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Student Notes Introduction To Digital Communication

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Introduction to Digital Communications

-Student Notes
Fill in the blanks.

Defining Digital Communication Segment

1. Digital Communication
• Is the ability to a message using different
technological devices, including:
– radio
– television
– telephone
– cell phones: SMS or
– computers: Internet websites, e-mail, PowerPoint®, etc.
Fun Fact: When sending a text message, a form of digital communication is
being used.

2. Digital Communication
• Has a background which includes the following inventions:

– teleprinter
– telephone
– television
– computer
– cell phone
– the Internet
Fun Fact: The was the first packet switching network. This
network evolved into the Internet enjoyed today.

3. Firsts in Digital Communication

Fun Fact: The first cell phone was the Motorola 8000X. It
weighed 2 pounds, offered just a of talk time for every
recharging and sold for $3,995.

4. Digital Media Products

• Enhance communication with the use of devices
• Allow for constant communication
– people are continually sending and receiving messages and
gathering and information
• Have changed the way people access and share ideas and information

Accompanies: Introduction to Digital Communications 1

Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
5. Digital Communication
• Can be used for:
– meeting environments
– educational purposes
– government interactions
– uses
Fun Fact: The average U.S. teen sends or receives an average of 2,899
text messages per month.

6. Transactional Model

7. Sender
• Is the person or party sending a message to another person or party
• Can also be called the
• Needs to be sure the information is useful and accurate
• Should be as to what and why one wants to

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Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
8. Sender
• Examples in digital communication include:

– television and broadcasters
– creators of websites

9. Message
• Is the set of words and symbols the transmits
– includes all information to be communicated
• Can be expressed verbally or nonverbally
– verbal communication is expressed in language, spoken or written
– nonverbal communication is most notably or

10. Message
• Examples in digital communication include:
– blogs
– and radio shows

11. Media
• Refers to the channels through which the from sender
to receiver
• Includes the following digital devices:
– radio
– television
– telephone
– computers

Fun Fact: The first computers were actually people. "Computer" was a job
title for people who did calculations by hand or paper. Soon after the
computing machines were built, they were called "computers".

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Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
12. Encoding
• Is the process of one wants to communicate into a
form which can be sent, received and understood
– putting thoughts into a symbolic form
• Success depends on the ability to and reduce
Fun Fact: Technology devices such as computers and CD players use word
sequences of 0s and 1s called binary values to send and receive data.

13. Encoding
• Examples in digital communication include:
– a blog
– writing and producing a television or radio show
– designing and a website

14. Noise
• Is any or interruption during the communication
• Can cause a message to be different than the sender intended
• Is
– anything which interferes with receiving or understanding the
message is considered noise

15. Noise
• Includes the following types of distractions:
– noise: misinterpretation of the message
– internal noise: actions or thoughts within the receiver which
disrupt the receiver’s ability to understand the message
– external noise: distractions such as sights or sounds which disrupt
the message
• Include:
– shorthand which is not clear to the receiver
– preconceived opinions

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Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
16. Decoding
• Is the process of to words and symbols to form the
message back into thought
– the direct opposite process of encoding
• Is also known as the action a computer performs to convert an
electronic signal or code into plain text
• Examples in digital communication include:
– reading a blog
– watching a television or
– examining a website

17. Receiver
• Is the person or party
• Can also be called the audience or destination
• Might or might not interpret the meaning of the message the same way
the sender intended it to be interpreted
• Examples in digital communication include:
– blog readers
– and radio listeners
– Internet shoppers

18. Feedback
• Is the set of and acknowledgments the receiver
displays after receiving the message
• Can also be called the
• Refers to the part of the receiver's response which is communicated
back to the sender
• Shows the receiver has understood the message

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Introduction to Digital Communications
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19. The Intended Audience
• Should be identified and considered by the sender before attempting to
send a message, including factors such as:
– of the audience
– existing attitudes of audience
– amount of knowledge and experience the audience has with the
• Considerations include:
– words and symbols used in message
– media used to transmit message
– of message

