flow diagram as little blocks with the in-
scription G.
When one of the trigger conditions occurs, the next element of this list is transmitted.
When the end of the list is reached the program resumes with the first element if the
run mode has been set to cyclic. The list may also consist of only one element.
Nine lines are displayed in the dialog box. The active line - to which the dialog but-
tons refer - is identified by the " " symbol at the beginning of the line. The active line
is shifted automatically by activating the <TAB> key or by clicking the dialog entry
boxes with the mouse.
Each line of the list consists of 11 columns. In the first column you enter the desired
identifier. The DLC field defines the number of data bytes in the message. After that
come the fields for data bytes. Only the number of bytes specified by the DLC are
accepted. The rest are ignored. The last column is a combination box for selecting
the controller by which the message is to be transmitted.
value table to the signal in the database, you can use the relevant symbolic descrip-
tor instead of a numeric value. You can select this from the signal value table in the
middle column.
Physical dimensions are stored in discrete form in the CAN messages. However, it
may not always be possible to represent the numeric value entered in the Value box
as a discrete value. In such cases, when exiting the line or activating the [OK] button,
the two next possible physical values are displayed in a dialog. Then the entered va-
lue is rounded to the next possible closest value.
The signal EngineData.RPM is defined as a 16 bit unsigned with an offset of 0
and a factor of 10. If the value to be compared is entered as 1015, the raw
value would have to be 1015/10 = 101.5. Since only discrete values may occur,
either 101 or 102 must be used, which correspond to the physical values 1010
or 1020. It is these two numbers which appear in the dialog.
In spite of discrete memory storage, quantities which have digits after the decimal
point can be valid. In the example above, if a factor of 10.5 is used for calculation
1008 and 1018.5 are recommended as possible values.
The configuration dialog allows you to parameterize a trapezoidal function. When the
dialog is exited with OK the corresponding lines are automatically generated in the
generator block transmit list. The following signal responses can be generated with
certain parameters:
Displayed in the upper part of the dialog box are the message and the signal. Shown
below this, in the preview box, are a trapezoid and the meanings of its parameters.
By setting individual parameters to zero, the following responses can be generated:
The levels n1 and n2 must be entered physically. The relevant limitations apply here
(see for example generator block signal values).
The entry for transmit interval identifies the interval between any two messages, and
this corresponds to the entry in the generator block dialog Trigger initiation period.
Since CAN is message-based and not signal-based, all signals of a message get the
same transmit interval!
Since this signal characteristic generator is only a tool for the generator block and is
not a block itself, the following must be observed when using different period lengths
for several signals within one message:
All input boxes are explained in the status bar at the lower border of the dialog. The
explanation is always shown for the currently selected box entry. There are also key-
board shortcuts for use without the mouse; these are described in section
nals of the messages can be configured individually in their signal lists. An alternative
to activating the [New] button is to double click with the left mouse button in the first
empty line of the message name column of the Message Explorer.
Without a database you can transmit any desired messages by manually entering the
CAN identifier of the desired message in the transmit list (Identifier column). To gen-
erate a new message click in the first empty cell of Identifier column with the left mou-
se button or press the [New] button. After selecting the desired number of data bytes
for the message (DLC column) you can then input the data bytes (Data field col-
umns). The signal list remains empty.
Note: The [ErrorFrame] button can be used to enter an Error frame in the
transmit list. This allows Error frames to be transmitted on the bus. Re-
mote frames can be created from normal messages in the transmit list,
except that in the Frame message parameter column the description
Remote is selected instead of Data.
quest of the same message must follow immediately. The number set in “Burst” indi-
cates the current number of messages in the transmit queue.
Note: When high load is configured no other simultaneous triggering of the same
message should be performed manually by keyboard or by timer, since the
transmit queue might overflow. Furthermore, the associated receive ac-
knowledgments (Tx or TxRq events) in front of the interactive generator
block in the data flow plan must not be filtered out; otherwise the transmit
queue will not be refilled.
Spacebar Toggles the states of check boxes and activates the Send buttons.
Opens the Message Explorer to the message name fields
Arrow keys Switches between the various buttons and input boxes. The box
(Å,Æ,Ç,È) entries are explained in the status bar at the dialog's lower border.
<Ctrl><Ç> Increments or decrements the value of the active box (by 1 for tim-
<Ctrl><È> ers and data bytes of a message, and by the lowest possible raw
value difference for signal values on a signal line)
<Ctrl><Å> Logarithmic calibration of the slider in the timer columns of the
<Ctrl><Æ> transmit list
<Page Ç> Increments or decrements a signal value on a signal line by the
<Page È> configured step width (Phys. Step).
<Esc> Exits the editing box, whereby any change is canceled and the pre-
viously set value is restored.
Attention: <Esc> during a running measurement will terminate
the measurement!
<F9> Starts the measurement
Note: As long as the configuration dialog for the Interactive Generator block is
opened and active, all keyboard entries except <F9> and <Escape> are
used to edit the dialog. Therefore the defined key can only initiate trans-
mission by the generator blocks or activation of CAPL program nodes pro-
vided that the CANoe main window is activated, or test mode is explicitly
activated in the configuration dialog.
Note: If you have installed CANoe Option LIN you can find more information in
the manual's chapter Option LIN or in the online help.
Filter blocks are entered in the data flow plan by right clicking a hotspot, and appear
as small blocks with the label PF (Pass Filter) or SF (Stop Filter). When these blocks
are double clicked a configuration dialog appears in which the filter can be param-
eterized or selectively deleted by specifying messages (ranges), error frames, net-
work nodes and attributes.
The filter configuration is lost when a filter block is removed from the measurement
setup (by choosing the command Delete this node in the popup menu or <Del>).
