Assesment of Speaking of Listening Skills (Asl) Project Subject - English Class Xii The Instructions To Students For Making Project
Assesment of Speaking of Listening Skills (Asl) Project Subject - English Class Xii The Instructions To Students For Making Project
Assesment of Speaking of Listening Skills (Asl) Project Subject - English Class Xii The Instructions To Students For Making Project
• The marks allotted for ASL PROJECT 10marks (5 +5) project
and viva on the same taken by the External.
• The Project can be inter-disciplinary in theme.
• The topics may be taken up that provide students with
opportunities for listening and speaking.
• NOTE: The project can be printed, need not be hand
written.(Both soft copy and hard copy will be required).
• The cover page, acknowledgement, certificate can be printed
and the rest of the pages should be handwritten. USE A4 size
paper white sheet for the project and after compiling
everything it should be spiral binding.
• Some suggestions are given on the following pages.
1. Students can take a project on the theme of their interest. For e.g.
a student can choose the topic : “ Evolving food tastes in my
neighbourhood” or “Corona pandemic and the fallout on families.”
Read the available literature.The student then conducts interviews
with a few neighbours on the topic.
For an interview, with the help of the teacher, student will frame
questions based on the preliminary research/background.
The student will then write an essay/ write up / report etc. up to 1000
words on his/her research and submit it. He / She will then take a
viva on the research project. The project can be done in individually
or in pairs/ group .
2. The students should interview and collect information at least ten
members (10 members).
3. The students need to prepare a questionnaire on the topic taken
and it will be same for all the members being interviewed.
4. The questionnaire should consist 15 questions including basic
information (name, occupation etc)
5. The students may take the help of the teacher in preparing the
6. Each and every student will have a different questionnaire as they
have different topics for project
7. Evidences need to be attached at the last pages of the project like
the questionnaire, photographs with the interviewee.
8. A video of one or two persons can be taken (optional) and should
be saved in a pen drive.
I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt obligation towards all those
who have helped me in making this project. Without their active guidance,
help, cooperation and encouragement, I would not have been able to
present the project on time.
Signature of Teacher