Pip Insc2000-1999
Pip Insc2000-1999
Pip Insc2000-1999
Installation of Cold Service Insulation Systems
In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has
been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major
industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical
requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering
costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice
is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual
applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over
this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters or
application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not be
made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names from
time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather recognized as
normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications are equally
correct and may be substituted for those named. All practices or guidelines are intended
to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA requirements. To
the extent these practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or other applicable
laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed. Consult an appropriate
professional before applying or acting on any material contained in or suggested by the
Installation of Cold Service Insulation Systems
Table of Contents
7. Documentation ........................... 8
Data Sheets:
INSC2001 - Extent of Insulation
INSC2002 - Documentation Requirements
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Practice is to provide requirements for installation of cold
service insulation systems, ambient to -290° F (-179° C).
This Practice may be used above ambient if the insulation system temperature
does not exceed material limitations.
1.2 Scope
This Practice covers requirements for storage and handling of insulation materials,
application of insulation, extent of insulation, and documentation.
2. References
When adopted in this Practice, the latest edition of the following codes, standards,
specifications, and references in effect on the date of contract award shall be used, except
as otherwise specified. Short titles will be used herein when appropriate.
3. Definitions
Contractor: Party responsible for furnishing and/or installing the insulation system
4.1 From delivery to installed finished product, insulation materials shall at all times
be protected from the elements and have adequate drainage.
4.2 Insulation materials shall be handled and stored per manufacturer’s printed
4.3 Mastics, adhesives, and sealers that are exposed to temperatures outside the
recommended temperature ranges during storage shall be removed from the site
and replaced with new material.
4.4 Materials that have exceeded their shelf life shall be removed from the site and
replaced with new material.
5. Application of Insulation
5.1 General
5.1.1 All materials shall be stored, mixed, thinned, and applied in accordance
with the manufacturer’s printed instructions. All conflicts between this
Practice and the manufacturer’s instructions shall be brought to the
attention of the Purchaser for resolution.
5.1.2 Authorization to proceed with application of insulation shall be obtained
in writing from the Purchaser.
5.1.3 Unless otherwise specified, insulation shall not be applied until completion
of the following has been verified in accordance with
a. Required hydrostatic and/or pneumatic pressure testing
b. Application of required substrate protective coating systems,
including touch-up of previously applied coatings
c. Installation and testing of required tracing systems
d. Cleaning of surfaces that are to receive insulation
5.1.7 When applying insulation, the circumferential butt joints of each section
shall be staggered.
5.1.8 When applying multi-layer insulation, each succeeding layer shall be
staggered to the longitudinal and circumferential joint of the layer beneath.
5.1.9 Joint sealer shall be applied to all joints of single layer and only to joints
of the outer layer of multi-layer applications.
5.1.10 Each layer of multi-layer insulation shall be held in place separately.
5.1.11 All insulation shall be smooth and free from cracks, voids and depressions
greater than 1/8 inch (3 mm). All cracks, voids and depressions in the
insulation greater than 1/8 inch (3 mm) shall be refitted, not filled.
5.1.12 The Purchaser shall identify areas that require bore coating of cellular
glass such as the following:
a. The surface being insulated cycles or swings through an operating
temperature range greater than 400° F.
b. The surface being insulated experiences high vibrations.
c. The insulation is carrying the load of the pipe such as at a pipe
hanger or supports.
5.1.13 Protrusions, other than nozzles, through the insulation on equipment and
piping shall be insulated for a minimum distance equal to 4 times the
adjacent insulation thickness measured from the surfaces of the equipment
or pipe.
5.1.14 The insulation thickness for protrusions shall be 1/2 the insulation
thickness of the adjacent insulated surface but not less than 1-1/2 inches
(38 mm).
5.1.15 Vapor stops that seal the insulation to the pipe or equipment shall be
installed at all insulation terminations and changes in configurations.
These include, but are not limited to, elbows, flanges, pipe supports,
instrument connections, uninsulated vents, and relief valves.
5.2 Securement
5.2.1 Insulation up to 12 inches (300 mm) outside diameter (OD) shall be held
in place with fiberglass reinforced pressure-sensitive tape or stainless steel
tie wires applied over the tape. All cut ends of wire shall be embedded into
the insulation.
5.2.2 Insulation 12 inches (300 mm) OD to 24 inches (610 mm) OD shall be
held in place with 1/2 inch (13 mm) wide by 0.020 inch (0.51 mm) thick
Type 304 stainless steel bands and wing seals. Larger than 24 inches
(610 mm) OD, use 3/4 inch (19 mm) wide by 0.020 inch (0.51 mm) thick
bands and wing seals.
5.2.3 Metal jacketing up to 24 inches (610 mm) OD shall be held in place with
1/2 inch (13 mm) wide by 0.020 inch (0.51 mm) thick Type 304 stainless
steel bands and wing seals. Larger than 24 inches (610 mm) OD, use 3/4
inch (19 mm) wide by 0.020 inch (0.51 mm) thick bands and wing seals.
5.3.5 Stainless steel jacketing 0.010 inch (0.254 mm), or as otherwise specified,
shall be used on equipment and piping when fire protection is required to
comply with API RP521.
5.3.6 Exposed edges of metal jacketing shall be machine-bent or rolled to
minimize sharp edges.
5.4 Screws
Screws, if used, shall not penetrate the vapor barrier. The Contractor shall submit
a proposed procedure for the use of screws for the Purchaser’s approval.
5.8.2 Insulation for all fittings shall be fitted and assembled with tight joints.
Joining prefabricated assemblies shall be done with adhesives designed for
use in low temperature applications.
5.8.3 Insulation for fittings, flanges, and valves shall be fabricated in
accordance with ASTM C450 and the Adjunct.
5.12.4 Flammable materials shall be stored away from ignition sources such as
welding operations.
5.12.5 Debris resulting from insulation application work shall be removed from
the work area at the end of each shift, unless otherwise directed.
6. Extent of Insulation
7. Documentation
Documents required to define the scope of the work shall be listed on Data Sheet
Insulation Codes:
Installation of Cold Service Insulation Systems
Data Sheet for Documentation Requirements Page 1 of ______
April 1999