Note: In keeping with its function, a pass filter which is not configured (empty)
does not pass any messages and so blocks all message traffic. If older
configurations are opened with Version 3.1, their old pass and stop filters
will reappear.
Double clicking on the filter symbol opens a configuration dialog in which the avail-
able channels are seen and can be set.
The filter configuration is lost when a channel filter is removed from the measurement
setup (Delete this node in the popup menu or with <Del>)
Note: A channel filter which has not been configured can be used in the data
flow plan to simply show the number of channels being used.
When you click the bus image with the right mouse button, the popup menu of the
CAN bus appears. You can insert a network node in the simulation setup with the
menu command Insert network node. This is displayed as a rectangular function
block which is initially connected to the simulated bus, i.e. the bus with the red line.
The function block contains two text lines. The upper line shows the name of the
node and is initially empty for a newly inserted node. The status bar below it provides
information on node status and node type.
The configuration dialog for a network node can be opened by right clicking on the
network node and choosing Configure from the popup menu. The corresponding
node name can be selected from those defined in the database; if no name is se-
lected the name will remain << default >>.
With the [File...] button you can open a file selection dialog. Here you can select the
CAPL program which describes the functionality of the network node. The [Edit] but-
ton opens the CAPL Browser with which you can create the selected CAPL program
or edit it later in a user-friendly manner. All CAPL programs must be compiled before
the measurement start. This is done by activating the [Compile] button or by select-
ing the menu command Configuration│Compile all nodes.
The node status option buttons can influence the function of a node. The status real
indicates a node on a real bus. It is shown in the simulation setup by a black connect-
ing line to the actual bus and is designated as real in its status line. In this case the
network node model has no influence on the measurement.
Simulated nodes are represented as red connection lines to the simulated bus. Dur-
ing a measurement its functionality is simulated by an assigned CAPL program. The
bus behavior of the network node does not differ from that of a real controller with the
same functionality.
Individual network nodes can be switched-off intentionally with the options button off.
This breaks the connection to the bus.5
The user simply presses the spacebar to toggle the status of the currently active
node in the simulation setup. The node status changes with each spacebar press
from simulated to real to off and back to simulated.
The menu item Start delay can influence the behavior of the network node before
the start of the measurement. The button switches this influence to active, which
causes the node to remain inactive for the set time period after the start of the meas-
urement. Messages are neither sent nor received during this time, nor do they react
to external conditions such as environment variables or key presses.
This delay can also be defined as a supplemental attribute in the database and acti-
vated via the corresponding checkbox.
The simulated network node timers can also be influenced by Drift and Jitter. When
this is the case, the user can toggle between fixed deviation and an equally distrib-
uted fluctuation. With fixed deviation the value can be given in per cent, and all tim-
ers for this network node will expire a bit faster or slower around this value. With uni-
form distribution, on the other hand, an interval can be entered from which the fluc-
tuations of each timer is purely chosen.
These values can also be defined as supplemental attributes and activated from
In Version 1.0 this has the same effect as the option real.
Note: When a CAPL node is removed from the simulation setup the CAPL
source file is not deleted.
Note: A CAPL node in a data flow branch blocks all messages that are not ex-
plicitly output in the program with output(). A program that is transparent
for all messages must therefore contain the following message procedure:
on message * {
output(this); /* Pass all messages */
Program blocks appear in the data flow plan as small blocks with the label P. When
you click these blocks with the right mouse button and choose Configuration a dialog
appears with the following buttons:
Figure 78: Configuration Dialog for CAPL Programs in the Measurement Setup
First, in the configuration dialog you assign a CAPL file name (Extension *.CAN) to
the program block.
Press [Edit] to open the CAPL Browser. Browser is a user-friendly tool for creating,
modifying and compiling CAPL programs.
Before you start the measurement you must compile the CAPL file. To do this, press
the [Compile] button or choose Configuration│Compile all nodes in the main
menu to compile all CAPL programs at once.
You can deactivate the node by pressing the spacebar or selecting the item Node
active in the CAPL node's popup menu. Executing the same action again will reacti-
vate the node. The menu item Delete this Node removes the CAPL node from the
measurement setup.
Note: The CAPL source file is not deleted when a CAPL node is removed from
the measurement setup (by selecting the command "Delete configuration"
in the popup menu).
Note: In keeping with its function, a pass filter which is not configured, i.e. is
empty, does not pass any environment variables.
The left side of the dialog is used for preselection of environment variables which are
displayed in the multiple selection list. In the upper left box you can check off whether
all those environment variables should be displayed, to which at least one network
node of the database has read or write access. In the two lower boxes you check off
whether all those environment variables should be displayed, to which at least one of
the selected network nodes from the network node list has read or write access.
(Read and write authorizations for environment variables must be assigned in the
The check boxes which you check are logically OR'd with one another. Therefore, it is
not possible for example to simultaneously check off the upper and third check
boxes, since both relate to read access of environment variables.
4.10 Break
If certain branches of the data flow in the measurement setup should not be run
through, then a hotspot can be converted to a breakpoint. This is advisable, e.g. in
online mode, if all functions (above all in the Trace window) cannot be serviced any
longer without loss of data due to a high data rate.
When a break is created the configuration after the break is fully preserved, so that
the old state can be reinstated after the break is deleted. Therefore, the break pro-
vides a very quick means for temporarily disconnecting certain data paths and
thereby saving computer time.
At the start of a measurement the currently valid data flow plan is converted to an
internal tree structure. In this conversion process breaks which are encountered in a
path are propagated forward to the next branching point. Therefore, it is irrelevant to
processor loading whether a break is placed at the front or back of a path. The same
path is always masked out.
