Section 4.2: The Mean Value Theorem
Section 4.2: The Mean Value Theorem
Section 4.2: The Mean Value Theorem
1. Rolles Theorem
Before we consider the mean value theorem, we consider a related re-
Result 1.1. (Rolle’s Theorem) Suppose that f (x) satisfies the follow-
ing three properties:
(i ) f is continuous on the closed interval [a, b],
(ii ) f is differentiable on the open interval (a, b),
(iii ) f (a) = f (b).
Then there is a number c in (a, b) such that f ′ (c) = 0, or equivalently,
f (x) has a horizontal tangent line for some c in (a, b).
Naively, this is completely obvious. If we draw any two points with the
same y-value in the plane as follows:
then if we sketch the line between the two endpoints, there will be
some tangent line between the points whose slope is equal to the slope
of that line. We illustrate.
1 − e−6
e−2x =
1 − e−6
−2x = ln
1 1 − e−6
x = − ln ≃ 0.897.
2 6
Example 2.3. Suppose f is continuous and differentiable for all x,
f (3) = 5 and −2 > f ′ (x) 6 3 for all x. What is the smallest and
largest values f (5) could be?
Using MVT, we know
f (5) − f (3)
= f ′ (c)
for some c in [3, 5]. Since −2 6 f ′ (x) > 5, it follows that
f (5) − f (3)
= f ′ (c) 6 3
f (5) − f (3)
= f ′ (c) > −2.
f (5) − f (3) 6 6
f (5) 6 11
f (5) − f (3) > −4
f (5) > 1.
Thus we have
1 6 f (5) 6 11.
3. Applications
There are two very important consequences of the mean value theorem.
They will be important to us at the end of chapter 4 and for all of
chapter 5 (and will be relevant to those taking Calculus 2).
Result 3.1. If f ′ (x) = 0 for all x in (c, d), then f (x) = k, a constant,
on (c, d).
Proof. We just need to show that for a fixed a in (c, d), f (a) = f (b)
for any other number b in (c, d). To see this, we apply MVT to the
interval [a, b]. Since f is differentiable and continuous on (c, d), it will
be on [a, b] too. Thus there is a number n in (a, b) such that
f (b) − f (a)
f ′ (n) = .
Since the derivative is 0 everywhere, it follows that f ′ (n) = 0, so
f (b) − f (a)
or f (a) = f (b). Thus all values of f (x) are equal for x in (c, d) and
thus f (x) = k for some constant k.
A consequence of this is the following.
Result 3.2. If f ′ (x) = g ′(x) on [a, b], then f (x) = g(x) + k for some
constant k.
Proof. We simply apply the last result to the function f − g to get the