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Jurnal Social Capital Baluran

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue IX, September 2021|ISSN 2454-6186

Social Capital of Beef Cattle Farmers in Sumberwaru

Village at Baluran National Park, Situbondo,
Siti Azizah, Irfan H. Djunaidi, Jaisy A. Putritamara, Kiki T.N. Siregar and Dede Aprylasari
Faculty of Animal Science, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia

Abstract: The role of social capital is no less important than other organizational members Permadi (2002). Leana, et al. (1999)
economic infrastructure, so efforts to build social capital need to identified organizational social capital as a collective attribute
be prioritized for the success of economic development. The of the number of connections that two or more individuals
formation of social capital can contribute to economic have in the organization. The main components of social
development because of the existence of this research. This
capital are associability and trust.
research was carried out from June 23-July 22, 2021. The
method used in this study used descriptive qualitative analysis. Social capital is different from other popular terms, namely
Respondents in this study were 20 farmers and two forest human capital. In human capital, everything refers to the
rangers in the Baluran National Park conservation area. Data individual dimension, namely the power and expertise
was collected using interviews with questionnaires and direct
observation. It was concluded that the elements of participation
possessed by an individual. In social capital, more emphasis is
in a network, reciprocity, trust, social norms, and values showed placed on the potential of groups and patterns of relationships
a fairly strong level. While Proactive action is low because between individuals within a group and between groups with a
farmers do not accept innovation in feed management technology focus on social networks, norms, values, and mutual trust that
because of the culture of grazing cattle into the forest. A good are born from group members and become group norms.
cooperation program with Baluran National Park is needed to Social capital is also very close to other social terminology
preserve the forest. such as what is known as social virtue. The difference
Keywords: Social Capital, Farmers, Cattle, Conservation, between the two lies in the dimensions of the network. Social
Baluran National Park virtues will be very strong and influential if there is a feeling
of attachment to reciprocal relationships in a form of social
I. INTRODUCTION relationship (Hasbullah, 2006). In this study, social capital
was analyzed to see the strength of social solidarity and
S umberwaru Village is a buffer zone for the Baluran
National Park. The village has about 4,167 cattle that
more than 1,600 of them are grazed to the core zone of
community participation between farmers and between
farmers and cattle owners. The social capital of farmers could
Baluran National Park. Group of farmers herding a big indicate the extent to which they can maintain their livestock
number of cattle into the conservation area. The poor forage business which has been detrimental to Baluran National Park.
caused this grazing management inefficient and not profitable Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the social
as well as causing ecological losses. capital between farmers and between farmers and livestock
owners in Sumberwaru Village.
As other business, the sustainability of the beef cattle farming
requires economic or financial capital (financial capital). II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
However, there is a capital that can be used for investment in Research Location
the future, which is social capital (Suharto, 2007). The role of
social capital is no less important than other economic This research was conducted on June 23-July 22, 2021. In
infrastructure. The formation of social capital can contribute Sumberwaru Village, Banyuputih District, Situbondo
to economic development because of the existence of Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. The selection of
networks, norms, and trust in it which become social Sumberwaru Village as the research location was carried out
collaboration (coordination and cooperation) for the common purposively, this was based on the number of cattle population
interest of an institution (Inayah, 2012). in Banyuputih District, which was 24,748 heads (BPS, 2017).

Social capital in a community, organization, or group is an Data Collection Technique

accumulation of individual capital which is incorporated into Data collection is done by using questionnaires and direct
collective capital that can be utilized by all community observation. The informants are four cattle farmers in the
members. Relationship network (relational/network) is a Sumberwaru Village and the management of Baluran National
central point in social capital theory, with which the network Park.
will be able to provide collective ownership of capital for

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue IX, September 2021|ISSN 2454-6186