5.1 Introduction
At the start of the Panel Editor from CANoe, the environment variable lists of the da-
tabases configured there are automatically associated.
All elements which you can place on a panel in the Panel Editor are called controls.
Differentiation is made between control elements for which the values of environment
variables can be changed (e.g. switches, pushbuttons, etc.) and display elements for
which values of environment variables are displayed (e.g. lamps). Some elements
(e.g. sliders) can be used as both control and display elements.
Certain elements are available for each environment variable type. For example, you
would use switches and lamps for discrete environment variables, sliders for continu-
ous environment variables and text input fields for character string environment vari-
In the Panel Editor you assign an environment variable or a signal - whose value is to
be changed or displayed - to all control and display elements. Moreover, you can
place static elements (text, bitmaps) on the panel which are independent of the envi-
ronment variables.
All control and display elements (switches and buttons for discrete environment vari-
ables, sliders for continuous environment variables , etc.) can be placed freely on the
panel and may also overlap. New alignment functions for individual elements and
group functions (e.g. center, left-justify, etc.) simplify the structuring of panels.
Elements can be configured after double clicking with the left mouse button. A special
requirement is that each control must have an environment variable or a signal as-
signed to it from the database. Panels are saved in CANoe panel file format (default
extension CNP) and can then be loaded in the simulation system.
Besides a variety of predefined elements, the Panel Editor lets you insert bitmap
elements with user-defined bitmaps. Overlapping and transparent elements allow you
to place controls in any desired manner on the panel, adjacent to one another or
above one another. They also enable the display of a wide variety of bitmap element
forms. There is a transparency color for the overall panel. This allows background
bitmaps for bitmap elements whose transparency is active to shine through.
Note: It is now possible to automatically create the necessary panels from a cor-
respondingly prepared and initialized database with the Panel-Generator.
These panels can then be adapted to personal needs. For the detailed
procedure on how to use the Panel-Generator, please read the Online-
Note: With the buttons (Undo) and (Redo) you can undo or repeat the last
actions for placing and aligning elements.
You can change the sizes of push buttons, sliders, text boxes pointer elements and
all input boxes. To do this you drag the border of the particular control to the desired
size while the mouse button is pressed. The marking frame sizes of bitmaps and bit-
map switches are indeed also adjustable on the panel, but the actual bitmaps always
retain their height and width.
With the standard functions Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete of the popup menu or the
main Edit menu, you can copy individual elements to the clipboard and from there
paste them on the same panel or another panel.
Note: When the <Shift> key is pressed while the mouse pointer is simultane-
ously moved over an element, a window appears containing the name of
the assigned environment variables or the assigned signal. If you have en-
tered a comment for the environment variables in the CAN database, the
first comment line of the environment variable is displayed.
For the elements bitmap switch/indicator, push button, switch, radio button and bit-
map push button you must also enter a switch value. This value corresponds to the
value of the environment variable when the element is active. For example, a three-
stage switch can be constructed from three radio buttons by assigning the same envi-
ronment variable to all three elements, but selecting different switch values for each
of the radio buttons, e.g. 1 for the first, 2 for the second, and 3 for the third trigger.
The switch value 1 is assumed for push buttons and switches. Multi-stage switches
are incremented (decremented) by 1 when the right (left) mouse button is pressed,
respectively, whereby the smallest switch value is always 0. In configuring continuous
elements you must specify minimum and maximum values for the assigned environ-
ment variable.
The "Alarm states" function makes it possible for the elements meter, slider, in-
put/output box and ActiveX control to respond to a situation in which a value is above
or below of a previously defined value range.
This makes it possible to change the visual representation of the panel element that
displays the value when a specific limit value is reached. For example it is possible to
respond to a situation in which a value is above or below of a previously defined
value range of a pointer element by changing the color of the pointer.
For information on configuring elements please refer to the Panel Editor's Online
Help function in the particular configuration dialog.
Places the selected element in the center of the panel horizontally.
Adjust Size
Adjusts the size of the bitmap element according to the number of states en-
tered in the configuration.
Center in Group
Centers elements included in the group beneath the uppermost group element.
One Level
Places all group elements on a single horizontal level, whereby the element lo-
cated furthest down serves as reference.
Tile Horizontally/Vertically
All group elements are tiled horizontally or vertically.
Combines all selected elements into a group.
After activating the function with the left mouse button you select all elements to
be incorporated into the group by enclosing them in a rectangle. After releasing
the left mouse button, a thick frame appears around the highlighted rectangle
and all elements contained in the group.
Within the CANoe environment ActiveX controls can belong to two different hierar-
• ActiveX control elements (CANoe),
whose .ocx/.dll file and configuration file (.ini) are located in the directory {CA-
These control elements belong to the system and are available in each configu-
• ActiveX control elements (panel)
whose .ocx/.dll file and configuration file (.ini) are located in the Panel directory.
These control elements belong to the corresponding configuration and are only
available in it.
If ActiveX control elements are installed in both the Panel directory and in the CANoe
directory with the same name, the control element in the Panel directory takes prece-
dence, i.e. only the control element in the Panel directory will be loaded and dis-
• With the exception of entries for the alarm function, the control element configu-
ration file can be created and changed with the aid of the wizard.
You can insert a Hexadecimal Editor in the panel from the menu item Ele-
ments│Hex-Editor or from the button on the toolbar. After selecting the menu
item the cursor changes its form to a crosshair with appended rectangle. With the left
mouse button you confirm the selected position..
In Configuration mode the Hex-Editor can be called from the window border.
With Type you assign an environment variable with data or string type to the Hex-
Editor. In the alphabetically sorted list you can select the desired environment vari-
In the Layout box you define the appearance that the Hex-Edit control should have.