20. Media Selection

• Involves deciding what words and symbols will best convey the
message, such as:
– words
– written words

– still pictures
– motion pictures

21. Media Selection

• Requires consideration of the following factors:
– the
– opportunities the media present for feedback
– how much is associated with the media

Digital Communication Devices Segment

1. Digital Communication Devices
• Are electronic devices which are capable of
– include common devices such as and tablets

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Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
2. Digital Communication Devices
• Have the following advantages:
– easy access to information
– efficiency and productivity
– with others
• Have the following limitations:
– social isolation
– individuals become too dependent on their device
– possible , such as carpal tunnel

3. Cell Phones
• Have given individuals the ability to communicate from
, while also offering certain features and apps helping
individuals with their daily routines
– for example, smartphones tend to come with a built in
which can help individuals with directions

4. Cell Phones
• Have the following advantages:
– make communication easier
– offer a variety of applications
– offer
• Have the following limitations:
– lack human interaction
– come with
– can often be a disturbance

5. Tablets
• Are wireless, which also give individuals the ability to
communicate with others
– for example, iPads come with the application,
which allows individuals to video chat with each other

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Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
6. Tablets
• Have the following advantages:
– portability

– offers the same functions as a normal computer
• Have the following limitations:
– low battery life
– screen smudges
– no

7. Digital Subscriptions
• Are what providers and networks sell to individuals, so they can
, gain access to the web, etc. from their digital device
– come in , which can determine the amount of text
messages sent, time spent talking and data usage

8. Digital Subscriptions
• Have the following advantages:
– give Internet access from
– make communication easier
– allow individuals to gain access to a variety of information
• Have the following limitations:
– require individuals to
– can sometimes become expensive
– connection to the Internet is not always guaranteed

9. Data Plans
• Give the user access to the Internet from their digital device
– data usage allows access to 3G, 4G, and LTE networks
• : third generation network
• 4G: fourth generation network
• : long term evolution network

10. Wi-Fi
• Allows individuals to connect to the Internet with their
electronic devices
– when smartphones are able to connect to Wi-Fi, it can help save
individuals money and data usage on their

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Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
11. Text/Instant Messaging
• Uses cellular and protocols to send messages from
one digital device to another
– is an instant communication method, which can be faster than
calling someone
– is and easy to use
– facilitates more of a private conversation

12. SMS & MMS

• Are two different forms of messages which can be sent via cell phone
– SMS: Short Message Service
• limit to characters
• text message only
• cannot send pictures, videos, sounds, etc.
– MMS: Multimedia Messaging Service
• an evolution of SMS
• can be longer than 160 characters
• can send pictures, , sounds, etc.

13. Electronic Device Apps

• Are types of software which either come with or can be
on an electronic device
• Are designed to perform depending on the user
App is the abbreviated form of application

14. Electronic Device Apps

• Have many advantages
– allows for greater communication
• Skype: video chatting application which also offers
instant messaging
• : instant messaging app for multiple social
media users
• FaceTime: video chatting application found on Apple devices
• : communication platform including instant
messaging, video chat, SMS and VOIP options

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Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
15. Electronic Device Apps
• Have many advantages
– allows for
• these programs and software can be accessed anywhere
using an

16. Electronic Device Apps

• Also come with :
– they can be incompatible across different platforms
• such as iTunes, which is only compatible with iPhones
– can take up a lot of storage on electronic devices
• apps such as are considered to be content-
heavy apps and can cause a device to reach its storage limit

Communication through E-mail Segment

1. E-mail
• Is the transmission of messages over communication networks
– messages are mainly composed of , but can
include electronic files such as, sounds, images, videos, etc.
– ideally made for longer and more involved conversations between
two or more individuals
– more of a means of electronic communication
which is mainly used in the workplace