Data analysis relationships between villagers in working together. The

increase in family economic income is realized through
The data analysis used is descriptive qualitative by analyzing,
cooperative relationships in herding cattle.
describing, and summarizing several conditions from the data
collected in the form of interviews and observations of The emergence of social networks creates a strong sense of
problems that occur in the field. empathy for the closeness caused when seeing relatives,
neighbors, and close relatives experiencing unfavorable
economic conditions. This empathy led to the idea of creating
Sumberwaru village is located at coordinates between 116005' a partnership between rich farmers who have a lot of cattle
- 116024' east longitude and 8024'-8057' south latitude. and those who only have a few cattle. Rich farmers who have
a lot of cattle give trust to those who have only a few to herd
their cattle in the Baluran National Park forest with a profit-
sharing system. The purpose of this system is to help the poor
member of the community by increasing the family's
economic income based on the motive of mutual assistance
and cooperation. Mubyarto and Kartodiharjo (1990) state that
participation is the willingness of the community or farmers to
take part in joint activities to support the success of
development programs without compromising their interests,
starting from the planning, implementation, monitoring, and
evaluation stages of development results.
Social networks between farmers and cattle owners are also
manifested in livestock and agricultural activities. The land is
usually planted with corn and onions using profit sharing with
members of community. Seedlings, fertilizers, and equipment
were purchased by the cattle owners. People who work as
farmers are also included in the social network because the
waste from crops, for example, corn husks, is given to their
Figure 1. Map of Baluran National Park, Situbondo Regency - East Java cattle. Usually, a farmer has one to ten cattle (Robbins, 2008).
Province (2018)
The strong social capital is caused by cultural similarity
The area of natural resource conservation area of Baluran
because in general, cattle farmers are from the same relative
National Park that has been determined is ±25,000 ha of land
area and ethnicity, namely Madura. They have common
area and 3,750 ha of water area at coordinates 07 o29'10"-
interests as immigrant communities who want a better life.
07o55'5" South Latitude and 114o29'20"-141o 39'10" East
Strong social capital will be able to increase the network of
cooperation, social relations, and interaction between farmers
Social Capital and groups in seeking more information on innovation,
cooperation in farming activities, and application of
Social capital is an attribute of individuals and of their
innovations to increase the production and population of beef
relationships that enhance their ability to solve collective-
cattle. This is in line with what was stated by Fukuyama
action problems (Svendsen & Svendsen, 2009). This study
(2002) which states that by relying on shared norms and
looks at the strength of the six components of the social
values, human relations will result in mutual trust which in
capital of cattle breeders in Sumberwaru Village in
turn has great and measurable economic value. Farmers who
overcoming economic difficulties and in maintaining cattle in
have strong social capital tend to have more information on
a profit-sharing system.
innovation so that they have the potential to apply new
1. Participation in a Network technology to increase productivity. Strong social capital is
indicated by the existence of a fairly extensive network of
People always have social relations with other communities
cooperation, social relations, and interactions between farmers
through various variations of relationships that are side by
and groups in seeking innovation information, cooperation in
side and are carried out on the principles of voluntary,
farming activities and application of innovations, provision of
equality, freedom, and civility. The ability of members of the
production facilities, and marketing of products.
group/community to always unite themselves in a synergistic
Unfortunately, the strong relations and interactions between
relationship pattern will have a very large influence in
farmers inside the group network not followed by strong
determining whether or not the social capital of a group is
relationships with external parties. even though this is
strong. Social networks or the presence of emotional closeness
expected to strengthen the participation of farmers in
between community members such as close friends, relatives,
developing beef cattle farming businesses to be more
neighbors which are social networks can also lead to closer
productive and provide great benefits for increasing their

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue IX, September 2021|ISSN 2454-6186