With Columns per Line you set the width of the element. Afterwards, the number of
bytes corresponding to this width is shown.
With View you can choose among three different representation formats for the bytes
of the environment variable:
• Hexadecimal and text fields (the two fields are shown next to one another)
• Only hexadecimal field
• Only text field
Hexadecimal representation consists of blocks, each with two hexadecimal digits.
Each block represents one byte of the environment variable value.
Text representation consists of keyboard characters. Each byte of the environment
variable is represented as a character in ASCII code. If no printable ASCII character
corresponds to the byte value, a dot is shown.
You can have your entries accepted in the environment variable by pressing the <En-
ter> key, moving the cursor to another box, or choosing the Accept menu item.
Please note that in accepting environment variables of the String type, characters are
only read up to a terminating null character (byte value zero). Characters that follow
are not assumed in the variable. For environment variables of the Data type, on the
other hand, the null character is not terminating.
In the Text Attributes box the font and background color can be configured. With a
reset, the text attributes prescribed as default values are assumed.
Note: You can use the <Insert> key to toggle between the two input modes
Insert and Overwrite.
Note: After you have edited a bitmap in the Panel Editor that is used by one or
more elements, you can update it with Reload Bitmaps.
Examples of bitmaps that you can integrate directly into your panels or use as pat-
terns for your own elements, are located in the directory DEMO_CAN_CN\COLLECT.
The CANoe sample configuration COLLECT.CFG gives you an overview of this bit-
map collection.
A bitmap file for a n-stage switch consists of n+1 rectangular partial bitmaps of identi-
cal height and width arranged horizontally. Again, the inactive state is displayed on
the left. The n switch values are located in the n partial bitmaps to the right of this.
To be able to integrate bitmap files more easily into the panels, it is advisable to make
the number of stages discernible in the file names. The bitmaps supplied in the sam-
ple directories DEMO_CAN_CN\AUTOMOT and DEMO_CAN_CN\COLLECT show you a
possible naming convention. The names of n-stage bitmaps here always end with "
Note: When creating your own bitmaps the bitmap editor program should be set
to save the bitmap as an uncompressed Windows bitmap. Special com-
pressed bitmaps cannot be processed by some graphics drivers, which
can lead to unpleasant visual effects or even system crashes.
Note: To adapt the size of the control to the bitmap and number of states, select
the menu item Edit|Fit size after you have exited the configuration with
5.7 Overlapping
While creating the panels you can position the panels on top of each other. This se-
quence of the elements is called overlap sequence.
If you want to chance the overlap sequence, you have to select an element and place
it in the foreground or in the background.
Initially, when a new element is added to the panel it is placed in the foreground until
the overlap sequence is modified or another element is added.
A marked element is always shown in the foreground, without influencing the actually
overlap sequence of the elements.
Note: In test mode the overlap sequence is always displayed. You can update
the display of overlaps based on the overlap sequence with the function
Update panel.
Note: In CANoe you can define permanent panels which are unaffected by panel
control actions, i.e. they remain open even after a panel control button is
activated, if they are not listed in the control list of the button.
With the [Add] button you can add new panels to the panel control list. Pressing
[Delete] removes all marked panels from the list. Press [Display] to open the panels
marked in the list for viewing.
Note: Since you may wish to use the same panel in various CANoe configura-
tions, the panel positions are managed directly by CANoe. Therefore, they
cannot be set in the Panel Editor.
6 CAPL Programming
This chapter offers you a basic introduction in working with the programming lan-
guage CAPL. Examples and a reference of all commands you can find in the online
6.1 Overview
The universal applicability of CANoe results in large measure from its user program-
The CAN Access Programming Language CAPL is a C-like programming language,
which allows you to program CANoe for individual applications. In the development of
network nodes, for example, the problem arises that the remaining bus nodes are not
yet available for tests. To emulate the system environment, the data traffic of all re-
maining stations can be simulated with the help of CAPL.
All CANoe program variations/ options support the CAPL functions. The following
program variations offer additional CAPL functions:
• CANoe.LIN resp. DENoe.LIN
• CANoe.MOST resp. DENoe.MOST
• CANoe.J1939
You can also write programs for problem-specific analysis of data traffic with CAPL,
or you can program a gateway - a connecting element between two buses - to ex-
change data between different CAN buses.
CAPL nodes are inserted in the data flow plan as function blocks. Event procedures
serve as inputs in CAPL. These procedures can react to external events (e.g. the
occurrence of specific messages). You send messages by calling the function
output(). These language tools and symbolic access to the various variables in the
database make it possible to create simple prototypical models of nodes. The event
procedures can be edited in the user-friendly Browser.
Note: You can find a detailed description of all CAPL functions in the online help.
Therefore, you can utilize a CAPL program to develop monitoring and testing for your
special problem task. The CAPL program reacts to messages that CANoe registers
on the CAN bus, and afterwards you can call your own analysis and test functions.
You can also use a CAPL program to emulate the system environment for a control-
ler. The CAPL program reacts to both messages on the CAN bus and to your key-
board inputs, responding with certain CAN messages according to the event regis-
tered. It is entirely up to you to determine which actions are performed in response to
which events.
Another possible application of CAPL is to program a gateway - that is a connecting
element between two buses - to exchange data between different CAN buses and
moreover to correct erroneous data occurring in this exchange.
Last but not least, the logging block can also be triggered by a CAPL program. Con-
ditions of any desired complexity can be formulated for triggering. Triggering is initi-
ated by a call of the intrinsic function trigger().
Note: If you prefer to use your own editor to edit CAPL programs, enter it in the
[Environment] section of the CAN.INI file.
Before you start the measurement you must compile all CAPL programs of the con-
figuration. You can start the CAPL compiler from the CAPL Browser or from the con-
figuration dialog. To compile all nodes at once, simply choose the main menu item
Configuration│Compile all nodes.
