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User Manual For QR Code Generation System

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User manual for QR code

generation system
Electro Meter Corporation
Prepared by Reviewed and authorized by

Samik Siddhant Saptarshi Das

Issue No 1 Issue date 16-Jan-2022 (Quality Manager) (Technical Manager)

Rev No Rev date Date: 16 Jan 2022 Date: 16 Jan 2022

Main components of software

The new QR code generation and file upload system is made up of certain components which are shown below.

QR code generation

Generation of QR
code, certificate
number and ULR

File Upload File search (optional)

After the generation of Searching the record of

QR code, cert no. and/or generated QR codes,
ULR number, these need cert. Nos and check if
to be put in report files. pdf reports have been
These files need to be uploaded against them.
converted in pdf and
uploaded in this portal.

Fig 1: Software components

Step 1

Use your login credentials to log into the software. The link of the software is http://reports.labemc.org/

Fig 2: Login screen

Step 2: Qr code/certificate number and/or ULR number generation

Follow as shown below:

Sub-Step I Click here Sub-Step II

Fig 2: Steps of Qr code generation
Step 2: Qr code/certificate number and/or ULR number generation

Individual certificate information like accreditation type (FULL/NONE), retention period, password, etc may be changed in STEP III.

Sub-Step IV Click on
Sub-Step III
Fig 3: Steps of Qr code generation QR CODES
General and specific certificate information (Sub-Step II and Sub-Step III)

Sub-Step II and III of qr code generation contains the information input fields for the general and the
specific certificate data respectively.

Sub-Step II Sub-Step III

General certificate Individual data of each

information for a certificate in a certificate
particular group of group.
certificates whose QR
codes are generated at

Fig 4: General & specific certificate information

Example: If someone needs to generate 50 certificates out of which 45 are fully accredited and 5 are
non accredited, then in Sub-Step II, FULL has to be entered in ACCREDITATION TYPE. On
proceeding to Sub-Step III, it will be found that 50 certificate information field has been created.

Now, in Sub-Step III, 5 certificates’ accreditation type can be changed to “NONE”, keeping the
remaining as FULL.
Step 2: Qr code/certificate number and/or ULR number generation

Follow as shown below:

Click on DOWNLOAD ALL THE QR CODES to download

the QR codes in a zip files.

Click on EXPORT CERTIFICATE DATA to download the

spreadsheet containing all the information of the QR

Click on BACK (if required) to go back to previous menu.

Sub-Step V

Fig 5: Steps of Qr code generation

Step 3: Use of QR code using image files

Unzip the downloaded zipped file that has been received

after clicking on DOWNLOAD ALL THE QR CODES. On
unzipping the folder, you will find the image files of the
QR codes whose filenames are similar to the certificate

File names of the qr code images similar to the certificate

number makes it easy to use appropriate qr code in a
certificate without the confusion or fear of mixing them.

Fig 6: QR code image files

Step 4: Use of QR code using the “=image” command in google sheet.

a) Upload the excel file that is downloaded after clicking on EXPORT CERTIFICATE DATA in your google drive in a suitable
On uploading the file, it appears like this.

Fig 7: Spreadsheet file

Step 4: Use of QR code using the “=image” command in google sheet.

b) Add a column anywhere in this spreadsheet file for generating qr code links using the google api. The command to be used is

In this example it is like:


In the above example, column B contains the certificate id (certificate number). Fig 7. may be referred.

Fig 8: QR code links generated adjacent to the last column of the spreadsheet.
Step 4: Use of QR code using the “=image” command in google sheet.

c) Applying the image formula on this link creates a suitable QR code inside which the QR code information is embedded i.e. the
link where certificate information is present.

Example: =IMAGE(K2)

Cell K2 contains a link of QR code on which image formula is applied.

Fig 9: Application of image formula

Step 5: File upload system
Report files need to be named similar to the certificate number and converted in pdf files using DOWNLOAD AS PDF or google
app script in case of bulk number of reports. No additional prefix or suffix for serial number or equipment name should be used
while naming the file.

File name is EMC2022-KOL00000220

QR code has been produced using =image()

command on the QR link for EMC2022-KOL00000220

Certificate number is EMC2022-KOL00000220

Fig 10: Naming of report

Step 6: File upload system
Get back in the portal and click on UPLOAD certificates for uploading single/multiple files at once against a particular certificate

Click here

Fig 11: Upload certificates in the portal

Demonstration video

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