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Progress Test 10 - Discovery

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Progress test 10 – Discovery 1

Progress test 10 – Discovery 1

GRAMMAR 3   Using the -ing form 3

1   Using the -ing form 1 Write sentences.
Match sentences 1–5 with an explanation of how Example: I / believe that / keep / positive / be / very
the -ing form is being used. important for one’s health
I believe that keeping positive is very
Example: What are you staring at? d
important for one’s health.
a as the subject in a sentence
1 we can’t risk / wait / any longer, so let’s go
b after a preposition

c after certain verbs
2 we not be / pay / attention, so I’m afraid we don’t
d as part of a progressive verb form
know what to do
e as an adjective

f after a time linker
3 I thought that / be / a really disturb / film
1 I enjoy reading while listening to classical music.
2 Aren’t you worried about starting your new job? 4 I / look / forward to / see / my cousins again
3 I’ve never minded spending time on my own.
4 I can’t say that’s the most interesting book I’ve ever 5 before / book / your tickets, you’d better check out
read. the dates
5 Hiking is a very enjoyable way of keeping fit.
/5 /5

2   Using the -ing form 2

Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the
verbs in the box. 4   Exploration and discovery
Circle the correct words.
play  steal  take  study  make  earn
Example: Many scientists are currently
Example: Jim is very good at playing the piano. doing research into / searching for climate
1 Why don’t you focus on for your exams
instead of watching television? 1 Do you think we will ever reach / find evidence of
2 I’ve never been interested in a lot of extraterrestrial life?
money. 2 Shh! I think I can detect / scan a radio signal, but it’s
3 The old man accused the young boy of very faint.
the money. 3 I wonder how many unexplored areas still haven’t
4 I’m responsible for sure that everything been mapped / searched for?
runs smoothly in the office. 4 Many new species are still being explored /
5 We’re very enthusiastic about part in discovered.
this project. 5 I’ve always wanted to explore / discover the Scottish

/5 Highlands.

English Unlimited Upper Intermediate Teacher’s Pack  Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2011
Progress test 10 – Discovery 2

5   Describing benefits 7   Giving and comparing sources

Rewrite the sentences using the word in brackets. Rewrite the sentences, adding the missing word.
Example: It is vital that we take action now. (essential) Example: Sources differ the reason for his
It is essential that we take action now. disappearance.
Sources differ on the reason for his
1 Satellites give us the ability to look at our planet with disappearance.
a global perspective. (allow)
1 Depending on you ask, you will hear different

accounts of the event.
2 The results of the research will have a positive effect

on all our lives. (benefit)
2 According the locals, there are wolves in these

3 Ongoing investment is essential for useful research.

3 In one article, says that orang-utans will be extinct in

a few years.
4 The development of alternative energy sources will

give us the ability to save our planet from further
4 Most people are agreement about the need to take
destruction. (enable)
action now.

5 Some people have a positive effect on the lives of
5 The speaker made mention of new government
those they meet. (improve)
policy, although we had been expecting him to.

6   Achievements
Complete the sentences with the appropriate form PRONUNCIATION
of a verb from the box.
8   Stress in compounds
work  win  change  face  dedicate  make Underline the stressed word in these compounds.

Example: We have to change people’s minds and Example: space probe
behaviour. 1 power station
1 I have international acclaim for my 2 heart disease
pioneering work. 3 nuclear power
2 They’ve themselves to saving 4 alternative energy
the orang-utan. 5 climate change
3 I want to saving the orphaned children /5
of Africa my life’s work.
4 We’re going to some hard challenges TOTAL /40
along the way.
5 We need to with the council to improve
the situation.

English Unlimited Upper Intermediate Teacher’s Pack  Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2011

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