Please note that a CAPL program may react completely differently, depending on the
point at which you place it in the measurement setup. For example, a CAPL program
located in CANoe's measurement setup can indeed generate messages, but it can-
not send them on the bus. Since the data flow is directed from left to right, these
messages are only passed to the function blocks to the right of the CAPL program.
Only messages generated by CAPL programs located in CANoe's simulation setup
can be sent out on the bus. This completely logical behavior - which may at first
seem surprising - applies equally to the generator block, which - when it is located in
the measurement setup - similarly generates messages without affecting the bus.
Therefore, in general those CAPL program blocks that exclusively serve analysis
purposes should be inserted on the right side of the measurement setup, while pro-
gram blocks for transmitting CAN messages should be inserted in CANoe's simula-
tion setup.
ID 100
on message 100 {
Bus event: write("Message 100");
on key 'a' {
Keyboard event: write("'a' pressed");
on timer Uhr_1 {
Time event: write("Clock elapsed");
Besides keyboard events, in CANoe you can - with event procedures of the type on envvar also
react to actions that you perform yourself on user-defined control panels.
A special Browser is integrated in CANoe for the user-friendly creation and modifica-
tion of CAPL programs. This Browser shows you the variables, event procedures and
functions of a CAPL program in structured form.
Multiple Browser windows with different CAPL programs can be opened simultane-
The CAPL compiler is started from Browser's main menu or toolbar. Compilation time
is very short, even for larger programs. When an error is detected, the faulty program
section is shown, and the cursor is positioned at the location of the error. This makes
it very easy to make corrections.
Note: A CAPL program file can be dragged from the File Manager on a CAPL
Browser that has already been started (drag-and-drop). The file is then
displayed in a new window.
key. If the CAPL program still does not have a file name, you are prompted to enter a
name for the CBF file. If the program already has a name, the name of the CBF file is
composed of the program name and the extension CBF.
All messages during the compilation process are output in the Message window
If errors or warnings occur during the compilation process, the Message window
automatically jumps to the foreground with the relevant error message. Double click
the message or select the line and execute the command Go to from the Messages
window to position the cursor at the location where the error occurred. After you have
corrected it and saved the program file again, you recompile the program. If the pro-
gram compiles without errors, the status Compiled appears in the status bar at the
bottom of Browser's main window.
If you are using more than one database, the objects in the databases following the
first database are qualified by including the database name in the symbolic selection
dialogs. But you only need these qualified names to resolve ambiguities. As long as
the symbolic names are unique in all databases, you can refrain from qualifying sym-
bolic names when editing CAPL programs.
You can read about special considerations when using multiple databases in section
7 Option .CAN
In this chapter you get a short introduction in CAN specific features of CANoe.
For the CANoe Tour and various examples the bus system CAN is underlied.
In this chapter, you get some additional information about the specific features of Op-
tion .CAN.
8 Option .LIN
In this chapter you get a short introduction in CANoe.LIN resp. DENoe.LIN.
The most important and most used functions, features and applications are intro-
duced here.
9 Option .MOST
In this chapter you get a short introduction in CANoe.MOST resp. DENoe.MOST.
The most important and most used functions, features and applications are intro-
duced here.
9.1.1 Prerequisites
The CANoe/DENoe Option .MOST is so far tested under Windows NT 4.0 SP6, Win-
dows 2000 and Windows XP. It works also on Windows 98 and Windows ME. It will
not work on Windows 95 because the ActiveX Control doesn’t work on this operating
You will need
• a CANoe/DENoe Option .MOST license, which is bound to some CAN HW, e.g.
• an Optolyzer Box (Firmware Version 2.50 or higher),
• the ‘Optolyzer ActiveX Control’ (incl. new license number for the Optolyzer),
• CANcardX driver version 3.4 for optimal time synchronization.
9.1.2 Procedure
• Install the Optolyzer ActiveX Control on your PC. The appropriate installation
program for your operation system is provided in the folder
\Drivers\Optolyzer\OptoControl of the CD. Since CANoe was devel-
oped and tested with the OptoControl versions from the CD, we strongly rec-
ommend to install this driver versions.
• Set the COM Port Settings for all COM Ports used with an Optolyzer Box within
the Windows Control Panel, to 115200,8,n,1,Hardware
• Install Option MOST in a directory of your choice
• Enable ‘Synchronize CAN hardware’ on the global settings section in the con-
figuration dialog of the CAN driver
• Enter the license code for the Optolyzer ActiveX Control in the [Install] tab of
the MOST Hardware Configuration dialog (Menu: Configure | MOST hardware
If Optolyzer Professional is installed, the license number for the ActiveX control may
be entered via this tool and will then be stored in the windows registry. Multiple li-
cense numbers can be stored in this way and will all be checked while opening the
connection to the Optolyzer box.
9.2 Profile
There are some configuration parameters for the Optolyzer in the profile CAN.INI in
the executable directory of CANoe/DENoe.
For each channel enter a section [OptolyzerX] in CAN.INI, where X stands for the
channel which should be configured by this section.
The selection of the COM port and the license key can comfortably be entered
through the MOST Hardware Configuration dialog. However, the values will still be
stored in CAN.INI because these are PC related settings which should not be moved
to other PCs by using the configuration file on other PCs.