2. E-mail Systems
• Have three aspects which allow the sending and receiving of an e-mail
to be possible, which include:

• individual who sends the e-mail
– mail server
• allows the e-mail to be sent and received

• individual who receives the e-mail

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Introduction to Digital Communications
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3. E-mail Addresses
• Are specific usernames each e-mail user is assigned
– generally are the username and name separated
by an @ symbol
– are not case sensitive
– are not allowed to have
– examples include:
• john.doe@abc.com
• jane_doe@abc.com

4. E-mail Components
• Include:

5. E-mail Features
• Include:

• allow individuals to send files such as word documents,
presentations, images, etc.
− address books
• allow individuals to store individuals basic information such
as phone numbers and e-mail addresses
– types
• multipurpose Internet mail extensions, allow individuals to
send audio, video, pdfs, etc.

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Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
6. Advantages of E-mail
• Include:
– cost
• the majority of e-mail platforms are free

• e-mail is a simple communication tool which is easy to use
and can help individuals receive information fast
– efficiency
• has the capability to send a message to a large amount of
people within a matter of seconds

• has the capability to communication and reach out to anyone
in the world

7. Limitations of E-mail
• Include:
– misunderstandings
• e-mails can be hard to interpret at times and cause

• some messages are better said in person, e-mails lack the
ability to do so
– spam
• some e-mail users can receive spam which is irrelevant or
inappropriate messages

• some e-mails can cause viruses on a computer which can
destroy or corrupt the system

Accompanies: Introduction to Digital Communications 12

Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
Social Communication & Tools Segment
1. Social Networks
• Provide means for individuals to communicate with one another
– examples include:
• Facebook
• Twitter
• Instagram
– communication with social media platforms is very similar to
– tend to be shorter messages which are for personal use

2. Creating a Social Network Profile

• Can easily be completed within a matter of minutes
• Involves the following steps:
– create a
– create a password
– provide basic personal information
• such as name, , age, location, etc.

3. Social Network Features

• Include:

• members of social media are provided space to publish
content which can be viewed by others
– uploading content
• each member of a social network is allowed to upload
different content such as text, images, video, etc.

• each member of a social network is allowed to have private
or public conversations with whom they choose

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Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
4. Advantages of Social Networks
• Include:

• the purpose for social media is to help individuals stay
connected with their family and friends

• social networks can help spread breaking news and
important information rapidly
– promoting
• social networks can also allow companies, freelancers, etc.
to display their work to a significant amount of people

5. Limitations of Social Networks

• Include:
– false information
• anyone is allowed to post on social networks, in return,
information posted can be inaccurate

• social networks have allowed people to ridicule others based
on who they are, also known as cyberbullying

• social networks have become a distraction to some and
have caused people to become addicted

6. Web 2.0 Tools

• Are tools which make communicating on the World Wide Web
simpler and
• Examples include:
– blogs
– wikis
– forums
– video/phone conferencing

– live streaming
– audio streaming
– bulletin boards
– polls
– comments
– instant messaging

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Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
7. Blogs
• Are online discussion and which allow individuals to
publish writing pieces and gives viewers the ability to give feedback
– operated by a specific person
– can be

8. Wikis
• Are online information sites which allows individuals to
with others and gives them the ability to add, modify
or delete information
– can be very informative
– considered an

9. Forums
• Are online discussion sites where individuals can participate in
conversations by posting messages
– usually pertains to a
– a form of instant messaging

10. Video/Phone Conferencing

• Are technologies allowing individuals to communicate
with two or more people from a separate location
– video conferencing allows communication
– can offer a more intimate conversation over other forms of digital

11. Screen Sharing

• Involves sharing access to a given , allowing one user
to be able to see everything another user is doing
– gives the ability to share presentations with others
– allows a visual representation to one’s words

12. Live Streaming

• Involves broadcasting real time to an audience
through the Internet
– gives people the opportunity to view events while in a different
– gives the ability to reach a

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Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
13. Audio Streaming
• Involves delivering through the Internet
– gives people the opportunity to listen to live coverage of different
– gives the ability to a wider variety of people

14. Streaming vs. Downloading

• Are two different methods which electronic devices use to show/play
sounds, videos, images, etc.