income and welfare. Bolu's research (2011) states the same 4. Social Norms
thing that social capital is an important factor that needs to be
A set of rules that are expected to be obeyed and followed by
considered in agricultural development and rural economic
the community in a particular social entity. These rules are
usually institutionalized, unwritten but understood as
2. Reciprocity determining patterns of good behavior in the context of social
relations so that there are social sanctions given if violated.
The tendency to exchange kindness between individuals
Social norms will determine the strength of relationships
within a group or between groups themselves. The pattern of
between individuals because they stimulate social
exchange occurs in a combination of long-term and short-term
cohesiveness which has a positive impact on community
with a feel of altruism without expecting anything in return. In
development. Therefore, social norms are referred to as one of
society and social groups that are formed that have strong
social capital. A set of norms and social values in action.
reciprocity, the weight will give birth to a society that has a
Norms are a special identity that can form social capital
strong level of social capital.
(social capital). Norms are behavioral guidelines for
Mutual assistance between farmers is usually manifested in individuals and what they should do. In addition, norms are a
activities that help each other to herd cattle in the forest. means of maintaining the integrity of the existence of a
Farmers divide themselves into groups and take turns herding particular society. A society has a strong existence if they
their cattle in the forest. One group usually consists of six have norms that apply and are mutually agreed upon. Value is
farmers, each group gets a turn to herd once a week. In something that is appreciated, proud of, upheld, and wants to
addition to herding, another task they do is work together to be obtained by humans in their lives that can develop at any
find lost cattle and do not return to the drum in the afternoon. time.
Cattle that do not come home are usually due to illness or
Some of the unwritten norms that apply among beef cattle
giving birth in the forest. If this happens, the group in charge
farmers in Sumberwaru Village are:
of bringing the cattle home together in a cart. This kind of
relationship has become a culture because there is a feeling of 1. Legal norms. The responsibility for security in the
comradeship in the same village. Reciprocity is a joint action village must be carried out together, especially from
aimed at giving each other a response. Reciprocity can be cattle thieves and guarding livestock while grazing.
found in the form of giving, receiving, helping each other, Farmers' activities, both related to beef cattle and
which can arise from social interactions. personal care, are a shared responsibility.
2. Politeness Norms. Farmers who are included in the
3. Trust
village community are very compact in the field of
A willingness to take risks in social relationships based on a agriculture in planting and harvesting activities
feeling of confidence that the other will do something as which are still cooperation.
expected and will always act in a mutually supportive action 3. Moral norms, for example, no immoral activities
pattern. At least, others will not act to the detriment of should be carried out in the forest, the obedience of
themselves and their group (Putnam, 1993). Collective action the younger generation to inherit the beef cattle
based on mutual trust will increase community participation in business, and the democratic nature of parents
various forms and dimensions, especially in the context of towards the life choices of the younger generation.
mutual progress. This allows communities to come together 4. Religious norms such as Saturday for
and contribute to increasing social capital. praying/istighotsah together, Thursday night filled
with the reading of the Qur'an by men, Sunday
High trust among farmers in Sumberwaru Village is shown by
Pahing (the name of the day in the Javanese
entrusting the maintenance of their livestock to other farmers calendar) to clean and enliven the mosque,
if they have to travel. Feeding and guarding against thief cattle Wednesday afternoon is schedule for reading the
are activities that are generally carried out together without
Qur'an/khotmil by women, Sunday Pon (name of the
having to provide compensation. Trust is an important
day in the Javanese calendar) is reading the
component of the existence of a community, and can
Qur'an/khotmil Quran and praying/istighotsah by
encourage someone to work together with others to bring up
men. Sholawatan or praising to the Prophet
productive activities or joint actions. Trust is a product of very Muhammad is on Friday afternoon and evening.
important cooperative social norms which then give rise to
social capital. Fukuyama (2002) states trust as expectations A set of norms and social values in action. Norms are a
for order, honesty, cooperative behavior that arises from special identity that can form social capital (social capital).
within a community based on the norms shared by members Norms are behavioral guidelines for individuals and what they
of the community. With the trust, cattle rearing activities will should do. In addition, norms are a means of maintaining the
continue as usual even though the cattle owners are not integrity of the existence of a particular society. A society will
present. be called strong existence if they have norms that apply and
are mutually agreed upon, while value is something that is

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue IX, September 2021|ISSN 2454-6186

appreciated, proud of, upheld, and wants to be obtained by to cattle feed extension program. Thus it is difficult to
humans in their lives that can develop at any time. implement the Baluran National Park conservation program.
An idea that has been passed down from generation to This research was supported/partially supported by Doctoral
generation is considered correct and important by members of Grant Program 2021 Universitas Brawijaya. We thank
a community group. Value is an important thing in culture, Baluran National Park who provided insight and expertise that
usually, it grows and develops in dominating the lives of greatly assisted the research and the beef cattle farmers in
certain community groups and influences the rules of action Sumberwaru Village, as well as those who provided a lot of
and behavior of people which ultimately form cultural information and collaboration during the research process.
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