// Interface
// 1=COM1, 2=COM2
ComPort = 1
9.3 Timestamps
CANoe uses a resolution of 10 µs for the timestamps of events. The Optolyzer box
generates only timestamps with a resolution of 1 ms, thus all shown timestamps re-
lated to MOST events have at maximum this resolution, even if shown in a higher
All events received before the time synchronization could calculate a valid offset be-
tween CAN bus and MOST ring are suppressed. Therefore the first MOST frames
shown in a trace window may have a timestamp several seconds after measurement
Therefore CANoe.MOST allows the import of an XML description of the function cata-
log. This feature is used to display a disassembled view of the messages in the Trace
Window or to assemble frames with the Interactive Generator for MOST. Validation
During the import, CANoe parses the XML file and validates its structure against the
DTD. In cases the XML does not match the DTD or the DTD file is unavailable the
import will stop.
However, to support as many function catalogs as possible, CANoe allows the us-
age of XML files without DTD. Therefore, the following steps have to be performed:
• Make sure, the DTD file is not referenced within the XML catalog by removing
the <!DOCTYPE> tag at the beginning of your XML file.
• Disable the validation by setting the entry FCatImportValidate to 0 in the
CAN.INI file ([MOST] section):
FCatImportValidate = 0
Note: Using XML catalogs without any DTD or without the official DTD of the
MOST Cooperation might lead to unpredictable import results!
9.7.2 CANdb++
If a new database for MOST is needed, the best way to generate one is to use
MostTemplate.dbc. You can choose this template by creating a new database within
CANdb++ (menu File, Create Database). By starting with a copy of this template all
settings needed for a MOST database are prepared correctly.
Another possibility is to generate a database from a XML file. Therefore, the import
tool XML2DBC is supplied with the Option MOST. The tool imports XML descriptions
of function blocks compliant to the DTD of the MOST cooperation. This utility and
further documentation can be found in the Exec32\Util_MOST folder of your CA-
Noe.MOST installation.
9.7.3 CAPL
CAPL only supports CANdb databases so far.
9.7.4 Frame
The database support is based on the structure of the MOST frames described in the
MOST Function Catalog. According to this catalog the data section of every MOST
frame has the following structure: Parameters
For the disassembly of parameters mapped on MOST frames, signals can be placed
on the corresponding database entry. For the exact procedure see the online help of
The counting of bytes for the layout view of the message starts with 0 at byte 5 of the
MOST frame. This has to be taken into account during placement of signals onto a
database entry for a MOST message. The first parameter ‘PosX’ shown in Table 1
has a start bit of 0 and is shown in byte 0 of the layout view, although it is placed in
the bytes 5 and 6 of the MOST frame (see Table 1).
In this release CANdb++ supports parameters with a fixed length only. Parameters
where the length is determined at runtime, e.g. with zero terminated strings, are not
supported, because the position of the following parameters cannot be determined at
design time.
In addition, only signals up to a length of 12 bytes and a placement within the bytes 5
to 16 can be defined. Segmented messages as through the application message ser-
vice are not supported in this release.
9.7.5 HW Configuration
The data structure described above relates only to the application layer of a MOST
system. It does not contain any information about the HW structure of the MOST ring.
In MOST nodes the NetServices translate the addressing from the application layer
addresses (FBlock, FunctionId,…) to physical addresses. In the recent release of
CANoe Option MOST there’s no NetServices support available.
The translation of physical addresses can be achieved by adding network nodes to
the database. Each network node has the attribute ‘MostNodeAdr’. CANoe.MOST
translates the physical address into a symbolic device name by matching the address
with the value of the node attribute and displaying the name of the corresponding
network node.
The same procedure allows the translation of group addresses into group names. For
each group address a network node with a suitable name could be entered into the
database (attribute ‘MostGroupAdr’).
9.12 CAPL
For easy use, the MOST commands are integrated in CAPL.
9.12.2 Selectors
The selectors provide access to the data of message and event variables.
Keyword Description Range/Valid Access limitations
for mostMessages and mostRawMessages:
DLC Data Length Code (TelLen for 0…0xF
DIR Direction of transmission Tx, Rx,
SA Source address 0…0xFFFF
DA Destination address 0…0xFFFF
MsgChannel Transmission channel 1…4
MsgCRC CRC code (see online help of 0…0xFF read only, Spy
the OptoControl)
ACK Acknowledgement information 0…0xFF read only, Spy
(see chapter 9.8)
Most_RType Message type (Normal, Rem- 0…0x4
Read, RemWrite, Alloc, Dealloc)
Most_State Status information (see chapter 0…0xFF read only
Most_IsSpy Set to 1 for spy messages 0, 1 read only
BYTE(idx) Provides access to the data 0…0xFF
bytes of the MOST frame.
mostMessage: 0 ≤ idx ≤ 11
mostRawMessage: 0 ≤ idx ≤ 16
(see table below)
Time Synchronized time (unit: 10µs) read only
MsgOrigTime Unsynchronized hardware time read only
stamp (unit: 10µs)
for mostMessages only:
ID Message ID (CANdb lookup key, 0…0xFFFFF
see F
Most_InstanceI Instance ID 0…0xFF
Most_TelID TelID 0…0xF
for mostLightLockError
Most_Light Light state of controller 0, 1 read only,
Most_Lock Lock state of controller 0, 1 read only,
Most_Error Error state of controller 0, 1 read only,
Time Synchronized time (unit: 10µs) read only
MsgOrigTime Unsynchronized hardware time read only
stamp (unit: 10µs) on mostMessage
The event procedure on mostMessage is called on the receipt of a function catalog
conform MOST frame (RType=Normal).
The key word this and the message selectors (see section 9.12.2) are available
within the event procedures, to access the data of the message that has just been
received. The command output(this) can be used for forwarding the message in
a node chain.