• is when the device receives data constantly while a sound,
video, image, etc. is open

• is taking a file (sound, video, image, etc.) and copying it from
a device or the Internet and putting it on a phone or
computer, so it can play without using data

15. Bulletin Boards

• Are known as bulletin board systems (BBS)
• Are dedicated to the sharing or or other files on a
• Are typically devoted to a specific topic such as a particular video
game, sports team, etc.
• Tend to have their own
– for instance, a gaming bulleting board’s culture may reflect the
game and use acronyms to describe common moves or levels in
the game

16. Polls
• Can be used to ask a by having participants answer
one multiple choice question
• Can be created using sites or applications such as ,
Polldaddy or Disqus

Accompanies: Introduction to Digital Communications 16

Introduction to Digital Communications
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• Can be added to websites in their
– most sites offer comments or review sections for individuals to
offer commentary on the topic being discussed or the product
being sold
• these sections allow for conversations between different
individuals who have or experiences with a

18. Instant Messaging (IM)

• Is a type of online communication which offers
message transmission through the Internet
• Originally only involved sending text based messages to users who
were online, but now offers options of sending files, voice or video
• Can be accomplished through many different sites or applications such
as Facebook Messenger, , Viber and WhatsApp

Designing for Digital Communication Segment

1. Digital Graphic Design
• Is the process used to:
– announce or
– amuse or persuade someone
– explain a complicated message
Fun Fact: Apple was the first to produce computers which had
bitmap graphics – the origin of modern .

2. Digital Graphic Design

• Uses a variety of communication tools in order to portray the

• Includes the following main tools:

– image

Fun Fact: Typography within graphic design involves choosing the
appropriate typefaces and creating their arrangement on the page.

Accompanies: Introduction to Digital Communications 17

Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
3. Digital Design Elements
• Are the used in part of any digital publication
• Include the following:
– text
– graphics
– titles

– white space

4. Digital Text
• May be an important part of digital design
– it has the ability to convey
• Makes up the following:
– titles

– copy

5. Typeface
• Refers to a with the same design
• Includes the stylization of characters such as:
– letters
– numbers
– symbols

6. Font
• Is the specific size and shape of the
• Should be clear and easy to read
• Should be limited in one publication
– no more than
Fun Fact: With the introduction of computers, the terms font and typeface
are often used interchangeably, however they are not the same.

Accompanies: Introduction to Digital Communications 18

Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
7. Font
• Includes the following:

– underline
– bold
• Can be used to emphasize words or phrases
– however, can be a distraction or decrease

8. Font Size
• Determines how small or large a is
• Is measured in

9. Image or Graphic Size

• Determines how small or large an image or character is
• Is measured in the following:
– picas ( )
– millimeters (mm)
– centimeters ( )
– inches (in)

10. Title
• Is a intended to attract a reader’s attention
• Is usually distinguished by its contrast
– size

– whitespace

11. Title
• Directs readers to and text
• Attracts a specific target market
• Should be creative and brief
• Inspires emotion, such as:
– curiosity

– thoughtfulness
– nostalgia

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Introduction to Digital Communications
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12. Copy
• Refers to the of a publication
• Details the information, explanations or purpose of the publication
• Should be direct and simple
• Should explain the who, what, where, when, why and how of the
• Should be

13. Color
• Can be used in the , text and background of a publication
• Draws a reader’s attention
• Can have a affect on the reader
• Should be based on the intended message and image of the

