Generating Anime Faces From Human Faces With Adversarial Networks
Generating Anime Faces From Human Faces With Adversarial Networks
Generating Anime Faces From Human Faces With Adversarial Networks
Yu-Jing Lin (林裕景), 1 Chiou-Shann Fuh (傅楸善)
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
LD = Ex∼pdata (x) [log D(x)] (1) The critical part of unpaired domain transfer is to use a pair
of GAN. For a generated fake image in domain Y , the GY X
is supposed to have the ability of converting it back. To make
LG = Ez∼pz (z) [log (1 − D(G(z)))] (2) sure GXY and GY X converts an image to domain Y and back
The total objective function is the sum of discriminating to domain X. The cycle consistency loss is introduced as
loss and generating loss: Figure 3 shows and as the following equation:
Fig. 9: Faces generated by residual block generator trained on SCUP-FBP5500. Residual block generator on SCUP-FBP5500
works as well as on CelebA, implying that it is feasible to do adversarial generating data on both human face datasets.
Fig. 10: Faces generated by U-Net generator trained on cropped CelebA. U-Net generator also generates artistic style images.
Moreover, we can see that the shapes of output images look more similar to the original ones, showing that the U-Net imposes
the constraints on shapes of the content and only change the texture of an image. To our surprising, the results look like statues,
which are made up of polyhedron.
Fig. 11: More generated samples on SCUT-FBP5500. Some of them look crazy but cool. The left faces are typical images from
FBP5500. The images on the right side are framed by round borders, which are probably from profile pictures. Although some
of the training images are not square, the Face2Anime CycleGAN still works well.
Fig. 12: Novel faces which are unseen during training. The generators are able to generate anime-style faces from unseen human
faces. This result shows the generalization of CycleGAN. However, some faces are only slightly changed in my experiment.
Fig. 13: Some samples of anime-to-human faces. Although it is quite difficult for a generator to generate real human faces from
anime faces. There are still some successful samples from the generated testing images. Figure 13 demonstrates some of them.
The generator from anime to real do learn some human face textures, such as smoother skin, smaller eyes, lower contrast hair
color, a straight nose, etc.
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