The following examples show various modes of the event procedure on mostMes-
on mostMessage * on mostRawMessage
on mostRawMessage is called on the receipt of other MOST frames. These are
RemoteRead, RemoteWrite, Alloc, Dealloc and GetSource. See section 9.12.2 for the
applicable selectors. The command output(this) can be used for forwarding the
message in a node chain. on mostLightLockError
On controller events on mostLightLockError is called. Light, Lock and Error
events will be forwarded automatically.
9.12.4 Functions
Optolyzer Status
long MostGetLight(long channel)
long MostGetLock(long channel)
long MostSetLight(long channel, long mode)
Get and set the Optolyzer states.
Availability: Simulation Setup (at any time, not in StopMeasurement)
Filter Mode
long MostSetHWFilter(long channel, long mode)
mode = 1: HW filter on
mode = 0: HW filter off
Effects the Optolyzer only when in spy mode.
long MostGetHWFilter(long channel)
Returns 1 if hardware filter is active, otherwise 0.
Availability: Simulation Setup (at any time, not in StopMeasurement)
AND Filter
long MostSetAndFilter(
long channel,
long arb,
long targetAdr,
long sourceAdr,
long type,
byte msg[17],
long crc,
long ack
Effects the Optolyzer only when in spy mode. See the online help of the OptoControl
help file for information about how AND and XOR filter masks work together. The
there described mask string is assembled appropriately from the parameters of the
function ‘MostSetAndFilter’.
long MostGetAndFilter(
long channel,
long arb,
long targetAdr,
long sourceAdr,
long type,
byte msg[17],
long crc,
long ack
Retrieves the status of the AND filter.
Availability: Simulation Setup (at any time, not in StopMeasurement)
XOR Filter
long MostSetXorFilter(
long channel,
long arb,
long targetAdr,
long sourceAdr,
long type,
byte msg[17],
long crc,
long ack
Set the XOR filter. Effects the Optolyzer only when in spy mode.
long MostGetXorFilter(
long channel,
long arb,
long targetAdr,
long sourceAdr,
long type,
byte msg[17],
long crc,
long ack
Retrieves the status of the XOR filter.
Availability: Simulation Setup (at any time, not in StopMeasurement)
9.12.6 Error Codes of CAPL functions kMostTxQueueFull = -6
The transmit queue of 256 Messages is full, while trying to send another message. kMostWrongOptoMode = -5
The function cannot be called in this optolyzer mode. Either trying to send messages
in spy mode or configuring HW filter in node mode. kMostWrongThread = -4
The function cannot be called from this part of the setup, due to the thread affinity of
Not all functions can be called from CAPL nodes in the analyzing setup kMostIllegalTime = -3
The function was called in the wrong phase of the measurement. For example the
optolyzer mode can only be changed in the ‘prestart’ function. kMostNoConnection = -2
The Driver got no connection to the Optolyzer box or OptoControl. Check whether
everything is installed properly, the Optolyzer box is connected to the PC and
switched on. Check also whether the CAN.INI file configures the correct COM port
and interface name for the connected Optolyzer. kMostInvalidChannel = -1
The operation was requested for an invalid channel number. kErrDrvOK = 0
No Error occurred.
9.13.1 MOSTSpy
This is a very simple configuration operating a single Optolyzer Box in spy mode,
which allows to analyze a MOST ring very quickly.
If needed, a second channel can be activated (see ‘channel usage’) operated as de-
fault in master mode to provide a timing master for the MOST ring.
9.13.2 MOSTGeneral
This demo configuration has been developed and tested with the MOST starter kit:
• 2 Optolyzer Boxes
• 1 MOST MediaPlayer
• 1 MOST Speak
All devices have remained in the configuration in which they have been delivered.
If these devices are not present in the MOST ring, then the nodes ‘MOST Speak’ and
‘MediaPlayer’ in the simulation setup can be switched from ‘real’ mode to ‘simulated’.
By doing this, basic functionality of the real devices is simulated like ‘start’ ‘stop’ and
the transmission of timing information.
9.14.5 After several minutes CANoe doesn’t receive or send any MOST Frames
After several minutes CANoe doesn’t receive or send any MOST Frames. The CAN
related features of CANoe still work stable.
Please check:
• Are the COM port settings in the windows control panel correct?
They must be 115.2 kBaud, 8 Bit, no parity, 1 Stop Bit, Hardware flow control
• There may be problems with the installation of the OptoControl ActiveX Control
Please try to reinstall the OptoControl. First deinstall OptoControl using Win-
dows (Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Software). Ensure that there are no
entries belonging to the OptoControl left in the registry (search for "*opto*").
Than install OptoControl again. Use the version provided on the CANoe CD ac-
cording to the used operating system (on the CD under Dri-
10 Option .FlexRay
In this chapter you get a short introduction in CANoe.FlexRay bzw. DENoe.Flexray.
The most important and most used functions, features and applications are intro-
duced here.
The FlexRay option offers extensive capabilities for analyzing distributed real-time
control systems with FlexRay. The service module is available for the connection to
FlexRay networks.
With the FlexRay option, you are able to
• receive,
• display,
• analyze and
• send FlexRay frames.