14. Color
• Can evoke the following feelings in the consumer:
– : energy, power, passion
– orange: determination, fascination, encouragement
– yellow: joy, happiness, intellect
– : growth, harmony, freshness, health
– blue: trust, loyalty, faith
Fun Fact: Yellow surroundings seem to enhance the performance of

15. The Color Wheel

• Is a useful tool in determining which colors to use in a production
• Aids in creating a variety of
– each color scheme can give the message a different style
– color schemes are used to make the message to
the reader

16. White Space

• Is also referred to as or blank space
• Refers to the portions of the page which are unused
• Is the space between the graphics, text and any other elements
– including margins, line spacing, etc.
• Does not have to be white
– it is whatever the is

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Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
17. White Space
• Is an important element in creating a because it
allows for the following:
– readability

– flow

18. Graphic Design Concepts

• Include the following:

– proximity
– alignment
– consistency
– contrast

19. Balance
• Is the way a production’s lines, shapes, colors and
are arranged
• Directs the viewers’ eyes
• Should be symmetrical, asymmetrical or radial
– symmetrical: one side matches the other
– : sides do not match; balance is achieved through
tricks of the eye
– radial: all elements spread out from a center point
20. Balance
• Is commonly achieved using the
– break an image into thirds horizontally and vertically so the picture
has nine parts (red lines)
– focal points should be at the intersections (green dots)
Fun Fact: Studies show when viewing images, people’s eyes go to one of
the of the rule of thirds more naturally than the center of
the shot.

21. Proximity
• Is the location of items in
• Can determine or describe relationships between elements
• Is one of the easiest ways to give a production an and
create a visual structure

Accompanies: Introduction to Digital Communications 21

Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
22. Alignment
• Refers to the lining up or and graphics on the page
• Is achieved by positioning text or graphics the following ways:
– flush left
– flush right

– fully justified

23. Consistency
• Refers to the and feel of a production
• Can be created through the use of similar and cohesive typeface,
colors and graphics
• Should make navigation easier for the reader
• Can be accomplished by using an accessible and effective page such
as a master template
, in graphic design terms, is to direct, guide or move a
viewer’s eye in a particular direction.

24. Contrast
• Refers to the combination and arrangement of varying and

• Is accomplished by using different sizes, colors, , etc.

25. Layout
• Is the of design elements
• Is effective when it:
– is easy to read
– is pleasing to the eye
– conveys a
– is organized and meaningful

Accompanies: Introduction to Digital Communications 22

Introduction to Digital Communications
-Student Notes
26. Layout Design
• Tips include:
– consider the relationship between of each item
– balance the of pictures and text
– divide the page into thirds
– use repetition and similar design patterns
– match the layout to the publication
– use master templates when needed

27. Master Template

• Is a page design pattern used as the basis for of a
• Contains layout, , theme colors, fonts and effects
• Allows a designer to place elements once and change details, such as
text, without having to create each page individually

28. Master Template

• Can be used in design programs
– Microsoft® Office

29. Editing
• Is performed in order to:
– remove
– shorten or resize the material
– create a flow
– add , music and/or effects

30. Copy Editing

• Is used to and prepare text for publication
• Includes:
– editing
– proofreading
• Should correct mistakes such as:
– spelling, grammar and punctuation errors
– words and phrases
– undefined and improperly used words
Whether posting on a social network or writing a review, always proof what
is written to ensure messages are clear, concise and free of errors.

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Introduction to Digital Communications
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31. Photo Editing
• Is altering a
• Capabilities include:
– altering color
– cropping, slicing and merging images
– sharpening and softening
– adding (distortion, texture, etc.)
• Is typically done using software including:
– Adobe® Photoshop®
– Adobe® Lightroom®

32. Video Editing

• Is the process of
• Allows for rearrangement, color changes, filters, transitions, effects and
• Is typically done using software including:
– CyberLink PowerDirector
– Corel® VideoStudio Pro

– Adobe® Premiere® Elements
– Roxio Creator®

Accompanies: Introduction to Digital Communications 24

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