11 Index
Basic-CAN controller · 79
! Baud rate · 111
Baud rate selection · 86
! Load symbol · 53 Baudrate · 81, 82
binary · 67
< Binary · 66
Binary data · 146
<F10> key · 4
Bit time · 82
Bit timimg · 83
7 Bit timing · 82
72005 · 82, 83 Bitmap · 146, 151, 152
Bitmap editor · 151
Bitmap File Format · 151
Bitmap formats · 151
82527 · 82, 83 Bitmap switch · 147
82C200 · 82, 83 Blocking filter · 56, 121
Branches · 8, 88
A Break · 68, 69
Break condition · 68
Acceptance code · 83
Breakpoint · 68
Acceptance filtering · 56, 83, 84, 86
Browser tree · 26, 161
Acceptance filters · 81
BTL cycles · 81, 82
Acceptance mask · 83, 84
Burst · 129
Acknowledge · 83
Bus load · 52, 53, 79, 89, 109, 119
ActiveX control · 149
Bus load measurement · 119
ActiveX control wizard · 149
Bus loading · 52, 55
Activity indicator · 114
Bus parameters · 81
Alarm states · 147
Bus registers · 81
Ambiguities · 113, 163
Bus statistics · 68, 85, 119
Analysis blocks · 54
Bus statistics display · 53
Analysis branch · 55
Bus statistics information · 67, 119
Animate · 68, 69, 70, 99
Bus Statistics Window · 165
Animation factor · 93, 94
Bus Statistics Window · 194
Arranging controls · 147
Bus Timing Register · 82
Array · 162
Busstatistik Fenster · 168, 194
ASCII · 66, 67
Button · 5
Averaging time · 55, 116, 119
Axis options · 103, 104
B CallAllOnEnvVar · 59
CAN card · 79
Background bitmaps · 154
CAN channel · 50
Bar-type display · 115
CAN.INI · 45, 53, 67, 69, 86, 157
Basic image · 117
CANcard · 79 Conversion
CANcardX · 79 Log files · 73
CANdb++ · 7, 33, 46 Converter
CANoe without card · 94 LDF to DBC · 167
CAPL · 3, 36, 41, 59, 64, 76, 79, 87, 95, 122, Copying blocks · 90
136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 159 Cycle time · 55, 115, 129
CAPL Browser · 7, 33, 137 Cyclic update · 55, 65
CAPL compiler · 137
CAPL Generator · 33 D
CAPL node · 139
CAPL program · 86, 95, 136, 157 Data environment variables · 150
Card clock · 91 Data flow · 8, 34, 37, 78, 89, 90, 121, 132, 139,
140, 141, 158
Card driver · 87, 91
Data flow diagram · 8, 37, 43, 88, 89, 90
Channel · 79
Data loss · 52, 53
Channel definition · 50, 51, 79, 80
Data reduction · 55, 68
Check box · 5
Data sink · 122
Chip allocation · 50, 80
Data source · 61, 67, 68, 70, 79, 89, 120, 122
CIF files · 45
Data throughput · 119
Clipboard · 111, 161
Database · 28, 41, 47, 50, 59, 140, 141, 144
cnp file · 144
Database Editor · 33
Color quality · 153
Color resolution · 153 LDF to DBC Converter · 167
Colors in the Graphics window · 108 Deactivation function · 54
Comment · 121, 163 Decrementer · 130
Comment box · 5 Delay times · 85
Compilation time · 160 Demo version · 36
Compile time · 162 Dialog box · 4
Compiler · 27, 46, 157, 160, 161, 162, 163 Difference cursors · 106
COM-Server · 74 Difference measurement mode · 106
Condition primitives · 70 Display elements · 144
Configuration · 4, 5, 36, 50, 123, 132, 137, DLC · 77
140, 141, 147, 154
DPRAM · 76, 79
Configuration descriptions · 45
Driver options · 67, 85
Configuration file · 38, 44
Drop and drag · 161
Configuration file formats · 45
Drop down list · 5
Configuration management · 45
Configuration options · 37, 90, 109
Context menus · 4 E
Control · 59, 75, 145, 147, 151 End of measurement · 64, 102, 105
Control box · 5 Enviornment variables · 59
Control element · 144 Environment variable · 33, 56, 59, 67, 95, 100
Control elements · 144, 145, 146, 154 Environment variable filter · 140
Control panel · 3, 33 Environment variables · 2, 3, 27, 32, 59, 132,
Control panels · 28, 56 133, 140, 141, 152
Controls · 145 ERROR · 119
Error frame · 41, 64, 95, 119, 123, 129, 133 Hex-Edit control · 150
Error message · 50, 74, 75, 94 High-load operation · 52
Error messsage · 65 Hotspots · 8, 89
Error Passive · 75
Error-Frame · 119 I
Evaluation branch · 55
Evaluation functions · 61 Import of configuration descriptions · 45
Generator block · 8, 43, 89, 121, 122, 123, Line type · 103
124, 125, 126, 158 Load operation · 52, 53
getValue() · 28, 31 Load situation · 53
Global options · 45 Load transition · 53
Grid · 108, 145 Log file · 132
Grouping of controls · 147 converting · 73
exporting · 73
file icon · 23
H Logging
Hardware configuration · 50 time period of · 64
Help · 7, 84 Logging Export · 73
hexadecimal · 83 Long-duration measurement · 65
Hexadecimal Editor · 150
Hexadecimal field · 151 M
Hexadecimal representation · 151
Main memory · 65
Notebook · 75 Prescaler · 81
S Stop · 64
stop() · 43, 68
Samples · 82 String environment variables · 150
Sampling point · 81 Switch · 147
Sampling time point · 82 Switch value · 145, 147, 152
Scaling · 117 Switches · 144
scalings · 107 Symbol selection dialog · 163
Search condition · 70 Symbolic databases · 46
Setup · 136 Symbolic triggering · 72
Shortcuts · 131 Synchronization edge · 82
Signal · 47, 72 Synchronization jump width · 82, 83
Signal curve · 103 System color palette · 153
Signal Explorer · 20, 48, 162 System directory · 38
Signal identifier · 113 System loading · 115
Signal response generator · 125 System messages · 111
Signal selection dialog · 103
Signal value · 125
Signal-based Logging Export · 73
Simulated bus · 136 Test mode · 154
Simulated nodes · 138 Testing · 1, 3
Simulation · 1, 3, 86, 92, 93, 94 Testumgebung
Konfiguration · 166